Is there life on Mars 2? Life on Mars was destroyed by... Death. Why the President of Ecuador is accused of betrayal

Reincarnation is undoubtedly a fascinating topic, even in the scientific community.

Carl Sagan, an American astronomer and astrobiologist, even acknowledged the fact that reincarnation deserves serious study.

He says that “children sometimes report details of a previous life that After checking, they are completely accurate., and which they could not have known about in any other way than through reincarnation.”

There are some great examples, many of them described by University of Virginia psychiatrist Jim Tucker, who is the world's leading researcher on this topic.

Every case described by Jim Tucker is about a past life memory. Notably, 100% of subjects reporting past life memories are children.

The average age at which they begin to remember their past life is 35 months, and their descriptions of events and experiences from their past life are often compelling and surprisingly detailed.

These children remember things that would otherwise be impossible to know about the people they claim to be.

He also talked about people who still live on Mars, but below the surface and inside the planet. They need carbon dioxide to breathe, he said.

Information to further corroborate some of Boris's claims

NASA on September 28, 2015 called a press conference to announce a major discovery regarding the planet Mars.

During the meeting, they revealed some pretty shocking information, completely changing what we once thought about the "Red" planet, which suddenly doesn't seem so red anymore.

They announced that Mars is in fact contains rivers of flowing water. What we once thought of as an arid, rocky, and desolate planet is actually seasonal, not like it is on our own planet Earth.

Lujendra Oiha, a planetary scientist at Georgia Institute of Technology, made the discovery using images from NASA's Martian Reconnaissance Orbiter.

The quotes below are from the press conference and are from him and other sources.

“Mars is not a dry, arid planet, as we thought in the past… Water found on Mars,” says James Green, Director of Planetary Sciences at NASA.

“We are sending a spacecraft to Mars, our trip to Mars is a scientific expedition right now, but soon - I hope in the near future - we will send people to the red planet to conduct its scientific research.

Today’s announcement of a truly exciting result of real water on Mars is one of the reasons why I think it’s even more important that we send astrobiologists and planetary scientists to Mars to investigate the question, is there real life on Mars?” writes John Grunsfeld, astronaut with five spaceflights, associate administrator, head of NASA's science mission.

Here is an interesting quote, given that Boris said already today that people live under the surface of the planet: “The possibility of life in the interior of Mars has always been very high.

Of course, somewhere in the crust of Mars there is water ... It is very likely, I think, that somewhere in the crust of Mars there is life, ”says Alfred McEwan, principal investigator, Hiris, University of Arizona.

Below are some more interesting quotes because the boy also said that the planet has gone through significant global climate change.

“The more we observe on Mars, the more information we get that this is a truly amazing planet.

From the Curiosity rover, we now know that Mars was once very similar to Earth, with long salty seas, lakes with fresh water, probably with snowy peaks and clouds and a water cycle the same as here on Earth ...

Something happened to Mars, it lost its water,” writes John Grunsfeld. He also goes on to discuss the high possibility that life previously existed on Mars, but something happened to the planet that caused climate change on it.

Scientists are still trying to figure out what this event or series of events could be.

“Mars is the planet most similar to Earth… Mars was a very different planet, it had a vast atmosphere, and in fact it had what we think is a huge ocean, perhaps two-thirds the size of the Northern Hemisphere.

And that ocean could be a mile deep. Thus, Mars really had extensive water resources three billion years ago, ”says James Green.

According to Dr. John Brandenburg, Ph.D. and Plasma Physicist, life on Mars was destroyed by nuclear war.

He believes that several intelligent civilizations from ancient history were responsible for this, and claims in his published papers that the color and composition of the Martian soil indicates a series of "mixed fission explosions" that resulted in nuclear fallout on the planet.

Like the astronauts mentioned above, Brandenburg is not crazy. He was deputy director of the Clementine mission to the Moon, which was part of a joint space project between the Missile Defense Organization (BMDO) and NASA. The mission discovered water at the Moon's poles in 1994.

Elbert Stubbin, a retired U.S. Major General, was also the U.S. Army Intelligence and Security Command General (INSCOM), one of America's most distinguished soldiers and the U.S. Army's chief of intelligence, with 16,000 soldiers under his command, said of Mars: "On the surface Mars has structures.

I will tell you that there are structures under the surface of Mars, although they are not visible in the images that Voyager transmitted in 1976.

I will also tell you that there are machines on the surface and below the surface of Mars that you can see in detail.

You can see what they are, where they are, what they are for and a lot of details about them.” (Richard Dolan. UFOs and the National Security of the State. - New York: Richard Dolan Press.)

General Elbert Stubbin was the main initiator of the government's Stargate project in the United States.

Is there life on Mars? Mars is the second closest planet to Earth in the solar system after Venus. Due to the reddish color, the planet received the Roman name of the god of war.

One of the first telescopic observations (D. Cassini, 1666) showed that the period of rotation of this planet is close to the Earth's day: 24 hours 40 minutes. For comparison, the exact period of rotation of the Earth is 23 hours 56 minutes 4 seconds, and for Mars, this value is 24 hours 37 minutes 23 seconds. The improvement of telescopes made it possible to detect polar caps on Mars, and to begin systematic mapping of the surface of Mars. At the end of the 19th century, optical illusions gave rise to the hypothesis that there was an extensive network of irrigation canals on Mars, which were created highly developed civilization. These assumptions coincided with the first spectroscopic observations of Mars, which mistook the lines of oxygen and water vapor in the Earth's atmosphere for lines in the spectrum of the Martian atmosphere. As a result, in the late 19th century and early 20th century, the idea of ​​an advanced civilization on Mars became popular. The most striking illustrations of this theory were the fictional novels “The War of the Worlds” by G. Wales and “Aelita” by A. Tolstoy. In the first case, the militant Martians made an attempt to capture the Earth with the help of a giant cannon that fired landing cylinders towards the Earth. In the second case, earthlings use a gasoline-powered rocket to travel to Mars. If in the first case the interplanetary flight takes several months, then in the second case we are talking about 9-10 hours of flight.

In this sketch, you can see 128 different parts that have received their own names. The distance between Mars and Earth varies widely: from 55 to 400 million km. Usually, the planets approach once every 2 years (usual oppositions), but due to the fact that the orbit of Mars has a large eccentricity, closer encounters occur every 15-17 years (great oppositions). The great oppositions differ because the Earth's orbit is not circular either. In this regard, the greatest confrontations are also singled out, which happen about once every 80 years (for example, in 1640, 1766, 1845, 1924 and 2003). It is interesting to note that the people of the early 21st century have witnessed the greatest confrontation in several thousand years. During the 2003 opposition, the distance between Earth and Mars was 1900 km less than in 1924. On the other hand, it is believed that the opposition of 2003 was minimal, at least for the last 5 thousand years. The great oppositions played a big role in the history of the study of Mars, as they made it possible to obtain the most detailed images of Mars, and also simplified interplanetary flights.

By the beginning of the space age, ground-based infrared spectroscopy significantly reduced the chances of life on Mars: it was determined that the main component of the atmosphere is carbon dioxide, and the oxygen content in the planet's atmosphere is minimal. In addition, the average temperature on the planet was measured, which turned out to be comparable to the polar regions of the Earth.

The beginning of the space age

Launches of automatic interplanetary stations to Mars in the USSR began in 1960. During the astronomical windows of 1960 and 1962, 5 launches of Soviet interplanetary stations were carried out, but none of them managed to approach the surface of the red planet. In the astronomical window of 1964, in addition to the next Soviet probe, the first similar American stations "Mariner-3" and "Mariner-4" were launched. Of these three stations, only Mariner 4 successfully managed to reach the vicinity of Mars.

The first images of the surface of Mars taken from the spacecraft turned out to be Bad quality with low resolution (several km per pixel), but they could detect 300 craters with a diameter of more than 20 km. This allowed us to conclude that the Martian surface resembles the lifeless surface of the Moon.

However, images of the subsequent flyby probes Mariner 6, Mariner 7 and the first orbiter Mariner 9 showed that the surface of Mars has a much greater variety than the surface of the Moon. It turned out that the surface of the northern hemisphere contained a minimal number of craters, with significant traces of past tectonic activity (a huge fault system - the Mariner Valley, and the largest volcanoes of the Solar System).

An analysis of the systems of such formations showed that most of them are located at the same height relative to the center of Mars. This feature has become a strong argument in favor of the existence of an ancient ocean on Mars in the past.

Extensive evidence for the presence of large amounts of water on the surface of Mars in the past has dramatically increased the chances of life on Mars, and also increased the chances of having the simplest life on Mars at the moment. In this regard, space programs began to create and organize Martian landing missions. On the other hand, the first studies of Mars from space determined an extremely low atmospheric pressure on the surface of Mars - about 0.01% of the earth's indicators, which corresponds to a pressure at an altitude of 35 km.

Viking Program

First to attempt a successful landing on Mars Soviet Union. In 1962-1973, 7 attempts were made by Soviet probes to make a successful soft landing on the surface of Mars. None of these attempts was completely successful, only the Mars-3 apparatus managed to transmit one fuzzy image from the surface of Mars, after which communication with the station on December 2, 1971 was finally interrupted.

The American Viking program to land the first landing on Mars in 1976 was one of the most costly interplanetary projects, with a total cost in modern money of more than $5 billion. During this project, two probes were launched to Mars, each of which consisted of a lander and an orbiter. A significant set of instruments was placed on board each lander: cameras, meteorological instruments, a seismograph, equipment for searching for organic and inorganic substances and traces of simple life. To effectively study the chemical and biological properties of the soil, three-meter manipulators with buckets were installed on board each landing probe, which dug trenches about 30 cm deep. The landing probes were powered by radioisotope batteries (RTG).

Both landing and orbital missions ended in complete success. The first landing of the Viking-1 station was carried out only a month after entering the orbit around Mars - on July 20, 1976. This was due to the careful selection of a flatter area of ​​the surface of Mars intended for landing. On July 28, soil investigations began at the station. The second landing was also carried out almost a month after entering the orbit of Mars - on August 7 and September 3, 1976, respectively.

Atmospheric composition studies have confirmed past findings that its predominant component is carbon dioxide with a minimum of oxygen: carbon dioxide, nitrogen, argon and oxygen are 95%, 2-3%, 1-2% and 0.3%, respectively. The study of the chemical composition of the Martian soil showed that its main element, as on Earth and the Moon, is oxygen (50% in content). Other predominant chemical elements of the Martian soil are silicon (15-30%), iron (12-16%). For comparison, on Earth, the third most common chemical element is not iron, but aluminum (its content in the Martian soil is 2-7%). In general, the study of the magnetic properties of the Martian soil showed that the proportion of magnetic particles in it does not exceed 3-7%. Using simulations, it was estimated that the Martian soil is a mixture of clays rich in iron (content 80% with a composition of 59% nontronite and 21% montmorillonite), magnesium sulfate (content 10% in the form of kieserite), carbonates (content 5% in the form of calcite ) and iron oxides (5% content in the form of hematite, magnetite, oxymagnetite and goethite). The content of the main chemical compounds in the Martian soil corresponds to the ratio, as SiO 3: Fe 2 O 3: Al 2 O 3: MgO: CaO: SO 3 in 45%: 18%: 8%: 5%: 8%, respectively.

In addition, the study of the soil showed an almost complete absence of organic matter in it (the carbon content in the Martian soil turned out to be lower than in lunar soil delivered to Earth).

The biological experiment VBI (Viking Biology Instrument) was designed to search for microorganisms using growth medium based on the detection of specific processes of gas absorption, gas emission, photosynthesis and metabolism (metabolism).

Almost all devices of the biological experiment equipment probes showed a negative result, except for the Labeled Release (LR) metabolic experiment. During the metabolic experiment, a broth with nutrients containing radioactive atoms of the carbon-14 isotope was added to the soil sample. If these atoms could then be detected in the air above the ground, this could mean the presence of microorganisms in it that absorbed nutrients and "exhaled" radioactive isotopes in the composition of CO2. The LR experiment unexpectedly showed that a stable stream of radioactive gas went into the air from the soil immediately after the first injection of the broth. However, subsequent injections did not confirm this phenomenon. In this regard, it was concluded that even the simplest Martian life is unlikely, and the contradictory results of the LR experiment were considered related to the presence of a strong unknown oxidizing agent in the Martian soil. Later, another Mars landing mission "Phoenix" in 2008 found perchlorates in the Martian soil, which were named the most likely candidate for the role of such an oxidizing agent. Repeated experiments in terrestrial laboratories have shown that if perchlorates are added to the soil of the Chilean desert, the results of the metabolic experiment will be similar to the results of the Vikings. In February-March 1977, the Viking-1 lander attempted to create a trench about 30 cm deep in order to search for microorganisms at this depth. In four days, the digger bucket made a trench about 24 cm deep, but no signs of life could be found in the soil obtained from the trench. In addition, the Viking 2 digger scoop carried out a rock-shifting operation in order to unsuccessfully search for signs of life in the Martian soil, which was protected by rocks from the ultraviolet radiation of the Sun. In 1977, an operation was performed on both Viking landers to turn off the VBI instruments. In the same year, the landing stations managed to register white frost on Mars, which is probably frozen carbon dioxide.

Mars landing missions after Viking

The next landing mission to Mars was carried out only 20 years later - in 1996, the MarsPathfinder station landed on the Martian surface. The instrumentation of this landing probe did not have equipment for searching for life, it included cameras, a meteorological complex and spectrometers for determining the chemical composition of the soil. At the same time, with the help of the Mars Pathfinder mission, the first delivery of the 10-kg automatic rover Sojourner to the surface of Mars was carried out. Both parts of the landing mission (the landing platform and the rover) were powered by solar energy. In the following years of the 21st century, three more American rovers were sent to Mars: Spirit, Opportunity, and Curiosity. The first two of them were 120-kg solar-powered rovers with similar instrumentation (the most significant difference was the addition of a drill to take soil samples from a depth of 5 mm). At the same time, the Curiosity rover has a mass comparable to a car (about a ton), and has a radioisotope energy source. The instruments of the rover were not only cameras, a weather station and spectrometers with a drill and a bucket for sampling soil to a depth of 5 cm, but also a radiation measuring device (RAD) and a hydrogen detector (DAN or Dynamic Albedo of Neutrons). The latest device was able to measure the water content in the Martian soil to a depth of 5 cm. As of March 19, 2018, the DAN device, manufactured in Russia, produced 8 million neutron pulses during more than 700 work sessions on the rover's 18.5 km route. The average water content in the soil by mass, determined by DAN, turned out to be about 2.6% (the range of measured values ​​along the rover track varies from 0.5% to 4%). For comparison, measurements of a similar device from the orbiting satellite Mars Odyssey speak of a slightly higher value: 4-7%. In addition, the device measured the average content of chlorine in the Martian soil at 1%.

Comparison of data from global mapping of the water content in the near-surface layer of the soil (top, the color shows the water content in percent by weight) and data measured on the surface and characterizing the amount of water along the rover's path (horizontally - the distance traveled by the rover in meters, vertically - water content in the soil by mass):

Of great interest are the measurements of the methane content, which were carried out by the rover (by 2018, about 30 measurements of the methane content in the night atmosphere of Mars were made). This is due to the fact that methane is one of the most important biomarkers, and can be of both non-biological and biological origin. On Earth, 95% of methane is of biological origin - it is produced by microbes, including those that live in the digestive system of animals. The average value of the measured concentration of methane in the Martian atmosphere corresponds to about 0.4 parts per billion, while in the Earth's atmosphere this number is equal to 1800 parts per billion. The lifetime of methane in the earth's atmosphere is short - about 7-15 years due to its oxidation by the hydroxyl radical. A similar situation should be with Martian methane, especially since every day the Martian atmosphere loses about 100-500 tons due to a weak magnetic field. Methane in the Martian atmosphere was discovered by the Mariner 7 flyby probe in 1967. The rover's measurements showed seasonal increases in methane concentrations of up to 0.7 parts per billion during the end of the Martian summer. These periodic changes may be associated with the seasonal thawing of polar caps with frozen methane. In addition, the instruments of the rover recorded an increase in the content of methane up to 7 parts per billion, and the IRTF infrared telescope on the Hawaiian Islands up to 45 parts per billion. There are suggestions that a sharp increase in the concentration of methane is associated with the fallout of meteoric matter (the observed jumps in methane over the past 20 years occurred within two weeks after the known meteor showers on Mars). However, there are skeptics of the cometary version, since, for example, estimates of the material brought to the Martian surface by comet C / 2013 A1 in October 2014 are 16 tons. For comparison, the daily estimated flow of meteorite material to the surface of Mars is about 3 tons of dust, while to explain the observed maxima of methane concentration, an increase in the influx of meteorite material to several thousand tons was required. In this regard, it is not excluded that the source of methane bursts is some underground source, possibly of biological origin.

Another important factor in determining the source of methane can be the measurement of the ratio of carbon isotopes. On Earth, life has evolved in preference to carbon-12, which needs less energy for molecular bonds than carbon-13. When amino acids are combined, proteins with a clear deficiency of the heavy isotope are obtained. Living organisms on Earth contain 92–97 times more carbon-12 than carbon-13. And in inorganic compounds, this ratio is 89.4. The high excess of carbon-12 over carbon-13 in ancient terrestrial rocks has traditionally been interpreted as evidence of biological activity on our planet already 4 billion years ago. Measuring this ratio with Curiosity instruments during one of the largest peaks in methane concentration would be one of the most important scientific results of the rover mission.

In addition to rovers, stationary landers continue to be sent to Mars. They were "Mars Polar Lander", "Phoenix". The main objective of these landing missions was to search for water in the polar regions of Mars. The first of these probes crashed on Mars in 1999, so the symbolically named second probe actually repeated the 1999 mission in 2008. Due to the short operating time, both stations were equipped with solar panels. The scientific instruments of the polar Martian missions were cameras (including those for obtaining images with a resolution of up to 10 nanometers), a weather station, a 2.35-m manipulator with a bucket for sampling soil from a depth of 25 cm in 4 hours, spectrometers for chemical analysis of soil samples and atmospheric composition . The landing site of the station was chosen specifically in the area with the maximum water content according to the data of the Mars Odyssey satellite.

Chemical analysis of soil samples taken from the dug trench confirmed the presence of water. In addition, the same analysis for the first time detected perchlorates (salts of perchloric acid) and limestone (calcium carbonate or chalk), small amounts of magnesium, sodium, potassium and chlorine. The discovery of limestone has greatly increased the chances of life on Mars. Measurements showed that the acidity of the Martian soil is 8-9 units, which is close to slightly alkaline rocks on Earth. The station's microscope detected thin, flat particles in the ground, which indicate the presence of clay. The discovery of limestone and clay was another evidence of the presence large quantities liquid water on Mars in the past. In addition, images from the Phoenix station may have become the first evidence of the presence of liquid water on Mars at the present time.

Experiments in terrestrial laboratories have confirmed the possibility of the presence of salt water in liquid form under the temperature conditions in which the Phoenix station was located (about minus 70 degrees Celsius). On the other hand, it is suggested that the observed droplets are traces of liquid metals (for example, potassium or sodium).

Radar and other methods of remote sensing of the deep layers of Mars

The 60s of the 20th century were marked by significant progress in the study of Mars, since it became possible to carry out the radar of Mars. In February 1963, in the USSR, using the ADU-1000 (“Pluto”) radar in the Crimea, consisting of eight 16-meter antennas, the first successful radar of Mars was carried out. At that moment, the red planet was 100 million km from the Earth. The transmission of the radar signal took place at a frequency of 700 megahertz, and the total time for the passage of radio signals from Earth to Mars and back was 11 minutes. The reflection coefficient at the surface of Mars turned out to be less than that of Venus, although at times it reached 15%. This proved that there are flat horizontal areas on Mars larger than one kilometer. Already during the first radar sessions, a height difference of 14 km was detected. Later in 1980, Soviet radio astronomers conducted a successful radar session on the slope of the Olympus volcano, where the maximum measured height relative to the planet's mean radius was 17.5 km.

The graph above shows the topographic profile of the surface of Mars along 21 degrees north latitude. Roman numerals indicate mountain ranges (I - Tharsis, II - Olympus, III - Elysius, IV - Greater Sirte) and lowlands (V - Chris, VI - Amazonis, VII - Isis). In 1991, in the Goldstone–VLA experiment, using radio waves with a wavelength of 3.5 cm, new structural features of the reflection coefficient were revealed. A huge piece of Stealth was found in the Tharsis region, which practically does not reflect radio waves (probably finely crushed dust or ash with a density of about 0.5 g/cm3).

The first attempts to radar the south polar cap of Mars at Arecibo were carried out in 1988 and 1990. Similar observations were made in 1992-1993 for the northern polar cap. In both cases, a strong signal was received, reflected from the south polar cap. As in the case of Mercury, this could be explained by the presence of layers of frozen water or carbon dioxide with a small admixture of dust at a depth of 2–5 m. This fact was the first direct evidence of the discovery of a large amount of underground water ice.

Subsequently, the probing of the interior of Mars began to be carried out with the help of spacecraft. It has already been said above that in 2001, the Mars Odyssey probe was sent to Mars with the Russian HEND device (developed at IKI under the leadership of I. G. Mitrofanov). This device was designed to search for water in the soil of Mars to a depth of 1 meter using the registration of neutrons from the Martian orbit. The maps of the surface of Mars, compiled using the data of this instrument, have already been given above. These maps clearly show a large amount of water ice in the polar regions, although in some areas an increased concentration of water is also found near the equator.

The next step in probing the interior of Mars was the placement of radar equipment on artificial satellites Mars. For the first time, a radar for studying the interior of Mars was installed on the European apparatus Mars Express. The MARSIS radar was designed to probe the interior of Mars to a depth of 5 km and consisted of three antennas (two of them were 20 meters long, and the third was 7 meters long). The deployment of radar antennas was made only in the second year of operation of the Martian station (by December 2005). Just a few months later, a second radar appeared in Mars orbit - SHARAD (SHAllow RADar), which was installed on board the American Martian MRO station. This radar was a 10-meter antenna capable of studying the interior of Mars to a depth of 3 km. Both radars were designed and manufactured in Italy. Different radar sounding depths are associated with different frequencies used. The first radar used operating frequencies from 1.8 to 5 megahertz, the second radar from 15 to 25 megahertz. Due to the fact that the first radar was in a highly elliptical orbit, and could only work from an altitude of 800 km from the surface of Mars, its use was much less than that of the American station's radar.

The first discoveries of the MARSIS radar were the discovery of many buried large craters in the northern plains of Mars. In June and July 2015, the radar turned on in more than 30 orbits, and found more than 12 hidden craters with a diameter of 130 to 470 km. From the analysis of these observations, which covered 14% of the northern plains, it was estimated that the age of these craters is about 4 billion years. On the map, white circles show known impact structures on Mars, and black circles show craters that were discovered using the MARSIS radar.

In particular, deposits of water ice were found in one of the discovered underground craters on the Chrys Plain with a diameter of about 250 km at a depth of about 2 km.

In March 2007, the results of radiolocation of the south polar cap using the MARSIS radar (Mars Advanced Radar for Subsurface and Ionospheric Sounding) were published in the journal Science. Observations to a depth of more than 3.7 km have determined that the southern polar cap contains water ice with a total volume of about 1.6 million cubic kilometers. This amount of ice contains enough water to cover the surface of Mars with a layer 11 meters thick.

By 2009, SHARAD had conducted detailed surveys of the northern polar cap of Mars. His observations showed that the thickness underground ice it reaches two kilometers, and the total reserves of water ice there were estimated at 821 thousand cubic kilometers. The latter estimate is about 30% of the mass of the Greenland glacier.

The diagram above shows the topography of the surface (surface) and subsurface (base) layers of the northern polar cap, as well as the thickness (thickness) of the layers of water ice in it.

Between 2006 and 2013, the SHARAD radar collected about 2 TB of data. Data analysis made it possible to detect subsurface ice not only at the poles, but also in middle latitudes.

At the same time, an effective way to search for non-polar ice is to study the features of the infrared spectra of the Martian surface.

Black stars show glaciers based on the OMEGA infrared spectrograph, blue squares and red diamonds based on the CRISM infrared spectrograph. It is clearly seen that no signs of ice are observed between 13 degrees south latitude and 32 degrees north latitude.

In recent years, another effective method for searching for subsurface ice has begun to develop: the method of searching for fresh craters and spectroscopy of soil ejections in them, including studying them in dynamics. To date, several hundred fresh craters have been discovered on Mars, the study of several of them has shown probable ejections of water ice in them. For one of these fresh craters, even spectroscopy was carried out, which confirmed the presence of water ice.

Spectroscopy could detect only traces of salts in these bands. On the other hand, experiments in terrestrial laboratories confirm the possibility of the existence of water on Mars in liquid form with a high concentration of salts. An alternative explanation for the seasonal dark bands on Mars is their representation as landslides. The latter hypothesis has a significant drawback: it cannot explain the appearance and disappearance of bands in the warm and cold seasons, respectively.

Important discoveries on Mars in recent years

An entirely new area of ​​the problem of the search for life on Mars was the study of Martian meteorites. As of March 27, 2017, out of 61 thousand cataloged meteorites on Earth, 202 are classified as Martian meteorites. It is believed that the first Martian meteorite (Chassigny) was found during a fall in the French mountains of the Ardennes in 1815. At the same time, its Martian origin was determined only in 2000. According to estimates, up to 0.5 tons of Martian matter falls on the Earth on average. According to other estimates, on average, one Martian meteorite falls on Mars per month.

The study of the Martian meteorite ALH 84001, published in the journal Science in August 1996, received great fame. Despite the fact that this meteorite was found in Antarctica in 1984, its detailed study was carried out only a decade later. Isotopic dating showed that the meteorite originated 4-4.5 billion years ago, and 15 million years ago it was ejected into interplanetary space. 13 thousand years ago, a meteorite fell to Earth. While studying the meteorite with an electron microscope, scientists found microscopic fossils resembling bacterial colonies, consisting of individual parts about 100 nm in size. Traces of substances formed during the decomposition of microorganisms were also found. The work was met with mixed reviews by the scientific community. Critics noted that the sizes of the found formations are 100-1000 times smaller than typical terrestrial bacteria, and their volume is too small to contain DNA and RNA molecules. In the course of subsequent studies, traces of terrestrial biocontaminants were found in the samples. In general, the arguments in favor of the fact that the formations are bacterial fossils do not look convincing enough.

Scientists were interested in a fragment resembling a bacterium (an oblong object in the center).

In 2013, a study was published on another Martian meteorite MIL 090030, which found that the content of boric acid residues necessary to stabilize ribose in it is about 10 times higher than its content in other previously studied meteorites.

In the same year, a study of the meteorite NWA 7034, found in Morocco in 2011, appeared. NWA 7034 contains about 10 times more water (about 6,000 parts per million) than any of the first 110 known meteorites that fell to Earth from Mars. This suggests that the meteorite may have come from the planet's surface rather than from its depths, says planetary expert Carl Egy of the University of New Mexico. Experts believe that NWA 7034 is a fossil due to a volcanic eruption on the surface of the planet, which occurred about 2.1 billion years ago. The meteorite was once lava that cooled and solidified. The cooling process itself may have been facilitated by the water on the Martian surface, which eventually left its mark on the chemical composition of the meteorite.

In 2014, a new study was published on another Martian meteorite Tissint, which fell in the Moroccan desert on July 18, 2011. Initial analysis of the space rock showed that it has small cracks that are filled with carbon-containing substances. Scientists have repeatedly proven that such compounds are of organic origin, but until now it was not clear whether these tiny carbon inclusions are really traces of ancient Martian life. Chemical, microscopic, and isotopic analyzes of the carbon material have led researchers to deduce several possible explanations for its origin. The scientists found characteristics that clearly ruled out an earthly origin for carbon-containing compounds. They also determined for certain that carbon was present in the Tissint fissures before it broke off the Martian surface. Previous studies have suggested that the carbon compounds originated from crystallization at high temperatures in magma. But Gillet and his colleagues refute this version: according to a new study, a more likely explanation is a scenario in which liquids containing organic compounds of biological origin, penetrated into the "parent" Tissinta rock at low temperatures close to the surface of Mars.

These conclusions are confirmed by some features of the carbon material inside the meteorite, for example, the ratio of carbon-13 and carbon-12 isotopes. It turned out to be significantly lower than the ratio of carbon-13 in the carbon of the Martian atmosphere, which was measured by the Martian rovers. In addition, the difference between these coefficients corresponds to that observed on Earth between a piece of carbon material, which is of purely biological origin, and carbon in the atmosphere. The researchers note that the organic compound could also have been brought to Mars along with primitive meteorites - carbonate chondrites. However, they consider this scenario extremely unlikely, as such meteorites contain very low concentrations of organic matter.

In 2017, a study was published of the meteorite Y000593, which fell in Antarctica about 50 thousand years ago. The analysis showed that the meteorite formed from Martian lava about 1.3 billion years ago. About 12 million years ago, an asteroid knocked him off the surface of the planet. The meteorite was found on the Yamato Glacier in 2000 by a Japanese research expedition. He was assigned to the class of naklits. Meteorites from Mars can be distinguished from rocks of other origins by the arrangement of oxygen atoms within silicate minerals and inclusions of gases from the Martian atmosphere. Scientists have found in the meteorite, firstly, hollow curving tunnels and microtunnels. They are similar to structures found in terrestrial samples of volcanic glass, which are formed by microbial activity. Secondly, scientists again found spherical formations of nano- and micrometer sizes in it, which differ from the surrounding rocks in a high carbon content. Scientists also observed similar inclusions in another Martian meteorite, called Nakhla, which fell in Egypt in 1911. Gibson and his colleagues do not deny that the structural features of the meteorite may not have a biological origin. But, at least, according to the structure of the meteorite, it can be argued that it was formed in the presence of water, which contained carbon in significant quantities, scientists say.

In general, SNC meteorites predominate among Martian meteorites - these are igneous rocks of basic and ultrabasic composition (main minerals: pyroxene, olivine, plagioclase), which were formed during the crystallization of basaltic magmas. It is interesting that, despite the large number of impact craters on the surface of Mars, of the first 70 known Martian meteorites, only one NWA 7034 meteorite is represented by an impact breccia, although all SNC meteorites bear signs of impact. In addition, among them there is not a single sample of sedimentary rocks from Mars, similar to those found by the Opportunity and Curiosity spacecraft. Whether this is due to the non-representativeness of the sample of Martian meteorites, or to the low strength of such rocks, besides, there is a high probability of confusing them with terrestrial sedimentary rocks. But in any case, new finds of Martian meteorites can bring surprises. In addition, all Martian meteorites are much younger than other meteorites. The exception is the unique meteorite ALH 84001 (4.5 billion years), all other Martian samples are much younger than -0.1–1.4 billion years (about 1.3 billion years on average). The age of NWA 7034 represents a transition between the oldest and youngest Martian meteorite found on Earth.

The most effective search area for Martian meteorites was Antarctica and the earth's deserts: more than 40 thousand and 15 thousand meteorites, respectively, out of 61 thousand cataloged meteorites. The first meteorite in Antarctica was found in 1912, several more in the 1960s, but the turning point happened in 1969, when Japanese scientists discovered nine meteorites at once in an area of ​​3 square kilometers.

The start of a new phase of Martian soil exploration is expected with the expected first delivery of Martian soil in the 20s or 30s of the 21st century. The cost of this project is estimated at several billion dollars. Preparations for this project should begin as early as 2020: it is planned that the new NASA rover will collect interesting samples along the route of its movement for their subsequent delivery to Earth. In addition, a piece of a Martian meteorite found on Earth will be delivered to Earth with the rover in order to better calibrate scientific instruments.

An interesting point was the study of the possibility of the existence of the simplest terrestrial organisms in modern Martian conditions. In particular, researchers from the United States in 2017 published the results of experiments showing that terrestrial methanogens, under conditions presumably characteristic of the subsurface regions of Mars, are able to survive and have the opportunity to grow. The scientists conducted a series of experiments in which the archaea Methanothermobacter wolfeii, Methanosarcina barkeri, Methanobacterium formicicum, and Methanococcus maripaludis were housed under conditions of very low atmospheric pressure. The mixture of gases that gave this pressure was 90 percent carbon dioxide and 10 percent hydrogen. Carbon dioxide is the main component of the Martian atmosphere. Hydrogen, in theory, can be formed in Martian soils in the case of prolonged interaction of its components with liquid water. During the experiments, living archaea demonstrated viability and active metabolism for up to three weeks at pressures up to 6 millibars - which is about 160 times lower than what they encounter on Earth. Such atmospheric pressure is typical for the surface of Mars (however, in the region of deep canyons it is much higher). The authors of the work note that the ability of terrestrial microorganisms to survive on the way from Earth to Mars (on the surface of rovers and other vehicles) has already been shown in earlier works. However, then resistance to extreme conditions for bacterial spores was tested. The ability of living microorganisms to survive in a real environment typical of the Martian soil has not been studied before. The question of the survival of methanogens under the surface of Mars is related to the fact that during warm seasons methane regularly appears in the local atmosphere, which disappears during cold seasons. Although in theory methane can also be formed inorganically, however, atmospheric methane on Earth is mainly formed due to the work of methanogen microorganisms. It should be noted that assessments of the viability of Martian subsurface water basins based on the capabilities of terrestrial bacteria can create a slightly misleading picture. There is no place on Earth where microorganisms could feed on something at a pressure of 1/160 of atmospheric pressure (only bacterial spores flying to low Earth orbit with ascending flows encounter such pressure). The fact that terrestrial methanogens are capable of something similar is most likely pure coincidence, because for billions of years of evolution, they hardly needed such an opportunity. If bacterial life existed or exists on Mars, such pressure, on the contrary, is normal for it, and the ability of hypothetical local bacteria to survive under it may be significantly higher. The next step for scientists is experiments at low temperatures. “It is very cold on Mars, temperatures often drop to -100 °C at night and only occasionally, on the warmest days of the year, rise above zero. We conducted our experiments at temperatures slightly above zero, but low temperatures can limit the evaporation of the environment and make conditions more like Mars.”

Thus, there is a possibility that even if there would be no life of its own on Mars, then it could be brought there with terrestrial probes.

Other studies are exploring the possibility of Martian bacteria surviving in droplets of liquid salt water that could exist on the surface of Mars. In particular, American researchers have recreated in small modules an atmosphere of carbon dioxide and water vapor with a pressure 99% lower than on Earth at sea level. In these modules, the temperature will fluctuate from -73 to -62 degrees Celsius to simulate daily and seasonal cycles. Special equipment will alert researchers to the formation of salty droplets that could potentially be suitable for some forms of microbial life. Their foreign colleagues will place salt-loving “extremophiles”, that is, organisms from the depths of Antarctic lakes and the Gulf of Mexico, in similar chambers. Scientists will see if they can live, grow and reproduce in the "brine" just below the surface. All known life forms require liquid water. But a droplet or a thin film is enough for microbes.

Another important point is the search for Martian life in caves. Martian caves were discovered only in the 21st century. Caves differ in origin into five types: karst, erosional, glacial, tectonic and volcanic. The first three types are associated with the activity of liquid water. Therefore, such caves are unlikely on Mars. Tectonic caves arise in the faults of the earth's crust. Even on Earth, they are very rare, and on Mars, tectonic activity is much less. Volcanic caves result from the partial collapse of the ceiling of hollow lava tubes. And the lava tubes themselves are formed as a result of the solidification of liquid lava. It was volcanic caves that were discovered on Mars.

Counting the number of fresh craters on these volcanoes shows that they last erupted about 100-150 million years ago. Therefore, it is quite logical to look for volcanic caves in them. Lava tubes were first discovered.

In September 2007, the discovery of the first 7 holes was announced, probably the entrances to the caves. The discovery was made on the slopes of Mount Arsia while analyzing images from the THEMIS camera (resolution 18 meters) of the Odyssey probe. Holes ranging in size from 100 to 225 meters have received unofficial names: "Dena", "Chloe", "Wendy", "Annie", "Abby", "Nikki" and "Genie".

Observations in the infrared range showed that during the day these holes are colder than the surrounding area, and at night, on the contrary, warmer. From these observations, it was concluded that the holes have a depth of about 100 meters.

Later, two holes ("Jinn" and "Annie") were observed using a more powerful HIRES camera (resolution 0.3 meters). During the HIRES observations, longer exposures were taken to see the bottom of the holes. Observations showed that the depth of "Genie" is about 112 meters, and "Annie" is 172 meters. Other observations say that the depth of the "Djinn" is more than 245 meters with a diameter of 175 meters.

It is assumed that the found caves can be good candidates in the search for Martian life. Although this version has skeptics who argue that the large height of the caves above the average radius of Mars sharply reduces this possibility. To explore the Martian caves will require special robotic speleologists.

Future missions to Mars

The future search for life on Mars involves several important projects:

- WISDOM radar for radar of the interior of Mars with a vertical resolution of up to 3 cm and a sounding depth of up to 3-10 meters;

— neutron spectrometer ADRON-RM for searching for subsurface water, hydrated materials and identifying the best places for taking samples (made in Russia – at the IKI Institute under the leadership of I.G. Mitrofanov);

– Raman spectrometer RLS for determining the mineralogical composition and identifying organic pigments;

— Analyzer of organic molecules MOMA for the search for biomarkers.

At the same time, the HABIT instrument will be installed on the stationary landing platform in order to study the habitability of Mars: the search for liquid water, the study of UV radiation and temperature.

  • The NASA 2020 rover, in addition to the above-mentioned ability to collect Martian soil samples for subsequent return, will have three more important astrobiological tools:
  • SuperCam is a tool for analyzing the chemical and mineralogical composition of Martian soil. The instrument will also be able to detect at a distance the presence of organic compounds in rocks and regolith.
  • SHERLOC (Scanning Habitable Environments with Raman & Luminescence for Organics and Chemicals) is an ultraviolet Raman spectrometer that will provide small-scale imaging to determine small-scale mineralogy and detect organic matter. SHERLOC will be the first ultraviolet spectrometer on the surface of Mars and will interact with other instruments in the payload.
  • RIMFAX (Radar Imager for Mars’ Subsurface Exploration) is a ground penetrating radar that will probe geological structure subsoil with a resolution of up to 15-30 centimeters. The radar will be able to detect groundwater to a depth of more than 10 meters. The radar will turn on every 10 centimeters of the rover's path.

Mars is the fourth planet solar system, counting by distance from the star, and probably the most popular among us earthlings. This is where the legendary "Martians" come from. Those who are now commonly called "alien civilizations", or, simply, "aliens". From here, science fiction writers expected the appearance of the most vicious conquerors from other worlds. However, most likely in vain. Because there is no life on Mars. And it cannot be. At least for now. But why is there no life on mars ?

The main reason is the lack of water on the planet. Atmospheric pressure on Mars, 160 times less than on Earth, does not allow the presence of free water. Water is present in the atmosphere in the form of vapor, but its content is about 5000 times lower than in the earth's atmosphere, which practically excludes the existence of life.

The content of oxygen necessary for breathing in the atmosphere of Mars is so negligible (about 0.13%) that it is not able to ensure the functioning of living organisms. In addition, oxygen is a shield that protects the planet from solar radiation (the ozone layer), which is deadly for life. There is too little oxygen on Mars, so the surface of the planet is constantly being bombarded by the radiation of our blessed star. For the Earth, the Sun is life. For Mars, death.

The rarefaction of the Martian atmosphere also explains the huge temperature drops on the surface of the planet. During the day, the temperature of the Martian air ranges from +50 to -80 degrees C (at the poles - up to -170). The very origin of life in such conditions is impossible.

So, there is no life on Mars, which is confirmed by the data of the American Viking and Phoenix programs, long-term observations of terrestrial observatories, experiments of research centers that placed the most unpretentious terrestrial organisms in reproduced Martian conditions.

But now let's look at the problem from a different point of view. All the arguments that scientists cite, proving the absence of life on Mars, relate only to the possibility of its occurrence. Yes, in such an atmosphere of Mars, life cannot arise. However, it is believed that earlier the Martian atmosphere was different. It is believed that it was denser, it had more oxygen, many scientists believe that there was free water on Mars. If the conditions necessary for the emergence of life on Mars existed, then it could well have arisen.

Therefore, the question - why there is no life on Mars - seems to be resolved. But in space, everything can be completely different from what it is on Earth. Even our "native" bacteria can exist in permafrost or in the boiling water of ocean trenches near underwater volcanoes. So what can we say about alien organisms that have gone through the crucible of cosmic catastrophes? In addition, many scientists believe that it is possible for life to exist based not on carbon, as we do, but on silicon.

Therefore, it is perhaps premature to discount the likelihood of a Martian invasion simply because they do not exist.

Today, NASA announced that there is life on Mars, this is confirmed by photographs taken by the Viking spacecraft.

NASA reveals evidence of life on Mars...

The American space organization NASA provided photographs confirming the existence of life on the Red Planet -.

As already known, in the 70s, the Viking spacecraft took photographs of Mars, which included the silhouette of a humanoid creature. But experts quickly declared that this was not a creature, but simply an anomaly that occurred due to the Phobos satellite. According to experts, Phobos rotates very quickly in the orbit of Mars and because of this various anomalies are periodically created.

Is there life on Mars?

But ufologists were against the statement about the anomaly and said that the government is trying to cover up traces of extraterrestrial life so that panic does not rise on Earth. After that, ufologists said that the silhouette on the Red Cobblestone was not an anomaly, but a clear sign of the existence of aliens, but no one believed them.

Following the appearance of the silhouette photograph, the machine took several more photographs, which captured what looked like a lizard, a frog, and a large bone. Experts immediately declared that these were not living beings, but only stone statues. Ufologists began to prove the opposite, that these are not stones, but living beings, and again no one began to listen to them.

NASA's Charles Bolden believes in extraterrestrial life...

And today, Charles Bolden, the head of AKA NASA, publicly stated that he believes in the existence of extraterrestrial life, and while at least it was not possible to meet aliens in person, this will still happen in the near future, because every day new evidence is being revealed to NASA.

As can be seen from the picture taken by the NASA space agency, there are living beings on the Red Planet - Mars. In this picture you can see something similar to a lizard.

As you can see from the photograph taken by the NASA space agency, there are living beings on Red Mars. In this picture you can see something similar to a frog.

As can be seen from the photograph, which was made by the American agency NASA, there are living beings on Mars. This picture shows something similar to the bone of an animal that recently died on the planet.

Today, NASA announced that there is life on Mars, this is confirmed by photographs taken by the Viking spacecraft.

The truth about life on the Red Planet!

The Red Planet has long attracted the attention of not only scientists, but also ordinary people. They fix their eyes on the starry sky and immediately distinguish it from many other night luminaries. The planet could be useful for mining and spaceports to fly into "uncharted space". But most of all we want to know if life exists on Mars.

Mars is the only planet in the solar family that is still able to surprise scientists with some kind of life form. They really hope so, as, indeed, we do.

giant ants

Is there life on Mars? According to some scholars, it was In the past, Mars, like Earth, was filled with rivers, volcanoes erupted, and the climate was temperate. The shores of rivers, seas and oceans were covered with abundant vegetation, and the animal world was much more diverse than on Earth. Insects were the most adapted to the living conditions, the leading positions in terms of numbers were occupied by huge praying mantises and ants. And then the irreparable happened - the rich nature of Mars disappeared along with most of the atmosphere.


The main distinguishing feature of the current Mars and Earth is the composition of their atmospheres and density. The atmosphere of Mars, which consists mainly of carbon dioxide, presses on the planet 100 times weaker than the earth's, and does not protect it from the death-bearing radiation of the Sun, while the atmosphere of Venus presses 100 times stronger in relation to the Earth.

An increase in air temperature can turn the Earth into another Venus, and if our planet is polluted, then its slow cooling will be similar to Martian conditions. At the equator of Mars, the temperature does not exceed +16 degrees, and at night it is -60 degrees Celsius. At both poles, the thermometer drops to -120 degrees. The atmosphere of Mars does not protect it well from the cold Cosmos.

In our country, fluffy white snow covers the permafrost of the pole, and on Mars - "dry ice", i.e. frozen carbon dioxide. The low pressure of the Martian atmosphere, which has almost disappeared, will boil and evaporate a glass of water at +10 degrees. This means that it is possible to melt the permafrost of the planet and extract water thanks to powerful installations with microwaves.

Surface of Mars

The surface of the planet has a reddish tint, this is due to the significant content of iron oxides in it. The southern hemisphere of Mars is covered with more craters than the northern hemisphere. Up from the equator, an unknown force covered almost all traces of craters, perhaps there was a catastrophe. Or maybe it was an endless ocean.

Probably, in former times, rivers flowed on the planet, but now only dried up channels remain from them. The surface of Mars is famous for its high volcanoes, one of them - Olympus - rises up to 28 kilometers - this is the most high mountain in the solar family. Frozen lava flows formed the shield volcanoes that abound on the planet. In ancient times, Mars showed unprecedented volcanic activity.

Huge canyons, sand dunes, meteorite craters are visible on the planet. In addition to meteorites, the surface of the planet is affected by the atmosphere with the hydrosphere, the latter being much less pronounced. Weathering acts on the planet, although not as active as on Earth. Previously, it was intensified by high temperature and atmospheric pressure, as well as by the existing liquid water.

Highly Spiritual Entities

Is there life on Mars? This is a classic question that reflects people's interest in the existence of brothers in mind in space. But there is an opinion expressed by people with paranormal abilities that their civilization has already reached much more than millions of years ago. high level development than ours.

The spirit or mind of a Martian has already mastered all the qualities of evolutionary experience and completed the cycle of development in three-dimensional space, now he does not need a material shell, as we need it to master the physical world. Highly spiritual entities now need more dynamic systems that develop activities that are completely different from ours.

Therefore, life on Mars turns out to be invisible to the means of probing, regardless of the intense manifestations of the forms of their activity, different from ours. That is why official science still does not recognize either a reasonable or even any elementary form of life. Or maybe scientists have already proven that there is life on Mars, but they hide it?

The disappearance of the Martian civilization

Is there life on Mars? Given the various evidence of scientists and researchers in this field, it can be argued that there was. But where did she disappear to? This is a new question. We need to figure it out.

Water has long been found on the planet in the form of ice, riverbeds, which means that it had its own atmosphere, and, accordingly, the biosphere. Therefore, presumably, Mars also had its own civilization of intelligent beings. There is evidence of this in the form of rock paintings of ancient people (earthlings), their legends about gods who descended to earth have been preserved. There are also hypotheses that it was the Martians who brought to Earth a certain number of species of animals and plants, introduced ancient people to science. And today Mars looks lifeless: its atmosphere is 95% carbon dioxide, and few people believe that life was once in full swing on the red planet.

Meteor shower or war?

Is there life on the planet Mars? It is no secret that it has its own secrets, which scientists are trying to reveal by discovering many obscure things. For example, a sphinx looking at the sky, incomprehensible holes in rocks of the correct form, 40 pyramids found - all this requires clarification.

Is there life on Mars or not? The above facts prove that it existed. It is possible to give explanations about the disappeared intelligent civilization of the Martians, assuming that they died as a result of a catastrophe. On the surface of Mars, many small craters have been found that go deep into the planet, their age is huge. From this follows the conclusion that many years ago there was a meteor shower that wiped out all life from the face of the planet. The Martians failed to cope with this scourge.

There is also another hypothesis about the disappearance of civilization. A version is put forward about the war, as a result of which the humanoids destroyed themselves. Proof - craters - traces of falling bombs, maybe nuclear.

Life deep underground

Is life possible on Mars now? There is hope that civilization still exists. Maybe after the catastrophe, its representatives hid deep in the bowels of the earth, settling there in some kind of bunkers on the planet Mars? Is there life on Mars? Photos showing holes of the correct shape prove that it is quite possible. Where do they lead? Why weren't they covered in sand? Why don't the humanoids try to ask us for help if they're there?

Mars holds many mysteries. How much longer to wait for a meeting with aliens? And when will it be possible to give an exact answer to the eternal question of whether there is life on Mars?

From the history of the issue

Man did not want to feel alone among the stars, so all sorts of hypotheses about life on Mars were invented. In ancient times, scientists and other respected people were not averse to believing in the existence of intelligent life even on the moon.

At the end of the 19th century, a whole network of straight lines was observed on the surface of Mars, they were discovered by the Italian Schiaparelli (later they are translated from his language as channels). But it all turned out to be an optical illusion.

Further, at the turn of the century, real passions arose around Mars and aliens, and the question of the existence of life on the planet was considered closed. And the problem of establishing contacts with extraterrestrial civilizations of the Universe was only with other planets, not with Mars. But time passed, and the Martians were silent.

In the middle of the 20th century, the Russian scientist Tikhonov was able to explain the change in the color of some parts of the planet, associating this with the seasonal activity of blue-green or blue plants. Soon the science of astrobotany arose. But all these bold claims were refuted by the first detailed images of the surface of Mars in 1965.

mysterious face

Is there life on Mars? The Viking1 photo, which depicts an unusual relief formation, caused another stormy wave of discussion around the issue of Martian civilization on the planet. When this section of the planet's surface was filmed, the sun's rays fell in such a position on this hill that it looked like a mask or a mysterious face. About this discovery, which was called the "Martian Sphinx", a large number of books were written, many lectures were given.

Mars... Is there life there? New research shows that such faces can be seen everywhere on the red planet.

life showed up

Is life possible on Mars? The proof that it is, or at least was, found in Antarctica. A team of scientists led by David McKay in the 90s of the 20th century published an article proving the discovery of the existence of bacterial life on Mars in past times. A meteorite that fell from Mars to Earth in the region of Antarctica gave interesting results when studying it. When analyzing the substance of the meteorite, organic compounds were found that are very similar to the waste products of terrestrial bacteria, mineral formations were also found that correspond to the by-products of bacterial activity, and carbonate balls (they may be microfossils of simple bacteria).

Fallen meteorite

How did a piece of Mars end up on earth? Researchers provide clarification on this matter. About 100 million years after the formation of Mars, the original hot rocks became solid. This information is based on the study of meteorite radioisotopes. About 4 billion years ago, the rock collapsed, presumably from the fall of a meteorite. The water that got into the cracks made it possible for simple bacteria to exist in them. The bacteria, with their by-products, then turned into fossils in the rifts. This detailed information was obtained by studying radioisotopes in cracks.

A large meteorite from space landed on Mars 16 million years ago, breaking off a large piece of rock that soared into space. This event has exactly such a prescription, which is confirmed by studies of the meteorite, which was under the influence of cosmic rays all the time of its movement in space. The traveler ended his flight in Antarctica.

Born from Mars

Scientists give an answer with evidence about its Martian origin. Twelve meteorites of Martian origin have been discovered on Earth, including our messenger of life. It weighs almost two kilograms. Our "newcomer" is not like everyone else, but is an exception - one of all was formed about 4.6 billion years ago, when the history of the solar system was just beginning, the remaining eleven have a younger age - 1.3 billion years.

All twelve meteorites were formed on Mars, this is evidenced by their rock crystallized from molten magma, it was previously red-hot. This proves their planetary origin, which is not at all connected, for example, with an asteroid. The composition of their breeds is very similar to each other. They are all marked with heat from the impact and bear traces confirming that there was a fact of a meteorite landing that threw them into the open space of space. Studying the rock that fell to Earth, scientists discovered on one of the twelve meteorites an air bubble, similar in composition to the Martian atmosphere, which was studied by the Vikings. All this and some other conclusions and comparisons allow us to conclude that these meteorites are of Martian origin.

Upcoming launches

Looking at the pictures of the Vikings, you can see two large craters, they may well be traces of the fall of that meteorite on the planet Mars, which broke off and let the rocks travel around the outer space surrounding the planet.

The planet Mars... Is there life on it? There is no limit to the optimistic view, but there are also opposite opinions that prophesy for our Earth a lonely existence in the abyss of a lifeless Universe. But it’s too early to grieve, because at the dawn of the millennium, new launches to the red planet are planned, perhaps they will bring us good news. Well, let's wait and see.