Short cleanrs. Cleaners for children: letters M, N, P, R, C, T, F, X, C, H, W, Sh. Making Articulating Gymnastics

Let's talk today about the readors. Cleaners (purely speaking) - an important part of the speech therapy games participating not only in the correct setting of sounds, but also teach attention, the feeling of rhythm, rhyme and tact. They can be successfully combined with CO.

Cleaners for speech development

Cleaners are a special selection of words, sounds and syllables in comic form for training speech articulation in preschool and school age. As an effective exercise, they are often used in the practice of spent logo or elementary school classes.

Here are examples of cleanbooks:

OS-OS-OS - is blowing our pump loudly.

OS-OS-OS - we run today cross!

Ba-ba-ba - beautiful hood.

On-on - on the meadow there is a shock.

For what you need cleanlaisors

Rhythmic cleanrs for children are designed to eliminate speech defects. They teach a clear pronunciation of individual sounds combined in suggestions. The consonants and vowels are rhymes in the phrase, acquiring a special melody.

Such exercises are conducted most often in a game form. Their value is extremely large. This is not only articulation, the elimination of existing speech problems, but also the formulation of diction, which is already needed from early years. For example, cleanrs on sounds help to increase speech activity and correct words correctly.

With the help of exercises, a phonderatic hearing is developing. As a result of classes, the baby will learn how to analyze the sound series and the splitting of words by syllables. Thanks to the rhyme, the material is better absorbed and perceived even with the most small students.

Merry, light and simple cleanrs on sounds will be useful to reoxoons and the guys of younger school age, which have problems with speech or pronunciation of individual sounds. With the rapid repetition of the same syllables, the skill of proper sound is formed.

How to work with cleanbook

You can use cleanrs, pronouncing offers with the selected sound alternately, together or with the change of emotional color in the voice. This process is serious and responsible, but with a fraction of irony. It is worth adding the names of famous fabulous heroes to the ries to the exercises are better remembered by the guys.

  1. Read the Child Cleaner the usual tempo
  2. Read the cleaner slowly, making the focus on the sound worked.
  3. The child will slowly repeat the cleatener in the syllables several times.
  4. After several repetitions, the kid will learn the cleaningory and can add a little pace.
  5. Having learned the reader can go to the next.

It is not worth a long time to repeat the same cleaningory, it can bother with a child and will be lost valuable interest. It is better to take several phrases or poems of cleanbooks and work out simultaneously, paying out classes 10 - 15 minutes.

Games with cleanrs for children

Children's cleanlist is perfectly combined with various movements, which are aimed at the development of small motility, coordination and general perception. An example of such actions can be the winding of the rope on the finger, laying out wooden sticks, drawing lines on paper, the disorder of major beads.

Having mastered the pronunciation of the phrase or poem, ask the child to repeat it again, drawing on the sheet a wavy line, for example. So they will work at once both hemispheres of the brain ...

Another cheerful game with cleanlates is to utter a phrase with different voices. Ask a child, pronounce a cleaner, for example, Shi-Shi-Shi - Chalunca kidslike a aunt speaker on TV, or like a small mouse, or a big giant.

And the readorships have fun with a different mood: fun, sad, with kindness, with anger, with tenderness and caress, and different tempo - quickly - slowly ...

How to come up with the cleanup

Games with cheerful and active, and very often will be a fantasy of children and adults to invent their own personal cleanrs. After all, they do not have to be sense, it can be absolutely abstract and even self -med lines or poems. Their main goal is to develop sound.

Here is the instruction, how to compose your own cleanup:

Let's, for example, come up with your own cleaningory for a child for 5 years on the sound "P".

  1. Take the syllable "ro"
  2. We prescribe it three times or pronounce - Ro-ro -ro
  3. Add any line, so that the last syllable of the last word was also "ro." We rolled in the subway.

So we got ready to read the cleanup: RO-RO, we rolled in the subway.

Invent the cleanup on the closed syllable "Al":

Al-Al-Al - Gosha gnome dance!

In order to form a child with a clean speech, absolutely no matter, author or well-known cleanrs are you using. The main thing is to use and do it systematically! And let our selection of cleanrs for children 3 - 6 years will help you.

Cleaners on the sound "l"

La La La - sled saw.
Liu-Liu - I love my daughter.
La La La - Help Yula.
Lu-Lu-Lo - I will wash the pile.
Ul-ul-ul - I broke a chair.
Lu-Lu-Lu - I'll insert a thread in the needle.
Li Li-Lee - garbage all dares with you.
La La La - daughter in the house removed.
Ly-lies - purely washed the floors.
Lo-Lo - became light in the room.
La-la-la - in the morning wet earth.
OL-OL-OL - we covered the table.
Al-Al-Al - This peach is too small.
Yal-Yal-Yal - Mom Son hugged.

In the meadow under the burdock at the Frog Summer House,
And in the swamp frog, it has a big cottage.

Laika with Bologna Banglie.
Oriole sang long over the Volga.

Cleaners on the sound "p"

Rya-rod - I will go to the sea.
Ryu-Ryu-Ryu - I love to zero.
Ri-Ri-Ri - how beautiful! Look!
Rara Ra - the game begins.
Re-re-re - we gathered in the yard
RO-RO - Let's give good!
Ryers - Tired mosquitoes
Ru-ru-ru - in the Zoo Kangaroo
AR-AR-AR - put grain in barn
Or-or-OR - allow this dispute.
Ir-Ir-Ir - my commander's brother!

Under the bush of mink nut.
Mink lives in mink.

The bunches of Ryabina burn in the sun.
Lit from rowan in the eyes of the guys.

I have poppies and daisies on my pocket.

Cleaners on the sounds "C"

Xia-Xia we caught a crucian.
CE-CE-CO Santa Claus love everything.
Si-Si Ball rather to us.
OS-OS-OS - we run today cross.
SA-SA-SA - Long Spit.
Si sources are not afraid of the wasp!
Su-Su-Su - I am a watermelon.
OS-OS-OS - there is a pump.
SA-SA-SA - Lisa hides in the mink.
YUS-YUS-YUS - and in the notebook plus!
Us-mustache - the compote has a sweet taste.

SA-SA-SA: on the table wasp.
Su-Su-Soo: We are not afraid of the wasp.
Sy Si-Sy: sting sharply at the wasp.
CE-CE-CE: Kisli give an ax.

Sun-sun is a golden don.
Sun - Sunny Sveti.
Sun - Sun burns.

Cleaners on the sounds "s"

Zi-Zi-zi - Monkey bring!
Zya Zya-Zya - Monkeys can not here.
Zi-Zi-Z - Once it is impossible - do not bring.

In-course - ran into the forest goat.
In-course - the thunderstorm comes.
Zu-zu-zu - we go to seek a goat.
Zya-Zya - without a goat home can not.

Due to - I see yellow eyes.
In-course - the dragonfly slaughter.
Zu-zu-zoom - we are not afraid of thunderstorms.
Zi-zi-zi - you are the firewood of Georgia!
Az-Az-Az - buried a huge MAZ.
Uz-Uz-Uz - cripples loudly crying.
Oz-Oz - Zasaskin Frost.
Yez-Yez-Yez - a cat under the stove wrest.

Cleaners on the sound "sh" and "u"

Sha-Sha-Sha - our babe is good.
Osh Osh Osh - Our kid is good!
Shi-Shi-Shi - the root of the roots.
The ears-ears - the baby was a nailed pear.
Ash-Ash-Ash - we built a slash.
Shu-Shu-Shu - sings the song to the baby.
Shi-Shihi - love kids songs.

Sixteen walked mice
And six carried a pennie;
And the mice is that
Curly shakes.

Scha-scha - Surova in the forest of the BS.
Schu-Schu - I'll get off the grove.
Sing-soup - all useful vegetables.

Sing-soup - I do not like soup.
SHAFT-SHA - weld me borscht!

This brush I clean my teeth, this brush - shoes,
I clean this brush, you need all three brushes.

Pike, I'm taring, Thaw, I will not miss the pike.

Cleaners on the sound "h"

Chi chi - flew to us.
Chu-Chu-Chu - Pumping on the car!
ICH ICH-ICH - I have a big brick.
Cha-Cha-Cha - the stove now hot.
Ok-very clear - the night came.
Chi Chi Chi - bring me keys.
Ah-Ach-Ah - gave me Kalach.
Cha-cha cha - a candle burns on the table.
Cho-Cho, like a candle is hot.
Chu-Chu-Chu is at the candle.
Chi Chi Chi - Flame Swells Candle.

Cha-Cha-Cha - Sits a Bunny at the doctor.
Chu-Chu-Chu is a doctor goes to the city.

Four turtles are four turtle.

Cleaners on the sound "b"

Ba Ba-Ba - in the yard of the hut.
Ba-ba-ba - high with us pipe.
Boo-bu - dad looks into the pipe.
Bu-bu-bu - sits woodpecker on the oak.
I would - would - brought home mushrooms.

Baran has a grandmother
He beat Boyko to the drum,
And danced butterflies
Under the grandmother's window.

Hippo broke his mouth
Bowers asks forge.

In the letter at Buratino
Pants, boob and shoes.

White snow, white chalk,
White sugar is also white.
But the protein is not
White was not even.

Bagel, Barank, Baton and Buanka
Baker from the dough of baked scaffolding.

Cleaners on the sound "C"

Caesha - Caa - A Chicken of Eggs!
Tse-tse-tse - the sun shines brightly!
Tso-Tso-Tso - Raynaires.
Ec-Et - you are now well done!
Central Ascean - Talk - Listen to the fairy tale to the end.
Tsu-Tsu-Tsu - it is nearing an end.
Tsy-tsya - we cut all the ends.
Tse-tse-tse - what do we know at the end?
EC-EC - Winter End.
Ec-Et - Skzorets flies.
Central Ascean - Tsa - we saw Skvortz.
Tsy -tsy-Tsy - Skvorts sing on the yard.

Not a big bird Sitigns, yes clever.
Chicken drinks water from saucer.

Cleaners on the sound "f"

Fa-Fa-Fa - in the corner there is Sofa.
AF-AF - in the castle lives a graph.
Fe-Fe - He lives in Ufa.
FE-FE-FE - we will go to the cafe.

AF-AF-AF was a black closet at the graph.
Fu-fu - Blue Frak hung in the closet

Lived in the mountains Wizard Felix
With the letter F and the phenix bird.
Felix's flashlight lied,
Phoenix bird lights up.

Cleaners on the sound "x"

Haha-ha - for lunch we have ear.
Ho-ho-ho - answered a friendly echo.
Chi-Hee - poems compound.
Ah-ah-ah - worth the whole school "on the ears".
Eh-eh-eh - heard everywhere a ringing laughter!
Oh-Oh-Oh - and peas crumbled.

Ha ha ha, ha ha ha - we have two roosters.
Chie-heeh hee, heeh-hee - all the roosters fight.
Hu-Hu-Hu, Hu-Hu-Hu-Hu - the beaks are all in the fluff.
Hee Hee-Hee, heeh-hee - enough fight, roosters!
Ha ha ha, ha ha ha - no tails two roosters.

Crested laughter laughter laughing:
- ha ha ha ha ha ha!

Cleaners on the sound "t"

TA-TA-TA - Beauty Polyana
You are, you - blooming flowers!

Tu-Tu-Tu - Milk Nalu Kotu.
Ti-Ti - we are with you on the way ...
That's something - on the loto.
AT-AT-AT - we will dig the ground.
AT-AT-AT - in the ocean a terrible scat.
Yat-Yat-Yat - I duck out.
From-from - there is a huge coushlot!
They are - in the house pure and comfort!

All day where stump -
We turn the woven and I am crying.
Under the woven all day - shadow!

Cleaners on the sound "P"

AP-AP - Lower a long ladder.
IP-IP-IP - Something grandfather hoarfish.
OP-OP - Khop came to Barina.
In terms of the train, our train came to the depot.
UP-UP-UP - Ah! hot soup!
Yap-Yap-Yap is a cheerful kinolap.
Para Pa Para - the wishful trail.

Our acute saw -
I did not drink, but sang.
Did not drink, did not eat,
Never sat down.
Knellly sang as she could
Swimming saw.

Roosters asked children:
- Why is the name of you Petya?
So replied Petya to children:
- I know how to sing well.

Cleaners on the sound "H"

On-on-on - this is an empty wall.
But no - but - but on it the window.

An-en-en - you have an empty glass.
Not-not-not - there is a vase on the window.
Never, they fly in the summer days.
In-in-in - Dolphin sails us.
But but - but - we will go to the movies.
He-he-he - in the Zoo of the Elephant.
Well, well, well - I'm swimming.
Un-Unh-Unh - in fairy tales there is a sorcerer.
ON-YN-YN is the eldest son.
Nu-nu-nu - hay ladies horse.
Nya-nya - find me.
Jan-Yang-Yang - Where is the thyme grow?

Cleaners on the sound "M"

Mo-Mo-Mo - Just Eskimo.
We are - we are a snowy winter waiting.
Om-Om - we build a new home.
Mi-Mi - take me by hand.
Ma Ma-Ma - I'm doing everything myself.
Mu-mu-mu - I'll take the letter in my hands.
Ma-ma-ma is a hat I knit myself.
Ma-ma-ma - here came Winter.
Mi-Mi - take me with me.
Mu-mu-mu - take you on the rink.

Cleaners on the sound "K"

Cuckoo cuckoo
Bought a hood.
Put on cuckoo hood -
In the hood he is ridiculous.

Ka-ka - We saved the beetle yesterday.
Ke-ke - a poor beetle shattered in the river.
Ki-ki - clumsy beetles!
Ku-ku - do not take off now the beetle.

Ka-ka - on the table there is flour.
Ki Ki - We will make pies.

MC-MC-Code - a very loud knock is heard.
OK-OK-OK - the cricket sings outside the window.
Ak-AK - better live without fighting.
Yak-Yak-Yak - on the way met the deac.
IK-IK-IR - someone's cry is heard.
OK-OK-OK - behind the angle is the scoop.

EK-EK-EK - I ate delicious Cheburek.

Cleaners on the sound "w"

Zhamnya - Dad brought me hedgehog.
Libi-Zhi - Hedgehog, tummy show!

Zhu-zhu-zhu - tea is hot cooling.

Zhu-Zhu-Zhu - I will put a doll to sleep.

Zhai Mshai,
There are needles at hedgehog.
But do not sew, alas, hedgehogs.
Threads do not need a hedgehog.
The same thing
This is a song about hedgehog.

I met in more often Hedgehog Hedgehog:
- How is the weather, Yozh?
- Fresh.

Bear frightened
Yozh with hedgehog and with a July
Chizhichi and Chizhonom,
Step with stribling and strife.

Cleaners on the sound "D"

Yes, yes - yes - very warm water.
Du do-do - I'll go swimming.

Before - - on the top there is a nest.
Du Du-do - I will find a chick
Yes yes - yes - turned out to be a leap
Di Di - is better passing by.

Daria gives Deine Melon.
Dina's Day, two - in Dima.

Before - over the well of the nest.
De de de Paths in the nest.
Di-di di - chicks do not be.
Di-di - quietly go.

Rain, rain, no rain!
Rain, rain, wait!
Let's get to the house grandfather Sedoy!

Cleaners on the sound "g"

GU-GU-GU - who grazes in the meadow?
Ga-ga-ha - someone has a horns there.
Gi-Guy - this is a bull! Fast run.
Guy-Guy - only legs take care.

She walked Gusak with a hussak.
Watching the hussak on the hussak.
Oh, hollowing the Boca Gusak at the hussak.

Guy-Guy - bake Mom pies.
G-g-ge - there is a filling in the cake.
GU-GU-GU - I can't wait anymore.
Ga-ga-ga - give me mom's cake.

Cleaners on the sound "in"

Va-Va-Va - Ground in the garden grass.
Va-Va-Va - wish all foliage.
Ve-ve-ve - ant sitting in the grass.
Ve-ve-ve - wreath on the head.
You are, you are not afraid of owls.

Va-Va-Va - I know different words!
Va-Va-Va - Smart Head!

Va-Va-Va is a high grass.
You are-you - even above your head.
Ve-ve-ve - cornflowers are visible in the grass.
Wu-Wu - Vasilkov Bouquet Narva.

Sits Vanya on the sofa,
Under the sofa bath,
In this bath instead of a bath
Often soapped Vanechka.

Sparrow doctors saved, he was introduced into the helicopter.
Helicopter spit screws, worried grass with flowers.

On the shelves of bookstores today also introduced a large collection of colorful books for children with cleanlaisors:

At the end I invite you to watch video with fascinating readors. Add visual contact. So the sounds are still faster!

With love,

Lyudmila Piecene.

We invite you to watch a fascinating video on our camocan "workshop on the rainbow"

Species and cleanrs for children and adults

Podolskaya Irina Aleksandrovna, Teacher of the Russian language and literature KSU SOSH No. 4 G. Semey in Kazakhstan
Short description.
Species, cleanrs are very often used on extracurricular activities, Russian lessons. One of the main goals of the teacher, the parent, the educator is to work out the purity of the sound. Today, this material can be found easily both in books for kids and on the Internet. But I wanted to collect material in one folder so that it was always at hand. Material is easy to use, as it is in alphabetical order. Pictures removed specifically so that you can easily increase the font, print, cut. The purpose of the application will dictate and how to work with it.
Hand gymnastics successfully can be used in the lessons of mathematics, Russian language, reading, labor learning. One or two exercises can be included in the physical education minutes, conducted in the lessons, where the students write little. The effect of such exercises is large.
The selected material will be interesting not only to teachers, but also inequance parents whose children experience difficulties in the pronunciation of a sound.

Say no hurry and see not mistaken

Who wants to talk,
He must disguise
Everything is correct and intelligible
So that everything is clear to everyone.
We will talk
And we will pronounce
So right and clearly,
So that everything is clear to everyone.

All speakers
Do not revive
Do not revolve theory

BUT1. Agraphenes and Arina grow dahlias.
2. Andrei and Irina grow dahlias.
3. Alyosha Alina gives a signal.
Alina will hear - Alyosha will find.
4. Vlas with us, Athanas you have.
5. Shouted the archup, the archup hoip. No need to shout the archup to Christ.

B.E. Izmailov
1. White rams beat the drums.
2. Bublik, Branca, Baton and Bukka Baker from the dough of backs of spill.
3. Doba Beavers go to bours; Bobras for bobryat good.
4. Go beavers in the random cheese. Bobras brave, for Bobryat good.
5. On the bonds log brawing.
6. A boyar-beaver has no wealth, no good.
Two beaver bobran is better than all kinds.
7. Borovik grows in Boru, Borovik I take in Bor.
8. White snow, white chalk, white hare is also white.
But the protein is not white, but not even.
9. At the bull of the Guba Tup, Bull, Bull Tupogub.
10. There was a Baran Belorel, all the rams were passing.
11. There is no concrete in the bidon, in the bidon is not a loaf, in the bidon is not a bud.
12. The fight was not a cup, but Rubik's cube.
13. In the bank of the banker, the bank of the bank.
14. In the tank of Pinocchio, pants, boob and shoes.
15. Malanya-Toltunya Milk chatted, chatted, chose, chose, but did not bother.
16. Baran Buan climbed into Bunign.
17. Baton, Bukaka, Barank Baked Baked Spooky.
18. Bob Boba.

Ba-bou would have pillars on the courtyard.
BU-BA - from the window sticks out a pipe.

IN1. Fan is visiting Vanya, Vani is visiting Fanya.
2. Pronounced Voronenka.
3. Ivan-Bolon shakeped milk, but did not bother.
4. I went to the courtyard of Ovea, for the horns of the eye, and the ox in the garden began me.
5. At the water of the blow.
6. Vanya does not fail, but Vanya brings.
7. Vanya in the bath sailed like a sofa.
8. Sits Vanya on the sofa, under the sofa bath, in this bath instead of a bath often wash Vanya.
9. We are summing up to the venewide, and on the system - the governor! At the training - the governor and at the submarine - the governor. Two governors.
10. Vali, Varia and Valerki dumplings in a plate.
11. Valine Fucks fell into rejo.
12. Bought Valerika and Varnik mittens and boots.
13. Ate Valeric Dumplings, and the valerca vatrushka.
14. Executive, Veronika Igorevna: "Engraving engraved and tangled."
15. The dodder-Vostochvostochostochnya sorry will be nervous.
16. And I shouter, and I'll straighten the PNU per gate, and I will accept the window.
17. Varvara Karaulila Chickens, and Voron Toroval.
18. Verlil Vavilus had fun.
19. Near the Vyun and Hop Cola and go on a woven: we go, weave, braid, are disengaged.
20. Cheering, Savely, hay, move.
21. Water carrier drilled water from under water supply.
22. Cook Kashov Cook, Podvariviva did not talk.
23. Feed oatmeal at Oats, and Ivan Oats took.

G.1. She walked by a hussak with a hussak. Watching the hussak on the hussak.
Oh, hollowing the Boca Gusak at the hussak.
2. Grisha Gray Corzhik. Nuts Grozhik, and Garik - Sukharik. Eroxka played loud on the harmonica.
3. The thunder of Roma was frightened, he roared loudly thunder. From such a Roe thunder attached the hill.
4. In the garden rose peas, and the river is buckwheat. Old Timoka goat in the garden ripped peas, buckwheat
Ripped behind the river.
5. Pear of the caterpillars does not like, the caterpillar is robing.
6. Gluchats are looking at Galkat, Glychats are looking at the best.
7. On Iva Galka, on the shore - pebbles.
8. In Paper, Navaga Maga.
9. Yoga Yaga do not help.
10. Gnoma Angina.
11. Hello Belube.
12. Greek across the river. He sees the Greek - in the river Cancel. Hell his hand in the river, cancer for the hand of Greek - DAC.
13. Goggy and Goose Gaga without a penny!
14. On the mountain, the geese is nurtured, the fire is burning under the mountain.
15. Grune on the sun heats side. In the body, go, fungus!
16.Ratchaikha says Ghokh: "Fleight with the Greets to the doctor, the vaccinations to make it time to strengthen the pen!"
17.Bought Egorch Salazki for a slide. All winter Egorka rode on the hill.
18. In the transfer of the hill, the mushrooms collected the mushrooms.
19.Helka sat on a stick, a stick hit a daw.
20.This in the kitchen angle, with my head climbed into coal.
21. Delicated Gagara over the barn, and another Gagara was sitting in the barn.
22. Crab Craba made rake, gave a rake to the crab: "Grably gravel grabli, crab".
23.Grush Girl Mala, Pear-Tree was shaking. Pears, pears, pears haw. Pear pears Rada (GR).

Ga-ga-ha - I have a foot hurt.
Ge-g-g - hurts a finger on the leg.
Gi-Gi-gi - Remove the boots help.

Gus, geese! - Gray-ga!
- Do you want? - Yes Yes Yes!

D.I. Demyanov
1. The woodpecker treats the ancient oak, good woodpecker is an oak of love.
2. Woodpecker Tree is hammering, the day-day-to-day is hammer.
3. The woodpecker Dub Dolbil, but it was uncomfortable.
4. Woodpecked Tree Ducklings, grandfather was awakened.
5. Drived in the sledding of the house to the house. Dima Dima met, overwhelmed Dream Drem, dorming Dem near the house.
6. Grandfather Dodon duded in the Duda, Dimka grandfather Dudoya burned.
7. Daria gives Deine Melon.
8. Do not budi bear - offended.
9. In the Dynamo team - Diana, Diana Domino.
10. Vadik, do not resulted, - Santa is submitted.
11. We will see Vadim and surprise, and not see - do not surprise.
12. One Dima at home, but Dima is not one at home. Houses one Dima and two Vadima.
13. Not affordable, Luda, week.
14. Does Dore Dourgo?
15. Dali Medals, Dina Orden.
16. Uncle Fedor has a house in the village, and Goodwin is in the city.
17. Lada in bucket water, and in Dima in the Double Diary.
18. On the courtyard of firewood, behind the courtyard of the firewood, the firewood of the yard. Do not fit the courtyard. Come out, Dronov Dron. It is necessary to expel firewood, put on the woodroom courtyard.
19. In the courtyard grass, on the grass of firewood; Do not rub firewood on the grass of the yard.
20. Standing the mountain in the middle of the courtyard, in the yard - grass, on the grass - firewood.
21. On the courtyard grass, on the grass of firewood: times firewood, two firewood, three yards. Take out, Varvara, gate, at the courtyard on the grass, Kolya Firewood.
22. We have a courtyard.
23. Two woodcutters, two chickens, two firewalls pulled the axes. Axes are sharp before pore. For the time being of the top of the ax, until time. Two woodcutters, two chickens, two woodwoods forest with an ax slammed, the forest in the firewood turned.
24. Two woodcutters, two firewalls, two firing talked about Lari, about the stall, about Larina Wife ("Dr R").
21. Blanket in a duvet cover, and the radio receiver on the windowsill.
25. Food of the fodder at the grandfather, and grandfather's Duda at Uncle.
26. Do not shove the lips on the oak, do not blow the lips on the oak.
27. Grandfather Danilo shared a melon - Doma Dima, Dolk Dina.

Du-Da-yes - buzz Wires.
Yes, yes - yes - warm water.
Du do-do - sleep I will not go.
De de de - I do not know where.
Di-di - calmly sit.

E.1. I barely eaten, there was no laziness.
2. At dawn, ESEY caught oatmeal in OVE. Essay in Ovse on his knee in dew.
3. How much sieve either sieve - never was satisfied.
4. On the mountain, on the hill, there were twenty-two Yegorns. Once - Egorka, two - Egorka, three Egork ...
5. Thirty-three yards are standing near the forest on the hillock. Because of the forest, Mountains more egor goes to them.
6. In winter, the White field - freezlozlo - Zailar.
7. Eats Fedka Kissel with radish, eats radish with Kiell Fedku.
8. As on the hill, there are thirty-three york on the hillock: since Egorka, two Egorka, three York (and so thirty-three Egorch).
9. And I am not upgraded.
10. Do not laugh at me, do not reimburse, I myself refreshing you and easily.

S. Pogorelovsky.
11. We ate, ate, spruce ate with a spruce ... They were barely barely militia.
12. Three waves barely whisters on ate.

J.1. The crane would be friends with toas, kaba would wish the friendship of this toad.
2. In a live corner, hedgehogs lived yes.
3. The hedgehog is hedgehog, Horror.
4. The Jora is already, a rose is a beetle.
5. Meting hedgehogs in more often:
- How is the weather, Yozh?
- Fresh.
And went home, trembling, gorge, sitting, two hedgehogs.
6. Good patty, inside - cottage cheese.
7. - Zhora, rusted iron castle?
- rusted iron castle.
8. Too many legs of the village.
9. Bunny shoved, seeing the wolf on the lawn.
10. On the lawn - bunned bunned.
11. With mice in Rya, hedgehogs became friends. We went to the root - and in rye - neither the soul.
12. The bear washed by his hedgehog with a hedgehog and with a highway, Chizhe with Chižihihi and with chizhonom, haircut with a stribling and triysome.
13. Likeblock, red cat, sewered his belly.
14. On the roof of Shura lived crane Zhura.
15. Vegetable buzzing, buzzes, do not spin.
16. Mento on the honeysuckle beetle, green on the beetle casing.
17.Zhuk Zucuk buried: "Zhzhzhu - Zhzhzhu. I have been friends with your hedgehog ... "
16. Sorry beetle to live on a bitch.
17. Much fired, a spider reasoned.
18. Sorry-shoes on each leg on the sandwalk.
19.Sasha - in soot.
20. The pockets of the arcash are completely suited to the papers.
21.Shora waits for a manager with a pager.
22. In a spoon at the Timoshka horns, not horns.
23.And the wife of a husband and ironing, and ironing.
24. He looked like a husband - the husband's husband is in his wife too.
24. It looks like a husband - the greedy husband has greeding wife too.
25. Azhozhka Trolley - heavy.
26. Vener in the vest lies and licks jelly.
27. There were liny, yes, they lived in Ile, not lynching. In Nasli, I brought Yazyat, linyat - in boarding school.
28.Gurn on Bearness - Isn't the Pie?
29.- Fire in the rain?
- Let's wait.
- Walk the rain?
- Walk.
Ms. Ms. Ms. - Two Chija flew.
Zh - Zha - We saw hedgehog.
Ms. Mzha - there are needles at hedgehog.
Ms. Ms. - I caught a hedgehog.
Ms. Ms. - Brought home hedgehog.
Yezhi - Yezhi live here.
Zhu - Zhu - Zhu - milk gave a hedgehog.
But - Well - the rain passed already.
Jo - Jo - Jo - meadow, Snowball, Pie, cottage cheese.
Zhu - Zhu - Zhu - on the grass lying.
Zhi - Focus show.

LOW - LOCK - gave me a check box.
LOW - LOCK - I hold the checkbox in my hand.
SCOM - SKOM - I Masha flagk.
Shock - shock - we go with flags.
Press - bench press - we observe the regime

Z.1. Zina has a lot of worries, sick in a bunny belly.
2. Winter in the morning from frost on the dawn, birch.
3. Rings the call, call call, and Zoya in class is coming to himself.
4. Zoine bunny is called Zakona.
5. Green birch stands in the forest, Ia under the birch caught the dragonfly.
6. Sonya Zina brought a buzzin in the basket.
7. I wake up the star behind the star. Behind the rose of ash.
8. Zina has a tooth hurts, it can not eat soup.
9. Spectators in the auditorium, and Zoya and Zina at the station.
10. Zinaida is not lucky: Zina The train is not lucky.
11. The snake is embired, and the beetle buzzes.
12. Bunny Buba got sick.
13. Saucena Nazar went to the bazaar.
I bought a goat and basket Nazar.
14. Roses Mimosa, Zakhar Zakanoza.
15. In vain Zakhar goat teased - the goat did not forget the goat.
16. There is a goat with an oblique goat, goat goes with a bare goat.
Going a goat with an oblique goat, goes goat with a bare goat.
17. On Voza, the wagon of the goat.
18. The hut on the courier legs runs through a narrow path.
19. In the "horizon" is not an umbrella, but an umbrella.
20. Beyond the fence, for the Booth forget-me-not.
21. Under the birch of the subbrazovik, under the ground the dungeon.
22. The son-in-law does not take any of the Yauza.
22. At the capricious Cossack and the goat of the capricious, the fearful Cossack and the goat is thoughtful.
23. Rake - row, broom - revenge, oars - carry, walking - crawling.
24. WHO straw is Vesne.

In-course - the thunderstorm approaches.
In-in - go home, goat.
Zu-zu-zoom - my Katya we are in the pelvis.

In the sage, it is dragonfly.
In the sage, the dragonfly flies.
Zyy-Zy - the wings have dragonfly.
Zoya Zoya-Zoya - I run for dragonfly.
Zuz-Zu - We caught a dragonfly
1. Baked Irishka dolls on the knit.
2. Like Gryishka and Marishka.
3. Inimes lay on the branches of ate, the needles were afraid of the needles.
4. Ishak in Kislak Drowa drove, Ashak Firewood in the grass dumped.
5. Ivashka shirt, a pocket shirt.
6. The hedgehogs and trees needles needles.

J.1. The distressed forty returns from the lesson. The whole lesson chatted with a joy and returned home with a twice.
2. Keeping the Avda bag of nails, dragged the Gorda bag of Gruz. Avdey Gordy gave nails, Gordea Avdey gave Gruzdey.

TO1. Kohl Kolts Zela.
2. The tangle fell to the floor, cat cattle.
3. Cat threads tangle drank into the corner, picked into the corner of the cat's cat's corner.
4. Cat crumb on the window Kasha's knocked in a crumb.
5. Long cat looked into the window, for a cat in the movie window.
6. Kondrat is short-lived jacket.
7. Crab crab made rake. Samed rake crab crab:
"Hay Grables, Crab, Grab!"
8. The crab climbed on the ladder, and fell asleep firmly crab, and squid did not sleep, the crab in the paw caught.
9. Klara clawed onion on the shelf, clicked into his own nicc.
10. Clara has stole corals, and Clara has Clarinet from Karl.
11. Carl put onions on the chest. Clara cracked onions with varnar.
12. Claw - cracked with a crocodile towards Lara.
13. Clara stole corals, and Clara had Clare Clarinet. Not true! Do not believe! Did not take Kararal corals! And Clara from Carla Clarinet did not take! Clara Karl presented corals, and Clara presented the clarinet.
14. Digger-Ryaba - Pest, with the nose of the East. Duck-Belogoodochka with a flat sock.
15. Buy Kipa Peak, Kipa Pic buy, buy peak kip.
16. Rotted Kostya in Kostroma.
17. Not happy with a computer pirate on the Internet.
18. Cratka has a cat, Yakova Yak.
19. How is Coca Cook - Cocoa and Yak?
20. She sews the cap, knitted the cap, but not in Czpakovsky.
The bell will fall out, Kovan Bell, and not the bellovers.
It is necessary to overlapping the cap, but to transfate.
It is necessary to spin the bell, but to discharge.
21. She sews a cap, knitted a cap, but not in Czpakovsky -
No one will overwhelm it, does not reborn.
22. In the morning, squeezed on a green hill, Soroki TRAIN:
CAR-R-R! Car-toshka, car-thin, car reta, car-ace,
CAR-R-R! Car-bottom, car-frame, car-rapus.
23. On Hemp Button, on the Petka button.
24. It is a shock with a junkie (small shock).
25. Near Cola three needles are walled.
26. Near Cola - Bell, and on the Kolas - Bells.
27. She was a grandmother from the crate, waking up the grunt.
28. Koval Kondrat Steel Koval, koval da snapped.
- Keys, smoke, krukka! Keys, smoke, grub! Keys, jurka, groove.
22. Cuckoo cuckoo bought a hood. Put on cuckoo hood. He is in the hood he is ridiculous!
(I. Demyanov)
25. In one, Klim, Klin Kleys (V. Dal).
26. Koloti, Klim, in one wedge! (I. Snegirev).
27. One Klim Wedge kolotil, pounded and leaning (Naumenko).
28. Wedge was cut-out wedge with a ramp.
29. Tailor wedge with a ramp (pieces of fabric in the form of a triangle or a truncated triangle) out and blocked, blocked and carved.
30. Koval Koval Horse, horse Koval's hoof, Koval Know Horse.

L.1. We were found at Meli.
2. Lena Les on the ladder, broke the Peaches Lena.
With songs, with peaches rolled Lenya with a ladder.
3. People bread in the fields are cherished, the forces for bread do not regret.
4. Lara has played on the piano.
5. Lara at Vali playing the piano.
6. Vera ordered Leray not roar.
7. Clara and Valley Dumplings in a plate.
8. For Luba and man, pancakes on a saucer.
9. Kolya Stolya Kolts, field field field.
10. called Malina Marina Galina, Galina Marina called Valina (S. Pogorelovsky).
11. Kohl sculpture rolling ice, the climate in the cart is laid.
12. For a small Alenka, Olya stroked diaper.
13. There is a shock with a jungle.
14. Our Polcan fell into the trap.
10. Lena sought the pin, and the pin fell under the bench.
To the shop was labeled, I was looking for a pin all day. I was looking for a pin all day.
11. Arrived by Klim from the wedge into the Crimea.
12. Fish catches the fisherman, the catch falls in the river.
13. Uncle Kolya daughter Put a collie puppy
But the collie breed puppy ran away from poly in the field.
14. Veza Caramel's ship, sniffed ship stranded.
And the sailors are three weeks caramel on Meli ate.
15. It is a cap, knitted a cap, but not in Czpakovsky.
16. Standing Pop on a shock, cap on the Pope, Copa under Pop, Pop under the cap.
17. Fly swans with swans.
18. Rabbit in Grokes jumps deftly - the rabbit steals carrots in the garden.
19. Cori Cyril: "Do not teasing a gorilla!" Cali Gorilla: "Not teasing Cyril!"
20. Whether Boria acquired a roll of toleray for Toli, or Tolya acquired a roofing roll for Bori.
21. Lara for Lera took eclairs. With cream Elakes from Lara and Lera.
22. There are doll Lelia. Lelia is made of flax - Lyale likes it.
23. Olga and Galya Oleg in the meadow did not lie.
24. Fox runs on the gesture: Lizni, Fox, Sand.
25. The linony put in the cheese, and the Vullee took from the dam.
26. On Lavrenty Street with Laptye, with a nineteent, - in people, Lavrentia is not to the lapes, not to the ninetes (weight, measure, an account connecting nine units).
27. Crucian, in LAZ is not a turn, stuck in a crucian lasp.
28. Fields went easy parsley in the field.
29. The field is not a poll, the field is not politically, asks the puff to drink, you need to pour a puff.
30. In the field-puff field Flying Field Polyushko. Weeds will not be in the field if the field fields field.
(S. Pogorelovsky)

La La La - I saw.
Loi-Loi-Loy - we saw the saw.
Ly-lies - no saw.
Lu-Lu-Lu - we broke the saw.
Lou-Lu-Lu-Lou - bought a new saw.

Lo-Lo - on the street warm.
Lu-Lu-Lou - the table is in the corner.
Stool stools broke
Ol-Ol - Ol - We bought salt.
Lu-Ru Lu - the janitor took the broom.
La Ra La is a car.
La La La - here Yula.
Lu-Lu-Lou - gave me Yulu
La La La - Julie is spinning.
Loy-Loi-Loy - I love to play with Yulya

M.1. Marina Mushrooms Marinoval, Marina Malina came through.
2. Cat Milk lacquered, and I was looking for a bargain.
3. Are you raspberry so? - Soap, but not soapy.
4. Honey bear in the forest found, little honey a lot of bees.
5. Masha gave Romash serum from under Prostokvashi.
6. Little chatter than milk chatted, chatted and did not sink.
7. Our hands were in soap, we soap the dishes themselves helped our mom.
8. Makar Makal Makarona in Milk, and Macakka Makala Makara in the river.
9. Cute Mila washed with soap. Washed, washed away - Mila washed.
10.- Goat-Mukomol, whom Mollar flour? And who is not Molt?
- From who Molol, received pies; From who is not Mollah, he received tumaki.

Ma-ma-ma is at home myself.
Mu-mu-mu - milk who?
Mo-Mo-Mo - Eat Eskimo.
We are-we - we read.
Mi-Mi-Mi-sing Note Mi.

N.1. Nobody remembers our little decidant, and our Ponoloire remember everyone.
2. Oraon roring the neboral field.

ABOUT1. In winter, everyone is young.
2. Osip Osip, the Harping archup.
3. The smaller words, the more firewood.
4. From the topot of the hoof dust on the field flies.
5. Oak Dublisy, wide-seat.
6. In the field of Flight Fresh Millet, weeds will endure Frosya.
7. Take a white-breeding man of a shelf of sour milk.
8. Khutrhaya Soroki catch a fruit, and forty forty - forty marker.

P1. Petr Peter Peak Pies.
2. Baker Pek Kalachi in the furnace.
3. They walked three bakes, three crossbar proof,
Three Prokopyevich; spoke about the baker,
About Prokopiya Pekary, about Prokopyevich.
4. Petya sawed saw stump.
5. Baker Pekka Pog Pie: Peek, Peak - Near, Peak, Peak - Cockup.
6. Potap has no fifth "to heels - fiat" to grooms; And Python has no sozes or heels.
7. The approach is not a substrupture, approach is not catching.
8. The chick of the bird is.
9. Captain Roosch in Kappan.
10. Osoapki's paws again on their own ways.
11. At the great-grandfather, the great-grandfather is great.
12. The pair of birds flushed, flushed - and he spoiled.
13. Folders under the bedside table glasses, and on the bedside table slippers.
14. Repeat without a knock: on the osinkling of the Rosinki spurred in the morning perrshotu.
15. Penkov again they will again.
16. Again, five guys found five from hemp.
17. Cat Potap on the paw Flapped, and from the Potap cat drowned.
18. The rooster sings about the birds, about the feathers lush, about the fluff.
19. The revennator caught the quail, crippled, quail and rebel.
20. Sawdust rolls from under the saw.
21. Our Polcan got into drone.
22. spoke parrot parrot: "I am you, parrot, parrot!"
Parrot in response Parrot: "Parrot, parrot, parrot!"
(V. Bakhrevsky)
23. Pisces in the drub pond pond.
24. Tell me about purchases.
- What about purchases?
- About purchases, about purchases, about my purchases.
25. She walked a man from the bargain. They say in trade is not about pokrom,
Not about the edge, they say about the purchase.
26. Prokop came, dill boils, and dill boils when proceeding.
And proof went away,
pour dill
And without proof, dill boils.
27. With a proof, dill boils, dill boils when proceed
Procker came - dill boils.
25. Standing Pop on a copper, cap on the Pope, Copa under Pop, Pop under the cap.
26. It is Petr on a copper, in the afternoon and the cap. And in the afternoon, Peter Peter Polcholkoka.
27. Peter Petrovich, on nickname Petrov, went to walk, caught a bird quail (Pigalitsa); I went to sell, I asked for the market, I asked Filk, Pytit was filed, he sold so much.
28. Pill Philip is full from Lipa, stuck in a drink Philip.
29. Karp Polycarpovich Polycarp Krapych podcassed Karpov's pond. And in the pond at the polycarp - three crucians and carp.
30. I went to Ipat shovel to buy. Bought Ipat five shovel. She walked through the pond, hooked for the rod. Fell in the pond of Ipat, five shovel disappeared.
31. Would not spill Lip Philippe, in the summer linden bloomed b, the bees honey were inflicted B, we were treated with honey flu.

Or-op - here is an ax.
Or-op - I brought an ax.

R1. The bunches of Ryabina in the sun are burning.
They burn from rowan in the eyes of the guys.
2. Serum from under Prostokvashi.
3. Mamashe Romash gave serum from under Prostokvashi.
4. Pronounced Voronenka.
5. Prepared Larisa for Boris UP from rice.
6. In the aquarium, the Harriton Tetrak has two triton.
7. Large grapes grow on Mount Ararat.
8. The river Grew Rowan, and the river flowed, Ryabila.
9. Eagle on Mount, Feather on Orel.
10. Brother with brother Brere in Arbat.
11. The ulters have a polycartpa - three crucies, three carp.
12.Marina Malina came through, Arina Mushrooms Marinoval.
13. We are on the courtyard-sovereign weather splapped.
14.trint three ships lavished, lavaled, but did not hesitate
(go under the sail so that the oncoming wind was with the right, then on the left side).
15.This dawn to dawn seafarers on the shirt wax.
16. Well done thirty-three pie with a cake and all with sour cream and with cottage cheese.
17. Cyrill Kiru gave a fish, Kira Kirillus gave a smile.
18. Mark pasted on Tamarkin the envelope is not the brand. That brand does not like the brand
And Tamarka Mark likes.
19.Vavar Narvala in the grass ravine, but altered that did not rush.
20.U Clara and Valers Dumplings in a plate.
21. Bearing in vain ripped grass under yoy - very bodied under the greatest nettle.
22.Rupported yes did not defait, the deforestation, but began to defore it, I was informed.
23. Protocol protocol has been configured about the protocol.
24. The village on the tree - Tetra Terente.
25. In the morning, three rams drummed into the drums. The drums in the drums of three rams in the morning early.
26. Myshina stupid the whole yard rummaged, pulled out, was not pregnant to the hole.
27. Three ass, three processes of the pop, Three Prokopyevich, spoke about the pop, about Prokoki Pop, about Prokopyevich.
28. I will spend the ram with a log on a log on a log of sideways.
29. Brother Arkady stabbed Buru Cow on the mountains of Ararat.
30.Ler, repair the carburetor and adjust the valves.
31.Reony strap belt, lights fought fire.
32. On the market, Kirill Krunchka bought a circle.
33. Transferred quail and quail in the armor hid from the guys.
34.Is-under Kostroma, from under the Kostroma, there were four men with boxes, four men; They spoke about bidding, about buying, about Cropa, yes about subproopes.
35.The Praskovaya Paradis larded by three pairs of striped piglets. They ran their piglets on dew, piglets were cold, but not all.
36. Helped the chickens of the oak cheese on the logs.
37. Egor across the courtyard, carried an ax to repair the fence.
38. Daisy Daisy Daisy on Mount. Lost Margarita daisies in the yard.
39.Three Sorih-Tarautators were taolated on a hill (tr-).
40. School children lesson: jump in the field forty forty. Ten soared, sat on the ate. How much remains in the field of forty?
41.Soroor forty grieved peas, forty crow distilled forty. Forty Orlov frightened raven, the forty cows dispersed the eagles.
42.Chut soroki catch a fruit, and forty forty - forty marker.
43.Lell behind the mountain, behind the silence of a pine with a subripe.
44. On the river caught cancer. A fight came out of cancer. This Lesha Zabyaka again threw cancer into the water.
45. Courier Courier overtakes in a quarry.
46.Reopard painted once a crucian painting. And said Karas: "Coloring, cowrenok, fairy tale." On the coloring of Crasesenka, three funny pigs: the cowrenok piglets repainted to Karaziat.
47.The Makar Roman Caramel, and Roman Makaru Paradash (L. Ulyanitskaya).
48. Crew archup, the archka hoar. No need to shout the archup to Christ (N. Melchakova).
Dryy G.I., Sukhina L.A.
49. I and Roma Rada Grad and Thunder. Grad fence is not a barrier.
50.Gorgiy Margarita gives Georgina, and Margarita Georgia gives Daisy.
51.Var believes that faith is cooking.
52.This pirate - horizons, three pirates - beardeds, three pirates are not happy to each other.
53. Not a slave, slave is not a lady.
54.One Bobra Bodra and kind.
55. Terrarium. Terrarium.
56.Good against a friend - friend and girlfriend.
57.U Thirty-three striped piglets thirty three tails hang.

Rara Ra - the game begins.
Ry-fish - the boys have balls.
Ry-fish - boys balls
Ru-ru-ru - We will continue the game.
Re-re-re - standing house on Mount.
Ri-Ri - on branches of bullfding.
RO-RO - we have a new bucket.
Ro-Lo-ro - on the floor is a bucket.
Ra La-Ra - Paul we soap from the bucket.
Ra-Ra-Ra - Might has a Nora.
Re-re-re - we carry water in the bucket.
Ra-Ra - - All garbage will remove in the morning.
Ro-Ro-Ro - all the garbage will be collected in the bucket.
Re-re-re-labeled in the yard.
Ri-Ri-Ri - on the branches of Snegiri.
Ri-Ri-Ri - the yard will remove - only two or three.
Ry-fish - did not notice the heat.
Ar-AR-AR - Our Samovar boils.
Or-or-op - ripe red tomato.
Or-or-op - poisonous amanita.
OR-OR-OR - in Boru grew by an agarror.
Or-or-or- is unmanitable.
ARY-ARY-ARY - on the wall hanging the lantern.

This robot is not simple,
This robot is clowning.
Robot turns his head
The robot is toggle foot
He then so funny.

FROM1. Oh, you are sense, Senya, I went out in Sonya Senya, and Seine stumbled in St.
And kwyrk through the vice.
2. It was fun on the hill San, Sona and Egorch, and Marusya did not ride - she feared in the snow.
3. Stepan has sour cream, Prostokavasha yes Cottage cheese, seven kopecks - Tuesuck (Berevian Cube with a tight lid and with a bracket or a handicap in it).
4. Lucky Sanya Sanya is lucky.
5. In seven Sanya, for seven in Sani, sat down. I was driving from Sanya's slides, and on San Sani.
6. There are dryers, Vasya and Antoshe. Two more dryers Nyche and Petrich.
7. I bought Marus Beada Babuska, stumbled on the goose on the market. All beads embarrassed in the bead geese.
8. Sasha loves drying, Sonya - Wathers.
9. Sasha walked along the highway and sucked drying.
10. Sasha was on the highway, carried a drying on the pole, and sucked drying.
11. Senya WHO WHO SENA.
12. Seni and Sani in Som networks with a mustache.
13. Lucking Senka Sanka with Sonya on sledes;
Sanki Skok - Senka with legs, Sanka in Bok, Sonya in the forehead.
14. The hay of Seine Kostya mowes, in Shenya Senya wears.
15. Wear Senya in Shenya Shenya, Senya will sleep on the hay.
16. Elephants are smart, Smirny elephants, elephants are calm and strong.
17. Tiny, cinema - sister sparrow.
18. Nose nose is not transferred to the nose.
19. On the spin of the tit, the Sinice will not sleep.
20. Seni, Serge and Sasha Nose, Neck, ears and cheeks in Safer (F, C, W, Shch)
21. Sasha asks Grishka: "Street wife - haircut?" (F, C, W).
22. On the nose at the rhino forty forty.
23. Risa Sister Larisa, Larisa Sister Raisa.
24. Tosya, do not wear a line in Sitro.
25. Suk was carrying a badger.
26. Veleering, Savely, hay, move.
27. The wasp is not a mustache, do not, and the mustache.
28. OSA of Bosa and without a belt.
29. Ate Fame Salo, yes Sala was little.
30. Empty post on the pavement - Bastouth Senya-Ploch.
31. Steppa brought the sisters on the intersection of birds.
32. Alesya village, from the furnace's feet, not laugh, Alesya, and in the oven.
33. Vioz Anos to sow oats. Hawmed oats. Worn oats. Anos came, fed oats, tied oats, wins oats, before the grain Anos Dae Heavy WHO, drove the WHO oats.
34. Berezka Corenistric, for the root - curvilitative, on the Herring -Cudious, on the vertex - is highly used.
35. There is a goat with a skeleton goat, goat goes with a bare goat (k, s).
36. She went oblique goat with scythe; Kita goat came with oblique (k, c).
37. Does not want to mow oblique; Says: "Spit Spit" (k, c).
38. Kasit Kasyan Kositi Kosit Square. Does not like Kasyan-Cossack of the Poskos.
39. The hare of oblique sits behind the Russian-grass, looks oblique as a girl with a slanting mowing herb.
40. Kosar kosyl, Kosos wore. Kosi, Spit, until Rosa, Rosa Stolo - Koshov home. Kosa mows smoothly, Spit loves a shovel, a shovel of sand, a cossel - pies.
41. Vasya mowed a mowing ripe oats.
42. In the field Flight Fields of Millet, weeds will endure Frosya (I. Demyanov).
43. Schraist chopper chopper, dodder with flat sock.
44. Ersh, Pescar, Ostr, Severy Rada will meet each other.
Sukhina E.I.
45. At the mustache mustache from the nose to the belt.
46. \u200b\u200bThe test of the nose and mustache in the test.
47. The neighbor's neighbor is a neighbor, a neighbor is a neighbor neighbor.
48. Snow will swell from snop to the brand.
49. Not all are not all Lena in the mercenary universe.
50. Do not sit on Pug Psa - bites.

SA-SA-SA - Rosa's courtyard.
SA-SA-SA - there is a fox in the forest.
SA-SA-SA - I have a fox.
Su-Su-Su-Su - I give Sasha Fox.
Sa-sa-sa - who has a fox?

OS-OS-OS - in the meadow a lot of OS.
Su-Su-Su - we saw the wasp.
SA-SA-SA - Osa flies.
SA-SA-SA - Osa flew.
Su-Su-Su-Su - we run the wasp.
SA-SA-SA - Osa flew away.
Sy Si-Si - we are not afraid of the wasp.

SO-CO with Svetlana Wheel.
CO-SO-CO - we changed the wheel.
Su-su-su- was cold in the forest.
Us-ush-c - in the meadow grazing goose.
SI-SI - you are funnye bite.
Sia-Xia - we caught a crucian.
Sia-Xia - Kostya catches crucian.

Sy Si - seeds have no braid.
SA-SA-SA - here is a spit.
SA-SA-SA - acute spit.
Soya-Soy - we mowed the grass.

Sy Chi - here is a clock.
Sy Chi - Watch go.
Sov-owls - there are arrows at the watch.
Sy Chi-Si - similar arrows on the clock.

Sun - Sun - Golden Donets.
Sun - Sun - Sveti.
Sun - Sun - Gori.

T.1. Stamped to the stamped, Dotopali to Poplar, to Poplar Dotopali, and the legs were leftopal.
2. Only Tanya will rise in the morning, dancing Tanya pulls.
What a long time to explain! - Tanya loves to dance.
4. Under the Tetherov Tetheriev tree, I met: "Teterev, Tetherov! How are you doing? " Tetherov Tetherov in response: "My aunt - healthy guys."
5. Tetrayev was sitting at Terentiya in a cage, and a notebook with aurativans in the forest on the branch.
6. From under the topot of hoofs, dust flies on the field.
7. Tea Teach Teach on Shawls (on Dress) Tanya.
8. Do not hurry, and be patient.
9. Where is the tire and the aunt - there is no profit, but a loss.
10. He to push the canvas spider from the web ordered.
11. In the cooktime - three chocks, three goose, three ducks.
12. Our guest took a cane.
13. Three crows on the gate, three forties on the fence.
14. Tanya Mystery, this is Tanina Mystery, and Tanya tait this mystery.
15. On the planet Pluto Plutal Petya and Anton.
16. Long races looked at the notes, not clear, not clear notes of raccas.
17. Tanya and Nata - Yunnata.
18. Tony Ton notes.
19. The Hobbit has no trunk.
20. Atoms - Tom, and Tom - Tom; Tom Toma is not Tom Tom, Tom Tom - not about that volume; Tom Toma is not about that volume - not about that.
21. The painting is induced by the web, on the painting of Liliput in the web.
22. In the photo Python, Tapir, Actinia, Triton, Rooster, Termita, Panther, Cat, Orangutung, Act, Tl., Raccoon, Tarantul, Tetrav, Coyote.
23. This is Fedya, it is Petya, it is Nadia, it is Katya, this is Vitya, this is a Mitya. Children, these are children.
24. There is Tit, and aunt Tita here, and Tia here, and here.
25. Shade-shadow-Potennaya, all day where a stump - braid a woven and I am crying.
26. Turk is smoking the phone. The jug pecks the groove. Do not smoke, Turk, tube! Not keys, smoke, kruchka!

Ta-Ta-Ta - our homes are clean.
You are - you - all cats ate sour cream.
Tu-Tu-Tu - Milk Nalu Kotu.
Ti-Ti - ate porridge almost.
Tyu-Te-Tё - we postponed sewing.
Something - we began to play in the lotto.
AT-AT-AT - we go for a walk.
AT-AT-AT - take with me a scooter.

W.1. There was a bull of the Tugub, the Tuguban bull.
2. The bull of the tug's lip was.
3. In the mud, Oleg got bogged down the cart: Sitting here Oleg to the Snow.

UA-UA - in the stroller cries the defortion.
AU-AU - who was lost, do not understand.
U-U, U, - Wolf in the forest.
Uhhhh - our iron gunned.
Uch-learning - shines in the sun window Ray.
Ur-ur-ur - the cat told us: "Moore".

F.1. Our filat is not to blame.
2. Philip to the stove of adhesive.
3. Fani Fufyk, Fedi - shoes.
4. Mikhail played football, he scored a goal.
5. The fleet sails to the native land, the flag on each ship.
6. Fadey Daphnia.
7. Fil in the film - Feldwebel.
8. Faofan Mitrofanich has three sons of Feofanich.
9. In the photo of Fedor - Fedor, in the photo of Fedor - Fedor.
10. In the garden of Fekla Akhala and Ohala: the beet was not in the garden, about.
Sorry for the beets of Feda. Focla complained: "Little swallow!"

H.1. Delicious Halva Master Praise.
2. Prokhor and steamed riding.
3. Muha-Torry sat on the ear.
4. It will be good ear.
5. In Tikhon Chiton.
6. Horing shaggy, and Mihai shaggy.
7. Crested laughter laughter laughing: "ha ha ha ha ha ha!"
8. There was a prostumnoch garden - a thistle bloomed there.
So that your garden does not stall, the thistle is propoleted.
9. We want to go on deer, arhars, buffaloes, seals, tapira,
Leopards, lions, camels, mula and waves.
10. Challenge-trouble and trouble-clapped climbing and laughing.

C.1. Two chicken run right on the street.
2. Flowers bloom in the flower garden.
3. In the greenhouse, the flowers bloomed hyacinths,
Swimsuitsa, cyclomes, pricing and zinnia.
4. In the flower bed, hyacinths and zinnia bloom.
5. Skzorets flies: the winter end.
6. Pupilian-najnitsa received a unit.
7. Chicken Heron Treko clings to the stump.
8. Heron Chashla, Heron Serebed, Heron died.
9. The circus is not circular and circus, in the circus of tigrites, lioness and bear.
10. Associate Professor Locations.
11. The cucumbers are great greenobogube.
12. On the end of the Macedonian Copietso.
13. Santa's father - Grandfather's father, Grandfather's grandfather - grandfather of his grandfather.
14. Casov's fathers are not from owls (s, s, η).
15. Slice, soap, the ripenz curve, a silk towel - on the towel under the door.
16. You're, well done, tell me well: let the well done tell me, let the very well done calf gives.

Central Asia - Tsa - Listen to boredom to the end.
Tsu-Tsu-Tsu - it is nearing an end.
Tsy-tsya - we cut all the ends.
Tse-tse-tse - what do we know at the end?
EC-EC - Winter End.
Ec-Et - Skzorets flies.
Central Ascean - Tsa - we saw Skvortz.
Tsy -tsy-Tsy - Skvorts sing on the yard.
Central Asia - Central Asian - Two Rings.
Tso-Tso-Tso - the mind of his face.
Tso-Tso-Tso - demolished the egg chicken.
Tsy-tsy -tsy - ate cucumbers.

C.1. Pictures more often in our forest, in our forest more often.
2. They launched a pike into the river, the cake was lowered into the stove.
3. At the top of the calent, the day and night shout.
4. In the night, do not bricks burst on the furnace. I will burst on the furnace in Far Kalachi.
5. In the grove, the haircuts are twitched and read.
6. U inch and daughters have less points.
7. Return Lychko from under the Kochechka (a tool to whipped by Lapti).
8. Watchmaker, squinting her eyes, revenge the watch for us.
9. Turtle, not bored, the hour sits behind a cup of tea.
The turtle is mixed, because it is not in a hurry.
And where to hurry to someone who is always in his house.
10. In four turtles for four turtle.
11. Burned the streams and rushed, buzzed bumblebees over the streams.
12. Tea cups in sorrow, stucha and branded, shouted.
13. Under the Matitsa, under the ceiling hanging half collapse peas without a worm, without worm.
14. Shepherr in Shepherd grumbled on a shepherd, sheepdog in shepherd rode on shepherd.
15. The daddy's daddy, and a daddy daddy - daddy, and a daddy daddy daddy daddle, and the daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy has a daddy.
16. Lenochka and Olga - daughters of the mammies of Tanechki and daddy ignorance and grandchildren of screenshots of the windows and Lyudmilchka and grandfather of Jource and Waterwords.
17. Four blacks, chumazens Drawly drawn black ink drawing.
18. Our Chebotar (Supozhnik) All Chebotary Chebotar, our Chebotar, not to be labored and not to translate - our Chebotar will be labored and transferably.
19. The river flows, the stove stove, the river flows, the stove stove.
20. The river flows, the stove stove.
21. Polish consumer fourth of the pea without wormworms.
22. If you did not live near the blackboard, but if you lived near the alarmist, it means the strawberry jam to you the usual, and not the usual jam.

Cha-Cha-Cha - was Tanya at the doctor.
CHAIR - Loans in the Candle room.
Chu-Chu-Chuzhotochka, I knock.
Chi Chi Chi - Puffs in Kalachi Stove.
An hour and hour and hour - the rate went to dance.
Och-verycho - the night came.

Chok-chok is a spider.
Chek-chok - behind the ovens of the spider.
CHOK-CHOK - a template of spider paws.
Chek-chok - waiting for the extraction of spids.

Sh1. In the night silence, the roots of the rustles are slightly audible.
2. Masher serum in Cashe.
3. Mom gave a ramash serum from under the prokovashchi.
4. They gave the heel of Prostokvashchi, and the heads - porridge.
5. Prostokwashi gave key. Shut off:
"I do not want to rush, let's just porridge."
6. Six Shaluns in the hut.
7. Sasha with a hat of a bump.
8. On the window, the crumb midge deftly catches the cat's paw.
9. Slip-colored bumps rustled, noisy
Sleeping from pines. Layer of snow as if
Shawl, hobs the bumps until spring.
10. She sewed Sasha Sashka hat.
11. Cap Yes Shubka - this is all the Mishutka.
12. Hat bear bumps srob.
13. Pyshki and Schanzhka - for Pasha and Sanchi.
14. Six mice in the root rustle.
15. Forty mice went, carried forty pennies; Two mice carried two pennies.
16. Sixteen walked mice and six found a penny.
17. Mouse whispers mouse: "You all fry,
Do not sleep. " Mouse whispers mouse: "Funish I will be quieter."
13. Spy and spy - Pshunk.
14. The car went down the street, the car was shown without
gasoline, walked machine without a motor, walked machine
Without a chauffeur, she walked without knowing, the car was ... clockwork.
15. She walked Gleb with bread, was Olya with salt.
16. The guard came out with a blue, the guard came out - the blush flew turned over.
17. The sail our conscience is sewn, we will not eat the storm.
18. Frol walked on the highway to Sasha in checkers play.
19. Corses on the pine, checkers on the table.
20. Maybe the grandmother and knits, but ask - she will not say (F, C, W).
21. Vanya - Vanya, Tanya - Tanya, Katechka - Katyushka, Hobbies - Nadyushka, Tyechka - Wityushka (h, sh).
22. Pasha under the pillow hid all the toys. Stuffy under the pillow hidden toys.
23. Sews sewing pants Masha, Pasha, Dasha and Natasha.
24. Breathe cats breathe, breathes, bears breathe and kids breathe.
25. She went to the baby a pear grandmother of the lady. In the Lukoshka, the Lush has big pears.
26. Grisha carries the roof of Gosh, Alya and Mishe.
27. On the noodles splats.
28. Your spy of our spy will not be adopted, and our spy of your spy is abandoned.
29. In a spoon, Antoshka Kasya is a little bit, and the Timoshka in a spoon a little potatoes.
30. Timoshka Tindrock crumble into the crumb around.
31. Timoshkin Buckle caught on Pasha. Beats a pack of a cap Timoshkin Shawk.
32. Although the pike and the era, do not eat the hesh from the tail. The ruff is good. (fishing projectile from rods in the form of a bottle, funnels).
33. On the edge in the hut, the old women live. Each old woman is Lukoshko. In every luxury cat. Cats in the Lukushki sew old boots.
34. Listened to the old woman, how cowing cuckoo on the edge.
35. Masha prevents porridge, and Misha prevents Masha.
36. Masha Moshka in Cashe. What to do our Masha? Folded porridge into a flame and fed the cat
(S. Pogorelovsky).

H i t o g o v o r k a
Kamyshem singing mouse:
- The rustle is violated!
Whisper noisy reasons:
- Hush, mouse, not a sturgeon!
Your rustle will hear the cat,
Would you go to grandmother, crumb
We are disappointed, mouse, -
Cat - DAC you, stupid!
In general, the mouse, not Sheburtshi,
Better in mink hurry.
Did not obey their mouse,
Paved the baby again:
- For me, fearless,
Cat -
What for the same cat
From that time not heard
Playful Boxhekushki
Vladimir Kremin.

Sha-Sha-Sha - we love the kid.
Sha-Shamed - Mom washes the baby.
Sha-Sha-Sha - I'm sitting in a halace.
Shu-Shu-Shu - I write a letter.
Ash - Ash-Ash - Marina Pencil.
Kysh-Kysh-Kyszyn - joking with a cat mouse.
Gin-rich-rich - afraid of a cat mouse.
Gin-rich-rich - rustles under the bench mouse.
She-she-neck - I'm afraid of mice.
Oshka-Oshka - catch the mouse cat.
Yeh-Yeh-Yeh - a bump yourself.
Ears-ears - here is my pillow
Ear-eater - soft pillow.
The ears is a hand - put the pillow on the bed.
Coo-ear - sleep I will be on the pillow.

Sh1. Wolves growl, food is looking for.
2. In the grove, the haircuts, breadpages, fuses and readings are chirped.
3. Two puppies, cheek to cheek, pulling the brush in the corner.
4. Masha, you do not look for us: we have a shank shank.
5. My hands cleaner, more often.
6. Goose mustache is not looking for - you will not find.
7. Puppy is complaints about the puppy, he drags a heavy shield.
8. Puppy for both cheeks will fly from sorrel.
9. Tongs and ticks are our things.
10. This brush cleaner my teeth, this brush -
Ashmaki, this brush I clean the pants, all three brushes I need.
11.The Slendless Blasting Keeping Box of Vegetables.
12.The boiling shits crying blasphemes.
13.Shopped banker flashed in a raincoat.
14. Do not look for nail predator!
15. Lizard freezing.
16.Chentifice in khushchi, scratching in a pinch, gap-lumps and brushes.
17. Book I'm Taja, Thaw, I will not miss the pike.

Schcha-schA - caught Vova bream.
Sing-soup - in the river they live.
Even even - the flow of fish, not a thing.
Schcha - we carry a bream home.
Schouch schA - pike walks around bream.
Schouch shopping does not catch a bream predator.
SHAHA - Sasha goes without a raincoat.
Ash-Ash - we put on the raincoat.
Schu-Schu - in more often the pike will look.
Sing-soup - you, mouse, not food.

S1. Mom Mila Soap with Soap, Mila Soap did not love.
2. Soap Mila Mishka Soap, Mila Soap dropped.
Falling Mila Soap, the bear with soap did not dominate.
3. Sonya pig, stupid, Belorela, half a doors, I saw out, pulled out, undermined, did not care to the hole. At that, Javronie and Dark, so that she was digging.

YU 1. Yula near Yulka spins, sings, Yule and Jura does not give to bed.
2. Yulka-Yulia - Yula, Julka Yurkaya was. Breathing on the site of Julia could not.
3. Little Julia, you have a purelty.
Loves Yulka of the Sumbra and plays in the cubes.

I 1. The yacht is light and obedient, I will fight on her will be the sea.
2. Lizard on the yalik, apples on the fair in the box was lucky.
3. There were three Japanese people: Yak, Yak Cedrach, Yak-Cedrak-Cedaround.
There were three Japanese women: Tsypa, Tsypa-Dryep, Tsypa-Drip-Drimponi. All of them perpublished: Yak at the Tsype, Yak Ceedon at the Tsype-Dripe, Yak-Cedrachic Cedroce Cedaron on Tsype-Drip-Drympomponi. And they have a rhodium to children: yak with chicks - Shah, Yak-Cezzan with Tsykaya-jeep - Shah-balls, Yak-Zestrak-Zestrak-Cedaries with Tsykaya-jeep-Drigomponi - Shah-Bowls-Bowls-Sharoni.

Boyaka-Bolyak-Bolyaka - That's what a clogger.

Yal-Yal-Yal - Kissel is useful, starch in it.
Yar-Yar-Yar - made the table and stool of the joiner.

Physical Minutes

1. I.P. - Hands bent in elbows on weight. Hand fingers with power to squeeze into fist and break.
2. I.P. - also. Rotation with each finger. The fingers of the left hand rotate to the left, the fingers right - right.
3. I.P. - also. Rotation of hand brushes to the right and left. Right brush rotates left, left - right and vice versa.
4. I.P. - also. Rotating hands with hands, as in exercise 3, raise and lower your hands until the original position.
5. I.P. - also. Circular rotation of the hands in the elbow joints in front of him, to himself and from ourselves.
6. I.P. - Hands with closed fingers palms ahead. Take the thumbs to the side and alternately to them, starting with the index finger, to attach everyone else. Next, away towards the little men and take turns to attach all other fingers to them.
7. I.P. - Fingers in the "Castle". Put your arms to the chest, deploy palms forward, reach out your hands forward.
8. I. P. - Hands stretched forward, palm to side. Catch the fingers of the hands in the "Castle", turn your hands to yourself, return to its original position.
9. I.P. Hand fingers are cloudy in the "Castle". Free movement of fingers in the "Castle".
10.Rasslab your hands brushes, shake them into the tact of music or arbitrarily.

In hide and seek fingers played
And the heads were cleaned,
Like this
And the heads were cleaned.

Rain, rain, pour
There will be a loaf loaf,
There will be boots, there will be drying,
There will be delicious cheesecakes.

She walked an old man
Found the goat the warmer.
Come on, goat, jump.
He is undermine the legs.
And the goat is coming
And the old man swears.

Dressed legs
In new boots.
You walk, legs,
You walk - Stop
On puddles do not slap.
Do not go to dirt.
Shoots do not flit.


1. To blow the rut with the palm.
2. blow on a light object tied to thread (wool, leaf, cotton ball, bug, butterfly).
3. Blow into the bubble.
4. Inflate the air ball.
5. blow on thin paper glued to the cardboard.
6. blow confetti or fine paper from the table.
7. blow into the tube.
8. blow up paper snowflake with palm.

Fingering gymnastics

"Stroking the kitten"
Kisa, Kyonuk, wait,
I'll stroke you with your hand.
Give a relaxing exercise for your fingers.

"Our Baby"
This finger - grandfather,
This finger is a grandmother,
This finger daddy,
This finger - mommy,
This finger is our baby.
Flexing alternately fingers from a fist.

Soft tassel paint
High chair, table and cat Masha.
Connect all the pillows of the fingers and produce the "paint".

"To work"
The thumb rose alone
Index - behind him
The average will be unnamed
That raised the little girl small.
We got the brothers all. - Hooray!
It is time for them.
Flex a fist fingers.

In a cat's daughter
On the legs of the claws.
You do not hurry them to hide
Let let the kids look.
Pour the pads of the right and left hand to the palm.

Wasp sat on the flower,
She drinks siny juice.
pull the index finger and rotate them.

Went a bunny walk
And to eat carrots.
Dilute the index and middle fingers - "ears".

"The chicken drinks water"
Our chicken was walking,
Fresh hinged grass
And drank voditsa
Right from the bodied.
Make a hand like a beak; To tilt down, raise.


1. BULATS M. Thirty-three cake. Games, counting, convictions, patterings, long-lasting, binding fairy tales, riddles of the peoples of the Soviet Union. Assemmed and processed M. Bulgakov. M., "Children. lit. ", 1973, - 239c.
2. Sigiren O.E., Gaidida L.I., Kochergin A.V. Learn Russian with hobby: formation of spelling literacy: 1-4 classes. - M.: 5 for knowledge, 2005. - 240c. (Methodical library).
3. Hyrenko O.E., Gaidida L.I., Kocherginaa.V. Learn Russian with passion - 2: part of speech. Sentence. Text. Speech development: 1-4 class. - M.: 5 for knowledge, 2005. - 204c. - (Methodical library).
4. Nautumenko G. Thirty Three Echorks: Russian People Species / Sost. Naumenko; M.: Children. lit., 1989.- 32C. (Book for a book).

Schouch sch) - in the rain I mock without a raincoat.
Schu-Schu-Schu - umbrella I'm looking for myself.
I am so easy - I will go to the raincoat.
Schuck-shy - and in boots still.

OB-OSH, SCH-OSH - we will prepare borsch.
Scha, schA, sch) there is no beet beets for borscht.
Sing-soup, soup-soup - prepare better soup.
Schu-Schu, Schu-Schu - I will look for a cabbage.
SCH-OSH, OSH-OSH-OSH - Do not put in the saucepan of the hand!
Schu-Schu, Schu-Schu - I will look for carrots.
Schouchy, sch), brother brought home bream.
Sing-sleepers, soup-soup - eaten first soup.

Schcha-schA - caught Vova bream.
Sing-soup - in the river they live.
Even even - the flow of fish, not a thing.
Schcha - we carry a bream home.
Schouch schA - pike walks around bream.
Schouch shopping does not catch a bream predator.
SHAHA - Sasha goes without a raincoat.
Ash-Ash - we put on the raincoat.
Schu-Schu - in more often the pike will look.
Sing-soup - you, mouse, not food.

This brush I clean my teeth, this brush - shoes,
I clean this brush, you need all three brushes.

Pike, I'm taring, Thaw, I will not miss the pike.

Pike swallowed the brush, the brush she tickles his throat.
- Amazing business! What did I eat for the fish?

Automation of sound in words

1. Wolves growl, food is looking for.
2. In the grove, the haircuts, breadpages, fuses and readings are chirped.
3. Two puppies, cheek to cheek, pulling the brush in the corner.
4. Masha, you do not look for us: we have a shank shank.
5. My hands cleaner, more often.
6. Goose mustache is not looking for - you will not find.
7. Puppy is complaints about the puppy, he drags a heavy shield.
8. Puppy for both cheeks will fly from sorrel.
9. Tongs and ticks are our things.
10. This brush cleaner my teeth, this brush -
Ashmaki, this brush I clean the pants, all three brushes I need.
11.The Slendless Blasting Keeping Box of Vegetables.
12.The boiling shits crying blasphemes.
13.Shopped banker flashed in a raincoat.
14. Do not look for nail predator!
15. Lizard freezing.
16.Chentifice in khushchi, scratching in a pinch, gap-lumps and brushes.
17. Book I'm Taja, Thaw, I will not miss the pike.

Cleaners are constantly used in speech therapy practice as speech charging and to automate sounds, that is, for the development of speech. Options for using cleanlates are different: progress in turn, collectively, with various emotional coloring voices, on behalf of fabulous heroes, using the ball, massage ball, "speech cube".

But in general, the cleanline is a joke, lies in the intentional selection of words, difficult for proper articulation with a quick and multiple repetition. Cleaner is used both as a means for correcting speech defects in adults and children.

The main task of cleanlates - teaching children to a clear pronunciation of sounds

Sound / A /

A-A-A-wider Rotik, Devora.
A-ah-I have a foot hurt.
U-ya-lip trunk pull.
U-U-ya give a pipe.
U-U-U-all children call.

Sound / and /

And-and-and-mouth to the ears stretched.
And-and-and-well sit.
And-and-and-song of Trani.

Sound / o /

Oh-oh-I put on a coat.
Oh-oh-me warm.

Sound / b /

Ba-ba-ba - new pipe.
Bu-boo-bu - we took a pipe.
Would be no pipe.
Would be - I would go to the forest of mushrooms.

Sounds / B, VI /

Va-Va-Va - Grown Grass.
Wu-Wu-Wu - to Colon Grass.
Wu-Wu-Wu - I will rent an owl.
You are, you are no grass.
Vi-Vi-Vi - Verochny call
Ve-ve-ve - faith on the grass.

Sounds / g, g /

GU-GU-GU - Gale will help.
GU-GU-GU - geese in the meadow.
GU-GU-GU - I walk in the meadow.
Gu-gu-gu - good on the shore.
Ga-ga-ha - green meadows.
Ga-ga-ha - Give the Pie, Cottage cheese cake.
Guy-Guy - Masha, Run.
Gi-Gi-Guy - Beggar Beggar.
Guy-Guy - we ate pies.

Sound / d /

Yes, yes - I have water.
Yes, yes - yes - I will build cities.
Yes, yes - yes - hot water.
Dy-dy-dy - no water.
Dy-dy-dy - in the snow traces.
Du-do-do - for water I will go.
Du Du-do - I fish on the pond.
Du do-do - I am on the berries I go.
Du-doo - I am in the meadow.
Du-doo - in Zoo Idu.
Before - there is a nest on the tree.

Sound / w /

Zhai Ms. - We saw hedgehog.
Yezhii - hedgehogs live under the bush.
Lyi-Zhi - Hedgehog run.
Zhu-zhu-zhu - milk we give a hedgehog.
Zhu-Zhu-Zhu - I will help the jet.
Jo-Jo-Jo - I'm going to the "Peugeot".

Sounds / s, s /

Once - in the garden goat.
In-course - the dragonfly flies.
In the past - doll blue eyes.
Zea-Ze - Zoya rides goat.
Zuz-Zu - I am an apple rryz.
Zu-zu-zu - feed the goat.
Zu-zu-zoom - I'm not afraid of the goat.
Zy-zy-zy - the goal is long in the goat.
Zy-zy-zy - I have two goats.
Zya-Zya - We saw Jias.
Zi-zi-zi - brings rubber.

Sound / y /

Ay-ah - Soon the month of May.
Ui-uy - wind, Duy.
Oh-oh-oh - take me with you.
Oh-oh-oh - Rides Zainka oblique.
Hey-hey hey - Water Pope.

Sounds / K, ki /

Ka-ka - River runs.
Ko-Ko - I see far.
Ku-ku - cuckoo on a bitch.
Ku-ku - Children took the scoop.
Ak-AK-AK - River Fisherman.
Ak-AK - blooms poppy.
UK UK-UK - and spider sits in the grass.
OK-OK-OK - on the courtyard of the snowball.
Ki-ki are cubes.
Ki-ki - we walked near the river.

Sounds / l / l /

La La La - shovel and saw.
La La La - do not let me goals.
La La La - you see, spontaneous yula?
La La La - I found Malinik.
Lo-Lo - I have a paddle.
Ly-lies - new boilers.
Lou-Lu-Lu-Lou - bought a saw.
Lu-Lu-Lu-Lou - Zulu's head.
Al-Al-Al - Dark Basement.
Al-Al-Al - the ball in the gate did not hit.
Al-Al-Al - Grandpa's fairy tale.
OL-OL-OL - washed the floor.
Ol-Ol-Ol - football begins.
Ul-ul-ul - a new chair.
Ul-ul-ul - breeze.
Ul-ul-ul - Winter Forest fell asleep.
Il-Il-Il - I washed the floors.
Il-Il-Il - I beat the drum.
Alka-Alka - Volodya stick.
Oka-Okka - Volodya needle.
Valve-Claus - Volodya Bulka.
Ilka-Ilka - Volodya fork.
La la-la - green fields.
Li Li-Lee - Malina we carried.
Liu-Liu Liu - Malina I love.
Le-le-le - food on the donkey.

Sounds / m, MJ /

Ma-ma-ma-houses I myself.
Ma-ma-ma - I will build me at home.
Ma - Ma - Ma - in the yard of winter.
Ma - Maa - here came Winter.
Ma - Ma - Ma - I caught Soma.
Mu-mu-mu-milk who?
The mind-mind-mind is an aquarium.
Om-Om - we go walk.
Om-Ohm is a snowball.
Om-Om-Ohm - Slopim Snow House.
We are-we, we read the book we.
We are-we - waited for winter.
Mi-Mi - We sing Note Mi.
Me-Me-Me - Dai of the grass to me.

Sounds / n, ny /

On-on-on - lamp by the window.
Well, well, and - Santochka pull.
He-he-he is the phone.
An-en-en - drum.
An-An-en - I bought a drum.
An-An-An - She sewed Mom Sarafan.
In-in-in - shop.
Never - call, call.
Pray-poin-pray - a warm day.

Sounds / P, PJ

Pa Para - on the table of the cereals.
Bow-Pya-Py - cook porridge from the cereals.
Pya-Py - no cereals.
OP-op-op - all in your hands.
UP-UP-UP - Tasty soup.
UP-UP-UP - we ate soup.
Pi-Pi-Pi - Buy Pie.

Sounds / R, Pie /

Ra-Ra - High Mountain.
Ra-Ra - in the yard of the mountain.
Ra-Ra-Ra - to the forest to go time.
Ra-Ra-Ra - the garden to pour it time.
Ra-Ra-Ra - Winter has come.
Ra-Ra-Ra - Blizzard from the morning.
Rara-Ra - Cook soup.
Rara Ra - Soup to remove it.
Ry-fish - fly mosquitoes.
Ry-fish - riding from the mountain.
Ly-fish - beavers live in the reeds.
Ry-Ry-Ry - Loves Varechka Balls.
Ru-Ru-Ru - We start the game.
Ru-ru-ru - Children took the bucket.
Ro-Ro-Ro - a new feather.
AR-AR - Mosquito flies.
AR-AR-AR - Near blue ball.
AR-AR-AR - a blue ball flies.
AR-AR-AR is a red ball.
AR-AR-AR - above the pair pan.
Or-or-op - roma ax.
Ur-ur-ur - not chasing chickens.
Ir-Ir-Ir - we are for peace.
Arch Arch - Roma Mark.
Orca orc - a cool slide.
Urka-Urka - Cat Murka.
Irka-Irka - Ira Hole.
Ray-rod - blue sea.
Re-re-re - Sanki on the mountain.
Ryu-Ryu-Ryu - I will cook the turnip.
Ryu-Ryu-Ryu - I look at the chamomile.
Ryu-Ryu-Ryu - I give a song.
Ri-Ri-Ri - burn lights.
Ri-Ri-Ri - look at Ryabina.
Ri-Ri-Ri - Snegiri Russell there.
Ri-Ri-Ri - you look at the sky.
Ri-Ri-Ri - look at Martyshki.
Ri-Ri-Ri - you look at me.
Arge-Art-Arge - I have a letterwater.
Out-oh-ohh - Sergei Cor.
Irol-Ir-Ir - I have a bullfinch.
Ering-eren-ery - creaks the door.

Sounds / s, sm /

SA-SA-SA - Osa flies into the window.
SA-SA-SA - on the grass of dew.
SA-SA-SA - I have a braid.
Sa-sa-sa - there were miracles in a fairy tale.
SA-SA-SA - Lisa lives in Nore.
Sa-sa-sa - booth made for PSA.
Su-Su-Su is not afraid of the wasp.
Su-Su-Su-Sous - Spark Spit.
Su-Su-Su - I walked yesterday in the forest.
Sy Si-Sy - Soma mustache.
Sy S-Si - there are Lisyata in the fox.
Sy symbols - no wasp.
Sy sources - I have two braids.
SO-CO - Sonya Wheel.
AS-AS-AS - I drink Kvass.
AC-AS-AS protein makes stock.
OS-OS-OS - a dog's nose.
OS-OS-OS - I wrapped my nose scarf.
IS-IC - I eat rice.
Us-mustache - I eat mousse.
Aska-Aska - Sony Mask.
Oska-Oska - Sony Nipple.
Claim - Sony Misk.
Uska-Uska - Sony Blouse.
Sia-Xia - we saw a goose.
CE-CE-CE - I'm going to Husa.
Si-Si - hay bring.
AR-AR-AR - Flowing Caras.

Sounds / T, T /

Ta-Taha - I'm visiting the cat.
Tu-Tu-Tu - Help Kotu.
You, you - you - the sour cream ate all the cats.
You are - you - the dolls are white bows.
You are you - you - I love flowers.
That's something - I go to the coat.
Oh-from-from - a plane flies in the sky.
From - from - a gray cat was frightened.
Tea-te -hau - I have a child.
Ti-Ti - do not joke with me.
IT IT IT - millenary porridge porridge.
... I want to drink.
Te-those-te - kettle on the stove.
AT-AT-AT - I go to walk.
It is to sing.

Sounds / x, x /

Ha ha ha - a lush tail at the rooster.
Ha ha ha - frightened the rooster.
Hu-Hu-Huh - we eutled ear.
Wow - wow - walks around the yard rooster.
Wow - Wow - the house collapsed - boo!
Their them - their breeze.
Oh-Oh-Oh - green moss.
Chi-hee - a rooster sang in the field.

Sound / C /

Central Ascean - Caucas - here is a sheep.
Tsa-Caucca - the rain is poured without end.
Tsu-Tsu-Tsu is not afraid of the sheep.
Tsy -tsy-tsy - no sheep.
Tso-Tso-Tso - We washed my face.
Ec-Et - we ate cucumber.
Az Az-Az - I have a mattress.

Sound / h /

Cha-Cha-Cha - give me Kalacha.
Chu-Chu-Chu - I want to walk.
Chu-Chu-Chu is on the rope I will jump.
Chu-Chu-Chu is flying on the plane.
Chu-Chu-Chu - I want to become a pilot.
Chu-Chu-Chu is quickly all the house.
Chu-Chu-Chu - I watch the wheels.
Chi Chi Chi - Red Bricks.
Cho-Cho-Cho - Oh, like hot!
Ah-achh-Ach - a doctor came.
Ah-Ach-Ah - gave me dad ball.
Och-verycho - soon the night.
ICH-ICH-ICH - red brick.
ICH-ICH-ICH - Culich bake from sand.
Uch-learning - I have a key.
Uch-learning - a lot of clouds in the sky.
Achka-Achka-Achka - Near the car.
Point-glasses-boxes - at the Vovochka barrel.
Study-Study-Study - Vovochka handle.
Ichka-Ichka-Ichka - Vovochka bird.
A chok-chok-chok - suddenly fell on the bar.

Sound / w /

Sha-Sha-Sha - Mom washes the baby.
Sha-Sha-Sha - I see in the water of the Yersh.
Shu-Shu-Shu - help the baby.
Shu-shu-shu - I am grass of koshu.
Shi-Shi-Shi - in the glade kids.
Shi-Shi-Shi - the root of the roots.
Sho sho sho - we say well.
Ash-Ash-Ash - give a pencil.
Ash-Ash-Ash is our cat.
Osh-Osh Osh - I have a knife.
Ish-Ish-Ish - I have a baby.
Esch-ears - warm shower.
Ashka-Ashka-Ashka - Bucacheka flies.
Oshka-Oshka - on the cat's window.
The ears-ears-ears - a frog - a cuckoo.
Ishka-Ishka-Ishka - Little Mouse.

Sound / Sh /

SHAHA - SPA - walks a bunny without a raincoat.
Schu-Schu - I'm looking for you.
Schu-Schu - I'm a cattle.
Schu-Schu - Vasilka I am looking for.
So-it - I'm in a raincoat.
Sing-soup - we ate soup.
Sing-soup - in the fall need raincoats.
Sing-soup - steam locomotive, the composition of the tashchi!
As Island - I have a raincoat.
Even even - I have a bream.
Gear-raise raise - Ivy.

These are such cards can be downloaded for classes with a child. Save the desired card to your computer and print on the printer.

Give the child to the task yourself to come up with the cleanrs on the right sounds, he will surely like it! And you can add to these favors our collection of cleanrs by writing them in the comments.