Development and implementation of additional educational programs. Methodical recommendations for the development of an additional general education (general developmental) program training on an additional overall program

"Education Center №13

name of Hero Soviet Union N.A. Kuznetsova "

Requirements for additional general education overall programs

Tambov 2017

Compiler: O.V. Kobzev

senior Methodist for Additional Education

Requirements for additional general educational general training programs (Methodical recommendations) / Sost: O.V. Kobzev; MOU "Education Center No. 13 of the Hero of the Soviet Union N.A. Kuznetsova." - Tambov, 2017. - 23 s.

In the development of these Methodological Recommendations, guidelines for the design of additional general wealth programs were taken into account (a letter of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia "On the Direction of Recommendations" of November 18, 2015 No. 09-3242); Methodical recommendations "Requirements for additional general educational overall programs and programs of summer recreation camps" Togboo to the "Center for the Development of Children's Creativity and Youth" 2016.


The Program of Additional Education is a document of effective economic management of the educational process based on financing personification, "providing support for motivation, freedom of choice and building the educational trajectory of participants of additional education" ( Federalto onopecia

development of additional education of children) (hereinafter referred to as the concept).

The grounds for designing and implementing additional general wealth programs are:

Freedom to choose educational programs and their development regimes;

Compliance with educational programs and forms of additional education age and individual characteristics of children;

Variability, flexibility and mobility of educational programs;

Multi-level (step) of educational programs;

Modularity of the content of educational programs, the ability to relate results;

Orientation on meta-delicency and personal education results;

Creative and productive nature of educational programs;

Open and network implementation.

technical, natural, physical scientific, sports, artistic, tourist-local history, socio-pedagogical.

Formation and development of students' creative abilities;

Satisfaction of the individual needs of students in intellectual, artistic and aesthetic and moral development, as well as in physical culture and sports;

Formation of a culture of a healthy and safe lifestyle, strengthening students' health;

Ensuring the spiritual and moral, civil-patriotic, military-patriotic, labor education of students;

Identification, development and support of talented students, as well as persons showing outstanding abilities;

Professional orientation of students;

Creating and ensuring the necessary conditions for personal development, health promotion, professional self-determination and creative labor of students;

Training of high-class sports reserve and athletes in accordance with federal sports training standards, including among students with disabilities with disabilities and disabled children;

Socialization and adaptation of students for life in society;

Formation of the general culture of students;

Satisfying other educational needs and interests of students who do not contradict legislation Russian Federationimplemented outside of federal state educational standards and federal state requirements.

The quality of the educational services provided in the educational organization will also depend on the quality of filling the content of each educational program in accordance with the requirements of legislation.

Requirements for the organization of the educational process on additional general wealth programs are normalized by SanPiN "Sanitary-epidemiological requirements for the device, content and organization of the mode of operation educational organizations additional education of children "

Level differentiation of extra

general education overall programs

According to the concept, one of the principles of design and the implementation of additional general education programs is multi-levelness.

Such programs provide all children the possibility of classes independently

from the abilities and level of general development. Under multi-levelness it is understood to comply with the development and implementation of additional education programs such principles that allow us to take into account different levels of development and the different degree of degree of detention of children. Such programs suggest the implementation of parallel processes for mastering the program content at its different levels of depth, availability and varying degrees of complexity, based on the diagnosis and starting capabilities of each participant in the program under consideration.

  1. "Starter level". It assumes the use and implementation of publicly available and universal forms of material organization, the minimum complexity of the program proposed for the development of the program.
  1. "A basic level of". Implies the use and implementation of such

forms of the organization of the material that allow the development of specialized knowledge and language is guaranteed to broadcast a common and holistic picture in the framework of the substantive-thematic direction of the program.

  1. "Advanced level". It assumes the use of material forms of material providing access to complex (possibly highly specialized) and non-trivial sections in the framework of the consistency of the program. Also implies an in-depth study of the content of the Program and access to near-theme and professional knowledge in the framework of the consistent-thematic direction of the program.

Each participant of the program should be eligible for starting access to any of the levels presented, which is implemented through the organization of conditions and procedures for assessing the initial readiness of the participant (where one or another degree of readiness for the development of the content and material declared by the participant's level is determined).

Each of the three levels should assume universal accessibility for children with any kind and type of psycho-physiological features. In turn, the program's material should take into account the health features of those children who may experience difficulties in reading, listening or making any manipulations with the material offered by it.

An additional general education program should have its own matrix that describes the system of levels of complexity of the program content and the corresponding achievements of participants.

Organizational design model

additional general education overall programs



Specificity of implementation















no more than 1-2 hours a week




Homogeneous - inhomogeneous (mixed);

For students S.

permanent - variable;


with the participation of students with OOP, OPS - without participation


pupils with OOP, ABS, children found in

difficult life situation




traditional shape;




Specificity of implementation















from 1 year to 3 years


from 3 to 5 hours. in Week


For example: 132h (at 44 weeks of classes)



homogeneous - heterogeneous;

for students





(gifted, with


life situation


full-time - full-time / correspondence - correspondence



traditional shape;


based on network interaction;


using remote technologies;


through the organization of e-learning;

based on the implementation of the modular approach

Specificity of implementation
















Training period

from 2 years of study

Occupation mode

4 to 8 hours. in Week


For example: 176 hours (at 44 weeks of classes)



homogeneous - heterogeneous;

for students S.





with OVD,



life situation

full-time - full-time / correspondence - correspondence



traditional shape;


based on network interaction;


using remote technologies;


through the organization of e-learning;

based on the implementation of the modular approach

Structure of additional general education

general collateral program

Additional general education overallprogram

must include the following structural elements:

Title page

Block number 1. "Complex of the main characteristics of an additional general education overall program"

1.1. Explanatory note

1.2. The purpose and objectives of the program

1.4. Planned results

Block number 2. "A complex of organizational and pedagogical conditions

implementing additional general education overall


2.1. Calendar training graph

2.2. Terms of implementation of the program

2.3. Forms of certification

2.4. Estimated materials

2.5. Methodical materials

2.6. Bibliography

Title list of program


Committee Education of the Administration of the city of Tambov

Municipal Autonomous Secondary Institution

"Center for Education No. 13 named after Hero Soviet Union N.A. Kuznetsova"

Additional general education overall program

artistic orientation

" the name of the program "

(program level)

Age of students: 10-12 years


teacher of additional education

Tambov 2017

Information card:


Requirements for additional general education overall programs

Block number 1. "Complex of the main characteristics of an additional general educational overall program"

1.1. Explanatory note

Reveals food Additional general education

generalizing program.

Focus (profile) of education- Orientation of the educational program for specific areas of knowledge and (or) activities defining its subject-thematic content, prevailing the types of educational activities of the study and requirements for the results of the development of the educational program (FZ GL.1 art p. 25).

Direction (profile) of the program: technical, natural science, physical education, artistic, tourist-local history, socio-pedagogical (Order p. 9).

In the form of an organization: individually oriented, group, studio, circle.

The level of education- Primary general education

Program development level:starter (short-term), basic, in-depth.

Novelty program

Example:Novelty program is that what... Next, using reflective the degree of novelty The words "for the first time", "specified", "complemented", "expanded", "deepened", etc., briefly explains that a significant compiler has been submitted when developing a program in comparison with programs similar to content, methods and organizational forms of implementation. The proposed material (the reasons for these innovations are illustrated in the heading "Pedagogical feasibility").

The novelty of this additional general education program is based on an understanding of the priority of educational work aimed at the development of an athlete's intellect, its moral and moral qualities.

The relevance of the program

The relevance of the program is formulated briefly, specifically, without unnecessary descriptions: Why modern children need a specific program. An argued substantiation of the possibility of solving the stated problem in the process of proposed students (selected forms, methods, educational activities in accordance with the objectives and objectives) is given.

Relevance can be based on:

analyzing social problems;

scientific research materials;

analysis of pedagogical experience;

analysis of child or parental demand;

modern requirements for the modernization of the system of additional education;

the potential of the educational institution;

social order of municipality and other factors.


The relevance of the program is due to the fact that at present ...

Among the most pressing problems ...

The relevance of the proposed program is determined by the request from children and their parents on the program of the artistic and aesthetic development of younger students, the material and technical conditions for the implementation of which are only available on the basis of our home of children's creativity.

  • currently, an important element of youth policy is to work with the leaders of children's public associations. The relevance of an additional general educational general developing program "How to Keep on Years" is based on the need to prepare youth leaders - organizers of children's public associations at the present stage of the Company's Development.

Pedagogical feasibility

  • this paragraph provides an argued substantiation of pedagogical actions within the framework of an additional secondary program:

selected forms;

educational methods;

educational activities (in accordance with the goals and objectives);

organization of the educational process.

It is briefly explained why the funds offered in the program are most effective for those children on which it is designed. What changes will occur in children if they are included in the proposed activities if they digest the proposed content if their work is organized in the proposed forms.


This program is pedagogically appropriate, because When implementing it, the school museum, remaining an independent structural unit, becomes an important and inalienable component that contributes to the formation of historical and civil consciousness, education of patriotism, tolerant attitude towards people, instills skills

professional activity: research, search, literary, museum.

Effective for the literary development of children is such an introduction of a theoretical material, which is caused by the requirements of creative practice. The child must formulate the task, new

knowledge of the theory will help him in the process of solving this task. This method allows you to preserve a high creative tone when accessing the theory and leads to a deeper assimilation.

The pedagogical feasibility of the program is due to the possibility of adopting students to the best traditions of world musical and artistic culture through exciting and cognitive interactive forms of educational and creative activity.

Distinctive features

  • this subsection should be specified on the basis of which (what) programs have developed this program; You can call programs and authors whose experience has been generalized and used in the development of this program, note the features of this program (what is the difference, if there is, from similar programs).


  • the progress of the program was analyzed by materials of additional general educational general training programs ............ ..

Distinctive features of this additional general education of the overall program from the already existing in this area are that ...

The specifics of the estimated activities of children are due to ...

Practical classes on the program are associated with the use of computing equipment ...

The program is focused on the use of a wide range of ...

  • the structure of the program includes (how much?) Educational units: theory, practice, project, or "The content of the program is combined into __ thematic modules, each of which implements a separate task ...". All educational blocks provide not only assimilation of theoretical knowledge, but also the formation of activity-practical experience. Practical tasks contribute to the development of creative abilities in children, the ability to create (copyright models), or "the basis of practical work is the fulfillment of creative tasks for creating ...").

In order to bring students _____ years, to the development of ____, the method of ________ is proposed (hereinafter briefly describes the features of the application of this method).

The proposed program is _______. It is based on ____.

Address in the program

This item must specify:

what age children addressed the program; alleged composition (one or different ages);


The program is addressed to children from __7____ to ___10__ years.

Children ________ years are capable of (what?) The level of the proposed tasks ...

The program is addressed to children (teenagers, girls, boys) _________ years.

Finally, the expediency of the multi-industrial composition of the Group, indicating the peculiarities of working with each of the ages (or age groups), may be substantiated.

Student set conditions

For training, everyone will be accepted (not having medical contraindications); There is a selection based on listening, testing, viewing works, the presence of basic knowledge in the region, etc.

Number of students

The number of students in the association depends on the direction of the program, is determined by the Charter of the educational organization, taking into account the recommendations of SanPiN.


  • group 1 year of learning -15 people;
  • groups of the 2nd and subsequent years -15 Self.

Volume and term of development of the program

  • this clause indicates the duration of training under this program and the number of hours of training for each year.

The variability of the duration of training on the program on any year of training is allowed, while indicating the need and validity of this variability for students.


4 years of study - 38 hours each year of study


1 year of study - 144, or 108, or 72 hours depending on:

psychological readiness for learning;

physical level of readiness of students for the development of additional

general educational general training program;

intellectual level ready students to mastering

educational program, etc.

Psychological readiness, the level of readiness of students for the development of the educational program, etc. is determined by test results when typing, during the training, etc.

Forms and mode of classes

How many lessons per week, the duration of one classes, the need to divide into subgroups or individual classes.


The program is designed for _4__ years of study.

  • year of study: __38 _____ hours a year,
  • year of study: __38__ hours per year,
  • year of study: __38____ hours per year, etc.

The first period is introductory and sent to primary acquaintance with ..., the second - on the basic training of children, the third is devoted to the preparation of creative projects.

Forms of classes are determined by the number of children, the characteristics of the material, the place and the occupation time used by the means, etc. When highlighting classes, they must be combined with a single classification criterion.

As a rule, the following groups of training forms are distinguished:

by number of studentsparticipating in the classroom (collective, sometimes highly frontal work of the teacher immediately with the entire group in a single pace and with common tasks), group, individual);

according to the features of communicative interactionteacher and children (lecture, seminar, laboratory work, workshop, excursion, Olympiad, conference, workshop, laboratory, competition, festival, reporting concert, etc.);

according to didactic goal(Introduction, excesses for deepening knowledge, practical lesson, exercising on systematization and generalization of knowledge, to control knowledge, skills and skills, combined forms of classes).


Classes for this program consist of theoretical and practical parts, and large quantity time occupies _______

part. The form of classes can be defined as (creative, independent, studio, ...... ..) activity of students.

Or:Classes include organizational, theoretical I. practical parts. The organizational part must ensure the presence of all the materials and illustrations necessary for the work. Theoretical part

classes when working should be the most compact and include the necessary information about the topic and objective knowledge.

Forms of organization of students' activity at the lesson:



work on subgroups


community and others.

1.2. The purpose and objectives of the program

purpose -Reprocess, this is the "image of the result" to which all the efforts of the teacher and students will be directed.

The goal should be concrete, the results of its achievements must be measurable. pre-alleged learning

The task formulation should be a clear and short, turn on the keyword (render, to work, master, organize, create, etc.).

Examples of objectives:

  1. The formation of a moral and creative personality through the mastering of the Russian folk manner of the execution of a song repertoire.
  1. Formation of the general culture of the personality, the impulse of students with ethical and moral behaviors through familiarity with the rules of etiquette.
  1. The formation of high spiritual qualities and aesthetics of behavior by means of vocal art.
  2. Formation of interest in choral culture in children and adolescents.
  1. Strengthening the mental and physical health of children through motorsport classes.
  1. Formation of the child's personality through the expansion of the horizons and the study of country studies.
  1. The development of a student's motivation for knowledge and creativity through his passion for historical local history, the history of the native land.
  1. The admission of students to universal values \u200b\u200bthrough public science classes.
  2. Prevention of asocial behavior.
  1. The development of the identity of a child capable of creative self-expression through mastering the foundations of choreography.
  1. The development of cognitive and creative and musical abilities of students of younger school age in the process of cultural and aesthetic education and formation of systemic knowledge about the traditions of musical and artistic culture of different countries of the world.

The tasks should be formulated in a single key, adhering to all the wording of a single verb form.

Program tasks - specific "ways" of achievement of the goal; They should be logically agreed with the goal and demonstrate its achievement.

Setting tasks answers the question "what to do" to achieve the goal.

  • the tasks of the program should reflect all the meaningful directions of educational activities:

educational (acquisition of certain knowledge, skills, skills, competencies, etc.);

developing (development of motivation to a certain type of activity, the need for self-development, independence, responsibility, activity

  • etc.);

raising (the formation of public activity of the individual, civil position, culture of communication and behavior in society, skills of a healthy lifestyle, etc.).

Task wording should be correlated with predicted results.

Example of consuming verbs for task formulation:

introductory, teach, form, ensure, expand,

keep, provide an opportunity;

form, teach, promote, develop, acquire

easify, deepen, etc..

Sample application tasks wording educational:

formation of students of ideas about ..........................................;

acquaintance students with ................................................................;.;


development of students of musical memory;

integrated development of country and cultural ideas of students;

development of students from emotional responsiveness to music, as well as the feelings of the national musical flavor;

development of students of imagination and figurative thinking in the process of creative implementation of knowledge from the field of musical culture;


formation of students of the culture of listening to music;

education of interest, love for domestic culture and musical traditions, respect for folk traditions;

education of cognitive interest and conscious motivation to continue independently studying national musical and artistic traditions.


  • present in the methodical literature (Builova L.N., Voronina E.A. and etc.)the attention of teachers appeals to the modular principle of program development . This principle consists in integrating educational material into a number of educational modules, where the module is a logically completed, relatively independent part of the educational program that shapes a certain competence or a group of competencies during the development.

Such a program may include the basic (required) module and modules for the choice (for example, modules for gifted children and children with disabilities; modules of different levels of development of the program; lined in the logic of certain types of activities

program, for example, design module, module research activities etc.).

If the program is designed for more than a year of study, the curricula is drawn up for each year, and all other sections of the program may be common. In this case, the curriculum should reflect features Each year of learning.

  • graft "Total" Summates the number of hours of theoretical and practical classes.

Registration of curriculum



third year of study

Topics of classes

Total hours


Forms of organization of classes

Form of certification (control



1. Introduction


Making a memo

Acquaintance with Wedo designer. Elements set.


  1. Studying mechanisms

Gear wheels.


Drawing up sketch

Intermediate gear wheel.


Drawing up sketch

Crown gear wheels.


Drawing up Table Differences Wheels

Lowing gear.

Work in parach



Registration of the curriculum


Section 1. " Introduction»

Topic number 1.1. " Safety technique ».

Theory. Basic safety regulations when working with a designer. Rules for behavior when working in pairs, in groups.

Topic number 1.2. " Acquaintance with Wedo designer. Set elements.

Practice. Working with the designer: familiarity with the details and elements of the set.

Section 2. " Studying mechanisms»

Topic number 2.1. " Gear wheels.

Practice. Working with a designer: drawing up a sketch of a gear wheel. Finding the gear among the details of the designer

1.4. Planned results

The planned results of the development of the program are formulated through the rank of knowledge, skills, competencies, which will assign students in the process of mastering the theoretical and practical part of the program. The planned results should be correlated with the aim of and tasks of the program (training, education, development).

  • If the tasks are spelled out "Teach expressive reading and knowledge, skills and skills characteristic of this subject area should be mastered by students in the process of mastering the program.
  1. Result of raising activities Education- Activities aimed at the development of the personality,

creating conditions for self-determination and socialization of students on the basis of socio-cultural, spiritual and moral values \u200b\u200band adopted in the society rules and norms of behavior in the interests of man, family, society and state (FZ GL.1 art § 2).

  1. Development Results (Personal Results) The planned results of this group are focused on the development of key competencies, as well as the mental properties of the personality of students in

accordance with the designated tasks.


At the end of the first (second ...) learning year, students:

will know / understand, have an idea, we will master the concepts, expand the submissions, the sustainable need for self-education will be developed ...;

will be able to strive, will receive skills, they will learn how creative abilities will be developed ...;

a steadily need will be formed, moral and moral qualities will be raised, an active life position will be formed ....

Block number 2. "Complex of Organizational and Pedagogical Conditions"

2.1. Calendar training graph

The calendar learning schedule reflects the sequence of study, the distribution of study clocks within the section, determines the date of classes, etc.

Calendar learning graphically compiled for each groups ,

studying on one additional general education overall program.

Sample Calendar GraphicsAdditional general education overall program

"Road ABC" (Basic Level)

year of study: 2

2.2. Terms of implementation of the program

Material Program

Information about the room in which classes (to the study office, computer class, workshop, laboratory, choreographic class, sports or assembly hall, etc.) are held.

information about the availability of utility rooms (storerooms, costume rooms, locker rooms, etc.);

list of training equipment, Cabinet (Coolboard, tables and chairs for students and teacher, cabinets and racks for storing didactic benefits and training materials, mirrors, scenery, costumes, etc.);

list of equipment required for conducting classes (machines, sports shells, sewing machines, special devices, microphones, etc.);

list of technical means of training (computer, printer, graph, epira, dia-, multimedia projectors, interactive board, TV, music center, video recorder, DVD player, etc.);

a list of technical, graphic, drawing, sewing and other tools, appliances, musical instruments, etc.;

list of materials required for classes: Watman, fabric, threads, fittings, clay, glue, paints, wood blanks, metal and other materials, etc.;

training kit for each studying (notebook, pen, pencil, markers, colored paper, album, etc.);

Requirements for special clothing students (sports form, clothing for choreography, work in the workshop, etc.).

Methodical support

This clause indicates:

providing a program by methodological types of products (development of games, conversations, hiking, excursions, competitions, conferences, etc.);

didactic and lecture materials, methods for research work, the subject of internical or research work, etc.

2.3. Forms of certification

The development of the educational program (with the exception of the educational program of pre-school education), including a separate part or the total volume of the educational subject, course, the discipline (module) of the educational program, is accompanied by the interim certification of students conducted in forms defined by the curriculum, and in the manner prescribed Educational organization (FZ GL.6. art. 57. clause 1).

Control over the implementation additional general education outdoorprograms can be held in different forms: checklist, final occupation, testing, interviewing, testing, protection of creative works and projects, conference, competition, competition, competition, reviews, exhibitions, festivals, reporting concerts, including final certification .

If necessary, you can check the degree of formation of individual personal qualities of students, describe their specific manifestations in the peculiarities of activity, behavior, communication, characteristic emotional states, as well as situations that must be created in order to just follow these manifestations.

Example:Summing up according to the results of material development this program may be in the form of ________ during ______ when students are working on a specific topic _______.

  • the process of viewing the work is a discussion of the originality of the idea and its embodiment by the author, the comparison of various _______.
  • the end of the year is preparing (a large exhibition of creative works), in which ____________.

Forms of summing up the implementation of an additional general educational general development program:

productive forms: exhibitions, festivals, competitions, educational conferences, etc.;

documentary forms of summing up the implementation of the Program reflect the achievements of each student, they include: the diaries of students' achievements, a program for assessing the results of the program, the diaries of pedagogical observations, student portfolio, etc.

In addition, the introduction of a system of moral or material incentives for students, starting with a system of rewards and certificates, ending with valuable gifts or prizes.

2.4. Estimated materials

Reflects a list of diagnostic techniques that allow you to determine the achievement of students planned results .

2.5. Methodical materials

The methodological support of the additional general education of the overall program can be represented as a table.

Registration of methodological support

2.6. Bibliography

References - Final Program.

Several rules that should be guided by:

the reference list is compiled strictly according to the alphabet of authors and titles;

in addition to the name and initials of the author, the full name of the work, it is necessary to specify the place of publication, the publisher (if you know) and the year of publication. It is advisable to adhere to uniformity: if not all works are known the publisher, it is better for the rest to limit ourselves to only the place of publication (Moscow and St. Petersburg are written abbreviated: respectively, M. and St. Petersburg., Other cities are completely).

It is also desirable to distribute the literature given by you on the sections:

for teachers;

for students;

for parents (if it is provided for by the features of the program).

When using information from an electronic media, the output of the publication is specified, when using Internet resources - a complete indication of the email address.

2.7. Glossary (conceptual apparatus)

The glossary (concepts of the device) submits a list of basic concepts with definitions, which characterizes the content of the activities of the association and forms a compact idea of \u200b\u200bthe course as a whole.

Development and implementation

additional educational programs.

According to chapter 10 of Article.75 FZ - №273

1. Additional education of children and adults is aimed at the formation and development of the creative abilities of children and adults, satisfying their individual needs in intellectual, moral and physical improvement, the formation of a culture of a healthy and safe lifestyle, health promotion, and on the organization of their free time.Additional education of children ensures their adaptation to life in society, professional orientation, as well as identifying and supporting children who have shown outstanding abilities. Additional educational programs for children should take into account the age and individual features of children.

2. Additional general education programs are divided into overall and prefigation programs. Additional overall programs are implemented both for children and adults. Additionalprefest programs in the field of arts, physical culture and sports are implemented for children.

3. Any persons are allowed to master additional general education programs without presenting requirements for the level of education, unless otherwise due to the specifics of the educational program being implemented.

4. The content of additional general wealth programs and training deadlines are determined by the educational program developed and approved by an organization engaged in educational activities. . The maintenance of additional prefest programs is determined by the educational program developed and approved by the organization engaged in educational activities, in accordance with federal state requirements.

Goals and objectives of additional programs first of all, Javensuring training, education, development of children. In connection with which the maintenance of additionaleducational programs should:


Achievements of world culture, Russian traditions, cultural and nationalfeatures of the regions;

- appropriate level of education (pre-school, initial common, basics
general, medium (full) general education);

    directions of additional educational programs

    modern educational technologies reflected in the principles of training (disability, availability, continuity, performance); forms and methods of learning (active methods of distance learning, differentiated learning,, contests, competitions, excursions, campaigns, etc.); Control and Management Methodsthe educational process (analysis of the results of children's activities); Training tools (list of necessary equipment, tools and materials per personin combining);

be directed to:

    creating conditions for the development of the identity of the child;

    development of the identity of the child to knowledge and creativity;

    ensuring the emotional well-being of the child;

    the introduction of students to universal values;

    prophylaxis of asocial behavior;

    creating conditions for social, cultural and professional self-determinationthe creative self-realization of the child's personality, its integration in the system of world andcurrent cultures;

    the integrity of the process of mental and physical, mental and spiritual development child personality;

    strengthening the mental and physical health of children;

    interaction of an additional education teacher with family.

Realizing, additional education, the educational organization must have a program of additional education.

The educational program is a complex of basic characteristics of education (volume, content, planned results), organizational and pedagogical conditions, form of certification, assessment and metal materials.

An educational program, an additional developing program are local regulatory documents, so they must undergo development, consideration and approval in a certain order.

When developing an additional educational program (programs) for pedagogical workersthe main regulatory documents the following are:

    State Program of the Russian Federation "Development of Education" for 2013-2020;

    Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of August 29, 2013 No. 1008 "On approval of the procedure for organizing and implementing educational activities on additional general education programs";

    Sanitary and epidemiological rules and standards of Sanpin

    Annex to the letter of the Department of Youth Policy, Education and Social Support of Children of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated December 11, 2006 No. 06-1844 "On exemplary requirements for additional education programs".

    Charter of the institution.

Structure of the program of additional education of children

The program of additional education of children, as a rule, includes the following structural elements:

    Title page.

    Explanatory note.

    Educational and thematic plan.

    Content under the course.

    Methodical support and conditions for the implementation of the program.



Registration and content of structural elements of the program of additional education of children

    name of educational institution, founder;

    where, when and whom an additional educational program was approved;

    the full name of the additional educational program;

    the age of children on which an additional educational program is calculated;

    the term for the implementation of an additional educational program;

    city \u200b\u200bname, settlementin which an additional educational program is being implemented;

    year of development of an additional educational program.

When making the title sheet of the general education program, it is recommended to proceed from the general requirements for the design of GOST R 6.30-97. (Appendix No. 1)

Explanatory note

2. In an explanatory note, the program of additional education of children should
to uncover:

    the focus of the additional educational program;

    novelty, relevance, pedagogical feasibility;

    objective and objectives of an additional educational program;

    distinctive features of this additional educational program
    from already existing educational programs;

    the age of children involved in the implementation of this additional educational

    deadlines for the implementation of an additional educational program (the duration of the educational process, stages);

    forms and mode of classes;

    expected results and ways to determine their effectiveness;

    forms of summing up the implementation of an additional educational program (exhibitions, festivals, competitions, educational conferences, etc.).

The direction of the additional general education program must comply with its name and content. In a clear accordance with the focus of the general education program, its name and the goal, tasks and all content of the program are lined up.

The focus of additional educational programs:


    physical and sports,



    scientific and technical

    sports and technical


    tourist-local history,


    naturally scientific.

Novelty of the program.

Novelty of an additional secondary program suggests:

    New solution to the problems of additional education;

    New teaching techniques;

    New pedagogical technologies in conducting classes;

    Innovations in the forms of diagnosis and summing up the implementation of the program, etc.

Novelty is indicated if it really is.

The relevance of the program.

- the answer to the question why modern children in modern conditions need a specific program.Relevance can be based on:

    analyzing social problems

    scientific research materials

    analysis of pedagogical experience,

    analysis of child or parental demand

    modern requirements of upgrading education system,

    the potential of the educational institution;

    social order of municipality and other factors.

Pedagogical feasibility.

he emphasizes the pragmatic importance of the relationship of the built-in system of learning, development, education and their security.(Potashnik MM, School Development Management. - M., 1995).

This section provides an argued rationale for pedagogical actions within the framework of an additional educational program:

    selected forms,

    educational methods,

    educational activities (in accordance with the goals and objectives),

    organization of the educational process.

The purpose of the additional developing program.

purpose - This is what they want to do what they want to achieve, implement (S.I. Ozhegov. Dictionary of the Russian Language).

The goal and objectives of additional general education programs are primarily providing training, education, children's development.

- The goal should be concrete, the results of its achievements must be measurable.

When formulating the goal, it is necessary to adhere to the principles of scientific relations, concreteness, modernity, tasks should be built either in the logic of successive steps to achieve the goal or - in the logic of complementarity (addition to the whole target), while the tasks should not go beyond the goal.

The wording of the goals and objectives should reflect the age of children, the direction and duration of the program.

Objectives of an additional secondary program

A task - this is what requires execution, permission.(S.I. Obgov. Dictionary of the Russian Language).The task is a phased way to achieve the goal, i.e. Tactics of pedagogical action.

Tasks must match the goals and be:

- tutorials That is, to answer the question that finds out what will figure out what ideas will receive, what will master what the study learns, having mastered the program;

- developing That is, be associated with the development of creative abilities, opportunities, attention, memory, thinking, imagination, speech, volitional qualities, etc. and indicate the development of key competencies, which will be focused on training;

- educational that is, to answer the question of what value guidelines, relationships, personal qualities will be formed from students

Distinctive features this additional general education program from existing programs. This section should indicate the names and authors of preceding similar programs and the difference of this program from the previous ones.

Children's age, participating in the implementation of this educational program andconditions of set Children in the union. In this section, you must specify:

What category of children the program is intended (degree of preliminary preparation, level of interest and motivation to this type of activity, the availability of abilities, physical health, sexuality, etc.);

What age children addressed the program;

Alleged composition (one or different ages);

Conditions for receiving children, a set system in the group.

Program implementation periods

This section indicates the duration of children's training under this program and the number of hours of training for each year.


1 year of study - 72 hours, 2 years of study (3, 4, etc.) - 108 (144, 216 hours), etc.

The variability of the duration of training under the program on any year of training is allowed, while the need and validity of this variability for students.

Forms and mode of classes

Classes - The section indicates the duration and number of classes per week, the number of student hours per year (with all options and justification of the choice of option).

Expected results and ways to determine their effectiveness

The expected result is a specific characteristic of the skills, knowledge and skills that the student will master .

The expected result should relate to the targets and tasks of learning, development, education.

If the tasks are spelled out to "teach expressive reading", then in the results there should be "a student will learn to expressly read."

Preproying the expected result, it is necessary to check whether it reflects the execution of the tasks set earlier.

The following types of control are used to track the effectiveness of the educational process:

Initial control (September);

Intermediate control (January);

Final control (May).

Forms of summing up the implementation of the program

Forms of summing up the implementation of an additional overall program is needed to show the accuracy of the results of the program development.

Documentary forms reflecting the achievements of each learning can be presented in the form of diaries of the achievements of students, evaluation of the results of the program development, diaries of pedagogical observations, student portfolio, etc.


forms of summing up work on the topic, section, the program can be:

exhibition, concert, open occupation, showing children's achievements (models, performances, works, etc.) ...

Educational and thematic plan

The section should contain a list of topics distributed in the training stages, indicating the number of hours on each topic, disaggregated on theoretical and practical types of classes.

The teacher has the right to independently distribute the clock by themes within the set time. Sample ratio: 30% theory, practice 70%

Educational and thematic plan (ITP) is drawn up in the form of a table which includes the following graphs:

Serial number;

List of sections, topics;

The number of hours for each topic with their breakdown on theoretical and practical types of classes.

If the general education program is drawn up by more than one year of study, then the MTP is drawn up oneveryone year. In this case, the ITP should reflectfeatures each year of learning.

In graf"Total" Summates the number of hours of theoretical and practical classes.

The final number of hours per year depends on the number and duration of classes per week (based on 36 school weeks per year):

1 hour per week -36 hours per year;

2 hours a week - 72 hours per year;

3 hours a week - 108 hours per year;

4 hours a week - 144 hours a year;

5 hours a week - 180 hours per year;

6 hours a week - 216 hours a year ...

The number of hours in the learning plan is based onone study group (or 1 student, if it is an individual learning program).

The educational and thematic plan includes clocks on:

    recruitment of a group (for children of the first year of study);

    introductory lesson (introduction to the program);

    concert or exhibition activities;

    educational and cognitive activities;

    the reporting event (in this case, it is not the name of the event, but its topic).


The name of the sections and themes











Section 1. Acquaintance with the world of dolls





History of the puppet theater.


Types of dolls. Dolls do it yourself.




Section 2. .................. ..







Subtle section

Contents of the program - This is a brief description of the sections and themes within sections. This structural element of the program is closely related to the learning-thematic plan, so:

Disclose the content of the program is necessary in the same order, in which sections and themes are presented in the UTP;

The presentation of materials is conducted in the nominative case.

In the content of the program It is indicated:

    the title of the topic (the number and name of the sections and should coincide with the listed sections and themes of the UTP);

    the telegraph style lists all the questions that reveal the topic (without the technique);

    the main theoretical concepts (without a description) and the practical activity of students in the classroom are indicated;

    when incorporate in an additional program of excursions, game activities, leisure-mass events, etc. In the contents indicate the topic and place of their implementation.


Topic 5.1. Cold batik (10 hours)

Theory (2 h) : Cold Batik Technology. Characteristics. Safety safety with reserving composition. Painting of the decorative panel on the topic "Geometric ornament". Acquaintance with the characteristic of colors that are included in the "Ornament" color solution. Achromatic and chromatic colors. Acquaintance with various geometric and vegetable ornaments and their characteristic features

Practice (8 hours) : Perform painting in a cold batik technique on the topic: "Geometric ornament", taking into account the linearity and closetness of the contour of the color sections.

Program methodical support

Structural element "Methodical support »It can be decorated differently and should include:

- forms of classes planned for each topic or section of an additional program (game, conversation, hike, excursion, competition, conference, etc.),forms of organization of children ;

- receptions and methods for organizing an educational process (verbal, visual, practical ...);

- didactic material : (Tables, posters, paintings, photos, didactic cards, memo, scientific and special literature, handout, Films Diaposes, video, audio recordings multimedia materials, computer software, etc.);

- forms of summing up for each topic or section of an additional program (pedagogical observation, monitoring, analysis of the results of questionnaires, testing, participation of students in concerts, quiz, competitions, performances, etc.);

- material and personnel support: Specify all the necessary components of the implementation of additional education. Indoor information, list of equipment and materials, tools necessary for classes. Specify specialists if required.

The methodological support of the additional program can be represented as a table:

p / P.

Names of sections and those

Forms of classes

Takes and methods of organization of the educational process (within the framework of class)

Didactic materials

Forms of summing up

Material and technical support


Requirements for registration:

    Lists of literature must contain a list of publications, including those published in the previous five years:

    in general pedagogy;

    according to the method of this type of activity; - by the method of education;

    in general and age psychology;

    on theory and history of the selected activity;

    The list of these literature should reflect the level and latitude of the theoretical preparedness of the teacher in the art. In a comprehensive program, it is advisable to draw up lists of literature to the educational program of each course (subject).

    The reference list is made in alphabetical order and numbered. When writing a list of references, it is recommended to use the following scheme for describing publications:

- name;

- information about the place of publication, publishing and year of publication;

- information about the number of publication pages or indication of page numbers.

Surname I.O. Name of publication. - Place of publication.: Publisher, year. - number of pages.

To delimitize areas and description elements, a single system of dividing signs is used:

. - (point and dash) - precede each other than the first description area;

: (colon) - placed before the information relating to the title, before the name of the publisher;

/ (oblique) - precedes information about the authorship (authors, compilers, editors, translators, as well as organizations that have participated in the publication);

// (Two oblique features)

Municipal autonomous institution of additional education "Children's Creativity Center"

for teachers of additional education



Additional educational program - the main teacher's document

Additional general education (general developmental) The program is the main teacher document working with the children's association, since it is in it:

- a peculiar "strategy" of the educational process for the entire period of study is determined;

- the main (priority) conceptual, meaningful and methodological approaches to educational activities and its effectiveness are reflected;

- organizational standards for the work of the children's association.

Additional general education (general developmental) The program is developed by each teacher independently based on exemplary requirements for the programs of additional education of children (annex to the letter of the Department of Youth Policy, Education and Social Protection of Children of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated December 11, 2006 No. 06-1844)

Structure of an educational program of additional education of children

Additional general education (general collaboration) The program of additional education of children, as a rule, includes the following structural elements:

1. Title leaf.

2. Explanatory note.

3. Educational and thematic plan.

4. Content of the course studied.

5. Meeting provision of an additional secondary program.

6. References.

7. Annotation.

- name of the educational institution;

- where, when and by whom an additional secondary program is approved;

- name of an additional secondary program;

- the age of children on which an additional general education program is calculated;

- the implementation period of an additional general education program;

- the name of the city, the settlement, in which an additional general education program is being implemented;

- year of development of an additional secondary program.

Explanation of the structural elements of an additional educational program of additional education of children.

Explanatory note.

Additional secondary program "________" has ______________ focus.

Novelty, relevance, pedagogical feasibility.

Purpose: …………………..


educational tasks


developing tasks


educational tasks


Distinctive features of the program.

A distinctive feature of this program is ..................... ..

Children's age.

The program is addressed to children (teenagers, girls, boys) _________ years.

Conditions of a set of children in the team: Everyone will be accepted (not having medical contraindications). Prices in groups Best: ____ people.

Program implementation deadlines.

The program is designed for ___

1 year of study: _______ hour per year,

2 years of study: ______ hours per year,

3 years of study: ______ hours per year

Forms and mode of classes.

The formation form group (individual, group, individually group,)

Classes of groups __ years of study are conducted by __RAs per week by __ hour, i.e. __ An hour a week (_____ hour per year).

Expected results and ways to determine their effectiveness.

Forms of summing up the implementation of the program.

Educational and themed plan.

1 year of study


Total hours





Final lesson


Contents of the program

1 year of study


Theory. Selection of students, familiarization with the schedule of classes, rules of behavior in class. Fire safety rules. Work plan for the year. Shape of clothing and appearance.

Practice. Practical work on identifying the level of initial training of students

Program methodical support


or theme




Takes and methods



process (B.








summing up





For teacher:

For kids:


Explanations to the structural elements of the additional general education (general collaboration) program of additional education of children

Explanatory note

In the introductory part, you can state information regarding this type of activity, art, its history, regions of distribution, and the like. The essence of the current situation should be justified, the exits for the social validity and the needs of students.

The focus of an additional secondary program

Requirements for the content and design of additional general education programs for additional education of children offer the following list of focus of additional general education programs:

1. Artistic and aesthetic - aims to develop artistic and aesthetic taste, artistic abilities and inconsistencies to various types of art, creative approach, emotional perception and figurative thinking, training personality to comprehend the great world of art, the formation of the desire to recreate the sensual image of the perceived world.

2. Ecological-biological - aims to form a systematic approach in the perception of peace, ideas about the relationship and interdependence of living and non-living, environmental education and education, in the field of "sustainable development", the development of the skills of study (young nature researchers) and the preservation of wildlife, rational environmental management (scope of activities " Man-nature ").

3. Socio-pedagogical - aims to social adaptation, an increase in the level of readiness of students to cooperate with various social institutions, the formation of knowledge about the main areas of modern social life, the device of society, the creation of conditions for the development of communicative, socially successful personality, the expansion of "social practice", education of social competence (sphere Activities "Society", "Man-Man"), formation of pedagogical skills.

4. Tourist-local history - aims to develop cognitive, research skills of studying for the study of nature, history, culture of the native land, attracting students to social initiatives for the protection of nature, monuments of culture of the environment of residence, search work little-known facts History of native land, excursion, museum, archival and expeditionary work.

5. Culturological - aims to meet the needs and interests of children in the field of studying history, culture, formation of a creatively developing personality. Priority areas of activity: educational, methodical, museum and exhibition, cultural and educational.

6. Physical and sports - aims to improve health, the formation of a healthy lifestyle skills and sportsmanship, moral and volitional qualities and value systems with priority of life and health.

7. Scientific and technical - aims to form a scientific worldview, the development of methods of scientific knowledge of the world, the development of research, applied, design abilities of students, with inclinations in the field of accurate sciences and technical creativity (the scope of "Man-car").

The name of an additional general education program, its goals, tasks and content must correspond to one of the above-mentioned orientations.

The level of educational program

Classification of development programs

Community levelsb assumes the satisfaction of the cognitive interest of the student, expanding his awareness in this educational area, enrichment of communication skills and the acquisition of the skills of joint activities in the development of the program.

In-depth level It assumes the development of the competence of students in this educational area, the formation of skills at the level of practical application.

Professional oriented level It provides for the achievement of an increased level of education of students in the art, the ability to see problems, formulate tasks, to look for the means of solving them.

Novelty, relevance, pedagogical expediency

Novelty An additional secondary program suggests:

- new solution to the problems of additional education;

- new teaching techniques;

- new pedagogical technologies in conducting classes;

- innovations in the forms of diagnosis and summing up the implementation of the program, etc.

Relevance The programs are the answer to the question why modern children need a specific program in modern conditions. Relevance can be based:

- on analyzing social problems;

- on scientific research materials;

- on analyzing pedagogical experience;

- on the analysis of children's or parental demand for additional educational services;

- on the current requirements of the upgrade system of education;

- on the potential of the educational institution;

- on the social order of municipality and other factors.

Pedagogical feasibility He emphasizes the pragmatic importance of the relationship of the built-in system of learning, development, education and their security. In this part of the explanatory note, it is necessary to give an argued substantiation of pedagogical actions within the framework of an additional educational program, and specifically, in accordance with the objectives and objectives of the selected forms, methods and means of educational activities and the organization of the educational process.

Objective and tasks of an additional secondary program

purpose- This is a specific, characterized qualitatively, and where it is possible, then quantitatively, the image of the desired (expected) result that can actually be achieved to a certain point of time.

Objectives can be directed:

- on the development of the child as a whole;

- on the development of certain abilities of the child;

- to ensure each child the required level of education;

- on the formation of every child skills and needs to replenish their knowledge, skills, skills;

- on raising students in accordance with high moral values;

- on the formation of universal moral value orientations, self-consciousness, socially valuable personal qualities; ensuring harmonious aesthetic and physical development; developing the skills of a healthy lifestyle;

- for teaching children by labor skills, receptions of independent work, collective interaction, mutual assistance, the formation of culture, etc.

To write the formulation of the goal of the teacher can use nouns:

- creation, development, provision, admission, prevention, strengthening, interaction, formation, etc.

Tasksmust correspond to goals and divided into groups:

- educational tasks, that is, responsible for the question that finds out what will figure out what ideas will receive, what will master what the study learns, having mastered the program;

- developing tasks, that is, associated with the development of creative abilities, opportunities, attention, memory, thinking, imagination, speech, volitional qualities, etc. and indicate the development of key competencies, which will be focused on training;

- educational tasks, that is, responsible for the question of which value guidelines, relationships, personal qualities will be formed from students.

The tasks should be formulated in a single key, adhering to all the wording of one grammatical form:























introduce me to


provide the opportunity, etc.

providing opportunities, etc.

Distinctive features of the program

Distinctive features of this additional general education program from already existing general education programs.

This subsection should describe the presence of preceding similar additional general educational programs and the difference between this program from programs of other authors, whose experience is used and summarized. It is necessary to indicate how accents are placed in this program which priority directions are selected. Author - the compiler of a modified general education program should be specified preceding similar programs taken as a basis for development.


In this subsection it is desirable to place the following information:

for which category of children is the program, degree of preliminary preparation and level of basic education; The level of formation of interests and motivation to this subject area, the presence of abilities, physical health and sexuality of children, etc.;

what age children addressed the program (range that covers the age of students from beginning to end the learning date) a brief description of age and individual characteristics of children engaged in unification;

pricing Group (The number of students in each educational group is determined in accordance with the Charter of the institution, sanitary and hygienic requirements for this type of activity and regional regulatory documents in the field of additional education of children);

estimated group of group (one or different ages);

conditions for receiving children (including conditions of additional recruitment of children in the team on vacant places, on the second, third and other years of study), a system system based on test results, listening, interviewing, preview of work, presence of basic knowledge in a particular area, etc. d.

Program implementation periods

Terms of implementation of an additional secondary program

- temporary boundaries, how many years the program is calculated, its duration,

- stages of the educational process, learning time at each stage;

- the number of hours for every year.

The variability of the course duration is allowed on any year of training that needs to justify and list all the proposed options.

Forms and mode of classes

Forms and mode of classes

Possible forms of organization of students' activity at the lesson:




individually group

ensemble, orchestral

work on subgroups

Possible forms of training: Promotion, Round table, Collection, Auction, Cruise, Seminar, Benefis, Laboratory lesson, Tale, Conversation, Heraist Lecture, Wools, Vernissage, Master Class, Competition, Quiz, Brainstorming, Performance, Meeting with interesting people, observation, studio, exhibition, Olympiad, creative meeting, gallery, open occupation, creative workshop, living room, suit, creative report, dispute, discussion, discussion, campaign, training, occupation-game, holiday, tournament, project protection , practical lesson, factory, game Business, performance, festival, travel, presentation, championship, plot-role-playing, production team, show, game program, profile camp, exam, Class-concert, campaign, excursion, KVN, reflection , expedition, competition, raid, experiment, consultation, rehearsal, relay, conference, ring, fair, concert, salon and other

Classes mode. This subsection indicates the duration and number of classes per week with all the options and the rationale for choosing the option. When determining the classes, you need to specify the duration of the school hour if it differs from academic hour (45 minutes). At the same time, it should be written, for what reasons, in accordance with what regulatory acts, sanitary standards, age and other characteristics of children, the duration of the school has been changed.

Expected results and ways to determine their effectiveness

The expected (predicted) result is a specific characteristic of knowledge, skills and skills that the student will master.

The expected result should relate to the targets and tasks of learning, development, education. If the tasks are spelled out to "teach expressive reading", then in the results there should be "a student will learn to expressly read."

To achieve the goal of the program, it is necessary to solve certain tasks: educational, educational, educational. Each task will lead to the expected result, therefore, the expected results must be spelled out by an educational, developing, educational component of the program. In addition to the expected results, there are real results of the program, so the degree of compliance of the real result is expected and will be effective.

Methods for determining effectiveness

This subsection should indicate the methods of tracking (diagnostics) of the success of mastering the program content.

It is possible to use the following performance tracking methods:

- Pedagogical observation.

- Pedagogical analysis of the results of questionnaires, testing, testing, conversations, surveys, executing students of diagnostic tasks, participation of pupils in events (concerts, quizzes, competitions, performances), protection of projects, solutions to the tasks of the search nature, the activity of students in classes, etc.

- Monitoring. To track performance, you can use:

Pedagogical monitoring

Monitoring educational activities of children

tests and tests

self-esteem pupil

diagnosis of personal growth and promotion

maintaining credit books


maintaining a creative learning diary

pedagogical reviews

registration of sheets of an individual educational route

maintaining a magazine accounting or pedagogical diary

maintaining chronicles

introduction of the evaluation system

photo reports

Forms of summing up the implementation of the program

Forms of summing up Implementing an additional secondary program

Some forms of summing up:

Survey, check occupation, concert, test, independent work, exhibition, exam, protection of abstracts, competition, Olympiad, open occupation for parents, competition, testing, presentation of creative works, self-analysis, interconnection, collective analysis of works, review, essay, Collective reflection, etc.

Documentary forms of summing up the results of the general education program are necessary to confirm the accuracy of the results of the program development and can be used to conduct a teacher, parents and management bodies for the formation of timely analysis of results.

The diaries of the achievements of pupils, maps of evaluation of the results of the program, diaries of pedagogical observations, student portfolio, etc. - Documentary forms in which the achievements of each trainee can be reflected.

Educational and thematic plan

The learning plan is drawn up in the form of a table, which includes:

- list of sections, topics;

- the number of hours for each topic with their breakdown on theoretical and practical types of classes.


Total hours





At the bottom of the table, the number of hours in the columns "Total", "Theory", "Practice". The final number of hours per year depends on the number of classes per week and their duration.

Educational and thematic plan should draw up for every year of learning and reflect its features.

The teacher has the right to independently distribute the clock on topics within the established time, paying attention to the fact that in additional education, the practical activities of children in classes should prevail over the theory (in an exemplary ratio of 60% by 30%). Also in the learning plan must be laid hours:

- on the introduction (introduction to the program);

- concert, exhibition or competitive activities;

- events of a raising and cognitive nature;

- final lesson, reporting event.

The educational and thematic terms indicate the main sections and themes, it is not necessary to turn it into persons

Depending on the age of children, their abilities, the specifics of the children's association possible the use of variable educational and thematic plans.

Contents of the program

The content of the program of additional education of children can be reflected through a brief description of topics (theoretical and practical species).

In the content of the program you must specify:

- the name of the topic (numbering, the number and name of the sections and should coincide with the listed sections and themes of the learning plan);

- the telegraph style lists all the questions that reveal the topic (without the technique);

- the main theoretical concepts (without a description) and the practical activity of students in the classroom are indicated;

- when incorporate in an additional general education program, playing, game activities, leisure and mass events, the content and place of each excursion, games, activities, etc. are indicated in the content.

Program methodical support

This section indicates:

- providing a program by methodological types of products (development of games, conversations, hiking, excursions, competitions, conferences, etc.);

- didactic and lecture materials, methods for research work, the subject of internical or research work, etc.

The methodological support section provides a description of the techniques and methods for organizing an educational process, didactic materials, technical equipment.

Types of methodical products:

methodical guide, Methodical description, Methodical recommendations, Methodical instructions, Methodological manual, Methodological development, Methodological instructions;

annotation, bulletin, information and methodical collection, article, abstract, report, abstracts of speeches at the conference, etc.

Types of didactic materials

To ensure the visibility and availability of the material studied, the teacher can use visual benefits of the following types:

natural or natural (herbarium, samples of materials, live objects, stuffed, cars and their parts, etc.);

volumented (existing models of machinery, mechanisms, apparatuses, structures; mocks and dulisions of plants and their fruits, technical installations and structures, product samples);

schematic or symbolic (decorated stands and tablets, tables, schemes, drawings, graphics, posters, charts, patterns, drawings, sweep, templates, etc.);

painted and picture-dynamic (paintings, illustrations, diaposts, slides, range, transparencies, photographic materials, etc.);

sound (audio recordings, radio transmits);

mixed (TV shows, video recordings, educational films, etc.);

didactic manuals (cards, workbooks, distribution material, questions and tasks for oral or written survey, tests, practical tasks, exercises, etc.);

educational Application Programs in electronic form (CD, floppy disks);

textbooks, tutorials, magazines, books;

thematic selections of materials, lyrics, poems, scenarios, games.

The didactic material is selected and systematized in accordance with the learning plan (for each topic), the age and psychological characteristics of children, the level of their development and abilities.

Material and technical support of the secondary program

The section must contain all the necessary components of the program implementation:

information about the room in which classes are held, (to the study office, computer class, workshop, laboratory, choreographic class, sports or assembly hall, etc.);

information about the availability of utility rooms (storerooms, costume rooms, locker rooms, etc.);

list of training equipment, Cabinet (Coolboard, tables and chairs for students and teacher, cabinets and racks for storing didactic benefits and training materials, mirrors, scenery, costumes, etc.);

list of equipment necessary for conducting classes (special devices, etc.);

list of technical means of training (computer, printer, multimedia projectors, interactive whiteboard, TV, music center, DVD player, etc.);

a list of technical and other tools, devices, musical instruments, etc.;

list of materials required for classes: Watman, fabrics, threads, fittings, clay, glue, paint blanks made of wood, metal and other materials, etc.;

training kit for each pupil (notebook, pen, pencil, markers, colored paper, album, etc.);

requirements for special student clothing (sports form, choreography clothing, etc.).

The methodological support of the program can be represented in the form of a table:


or theme




Takes and methods



process (B.








summing up



When writing and decoring this section, it is recommended to form a few lists:

Bibliography Circuits in alphabetical order and numbered. When writing a list of references, it is recommended to use the following scheme for describing publications:

- name;

- information about the place of publication, publishing and year of publication;

- information about the number of publication pages or indication of page numbers.

Surname I.O. Name of publication. - Place of publication.: Publisher, year. - number of pages.

To delimitize areas and description elements, a single system of dividing signs is used:

. - (point and dash) - precede each other than the first description area;

: (colon) - placed before the information relating to the title, before the name of the publisher;

/ (oblique) - precedes information about the authorship (authors, compilers, editors, translators, as well as organizations that have participated in the publication);

// (Two oblique features) - are placed before the information about the document in which the article or section is posted.