Regulations on the language of education in the educational organization. Regulations on the procedure for choosing language of learning and language study Regulations on the teaching of the native language at school

Local Act # 12.


About language


In an educational organization

Regulations on the language of education in the educational organization

I. General provisions

1.1. This provision is developed in accordance with the requirements of the following regulatory legal documents:

Federal Law of the Russian Federation of 29.12.2012 №27E-FZ "On Education in the Russian Federation" (Part 6 of Art. 14), - Federal Law of July 25, 2002 N 115-FZ "On the Legal State of Foreign Citizens in the Russian Federation" (Meeting of the Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2002 , N 30, Art. 3032), the situation determines the education language at school (hereinafter referred to as OO), carrying out educational activities on educational programs implemented by it, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian

1.2. Russian as the state language of the Russian Federation is studied in all classes in accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation "On the languages \u200b\u200bof the Peoples of the Russian Federation" of October 25, 1991 No. 19807-1 and with the Federal Law "On Education in the Russian Federation" dated December 29, 2012

year №273-f

2. Educational activities

2.1. Educational activities in the OO is carried out in Russian . Teaching and learning the Russian language as part of the educational programs with state accreditation is carried out in accordance with federal state educational standards.

2.2. Foreign citizens and stateless persons all documents are submitted to the OO in Russian or together with the translation certified in the prescribed manner.

2.3. Citizens of the Russian Federation, foreign citizens and stateless persons receive education in the Russian language in Russian on the main educational programs of the initial general, the main general, secondary general education in accordance with the federal state educational standards.

2.4. Teaching and studying individual training subjects, courses, disciplines (modules), other components can be carried out in English in accordance with the educational program.

2.5. The right to receive initial general and basic general education in the native language from among the languages \u200b\u200bof the peoples of the Russian Federation, as well as the right to study native language From among the languages \u200b\u200bof the peoples of the Russian Federation, it is implemented within the possibilities provided by the education system, in the manner prescribed by the legislation on education:

2.5.1. When entering the school child, parents or people replacing them in the statement indicate the desired study of the native language

2.5.2. The native language is studied at the expense of the regional component of the curriculum in the form of an elective, group classes, hours of extracurricular activities

2.5.3. The group is formed with at least 5 statements in the classroom.

2.5.4. Evaluation of the results of studying the native language is approved by the decision of the Pedagogical Council of the School

The local act is valid until it is replaced by a new one.

1. This Regulation in accordance with Articles 60, 62 and 63 of the Federal Law of July 27, 2004 N 79-FZ "On the State Civil Service of the Russian Federation" determines the procedure for obtaining additional vocational education by state civil servants of the Russian Federation (hereinafter - civil servants) nominating the post of civil service of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the posts of civil service) included in the register of the posts of the Federal State Civil Service and the registers of the State Civil Service of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, in the Federal State Body, the state body of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation or their devices, and also The procedure for obtaining civil servants of additional vocational education both in the territory of the Russian Federation and abroad is regulated.

2. The head of the state body, a person who replaces the state office of the Russian Federation or the state position of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation, or a representative of the indicated leader or persons who authorize the employer on behalf of the Russian Federation or the subject of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the representative of the employer), a professional educational organization, educational Organization higher education and the organization of additional vocational education (hereinafter - the educational organization), a state body or other organization, in which civil servants are sent to professional retraining or advanced training is provided the necessary conditions For the development of additional professional programs to the specified employees.

(as amended by the decrees of the President of the Russian Federation of 01.07.2014 N 483, from 08.03.2015 N 124)

For civil servants during the period of receiving additional professional education, a replaceable position and money content remains.

3. The grounds for the direction of a civil servant for training on an additional professional program are:

(see text in the previous edition)

c) the decision of the Attestation Commission on the compliance of the civil servant of a replaceable position of civil service, subject to successful development of an additional professional program;

(as amended by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 08.03.2015 N 124)

(see text in the previous edition)

d) the appointment of a civil servant to another civil service position in accordance with paragraph 2 of Part 1 of Article 31 of the Federal Law of July 27, 2004 N 79-FZ "On the State Civil Service of the Russian Federation".

(PP. "G" introduced by decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated July 01, 2014 N 483)

4. Professional retraining of a civil servant is carried out taking into account the profile of its education in cases provided for in paragraph 3 of this Regulation, as well as in the event of a change in the type of professional service activities.

Civil servant, replacing the position of civil service category "Assistants (advisers)", "Specialists" or "providing specialists", in case of its appointment in order of official growth to the post of civil service category "Officers" goes on professional retraining.

According to the results of professional retraining, additional qualifications can be assigned to a civil servant.

The need for professional retraining by civil servants, replacing the posts of civil service category "Officers", "Assistants (advisers)" or "Specialists", related to the highest and main groups of posts, as well as the positions of civil service category "Providing specialists" related to the main A group of posts, with appropriation to them additional qualifications is determined by the representative of the employer.

5. Improving the qualifications of a civil servant is carried out in cases provided for in paragraph 3 of this Regulation, as necessary, determined by the representative of the employer, but at least once every three years.

A civil servant for the first time taken to the post of civil service is sent to raising the qualifications after the test date or six months after receipt of the civil service.

A civil servant in the case of its appointment in order of official growth to the post of civil service of another group within one category of posts is sent to advanced training.

6. Additional professional programs can be implemented in whole or in part in the form of internship.

Professional retraining and professional development of civil servants can be carried out using remote educational technologies.

(paragraph 6 in the ed. Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated July 01, 2014 N 483)

(see text in the previous edition)

(see text in the previous edition)

8. Professional retraining and advanced training of civil servants are carried out with a separation or without separation from execution. official duties Upon replaced by the position of civil service.

(paragraph 8 in the red. Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 08.03.2015 N 124)

(see text in the previous edition)

9. The term of training of civil servants for an additional professional program is determined by this program and (or) an agreement on education.

(p. 9 as amended by the President of the Russian Federation of 08.03.2015 N 124)

(see text in the previous edition)

10. The organization of professional retraining and advanced training of civil servants is carried out on the basis of a state order for additional vocational education.

The state order for additional professional education of civil servants is formed taking into account the programs of government agencies on the professional development of civil servants based on individual plans for the professional development of civil servants.

(p. 10 as amended by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 01.07.2014 N 483)

(see text in the previous edition)

11. The individual plan of professional development of the civil servant is being developed by him in accordance with the official regulations together with a direct term for a period of three years and is approved in the manner established by the representative of the employer. Individually indicated:

a) goal, form, form and duration of additional professional education, including information on the possibility of using remote educational technologies and self-education;

b) directions of additional vocational education;

c) the expected effectiveness of additional professional education of a civil servant.

12. The program of the state body for the professional development of civil servants is approved by his head as agreed with the relevant state authority for the management of the public service in the manner determined by the Government of the Russian Federation. In the program designed for three years:

a) the annual need for professional retraining and advanced training of civil servants in categories and groups of civil service posts, areas, types, forms and duration of obtaining additional professional education, taking into account the profile and type of educational organizations;

(see text in the previous edition)

b) indicate the stages of the implementation of the program, the list of activities, as well as indicators to evaluate the course and results of its implementation;

b) The expected effectiveness of additional professional education of civil servants is predicted.

13. The Federal State Authority for Management of the State Service on the basis of applications for the training of federal state civil servants on additional professional programs, which are issued by federal government agencies in accordance with Appendix N 1 and are submitted no later than March 1 of the year preceding the planned, determines the structure of a state order on Additional professional education of federal civil servants (hereinafter referred to as federal civil servants) and calculates its financing.

(see text in the previous edition)

The application is formed by the federal state body based on economic standards for the value of educational training services for professional retraining, advanced training of federal civil servants and the projected number of these employees, sent to training, in groups and categories of posts of the Federal State Civil Service, types, forms and timing of additional vocational education In accordance with the program of the Federal State Authority on the professional development of federal civil servants. An explanatory note is attached to the application with the rationale for the main areas of additional professional education of federal civil servants based on the promising goals and objectives of the relevant federal state body guiding these employees for professional retraining, advanced training.

(as amended by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 01.07.2014 N 483)

(see text in the previous edition)

14. The Federal State Committee for Management of the State Service during the formation of the federal budget for the appropriate year, but no later than May 1 of the year preceding the proposal to the Government of the Russian Federation, the proposals agreed with the Presidential Administration of the Russian Federation:

a) on the amount of financing of the state order for additional professional education of federal civil servants for the relevant year with the necessary justifications;

(PP. "A" in the edge of the President of the Russian Federation of 01.07.2014 N 483)

(see text in the previous edition)

b) on priority areas of additional professional education of federal civil servants based on promising goals and objectives of federal state bodies.

15. Government order for an additional professional education of federal civil servants, with the exception of federal civil servants of federal ministries, the management of which is carried out by the Government of the Russian Federation, federal Services and federal agencies concluded by this federal ministries, as well as federal services and federal agencies, whose management is carried out by the Government of the Russian Federation, is coordinated by the Federal State Authority for the Management of the State Service with the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation.

(as amended by the decrees of the President of the Russian Federation of 06.12.2007 N 1643, dated 07/01/2014 N 483, from 08.03.2015 N 124)

(see text in the previous edition)

The state order for additional professional education of federal civil servants is submitted by the Federal State Authority for Management of the State Service under the form in accordance with Appendix N 2 to the Government of the Russian Federation, which approves it no later than a 3-month period from the day the federal law on the federal budget on relevant year.

(as amended by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 01.07.2014 N 483)

(see text in the previous edition)

16. Government order for additional professional education of federal civil servants contains information:

a) on the number of federal civil servants sent to training on additional professional programs, including additional professional professional retraining and advanced training programs, in the Russian Federation;

b) on the volume of budget allocations provided for in the federal budget for additional professional education of federal civil servants, including professional retraining and advanced training, in the territory of the Russian Federation;

c) on the number of federal civil servants sent to training on additional professional programs outside the territory of the Russian Federation;

d) on the scope of budget allocations provided for in the federal budget for additional professional education of federal civil servants outside the territory of the Russian Federation;

e) on scientific and methodological, educational and information and analytical provision of additional professional education of federal civil servants;

(e) On the total funds for the implementation of the state order for additional professional education of federal civil servants.

(p. 16 as amended by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 01.07.2014 No. 483)

(see text in the previous edition)

17. The organization of the execution of a state order for an additional professional education of federal civil servants for the corresponding year outside the territory of the Russian Federation is carried out by the Federal State Authority for the Management Service.

The subject-thematic content of additional professional programs to be developed by federal civil servants outside the territory of the Russian Federation, and a list of foreign countries, which federal civil servants are sent to training under these programs, are coordinated by the Federal State Authority for the Management of the State Service with the Presidential Administration of the Russian Federation and Apparatus of the Government of the Russian Federation.

(paragraph was introduced by decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 08.03.2015 N 124)

The candidates of federal civil servants of the federal ministries, the management of the activities of which carry out the Government of the Russian Federation, federal services and federal agencies submitted by this federal ministries, as well as federal services and federal agencies, the management of which is carried out by the Government of the Russian Federation recommended for the Direction for Extra Professional Training Programs beyond the territory of the Russian Federation are coordinated by the Federal State Authority for the Management of the State Service with the Office of the Government of the Russian Federation.

(paragraph was introduced by decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 08.03.2015 N 124)

The candidates of federal civil servants recommended for training on additional professional programs beyond the territory of the Russian Federation, including candidates that have been coordinated with the Office of the Government of the Russian Federation are agreed by the Federal State Authority for the Management of the State Service with the Presidential Administration of the Russian Federation.

Of the Russian Federation of October 25, 1991 N 1807-1 "On the languages \u200b\u200bof the Peoples of the Russian Federation" and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, its defense and support, as well as ensuring the right of citizens of the Russian Federation for the use of the state language of the Russian Federation.

Judicial practice and legislation - 53-ФЗ on the state language of the Russian Federation


the number of resources of scientific and information support for the implementation of the Federal Law "On the State Language of the Russian Federation";

the proportion of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation organizing the analysis of the results of the final composition in graduation classes, as well as the development of measures to improve the quality of education in the Russian language, together with public professional organizations, in the total number of constituent entities of the Russian Federation;

the number of resources of scientific and information support for the implementation of the Federal Law "On the State Language of the Russian Federation";

the proportion of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation organizing the analysis of the results of the final composition in graduation classes, as well as the development of measures to improve the quality of education in the Russian language, together with public professional organizations, in the total number of constituent entities of the Russian Federation;

5. A text warning to limit the dissemination of information products among children is carried out in Russian, and in cases established by the Federal Law of June 1, 2005 N 53-FZ "On the State Language of the Russian Federation", in the state languages \u200b\u200bof the republics located in the Russian Federation , other languages \u200b\u200bof the peoples of the Russian Federation or foreign languages.

"Entered" "accepted" "coordinated"

Order number __d _______ 20__g. Syric.Obitch .Trud.Collect Protocol number __d ______20__

Director of MBOU-Sosh with. Novoselskoe: Protocol No. __d _______ 20__ G. Chairman of the Uce: _________

A.V.Pogodin N.G. Jarikova

about learning languages


at a meeting of the Pedagogical Council

Protocol number ___ from "__" ______ 20__

1. General Provisions.

1.1 The situation determines the education language educational institution,

implementing its educational activities on the programs of the initial general, basic general and secondary general education.

1.2 Position is drawn up in accordance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation, Part 6 of Art. 14 of the Federal Law of the Russian Federation of December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ "On Education in the Russian Federation", the Law of the Russian Federation of 01.06.2005 No. 53-FZ "On the State Language of the Russian Federation", the Law of the Russian Federation of October 25, 1991

№1807-1 "On the languages \u200b\u200bof the peoples of the Russian Federation", the charter of the MBOU-SOSH. Novoselskoe.

1.3 In the Russian Federation, education in the state language of the Russian Federation is guaranteed to obtain education in the state language, as well as the choice of language learning and education within the possibilities provided by the system.


1.3.1 in state and municipal educational organizations,

located on the territory of the Russian Federation, the teaching and study of state languages \u200b\u200bof the Republic of RF in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of RF may be introduced. Teaching and learning

state languages \u200b\u200bof the Republic of RF should not be made to the detriment

teaching and learning the state language of the Russian Federation.

1.3.2 Education can be obtained on foreign language in accordance with the educational program and in the manner prescribed

legislation on education and local acts of MBOU-SOSH. Novoselskoe ..
2. Education language in MBOU - SOSH. Novoselskoe.
1. This provision determines the languages \u200b\u200bof education in MBOU -Sosh. Novoselskoe. (hereinafter - the institution).

2. In the institution, educational activities are carried out by the state language (Russian) of the Russian Federation, if this provision has not been established otherwise.

3. Teaching and studying of the state language of the Russian Federation (Russian language)

as part of the educational programs that have state accreditation are carried out in accordance with federal state educational standards.

4. The right to receive pre-school, primary general and main

general education in the native language from among the languages \u200b\u200bof the peoples of the Russian

Federation, as well as the right to study the native language from among the languages \u200b\u200bof the peoples of the Russian Federation, is implemented within the possibilities provided by the education system, in the manner prescribed by the legislation on education.

5. Teaching and studying individual learning subjects, courses, disciplines (modules), other components can be carried out in English, German, French (hereinafter referred to as bilingual training).

6. Bilingual training is carried out:

Upon receipt of the initial general, basic general education - taking into account the opinion of parents (legal representatives) and students;

Upon receipt of secondary general education - according to the application of the student.

7. When mastering the main educational program of general education in school, 2nd to grade 11 is studied English or German on educational items " English"," German "by choosing parents (legal representatives).

Local Act No. _____

POSITION About language Education

In an educational organization

Regulations on the language of education in the educational organization

I. General provisions

1.1. This provision is developed in accordance with the requirements of the following regulatory legal documents:

Federal Law of the Russian Federation of 29.12.2012 №27E-FZ "On Education in the Russian Federation" (Part 6 of Art. 14), - Federal Law of July 25, 2002 N 115-FZ "On the Legal State of Foreign Citizens in the Russian Federation" (Meeting of the Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2002 , N 30, Art. 3032), the situation determines the education language at school (hereinafter referred to as OO), carrying out educational activities on educational programs implemented by it, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian

1.2. Russian as the state language of the Russian Federation is studied in all classes in accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation "On the languages \u200b\u200bof the Peoples of the Russian Federation" of October 25, 1991 No. 19807-1 and with the Federal Law "On Education in the Russian Federation" dated December 29, 2012

year №273-f

2. Educational activities

2.1. Educational activities in the OO is carried outin Russian . Teaching and learning the Russian language as part of the educational programs with state accreditation is carried out in accordance with federal state educational standards.

2.2. Foreign citizens and stateless persons all documents are submitted to the OO in Russian or together with the translation certified in the prescribed manner.

2.3. Citizens of the Russian Federation, foreign citizens and stateless persons receive education in the Russian language in Russian on the main educational programs of the initial general, the main general, secondary general education in accordance with the federal state educational standards.

2.4. The right to receive initial general and basic general education in his native language from among the languages \u200b\u200bof the peoples of the Russian Federation, as well as the right to study the native language from among the languages \u200b\u200bof the peoples of the Russian Federation, is implemented within the possibilities provided by the education system, in the manner prescribed by the legislation on education:

2.4.1. When entering the school child, parents or people replacing them in the statement indicate the desired study of the native language

2.4.2. The native language is studied at the expense of the regional component of the curriculum in the form of an elective, group classes, hours of extracurricular activities

2.4.3. The group is formed with at least 5 statements in the classroom.

2.4.4. Evaluation of the results of studying the native language is approved by the decision of the Pedagogical Council of the School

2.5 In individual training at the home of children with disabilities, training is possible in his native language in cases where the child does not own Russian. (lives in remote settlements)

Local act is valid until it is replaced by a new.