Grandfather in the Chechen war. War in Syria. Captive to Motherland

When the first time was in Chechnya, seeing a sedious soldier at the checkpoint, could not believe that it was really a soldier participating in a counter-terrorist operation in the North Caucasus.

Steel helmet, practically not changed since the time of the last World War, Zasamal-felling, dyed-perverted Bushlates, which was once camouflaged, and now it became a monophonic, gray-brown color, "visible", pants still in more condition than Bushlat. On the legs - shot down, shabby "Kirzachi", who have not changed by nothing since the time of the "king of pea". Mandatory for soldiers a body armor, in which it is impossible to be more than 2 hours, and in which they go to the day, was "camouflaged" under Bushlat, and on top of him there was an incomprehensible sewing and duct, pocket-butt "design".

What it was, I was told by a few hours later, when I began to protect the perimeter of our dislocation perimeter along with one soldier. It turned out that it was a homemade boot vest. "Candle" he was from different parts of the military form. The base is a torn camouflaged cuitel who had to go on rags, and pockets for automatic or machine-gun stores - from various fragments or trousers from this nag, or just from the girlfriend rags. They even had a kind of fashion here - who will save the "unloading" stiff. It's a shame for these boys who, risking lives, protect what we want to call the state.

At least those who else believes.

18 Summer Patzan, which was caught for service in the army and stuck in Chechnya, "Stick Imperial Holes", is unlikely to understand what he is doing there. He is generally unlikely to understand what is happening around. We must stupidly survive.

Not to mention the constant danger, sometimes on the part of the "native commander's fathers" they had to experience an appeal similar to the Caucasian captivity described by Lermontov.

Secret Yama

Autumn business trip to Chechnya. Although in Ryazan, the weather has already started to deteriorate, warm days still held here. But it is the "Day", as nights, on this almost two-kilometer above sea level, were rather cold. Such a contrast, as in the desert - the day is hot, and at night it is cold.

Not far from the location, soldiers of the internal troops, which strengthened at this height with us began to dig a pit. The fact that it is not human and not for the technique of the trench, it was already possible to guess in a few hours when the contours of this "engineering structure" began to be marked. The pit had an approximately square shape, somewhere 2x2 meters, but the depth of it gradually increased. The first guessed was the idea that it is some kind of an extension to the toilet. Approximately this was explained the emergence of this "failure" the soldiers themselves, however, the growing depth, which already reaches five meters, caused doubts about the veracity of their explanations. Then we realized why they did not tell us the truth - it was ashamed.

Captive to Motherland

When the foster shine

Rises, near the fence he

Lies in Aula - Silent Sleep

Only rare eyes closes.

With comrades - remembers

About cute that native country;

Gross; But more than it ...

Leaving the pledge of adorable,

Freedom, happiness that loved,

He went to the edge of an unknown

And ... all at the edge of Tom killed.

M.Yu. Lermontov "Caucasian captive"

Going at night through the territory of our deployment site, when there was no moon, and the air seemed even somehow visco-black, all the time I was afraid to fall into this huge pit, since the lantern do not really ease here, maybe something "fly to light" . It would be a shame to turn or even worse - to break the neck, in such "sky conditions". All the time I thought: "In the one, they surrendered to this hole huge, because someone will fall?!" However, about the real purpose of this "superfloor" managed to find out the next night after the end of the "excavations".

At first, I thought that I was not all right with my head, when he heard some voice, literally near my feet, the walking, as it seemed from under the ground. However, then realized that the name was, apparently, from this very huge pit, came up, exactly - two soldiers sit on the day. Sentifying the lantern - it was sitting for a long time, one tweaked with a camber, and tried to fall asleep.

Sorry, you do not have to smoke?

Yes, I did not take with me, that's just this (I smoke), and how much you fell here? And what do not call anyone? You, probably, are looking for might and main?

Yes, not, not looking, we are specifically planted as a colonel here, smoke?

How specifically? Do not understand? Catching a cigarette.

I fell asleep at the post, and I bought Sannek from local cigarettes - "fested", so we sit.

To admit, their calm explanations found me surprise. Well, the militants of prisoners in the pits are planting, but this is in captivity. And so that the commander of his subordinates, in Zindan!

He returned back to Kubrick to our guys, said everything. Then they began to approach more guys, who also tell me about the fact that they saw the soldiers sitting in the pit, where the commander put them.

The worst, this is the weather and climatic conditions in which we were in this highlands. It was clear to everyone that if a person squises in this pit at least a few hours, then he could forget his kidney, if not right, then a little later. Moreover, besides the kidneys, difficult harm will be applied not only to physical, but also mental health. And this young boys here and so go! In a day - stripping, checkpoints, through the night - shelling, plus a 24-hour guard.

The decision was made instantly.

Everyone who was at that time in Kubrick rushed to the commander of the warr. As it turned out, he was in the rank of Major, but everyone surrounding for some reason called him colonel, may be due to the fact that he himself so much.

Our "delegation" pulled "Polko Major" from his room, the guys pressed it to the wall:

What are you doing? What do you have soldiers in the pit sit?

This is my outpost, I am here a command!

I hear, you, the kidney boys will be dismantled, they will come home with disabilities, and they did not live even! What kind of guys are urgent! When the shelling begins, you don't sit with them in the trenches, do not shoot, tell them thank you, what is still alive! They save you here!

This is my outpost ...

Fool you, Colonel! Well, "flew" they have, let the trenches are digging, let them be pressed, but they do not take away their health! If you do not pull the boys from Zindan, we pull them out, and they put you there!

You have no right! I am above you in the rank, and I am the commander of this outpost!

Now right! Command, so that the guys pulled out!

"Colonel" something vague said to the contracting to him to revenue. Then, at all OMONETS, he said that the soldier from the pit had already been pulled out. One of our guys went to check, in five minutes he flew into the location, where we still stood, pulled the commander of the warrior from his "noise", and began to methodically smear it along the wall, with a cry: "And I, I, GDID, believed ! And they are sitting in a pit "!

Further a few seconds almost poured into a major side between our riots and contractors. Oman officers began to grow up, although the "Colonel" still had someone's sniper "to" verify ", after which he was constantly locked in her room, where he heard the last loud" speech "of Omonovs:" Chmo, he is SCHMUCK! What to talk to him! "

A minute later, soldiers in the pit no longer had, as in all subsequent days. The pit was empty. And the promise given by Rasonians, that if soldiers are there, they will immediately be replaced by their commander, remained in force.

Idling revenge

So extensive troubles promised by the "Mayoropolkan" did not get. Although he did not even be sure to write some complaints there. Nothing came out - various departments. But he began to order his clocks, in the case of the slightest violation or a mistake, shoot on defeat, even if it was even seen that this is the Ryazan fighter of riot.

I climb on the roof of a bombed building, which has become for these months our base. From there a very beautiful view of the mountains, you can sit, smoke (in the afternoon), think about the house, about deadlocks and stupidity of this war. The warrior has a post there.

Rising in a row stairs.

What are you Even here password to ask steel? Hey, I'm sorry, I don't know the password, from a riot, you have never asked here here?

Sorry, but it is better not to go around, we have forbidden to let the colonel, said if the password does not know - shoot, if you climb, even know, do not let - shoot.

What did you have something? With your help I decided to take revenge on us? Seriously, said to shoot?!

The roof entrance was internal. Accordingly, if the "not one's" climb is climbing in it, it means that there is no one left in the building of living. This order could only be directed against Omonov.

After a few minutes, the "initiative group" of our police squad talked with the commander of the observation, explaining to him the inexpediency of returning such orders. Explained very intelligibly, according to Omonovsky - the order was immediately canceled.

With the possibility of the Omonovtsy fed the "conscripts",

cigarettes were always given, but just talked to souls. In Kubrick, Omonovs soldiers could safely sit, eat, a little rest, not afraid that the commander will enter there and arrange a "duty overclocking", forcing you to do any next stupid business, just so that the soldiers just did not sit.

When the mortar warnings covered their own in the night - they found the soldier crying on the stairs - during the shelling, his friend died. They went to the sergeant of this soldier and won it on the day - anyway from him in such a state of any sense.

"Severated", fed. As they could have calmed down. Maybe even saved. I hope.

Dmitry Florin, berkut77 Especially for the "Truth of Khakassia".

The grandfather in Chechnya and other hot spots led to the destruction of the colleague, or he spirit, or grandfather, was also the other. There were cases of self-tracks, they shoot themselves in the leg, or other bodies. Many ran away and came prisoner to Chechens, many came to stretch marks, mines. Some suffer bullying, but some are not withstanding, murder, or suicide. The soldiers waited for the battle to imperceptibly overlook the offender. But in most cases, the old-workers did not try to offend the spirits (young soldiers), because they knew what could be the consequences. After the fighting soldiers became brothers.
Case while the USSR:
The case was told, it was under the USSR, the ensign one went to the guard to the guard by the head, with him, the Caucasians, Asians, were treated when they were standing in Karaul, forced them to wash the floors with their hands, and if they didn't understand, Bocca Bibles were Bible so that they Salto was carried in the air, and the other Porpor interpreted Nachikar lay down on the topchair and slept 24 hours, then these rats were mocked over Russian soldiers from the soul
The story of the officer:
I also had such a ghoul in the gloom, gave him a knife on Lyashka, the screech was that the whole battalion woke up. Combat Pravda Manyak was good did not give the case and I was simply transferred to another part. The guy can be understood, it was not before the strategy, he just acted that he had at hand. It is very sorry to the ruled life of the boy, and the grief of sergeant is purely human pity, especially parents.
Soldier's story:
In our brigade, the identity of the alone was cut, right on the shokly, the small piled him. 9 years old gave.
Here is the story of the young lieutenant:
There was one case, after which the non-brand in my unit ceased. I came after the school, I came after the school, on the first evening I watched the picture as the three unreleased "old man" Dedulged the branch of "gtering". The morning did the order for the support of the column on the chateau. I set these three eagles, put in a head watch as "the most experienced ...." After the signal about the detection of a Fugas, the column got up, I put out the rules for all the rules, and by this three, I said "a schA pray that in the bushes it does not housing Not a single branch or someone did not seem something, because the "youth" of the entire BC on the bushes can be discharged, and at that moment they should be remembered about you. " After neutralizing the Fugas, my "old men" nervously smoked on the side of the sidelines and dried pants. After that, in my platoon a friend, not even a friend did not send anyone anyone .... And when there was someone who left home, with tears, I was accompanied by his living and healthy .... lived one family. And there was no difference, ordinary, sergeant, ensign or officer.
Here is a story of a soldier:
Santa and mockery are different things !!! In 1999, there was a mansostrophe, alas of a guy no, grandfathers are alive and now live (no one is punished) Only all the garbage was not on the soil of unbuttoned shinking, as he was voiced in the video (there are doubts about homo- motion) simply did not have food, we have She was, he came to us, ate as much as she would fit, then he wore food to them, but alas, it's not possible to feed everyone (and the task remained, to bring the borders) the guy could not stand.
Here is a video about the consequences of the grandfathers in Chechnya:

Full video here in the second part:


This is Afghanistan 1988.

February 25 in a motorized rifle brigade, which is based in the Shatoysky district Chechen Republic, Next to the village of Borzoy, there was a mass brawl. Moreover, the Ministry of Defense confirmed the incident messages in the military unit after two days, and only after a video appeared on Youtube from the scene.

The military tried to mitigate the resulting as possible, hastily declaring that the cause of the incident was the household conflict between military personnel. It is officially reported that two military personnel rushed, but the scuffle managed to stop the other military. However, eyewitnesses on the conditions of anonymity argue that this was the real partition with the participation of local servicemen on the one hand and on the other - the soldiers from Central Russia, whom he was beaten until half death. "Our version" found out what happened in the village of Borzoy, and disassembled how sharply today is in the troops the national question.

There are few information about the incident, while there are several versions of what happened. For one of them, the conflict really originated on the household level. During the dinner, one of the Chechen fighters began to swear, a Russian contractor soldier came to him, a verbal sword arose, grew into a fight.

In 2005, conscripts from Chechnya, professional wrestlers, made a small revolution in the military unit near Moscow, to undergo commanders.

According to another version, after serving in Karaul, the Chechen contract came to the dining room, where he tried to get a portion without a queue. But the soldiers of the score, which in Chechen brigades are formed exclusively from physically trained Russian guys, indignant such behavior, pulled it out of the queue, and then beat. Supporters of this version of what happened to say that the victim is now in the hospital with serious injuries.

There is also a third version according to which the fight occurred after a local resident was beaten by several military personnel. It is argued that the conflict began on the market located near the territory of the part. After the incident to the military unit, residents of the village of Borzoy, which as if provoked a mass brawl.

Chechens came to the places with bits and reinforcement

One way or another, this story is more important. After the incident, the brigade commander announced the construction of the unit in which the conflict occurred. At the places of the Chechen soldiers, who were about hundreds, came with bits, reinforcement, traumatic pistols. A fight began, and in fact - the beating of its colleagues, which were four times less. For some information, about 30 people were injured in a fight on both sides, the Russians beat the loss of consciousness. Local Sanchast filled with victims of hand and leg fractures, there are fractures of jaws, one soldier pierced the stomach by reinforcement.

As the result, I managed to stop the fight and what it ended, it is significant unknown. It is reported that command of the brigade by all means tried to prevent conflict, but nothing came out. Then the settlement of the situation was engaged in the command of the Southern Military District and the local authorities who reacted quite quickly. Incomes of the district arrived in the brigade, officers of the General Staff arrived. Ramzan Kadyrov sent his representative. The brigade is completely isolated from the outside world so that there is no information leakage to conflict at least in media space. Today, the military unit is carefully checked.

On this topic

Kadyrov: "It was a fight between men"

I wonder how officials commented on this conflict. The press service of the Southern Military District reported that the cause of the conflict was the "clarification of relations on the household level." In the district military prosecutor's office did not comment on what happened. The head of Chechnya Ramzan Kadyrov turned out to be the very word. He claims that the fight was "frankly household and there was no relation to the fulfillment of military duties." The head of Chechnya accused the command of the part, which "did not set up the situation in a timely manner." In his opinion, it was a fight between men, in which people of completely different nationalities participated, and not only Russians and Chechens. Also Kadyrov said that civilians did not participate in the scuffle and there is no reason to say that the quarrel occurred on the basis of interethnic dislike. At the same time, the head of Chechnya accused media representatives, which "speak with knowingly false comments, trying to submit that the conflict between Russian and Chechens happened." Ramzan Kadyrov believes that such incidents happen in any army of the world, and advised not to politicize what happened, not to inflate the scandal.

Sometimes they return

The sources of "our version" report that the rapported is far from the first conflict in this motorized rifle brigade. Last year there was another mass brawl, there were also victims, but then the incident managed to hide from publicity. The victims persuaded not to go to law enforcement agencies. As a result, the conflict was determined on the brakes, but not solve the problem as a whole.

Human rights defenders say that in the mid-2000s, the number of conflicts on national soil decreased sharply, since it was at that time the Ministry of Defense sharply reduced the appeal from the North Caucasian republics. Prior to that, information regularly came about the resonant conflicts, when the old-workers from the Caucasus terrorized their colleagues. Loud cases of grandfathers on national soil were, for example, in the Far Eastern Military District and in one of the parts of Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky.

The current exacerbation of the situation may be due to the fact that since the fall of 2014, for the first time in almost two decades, the call of Chechens began in the army. It is necessary to recall that the previous attempt to return Chechens to the army ended in default. In 2005, when 200 recruits from Chechnya were sent to the troops, most of their professional wrestlers, they committed a small revolution in a military unit stationed near Moscow. From the first days, Chechens were brought under themselves commanders, having achieved special privileges that were not regulated by the Charter. They refused to eat in the dining room, wearing a military uniform and around the clock are located in the part of the part. Then they were urgently sent to them without excessive noise. After this incident, the call in Chechnya again suspended.

How to celebrate human rights defenders, find out the circumstances of what happened in settlement Borzoy will be difficult, because after the start of Ukrainian events, they stopped letting them in military units. In addition, the Military Police did not receive the functions and the commanders still do this, so it is not yet to talk about the open and independent investigation of the incident in the village of Borzoy.

Alexander Perenigiyev, expert of the Association of Military Politologists:

- Conscripts from Chechnya today are exclusively in parts in the territory of this republic. This is done in order for the management of Chechnya to bring to maintain order among local conscripts. Apparently, today it is the only effective way to discipline the Chechen soldiers. Most likely, this case is not a single thing, such incidents have probably repeatedly occurred in this part and earlier, do not even doubt, but they prefer to be silent.

Now you will try to blame the unprofessionalism of the commanders, but you need to look at this problem wider. In the army today there is no clear and understandable interaction between the command of the part and the law enforcement bodies. Let's remember that we have such structures as a military prosecutor's office, which for some reason in this conflict keeps the coffin silence, there is a military police, about the creation of which they talked so much. It is in such situations where there are outbreaks of violence, these law enforcement bodies should work.

And further. For some reason, only the opinion of Ramzan Kadyrov is heard in the public space. This is not entirely right. The army is the federal structure, to intervene in its activities to the heads of the subjects of the Federation, as they say in the army, not by position.

Our certificate

The 8th motorized rifle brigade in the village of Borzoy was created during Serdyukov reforms on the basis of the former 291th motorized rifle regiment of the 42nd motorized rifle division, which was formed in 2000 to cover the high-mountain portion of the Russian border. Today, the number of compounds is about 4 thousand servicemen. The brigade serves a large number of servicemen from the North Caucasus region, which attracts relatively high, compared to the local medium wages, Money allowance for servicemen.

Served in Chechnya three comrades

Scientist: O. G. Efimova

According to the Uglichsky military registration and enlistment office, where I turned to Chechnya were called on 196 Uglishan. Two of them - Dmitry Muravyov and Andrei Kharlamov - did not return. They were awarded the orders of courage posthumously and buried at the Churyakovsky cemetery. Not far from their graves there is another one. On the marble pedestal, a pretty smiling face of a young man. Under the photo name - Ryzhov Igor Leonidovich and two dates: 3.07.1976 - 26.12.1998.

Igor also passed the urgent service in Chechnya and returned from there alive. What could happen in the life of a young guy, if, surviving in Chechen hell, he still died? Tragic chance or consequences of war? That's what I wanted to find out.

At the request of my head of Olga Glebovna Efimova, I met with my mother Igor Elena Alexandrovna.

Igor went to the army by his own will. He had the opportunity, as young people say now, "Out." At 14, during one of the hockey matches, the game gate fell on Igor, which led to a serious cranial injury. But he sincerely believed that it was in the army that the boys become real men and pass the army - the matter of honor of every young man. I believe that an important role here was also played by the fact that his two grandfathers were participants in the Great Patriotic War and in the family of reds often recalled their glorious military past.

Igor's army called on November 15, 1994. He fell into Odon (a separate special purpose division) named after Dzerzhinsky. On May 6, 1995, the title of Junior Sergeant was transferred to Chechnya.

In Chechnya, Igor, judging by the temporary segment, was a bit - a little less than 4 months from May 6 to September 1, but I had enough impressions to all his remaining short life. True, a small piece of war that fell into his share, he did not like to remember and did not tell anyone about it. Even his best friend Igor Solovyov, who also passed Chechnya, almost nothing knows about the period of his friend's life.

But the diary has been preserved, which the junior sergeant Ryzhov led in Chechnya. Elena Alexandrovna did not allow me to make a photocopy from him, since there is a lot of abnormative vocabulary in the diary, but I still could rewrite some records. Events Igor described daily, the truth is very short and concise (maybe there was no time). I will give some excerpts from his diary:

"31.05. Let's go to the "advanced". It's dangerous there. Constantly shoot. We sit in the BTR, it is impossible to stick out.

1.06. Hooray! Advanced 4 km forward. At least some new sensations, changing the landscape, although it is almost everywhere here.

4.06. Let's go to the offensive. They took a height of 762 m. Smash the main Dudaevsky television radio station.

13.06. Strengthen at height, stand in the meadow. It affects constant voltage, you need to be alert.

15.06. We sit on position, buhali in the evening.

16.06. Tormented hangover. All day we sleep and sunbathe.

25.06. Let's go to the offensive, fixed at the height.

27.06. We went to the reconnaissance in the villages, brought hinks, local give, not everything, however, but some regret us.

30.06. We received gratitude from the Combat for the operation. We arrived at the camp on holiday and on the general construction assigned to me the title "Sergeant". Getting ready to take behaved.

2.07. He was entrenched in the war, got a slight wound in the leg, it was hurt, the fragment took out the pazdati himself.

3.07. Birthday!! (19 years old!). "

"For 19 years!" - Igor wrote in his diary. Of course, he seems already completely adults - he is soldier, and even in war. And proudly writes about his injury, not knowing then that it will soon receive another one.

This is what His mother Elena Alexandrovna told: "On July 9, 1995, a fight between Chechen militants and Russian servicemen began in the village of Latte. In the BTR, on the armor of which Igor was located, shot from a grenade launcher. The son got a fragmentary wound in the back (the fragment stopped at 7 cm from the heart), he was sent to the helicopter to the hospital in Vladikavkaz, where he had the first help, and the next day the plane was sent to Orenburg. As soon as I learned that my boy was wounded and where he was, he immediately went to him. "

In Hospital, Igor stayed at all long, just two weeks. The wound was considered not heavy, and Igor's body was young and, as he thought then, healthy.

And Igor's Order was presented after demobilization. At the end of July 1997 he was summoned to the Uglich commissariat, congratulated and without a celebration gave a box with the Order of Courage.

I tried to figure out more precisely, for which Igor Ryzhov received a reward and appealed to the draft board. The answer of the staff of the military registration and enlistment office I was extremely surprised. I was told that no wording with orders were sent, awarded and awarded. How so? Even during the Great Patriotic War, soldiers gave orders and medals "for courage and heroism, manifested in battle," For the destruction of the living force of the enemy, "" For the salvation of comrades, "etc. So why in modern Russia military officials and commander Do not consider it necessary to send an accompanying letter to the military registration and enlistment office with a pair of phrases, for what soldiers were awarded the Order or Medal? Personally, this is not clear to me.

After the hospital, Igor did not even let go on vacation, but sent to serve in Reutovo Moscow region. But, heading to the second place of service, the passage of Igor, together with his colleague, Sergey was able to call home in Uglich for 2 days. Then nothing foreshadowed trouble ...

After the demobilization of Igor Ryzhov from the army, his health deteriorated sharply. Once, during work on the home plot, Igor became bad, brazolly the heart, it became difficult to breathe, it was impossible to raise the left hand. He was put in the Uglich district hospital, but he didn't get better. Then he was sent to a survey to the Yaroslavl regional hospital. They determined that the young man has a heart disease.

And, most likely, Igor went to the army already being a sick person, and he also took part in combat operations, was constantly voltage. Strange, of course, but the fact that Igor, as well as the rest of the recruits, did not examine the heart before the appeal to the army, did not have a cardiogram. In medical documents is: "Healthy. For the service in the ranks of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. " To remove the testimony of cardiographs in recruits in the military registration and enlistment office began only after Igor's death, and even then not long.

A year ago, my older brother Vladimir returned from the army. I asked him how he passed the medical commission before the call and whether he did a heart cardiogram. He replied that no. He said that they simply remembered pressure and pulse and listened to the Phonneoscope heart.

I believe that one of the most serious problems of our army is a formal attitude towards the health of recruits. The military registration and enlistment office needs to dial the required number of young people - and he gains. At any cost. Especially acute this issue is in the Russian outback. I am convinced that quite a few young people from villages and villages or from very small towns ride to regional centers examine their health. In his youth, you do not think about it, nothing hurts - and okay. So doctors working on call points need to be more attentive during the examination, so as not to miss the disease.

And Igor's disease continued to progress.

After the survey in the regional hospital, it became clear that only heart transplantation can survive. They contacted Moscow, where all the tests were sent urgently. Igor was in line with the operation, he was given the disability of the 1st group. The surgery was then 60 thousand rubles, but the disabled of the 1st group did it for free.

Igor got worse. He almost did not come out of the house, as it could even climb on the 2nd floor with difficulty. I slept almost sitting, laying under the back of the pillow, otherwise I started choking. Igor's heart increased in size so much that the chest simply shoved. Such a phenomenon is called the "Bull Heart".

On December 24, 1998, Igor went to the stadium to root for his hockey team. Sitting motionless in the podium, Igor caught up. He again rose the temperature, he began to choke. I had to call "ambulance", which took him to the hospital. A day, early in the morning of December 26, Igor Ryzhova did not.

If he had managed to make an operation, he would be alive now. These "if" a great set: if in the military registration office before a call to the army, a full examination was carried out, then perhaps the disease would be able to reveal at the very beginning; If Igor had not got into Chechnya, and went to serve, for example, in the suburbs, it would not be a sharp change of climate and constant stress from consciousness of constant danger; If there were no injury if not a fragment, not far from the heart; If after the service of the soldiers, whose souls and the body were exteructed by Chechnya, sent to a full qualified examination; if…

Chatting with another Igor Ryzhova Igor Solovyov, I learned that he also served in Chechnya during the year. Called him for half a year later than Ryzhova - March 3, 1995. In Chechnya, he was sent with the Kantemir division.

His story just shook me.

"About Chechnya, none of us who passed it, does not like to tell, because there was nothing good there, and sometimes it was just a pair. Remember very hard. I was a member of many combat operations. We stood on different bases: Shali, Kurchala, conducted, Agishta. In the bases there were 10-15 people lived in blocks. The most difficult assured the storms of the city of Grozny (January 1, 1995, on March 5, 1995, on August 6, 1996), since the militants fought for their capital to death, and they were much better trained. We mainly had soldiers of the urgent service, there are few contract soldiers, and they have a lot of professional soldiers. Although in 166 mountain assault brigade, where I was served, I was one "conscript", the remaining contract packages, but it was a big rarity.

On the operation, we went out a column (about 100 cars). The first is usually intelligence, it reports where the militants are based, and then the infantry appears. In paragraphs, where many civilians, we tried to do without severe technology or accounted for these settlements. Constantly moved from one place to another. Long stand in one place was dangerous. Return on the base and again for 30-35 days in the field conditions. Uniforms were not enough, it quickly occurred. I had to be mined. For example, I bought myself on the sneaker's sneakers after the winter, because in boots it was very hot, the feet sweated and began to chant, ulcers could appear. I also had a T-shirt from the market, and on top of a vest and a nip. They wore scarves on the head (they do not fall): one protects his face from dust when you go to the column, the other on the head. "

The fact of self-prey during the service in the army was also surprised. Did the country they protect, could not provide soldiers with normal outfit for the season? In my opinion, this is not in any army of the world.

"Everyone was very bored at home, waited for letters. Many guys pushed mountains to the psyche, "says Igor Solovyov. - fed on the databases well. But when they stood at posts, for example, the gorge was closed for a week, then we were given a dry lady for 3 days, and then the food was mined themselves. Sometimes they changed the local residents of the meat outfit. There were cases of looting. It was difficult to deliver food and warring soldiers. At the heights of food boiled themselves. The stew was warmed right on the hot motors of the BTR. At the post stood in turn - 2 hours sleep, 2 hours are worth it. It was impossible to stand on the post, as well as the technique on one unit did not produce, only a column, dangerous.

The local population belonged to us in different ways. Some residents communicated well, changed medicines in the villages on rams, stew, sunflower oil. But unexpected actions from the children were afraid. They could at any time, for example, throw a grenade. Therefore, close to the posts and bases they tried not to let them.

I took part in the storming of the Terrible on August 6, 1996. At first, the city hospital was taken with the go, then the bridge over the Sunu River and Dynamo Stadium, where A. Kadyrov was subsequently killed. I got a fragmentary wound in my head, one fragment was pulled out, and the second remained. Several days lay in the hospital. And the assault of Grozny continued until August 26th. The guys were told that the corpses were then touched by dump trucks. All killed and seriously entered the orders of courage.

I asked Igor about the approximate number of those killed in his part. This is what he replied: "For the year that I served, about 150 people died in the part, and from the brigade about 500-600 people, more precisely, I can not say. On all bases there was a big tent - morgue. But far from all the soldiers died in battles. Some drunk fell from armor, they were not visible in dust and they fell under the wheels running around the cars. And vodka there was a lot. Without vodka there could be crazy, she helped forget. There were no entertainment, no books, no cinema. Soldiers drank along with officers, there were all equal. It happened that drunk soldiers quarreled and killed each other, because all the combat weapons, and there are no order and disciplines.

But most tormented dirt. In the field, we lived in dugouts covered with tarpaulo, 6-10 people. It rarely washed, as the water was very little, it was brought only for drinking and cooking. For about once a month and a half came a special car, which was called the opposer, in which we were turned. From the mud, the soldiers started the lice, we caught them in the morning each other, 200 pieces. Often it was possible to wash only on the bases, yes in the Argun River, although the water in it is very dirty and the strength of it. But still since the end of March we were in the river. "

After a conversation with Igor Solovyov, I allocated two more big problems of the Chechen war for myself. The first is the lack of discipline in the army, hence drunks, fights and cases of meaningless death of military personnel. The second is a unsettled life, which also negatively affected the psyche of soldiers. How can I fulfill your military debt with a hungry, who gave a soldier with erased legs? Not about the service he then thinks, but about what would eat, how to wash and where to get outfit.

Igor said that he said that the war in Chechnya considers absolutely meaningless and ridiculous.

Thinking with another veteran of the Chechen war, Roman Gaverdovsky, I managed only 3 years after our first meeting with him. Roman has long refused to talk about his past. It can be understood. War is always a tragedy and pain. But when I began to collect material about Igor Ryzhov, the novel became more frank and told about his life in general and service in Chechnya.

Roman graduated nine classes high School No. 5 of the city of Uglich in 1992. Until 1994 he studied at PTU No. 35 for the electrician and on May 30, 1994, was called up to the army. The novel with an offeem says that he was not allowed to disaggement only one year, a delay at that time could be obtained with great difficulty, and they had no rich relatives or influential friends. Although the novel still managed to get the second discharge of the electrician.

The recruits were brought to Yaroslavl to the distribution point and in the evening of May 30, the train was sent to Moscow, and then planted for cars and sent 12 km from Moscow to the division. Dzerzhinsky or, as soldiers called Santovshchina, "Wild Division".

A year and a half the novel passed the course of a young fighter. The division was a regimental presidential regiment, which was used to protect the White House during the coup in 1991, as well as for the protection of stadiums during football matches and concert sites. Once the Russian President Boris Nikolayevich Yeltsin arrived in the division, but the young fighters dressed in Rob, they were not allowed to meet with him. It turns out that in order to simply see the president, you need to be "with a parade". All urgent service soldiers paid for 40 rubles per month. This allowance of soldiers among themselves called "Yeltsinsky" and it was possible to buy only a block of inexpensive cigarettes.

"On January 1, 1995, we had a collection, and all sent to Chechnya. Just at that time, large-scale fighting began. Traveled for three days by train. Under Mozdok everyone placed in tents for 30 people. The soldiers were mostly Russian, as well as Yakuts and Ukrainians. The change of climate has influenced the harmful, some, especially northerners, rot, ulcers appeared on the body. Saved ointments. "

During the conversation, the former soldier was often silent, sometimes she patched words. It was clear that this conversation was not easy for him.

"We served in the RMO - the company of material support. The militants understood that the success of the fighting largely depends on the provision of soldiers of food, so we were sometimes fired. One day, almost focused on us two tanks, they were painted all the tents and stoves, but fortunately, it happened without human victims. In the sky immediately rose our "turntables" (helicopters) and tanks went away. "

Roman said that battles were frequent, and shelling almost daily. I had to participate in the fighting in Grozny. On the Grozny went from Mozdok in January 1995.

Any novel took part in more than 10 combat operations. Friends said that he was lucky, since never was injured.

"Once I was put in Zindan," Roman recalls. - Zindan is a deep earthenman. We descended there on the stairs, then the staircase was removed, and the pit was closed with a grille. Twice a day in the pit we descended food and water, which quickly heated and became rotten. In addition to me, in this pit there were black crickets who hurt themselves and did not give to sit still. Accounted for all the time to move from the angle to the corner. "

To the question, for which he found himself in Zindan, Roman replied that he was drunk and did not give a combat on time (battalion commander) breakfast. He began to shout on a soldier, and then ordered to put in the earthen hole.

The word "Zindan" is familiar to me since childhood from oriental fairy tales. In these fairy tales, the beauties of Guria - Peri (Magicians) saved their beloved from the dark earth zindans, where they were planted with evil deavs (fabulous monsters). But it was so long ago, a few centuries ago, and even in fairy tales. In my head, I do not fit the idea that in our time, in the civilized country of the young guy for the perfect misconduct (no matter what) you can put a few days in the pit, as in the Middle Ages. It is terrible to think about what could happen if in the area at this time the fighting began. I strongly doubt that the Soldier of the Roman Gaverdovsky would remember in the turmoil. And then he would just killed from the bullet, bombs, breaking the shell or would be captured. And in this case would write to the parents: "Your son, like a real Russian warrior, died by the death of brave," or what else should I write in such cases? And maybe awarded the Order of Courage. Posthumously ... And whose body would rest in the Uglich cemetery under the name of Roman Gaverdovsky, is unknown.

When I looked through the selection of newspapers Izvestia with materials about chechen war For 1994-1996, it came across the cycle of articles about the fraternal graves and unclaimed corpses of soldiers who cannot identify, as they are worn out, and their identification at the level of genetic examination the Russian authorities have no money. Is it not a problem?! In Russia, there is money on a lot, for example, on the device of various contests and festivals, to carry out show programs, but for some reason there are not enough funds to ensure that the mother who gave the native to the state is the most expensive thing in life - his child (sometimes the only one), could at least bury him, mourn and best to know that this is the grave of her son.

And the problem of "grandfather" in the army? Almost everyone who served in the Armed Forces had to experience her. Santa, unfortunately, was in Chechnya.

From the story of the novel: "We had an ensign named Kolokok. He loved over the soldiers to mock, especially over young: beat, insulted, forced clock to stand motionless, ridiculous orders to perform. Not everyone could endure it. Once in the part, PE happened: five young soldiers, not to stand the bullying, at night went to Chechens. A few days about them there was nothing heard. And once at night, the bun disappeared and no one had heard about him. There were rumors that Chechens came behind him. Soon, two escaped soldiers returned. What happened to them - I don't know, I only know that they were arrested as deserters, they were taken to Moscow and judged there. "

I really want to believe that the fled and returned soldiers were not too strict. It is not easy for the "home" boys at war, but to endure bullying from their own, especially the older on the rank, from those who teach and protect should, sometimes just unbearable.

During our conversation, the Roman said that during his service, only 20 people died in their parts. According to the standards of multi-million dollar and war in Chechnya, this figure may be small, but for this figure there are 20 unfortunate families who have lost their relatives.

During the conversation, the novel did not say the phrase once: "The Chechens themselves, that is, the peaceful population, did not want the war, everyone has children, families, but some of them, in the end, got out, although at first they treated us very well-wishes."

To the question of what he thinks about the Chechen war, the novel replied: "I sincerely consider this war senseless and stupid. Here is my grandfather who fought in the Great Patriotic WarAt least I knew why blood sheds. And we did not know what we were fighting. And for whom. I think the money there is big spinning. And weapons sometimes sold our officers Chechen militants. It was in our part. And for the sake of this soldiers, sitting, cripples remained. And not only the body was wounded, but also the soul. After all, I did not tell anyone about that war for many years. Especially one case was remembered when due to the fact that someone's signal rocket released in time, the Russians in the dark of the Russians fired. And the killed were and wounded. The case was hushed up, and the precipitate of vile still in the shower remained. Surely because it happened. "

The confirmation of the words of the novel that Chechnya is ruined by the soul and acts on the psyche, the story of the classmates of the Gaverdow Hope Gavrilova became the story. This is what she told: "I am once on the street, and to meet my classmate Roma Gaverdovsky, he recently returned from the army. I look at me, and your eyes are empty. I came up, greeted, and he said instead of greeting, "Nadia, I'm from Chechnya!" And I went on. I realized that he had not yet moved away from the experienced, he was still there, fighting in Chechnya. "

Yes, the experienced in Chechnya did not pass for the novel in the gift. The abundance of vodka during service (Roman confirmed the words of Igor Solovyov, that they died often, fear and tension were filmed) led to the fact that returning to Uglich and not finding decent work, the novel began to drink and once in a state of intoxication arranged a fight for which he was sentenced By 2.5 years in prison.

One of the most important, in my opinion, the problems of our army lies in the fact that the soldier who returned from the so-called "hot spot" remains one on one with his problems and difficulties. He becomes not needed by the state, by the orders of which he fought. All over the world, in any country, for such soldiers there are rehabilitation centers in which they receive medical and psychological assistance within a few months.

Now they talk a lot about patriotism, about love for their homeland, their state. So I want to ask a question: "Why should I love a state that does not love his citizens?"

Looking through the material about the Chechen war on the Internet, I found another quatrain, which is permeated with pain. Unfortunately, there is not the author, perhaps this is a former soldier who has passed Chechnya.

Socradias do not expect from rulers, parties and judges,

But I would like to know who, where and why will we send us?

It is not for us to be on the roles of wordless guns,

By performing orders that did not give the people.