How do you understand the meaning of the phrase maternal love? Write an essay-reasoning, disclosing the meaning of the statement of the famous philologist N. Writings of OGE in the text about the aunt of the flesh (A.Likhanov) as you understand the meaning

Questions for self-test

1. What is the difference between job description from the moral code (for example, knight) or professional ethics of a doctor?

Official instructions are governed by special instructions, rules, charters. However, in addition to external rules governing any professional activities, there are many other conditions for successful work: the love of his profession, the desire to bring the benefit of people, the accumulation of new knowledge and turn them into skills and the rules of more effective, successful work, this will Refers to morality. The moral code in society exists in the usual form and everything depends on people to observe or not to follow.

2. Is it possible to say that in recent years, many Russians have changed ideas about good and evil, truth and justice? Argument your point of view.

In recent years, the social structure of society has been complicated, which leads to the fact that the newly formed social groups and communion differ not only by their position in society, but also their ideas about spiritual values \u200b\u200band norms of moral behavior. This most violates the principle of sharing the dominant moral standards at the same time, the historical experience of the development of society testifies to the presence of universal moral norms and values, which are so firmly included in the consciousness of people of various countries and epochs that they did not lose their significance and in our days, we And attribute good and evil, truth and justice. Bright examples are the already mentioned "golden rule" of morality (do in relation to others, as you would like them to do in relation to you), the principles of the Nagorno sermon of Christ ("do good", "do not do evil", "Love Middle like himself "and others). They constitute the basis of universal values.

3. Can morality act the judge towards other forms of public consciousness (science, politics, etc.)?

No, morality cannot act a judge towards other forms of public consciousness, because It is not a universal criterion (everyone's morality!) Since it is subjective and therefore, the objective or other subjective forms of public consciousness cannot.

4. What is the main indicator of morality, the indicator of the moral maturity of the person?

The main indicator of the effectiveness of morality, the indicator of the moral maturity of the person is primarily successful socialization. Morally mature personality is aware of the responsibility for their actions, seeks to create.

5. How do you understand the meaning of the famous saying "do not judge, do not judge" in relation to moral and ethical situations?

With regard to moral and ethical situations, this saying suggests that each person as a person should not condemn the actions of another person, and first of all evaluate their actions.

6. What, in your opinion, is the power of public opinion?

The power of public opinion is that in society public opinion acts as a kind of controller and as a social controller, public opinion is able to monitor, sensitive to the adoption and fulfillment of government solutions, contributing to or braking their implementation.


1. Invite your definition of morality. Adjust it using vocabulary social science terms.

Morality is morality, a special form of public consciousness, a type of social relations, such as moral relations. Adjusted by the norms established in society and the most common concepts of morality are categories good and evil.

2. What professional ethics codes are familiar to you? Describe their key positions.

In modern society, there are many Codes of professional ethics. Professional codes are usually accepted by professional associations or governments or non-governmental organizations. Professional Code often expresses the rules of professional liability, in which frequently encountered complex cases are considered, and explains what behavior in these situations should be considered ethical, and which is not, and why. For a member of the professional community, the deviation from the professional code may be a reason to exclude from the organization. Examples of professional codes: - Hippocratic oath and Persival Code in medicine, journalist Credo, Aviation Code, Beanido, Codex of the Armed Forces, etc.

3. From the paragraph, you learned that in ancient Athens, the city police consisted of slaves, as the free citizens considered to use violence to other free citizens to apply violence. Nowadays, another picture was observed in Russia for a number of years. Employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs have often applied to care from public order protection, referring to low salaries, non-normalized working day, dwelling unpleasution, as well as taking into account the risk to live with regular clashes with public order violators and the law. Using media materials, show what is being done now in order to raise the prestige of the police service in the eyes of Russian citizens and at the same time eliminating all possible police officers collusion with criminals, amendancy or participation in criminal groups and corruption.

In order to raise the prestige of the police service in society by the Government of the Russian Federation, two vector is: 1. Raising salary; 2. Decision of housing issues. The importance of the role of the police, its authority in society and the attractiveness of the police profession in the consciousness of citizens are created, first of all, due to the social situation of people engaged in this type of activity, and various social benefits guaranteed by him. Even ordinary police officers refer to members of the middle layer of society and many of the service enhanced their financial situation receive social guarantees and stability in life. The policeman's image is firmly connected and with the image of the genuine guard of order, ideas about his intellectuality, initiative, fearlessness, justice, as well as endurance, training, force.

4. Do you need, in your opinion, are there already special moral standards regulating the behavior of Internet users?

To date, moral norms are needed that would regulate the behavior of Internet users, because Many insults, obscene break, games that violate the psyche and much more, and sometimes the children affordable for the eye can be traced on the Internet.

5. Familiarize yourself with the materials of the Third Humanistic Manifesta published in 2003 and signed by famous scientists and public figures, among which 21 Nobel Prize winners. This manifesto includes six major belief abstracts:

The knowledge of the world occurs as a result of observation, experimentation and rational analysis;

Human beings are an integral part of nature, the result of an evolutionary change that is not predetermined by anyone;

Ethical values \u200b\u200bcome from those human needs and interests that are tested by experience;

Life acquires meaning in serving the personality of humane ideals;

Human beings are social in nature and find the meaning of relations between themselves;

Work for the benefit of society maximizes the happiness of the individual.

Do you agree with each of the provisions extended? What look to the origin of moral values \u200b\u200bare the authors of the manifest?

I agree with each of the nominated positions of Manifesta. The authors of the manifesta adhere to the humane origin of moral values.

Works to the collection "Fundamental State Exana OGE - 2018. Tsybulko. 36 options "

An essay on the topic "There was a boy high and thin, exorbitantly long hands kept deep in his pockets" (option 1)

15.1 Write an essay-reasoning, disclosing the meaning of the removal of the famous linguist Valentina Danilovna Chernyak: "The words related to the expression of any feeling, a relationship to person, assessing the subject of speech, situations and communication are related to the expression of any feeling.

Famous Linguist V. D. Chernyak writes about emotionally appreciable words that they are associated with feelings, attitude or assessment. I think that such words help us to understand the heroes and the author's intent. For example, in the text of R. P. Pogodin is used many of these words. Suppose, in the sentence 13, Mishka talks about Sime that he "got out." This word shows us a contemptuous attitude of the bears to another hero. In proposal 16, he refers to Sime by the name, but very roughly: the personal pronoun "you". Further, he calls for Siema with a swift, says he is ledmed - this also shows us his rudeness and contempt.

Emotional and expressive words make a literary work more expressive.

15.2 Write an essay-reasoning. Explain how you understand the meaning of proposals of 55-56 text: "Bear rose and began to select pictures from the guys. He collected all the sheets, put them back to the album "

In the passage from the work of R. P. Pogodin, we read about the relationships of the guys from one yard. They did not like one of the boys, so they suspected it in different gados: for example, in the fact that he was fed. Do not understand, they take the album at the Sima and disassemble the pictures. Only after some time their "leader" bear suddenly understands that the album was intended for an old teacher who no longer works at school (this is stated in sentence 52). And from the proposals 53 and 54 it becomes clear why Simim wanted to thank it: she helped him engaged in severe illness. When Misha understood it, he became ashamed, and he began to take pictures of the guys, folded them back into the album. From the proposals of 67-75, we understand that the guys handed over Maria Alekseevna drawings that Sima made for her.

These words mean that Misha could recognize his mistakes and correct them.

15.3 How do you understand the meaning of the word conscience? Word and comment on this definition. Write an essay-reasoning on the topic: "What is conscience?", Taking the definition of you as a thesis.

Conscience is the ability of a person to realize their wrong; She keeps against a bad act or reproaches if a person has already arrived incorrectly.

In the passage from the work of R. P. Pogododna, Mishka selected the album with the drawings, which he did for the teacher, but then the Mishka realized that he was wrong. The conscience reproached him, and he decided to correct his mistake. I took pictures from buddies and still handed the teacher.

And in life, and in literature, we often meet such situations in which a person experiences flour conscience. For example, in the novel by A. S. Pushkin "Evgeny Onegin", the main character of harshly judges himself for the troubles. Fearing public condemnation, Eugene went on a duel with a friend and accidentally killed him. Onegin punishes himself - sends to exile.

Each person must come in accordance with the requirements of its conscience.

An essay on the topic "Spring joyfully sounded a quiet bird chirping ..." (option 2)

15.1 Write an essay-reasoning, disclosing the meaning of the removal of the famous Linguist Ditmar Elyashevich Rosentyl: "Our grammatical system provides many options for expressing the same thought."

The grammatical system of the Russian language offers speaking various syntactic structures to express one and the same. They are synonymous.

For example, synonymous suggestions with particle roads and departure offers. True, it is not always possible to replace the supplied proposal by a considerable turnover, but if possible, the text becomes more and more vigorous. Probably, therefore, such structures prefers V. O. Bogomolov, with a passage from the book of which I met. In this text there were a lot of verbal revolutions and single verprices. For example, in the sentences 3, 5, 7, 12, 13, we meet such structures.

However, sometimes the writer prefers Poddae: in sentences 21, 23 and some others. It makes the text more expressive and beautiful.

15.2 Write an essay-reasoning. Explain how you understand the meaning of the last sentences of the text: "There is no plan," Vitka said with his peculiar directness without obsteaders. - and combat provision too. This is irresponsibility and my inadmaking. I answer it. "

The hero of the narrator after heavy fighting forgot that he was ordered to set off and sketch an action plan when attacking the enemy (proposal 21). It was indeed necessary, however, the narrator neglected by this, although it was unintentionally, and because of his forgetfulness, his friend was injured - Vitka Combat. But the commander took all the blame for himself, realizing that the community could punish him and in any case would scold. Words "This is irresponsibility and my inacidation. I answer it "It is suggested that the combat is an honest person who is not able to bring a friend, in addition, he is ready to answer everything that happens in his division. The narrator was confident in his friend, this is stated in sentence 24, he was very ashamed that he suffers from his fault.

Sometimes friends have to correct each other's errors.

15.3 How do you understand the meaning of the word conscience? Word and comment on this definition. Write an essay-reasoning on the topic: "What is conscience?", Taking the definition of you as a thesis.

Conscience is a feature of a person. The one who has a conscience will try in no case to make a bad act. If he accidentally makes something bad, then conscience torments him and makes it harm caused evil.

In the excerpt from the work of V. O. Bogomolov, the hero-narrator forgot to fulfill the commission of his friend of Kombat, and because of this, the Combrigs chosard to Vitaku. But a friend did not give his friend, but took the blame for himself. The storytellor was very shameful.

We often encounter examples of MUK conscience in literature and life. For example, in the novel by F. M. Dostoevsky "Brothers of the Karamazov" one boy, Ilyusha, yielding to the persuasion of an evil student Rakitin, treated a stray dog \u200b\u200ba piece of bread with a pin. The dog sneaked and ran away. The boy thought that the bug was died, and it was terribly tormented, he even fell ill. But fortunately, it turned out that the dog survived.

The conscience is very necessary for each person.

An essay on the topic "At school called" The Republic of Shkid "at the same time with the newcomer Panteleyev, a decrepit old woman appeared, the mother of the director ..." (option 3)

15.1 Write an essay-reasoning, disclosing the meaning of the remarks of the famous linguist Dmitry Nikolayevich Shmeleva: "The figurative meaning of the word enriches our language, develops and transforms it."

In Russian, along with unambiguous words, there are a huge set of such words that have not one, but two or more values. If you look into a sensible dictionary, you can make sure that there are even more such words than one-to-one. Of course, it is no coincidence. Multivalued words give speech expressiveness. On the use of different values \u200b\u200bof one multi-valued word, such a joke is based as a pun; The figurative meaning of the word allows you to make your saying brighter.

For example, in the text of L. Panteleyev in the offer 11, we read about how the pile of the thailan pellets. This word is used in the portable value "decreased in size", and we can easily submit this picture: a bunch of pellets is done less and then they disappear.

In a sentence 20, the author writes about the boy that his lips "jar". This is also a word in a figurative value. Reading, we immediately understand that the new one almost cries from anger and resentment, to such an extent he shocked by the act of the guys.

Words in portable meaning are often used in fiction as a means of expressiveness.

15.2 Write an essay-reasoning. Explain how you understand the meaning of the sentences 47-49 of the text: "-Dallen, Lyanka, you are well done," said Japanese, blushing and shrimp to the nose. - Forgive us, Ozhallyst. This is me not only from myself, I say from the whole class. "

The action of the book "Republic of Skid" takes place in the colony. Guys who got there, it is, of course, not angels. Most of them stared out on the street so as not to die with hunger, and some habits remained at that moment, which is described in an episode with stolen cakes.

But the new Panteleev was more honest: it seemed to him dishonest steal from the blind old woman, so other colonists beat him, and the director, without silent, Panteleeva punished, because he did not deny his guilt.

Other colonists have become ashamed. That is why the Japanese blushed when he asked for forgiveness from Lyanka. The guys suddenly realized that you could live more honest than they: do not offend weak, do not shift the blame on others. This is stated in the words of the Japanese (in Proposals 40 - 42). But to go to the director and confess - this is still too the heroic act for the guys who are not accustomed to live honestly. As a result, the proposal of the Japanese nobody supports, but still the guys felt guilty and agreed with apologies. Therefore, Lyanka raved the guys (offer 51-52).

15.3 How do you understand the meaning of the word conscience?

Conscience is what allows a person to be a man, such a feeling of correctness or the wrong act of a deed, a kind of compass. The one who has a conscience understands how to do, and it is impossible, and he tries to avoid bad actions and in the event that no one knows about them.

Conscience helps us evaluate yourself. Unfortunately, the conscience is not all. Some believe that there are some problems from it: she reproaches, does not give rest, and after all, a person is striving for happiness and peace. And it still happens that someone has no conscience as not yet formed. For example, in this text we just see the guys who have not listened to their conscience, because she quickly interfered when they lived on the street and were forced to steal and deceive not to die with hunger. But the honest act Lönki first shook them and caused aggression, and then made their best feelings wake up. They became ashamed, which means that they became a little better than they were before.

The conscience makes a person be ashamed for others if they commit something bad. I met such an example in the literature - in the story of E. Nosova "Doll". The hero of this story Akimchu is ashamed for those people who pass by the mutilated doll and do not pay attention to this disgrace. He buries a doll and says: "you don't bother you." I think he means that unscrupful people with a silent connival the rest have already made a lot of evil, it is already difficult to fix it. The author encourages those in whom there is still a conscience, not get used to the bad thing, and try to fix it.

Conscience is a rod in the soul of man.

An essay on the topic "I stood in a seven-walled cold circular stable ..." (option 5)

15.1. Write an essay-reasoning, disclosing the meaning of the statements of the famous Russian linguist Lyudmila Alekseevna Intraved: "Any deviations from the norm should be situationally and stylistically justified"

The famous Linguist L. A. Intraved is a statement: "Any deviations from the norm should be situationally and stylistically justified."

Russian language is a rich and perfectly built system, this language is able to deeply and alone describe the entire range of human emotions. The person who uses the Russian language, there is a whole arsenal of phraseological units, sayings, a dishonest amount of synonyms, comparisons, metaphors, etc.

But still, every person has situations, joyful or bitter when he sometimes lacks generally accepted norms to express his feelings. But in order to avoid the general rules of the language, the speaker or writing must be the motives. These motives are explained by a specific situation, according to the statement of the introduction. For example, in the sentence, "I stood in a huge cold stable beside my sick friend and all my heart wanted to help her." The author here speaks about each other, and then that he wanted to help her. In the text we are talking about Circus Slonic Lyalka. Why does the author call it another, not a friend? After all, if "she" means "girlfriend". The fact is that the author from the heart is experiencing for Slonich and is very afraid that she will not get better, because she is very good to him. The word "friend" absorbs much more sense than the "girlfriend". A friend is a close person, he will support and calm down, will always be there. In this case, considering how the author is silent for Lyalka, you can justify the use of the word "friend".

He turns to Lyalka, who has already recovered. The author speaks with animals as if it can understand his words. From this exclamation, it is seen how sincerely glad the author of the fact that the elephant recovered and ate food. Here, the appeal to these words to the animal is justified by the genuine joy of the author.

15.2. Explain how you understand the meaning of the text fragment: "We always go ahead with your crackers and whistles, we, clowns, soldiers and pleasurers, and next to us, of course, beautiful, funny elephants"

In the story of "Slonich Lyalka" tells how the author is very worried about his friend, Slonich named Lyalka. She fell ill, refused to eat. The author all night has been seemed to see how he chokes, trembles Lyalka, but the next morning it turned out that she was already recovered. About the good mood of the elephant spoken how she zadorly the pipe. The author on the joy came to mind the thought "We are always going ahead with our clappers and whistles, we, clowns, soldiers and pleasurers, and next to us, of course, beautiful, funny elephants." This means that in any case life wins, love for this life and work. Despite the threatened disease, Lyalka won and is ready to further delight the kids with his performances.

From the offer "Seeing me and immediately recognizing, Lyalka triumphantly" we see that Slonikha is very glad to his friend and wants to show him that the disease retreated and she is ready to stand up again.

The author is so happy to melt Lyalka, he is proud that it is they who arrange a holiday to people that clowns and soldiers allow them to plunge into carefree childhood again. Lyalka fully supports the author in this and as if he says: "Let the amazing cavalcade of the joy and happiness of life beans always dancing!"

A kindness is the ability to empathize and put yourself in place of another person.

There are many definitions of the word "kindness", but I will focus on the fact that it is, first of all, empathy, sympathy. To create good, you need to be able to try on the mountain and the troubles of others, and then do what I would like to do with you.

If a person or animal fell into trouble, you need to show your nobility and willingness to help, because these features are characterized by a real person.

Kindness is visible in the behavior of the author of the story "Slonikha Lyalka". He is worried about the animal with all the soul. The author cooked a medicine for Lyalka, then he did not sleep all night, thinking about her, as she was bad. In the morning, seeing nothing, he ran to her, fed. The author does good for the elephant, as for a true friend.

What drives us when we give money to the treatment of a child unfamiliar to us, help our gentle old men, give way to the bus, pick up a hungry homeless cat? Of course, kindness. It is she who helps us to keep this world and all the best that there is in it.

The essay on the topic "stood the last days of June ..." (option 6)

15.1. Write an essay-reasoning, revealing the meaning of the statement of the famous Russian writer Vladimir Vladimirovich Nabokova: "Dots are traces on the tiptoe of the spent words"

Despite all the richness of the Russian language, each person in certain moments of life faces the situation when he cannot find the necessary words; When it seems: here they are spinning in the language, but it is not able to pronounce them, although they are clearly meant in speech.

This phenomenon is confirmed by the statement of the Russian writer V. V. Nabokova: "Multiple is traces of tiptoeing of the spent words." If we can understand about the behavior of a person in the conversation that he does not agree something, then in writing speech this function performs a lot.

In the sentence "Well, Grishuk, get better without me ... - spoke to the goodbye of Emely, the grandchildren, who was seriously sick. "And I am somewhat somewhere" we clearly see how hard my grandfather leave one patient boy, but he has no other exit. In dots in this sentence, anxiety is clearly slipping, sadness, the experience of Emela for her grandson.

It can be said, a lot is used to save language means.

Next, after returning from hunting with empty-handed hands and after grandson questions, whether the grandfather of Olenenka, Emely, said, "No, Grishuk ... I saw him ... Yellow himself, and the face is black. Standing under the bush and the leaves pinch ... I ate ... "

Here, under ellipsis, it is clearly visible the desire of the case to console gris, explain to him that his hand did not rise to shoot a defenseless deer.

Multi-point is an obviousness that can be solved by the context and behavior of the character.

15.2. Explain how you understand the meaning of the text of the text: "Grisha fell asleep, and all night saw a little yellow deer, who had fun in the woods with his mother, and the old man slept on the stove and smiled too in a dream

The text ends with the offer of "Grisha and fell asleep and saw all night of a little yellow deer, who had fun in the woods with his mother, and the old man slept on the stove and also smiled in a dream."

Grandfather Emelya went to the forest, hoping to get a deer, and it was the one that His Grisutka so wanted. But seeing the deer boldly protects his cub, risking his life, he could not shoot, although the animals were in counting steps from him.

He replied to the question of his grandson: "How whistled, and he, a calf, as he dracifets into the thicket - only him and saw him. I ran away, the sort of hard ... "

Grisutka was glad that the yellow deer was alive and listened to the stories of the case. Sincere children's joy can be seen in the following sentences: "The old man told the boy for a long time, as he was looking for a calf in the forest for three days and how he ran away from him. The boy listened and laughed having fun with the old grandfather. "

15.3. How do you understand the meaning of the word of the kindness?

Our world keeps on kindness, responsiveness, willingness to help others. A kindness is what is holding everything beautiful in our lives. We do not show kindness and compassion for any living being, we would simply disappear from the face of the earth. Showing good and taking it from others, we know that everything is still good in our lives, not all is lost.

This text is not better shows the act of mercy and kindness. The old hunter lost three days, his house was waiting for a sick grandson. Good luck was right in front of an old man. But seeing how selflessly deer protects his cub, he regretted them both. Instead of returning home with rich prey, he pretended to give life to a defenseless animal. What is it, how is not a manifestation of kindness? The old man remembered who his granddaughter was just as miraculously stayed in the attack of wolves, however, the price of his mother's life.

This is all shown in the sentences "That's exactly what was cut into the chest from the old emela, and he lowered the gun. The hunter quickly rose and whistled - a little animal disappeared into the bushes with speed lightning. "

In real life, there are a lot of cases when people risking their lives and health, saved children who fell into trouble, pulled out of burning houses, saved from water, from animal attacks.

All these cases give us the hope that we will not stay without help, getting into trouble.

An essay on the topic "Now Kolka, Vovka and Olya rarely met: vacation ..." (option 7)

15.1. Write an essay-reasoning, disclosing the meaning of the statements of the famous Russian linguist Irina Borisovna Goli: "Artistic speech The use of homogeneous members of the sentence is a favorite means of strengthening its expressiveness"

The Russian Linguist I. B. Goli has a statement: "In artistic speech, the use of homogeneous members of the sentence is a favorite means of strengthening its expressiveness."

Often, the speaker is not enough to express his thoughts using only one word, one synonym or description. In order to give persistence and expressiveness of their speech, a person can use homogeneous members of the sentence, as, for example, in the proposal, "but it was so told, as if he was, and saw, and the Olin's Olhes were even more widely revealed."

Here, homogeneous members of the sentence are the words "was" and "saw." In order to understand the meaning of the proposal, it would be enough to use only one of them, but the use of both of them gave dynamism and brightness to the proposal.

The feelings and longing of the main character can be seen in the sentence "I looked like the arrow spinning, as she trembles, where it indicates." It would be enough to say that the boy looked at the compass, but the words "spinning", "tremble", "Indicates", as the roads of the boy of its compass.

The compassion of the ring shows that it does not even expect to get a puppy for the compass. He is quite at least that the dog will live. He is ready to lose the fact that he is so expensive, just for knowing that the puppy will not drown: "I am not coming, - sighed Kolka. "Let you live if you want." I am not to the wind. "

15.3. How do you understand the meaning of the word of the kindness?

The eternal question is what kindness is? Each person will answer him in his own way, based on his own life experience. For someone, kindness is ready to help weaker and helpless than you yourself, for the other - the ability to compare, divide the pain and mountain of the Middle.

I believe that the kindness implies the willingness to go for any victims in order not to suffer the innocent living creature, no matter, a person or an animal. You show good if you stop cruelty and injustice without thinking about what this will turn it for you. And on the contrary, you are attending evil if you are silently watching him, even without participating in it.

A kindness is when a person does not pass by someone else's trouble or trouble, considering it that it does not concern. In the text, the Kolka boy is ready to donate the way for him for him for the savings of a puppy, whom he will not receive: "On Tom and shaved. Sandaging home puppy, Olka ran away, and the ring with a compass went to say goodbye. I looked like an arrow spinning, as she trembles, where indicates. "

I had once to observe one case. On a lively road lay a sick dog in a collar, breathing heavily. People passed by, silently glancing on the animal. Only one girl dared to approach her, not afraid of human condemnation and opinions. She gave the dog of the water and moved her away from the road to the grass.

In this case, a person was more important to help, show good than what the rest may think.

An essay on the topic "That night went long cold rains ..." (option 8)

15.1. Write an essay-reasoning, disclosing the meaning of the statements of the famous Russian linguist Irina Borisovna Goli: "Definitely personal offers in comparison with doubles give speech dynamism, conciseness."

The famous Linguist I. B. Goli has a statement: "Definitely personal offers in comparison with doubles give speech dynamism, conciseness."

Native speakers, and not only, can for saving language tools and time to express their thoughts without using personal pronouns. Of course, they give a suggestion more concreteness, but still they can be lowered for conciseness without losing sense of suggestions. For example, in the proposal "Kashu Swarim!" Soldiers could say: "We are porridge to Swarim!", But used a certain personal offer. The elimination of the pronoun "we" gave the proposal to the brevity and feeling of cohesion of soldiers, their overall joy.

15.2. Explain how you understand the meaning of the final of the text: "Sanitary also smiled and, stroking a nearby dog, replied: - They ate the oatmeal. But they brought you on time. "

The text ends with the proposal "Sanitary also smiled and, stroking the near dog, replied: - They ate the oatmeal. But they brought you on time. "

The story tells about the time serious, military. Cold, hunger, no food, soldiers feed on only water with breadcrumbs. And what was the happiness when Soldier Lukashuk found suddenly a bag of oatmeal, which seemed to be a poor soldiers of the Treasure. They were already anticipating how the diet porridge would go. But suddenly the owner of this bag and he took him.

After a while, when things with the products went better, Soldier Lukashuk saved the very person who took them then their last hope is a bag of oatmeal. He turned out to be a military sanitary.

It seems that this sanitary seems to be justified before Lukashuk for what happened then. He gives to understand the wounded: Due to the fact that he gave the oatmeal to dogs, they managed to take it on sledding and thereby save. After all, do not make this sanitary, animals would have weakened with hunger and, maybe, thanks to this case, Lukashuk stayed alive, because the dogs were taken on time. So it happens in life: the fact that at first glance seems to death, in fact, unexpectedly becomes salvation.

15.3. How do you understand the meaning of the word of the kindness?

A kindness is such a life phenomenon when a person helps others, despite the fact that it is fraught with some inconveniences, time loss, etc. It means to give another part of its heat, without fear of freezing.

To know that today you made a better life for someone, aware that you did someone who did anyone - is it not happiness? The joy and satisfaction from the return is much stronger than they are in a situation where you get something yourself. Kindness makes the life of each of us better and lighter. If you did good to someone, this someone will make a good one for a chain.

The text has an example of the manifestation of kindness and compassion. Sanitary, who took the bag of oatmeal from the soldier, gave it all the hungry dogs, although he could satisfy it himself, because time was very hungry, military. Due to the fact that Sanitary, to the detriment of himself, fed animals, they were able to gain strength and briefly brought on the Santochoki wounded and affected. This is stated in the proposal "- they ate the oatmeal. But they brought you on time. "

There are many people who, despite employment, limitations in finances, visiting orphans visit orphans and helpless old people left alone. These people share with them not only material values, but also sincere heat, and therefore, life for whom becomes brighter.

An essay on the topic "At dusk of the Bidenco and Gorbunov went into intelligence, taking with them Vanya Solntsev ..." (option 9)

15.1. Write an essay-reasoning, disclosing the meaning of the statements taken from the literary encyclopedia: "" Forcing the heroes to speak with each other, instead of conveying their conversation from yourself, the author can make appropriate shades in such a dialogue. The subject and manner of speech, he characterizes his heroes. "

Each lover of books knows how well monologues or character dialogs characterize them, brightly highlight their literacy, losers and other individual features.

The author for convenience could simply briefly convey the essence of the conversation of two or more book characters, but it is the schedule of their details of their dialogue that allows the reader to make an opinion about each of them. From the sentence "Well, what the hell are you doing here at night, the barefoot! - shouted the German coarse, talked voice, "we are clear to us that these words belong to a person with a cruel and not knowing mercy. There is even no need for a more detailed description of this character - the reader and so it is clear that nothing good is worth waiting for him.

The following example is: "Oh, uncle, do not bother! - He walked plaintively. - I was looking for my horse. Nasil found. All day and all night dull. I drank ... - he shouted, waking up the whip on Cerco. " Here the author could simply write that the boy pretended to be a shepherd and asked for mercy. But this phrase Vanya helps the reader brightly imagine the image of a miserable cowgirl, who embarked out of his strength and mights to let him go with the world.

The phrases of heroes, their unique manner to speak help the reader deeper into the work and create the effect that he would seem to be present at the site of the events described.

15.2. Explain how you understand the meaning of offers 31-32 texts: "He knew that there was his friends, faithful combat comrades. In the first shout, they will rush to the revenue and lay the fascists of all to one. "

A very important mission is entrusted to Vanya's boy - to be a conductor for scouts, introduce them to the enemy mill and warn about the danger. For this purpose, the image of a fool-cowhone is thought out for him. Vanya realizes how important this goal is and how much depends on it.

There is an offer in the text: "He knew that his friends were near, faithful combat comrades. In the first shout, they will rush to the revenue and lay the fascists of all to one. "

When Vanya showed the road of Bidenko and Gorbunov, he stumbled upon two Germans and his real horror was taught. He was even afraid of himself, and for the fact that all their plan will collapse. He knew that in any case his comrades would not give him offense, defend from the fascists. When one of the Germans impaired him, Vanya was furious: "How! His, the soldier of the Red Army, the intelligence officer of the famous battery of Captain Enakiev, dreamed to hit the boot some fascist Rvanin! " But he took himself in time. If he gives the will anger, the end of their plan. Despite the fact that behind him were people who would protect him, Vanya pushed a personal resentment to the back plan and put his important task for his first place: "But the boy also firmly remembered that he was in deep intelligence, where the slightest noise could detect Group and disrupt the execution of combat task. "

Boy Vanya in the image of a shepherd with honor coped with his assignment and did not let off the scouts who were fully relied on him.

The text describes the terrible time for the Great Country - the Great Patriotic War. These were years when fearlessness was required from every citizen of our country, readiness to sacrifice everyone in the name of victory and freedom. It was a time when simple Soviet people were held feats for their homeland.

The feat in my understanding is when a person puts the well-being of his people and the country to first place, and then cares about personal good. The feat is that, for what a person is ready to sacrifice his life.

During the war, millions of people lost their families, they united for victory over the enemy, throwing their personal care to the side.

Simple Russian boy Vanya stoically transferred the mockery of the fascists, threw off his pride. It was incredibly hard for him, but he knew that he simply had no right to sum up combat comrades: "Then he mighty effort will suppressed rage and pride in himself." He coped with the horror that covered him from a meeting with the enemies, and told scouts on.

We from school hearing incredible stories about heroism and exploits of Soviet people during the war. Despite the nation and religion, they all as one rose to protect their country, did not be afraid of heavy tests. People boldly made their way to the enemy camp, freed the prisoners, saved the wounded. All this and there are feats, thanks to which we have the opportunity to live and love today, enjoy the peaceful sky over your head.

An essay on the topic "Once, when the grandmother stood on his knees, cordially chatting with God ..." (option 10)

15.1. Write an essay-reasoning, disclosing the meaning of the statement of the famous Russian linguist Evgenia Nikolayevich Shiryaeva "The whole organization of language funds in the artistic literature is subordinated not just the transfer of content, but to transfers with artistic means."

Artistic style is different from the scientific, official and journalistic wealth of the means of expression. If only dry facts are present in scientific works and newspaper articles, the artistic literature gives unlimited space for fantasy. Artistic novels, stories, stories are abounding with artistic means as metaphor, comparison, description, hyperbole, personification and many others.

A vivid example of using artistic means is shown in the following suggestions: "In a quiet night, red flowers bloomed smoothly; Only a dark cloud fluctuated very high above them, not interfering to see the silver flux of the Milky Way. The bugs lit up, and the walls of the buildings were trembling, swung, as if striking in the hot corner of the courtyard, where the fire played the fire, pouring the red gaps in the wall of the workshop, sticking out of them with grinding crusions. "

The text describes the heroism of the grandmother, which is fearlessly and with an enviable composure of instructions: "- Barn, neighbors, defend! Return fire on the barn, on the Senov, - our all the ground burns and your will take it! Rubit roof, hay - in the garden! Batyushki-neighbors, beyond friendship, - God for help you. " The author shows a simple talk, peculiar to this woman, these phrases characterize it as a person courageous and not losing self-control.

15.2. Explain how you understand the meaning of the text offer: "It was impossible not to listen to it in this hour."

The text describes the fire, which happened in two in the middle of the night and spacing all the inhabitants of the house and neighbors. The servants and even grandfather, the owner of the house, randomly rumbered while the fire devoured everything on his way. And only the grandmother managed to keep cool, act intelligently and distribute instructions to save the economy and the whole family. Even with the neighbors, she advises how to save barns and hay.

The little grandson, on behalf of which there is a story, describes in detail the events of this terrible night: "She was as interesting as the fire; Illuminated by fire, which seemed to catch her, black, she rushed across the courtyard, having sakeed everywhere, dispose of everything, everything seemed. "

The boy notices the grandmother fearlessly ran into the burning workshop and carried explosive vigorous. She even managed to calm the frightened horse. Calls his tender "Mouse". Grandmother took over the gravity and responsibility: "- Evgeni, take off the icons! Natalia, dress guys! "Strictly, the grandmother commanded with a strong voice, and the grandfather quietly crashed: - and-and-s." Therefore, I immediately understood the grandson: "It was impossible not to listen to it in this hour."

15.3. How do you understand the meaning of the word feat?

And in artworks, and in real life there were numerous examples of exploits that made both men and women. The feat is a selfless deed, which is committed in the name of the salvation of the motherland, families, unfamiliar people, even at the cost of their own life. Only a person with a capital letter, noble and ready to help, is capable of such an act. The hero's man runs to the aid to those who fell into a difficult position, and he last thinks about himself.

In the text, such a person is grandmother, she is the only risk of his life, burst into an embraced fire, to save the rest, save barns and hay, not only their own, but also neighbor. She is not amenable to panic, and soothes the rest. Even the horse running in fear, she managed to calm down: "- and you are not afraid! - Basa said her grandmother, patting him around her neck and taking a reason. "Ali I will leave you with fear of this?" Oh, you mouse ... "

They say about such women: "The horse will stop the horse, in the burning hut will enter."

On such people heroes, the world holds, they give a chance for survival when it seems that everything is already the end. The feat does not depend on age. I remember the case when a fifteen-year-old boy saved from a lit home of seven neighboring children, while the rest succumbed to panic and lost hope.

Task 15.1. Write an essay-reasoning, disclosing the meaning of the statement of a famous linguist A.I. Gorshkova: "Expressiveness is the property of what has been said or written by its semantic form to attract special attention of the reader, to make the impression" ...

Expressiveness is a property of speech, thanks to which it affects people. Under the pen of the Word Master, various language units acquire a special meaning, allowing the author to attract the attention of readers to the most important in the text. I think this is the meaning that put in my statement A.I. Gorshkov.

We illustrate the thought of linguistic examples from the text Albert Likhanova. The writer skillfully uses lexical and syntactic means of expressiveness, and therefore the story about aunt's threshing makes a strong impression on us.

Describing a woman, selflessly helping wounded, the author uses a comparison: her words addressed to Alexey were "soft, like a good bandage" (Proposal No. 6). This trail helps us to feel how important for the fighter was kindness and affection to the aunt. The syntactic agent is a rhetorical question (proposal number 3) - allows the writer to focus on one of the main features of women - compassion ability. As a result, we penetrate the respect for the threshing of the flesh.

So, the above examples prove the idea that "expressiveness is the property of what has been said or written by its semantic form to attract special attention of the reader, to make an impression."

Task 15.2. Write an essay-reasoning. Explain how you understand the meaning of the text fragment: " Kaba people for everything with friend accounted for achieved, the whole world would turn into the store«…

Albert Likhanov Talking about a simple guide aunt, which helps the wounded. It makes it without every calculation, guided only by the desire to relieve the pain of soldiers, support them. " Kaba people for everything with friend accounted for accustomed, the whole world would turn into the store"," Says a woman. I understand the meaning of this phrase like this: genuine good does not require fees, not waiting for gratitude, it is in this that his essence consists.

Aunt, the carname understands that in difficult times, people, more than ever, need disinterested support, sympathy, empathy. Not everyone will ask for this, but help the neighbor - moral debt of a person: "... Is it necessary to ask when the war when people need compassion more than in bread?" (Offer No. 3).

The woman is aware of the fact that good, for which they expect a fee will "wake up." "Because good without care," says Aunt Aleksey (offer №25).

Thus, in the simple words of an illiterate old woman, in my opinion, a deep meaning is concluded. The world really will be no more than the "store" if the good deeds will stop committed disinterestedly.

Task 15.3. How do you understand the meaning of the word compassion? Word and comment on this definition. Write an essay-reasoning on the topic: " What is compassion?"By taking the definition of you as a thesis ...

By compassion, I consider the ability to perceive the misfortune of the near, as my own, willingness to come to help the one who needs it. This is a moral debt of a person, but not everyone is in a hurry to perform it. Sometimes we looped on our own small problems or enjoy the rest, indifferently passing by someone else's grief. But often just a drop of compassion can save man.

This makes you think about the text of Albert Likhanov. The aunt of the carp is disinterestedly helping the wounded fighters, not counting on the fee, nor for gratitude: according to her, "good without a coherent". A woman is moving a feeling of compassion. She cares for the wounded in the call of the heart.

In the artistic literature you can find a lot of examples of the manifestation of compassion. So, Valentin Rasputin in the story of the "Lessons of French" tells about the teacher Lydia Mikhailovna. She tried to help her student who had in a difficult life situation.

People who are capable of compassion cannot but cause admiration. Thanks to them in the world, faith will not fade into the celebration of good.

Write an essay-reasoning, disclosing the meaning of the statement of the famous philologist N. M. Shanskaya: "On the example of a complex proposal, you can trace how a person expresses relations between the world and its own point of view."

The meaning of the statement of the famous philologist N.M. Shanskaya I understand this: In the main part of the complex proposal, the main meaning of the phrase is laid, and in the pressing point of the author of words on what is happening around. I will give examples from the text A. G. Aleksin.

First, we will pay attention to the offer No. 26 ("Tolya at home I decided that I would never sit at the desk with the girl"). In the main part of the complex proposal, the boy thought about, and in the apparent, without explaining the flow of his thought (in the younger classes to sit with the girl is considered to be acknowledged), a categorical solution is given.

Secondly, in a complex sentence No. 41 ("but he could not shout, because it is not necessary to cry at the lesson,") the apparent reason explains that the boy cannot break school rules, although he really wants to do this.
Thus, I can conclude that approval by N.M. Shanskaya "On the example of a complex proposal, you can trace how a person expresses the relationship between the world and its own point of view." Fair

Write an essay-reasoning. Explain how you understand the meaning of the final of the text: "On the contrary, he wanted to bother on the street, wave my mother and loudly, so that the rain was not drunk, shout:" Do not worry! Do not worry, mommy ... everything is fine! "."

I understand the meaning of the final of the text of Anatoly Aleksin, I understand this: Often we cannot appreciate the closest, my man is like, my mother, but this is not always the indicator of our severity, indifference. We are accustomed to mom will always and we will have time to tell her good words. I will prove my point of view examples from the text of Anatoly Aleksin.

When my mother was going to accompany the Thomat to school, he refused, and Mom submissively put things in the closet, because she understood her child, because she values \u200b\u200bhim feelings (sentences number 7 - 11).

Tolya fled to school, often looking around so that his mother did not follow him. But the proposal number 14 is indicative (there was a lot of raincoats and umbrellas on the street, but he learned mom immediately). Or maybe, Tole felt calmly one precisely because she subconsciously felt that mom was near, she protects and would come to the rescue at any moment?!

Maternal love is safety, peace, trust, care, but we should not forget that our moms need care and trust. Let's remember it more often.

Maternal love is the most beautiful and strong feeling, it is a huge force that can work miracles and manifests itself in disinterested dedication, care. I will prove my point of view with specific examples from the text A.G. Aleksina

The hero of the text Anatoly Aleksina loved his mother, and did not want it to accompany him to school, because she was afraid of ridicule peers. But when the pool saw mom in the window, he realized how much she worries and cares about him, so he wanted to reply to her reciprocity.

The boy loves mom, so I was able to learn it on a crowded street among many raincoats and umbrellas. Or maybe, Tole felt calmly one precisely because she subconsciously felt that mom was near, she protects and would come to the rescue at any moment?!

Mother's love for his child is a disinterested, healing and guarding, because Mom loves not for something, but just like that, because she is a mother. Small that we can give in return, it is to pay her love to her.

Write an essay-reasoning, revealing the meaning of the statements of the modern linguist L. A. Intraved: "Synonyms are given more colorful, more diverse, help to avoid repetition of the same words, allow you to figure out the thought."

The meaning of the statements of the modern linguist L.A. I understand the introduction: synonyms are words close to the value that will divert our speech. And on how rich is our vocabulary, the attractiveness of our speech depends. I will prove my point of view by examples from the text V.P. Astafieva.

In Proposals 14 - 15 there are contextual synonyms: the nest is a hatch, which are used to communicate proposals and help to avoid unjustified repetitions, which means they make our speech diverse and literate.

Throughout the text, the offspring of Wolverine is called different words: future children, nascent birds, chopchal - these are all words synonyms. In different situations, statements they perform different goals. For example, when the author calls eggs by nascent birds (offer 32), he wants to show what applies to these eggs as already to live beings that have the right to live.

Thus, on examples of the text V. Astafieva, we managed to confirm that synonyms make our speech brighter, expressive.

15.2 Explain how you understand the meaning of the fragment of the text: "And when they grow up when the ringing zorean April morning, the first song will have a big and good taiga, maybe in the song this will be words, incomprehensible to us the birds about the mother who gives children Everything, sometimes even your life "

I understand the meaning of the text fragment of V. Astafieva: any mother will sacrifice himself, saving their cubs. Mother's love never requires anything in return, but children should be grateful to the mother all life. I will prove your point of view by examples from the text V. Astafieva.

Capaluha - Thoughtful Mother. She even had wings "I walked from stillness," because she did not get up from the nest so that her children would be protected (Prospect 25-28). "And the pooh she looked down herself and eggs heats a naked belly to give each drop of his heat to give the emerging birds ..." (PR-NIE 32).

Capaluha mother is ready to enter into an unequal battle with people, bringing himself sacrificing, but saving his future kids at the same time. Even sitting on a tree, being in safety itself, her view is chained to the nest, because she thinks about his chicks (Prospect 37-39).

Thus, the maternal feelings do not know the boundaries, so it must be appreciated and respond to your moms as love.

How do you understand the meaning of the phrase maternal love?

Maternal love is the most beautiful and strong feeling, it is a huge force that can work miracles and manifests itself in disinterested dedication, care. I will prove your point of view with specific examples from the text V.P. Astafieva.

Maternal feelings do not know borders. An amazing story told V. P. Astafyev about a bird capable of such manifestations of love. Capaluha - Thoughtful Mother. She even has the wings "I walked from immobility, because she did not get up from the nest so that her children were protected.

The bird plucked down the fluff to warm the eggs to naked belly, even ready to enter into an unequal battle with people, just to save their future kids.

Thus, while alive mom, a person feels protected. You need to love your mothers and give them more heat and affection.

Write an essay-reasoning, disclosing the meaning of the statements of the famous linguist D. E. Rosental: "The ability to use synonyms is the most important condition for the enrichment of speech, giving it imagery and expressiveness."

The meaning of the statement of the famous linguist D.E. I understand Rosentyl: Synonyms are words close to the meaning, and on how often we are ready to call the same items, signs, actions in different words depends on the attraction of our speech. I confirm this by examples from the text of the faith of Vasilyevna Chapina.

In offers under the numbers 5 and 6 contextual synonyms: the house - the lair - are used to link proposals and help to avoid unjustified repetitions, and therefore make our speech is more diverse and competent.

Throughout the text, the offspring of Wolverine is called different words: cubs, worship, newborns, kids are all words synonyms. They are in different situations of statements perform different goals.

Thus, we managed to confirm that the synonyms make our speech brighter, expressive, on examples of the text.

15.2 Write an essay-reasoning. Explain how you understand the meaning of the phrase from the text: "But could it really leave and leave your cubs Wolverine-mother?"

I understand the meaning of the phrase from the text of V. Chaplina: Wolverine is Mom, so she will never quit his cubs ever, and will protect them selflessly, sacrificing themselves. I will prove your judgment examples from the text.

It is surprising that the animal is capable of such manifestations of love. Wolverine - a caring mother. She "arranged a lair under the house: he dug a little deepening, laid him out with his hair" so that her children would be protected (sentence 6).

When the trouble happened, the mother joined an unequal battle with wolves, covered them with her body, bringing himself sacrificing, but saving his babies (sentences 15-24). And after the watchman chopped off the attack of wolves, Wolverine, without noticing his own wounds, "I hardly raised and began to gently lick the striking firm of my cubs" (offer 30).

Maternal love is a huge force, creating, creating, inspiring. She is able to work wonders. Mother is a savory, even if it is a Mother-Wolverine.

1. Write an essay-reasoning, disclosing the meaning of the statement of the famous linguist G. G. G. Granik: "To understand the text, you need to learn how to perceive the signals that the punctuation marks." Arguing your answer, give 2 (two) examples from the read text. When applying examples, specify the numbers of the desired offers or use the citation. You can write work in a scientific or journalistic style, revealing the topic on linguistic material. You can start an essay with the words G. G. Brank. The composition of the essay should be at least 70 words. Work written without support for read text (not in this text) is not evaluated. If the essay is a retracted or completely rewritten source text without any comments, then such work is estimated by zero points. Write an essay carefully, legible handwriting.

2. Write an essay-reasoning. Explain how you understand the meaning of the fragment of the text: "From the boys from our yard, I know that the war is the most interesting game in the world ... But this is a game ... And what does the war look like a permanistant?" Consider 2 (two) arguments from the read text confirming your arguments. When applying examples, specify the numbers of the desired offers or use the citation. The composition of the essay should be at least 70 words. If the essay is a retracted or completely rewritten source text without any comments, then such work is estimated by zero points. Write an essay carefully, legible handwriting.

3. How do you understand the meaning of the word happiness? Word and comment on this definition. Write an essay-reasoning on the topic "What is happiness", taking the definition of you as thesis as the thesis. Argumenting your thesis, bring 2 (two) an example-argument confirming your arguments: one example is the argument from the read text, and the second is from your life experience. The composition of the essay should be at least 70 words. If the essay is a retracted or completely rewritten source text without any comments, then such work is estimated by zero points. Write an essay carefully, legible handwriting.

(1) Solar rays, easily pierced white curtains, fan fly around the room.

(2) What does this long-awaited Sunday day promise me? (3) Maybe I will help my mother to gather at the cottage. (4) In the country, two steps from the Glazy Bashedral, hanging a comfortable, deep hammock, in which I want to climb as soon as possible that it dreams of me at night - in the form of a fabulous rook floating over a pine forest. (5) And at the cottage there is an angry copper samovar. (6) It feeds the bumps and is very unhappy when there are few them.

(7) Or maybe today let's go for a walk through Tuchkov Bridge, on the Petrograd side. (8) I will deal with Zoosad. (9) That's great! (10) Neighboring Ira told that there recently rolled not only on pony, but also on camels.

(11) Or maybe we will go to a large park on the islands. (12) In the Pope Park takes the boat and gives me a little bitter. (13) But it is dreams. (14) And I'm still lying in my bed.

(15) Here the door creaked. (16) dive with his head under the blanket. (17) Let the dad think that I went somewhere. (18) I often hide from him, and he is very frightened and a dramatic voice calls to a non-existent public:

- (19) Baby disappeared! (20) That's misfortune! (21) Where did he fit me? (22) We must urgently call the police! (23) You did not accidentally see, dear citizens, here one nasty girl, which always disappears? (24) Lenka, Lenka, where are you?

(25) Here I'm jumping out and yell:

- (26) Do not make the police! (27) I found!

- (28) Oh, you found, - says dad, here I am now!

(29) And we begin to spend rave, running around the room and the pillow moisten until mom decisively stops this noise, which can disturb the neighbors.

(30) Led, rushing, and giggle under the blanket, but no one is looking for me. (31) Making a small cloth and look around the room with one eye. (32) What's the matter? (33) Mom stands beside stools with my little things. (34) She leans, takes a dress, goes through it with his hands, and herself looks somewhere aside, at one point, and her face is intense and so sad that I am not in itself.

(35) I release from under the blanket - Mom seems to see me.

- (36) Mother, you see, I already got up ...

- (37) Yes, yes ...

(38) Mom is still missing, it is not with me.

(39) Quietly touch my mother's hand, and suddenly she, usually so restrained, firmly, firmly, to pain, hugs me, presses to himself, as if it was afraid that they could take away from her, pick up.

(40) Dad comes. (41) He is also some unusual, awesome.

- (42) Lena, - he says slowly, - today the war began. (43) stay at home alone. (44) We need to go with my mother.

... (45) I am alarmed. (46) War! (47) How is this war? (48) What is this war? (49) From the boys from our yard, I know that the war is the most interesting game in the world, in which the girls take only an exception. (50) All run, shoot from wooden pistols, slingshots, shout "Hurray!" And fight. (51) But this is a game ... (52) And what does the war look like a perpendier?

(By E.E. Fonyakova) *

* Foniakova Ella Efremovna (born in 1934) - Petersburg writer, whose works are devoted to the Leningrad blockade, with which the author's childhood coincided ..

Replace the spoken word "oku" in a sentence 25 stylistically neutral synonym. Write this synonym.


The conversational word "yell" in the sentence 25 is replaced with stylistically neutral synonym for "shouting".

Answer: Shouting.

Answer: Crych

Source: Open FIPI Bank, option FD7ADF

Relevance: corresponds to the demoment of the current year

Which of the statements correspond to the content of the text? Specify response numbers.

1) Lenin of pranks angry parents.

2) Lena built a variety of plans for Sunday and could not decide what to give preference.

3) Lenin parents were going to go on business, and she would have to stay at one at home for the first time in his life.

4) Lena represented war as a game, and she could not understand why this news upset parents.

5) As soon as Lena woke up, the parents immediately turned their attention.


1) Lenin of pranks angry parents. - Not confirmed in the text.

2) Lena built a variety of plans for Sunday and could not decide what to give preference. - confirmed by sentences 1-11.

3) Lenin parents were going to go on business, and she would have to stay at one at home for the first time in his life. - confirmed by sentences 43-44.

4) Lena represented war as a game, and she could not understand why this news upset parents. - confirmed by sentences 48-52.

5) As soon as Lena woke up, the parents immediately turned their attention. - contradicts sentence 30.

Answer: 234.

Answer: 234.

Analysis of the means of expressiveness.

Specify the options for answers in which the means of expressive speech is a metaphor.

1) All run, shoot from wooden pistols, slingshots, shout "Hurray!" And fight.

2) La walk, rushing, and giggling under the blanket, but no one is looking for me.

3) dive with his head under the blanket.

4) and we have a worshiper begins, running around the room and the pillow moisten until mom decisively stops this noise, which can disturb the neighbors.

5) Solar rays, easily piercing white curtains, flying around the room.


3) Diving with headunder the blanket.

5) sun rays easy piercing white curtains, fucking flew around the room.

Answer: 35.

Answer: 35 | 53


1. The punctuation marks are functionally significant: they have enshrined meaningful values. Some of them convey the logic of the proposal, the relationship between its parts is a comma, a point with a comma, dash.

Some, for example, dash, ellipsis, carry additional information that cannot be expressed by words, transmit the shades of meaning in the letter and can even be a means of expressing the state of the writing. It is about this that G. G. G. Granik: "To understand the text, you need to learn how to perceive the signals that are given by punctuation."

Let's try to prove the eligibility of this statement on examples from the text of Ella Foniakova.

At the end of Proposition 51 (but this is a game ...) It is worth a dot, which indicates the incompleteness of the thought of the hero, emphasizes the awesome unknownness that the word "war" is tattered for the child. Offers 47 - 48 Sneakers: "47) How is this war? (48) What is this war? " Question mark, standing at the end of these proposals indicates a special moment tension: How can I turn everything over your head?

Thus, we were convinced that the punctuation marks, indeed, reflect the emotional color of speech - transmitted the interuterity of the thought caused by common emotional voltage can transmit meaningfulness of the said, indicate the subtext, hidden meaning. Therefore, the statement of G. G. Granik about punctuation signs is quite justified.

2. War did not gear anyone: neither adults or children. Children of the military pores early adults, the brightest and happy time of their lives was "stolen", because the war did everything overpower and turned upside down. But the little girl still does not know, does not realize what a terrible test fell into her share. About this and says Ella Foniakova in the given fragment of the text.

In rainbow paints, a peaceful life is shown: everyone loves each other, and the weekend with his family should become the happiest day in life. But happiness is destroyed, because the war ...

In contrast, the first morning of the military pore is shown. Mom is alarmed, the father of "some unusual, awesome" and very adult appeals to his daughter. The child has to be matured at one moment, because the war ...

After reading the text, involuntarily send yourself to the thoughts: could I? What the power of the spirit you need to have everything to carry out, overcome the nonsense tests and at the same time remain children!

3. Present happiness is love and care of loved ones, happy eyes of parents, good health of relatives and peaceful sky above their heads. Of course, many may not agree with such a point of view, but for me, happiness is presented to this.

Children of the military pores early adults, the brightest and happy time of their lives was "stolen", because the war did everything overpower and turned upside down. The heroine of the text E. Foyakova is not aware of what a terrible test fell into its share and that happiness was peaceful Sunday morning, and the game with dad, and strict instruction of the mother.

Some it seems that happiness is wealth. A rich man can afford everything: and rest in exotic countries, and expensive accommodation, and luxurious cars. People manit this fabulous life - and I want a fairy tale to become a reality. But all this is tinsel, behind which sometimes loneliness is and disappointment. And who needs wealth if military aircraft will be worn on his head and have to hide from bombs gaps? ..

You need to be able to appreciate what you have, today, now. You live - and this is happiness. And if love reigns, mutual understanding, then a person feels protected and necessary, then harmony is in the soul, and this is happiness.