The fairy tale of nouns names. Linguistic fairy tale "Padege. Their joy was not the limit

To understand the rule
Never forget
It must be studied
In the form of a fairy tale represent.

Root of the word

The root of the word and the root of the plant met.
- Hello, who are you?
- I am the root of the plant. I live in the ground.
- And I am the root of the word. I live in words
- So it does not happen. Probably you are an unreal root. Not that I am! From me in the ground take the beginning of the sprouts, of which grass grows, shrubs and whole trees and can something grow from you?
- Sure. From me also take the beginning of the bushes. Only not plants, but the bushes of words. Looking for: root - - - good -. And the words of good, kindness, good kindness, kind, virtue, throat, are growing on it. And that is not all. See which lush bush it turned out

Just like the bushes,
The root is in different words.
Be careful to the words
Laying in them the root itself.
Calculate a skillful line of kinship.
Single origin words
Explain the words of Tolkovo
We will help the root of the word.
He will help us understand
How to write the word.

The game "Excess Word":need to find a word that is not one-sided

Squirrel, white, bleve.
Water, water, led.
Sheet, fox, fox.
Elk, flap, Losenok.
Mountain, slide, town.
Dog, sand, sand
Sailors, sea, walror,
Root, indigenous, cakes.

Game "Leaflets"

Cards with single words are cut in the form of leaves. These leaves can be decorated with trees (on each tree a certain group of single-handed words.) Or the trunks are given roots, you need to pick up as many single words as possible, writing them on a sheet



(Stories of the treastery)

We go somehow with the Petka in the forest, we collect mushrooms, we put in the basket. Suddenly we see: the hut. The foundation of ancient masonry-in the form of kurichi legs. Tubes on windows with threads - straight applied art! I say Petke: "I bet that there is a treasure!" Decided without postponing, check. Come to the door, and. . . It became clear: the pad came out. On the door castle hangs a huge invoice!
- Maybe we postpone to another time? - says Petka.
- No, - I say, - Easy to fold your hands! See, the window is open. It leads to the storage room.
Climbed into the storage room, and there is a warehouse of various weapons of ancient: the sword-Cladécan, Musket with butt. . . And anything else. In a word, we leave out with full calculation. And suddenly hearing: "Stop!" Wardrist with horns and an eye beard from a thicket comes out! Lesus - Storekeeper! L - Block All to Earth! - screaming. In general, everything selected us! In vain, what, he, Baba Yaga salary pays. And he searched yet, even the lining of the jackets said. Little folding knives in the basket were, and they took away.
"This" says, "will contribute to our forest piggy bank. It turns out that everyone who before us in this place for a thousand years have visited, their weapons here in the storage room were left.
And this Baba Yaga is not going to change.
And about you, - says the watchman, - I will imagine the Baba Yaga. Yaga with us - a storehouse of wisdom and justice! And the mind too, even on warehouses reads! We wanted to argue with the guard, but we see, the alignment is not in our favor. More witchcraft will apply, turn us into a folding bed. Or into a rubber gasket for a water tap. Or maybe in a piece of sugar so that tea with us will drink a folding or prominent.
In general, we wore this trip to the forest came out ... although when the lessons began to do at home and on the bookmark, the textbook was discovered, then there the task was read: come up with a story with single words. And the root is indicated: "Clay"! Does it say that? If not, read my story again.
Find all words with the root in this story - klad -. I wonder who finds more?

Tale of dividing b and b

He lived, was in the world, the boy is notching. He studied in the third grade. One day, I didn't write a dictation. "Sat down" porridge; "PU" water; leading "seed"; To score "Kolya," he diligently took.
- Oh oh oh! - Wrought incorrectly written words. - In this form, it is impossible to seem in society: we will raise us on laughter!
- What happened to you? - Surprised Lokhankin.
- You do not know anything! - The letters e, E, Yu, I - in these words we denote two sounds (IE), (yo), (yu), (ya), but we do it only with the help of a solid sign that is put in front of us after consoles , and a soft sign that is placed in front of the vowels E, Yu, Yu, I, and.
"You have lost our helpers, and now everyone thinks that we denote only one sound (e), (o), (y), (a)? And they read" villages "," seed "," Kolya "instead of ate ate. I drink, shooting, stakes!
Lokovkin was very embarrassed, blushed. He carefully took signs and put them in his place. Since then, he has become very carefully referring to the letters who do not mean anything, but others help.

Tale of cases

In the very center of the city of the word, there is a high house with a glass roof, in it Mom has been living a decline and six of her sons of paders.
The most favorite place in the house is a kitchen. How good in the evenings to gather here with the whole family, drink tea, look at the stars and talk about what happened the day! When the clock beat midnight, everyone wish each other good night and diverge in their rooms. . .
Every morning, as soon as the first rays of the sun wake up, Mom descends down with a full tray of hot pies. The top floor lives a nominative case, he is the oldest and prefers in the proposal to be the main member - subject. True, as Mom says, the decline sometimes he has to agree on the lean. Favorite questions of this case - who? what?
- Knock-Knock! - Mom knocks on the door.
- Who?
- Mum!
- What?
- Patty!
Floor below lives a genitive case. He has long woke up and is looking forward to his breakfast, and the moms are not all.
- No who?
- Moms!
- No What?
- Pirty!
They guessed what questions did he like most? Correctly - who? What?
Learn more lives a denational case - the most kind of brothers. He is always ready to help, and his favorite questions - who? What?
- Glad to whom?
- Mom!
- I'm glad to?
- Patties!
And here is the accusative case! What do you think, why was it so called? That's right, because he is always and accuses everything. The sun is that it rises early, mother - in the fact that she does not like him enough (although it is not true), and the brothers - the case - in the fact that they disassemble the best questions. There are no moms for a long time. Or maybe about him forgotten? Or pies ended?
- Win anyone?
- Mom?
- Win that?
- Pupies?
Let's get acquainted with the next brother - the hardware case. This case is a master of all hands. Always something saws, plashes, draws. The sun just asked, and he is already at work. Mom put him a plate with patties on the workbench.
- Satisfied by whom?
- Mom!
- Satisfied with what?
- Patty!
His favorite questions - who? than?
Hear a song? This is the youngest of the case - the proposed. His voice is clean, ringing, hear! Even birds swept in the sky.
- I sing about?
- O MAM!
- I sing about what?
- About pies? His favorite questions about whom? About what?

I. p. Who? what?
R. p. Who? What?
D. n. Who? What?
V.p. Who? what?
T. P. Who? than?
P. p. About whom? about what

How the cases ran out of school

Tired of pelvis
In humans school.
Wanted perezham
Will take a walk!
Than to lean,
No better to challenge?
Embanked case
At home, for garages
And rushing in the field of rye:
- That's where the will!
That's where life!
In the forest run!
Among the animals
We will find friends!
And there were cases of living in the forest. . .
There will be no more ignorant here!
Let everyone choose a case!
And the animals came running
All cases took away.

WHO? Nominative? Bear.
He is prominent and sociable.
"It's nice to have it with him," -
Thought the nominative.
Patient, he for whom?
Took hedgehog polite his
. And for parents hedgehog
Do not get better case.
And a denational case to whom?
Got a wolf. Why?
Try the case of do not give
To the one who can take away himself!
For what? Rather, to whom?
All cones fly in the forest?
Accusative case - it,
And with whom is the creative?
With fox! Chitryga, the right word.
All will conquer with his colost
And do this!
ABOUT WHAT? Complained, are you sad?
"I took a forest mouse.
I live in mouse mink.
There are offered crusts. "
And what happened to school students?
Write a letter to the forest in tears:
"Come back, cases!
You will not hurt.
We will study you.
We are hard to live without you.
We will be friends! "


W. Alyonushki There was a brother, and called him Verloka. Took his geese swans to dubewhere Tsarevich Elisha On the chain sit yes shouted: " Ruff-Ershovich help me! "But flew to the oak Firebird and became with him golden. Oreshki rinse. BUT Ivan the Fool Shells collected for Koshiy.. Came here I. A fox with a rolling pin and Bear with a box and an old man with by little ... Eagle Pilot I. Petushok Gold scallop. Worker At the top riding riding. Nightingale- troubled by Tereshchka Printed. Ustinyushka S. resorted Foreign person Clear Sokol I. Havroshchka. Elisha chain Ripped and all monsters awarded generously, and on Shamakhan Tsarice married. By shuchulya Otel in the hut settled. And soon it turned out that he married this junior ... on the babe Yaga!

Guess from what fairy tales these heroes. And at the same time, check whether words allocated here are alphabetically?

Exception verbs

Studying the topic "Glagols - exceptions" coincides with the study of the fairy tale "Mermaid". Andersen That letter can write a prince to Mermaid, using verbs - exceptions:

I am from you depend - Joy.
I can vertette,
See, hear You are a reward.
Everything is ready for you tolerate!
Flour was b offend!
I would be on you look
Rat me Il hate
Your right. I will continue
I'm in my hands myself keep.
Near you not breathe.

Costing words

In the same house lived - there was a word mystery . Commonly lived between themselves all parts of this word - a prefix, root, suffix and ending. They did not live. But one day the root of the word was regenened.
"I'm the most important here," the root crushed. - root main part of the word. All of you must obey me and fulfill all my whims.
In the word, he was offended by the brother of suffix, and sisters ending and the prefix. They went out of his house, did not live with him. No one wants to be friends with the root. And who wants to drive with such a way. The root is -Good .

Variations with one root and ten consoles.

Put grandfather repka. Rain big rectuant. Neighbors have become a grandfather to scold: "Why do you pull, the repka will not be stretched in any way?" She fell on our fence and look. " And the grandfather was pulled on his face and stretched out on a field. And the neighbors can not understand why grandfather pulls everything, after all, at that time, someone is pulling, if I cracked a barbed wire ... In general, I pulled the grandfather's harvest to deep autumn, and there I left the winter. In a word, the grandfather met the grandfather, and then pulled the help of relatives, animals, and at the very end the mouse. Here it is a cat for the tail pulls, pulls and ...

The genus of nouns

Find the fairy tale text nouns for men, female and medium kind.
Came a puppy home from a dog school and asks:
- Mom, what kind of: male or female?
"It's too early for you to know this," Mom says, "you still have a puppy."
"Puppy," the puppy thought, "he means Male Rod," and went outside. It goes and suddenly hears how the chicken speaks about him:
- Look, look, dog!
"The dog means I'm a female kind," the puppy decided and ran next.
- What a nice pussy! - His cow praised.
"Pensik means male," thought puppy.
"It's probably a mongrel," showed a goose on a puppy.
"No, this boxer," the goose objected. The puppy is completely confused. Here he slipped and fell in a puddle.
- Fu, what a monster! - the sheep frowned when he smoked out of the mud.
- Moore my onions, where did you smear so much? - Moma met my mother's puppy.
- "Monster? Mountion onion? I do not want to be medium kind!" - thought the puppy and got into the bath to wash.

Soft sign at the end of nouns after hissing

He lived on the light of a soft sign. And he had no friends. It was boring and sad to him. He decided to go through the light of friends to search. He walked for a long time and suddenly saw the light in Dali. He ran into the world, suddenly he was waiting for him. But the closer he approached the house, the smaller he wanted to have such friends. Dirt circle, fence Paulman, spiders and cockroaches around.
- Who lives here? - asked b.
- We, noun male sorts with hissing at the end! - answered the sword, Comrade and Grach.
- Why do you have such a mess?
- Not a male business is cleanliness. Stay with us, we will do what we want.
I didn't want to stay with them, I decided to search for more friends. He wandered for a long time in the fields, in the forests. Very tired. She sees a light shimmering. Went to the light. That's so miracle. I met his maiden. Weply talk about health, flooded oven. Each thing put in place. I liked the soft sign visiting the nouns of the female family with hissing at the end. So it remained to live with them. Where and is still doing.

The main members of the sentence. Phrase

We bring the proposal with the guys in the form of a family. An unpropered offer is a family in which there are no children. Common is a family in which there are children. The more minor members, the more children in the family. Who is the main family? Of course, mom and dad. And in the proposal - the subject (mother), the failed (dad). Who regrets you more - Mom. She often says - I have such a handsome, smart, big. Most often subject to the proposal asks the question - what? What? etc., and dads are strict and serious and ask questions, where? when? where to? where? and so on. - Well, directly, as a failed in the sentence.
Very, often as phrases, children are discharged to be both faithful. We found out that the main in the family - Dad and Mom, they do not obey each other - they are both main things, it means to be both faithful, also do not obey each other, and they cannot be considered as a phrase.


1. V.V. Volin "Russian language. Learning playing. "
2. A. Undseenkova "Russian with hobby." Yekaterinburg, 2003.
3. N.V. Nechaeva "Tasks for the development of speech". M., "Pure Ponds", 2007
4. VB Markina "Entertaining cleaning." M., "Pure Ponds", 2007
5. E. Sinitsyn "Smart fairy tales."

There were cases. Six nobles. Without them, it was impossible to understand people to understand each other, and they would be knighted from misunderstanding. Imagine if everyone is called non-inclined words, they will lose their meaning, turning into nonsense. More these magical words are friends with pretexts. They send words and give them to acquire meaning in an alphabian train, which is called the proposal.

The first case of a nominative, that is, he gives the word name, as well as every child has its own name. For example, a spoon. The subject we eat has a spoon name. Spiny creature called hedgehog. The name may have a living being and not alive, not animated. Answers the question who? What? The nominative case of older than all of his brothers and has no pretext, all of them distributed to the rest of the brothers who have to properly select them.

Genitive. That's the way he was born. Answers questions who, what? You can apply the denial "No" for example, there is no spoon. Iron Woodcutter, there is no heart. No What? No heart. Remember, he walked into an emerald city to ask the wizard with a heart. Friends with the pretexts "from", "without" "C", "to" "," about "and" for ". For example, do not do without a spoon, I wish you happiness from the bottom of my heart.

Dative. Generous very, gives all gifts. Comes from the word "give". Answers the question to whom what? Friends with pretexts "K" and "software." For example, give to tea, on a spoon. Give to what? For tea. When we write letters to friends, then we see that the word "Who" is written on the envelope. This required case is found here. We point out the name and name of the friend, for example Ivanov Maxim in a dutiful case. We also do not forget to write the address "where". The truth for him has not yet come up with a transfer case, may also be invented.

The next case is the accusative. He does not blame anyone, just so called. Answers the question of whom? What? You can apply the verb "see". I see a spoon. I see what? Spoon. I see a girl. See whom? Girl. May be friends with the pretexts of "Pro", "through", "For". For example, I will tell about a spoon. Previously, when there were no spoons, people ate with their hands. Pieces of vegetables and meat took away from the bowl with their right hand. The first spoons appeared in the 14th century, made them from shells, fish bones and wood. Most spoons were wooden, but Prince Vladimir ordered to make silver spoons. And even the first time, coming to visit, the spoons were worn with them.

Instrumental case. He is mastering the Creator and Pride. You can apply the verb "proud". Answers questions by whom? Than? I am proud of a full spoon. Proud than? With his spoon. Friends with pretexts "before", "under" and over. For example, put the plug in front of a spoon or the sun set over the forest. Above what? Above the forest. Each of us probably would like to see the sunset sun. That's very beautiful.

Prepositional. Dreamy young. The youngest among his brothers. Answers questions about whom? About what? You can apply the verb to him "dream" for example, dreams of a silver spoon. About what? About a spoon. This case has an already one only pretext "O", with which he is not separated, as we are with clothes.

One day the case gathered together and invented the truths from their names. There is nothing wiser of truth!

Have faithful friends, do not blame offenders, respect the parents, give gifts even at the invented holidays, we are always kind of kindness, labelish about the future.

Tale about case

Unnamed little men lived in one unfamiliar city - case. They were very similar to each other because they were often asked questions. And all who came to the city, confused them.
And once they decided to gather and talk, how to live on ...
- There is some difference in us! - said the first case. - Let's think .... Who will say the first?
- What should I say? - said the second case. - And so everything is clear.
- What exactly do you clear? - asked the fourth.
- And what do you just think? - exclaimed the sixth.
- Not what, and what? - corrected the fifth.
- What are all these disputes? - the third responded. - So we will only obey all. Have you noticed friends that each of us is asks constantly the same question?
"True," said the first case. I like to ask questions especially to the names of people who? Ira, who? Sasha, and what? Machine, what? book.
"So let's call his nominative," suggested the sixth case.
- And why did he give him the first name? - offended second case. - Who has the first idea to call everyone here?
- Well, since you have been born this idea, then you are called the POST. And take your questions anyone? What?
- Yes, the nominative gave the name and the parent, too, gave a name ... and what are you taught only at school? - It was offended by the third case.
"Do not be offended," reassured his sixth case. - Let's give you, you will be with us with us, and your questions will be someone? What?
A dense case was delighted and immediately shouted:
- Who else is the name?
- Who? WHAT? - Suddenly the fourth case was frightened. He had no questions, and he preferred to be silent, because he considered himself guilty.
- And what shout so? - the genitive pelvis was indignant. - Assigned to himself someone else's questions, and it is still outraged ... you will be vinitive, so that others have been.
- And what is just trying to man? - the fifth case was indignant. - Everything should be a creative approach.
- What about the dispute friends? - said the sixth case. - Create on health and call the hardware.
All five cases were glad to be happy with their new names and only the sixth case was sad, because it was offered to his friends their new names, and himself remained with anything.
- I had the idea! - shouted the pet. - We must give the sixth name.
- It's not a name, but the name, corrected the nominative.
- It is necessary to approach this creative! - said the hardware.
And the accusative case said: - Let it be called the proposed, because our names suggested.
- What are you talking about, friends? - quietly asked the proposed case.
- Not what, and about whom? - Chorus answered him five cases.

Tale game about cases

One girl went to the forest over the berries, and got lost. The name of the girl Annie, and she studied in the second grade, so he did not cry, but firmly squeezing the handle of his baskets with berries, went straight, without turning anywhere.

She walked, walked and went out to some amazing village. It was only three streets that were called declines. Yes, so unusual and called: First declination, second declination and Third declination.

Each street was six identical houses, and funny people lived in each.

The girl decided to go through the first street and consider all the houses and men closer. It came to the first house and saw a strange name on the plate "Nominative". I did not have time to be surprised how little man leaned out of the window, looked at the girl and sharply asked:

- Who is it?

Then he looked at the basket.

- What is it? - asked the nominative again.

- I am Annie, and this is a basket. Do not tell me how to find the road to the village?

However, a strange little man only restrained restlessly:

- Who is it? What is it? Who is it? What is it?

"I am Annie, this is a basket," Anuta answered patiently again and again. Finally, she realized that there would be no sense here, and knocked in the next house, on which the name stood "Genitive".

From there, a frightened man looked out and looked as far as:

- No one! There is nothing!

"Yes, I don't need anything," his girl calmed down. - Come on, I will treat you strawberries, since you have nothing.

A man with pleasure I missed the berries, but he could not help Anute. Only realizing that the girl is already leaving, he fell asleep:

- No who? - No Anyuta. No What? - No basket and berries.

From the next house, deliciously smelled with cakes, and on the name plate it was written - "Dative".

The man named the privacy turned out to be the most hospitable. He invited Anyuta to the house, sat at the table and treated tea with pie. Moreover, he put a few more pies in the basket "on the track" and only all the time sentenced:

- I give someone? I give Annie. Giving what? I give a basket.

The girl's mood has improved, and she singing, went to the next house.

Accusative, - read Annie a sign named.

The little man by name I did not see the first to know, but heard - in the house there was a rumble of fall, and then muttering:

- Win anyone? Vinya girl! Blame what? Vinu a basket!

And only after that a unhappy physiognomy appeared in the window. It turned out that the little man wanted to consider the girl with a basket, but slipped and fell.

"Okay, do not worry," the Annie comforted him, after he introduced himself.

She treated a man with a pies and strawberries and tried to know if he had heard of her village. The little man was supposed and fed:

- See whom? See Anuta! I see what? I see the village!

He showed his hand to the end of the street and slammed the window.

In the next house there was no one, and Annie, in anticipation of the owner, began to study a sign named.

Instrumental, - she read.

Then she heard in the courtyard at home. Anyuta looked into the wicket and politely said hello. But the little man kept trembling a huge log.

Finally he stopped and said:

- House is built by whom? The house is built than?

- By whom? Than? - asked Annie.

- By whom? Master. Than? An ax, - I am pleased to answer the little man and began to work again.

- Woking who? How do you do what? - offendedly messed up his Anyuta, - and where the village does not know! - And I went further and without waiting for the little man of attention.

Prepositional Singing in the chair at the window and thoughtfully looked outside.

"Hello," Annie said politely.

But the little man did not answer her and continued to look in front of him.

- It's impossible! - offended girl.

- Do you interfere politely? - suddenly spoke a man.

- You do nothing, what did I hurt you? - wondered by Anuta.

She was already angry with these stupid men who told their strange questions, and it seems, none of them wanted to help her.

"I'm busy, I think," the proposed suggestion answered.

- About what?

- I think about whom? I think about the girl Annie. Think about what? I think about the road to your village.

- So you know what a path leads to my village! - Anyuta was delighted.

"I know this," said the little man and showed a path passing by his house.

- Thank you! - thanked his girl and, without keeping, added, - but still weird people you are.

- We are not a little man, we are case. Now the academic year will begin, and we will come to school on this path and get acquainted with you and your friends closer.

"Well, we will wait for you," said Anyuta, and junior ran home.

The proposed pungent thoughtfully looked at her next and muttered:

- I think about whom? About Annie ... I think about what? About school …