Satellite of Jupiter 5 letters first er Success! The artificial satellite first entered the orbit of Jupiter (5 photos). Entry into the atmosphere of Jupiter

Moscow, 24 Sep - RIA Novosti. Historians found in one of the libraries of London the script of the letter in which Galileo Galilee outlined his arguments against the Geocentric doctrine of the Catholic Church, which was the reason for the charges of heresy. This opening told the news service of the Nature magazine.

"Surprisingly, these letters were not hidden - they lay in an open in the form in the library of the London Royal Society. Nobody noticed them for several centuries, as if they were invisible or transparent. I am glad that we managed to find one of the first" Declarations of independence "Science from Religion", "said Franco Judiche from Bergam University.

Fire Enlightenment

Galileo Galilee, together with Jordano Bruno and Nikolai Copernicus, are traditionally considered among the first "martyrs of science", whose life broke out or seriously suffered because of the conflict between their scientific interests and dogmas of the Catholic Church.

The main stumbling block in all these cases was the ideas about how the solar system and space is arranged. The church adhered to the Ptolemeevian geocentric model, in which the land was recognized as the center of our planetary family and the entire Universe as a whole, while the three founders of modern astronomy doubted this postulate.

In 1610, Galilee opened the Venus phases, Jupiter satellites and some other celestial bodies and phenomena, who did not fit into the doctrines of the Catholic Church. Initially, its discoveries and books did not attract the attention of the church and the public, but then the situation changed dramatically.

In the fall of 1613, Abbot Benedetto Castelli, a close friend and student of Galileo, wrote him a letter in which he said how he had to defend astronomers from attacks of supporters of the "biblical" view of the world. In a response letter, Galileo, as Castelli himself noted later, answered the "theological" criticism and told about why science and church should be separated.

This letter, as Judiche notes, "leaked" into the general public and caused the most powerful resonance, becoming the starting point in the matter of the Inquisition against Galilee. His original was considered lost, and Galile himself stated that part of the copies of the letter rotating in the church and secular public was forged. For this reason, historians argued for a long time about what Galilean really wrote and whether his words were distorted.

Scientific self-censorship

Judiche and his colleague Salvatore Ricchardo from the University of Cagliari accidentally found the original letter, analyzing the comments of contemporaries in the fields of Label's works. In early August, they studied the catalogs of documents that kept in the library of the London Royal Society - one of the first scientific academies of the world.

In one of these directories, Richchardo and Judiche found mentioning the letters of the "Unknown Author", which Castelli received in December 1613. After reviewing photos of this text, Italian historians noticed the initials "G." And suggested that his author was Galileo Galilee.

After convincing the Library's Guide to show them all seven pages of this letter, scientists compared him with other letters of Galilee and confirmed that it is really written by a great astronomer. After reading it, the researchers discovered that "heretic" made a mass of edits into the text, markedly softening its content.

These edits, according to Judiche, they say that initially Galilev did not want to go to the conflict with the Catholic Church and made all the critical formulations with the most streamlined. For example, he refused the accusations that the Holy Scripture contradicts the truth and hides it from Christians.

All this, however, did not help Galileo - his books were officially prohibited, and the astronomer himself deprived of the right to teach, express their thoughts and defend the "Heres of Copernicus" just three years after publishing a letter.

After another 16 years, he was officially condemned by the Inquisition and sent for home arrest after the publication of his main work, "dialogues about the two main systems of the world," which the hierarchs of the church were counted by a mockery of Pope Urban VIII.

Jupiter can be rightfully called the most "weighty" planet of the solar system, because if you add together all other planets, including our land, their total mass will be 2.5 times less than that giant. Jupiter has very powerful radiation radiation whose level in Solar system exceeds only the sun.

All the rings of Saturn, however, and Jupiter also have a mass of satellites. To date, the scientists are exactly known 67 such satellites, of which 63 are well studied, but it is assumed that the satellites of Jupiter are no less than a hundred, and most of them were open in recent decades. Judge for themselves: in the late 70s, only 13 satellites were recorded, and in the future, terrestrial new generation telescopes made it possible to detect more than 50.

Most of the most satellites of Jupiter the diameter is small - from 2 to 4 km. Astronomers divide them on Galilean, internal and external.

Galilean satellites

The largest satellites of Jupiter: IO, Europe, Gamornad and Callisto were open to Galileo Galileem in 1610, in honor of him they got their name. Their formation occurred after the formation of the planet, from that gas and dust, which surrounded it.

And about

IO received her name in honor of the beloved Zeus, therefore it would be more correct to talk about her in feminine. It is the fifth of the satellite of Jupiter and is the most active body of the solar system in volcanic attitude. The age of IO is about the same as Jupiter himself, - 4.5 billion years. Like our moon, IO is always turned to Jupiter only one side, and its diameter is slightly exceeds the lunar (3642 km versus 3474 km at the Moon). Distance from Jupiter to Io 350 thousand km. In size, it ranks fourth among satellites in the solar system.

On satellites there are planets, and volcanic activity is extremely rare on the planets of the solar system. Currently, only four cosmic bodies are known in the solar system, where it manifests itself. This is the Earth, Nettun Triton, Saturn Saturna Encelada and IO, which in this four is an unconditional leader in terms of volcanic activity.

The scale of eruptions on the IO that it is clearly seen from the space. It is enough to say that a sulfur magma from volcanoes is erupted to a height of up to 300 km (there are already 12 such volcanoes), and gigantic lava flows covered the entire surface of the satellite, with a wide variety of colors. Yes, and in the atmosphere, the sulfur dioxide prevails, which is due to high volcanic activity.

Real picture!

Animation of the eruption in the tetalar patera, composed of five pictures made by the "New Horizons" spacecraft in 2007.

Jo is quite close to Jupiter (on cosmic standards, of course) and constantly experiencing a massive impact of its gravity. It is gravitation that the huge friction inside the IO caused by tidal forces, as well as the constant deformation of the satellite, heated its subsoil and surface. In some parts of the satellite, the temperature reaches 300 ° C. Along with Jupiter, the forces of attraction from two other satellites are influenced by the power of the two other satellites, which basically also causes an additional heating of Io.

The eruption of the pele volcano on the IO, shot by the Voyager-2 spacecraft.

Unlike volcanoes on Earth, which is "sleeping" most of the time and erupt only a rather short period of time, there are not interrupted volcanic activity on the hot IO, and peculiar rivers and lakes from the resulting molten magma are formed. The most large-known molten lake has a diameter of 20 km, and in it is an island consisting of frozen sulfur.

However, the interaction of the planet and its satellite is not one-way. Although Jupiter, due to its powerful magnetic belts, takes every second to 1000 kg of substance in virtually twice, enhances its magnetosphere. Due to the movement of IO through its magnetosphere, so powerful electricity is produced that in the upper layers of the atmosphere of the planet, the strongest thunderstorms are rap.


Europe got its name in honor of another beloved Zeus - the daughter of the Phoenician king, which he kidnapped in the image of a bull. This satellite is the sixth distance from Jupiter, and about the same age as he, that is, 4.5 billion years. However, the surface of Europe is much younger (about 100 million years), so there are practically no meteorite crater, which arose during the formation of Jupiter and its satellites. Such craters with a diameter of 10 to 30 km managed to detect only five.

European orbital distance from Jupiter is 670,900 km. Europe's diameter is less than that of the IO and at the Moon, is only 3100 km, and it is also turned to their planet always one side.

The maximum surface temperature at the EUPORAE Equator is minus 160 ° C, and on the poles - minus 220 ° C. Although the entire surface of the satellite covers the layer of ice, scientists believe that it hides the liquid ocean. Moreover, researchers believe that in this ocean there are some forms of life due to thermal sources located next to underground volcanoes, that is, as on earth. By the amount of water, Europe is moving two times.

Two models of the structure of Europe

The surface of Europe is cursed by cracks. The most common hypothesis explains this by the impact of tidal forces on the ocean under the surface. It is likely that the rise of water under the ice above the usual occurs when the satellite approaches the Jupiter. If this is true, then the appearance of cracks on the surface is just caused by constant lifting and reducing water levels.

According to a number of scientists, sometimes a breakthrough of the surface with water masses, like the lava in the eruption of the volcano, and then these masses freeze. In favor of this hypothesis, Icebergs are evidenced, which can be seen on the satellite surface.

In general, the surface of Europe does not have elevations with a height of more than 100 m, so it is considered one of the smoother bodies in the solar system. The sparse atmosphere of Europe contains mainly molecular oxygen. Apparently, this is explained by the decomposition of ice on hydrogen and oxygen under the influence of solar radiation, as well as other rigidity. As a result, molecular hydrogen from the surface of Europe quickly disappears due to its ease and weakness of gravity in Europe.


The satellite got his name in honor of the beautiful young man, whom Zeus suffered to Olympus and made Vinolrypie in the gods. Gamorn is the largest satellite in the solar system. Its diameter is 5268 km. If his orbit was not around Jupiter, but around the Sun, he would be considered a planet. The distance between Garimist and Jupiter is about 1070 million km. This is the only satellite in the solar system that has its own magnetosphere.

About 60% of the satellite is occupied by strange ice stripes, which have become a consequence of active geological processes that occurred 3.5 billion years ago, and 40% are an ancient powerful ice boron, covered by a variety of crater.

Possible internal structure of the Ganamed

The core and silicate mantle of the gamorna highlight the heat that makes it possible to exist the underground ocean. By assumptions of scientists, it is under the surface at a depth of 200 km, while on Europe the big ocean is located closer to the surface.

But the thin layer of the atmosphere of a ganamed, consisting of oxygen, is similar to the atmosphere discovered on Europe. Compared to other satellites of Jupiter, flat craters on the Ganymede practically do not form elevation and do not have depressions in the center, like crater on the moon. Apparently, this is due to the slow, gradual movement of a soft icy surface.


Satellite Callisto got its name in honor of another beloved Zeus. With a diameter of 4820 km, this is the third largest satellite in the solar system, and this amounts to about 99% of the Diameter of Mercury, while the mass of the satellite is three times less than that of this planet.

Age Callisto, like the most Jupiter and other Galilean satellites, also about 4.5 billion years, however, the distance to Jupiter compared to other satellites is significantly more, almost 1.9 million kilometers. Due to this, the rigid radiation field of the gas giant does not affect it.

The surface of Callisto is one of the most ancient surfaces in the solar system - it is about 4 billion years old. Her whole covert crater, so over time each meteorite has definitely falling in an already existing crater. There is no turbulent tectonic activity on Callo, the surface of it after the formation is not heated, so it retained its ancient look.

According to many scientists, Callisto covers a powerful ice layer, under which the ocean is located, and in the center of the satellite contains rocks and iron. Its rarefied atmosphere consists of carbon dioxide.

Crater Valchalla with a total diameter of about 3,800 km on Callesto deserves special attention. It is a bright central region with a diameter of 360 km, surrounded by comb-concentric rings with a radius of up to 1900 kilometers. All this picture resembles a circles on the water from the stone abandoned into it, only in this case the role of "stone" played a large asteroid of 10-20 km. Walchalla is considered the largest in the solar system by the formation around the shock crater, although the crater itself takes the size of only the 13th place.

Valchalla - Percussion Pool on Satellite Callisto

As already mentioned, Callisto is beyond the limits of the rigid radiation field of Jupiter, so it is considered as the most suitable object (after the moon and Mars) for the construction of the space base. The ice can serve as a source of water, and with the Callisto itself it will be convenient to explore another satellite of Jupiter - Europe.

For flight to Callisto, it will take from 2 to 5 years. The first piloted mission is planned to be sent no earlier than 2040, although the flight can begin and later.

Model inner structure Callist

Showing: Ice bark, possible water ocean and kernels from stones and ice.

Internal satellites of Jupiter

The internal satellites of Jupiter are named so because of their orbits that are very close to the planet and are inside the IO orbit, which is the closest to Jupiter with a Galilean satellite. Internal satellites Four: methda, amaltia, adraty and phib.

Amaltea, 3D model

The weak system of the Jupiter rings is replenished and supported not only by internal satellites, but also in small inner lunas, which are still invisible. The main ring of Jupiter is supported by a methode and adrstine, and Amaltee and Five have to maintain their own weak external rings.

Of all the internal satellites, Amalthea causes the greatest interest with its dark red surface. The fact is that there are no analogues in the solar system. There is a hypothesis that such a surface color is explained by inclusions in ice minerals and sulfur-containing substances, but this does not clarify the cause of this color. It is more likely that the capture of Jupiter of this satellite occurred from outside, as it regularly occurs with comets.

External satellites Jupiter

The external group make up small satellites with a diameter of 1 to 170 km, which move along elongated orbits with a strong inclination to the Equator of Jupiter. To date, 59 such external satellites are known. Unlike internal satellites, whose movement in their own orbits is carried out towards the rotation of Jupiter, most external satellites are moving in their orbits in the opposite direction.

Orbits of satellites Jupiter

Since some small satellites are almost the same, it is assumed that they are the remains of a larger satellite satellite, destroyed by the power of Jupiter. In the pictures obtained from the spacecraft flying past, they look like shapeless boulders. Obviously, the gravitational field of Jupiter captured some of them in the process of their coast in space.

Rings Jupiter

Along with satellites, Jupiter has its own system, like other gas giants in the Solar System: Saturn, Uranus and Neptune. Saturn Rings, open by Galileem in 1610, look much more effectively and more noticeable, because consist of shiny iceJupiter is just a minor dusty structure. This is what explains their late detection, when in the 1970s the system of Jupiter for the first time reached a spacecraft.

The image of the main ring obtained by Galileo with the straight-scattered light

The annular system of Jupiter form four main components:

Galo - thick torque of particles resembling the appearance of a donut or a hole with a hole;

The main ring, very subtle and rather bright;

Two outer rings, wide, but weak, called "Colegan Rings".

Galo and the main ring consist mainly of dust from the methis, adrasthey and, probably, another smaller satellites. Galo has in a width of about 20 to 40 thousand km, although the main component of its mass is located at least several hundred kilometers from the ring plane. The shape of halo, according to the common hypothesis, is due to the impact of electromagnetic forces within the magnetosphere of Jupiter on the dust particles of the rings.

The spider rings are very thin and transparent, like a web, got a name according to the material forming their satellites of Jupiter, Amaltei and Break. The external edges of the main rings are contacted by the companions of Adraty and Metis.

Jupiter Rings and Internal Satellites

Open champagne! Humanity has a good reason for the holiday. June 5, Jupiter became us much closer. At 4:53 am, the NASA Juno spacecraft successfully entered the orbit of the Gaza Giant. This is an incredible result of a five-year mission, as a result of which Jupiter received his first artificial satellite.

During this time, Juno managed to overcome 2.8 billion kilometers in the solar system. This spacecraft only works from solar energy, and it is the first in the world that could overcome such a huge distance from the ground. Now he begins his impressive scientific mission to Jupiter.

On the night of 4 to 5 June, Juno began 35-minute burning of its engines. It helped him to slow enough in order to enter the orbit of Jupiter. Fortunately, this maneuver passed without any complications.

Scott Bolton shared this news at a press conference conference - the main explorer Juno.

Scientists' plans for the next 1.5 years

Juno was able to take care of Jupiter closer than any other artificial satellite. Now it is located on a high elliptical orbit, just a few thousand kilometers above the clouds.

At this initial orbit, Juno will be 53 days, but on October 19, it will move to a shorter 14-day orbit. It is there that he must start his scientific operations using the equipment to "look" inside Jupiter and find out what it consists of. Scientists hope to find out whether a gas giant has a solid core, or not. Also, scientists are going to measure the water content to determine whether the planet was formed at its current orbit, or even further from the sun. This will give them ideas about the formation of our own planet.

Entry into the atmosphere of Jupiter

In total, Juno must complete 37 Orbits Jupiter, before entering its atmosphere in February 2018. This will prevent his collision with one of the satellites of Jupiter. But besides scientific instruments, Juno also has a camera that will do great amount Images throughout the mission. The general public will have the opportunity to see everything that recorded the NASA camera, on the site specifically created for this.

Thanks to the successful combustion of engines that occurred on the night of Monday on Tuesday, we can count on all these results over the next one and a half years. Thus, Juno became the first messenger of mankind to Jupiter.