Mental arithmetic - what is it? How to learn mental arithmetic at home? What is mental arithmetic and why do our children need it? What does mental arithmetic mean

Mental arithmetic is a system for the development of children's intellect, built on learning to quickly count in the mind using an unusual method. By mastering this technique, the child develops imagination and logic, trains memory and learns to quickly and easily cope with complex math examples.

To make it easier for you to decide whether a child should learn mental arithmetic, we will tell you how this skill is useful for school performance and how an unusual calculation technique affects the child’s thinking.

Who is this teaching method suitable for?

Learning mental arithmetic is a thought process that involves an intensive buildup of neural connections. Therefore, it is recommended to learn this technique for children from 4 to 16 years old, that is, during the period of active formation of brain cells. After 16 years, the development process will take longer.

Children who are not interested in exact sciences or feel insecure when solving problems in mathematics will find creativity in mental arithmetic classes that will help them become interested in learning and express themselves. The specific ability to count mentally in an unusual way gives confidence and courage to cope with academic difficulties.

And the active development of thinking will help the child improve school performance and become more diligent.

How useful is mental arithmetic?

    Develops imagination and logic
    Children begin their education using special accounts (in China they are called "abacus", in Japan - "soroban"). Gradually, they fix the image of this instrument in the mind and work by connecting the imagination. On numerous videos of the learning process, you can see that the child makes movements with his fingers, moving imaginary bones.

    Develops both hemispheres of the brain
    Calculations are logical, rational actions, that is, the task of the left hemisphere of the brain. And imagination and creative thinking is already the right hemisphere. Combining the rational and creative, mental arithmetic helps to develop both hemispheres and thereby achieve great success in solving mathematical problems.

    Improves memory
    The child remembers a new technique, an image of accounts, a lot of specific manipulations. All this actively trains memory. If you work intensively in this direction from childhood, then in the future it will not be difficult for him to memorize large amounts of information.

    Trains concentration and perseverance
    Such an unusual and complex calculation technique requires complete concentration, therefore, from the very first lesson, the child trains endurance and willpower to achieve results. He learns patience and perseverance.

    Develops math skills
    We put this item at the end of the list, since mental arithmetic is a set of skills and abilities that involves the general development of intelligence. But still, the course is focused specifically on mathematical calculations and will greatly facilitate the child's process of learning mathematics at school.

Advantages of the technique

    Development of thinking and fine motor skills
    Working with accounts is also a training of finger movements, which develops their dexterity and tenacity.

    Memory improvement
    It will be much easier for a child who masters mental arithmetic to memorize large amounts of information in all subjects.

    Increasing interest in learning
    An extraordinary calculation method and a lot of interesting facts will help the child understand how much useful and exciting things can be found in the classroom at school.

    High concentration of attention
    Mental arithmetic classes require special concentration, and this skill remains with the child both in the classroom at school and at the time of doing homework.

Cons of the technique

    The child is in a hurry and makes mistakes in the decision
    During the training period, the child “jumps” with excitement on the numbers and strives to do everything as quickly as possible. Sometimes he forgets to think and therefore makes mistakes. Training will remove this effect over time, when the child gets used to it.

    The child can be overloaded with such intense activities.
    Mastering mental arithmetic is intellectual work. It is important to follow the correct regimen and not force the child to do too much, because he can get tired both physically and mentally, which means losing interest.

How is mental arithmetic taught?

As a rule, the first results of learning mental arithmetic are noticeable 2-3 months after the start of weekly classes and the completion of daily short homework assignments. To fully master the technique, the child will need about 2 years of constant training.

In the first year, the child will master the actions for adding and subtracting numbers, and the second big stage is the ability to multiply and divide.

Since children usually start learning from an early age, classes are built in a playful way. Teachers strive to captivate the child and give him motivation for training.

Before you start teaching mental arithmetic, consult with a teacher and test your child to see his potential and understand if he is ready to master this technique. Don't be afraid to try new, progressive ways to develop your child's mindset and you'll see what heights he can reach.

28.03.2019 22:13

Good day to all))

Sometimes I'm ready to sing laudatory odes to social networks)) As happened today, my old childhood friend "found" me in one of these networks. With her, we poked around in the sandbox together, played with barbie dolls, then rode bicycles until I left and we lost each other. we talked for a long time and when they began to ask who is doing what, so my wonderful friend, mother of three sons and daughter's sweethearts, teaches kids MENTAL ARITHMETICS .... ummm ... sorry .. what ..)))

Mental arithmetic - what is it in simple words?

Thousands of years ago in Asia began to emerge the unique art of quick counting .

Mental arithmetic is a technique for teaching fast (almost instantaneous!) Counting. It is suitable for the development of children 4 - 12 sometimes 16 years old. The program is based on a system of arithmetic operations with the help of special Chinese and Japanese accounts - abacus and soroban.

In fact, its roots are in ancient China. After all, it is there that children learn to count using this method in the primary grades. And since the Chinese often take first place in international mathematics Olympiads, a completely logical question arises: is the system really magical?

Currently, 52 countries around the world use this art in the process of teaching children.

Who is this teaching method suitable for?

Learning mental arithmetic is a thought process that involves an intensive buildup of neural connections. Therefore, it is recommended to learn this technique for children from 4 to 12, sometimes 16 years old, that is, during the period of active formation of brain cells. After 16 years, the development process will take longer.

Children who are not interested in exact sciences or feel insecure when solving problems in mathematics will find creativity in mental arithmetic classes that will help them become interested in learning and express themselves. The specific ability to count mentally in an unusual way gives confidence and courage to cope with academic difficulties.

And the active development of thinking will help the child improve school performance and become more diligent.

Despite the long period of study, which takes about two years, the first results will begin to appear after 2-3 months of training . It is recommended to start classes at an early age.

After the age of 16, it will be difficult for the human brain to train new and unusual thinking, so the learning process will be more difficult and long.

The benefits of mental arithmetic for a child

1. Strengthening interhemispheric connections

Asymmetric computing allows you to use all parts of the brain, and also stimulates their work. This occurs by using the thumb and forefinger on the right hand and the middle and forefinger on the left when counting.

The author of the methodology believes that his methods of teaching contribute to the improvement of both hemispheres of the brain, and consequently to the harmonious and versatile development.

2. Development of fine motor skills

In the early stages of learning, children use abacus. For successful and fast work, the child eventually gets used to sorting out the knuckles on the knitting needles faster and faster. This increases the accuracy of the movements of the fingers and hands.

3. Memory training

Computational processes in the mind develop the child's memory. The higher the skill level of oral counting, the better the ability to memorize large numbers will be developed.

4. Acceleration of thought processes

Frequent mental calculations have a positive effect on the ability to think quickly and competently. In later life, this skill will help the child respond immediately to various situations and find rational solutions.

Application in daily life

- Account without calculator

The main advantage of owning a fast account. All subsequent life a person will be able to carry out various calculations in his mind. It will be save time and inspire admiration of others.

- Self confidence

The development of mental abilities in childhood contributes to self-confidence. The child gets used to the idea that any problem must have a solution. With such a life position, a person is less prone to pessimism.

- Creativity

Mental arithmetic suggests imagination development. In the future, children will be able to actively use their out of the box thinking in everyday life.

Advantages of the technique

    Development of thinking and fine motor skills
    Working with accounts is also a training of finger movements, which develops their dexterity and tenacity.

    Memory improvement
    It will be much easier for a child who masters mental arithmetic to memorize large amounts of information in all subjects.

    Increasing interest in learning
    An extraordinary calculation method and a lot of interesting facts will help the child understand how much useful and exciting things can be found in the classroom at school.

    High concentration of attention
    Mental arithmetic classes require special concentration, and this skill remains with the child both in the classroom at school and at the time of doing homework.

Cons of the technique

Opinion and feedback from parents about mental arithmetic

Parents found out from their own experience that it is too early to send four-year-olds to mental arithmetic classes. The course is very intensive, you have to study a lot and the child may lose the desire to study at all.

In general, the opinion of parents about this technique was divided. Some note the growth of academic performance in all subjects, others say that the child is in a hurry, makes many mistakes. In negative reviews, parents also note that when solving complex examples in the mind, the child is not able to think logically, finds it difficult to solve equations, that is, he can multiply, add, divide and add in a few seconds, but cannot find an unknown value in the equation for several hours.

In training, everything is strictly individual. If a child does not show interest in mental mathematics and does not want to devote time to it, then there is no point in forcing him to attend classes. Children engaged with willingness and interest achieve high results, and parents receive as a result all the declared benefits of these activities: from the development of the two hemispheres of the brain to the growth of creative potential.

My opinion. Mental math is one of the methods for teaching mental counting and brain training. Would I like to send my child to such classes? Absolutely yes!! It’s just that sometimes I look at my dad, spouse and how they famously add up and subtract in their minds (although they didn’t use this method) and look at me 2 + 2 I count with a calculator, roughly speaking ... I want my son to speak oral account)) it's never too late to give up something, the main thing is to start and maybe the results will exceed all expectations.

All parents dream that their heirs excel in dancing, sports, games, music. What is not? Parents are ready to invest more and more energy in the mental and physical development of their children. Kids go to various trainings, early development, speed reading training, and also study the Abacus abacus.

The topic of today's conversation is mental arithmetic for children: at what age to study, what are the advantages of learning, as well as negative points, let's consider how the lessons go for 4-5 years and 6-7, is it possible to teach at 12.

Do kids need to learn mental arithmetic?

There are a number of benefits to children who are learning mental counting. First and foremost, they do mental arithmetic very well. Mathematics becomes a very easy science for them.

But more importantly, there are subtle benefits such as improved concentration, focus, memory, and logical thinking. And this helps them to keep up with other subjects.

When a child works on the Abacus abacus, he uses both hands to move the balls of the instrument. The movement of the fingers activates the sensors of the brain, the right ones are coordinated with the left side of the brain and vice versa. This, in turn, provides unlimited benefits for children's brains. Listed below are some of the benefits of using for brain development.

Here are some of them:

  • Helps improve counting skills, making them better and faster than ever before;
  • Helps in improving the ability of children to solve problems. This curriculum is very effective for those who don't like learning math;
  • Mental counting teaches logical reasoning;
  • Helps in enhancing concentration and observational ability;
  • Strengthens mental visualization skills;
  • Improves photographic memory, and also helps to read and write better;
  • One of the main benefits of learning mental arithmetic is that it makes math meaningful, useful, and interesting for children.

The ideal age for a child to learn mental counting

In my opinion, any child who can read and write the numbers 1 through 99 is an excellent candidate for an introduction to mental math. In my experience closer to 5-6 years old is a good age as they have well developed motor skills to manipulate Abacus bills with confidence.

More importantly, at what age will it be difficult for your child to start classes? If parents do not help in mastering the material, I would say that this is the age of 10 years. They have so many other activities and interests that it will be difficult to cope without outside help, especially when multiplication and division begin.

However, if the parent continues to work with the baby and works with them, the students show impressive results and develop the mental abilities of the mind until about 12-13 years old.

Is there a conflict between learning to count at school and mental mathematics?

This begs the question, if the Abacus score is not the same as in school and other memorization techniques are used, will there be a problem in mastering school material?

There are two opinions and, accordingly, two answers to this question. So, counting teachers say that there will be no problems, since the children's brain is much more flexible and is able to process and filter a lot of information. In addition, the development of the two hemispheres of the brain will contribute to better memorization of school material.

And there is also the opinion of parents who say that at first the child may get confused with the calculation methods at school and in the lessons of mental arithmetic. But children quickly adapt and adjust and subsequently have no problems with this.

But if parents are worried that the baby will not cope with the load at school and in the courses, it is recommended to try to study during the summer holidays. But the best option is if the baby started his classes before school.

How to quickly wait for the first results?

To begin with, teaching mental arithmetic to children is a marathon, not a sprint. This means that learning to count and develop mental skills is a process that works best slowly with consistent practice.

Over-aggressive sessions will not bring long-term results faster than consecutive week after week sessions.

Visualization training develops over 12-24 months followed by maintenance exercises once a week. This restructuring of the child's brain occurs gradually and abilities develop.

Classes give excellent results, but there is one thing. The most important thing is to be systematic. That is, you can not work out for two weeks and wait for a miraculous account from your child. This is hard work, you have to do it all the time.

How are the lessons of mental arithmetic with crumbs going?

As a rule, schools have 12 levels. Each of them lasts 3-4 months. Classes are held twice a week and they also give homework.

Many teachers say that it is much easier to teach children who do not yet have knowledge of counting. They don't need to be retrained. But older students who already know how to count are not immediately ready to accept the system, since it has its own characteristics. These guys have to retrain.

The optimal age to start is 5-6 years. Some children are ready as early as 4 years old, everything is very individual. But this does not mean that at 12-14 years old children will not be able to learn mental counting. This is also quite real.

The peculiarity of the classes is that the student has to work simultaneously with both the right and left hands. And this, in turn, leads to the activation of the two hemispheres of the brain, and all actions become more effective.

Features of mental counting with children 4-5 years old?

To start exercising at 4 years old, a child must:

  • Freely pronounce and write numbers from 1 to 99;
  • The crumbs must have good motor skills so that they can perform actions with accounts;
  • It is desirable that the child be active, not shy, talkative. The more confident the baby, the easier it is to deal with him. But this does not mean that shy children will not master the material, just the teacher needs to find contact with such a crumb.

Classes from 4 years old are, first of all, a game. Do not put pressure on the baby, let him get carried away with these exercises.

With all the desire, but at 4 years old, the baby will not multiply, and divide four-digit numbers in the mind. But, you see, this is not the most important thing.

The main thing is to teach a child to use knowledge not only for counting (although this is paramount), but also for solving any logical or everyday problems.

Then the children will move on to simple counting: first adding within 10, and then subtracting. Then the examples will get more complicated. And by the end of the first year of study, you can observe just such a picture with your baby. In the video, the girl is 3 years and 8 months old, see how she thinks:

What does a child of 6-7 years old study?

I think that the age of 6-7 years is optimal for starting mental counting. The baby already accurately counts within 99. He can write down these numbers. He is more diligent than younger children. And the brain is ready to accept new material.

The knowledge gained will help to easily study at school. It will be much easier for your baby to remember the information received, and there will be no problems with mathematics at all.

Lesson examples: you will be surprised how fast our little ones can count

Now let's see what little students who do mental arithmetic can do. Their results are simply amazing.

Conclusions: the pros and cons of mental counting exercises for the baby

It so happened that almost the entire article told how cool it is to do mental counting. Are there really no negatives?

Of course they are. I'll try to list them:

  • Expensive. Yes, training is quite expensive;
  • For a long time. If you want to achieve good results, you won’t be able to study for a couple of months, you have to do it for several years;
  • Much depends on the teacher, how well he can interest children and find an approach to them;
  • If you want your child to excel in mental math, study with him. Without your support, the result will be much worse;
  • There are children for whom these lessons are not suitable. And that doesn't mean the system is bad, it just isn't for you. Not everyone dances or plays chess. Each child has his own preferences and this should be treated with respect;
  • Even if you have passed all the levels and become a specialist, you will have to maintain your knowledge all the time and constantly practice. It's like learning languages, if you don't practice, knowledge is lost.

That, perhaps, is all for today. I look forward to your comments and additions to the article. Perhaps I forgot to say something, feel free to write to me, I will be happy to add useful information.

A popular method of teaching and developing children came to us from Asia - teachers in Japan and China have been practicing mental arithmetic for a long time. Experts are convinced that classes on the abacus (accounts) will help young students develop talents and improve school performance. Want to know if your child needs mental arithmetic? Then this article is for you!

Mental arithmetic - what is it?

Many parents ask what mental arithmetic is for and what it is. Mental arithmetic is a unique method of versatile development of a child based on mental counting. The ability to count in the mind is an effective mechanism for achieving high results, but not the main goal of classes. The task of this technique is to fully develop the child, to promote the active manifestation of his abilities and talents.

The Japanese method of mental arithmetic has been around for over 2,000 years. Currently, it is very popular not only in Asia, but throughout the world. Classes according to this method contribute to the development of both hemispheres of the brain in children, that is, to fully reveal its intellectual potential.

During training, the child uses both hands at the same time. He calculates on the abacus (ancient Japanese abacus) with both hands, while stimulating the work of both hemispheres. In parallel with this, children solve arithmetic examples, imagining the scores in their imagination. Thus, the right hemisphere, responsible for images, and the left, responsible for logic, work.

Why do children need mental arithmetic?

Why do we need mental arithmetic? The fact is that the program of modern school education focuses on the exact sciences: mathematics, physics, chemistry, forgetting about the development of the child's creative abilities. Drawing or music lessons fade into the background, a small student quickly gets tired of boring subjects, starts to be lazy and does not show any interest in new knowledge. The right hemisphere of the brain, which is responsible for the creative vein of the child, lags behind its neighbor on the left, thereby overloading the left hemisphere. Academic performance decreases, reaction and attention slow down, problems begin with the assimilation of new material. Mental arithmetic allows you to harmonize the work of both hemispheres and improve skills. During class:

  • memory and thinking develop;
  • there is initiative and independence;
  • leadership qualities are brought up;
  • creative potential opens up;
  • increases self-confidence;
  • observation and analysis skills are improved;
  • develops imagination and creativity;
  • concentration improves.

The child learns to think creatively, to find creative solutions to common problems, and does not give in to stereotypes. A successful result is achieved through blended learning: exercises on the left and right hemispheres of the brain. Children are taught to count on an abacus, young students do mental calculations, developing logic and thinking. Teachers dilute complex tasks with creative ones, pay attention to ingenuity and imagination, fueling children's interest in classes.

Is there a conflict between learning to count at school and mental mathematics?

This begs the question, if the abacus score is not the same as at school, and other memorization techniques are used, will there be a problem in mastering the school material?

There are two opinions and, accordingly, two answers to this question. So, counting teachers say that there will be no problems, since the children's brain is much more flexible and is able to process and filter a lot of information. In addition, the development of the two hemispheres of the brain will contribute to better memorization of school material.

And there is also the opinion of parents who say that at first the child may get confused with the calculation methods at school and in the lessons of mental arithmetic. But children quickly adapt and adjust and subsequently have no problems with this.

But if parents are worried that the baby will not cope with the load at school and in the courses, it is recommended to try to study during the summer holidays. But the best option is if the baby started his classes before school.

How to quickly wait for the first results?

The SMARTUM Child Development Academy employs professionals in their field - experienced teachers who are well versed in child psychology and know how to find the right approach to each student. Based on this, not one child is left without attention.

Considering the main advantages of thoughtful lessons, each parent and future student can get acquainted with the learning outcomes:

  • The first lesson is marked by the fact that children are introduced to the specifics of working with abacus accounts.
  • Children from the age of 5, after the first month of active learning, will be able to count and solve given examples in their minds.
  • Children aged 7 years and over, after the first month of training, can calculate mentally faster than the average adult.
  • Children from the age of 7 years, after two months of training according to a given program, can do two things at the same time - recite any verse from memory and at the same time solve a given example in their mind.

Do young children need mental arithmetic?

Many moms and dads wonder why young children need mental arithmetic. We answer: classes on the abacus will be very useful for the development of children 5-6 years old. Kids already know how to count up to 10, and it's time to start active development of both hemispheres of the child's brain. At this stage, there is no need for just playing activities - the child is ready to absorb new knowledge like a sponge, so it is important to skillfully choose the right form of presenting the material. In Smartum, all students are divided into age groups, and teaching is carried out taking into account the psychological characteristics of children.

Academy "Smartum" invites young geniuses from 5 to 16 years old to the lessons of mental arithmetic. Systematic group classes with a teacher, as well as independent homework will help develop the student's logical thinking, improve his performance in all subjects. Positive results will lay the first foundation for the successful future of your child, give a strong impetus to development and self-realization in adulthood. Experienced specialists are ready to reveal children's potential, taking into account the individual age and psychological characteristics of each little student. Take advantage of a free trial lesson - teachers and psychologists will answer all additional questions.

Many parents dream that their child will grow up special, become pride. If some only brag about the abilities of children, then others are in a hurry to enroll their child in special schools, where they will help him develop inclinations. In one of these specialized institutions, children will learn what mental arithmetic is. What are the pros and cons of the technique?

Mental arithmetic - what is it?

Under mental arithmetic, it is customary to understand a program for the development of mental abilities and creative inclinations due to arithmetic calculations on the accounts. The method of mental arithmetic is provided for schoolchildren from four to sixteen years old. It was founded two thousand years ago and now operates in fifty-two countries around the world. Mental arithmetic helps kids develop both hemispheres of the brain.

What is mental arithmetic for?

To make an important decision, parents must understand what the essence of mental arithmetic is. With its help, the child will be able to:

  • learn to think creatively;
  • develop memory, thinking, logic and ingenuity;
  • show creativity;
  • improve school performance;
  • calculate complex equations in your mind.

Thanks to such activities, the student will be able to develop logic and learn mental counting. In addition, the child will have an interest in new knowledge and skills. Such classes are always interesting and fun: mathematical examples can be replaced by dances, songs and poems. Here there is work on perseverance, mindfulness, communication, and intuition.

Application of mental arithmetic

Mental mathematics is studied in special schools. For the entire period of training, children need to go through ten to twelve levels. Each such level lasts no more than four months. Classes must be attended once or twice a week. After a year and a half, the child is able to do various calculations with 4 or 5-digit numbers in his mind. Training is carried out using a special tool that resembles an abacus - an abacus. Initially, children need to learn how to work with it, touching the bones with their fingers.

Mental arithmetic - pros and cons

This technique has its advantages and disadvantages. However, not all parents know what mental arithmetic teaches. Among the advantages of the technique:

  1. The child learns to quickly count in his mind.
  2. Thanks to the stimulation of fine motor skills of the hands, the left hemisphere develops in schoolchildren.
  3. The student's performance improves in many school subjects.
  4. Children develop the ability to succeed in many things.

Not all parents note the positive impact of arithmetic on the student. Among the negative observations:

  1. At school, the child is in a hurry and makes many mistakes.
  2. Solving difficult examples in the mind, the student cannot, it is difficult for him to solve equations.

Mental arithmetic - benefits

Many educators and parents notice the benefits of such activities. Thanks to the lessons of mental mathematics:

  1. Fine motor skills can be developed.
  2. The child can. Thanks to this technique, the student will be able to quickly memorize poems, songs, foreign words.
  3. The student learns to quickly count in his mind. Such a technique of mental arithmetic will be useful to the child not only at school, but also in the future in adulthood.

Mental arithmetic - cons

Before deciding to teach a child this technique, parents try to find out what mental arithmetic gives and whether there are risks for the student. Cons of mental mathematics in the cost of classes. Not all loving parents can pay for their child's education in a special school. In addition, moms and dads note that after such lessons the child stopped thinking logically and often hurries and makes mistakes in high school. Experts say that it is better for children with mathematical abilities to engage in the technique.

Books on mental arithmetic

If parents still have doubts about whether the child needs such knowledge, literature will help make the right choice. They will tell you what the mental arithmetic of the book develops:

  1. M. Vorontsova "Mathematical genius: the method of counting is earlier than walking"- describes the advantages and disadvantages of this technique.
  2. B. Arthur, S. Michael “The Magic of Numbers. Mental Calculations in the Mind and Other Mathematical Tricks"- simple tricks are described, with the help of which you can learn how to perform various operations with large numbers in your mind.
  3. K. Bortolato “Set “Learning to count. Numerical series up to 20 "- one of the new unique kits that help children learn to count.
  4. A. Benjamin "Mathemagic, Secrets of Mental Mathematics"- in an accessible form tells about the essence of mental arithmetic.
  5. S. Ertash “Mental arithmetic. Addition and Subtraction»- a book for children from 4 to 6 years old. Thanks to this study guide, the child will be able to learn the basics of mental arithmetic.
  6. Abacus Center "Mental Arithmetic"- simple exercises for schoolchildren are described.