Yakuza becomes a memory of the past. All books written by Dmitry Sillov - And how do you feel about Putin now

The Russians are not warriors

UPD. The three of us sat for a mug of foam and a dispute came out with our opponent. The man tried to push me something heroic from the life of the NATO military and agreed to the point that the Russians weren’t inferior to them, but in general they didn’t stand next to them.

An old friend was with me, who judged our conversation, assessing it as having every chance of developing into something more serious.

I will give a short summary of his story.

It was in the mid 90s. He worked in the Far East to catch crab on RSs (fishing boats) as a representative of the company. And I must say that the catch of crab was a semi-criminal business at that time, in the sense that most of the catch was unaccounted for and surrendered to Japan by double bass.

On the Japanese side, the reception of the crab was controlled by the Yakuza. In one of the meetings in the Japanese port, he met with a gray-haired, already well over 70, Japanese from this organization, and felt on his part a kind of overly respectful attitude towards himself. Even some reverence.

In my opinion, it beats quite well with the grandfather's story. Moreover, according to Western sources.

I'll add my comment to confirm

There was such a case:
Our Russians fled in the UN troops in Yugoslavia in 1991
And he crawls up to the sergeant on the armored personnel carrier (carelessly unbuttoned, "in combat" with a hat on top of his head, our rat is a liberal correspondent from a zombie man:
How are you, how are you here?
How are the Americans standing next to each other, what kind of relationship?
The sergeant begins to tell how the pendos by hook or by crook exchange our winter uniform - they already had "Flora"
The liberalist's eyes began to look on his forehead: Yes, why?
Yes, because it is much more comfortable and warmer!

In order to stop the disgrace discrediting your beloved Pindos, the next question
-How do they treat you?
Sergeant calmly, as usual
-They respect us very much and fear us!
(Let me remind you about the time: 1991 Judas Gorbach sells Russia, and all her friends to pendos, Russia is driven by pissing rags all over the world ...)
liberal rat almost faints crying
-Haaaaaa? WHY?
The sergeant calmly, with a vicious smile at the liberal:
-Understand that our spirit is much higher

In 2000, the publishing house "Armada" published the first book by Dmitry Sillov "Do you want to survive?", which immediately took seventh place in the sales rating of the trading house "Biblio-Globus" and in which for the first time mention was made of the "Real Street Fight" hand-to-hand combat system.

In June 2004, the EKSMO publishing house put on sale a book by the same author entitled "Real Street Fight - a survival system on the street, in the army, in prison, in society."

The book's run of 5,500 copies was sold out in less than three months. In the first days of September 2004, an additional circulation of 4,000 copies went on sale.

A third additional print run went on sale in early 2005. In total, the book went through five additional printings.

In June 2005, the same publishing house published the book "The Education of a Warrior", which is entirely devoted to the comprehensive training of a hand-to-hand fighter.

The annotation says: “This book is about how to become healthy, strong and self-confident, how to learn to always achieve your goals. About how to bring up a Warrior in yourself.

Branch of the Yakuza is the first published work of art by Dmitry Sillov, published in 2005 by the EKSMO publishing house. This is the story of an ordinary person who, by the will of circumstances, was forced to defend his life and the lives of his loved ones by force.

In June 2007, the EKSMO publishing house published Dmitry Sillov's "Encyclopedia of Real Street Fighting", which absorbed everything that he had ever written about the "Real Street Fighting" system he created.

In addition, new topics are discussed in detail in the book, namely, the specifics of women's self-defense, injuries during training, the competence and training of the coaching staff, nutritional supplements and their fakes, and much more.

The historical novel "Evil City" tells about the heroic defense of the city of Kozelsk by Russian soldiers from the horde of Batu Khan in 1238.

Synopsis for "Evil City"
"He seemed to be kept by all the forces of the Russian Land." And the Horde had no choice but to exchange a hundred of their soldiers for one Russian knight, again and again storming the walls of Kozelsk, which they called the "Evil City" for the stamina of its defenders.

And blood flowed, and man-made lightning flew from the walls of the fortress, and heroes, monsters and people converged in battle, who fought in a way that mortals are not able to fight. And the battle was running out. And then came the time of glory.

In November 2009, the same publishing house published the book "Weapons of Real Street Fighting", which describes in detail the techniques of hand-to-hand combat using improvised means and weapons permitted by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

From the abstract: “This book is for those who want to protect themselves on the street, but cannot or simply do not want to spend long hours in the gym mastering hand-to-hand combat techniques.

This book is for those who already have street fighting skills, but also want to expand their arsenal of fighting techniques by working with improvised objects and self-defense weapons allowed in Russia. This book is for any person of any physical condition who thinks about their safety and the safety of their loved ones and at the same time does not want to violate the laws of the Russian Federation.

In 2010, Dmitry Sillov's book Combat Knives was published by the Leningrad Publishing House.

In it, in addition to a detailed description of more than 180 knives, the reader will find 32 highly artistic photographs by photo artist Andrei Kuzminov, which were not published in a later reprint of this book.

In the same year, the "Leningrad Publishing House" published Dmitry Sillov's book "Hand-to-Hand Combat", for the first time completed with a DVD with training material.

From the abstract:“Hand-to-hand combat is the readiness at the right time to confidently and skillfully repulse any opponent. The book and video course offered to you are created on the basis of Dmitry Sillov's system "Real Street Fight".

Combat techniques, which are among the most effective today, are described in detail and accompanied by high-quality photo and video materials. In addition, much attention is paid to the psychology of the Warrior in the book. After all, internal readiness for confrontation in an extreme situation is no less important than the actual possession of hand-to-hand combat techniques.

Sniper's Law, a novel written by Dmitry Sillov for the S.T.A.L.K.E.R series, turned out to be one of the author's most successful projects. To date, the book has already gone through three additional printings and its total circulation is 101,000 copies.

Synopsis for "Law of the Sniper"“His past is unknown. How he got into the Zone is a mystery. They call him Sniper here. No one knows his real name, not even himself. But he is always responsible for his debts. And he goes to the center of the Zone, because he swore this to the dying stalker. The Sniper is hunted by humans and mutants.

They really want to kill him. Or at least stop. Or take what the Sniper got from the dying man. But this is a difficult task. Because he is a sniper. And he always hits the chosen target.

In 2010, the EKSMO publishing house published the book "50 Most Effective Street Fighting Techniques". It went on sale in two versions - with a DVD-ROM and without it. The book is interesting in that it reveals the methodology for applying the techniques of the special section of the "Real Street Fight" system, which has not been published anywhere before.

From the abstract:“Using the techniques described in the book, every man, regardless of the degree of his physical fitness and fitness, a woman and even a child will be able to neutralize virtually any attacker. The self-defense technique was developed, among other things, for the soldiers of the Russian special forces.”

In the same year, the EKSMO publishing house released a significantly expanded version of the book Combat Knives, which included descriptions of more than 270 combat and tactical knives. The book is distinguished by an excellent edition, coated paper, large color photographs of knives, as well as detailed and accessible descriptions for them.

In the same 2010, the "Leningrad Publishing House" published Dmitry Sillov's book "Real Street Fight", which contains the most interesting techniques of the self-defense system of the same name, which were described in the author's previous books.

In the spring of 2011, the AST publishing house publishes the first novel in the author's series by Dmitry Sillov "Kremlin 2222. South". In the future, in addition to Dmitry, other authors will write in this series. The novel "South" is a continuation of the adventures of Sniper, the protagonist of the novel "Sniper's Law", but all novels about the adventures of this hero can be read separately.

Synopsis for "South" “Civilization is dead. All that remains of Russia is the Killing Fields and a handful of people defending the Moscow Kremlin from biorobots, cyborgs, crazy shamans and other evil spirits generated by the Third World War.

Danila, a young Kremlin combatant who escaped from the captivity of non-humans, meets a man in the ruins of the former capital of Russia who is not afraid of either biorobots or telepaths. A man who comes from a world where the Last War has not yet been lost. This world is called the Zone. And the man's name is Sniper.

In the same spring of 2011, the AST publishing house published the second novel by Dmitry Sillov in the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. - "The Law of the Bullseye". In this book, readers will meet again with the Sniper, as well as with the legendary characters of the computer games "S.T.A.L.K.E.R." - Marked, Ghost, Fang and Guide. Also in the novel is Viktor Savelyev, a character in Dmitry Sillov's trilogy "Russian Yakuza", which is currently being prepared for publication.

Synopsis for the novel "The Law of the Bullseye":“The Zone has Legends. One of them is Tagged. The other one is Sniper. They are on the same team. In a team consisting entirely of Legends. And their task is legendary: to prevent the whole world from being turned into the Zone.

Yakuza is not a Legend of the Zone. He is just a legend. There, in the big world. But here and now he is a killer who was assigned to kill a man nicknamed the Sniper. And a man called the Marked One. And anyone who tries to interfere. Yakuza always follow orders. This is his law. But here is the Zone. And she makes the laws here.”

In May 2011, Dmitry Sillov's third novel in the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. series went on sale. - "Law of the mercenary." In this book, readers will meet again with the Sniper, the Marked One, the Japanese, and also with Scar, the main character of the legendary S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Clear Sky" and Major Degtyarev, the protagonist of the game "S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Call of Pripyat".

Synopsis for "The Law of the Mercenary"“The Monolith group went on the offensive. Her possessions are spreading, threatening to crush the entire Zone under her. Someone very powerful is standing behind the backs of the fanatics, coordinating their actions and supplying the Monolith with the most modern weapons.

The goal is clear: the one who masters the Zone will rule the whole world. But apart from human ambitions, there is also the will of the Zone itself. That is why legendary stalkers meet again on the earth burned by radiation: Tagged, Scar, Sniper, Yakuza ...

Marked by the Zone, called by it to fulfill a kind of contract, the purpose of which is still unknown to any of them. But it doesn't matter, because one of the main laws of the Wild Territories is the Mercenary Law. Got it - do it. Even at the cost of your own life. Although it is better to stay alive…”

Also in May 2011, another novel by Dmitry Sillov appeared on store shelves - “The Blood of the Hunter”, written in the genre of a vampire action movie.

Synopsis for "Blood of the Hunter" “This is what our world is really like. Mankind is just living food for evil spirits - werewolves and vampires. These creatures fight mercilessly among themselves, but for people it doesn’t matter who will eat them. But retribution is coming. Her name is Hunter. The blood of people, lycans and bloodsuckers flows in his veins. In his heart is a merciless hatred of enemies. His life is a deadly fight with the Ancient Evil. The blows of the sword and the whistle of charmed bullets. Special Forces fighter Andrey Kraev came into this world to return it to people.”

In September 2011, the first novel of Dmitry Sillov's spin-off trilogy Shadow of the Yakuza went on sale. The trilogy tells about the adventures of Viktor Savelyev, nicknamed "Japanese", a character in the novels "The Law of the Bullseye" and "The Law of the Mercenary" before his appearance in the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone.

Synopsis for "Shadow of the Yakuza" “It was not by choice that Victor became a bandit. The bandits forced him to this. He didn't want to become a murderer. The killers forced him to do this. Cruelty breeds cruelty. But what could be more terrible than forces beyond the control of reason? The Yakuza clan awakened in him the abilities of medieval ninja assassins. Now he is the weapon of the clan. And his battlefield is not only Russia. The whole world. But Victor is a smart weapon. He is able to choose against whom to direct his newfound power. New book by Dmitry Sillov, best-selling author: S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Law of the Sniper”, “S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Bullseye Law”, “S.T.A.L.K.E.R. The Law of the Mercenary”, “Kremlin 2222. South”.

At the end of 2011, the second novel in the Kremlin 2222. Northwest series, the continuation of the Sniper's adventures in Moscow, which survived a nuclear war two hundred years ago, goes on sale.

Annotation to the novel "Kremlin 2222. North-West": “The sniper became a legend there, on the poisoned land of the Zone. Now his battlefield is here - in the same death-poisoned world of Moscow, which survived a nuclear war. In the world of mutants, cyborgs and the Killing Fields. In a world where pathetic bunches of people are trying to survive and save themselves. Save humanity. A sniper is needed here. Because he knows how to kill. He is ready to save - friends. He is also able to forgive. Enemies. He is the Sniper, the ultimate warrior with only one thing missing. Love."

Almost simultaneously with the "North-West" appears in the sale of "Apprentice Yakuza", the second book of the spin-off trilogy about the adventures of Viktor Savelyev ("Japanese") outside the Chernobyl exclusion zone.

Synopsis for "The Yakuza Apprentice": “His name is Viktor Savelyev. He is a yakuza. Living weapon. But to become a perfect warrior, Victor needs special training. That is why his path lies in Japan. To the ancient school of ninjutsu. But, having arrived in the country of the Rising Sun, Victor suddenly realizes that he is not at all where he should have been. The Tower of Death, the ancient dragon, the killing of the Unliving and the gate to the Land of the Dead - this is the reality through which the true Warrior of the Night must pass. New book by Dmitry Sillov, best-selling author: S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Law of the Sniper”, “S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Bullseye Law”, “S.T.A.L.K.E.R. The Law of the Mercenary”, “Kremlin 2222. South”.

Before the New Year holidays, "Hunting Knives", a continuation of the richly illustrated book "Combat Knives", appears on sale.

Annotation to the encyclopedia "Hunting Knives": "Hunting Knives" is a richly illustrated encyclopedia that simply and clearly tells about the best hunting knives in Russia and abroad. Here you will find recommendations for choosing a universal knife for a hunter, tourist, fisherman, traveler, which at the same time can save the life of the owner in a critical situation. The book is designed both for professional hunters and for the general reader who is interested in edged weapons.

In March 2012, a new book by Dmitry Sillov "Bodybuilding, fitness, aerobics without steroids, a trainer and a gym" appears on store shelves.

Annotation to the encyclopedia "Bodybuilding, fitness, aerobics without steroids, trainer and gym":“The new book by Dmitry Sillov, a well-known instructor in hand-to-hand combat and bodybuilding, the author of many books on this topic, provides answers to all questions that may arise both for an advanced athlete and for a beginner who decides to change his life with the help of a barbell and dumbbells. At the same time, the book is aimed specifically at the inhabitants of Russia, taking into account the fact that many do not have the time and financial opportunities to visit expensive gyms. This book is about how in a short time a person of any age, gender and physical condition can become the owner of a beautiful body, gain strength, endurance, and at the same time not lose their health by using anabolic steroids, but significantly improve it. Rock at home and stay healthy, strong and beautiful!

In April 2012, The Way of the Yakuza, the third book in the spin-off trilogy about the adventures of Viktor Savelyev (Japanese) outside the Chernobyl exclusion zone, goes on sale.

Synopsis for "The Way of the Yakuza": “Viktor Savelyev lost everyone who was dear to him. He has strayed from the Way, lost the magical power of a ninja, but this is only the beginning of his trials. At the other end of the earth, in the caves of Antarctica, for half a century now the Fourth Reich has been preparing for a new war, reviving the terrible legacy of an ancient civilization. Victor must infiltrate the Nazi lair and try to stop the already running World War III machine. It's his choice. And his war.

In May 2012, Dmitry Sillov's third novel in the Kremlin 2222. North series appears on store shelves, continuing the Sniper's adventures in Moscow, which survived a nuclear war two hundred years ago.

Annotation to the novel "Kremlin 2222. North":"He's a Sniper. He chooses a target and hits it. But it so happened that the strength of the Sniper turned into a weakness. The enemy took away from him the purpose and meaning of life. If the most precious thing is taken away from an ordinary person, his life loses its meaning. But the Sniper is another matter. He now has a different goal. Revenge".

In the same spring of 2012, a reprint of the book "Real Street Fight", published by the St. Petersburg publishing house Astrel SPb, which is part of the AST publishing holding, goes on sale.

In the summer of 2012, in the Modern and Classical Bestsellers series, the novel The Kremlin 2222. South was republished jointly by the AST publishing house and the Argumenty i Fakty newspaper. That same summer, the AST publishing house released the paperback novel The South, as well as its audio version on disk (read by Sergey Kuznetsov).

In November 2012, Dmitry Sillov's novel "The Law of the Damned" opens a new series of the AST "STALKER" publishing house.

Synopsis for "The Law of the Damned"“This novel is the true story of what would later be called the Sniper. Not ghostly memories of the hero implanted in his brain by scientists, but his real life, real name and real biography. The story of how a man took the Road of the Damned because it was the only way to defeat real monsters. And for those who have entered this road, there is only one law - the Law of the damned. So who is stronger - the Man or the Law? Sniper, or his curse? Meet Dmitry Sillov's new novel from the "Sniper" series - "The Law of the Damned"!

In December of the same year, a new novel in the series "Kremlin 2222. MKAD" was released, which tells about the continuation of the Sniper's adventures in post-nuclear Moscow.

Annotation to the novel "Kremlin 2222. MKAD":“Crowds of mutants are storming the Kremlin. But while the ancient fortress holds. For now, because the unknown Black Light is already killing people who dared to go down into the Kremlin cellars. A little more - and the mortal danger will break out, burning all life in its path. Around the Kremlin, the spiers of Emitters flare up, a mysterious energy Dome rises into the sky above the Ring Road, and in the east, in the center of the Izmailovo anomaly, the Mirror of the Worlds flares up. Only one person, Father Filaret, was able to understand what was the cause of this misfortune. He can't defeat Evil alone."

Sniper, Danila, Fyf, Nastya... Fate scattered them in different parts of post-nuclear Moscow. But she, fate, will bring them together on the sinister loop of the Moscow Ring Road, encircling the dead city.

In December of the same year, a colorfully published gift folio went on sale, which included three novels of Dmitry Sillov's literary project "Kremlin 2222" at once: "South", "North-West" and "North". In the book, readers will find a pleasant surprise - 16 paintings by the wonderful artist Igor Poltavsky, dedicated to the world of the Kremlin 2222 series.

In January 2013, the “Big Book of Self-Defense for Men and Women” appears on store shelves, a significantly expanded collection of all Dmitry Sillov’s methods for self-defense, strength training, bodybuilding and survival in extreme situations.

Annotation to the encyclopedia "The Big Book of Self-Defense for Men and Women":“Each person can become the master of his own life and learn to adequately respond to any challenge that the world around him throws. So says Dmitry Sillov, the creator of the Real Street Fight system. This is a universal system for survival on the street, in the army, in prison, in society - a synthesis of hand-to-hand combat, psychological training, bodybuilding and much more that you will read about in this book. The main goal of the Real Street Fight system is the physical education of a true Warrior, as well as the formation of the spirit of the Warrior, the spirit of the Winner in everyone who follows the methodology outlined in the Big Book of Self-Defense. There is nothing superfluous here - only information about what and how to do in order to get maximum results in the shortest possible time. The book contains 1150 high-quality black and white photographs, which greatly facilitate the assimilation of the material.

In March 2013, the collection of short stories "Kremlin 2222. Legends of the Survivors" goes on sale, for which Dmitry Sillov wrote 10 stories, and also became its compiler and literary editor.

Synopsis for "Legends of the Survivors":“The Kremlin 2222 project is growing, developing, going beyond the tight book frames, acquiring art galleries, videos, fans. He already has his own legends and his own legendary heroes. And, of course, a lot of stories written by fans of the series and professional authors. The best stories are included in this collection. "Legends of the Survivors" is not only the result of a careful selection based on the results of three online competitions, it is a new look at the world of "Kremlin 2222". These are new, unknown authors-winners and professional writers, authors of the novels of the Kremlin 2222 and S.T.A.L.K.E.R. series. And, of course, the author of the Kremlin 2222 project is Dmitry Sillov. New heroes, new stories, the past and future of the post-apocalyptic world "Kremlin 2222" - in the collection of combat fiction "Legends of the Survivors".

In August 2013, "The Law of the Dragon" is published, the first novel of Dmitry Sillov's new inter-author project "Rose of the Worlds".

Synopsis for "Dragon Law" “Many hundreds of years have passed since nuclear war died down. The world burned to the ground was reborn, but it became completely different. Cities and fortresses grew above the underground bunkers, people learned to control the elements, but a quiet life did not work out. Near the old cemeteries, the restless dead roam, kutrub demons are born on the cursed earth, and intelligent mutant dragons appear in the sky from time to time, spewing streams of all-devouring flame onto the flowering earth. A young guy whose village was burned by a dragon is forced to look for a new place in life. However, in a revived society, all the best places are occupied, and the powerful of this world can offer outcasts a poor choice - slavery or death. But a meeting with an alien from another world changes everything. He is a Sniper who went through the hell of the Chernobyl Zone and post-nuclear Moscow filled with monstrous mutants. He is the one who will be able to change this terrible world ... if only this world does not change him.

At the beginning of September 2013, the novel "Stalker", a new book by Dmitry Sillov from the "Kremlin 2222" series, appears on store shelves.

Annotation to the novel "Kremlin 2222. Stalker": “The Stalker went to the Zone - and did not return. An impenetrable dome rose above the Moscow Ring Road, separating the settlement of people from the burnt Moscow, flooded with terrible creatures of the Last War. Nobody believed that the stalker could be saved... except for his son Artyom. The guy finds a way to get into the Zone. He has nothing but a gun, a knife and the belief that his father is still alive. Will Artyom be able to survive among predatory mutants, crazed biorobots and creatures spawned by Emitters? Is it possible to find a missing person in a city where danger lurks at every turn? But in any world, the impossible becomes possible if you have real friends next to you. Sniper, Japanese, Ion, Woolen, Kolyan... The stalker's son will meet them on his way, full of dangers and adventures. Will the familiar heroes of post-apocalyptic Moscow help fulfill Artyom's most cherished desire? And will it not turn out to be his most terrible curse?

In November 2013, the continuation of the novel by the Strugatsky brothers "Roadside Picnic", written by Dmitry Sillov with the personal permission of B.N. Strugatsky, goes on sale. The title of the novel is Roadside Picnic 2. Happiness for everyone."

Synopsis for "Roadside Picnic 2" Happiness for all": “HAPPINESS FOR EVERYONE, FREE OF CHARGE, AND LET NO ONE GO OFFENDED!!! These words were spoken by the stalker Redrick Shewhart, having found the Golden Ball, which fulfills any desire. Thus ends the famous "Roadside Picnic". But what happened next? Fans of Russian science fiction have been asking themselves this question for more than forty years. And finally, with the personal permission of B. N. Strugatsky, Dmitry Sillov wrote a novel that is a continuation of the story of Red Shewhart ... What awaits the famous stalker after he returns from the Zone? How will his expressed desire affect the future of the distant Chernobyl Exclusion Zone and the fate of Sniper, the hero of Dmitry Sillov's bestselling books written for the S.T.A.L.K.E.R., Kremlin 2222, Rose of the Worlds series?

On April 8, 2014, Brothers of Death, the second novel in the Rose of the Worlds literary cycle, written by Dmitry Sillov, was released.

Synopsis for "Rose of the Worlds" Brother of death": “When the roadside picnic is over, where can a stalker who can travel between worlds go? Of course, to the familiar post-nuclear world, where he still had true friends ... and unpaid debts. To a world where winged mutants threaten cities so painstakingly built by the descendants of nuclear war survivors. There, where people with altered genetics are able to command the elements, and where in underground cities combat robots sleep forever, waiting only for the order to wake up. But not all is well in the familiar world. From the high mountains, sweeping away everything in its path, a horde of cruel conquerors descends, threatening to turn the flowering land into a desert. Can the Sniper survive the coming great war? After all, it is very difficult for someone who is so tired of traveling between worlds. Dead tired…”

On August 8, 2014, a new novel by Dmitry Sillov "No One Leaves" of the literary series "Roadside Picnic" appeared on sale, which is a continuation of the joint adventures of Sniper and Redrick Shewhart, begun in the novel "Happiness for All".

Synopsis for "Roadside Picnic" No one will leave" “Redrick Shewhart wished “happiness for everyone, for nothing, and let no one leave offended.” But his wish turned out to be a great grief for the people of Harmont. The city is cordoned off by military units, fenced off from the rest of the world with barbed wire. People with signs of mutations are sent to laboratories for scientific research. And, on top of that, in the ruins of the old plant, one of the most mysterious anomalies of the Zone, the Tramp Dick, has again become active, threatening to throw the transcendent horror of another world into the world of people. But not only invincible evil comes from the other world. In the Harmont Zone, a "twin of death" appears, a stalker named Sniper. Mortally wounded, but undefeated... Can he survive and help Shewhart return the citizens of Harmotn to their city? A difficult question, and a very difficult task even for experienced stalkers. After all, their powerful enemy has long decided that only one fate awaits the recalcitrant: no one will leave the Zone alive.

On November 8, 2014, bookstores received a new novel by Dmitry Sillov "Petersburg" of the literary cycle "Kremlin 2222".

Annotation to the novel "Kremlin 2222. Petersburg": “Petersburg… A city burned by the Last War of mankind, on the ruins of which a mortal battle is still going on. Surviving people and terrible mutants, whose ancestors were once also people, fiercely fight each other for a place under the sun ... And now, in this difficult time, fate accidentally throws a man from another world to the outskirts of the burned city.

On February 14, 2015, Dmitry Sillov's novel "Sheremetyevo" of the literary cycle "Kremlin 2222" entered the stores.

Annotation to the novel "Kremlin 2222. Sheremetyevo": “The sniper remembered everything. Your past life. His love ... Now he has a goal - to get from St. Petersburg to Moscow, where, perhaps, his girlfriend with eyes the color of a clear sky is still waiting for him. But to do this is not so easy. After all, on the highway linking the two cities, the Sniper faces numerous dangers, insidious anomalies, bloodthirsty monsters... and his old sworn enemy with his army of mutants based on the territory of the former Sheremetyevo Airport.

On May 25, 2015, a new novel by Dmitry Sillov, The Law of Degtyarev, released in the popular Stalker series, went on sale.

Synopsis for "Stalker" Law Degtyarev ": “The sniper went to the Kremlin, hoping that a girl with eyes of a clear sky was still waiting for him there. He went to the Kremlin... But he ended up in the Zone. Chernobyl Zone, cursed by him many times. A zone in which his old enemies are impatiently waiting to get even for the past, and in which old friends still roam those who profess the cruel but vital law of the Zone - who has a Degtyarev machine gun pumped with artifacts in their hands, the truth is behind it. .

On September 3, 2015, at the book fair, a presentation of the novel by Dmitry Sillov "The Law of the Ghost" of the literary series "STALKER" took place.

Synopsis for "The Law of the Ghost":“There is such a law of the Zone - a stalker who managed to get out alive from the “jolly ghost” anomaly becomes the Ghost of the Zone himself. A person who can hear her Call. Understand what the clusters of "burning fluff" rustle about. Anticipate the behavior of "graviconcentrates" and "meat grinders". Kill faster than others... But what will happen if two people meet in the Zone - a Sniper, who miraculously managed to escape from the clutches of a "jolly ghost", and a legendary stalker who did it earlier and was disfigured beyond recognition by a deadly anomaly? After all, there can be only one Ghost in the Zone…”

Synopsis for "The Law of the Fang": The sniper has almost reached his target. But "almost" does not mean "reach". After all, cruel, wolf laws operate in the Zone - whoever has stronger and longer fangs decides the fate of the others. Including: let them achieve what they want, or die one step away from victory. This time, a really terrible enemy stood in the way of the Sniper, who is much faster and stronger than an experienced stalker - a terrible creature of the Monument, specially created by the legendary anomaly in order to kill the Sniper. Will a living person be able to resist the steel fangs of a monster that crawled out of the bowels of the destroyed Sarcophagus? After all, to engage in battle with him is the same as fighting the Zone itself alone ... "

On April 13, 2016, the novel "The Law of Duty" of the literary series "STALKER" went on sale.

Synopsis for "The Law of Duty" “The sniper did what he had to do - saved those who were dear to him. But at the same time, he violated one of the most terrible laws of the Zone - the Law of Duty. But it is clear to everyone that the Zone does not forgive those who violate its laws ... In addition, the Sniper managed to become an enemy of one of the most powerful groups operating in the anomalous territory. And in addition, he is pursued by a terrible creature that has penetrated from the world of the Kremlin into the world of the Chernobyl Zone. But the problems do not seem insoluble when old friends are near you: Viktor Savelyev, nicknamed "Japanese" and a cyborg girl who firmly decided to find her beloved. True, everything becomes much more difficult when your comrades become dangerous enemies, when something that can completely destroy humanity is about to break into the Zone from a neighboring world ... and when the worst happens - in order to fulfill your duty, you are forced to kill your best friend.

On August 13, 2016, Law of the Zone, a rewritten version of Law of the Sniper, hit stores.

Synopsis for "The Law of the Zone": “He doesn’t remember how he got into the Zone. But the Zone remembers him, and tries with all his might to destroy him. But he is a sniper. And he goes to the goal no matter what. His goal is the Sarcophagus, hiding in its bowels the answers to all questions. If only the Sniper gets to the target and stays alive, because no one has ever succeeded in this ... "

Synopsis for "The Law of Freedom": “When a stalker in the Zone becomes disabled, he is free in his choice - to leave quickly and easily, putting a bullet in his forehead, or to cling to life with all his last strength, dying long and painfully. The sniper is out of luck. In battle, he was seriously wounded. In addition, two of the most powerful factions in the Zone put a huge bounty on his head. Does it make sense to continue to fight for life? Isn't it easier to make the right choice, realizing the complete hopelessness of your situation? But everyone interprets the law of freedom in their own way. Someone in a critical situation kills himself. And someone is trying to kill those who hunt him. He is trying with the last of his strength, of which there are very few left ... "

The Great Encyclopedia of Knives of the World is a richly illustrated encyclopedia that simply and clearly describes the best knives in Russia and abroad. In this book, you will read about combat knives of the past and present, which have their own interesting history, discover the fascinating world of hunting knives - both those produced by well-known companies and created by the hands of talented gunsmiths. Here you will also find detailed reviews of tactical knives, equally suitable for domestic purposes and for self-defense - both freely available and the rarest collectibles. The book provides recommendations on choosing a universal knife for a hunter, fisherman, tourist, traveler, who at the same time can save the life of the owner in a critical situation. In this book, you will learn how to become the owner of the optimal knife for work and self-defense, while not violating existing laws.

Synopsis for "The Law of the Monolith": “A real hunt is open for the Sniper. Now absolutely all the factions of the Zone are competing to get the most valuable prize - a man whose life is worth a fortune ... But the Sniper himself does not know if he is now a man, or a biological machine created by a mad scientist. And in order to find out for sure, he needs to reach the center of the Zone again, breaking through the flocks of mutants and the cordons of fanatics. But is it real when the Zone itself signed your death warrant?”

On March 20, 2017, the novel "The Law of the Gunslinger", a rewritten version of the "Law of the Bullseye", entered the stores.

Synopsis for "The Arrow's Law": “He is a killer. He received the task to liquidate a group of stalkers. And he follows the trail without doubting success, because in the past he happened to solve problems even more difficult. His main target is the Sniper, a member of a squad made up entirely of the legendary veterans of the Zone. But what do these big words mean for the killer, who himself has long become a legend? He is not afraid of mutants - he destroyed more serious opponents on his way. He does not fall into anomalies - they do not meet on his way. The Zone accepted him, and nothing can stop him from fulfilling his plan. After all, what does the killer care about the fact that the Sniper and his comrades also have their own task, on which the fate of not only the Zone, but the rest of the world depends.

On August 18, 2017, The Law of the Scar, a rewritten version of The Law of the Mercenary, hit stores.

Synopsis for "The Law of the Scar":"Zone on fire. The "Monument" group is spreading over it like a cancerous tumor, destroying all living things in its path. Someone very powerful is standing behind the backs of the fanatics, coordinating their actions and supplying them with the most modern weapons. The purpose of the "Monument" is clear: whoever takes control of the Zone will dictate his will to the rest of the world. But in addition to the ambitions of fanatics, there is also the will of the Zone itself. That is why legendary stalkers meet again on the earth burned by radiation: Marked, Scar, Sniper, Japanese ... Marked by the Zone, called by it to fulfill a kind of contract, the purpose of which is still unknown to any of them. But it doesn't matter, because one of the main laws of the Zone is the Law of the mercenary. Got it - do it. Even at the cost of your own life. It's better to stay alive though.

On October 5, 2017, a reissue of the Great Encyclopedia of Knives of the World appears on sale under a different cover.

Annotation to the "Big Encyclopedia of Knives of the World":

On December 6, 2017, The Stalker's Law, a new novel about the adventures of the Sniper in the Chernobyl Zone, appeared on the shelves of bookstores.

Synopsis for "The Stalker's Law": “Any normal stalker has a law: a friend is everything. It's not a problem to risk your life for him. And even if he died, the Zone can give a chance to bring him back to life. Let for this you have to fight monstrous monsters, go through the border between worlds and revive the worst nightmare of the Zone - for the sake of a friend, the stalker is ready to do the impossible ... But is your friend ready to do the same for you? And will it not turn out one day that in fact you did not go to save a friend, but the one who will take away from you everything for which you lived in this world?.

On March 17, 2018, the novel "The Law of the Merchant" went on sale, the continuation of the Sniper's adventures in the Chernobyl Zone.

Synopsis for "Law of the Merchant": “The sniper was a stalker, but he became a merchant. And now he has the appropriate law - profit is above all. Live in peace, do your business, forget about the past full of mortal dangers and dizzying adventures... But what should a merchant do when he is offered a simple deal: to kill an old enemy and thereby buy the lives of his friends? It would seem that the choice is obvious. Unless, of course, your enemy one day does not stand next to you in order to fight shoulder to shoulder ... ".

On June 1, 2018, “The Law of the Damned” appeared on the shelves of bookstores under the legendary cover of the artist Alexander Sergeevich Rudenko, drawn by him for the very first issue of the novel, and at the last moment replaced by the publishing house with a more “stalker” one.

Synopsis for "The Law of the Damned": “This novel is the true story of what would later be called the Sniper. Not the ghostly memories of the hero implanted in his brain by scientists, but his real life, real name andreal biography. The story of how a man took the Road of the Damned because it was the only way to defeat real monsters.And for those who have entered this Road, there is only one law - the Law of the damned.So who is stronger - the Man or the Law? The sniper or his curse?

On June 20, 2018, "Law of the Hunter" was released, the continuation of the adventures of Sniper and Andrey Kraev, the hero of the novel "Blood of the Hunter" in the Chernobyl Zone.

Synopsis for "Law of the Hunter": “His name is Andrei Kraev. He is a special forces officer with the characteristic call sign Hunter and the mission to clean this world from all evil spirits. And then one day fate throws Kraev into the Chernobyl Zone. There, where the enemies who kidnapped his girlfriend are hiding ... Who can still be saved. But for this you need to fulfill one condition ... Kill the stalker, nicknamed the Sniper.

On August 15, 2018, the next reissue of the Great Encyclopedia of Knives of the World appeared on sale under a new cover.

Annotation to the "Big Encyclopedia of Knives of the World": "The Great Encyclopedia of Knives of the World" is a richly illustrated encyclopedia that simply and clearly tells about the best knives in Russia and abroad. In this book, you will read about combat knives of the past and present, which have their own interesting history, discover the fascinating world of hunting knives - both produced by well-known companies and created by the hands of talented gunsmiths. Here you will also find detailed reviews of tactical knives, equally suitable for domestic purposes and for self-defense - both freely available and the rarest collectibles. The book provides recommendations on choosing a universal knife for a hunter, fisherman, tourist, traveler, who at the same time can save the life of the owner in a critical situation. In this book, you will learn how to become the owner of the optimal knife for work and self-defense, while not violating existing laws.

On September 17, 2018, the novel "The Law of Pripyat" went on sale, the continuation of the Sniper's adventures in the Chernobyl Zone.

Synopsis for the novel: “A monster in human form has come to Pripyat. It can control time and perfect biological killing machines, completely subject to its will. Cruel, cynical, merciless, cold-bloodedly destroyed his own brother. And not only him... Sniper's friends are also in mortal danger. Upon learning of this, he rushes to the rescue. Although he understands, there is simply no chance of winning, the creature is too strong. But a real stalker will always prefer to die in battle with his friends than to leave them in trouble.

On December 7, 2018, "The Law of the Yakuza" was released, the continuation of the adventures of the Sniper and the Japanese in the Chernobyl Zone.

Synopsis for the novel: “Those who violate the laws of the yakuza are not to be envied - night killers take revenge on such apostates cruelly and inevitably. The law, which the ancient yakuza clan zealously followed, was violated by a stalker nicknamed Sniper - using his ability to travel through space and time, he changed the past and future of the Zone. And now no one will help him, even his old friend Viktor Savelyev, nicknamed the Japanese, who was instructed by the yakuza to eliminate the Sniper - because if Viktor refuses, people close to him will die, for whom he is ready to sacrifice his life.

On March 15, 2019, The Forester's Law appeared on the shelves of bookstores, the continuation of the Sniper's adventures in the Chernobyl Zone.

Synopsis for the novel: “The forester devoted his whole life to only one goal - the preservation of the Chernobyl Zone. And when it is in danger, the forester is ready to do anything to protect it. Stalker nicknamed Sniper not only changed the past and future of the Zone. Now her real life is under threat... Upon learning of this, the forester decides to kill the Sniper. And this is quite possible, because the forester is given strength by the Monument itself, the most famous and mysterious anomaly of the Zone.

On May 24, 2019, an omnibus containing three iconic Sniper novels under one cover went on sale: Law of the Zone, Law of the Shooter, and Law of the Scar.

Annotation to the book:

1. Law of the Zone: " He does not remember how he got into the Zone. However, the Zone remembers him, and tries with all his might to destroy him. But he is a sniper. And he goes to the goal no matter what. His goal is the Sarcophagus, hiding in its bowels the answers to all questions. If only the Sniper gets to the target and stays alive, because no one has ever succeeded in this ... "

2. Law of the shooter: " He is a killer. He received the task to liquidate a group of stalkers. And he follows the trail without doubting success, because in the past he happened to solve problems even more difficult. His main target is the Sniper, a member of a squad made up entirely of the legendary veterans of the Zone. But what do these big words mean for the killer, who himself has long become a legend? He is not afraid of mutants - he destroyed more serious opponents on his way. He does not fall into anomalies - they do not meet on his way. The Zone accepted him, and nothing can stop him from fulfilling his plan. After all, what does the killer care about the fact that the Sniper and his comrades also have their own task, on which the fate of not only the Zone, but the rest of the world depends.

3. Law of the scar: "Zone on fire. The "Monument" group is spreading over it like a cancerous tumor, destroying all living things in its path. Someone very powerful is standing behind the backs of the fanatics, coordinating their actions and supplying them with the most modern weapons. The purpose of the "Monument" is clear: whoever takes control of the Zone will dictate his will to the rest of the world. But in addition to the ambitions of fanatics, there is also the will of the Zone itself. That is why legendary stalkers meet again on the earth burned by radiation: Marked, Scar, Sniper, Japanese ... Marked by the Zone, called by it to fulfill a kind of contract, the purpose of which is still unknown to any of them. But it doesn't matter, because one of the main laws of the Zone is the Law of the mercenary. Got it - do it. Even at the cost of your own life. It's better to stay alive though."

On June 11, 2019, The Law of Blood appeared on the shelves of bookstores - a reprint of the novel Blood of the Hunter in the STALKER series under a new cover. One new chapter has been added to the novel to tie in with The Hunter's Law.

Synopsis for the novel: “In your hands, reader, is the backstory of Andrey Kraev, the stalker you met earlier in Dmitry Sillov's novel The Law of the Hunter. When the Balance is disturbed, when people become fodder cattle for monsters that crave only human blood, then a warrior comes into the world, whose name is the Hunter. The blood of both humans and monsters flows in his veins. In his heart is the desire to help people, and love for a girl whom he should not love. His life is a mortal battle with an ancient evil and with his own dark beginning.

On August 13, 2019, Dmitry Sillov’s most beautiful book about knives “Knives. Great Illustrated Guide.

On August 22, 2019, the omnibus "Kremlin 2222" was released, which included the novels "South", "North-West" and "North".

Annotation to the book:

1. South: “Civilization is dead. All that remains of Russia is the Killing Fields and a handful of people defending the Moscow Kremlin from biorobots, cyborgs, crazy shamans, and other evil spirits generated by the Third World War. Danila, a young Kremlin combatant who escaped from the captivity of non-humans, meets a man in the ruins of the former capital of Russia who is not afraid of either biorobots or telepaths. A man who comes from a world where the Last War has not yet been lost. This world is called the Zone. And the man's name is Sniper.

2. Northwest: “The sniper became a legend there, on the poisoned land of the Zone. Now his battlefield is here - in the same death-poisoned world of Moscow, which survived a nuclear war. In the world of mutants, cyborgs and the Killing Fields. In a world where pathetic bunches of people are trying to survive and save themselves. Save humanity. A sniper is needed here. Because he knows how to kill. He is ready to save - friends. He is also able to forgive. Enemies. He is the Sniper, the perfect warrior who lacks only one thing. Love."

3. North: "He's a Sniper. He chooses a target and hits it. But it so happened that the strength of the Sniper turned into a weakness. The enemy took away his purpose. If the most precious thing is taken away from an ordinary person, his life loses its meaning. But the Sniper is another matter. He now has a different goal. Revenge".

Synopsis for the novel:« After the terrible accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, the zone of radioactive contamination was surrounded by a cordon. The government banned the passage through the barbed wire on pain of death, because terrible and inexplicable events began to occur there, which it is better for the population of the planet not to know about. The facts were published in the press: everyone who worked at the Fourth power unit died, the radiation background in the Zone is still extremely high, its territory is teeming with mutants and anomalies, so people have nothing to do on the dead earth. But one day a man comes out of the Zone to the cordon, who says that there, on the contaminated land, there are survivors who can still be saved. The government is urgently forming a group of rescue scientists. And the only one who can lead them to the center of the Zone is a stalker who miraculously managed to stay alive after that terrible accident.

Synopsis for the novel: “You can live by your own rules, have your own moral code, fight evil spirits, barbarism and betrayal… But the Zone has its own laws. And so it happened that she put the Sniper in front of a choice, where on one side of the scale was the life of his friends, and on the other - everything for which he had lived so far. What he considered his purpose. Bandits are one of the most powerful and most despised groups in the Zone. But in order to bring his friends back to life, the Sniper needs to join this group, take the Bandit's Oath and give up all his principles that guided him on the path of the Swordbearer. But what can you do for the sake of those who gave their lives for you! The main thing is that all this was not in vain ... "

Yakuza members

Japan has always been a mysterious country for Europeans. For a long time, its emperors did not allow foreigners into their land. When foreigners managed to get acquainted with the Land of the Rising Sun in detail, they discovered a lot of phenomena traditional for the population, absolutely incomprehensible to the European mentality. Samurai, hara-kiri, geisha, sumo and, of course, yakuza. Yakuza is a purely Japanese form of existence of the criminal community, which has incorporated the traditional spirit of Eastern mystery and European rationalism in its conduct.

Until recently, the existence of the yakuza in Japanese society was quite legal. In large cities there were even offices with a corresponding sign, and rummaging through the papers, one could even find a complete list of employees. The yakuza have mastered here a part of the recreation and entertainment industry that is in close contact with human vices ─ drinking establishments, gambling and brothels. Previously, the dominance of Japanese bandits in these areas was undivided. The changed world brought competitors to the Japanese islands with western winds. Now the yakuza have to compete and share income with the Taiwanese and those who rushed a few decades ago to wealthy Japan. The state is also adopting foreign experience in fighting organized crime and has passed a series of laws that have driven the yakuza deep underground. However, it is too early to argue that the time of the yakuza has irrevocably gone rock.

Literally translated, the word yakuza means "scum". This is how ordinary people treat those who do not want to earn a living by honest work and instead of waking up every morning and going to work, in the evenings and at night they are engaged in very dubious and risky business. People who have not found themselves in a modern industrial society, or those to whom everyday life gives too little adrenaline, go to the yakuza now.

Each of the three hieroglyphs denoting the name of the yakuza has its own numerical value. Together, this is a combination of numbers 893. In the Japanese version of the blackjack card game, this combination of cards is the most useless, which once again emphasizes people's opinion about the inferiority of the yakuza as a social phenomenon. Yakuza members have always been second rate to successful people. True, the layman used to be terribly afraid of this second-class. As soon as a group of people with characteristic tattoos on their bodies appeared on the beach or in the bath, the people around them began to scatter in panic from them. The myth of the omnipotence and ferocity of the Yakuza was very strong. Moreover, stuffing drawings on the bodies was not accepted among ordinary citizens of Japan. Today, tattooed strong men simply do not pay attention. Fear completely passed, and the fashion for tattoos was added.

However, the image of the yakuza is very popular in popular culture due to the traditions replicated in feature films that are both colorful and violent. The most famous of all rituals is yubitsume. This is when the phalanx of the finger is cut off. Previously, the lack of fingers on the hands was considered one of the signs of belonging to the yakuza. Misconceptions said that yubitsume represented a form of punishment for misconduct. In fact, according to the ideology of Japanese criminals, finger amputation should be voluntary. Thus, the offending gang member apologizes to the boss, after which the incident is considered settled and erased from memory.

The technology of self-deprivation of the phalanx of the finger is quite complicated. At the beginning, the base of the finger should be tightly tied, for example, with an elastic band. The blood should stop flowing to the end of the finger, and he himself should become numb. Having achieved a complete loss of sensitivity, the apologetic yakuza takes a knife in his hand, puts it on his finger and asks the boss to hit him with a hammer. With a strong and sharp blow, the procedure is almost painless and bloodless. The severed tip is presented to the boss as a keepsake. Previously, severed organs could be stored with him for a long time in alcohol form. Now for such a collection it is easy to end up in jail. The Japanese have adopted a very tough law that punishes even a simple discussion of crimes in a narrow circle. What then to talk about intentional self-mutilation.

Yakuza tattoo

Among the yakuza, the boss is called an oyabun. His name is sacred and must appear on the body of anika - this is the name of an ordinary member of the group. Aniki means brother. All members of the yakuza are brothers and form a family, and the oyabun is its head. Unlike Russian criminals, Yakuza tattoos do not carry any meaning. They lack completely symbolic meanings like crosses, domes, eight-pointed stars, maps, mermaids.

The set of plots for Yakuza tattoos is quite limited and is a type of ancient Japanese painting. Tattoos should cover the entire torso of Anika, but a clean strip is left in the center of the chest from the collarbone to the very waist. After the initiation ceremony, the name of the oyabun should be inscribed on it. Previously, all tattoos were applied with special bamboo sticks ─ irezumi. It took years to paint the body. Progress forced tradition to recede. Yakuza go to tattoo parlors and expose their bodies to a rotary or induction machine.

The initiation ritual is called sakazuki. It needs 2 flat cups, more like Russian tea saucers, and Japanese rice vodka ─ sake. Sake is poured into both cups. The oyabun drinks from one, and the yakuza candidate spills his drink on the ground. Then both cups are given to aniki as a souvenir, and he keeps them all his life, as the most expensive thing. In the center of the cup from which the oyabun drank, his name is drawn, which should then appear on the chest of a new member of the gang.

mafia yakuza

The most surprising thing about the yakuza lifestyle is that they do not have a commandment of lifelong devotion to the family or oyabun. In Latin American gangs, one who joins it swears the oath only once and can only leave a corpse. The Japanese are more similar to the Russians, who have the concept of "departed." This is when a thief, for reasons of deteriorating health, which does not give him the opportunity to actively participate in everyday criminal life, or for ideological reasons, declares a departure from the thieves' laws and concepts and the resignation of high powers.

In Japan, everything is much simpler. Especially for the yakuza, who are on the lower rungs of the hierarchical ladder. They can simply leave the family. No one will pursue them for this step. In memory of the time spent in the yakuza, only the body, densely painted with ornaments and an inscription from the name of the oyabun, will remain. The Yakuza are also allowed to move from one family to another. Without any consequences. No one will even be interested in the motives that prompted such a decision. With yakuza of higher ranks, the situation is more complicated, but quite solvable. Leaving the family, he must pay her something like a fine for betraying trust. Pay and go for a walk. Leaving the yakuza or moving from family to family is not uncommon, but quite common.

In the early 90s of the last century, the gambling business began to revive in Russia. The Russian gangsters immediately remembered their Japanese colleagues, who had accumulated vast experience in its proper organization and methods of control over this area of ​​business. A delegation of Japanese entrepreneurs, headed by the head of the Tambovskaya, was invited to St. Petersburg.

The businessman was a second generation Yakuza. The eastern mysticism surrounding the yakuza did not take root in northern and cold Russia, inhabited by not as sophisticated people as in Japan and who prefer not to fuss with opponents for a long time, but to put a bullet in their foreheads or blow them up with a mine along with all the giblets. The customs of the new Russian time allowed even the leaders of organized crime groups to be killed because of money and power. Cooperation stopped at the supply of slot machines.

One of the undeservedly forgotten episodes of Putin's career in St. Petersburg in the 90s was the creation of the so-called "municipal casinos" in the city, the official purpose of which was to take care of the poor citizens. The casinos were created, but they could not take care of the citizens: the casinos did not pay taxes, working through the "black box office". Putin recalls this project as a mistake of inexperienced people who first encountered the market. The Insider, however, was able to speak with another participant in these events - the direct recipient of the mentioned "black cash" Japanese from the yakuza family Kinichi Kamiyasu.

Officially, his name appears only in the criminal case on the Malyshev-Petrov criminal gang, where he acts as a foreign partner who wrote a letter in defense of Gennady Petrov (more about Petrov and his connection with Putin The Insider). Recall that the criminal case was destroyed immediately after Putin's close friend, showman Vladimir Kiselev (the one at whose event Putin sang Blueberry Hill) was arrested. Petrov then came out dry from the water. By the way, this case was then supervised by Nikolay Aulov, now the deputy director of the Federal Drug Control Service and a defendant in the Spanish mafia investigation, where he is listed as a person controlled by Petrov (for more information about Aulov, see with the Spanish prosecutor).

It was Kamiyasu who, in the early 90s, helped organize a network of "municipal" casinos that were under the control of the Tambov-Malyshev criminal gang. True, the yakuza could not earn much on this - at some point, the Tambov ones simply stopped sharing with him. After that, he managed to return to Sweden, visit a Swedish prison, get free and, to the best of his ability, continue gambling on the Internet.

Unfortunately, Mr. Kamiyasu told the most interesting passages about Vladimir Putin off the record. But the authorized part of the conversation is also an interesting story about the connections of the mayor's office of St. Petersburg and the KGB/FSB with criminal gangs. In addition, Kinichi Kamiyasu kept several photo albums with mafia authorities: Gennady Petrov, Sergey Kuzmin, Alexander Malyshev, Pavel Kudryashov and others. The photo, according to Kamiyasu, also captures a lot of former intelligence officers who helped the "authorities" in business.

The Insider correspondent met him in Stockholm. The conversation began with a document from the so-called “Malyshevsky case” of 1992-1995:

- Do you recognize this document?

Yes, this is my company letterhead. I created a joint venture with Gennady Petrov. And this is my signature. Once they said that they needed a form to show somewhere in the administration, if I could sign it. I said, of course, no problem. Maybe you need another one? I can sign more.

- How did you meet Petrov?

I met a Russian who was looking for a job in Stockholm and came to one of my clubs. I took him on to teach my business that I had at the time - video games. He set to work - cleaning, monitoring equipment, slot machines. He said he was waiting for a work permit in Sweden. Once he said: "If you want to do business, it's better to do it in St. Petersburg. His father was a very influential person, a famous judo athlete.

- Do you mean Manvel Davydov?

Yes, his father's name was Temo Davydov, his son was Manvel Davydov. So I met his father. I came to Petersburg alone, completely alone. And he introduced me to Gennady. And then I met with Gena's friends - Sergey Kuzmin and Alexander Malyshev.

- What year was it?

I first came to St. Petersburg, if I am not mistaken, in January 1990. Meet Manvel Davydov's father and Gena. And in January or February 1991, I don't remember exactly, I met Gena's friends.

Kinichi Kamiyasu during an interview with The Insider

What was your first impression of them?

Impression... Well, of course, I had a big shock. Because people had nothing to eat - I saw lines of people on the streets every morning, who were distributed some food from the vans. And how in such an environment to do business, gambling? But then I visited hotels where casinos were already operating, and I realized that this type of business is also coming to this country. I realized that success is guaranteed. I explained to Gena that we need to create a serious Swedish-Russian joint venture. My investment will be equipment and my knowledge of how to organize a business, how to manage it. In general, we both needed each other as business partners. My company was called Dyna Computer Service AB (AB is a public limited company). Gena came up with the name "Petrodin" - his last name plus "din". It sounded good and I agreed. This is how we created the Petrodin joint venture.

- It was registered on Stone Island.

Yes, we used to meet at the hotel on Stone Island. I forgot the name. It was a beautiful old building, I think it was about 150 years old. Well, it was Gena's office or a hotel, as we called it. I stopped there and met Gena and other businessmen. < IntimesearchonMalyshevskycriminalcausevthis"hotel"on Berezovaya alley, 7 wasdiscoveredweaponandbigvolumecashvpolyethylenepackages,onversionsconsequencesexactlytherelocatedthe office of the Petrodin joint venture, established by the "gang member Petrov" Petrov, is now registered on Kamenny Island, and also on Berezovaya Alley, only on the second, and not on the first, in house 19. Having escaped from Spanish justice, he has an apartment with several members of the Ozero cooperative, including Nikolai Shamalov, whose son is now married to Putin's daughter. By the way, the Yavara-Neva sports club, where Putin went to practice judo with the Rotenbergs and Timchenko, is also on this island nearbyTheinsider>

- (looking at photos) And this is August 18, 1991. No, the 19th, when Gorbachev was under arrest for three days. I was in Petersburg and was very frightened. I may not be able to leave and return to Sweden. I woke up at 7 am and there was no news on the radio or TV. One classical music. And Gena... They were in a panic. Gena told me "Oh, Kinichi, I need to go to City Hall to find out what's going on." And then on the same day they even left for Moscow by train. Because they were afraid for their business and for themselves. And this is the opening of the Neva casino.

From left to right: Sergey Kuzmin ("Kuzya"), Petrov, unidentified figure, Iida Masamich (also from the yakuza), Kinichi Kamiyasu and Kinichi's girlfriend

- Wow, Petrov put on a tie.

Yes. The first time I saw him in a tie. In fact, he never wore a tie.

- Did you even know that it was a "municipal casino"?

Well, in 1992 there was the first exhibition of slot machines in St. Petersburg. Of course, I had big plans. I exhibited my program and slot machines, hoping to start supplying them to the Russian market. In general, it was very important for me to participate in the exhibition. And then, after the exhibition, Putin gathered all the participants and talked about ... in general, he said: “Welcome to Russia to do business. Russia today needs foreign investors like you.” In short, delivered a very friendly speech about international business.

With Pavel Kudryashov (Pasha Kudryash). According to Kamiyasu, it was Kudryashov who remained in charge when Petrov and Kuzmin ended up behind bars.

- In one of the interviews, Putin says that the income from the casino will help feed the hungry.

Well, yes, I heard about it later. I didn't know at the time that he even controlled casino licenses. I knew he was the mayor's secretary and that's it. But this speech of his, addressed to us, I remember well.

- Could you tell us the details of the "licenses from Putin"?

Gena and Sergey have already signed a contract and they started working. And I didn't see the document itself. I just heard that we got a license. Casino license from Putin, Mr. Putin.

- After some time, your business partners were arrested.

Yes. I was shocked. What will happen now? My partner was taken, of course, it was a shock. And this coincided with the fact that the KGB staff was drastically reduced, and many KGB officers began to work as representatives of private security companies. I met one of them. He had previously worked in residency in the Middle East and spoke Arabic very well. He himself approached me and said that he had to introduce me to other important people - in short, Vladimir Kumarin. He said "if you agree to a joint business, I will introduce you to him." He advised, for example, to make a casino on a ship. I wanted to wait for Gena to get out of prison, but they put pressure on me: “we must do business in the place.” And we were almost at the stage of concluding a contract. But I was confused. Gena and Sergey are gone, how can I decide something. But when I once again arrived at our hotel, there were completely different people. The building was under the control of people from the KGB, and there were a lot of them. I got scared and decided that I would not stay there. I moved in with my fiancee.

Of course, I remained in contact with the wives of Sergei and Gena while they themselves were in prison. On the day they came out, I was in St. Petersburg. Gena said: “I need to take a shower!” He immediately went to the shower, and then we had dinner, continued talking about investing in casinos and other types of business.

They said, "Oh, Kinichi, maybe you can start a restaurant business." Gena said: "Just point your finger at the room you like, and we'll get it." “Oh, how much power you have. Very good,” I replied. But I didn't really want to open a restaurant, I only concentrated on the gambling business.

Petrov, Kuzmin and Kinichi Kamiyasu

Then there was the second exhibition of slot machines. Of course, I invited Gena and Sergey to my booth. And then, a year later, they just disappeared. They had many other businesses. Sergei set up a furniture trading company from Italy and had many other business interests. In general, their business grew quickly, very quickly.

Later I heard that they had gone to Spain. Sergey - to Mallorca. I wanted to visit them there, but... Let's just say I didn't have time.

— You are not disappointed?

"Of course I'm disappointed, but what could I do?" I didn't have any power, I just gave them 500 cars. I had no choice and I did as they asked without any guarantees.

Did you receive any money at all?

- Payments sometimes were. When Gena was gone, a couple of times I was paid the proceeds, another person gave me money in cash.

- Returning to the "office on Kamenny Island", where you lived. Did you see Vladimir Kiselyov there? Then there was still the White Nights festival, which he organized under the patronage of the mayor's office?

— I don't remember, but I heard that Petrodin sponsored the White Nights festival.

- You hardly mention Alexander Malyshev. There aren't many in the photos...

- He was not always present at the office, at meetings. Only sometimes. As far as I understand, he was responsible for the power unit, and Gena and Sergey were in charge.

Petrov (with a cigarette), Malyshev and two "friends" from the yakuza

- It is strange that in the criminal case in which they were arrested, everything is presented the other way around and allegedly the head of the group was Malyshev, and Petrov was generally completely acquitted.

- I do not know why. Maybe they needed it for some reason?


This is my friend, the president of Dyna's head office in Japan, Iida Masamichi. These are my friends... They are also, of course, from the Japanese mafia. They came to St. Petersburg to visit me and understand how I managed to get in touch with such big people as Gena, they were very interested. They promised any support from Japan if needed. Well, at the same time they wanted to understand if they could develop business between Japan and Russia - buy and sell fish, crabs. "Kinichi, if you have any connections, contacts to start a fish business, tell us." The Russian Far East is very close to Japan, so they wanted to develop their business there.

— Yes, but St. Petersburg is the West!

Yes, but Gena had power! He controlled everything, he also controlled the railroad, as he once told me...

- The Japanese mafia is known for giving, for example, donations for reconstruction after the disaster at the Fukushima nuclear power plant. And what happened in the case of the Russian mafia? Did they do charity work? Still, there were difficult times for the country.

- Well, from the very beginning, I advised Gena that we could give part of our profits to the needs of the city, as we do in Japan: for restoration, cleaning up the city - whatever. Yes, even to poor people!

And what, did he agree?

- No, I just listened and shook my head: “well, yes, yes.”

- Was Gena respected in St. Petersburg?

“A huge line formed outside the hotel gate every morning to get an audience. The people who stood in this queue, of course, respected.

- What do you think, what qualities allowed him to become a powerful boss?

- I heard that at that time the power belonged to the athletes. He was a successful boxer during the Soviet era, and then became a powerful man. All big businessmen were athletes in the past - this is what I understood at that time.

Now Kamiyasu lives in Stockholm with his wife and children, but often visits Japan.

- Why were all charges dropped from Petrov? In your letter, which is in the criminal case, on the letterhead you write (or someone writes) that you are ready to "provide bail in freely convertible currency." Petrov was released for a bribe?

- Maybe.

- How do you know?

- Then they collected money from everyone, even from me.

- And they took a lot from you?

- Hard to say.

“But at least the order of the numbers?” Much, little?

No, a little. My contribution was small.

(looking at photos).

- And this is an exhibition of Petrodin.

Is Putin around here somewhere?

— No, he only came to the cocktail party. And this is... a former KGB officer, I think.

- Why do you think so?

— He spoke Swedish but was not in Sweden. Why?

Maybe just a talented person?

— Yes, a very good man, I liked him very much. His name was Robert. He was a representative of the Swedish company Cherry, which invested in one of the first casinos in Moscow, Metelitsa. But he's already dead. Accident, road accident in Moscow.

- Did you have a gun?

(Kinichi shows a photo of the gun).

“It was given to me by another KGB officer from a station in the Middle East. He spoke very good Arabic, English. And he said, "Kinichi, there's a war coming." "What war?" “The coumarin is getting stronger, and the people of Gena are against it,” he explained to me. "You need security." "Good! Can I borrow your gun?" "Good". And he brought a gun. Well, he drove my car. This helped a lot, otherwise with the Swedish numbers she was constantly stopped.

“I don’t even know what kind of pistol this is…

“This is a Brazilian pistol, small in size. Once we shot with everything that was. When friends from Japan arrived, one of them wanted to test Russian pistols. Gena's friends brought us somewhere in the middle of the forest, and we shot. They had everything - Tokarev, and everything else. Shot from all types of weapons.

- And how do you feel about Putin now?

- He is a very smart person, he always answers without a piece of paper. But what is happening in Ukraine is very sad...


Los Angeles. The second largest city in the United States of America, the cultural and economic center of the West Coast. The city where the "dream factory - Hollywood" is located, the city of movie stars and millionaires.

The fashionable club "Fujiyama" was a private club and was located in the central part of the Japanese quarter, called "little Tokyo". Few people knew that the high-rise building in which the club is located had several more underground floors, where secret elevators led. Just at the fifth underground level, in a semi-dark hall designed in the national Japanese style and lit by paper lanterns, senior members of one of the powerful Yakuza clans, the Black Lotus, gathered.

The Yakuza is a Japanese criminal organization that has its roots in the mists of time. The first mention of it dates back to the twelfth century. At the beginning of the sixteenth century, the Yakuza system formed as an organization with perverted samurai traditions. Gradually, it developed a code of honor, similar to the samurai code of bushido, but existing separately from it. Already in those distant times, the Yakuza opposed itself to the authorities.

In modern Japan, this organization has an impact on all sectors of society: from small entrepreneurs and officials to the upper echelons of power. Moreover, the "Yakuza" has spread throughout the world, settling in many countries of the world. This secret organization has ancient traditions and tough, even cruel laws. "Yakuza" is surrounded by a halo of fear, mystery and mysticism.

The meeting was organized in connection with the arrival in America from Japan of the head of the clan, Mr. Yasaku Takakura. The Yakuza boss was called “oyabun” in Japanese and was an indisputable, authoritative master for all members of this group.

When an elderly Japanese man with a head shaved to a shine, dressed in a national kimono, appeared, the boss of the Los Angeles branch of the Yakuza sharply commanded something, and everyone bowed their heads low in front of the newcomer. Mr. Takakura, accompanied by his attendants, proceeded to the center of the hall and took his place of honor.

After hearing the assurances of respect and loyalty from the leaders of the Los Angeles branch of the Black Lotus, the oyabun took the floor.

I didn't fly to Los Angeles to listen to your assurances of respect for me. I'm here to find out what happened to the six cargo planes we sent out of Okinawa last month. I hear you, Matsumoto, - the oyabun pointed to an elderly Japanese sitting opposite.

Dear Yasaka-san! Matsumoto said with a bow. - These planes were ordered by a Chinese businessman named Chohu Li, who is under the auspices of the notorious Triad. We delivered the planes and they paid us twenty-four million dollars in cash. As it was agreed.

The money turned out to be counterfeit. It was a very skillful forgery of the highest quality.

Who was in charge of the aircraft sales operation? the oyabun asked in a sharp tone.

The operation was led by Masami and Yoshiaki. We have learned that these two have entered into a treacherous arrangement with the Chinese. Their duties included carefully, with the help of special equipment, to check the transferred cash. For the fact that they did not find a fake, they were promised one and a half million dollars. But all the secret becomes clear. Now their fate must be decided by you, Yasaka-san, - respectfully raised his eyes to his boss Matsumoto.

Traitors must die slowly and painfully, as our law prescribes, the oyabun proclaimed.

I must tell you, sir, that these two have fully realized their terrible deed and have brought many benefits to our clan in the past. I dare to ask you to allow them to die with honor, as befits a real yakuza.

Okay, have it your way. Where are they?

Matsumoto raised his hand, and immediately two Japanese men were brought in and seated not far from him.

So it was you who defiled the honor of our clan? The oyabun glared menacingly.

The faces of those brought turned white, and one of them replied:

Yes Mr Takakura. We are to blame. We understand that there is no forgiveness for us, and we are ready to suffer a well-deserved punishment.

Then you know what to do! - the head of the clan announced in an icy tone.

After the verdict was passed, the doomed Japanese retreated to a respectful distance and sat down in a specially designated place. Short ceremonial swords for hara-kiri were immediately brought and laid in front of them on clean white towels. The doomed bare their torso, presenting to those around them tattoos that abundantly cover their entire body. These were colored tattoos depicting dragons, predatory animals and bizarre intricate ornaments. All the drawings were so tightly intertwined that it seemed as if they were wearing tight-fitting colored T-shirts.

The condemned knelt down in the zazen pose and plunged into meditation, setting themselves up for sipuku - ritual suicide. Behind each stood a man with a naked samurai sword "katana". The doomed yakuza plunged into self-contemplation, preparing to adequately pass into another world, as befits warriors.

After a long immersion in themselves, each of them raised the ritual sword with both hands and directed it with the blade to the stomach. At this time, those standing behind them raised their sharply honed swords to the ready. Simultaneously with a sharp exhalation, the two guilty drove the blades into the abdominal cavity up to the hilt. But that was not all. With a tremendous effort of will, they pulled the handles sideways with a sharp movement, cutting the cavity of their stomach. And immediately swords whistled, cutting off the heads of the unfortunate from the bodies. It was the only humane moment provided for in the brutal ceremony.

The ritual, rooted in the depths of centuries with its cruelty, strengthened the discipline in the bushido system - the system of the warrior's path.

After the headless bodies collapsed to the floor, they were covered with black, gold-embroidered bedspreads and the clan meeting continued.

This awaits anyone who makes an unforgivable mistake. You know that, - Takakura looked around at the stone faces of the yakuza. Then he turned to Matsumoto sitting opposite. - There is your fault in what happened. After all, you run a branch. You need to apologize, - with these words, he moved the blade wrapped in a white towel to Matsumoto, who lowered his head.

Matsumoto, saying a submissive "Os!", unfolded the towel and placed on it, spreading his fingers, the left hand. Then he brought the naked blade to his little finger and cut it off with a sharp movement of his right hand. Not a single muscle moved in his face. Only his forehead was covered with cold sweat. After that, pulling a clean handkerchief over his crippled hand, he wrapped the severed finger in a towel and with both hands, with a bow, handed it to his master.

Please accept my apology, my lord.

Oyabun accepted the offering and placed the bundle next to him. This meant that the repentant was forgiven.

And now I want to hear the details.

Matsumoto told the patron in detail about what had happened.

In the recent past, a Chinese businessman approached the Japanese in Los Angeles with a business proposal to buy six cargo planes. Behind this businessman was the New York clan of the Triad, a secret criminal Chinese organization. All the details of the deal were agreed: the planes would be smuggled, the payment would be made in cash.

The planes arrived at the address of one large Brooklyn company, which acted as an intermediary in the transaction. According to a pre-worked out scheme, cash was handed over to the armed representatives of the Yakuza. Why the members of the "Black Lotus" did not find a catch, we already understand. After counting them, the Japanese could not recognize that the bills were counterfeit. It was very difficult to detect a fake, because, as it turned out later, the banknotes were made with an extremely high quality cliché, using the latest technology. But alas, the Yakuza does not forgive mistakes, and the people guilty of accepting counterfeit money were severely punished. The Yakuza world is harsh.

I hope you understand, Matsumoto, that you must return the money and take revenge on the Chinese bastards in the near future, otherwise you will follow the path of these two. The boss gestured at the veiled bodies.

Yes, Yasaka-san. I got it.

Fulfill your duty. For this purpose, do not spare either people or means.

Got it, boss.

By the way, what Brooklyn firm acted as an intermediary?

One second, Mr. Takakura. Matsumoto pulled out a piece of paper from his pocket with his right hand. - This company is called Satellite International.

The New York Police Department, despite the late hour, was noisy and busy. A wave of crime has recently swept the city. On the graph that hung in the commissioner's office, the crime growth curve reached its critical levels. Murders, robberies and showdowns between criminal gangs have increased significantly. And this is at the beginning of the third millennium?

An emergency meeting was being held in the office of NYPD Commissioner Fred Morrow. Lieutenant Larry Clayton read out the incident report of the past week, after which the commissioner took the floor.

Something in our city has become restless. It seems far from the thirties and not even the seventies, when the gangsters were brawling with might and main. Well, here we go again with the disassembly. Again in Chinatown there was a shootout at the Golden Rooster restaurant. Three dead, six wounded. Again, judging by the reports, a large shipment of heroin arrived on the streets of New York. The drug dealers are rampant. The Zulus and the Chinese are especially successful in this field. Delivery, as a rule, is carried out by Colombians, and the goods come from Asia. What will the narcotics department say? I hear you, Captain Jefferson.

The captain was a short, overweight man dressed in a baggy gray suit. He got up from his seat and said:

Well, what can I say new, sir?

But you have to, Jefferson, you have to. We listen to you.

We have taken all measures to prevent the influx of narcotic substances into the city. This is the main task and goal. Fighting street vendors in practice is very difficult. We deliver them in packs to the station, and their ranks are still not thinning. It is necessary to fight with serious suppliers, but it is not at all easy. Seems like a lot of experience. Everything seems to have been foreseen. We have experienced professionals. We use specially trained dogs. Our offices are at every airport, at every station and at every port. We introduce our agents into the ranks of drug dealers. We involve informants. The captain wiped his sweaty forehead with a handkerchief. - Drug dealers are becoming more and more cunning and dodgy.

As I think, the main thing is prevention, - the commissar interrupted him. - The main thing is to block the channels of entry of narcotic substances into the United States.

That's right, sir! continued the police captain. “But, as I said, those damned Colombians and other drug dealers are finding ever more sophisticated ways to deliver. For example, informants reported that the Colombians had entered into some kind of agreement with the Chinese on joint activities and distribution of various types of drugs and their shipments from the Far East to South America. There was also information that Cosa Nostra, or rather, the Gambino family, was negotiating with them on the division of the sales market.

What about black gangs? the commissioner asked.

Well, they are, as always, afloat in this business. For example, in Harlem, wherever you spit, you will fall into the black face of some drug dealer. They are swarming there. Now, if the state gave us more rights...

Let's not start arguing about the rights of the police. Let's better find possible reserves and try to strangle this monster, called the drug business, by joint efforts. By the way, what do you hear about the Russians?

There's been some activity in Brighton, sir," Lieutenant Clayton reported. - According to the information received from our people, it becomes clear that the story of the shot Russian mafiosi at the Hilton Hotel will continue. According to informants, the Russians do not let this go down, but it is better to contact Special Agent Fox Pearson about this. He is more competent in this matter.

Oh sure. What do you say about that, Agent Pearson? the commissar turned to a man in a neat blue suit.

I will say the following. According to the information I received, not only revenge is to blame for the Russian movement. There is evidence that big money is involved in this story, and at tomorrow's meeting I will bring you up to date in more detail.

New York. Chinatown - Chinatown. Getting here, as if instantly transported to Hong Kong. The European style is replaced by the Far East. Literally everything here: restaurants, oriental shops and even telephone booths are made in Chinese style. Everywhere there are signs with Chinese characters. Here, even English is perceived as a foreign language. Chinatown, located north of the Brooklyn Bridge on the Manhattan side behind City Hall, is made up of twelve housing estates. In general, a lot even for such a metropolis as New York.

Near a large restaurant with a characteristic national tiled roof with curved edges, where numerous representatives of the yellow race scurry around the entrance, Vasya Zayats parked his Land Cruiser. Together with Simon and Yasha the Emigrant, they had already been watching this fashionable establishment called the Golden Dragon for an hour. Tracking the path of Tarasyuk, they learned about his connection with the Chinese, and the threads led them to this haunted place.

Listen, Vasek, Simon turned to his friend. - So we can stand here all evening and sniff out nothing. You have to go inside, land at a table, have a bite to eat, they have "Peking duck" - you lick your fingers.

Yes, you're just, brother, hungry. But for the most part, I would have a snack too. What do you think, Yasha?

I also think it's useless to hang around here. Sitting in the car, we will attract more attention.

Friends got out of the car and proceeded to the restaurant. Taking a cozy table near the goldfish tank, they ordered Peking Duck, young bamboo shoot salad and, of course, rice. At the suggestion of the waiter to taste Chinese rice vodka, Yasha, grinning, waved it off.

I know your thermonuclear vodka. Degrees under sixty, and sometimes, even under seventy, and even hot, “Mom, don’t worry” hits your legs. You better bring us good tea, green with jasmine. OK?

OK! - smiling politely, the Chinese bowed and instantly disappeared into space.

A few minutes later the table was already covered with Chinese dishes, and the friends began to eat.

Strange people, these descendants of the inhabitants of the Middle Kingdom, - absorbing the duck, Vasya noticed. - Every living thing is eaten. They consider any living creature, on which the rays of the sun fall, suitable for food. They eat locusts, and snakes, and lizards, and various caterpillars, cockroaches, - the Hare grimaced. - And, you see, they have all the dairy products, milk, cheese, cottage cheese. For some reason, this disgusts the Chinese. Prikabahnuty narrow-eyed, - twirling a finger at the temple, Vasya tried to wind the noodles with chopsticks.

This procedure was difficult for him - fingers, accustomed to European instruments, did not claim to be a virtuoso with wooden sticks.

Yes, that's what, - Simon waved his hand. - I saw a video cassette called "Shocking Asia", so there perverted moneybags take a monkey, clamp its head in a wooden vice in the middle of a round table, then these assholes beat the poor creature with special wooden hammers with their own hands, right there the waiter opens the skull of the unfortunate animal, and that's all perverts absorb the hot brain of a recently living monkey with spoons.

Well, freaks! Yasha was outraged. - If one of them clamped his head in this vise and slammed a sledgehammer on a grand scale, then, probably, the other stupid perverts would have lost the desire to engage in all sorts of crap.

For a long time, the friends ate Chinese delicacies, drank tea and looked around. They had been languishing for more than four hours, emptying ceramic teapots one by one. Nothing that could interest them happened, and the friends were about to stop watching, when suddenly the front door flew open, and five Asians in long raincoats entered it with a quick step and rushed up the stairs to the second floor, where the banquet hall and individual offices.

Simon, without thinking twice, rushed after them, straightening the pistol tucked into his trouser belt as he went. Climbing the stairs and running along the long corridor, he noticed how frisky guests slipped through the open door. He dived after them and hid behind a velvet screen.

The following sight met his eyes. The five guests entered a red hall with bamboo columns, where a dozen Chinese sat at a low table. Pulling out of their raincoats a pistol with a silencer in each hand, the uninvited guests opened fire on those sitting without preamble. Having discharged clips into the Chinese, they hid the weapons. Then two of them took out slightly curved swords and cut off the heads of all the corpses.

After the bloody action, one of the Asians took out a lotus flower tied with a black ribbon from his cloak pocket and placed it on the corpse of one of the Chinese. The whole procedure took no more than three or four minutes. With the same quick step as they entered, the guests immediately made their way back and left the restaurant.

Simon also quietly left his hiding place and, going down to his friends, told them about what had happened. After describing what he saw, he concluded:

Here, brothers, it's a dirty business. The answer is - they were Japanese, and I think so, "Yakuza". I studied their brother well in Tokyo.

Okay, let's talk in the car, - getting up from the table, threw Yasha. - It's time to dump. Now, from minute to minute, kipish will begin. Get in the car, and I'll pay off the waiter and follow you.

A few minutes later, friends left Chinatown, moving in the direction of Manhattan. A line of police cars raced down the opposite lane, lights flashing and sirens blaring.

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