K.G. Razumovsky. Moscow State University of Technology and Management. Razumovsky (MGUTU) Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Moscow State University of Technology and Management

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Open Day Online

From 17:00 st. Earth shaft, d. 73


Open Day


Open Day

From 11:00 st. Kostomarovskaya embankment, d. 29

Reception Commission Mgutu

schedule.Mode of operation:

Mon, W., Wed, Thu., Fri. from 10:00 to 19:00

Latest reviews of Mgutu

Anna Vyacheslavovna 17:17 29.10.2015

i study at the university on the 4th year of glasses. After graduation promised employment. There is practice, we passed the practice in the military court. Impressions Mgutu leaves a lot, more good, because the team came to be good and for 4 years already became like a family, after graduation I will miss the methods)) teachers not so much, so we know everyone and everyone can ask to ask questions

Evgeny Mirzaev 18:44 13.10.2015

Good day)

i am writing here already as a graduate 2014-2015 uch. years)))

So that they say, but the knowledge of the university really gives. There were problems with the schedule, and with particularly fundamental teachers (who knows Rozhkov he will understand: D)

But nevertheless, the university is good. State. And now I work in a specialty, lawyer. Work, by the way, found even while studying the teacher's tip and they were waiting for me to get a diploma)

There are shoals for all institutions and universities, ...

Gallery Mgutu

general information

Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution higher education "Moscow State University of Technology and Management named after K.G. Razumovsky (first Cossack University) "

Branches Mgutu

Colleges Mgutu

  • College Moscow State University of Technology and Management. K.G. Razumovsky
  • College Moscow State University of Technology and Management. K.G. Razumovsky - in Vyazma
  • College Moscow State University of Technology and Management. K.G. Razumovsky - in Temryuk


№ 01125 acts indefinitely from 11/10/2014


No. 02984 is valid from 01/23/2019

Previous names of Mgutu

  • All-Union Correspondence Institute of Food Industry
  • Moscow State Correspondence Institute of Food Industry
  • Moscow State Technological Academy

Monitoring results of the Ministry of Education and Science for MGUTU

Indicator2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014
Efficiency indicator (out of 5 points)4 4 5 6 6 3
Middle Screen EGE in all specialties and training forms58.85 55.24 56 71.28 65.27 65.43
Middle score exam enrolled on the budget73.65 74.03 73.47 71.72 73.50 68.96
Middle score exam enrolled on a commercial basis72.32 78.9 73.77 69.05 - 67.76
Middle for all specialties Minimal scores of EE enrolled in full-time compartment71.19 72.19 71.32 66.54 70.40 60.41
Number of students9466 9924 12515 12079 16104 17460
Full-time compartment6599 6914 7738 7569 5074 2758
Part-time compartment538 656 821 645 1765 974
Extramural2329 2354 3956 3865 9265 13728
All data Report Report Report Report Report Report

About Mgutu

MGUTU is an advanced university, carrying out training for work on food and processing enterprises included in the large-scale agro-industrial complex of Russia. University graduates work in the strategic economy industry designed to supply residents of the country with the necessary number of high-quality food products.

The basis of the educational institution falls for 1953. In 2012, it received an indefinite license and passed state accreditation, without which the implementation of educational activities would be impossible.

The teaching staff includes well-deserved scientists and countries of the country, owners of scientists of degrees and ranks.

The structure of Mgutu.

The university is a complex consisting of several institutions:

  • Technological management - conducts the training of bachelors and masters, which in the future will be able to work in the field of catering industry;
  • Management and informatization - preparation of mechanics engineers and personnel to work in the field of the latest information technologies;
  • Food technologies - teaches students innovative production technologies and allows you to master the market mechanisms for its regulation in the field of food industry;
  • Socio-humanitarian technologies - prepares highly qualified teachers and psychologists of a wide profile;
  • System automation and innovation - teach bachelors and masters who are in demand on automated enterprises working on innovative technologies, as well as in the field of information and computing systems;
  • Management is preparing professional managers To work in the provision of services of a legal, economic and psychological nature;
  • Biotechnology and Fisheries - conducts training for students by fishery of Russia, environmental management and environmental control ambient, refrigeration and technologies of their production, air conditioning and some other systems.

Education in Mgutu

The university you can get the following types of education:

  • Secondary vocational. The basis is the preparation of middle-level specialists who are able to conduct their work activities in the field of economy and the industries related to it.
  • Higher professional (undergraduate and magistracy). The main goal is to ensure the necessary level of training of highly professional personnel in all the areas that exist in the university who benefit to society and the country as a whole.
  • Postgraduate professional (graduate school and doctoral studies). There is an active in-depth training of persons who have at least one higher education in the selected specialization. The ultimate goal is to be a candidate or doctor of science degree.
  • Additional professional. Carries out its activities in order to provide opportunities to increase their level of qualifications, supplement professional knowledge, improve their business qualities and prepare for not yet studied professional activities.

The Institute allows its students to acquire basic knowledge and additional scientific and pedagogical skills.

Classes are held in the following training forms:

  • Full-time The student is obliged to visit all lectures every day, practical, laboratory and seminar classes. At the end of the training course are held checking in the form of an exam session.
  • Employment (in the evening). It is possible to visit classes without separation from production. The student has the opportunity to be at work, and in the evening or weekend to study at the university.
  • Correspondence An independent study of the material with some elements of full-time department (installation and examination sessions) prevails here.
  • Remote. Ensures remote communication with the institute teachers through a computer with access to the network. Consultations pass through email messages, chats, video conferencing or other interaction methods. Time allotted on independent work, chooses a student himself.

Infrastructure Mgutu

The university has modern material and technical support that allows you to organize lecture, laboratory, research and practical training, as well as prepare the necessary base for the implementation of cultural and other leisure activities. This includes:

  • laboratory;
  • computer classes with equipment simulators;
  • training classes;
  • spacious lecture halls;
  • audiences for seminars;
  • library (including electronic);
  • swimming pool;
  • sports grounds and halls with simulators;
  • dining room;
  • laboratory restaurant complex;
  • 7 small subsidiaries;
  • hostel for students and graduate students.

Student life in Mgutu

An English club has been created on the basis of the University, sport Club and International Business School Schneider Electric. Conferences, master classes, round tables, exhibitions, competitions, excursions and many other entertainment events are regularly held for students.

Mgutom named after K. G. Razumovsky (PKU) was founded in 1953 as the All-Union Correspondence Institute of the Food Industry. The decision to create a university was dictated by the needs of the development of the sectors of the national economy - consolidate professional personnel in the regions, in enterprises. That is why it was necessary to train young people without separation from production.

In 1991, a day (full-time) department opens at the institute.

In 1999, the university was renamed the Moscow State Technological Academy, and in 2003 - in the Moscow State University of Technology and Management. To date, the University has the status of a leading Russian university who is preparing specialists for the food and processing industry enterprises of various forms of ownership. In addition, the university entered the ranking of the best food universities in the world.

At the origins of the emergence of scientific schools of the university, such scientists as Professor Georgy Gerasimovich Agabaleyants, who developed the technology of industrial production of Soviet champagne, Professor Natalia Petrovna Kozmin, who laid the foundations of Biochemistry Bread, Professor Yuri Arkadyevich Klyachko, creator of the scientific school of analytical chemistry. The names of these outstanding scientists are the departments of our university.

Currently, the university is preparing specialists for various sectors of the food and processing industry, because this industry today develops a rapid pace, and the income from exports of agricultural products is almost equalized with oil and gas. Therefore, against the background of the shortage of qualified personnel, the graduates of our departments are successfully finding themselves interesting, well-paid work and are always in demand by large enterprises.

The university provides the student on the entire spectrum of in-depth knowledge, there is a development of new ideas and successful technologies with close cooperation with authoritative Russian research institutes and centers. Practice shows: graduates of the university not only quickly adapt in a market economy, work in a dynamically changing environment, but also are able to participate in the formation of new, efficient, high-tech clusters of the economy.

During the years of the university, the area of \u200b\u200bbuildings in operational management of the University was expanded 4 times. The physical education complex was built. It was possible to significantly modernize the international activities of the university. Cooperation with universities in China, India, Norway and Iceland is unfolding.

Since 2010, the University has joined the implementation of the largest project - the target training of specialists from the number of Cossacks. That is why the university was awarded the name of Kirill Grigorievich Razumovsky, the Cossack from Malorus, the first Russian president of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences. New traditions have appeared at the university. In each discipline, the so-called Cossack component is included - that is, additional sections, themes and special courses within the federal educational standard.

In 2014, there was a renaming of the university in accordance with its specifics: "First Cossack University" is added to the previous name.

In the area of \u200b\u200bCossack Education, a system of continuous Cossack education received significant development to improve its quality, a system for clusters of continuous Cossack education is established.

Clusters of continuous Cossack education are network educational partnerships organized by military Cossack societies, schools with Cossack cadet classes, colleges and the first Cossack University. The clusters are implemented a single content of Cossack learning on the levels of education and patriotic education based on the historical and cultural traditions of the Cossacks.

Focusing on regional problems of training for enterprises of the food and processing industry, the university within the cluster of continuous Cossack Education has opened training on medium-sized vocational education programs, collected profile colleges and technical schools around regional branches.

Thus, for its history, the university passed a number of stages of formation and development, while one thing remained alone - the education of the highest quality for the success of the country.

Rector Mguta them. K.G. Razumovsky
(First Cossack University) Valentina Ivanova

Mgutu them. Razumovsky - the first Cossack University opened in 1953. Within half a century, the names of the university changed. He was a contribution to the correspondence institution of the food industry, then from the All-Union turned into a Moscow state-MGZIPP, then became the technological Academy - MGT, and finally, in 2004 he received the name of the Moscow State University of Technology and Management.

Mgutu Moscow knows how strong, with great potential for the development of the university. Here we grow high-class specialists of technological, economic, biological, mechanical and humanitarian directions in order to fully maintain the food and processing industry, fisheries enterprises and the massive nutrition of our country.


Mgutu them. Razumovsky has a glorious story. In the fifties of the twentieth century, the decision was dictated by the decision to open the correspondence institute itself, because the need for a powerful developing food industry in specialists in the regions enterprises was very large. Moreover, professional frames were required immediately, and training in the correspondence form was well fixed the footage on the ground. So it was formed the main direction of the work of MGUTU. Feedback from graduates confirms the loyalty of the solution.

Twenty-first century, however, put other tasks before the university. Competition is very high, and the team began looking for a new VPO model. The number of directions and specialties has increased significantly, the number of day-based students has grown, and the institute reorganized into the university.

Now MGUTU receives reviews from enterprises grateful for the high quality of knowledge of graduates of this university. Today it is one of the largest universities - forty-five thousand students, stars teachers. Academic traditions are reborn than technology and management (MGUTU) have always been favorably distinguished from other higher educational institutions.


Based and raised scientific schools of the University of Real Scientists: Professor G. G. Agabalitz, who owns the development of the technology of Soviet champagne for industrial manufacture, Professor N. P. Kozmin, who was at the origins of developing biochemistry of bread, Professor Yu. A. Klyachko, who created a scientific school Analytical chemistry. The names of these legendary scientists are named after Mgut. Reviews about the work of teachers and gratitude from graduates and students prevail over the rest of the theme.

Since 2010, the University has begun the implementation of the largest project - the target preparation of professionals of this profile from the Cossacks. Now more than two thousand Cossacks are trained here. It is at the expense of this huge work that the University has been awarded the name K. G. Razumovsky, the Malorossiysk Cossack and the first president of the Imperial Academy of Sciences from the Russians. Rector of Mgutu - V.N. Ivanova, Laureate in the field of education, member of the General Council of the United Russia party, Doctor of Economics, Professor and Trustee V. V. Putin.

The science

The university is very high scientific researchwhat helped in the development of the "Storage and Recycling - 2030" technological platform, where the business and funds of the race are consolidated, in principle, new technologies for processing and storage of agricultural raw materials, applying environmentally friendly and

Another scientific core of the University - the International Business School of Energy Efficiency in the Food Industry (Mgutu - Schneider Electric), entrusted to the use of the latest scientific achievements in energy, enhancing and expanding the knowledge base in the field of automation. It is unlikely that there is a university, more worthy to find a solution to such a grand task than Mgut.


The university has more than twenty branches, they all support the main goal set by the team: changes and improvement in the direction of the process of modernizing the production of the country and global changes throughout the system. Branches spread out throughout the European part of the country quite thick - this is Unecha Bryansk region, Ulyanovsk, Temryuk, Tver, Smolensk, Serpukhov, Light Yar, Samara, Rostov-on-Don, Perm, Penza, Orekhovo-Zuyevo, Omsk, Nizhny Novgorod, Meleuz , Lipetsk, Konakovo, Kaliningrad, Dimitrovgrad, Vyazma, Volokolamsk.

The branch of the Cossack University in the Rostov region, for example, is considered one of the leading universities in the region, where high-class specialists are being prepared for the local industry - food and processing. It is here that they are especially needed - in the resident of the country: no wonder the local blacklooms are almost the best in the world, there is something to recycle and store. In the same branch, local personnel for technical, technological, economic directionsTo support the agro-industrial complex of the North Caucasus.


Turning to the applicants, the rector of Mgutu V. N. Ivanov first than all thanks them for chosen by this beautiful and all the hot Favorite university, which in all the motto of the genus K. G. Romaumovsky: "Glory to multiply by acts." And now on this path you will have to work for those who smile luck to enter Mgut (points to the budget here are very high and still grow, despite the fact that there are many budget places - 350, not counting the beneficiaries). And luck smiles most often to those who previously worked a lot.

Recently, the largest university joined the Mgut, the All-Russian Correspondence Institute of Light Industry. It happened and because a demographic decline occurs in the country, and because the economy is structurally changing. Enlargement This suggests that MGUTU is now a gigantic institution, with many branches and literally army of students - more than sixty thousand people.

Material base

No more than a dozen universities in Moscow can boast a physical complex complex, including the pool, and the MGUTU relates to them. The university has excellent hostels with all the necessary structures of household services.

Study in this educational institution is accompanied by truly comfortable conditions, since the technical and material base of the university is improved, prestige and credibility increases. And of course, the level of technical specifications most of all affects the development of science, which Mgut is tirelessly cared.

The research abilities of young people should develop, open up new worlds of scientific conferences, Olympiads, Congresses, to join the scientific and professional elite of the world community over time.


To facilitate admission to Mgut, training courses at the institute are gaining groups of future applicants annually. Training lasts eight months, in person, the basis is paid. Classes are held in the following subjects: Chemistry, social studies, Russian, literature, mathematics, drawing, computer science.

Verification works are systematically carried out, which allows students to psychologically prepare for passing exams. Engaged with future applicants knowledgeable teachers who have extensive experience and pedagogical, and scientific activity, authors of books and tutorials. At the preparatory courses, high school students receive the first self-preparation skills, they are given such qualities as purposefulness and collens.

Postgraduate studies and doctoral studies

Among the goals facing future scientists, first of all - preparing the dissertation, obtaining a positive conclusion on the discussions of the meeting of the department. Then to defend it in the Council to protect dissertations to get a scientific degree of a candidate or doctor of science. Candidian exams - Intermediate attestation scientific personnel In graduate school university. Mgut has three dissertation councils.

Doctor'amura Mgutu is preparing highly qualified specialists in science and pedagogy, for innovative and industrial activities. Doctoral students are mainly going on the economic and technical spheres of sciences. Reception both on budget funds and under the contract. Doctoral studies of MGUTU was created to improve the qualifications of professors and teachers and conduct research. Scientific consultants in doctoral students are leading university scientists. Enrollment is carried out by decision of the Mgut Science Council.


The university has more than fifty successful departments. All of them are worthy of a detailed story about working with students, on scientific research, but this is not possible within the framework of the article, so we will stop at some selected by quite randomly for considerable objectivity.

Bioecology and ichthyology is the oldest of the Department of University, which came here right in the year His Mosrybvtuzuism, who was translated into Kaliningrad. Now it is the base-forming Department of Mguts based on the Institute of Fisheries.

Here, at the metro station "Kakhovskaya", the most titled professors and teachers work, with world names and tremendous practical production experience. The department has numerous awards of different, even higher Level. Special disciplines and practices to students are given on the basis of specialized laboratories in the main directions.

Refrigeration systems

At the Department of Refrigeration Systems and Technologies, MGUTU specialty students are received on many profiles and are employed in the company, which are the development, design, manufacture of refrigeration equipment of various systems, as well as installation, operation and service of refrigeration equipment, both shopping and household spheres, systems Air conditioning.

Graduates of this department occupy managers and engineers of refrigeration. Such a plan of high-class specialists constantly requires the food industry of the country and from everywhere receives Mgut feeds with thanks. It should be noted that only this department put the country more than four and a half thousand high-class specialists.

Air conditioning and ventilation

In 2010, from the above-described department "boiled" new - air conditioning and ventilation. She was lucky not to be based on an empty place, but under the auspices of the department of refrigeration technologies, and now there will be masters and bachelors on modern air conditioning, ventilation, as well as technologies that enjoy computer management of production processes, computer science and technological management.

Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education

Moscow State University of Technology and Management named after K.G. Razumovsky (First Cossack University) (Mgutu (PKU))

Middle score rating: 4.8

until 1999 - All-Union Correspondence Institute of Food Industry (WPP); Until 2003 - Moscow State Technological Academy (MGT); Until 2010 - Moscow State University of Technology and Management (MGUTU)

Faculties / Institutions:

  • . Institute of Food Technology Mguts them. K.G. Razumovsky (PKU)
  • Graduates institute "Food Technology" FGBOU in Mguts them. K.G. Razumovsky (PKU)Having serious fundamental training, quickly master the advanced production technologies and market mechanisms of its maintenance at the food industry enterprises. At the same time, they are widely demanded by small and medium-sized businesses, academic and departmental research institutes, enterprises and institutions of the Ministry of Education and Science, Associations, Industrial Unions, Holding, Agroholding, Firms, etc.

    Much attention The Institute of Food Technologies is paying for students from bringing students, starting from the first year, to the research work of the departments, preparation and publication on the basis of articles, patents. Round tables are held periodically, including in the State Duma, with the participation of students, masters, graduate students and teachers, which allows us to talk about the work on the integration of science in the educational process. This makes it possible to get every student to get the skills of research activities even before the end of training. At the university and its institutions, the attraction of students to work in the methodological councils is practiced.

  • . Institute of System Automation, Information Technology and Entrepreneurship of Mguts. K.G. Razumovsky (PKU)
  • Institute of System Automation, Information Technologies and Entrepreneurship (Saptip) FGBOU in MGUTU. K.G. Razumovsky (PKU) is formed due to the merger of Institutions of the Sai and IITP (former RGUITP) MGUT named after K.G. Razumovsky (PKU).

    The Institute provides its students with great opportunities to participate in scientific work with junior courses. This contributes to the active work of the Faculty Scientific Schools and the modern equipment of the Labs of the Department.

  • . Institute of Economics, Management and Law of MGUTU. K.G. Razumovsky (PKU)

  • . Institute of Technological Management Mguts them. K.G. Razumovsky (PKU)

  • . Institute of Socio-Humanitarian Technologies Mguts them. K.G. Razumovsky (PKU)
  • Institute of Socially - Humanitarian Technologies of FGBOU in MGUTU. K.G. Razumovsky (PKU)one of the young and dynamic institutions of the Moscow State University of Technology and Management, carrying out educational, methodological and research activities in the field of pedagogy and psychology. Founded in October 2008, as the Faculty of Socio-Humanities and Technologies, in two years, received independence and on May 17, 2010, was transformed into the Institute of Socio-Humanitarian Technologies, which is associated with the creation of new departments and the transformation of old. Ollefiv Institute - more than 100 people. Among the professorship-teaching staff - 14 doctors of science, professors, 45 candidates of science, associate professors. Teaching experience on average is 10-15 years old.

  • . Institute of Biotechnology and Fisheries MGUTU. K.G. Razumovsky (PKU)
  • Institute of "Biotechnology and Fisheries" FGBOU in MGUTU. K.G. Razumovsky (PKU) It is one of the leading and promising university divisions. The Institute includes departments that implement sectoral training and retraining of specialists for the APK system, the country's fisheries, the field of environmental management and environmental control, refrigeration systems and technologies, air conditioning and ventilation, technical physics. In our institute there are 15 professors, 26 associate professors. We have a huge scientific work on the released departments, to which all interested students can be attracted. The Institute for a long time with honor fulfills the tasks of preparing young specialists in the field of priority and promising areas of development of the country. Some of these areas are determined by the Government of Russia as "Critical". First of all, it is: aquaculture, hydrobiology and bioecology, modern innovative technologies in the area of \u200b\u200bpreservation of hydrobionts and biodiversity, artificial reproduction of valuable species of fish, innovative processing and product conservation technologies at low temperatures.

  • . Center for Socio-Economic and Humanitarian Technologies Mgutom named after K.G.Razumovsky
  • In the task Center for Socio-Economic and Humanitarian Technologies Mgut Name K.G.Razumovsky (PKU) Not only the development and implementation of a wide range of current innovative educational projects in the field of additional professional education, the Center is also an integrated business platform at once several leading university institutions, whose joint activity allows you to realize the mass interesting ideas and projects of scientific and technological, consulting, marketing, managerial, engineering sense. All of them are aimed at the development of industries of the APK, the food and processing industry and other sectors of the Russian economy and are based on the knowledge and analysis of the conjunction of the modern market.

  • . International Business School "Mgutu - Schneider Electric"
  • International Business School of Energy Efficiency in the Food Industry (MBSEPP) "Mgutu - Schneider Electric" - a division of Mgut. K.G.Razumovsky, created on the basis of the Center for Scientific Research and Training "Mgutu - Shneider Electric".

    MBSHEP has two activities: training tools for automation and consulting in the field of automation.

  • . International Scientific and Methodical Center for the Study of the Literary Heritage M.A.Sholokhova
  • Objectives and objectives of the Sholokhov Center:

    • Study, distribution, popularization of creativity M.A. Sholokhov - Writer, Citizen, Nobel Prize laureate.
    • Maximum use of the potential of Sholokhovsky creativity in the framework of humanitarian and patriotic education of young people, an introduction to the study of the heritage of the writer, collecting, preserving and disseminating information about the life and work of Sholokhov in order to engage in this process of young people engaged in the history and culture of the Cossacks.

  • . Center "Food Technologies and Food Security" of Mguts named after K.G.Razumovsky (PKU)

Created in 1953 on the basis of the absentee faculty of the Moscow Technological Institute of the Food Industry. Earlier it was called the All-Union Correspondence Institute of Food Industry (WPP), Moscow State Correspondence Institute of Food Industry (MGZIPP), Moscow State Technological Academy (MGT), since 2004 Moscow State University of Technology and Management (MGUTU). Since 2010, the full name of the university has changed to the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Moscow State University of Technology and Management named after K. G. Razumovsky" (FGBOU VPO "Moscow State University of Technology and Management of K. G. Razumovsky").

Since 2010, the University has joined the implementation of the largest project - the target training of specialists from among the Cossacks. The total number of students at the University of Cossacks is more than two thousand people. It was this work and a large amount of scientific research that was the basis for assigning the University of K.G. Razumovsky, Cossack from Malorusia, the first Russian president of the Imperial Academy of Sciences.