Find the results of the exam. Where to find out the results of the exam? The rest of the items

Sooner or later, the day comes when the hot season will remain behind. On the one hand, relief. With another…

Find out as soon as possible! There is no strength to wait, staying in the unknown, guessing - with what tasks coped with, and with what - no. Approximately such thoughts overcome yesterday's eleventh graders after passing

It's time when graduates to find out eME resultsIt was necessary to storm their own educational institutions and displays teachers and school administration.

Now the participants in the Unified State Exam will be able to find out the number of scored points, without departing from the home computer, on the Internet. Everything that needs to be needed is to go to official portal ESE ( and, having understood with navigation, enter personal data in the relevant column.

EME results Usually publish on their resources and regional information processing centers. Here are their list:

Where to find out the results of the exam - 2014: ListRCSi.

Note that acquaintance with data on the resources listed above does not replace the procedures for official familiarization with the results of the EGE - This procedure will be carried out directly in schools (for graduates of 2014) or at the registration site of participants (for graduates of past years). Of course, it happens later publishing information on the network. And therefore it is clear that the first source from which the impatient graduates and their parents will be able to learn their eME resultswill be the Internet.

I would like to warn graduates from errors: search for the results of the exam and all the more input your passport details for familiarization with the results of the exams is recommended only on official resources. Otherwise risks instead of the necessary information to get a minimum, a computer virus. The worst consequences are both: scammers on the Internet at least debug.

By the way, now eME results In no way affect the estimates in school certificates. This applies to both mandatory exams and disciplines selected by studying for passing an exam. But graduates who did not collect the minimum number of points in the Russian language and mathematics, the right to receive a certificate of secondary education do not have. One mandatory ege can be rented - and have time to get a certificate with classmates. As for the unsatisfactory the results of the EGE Under two mandatory subjects, it will have to reassemble in a year.

The page collected the results of the exam in all subjects over the past years - from 2010 to the present. The tables provide an average score for each of the items, the number of rollers, the percentage of those who did not pass the exam (not overcoming the threshold installed on the subject), the total number of surrender exam.

Material prepared according to the official releases of Rosobrnadzor.

EGE 2019 results

Thing Middle score High-hearted (81-100) 100-balders Did not pass ege 2019,% Number of exams
Russian language 69,5 23,5 2 590 0.6% (threshold 24 points) 664 000
Mathematics Profile 56,5 7,1 6.7% (threshold 27 points) 362 600
Math base 4,1 - - (Threshold 3 points) 312 000
Social science 54,9 7,8 (Threshold 42 points) 315 200
Physics 54,4 8,6 (Threshold 36 points) 139 500
History 55,3 9,4 6.9 (threshold 32 points) 103 300
Biology 52,2 5,6 (Threshold 36 points) 123 800
Chemistry 56,7 11,5 14.4 (threshold 36 points) 89 000
English 73,8 42,7 (threshold 22 points) 74 300
Informatics and ICT 62,4 21,7 (Threshold 40 points) 74 900
Literature 63,4 15,9 4% (threshold 32 points) 44 200
Geography 57,2 7,4 6% (threshold 37 points) 16 600
German 72,4 42,1 (threshold 22 points) 1 250
French 73,1 39,3 (threshold 22 points) 800
Spanish language 72,2 45,5 (threshold 22 points) 132
Chinese 62,5 29,2 1 (threshold 22 points) 75
TOTAL: 302 000 6 729 6,4% 750 000

Almost 750 thousand people were registered to participate in the main period of EGE-2019, of which 662 thousand are graduates of the current year. During the main period of the USE, 5,713 points of examinations (PPE) were involved, about 51 thousand audiences. In all PPE, the press technology of examination materials in the audiences, in 8 regions, for the first time this year, is the technology of transferring examinations in the PFE on the Internet.

  • Since 2019, graduates have the right to choose only one level of the EGE in mathematics (basic or profile), but when it is relisted, this level can be changed.
  • Since 2019, graduates of past years have not entitled to participate in the exam on the mathematics of the baseline.
  • Rose popularity of natural-scientific focus items. So, in 2019, the increase in the number of participants in the biology of biology amounted to 25 thousand compared with last year, in chemistry - about 16 thousand, in physics - about 13 thousand participants. Also, in comparison with 2018, the level of interest in computer science and ICT has noticeably increased (the increase in the number of participants per 27 thousand people), the English language (growth of 18 thousand people) and history (15 thousand growth).
  • In 2019, for the first time the exam was held in Chinese, 289 people applied to participate in it. Passed the exam in the main deadlines of only 75 people. Muscovite Anastasia Andryunina The only one of all passed the exam on Chinese per 100 points, and is going to enter RUDN.
  • 300 points on the exam scored a resident of Seversk by the name Putin. Graduate Alexander Putin passed on the maximum score Russian, mathematics and physics.
  • Two participants of the EGE-2019 were able to gain 400 points Following four exams. 30 participants of Steel 300-Ballets. 445 people scored 200 points in two EGE.
  • For various violations from the exam, 812 people were removed, including for the presence of mobile phones (355 remote) and crib (323 remote)
  • The exam in a foreign language is planned to be put into the number of mandatory subjects since 2022. This will be preceded by the necessary preparatory work, testing, discussion of how it is better to differentiate the exam in the level of complexity.
  • From 2020, it may be possible to pass the exam on computer science on the computer.

Eg 2018 results

Thing Middle score High-hearted (81-100) 100-balders Did not pass the ege 2018,% Number of exams
Russian language 70,93 26,7% 3722 (0,6%) 0.4% (threshold 24 points) 645 500
Mathematics Profile 49,8 145 (0,03%) 7% (threshold 27 points) 421 000 (61%)
Math base 4,29 - - 3.1% (threshold 3) 567 000
Social science 55,7 16.43% (threshold 42 points) 368 000 (53%)
Physics 53,2 (Threshold 36 points) 171 500 (25%)
History 55,1 7,4 206 (0,002%) 9.6% (threshold 32 points) 112 000 (20%)
Biology 51,7 45 (0,03%) 17.01% (threshold 36 points) 140 000 (21%)
Chemistry 55,1 634 (0,75%) 15.88% (threshold 36 points) 84 500 (14%)
English 69,2 15 (0,02%) (threshold 22 points) 83 500
Informatics and ICT 58,4 13% 254 (0,4%) 11.51% (threshold 40 points) 67 000
Literature 62,7 599 (1%) (32 points threshold) 42 500
Geography 56,6 64 (0,4%) 7.3% (threshold 37 points) 16 000
German 68,9 3 (0,2%) (threshold 22 points) 1 758
French 77,3 2 (0,2%) (threshold 22 points) 948
Spanish language 79,1 (threshold 22 points) 153
TOTAL: 6 136 4,8% 731 000

The exams in 2018 passed 731,000 people (in the main period - 670,000), including 645,000 graduates of the current year.

  • Graduates who did not score minimal threshold points for mandatory ege (basic mathematics and Russian), can recall the exam in the same year in a reserve day. If not happened again - then in September.
  • If you are detected by the participants of the EG Meets of mobile communications or cribs, they are removed from the exam without a relief right in the current year.
  • Options for choosing can only be rented for the next year. In 2018, 478 people were removed for the telephones from the exam, 463 for the cheat sheets - 463. "This year there were several guys who used microathers, and the camera was not on the phone, but on clothes. All these graduates were removed from the exams without relocation. "," said the head of the quality assessment of the general education of Rosobrnadzor Igor Kruglins.
  • When applying for a university, you can use any result, which is not expired.
  • The results of the exam on the mark in the certificate do not affect.
  • An noticeable EGE-2018 event became the fact of which Rosobrnadzor did not recognize.
  • The number of rims has grown by 1000 compared to last year.
  • One participant from Moscow passed on 100 points at once four subjects.
  • 1.9% (12,252 people) did not receive a certificate in the results of the exam.

EGE 2017 results

Thing Middle score Number of 100-balders Did not pass ege 2017,% Number of coming
Russian language 69,1 25,04% 3 099 0.5% (threshold 24 points) 617 000
Mathematics Profile 47,1 4,51% 224 14.34% (threshold 27 points) 391 981
Math base 4,24 - - 3.4% (threshold 3 points) 453 000
Social science 55,4 4,46% 142 13.8% (threshold 42 points) 318 000
Physics 53,2 4,94% 278 3.78% (threshold 36 points) 155 281 (24%)
History 52,7 8.7% (threshold 32 points) 110 000
Biology 52,6 6,54% 75 18% (threshold 36 points) 111 748
Chemistry 55,2 15% (threshold 36 points) 74 000
English 70,2 59 (threshold 22 points) 64 422
Informatics and ICT 59,2 9.3% (threshold 40 points) 53 000
Literature 59,6 343 2.9% (threshold 32 points) 41 267
Geography 55,1 8,6% 9.3% (threshold 37 points) 14 000
German 63,8 24,56% 0 3.36% (threshold 22 points) 1 769
French 75,9 50,81% 0 0.43% (threshold 22 points) 1 123
Spanish language 68,4 38,04% 0 6.75% (threshold 22 points) 231
TOTAL: 5 026 703 000

About 703 thousand people took part in the exams, of which about 617 thousand people are graduates of this year.

  • Those who did not score the minimum score on one mandatory subject, allowed remember the exam in a reserve day. The mathematics of the baseline in the reserve time went to transfer 12 thousand people. The mathematics of the profile level in the backup day relied 2 thousand graduates.
  • There are quite a few in the regions rolls in the Russian language. For example, in the Vologda region such 27 people, in the Krasnoyarsk Territory - 61, in the Chelyabinsk region - 76, in Novosibirsk - 89.
  • 21 people managed to dial 300 points per ege In 2017. This means that they received 100 points on three ege.
  • The number of attempts to write off or bring the phone to the exam in 2017 on average decreased by 25 percent. In one of the regions for an attempt to help students on the exam, the director of the school was fired. In another, the teachers were fired for the fact that he came to the exam with a mobile phone.
  • The total number of violations this year decreased by more than one and a half times compared with the previous one.
  • In 2017, as in 2016, social studies were most popular among items on the selection (54% of the participants of the USE), physics (26%), history (21%), biology (20%), chemistry (13%).
  • 2.6% (15,878 people) did not receive a certificate at the end of the exam.

Eg 2016 results

Thing Middle score Number of high-ballets (81-100) Number of 100-balders Did not pass ege 2016,% Number of coming
Russian language 68 25,58% 3433 1% 658 000
Mathematics Profile 46,2 2,69% 296 15,33% 439 229
Math base 4,15 - - 4.6% (threshold 3 points) 453 000
Social science 53,1 3,11% 59 17.6% (threshold 42 points) 382 000
Physics 50,0 6.11% (threshold 36 points) 180 000
History 16% (threshold 32 points)
Biology 52 7,16% 61 18.6% (threshold 36 points) 126 006
Chemistry 84 000
English 69,78 27 64 050
Computer science 56,6 12.4% (threshold 40 points)
Literature 57,91 256 4.3% (threshold 32 points) 43 585
Geography 13% (threshold 37 points)
German 66,76 32,77% 1 3,29% 1 980
French 73,62 42,31% 6 1,25% 1 273
Spanish language 74,59 49,65% 2 2,8% 204

300 points on three ege In 2016, they scored only three student in all of Russia. Mikhail Chekanov from Olenegorsk Murmansk region passed on the highest score physics, profile mathematics and computer science. The graduate from Kemerovo Elizabeth Shabanova received 100 points on the exam in Russian, history, social studies. In Kirov, a graduate of the famous physico-mathematical lyceum Alexander Artemyev passed physics, computer science and mathematics and entered physics.

  • number removal Graduates from the exam in 2016 amounted to about a thousand people, while schoolchildren began to use paper cribs more often.
  • 1.9% (12,308 people) did not receive a certificate at the end of the exam.

EGE 2015 results

Thing Middle score Number of high-ballets (81-100) Number of 100-balders Did not pass ege 2015,% Number of coming
Russian language 65,8 19,8% 3036 1,5%
Mathematics Profile 45,6 521 151
Math base 3,95 - - 7,4%
Social science 58,6 371 200
Physics 51,4 159 500
History 47,1 145 000
Biology 53,6 122 936
Chemistry 57,1
English 64,9 61 946
Informatics and ICT 54
Literature 57,1 5.3% (threshold 32 points) 37 512
Geography 53
Spanish language

In total, 725 thousand people took part in the exam, 650 thousand people were graduates of this year. The total number of stublikov in all subjects in 2015 - 3,922 people.

In 2015, the exam in mathematics was first spent on two levels - profile and basic. The participant of the exam was right to independently choose any of the levels, or both levels depending on its educational queries, as well as the prospects for the continuation of education.

  • 4.8% (31,343 people) did not receive a certificate in the results of the exam.

Eg 2014 results

Thing Middle score Number of 100-balders Did not pass ege 2014,% Number of coming
Russian language 62,5 2385 4%
Mathematics 46,4
Social science 53,1
Physics 45,7 16,7%
History 46,4 20,4%
Biology 54,8
Chemistry 55,7 13,4%
English 61,3
Informatics and ICT 57,2 11,5%
Literature 54,1
Geography 53,1 15,5%
Spanish language

In total, 733,368 people took part in the exam, of which 684,574 people are graduates of the current year. The total number of stublikov in all subjects in 2014 is 3,705 people.

  • The number of compulsory items (Russian and mathematics) in 2014 decreased by 24% compared with 2013.
  • The number of rims decreased three times.
  • This year, a minimum score on mandatory subjects was lowered. If this did not happen, 28,000 students would not receive certificates.

EGE 2013 results

Thing Middle score Number of 100-balders Did not pass ege 2013,% Number of coming
Russian language 63,9 2531 1,9 834020
Mathematics 48,7 538 6,2 803741
Social science 59,5 84 481990
Physics 53,5 474 11,0 208875
History 54,8 500 11,0 164219
Biology 58,6 466 7,1 162248
Chemistry 67,8 3220 7,3 93802
English 72,4 581 3,3 74668
Computer science 63,1 563 8,6 58851
Literature 457 5,6 44420
Geography 57,2 193 12,1 20736
German 58,6 4 3,2 2768
French 69,5 5 0,5 1561
Spanish language 68,9 0 1,7 233


Thing Middle score Number of 100-balders Did not pass ege 2012,% Number of coming
Russian language 61,5 1923 2.2% (threshold 36 points) 827529
Mathematics 45,2 54 5.5% (threshold 24 points) 803913
Social science 55,5 84

5.8% (threshold 39 points)

Physics 47,3 44 13.5% (threshold 36 points) 205988
History 52,1 219 12.4% (threshold 32 points) 153502
Biology 54,3 46 8.1% (threshold 36 points) 159448
Chemistry 57,8 370 10.8% (threshold 36 points) 89529
English 61,2 28 3.3% (threshold 20 points) 71825
Computer science 60,7 364 11.6: (Threshold 40 points) 59646
Literature 337 4.9% (threshold 32 points) 42102
Geography 56,1 66 8.4% (threshold 37 points) 23523
German 58,0 1 3,2 2970
French 67,1 0 0,7 1621
Spanish language 70,4 1 0,8 265

EGE 2011 results

Thing Middle score Number of 100-balders Did not pass ege 2011,% Number of coming
Russian language 60,02 1437 4,1 760618
Mathematics 47,49 205 4,9 738746
Social science 57,11 23 3,9 280254
Physics 51,54 206 7,4 173574
History 51,2 208 9,4 129354
Biology 54,29 53 7,8 144045
Chemistry 57,75 331 8,6 77806
English 61,19 11 3,1 60651
Computer science 59,74 31 9,8 51180
Literature 57,15 355 5 39317
Geography 54,4 25 8 10946
German 48,99 2 6,6 2746
French 62,97 0 1,2 1317
Spanish language 70,09 0 1,4 143

The number of surrenders surrendered compared to 2010 the number of graduates who surrendered the exam, in 2011 declined from 850 thousand to 720 thousand (by 15%).

Exam 2010 results

The table contains the results of passing the exam in 2010 throughout Russia.

Thing Number of surrender Did not pass ege 2010,% The number of 100- ballets The number of surrenders who did not start part with,%
Russian language 901929 3,7 1415 5,4
Mathematics 854708 6,1 160 38,81
Social science 444219 3,9 34 3,01
Physics 213186 5 114 32,32
History 180900 9 222 12,08
Biology 171257 6,1 133 8,51
Chemistry 83544 6,2 275 11,27
English 73853 5 2 5,51
Computer science 62652 7,2 90 22,33
Literature 54313 5 422 1,69
Geography 22256 6,3 17 14,06
German 4177 12 0 10,06
French 1883 1 0 4,99

Total graduates in 2010 were 836565 people. This figure is slightly lower than the total number of surrendered the exam, due to the relief of graduates of past years.

To receive information about their points and estimates for the participants of the procedure can already a few days after the exam. For different disciplines, the check time is set individually. For example, the USE and are checked for 6 days. And on testing exams on other subjects, only 4 days are given. Discover eME resultsin the following ways:

  • Examine records on information stands of your school. Each school posts ads on students' estimates immediately after their appearance on official resources.
  • Contact an educational institution that issued a skip to the exam. This rule is valid for the participants of the USE who are not graduates of this year.
  • Get information at the reception of the exam.
  • Examine information stands in the district department of education.
  • Go to the official website of the RCS of your region.

The fifth way can be called the fastest and most convenient. However, the ability to know estimates so there are not all participants of the EGE: some subjects of the Russian Federation do not have such sites. Those who are interested in the question of how long the process of publishing exams exams is worth remembering the following: informing the exam by region happens for three days after the estimates. For remote areas, this period can be increased.

However, regardless of the conditions, the participants of the EGE should receive information about estimates no later than 12 days - for exams in Russian and mathematics, and no later than 9 days - for examination tests for other subjects.

Pupils of Mid-Educational Institutions trial egeAlso, they can find out the estimates on the RCSi regional website. To test your results on the Internet, you must enter a special code. It may be a series of passport, the registration code specified in the pass, or the SNILS number.

Many graduates of past years are asked by how many repetitive results of the ege. Those who passed the exams a year ago and did not go to the university, no need to renovate them. Moreover, the results of the 2013 will be valid until 2017. Accordingly, the Certificate of EGE results for 2014 can be used until 2018. Get a document in which points for a single state exam will indicate, schoolchildren can in their mid-education institution. In other persons who surrendered the EGE, the certificate is issued by the local education authority.

The results of the ege 2014

The Ministry of Education announced the scores over 2014. The picture was not completely iris. In general, the exam summed worse than in 2013. However, the officials of the educational industry understood with understanding to such a negative indicator, explaining that the exam itself began to be held more objectively.

EGE in mathematics and Russian language 2014

Schoolchildren in mathematics were worse than 10 points: the average for the country is 40 points. Although it is twice as bigger than the minimum threshold that it was necessary to overcome for the receipt of the certificate.

However, in the Russian language, the current high school students showed a minor difference in the results: only 1 point with a small one. In place 63.94 points demonstrated in 2013, this year the average score was 62.5. The number of graduates with maximum scallers in the Russian language now does not shive. All data before the fall of 2014 must pass analytical processing. The minimum in the Russian language was also reduced from 36 to 24 points. Otherwise, according to officials from Rosobrnadzor, many graduates could not get their cherished document on the end of high school.

According to Livanov, in 2013, in 2013 they did not step over only 11 thousand schoolchildren through the minimum barrier, which amounted to 1.5% of the total number of all graduates. If in 2014, the previous minimum of 36 points remained, the graduates without a certificate would be 28 thousand people or 4.2%.

However, the minimum border in 2014 downgraded up to 24 points. It was not possible to overcome 10.5 thousand graduates, i.e. Approximately the same in the percentage as in 2013.

The rest of the items

As for all other objects, there is also a tendency to reduce indicators. For example, knowledge fell on 9 points per year, they decreased by 13 points, a slight drop in 5 points was noted, and the indicators were reduced by 5 points, knowledge was worsened by 6 points.

In humanitarian disciplines, the deterioration of knowledge is noted on 12 points, 10 points, and have undercurrent on 7 points and 6 points, respectively.

There is also a general reduction in graduates who scored a large number of points in all subjects. Schoolchildren received from 80 to 100 points, it became less than 65 thousand people: 115 thousand in 2014 instead of 180 thousand in 2013. 100 points were able to score only 3,500 graduates, instead of 9,000 eleventh graders in 2013.

Low scores on the exam showed mainly students of weak schools. To somehow correct the situation, the ministry instructed the regions to develop special programs providing support for such schools and their schoolchildren.

In addition, the department is understood that the mental factor affecting the result is the psycho-emotional state of the schoolchild in the process of testing. To avoid or at least reduce the negative impact of this factor, the official promises to remove the feeling of the schoolchild that this is his only chance. To do this, it will be introduced the possibility of passing the test during the school year and re-religiously.

It is known that in 2015, some amendments will be made to the order of mandatory exams. The exam in Russian and mathematics will be two-level. The form of passage of examination tests for each student will determine Selection of universities. For admission to humanitarian specialties, it will be necessary to pass Russian on the profile level, and mathematics - on the base. Technical universities, on the contrary, need a profile certificate of mathematics and basic - in Russian. This measure should contribute to improving the average EGE results on mandatory disciplines.

Livanov also noted that the holding of the EGE is a large car funds for the state. So, 1 billion 163 million rubles were spent on the exam in 2014. Unlike last year, in which the exam cost only 500 million rubles, in 2014 a couple of positions were added, due to which the cost of the entire certification process occurred.

First, a widespread video surveillance in schools was introduced, where the exam was conducted. For this, 40 thousand cameras in the amount of 600 million rubles were purchased.

Secondly, the rise has occurred due to transportation costs, which were required for transportation of examination sheets into the regions. It was allocated and spent 63 million rubles.

List of sites informing about the results of the USE in the regions of Russia

There is also an official information portal of the USE, where you can get acquainted with the results: (at the moment the portal is inactive, but it will resume its work during the period of passing the state exam).