How to enroll in graduate school: Features, Rules of receipt and recommendations. Admission to graduate school: what you need to know the future scientists pluses graduate school

So, before answering the question of how to enroll in graduate school, let's at first think about it, why do it. After all, not all graduate students after training defend diplomas. Moreover, the statistical leads inexorable facts: only one of the six graduate students protects the thesis immediately. Many receive a candidate degree over the next three to five years. But there are those who graduate from graduate studies, and did not have acquired.

For some, the sin to hone, the unnecessary three years of study is the opportunity not to serve in the army or delay the time to determine the future job. Someone is just used to learn and wants to get even more knowledge. Someone needs to keep the place in the metropolitan hostel.

But if you really dream of a scientific career, you are planted by research and writing scientific articles, then you should think seriously where to enroll in graduate school so that the training brought maximum benefit and pleasure.

Requirements tightened

To date, the form of training in graduate school has changed for the better. For better learning, some tightening methods were taken. For example, the Higher School gradually abolishes the investment process. Representatives of higher education believe that such a type of training does not quite respond to the modern requirements of science. Also, the correspondence form of training in graduate school as not sufficiently effective is gradually eliminated.

Who can become a graduate student?

How to enroll in graduate school? First you must have a complete higher education. In graduate school, young people take up to 35 years old. At the same time, you can submit documents immediately after the end of the university, or spent on an enterprise or in an institution at least two years on the specialty received.

If you do immediately after the university, then to your application is attached to the statement of the protocol of the scientific council of that university, where you defended the diploma. If there is no such discharge, you can confine the recommendations of your department.

In graduate school, documents and graduates of foreign universities can be submitted. For this, they only need to provide a notarized certificate that the education obtained meets the requirements of the Admission Commission.

Required documents

Is it difficult to enroll in graduate school? If there are solid knowledge and persistent confidence in their own, this is a fairly easy process. The main thing is to collect the document you need to receive.

In addition to recommendation or discharge of the Scientist Council, you will also need to provide an abstract on the selected specialty, which should contain a review of the supervisor. Instead, the abstract can be provided with their scientific works if they are and published.

Also, you will require:

  • A copy of your diploma about higher vocational education.
  • A copy of the diploma liner.
  • If you do not immediately, but after work in the enterprise, you must prepare a personal sheet from the personnel department.
  • For workers will need a characteristic from the place of work.
  • Three photos 3 x 4 and one photo of 4 x 5.
  • Topic and justification of dissertation.

In addition, you must pass the autobiography and medical certificate of the established sample.

After checking all the documents, if any questions do not arise, you will be admitted to the exams.

Simplified requirements

Is it possible to enroll in graduate school without exams? Yes, such an opportunity is provided to some candidates and is called this form by applicant. You must be attached to a specific scientific institution or organization. In this case, you can prepare your dissertation without training in graduate school.

Know a foreign and be a philosopher

When entering the graduate school, you will need to pass exams for some subjects. This is a story, philosophy, a foreign language and a specialized subject on specialization. It should be noted that the philosophy for the postgraduate student is quite voluminous and complex, so look in advance on the site of the university you chose, what questions you can expect. It happens that the list of topics on this subject is much wider than you studied it in our university.

The same applies to other disciplines.

Question price

And one more question is very interested in future graduate students - cash. Do I need to pay for your training?

Here a lot depends on the number of vacancies in a particular university. For example, to enroll in graduate school in Moscow, free of charge is quite problematic, because Moscow universities have a high rating, and wishing to defend themselves in the capital of Russia much more than in the province.

Pay attention to this fact and calculate your material capabilities. On average, the cost of studying in graduate schools of Moscow today fluctuates within 70-80 thousand rubles per year. The amount is considerable.

Taking into account the fact that many universities today refuse the correspondence form of training, at which it was possible to work, think about whether you will pull three years of study? Will the material forces? It will be hurt to interrupt training in the middle or at the very end of the process only because the money ended.

Huge pressure

Do not think that the graduate student is a person who is all in science, and his only goal is to defend the thesis. Any graduate student, especially if it is studying on a day form, there is a lot of commitments. These are visiting classes, and participation in scientific conferences and colloquiums, and pedagogical load: you can oblige seminars from students.

In addition, during training, each graduate student must prepare and publish a certain amount of scientific work.

And even periodically handed over to your teacher reports on the work done. And do not forget about the most important thing - to gradually prepare your main essay: the dissertation!

Why study for another three years?

Of course, any person who builds his future with the prospect before answering the question of how to enroll in graduate school, should understand that new knowledge and a degree will make his career more interesting.

If you have skills to teaching activities, then, of course, you need to protect the scientific degree and go on to know much more of our students and students.

For many specialists, especially the technical profile, the presence of a degree is very important in career advancement. In some large companies, especially related to science, technology, production, it is difficult to take a high management position without a protected dissertation.

These moments are the main motive for entering postgraduate studies.

But do not forget also that any science should have practical application in our lives. So try to be the theme of your future thesis was not just interesting, but also benefited ordinary consumers. How to enroll in graduate school? Easier simple, if there is a goal and a huge desire!

Ends academic year at universities. Graduates plan career, someone already found workplaceSome want to relax a little, but there are those who want to continue their studies. Students who do not want to leave their native walls, are interested in the question: how to enroll in graduate school and do science? Most of the universities of the country and abroad provide this opportunity to almost everyone.

What is graduate school?

System higher education Built in such a way that it gives predominantly practical knowledge. Students during training are studying a number of applied and several theoretical disciplines that should prepare them for work in production. Graduates wishing to engage in theoretical studies are interested in the question of how to enroll in graduate school and is it necessary for scientific work?

Postgraduate studies are aimed at theoretical training of future scientists and teachers. The main activity is to prepare new personnel for research centers, laboratories and institutions. Answering the question "Is it possible to enroll in graduate school to then do science, or should I first work at work?" - Do not find a unambiguous answer. Each graduate decides himself.

New Rules for admission and graduate studies

In connection with changes in legislation, some nuances of learning after a diploma have changed. Modern graduates may get confused on the question: "How can I go to graduate school?" Since the beginning of the entrance to the Bologna innovation, all areas of higher education touched.

Since 2014, changes in postgraduate education have come into force. Now graduate school is recognized as the third step of higher education. It is necessary to prepare scientific and pedagogical personnel. At the end of graduates, a diploma is awarded a diploma with the title "Pedagogue-Nedela" and is given the right to relevant activities.

The features of admission have changed. From now on, the university itself determines the number and maintenance of entrance tests. Essay or article on the selected specialty and the oral exam on it remain unchanged.

Now graduate students have a credit book, like students. They provide a special training program and intermediate standings and exams. The main goal of studies in graduate school remain unchanged - the defense of the candidate dissertation followed by the assignment of the title of Candidate of Science.

How to become a graduate student?

If a student is asked how to enroll in graduate school, first of all, he should find out the features of admission in a particular university. For those who studied in the Bologna system, in order to qualify for the third step, it is necessary to go through the first two: undergraduate and magistracy. Only after that, documents will be adopted in graduate school. For those who have learned on a specialty, this formation is enough.

Typically, graduates of magistracy are already offering further lateration in graduate school. You can continue the topic of research or to engage in completely new developments. But in any case, the support of the supervisor and the released department should be enlisted.

Documentary support for admission to graduate school

Finding out the answer to the question of how to enroll in graduate school, it is necessary to make a decision and start collecting documents. They will be very different from those that were needed when taking the undergraduate.

List of documents for graduate studies:

  • a copy of the master's or specialty diploma with the liner;
  • if there was a change in the name - necessarily the availability of confirming documents;
  • characteristic from the place of work or from the released department;
  • topic and substantiation of scientific work approved by the head;
  • autobiography;
  • medical certificate;
  • certificate of lack of criminal record, since all graduate students undergo pedagogical practice;
  • essay on the topic of research, or a list of published scientific articles.

Some universities may require additional documents related to learning, work or health. This may be due to features. scientific activity.

Forms of study in graduate school

Most universities provide three main forms of graduate studies:

  1. Day - similar to the student. Postgraduates attend classes almost daily, very often meet with the supervisor, are actively involved in the public life of the university.
  2. Abnole - with such a form of training, graduate students attend classes of session, most often once or twice a month, but also participate in public life. Often simultaneously with studies are engaged in pedagogical activities.
  3. Forcedation is the most free of formation forms in graduate school. She choose those who have long graduated from studying and for any reason decided to get scientific degree. Most often is organized on a contractual basis.

For most forms there are different payment options. But if you are wondering how to enroll in graduate school on the budget, then choose day learning. It is for him that the largest amount of free seats stands out.

Where to enroll in graduate school - is it worth choosing a prestigious university?

Before graduate graduates, there is often a question, aspiration of which university to choose? It is clear that educational and scientific institutions are not equivalent and their influence and prestige in the scientific world differs. However, is it worth it when you choose to rely only on these characteristics?

The final solution to the issue depends on further plans. If there is a hot desire to engage in theoretical research work, you should choose a graduate school with an appropriate base. Applied institutions are ideal for this purpose. If the goal is a managerial or political career, then the educational institution is not so important as successfully protected thesis. And for pedagogical work, it is easiest to choose a native university.

Modern graduate school - is it worth it?

It is believed that modern science discredited itself, and young people do not want to do it. However, annual competitions in graduate school talk about the opposite. But the paradox is that from the received successfully defended the dissertation about half. The next scientific career is even less practiced - about one of ten graduate students.

Such statistics are associated with a number of undeniable factors, among which the following are particularly distinguished:

  • lack of due motivation;
  • desire just to stretch time;
  • for men - reluctance to go to the army;
  • lack of support from the head and scientific community;
  • low income at the initial stage;
  • the need to continue learning, while peers make a successful career.

In order to make a brilliant scientific career, you need to make a lot of effort, spend a lot of time and even personal funds. So every graduate graduate before answering the question about how to enroll in graduate school, should clearly understand why in fact he goes to learn the third step.

Career former graduate student

Graduate Studies Career Options:

  • pedagogical activities at the university;
  • further scientific work with the protection of the doctoral dissertation;
  • administrative career at the university;
  • political career;
  • work in senior positions;
  • work in research centers of the country and abroad.

What kind of career you did not choose, remember - science is interesting!

The admission to the graduate school should be preceded by a clear awareness that graduate school is the form of postgraduate education intended for the formation of the composition (teaching, scientific) for the exercise of work in higher educational (scientific) establishments.

Each applicant should critically evaluate its own inclinations, responding to the question associated with the feasibility of admission to graduate school and readiness to stay for several years as a graduate student.

How to receive a graduate school

According to the 125th Federal Law of December 13, 2011, which regulates relations in the field of higher and postgraduate vocational education, a person who has a higher vocational education and training in graduate school, at the same time prepare the dissertation for the degree of candidate of science at the same time.

Thus, citizens of the Russian Federation with higher education can act in graduate school.

Reception is carried out on a competitive basis. For applicants who want to enter the full-time education of graduate school, there are age restrictions - up to 35 years. For the correspondence form of training, this term will be large for five years, i.e. up to 40 years.

What requirements are installed for budget admission

The budgetary form of training involves the existence of two admission capabilities:

  • immediately after graduating from the highest educational institution and receive a diploma;
  • after purchasing practical work experience related to the election specialty profile.

For each of the two features, additional requirements are installed. In the first case, this is the presence of creative results in research and recommendations for the receipt submitted by the scientific council (department) of the institution. The latter can be placed both in the graduate school of the university itself, where the student's training was trained and such another higher educational institution in accordance with the profile of the scientific research performed.

As for the work experience, he must cover at least two years of work on the specialty profile. The general period of training is from the 3rd (full-time) up to 4 years (correspondence form).

What documents are needed

Admission to the entrance examinations for budget education can be obtained by persons who comply with the above requirements and submitted an application for admission to graduate school.

The application includes copies and originals of the following documents:

  • a diploma, indicating about receiving vocational education, plus annexes to it (copies);
  • autobiography;
  • recommendations (characteristics) from the place of work or an extract made from the minutes of the meeting of the Academic Council of the Institute for those persons who will be recommended to graduate school immediately after the completion of the training;

  • labor book and personal sheet (pursuit accounting) issued at the place of employment (copies in the presence of documents);
  • medical certificate;
  • certificate confirming candidate exams - in the presence of;
  • a list of scientific works that were previously published in the specialty - if available;
  • abstract on the subject associated with the intended study, plus the review of the supervisor;
  • two standard photos 3x4.

Graduates of foreign universities, including citizens of the CIS member states, additionally provide a diploma transfer and its notarized copy; A copy of the equivalence certificate established for the document of a foreign state on the formation of such a Russian Federation.

The admission to admission exams is made by the Admission Commission after considering the documents submitted and the study of the Department of Abstract (published works).

What entrance exams take to the budget

All applicants for free education in graduate school must pass competitive entrance exams for testing knowledge on special discipline; foreign language (required when performing dissertation research); History of science / philosophy.

More details with entrance exams and exam tickets can be found on the official websites of selected universities. With successful surrender of candidate examinations in foreign language and philosophy, applicants can be exempt from relevant entrance exams in graduate school.

The decision related to the admission to the graduate school to the budget is adopted by the admission committee, taking into account the number of space and, of course, the results of entrance exams.

Challengers who were allowed to join the postgraduate studies are provided with a duration of one month. This saves the average wage at the main place of work.

Simplified requirements or applicants

Without exams in graduate school, those contenders are attached to any scientific institution (organization). In this case, the preparation of the dissertation does not require training in graduate school. This form of learning is called applicant.

Receipt on a contractual basis

Paid training in graduate school assumes the passage of the interview or the surrender of entrance exams. Advanced information on contractual form of training, including its cost, you can find on universities portals. In Moscow, this amount today can reach 70 thousand rubles per year.

The question of how to enroll in graduate school is usually relevant for graduates of universities who received a diploma of higher education (with a middle score of at least 4.5) and the qualifications of a specialist or master. Enrolled in graduate school mainly those who seek scientific activities and teaching in high school. A full-time learning form is designed for three years, correspondence on four.

Conditions for admission to graduate school

If there is a diploma of higher education, a person has the right to enroll in graduate school. The easiest studies will be given to those who have the experience of student scientific work and the protection of the graduation project. When approbation of a diploma (writing articles on research, speeches with scientific reports at conferences), the necessary skills are purchased for future postgraduate scientific activities.

The path of graduate student is not easy! Protect your dissertation immediately after graduation, it is possible to defend the most persistent and hardworking.

For many, admission to graduate school does not end with successful protection after the course of the three years of study, and is stretched almost five years. According to statistics, only one of five graduate students is protected within the framework of the deadlines established by the plan. Therefore, along with a relevant issue, how to enroll in graduate school, you need to wonder how to protect the dissertation on time.

Responsibilities of graduate student

Attention!The dissertation protection is not the only task that the graduate student must perform.

The duties of graduate student comes in:

  • everyday visiting classes;
  • writing a certain number of scientific articles on its research;
  • performances at scientific conferences and seminars;
  • consultations from the supervisor.

In the third year, training is provided internshipIn which the postgraduate student must hold classes in student audiences. At the end of each semester at a meeting of the profiling department in the presence of all members of the department and the supervisor, a graduate student is certified with the reception of his report on the work done.

With all this it is impossible to forget about the main goal - writing dissertation work, because It is the result of three years of study.

After successful defense, the dissertant is assigned a scientific degree of candidate of science. If you did not change my mind - then you can prepare a package of documents.

Documents for graduate studies

So, we have an apprentice with good basic training, confident in your abilities and aimed at a scientific career.

It's important to know! What documents need to be prepared for admission to graduate school.

List of documents Next:

  • a request for adoption of graduate school;
  • autobiography;
  • certified copy of a higher education diploma;
  • certified copy of the liner to the diploma;
  • certified copy of the employment record (if any);
  • characteristic from the place of work (for working);
  • photo 3x4 (3 pcs.);
  • medical certificate of the established sample;
  • substantiation of the relevance of dissertation work;
  • abstract within the framework of the specialty;
  • a list of scientific work at the signature of the scientific officer;

Entry examinations in graduate school

After receiving documents, the applicant must pass three exams: in the specialty, philosophy and foreign language. Good possession english language It will help the future graduate student to independently draw up annotations to their scientific publications, will allow reading the new literature by the language of the original.

On issues for exams should be worried in advance to have enough time for high-quality training.

The examination program can be handled by the graduate student's methodology or download from the University's website, where you come. The examination committee usually consists of three teachers and secretaries, two questions are offered in the ticket. After passing the entrance exams will remain patiently waiting for results. Enrollment is carried out under the condition if the applicant performed everything you need for admission to graduate school. Do not be upset if the competition is not traveled: you can try again in a year or arrange a contract. Use all the features.

How to enroll in graduate school on the budget

The budget form of training is carried out on a competitive basis, according to filed documents and rating points scored on entrance exams. The higher the rating, the greater the chances to go to the budget.

The budget form of training may be qualified by masters, who have just graduated university, and teachers with experience in the specialty of at least two or three years.

We are talking about a full-time learning form with a separation from the place of work. The correspondence form of training most often implies a contract form for learning without separation from the service site.

Is it possible to enroll in graduate school after undergraduate

You should not ask the question, as after the undergraduate, enroll in graduate school and replenish the ranks of graduate students. According to the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education", paragraph 4, Article 69 Bachelor There is no such possibility for today.

After the undergraduate, you first need to take the university bench again and merge to the Master's diploma.

The magistracy acquires basic research skills, which will be a good help for writing a candidate study.

How to enroll in graduate school without exams

No exams provide forces. Forcedation is designed for three years. For the applicant, work on the dissertation comes in self-education and self-preparation, with periodic consultations from the supervisor. But at the same time it will be necessary to attach separately to pass the candidate exams externally.

How will the rules for admission to graduate school this year? In which universities scholarships graduate students of 45 thousand rubles per month? Will there be the defense of the candidate mandatory? The chairman of the Higher Attestation Commission of the Russian Federation, the rector RUDN Vladimir Philippov, tells about this.

Vladimir Mikhailovich, will it come to postgraduate studies?

Vladimir Philippov:No, not easier. But the receipt becomes more objective and transparent. In addition, universities are given more independence. They may determine the list of entrance exams, the estimation scale, the minimum number of points that gives the right to participate in the competition. It is very important that now for different specialties is given the right to carry out separate entrance tests and hold a competition for each direction. We will accrue additional points for patents, publications, because for a person who goes into science is not only evaluation, but also scientific achievements. Although there is one "but". New rules are unified for the reception of citizens of Russia, and when adding foreigners there may be difficulties. In some countries, the academic year ends in February. And if we cannot accept graduate students earlier, they will go to universities in other countries. Even graduate students with directions to budget places come to us up to October - November. Almost 3,000 people study in PRUN in graduate school and ordainture, and for us it is the most important question.

So, universities have the right to conduct exams as groups form. And even a diploma can be brought after submission of the application. Someone can come and pass exams in March, and someone in August?

Vladimir Philippov: If groups and studies have been collected for them from 10 or 15 September, make a separate schedule for foreigners and start their classes in November or December I can not. So, after 10 or 15 of September, it is impossible to accept foreigners. Even if they come by quota. At the same time, no one can take their places. How to be? It is necessary to register that universities who are allocated quota for foreigners may themselves determine the timing and stages of introductory testing in graduate school.

24.3 thousand seats allocated on the budget for graduate students, orders and assistants

True, that in Rudn there are graduate students who have a scholarship of 40 thousand rubles a month?

Vladimir Philippov: Not 40, and 45 thousand. This is called full day graduatement. In the past semester, 23 people studied in such graduate school, since February we took another 22. By October 1, after the next year, I think 100 people will receive our scholarship of 45 thousand rubles, plus another 5-6 thousand rubles - state scholarships. In full day graduate school we are selected by the competition. A person from 9 to 18 hours works at the Department, in the laboratory, and not looking for a part-time job. We pay an increased scholarship at the expense of extrabudgetary funds RUDN, including those that have received under the program to improve the competitiveness of universities 5-100. It seems to me that it is necessary to enable all universities to increase the support of graduate students. I understand that it is not always possible to find additional funds within universities within the framework of money on science. Therefore, one of the options - it is necessary to reduce the number of postgraduate seats and sharply raise the scholarship.

Maybe at the same time make mandatory protection of the candidate thesis?

Vladimir Philippov: The average performance of work in graduate school is only 25-30%. I as the chairman of the WAK I believe that the main task of graduate school is preparing the dissertation. Moreover, already as the rector of Rudn I want to say that as soon as the defense of the dissertation became optional in graduate school, and such information diverges very quickly, some foreign students thought: why go to Russia to graduate school, if neither the supervisor nor the department will not focus on Defending the thesis?

In full day postgraduate study from 9 am to 6 pm, get a scholarship of 45 thousand

How many specialties are graduate students from abroad?

Vladimir Philippov:First of all, it is mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, biotechnology. We have a good dissertation in the field of medical sciences. Graduate studies in the field of technical sciences are very appreciated. Sometimes they ask me what to do so that the Russian candidate of science in the field of mathematics is equivalent to the Western PhD? Nothing! The level of the absolute majority of our candidate dissertations on physical and mathematical sciences is much higher. Moreover, we are sometimes requested to recognize the documents of other countries to the level of the doctor of science, and the WAK often refuses. We say that the dissertation is suitable only for the candidate. Another thing is that we had inconsistencies with Western doctoral studies (for phd degree) in the number of exams for graduate students. But now this formal repayment is removed. In graduate school, according to the new rules, there will be not three, but many exams.

Is there interest to humanitarian specialties? Economy, for example, maybe the interest of foreigners?

Vladimir Philippov:Our economic dissertations should be built not on theoretical conclusions, but on mathematical analysis, attracting mathematical methods. If the economy is based on the exact sciences, it will become useful for practice. So far, our economy dissertations solve mainly intraolesky local problems.

In Russia, interest in mathematics falls. Two on the exam in mathematics - almost 8 percent. Who to gain graduate students of economists?

Vladimir Philippov:And nevertheless within Ege Mathematics Mandatory for all. And future humanities, and future doctors take this subject. Another thing is that higher education in Russia has become massive. Forty years ago, 20-30 percent of graduates came to universities. Now - 70-80 percent. Here and takes place. In the conditions of mass higher education, the task of the university is to create opportunities for those who can and want to learn. And such guys did not become less. Today, students have a lot of opportunities. The time when the teachers chewed the material and brought him to the keyboard, passed. Now you have to learn yourself. Especially in the magistracy and graduate school. This is how all Western universities work. But not all of our teachers are ready to rebuild and work in a new way. For decades, they are accustomed to what to read a full course of lectures, and then spend the exam. But why, in person, to read agronomas, engineers, philologists in the "History of Russia" in the traditional "Talking Head" format when you can offer an interesting multimedia course available for all students on one hyperlink? This year, we have involved in such a work about 600 teachers from 1800. Already 2800 students enjoy our telecommunications and information system, which we call "TUDN RUDN". It is designed to ensure that the training disciplines are decorated in an affordable multimedia format so that the homework system is built using IT-solutions so that teachers work more actively with responses in electronic form. The new system stimulates work and students, but at the first stage, much more requires rebuilding to teachers themselves.