Talking the buttercup and bug with what voice to read. Poems Tokmakova. Talk of old willow and rain

A. A. Fet "Butterfly"

You're right. One

aerial outline

I'm so sweet.

All velvet mine

with his lively migan -

Only two wings.

Do not ask:

where did it come from?

Where to spend?

Here on flower i

lightly lowered

And here - breathing.

Long, without a goal,

without an effort

I want to breathe?

That's right now, shifting

raskin Wings

M. Druzhinina

- Hello, cute bee!

How is your health? How are you?

- Everything is fine! All the buzz!

Sorry, I'm hurried!

I. Tokmakova "Talking Litch and Bug"

- Buttercup, buttercup, what are you laughing?

- Yes, you tick me,

So leaflets you tickle

What you do not want - kill!

K. D. Balmont "Komariki-Makariki"

Komariki stiff

Stiff and noisy

Crowded into a whole swarm,

Hung over water.

Funny letuny


Spare mosquitoes:

"It will be buzzing to you,

Caught Sudders,


Pretty you fly ",

And he began to swallow them.

M. Moravskaya "Two Beetles"

There were two beetles,

two beetles.

Their life was easier:

Dance, holding the sides.

Field Trepaca.

Teases OS and spider.

Nothing worried about

Everyone is buzzing and having fun - two beetles.

Two beetles of cheerful,

In green camsoles,

In red shoes,

On thin legs.

L. N. Modzalevsky "Motyl"

"Tell me, Moth,

What do you live, my friend?

How don't you get tired


"I live the average meadow,

In the brilliance of the summer day;

Frames of flowers -

That's my food!

But the short one is my age -

He is not a routine day;

Be kind, man,

And do not touch me! "

E. Moshkovskaya "Grasshopper"

He jumped on the road ...

And I really put the leg and almost came!

And I almost killed!

How he jumped that grasshopper, he is fun!

He is alive!

Good thing I noticed!

Well, that he is alive!

Issues for discussion

O com poem A. A. Feta? What does a butterfly look like? How does the poet talk about her airiness? ("With one air outline I am so sweet.") What is the color of the butterfly wings? What does the poet compare her wings? What is the butterfly eat? Remember the lines from the poem, in which the poet says that the butterfly lives without worries. ("Li, without a goal, without an effort ...")

Have you ever seen a bee? What is she? How many legs have it? What is the bee? What kind of benefits do people bring a bee? What a delicious product gives us a bee? Where do the bees live? What is the name of their house?

What does a mosquito look like? How many legs does he have? What is his nose? How does he buzz? Who loves to enjoy mosquito?

Who is a moth? What is he? How many legs does he have? Let's tell me about the Motilla of the Streets from the poem L. N. Modzalevsky. ("I live the average meadows ...")

What color grasshopper? How many legs does he have? What are his legs, what is unusual in them? How is the grasshopper moving? Listen to the poem E. Moshkovskaya about the grasshopper. What happened on the track? What is the biggest boy delighted?

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Text Content Slides Presentation:
Literary reading lesson in grade 1: and. Brewovarova "Culinary - Puffy" about. Grigoriev "knock" and. Tokmakova "Conversation Buttercups and Bugs" Compiled by: Belyaeva Irina Vladimirovistributor of primary class. CategoryMo Sosh with. Cremoto rang the bell fun, invites you to a lesson. Everything from the party has been calmly, starting exactly on time. I'll sit down, not breaking silence, and Tikhonechko, the Little Lesson is now a lesson.
Checking homework. 13 - prepare an expressive reading of the poem by heart (by choice) Setting the purpose of the lesson Read the proposal at first slowly, and then quickly and clearly: hedgehog - hedgehogo. Horror. Sorry-skinned Combines these proposals? - What is a patter?

Studying a new material1. Working the reading skill game "Top" with. 15 Working with textbookskulika - Puliaki- Do you think that you indicate the words "Culinary Pillocks"? - What feelings do these words cause you? - Consider illustrations for this poem. - What do you think about whom (or what) is it a poem?

Analysis of the work - what did the dogs do first? And Chizhiki? - What has changed in the second quatrain? - Read the second quatrain. - What words began to "stitched"? - Read the third quatrain. - What words "Shalyat" now? - Read the words "Culinary Pillika" on the right to the left .- As made up These words? - Replace in the word "pulley" letter "P" on "K". - Replace in the word "culinary" the letter "K" on "P". - Now read the name of the poem. - In the title of the work "Shalyat" letters, and in the poem "Shalyat" words. What words "Shalyat"? "Culinary - Puffy" - Try to make other fun words from words.

Work in parachi- Read each other poem "Culinary Puffy" first slowly, but in whole words, and then quickly
Fizkultminutka. The suitcase flew over the sea, there was a sofa in the suitcase, and an elephant was hidden in the sofa. Who does not believe - go out! from. 14 Work with textbooks- Read the poem of expressive. - At what point of reading did you have a sense of surprise? Why? - What helped the poet to create this poem? - What is unusual in it? - At what point did you have a sense of surprise? Consider these lines.

C. We are working with the textbook "Talking Lucc and Bug" - read the poem yourself, observing the punctuation marks.

Analysis of the work - Did you laugh while reading the poem? Why? - Have you been shy? - What sounds create such sensations? - Read the cheerful dialogue on the roles, passing intonation.
Games Grandfather Bulk Fair "Words are more than letters." The outcome of the lesson. Reflection. - What works did we meet in the lesson? - What unites the poems "Talk and Burning" poems and "Culinary Puffy"? - What is unusual in the poem "knock" O. Grigoriev? - What poem liked most? - Why?

Homework P. 14 - 15 - prepare reading speaking by heart (by choice)

Irina Tokmakova


Since childhood I remembered these words,
But no more beautiful and easier
For the city name - city Moscow,
For Square - Red Square.

There are many other areas in the world,
Heroes in the world a lot,
But how many brave people were here,
Perhaps nowhere happened.

Who in the sea goes, who flies into space,
The route is dangerous,
But everyone considers the beginning
Stroller on the square of red.

Here you will meet guests from the capital of any:
Paris, Warsaw, Algeria.
Let's go with you today
On the starting area of \u200b\u200bthe world.

Cheerful pictures, 1987, №11.

Buy a dog!

Not a camel, not a cow,
Not bison, not a horse,
I ask you
So that puppy
You bought for me.

Pensik -
Tail, four feet-
Many space will not take place.
He is not an elephant and not gorilla,
Not a boar, not a hippopotam.

Eats in a new apartment,
It will also be new.
He is not a wolf and not a fox,
Not a bear and did not dare.

Pinsik will eat quite a bit:
In the kitchen bone shrinks.
He is not lynx, not lion, not the Puma,
Not dolphin, not coushlot!

I came up with a puppy name
And he saw him in a dream.
I dream: here's tomorrow
My puppy came to me!

Murzilka, 1985, №9.

For help! In a large waterfall
Fell a young leopad!
Oh, no! Young leopard
Fell into a large waterpart.
What to do - again the nefple.
Hold on, dear leopad,
Relieving, dear leopard!
Again, it does not come around.

Tram, 1995, №6.

My neighbor dawn
Compound offended:
Here will come offense
And we are ready - the future.

I will tell her - you are crow,
And she is me - you are a degrahar
I will tell her - Macarona,
And she is me - you are a tear.
I am a mouse!
She is me - rats!
Still, what did we start?
For what we are offended,
We stand out:
We are very different with daw
Never offend!

Murzilka, 1985, №9.

Gave a dog

No, not just said
In fact, gave
On the birthday of the birthday gave
Very nice puppy!
He is tiny while.
From him such a forest
Warm-warm smell.
He goes funny-funny
Confused in the paws.
Will grow my puppy -
He is corrected, alive!

Cheerful pictures, 1986, №10.

Sun goes in a circle.
Sleeps in the forest of Losich.
We go with you in the meadow
Quiet, quietly, quiet.

We will go on the edge,
We will find a path.
Forty on the top
The beak cleans the back.

Vaughn on the stone roadside
As if brought to the ground,
Caution, carefully
Lizard sleeping.

Pulls to the sun bouton
Zver wortful ...
We have a tape recorder,
Not simple, magical.

He is on a thin film
Writes conversations:
That Komar said a bunny
Frog spores.

Those words that bell
Tells the pionee.
He writes all the tape recorder
On a magical film.

All day he walks with us,
And the evening will come,
Talk translate
In the sounds of our speech.

Quiet, quiet, nor a word!
We pressed the button.
So what a river asked
Narrow trail?

And what did the wind told about
Leaves of wild pear?
We will learn everything in the world.
Sorry, listen.

Wind conversation and ox

Hello, wind,
Wind, hello!
Where are you flying, swirl?
What rose to dawn?
Wait, talk!

I hurry, osinka, in the city,
I carry hello heach,
Must them today
Dissection to addresses.

Squares and alleys,
Lanterns, tunnels are humor,
Crossroads and houses
I will give.

From paths and tracks,
From rowan-tonkonozhek,
From kalinov bushes,
From raspberries, drokes.

To the city become spring,
So that fun comes there
So that smelled there in the spring
Light joy of forest.

Talk of old willow and rain

Forty by the road
Twenty to the meadow ...
- What are you, raining, do you think?
Maybe I will help?

Two under the old fir
Near a stack - six ...
- What are you, raining, think
Do you not consider?

Well, how do I calculate?
Long to trouble!
Suddenly not enough for everyone
I have water? ..

Talking buttercups and bug

Buttercup, butcher, what are laughing?
- Why do you tick me!
So leaves you tickle
What you do not want - kill!

Murzilka, 1975, №7.


Rain drops dropped
Like a pea.
I heard, asked:
- You're not sleeping, Alyoshenka?

Sparrow Gomonat,
Seville in a row on the acklock.
- Good morning! - They say
Heard through the window.

Light tulle from the breeze
On the window pegs.
Radio from afar:
- Good morning! - hears.

With good morning, - I sing
Mom, dad, grandmother,
And rain and sparrow,
And herbushka-musuk.

Good morning! - I scream
So that the pogre came out.
So that in the whole country, I want,
People were heard!

I jumped out of bed quickly,
Papin I turned on the transistor,
I answered someone in it:
- with kind morning, with good morning
And with a good day!

Murzilka, 1985, №9.

Soon to school

What a joyful message!
I will soon be exactly six.
And if a person is six,
And he has a notebook,
And the knead is, and there is a form,
And counting sticks do not read
And he tries to read,
Then, it means, he (more precisely - I),
Then he means (or rather - I),
He is going to school!

Murzilka, 1985, №9.


Far forest stands wall,
And in the forest, in the wilderness of the forest,
Owl sits on bitch.
There is a grove of a mustache.
They say a mustache
Knows sleepy words.
How to whisper your words
Immediately hurt my head.
I have today
I will ask for such grass.
Let you have a mustache
Will say sleepy words.

Cheerful pictures, 1987, №5.


- Yes, you tick me,
So leaflets you tickle
What you do not want - kill!


1. "X", "h", "Shch", "sh"

4. "h"

1. "X", "h", "Shch", "sh"
2. "Get laundry", "tickle", "you want", "kill"
3. "Jerking" (buttercup, buttercup, what are you jerking? Yes, because you ...), "Cold" (buttercup, buttercup, what do you get?), Etc.
4. "h"

2. Why are these only?

4. Why not "l"?

1. How do these sounds relate to the bug and even more so for the bowl, which in life is not given any sounds?
2. Why are these only?
3. The bug could both the poem of Asa Pushkin "Eugene Onegin" in the easy pronounce
4. Why not "l"?

it is logical to assume

and poem is dedicated to fixing the material

Task on literary reading for grade 1


Buttercup, butcher, what are laughing?
- Yes, you tick me,
So leaflets you tickle
What you do not want - kill!

1. What sounds helped to hear the heroes of the poem, the features of their speech?
2. Wrong words that help hear the voice of the bug and the buttercup.
3. What other words could pronounce bugs?
4. What sound must be repeated in words?

Friends who shake in solving such complex tasks, be kindly upon points.

1. Repeatable, x 50
2. Where item 1 is found
3 buttercups, buttercup, that clotband, which is biting, etc. There is no very foldable, but the folds do not require because?
4 in what words?

3. The bug can utter any word, but should pronounce those in which the hissing sounds are found above


the letter is missing at the beginning of the task, maybe a typo
instead of "Siktreten" you need to read "Calm"

this is the preparation of new people. There is a skipping of words, which leads to another speech, more rapidly; Also slipping a little stream of consciousness. Get ready, you will not recognize your children.

1. These repeating sounds (hissing) characterize the speech of the characters of the poem
2. Because it is in these words that sounds that characterize the speech of the buttercup and bugs are repeated
3. The bug can utter any word, but should pronounce those in which the hissing sounds are found above
4. Because "L" is not in the words characterizing the speech of a bug and buttercup

it is logical to assume
what ends the study of the alphabet (letters x, c, h, sh, sh)
and poem is dedicated to fixing the material

1. Speech of characters, and rather one character can characterize only one hissing - "F", and it is not at all. Everything else is to sue the creators of this task.
2. In these words just repeated hissing, but they can not characterize the characters, you do not find?
3. Having hissing closer to the buzzing ... Type of the phrase of the beetle from the "Thimmochka" manual: "Eh, Moltzhzhzhzhzh ..." like x, c, h, sh, w applied to the beetle? Have you ever met hissing beetles like snakes?
4. And "leaves", and "buttercup, buttercup"? ...