Time Travelers tells of a dire future. Nobody believes them. What future do time travelers promise humanity? What is known about the time traveler

Sensational photographs, videos and eyewitness accounts have surfaced over and over again on the Internet, which are immediately accepted as irrefutable proof of the existence of time travelers. The ten most ridiculous arguments of those who are trying to justify the possibility of travel to the past and the future are collected in this article.

The case back of this "watch" is allegedly engraved with "Swiss"

In December 2008, Chinese archaeologists discovered an ancient burial site. The tomb in Shanxi province, they believe, remained intact for 400 years.

Before archaeologists were able to open the coffin, a strange metal object resembling a ring was found in the ground next to it. Upon closer examination, it turned out that this is a tiny gold watch, the frozen hands of which show five minutes past ten. The find was engraved on the case back with the word "Swiss" ("made in Switzerland"). A watch of such a model cannot be more than a hundred years old. So how did they end up in the ground above the sealed tomb of the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644)? Is a traveler from the future really involved here?

Perhaps, the Chinese archaeologists just wanted to draw a little attention to their hard and underestimated work, and here it was just very handy that an ordinary ring was found, which has a funny resemblance to modern watches. It remains only to take a couple of photos, carefully avoiding the angle from which the coveted caseback with the engraving "Swiss" will be visible, and to trumpet the media about the sensational discovery.

The Moberly-Jourdain incident

Marie Antoinette, Queen of France from 1774 to 1792, whom the time travelers met from 1901

Time travel reports are of course not limited to the modern era. Descriptions of such cases have been periodically encountered for many decades. One of them dates from August 10, 1901.

Two English teachers, Charlotte Moberly and Eleanor Jourdain, who were on vacation in France, decided to visit the Petit Trianon castle, but were new to the area around Versailles. Having lost their way, they nevertheless reached their destination ... 112 years earlier.

Travelers recall seeing a woman shaking a white tablecloth out of a window and an abandoned farm in the distance before something strange began to happen.

“Everything around suddenly became unnatural, unpleasant,” writes Jourdain. “Even the trees have become as if flat and lifeless, like a pattern on a carpet. There was no light, no shadow, and the air was completely still. "

After a while, Moberly and Jourdain ran into a group of people dressed in the fashion of the late 18th century, who showed them the way to the palace. And on the steps of the palace they met the French queen herself, Marie Antoinette.

Somehow, the travelers managed to return to their rented apartment of 1901. Taking pseudonyms, they wrote a book about their adventure, which was received very ambiguously by the public. Someone considered their story a hoax, someone - a hallucination or meeting with ghosts.

There are also more down-to-earth versions: Moberly and Jourdain witnessed a historical reconstruction or simply wrote a fantastic story inspired by HG Wells' Time Machine, published in 1895.

Pilot's journey to the Scotland of the future

Illustration for the film "The Night I Am Destined to Die", in which an official predicts a plane crash

The life of British Air Force Marshal Victor Goddard was full of strange, unexplained incidents. For example, once his plane crashed exactly like in a dream, which one of his acquaintances had told him about shortly before. This incident formed the basis of the film "The Night I Am Destined to Die." And in 1975, Goddard published a photograph that supposedly shows a ghost.

Long before the film's release and gaining fame among lovers of mysticism, Goddard was an ordinary Air Force pilot who went through the First and Second World Wars. He has also lectured in engineering at Jesus College, Cambridge and Imperial College London. In 1935 he was named Deputy Director of Intelligence for the United Kingdom Air Force. Apparently, the British government considered Goddard to be a completely sane person without the slightest hint of paranormality, but a different opinion developed in pop culture.

In his book Time Travel: New Perspectives, Irish writer D. H. Brennan recounts a bizarre incident that allegedly happened to Goddard while inspecting an abandoned airfield near Edinburgh in 1935. The airfield was dilapidated and dilapidated; grass was breaking out from under the asphalt and was being chewed by local cows. On the way home, Goddard was caught in a storm and had to return. On approaching the abandoned airfield, he was surprised to find that the storm suddenly stopped, and the sun came out, and the airfield itself was completely transformed. It was repaired, mechanics in blue overalls scurried about it, and on the runway there were four yellow aircraft of a model unknown to Goddard. The pilot did not sit down and did not tell anyone about what he saw. Four years later, the Royal Air Force began painting planes yellow, and mechanics began to wear blue uniforms, exactly as in his vision.

It is a pity, after all, that Goddard did not land at the airfield of the future and did not bring some artifact from there. Then, perhaps, there would be at least some reason to believe his words.

Fantasy by an unknown artist on what the secret Philadelphia experiment might look like

The US Navy is known for its interest in dangerous futuristic technology, from mind control and psychological weapons to robots and time travel. The legend of the Philadelphia Experiment says that on October 28, 1943, they conducted a secret experiment, codenamed Project Rainbow, during which the destroyer Eldridge was supposed to become invisible to enemy radars, but instead went 10 seconds into the past.

The reports of this experiment are somewhat vague, and the US Navy has never confirmed that it was actually carried out, but of course, no one believes the US government, and rumors continue to circulate.

Some argue that the ship experiment is based on the unified field theory developed by Albert Einstein. Allegedly, in accordance with this theory, a special electromagnetic field was created around the ship, which caused the light to "bend", and with it the entire space-time continuum, because of which the ship became invisible and moved in time. But immediately after the experiment, for some reason, everyone forgot about this amazing technology. Including the sailors who served on that destroyer, unanimously claiming that this whole story was invented by some madman.

Montauk Project

The frightening-looking radar in Montauk leads locals to the idea that secret experiments are being carried out somewhere nearby.

And again about the secrets of the American government, the distrust of which among the people in recent years has only increased because of the story with Edward Snowden. The Montac project, like Rainbow, is highly classified and associated with electromagnetic fields. Frightening experiments, including time travel, are allegedly carried out at the Camp Hero air station in Montauk, near New York.

The founder of the legend is the American writer Preston Nichols, who claims that he managed to restore his memory, which was erased after his participation in time travel experiments. In his own words, Nichols is the owner scientific degree on parapsychology. He dedicated a YouTube video to his experience of time travel, and it is, I must say, rather strange.

Let's try to be as unbiased as possible given the above facts. Nichols claims that the US government is conducting secret mind control experiments, and this may be true when you think about Project MK Ultra, a secret CIA program aimed at finding ways to manipulate the human mind with psychotropic drugs.

That's just one thing drugs and interrogation methods, and quite another - electromagnetic fields and time travel. The influence of electromagnetic fields on human consciousness or the space-time continuum has not yet been proven anywhere and by anyone.

The Large Hadron Collider

Large Hadron Collider - a particle accelerator built on the border between France and Switzerland

There are very few real experts in the Hadron Collider. Why, most people can't even pronounce its name correctly. And yet everyone has their own opinion about what researchers at CERN are doing. Some are convinced that a time machine is being built there - what else could all these complex devices be needed for, if not for the embodiment of our fantasies, inspired by science fiction films?

The LHC is the most sophisticated experimental setup in the world today. It is located 175 meters above the ground. In the "ring" of the accelerator, which is almost 27 thousand meters long, protons collide at a speed close to the speed of light. Both scientists and the press are concerned that the work of the collider could create black holes. However, after several launches of the installation, nothing like this has yet happened, but in 2012 the Higgs boson was discovered. It was because of him that the rumor spread that the LHC was the first step towards building a time machine.

Physicists Tom Weiler and Chui Meng Ho of Vanderbilt University suggest that in the future it will be possible to discover another particle - the Higgs singlet, which has incredible properties that break causality. According to the hypothesis of scientists, this particle is capable of passing into the fifth dimension and moving in time in any direction, into the past and into the future. "Our theory may sound presumptuous," says Whaler, "but it doesn't contradict the laws of physics."

Unfortunately, it is difficult for an ordinary person, far from physics, to check whether this is really the case. We have to take the authors of the theory at their word.

Mobile phones in old movies

This elderly woman, seen in the supplemental material for Charlie Chaplin's Circus, seems to be talking on a cell phone (1928)

The collective of Internet users is the greatest detective mind in history. Reddit users investigated the 2013 Boston bombing, another group of volunteers are looking for scammers on the Internet, and everyone else is busy looking for evidence of time travel in the most unexpected places. For example, on the DVD edition of Charlie Chaplin's film "Circus", attentive detectives found an interesting fragment, which they immediately uploaded to YouTube. When the movie footage shows the crowd gathered for the premiere at Grauman's Chinese Theater in 1928, a woman can be seen in the background talking on a cell phone.

Rather, with such a video quality, we can only say with confidence that she really is holding something near her ear. Historians cooled the general ardor by reporting that this may be one of the first models of Siemens hearing aids, but this version did not seem convincing enough to conspiracy theorists. They found another video, this time in 1938, in which a girl is already talking on a mobile phone, who would hardly need a hearing aid. Still, it's not very convincing. Perhaps we need more old videos of people holding something to their ears and talking.

And in the next excerpt from the 1948 film, our contemporaries stubbornly see the iPhone at 18 seconds... Have you ever wondered how people used to drive carriages without GPS? It turns out they had to use smartphones! In fact, the actor in the video is holding an ordinary notebook, and Internet detectives should look for something more convincing.

Immortal Nicolas Cage

Nicolas Cage's look-alike from the 19th century

It is difficult to imagine that someone can take this seriously, but on the Internet it is quite popular to search for old photographs and portraits, which depict people similar to modern celebrities. For example, here is a copy of Nicolas Cage from the 19th century. The uninformed compilers of the textbook in which the photograph appeared claim that it depicts the Emperor of Mexico, Maximilian I. How could they not have noticed such a striking resemblance to the actor from "National Treasures" and "Ghost Rider"?

Of course, this case is far from the first and not the only one. Keanu Reeves' portraits of 1570 and 1875 and a photograph of John Travolta from 1860 are widely known.

Keanu Reeves with a doppelganger from the past

John Travolta - Vampire or Time Traveler?

Opinions differ as to such coincidences. Someone claims that all these actors are immortal vampires, while others consider them time travelers. Cage himself on the David Letterman show denied the version of his vampirism, so only the second option remains.

Apparently, Hollywood has a secret time machine at its disposal specifically to help actors better prepare for roles in historical films. Here are just irresponsible actors perceive it as an additional vacation: taking pictures, ruling Mexico ... What kind of people.

John Tythor

One of the drawings by John Tythor, with the help of which he tried to explain the structure of his time machine

It turns out that on the Internet you can find not only evidence of time travel, but also the travelers themselves. Today, however, we all fall into this category: one has only to look in the news feed for five minutes, and three hours are gone.

In the early 2000s, social media was not that popular. In those days, people communicated on the so-called boards - forums that today look quite unusual for us. To start a conversation, you had to start a new topic. The author of one of the popular topics was a certain John Taitor, who claimed that he came from 2036, and cited a number of predictions to support his words.

Some of them were rather vague, some more specific. Titor argued that America of the future was on the brink of destruction due to a nuclear attack, after which it split into five regions. Most other countries have ceased to exist. He also posted blueprints for his time machine, but no one tried to build something from them. None of his predictions have come true yet.

What can you say, you can really be anyone on the Internet. I wonder why no one is pretending to be a time traveler today? Is it really more interesting to pretend to be a celebrity?

Information leak from the future

The researcher is waiting for messages from the future to appear on the Internet

And again about the Internet. John Tytor and others like him simply could not leave people of science indifferent.

Robert Nemiroff and Theresa Wilson of Michigan Technological University have been researching the network for several years for traces that time travelers may have left. To do this, they use special google magic to look for references to certain events dated earlier than these events actually happened, for example, information about comet C / 2012 S1, which appeared before 2012, or the phrase "Pope Francis", which appeared where- or until March 2013, in which Francis was elected pope. It is assumed that if time travelers use the Internet to communicate, then their phrases must be found somewhere that does not correspond to their date. Agree, the idea is quite interesting. So what did the researchers find? - you ask.

Nothing. There are no informational traces of time travelers on the Internet. As if consoling those whose hopes were dashed, the scientists write: “Although the study did not confirm that there are time travelers among us from the future who use the Internet for communication, it is also possible that they simply cannot leave any traces of their stay in the past, even intangible ... In addition, the discovery of information about them may be impossible for us, since this would be a violation of some of the laws of physics known to date. Finally, time travelers may not want to be found and carefully hide their tracks. "

It turns out that time travelers exist, they are simply invisible, hiding and cannot leave any traces! Very convincing, isn't it?

Time travel is not as mysterious as it sounds. In theory, all you need to do is accelerate to faster than the speed of light, and you find yourself in the future. But nobody knows how to do it yet. There is another problem: you will not be able to return, because this would break the cause-and-effect relationship. Therefore, as Stephen Hawking said, "Time travel is possible, but not useful."

In the first few months of 2018, a lot of news from time travelers has surfaced on the internet. These guys almost never give their names or show their faces. They fly from the future to tell about the time that our descendants will see, warn against mistakes and show how humanity will live in thousands of years. Many netizens believe that these people are fake and that time travel is scientifically impossible. However, there are those who believe their every word and are preparing for the events that “people from the future” told about on YouTube. So what kind of future did the time travelers predict for us? Let's try to figure it out.

Third world war

Michael Phillips was born in 2043. According to him, a nuclear conflict will break out between the United States and North Korea in 2019, culminating in the bombing of the DPRK and the assassination of Kim Jong-un. A destructive but rapid war will lead to an economic and migration crisis on a global scale, which will make the situation in the world tense and the Third World War will break out.

In 2020, Russia and China will create a bloc against the United States, Great Britain and a number of other countries. Hundreds of millions of people will die in a bloody war involving nuclear weapons.

Judging by other messages from time travelers, this war will be the bloodiest and the last of its kind for humanity. It will unite peoples and nations, as a result of which peace will reign on the planet for thousands of years, with the exception of some regional conflicts.

Cities and life

Time travelers argue that the cities of the future will be radically different from those we see today. The buildings will be incredibly tall, and it will be possible to get from one end to the other in minutes thanks to high-speed public transport.

Many people will live a carefree life and be happier. Robots will start doing the work instead. They will clean houses, perform surgeries and walk pets there. Each person will have their own stable standard income, and Additional income can only be obtained through innovation and work in the field of science. Thus, the poor class will disappear as such, and technology will develop at an incredible pace.

People will stop going shopping - instead, by a certain time according to the schedule, the necessary things and groceries will be delivered to their homes. Women and men will devote more time to themselves and become completely equal. The concept of homosexuality, inequality and so on will disappear. People will walk with robots and. In addition, humanity will actively communicate with aliens.

The medicine

In a few decades, medicine will step far ahead. Diseases like cancer will take no longer to heal than the flu. And after a few hundred years, people will forget about such a concept as childbirth. The person will be "grown" in special capsules from a sperm and an egg. At the same time, parents will be able to choose the color and type of hair or eyes, skin color and talents. Travelers claim that by 2030, humanity will learn to change the DNA of people, preventing most diseases in the future, but the constant use of such technologies in practice will come into use no earlier than 2200. A man who arrived from 4000 years old claims that thanks to the advancement of technology, people will live up to 600 years.

In the next 2 thousand years, people will face several epidemics of serious diseases that would be difficult to defeat with the current development of technology. However, in the future, such problems will be solved within a few hours: immediately after the emergence of the focus, the systems will select the necessary components to neutralize viruses or other diseases in the body.

Future technologies

Of the upcoming events predicted by people from the future, there will be a trip to Mars. Michael Phillips argues that by the mid-2020s, when Michael McIntosh becomes the new president of the United States, SpaceX will reach the Red Planet.

In 4000, the car manufacturer Zucar will be popular on Earth. Cars will fly, and advanced safety technologies will virtually eliminate the likelihood of accidents. The co-founder of Zucar, who came from the future, said that people will get to the desired places much faster by air, and advanced systems will allow even a beginner to safely operate a flying car.

Global catastrophes

James Oliver on our planet and in our time. By occupation, he is a futuristic archaeologist - he goes to different time periods to study them and collect various artifacts. The guy claims that people should now pay close attention to the Yellowstone Caldera.

A guest from the future said that mankind is waiting for the eruption of a supervolcano, the mouth of which is 55 by 72 kilometers in size. A new catastrophe will not only deal a terrible blow to the United States, but also lead to the fact that a huge volume of ash and ash will be in the atmosphere. This will provoke a global collapse and a long, harsh winter because sunlight will not penetrate the dense black curtain.

Oliver claims it will take at least five years to minimize the effects of the volcanic eruption. Throughout this time, the United States will be a barren territory in which it will not be possible to engage in agriculture. All this will happen in the next 200 years.

Another traveler by name that in the next thousand years, mankind will still be scornful of environment because of what the result global warming ice caps will melt. The sea level will rise sharply and almost all land will be flooded - people will have to survive under water. To prove his words, the guy showed a photo of the flooded Los Angeles, in which people continue to live.

Gloomy time

A man who arrived from 3300 said that after 12 centuries. There will be almost no trees and animals, and humanity will get involved in a war with out-of-control artificial intelligence and robots.

The person who spoke about this was born on December 1, 2058 in the European Empire. At the age of 18, he enlisted in the army, traveled to the future and took part in the war against robots that have flooded the planet and are subject to powerful artificial intelligence. The war with them began on September 21, 3300. On the side of people fought the inhabitants of other planets and galaxies. However, the result was a foregone conclusion: artificial intelligence easily beat people and their allies, tracking them through numerous sensors and cameras installed in cities. Billions of people died, only about 8 hundred resistance fighters remained, who hid in the ruins.

How the traveler was able to get out of there and ended up in our era is difficult to say. He claims that he is on a mission to prevent this development of events and change the future. Apparently, the guy succeeded, because we already saw guests from the 4000s and 5000s, and everything was fine there.

Secrets of the past

Time travelers told not only about what will happen in the future, but also revealed some secrets of the past. For example, about the tragedy of September 11, when one of the worst terrorist attacks in modern history took place.

A time traveler named Titor from 2038 to stage the largest terrorist attack ever in the United States. At the same time, Michael Phillips claims that the latter was driven by good intentions.

It turns out that at that time the country was on the verge of the second civil war in the history of the United States, which was supposed to erupt in 2008. The attack on the Twin Towers on September 11, 2001, which killed 3,000 people, allowed American society to rally around a common enemy, which is international terrorism. The threat of civil war, the reasons for which were not explained, passed.

This is the kind of future that travelers from the future draw for us. However, skeptics argue that the time machine violates the second law of thermodynamics, which states that all processes in nature occur with an increase in entropy. A simplified illustration of this thesis is the famous "butterfly effect": any action in the past performed by "guests from the future" has an unpredictable effect on subsequent events. In other words, if even one tenth of the time travelers' words are true, the events they tell about will never happen.

Throughout its history, mankind has accumulated a lot of facts indicating the existence of such an inexplicable phenomenon as time travel. The emergence strange people, machines and mechanisms are recorded in the historical annals of the era of the Egyptian pharaohs and the time of the dark Middle Ages, the bloody period of the French Revolution, the First and Second World Wars.

Programmer in the 19th century.

The archives of Tobolsk have preserved the case of a certain Sergei Dmitrievich Krapivin, who was detained by a policeman on August 28, 1897 on one of the streets of this Siberian city. The policeman's suspicion was caused by the strange behavior and appearance of a middle-aged man. After the detainee was taken to the police station and interrogated, the police were surprised at the information that Krapivin sincerely shared with them. According to the detainee, he was born on April 14, 1965 in the city of Angarsk. His occupation - a PC operator - seemed no less strange to the policeman. How he got to Tobolsk, Krapivin could not explain. According to him, shortly before that he had a severe headache, then the man lost consciousness, and when he woke up, he saw that he was in a completely unfamiliar place not far from the church.

A doctor was called to the police station to examine the detainee, who admitted that Mr. Krapivin was quiet insanity and insisted on placing him in a city insane asylum ...

A shard of imperial Japan.

A resident of Sevastopol, a retired naval sailor Ivan Pavlovich Zalygin has been studying the problem of time travel for the last fifteen years. The captain of the second rank became interested in this phenomenon after a very curious and mysterious incident that happened to him in the late 80s of the last century on Pacific, during his service as deputy commander of a diesel submarine. During one of the training cruises in the area of ​​the La Perouse Strait, the boat got into a severe thunderstorm. The submarine commander decided to take a surface position. As soon as the ship surfaced, the sailor of the watch reported that the straight ahead saw an unidentified ship. Soon it turns out that a Soviet submarine stumbled upon a rescue boat located in neutral waters, in which the submariners found a half-dead frostbitten man in ... the uniform of a Japanese sailor from the Second World War. When inspecting the personal belongings of the rescued, an award parabellum was found, as well as documents issued on September 14, 1940.

After the report to the base command, the boat was ordered to go to the port of Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, where counterintelligence was already waiting for the Japanese naval sailor. The GRU officers took a nondisclosure agreement from the team members for the next ten years.

Napoleon's troops against tanks.

In Zalygin's file cabinet there is a case described by a certain Vasily Troshev, who fought in the third tank army of the North-Western Front. During the battles for the liberation of Estonia in 1944, not far from the Gulf of Finland, a tank reconnaissance division commanded by Captain Troshev came across a strange group of cavalrymen dressed in uniforms in a wooded area, which tankers had only seen in history textbooks. The sight of the tanks brought them to a panicky flight. As a result of a short pursuit through the marshland, our soldiers managed to detain one of the cavalrymen. The fact that he spoke French greatly disposed the Soviet tankmen to the prisoner, who knew about the Resistance movement and took the horseman for a soldier of the allied army.

The French cavalryman was taken to the army headquarters, an officer who had taught French in his pre-war youth was found, and with his help they tried to interrogate the soldier. The very first minutes of the conversation perplexed both the translator and the staff officers. The cavalryman claimed to be the cuirassier of the army of the Emperor Napoleon. At present, the remnants of his regiment, after a two-week retreat from Moscow, are trying to break out of the encirclement. However, two days ago, they got into a heavy fog and got lost. The cuirassier himself said that he was extremely hungry and had a cold. To the translator's question about the year of birth, he said: one thousand seven hundred and seventy-two ...

Already in the morning next day the mysterious prisoner was taken away in an unknown direction by the arriving officers of the special department ...
Is there a chance to return?

According to I.P. Zalygin, there are a number of places on the planet where the facts of temporary displacements occur quite often. It is in these places that there are large faults in the earth's crust. From these faults periodically there are powerful outbursts of energies, the nature of which is far from being fully understood. It is during periods of energy emissions that abnormal spatio-temporal movements occur both from the past to the future, and vice versa.

Almost always, temporary displacements are irreversible, but it happens that people who have moved against their will to another time, have the happiness of returning again. So, Zalygin describes a case that occurred in the early nineties of the XX century on one of the foothill plateaus of the Carpathians with one of the shepherds. A man with his fifteen-year-old son was in a summer parking lot, when one evening, in front of a teenager, he suddenly disappeared. The shepherd's son began to call for help, but literally a minute later his father reappeared as if out of thin air in the same place. The man was extremely frightened and could not sleep a wink all night. Only the next morning the shepherd told his son what had happened to him. As it turned out, at some point the man saw a bright flash in front of him, lost consciousness for a moment, and when he woke up, he realized that he was in a completely unfamiliar place to him. Huge houses, like pipes, stood around him, and some cars scurried about in the air. Suddenly the shepherd again felt sick, and he again found himself in the parking lot familiar to him ...

For the second century, scientists have been struggling to solve the problem of temporary displacement, and, quite possibly, the day will come when the plots of science fiction films and books will become an everyday reality for mankind.

This photograph was taken in 1941 at the opening of the South Fork Bridge in British Columbia, Canada. A person who clearly stands out from the crowd for his extraordinary appearance was captured in the frame. A short haircut, dark glasses, a knitted sweater with a wide neckline over a T-shirt with some symbols, a massive camera in his hands. Agree, the appearance is quite familiar to our days, but not for the beginning of the 40s! And he completely stands out from the others. This photo was under investigation. Found a participant in these events. But he absolutely could not remember this man.

Looking at old photographs, one married couple drew attention to a young man captured in 1917 in clothes unusual for that time.
Basically, they were embarrassed by the fact that every respected person of that time wore a hat; going out without a hat was considered the same as appearing in public without pants. And the T-shirt he was wearing does not fit into the fashion of that time in any way, it looks too modern.

In June 1936, during excavation work in the vicinity of Baghdad, builders discovered an ancient burial from the era of the Parthian kingdom (250 BC - 220 AD). Among the objects found in the tomb, an earthen vessel about 14 centimeters high attracted special attention. Its neck was filled with bitumen, through which a metal rod with traces of corrosion passed. The other end of the rod was in a copper cylinder hidden inside the vessel. The unusual find was shown to the Austrian archaeologist Wilhelm Koenig, who worked in the archaeological museum of the Iraqi capital. The perplexed scientist suggested that this is nothing more than an ancient battery.

Later, his assumption was confirmed by Professor JB Perchinski from the University of North Carolina. The professor even managed to create an exact working copy of the "Parthian battery". He filled it with 5% wine vinegar and got a voltage of 0.5 volts. German Egyptologist Arne Egebrecht went even further. With the help of 10 such batteries and a salt solution of gold, he covered the statue of Osiris with a layer of precious metal in a few hours. Thus, the scientist proved that the Parthians knew the secret of galvanization.

In June 1934, in the rocks near the Texas town of London, archaeologists found an ordinary-looking hammer - 15 centimeters long, three in diameter. It would seem, what's wrong with that? Yes, only this find literally grew into limestone. The wooden handle of the hammer has turned to stone on the outside, but inside it has completely turned into coal. It turns out that this object is older than the rock formed around it. This means that it is about 140 million years old! On closer examination, it turned out that the hammer itself was made of high quality metal, which even modern metallurgists could not get.

In 1974, Romanian workers were digging a trench near the city of Ayud and stumbled upon three objects at a depth of 10 meters. Two of them turned out to be the bones of a prehistoric elephant, which are about 2.5 million years old.
But the third object turned out to be the most interesting: an aluminum wedge. This find puzzled the researchers, since aluminum was discovered only in 1808, and the age of the wedge, given that it was in the same layer with the remains of an extinct animal, cannot be less than 11 thousand years.
Ufologists immediately announced this artifact as direct evidence of visits to Earth by "green men". So it is or not, hardly anyone can say with complete certainty.

This item, found in a tomb from the Ming Dynasty, has puzzled researchers. The tomb was opened in 2008 in the Guangxi region (PRC) during filming documentary... To the surprise of archaeologists and journalists. in the burial ... a Swiss watch was found!
“When we were removing the soil, a piece of rock suddenly bounced off the surface of the coffin and hit the floor with a metallic sound,” said Jiang Yan, a former curator of the Guangxi Museum who participated in the excavation. - We picked up the item. It turned out to be a ring. But, having cleared it from the ground, we were shocked - a miniature dial was found on its surface ”.

Inside the ring was an engraved inscription "Swiss" (Switzerland). The Ming Dynasty ruled China until 1644. There can be no question that such a miniature mechanism could have been created in the 17th century. But Chinese experts say the tomb has never been opened for the past 400 years.

In 1900, off the coast of the Greek island of Antikythera, located between the Peloponnese and Crete, sponge fishers discovered the remains of a Roman merchant ship. Presumably, the ship sank in the 80s BC. on the way from the island of Rhodes to R them. From a depth of about 60 meters, a lot of gold jewelry, marble and bronze figurines, amphorae, ceramics and others were raised antique items... And along with them - parts of a strange mechanism.

For the first time, the archaeologist Valerios Stais took a closer look at this find. While sorting the precious exhibits in 1902, he noticed that some of the bronze objects closely resemble the gears of a clock. The largest is 10-12 centimeters in diameter, two by five to seven centimeters, and many smaller ones. The scientist suggested that all of these are parts of some astronomical device. But colleagues scoffed at Stais. Objects date back to 150-100 BC, while gears were not invented until 14 centuries later.

They returned to Stais's theory only in the late 50s.

The British historian from Yale University Derek de Solla Price, having studied in detail the gears from Antikythera, proved that they are all really fragments of the same mechanism. The parts were most likely housed in a wooden box measuring 31.5x19x10 centimeters, which crumbled over time. Price even sketched a rough diagram of this device. In 1971, a more detailed diagram was drawn up, and the British watchmaker John Gleave was able to assemble a working copy of the mysterious machine. The device consisted of 32 parts and simulated the movement of the sun and moon, displaying the results on two dials.

The opening of Michael Wright, a specialist at the London Science Museum

But the story did not end there. In 2002, Michael Wright, a specialist at the London Science Museum, made another discovery. It turns out that the ancient mechanism is also capable of simulating the motion of the five then known planets: Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn. And three years later, with the help of modern X-ray techniques, scientists were able to see about two thousand Greek symbols on the gears. The missing parts of the mechanism were also recreated. Now the device could perform operations of addition, subtraction and division, keep an astronomical calendar of 365 days, and every four years making a leap correction for the day, and read off the calendar systems of several ancient peoples. The Antiky-Tersky mechanism was rightly dubbed the antique computer.

On the remote Kamchatka Peninsula, 200 km from the village of Tigil, the University of Archeology of St. Petersburg discovered strange fossils. The authenticity of the find has been certified.
According to archaeologist Yuri Golubev, the discovery surprised scientists by its nature, it can change the course of history (or prehistory). This is not the first time that ancient artifacts have been found in this region. But, at first glance, this find is encrusted in a rock (which is understandable, since there are numerous volcanoes on the peninsula). Analysis has shown that the movement is made of metal parts that appear to collectively form a movement that could be something like a watch or computer. The most amazing thing is that all the pieces were dated at 400 million!

In May 2008, archaeologists from the University of Bristol, conducting excavations on the territory of the Château-Gaillard (France), made a sensational find. At a depth of two and a half meters, a complex of iron objects was discovered that made up the warrior's protective armor. Nearby, archaeologists discovered a second burial, a well-preserved skeleton of a horse. The excavation also found coins denier tournois (French denier tournois), a French type of denarius minted by Philip II Augustus (1180-1223), as well as coins of the Duchy of Aquitaine with the name of Richard, which suggests that the found armor belongs to During the reign of Richard I the Lionheart (1189-1199), the very arrangement of the fragments of iron armor seemed unusual to the scientist. From above, they resembled the outline of a bicycle.

The "Reports of the Academy of Sciences" for 1995 tells how geologists in Syktyvkar investigated strange finds during prospecting for gold-bearing rocks. They made pits, pulled out buckets of sand on a rope. Tungsten springs were discovered in taiga corners untouched by civilization at depths of 6-12 meters. And this corresponds to the Upper Pleistocene, or one hundred thousand years BC! .. “Technogenic pollution of samples is excluded, since metallic tungsten and its alloys were not part of any of the mechanisms, equipment and instruments used for drilling, and the prospecting area itself is located in distance from any industrial enterprises for many kilometers. At the same time, it is known that metallic tungsten alloyed with rare earths ... is used in plasma engines of space rockets. "
So, the artifacts are clearly of artificial origin, they could not be brought to the Urals over the past 40 years along with the debris of current spacecraft, quite a lot of springs were found in three different places.


which in this case suggests itself: the artifacts did not come from anywhere. Someone or something scattered them on the ground about 100 thousand years ago. Considering that the Urals region is rich in minerals, it can be assumed that in these places many millennia ago there was either some kind of metallurgical complex associated with rocket technology, or a cosmodrome (or maybe something like that) ...

There is a mass different stories that should convince readers and listeners that time travel is indeed possible. Here are some of the most famous ones.

Is the head of the emperor in Lenin's office?

1. Mobile phone in the movie Charlie Chaplin

Looking closely at some of the behind-the-scenes footage of Charlie Chaplin's "Circus," director George Clark noticed a woman who enters the frame holding a small slender device to her ear. If the film was shot today, then anyone could call this device a mobile phone. However, the action takes place in 1928! So what did George Clark see? A time traveler? Then how can she talk on a cell phone if there was no cell phone service in 1928? Or does she have some kind of apparatus in her hands with which she communicated with other time travelers? Also a rather absurd assumption - how was the connection made? Most likely, the woman was holding some other device, for example, a hearing aid, if the woman was hard on her ear. True, the woman is talking at the same time ... So maybe she is generally crazy? And is it a woman?

2. Were there CDs in 1800.

The painting shows a man holding in his hands something very much like a CD box. What is it? As you know, the form of gramophone records known today was invented only in the middle of the 18th century, and here is its very beginning. In general, the compact disc appeared only in the 80s of the 20th century. Who is this man with the CD box? Time Traveler? Oh really? How well he got into the group depicted in the picture.

3. The victim of a car comes from the past

In mid-June 1950, a tragic accident happened: a car hit and die a young man of about thirty named Rudolf Fetz. The deceased was dressed in clothes that were in fashion in the 19th century.

The police launched an investigation, and it was unexpectedly revealed that this man, aged 29, had disappeared in 1876. With him, during the time they found: a copper beer marker, a bill for the care of a horse and a cart, a letter dated 1876, $ 70 and Business Cards... All of these things were without any signs of aging, which made it possible for the police to assume that they were in front of the body of a time traveler who got from 1876 straight to 1950. Another traveler? Somehow it becomes a bit too much.

4. Secrets of the Montauk project

As the BBC once reported, Montauk's secret laboratory was able to create a passage in space-time. The so-called Montauk Project was allegedly carried out from 1943 to 1983 at a military base near Montauk, New York. As they say, during the experiments, the subjects were exposed to the brain with high-frequency radio pulses, which led to the occurrence of various hallucinations in them. Many subjects reported that they visited in the future. After several subjects went crazy, the project was canceled. The project itself was linked by the names of Preston B. Nichols and Al Bielek, who, according to them, suddenly began to recall the long-standing events suppressed in the laboratory.

5. Time-traveling hipster

A photograph from 1941 shows the opening of the Golden Bridge in Canada. And here, too, they saw the time traveler. From the rest of the townsfolk, whom you can see in the photograph, he was distinguished by a T-shirt, sunglasses - everything did not correspond to the style of clothing that was worn at that time. In addition, the stranger saw a modern portable camera, which certainly could not have been in the 40s of the last century.

This traveler is known as the "time-traveling hipster". Did he come back? Who knows - history is silent about this.

6. The Philadelphia Experiment

This is perhaps the most famous of the time-tunnel experiments. Also known as "Rainbow". The experiment was conceived as a top secret project that would decide the outcome of the Second World War. Project Rainbow, the forerunner of the current Stells ("low-visibility") technology, carried out technical experiments to ensure that ships were invisible to enemy radars. The experiment revealed an unexpected side effect. The ship not only became invisible, but also suddenly appeared in Norfolk, Virginia, hundreds of miles away.

While the ship was "moving" from the Philadelphia Navy base to Norfolk and back, the crew members completely lost their orientation. In the end, the team members were declared insane, and the project itself was quietly buried. It is difficult to say whether there was really a time travel or not. But the story itself was overgrown with various blood-chilling details and is still being told. For example - in Hollywood films.

7. Flight into the future of Sir Victor Goddard

In 1935, an officer of the British Royal Air Force flew by plane to an abandoned airfield in Edinburgh. Imagine his surprise when, taking off over the old airport to go back, he glanced down at the just abandoned takeoff field: the old airfield was completely renovated, mechanics in blue overalls walked around four parked yellow planes.

Only four years later, in 1939, the Royal Air Force began painting planes yellow and mechanics' uniforms were changed to blue. Well, what is not proof of Sir Goddard's time travel?

8. Evidence of time travel from a Chinese tomb.

In December 2008, Chinese archaeologists uncovered the huge tomb of Emperor Xi Qing, which had remained completely intact for 400 years.

When scientists cleaned the layer of earth around the emperor's coffin, they stumbled upon a small piece of iron, which, upon closer inspection, turned out to be a Swiss modern watch with an engraved lid and hands that stopped at 10:06. The tomb, according to archaeologists, has indeed been intact for 400 years. How do you explain a modern artifact? Not otherwise, as again the absent-minded time traveler lost ...

Time travel is a favorite subject of science fiction writers and the dream of their fans. However, there are those who assure that they actually came from the future - some fleeing from the special services, some in attempts to warn humanity about the impending disaster. told the stories of the most controversial guests from the future.

Soldier from 2036

In 2000, the story of John Titor, who supposedly arrived from 2036, captured the minds of Americans. He registered on one of the resources and talked about his experience, in between times demonstrating his time machine.

Taitor confessed that he is a soldier sent back in time to deliver the IBM 5100 computer to scientists. Future programmers must fix bugs that will cause problems in 2038. However, Taitor decided to temporarily stop in 2000 to chat with his family, collect photos lost in a future war and prevent an impending catastrophe - the Third world war.

Titor suggested learning basic weapons skills and keeping everything ready to "leave the house in ten minutes and never go back there." He even assembled a team of volunteers ready to go with him into 2036. “I don’t set myself the goal of being believed,” explained Taitor. - Let me tell you a little secret: in the future, no one loves you. We regard you as a generation of lazy, self-centered and outrageously ignorant rams. I think this should worry you more than my persona. "

Taitor appointed a global catastrophe for 2015. It was supposed to start with a nuclear strike by Russia on the United States, which had collapsed during the 2005 civil war. The cause of the war was the conflict between Arabs and Jews. As a result, almost the whole world would have to lie in ruins: Russia and Europe would disappear from the face of the planet, and only a few military bases remained of the United States.

Taitor finally disappeared from the Internet in 2005, when his predictions one after another turned out to be false. In 2008, private detectives established that neither John Titor himself nor his family existed. The only person to confirm Titor's existence was his lawyer, Larry Haber. Some fans still believe in the reality of Taitor, and the unfulfilled predictions are explained by a temporary paradox: since he told about them, they never happened. The Habers, however, were simply friends of the guest's family from the future, with whom he stayed, - therefore, he went online from their computer.

Nuclear strike on the bitcoin rich

In 2003, the entertainment resource Weekly World News published a story about the arrest of an unusually successful economist. Someone Andrew Carlssin allegedly made $ 350 million in two weeks on risky investments, having invested only $ 800. Such an exceptional case could not fail to attract the attention of the police who arrested the newly-minted rich man. During interrogation, he did not disclose the fraudulent schemes, but admitted that he had arrived from 2256. A source in the Securities and Exchange Commission told reporters about this.

During interrogation, Karlsin admitted that he was too carried away: he planned to invest in both successful and unsuccessful business projects, but “it was too difficult to resist the temptation,” so all his 126 investments brought him instant profit. According to journalists, they could not find information about him until December 2002, as if Karlsin did not really exist before.

For his release, he promised the government to tell the whereabouts of bin Laden and to reveal the secret of the cure for AIDS, but flatly refused to admit where the time machine is located and explain its structure, as he was very afraid that the unit would fall "into the wrong hands." They refused to release him from prison until an unknown well-wisher paid a one million dollar bail for him. Karlsin was released, in April 2013 he was supposed to appear before the court, but disappeared on the way to the hearing.

The story was picked up by many world media: publications about Karlsin appeared in The New Yorker, The Scotsman. But most of all misterious story Andrew Karlsina was surprised not by newspaper readers, but by the FBI and the SEC. Journalists literally tortured them with requests for comment about the "time traveler". The refusal of the special services to comment on Karlsin's case only provoked the conspiracy theorists, who are confident that the authorities are simply hiding the truth.

He also found his prophet on an entertainment resource. In August 2013, a user under the nickname Luka_Magnotta wrote an appeal to the Americans asking them to abandon Bitcoin. According to him, the use of cryptocurrency could lead to a nuclear war, and he came from 2026 to warn humanity about this and make it stop in time.

Luca said that in his time, the dollars familiar to people have already disappeared. After the cost of bitcoin reached a million dollars, humanity became disillusioned with other currencies and abandoned them: "Now all wealth exists in only two forms: bitcoins and land." The population, he said, suffers from hunger, as all the money is concentrated in the Citadels - fully robotic walled cities where the cryptocurrency rich live. But the availability of money does not guarantee a comfortable life: at least every fourth bitcoin owner is tortured in order to find out his password.

Politics is also not all right: most governments have been destroyed, as people prefer to hide their income and stopped paying taxes. Russian hackers stole 60 percent of Africa's wealth in two days, after which a civil war began, which only two of the richest countries could end: Saudi Arabia and North Korea.

Luca claimed he was planning a nuclear apocalypse to end the dominance of the bitcoin rich. With the help of 20 nuclear submarines, he intends to destroy all submarine Internet cables and launch missiles into densely populated areas. He ended his story with a request to strangle Bitcoin in the bud, because "he knows how it will all end."

Magnotta's prediction was recalled in November 2017, when bitcoin reached the ten thousand dollar mark, as predicted by the "guest from the future."

The future is hazy

Showcasing photographs from the future is all the rage among self-proclaimed time travelers. Guests from other times prefer to do it on Youtube-ApexTV channel dedicated to the paranormal. Since the beginning of 2018, three time travelers have already shown their pictures: from 6000, 10000 and 2118. All photographs are similar in one thing: for some reason they do not differ in clarity.

A 6000-year-old alien attributes the blur to the image that it distorts during time travel. He was also lucky that the same did not happen to his insides: according to him, scientists have observed this. He stated that he was born in the 20th century and participated in experiments in the 1990s, when researchers sent several people into the future, at different times. He is forced to hide his name and face and change his voice so that he is not caught by the mysterious "they".

Frame: ApexTV / YouTube

According to the testimony of the “guest from the future”, this is how the world will be in a hundred years.

In 40 centuries, he said, everyone will be able to teleport and travel in time. But you shouldn't worry about temporal paradoxes: travelers will be invisible and will not be able to interfere in the course of history (he does not explain how he was able to act in the video at the same time). The world will be ruled by artificial intelligence devoid of emotions, it will also reduce people in size so that they take up a minimum of space and consume fewer resources.

A man who visited the year 10,000 explained the blurriness of the picture "by a change in the electromagnetic properties of the Earth", because of which cameras began to work differently. According to him, while studying in America in 2008, he met a professor who invited him to fly into the future. After hesitating a little, he made up his mind. According to him, in the future, grass grows everywhere, and skyscrapers are so high that their peaks cannot be seen behind the clouds. All cars fly in the sky, and aliens walk on the ground. Humans also learned to fly, and the time traveler suggested that nanotechnology was helping them with this. Soft robots and holograms were everywhere. He really wanted to once again fly into the future, but when he came to the professor the next day, he was not at home, and the time machine disappeared without a trace.

Alexander Smith, who moved from 1981 to 2118, and then to 2018, that the original image from the future was seized by the government, and he only had a copy. Bad quality... According to him, he is looking for him, so he lives in a hiding place and hides his real name. As for the future, robots told him that "smart aliens will come to Earth in the middle of the 21st century." The worst danger to humans, Smith called global warming and asked the residents of 2018 to think about the environment "if only for the sake of their children and grandchildren."

The same channel has already published several interviews with a guest from 2030 under the pseudonym Noah. He even passed a lie detector test, and he passed the test with flying colors: when asked directly whether he was a guest from the future, he answered “yes,” and the polygraph showed that it was true.

Noah looks about 20 years old, but assures that he is twice as old and retained the appearance of a young man thanks to the "secret medicine." According to him, scientists learned to travel in time 15 years ago, but they hide it from the public. And only in 2028 will the government allow anyone to go to the past or the future. Then humanity will go to Mars.

Frame: ApexTV / YouTube

According to him, by 2030, humanity will learn how to treat many forms of cancer, robots will run a household, and almost everyone will have some kind of Google glasses with the same power as today's computers. Bitcoins will finally enter circulation, but traditional money will not disappear either. Due to global warming, the climate in the United States will become hotter and in Europe colder. He also said that the US president would be re-elected for a second term, but refused to provide evidence so as "not to cause a temporary paradox."