Recurring from day to day. From day to day (from day to day). What activities should be turned into a daily ritual

Day by day (day by day) by day

From day (from day) to day DAY, day, m.

Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949-1992 .

See what "From day (from day) to day" is in other dictionaries:

    See constantly ... Dictionary of Russian synonyms and expressions similar in meaning. under. ed. N. Abramova, M .: Russian dictionaries, 1999. every day, every day, every day, constantly, every day, every day, every day ... Synonym dictionary

    Day is day. Day to day. Every day Wed. Oh, are you need, need, Forgotten Orphan! You walk without a zipun, Day day not full. FROM. Surikov. Need ... Michelson's Big Explanatory Phraseological Dictionary

    From day to day … Spelling dictionary-reference

    Adjective, number of synonyms: 1 all year round (8) ASIS Synonym Dictionary. V.N. Trishin. 2013 ... Synonym dictionary

    from day to day- - Topics oil and gas industry EN day to dayD / D ... Technical translator's guide

    from day to day- every day / every day (daily, incessantly) ... Spelling difficult adverbs

    from day to day- Frenzy. Every day, every day (used to denote the continuity, constancy of any action). Only with the verb. nesov. kind: do, do, read, increase ... how? from day to day. Again from early morning I read, again with a book in ... Educational phraseological dictionary

    From day to day- Spread. Every day, all the time. Life, I remember, seemed to me firmly established forever in those forms and relationships, as I saw it from day to day (M. Gorky. In people). And the next day the hunter is again at work and again examines the traps and so from ... ... Phraseological dictionary of the Russian literary language

    from day to day- every day / every day and and / every day every day ... Spelling dictionary of the Russian language

    Adverb are. time ramp. Every day, incessantly. Efremova's Explanatory Dictionary. T.F. Efremova. 2000 ... Modern explanatory dictionary Russian language Efremova


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Repeated day-to-day treatments can be beneficial for both you and the sufferer... Thanks to the established daily routine, you will be able to save time, because you will clearly know what you need to do now, and pay more attention to activities that are beneficial and enjoyable.

How to organize your day

A person with or another form of dementia ultimately needs the help of a caregiver, especially with organizing daily activities.

Structured and understandable actions can help reduce and improve mood. For a person with dementia, pre-planned activities are much better than sudden and spontaneous actions for which they are unable to prepare.

Before you start planning your day, there are a few things to keep in mind:

  • The tastes of the person you care about. It is important to include in the list of daily activities some pleasant and favorite things for your loved ones. Maybe he loves washing dishes or collecting puzzles? Consider his tastes.
  • Patient's capabilities. It's important not to overdo it. If you understand that your loved one is not coping with any tasks, it is better to remove them, replacing them with simpler ones.
  • Remember if your loved one planned the days before the illness? Perhaps you will find a solution in his past. How he started the day and how he ended - knowing these nuances will help plan the patient's daily routine, taking into account his habits, which he may have forgotten.
  • Observe the patient - what time of the day he is most active and when the activity decreases. You can plan your daily activities in such a way that in the morning, for example, you can walk a little in the park with your loved ones, and leave more relaxing activities for the evening. Or vice versa.
  • Be patient. Gradually, the person you are caring for will get used to going to bed and getting up at the same time. This is especially useful if the person with dementia has insomnia or confuses day with night.
  • The daily routine should be flexible. You don't have to do both. Leave some free time for the patient. But here it is important that this time always fell on the same hours.

Dementia is a progressive disease. And at some point, a person's skills and abilities will change. Through creativity, patience and flexibility in dealing with these challenges, you can adapt your daily life and the patient's daily routine for these changes.

What activities should be turned into a daily ritual

Household duties. A person with dementia may not always be able to help you around the house, but if you are sure that he is doing well with something, do not miss the chance to let your loved one, at least a little, help you around the house.

Personal hygiene... Depending on the stage of the disease, the patient needs different times for personal hygiene. Someone needs minimal help from caregivers, someone is not able to take a bath or brush their teeth on their own. Set aside as much time as necessary for your loved one's personal hygiene.

Time to eat.

Creative pursuits(music, art, craft making). If you have a hobby, it will be great to involve the person you are caring for. You can try painting a picture together or knitting a scarf.

Spontaneous events(for example, the arrival of guests). Perhaps your grandfather will be glad to see loved ones who live separately from you. Try having family evenings like this occasionally.

Intellectual pursuits(reading, puzzles). This can include many different activities depending on the interests and capabilities of the patient. You can do any of them.

Physical activity... You don't have to run marathons. A light morning exercise or a walk in the nearest park is enough.

Social activity.

Don't worry about keeping the patient busy every minute. A person with dementia needs a balance of activity and rest, and sometimes a routine you come up with may require more frequent rest breaks, or vice versa, a variety of tasks for the body and mind.

If your loved one feels bored, irritable, and distracted, it may be time to change activities or take a break for relaxation. Remember that the person with dementia enjoys the process itself, not the end result.

We understand how exhausting it is to care for a sick loved one, that sometimes guardians give up and all advice from the outside seems ridiculous and stupid. But perhaps they can help make caring for the sick a little easier.

Ah, how many wonderful discoveries the spirit of enlightenment is preparing for us!
(A.S. Pushkin)

Astronomy is a happy science: it, in the words of the French scientist Arago, does not need adornments. Her achievements are so exciting that you don't have to take special care to attract attention to them. However, the science of the sky is not only about amazing discoveries and bold theories. It is based on everyday facts that repeat from day to day: sunrise and sunset, change of lunar phases, stars in the night sky.

Exploring the poems of V. Tushnova, E. Asadov, A.S. Pushkin, E. Baratynsky, A. Fet, S. Yesenin, Y. Kim, B. Pasternak, A. Akhmatova, N. Gumilyov, M. Lermontov, prose M Bulgakov, A. Konan Doyle, it is possible to analyze the astronomical phenomena described in them, evaluate them from the point of view of reliability, and compose astronomical problems. Ordinary facts can be clothed in an unusual, often paradoxical form, shown from an unexpected side in order to sharpen attention to them and refresh interest. In each line read, an inquisitive mind discovers new discoveries, sees interesting phenomena with a fresh look, and comes up with an unusual task.

This work is a collection of problems in astronomy, compiled on the basis of the processing of poetry and prose by famous authors. The collection presents problems with a "twist", of different difficulty levels, from various sections of astronomy. This collection of problems can be used in the work of the astronomical circle, for holding school Olympiads in astronomy.

The solution of these problems will contribute to the development of the creative abilities of students, will interest them, will help to develop the quality of seeing the meaningful in the ordinary and the ordinary, will set them up for a serious study of astronomy, will teach them to be attentive.

This collection of problems is exclusive material, because such problems cannot be found in other collections. It is unique already because it gives an inquisitive student the opportunity to come up with their own problems, thoughtfully reading poetry and prose. This means that in the light of the new requirements for students, this collection of tasks will contribute to self-development and self-knowledge, will push them to creativity, to activity.



Stars are falling
From dozens of orbits
Their stroke is instant and light.
Alarm, alarm sounds
In the gorges, the midnight wind
Until the phosphorous trail goes out
I whisper desire hastily.
My eyes are riveted to the autumn sky
Perhaps I will argue fate
And the stars are flying and flying
And fall into the black sea. (V. Tushnova)

Find the astronomical error in this poem.


By dawn everything was silent
Slow, important moon
Entangling the stars in a golden net
Mysteriously hung over the water. (E. Asadov " Wild geese»)

With the last shine beyond the forest of sorrow,
The evening dawn is quietly extinguished
The deaf valley is silent
A river swirls in the desert fog,
The clouds are lazy,
Between them the moon is golden. (A.S. Pushkin)

Why is the moon golden?


Everything was quiet and cold
Frost mica flickered
I looked at the world in surprise
Big blue star. (V. Tushnova)

What star are we talking about?


By the bridge, shivering asleep
Two pussy willows drink the dawn with their palms
A tiny month, like a kitten
Climbing, climbs the lantern. (E. Asadov "At Dawn")

Find an astronomical inaccuracy.


There is a sad moon in heaven
Meets the merry dawn
One is burning, the other is cold
Dawn shines as a young bride
The moon before her, as dead, is pale. (A.S. Pushkin)

Why is the moon white in the morning?


Above me in the clear azure
One star shines
Right - west dark red
To the left is a pale moon. (A.S. Pushkin)

Determine in what phase the moon was and why is it called close?


Choking a wave on the hair
From flooding, for ships
Dived and swam the lamps
There is a star in the lampada of the Kama waters. (B. Pasternak "On a Steamer")

Determine the declination of this star.


Let me skinny like wood chips -
Flower Thorn Elm,
Smiling at the new moon
As on a fool's hat,
Blue paint dries
On the raw ends of the sickle. (B. Pasternak)


Heavy converged in the sky,
Terrible clouds.
Between them the moon turned purple
Like a mortal wound ... (N. Gumilev "Dream of night and dark")

What astronomical phenomenon are we talking about?

TASK 10.

So a beast of bleak forests
Sensed spring
Listens to the rustle of the clock
And looks at the moon
And quietly sneaks into the ravine
Wake up night dreams
And will agree on an easy step
With the movement of the moon. (N. Gumilev "Date")

How fast should the beast move in order for its step to coincide with the movement of the moon?

TASK 11.

The eternal inhabitant of heaven hid,
The dawn is extinguished in the sky;
Moon to the airy abode
In a hurry on dark clouds. (A.S. Pushkin)

What phenomena does A.S. Pushkin?

TASK 12.

When on the gloomy Neva
The midnight star sparkles
And a carefree chapter
Restful sleep burdens, (A.S. Pushkin)

What star are we talking about?

TASK 13.

Streams are twisting behind the stern,
We're in the canoe
And distribute far away
Sounds of "Norma" along the river.
The Milky Way gazes into the water
A bright holiday of bright years!
I put on a paddle -
And the moon runs after. (A. Fet)

The inquisitive gaze is deceived by the twilight
In the midst of the warmth, the coolness began to blow.
The moon is clear, the stars will look from the sky
And how the river will light up the Milky Way. (A. Fet "Steppe in the evening")

Find the astronomical error.


Moonlight sparkles brightly
Showered marble slabs;
The lion of St. Mark sleeps,
And the queen sleeps at night. (A. Fet "Venice")

Calculate the magnitude of the moon by comparing it to the sun.

TASK 15.

The sultry wind blows hot
The sun burned my hand
Above me an air vault
Like blue glass. (A. Akhmatova)

In the spring sun this morning is drunk
And on the terrace you can hear the smell of roses
And the sky is brighter than blue faience ... (A. Akhmatova)

Why is the sky blue?

TASK 16.

Golden stars fell asleep,
The backwater mirror trembled.
The light dawns on the river backwaters
And blush the grid of the sky. (S. Yesenin "Good morning")

What phenomena are we talking about?

TASK 17.

There, beyond the milky hills,
Among the sky poplars
Tipped over us
Silver jet Aquarius. (S. Yesenin)

What time of year are we talking about?


Only above everything pops up
Golden month
Only the herd runs around
Rarely, rarely nomadic cloud
Will cast a shadow
The motionless, dumb night is bright
Like a day. (A. Fet)

Find the astronomical error.

TASK 19.

The moon changed six times
The war is long over. (M. Lermontov "Song of Ingelot")

How much time has passed?


The night was quiet, transparent,
The lights in the sky shone
The moon slept behind a cloud
But people did not imitate her. (M. Lermontov "Circassian song")

What luminaries are we talking about?


Look at the stars:
Many stars burn in the silence of the night. (E. Baratynsky)

How many stars can you see with the naked eye?


The sky over Moscow seemed to have faded, and the Moon was clearly visible, but not yet golden, but white. (M. Bulgakov "The Master and Margarita")

What inaccuracy did the writer make?


Yes! It was a dog, huge, pitch-black. But none of us mortals have ever seen such a dog. Flame burst out of its open mouth, eyes threw sparks, flickering fire poured over the face and back of the neck. (A. Conan Doyle "The Hound of the Baskervilles)


Evaluate the verse from Yu Kim's song from an astronomical point of view:
And on the moon, on the moon - on a blue boulder, moon people look, their eyes do not take their eyes off, as above the moon, above the moon a blue sphere, an earthly sphere, rises and sets very beautifully.


This leaf of the calendar
For some reason it seems special
On December 24, the day increased by a minute.
Yesterday the sun screwed up its eyes
As if it was inflated on everyone
And suddenly smiled, and the day is now
Seven hours and one minute. (E. Asadov "December 24")


And the day disappeared; swirling mists
Clothed the dark glades with a wide, white veil,
It smelled cold from the east
And over the wilderness of the prophet a golden month rose quietly. (M. Lermontov "The Fugitive")

Find the astronomical error.


If the day is cloudy, if the night is not bright,
If the autumn wind is raging ... (N. Nekrasov "A Knight for an Hour")

What phase is the moon in?


Shagane, you are mine, Shagane,
Because I'm from the north or something,
That the moon is a hundred times larger there. (S. Yesenin)

Is the Moon a hundred times larger in the north?


Not stars are falling, but meteors, which are fragments of comets. In autumn, meteors from comet Bijela can be observed.

This color of the moon is due to the reflection of the sun's rays from the surface of the moon and occurs in the evening.

The stars are divided by temperature into blue, white, yellow, red. The large blue star is most likely Castor (α Gemini), as it has a temperature of 10,000 K and is observed in mid-latitudes.

At dawn, only the old moon can be seen.

The White Moon happens in the morning. To the light reflected from the surface from the moon is added the blue light of the sky. The mixture of these colors is perceived by the eye as pure white.

The phase of the moon is full moon, not high above the horizon, the moon seems larger, therefore, closer.

For a star to be reflected in the water, it must be at its zenith. Let's find its declension.

h = 90 - φ + δ, φ = 55º, δ = 55º. Most likely these are the stars of the Big Dipper.

In the new moon, the moon is not visible.

We are talking about a lunar eclipse.

Problem 10.

The orbital speed of the Moon is 1 km / s, which means there is no such beast.

Problem 11.

We are talking about the setting of the sun, the onset of twilight.

Problem 12.

The star culminates at midnight over the unfrozen river Neva. Most likely it is autumn and the bright star could be α Cassiopeia (declination 58º, right ascension 0 h 35 min).

Problem 13.

The Moon and the Milky Way are not observed at the same time, as the light from the Milky Way stars is very faint.

Problem 14.

2.5 m c -m l = Dc 2 / Dl 2

apparent stellar magnitude of the Sun = -26.8 m

D c = 150 million km

D l = 384400 km, m l = -12.7 m

Problem 15.

The blue sky is caused by the scattering of sunlight by the Earth's atmosphere.

Problem 16.

Dawn, vibrations in the air.

Problem 17.

Aquarius is the zodiacal constellation. It is visible in late summer, August - September.

Problem 18.

For the night to be as bright as day, the Moon must be full, and not in the form of a month.

Problem 19.

Six months have passed.

Problem 20.

In addition to the Moon, we can talk about the planets Jupiter, Saturn, which are visible at night.

Problem 21.

Up to 3000 stars can be seen with the naked eye.

Problem 22.

We are talking about evening, which means that the full Moon should have just appeared over the horizon and could not be in height in any way.

Problem 24.

Since the Moon is always facing the Earth with one side, then in most of its visible hemisphere, the Earth is constantly visible and never sets.

Problem 25.

Problem 26.

Late in the evening in the east, the Moon could appear in a phase close to the full moon, but not a month.

Problem 27.

The moon is in the new moon phase.

Problem 28.

The Moon has its maximum height above the horizon in winter, and minimum in summer.

Bedtime rituals are repeated day-to-day activities that let your child know it's time to sleep.
The ritual should not be too long or too short. 5-15 minutes is enough. A ritual that is too long can go into play.
What can be included in the ritual:
-closing curtains
- bedtime story
-selection of pajamas, dressing up
- farewell to toys.
The ritual can change with the age of the child.
The main thing is to make it clear to the child that after specific actions there will be a dream!
After a while, you will see that by the end of the ritual, the child is already showing signs of fatigue and is ready to sleep.


And what about the day ??

- @koryshevanv, also rituals) rituals for the day are usually shorter than for the night

- @ nata.r88 this is what they might be. It does not come to mind at all ... And everywhere there are only examples for the night

- @koryshevanv, actually the same: closed the curtains, told the toys while, put on pajamas, went to bed, listened to a lullaby

- @koryshevanv, for example, it's lunch in the afternoon, we get up. I drank a compote, gave a blanket, he goes to bed with it, I close the curtains, smear the nipple with gel for teeth and the whole child lies and fell asleep. At night we put on pajamas, I give a blanket goes with him, lays down with him, I give porridge, while he drinks it, I smear a nipple. He gives the bottle, I give a pacifier, I turn on the project and he sleeps

- @syrtceva, gorgeous rituals

- @syrtceva gorgeous age)) and everything is so smooth))) there is something to strive for

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