Magomed Khambiyev. Approves his brother. Militants destroyed during preparation for the presidential election

Magomed Khambiyev, a famous field commander from the nearest environment of Aslan Maskhadov, Minister of Defense of the Chechen Republic Ichkeria, voluntarily folded the weapon and surrendered. In this capacity on Monday, on March 8, Ramzan Kadyrov, "Head of Security Service" and the son of Ahmad Kadyrov, presented it in the village of Pretetor.

Some political commentators hurried to call it election PR, as well as the destruction of the days earlier Ruslana Gelayev. However, in fact, everything is much more complicated. It is not only about changing the methods and about the new distribution of roles in the fight against separatists.

For the uninitiated surrender of Magomed Khambiyev, controlled by the federal center, Chechen power structures was a complete surprise. Khambiyev was with Maskhadov from the very beginning, and in the previous war, and in the interwar time - unlike the "radicals", yesterday's opponents, which only this war made allions. Khambiyev did not move away from Maskhadov in recent years, unlike other previously known field commanders, for example, Ruslan Gelayev. Throughout the last military campaign, Magomed Khambiyev was essentially the minister of defense of separatists. Therefore, its voluntary passing was in captivity, it seemed completely impossible.

However, at the near future, there was nothing strange in this. In a situation that was created around him, his family, dozens and hundreds of neighboring and distant relatives, Khambiyev had no other exit. PC "Memorial" presents its own version of what happened.

According to the official version, voiced by Ramzan Kadyrov and published in the "Kommersant" newspaper, first "without a single shot" were detained 9 Hambiyev militants. They were offered a choice: a prison or "Java with a guy" - they chose the last (by the way, according to the regional operational headquarters, on March 5, there were 21 people from the Khambiyev detachment). Next was blocked by Hambiyev's house in the village of Benoy, but Magomed managed to escape, and only his relatives were detained - all men living in the house were detained. Soon, all, besides two young people, let go, and Ramzan Kadyrov said the liberated: "We persuade Hambiyev to surrender or bring it to us - let's let go of everyone." As a result, on March 8, Khambiyev was whether he was captured, or I gave up myself, whether he persuaded the elders of the village.

The newspaper "Russian courier" Ramzan Kadyrov outlined the events somewhat differently, "we hooked his house in Benoye and three days led the negotiations" - "that is, you made him a proposal from which it is difficult to refuse?" - "Yes, he did not have another exit." On the first day of the "siege", 16 people surrendered, on the second - three, on the third - Mahomet Hambiyev himself.

As we see evidence, even outgoing from one source, somewhat diverge. The information collected by the Human Rights Center "Memorial" from a variety of sources, including those who came from the residents of the Khugi-Yurtovsky District and Khambiyev's relatives, allow to doubt the "official" version as a whole.

At the end of February, Gudermes passed the "parade" - the general construction of the formations, as formally controlled by Ahmad Kadyrov ("Security Services", Republican Omon, and consisting of the Chechens of the East of the Military Community, under the command of Sulima Yamadayev) and the Special Forces Battalion MO RF Said Magomed Kakiyev. The Chechnya Shamayev arrived there of Kadyrov and Mufti of Chechnya, which was announced by "jihad" Chechen resistance, and it was this "jihad" the most correct (unlike others, including Kadyrov's voiced in the first war).

Then all these formations headed into the mountain knife-yurt district. The column numbered more than a hundred cars - 99th "Zhiguli", UAZ-469, UAZ-452 minibuses ("Tablet"); For help, they were dodged armored vehicles and helicopters. February 29 in the villages of the Poles, Benoy and Turhat-Khutor began mass detentions, or, more precisely, the seizures of people. It was also touched by the relatives of Umar and Magomet Khambiyev, who previously held high posts in the government of Aslan Maskhadov. In the village of Turctow-farm, thus was captured hardly half of the inhabitants of all ages and both sexes.

The detention of relatives of the Khambiyevskaya Knife-Yurtovsky district was not limited. So, on March 1, in Grozny, a student of the Medical Faculty of the University of the University of 19-year-old Farremen Aslambek Khambiyev was taken away. The student of the 6th year Schita Hambiyev was also detained. Mass excitement began, students went on a rally in front of the government home, demanding to free comrades. The authorities at first tried to threaten them, but then went to negotiations, promising and release the detainees. As a result, Aslabek Khambiyev was released - on Thursday, on March 4, his beaten, in a semi-conscious state, was thrown out of the car in with. Benoy, on March 9, he was in a district hospital in serious condition. The fate of the Schita Khambiyev is still unknown.

Finally - unprecedented earlier practice - in others settlements Chechnya "Kadyrovtsy" was detained and took off women, relatives of the Khambiyev, who got married and left from their native villages. When capturing the sister of Aslambek Khambiyev, who lived with her husband and children in Gudermes, her son-teenager was seriously injured. She was taken away with her husband, who was subsequently released, left the sister himself on the basis of Ramzan Kadyrov.

According to employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Chechnya, they were detained and delivered to the official destinations of 16 people, among whom were 5 women. In total, seized, apparently, more from 40 people (lower assessment, from the words of relatives) to two hundred (according to local residents). People kept in various places - in the IVS (temporary insulator) of the Know-Yurtovsky ROVD (district department of the Interior), in the ceased tanks in the land in the land. Benoy, and in Gudermes, in two illegal places of content - at the databases of the Security Service, Ramzan Kadyrov and the Special Battle of Sulima Yamadayev.

Next began the actual "special operation" against Magomet Khambiyev. Through intermediaries, he was requested by: immediately surrender, and otherwise the fate of his relatives, among whom - old men and women will be unenviable. It was obvious that these are not empty threats.

After that, Magomet Khambiyev "voluntarily" surrendered. Moreover, the residents of Chechnya did not understand and would not accept his choice to pay for their freedom and the life of relatives would mean to violate unwritten laws and customs.

Thus, this "Operation" was not limited to the siege of one house for three days - one and a half weeks not only in the Knife-Yurtsky district, but also throughout Chechnya, including Gudermes and Grozny, detained people who are not involved in the activities of Magomet Khambiyev, but " Guilty "Only in the fact that they are his relatives.

The goal is achieved. True, the funds are confused: the seizure of hostages, threats and blackmail. It seems that such methods are called "terrorist" ...

Shamil Basayev in Budenovsk, Salman Raduyev and Turpto Atgheriev in Kizlyar and Pervomaysky, Movsar Barayev in Moscow captured hostages and presented demands for the state - they are fairly called terrorists. Now the same (or almost the same) means are used against the separatists themselves.

You can, of course, say that Kadyrov, and Yamadaev - the former separatists themselves. By the way, at one time the abduction of people did not disappear. But it would be a clear simplification. Indeed, in the first Chechen war, the stagnation and "live shield" were widely used by the "feds". Moreover, it was they who in 1994-1996 rooted in Chechnya "hostage" paradigm (and successfully shown by the 1997 abduction shaft). And at the end of that war, in August 1996, they even repeated in Grozny "Fegg Shamil Basayev", capturing the 9th city hospital.

But usually the use was carefully hidden, in the case of Khambiyev, it was hardly not praised by this (though, in recent days, they are trying to hide clumsily).

If now "opponents" of the federal center destroy the forces of Chechen formations, then why the same method was not used five years ago? Then, through Turpala, ATGERIEVA consults with Moscow on assistance in eliminating the most odious leaders of extremists and people's kidnappers by the power structures of Ichkeria. The fact that this was possible is to testify the events of the summer of 1999 in the village of Bumut, where the locals themselves, under the leadership of the head of administration, opposed the famous "Wahhabi" and the kidnapper of Ruslan Hayhhoroev. But Atgheriev then arrested in Moscow, and the negotiations were torn. Now, five years later, when all Chechnya was destroyed, tens of thousands were killed, and hundreds of thousands became refugees, the federal center, in fact, "blessed" the use of much more terrible methods with controlled Chechen formations. And thus "signed" in the fact that in vain were lost these five years, human destinies are in vain.

However, the use of hostages in the fight against partisan and rebel movements is not news for Soviet Russia and the USSR.

This was how they acted in 1921 when an uprising of Antonov's uprising on Tambovshchina - the part of the villagers were captured, declared them with hostages, in proof of the seriousness of their intentions someone was shot, after which the rest began to "cooperate" soviet power And catch the "gangsters". There were also other, no less "strong" means - for example, chemical weapons.

At the end of the fortieth, the host was used in the Baltic States and in Western Ukraine. There were arrested and sent whole families of the "Forest Brothers" and "Bandera", and state security forces were able to suppress national partisan movements over several years.

However, since then much has changed - at least formally. In accordance with international legislation, the use of hostages by the state or by the forces acting on his behalf is a war crime. Moreover, from the point of view of international law, even more gravily than terrorism. Change has changed - joined the Pacts of Human Rights, the fulfillment of which should have excluded the host. Finally, chechen wars Began exactly under the slogans of the "restoration of the constitutional order" and "fighting terrorism", one of the main forms of which is precisely the seizure of hostages.

The seizure of hostages, by the way, is prohibited not only in ordinary peaceful life. This possibility does not include a state of emergency, nor the norms of international humanitarian law in armed conflicts.

So I would like to clarify: as part of what legal regime are "Kadyrovsky" power structures? What kind of "restoration of constitutional order" can we talk about?

Terribly, when the hostages are captured by the gangsters and terrorists, but much more terrible, if they are engaged in the name of the state. Because in this case the line is erased between the authorities and criminals, between the law and lawlessness. Open use of hosting in Chechen Republic It may mean a return to the past for the whole of Russia - not that five years ago, in Chechnya the end of the nineties, which seems to be strongly condemned, not on half a century ago, in the Stalinsky USSR, which is now accepted restrained to praise.

Most of the detainees "Kadyrovtsy" during the "special operation" on the capture of Magomeda Khambiyev were released. Probably it would be worse if the families of all Hambiyev were deported (and even more so - the whole people to which they belong). It would be worse if the detainees were taken away by "feds", and then their blown remains would be found. But it is impossible to say that this outcome is the best, because there is no good choice between terrible and monstrous.

Today, the press conference of the former Minister of Defense of Ichkeria Magomed Khambiyev, who gave birth to on March 8 to the federal authorities, should be held in Chechnya. Yesterday, his brother, Minister of Health in the Government of Aslan Maskhadova Umar Khambiyev, held his briefing in Strasbourg. Mr. Khambiyev argues that his brother was forced to fold the weapon, threatening violence over relatives.
- about the fact that Magomed surrendered not voluntarily, I learned from my brother himself, - said Mr. Khambiyev after the briefing correspondent Kommersant. - We talked on the phone just two to three minutes, it was felt that he spoke with a loaf on those who stood next to Him.
- What were you talking about?
- First of all, I managed about his health, what he replied that he feels fine, he did not beat him and would be tolerated with him. And then he said that he wanted to preserve the health and life of our detainees relatives. I asked, let them go or not? Magomed answered like this: "They say they let go."
According to Umar Khambiyev, Russian special services and employees of the Security Service of the President Chechnya have long been the hunt for their relatives, although they have nothing to do with the militants: "Another a year and a half ago were arrested by our younger brother Ali, who worked as a doctor in a rural hospital. His fate is unknown Until now. Most likely, he was killed. And a week before the detention of Magomed, the son of our missing brother - Aslanbek, student of the local university was detained. In total, according to Maskhadovsky Minister of Health, more than 30 of their relatives and acquaintances are taken hostage. In his opinion, the sake of their liberation and sacrificed his brother Magomed, agreeing to stop resistance: "I know him very well, this is my younger brother. He is not capable of betrayal, change his convictions for personal interests. He is a very kind person, and It was hard for him to realize that because of him suffer from people close to him. They were cruel with him, forced to sacrifice themselves for the release of relatives. "
Khambiyev-Sr. called the speculation of the approval of representatives of the Chechnya Administration that his brother is going to give an order to militants about disarmament: "If he does it, what I do not believe, then no one will do this order. Everyone understands that the brother ". Mr. Khambiyev believes that the representatives of the Russian side too exaggerate the importance of the exit from the war of his brother: "He was the minister of defense, but did not play a key role. The war will continue until political agreements have been reached between the conflicting parties."
Chechnya Ahmat Kadyrov President refuted the statement of Brother Magomed Khambiyev yesterday. "With Khambiyev, indeed, work was carried out through intermediaries for a long time," said the head of Chechnya. "He managed to convince him of the meaninglessness of participation in unlawful actions, as well as the need to fold the weapons and appear in law enforcement agencies. At the same time, nobody native and close to hostage. did not take. " Magomed Khambiyev, says Mr. Kadyrov, he himself called his brother in Strasbourg and said that "surrendered exclusively voluntarily." "The organizers of the press conference in Strasbourg," said the head of Chechnya, "they are trying only to reduce all the efforts that we attach to normalize the situation in the republic." Mr. Kadyrov promised that on Thursday morning Magomed Khambiyev will hold a press conference on which he will tell the whole truth about the circumstances of his passing.
Kommersant will continue to monitor the development of events.
Musa Kommersant Muradov

, "Change the guns on corn"

Maskhadov army is ready to give up

Vadim Ampelonsky

When a Chechen fighter voluntarily adds weapons, he is expected by the most rainbow perspectives. As the son of President Chechnya Ramzan Kadyrov explained yesterday (he is the head of his security service), commenting on the refusal of the "Maskhadovsky" defense minister Magomed Khambiyev to continue armed struggle, now if he does not want to fight against the NVF, can return to his home and growing corn.

Magomed Khambiyev voluntarily passed his pistol to employees of the Personal Guard Ahmad Kadyrov of the Seventh Martha in Mountain Sellenia Centorra. He did this because since the autumn was stolen and taken hostage or sixteen, whether the seventeen of his relatives (according to our sources, was engaged in this challenge the same security service, which commanded Ramzan Kadyrov).

Khambiyev is considered one of Maskhadov's closest people. In the late 90s, he sharply criticized Shamil Basayeva for led to Chechnya Wahhabis and became riser in the fighters of resistance to the spirit of religious fanaticism. However, later, when Maskhadov and Basayev were extruded in the mountains with their detachments, the contradictions between them were partly smoothed, although not to the end.

Kadyrovtsy consider the hand of Hambiyev with their huge victory and promise that the Maskhadov himself will come soon, which is nowhere to give: "There is absolutely no NVF groups in his subordination. It is reliably known that Maskhadov has two former guards, one of which is sick. "

Kadyrovtsy hostage tactics, by the way, tried to take and towards Maskhadovsky relatives, but it turned out to be difficult because they are in Malaysia.

It is not clear whether Maskhadov will be allowed to grow corn, but Ramzan Kadyrov believes that Maskhadov can be amnestied: "Naturally, it is necessary to carry out the most thorough investigation, to organize court hearings, and the court must make his verdict."

As for Hambiyev, it is expected that he, as the Minister of Defense Ichkeria, will now give an order to the militants to fold the weapons and terminate illegal activities.

It is not known, however, who will obey him if there is absolutely no NVF groups in the submission of Maskhadov. Apparently, we are talking about those two guards, one of which is sick.

Militants destroyed during preparation for the presidential election

December 2003 The leader of Bandoff Gudermes district of Chechnya Movsar Taimaskhanov killed. He was in federal wanted list and accused of abduction of people.

In January In the Urus-Martan district of Chechnya destroyed the field commander Abualid Astamirov, involved in 35 murders and several terrorist attacks.

February 13 In the capital of Qatar Doha blown the car former president Ichkeria Zelimkhan Yandarbiev.

February 23 In Ingushetia, in the village of Ali-Yurt, a special operation was carried out to eliminate the BDDGroup of the Field Commander Hamzat Tazabayev. Tazabayev commanded the "Islamic regiment of a special purpose" of Chechen militants.

28th of February In the mountains of Dagestan, the fight was struggling, during which border guards, and the Chechen died. The examination found that the deceased fighter is Ruslan Gelayev.

March 4. On the border of Chechnya and Dagestan, in the framework of the "Vortex-Antiterror" surgery, the Chechen field commander Zelimkhan Ayptov was detained.

In the same day "Commander of the Urus-Martan Front" militants "Brigadier General" Ahmed Basnukayev killed. According to the special services, it is involved in organizing the explosions of residential buildings in Moscow, Volgodonsk and Caspian and the abduction of the general of Siggun.

the 5th of March Five members of the BandGroup are eliminated in the village of Psedah \u200b\u200bMalgobek district of Ingushetia. Among them with Muslim Janiev. Janiev took direct participation in the murder of the head of the administration of the Nadutera region Ahmed Zagaeva, for which he received from Shamil Basayev a remuneration of $ 1 million.

Freedom remains key figures: al-Valid, Doku Umarov, Aslan Maskhadov, Shamil Basayev.