Candidate exams. On graduate school, applicant and candidate minima I will buy a candidate minimum of philosophy

According to the provision on the preparation of scientific and pedagogical and scientific personnel in the system of postgraduate vocational education in Russian FederationThe surrender of the candidate exams is necessary for the receipt of the scientific degree of the candidate of science and for those of the teaching degree of the Doctor of Science, which do not have a scientific degree of a candidate of science.

So the surrender of the candidate exams - or the candidate minimum is important in any case.

Why do you need a candidate minimum?

The candidate minimum allows you to determine how much person is ready for independent research work. This is one of the most important stages, which reflects all the essential stages of training in graduate school.

Opinion expert

In case of certification, each stage from this plan is included in the assessment of the department, and therefore, without a candidate minimum, it is impossible to qualify for successful certification in principle.

Nina Kuznetsova

Project expert

What disciplines give minimum?

There are three main disciplines for which candidate exams are surrendered. It:

  • foreign language;
  • history and philosophy of science;
  • special discipline.

The first two exams can be passed while learning in the magistracy. Then the graduate student may not attend classes according to these disciplines (of course, in the case of successful exams).

Opinion expert

The decision to visit or pass classes on the specified disciplines is then optional and is accepted at the discretion of the graduate student.

Nina Kuznetsova

Project expert

When the applicant is allowed for these exams?

There are several conditions that determine the admission of the applicant to the delivery of the listed exams:

  • To pass the candidate exam in a foreign language, it is necessary to pre-prepare an abstract on a pre-selected topic of the thesis in a foreign language.

Not everywhere. In many universities, admission to the exam is 300 thousand interpretation signs plus a written translation. All this must be issued according to a rigorous form and naturally at a certain time.

  • To pass the candidate exam on the history and philosophy of science, it is necessary to preliminarily prepare an essay on the history of the selected applicant in the industry of science - and get the credit on this abstract.
  • To pass the exam on a special discipline, it is necessary that in magazines from the WAK list, at least one article on the subject of the dissertation of the applicant (better at least two), as well as at least a pair of chapters directly the dissertation.

When each of the specified exams give up, a special certificate of this exam is issued to the applicant. When the last exam is given, the identity data is replaced with one, one, confirming the successful surrender of the candidate exams.

Important to remember!

If the university in which the graduate student is being carried out, cannot accept candidate exams - this does not cancel their surrender - simply changes the approach to it.

This university may apply for a graduate student to pass the candidate minimum in any other higher educational institution. Then the passage occurs in another university, but the results are still taken into account in the absolutely the same extent as if the surrender occurred directly in the "native" educational institution of the applicant.

Candidate minimum

candidate exams, in the USSR surrendered by graduate students and applicants to the scientific degree of candidate of science (see Candidate of Sciences) to obtain the right to defend the candidate thesis (see the Dissertation).

K. m. (In the amount established by the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education of the USSR) are carried out on dialectical and historical materialism, one of the foreign languages, special discipline, the volume of claims on which is determined in accordance with the topic of the dissertation of the Department (department, laboratory) of the university, Research institution. When defending the thesis on the topic that does not correspond to the main specialty, the applicant additionally passes the K. m. According to a common scientific discipline, in the field of which specializes. Preparation for candidate exams implies an independent study of the graduate student (applicant) of scientific literature and conduct scientific research. For the delivery of K. m. And the fulfillment of work on the dissertation graduate students of the signatures is provided with additional leave with salary preservation. Persons who surrendered K. m., Receive a certificate that gives the right to defend the thesis, enter the graduate school (see graduate school) without entrance exams, but is not a document on education. The deadlines for the delivery of K. M. And the actions of the certificate are not limited. The list of universities and research institutions that have the right to take KM is approved by the Ministry of the Higher and Secondary Special Education of the USSR. From K. m. Faces approved in the academic rank of associate professor are exempt. Higher Attestation Commission in exceptional cases, it frees partially or completely from the delivery of the K. m. Persons (mostly manufacturing workers), prepared thesis or having permission to protect instead of her published works, inventions and discoveries registered in the Affairs Committee and Opening at the Council of Ministers of the USSR, made as Individually, both collectively, as well as completed work on the creation of new machines, control systems, instruments, structures and technological processes, made individually and collectively.

M. N. Volkov, V. G. Panov.

Big soviet Encyclopedia. - M.: Soviet Encyclopedia. 1969-1978 .

Watch what is "candidate minimum" in other dictionaries:

    minimum - A, m. Minimum, it. Minimum lat. For the first time. like Mat. The term in Franz. Ross. The I. Tatishchev dictionary of 1816 (2, 301). 1. The smallest amount of which l.; The smallest value (counterpart. Maximum). Bass 1. His needs brought their needs almost ... ... Historical Dictionary of Gallicalism Russian Language

    SUB., M., Upatr. compared. Often morphology: (no) what? minimum what? minimum, (see) What? minimum than? minimum what? On a minimum 1. You use the word minimum to describe the smallest number, the value of what is either. My wife… … Dictionary Dmitrieva

    minimum - A, m. 1) only units. The smallest amount is the smallest value in a number of data. Minimum effort. Reduce costs to a minimum. Antonyms: Ma / Ksimum 2) (what or what) a set, a circle of knowledge, training items, mandatory for a specialist in ... ... Popular Dictionary of the Russian Language

    minimum -, a, m. 1. A set of activities, funds necessary for activities in what l. Areas. * Aggonomic minimum. Mas, vol. 2, 273. 2. A set of knowledge, educational items necessary for a specialist, as well as exams on this ... ... Explanatory Language Sovildie

    The smallest value. A full dictionary of foreign words included in Russian. Popov M., 1907. At least the smallest of a number of quantities; barometric m. The smallest testimony of the barometer for famous time; Similar value has ... ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

    1. A, husband. The minimum, the smallest number, the smallest value in a number of data; Antip. maximum. M. Costs. Costaful m. (Means necessary for existence in order to live, to maintain ability to work). 2. A, husband. ... ... Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

    - [Lat. minimum]. I. A; m. 1. The smallest number, the smallest value in a number of data (anti-copy: maximum). It requires m. Technique. 2. What or from the ODA. A combination of events, funds, knowledge, etc. necessary for activity in what ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    minimum - 1. (Lat. Minimum); but; m. 1) The smallest amount, the smallest value in a number of data (anti-counterpart: Ma / Ksimum) is required to work with M / Numum of technology. 2) What or from the ODA. A combination of events, money, knowledge, etc. necessary for activities in ... Dictionary of many expressions

    candidate - see the candidate; Aya, OE. Candida / Tska experience. Candida / Tska exam. To ala dissertation. Candida / Town minimum (exams surrendered by graduate students and applicants to the degree of candidate of science to obtain the right to defend the candidate thesis) ... Dictionary of many expressions

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What is the difference in graduate school and applicant? If there are some developments, to whom you can turn to appreciate and express wishes for the troubled material?

As training in graduate school, and the procedure implies the preparation of the candidate thesis. But, perhaps, this (from a formal point of view) is common between them and is limited.

IN aspirator The competitive (examination) basis are made by persons with higher professional education. Learning in graduate school is carried out in full-time (3 years) and correspondence (4 years) forms - on a free, budgetary and paid basis. The number of budget seats in graduate school is rigidly regulated. Nevertheless, in many institutions, the procedure for interviewing and commissioning entrance exams pass on both free and paid places. There is no single tariff system to pay for training in graduate school. Therefore, rates in different universities and research institutes may vary.

The age centers of admission to graduate school is currently not established. The postgraduate student is independently developed by an educational or scientific institution in which it functions, based on the current legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of education and regulatory legal acts of the Federal Education Organ.

It is essential that training in graduate school is officially recognized form of continuing education on the postgraduate level. As a form of postgraduate education, graduate studies are built in accordance with government educational standards, is conducted on a special curriculum and programs, and graduate students visit lectures, seminars, etc. Even in the summary in the column "Education" today is considered a "good tone" not only the compound university, but also the institution where he was trained in graduate school. True, no document on graduate school type is not issued. At your request, you can only issue a certificate with the guidance of the training and numbers of orders to enroll the graduate school and deductions from it. However, it usually does not occur in this: these deadlines and numbers are recorded in the employment record.

It is noteworthy that the dissertation itself does not apply to the competence of graduate school - this is already the dissertation council. Otherwise, in graduate school, the focus is on preparation of highly qualified specialist In turn, capable of prepare, and then protect the candidate dissertation. Subject to relevant requirements training in graduate school is considered completed and without a security defense. Although it is negotiated that the protection time is limited to studies in graduate school. This does not mean that otherwise you will not be able to defend you. You can simply lose some advantages that the graduate student possesses, for example, in the "common line". However, as a rule, the establishment goes to meet his former graduate student, while maintaining his former rights for him.

Mandatory requirement for graduate student - passing exams within candidate lows If they, of course, have not passed earlier. The candidate minimum includes exams on general scientific disciplines - philosophy and foreign language, as well as in the specialty. Persons who have surrendered fully or partially exams of the candidate minimum, when entering graduate school, are exempt from relevant entrance exams. Candidate minimum examination confirms a special certificate. Frequently asked Question: Does the limitations of their results? As for the exams on general scientific disciplines - everything is simple here. The results of the exams that were commissioned before July 1, 2005 are valid until January 1, 2009, the results, the exams that are commissioned after this date have no shelf life. In a word, in any case, you can live calmly at least two years. If, for example, now the university rectorate insists on the relocation of exams on these disciplines, boldly contact the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation - this is a violation. It is more difficult to deal with exams in the specialty. There are no uniform for all rules. The picture of the update and aging of knowledge in different disciplines - mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, psychology, physics, chemistry, biology, psychology, physics, physics, chemistry, biology, psychology, etc. Therefore, the question of "renob or not" is often solved by a specific university (research institutes) or even its division (faculty, Department, etc.).

Now - O. application. Applicants, like graduate students, are faces with higher professional education, obsessed with the helical idea to write and protect the PhD dissertation

Applicants are attached to an educational or scientific institution for the preparation and delivery of candidate exams, writing and defense of the thesis. The attachment time is not more than 5 years. Now the procedure seek to make a paid everywhere, although no general provisions, not to mention the "tariffs" for this, did not work with anyone. Well, every work should be paid. Nevertheless, this can be avoided. Imagine: You are creative, your topic is relevant and significantly, but you lack money to pay forcedation. Your future scientific director knows about it and sincerely wants to help you. But the university, where he works, made a provision on paid preparation of applicants. What to do? - Let me write a report on the name of the rector or dean, which will explain the situation and will voluntarily refuse to pay for your leadership to your work (from payment, and not from the leadership). Believe me: it does not feel the blow to the pocket due to the size of the surcharge for scientific guidance. And for you is a way out. At the very least, I did not do that.

There is a misconception that applicant is a kind of "surrogate form" of graduate school and that the supervisor pays for applicants to smaller attention than graduate students. According to the experience of his leadership and graduate students, and applicants can assure: it is completely wrong. For applicants, the supervisor devotes to itself no less (if not more) than graduate students, and the result of the contracting is often strengths and even more mature work than graduate studies (reason see below). The source of the mentioned misconception was apparently the fact that the "course" of the contracting is significantly freer and softer the "regime" of training in graduate school. Yes, and the requirements for applicant and applicants, especially, now, are very uncertain. The applicant, in contrast to the postgraduate, should not constantly "be in front of" (but after all, the correspondence graduate student - also should not), he should not take entrance exams, he should not attend lectures and seminars (although it has the right).

However, the fundamental difference of training in graduate school is not in this. (By the way, at the stage of protection of the thesis, the graduate student is also referred to as the "applicant".) If the first is predominantly a form of education, then the second is the form. professional improvement (professional qualifications, speaking by administrative language). People who already have certain horses for developing the topic, at least, are the idea of \u200b\u200bthe topic itself and the common paths of its development as part of the study. The daily graduate student to work is allocated for 3 years, the applicant is 5 years. Moreover, by graduate student one year goes to "pre-assembled training" - the study and reference of literature on the topic, visiting lectures and seminars, etc. And the applicant, in theory, should immediately begin the study, pushing out from the already studied, thoughtful and originally made personally. Therefore, when making a contracting, you may be asked to submit the topic of the thesis, its plan or prospectus. And it is legitimate. What is easier, and more difficult, - decide for yourself. And most importantly, everything is well weighing, determine who you see yourself: graduate student or applicant?

As for the assessment of your developments, it is best to address to the one who you yourself consider for yourself the most authoritative expert in this area.

Candidate exams - part of preparing for the protection of thesis. Their passage is governed by the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of March 28, 154 No. 247. The candidate minimum consists of three exams:

  • Special discipline

It is determined by the topic of the thesis. In accordance with it, the code and the name of the direction of preparation, cipher and the name of the scientific specialty and the name of the scientific industry are established. The nomenclature of scientific specialties approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of October 23.17 No. 1027.

  • History and philosophy of science

The graduate student should navigate the general and private problems of philosophy of science, as well as to know the history of the scientific development of the selected specialty.

The graduate student should own one of the following languages: English, German, French or Spanish. His knowledge should allow working in an invoice environment. The speech is evaluated, auditory perception (listening), letter and reading.

Who is allowed for the surcharge of candidate exams

To pass a candidate minimum can any person having higher education, with a diploma of a specialist or master.

Full-time graduate students usually take these exams for the second year of study. If the applicant does not study in graduate school, he can do it at any convenient time.

The condition of admission to the candidate exams is the attachment to an accredited organization and submitting all necessary documents.

Where to pass exams

According to special discipline, the exams are rented in an institution having graduate school at the selected direction. The same applies to cases when the applicant as a special discipline gives philosophy or foreign language.

The exam in a foreign language and history and philosophy of science for graduate students is also held on the basis of their institution. For applicants not learned in graduate school, it is necessary to attach to an organization that has the right to take such exams. The petition for the attachment for the commission of the candidate minimum is a facility on the basis of which the applicant is protected.

Such organizations should have independent philosophy or foreign languages. To receive a candidate minimum, they must have a special accreditation. All questions related to attachment and passing exams are usually easily solved with the help of a supervisor.

Candidate Examinations Procedure

After attaching to the desired organization, it is necessary to pass exams over the next six months. Usually they are held in spring and autumn. If the applicant has not passed the test, he will have to re-execute all the documents and reapplied to the scientific institution.

Any such exam accepts a commission consisting of a minimum of two people, one of which is a doctor of science for this specialty.

The preparation program is approved by the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of 10/08/07 No. 274. However, these are only typical questions, and each department can independently complement them, as well as choose the form of holding (tickets, interview, etc.). Therefore, it is necessary to find out a predetermined department in advance how exactly the exam is held, and take the necessary materials (tickets, questions, guidelines etc.).

List and features of the exams of the exams of the candidate minimum

The candidate minimum includes 3 exams:

Special discipline

Rent under a minimum program reflected in Order No. 274, and according to the program approved by a specific department. It may include both written tasks (tests, essay) and an interview in free form and / or on tickets.

History and philosophy of science

For three sections: Common problems of philosophy of science, philosophical problems of the chosen scientific industry and its history. Usually passes in the form of a regular interlets on tickets.

Foreign language

First, the text is transferred from a foreign language into learning language. Its volume is 15 thousand characters (about 7 pages of text). The applicant provided is checked, and then passes the second part of the exam - oral. It includes reading and retelling text with a volume of 3000 characters within 40 - 60 minutes (for humanitarian specialties, retelling is conducted in a foreign language, for others - in the language of learning), as well as viewing and retelling a short text in 1500 characters for 2 to 3 minutes from those same requirements. The Commission may then talk with a foreign language applicant on issues related to its specialty.

What documents are needed to pass a candidate minimum

The list of such documents needs to be specified at a specific department. Usually this:

  • a copy of a higher education diploma;
  • copy of the passport;
  • application with a request to resolve the exam;
  • the petition of the guide organization (if it is necessary for attachment);
  • required written works (abstract, translation, etc.), the list of which you need to find out in advance.

The department may require other documents, it usually does not cause any difficulties for the applicant.

Reception of documents and the commissioning of candidate exams is free.

Estimates at the surrender of the candidate minimum are set, but the tasks to pass it on "excellent" before the applicant should not be. However, to successfully pass the exam, it is recommended to carefully prepare for it.

Philosophy and history of science

Often, at the departments of philosophy, graduate students are invited to listen to the corresponding course of lectures, which are desirable to visit; You can also purchase methodical materials or independently find them on the Internet. Usually, to pass the exam, you must write an essay on one of the following. This can be done independently or, for example, to seek help from specialists.

Foreign language

For graduate students, they organize special courses for training for the exam, which include lectures, seminars, independent work on the translation of texts, draw up an essay on the selected specialty, writing original articles. Applicants not learned in graduate school, you need to take questions and requirements for the examination. For successful delivery, it is necessary to properly perform more than half of each of the proposed tasks (the retelling of the text and the conversation with the examiner).

Suppose a foreign language is not easy if the applicant is bad to them. In this case, additional classes are needed with the teacher. The best option will apply for tutoring services to one of the employees of the department, on which the exam will give up.

If the surrender of the candidate minimum failed

Candidate exams can be passed 1 time in half a year. Therefore, with the failure of special bases for panic there. The main thing - it is necessary to have a reserve of time, so it is necessary to take care of the preparation and commissioning of the candidate minimum immediately after the start of work on the dissertation.

Candidate Examinations

One day, the transmitted exam is no longer required and acts indefinitely. According to its results, the applicant is issued a corresponding protocol. After passing all three exams, such intermediate documents are replaced with the final certificate (earlier - certificate).

Its form is not specifically enshrined, each department determines the type of such a document independently. However, it must be the signatures of the Chairman of the Commission, head of the postgraduate study and the seal of the institution that took the exam.

To give candidate exams to persons not student in northeast federal University I.K.Mammosova on programs for training scientific and pedagogical personnel in graduate school, it is necessary to attach to the university as an extern. To do this, it is necessary to submit the following documents to the Educational and Methodological Division:

2. Passport (copy, original);

3. Diploma specialist or Master(copy, original);

4. Photo 3 * 4 2pcs, one photo is attached to the application-questionnaire, the second is for a temporary pass. University staff must provide 1 photo.

5. Help on the delivery of candidate exams, with the delivery of previously candidate exams in other organizations, the surrender of the candidate exam in the specialty.

6. A copy of the change in the name of the name / name, if necessary

When submitting a statement, the applicant is obliged to familiarize himself with the Charter of FFU, the Regulations on the procedure for attaching persons to give the candidate exam, the commissioning of candidate exams and their list.

The attachment of externals is carried out according to the programs of preparation directions for the term no more than 6 months. The candidate exams are held within the framework of the winter examination session (December), the summer examination session (May) of the examination commission, approved by the university order, consisting of candidates and doctors of sciences.

Candidate Exam on the discipline "History and Philosophy of Science". For admission to the exam, you must pass the abstract on a given topic, approximate to the topic of the scientific dissertation.

Candidate exam on the discipline "Foreign Language". According to a foreign language, an interview is appointed to assess the level of owning a foreign language, if the level of language proficiency allows the applicant to prepare on its own - it is attached as an externity and issues a task for independent work (Translation of the monograph, terminological dictionary) if the level of language proficiency is insufficient - the applicant is recommended to undergo training courses for the candidate exam. Foreign language is chosen at the discretion of the applicant: English, French, German.

Candidian exam on the discipline of the scientific specialty. To admit to the exam, you must pass the candidate exams on the disciplines "History and Philosophy of Science", "Foreign Language". In the event that the Ph.D. in the discipline "Philosophy" was previously commissioned, this exam must reclaim the "History and Philosophy of Science". The department, together with the external and his supervisor, is developing and approved by an additional work program, the department provides an office note and an idea of \u200b\u200bthe admission of externus for the candidate exam.

The candidate exam for externals suggests an independent study of the course, if you doubt your own training, we are ready for you to offer purchases for preparing for candidate exams. Candidate Exam Preparation Courses Under the discipline, the history and philosophy of science is 56 academic hours, a group of 5 people, duration - 1 semester, cost is - 13300r. Candidate exam preparation courses in the discipline "Foreign language" is 144 academic hours, a group of 5 people, duration - 2 semesters, cost is 28800r.

Certificate of candidate exampreparing up to 14 days depending on the workload of the department. If the candidate exams were commissioned in 2011 and later, the protocols for the commissioning of the candida exam are stored in the methodological department of the Dock. If the candidate exams are handed over to 2010 and earlier, it is necessary to provide a copy of the protocols for the commissioning of candidate exams. You can get a copy of the protocol in the archive of the SVFU at the address: ul. Kurashova, D.30 / 4 (district shopping center "Vector"). If the candidate exams have been commissioned in other organizations, it is necessary to provide the original certificate of the candidate exams of another organization.

Address: ul. Kulakovsky, d.42 (GUK), 1 floor, cab. 128.