What the cherry should do to stop sick. What to do when cherry is sick. Cockclock and monilion - imported diseases

Chipollino adventuresChapter 8: How to drive from the castle of Dr. Chestnut

Cherry baked the whole evening. Duke Mandarin only did that he teasing him.
"Our young graph is all overlooking tears," he said. - Unless the bone remains from Cherry!
Baron Orange, as some very thick people happen, still preserved a little good nature. To comfort Cherry, he suggested him a piece of his cake. True, a very small piece, just one crumb. But, taking into account the voraler of Baron, it should be assessed by its generosity. But both Countess not only did not try to console the cherry, but even mocked her tears.
- Our nephew can replace a spoiled fountain in the park! - Signor said Sinior Senior.
- Fountain tears! - laughed Signor Countess younger.
"Tomorrow," Signor Petrushka threatened to Cherry, "I will make you write three thousand times:" I don't have to cry at the table, for I interfere with the digestion of adults. "
When finally became clear that Cherry was not going to stop crying, he was sent to bed.
The strawberry tried, as he knew how to calm the poor boy, but nothing helped. The girl was so upset that herself began to cry with him.
"Now stop roaring, a disjacious girl," Signor hijacked the Senior Countess, "I'm not worth you!"
From the grief, Cherry even fell ill. He began such a chills that the bed was shaking under him, and from his cough was trembling in the windows of glass.
In nonsense, he called all the time:
- Chipollino! Chipollino! Radish! Radish!
Signor Tomato said that the child, apparently, was sick because of his dangerous criminal scared to death, who wanders in the vicinity of the castle.
"Tomorrow I will order him to arrest," he said to calm the patient.
- Oh no, no, please do not! - sobbed Cherry. "Arrest better than me, throw me into the darkest and deep dungeon, but do not touch Chipollino. Chipollino is such a good boy. Chipollino is my only one, my real friend!
Signor Parsley frightenedly visor:
- Baby Bit. Very hard case! ..
Sent over the most famous doctors.
At first, Dr. Signor Amanita came and prescribed the mixture of dried flies. But the medicine did not help. Then the doctor of Cherumukh appeared and stated that dried flies are very dangerous for diseases of this kind and that much more useful to wrap the patient in the sheet, soaked with Japanese cherry juice.
A dozen, the sheets pinched the cherry juice with juice, but the cherry did not become better.
- In my opinion, - suggested Dr. Artichok, - you need to put it with raw artichokes!
- With spines? Unscked strawberry.
- Must, otherwise the medicine will not benefit.
He began to treat Cherry with raw artichokes straight from the bed: the poor boy shouted and joked from the injections, as if the skin was lying from him.
- See you see? - spoke, rubbing his hands, Dr. Artichok. - The young graph has a strong reaction. Continue treatment!
- All this is nonsense and nonsense! - exclaimed the famous professor, Signor Salato Spinato. - What kind of donkey registered artichokes? Try to treat it with fresh salad.
The strawberry slowly sent for Dr. Kashtan, who lived in the forest under the big chestnut. He was called the doctor of the poor, because he prescribed very few drugs and paid for medicines from his own pocket.
When Dr. Kashtan approached the goal of the castle, the servants did not want to let him in, because he arrived not in the carriage, but on foot.
"A doctor without a carriage is probably a charlatan and passable," the servants said and they were going to slam the door in front of the doctor when Signor Parsley appeared.
Petrushka, as you remember, always said it is unknown from where. But this time he turned up by the way and ordered the doctor to let. Dr. Kashtan carefully examined the patient, told her tongue, felt the pulse, quietly asked Cherry a few questions, and then sheed his hands and said very sad and seriously:

Nothing hurts in the patient:
Pulse is fine and the heart is great
He is not sick with his spleen ...
Loneliness ruins a child!

What are you implying? - Roughly broke his tomato.
- I do not hint, but I tell the truth. This boy is not sick with nothing - he is just melancholy.
- What is this disease? - asked Signor Graphing Senior.
She loved to be treated very much, and it was worth it to hear the name of some new, unknown disease, as she now found her. After all, the Countess was so rich that the costs of doctors and medicines were not frightened to her.
- This is not a disease, Signora Countess, is melancholy, sadness. The child needs a company, we need comrades. Why don't you send him to play with other children?
Oh, it would be better if he did not say that! On the poor doctor, a hail of reproes and insults fell on all sides.
- Immediately get out of the wind, - the Signor Tomato ordered, - I am a veil servants pour you out in your neck!
- Stimmer! - added Signor Countess younger. - We are ashamed that it was so vigilantly abused our hospitality and gullibility! You penetrated our home deception. If I just wanted, I could sue you for unauthorized and violent invasion of private ownership. Is it not true, Signor lawyer?
And she turned to Signor to the peas, which was always nearby when his help was required.
- Of course, Signora Countess! This is the grave criminal offense!
And the lawyer now marked in his notebook: "For consultation, the Council of Cherries in the case of the violent invasion of Dr. Chestnut in private possessions - ten thousand lira."

Now we need to look into the castle of shooting cherries, which, as you already probably understood, were the owners of the whole village, her homes, lands and even churches with the bell tower.
On that day, when Chipollino was carried into the forest House Kuma Pumpkin, an unusual revival reigned in the castle: relatives came to the hostesses.
Relatives were two: Baron Orange and Duke Mandarin. Baron Orange was a cousin of the late husband Signor Signora Senior. And the Duke of Mandarin accounted for a cousin's late husband Signora Countess Jr. Baron Orange had an unusually fat belly. However, there was nothing surprising in this, because he only did that he ate, giving the jaws to the rest of just on an hour or other during sleep.
When Baron Orange was still young, he slept from the evening to the morning to catch to digest everything that ate the day. But then he said to himself: "Sleep is only time to lose: because when I sleep, I can't eat!"
Therefore, he decided to eat and at night, leaving for the digestion of the hour for two a day. To quench the hunger of Baron Orange, from its many possessions, spread over the entire area, the sumizers with the most diverse snack were sent to him every day. Poor peasants really did not know what he would still send.
He devoured eggs, chickens, pigs, goats, cows, rabbits, fruits, vegetables, bread, crackers, pies ... Two servants stuffed him in his mouth all that was brought. When they were tired, they were replaced by two others.
In the end, the peasants sent to tell him that they no longer have nothing edible. All cattle is eaten, all the fruits from the trees are disgraining.
- Well, send me trees! - ordered the baron.
The peasants sent him trees, and he devoured them, loyering the leaves and roots into olive oil and sprinkled with salt.
When finally all garden trees were destroyed, Baron began selling their lands and buy food for revengeted money. We sell all the estates, he wrote a letter to Signore, a senior announcement and asked for her visit.
In truth, Signora Council Junior was not very pleased:
- Baron proes all our state. He swallows our castle, just a pasta macaroni!
Signor Countess Senior Poklakla:
- You do not want to take my relatives. Oh, you never loved my Tolstoy, poor baron!
"Good," said the Junior Countess, "call their baron." But then I will invite the duke of Mandarin, my poor deceased husband's brother.
- Make a favor! - contemptuously answered the Senior Council. - This one eats less than the chicken. Your poor husband has a world of his dust! - Relatives are so small and skinny that they are not visible from the ground. And my poor deceased husband is the world of his dust! - The relatives are all as a selection: high, thick, prominent.
And in fact, Baron Orange was very prominent special - he even for the mile seemed a whole mountain. I had to immediately hire a servant for him, who would have drove his belly, - Baron himself was no longer able to carry his impressive belly.
Tomato sent behind the rag beans, so that he delivered his trolley into the castle. But the beans did not find the trolley - after all, as you know, his son, the beans took her. Therefore, he rolled the wheelbarrow like the one in which bricklayers will carry an exeter.
Signor Tomato helped a baron orange to put his thick belly in a wheelbarrow and shouted:
- Well, went!
The beans of all forces left on the handles of the old, discharged cars, but did not move it onto a centimeter: the baron just satisfying.
Called two more servants. With their help, the baron was finally managed to make a small walk through the Avenues of the Park. At the same time, the wheelbarrow is still a thing of the biggest and sharp stones. These shocks were so surrendered in the abdomen of the poor Baron, that he was poured cold later.
- Be careful, here a cobblestone! He shouted.
Beans and servants began to carefully cross all the stones on the road. But because of this, the car landed into the pit.
- Hey you, Rotosi, for the sake of the sky, turn around the pit! - the baron cheated.
However, despite the shocks and bruises, he was not interrupted by his favorite classes and on the road diligently clung to the fried turkey cooked by Signor's Countess Senior to his snack.
Duke Mandarin also hurt the hostesses and servants a lot of trouble. The maid of the Signora Countess Junior, poor landslide, from morning to evening I stood tangerine shirts. When she brought ironed underwear, the duke did a disgruntled grimace, snorted, sobbed, and then climbed the closet and shouted to the whole house:
- Help, dying!
Signora Countess younger resorted in a praying head:
- Cute Mandarin, what's wrong with you?
"Oh, you have so badly stroked my shirts that I can only die!" I can see, I don't need anyone in anyone else!
To persuade him to stay alive, Signor Countess younger gave Tangerina one after another silk shirts of her deceased husband.
The duke gently peelled from the cabinet and started to try on shirts.
After some time, screams were heard from his room again:
- About the sky, I'm dying!
Signora Countess younger rushed back to him, grabbing his heart:
- My dear Mandarin, what happened?
Duke shouted from the top of the mirror:
- Oh, I lost the best conquer from the collar and do not want to live more in the world! This is such a heavy loss!
To calm the duke, the Junior Countess eventually gave him all the conquers of his late husband, and these cufflinks were of gold, silver and precious stones.
In a word, did not have time to ride the sun, as the Xinoras Countess the younger left there were no more jewels, and the Duke of Mandarin scored the full suitcases of gifts and squeezed his hands smugly.
The exorbitant greediness of both relatives was not a joke and grieved accelerate, and they disappeared anger on their nephew, poor cherry, who had no father nor mother.
- Darmot! - shouted at him Signor Countess Senior. - Now go to solve problems!
- Yes, I have already decided ...
- Solve others! - Sureovo ordered Signor Countess younger.
Cherry obediently went to solve other tasks. Every day he solved so many tasks that he wrote a few notebooks, and in a week he was accumulated by their whole mountain.
On the day of the arrival of the relatives of the Countess, they also wondered for Cherry:
- What do you get here, lazy?
- I just wanted to walk a little on the park ...
- Baron Orange walks in the park, - there is no place for such idlers as you. Now get away learning lessons! - Yes, I have already learned them ...
- Thieves tomorrow!

Personal cherry taught tomorrow's lessons. Every day he taught so much lessons that all his tutorials had long come to the memory and read all the books from the castle library. But when the Countess saw the book in the hands of Cherry, they were angry even more:
- Now put the book in place, mischievous! You will tear it.
- But how should I teach lessons without books?
- teach by heart!
Cherry leaned into his room and studied, studied, he studied without books, of course. From the undercessant teaching, he began to hurt a head, and then the Countess shouted at him again:
- You are forever, because you think too much! Stop thinking - there will be less expenses for medicines.
In a word, whatever Cherry did, the Countess was unhappy.
Cherry did not know how to stand, so as not to get a new beat, and felt terribly unhappy.
In all the castle, he had only one friend - the maid of the strawberry. She regretted this pale little boy in glasses whom no one loved. The strawberry was Laskov with Cherry and in the evenings, when he went to bed, secretly brought him a piece of something tasty.
But this evening all the tasty ate at the dinner Baron Orange.
Duke Mandarina also wanted sweet. He threw a napkin on the floor, climbed on the buffet and screamed:
- Keep me, and not I will quit down!
However, this time I did not help with him: the baron was quietly milked sweet, without paying any attention to the mandarin.
Signora Countess younger became a bundle on his knees and with tears in his eyes begged her dear relative not to die in the color of years. Of course, it would be necessary to promise him some gift so that he agreed to get to the clutter, but the Countess had nothing left.
In the end, the Duke of Mandarin understood that he had nothing more to get better, and after a long persuade, he decided to go down with the help of a cavaller of a tomato, who was all in the sweat from excitement and Natugi.
On this very moment, Signor Tomor also brought the news about the mysterious disappearance of the house of Kuma Pumpkin.
The cavalier did not think for a long time: he immediately sent a complaint to the prince of Limon and asked him to die in the village of the top ten two police leaders.
Armons arrived the next day and immediately brought order in the village: they went around all the houses and arrested those who caught her arm.
One of the first was arrested by the Master of the Grape. The shoemaker captured a sewer with him to smoke at leisure of the head of the head, and, grumb, followed the police. But lemons took off his sewer.
- You do not have the right to take a weapon in prison! - They said to Mastere a grape.
- What should I scratch the back?
- When you want to scratch, say to someone from the bosses. Just we hurt your head!
And the lemmonchik tickled the shoemaker with a sharp saber.
Arrested and professors Pear.
He asked permission to capture a violin and a candle.
- Why do you need a candle?
- The wife says that the castle dungeon is very dark, and I need to learn new notes.
In a word, all residents of the village were arrested.
Only Signor Polka Dots remained at freedom, because he was a lawyer, and onions sometimes, because he was simply not found.
And the bow at all is not hiding: he calmly sat on his balcony. His mustache was stretched instead of the rods, and underwear was dried on them. Seeing the sheets, shirts and stockings, lemons passed by, without noticing the owner hanging in lover.
Kum Pumpkin walked behind the lemonciles, as usual, deeply sigh.
- What do you often sigh so often? - sternly asked his officer.
- How do I not sigh! I worked my whole century and only sighs copied. Every day by sigh ... Now I got them several thousand. Need them somehow to put it!
From women were arrested only by one kuma Pumpkin, and since she refused to go to prison, the police stumbled her from the legs and had proved to the very goal of the castle. After all, she was so round!
But no matter how hectors were lemon, but still they did not manage to arrest Chipollino, even though he was sitting on the fence along with one girl who was called the Redish, and dyingly looked at the police.
Passing by, the lemons even asked him and radishes, if they did not see anywhere in the dangerous rebel named Chipollino.
- Seen, saw! - screamed both. - He just climbed under the tri-native to your officer!
And, Khokhalo in all the throat, the guys drew away.
On the same day, Chipollino and radish went to the castle for exploration. Chipollino decided by all means freeing the prisoners, and radishes, of course, promised to help him in everything.

Chapter 7: In which Cherry does not pay attention to the announcement of Signora Parsley

Castle shooting cherries stood on top of the hill. His surrounded by a huge park. The gate of the park hung an announcement, on one side of which it was written: "The entry is prohibited", and on the other: "Exit is prohibited."
The front side of the ad was designed for village guys to bring off their hunt to climb through the railway fence. And the other is a turnover - the side was a warning for the cherry, so that he did not want to go from the park somehow and go to the village to the guys.
Cherry walked over the park one-one-one. He cautiously walked along the smooth paths, all the time thinking about how not to step in a lacker on the flowerbed and not trample a bed. His mentor, Signor Parsushka, overwhelmed the ads on the entire fleet, in which it was stated that Cherry was allowed and that he was forbidden. So, by the pool with goldfish hung an inscription:
"It's prohibited by Cherry dip his hands in the water!"
It was here and another announcement:
"It is forbidden to talk with fish!"
In the middle of the flowering flower beds, the inscription was concerned:
"It is forbidden to touch flowers! The violator will be left without sweet. "
It was even here such a warning:
"The one who remembers the grass will have to write two thousand times the words:" I am a non-residential boy. "
All these inscriptions came up with Signor Parsley, home teacher and teacher of Cherry.
The boy asked somehow his hungry aunt for permission to go to the village school along with those guys who were so fun running past the castle, swinging the woven as if flags. But Signor Countess Senior came to horror:
- How can Cherry Count sit on one party with some simple peasant! It is unthinkable!
Signor Countess Younger confirmed:
- Cherries never sat on a rigid school bench! That was not and never will be!
In the end, Cherry hired a home teacher, Signora Parsley, who had an amazing property to pop up from where and always inappropriate. For example, if Cherry, preparing lessons, pay attention to a fly that climbed into the inkwell to write to write too, - now Signor Parsley will appear from anywhere. It will unfold his huge handkerchief with red and blue cells, unimports loudly and starts to read the poor Cherry:
- Never-off the boys who come off from their classes and look at the flies! All misfortunes begin with this. For one fly - the other, for her is the third, fourth, fifth ... Then these boys spot their eyes on spiders, cats, on all other animals and, of course, forget to cook lessons. But the one who does not teach lessons cannot become a unfortunate boy. An ungological boy is not a trustworthy person. And unreliable people sooner or later come to jail. So, Cherry, if you do not want to finish your days in prison, do not look more on the flies!
And if the cherry takes the album after the classroom lessons to make a little bit, - look, Signor Parsley is there again. He slowly unfolds a checkered handkerchief and again turns his own:
- Nearby those boys who lose time on paper! Who will they become when they grow up? At best - by the malariers, the dirty, poorly dressed by the poor, which for all days are small patterns on the walls, and then enter the prison, as they deserve! Cherry, do you want to go to jail? Think, Cherry!
Fearing prison, Cherry did not speak directly, for which he began.
Fortunately, sometimes Sign Parsushka has happened to sleep a little or sit in his pleasure behind the bottle of grape vodka. In these rare minutes, Cherry was free. However, Signor Parsley and then managed to remind Cherry about himself: his instructive inscriptions were hung everywhere. This gave him the opportunity to build an extra piece. Resting under the shady tree, he was sure that his pupil does not lose time with a gift and, walking around the park, assimilates useful instructions.
But when Cherry passed by these ads, he usually removed the glasses. Thus, he did not see what was written on the planks, and could safely think about what he wanted.
So, Cherry walked around the park, indulging in his thoughts. How suddenly he heard that someone calls him a thin voice:
- Signor Cherry! Signor Cherry!
Cherry turned around and saw the boy's fence about alone with him, poorly dressed, with a merry and intention. Behind the boy was a girl about ten years old. Her hair was braided into a pigtail, which was similar to the tooth of radishes.
Cherry was politely bowed and said:
- Hello, Signora! I have no honor to know you, but the acquaintance with you will be quite nice.
- So why don't you get closer?
- Unfortunately, I can not: Here we have posted an announcement that I am forbidden to talk to the children from the village.
- Yes, we are children from the village, but you are already talking to us!
- And, in this case, I go to you now!
Cherry was very well-bought and shy boy, but in decisive minutes I knew how to act boldly, without regard. He moved straight on the grass, forgotten that it was forbidden to trample, and approached the lattice of the fence.
"My name is radish," the girl introduced itself. - But this chipollino.
- Very nice, Signorina. Signor Chipollino. I already heard about you.
- From whom is it?
- From the cavalier of tomato.
- Well, probably, he did not say anything good about me.
- Of course not. But it was because I thought that you should have a wonderful boy. And I see that I was not mistaken.
Chipollino smiled:
- Well, wonderful! So why are we ceremony and speak "you", as if old courtes? Come on "You"!
Cherry immediately remembered the inscription on the doors of the kitchen, which was reading: "Nobody say" you "!" This ad Teacher posted after Cherry and the strawberry for a friendly conversation once found. Nevertheless, Cherry decided to violate now and this rule. He answered fun:
- I agree. We will be on "you".
Radish was terribly satisfied:
- What did I tell you, Chipollino? See, Cherry is a very nice boy!
"Thank you, Signorina," said Cherry with a bow. But right there, blushing, I added simply: thanks, the radical!
All three fun laughed. At first, the cherry smiled only by the corner of the mouth, not forgetting the instructions of the Signora Parsley, who had repeatedly said that good-spinning boys laugh out loud out loud. But then, having heard how Chipollino and radish laughs loudly, he also began to laugh at the heart.
Such a belling and cheerful laughter never heard in the castle.
Both noble countess at that moment were sitting on the veranda and drank tea.
Signor Countess Senior heard the explosions of laughter and said:
- I hear some strange noise!
Signora Countess younger nodded head:
- I also hear some sounds. It must be rain.
"I dare to notice you, the sister, that there is no rain," said Signora's senior sygrid.
- No, so it will be! - Decisively objected Signor Countess younger and looked at the sky to find confirmation there for their words.
However, the sky was so clean, as if it was drunk and wicked five minutes ago. No cloud visible on it.
- I think this is noise fountain, - again the beginning of the Signora Grandman's senior.
- Our fountain cannot make noise. You also know that there is no water in it.
- Obviously, the gardener repaired him.
Tomato also heard a strange noise and excited.
"In the dungeon of the castle," he thought, "there is a lot of arrested. It is necessary to be on guard, and how much would not happen! "
He decided to get around the park and suddenly behind the castle, where the road was held on the village, came across all three guys who had fun talking among themselves.
If the sky turned around and angels fell out to the ground, the cavalier of the tomato would not be so amazed.
Cherry bay grass! Cherry on a friend talks with two overannacles! .. Yes, no one: in one of these two overannants, Signor Tomato immediately recognized the boy, who made him recently shed bitter tears!
Cavalier Tomato came to rabies. His face was so stuffed that if the firefighters were nearby, they would immediately raise the alarm.
- Signor Graf! - screamed the tomato with no voice.
Cherry turned around, pale and pressed against the lattice.
"My friends," he whispered, "Run, while the tomato is still far away." I will not dare to do anything, and you are not unlought! Bye!
Chipollino and radish rushed from all legs, but for a long time heard the furious Cavallar screams.
- This time, radish said with a sigh, - our campaign failed!
But Chipollino only smiled:
- And in my opinion, today a very good day. We have a new friend, and this is quite a lot!
Overcoming, this new friend, that is, Cherry, waited for an imbum-free head, the most severe retribution from Signora Tomato, from Signora Parsushki, from the syntoras of the Senior Countess, from the Signora Countess Jr., from Baron Orange and Duke Mandarin.
Both noble relatives have long understood that anyone who exists Cherry, delivers this pleasure to his aunt's countess, and did not miss the case of the collapse of the defenseless boy. To all this, he has long been accustomed to.
But this time the cherry stood a lump in his throat, and he hardly held back tears. It was not frightened by all these screams, ukoles, threats. What the case was to him before the shrill squeezes of both techniques, to the boring morals of the sytic parsley and the toothless ridicule of the Duke of Mandarin! Nevertheless, he felt very unhappy. For the first time in my life, he found friends, for the first time he argued and laughed from the bottom of his heart - and now he is again one ...
Since the minute, like Chipollino and Radish escaped down the hill, they disappeared for him forever. Will he ever see them? Whatever Cherry did not give to be again with the guys there, free, where there are no ads and prohibitions where you can run on the grass and tear flowers!
For the first time in the life of Cherry, he felt in the heart of that strange unbearable pain, which is called suffering. It was too much for him, and Cherry felt that he could not bear such a flour.
He rushed to the ground and desperately buried.
Cavalier Tomato raised him, put him under the mouse, like a knot, and went along the Alley in the castle.

Chapter 8: How did you drive from the castle of Dr. Chestnut

Cherry baked the whole evening. Duke Mandarin only did that he teasing him.
"Our young graph is all overlooking tears," he said. - Unless the bone remains from Cherry!
Baron Orange, as some very thick people happen, still preserved a little good nature. To comfort Cherry, he suggested him a piece of his cake. True, a very small piece, just one crumb. But, taking into account the voraler of Baron, it should be assessed by its generosity. But both Countess not only did not try to console the cherry, but even mocked her tears.
- Our nephew can replace a spoiled fountain in the park! - Signor said Sinior Senior.
- Fountain tears! - laughed Signor Countess younger.
"Tomorrow," Signor Petrushka threatened to Cherry, "I will make you write three thousand times:" I don't have to cry at the table, for I interfere with the digestion of adults. "
When finally became clear that Cherry was not going to stop crying, he was sent to bed.
The strawberry tried, as he knew how to calm the poor boy, but nothing helped. The girl was so upset that herself began to cry with him.
"Now stop roaring, a disjacious girl," Signor hijacked the Senior Countess, "I'm not worth you!"
From the grief, Cherry even fell ill. He began such a chills that the bed was shaking under him, and from his cough was trembling in the windows of glass.
In nonsense, he called all the time:
- Chipollino! Chipollino! Radish! Radish!
Signor Tomato said that the child, apparently, was sick because of his dangerous criminal scared to death, who wanders in the vicinity of the castle.
"Tomorrow I will order him to arrest," he said to calm the patient.
- Oh no, no, please do not! - sobbed Cherry. "Arrest better than me, throw me into the darkest and deep dungeon, but do not touch Chipollino. Chipollino is such a good boy. Chipollino is my only one, my real friend!
Signor Parsley frightenedly visor:
- Baby Bit. Very hard case! ..
Sent over the most famous doctors.
At first, Dr. Signor Amanita came and prescribed the mixture of dried flies. But the medicine did not help. Then the doctor of Cherumukh appeared and stated that dried flies are very dangerous for diseases of this kind and that much more useful to wrap the patient in the sheet, soaked with Japanese cherry juice.
A dozen, the sheets pinched the cherry juice with juice, but the cherry did not become better.
- In my opinion, - suggested Dr. Artichok, - you need to put it with raw artichokes!
- With spines? Unscked strawberry.
- Must, otherwise the medicine will not benefit.
He began to treat Cherry with raw artichokes straight from the bed: the poor boy shouted and joked from the injections, as if the skin was lying from him.
- See you see? - spoke, rubbing his hands, Dr. Artichok. - The young graph has a strong reaction. Continue treatment!
- All this is nonsense and nonsense! - exclaimed the famous professor, Signor Salato Spinato. - What kind of donkey registered artichokes? Try to treat it with fresh salad.
The strawberry slowly sent for Dr. Kashtan, who lived in the forest under the big chestnut. He was called the doctor of the poor, because he prescribed very few drugs and paid for medicines from his own pocket.
When Dr. Kashtan approached the goal of the castle, the servants did not want to let him in, because he arrived not in the carriage, but on foot.
"A doctor without a carriage is probably a charlatan and passable," the servants said and they were going to slam the door in front of the doctor when Signor Parsley appeared.
Petrushka, as you remember, always said it is unknown from where. But this time he turned up by the way and ordered the doctor to let. Dr. Kashtan carefully examined the patient, told her tongue, felt the pulse, quietly asked Cherry a few questions, and then sheed his hands and said very sad and seriously:
Nothing hurts in the patient:
Pulse is fine and the heart is great
He is not sick with his spleen ...
Loneliness ruins a child!

- What are you implying? - Roughly broke his tomato.
- I do not hint, but I tell the truth. This boy is not sick with nothing - he is just melancholy.
- What is this disease? - asked Signor Graphing Senior.
She loved to be treated very much, and it was worth it to hear the name of some new, unknown disease, as she now found her. After all, the Countess was so rich that the costs of doctors and medicines were not frightened to her.
- This is not a disease, Signora Countess, is melancholy, sadness. The child needs a company, we need comrades. Why don't you send him to play with other children?
Oh, it would be better if he did not say that! On the poor doctor, a hail of reproes and insults fell on all sides.
- Immediately get out of the wind, - the Signor Tomato ordered, - I am a veil servants pour you out in your neck!
- Stimmer! - added Signor Countess younger. - We are ashamed that it was so vigilantly abused our hospitality and gullibility! You penetrated our home deception. If I just wanted, I could sue you for unauthorized and violent invasion of private ownership. Is it not true, Signor lawyer?
And she turned to Signor to the peas, which was always nearby when his help was required.
- Of course, Signora Countess! This is the grave criminal offense!
And the lawyer now marked in his notebook: "For consultation, the Council of Cherries in the case of the violent invasion of Dr. Chestnut in private possessions - ten thousand lira."

Chapter 9: Mouse Commander forced to give a signal to retreat

You, of course, want to know what they are arrested, that is, Kum Pumpkin, Professor Pear, Master Grape, Kuma Pumpkin and other villagers, whom Cavalier Tomato ordered to arrest and throw a castle in the dungeon.
Fortunately, Professor Pear captured the candle's grinding with him, knowing that the dungeons are very dark and full of mice. To drive the mice, Professor began playing the violin: mice do not like serious music. Hearing the piercing sounds of the violin, they set out the southwerry, the sickness of the opposite tool, whose voice was so reminded to them the feline meow.
However, in the end, the music brought out of himself not only mice, but also masters a grape. Professor Pear was a special melancholic temperament and always played only sad melodies, which wanted to cry.
Therefore, all arrested asked the violinist to stop the game. But barely came silence, the mice, as you understand, now went to the attack. They moved three columns. Commander-in-Chief - General Mouse-long-term led by the offensive:
- The first column goes to the left and first should capture the candle. But grief to someone who dares to eat her! I am your general, and I should be the first to put my teeth into her. The second column will come to the right and rush to the violin. This violin is made of halves of juicy pear and, it should be excellent. The third column will hit the forehead and should destroy the enemy.
The columns commanders explained the task of ordinary mice. General Mouse-long-haired drove in a tank. Actually, it was not a tank, but a clay shard, tied to tails of ten hefty mice.
Trumpeters protruded the attack, and in a few minutes the battle was over. However, the violin failed to devour the violin, as Professor raised her high above his head. But the candle disappeared, as if her wind was blown up, and our friends stayed in the dark.
Another thing disappeared, but you will learn later, which one.
Kum Pumpkin was incontent:
- Oh, and all this because of me!
- Why because of you? - Master of the grainwork blocked.
"If I didn't drive myself in my head, that I need to have my house, this trouble would not be angry with us!
- Yes, please feel free! - exclaimed Kuma Pumpkin. - After all, you can't put us in prison!
- I'm already an old man, why do I need a house? .. - continued to crush Kum Pumpkin. - I could spend the night under a bench in the park - there I would not prevent anyone. Friends, please call the jailers and tell them that I will give the house Cavalier Tomor and point out the place where we hid it.
- You will not tell you any word! - Master of the grapes became angry.
Professor Pear sadly pointed the strings of his violin and whispered:
- If you donate the jailers, where your house is hidden, you inlets in this case and kuma blueberries and ...
- Sh-sh-sh! - Cumped Kuma Pumpkin. - Do not call names: here and the walls have ears!
Everyone quit and began to frighten on the sides, but without a candle it was so dark that they could not see if they had ears.
And the ears in the walls were in fact. Rather, one ear: a round hole, from which a pipe went - something like a secret phone that passed everything that was said in the dungeon, sparkle in the cavalor room of the tomato. Fortunately, at that moment Signor Tomato did not listen, because he fussed the bed of a sick cherry.
In the coming silence, there were long sounds of the pipe: mice were preparing to repeat the attack. They were determined to capture the violin of Professor Pears.
To frighten them, the professor prepared to give a concert: he put the violin to the chin, inspired by the bow, and everyone had a breath.
Waiting lasted for quite a long time; In the end, the arrested persons turned out, and the tool did not publish a sound.
- That does not work? - the master of the grape was inquired.
- Oh, the mice left me half of the bow! - exclaimed a pear with tears in his voice. Indeed, the bow was all the Obgorodan, so that only a few centimeters remained from him. Without a bow, play, of course, it was impossible, and the mice had already passed into the offensive, the emitting formidable, militant clicks.
- Oh, and all this because of me! - sighed Kum Pumpkin.
- Stop sigten and help us, "said the master of the grape. "If you are so well able to sigh and moan, then you probably know how to meow."
- meow? - offended Kum Pumpkin. - I am surprised you: it seems that you have a serious man, and in this moment you jokes are joking!
The master of the grape did not become him and answered, and so masterfully jammed that the army of mice stopped.
- Mi-ah! Meow! - pulled a shoemaker.
- Meow! Meow! - He elaborated his professor. Without ceasing to mourn the ingressful death of his bow.
- I swear the memory of my late grandfather, the third mouse, the king of all cellars and storage houses that they brought here a cat! - exclaimed general mouse-long-haired, while slowing down his tank.
- General, we betrayed us! - screamed one of the columns commanders by running to it. - My column faced a whole division of attic cats and cats armed with teeth!
At the same time, his troops did not meet a single cat - they were just very frightened. And the fear, as you know, the eyes are great.

General Mouse-long-haired paw pallet his tail. When he was concerned, he always serves a paw tail, and from frequent friction, this part of his body suffered so that mice soldiers secretly called their commander by Generally tendy.
- the memory of my late ancestor, a long-term mice of the first, emperor of all barns, swear that traitors will pay for their cunning! And now give a signal to retreat.
Commanders did not make him repeat the order. The pipes played with a hangup, and the whole army immediately retired led by Generally tendy, which was uncompressed by the mice, which dragged his tank.
Thus, our friends courageously reflected the opponent's attack. Congratulating each other with a victory overwhelmed, they suddenly heard that someone calls a thin voice:
- Kum Pumpkin! Kum Pumpkin!
"Do you call me a professor?"
"No," said the pear, "not me."
- And I heard that someone cling me.
- Kuma Pumpkin, and Kuma Pumpkin! - again he rang the same voice. Pumpkin turned to the wizard of the grapework:
- Master of the grape, are you so sick?
- What's wrong with you? I don't think to squeak at all! I just desire the head, because I have one thought in my head.
- Kuma Pumpkin, but come off! - I heard a voice again. - This is me, strawberry!
- Where are you?
- I'm in the cavaller room of tomato and speak with you on his secret phone. You hear me?
- Yes, hear.
- And I wonder you perfectly. Tomato will soon come here. I asked for something to pass something.
- Who asked?
- Your buddy Chipollino. He says you do not worry. Rely on it. He will try to free you from prison. Just do not tell Signor Tomor, where there is a pumpkin house. Do not give up! Chipollino will arrange everything.
- We will not say anything to anyone and will wait! - answered for all the master grape. "But send Chipollino so that he hurry, because the mice are precipitated here and we do not know how long it is ruined. Can you somehow take us a candle and matches? We had a glass, but they ate it.
- Wait a little, I will come back now.
- Of course, wait. Where do we go!
After some time, the surrounding voice was heard again:
- Catch, I throw a candle!
I heard a rustling, and something knocked Cuma Pumpkin on the nose.
- Here, here she! - Joyfully shouted the old man.
In the sachet was a whole silent candle and a box of matches.
- Thank you, strawberry! - shouted all the choir.
- Goodbye, I need to see: Tomato goes!
Indeed, at that very MiG, Signor Tomato entered his room. Seeing the strawberry, which hung around his secret phone, Cavalier was terribly disturbed:
- What are you doing here?
- I clean this trap.
- What trap?
- This is this ... Is it not a mousetrap?
Tomato sighed with relief. "Thank God," he thought, "the maid is so stupid that she accepted my secret phone for a mousetrap!"
He chewed and even gave the strawberry paper from candy.
"Here they keep," he said generously, "you can lick this piece of paper." She is sweet, a caramel with rum was coarsed a year ago.
The strawberry bowed and thanked Kavalera:
- For seven years of service, you give me a third piece of paper from chocolates, your grace.
- You see! - Supported tomato. - So I am a good owner. We behave well, and you will be pleased.
"Who is waves, he satisfied," the approach answered the appointment and, bowing to his business again.
Cavalier Tomato Potor Hand, thinking about himself: "Now I will sit at my secret phone and listen about what they chatted. I find out, probably a lot of interesting things. Maybe I will even succeed in opening where they hide this damn house. "
However, prisoners who warned the landscape in time, heard that Signor Tomato is suitable for a rumor, and, deciding to give him a few pleasant moments, began to scold him on all the crusts.
Tomato and washed to shout: "So I am!" - But at the same time he did not want to detect himself.
Therefore, in order not to hear more offensive words, he found for the best to lie down on peace. Before bedtime, he tightly plugged his homemade phone with a rag, who had the most ordinary funnel instead of the tube, what kind of wine in the bottle were used for spill.
And in the dungeon, the master grape lit down a new candle.
Everyone looked up and, discovered a hole in the corner of the ceiling from a secret phone, mixed up the Signor Tomato, who must have burst from anger, overhearding the conversations of prisoners.
However, the fun lasted in prison for a short time. The intelligence mouse, seeing the light in the chamber, swayed, as things are, and, without spending time with nothing, rushed with the report to Generally adult.
"Your Excellency," she said fun, "the cats went away, and people have a new candle!"
- What? Candle?
Salyuks flowed at the elderly, and he licked the mustache, still retained the smell and taste of the first flag.
- Trubita collection! - he ordered at the same moment.
When the army was built, the general long-haired - that is, the general nestless - pronounced a fumeful speech:
- Bravets! Our dungeon in danger. Attack the enemy and grate with a battle candle. I eat it, of course, I myself, but before that I will allow everyone from you in turn to lick it. Forward, rodents?
The mice were powered from delight, raised their tails and rushed again into battle.
But this time the Master of the Grape prudently put the candle into a small deepening in the wall, between two bricks, highly from the floor. In vain mice tried to scribble on a smooth, slippery wall - they could not get to the candle. The most destructive praises a little violin professor of pear. But these crisp had to get out of the ravis, because Generally neutral, angry failure, decided to resort to rigor.
Without long conversations, he built his army in Shan and ordered the execution of each tenth for cowardice and a ladder.
On the same night an unexpected event occurred. Chipollino, strawberry and radish met in the garden in the hedge, to discuss the situation, and discussed him with such a heat that did not notice anything around. They did not notice and the PSA Mastino, who performed their guard bypass at this time. The dog found the guys and thrown on them as mad. With the girls, he did not mess around, but it was sipped on the legs of Chipollino and, pouring into his chest, ledal until Signor Tomato appeared and did not arrest the boy. You can imagine how the cavalier was pleased!
"To prove my special location to you," he said, mocking her chipollino, "I will put you into a special, dark camera." A simple prison is unworthy of such a scoundrel as you.
- Make a favor! - answered chipollyno not embarrassed.
And could he answer otherwise? Or maybe you believe that he should have been crying and ask for mercy?
No, Chipollino was from the honest onion family, which anyone can make cry, but he doesn't pay for no circumstances!

(to be continued)

Armons arrived the next day and immediately brought order in the village: they went around all the houses and arrested those who caught her arm.
One of the first was arrested by the Master of the Grape. The shoemaker captured a sewer with him to smoke at leisure of the head of the head, and, grumb, followed the police. But lemons took off his sewer.
- You do not have the right to take a weapon in prison! - They said to Mastere a grape.
- What should I scratch the back?
- When you want to scratch, say to someone from the bosses. Just we hurt your head!
And the lemmonchik tickled the shoemaker with a sharp saber.
Arrested and professors Pear.
He asked permission to capture a violin and a candle.
- Why do you need a candle?
- The wife says that the castle dungeon is very dark, and I need to learn new notes.
In a word, all residents of the village were arrested.
Only Signor Polka Dots remained at freedom, because he was a lawyer, and onions sometimes, because he was simply not found.
And the bow at all is not hiding: he calmly sat on his balcony. His mustache was stretched instead of the rods, and underwear was dried on them. Seeing the sheets, shirts and stockings, lemons passed by, without noticing the owner hanging in lover.
Kum Pumpkin walked behind the lemonciles, as usual, deeply sigh.
- What do you often sigh so often? - sternly asked his officer.
- How do I not sigh! I worked my whole century and only sighs copied. Every day by sigh ... Now I got them several thousand. Need them somehow to put it!
From women were arrested only by one kuma Pumpkin, and since she refused to go to prison, the police stumbled her from the legs and had proved to the very goal of the castle. After all, she was so round!
But no matter how hectors were lemon, but still they did not manage to arrest Chipollino, even though he was sitting on the fence along with one girl who was called the Redish, and dyingly looked at the police.
Passing by, the lemons even asked him and radishes, if they did not see anywhere in the dangerous rebel named Chipollino.
- Seen, saw! - screamed both. - He just climbed under the tri-native to your officer!
And, Khokhalo in all the throat, the guys drew away.
On the same day, Chipollino and radish went to the castle for exploration. Chipollino decided by all means freeing the prisoners, and radishes, of course, promised to help him in everything.

Head of the seventh

In which Cherry does not pay attention to the announcement of Signora Parsley
Castle shooting cherries stood on top of the hill. His surrounded by a huge park. The gate of the park hung an announcement, on one side of which it was written: "The entry is prohibited", and on the other: "Exit is prohibited."
The front side of the ad was designed for village guys to bring off their hunt to climb through the railway fence. And the other is a turnover - the side was a warning for the cherry, so that he did not want to go from the park somehow and go to the village to the guys.
Cherry walked over the park one-one-one. He cautiously walked along the smooth paths, all the time thinking about how not to step in a lacker on the flowerbed and not trample a bed. His mentor, Signor Parsushka, overwhelmed the ads on the entire fleet, in which it was stated that Cherry was allowed and that he was forbidden. So, by the pool with goldfish hung an inscription:
"It's prohibited by Cherry dip his hands in the water!"
It was here and another announcement:
"It is forbidden to talk with fish!"
In the middle of the flowering flower beds, the inscription was concerned:
"It is forbidden to touch flowers! The violator will be left without sweet. "
It was even here such a warning:
"The one who remembers the grass will have to write two thousand times the words:" I am a non-residential boy. "
All these inscriptions came up with Signor Parsley, home teacher and teacher of Cherry.
The boy asked somehow his hungry aunt for permission to go to the village school along with those guys who were so fun running past the castle, swinging the woven as if flags. But Signor Countess Senior came to horror:
- How can Cherry Count sit on one party with some simple peasant! It is unthinkable!
Signor Countess Younger confirmed:
- Cherries never sat on a rigid school bench! That was not and never will be!
In the end, Cherry hired a home teacher, Signora Parsley, who had an amazing property to pop up from where and always inappropriate. For example, if Cherry, preparing lessons, pay attention to a fly that climbed into the inkwell to write to write too, - now Signor Parsley will appear from anywhere. It will unfold his huge handkerchief with red and blue cells, unimports loudly and starts to read the poor Cherry:
- Never-off the boys who come off from their classes and look at the flies! All misfortunes begin with this. For one fly - the other, for her is the third, fourth, fifth ... Then these boys spot their eyes on spiders, cats, on all other animals and, of course, forget to cook lessons. But the one who does not teach lessons cannot become a unfortunate boy. An ungological boy is not a trustworthy person. And unreliable people sooner or later come to jail. So, Cherry, if you do not want to finish your days in prison, do not look more on the flies!
And if the cherry takes the album after the classroom lessons to make a little bit, - look, Signor Parsley is there again. He slowly unfolds a checkered handkerchief and again turns his own:
- Nearby those boys who lose time on paper! Who will they become when they grow up? At best - by the malariers, the dirty, poorly dressed by the poor, which for all days are small patterns on the walls, and then enter the prison, as they deserve! Cherry, do you want to go to jail? Think, Cherry!
Fearing prison, Cherry did not speak directly, for which he began.
Fortunately, sometimes Sign Parsushka has happened to sleep a little or sit in his pleasure behind the bottle of grape vodka. In these rare minutes, Cherry was free. However, Signor Parsley and then managed to remind Cherry about himself: his instructive inscriptions were hung everywhere. This gave him the opportunity to build an extra piece. Resting under the shady tree, he was sure that his pupil does not lose time with a gift and, walking around the park, assimilates useful instructions.

But when Cherry passed by these ads, he usually removed the glasses. Thus, he did not see what was written on the planks, and could safely think about what he wanted.
So, Cherry walked around the park, indulging in his thoughts. How suddenly he heard that someone calls him a thin voice:
- Signor Cherry! Signor Cherry!
Cherry turned around and saw the boy's fence about alone with him, poorly dressed, with a merry and intention. Behind the boy was a girl about ten years old. Her hair was braided into a pigtail, which was similar to the tooth of radishes.
Cherry was politely bowed and said:
- Hello, Signora! I have no honor to know you, but the acquaintance with you will be quite nice.
- So why don't you get closer?
- Unfortunately, I can not: Here we have posted an announcement that I am forbidden to talk to the children from the village.
- Yes, we are children from the village, but you are already talking to us!
- And, in this case, I go to you now!
Cherry was very well-bought and shy boy, but in decisive minutes I knew how to act boldly, without regard. He moved straight on the grass, forgotten that it was forbidden to trample, and approached the lattice of the fence.
"My name is radish," the girl introduced itself. - But this chipollino.
- Very nice, Signorina. Signor Chipollino. I already heard about you.
- From whom is it?
- From the cavalier of tomato.
- Well, probably, he did not say anything good about me.
- Of course not. But it was because I thought that you should have a wonderful boy. And I see that I was not mistaken.
Chipollino smiled:
- Well, wonderful! So why are we ceremony and speak "you", as if old courtes? Come on "You"!
Cherry immediately remembered the inscription on the doors of the kitchen, which was reading: "Nobody say" you "!" This ad Teacher posted after Cherry and the strawberry for a friendly conversation once found. Nevertheless, Cherry decided to violate now and this rule. He answered fun:
- I agree. We will be on "you".
Radish was terribly satisfied:
- What did I tell you, Chipollino? See, Cherry is a very nice boy!
"Thank you, Signorina," said Cherry with a bow. But right there, blushing, I added simply: thanks, the radical!
All three fun laughed. At first, the cherry smiled only by the corner of the mouth, not forgetting the instructions of the Signora Parsley, who had repeatedly said that good-spinning boys laugh out loud out loud. But then, having heard how Chipollino and radish laughs loudly, he also began to laugh at the heart.
Such a belling and cheerful laughter never heard in the castle.
Both noble countess at that moment were sitting on the veranda and drank tea.
Signor Countess Senior heard the explosions of laughter and said:
- I hear some strange noise!
Signora Countess younger nodded head:
- I also hear some sounds. It must be rain.
"I dare to notice you, the sister, that there is no rain," said Signora's senior sygrid.
- No, so it will be! - Decisively objected Signor Countess younger and looked at the sky to find confirmation there for their words.
However, the sky was so clean, as if it was drunk and wicked five minutes ago. No cloud visible on it.
- I think this is noise fountain, - again the beginning of the Signora Grandman's senior.
- Our fountain cannot make noise. You also know that there is no water in it.
- Obviously, the gardener repaired him.
Tomato also heard a strange noise and excited.
"In the dungeon of the castle," he thought, "there is a lot of arrested. It is necessary to be on guard, and how much would not happen! "
He decided to get around the park and suddenly behind the castle, where the road was held on the village, came across all three guys who had fun talking among themselves.
If the sky turned around and angels fell out to the ground, the cavalier of the tomato would not be so amazed.
Cherry bay grass! Cherry on a friend talks with two overannacles! .. Yes, no one: in one of these two overannants, Signor Tomato immediately recognized the boy, who made him recently shed bitter tears!
Cavalier Tomato came to rabies. His face was so stuffed that if the firefighters were nearby, they would immediately raise the alarm.
- Signor Graf! - screamed the tomato with no voice.
Cherry turned around, pale and pressed against the lattice.
"My friends," he whispered, "Run, while the tomato is still far away." I will not dare to do anything, and you are not unlought! Bye!
Chipollino and radish rushed from all legs, but for a long time heard the furious Cavallar screams.
- This time, radish said with a sigh, - our campaign failed!
But Chipollino only smiled:
- And in my opinion, today a very good day. We have a new friend, and this is quite a lot!
Overcoming, this new friend, that is, Cherry, waited for an imbum-free head, the most severe retribution from Signora Tomato, from Signora Parsushki, from the syntoras of the Senior Countess, from the Signora Countess Jr., from Baron Orange and Duke Mandarin.
Both noble relatives have long understood that anyone who exists Cherry, delivers this pleasure to his aunt's countess, and did not miss the case of the collapse of the defenseless boy. To all this, he has long been accustomed to.
But this time the cherry stood a lump in his throat, and he hardly held back tears. It was not frightened by all these screams, ukoles, threats. What the case was to him before the shrill squeezes of both techniques, to the boring morals of the sytic parsley and the toothless ridicule of the Duke of Mandarin! Nevertheless, he felt very unhappy. For the first time in my life, he found friends, for the first time he argued and laughed from the bottom of his heart - and now he is again one ...
Since the minute, like Chipollino and Radish escaped down the hill, they disappeared for him forever. Will he ever see them? Whatever Cherry did not give to be again with the guys there, free, where there are no ads and prohibitions where you can run on the grass and tear flowers!
For the first time in the life of Cherry, he felt in the heart of that strange unbearable pain, which is called suffering. It was too much for him, and Cherry felt that he could not bear such a flour.
He rushed to the ground and desperately buried.
Cavalier Tomato raised him, put him under the mouse, like a knot, and went along the Alley in the castle.

The head of the eighth

How did they drive from the castle of Dr. Kashnap
Cherry baked the whole evening. Duke Mandarin only did that he teasing him.
"Our young graph is all overlooking tears," he said. - Unless the bone remains from Cherry!
Baron Orange, as some very thick people happen, still preserved a little good nature. To comfort Cherry, he suggested him a piece of his cake. True, a very small piece, just one crumb. But, taking into account the voraler of Baron, it should be assessed by its generosity. But both Countess not only did not try to console the cherry, but even mocked her tears.
- Our nephew can replace a spoiled fountain in the park! - Signor said Sinior Senior.
- Fountain tears! - laughed Signor Countess younger.
"Tomorrow," Signor Petrushka threatened, "I will make you write you three thousand times:" I don't have to cry at the table, for I interfere with the digestion of adults. "
When finally became clear that Cherry was not going to stop crying, he was sent to bed.
The strawberry tried, as he knew how to calm the poor boy, but nothing helped. The girl was so upset that herself began to cry with him.
"Now stop roaring, a disjacious girl," Signor hijacked the Senior Countess, "I'm not worth you!"
From the grief, Cherry even fell ill. He began such a chills that the bed was shaking under him, and from his cough was trembling in the windows of glass.
In nonsense, he called all the time:
- Chipollino! Chipollino! Radish! Radish!
Signor Tomato said that the child, apparently, was sick because of his dangerous criminal scared to death, who wanders in the vicinity of the castle.
"Tomorrow I will order him to arrest," he said to calm the patient.
- Oh no, no, please do not! - sobbed Cherry. "Arrest better than me, throw me into the darkest and deep dungeon, but do not touch Chipollino. Chipollino is such a good boy. Chipollino is my only one, my real friend!
Signor Parsley frightenedly visor:
- Baby Bit. Very hard case! ..
Sent over the most famous doctors.
At first, Dr. Signor Amanita came and prescribed the mixture of dried flies. But the medicine did not help. Then the doctor of Cherumukha II said that dried flies are very dangerous for diseases of this kind and that it would be much more useful to wrap the patient in a sheet, soaked with Japanese cherry juice.
A dozen, the sheets pinched the cherry juice with juice, but the cherry did not become better.
- In my opinion, - suggested Dr. Artichok, - you need to put it with raw artichokes!
- With spines? Unscked strawberry.
- Must, otherwise the medicine will not benefit.
He began to treat Cherry with raw artichokes straight from the bed: the poor boy shouted and joked from the injections, as if the skin was lying from him.
- See you see? - spoke, rubbing his hands, Dr. Artichok. - The young graph has a strong reaction. Continue treatment!
- All this is nonsense and nonsense! - exclaimed the famous professor, Signor Salato Spinato. - What kind of donkey registered artichokes? Try to treat it with fresh salad.
The strawberry slowly sent for Dr. Kashtan, who lived in the forest under the big chestnut. He was called the doctor of the poor, because he prescribed very few drugs and paid for medicines from his own pocket.
When Dr. Kashtan approached the goal of the castle, the servants did not want to let him in, because he arrived not in the carriage, but on foot.
"A doctor without a carriage is probably a charlatan and passable," the servants said and they were going to slam the door in front of the doctor when Signor Parsley appeared.
Petrushka, as you remember, always said it is unknown from where. But this time he turned up by the way and ordered the doctor to let. Dr. Kashtan carefully examined the patient, told her tongue, felt the pulse, quietly asked Cherry a few questions, and then sheed his hands and said very sad and seriously:

Nothing hurts in the patient:
Pulse is fine and the heart is great
He is not sick with his spleen ...
Loneliness ruins a child!
- What are you implying? - Roughly broke his tomato.
- I do not hint, but I tell the truth. This boy is not sick with nothing - he is just melancholy.
- What is this disease? - asked Signor Graphing Senior.
She loved to be treated very much, and it was worth it to hear the name of some new, unknown disease, as she now found her. After all, the Countess was so rich that the costs of doctors and medicines were not frightened to her.
- This is not a disease, Signora Countess, is melancholy, sadness. The child needs a company, we need comrades. Why don't you send him to play with other children?
Oh, it would be better if he did not say that! On the poor doctor, a hail of reproes and insults fell on all sides.
- Immediately get out of the wind, - the Signor Tomato ordered, - I am a veil servants pour you out in your neck!
- Stimmer! - added Signor Countess younger. - We are ashamed that it was so vigilantly abused our hospitality and gullibility! You penetrated our home deception. If I just wanted, I could sue you for unauthorized and violent invasion of private ownership. Is it not true, Signor lawyer?
And she turned to Signor to the peas, which was always nearby when his help was required.
- Of course, Signora Countess! This is the grave criminal offense!
And the lawyer now marked in his notebook: "For consultation of the Councils of Cherries in the case of the violent invasion of Dr. Kashtan in private possessions - ten thousand lira."

Ninth chapter

Mouse commander-in-chief is forced to give a signal to retreat
You, of course, want to know what they are arrested, that is, Kum Pumpkin, Professor Pear, Master Grape, Kuma Pumpkin and other villagers, whom Cavalier Tomato ordered to arrest and throw a castle in the dungeon.
Fortunately, Professor Pear captured the candle's grinding with him, knowing that the dungeons are very dark and full of mice. To drive the mice, Professor began playing the violin: mice do not like serious music. Hearing the piercing sounds of the violin, they set out the southwerry, the sickness of the opposite tool, whose voice was so reminded to them the feline meow.

However, in the end, the music brought out of himself not only mice, but also masters a grape. Professor Pear was a special melancholic temperament and always played only sad melodies, which wanted to cry.
Therefore, all arrested asked the violinist to stop the game.
But barely came silence, the mice, as you understand, now went to the attack. They moved three columns. Commander-in-Chief - General Mouse-long-term led by the offensive:
- The first column goes to the left and first should capture the candle. But grief to someone who dares to eat her! I am your general, and I should be the first to put my teeth into her. The second column will come to the right and rush to the violin. This violin is made of halves of juicy pear and, it should be excellent. The third column will hit the forehead and should destroy the enemy.
The columns commanders explained the task of ordinary mice. General Mouse-long-haired drove in a tank. Actually, it was not a tank, but a clay shard, tied to tails of ten hefty mice.
Trumpeters protruded the attack, and in a few minutes the battle was over. However, the violin failed to devour the violin, as Professor raised her high above his head. But the candle disappeared, as if her wind was blown up, and our friends stayed in the dark.
Another thing disappeared, but you will learn later, which one.
Kum Pumpkin was incontent:
- Oh, and all this because of me!
- Why because of you? - Master of the grainwork blocked.
"If I didn't drive myself in my head, that I need to have my house, this trouble would not be angry with us!
- Yes, please feel free! - exclaimed Kuma Pumpkin. - After all, you can't put us in prison!
- I'm already an old man, why do I need a house? .. - continued to crush Kum Pumpkin. - I could spend the night under a bench in the park - there I would not prevent anyone. Friends, please call the jailers and tell them that I will give the house Cavalier Tomor and point out the place where we hid it.
- You will not tell you any word! - Master of the grapes became angry.
Professor Pear sadly pointed the strings of his violin and whispered:
- If you donate the jailers, where your house is hidden, you inlets in this case and kuma blueberries and ...
- Sh-sh-sh! - Cumped Kuma Pumpkin. - Do not call names: here and the walls have ears!
Everyone quit and began to frighten on the sides, but without a candle it was so dark that they could not see if they had ears.
And the ears in the walls were in fact. Rather, one ear: a round hole, from which a pipe went - something like a secret phone that passed everything that was said in the dungeon, sparkle in the cavalor room of the tomato. Fortunately, at that moment Signor Tomato did not listen, because he fussed the bed of a sick cherry.
In the coming silence, there were long sounds of the pipe: mice were preparing to repeat the attack. They were determined to capture the violin of Professor Pears.
To frighten them, the professor prepared to give a concert: he put the violin to the chin, inspired by the bow, and everyone had a breath.
Waiting lasted for quite a long time; In the end, the arrested persons turned out, and the tool did not publish a sound.
- That does not work? - the master of the grape was inquired.
- Oh, the mice left me half of the bow! - exclaimed a pear with tears in his voice.
Indeed, the bow was all the Obgorodan, so that only a few centimeters remained from him. Without a bow, play, of course, it was impossible, and the mice had already passed into the offensive, the emitting formidable, militant clicks.
- Oh, and all this because of me! - sighed Kum Pumpkin.
- Stop sigten and help us, "said the master of the grape. "If you are so well able to sigh and moan, then you probably know how to meow."
- meow? - offended Kum Pumpkin. - I am surprised you: it seems that you have a serious man, and in this moment you jokes are joking!
The master of the grape did not become him and answered, and so masterfully jammed that the army of mice stopped.
- Mi-ah! Meow! - pulled a shoemaker.
- Meow! Meow! - He elaborated his professor. Without ceasing to mourn the ingressful death of his bow.
- I swear the memory of my late grandfather, the third mouse, the king of all cellars and storage houses that they brought here a cat! - exclaimed general mouse-long-haired, while slowing down his tank.
- General, we betrayed us! - screamed one of the columns commanders by running to it. - My column faced a whole division of attic cats and cats armed with teeth!
At the same time, his troops did not meet a single cat - they were just very frightened. And the fear, as you know, the eyes are great.
General Mouse-long-haired paw pallet his tail. When he was concerned, he always serves a paw tail, and from frequent friction, this part of his body suffered so that mice soldiers secretly called their commander by Generally tendy.
- the memory of my late ancestor, a long-term mice of the first, emperor of all barns, swear that traitors will pay for their cunning! And now give a signal to retreat.
Commanders did not make him repeat the order. The pipes played with a hangup, and the whole army immediately retired led by Generally tendy, which was uncompressed by the mice, which dragged his tank.
Thus, our friends courageously reflected the opponent's attack. Congratulating each other with a victory overwhelmed, they suddenly heard that someone calls a thin voice:
- Kum Pumpkin! Kum Pumpkin!
"Do you call me a professor?"
"No," said the pear, "not me."
- And I heard that someone cling me.
- Kuma Pumpkin, and Kuma Pumpkin! - again he rang the same voice. Pumpkin turned to the wizard of the grapework:
- Master of the grape, are you so sick?

You will need

  • - Urea (carbamide) - Mineral fertilizer
  • - Double superphosphate and sulfate potassium
  • - Fungicides "Horu", "Sorrow", "Topaz", copper sulphate
  • - Insecticide "Aktara" (or "Fufanon")
  • - Secatener, hacksaw
  • - "Pharmiode" or 5% solution of copper
  • - "Rannet" or "Living Cora" - Preparations for processing space of a branch
  • - Operatoes Sadovaya


At the end of March (for sleeping kidneys), treat trees of bone crops with 5-7% urea solution (carbamide). For this, 500-700 g of fertilizer in 10 liters of water are dissolved. Spray thoroughly crown, trunk and a rolling circle for each tree. In such a high concentration of urea, it acts not only, but also as a very effective fungicide.

In the phase "Green cone" (the kidneys just crossed) spray trees with a solution of the drug "Horus".

In the Pink Bud phase (before flowering) or even in the flowering phase spray a tree with a solution of the drug "Sorrow".
Fungicides will not harm insect pollinators, so you can use this effective drug directly on the flowers without fears.

10 days after flowering, spray the cherry with a tank mixture of 3 drugs: "Topaz", "Aktara" and "Bud".
Preparations according to the instructions (at the rate of each on 10 liters of water) add to 1 liter of water, stir and bring up to 10 liters, stirring.
"Topaz" - fungicide from moniliosis, "Aktara" - insecticide from pest insects, weakening cherry, "bud" - a stimulator for better fruit.

With the appearance of the slightest signs of moniliosis - taking the flowers, the sorcement of leaves, - immediately it is necessary to remove the sick branch, capturing 15 cm. Healthy part of escape. All the affected areas of the branches must be burned.
The tool after working with a problem tree to be disinfected by the "pharmium" or copper sulfate solutions (1% and 3%, respectively) so as not to transfer infection to healthy plants.

In July - August (after harvest), it is necessary to swift the crown of Cherchers to give her the opportunity to be well ventilated and lit by the sun. It is necessary to remove old bumps, cut thickening young shoots.
Sections need to be dried and handled the "Ranne" or "Live Cruel".

At the end of August, the beginning of September is to bring fertilizer-raising fertilizer circles that increase the immunity of plants and increase stress resistance - 300 g of double superphosphate and 150 g of potassium sulfate (not chloride!) On one adult tree.
On a 2-3-year-old cherry, respectively, 30 and 15 g.

This tale is familiar with everyone since childhood. A bright cartoon did not leave anyone indifferent to the heroes. And the characters of the fairy tale "Chipollino" are vegetables that are familiar with all the kids. But the naughty fairy tale written by the Italian had a political subtext. After all, the simple people personified simple vegetables that were present in the poor menu: pumpkin, onions, radish, grapes, peas, pear. They are opposed to aristocracy, that is, the products that were only on the tables of the highest segments of the population. This is a lemon, artichoke, tomato, cherries, cherries.

Vegetable fairy tale

Chipollino's adventure is an Italian communist writer. It shows the struggle of the lower layers of society with the highest and celebration of justice. Not in vain it was so popular in the times of the Soviet Union. By the way, it was in our country a fairy tale first printed after her exit in his native Italy (on the Apennines it was published by the magazine "Pionarian" in 1951). In 1953, I translated the "Adventures of Chipollino" Z. Potapova, and S. Ya Marshak edited work. This book instantly became a bestseller, it began to translate it into other languages. And in 1961, the very cartoon created on the script of Mstislav Pashchenko came to the screens.

For whom a fairy tale is written?

Boy onion, Uncle Pumpkin, Prince Lemon, Count from the fairy tale "Chipollino" is only a small part of characters invented by Janni Rodari. This fairy tale, although describes the struggle of a simple population with aristocrats who are tormented by people, teaches many everyday truths. For example, it challenges the dignity of labor, teaches not to give up in difficult situations, look for way out, be bold and be friends truly. And on the example of vegetables you can learn to unite, help each other in trouble, sympathize.

The fairy tale of Rodari "Chipollino" for children of six-seven years has been written. It is at this age that you can already read the full text of the work. But on sale you can find a lightweight version for kids older than four years. It contains bright beautiful illustrations. It should be recognized that both adults will also like the reading of a work that can remind us cloudless and happy childhood.

Plot works

So, what happened to the bow, a pumpkin, a radical, cherry, lemon and other characters, and what role did the graph play from the Fairy Tale "Chipollino"? It is worth noting that the plot is very dynamic. The work begins with the description of the amazing country of vegetables and fruits. Here reigns its laws, and there is your ruler - the cruel prince of Lemon. This tyrant has special fragrant skin, behind which he carefully cares. But simple "people" live here. For example, the bow and its family, the view and the smell of which causes tears. Another significant character is a poor pumpkin uncle, which dreams of having his own home. And although it works from early morning to twilight, he cannot build a dwelling. But Signor Tomato, Cherry Countess, like other aristocrats, live in the palace, and the lacrims of the poor, they can also take away, for example, for the needs of their dogs.

The boy Chipollino, Naughty and Fair, could not stay indifferent, looking at the suffering of his uncle Pumpkin. It joins the unfortunate old man and provokes the beginning of the class struggle. They are supported by other poor people, some of them are in the end appear in prison. Lemon, meanwhile, introduces new taxes in the country literally on everything and orders the detective with a dog to find a rebel.

The first thing the Chipollino saves the Father's prison and other prisoners, with the help of the music "Arriving around the finger" of non-farming guards. And then leaves the pursuers and hides the house of pumpkins in the forest. Thanks to his mind, a mixture and support of friends, the boy spreads with tyrants and wins. Chipollino is a key character, but not only he won enemies with his friends. The folk anger, as well as the reasonable fear, which they experienced before the rebels ruled. Bold commoners, not afraid of a gun aimed at them, resolutely put the insolent to the place. Justice enthusiassed!

Characters "Chipollino"

As mentioned earlier, all the heroes of fairy tales are fruits and vegetables. Here are their short list:

  • Chipollino is the main character and started;
  • Chipollo - Father Chipollino;
  • Chipollino brothers;
  • Uncle Pumpkin;
  • supozhnik grape;
  • radish girl;
  • Cherry - a graph from the "Chipollino" fairy tale, which sympathizes the poor;
  • polka dot lawcrew;
  • fute carrots;
  • evil signor tomato;
  • countess Cherry;
  • prince Lemon;
  • baron Orange;
  • duke Mandarin.

In addition to the main characters in the fairy tale, the maid of strawberries are involved, music teacher Pear, Gardener onion, bearere, beans, blueberries, artichoke, parsley, chestnut, amanita and even some beasts. But their roles are episodic.

Little sirota

There is one character in a fairy tale about which you want to tell a little more. This is a count Cherry, a nephew shoot a cherry. He was a round orphan and lived in his rich relatives. It is worth noting that the syntoras did not fight the little boy. Cherry forced all the time to do lessons - today's and tomorrow, then solve the challenges to infinity, learn everything by heart. At the same time, the sygrids were angry if he took the books from the Library of the Castle, worried that he did not spoil them. From mental overvoltage, the boy often sick. And he sympathized with only one person - the maid of the strawberry. She then fed Count secret from the Council.

The boy suffered from lack of attention, love and caress. At the same time, he annoyed the constant reproaches of Signor, as well as stupid bans that poured on his head. For example, he was not allowed to talk with fish, dipped hands into the pool, mive grass in the garden. Cherry dreamed of going to a regular school, because of it, the guys ran with a cheerful laughter after lessons. He bored frankly, so he was happy to speak with Chipollino and Redish, and then helped them.

A little about cartoon

As already mentioned, the Soyuzmult Film studio was released an animation, which was immediately loved by children and adults. Initially, the script author planned to transfer the entire plot of Rodari's fairy tales to the screen. A monologue was also provided for the scene, which explained and commented on to the viewer, everything that happens. However, the director's director (they decided differently: he created a picture of a simpler, easy for perception, but this is no less interesting.

For example, significantly reduced the scene, where the graph is ill. From the fairy tale "Chipollino" cut off the long and severe disease of the cherry (in the cartoon he recovers the same evening), as many as two days from the life of the prisoners of vegetables, the root of the rich. All this strongly distracted from the main storyline - the struggle of a simple people with oppressors. Nevertheless, the cartoon entered the glory: an interesting story was supplemented with colorful characters drawn by talented artists, wonderful music of Karen Khachaturian, witty phrases, which were immediately covered.

Instead of pre-school

Favorite cartoon can be watching at least every day, because he never bored. In addition to this peculiar classic of Soviet animation art, I want to reread the work of Gianni Rodari to infinity, the old and good fairy tale. Who does not dream that our children experience the delight that we felt in those distant years? Therefore, give the Chipollino kids in the form of a book or a cartoon, they will appreciate such a gift! And then, together, draw the hero, which has become practically relatives to many generations.