Focuses with matches and their secrets to watch. Tricks with matches. Secrets of simple focus with matches. Repeat every move

For focus you will need a table knife and match boxes. Take the matchbox so that one of its narrow side faces is from below.

Slide the knife from the side of the side from above the side as if it cuts the boxes from above to its center, and start moving the knife, as the arrow shows. In fact, the boxes should not slide through the table knife, but it turns out.

Focus secret: Table knife - the most common. The cunning device has a matchbox. First, the boxes filled with matches, has a rectangular recess near the narrow side facet, half the length of the matchbox, and this excavation is removed from the sulfur heads of matches in the box.

Secondly, the chatter case has a slot, which includes a knife. The slot this stretches from the center of a narrow top side of the case of the case.

This focus looks particularly effectively if it is demonstrated in a fairly fast pace.

Plot through the nail - top down - matchbox filled with matches. After that, calmly put forward half the boxes on both sides of the case. It will easily slide on the case, despite the fact that this is hampered by a nail!

In the box with matches, there is a long slot in the thickness of the nail, which just makes it possible to slide the box along the vertically inserted nail.

The nail itself does not move, as it is fixed through the through holes of the case. It will not be visible to the audience and a secret slot when the boxes are extended from the case, as it is from the inside will be covered with matches that fill boxes.

Turn the match box with the back. In the center of the cover, make two holes are close to each other. Through these holes, connect both parts of the box with a rubber band and, stretching it, tie the ring.

Open boxes. Keep it in hand, slightly squeezing the edges. If you now let go of the boxes, then under the action of the gum, he will close. You can open it from the opposite side and repeat the focus. You can even throw outdoor boxes on the table - it will also close.


Keep closed match box with left hand in vertical position. Close to it right open palm and slowly lift the index finger up. Obeying the movement of the index finger, the drawers with matches will be extended from the case.

The secret of the focus: when preparing, you need to remove the boxes with matches from the case, and the case is covered with the usual round rubber band. After that, the drawers with matches should again be pulled into the case, simultaneously rushing into it and tensioning gum.

After doing this, you need to hardly hold the case in your hand, pressing the striking crawling finger. And demonstrating the focus, slightly loosen the pressure. Then it turns out that the very effect that the box is put forward due to the action of your finger.

Show the ruler, at one end of which are three holes located along the central line line, and insert the match to the lowest hole.

The lines - and the audience see that the match was already in the middle hole. New wave - and match moved again to the lowest hole.

The focus secret: three holes drilled on each side of the line. But the end-to-end of them is only one (it is in the drawing shaded). The remaining two are drilled deep, but not through.

Spectators think that all three holes are through. On the other side, too, three holes and also through only one (in the figure it is also shaded).

If you compare the location of the holes on both sides of the line, then one will turn out to be through a hole at the bottom, and on the other in the center. It is necessary to quickly turn the lineup with the other side rather quickly, the audience really seems that the match led from the lower hole in the middle.

Four - three

Put four matches on the table in a row. Then ask the viewer, without removing any matches, make it so that there are three matches.

Not knowing the secret, no one can do this. And you just lay out four matches the number "3".

Instead of matches

Operate the matchbox. It is filled with matches. Slit boxes box back to the case. When you open it again, coins will be sprinkled on the table.

The focus secret is enclosed in the box. On both sides, the same labels are pasted on it. The box itself is separated by a partition into two parts, and also has partitions from above and below half the length box.

They serve so that when displaying matches, the coins did not fall from the bottom, and when the coins show, matches were filled. Before focus, one compartment is filled with matches, and the other is small coins. In the focus of the boxes is unnoticed.

You will need to be prepared by properly match boxes. Scroll to make the slot in one of the cores of the box box, as shown in the figure. That's all cooking.

Focus itself is very simple. You show match boxes. Open it and put a coin into it. You shake the boxes, and the viewer hears the coin moving inside.

Then you stretch the boxes to someone from the audience and ask for it. Having done this, the viewer is usually surprised, finding that instead of one coin in the box there is another.

The secret of focus: how it is done, shown in the picture. When you put the first coin in the boxes, she slipping through the gap and falls into your hand.

You immediately close the boxes and shake it so that the viewer heard how the coin rattles inside. In fact, this thunderstorms the second coin, which, as you see in the figure, was previously clamped between the edge of the drawer box and its lid. When the boxes closes, the coin falls inside.

The secret of the focus consists in accuracy of movements and agility of the hands. In the palm of your hand, in which you kept empty boxes, was hidden from the audience metal "chocolate". In this empty boxes with another hand, a needle was introduced with a thread.

Having pulled out and postponing a needle with a thread aside, push the boxes from the case into the palm with a "chocolate".

As soon as the metal plate falls into the box, turn the palm with the drawer up. Remove it from the palm and show the audience with a "chocolate" from it, in which they will not find any hole, through which a needle could pass with a thread.

Spectators will be very surprised, as they thought that the metal plate was in a matchbox from the beginning to the end of the demonstration.

Matches and tricks are impossible? You're wrong! Fabulous illusions can be performed using items that are available at each kitchen.

And you do not need to spend a lot of time on training. All Finds are so simple that even the most clumsy person will cope with them.

Magic match

Spectators will be amazed by the fact that the main attribute of the focus broke

Would you like to master the tricks on the matches? Start with simple.

In your hands there must be a matchbox, buy which can be in any grocery store:

  • It is necessary to get a match and set fire to it.
  • Take the "invisible thread" and make magic movements. Like a real thread, turn the wand and drag sharply for it.
  • This is an incredible magic, because the main attribute of the presentation broke. Guests will be amazed. It seems that this simply cannot be.

Secret Finta Pretty simple. For its execution, it should repeat each stage with particular attention:

  1. Light a wand. She should fire for 2/3.
  2. Carefully clamp it between the index and thumbs.
  3. To the short-reaching end should be substituted with the nail of the middle finger.
  4. Next you need to carry out magic movements with the "invisible thread."
  5. When you pull the thread sharply, dramatically swipe the middle finger with the other hand on the tip of the attribute.
  6. With successful execution, it will break.

Think that others will notice how you break the wand? You're wrong! Magic thread wreathing motions will attract people to the top of your main focus element. No one will look at the bottom.

Adult public can quickly paint the secret of such an illusion. Seeing an amazing idea, never recognize the secret and will consider you the best wizard showing a fabulous show.

Unusual boxes

Focuses with levitation always admired the public

Show the public focus with a matchbox, which is magical way.

  • Take the box and put it in a hand brush. She must lie on the outside.
  • Take a few magical words. Text you can come up with yourself.
  • Guests will see how little things start to take off. The rising and descending attribute will impress everyone without exceptions.

Would you like to master such skill? Illusion does not require any special devices. In order for it to work out, several light steps should be performed:

  1. Take boxes in a special way. It should be turned it so that when opening it is turned to hand.
  2. Next, unnoticed it, hook a little skin of the brush hand and close. Your skin should be inside a small box.
  3. During the lowering of the thumb, the skin of the hand is stretched and raises boxes. When lifting, you can observe the reverse process - it is lowered.

noteAccording to the rules, the attribute should be placed at the level of the thumb. But this is optional. It can be at any place convenient for you.

Illusion requires careful work hours. You should not go to the audience until you are confident in the ideality of execution. During work, remember that the public should not see the movements of the big one. Otherwise, everyone will understand what is the secret. The remaining fingers should be fixed.

5 exciting focus with matches Look in the video:

Magic box

One empty match box and several extraordinary movements - such a show will like even adults. Take an empty box and put it on the left palm. It must lie down the picture down.

Suggest the magic spell and everyone surrounding will see how early prepared attributes rises on their own.

It is difficult to believe in such miracles, but the audience does not have a choice, because it is impossible to notice any trick.

How to fulfill such an illusion? Very simple!

  • Put the box on the palm.
  • Gently slide the little boxes, cover some skin and close it.
  • Are you ready to surprise friends? Straighten your fingers! The thing will stand.
  • The trick does not require special skills. It is enough to pay learning for a while. As soon as you spend the movement and you can quickly execute Fint, you can safely go to the public.

Perfect balancing

Balancing match box stands in one row with levitation for the interest of the public

Little boxes that balance and do not fall. Viewers will consider you talented and professional. To prepare for the presentation, it is enough to pay the training one evening. The next day you will become an experienced magician who owns an incredible dexterity.

Want to execute Fint? Explore the following items:

  • Take one boxes and pull out the box. Click on the top boxes in such a way that it goes slightly in the bottom. Thanks to the simple action, you move all the boxes to other boxes. They can be as much as you wish.
  • Now all attributes keep the top. The magician can perform any actions. Balancing items will never fall.

The show can be shown to the public of various age categories.

You can take three, five and even ten boxes. It all depends exclusively from your desires and skills. Interesting Fint will like young children, and students, and even parents.

Unknown fire

Focuses with matches attract people of all ages. The magician goes on the stage and tries to light the usual match, which is in every home. But how is he trying to light all familiar subject?

The public will seem to make the trick impossible. But this is focus

The illusionist is going to set fire to her sole of his shoe. Holding the thing in his right hand, he chirks and chirks. And unfortunately, unsuccessfully. Public in tension. After a matter of time, a burning match appears in his left hand. All people are in bewilderment.

It seems that it is simply impossible to implement such a trick. How to make tricks with matches that are more reminded by this fabulous magic? Want to master the new magic finge?

Repeat each movement:

  • Prepare two matches. One will be in your left hand, and the other is right.
  • The second (secret) must be temporarily hidden. Place it in a jacket lining.
  • If you do not want to prepare your things for focus, you can leave a wand in a secret pocket.
  • It is important that her head spoke a little from the pocket. So you can easily reach the hidden attribute of illusion.

For successful execution, the show will need.

But it should be not the jewelry that you used to see on the counters in stores. The ring must be glued from the matchbox.

Cool tricks with matches. See this video:

To do this, cut a plate with gray and glue it in the form of a ring:

  • Early prepared accessory is put on the middle finger of the left hand. It is important that the audiences do not see it. That is why keep your left hand extremely gently.

Do not want the secret to reveal? Just stand up to the public right side.

  • During unsuccessful attempts to set fire to the prepared attributes in the right hand, about the sole of shoes, you will have to show dexterity and skill. Left hand pull a secret wand from the jacket.
  • Hold it follows with big and index fingers.
  • You are unnoticed from the audience, turn the head about the ring, burn it and demonstrate to the audience.

It is considered truly difficult. It is important to pay time for training. For bright and successful execution, it is necessary that the left hand is as captive as possible. As soon as you are confident in every action, you can safely go to the public and surprise friends!

Cheerful dancing

Not only people can dance. Several workouts, and dance will start a match!

Do you think only people can dance? You're wrong! Focuses from matches will allow salt for special skills.

You can arrange a magic disco. For Finta, two or wands will be useful, as well as your desire to master new knowledge.

Perform the task much easier than you think. For this:

  1. Take one prepared attribute and tightly hook between large and index fingers. The middle of the sticks should be strongly pressed against the nail of the middle finger. At the same time, the palm directed up.
  2. The second attribute placed on the top of the first. Gently hold the upper hand.
    Pusk the first thing up the nail. The feeling will be created that your heroes show dance. It looks interesting and unusual.

The fabulous trick will like children. They will be delighted with the dancing of small sticks. Young spectators will think that they are really. Is it bad to believe in miracles?

Focuses with matches and their secrets help to cheer the public without costs and efforts. Examine the light tricks and delight your loved ones on holidays, for dinner and just without reasons!

Well be able to do focuses! To become a good magician, you need to study physics, chemistry and other sciences. Without knowing the laws of these sciences, you will not come up with a good focus. Focus with matches The laws of nature and patterns that are used by the magicians are used. We will get acquainted with some light focus and try to make them yourself.

Ignition of matches

You will need: burnt match.

Announce the audience that you can set fire to the burnt match. Initially, offer to any viewer to do this focus, get out of the box a match, burn it, then put out and pass the viewer. Of course, he will not succeed. Now, take the burnt match from the ashtray yourself, say any magic words and in front of the amazed public, make it about the boxes, burn the match.

Ignition of burnt matches - the secret of the focus.

Of course, the match was prepared in advance. Put a slightly leg near the head and fidgeted this part with black ink. From the auditorium will seem to seem that the match is burnt. Put it in a box with matches or ashtray, remember its location and play the audience.

Miracle match

You will need: 2 matches, 1 handkerchief.

You ask the spectators a match and say that they mark her. After that, take a handkerchief and wrap in it a marked match. After that, ask someone from the audience to break it. The viewer, nothing to suspect, breaks the match. You then turn the handkerchief, and ... the miracle match turns out to be a whole!

Secret focus.

The trick is that in the handkerchief in the edges, in the corner under the binder, you hide another match. But you should put a handkerchief on the table so that the hidden match is at the bottom of the left, in the bottom binder. Then you fold the handkerchief as follows: the upper edge turn to the middle, and impose right on it. Just this match you give to break the audience or break it yourself. Everyone thinks that a marked match breaks.

Focus with matches and coins

You will need: coin, 2 matches, boxes of matches.

Slightly open the boxes, two matches connect the heads to each other and alone stuck in the boxes, you feel another to the cover by putting a coin under it. The task of the focus is to remove the coin from the matches, without touching it. Google matches. When they store and ground, the coin can easily be delivered.

Secret focus.

When both matches are burned, then the one is tilted and rests on the coin, slightly raise, the slot is formed, the coin slip into it. To make such a focus for the audience, it is necessary to practice.

Focus with layout of matches

This focus can be shown anywhere, even in nature. Special props do not need: or a box of matches, or simple sticks, short, but all the same length. All viewers can be attributed to solving these tasks:

The essence of this focus task is that you are laying out of sticks or matches geometric shapes and ask the audience how to make others from these figures, only shifting or removing matches or wands, and show them yourself.

Magic wand and matches

You will need: saucer with water, wand, matches, soap, a piece of sugar.

Fill the saucer on three quarters with water. Take matches, break them into small pieces and put into the water. Take a wand, touch one of it with the end of the water, and the pieces of matches will approach it. Touch the other end of the wand of the water, and the pieces of matches will disperse from the stick.

Secret focus.

Grease one end of the stick with soap in advance, to another end to attach a piece of sugar. To soap pieces of matches are attracted, and the sugar is repelled.

Matches and handkerchief

You will need: boxes of matches, small handkerchiefs.

Show boxes full of matches, viewers. In the eyes of the audience, pour all matches and put in empty boards. Close the boxes and open again. Spectators should see that the boxes are full, in it again matches. So that the audience believes that matches are real, you can even light one of them.

Secret focus.

Pre-shoot on the back side of the lid exactly the same label. Stick on the back of the box one row of matches, but so that two matches can be removed. When you, demonstrating the focus, pour out the match box and put the handkerchiefs into it, then unnoticed from the audience to turn the boxes. And since on both sides of his cover, the label, when you re-open boxes, the audience see one row of pasted matches, but they have a feeling that matches fill the boxes.

Unusual boxes of matches - simple focus

You will need: homemade boxes that look like boxes from under matches.

Show viewers of the boxes of matches. Slide it from the cover half. Then, turning it down the downside, go back). It should seem on the other side of the lid, but again up the hole, despite the fact that you turned it over.

Secret focus.

Boxes must be cut in advance on two identical parts and connect, turning one bottom, the other - the bottom down. It is necessary to glue them with a scotch or fine paper. No matter how much the boxes turn over the boxes, it will always be a hole up.

Simple tricks with matches

This is, of course, very simple tricks, and with matches there are many interesting puzzles. The main thing is that for these tasks you need to have ordinary boxes of matches and the surface on which all this can be decomposed.

Focus question.

How to make three matches from ten matches?

Answer. You need to put five matches and add five matches to them, so that the word "three" is.

Focus question.

How from 9 matches to get a hundred? If you first have 4 matches and is allowed to add another 5?

Answer. The first four matches lay out the presenter, the remaining 5 matches are laid out perpendicularly, turning matches in the letters of the word "hundred"

Focus with a house of matches

How does the nif-nif-nif piglets of 11 matches rotate the other side by adding 2 matches?

The answer to this riddle with matches look in the figure.

After you learned how to do focuses with paper Try to learn

To become a good magician, it is not necessary to know the magic spells, learn mastery over long years of life or sign a contract with otherworldly. The dexterity in this matter also does not always occupy the first place - it is enough to be observant, to have an idea of \u200b\u200belementary laws and to struggle inexperienced observers with their ability to create "wonders."

How focuses were born

The story of focus has many centuries. They originated in Europe in the seventeenth century and were held exclusively in order to entertain the audience and earn a little on this incitement. Primitive manipulations were not conducted with volumetric subjects. Usually details were coins, maps and other small details. To strengthen the effect of spectacle and distract the attention of the spectators, Leskach pronounced the magical words "Focus Pokus", and then the audience was charming even the most primitive actions with the details. However, not to all the magicians people treated themselves positively, since the communion to magic in the Middle Ages was punishable by the gallows or burning on the fire.

Introducing in the history of focus, we note that their first mention is associated with ancient Egypt and Babylon - it's thousands of years ago BC! The ancient priests were hit by their tricks, guided by the brilliant knowledge of physics, mathematics and astronomy, so the witch version of the origin of foci disappears immediately.

Evolution of the phenomenon

Soon the illusionists came to replace ordinary magicians. The concept of illusion refers, rather, the process of charming, rather than the deception of the viewer, so minor items were used more and more often used: bright light, fire and sparks. The era of the development of illusionists belongs to the seventeenth century and is associated with the name of Jean-Ezhen Robert-Udean.

Focuses in the nineteenth century became more spectacular, when human life was threatened. Reolvers and other cold weapons were sent to the magician, and its charming assistants during a certain time were to get out of the aquarium with water. The twentieth century is truly considered an apogee of the development of focus, but after World War II, passions gradually began to subside. However, it is often in the Kabaks a few hundred years ago and still destructs surprise the public with simple tricks. Focus with matches does not require complex details. Following the movement of the magician's hand, the viewer controls all movements and eliminates any fraud.

Focus with matches - simplicity or genius?

The origin of match focus can be correlated not earlier than the nineteenth century, since the first match was invented only in 1805 by the French chemist Jacqueshel. However, previously similar focuses could be made with wooden metal chopsticks. Carefully watching the movements of the hands of the master, you can guess yourself, with matches. The whole charm of the trick lies in simplicity and accessibility, and today any such feeder will sweep the company, and there are many boxes in your pocket.

Classics of the genre

Focus with match and forks is classic, but it is necessary to carry it out only in the room. It is enough to know the elementary laws of physics, and the focus is ready! Completely simple details will be required: fork, spoon and match. A spoon with a fork must be connected and fixed, inserting a match between the tilks of the fork. This design will be equilibrium on any surface.

Baby fun

No less relevant are with matches. They differ simplicity, but some of them can not even disassemble adults, losing child thinking. You can offer a child to build a house from eleven matches and turn it on the right left, after performing the action with only two matches. Another equally difficult task will push the child to reflections. Ten matches are given and the condition is to get three of them. Cleaning children immediately guesses and put out the word "three", spending two matches on the first letter, on the second - five, and on the last one - three. Thus, the condition was fulfilled, and at the same time it was not necessary to hide the matches somewhere to get "three".

Playing with fire

The greatest impression always produces focus with matches that fulfill their main purpose - burning. Such manipulations require preliminary preparation and compliance with safety.

In the public, for a larger effect, the hat puts on a hat and special clothes, which will embellish the appearance, and at the same time will serve as a great cache for props. Imagine the spectacle: You keep the match in your right hand, ignite it once about the sole of shoes, the second, but without results. And here in the left hand there is a lit match ... impressive, right?

Play such a miracle is easy. Two matches will be required for focus: the first must be attempting to light up the sole of the shoes, and the second, secret, will be under the lining of the trick, and its head should look at the magician to see it and get it at any time. The most mysterious props - ring, which is pre-glued to glue from the sulfur strip from the matchbox. So far, the right hand will try to light a match about the sole, on the opposite, it will be wearing a ring on the middle finger. Moreover, the left hand must be constantly hidden somewhere in the Thrake and be an invisible viewer. Initially, the right hand will work, so you need to turn to the viewer with the right side. Now the climax of focus: at the same time, with the right left hand pulls out the match from the cache, holding it with a big and index finger. One hand move about the ring, and the match is lit! This ingenious focus with matches will be interesting for both large and small public.

Matches and mathematics

Some matches can be completely primitive, but that the trick becomes more complex, interesting and exciting, appeared with matches, for the implementation of which there is not so much hand dexterity as good incistent, and sometimes a good rumor.

For holding two: a stranger and a magician. The magician asks the participant to get the boxes, which may contain any number of matches, recalculate their number (not voicing this number) and take away the number of matches to which the amount of the numbers of this number is equal. After that, the magician takes a box with matches, for a few seconds it shakes and with accuracy calls the number of remaining matches.

How did it happen? It is enough to remember on 9 of the mathematics of the initial classes: the difference between the number and amount of its numbers is always divided into 9 without a residue. It can be concluded that in the box will remain 9, 18, 27, 36 or 45 matches. It is worth practicing a little, and their number will be able to unmistakably determine the rumor. This is the entire secret of focus with matches.

Mind, dexterity of the hands, no deception!

Illusionists, magicians and magicians - people are extremely talented, but absolutely everyone will be able to learn Azam any focus. All theory was worked out with centuries, only equipment, feed and details are improved. Belief in miracles makes life more beautiful, but if each person continued to blindly believe and observe, the society would be unusted.

The sophisticated viewers are trying to solve the most incredible miracle, and then show him already in a circle of loved ones and friends. Salt the focus, watching the rapid and dexterous movements of the illusionist, almost impossible. Imagine some ideas in reality is also not implemented.

Do not constantly cling to the most difficult thing: pay attention to simple tricks with matches. Training will not seem difficult in this area, and it is not necessary to attend sessions to at least become a sorceress. Surely simple tricks described in the article, interested you, and you can even spend the first experiment now. Currently, such primitive magic has become affordable, so why not take advantage of the chance and not start surprising?

Put empty match boxes on the table and offer you to push him away from the audience from the audience. This, of course, will be fulfilled without difficulty. Then offer to make the opposite effect: the same dunge to make the boxes approach the "revenge" viewer. At the same time put ahead head to blow on the boxes behind, it is not allowed.

Almost many guess how to do it. Some will try to shift the boxes, pulling into themselves the air, but, of course, it will be unsuccessfully.

Focus secret: Put the hand with an edge behind the box. Start blowing your hand. The jet of air, reflected by the hand, will hit the front wall of the box and will send it in your direction. Focus is manifested what is called, without fail. It is only necessary to do it on a fairly smooth table (you can and not polished), but, of course, not covered with a tablecloth.

"What will make with an empty matchbox, - ask the audience, - if you hit your fist with a swift?" Almost all of them will say that the boxes will break. You are completely different: the boxes will fool.

In proof, do this as follows. Place both parts of an empty box - one to another. For this construction and offer to strike sharply and detribably fist. What happens will surprise them: both parts will scatter on the parties.

The secret of the focus: the matchbox is very spring, and it saves it: it bends, but it does not break.

For this focus it is better to have empty match boxes. Put it on the left palm label down. The mysterious manner rises and gets up vertically on the palm.

The secret of the focus: when you put on the palm of the boxes, you imperceptibly put forward the boxes and grated some skin between the box and the lid. Close the boxes. It is worth straightening your fingers - and the boxes will rise.

Focus with two matches

Break the match anywhere to the upper part of the hang. It straightened by itself.

The secret of the focus: the sharp razor of the match is cut neatly in half, but the match of the match does not cut, and its base is made a cut.

And in the top, and at the bottom of the middle the insertion is made. For this purpose, you can use the old, written by the rod from the ballpoint handle.

In the groove of the lower part, the thin line is stacked, from the front end of which knots are tied. A drop of glue is dripping on it, and it takes time to dry well.

The same glue later neatly thin tassel is applied to the edges, and both parts are connected. After drying on the protruding outward the lower end of the fishing line is made nodules.

Several such matches lie in the box along with other (ordinary) matches, but the heads to the other side so that they can be easily recognized. Opening the boxes from the right side, take the squeak from it, masking its lower end. Taking a match with big and index fingers for this bottom end, grab the line of the fishing line between medium and unnamed fingers. Throw a match with a free hand, for example in the middle.

Further, holding a match in front of me and imperceptibly pulling the fishing line with medium and unnamed fingers, make it "magic" way to straighten. You can break the match in different places and keep at different angles.

Regardless of the choice

Put two matches on the table at a distance of approximately 15 cm from each other. Show that both your palms are empty, and then turn both hands with palms down and cover with these palms both matches.

After that, turn your hands with palms up and again cover them both matches. With the right hand, take the match located on your right, and perfectly open it on my palm of the left hand, which at the same time heal. At this point, you pushed the first match between the big and index fingers of the right hand.

When your left hand rises to show the second match lying on the table, the right hand takes this second match, and the palm of his right hand is compressed again into the fist. Then you dive to the squeezed hands on the sides and ask someone from the audience to one of your hands.

If he chooses an empty left hand, then tell me: "Very good, now I will put this hand on my knee." Do it and then open the palm of the right hand, showing both matches. If the viewer chooses the hand in which both matches, just unzip the fist and show him both matches.


Focus with a box of matches

Place the match on the edge of the matchbox. Demonstrating the "strength of thought", make this match slowly slide with the box until finally it falls.

The focus secret: the whole thing in the "wet" match. Before you show the focus, lower the match with the bottom end (about 1 cm length) into a glass with water and hold it there for 30-40 seconds. Then remove the match and your fingers are laughing at her dryness.

Putting such a match on the edge of the box, slightly push it so that it balanced the box on the edge (with the slightest movement it can fall), still being in equilibrium.

After some time, the moisture from the "wet" matches will completely evaporate, and it slowly, but it will be correct to move forward and falls. If you are all prepared and done correctly, you can convince the audience that the reason for everything is the concentration of your will and incredible abilities. It is better to show it in a warm, dry room.


This focus requires preliminary preparations. You need to take a match and a blade gently split it along two halves. The same blade needs to be cut in the groove match, in which the usual sewing needle is put.

Then the match must be glued again so that it looks completely ordinary. It is possible to wind it with a thread while glue will dry so that the gluing is more durable.

The secret of focus: The meaning of these preparations is that now you can make this match and throw in the water. She, like an arrow of the compass, will indicate one way.

Vertically floating matches

If the pin to cut off the head and stick it to the edge to the end of the match, then such a match will swim in the water vertically, as if standing.

There is no other viewers of such matches, so no one except you can make matches swim in such an unusual way.