Filling a report on practice. Preparation and protection of production practice report at the enterprise. Characteristic from the place of production practice

When teaching a number of specialties to the curriculum, a large number of practical classes are laid in the curriculum, on which students should feel the beauty of the profession received. As a report, future specialists and bachelor must submit a conclusion in industrial practice at the enterprise, which will indicate the number of hours spent, as well as a large number of additional information. The duration of practical exercises directly depends on the specialty obtained.

Practice can be passed at the state-owned enterprise, as well as in a private company. In most cases, higher educational institutions agree with municipal organizations, and the work of students is planned for 3-5 months before it began. If students provide the opportunity to get the necessary practical skills in a commercial company, they primarily consider these proposals to further be in demand by experts in the labor market.

Who needs to be practiced?

According to modern educational programs, the practical part of training in external organizations is necessary in 90% of cases. The conclusion of industrial practice at the enterprise is usually issued only after its ending, he is being drawn by that employee of the institution that you have been subordinate. As a rule, practice takes from 1 to 3 months.

If you know that the practice should take place, your educational institution must inform the company's employees in a timely manner, where you will be forced to go. When you first visited the institution, you get acquainted with your curator who provides you with a plan of work for the entire period of joint activities. It is advisable to adhere to the recommendations issued to get a favorable review and good practical assessments.


The conclusion of an industrial practice at the accountant's enterprise is usually not written, students have to do it on their own. If this case happened to you, then in the recommendation it will be necessary to indicate what skills you have time to master during this period, which programs managed to master and what financial operations to perform. Also usually indicate how accounting is carried out in the enterprise.

In some cases, also describe the structure of the accounting service in the organization, as well as methods of accrual. You can also tell about the tax system used by the institution and the taxes that it pays. It should be noted that all the tasks that you set yourself before starting practice were fulfilled 100 percent.


The conclusion of industrial practice at the enterprise programmers also write independently, and this is done in the form of a sufficiently large essay. It needs to specify the tasks that the organization solves, as well as its organizational and staff structure. In addition, the report from you will require specify the document management, which is maintained in the company, data on software and hardware, as well as on locally computing networks used in it.

Next, you should specify those questions related to automation, and which should be solved first. And in general, the enterprise automation process should be highlighted as much as possible. In the abstract, you need to reflect automation options that will enhance work in the organization. You will also need to make a list of references that you had to use when creating work.

Production of drugs

If you study the pharmacist, it is especially important for you to get the conclusion of production practices in the enterprise, "Ygrafarm" in the early 2010s was one of the institutions where the students of this profile were mainly sent. Today, the situation has changed, a lot of organizations engaged in the production of drugs, therefore, with the distribution of future doctors and pharmacists, problems usually do not occur. In reporting it is necessary to reflect the state rationing of production medicinal preparations.

Also in the report it is necessary to indicate which drugs are produced by the company, as the process of material sterilization occurs, on the basis of which the creation of drugs is carried out. Technology production of tablets and prospects for their development should be described in detail, the same applies to the forms for injections produced by the organization. In conclusion, it is necessary to highlight the issue of product quality control.

Practice in car repair shop

The conclusion of industrial practice at the enterprise, an auto mechanic accounts for independently, it also represents a fairly big report. It should contain a detailed characteristics of the institution, its goals and objectives, as well as organizational structure. If you are not very well oriented in how the car repair shop is arranged, you can seek help from your curator.

Also in the report it is necessary to describe the structure of the body workshop, where direct repair of motor vehicles is carried out. The rules for safety and labor protection should be reflected, which should be carried out at the enterprise. You must figure out which official instructions There are local staff, analyze the work of the service, as well as to form a number of recommendations that you think will help improve his work.

How to write a report engineer?

Future specialists of this plan usually take place the practical part of their training as an assistant to the existing technologists of the institution. The conclusion of industrial practice at the engineer's enterprise must necessarily contain information on how those or other machines are functioning. Some choose a certain equipment, after which they give an extended characteristic of its properties, as well as the immediate mechanism of work.

In the process of working with products, the trainee must learn absolutely all the steps of their processing. One of the tasks that is placed in front of the trainee is to learn how to work with technical documentation so that in the future it is competent. At the end of his studies in the institution, the student must offer a number of advice to improve his work. It is impossible to do this if it does not have the concept of what quality products produces an enterprise where he passes the practice. In the work, you should also specify instructions for institutions of the institution, its structure, as well as information on how work is organized in it.

Registration of the report

A report that has to write an intern who receives experience in a specialty in a certain institution is similar to the course work. It also has an introduction, the bulk and conclusion of industrial practice in the enterprise, they must be formulated according to the existing rules for writing scientific treatises. In some cases, the report may look different, the easiest way to learn in advance from his head of practice, in which format should be passed.

If in the learning process in the institution you have accumulated enough charts, tables and schemes, they should be attached to the final report. Please note that the curator at the enterprise must familiarize himself with the prepared results of your work, in some cases there should be a signature on the document.

How to write a conclusion?

If you do not know how to formulate the conclusion of a production practice report at the enterprise, rely on the standard final parts of the scientific papers. In this part of your surveys, it is necessary to formulate the results of your work and list all solved tasks. When writing a conclusion, you will understand that it is not possible to find answers to all questions, and this is normal. They need to be highlighted separately, and indicate the reasons why they could not be solved.

The results of your analytics should be reflected in the conclusion as deployed as much as possible, because it is based on it that you give a facility in which the practice has passed, recommendations on how to improve its performance. From the point of view of the enterprise, you bring it much benefit because you are an independent person who can spend a kind of cut to its work and provide quality analysis for free. Once you have completed work, you must pass the report on practice, a diary, as well as a characteristic that is signed by the company's head. The engineer additionally has to pass a certificate that confirms the passage of the briefing on TB.

Practice for state enterprises

Literally ten years ago, those who passed the practice in state institutions, they said that for the most part they did not do anything and even allowed themselves to sleep in the workplace. Today the situation has changed dramatically, and now in order to obtain a conclusion in the manufacturing practice in the enterprise, students have to work if no more than ordinary employees, at least on a par with them.

Practice in some cases requires temporary employment, so the enterprises conclude a temporary agreement in which all rules of joint activities are negotiated. Such an agreement sometimes implies that the trainee will receive a certain amount of money to work out a certain number of hours in the institution. In particular, this technique is used in teaching teachers when they are sent to children's camps to pass practitioners.

Private organizations

Students planning to work in the future in their specialty are willingly recorded to "private owners" to obtain practical experience. According to them, only in commercial institutions you can get skills capable of becoming in demand by experts in the labor market. If you consider the reporting conclusion in the enterprise at the enterprise, LLC in this regard is no different from other institutions, it should indicate the fulfilled and unfulfilled tasks, as well as a detailed analysis of the work of the institution.

If there is a familiar entrepreneur among your buddies, who is not against the practice of him that it can be used by this chance. An example of the conclusion of production practices in the enterprise you can always be found on the Internet or take away from our fellow students, so you will not write it. However, there is a risk that you will be attracted to that activity that is not completely or completely does not fully match your profile. To pass this practice, you will need to contact your dean and agree on this process with the deputy dean on educational work.


The work of practical experience in any organization is a great opportunity to master those skills that you will not be able to train in an educational institution. Universities mainly consist of teachers-theorists who have little dealt with the real use of those scientific knowledge that they are taught students. But an engineer-technologist at the factory, for example, will be able to teach you how to act in an extreme situation that occurred when processing the part.

The conclusion of a production practice report at the enterprise, public or private, should include conclusions about your work, about the establishment and its prospects in the future. Try to make your work as comfortable as possible, understandable and compact, so that looking into it, your head of practical training immediately understood your potential of the future industry specialist.

Everyone knows that students with practice are confronted repeatedly for all time studies. Typically, practice takes place several times in the summer and once before the graduation qualifications. After each passage in most universities, you need to prepare a report on practice. Such work may differ depending on which kind of practice you passed - fundpal, industrial, or summertime introductory

Any type of practice has its differences and some nuances to pay attention to. For example, training or introductory practice should be passed to the last course and at least two times for the entire term of study. Usually, the student is not involved in the work in the work of the enterprise, and is more involved in observing and outlining.

Production practice or in a different technological is already more complicated. Here from the student is already required to participate in the activities of the enterprise although the minimum. No one of course to ship by the responsible work of the trainee will not. Usually give such work that does not imply great responsibility and of course the student necessarily someone will look at.

Pre-diploma practice is probably the most serious kind of practice. Everything is already an adult. The passage of pre-diploma practice implies that the student is ready to professionally perform the assigned duties. And at least there is still an opportunity to work, unless of course the student are satisfied at the place of practice. In addition, the entire information material that will be assembled and expressed in the pre-diploma report will be used already when writing final work.

Despite the seeming differences in general practical purpose, everything is approximately equal:

  • Evaluation of knowledge gained as a result of practice;
  • Learns to use receiving theory;
  • Application of practical knowledge in real work;
  • Understanding of what will have to come in practice in real conditions;
  • Analysis of the activities of the organization during activities in practice.

Ultimately, a report on practice should definitely be written. Those. The result of the practice is always expressed in the text document where knowledge gained by the student will be reflected and actually the student has learned as a result of the practice of the enterprise. How long to study the student contributed to professional growth and whether he can independently on enterprises for a given specialization.

The most common practice of the practice is implemented in the student's immersion in real conditions, familiar to people who have already completed training, but unusual for a typical never working student. Well, accordingly, to write "Beautiful" i.e. An understandable report will have to fully taste all the features of the company's activity, which regulatory framework relies the features of the organizational structure and document management.

We'll have to describe what a student was engaged in the process of passing practice, and even if it was not possible to take it anywhere, then it would have to first do that it could be hypothetically and it is all competently described.

How to start writing a practice report (production, pre-diploma)

Write a report on the practice is not at all difficult. It is important to know where to start. And the beginning is very simple - you need to take a task for practice in the educational institution, to obtain guidelines and it is desirable to spit, unless of course there is an opportunity as reports in your university wrote.

The techniques usually live on the departments or in fellow students who have already managed to simulate. In this superval, there will be all the requirements for what to write and how to designate.

The basis for the preparation of the practice report will be a plan (content). In the plan will be displayed all the questions and tasks that should be disclosed by the student. The plan usually includes from 3 to 5 basic points.

A good, high-quality report, which, usually like teachers, includes not only bare water, but also analysts, any virtual recommendations in the relationship of business processes in the enterprise. Of course, you can not attend and all invent, hardly anyone who will check your visit to practice. But if you do everything right, at least you need to visit the place of passage of pre-diploma or manufacturing practice and see what and how.

Consider the case when practicing you pass this true, i.e. We decided to take it seriously and thought - let him come in handy. At first, everyone has to have to face, but just as much as it is necessary - and it is not necessary to describe each step in production. It is better to still approach the practice manager and clarify what information is better to save for the report, and what can be superfluous.

As soon as you have all the necessary information, the company and at least the organizational form, the organizational structure, which is reporting and analyst - can be recycled and learning.

After completing the study of the information available about the company, you can safely begin to make the report database. Scatter the whole text in logical chapters and slowly bring your report to a readable structural form.

The status of the practice report may difference, but there is always a structural and usual format to all by analogy with any publication. Preamble Ambula and conclusion. Or a scientific-clotting sequence. Those. Standards for structuring information to which everyone is accustomed.

Structure of the Practice and Content Report

Usually in a type university not "Harvard" the structure of the practice report looks like this:

  1. Title page, . Typically, the title page indicates such information: the name of the educational institution and the specialty, the topic and type of practice report, the name and initials of the teacher who verifies the report and the student, performing it, the name of the group in which the student is learned, the name of the enterprise, which is held practical classes , the city in which the educational institution and the year of writing a report on practice is.
  2. Report plan (content) with all chapters and subsections.
  3. The introduction in which the goals and objectives of the passage of practical exercises are indicated. They are usually already given in methodical recommendations to writing a report. In addition, the introduction indicates the intended result of the practice of practice.
  4. Main part. This section must be divided into theoretical and practical part. In addition, the theoretical part should be divided into sections, and practical - as the educational institution is discrepressed. All calculations are made in this part, the activities of the enterprise are described, all the necessary information about the organizational structure is described, the analysis and comparative characteristics are negotiated.
  5. Conclusion is perhaps the main section of the practice report. The conclusion includes all the conclusions made by the student during the passage of practical training. There is also an assessment of its own work, and attached efforts are evaluated. In addition, in conclusion, it is necessary to give recommendations on the improvement of the professional activity of the enterprise.
  6. Applications - not always, but sometimes there are particularly subworn teachers forgive something to attach. If the report was written in the accounting area, then apply the balance sheets of the enterprise, and so depending on the specialization.

Different types of practice reports in writing can have some differences But usually insignificant.

Types and types of practice reports

Learning practice report

As we have already written a training practice is not particularly difficult and can not be expected that there should be a deep analytics and the deployed practical part ..

In general, if you say in a simple way in educational practice, you just need to pour a lot of water and any "bla bla bla" about the process and place of practice. No detail of how it takes place in the enterprise is not necessary. In conducting writing that we are working to curriculum in order to consolidate knowledge and study the subject area in practice, well, and plus about the very place of development. In conclusion, we set out that the practitioners passed and the knowledge was consolidated.

Industrial Practice Report - Main differences

Production practice - What is conceptual differences? Yes, in fact, it is no longer different before in the USSR, this name was applied to almost all reports as almost students of the time were held at the production. WITH WTO, the concept is rarely applied and the design of such a report is not different from the typical one.

The main thing is to do that the production practice is still designed for independent work And your own thoughts of travelers, hence at least the report should be present your ideas and evaluation judgments of the place of passage.

Report on pre-diploma practice - accents and nurses

Pre-diploma practice is not just some kind of writing this is a possible foundation for your graduation project. Usually the form of thesis can be based on information and analytics prepared as part of the report on pre-diploma practice. However, in order for the report further, the diploma should be based on that the topic corresponds to that. For example, practice was passed in accounting, the report included elements of accounting in the enterprise, but the topic of the diploma should also have a relation to this.

Oyuda so helpful advice! When you already have the topic of your graduation project, write a report within this topic. Start writing a diploma and two chapters of this work handy as a report.

Also before writing a report Look for samples (examples) on this site we have a lot of free reports and there is something to download. Well, if it is already completely incomprehensible or there is no desire to be used - it is easier to order!

For each type of report, certain documents should be attached. This is a compulsory rule for each educational institution. The role of documents usually advocate the practice diary, characteristic from the place of practice and an explanatory note.

How to prepare an explanatory note to the practice report

In essence, an explanatory note is a reduced, trained by the practice, the presentation of the practice report. The note is usually described by step-by-step workbudni student and general practices.

An explanatory note is rarely threatened and only in the most free universities. All the same, the report is not a diploma project and it is not entirely clear what exactly else to explain as part of the written report.

But if it is required, the explanatory note is usually written on one sheet and include summary Report, Some terms and orders that are found in the report.

Almost always requires a description of the practice report

Characteristic to the practice report is asked to provide from the place of practice. Characteristic is usually needed only to the report on pre-diploma or industrial practice

In the characteristics, your head of practice exceptionally describes your useless time in the moment of practice. And usually the less you dangled under the legs on the challenge the better you will write the characteristic. But the text about what you are most likely you will most likely be asked to submit yourself who will then sign the head of practice.

To be honest, no one reads in the educational institution at least because most of them are practicing practices on the enterprises in acquaintance and there will write anything but no one has canceled this bureaucracy.

Very important - diary about the passage of practice

Without a diary, the report will not be accurate. In the diary, as a rule, a student's practice is taken into account. The diary form is provided in the university technique or suggest to write in an arbitrary form.

In order to understand what is a report on production practice in 2018, it should be initially characterized by the human practices itself. Today, experts define it as one of the special types of practice, which allows you to demonstrate how a student can apply the knowledge gained directly in its practical activity. The production practice is obliged to pass absolutely every student, and the direction of preparation does not have any influence: here include students at the Film Faculty, as well as those who are focused on further employment in the industrial field.

If the student can not find the place where he plans to pass his production practice and get a characteristic from the institution, the organization of industrial practice has the right to engage in an educational institution. The leadership of the university is negotiating with the organization on the adoption of a student, as well as about the organization for it, those activities that are more consistent with its preparation.

As a rule, the production practice is carried out free of charge, and as a result, the student is obliged to provide a report on the practice of the day, where step by step describes its work throughout its production practice, and receives the evaluation of the management of the enterprise or organization for the work done. Many confuse the lack of payment for real labor, but during the practice of practice, the student must realize what he receives much more. First of all, it is his practical experience that cannot be appreciated. Work in real labor conditions, communication with leadership and employees, acquaintance with new people - all this in the future can play a big role in the life of the student. Often, after graduating from a higher educational institution, students become employees of organizations and enterprises, on the basis of which manufactured practice was carried out.

To date, two main ways of organizing and conducting production practices are distinguished:

    Stationary production practice;

    Exit production practice.

Stationary production practice implies that its organization is carried out at the departments educational organizationswho have the necessary powers, as well as generally have personnel and scientific and teaching potential. Exit production practices are carried out directly at enterprises and organizations under the guidance of directors or responsible representatives of the institution.

The peculiarity of production practice is that it is mainly an introductory character, and also precedes the next stage - the pre-diploma student practice. The production practice also opens up opportunities for a student in a more thorough definition of the topic of thesis, as well as its relevance. Therefore, attention should be focused on all stages of organizing practical practice, since its significance in the work of the student is invaluable.

Registration of a report on industrial practice

The passage of production practices is carried out in accordance with the program, which is approved in the higher educational institution. In the process of practice, the student must resolve the tasks that are delivered to him, as well as submit a report on the passage of production practices. In this part of the article we describe the requirements for registration of a production practice report, we will tell you how to make and fill out a report on the passage of production practices, we will demonstrate the plan of the production practice report, as well as in general, offer an example that will be a visual example of a report on the passage of production practice in the enterprise.

But for a start, we clarify that the basis of the practice is still an individual student-student plan. To compile an individual plan, the student must be guided by the goal of its production practice, and what result is oriented in its activities. Objectives can be as follows:

    Familiarize yourself with the regulatory documents that regulate the activities of the organization in which the student's production practice is undergoing;

    Acquaintance directly with the activities that the organization carries out, and which is enshrined as responsibilities for student-travelers;

    The use of already obtained theoretical knowledge in practical activity in the passage of production practices.

After the student completes the practice, he is obliged to arrange a brief report on practice. The form of a production practice report is governed by the highest educational institution, which sends a student to the implementation of this type of activity. The report on average is from 15 to 20 pages. To comply with the structure and do not miss all the important parts of the production practice report, below we will present you an example of writing a production practice report.

An example of the content of the production practice report

This sample of the student practice report is more advanced because it includes more in-depth study. structural elements Organizations, as well as literature used for a production practice report. In fact, as we pointed out a little higher, a production practice report is usually limited to 20 pages, and must include several component elements:

    Introduction is the actualization of practice, the presentation of the student himself, the time of practice, the name of the organization, information on the leadership, as well as on the head of practice by the highest educational institution;

    The general part is, as a rule, in the production practice report, presented with detailed information on the organization's activities. The student uses the literature (regulatory acts, the Codex, enshrined in the organization) in order to describe the direction of activity in more detail and to actualize why it can be important for its further scientific and practical research;

    Special part - here the student more in-depth explains what the activities of a specifically of the department in which he passes its production practice;

    Conclusion - the student writes the main conclusions on the practice passed, and also allocates recommendations for the organization itself and explains that he would like to change, add, remove or simply cancel when practicing practices in this organization;

    List of sources used - regulatory and legal documents that regulate the activities of a particular enterprise can be included in the references on industrial practice.

Also in production practice report may include applications. For example, these are graphics and tables, schemes and charts that demonstrate special values \u200b\u200bfor the enterprise, as well as statistical data that brought the student himself when passing through its work practice.

Sample Filling Report on Industrial Practice

So, the conclusion of an agreement on production practice should be started with the introduction in which the trainee indicates the purpose of the passage of this practice, as well as a number of fundamental tasks that it must resolve according to the results of industrial practice. In addition, in the introductory part, the object and the subject of the study, which in any case will be carried out by the student in the process of passing this form of practice are indicated.

Touching the main part of the production practice report, it is important to actualize the main activities of the enterprise, based on the organizational, financial and economic specificity. Also, the structure of the organization, the conditions in which the main activities are being implemented are revealed. The student is deepened in the description of key areas, which in one degree or another distinguish this organization from all others.

To demonstrate its interest in the implementation of production practices, the student is recommended to know the foundation date of the organization, the history of its development, philosophy and, of course, the main managers and co-founders. These knowledge reflected in the report will demonstrate that a student with professionalism approached not only to mechanical work (writing a production practice report in accordance with the general cliché), but also deepened in more organizational and historically significant moments that may not have at the initial consideration No practical value.

In each report on production practice there is a special part in which the specificity of the area of \u200b\u200bactivity of the department in which the practitioner is busy at the time of practice, and where he carries out its activities. The work was carried out in order to identify the basic problem, to actualize them and find more effective ways to resolve them. Also, the practice of a student reflects the specificity of the activity on the specialty profile, which was chosen by the student to an in-depth study.

For example, for a lawyer in a production practice report, it is necessary to reflect features and ability to write a lawsuit in court, as well as a review on it, which fully complies with the professional profile of the training of a specialist. If we are talking about a student who is studying on an economist, here in his duties in the process of registration of a production practice report enters financial planning of income and expenses of the organization and a separate department in which a student is practiced. Of course, all activities are under strict control of the leadership, as well as from the head of the department or responsible, which will then prepare a feedback on the activities of the student and will give him an appropriate assessment for the activities carried out.

In conclusion, the student must submit conclusions in generalized form, which were obtained by him in the process of writing work. The report must be submitted along with another package of documents, each of which is certified by the organization in which the student passed the workforum. As an application, add those documents and materials with which the student has worked - profiles, forms, recipes, samples and other documentation, which is the main turnover in the company, which has taken the student-trainee. As for the basic requirements, they, as a rule, are imposed only to the design of documentation for industrial practice, the remainder the student has the right to provide everything that meets its activities.

The final part of the production practice report is a conclusion. It reflects the conclusions, comprehensive recommendations for the further work of the organization as a whole and the department in which the student passed the practice. Also, the conclusion should reflect the results corresponding to the goals and objectives mentioned in the introductory part of the report. This will create a more holistic and visual picture of how the student's activity was carried out, and if he could fully implement it or not. This also depends on the assessment that will be raised according to the results of working practice in the enterprise. In conclusion, it is extremely important to take into account the logic of presentation, formulate consistent conclusions, express its point of view with respect to the organization, work in it.

Industrial Practice Report: Best Performance Services

Today, many students are faced with difficulties in writing and designing a production practice report at the enterprise. This is due to quite high and serious requirements, as well as the fact that sometimes the student lacks time for this part of the work. In this case, it is worth seeking help from specialists in various services and portals. One of the most effective today is service 2dip.. sU.where experts will promptly answer any questions you are interested in. In addition, on the site you can find a large number of useful information on the design of the report, its main parts, as well as on the design of other types of work - abstracts, coursework and thesis.

In any university, in the process of learning, students need to undergo practice in order to consolidate the theoretical knowledge and obtaining practical skills of work. For the entire period of study, there are familiarization (training), and pre-diploma practices. The end of the practice requires the writing of a report, which is accompanied by a diary and characteristic from the place of practice. To write a report on practice yourself, you need to know the features of each type of practice.

Educational or informational practice It becomes the first test for students. It takes on 1 or 2nd year. The goal is to consolidate the general theoretical knowledge obtained in the process of study, as well as obtaining general views on the selected specialty. During the practice, students make it possible to familiarize themselves with the work of the enterprise by reading lectures and holding excursions, as well as to see the work of the staff of the specialization chosen by you.

Internship It takes 3-4 courses and is the next step in the development of the profession. Practors make it possible to explore the work of the enterprise from the inside under the supervision of the curator, explore and analyze the documentation, collect materials.

Undergraduate practice It is the final stage of learning. Based on the information received at the enterprise, it will be necessary. The report on pre-diploma practice is often the second head of the diploma and is an analysis of the work of the enterprise.

The report on the work of the enterprise must comply with the requirements of the program of the practice of your university (see also :), as a rule, it contains:

- calendar plan;

- diary;

- Characteristic from the place of practice

- Introduction;

- the main part;

- conclusion;

- bibliography;

- Applications

Title page It is drawn up according to a pattern of methodical instructions. The title page contains data on the name of the university, the type of practice (educational, introductory, production, pre-diploma), the topic of practices, specialty, student, head, place and year of writing.

Sample title leaf

Calendar plan It is drawn up in the form of a table, contains data on the form, timing and place of work executable in the enterprise. Sometimes enters the diary.

Example of the Calendar Plan of Practice Report

Diary practice - similar to the calendar plan. The diary is the main document, along with the report on which the student is reported on the implementation of the Practice Program.

The traveler notes every day what he did or studied today. Makes up everything in the form of a table.

An example of filling in diary practice

Characteristic From the place of passage of production, educational or thesis practices should reflect data on knowledge, skills and skills of travelers. On the level of his vocational training, personal qualities, as well as work and instructions that the student performed during a visit to the enterprise. And, of course, the recommended assessment.

The student's characteristic should receive from his head and attach to the report. But in practice, the head shifts this duty at the student.

Sample characteristic from the place of practice

Sample Practice Report

Introduction Contains:

  • information about the place of practice;
  • its goals and objectives that are specified in the guidelines;
  • object and subject of research;
  • assessing the current state of the topic under study;
  • may contain intended results of practice.

An example of administration

Main part divided by chapters. Contains theoretical and practical parts. The practical part describes the structure and activities of the enterprise. Analysis is carried out. Positive and negative sides are revealed in the work of an enterprise or institution. All calculations, graphs and tables are given.

Conclusion Written based on the material studied. Contains the answers to the task set in the introduction. Includes all conclusions obtained in the main part. You can include an assessment of your own work and provide recommendations to improve the activities of the enterprise.

Sample Practice Report

Bibliography Contains all sources used when writing work, including those specified in. According to guidelines or GOST. It can include the names of documents received from the enterprise, as well as regulatory literature, Internet sources.

Applications Include any data that can be referred to when writing work in the text of work. It may be reporting, organizational structure of the enterprise, extracts from legislation, questionnaires, drawings, schemes, tables. All documents that you have found in the enterprise and who were useful for writing reporting work.

To write a report on practice on its own very interesting and informative. But if you have any difficulties with writing or you did not work out to go through the practice in the enterprise, you can always seek help from our specialists and get a qualified advice.

Now we invite you to make out an example of a production practice report. More precisely, our task will be as follows:

  • explain what is the practice report;
  • consider its views;
  • tell me where to get started;
  • clarify the example of the structure;
  • explain how the diary is filled.

Practice Report is an integral part of the student's work that helps the teacher understand whether a student understands in this area, what is his professional skills.

Where to begin

Practice is held three times in all the time of study (training, production and pre-diploma). With each of the species we will get further closer. Examples of industrial practice reports or pre-diploma, which are posted on free review, do not always comply with the standards and norms of the university, where students are trained. It is for this reason that it is necessary to make this work independently, which will further facilitate work with the diploma project.

And manufacturing, and pre-diploma practice begins with the fact that the methodological materials need to be taken on the release department, which are necessary for the correct and competent writing of the report. These materials contain the following information:

  • tasks;
  • goals;
  • recommendations for registration;
  • plan of practice (that is, the tasks that are set in front of the student during the practice of practice, but not more than four).

Start your work with the study of the obtained methodological materials. Explore the theoretical part of the question, then go to the collection of information about the activities of the enterprise (Practice Base). Production and pre-diploma practice implies a collection of information on the activities of the enterprise, the analysis of the data obtained and the proposal to improve activities.


Educational institution has the right to put forward its special requirements for the structure of reports in practice. If these are not, then stick to the standard form:

  • title page;
  • content;
  • introduction;
  • main part;
  • conclusion;
  • applications.

Please note that during the passage it is necessary to fill in a diary of production practices or pre-diploma. If the base of production and pre-diploma practice is one enterprise, then the information in the diary should not be very different. Pay attention also to the fact that reports on different types of practice are insignificant, but differ from each other. Now we'll talk about this little more.


Total students take place during training three types of practice. The similarities and differences between them can be judged by examining the table of this section.

Type of practice


This is the easiest type of practice that does not imply the introduction of a student into a working environment. As a rule, these are group classes, where you need to study theoretical material and perform some practical tasks. The report structure is the same as described above.


Next, we will consider an example of a production practice report, where each item will be described in detail. Please note that the student is already immersed in the working environment. The obligatory task that is placed in front of the student is his own recommendation for improving the enterprise.


This is the final stage. Part of this material can be placed directly into your thesis. During the passage of practice, you must decide on the topic of your diploma project and, when writing, do focus on this direction.

Any practice report should contain documents to which include: practice diary, student characteristics, explanatory note.

Explanatory note

As mentioned earlier, an explanatory note is one of the necessary documents. What is it? In this document, the student must very briefly, but it is clear to paint its actions during the passage of practice. No one will be a brief certificate of this enterprise

The section provides a note from the example of an industrial practice report. Please note that reading a note, the teacher should not doubt that you really wrote this report.


In the process of passing practice, your manager can give some tasks to help him find out what kind of specialist you are. Please note that it is responsible for work responsibly, because, relying on these results, the head of practice from the enterprise will write a characteristic. Your leader, relying on all documents submitted to him, will raise an assessment on the outcome of the work.

The better the characteristic, the higher the assessment you will receive on the protection of the practice report.

Filling a diary

The diary of industrial practice or pre-diploma is an important part of the work. This document is filled with an independently student and carries information about the daily stages of practice. This also includes and individual taskswhich can be received by a student from the head (from the enterprise or university).

The form of the document is obligatory to students. The diary is filled quite easily: just write everything you did at this enterprise. For example: "04/20/2017 / Study of regulatory documents. 04/21/2017 / Work in the program" A ", familiarity with the rules of reporting and so on." Please note that the diary needs to print and sign up your curator from the course of practice.

Example of the Plan and a brief description of the Practice Report

Now we will briefly consider an example of a production practice report at the enterprise LLC "A". To begin with, we make a title page according to the requirements of your educational institution. Next is the table of contents:

  • Introduction (goals, tasks used in the work of documents and regulations, description of the steps of work).
  • The main part (as a rule, these are two parts: theoretical and practical). Theoretical - organization description, practical - analysis of collected analytical information, calculations, proposals for improving work.
  • Conclusion (in this section it is necessary to summarize the work done, describe the knowledge and skills obtained during it).

We draw your attention to the fact that all work is written in a business style. An example of a production practice report plan can be seen in the picture in this section.