Abnormal reflection of light by the surface of the moon. Lunar anomalies as an indicator of the merging of branches of reality. The craters of the moon are very strange

The closest and best studied celestial body is, of course, the Moon. It would seem: what could be interesting in it? A lifeless stone ball, glowing like a stove where the sun illuminates it, and cooling to temperatures close to absolute zero, on the shadow side. The Moon has been studied better than any other cosmic body (except, of course, the Earth). The surface of our satellite was furrowed by the wheels of Soviet and American lunar rovers, samples of lunar rocks were delivered to Earth and studied by chemists and geologists. However, despite all this, the Moon still remains an anomalous zone, hiding many mysteries and secrets.

Gravity riddle

Today, human civilization with all the accumulated technical power is on the threshold of an amazing and unknown world - a huge world of cosmic bodies, the study of which is just beginning.

Even in the nearest (by cosmic standards) surroundings of our planet there are amazing objects, the study of which can change earthly science.

The very orbit of the satellite of the Earth remains an anomaly in the eyes of scientists. It is known that when measuring its parameters, periodic changes in its gravitational field were detected. Astronomers suggest that the observations can be explained by the fact that the core of the moon does not rotate in the same way as its outer part; and between the boundary layer of the core and the asthenosphere there is an additional liquid layer, in which the central part of the moon rotates like a ball bearing. A computer model (taking into account the gravitational interaction of the Moon, Earth and the Sun), which was created by planetary scientists, showed a brilliant coincidence of the calculated results with the data of actual measurements of the parameters of the Moon's gravitational field. This means that in the bowels of the Moon, at a distance of 300-500 km from its center, there really is a liquid layer subject to tidal friction, which heats the bowels of the Moon.

It would seem that the riddle is solved! However, a number of new questions arise - if the assumption about the molten interior of the moon is confirmed, scientists will have to reconsider their ideas about the appearance of the moon: new data contradict all existing theories about the origin of our satellite. So the Moon as a celestial body remains a mystery. But the secrets of the night star are not limited to this. Research in recent years has revealed a number of amazing "lunar" anomalies.

Lunar "life"

So, recent studies of samples of lunar rocks, once delivered by spacecraft to Earth, have yielded an amazing result - there is water on the surface of the Moon, and there is quite a lot of it. Of course, we are not talking about lunar rivers and seas: water is enclosed in stone. As it turned out, the rock samples brought from the Moon by the Apollo 15 and Apollo 17 expeditions contain a large number of a kind of “beads” (made of volcanic glass) containing water inside. This means that pyroclastic rocks all over the Moon contain significant reserves of water. Apparently, this water comes from the depths of the Moon, that is, in the bowels of our satellite there may be significant reserves of it. This discovery may have important consequences for hypothetical lunar bases of the future - such a local source of life-giving moisture can become an invaluable aid in the development of the satellite.

But the discovery of large reserves of "lunar" water raises another question: perhaps, in the past, there was water on the lunar surface in an "open" form? But this is the most important condition for the existence of life. This assumption may seem completely delusional - any water will instantly evaporate in the vacuum surrounding the moon. However, as scientists have established, three billion years ago it had a dense atmosphere - much denser than it is now on Mars!

Scientists came to conclusions about the existence of a lunar atmosphere in the past by analyzing samples of lunar basalts of the rock. Basalt is formed by eruptions. Once the volcanoes on the Moon were active, they flooded the surface of a celestial body with liquid lava, from which basalt "lunar seas" were formed, some of which are visible from the Earth with the naked eye. As the lava cooled, it lost volatile compounds dissolved in it - carbon dioxide, sulfur oxides and also, probably, water.

The peak of volcanic activity on the Moon happened 3.5 billion years ago. So much lava was thrown onto the surface of our satellite that the gas coming out of it did not have time to fly away, and for a period lasting up to one hundred million years, the Moon had its own atmosphere, three times as dense as it is now on Mars. In principle, the conditions on the Moon during that era were suitable for primitive life, similar to the one that flourished in that era on Earth. But between the Earth and its satellite there is an "exchange" - as a result of volcanic explosions and asteroid impacts, the Earth's soil (and the bacteria contained in it) sometimes fall on the Moon, and the lunar soil falls to the Earth. In addition, 3.5 billion years ago, the satellite was three times closer to Earth, so such an exchange was even more likely.

In this regard, we can recall that in the already published fantastic story of Alexander Belyaev, the Soviet cosmonauts who landed on the Moon find traces of the lunar biosphere that existed in the past:

“Suddenly in one place I saw a strange lattice shadow - as if from a dilapidated basket. I pointed it out to Sokolovsky. He immediately stopped the rocket, and I ran towards the shadow. It looked like a stone, but a stone of an extraordinary shape: it resembled a part spinal column with ribs. Have we found the remains of an extinct monster? So there were even vertebrates on the moon? Consequently, she did not lose her atmosphere so soon ... "

Sublunary world

Another science fiction writer, the English writer Herbert Wells, depicted the Moon as a kind of giant anthill, right through to the very center of the planet, riddled with underground passages (intelligent Selenites inhabited these lunar dungeons). Oddly enough, the English dreamer was largely right: in 2017, Japanese scientists discovered deep and long underground caves-tunnels on the moon that pierce the lunar rock for many kilometers deep (these tunnels in the future may become an ideal place for the first human settlements).

The discovery was made after photographing the lunar surface revealed a deep hole about tens of meters in diameter on the Marius Hills plateau. A more thorough study of this area revealed gravitational anomalies that should indicate vast caves - there are large, many kilometers of voids near the holes, which appeared (presumably) when the magma, cooling, compressed, eventually forming an empty space.

Underground organisms

In connection with the latest discoveries (the presence of heated molten bowels of the Moon, water in the ground and the atmosphere in past eras), the hypothesis of the presence of life on the Moon no longer looks like absolute fantasy. Indeed, in the 1990s, scientists made a sensational discovery: many living organisms were discovered in rocks from the depths of the Earth, which are hundreds of millions of years old. These creatures went underground long before the era of the dinosaurs and existed in the depths of the Earth, without any contact with life on its surface.

Deep life is now found all over the world, and in a variety of conditions: in oil fields, in gold mines, under the ice of Antarctica, in sediments and rocks at the bottom of the ocean. Among the inhabitants of the depths of the Earth there are "precellular" organisms - bacteria and archaea, but also some multicellular, including tiny nematode worms (hunting for bacteria). Nobody knows how deep underground life is and how rich it is. One thing is certain: practically any cataclysms on the surface of the Earth, even the complete destruction of "surface" life, will pass without a trace for the deep inhabitants.

Scientists, not without reason, believe that such life may be hiding under the surface of Mars. But after all, life brought from the Earth could exist on the Moon in the past.

In this case, the lunar microorganisms could, as the moon lost its atmosphere, retreat into the dungeons, and then directly into the lunar bowels. The amazing discoveries of the moon in recent years (some of which have been touched upon in this article) raise new questions. All this - the presence of large reserves of water, the presence (in the past) of the atmosphere, the presence of huge caves - can only be partially explained based on the ideas about the Moon that have developed in science. In fact, the satellite represents a huge anomalous zone that has yet to be explored.

And this is still a well-studied body! And what discoveries await humanity in more distant worlds - among the gigantic mountains of Mars or the ice-covered oceans of Titan? But this is the near space, the familiar everyday world, in comparison with the wonders that hide the dark cosmic abysses.

Humanity can be compared to a child from a fairy tale who first stepped onto the threshold of his house and peered into magical forest full of wonders. I would like to hope that evil giants and monsters in this forest are not very common.

NASA's 1968 catalog of lunar anomalies lists over 579 of the most mysterious observations made over four centuries that have not received any explanation to this day. Among them - moving geometric shapes (squares, rectangles, cylinders, crosses, triangles and more complex structures), the disappearance of craters, the appearance of "walls", bright flashes of light, colored trenches lengthening at a speed of 6 km / h ... What is this ? Let's try to figure it out.
Let's start with photographic evidence. One of the photographs shows a bright spot on the lunar surface. It was located on the very terminator (border of light and shadow), southwest of the crater Proclus. The survey was carried out using a 108 mm refractor installed in a village in Northern Greece. A total of seven negatives were taken on Kodak 2415 film at various exposures. The assumption of a film defect was rejected in the course of negative research by experts from the Athens laboratory of the Kodak company, as well as experts from the laboratory of the University of Thessaloniki.
The spot looked somewhat elongated (22.5x18 km), was at an altitude of less than one kilometer and existed for no more than 16 seconds. What was it? By the way, pictures of a similar phenomenon between the Adams and Haze craters were obtained in the USSR on January 11, 1978.
It is not clear what the famous planetary explorer I.I.Shreter observed on October 12, 1785. Let us give the floor to himself: “After five hours on the border of the dark lunar disk and in fact in the center of the Sea of ​​Rains, a bright flash of light suddenly and quickly appeared, which consisted of many single, separate small sparks, having exactly the same white light as the illuminated side of the Moon , and all the time moving along a straight line facing north, through the northern part of the Sea of ​​Rains and other parts of the lunar surface bordering it from the north, and then through the empty part of the telescope's field of view. When this rain of light was halfway through, a similar flash of light appeared in the south over exactly the same place. The second flash was exactly the same as the first, it consisted of similar small sparks that flashed away in the same direction, exactly parallel to the north ... It took about two seconds to change the position of the light before crossing the edge of the telescope's field of view, the total duration of this phenomenon is four seconds. "
With some simple calculations, we can establish that the objects have disappeared into the Sea of ​​Cold. Thus, the distance covered by the objects will be 530-540 kilometers. Knowing the distance and time for which objects have covered it, we can get their speed. It was ... 265-270 km / sec. Colossal speed, isn't it? After all, in order to break away from the Earth and fly away to the planets Solar system, the earth's rocket requires a speed of only 17 km / sec. However, to all appearances, such a speed is not new for UFOs. For example, on April 27, 1998, Dutch fighters flew to intercept a UFO approaching Denmark from the side North Sea... But soon after the start of the interception, the object increased its speed to 10.5 km / s and quickly left the pursuit.
Yes, there may be an error in calculating the speed, but its order will be exactly that. We can be even more mistaken only if we take for lunar objects phenomena occurring in the earth's atmosphere, observing only their projections onto the moon. But the appearance of two meteorite swarms of the same brightness (for example) over the same projection point of the Moon for a short time is a phenomenon so rapidly tending to zero that the theory of probability simply rests.
In 1874, the Czech astronomer Shafarik observed a luminous object moving along the lunar disk, then flew into space.
What it was - remains a mystery ...
On July 10, 1941, the Canadian Walter Haas noticed through a telescope a tiny luminous speck of 0.1 arc second moving across the lunar surface. It appeared west of the Gassendi crater and moved almost exactly eastward before disappearing at the short crater wall. The object's brightness was constant along the entire path, the magnitude of the spot was estimated at +8. The flight duration was about one second, the speed was at least 116 km / sec. At about 5.41, Walter saw another, but weaker, spot south of Grimaldi.
On September 31, 1967, the American astronaut Harris observed a bright spot moving at a speed of 80 km / h in the Sea of ​​Tranquility. In mid-August 1955, V. Yaremenko from Odessa observed a luminous body with a telescope, similar in size to a third-magnitude star. It flew over the Moon parallel to its edge at a distance of about 0.2 lunar radius. Having flown a third of the circle in 5 seconds, the UFO descended on a steep trajectory onto the lunar surface.
Strange, but the moon periodically observes ... evening dawn. In fact, dawn is a purely atmospheric phenomenon, and its appearance on an airless satellite of the Earth looks fantastic.
The first signs of the evening dawn at the ends of the crescent horns were noticed on March 24, 1762 by I.I.Shreter. Since then, dawns, as well as fogs (i.e. water suspension on an almost waterless surface!) On the Moon have been described dozens of times. V. Belshe wrote at the beginning of the twentieth century: “Attentive observers assert that they have more than once seen in the holes on the moon and over deep crevasses the appearance of some kind of haze, similar to fog. Objects that are clearly visible at other times seemed at times, under the same observation conditions, as if erased or covered by some kind of veil. If these observations are correct, then it is difficult to find another explanation for them, except for the appearance of water vapor in certain places. "
On the night of April 14, 1932, at about 10.30 am Pacific Time, astronomer A.W. Goddard noticed a strange absence of all the white spots and details in Plato Crater. At 10.57 a white spot appeared there, which spread in a northeast direction until it reached the crater wall. It appeared and moved like a cloud of vapor, but given its rapid movement and the size of Plato's crater, the idea of ​​vapor movement on its own is unacceptable.
The moon is a strange satellite
Our natural satellite is a rather strange celestial body. The coincidence of the isotopic composition of the lunar and terrestrial elements added another argument in favor of the hypothesis of the origin of the moon as a result of a collision of a proto-earth with a celestial body the size of Mars, which occurred about 4.5 billion years ago. The fragments resulting from this collision formed the moon. Interestingly, this took only 100 years - a microscopic period by cosmic standards.
If we look at the night star, even with the naked eye, we can easily distinguish between two types of regions: light - continental, occupying 83% of the area of ​​the lunar ball, and dark - sea (as previously thought), accounting for 17%. The continents are distinguished by a higher reflectivity, since they are composed of relatively light rocks, have significant irregularities and many craters of different sizes and the degree of preservation of the rampart. The seas are relatively flat areas covered with dark basalt-type lava flows with fewer craters.
The cosmonauts and research vehicles that flew around our satellite did not convey any sensations about the far side of the moon to us. However, why not? Of great interest is the giant impact structure with a diameter of 2500 kilometers on the back side of the satellite. She was first noticed in the photographs delivered to Earth by the Soviet automatic station "Zond 6" in 1968. Soon, thanks to the American probe Clementine, it became clear that this is the most significant formation on our natural satellite. It has already been christened the South Pole basin - Aitken, since the center of this area lies between the Aitken crater and the south pole of the Moon. The depth of this giant basin is about 12 kilometers. Today it is the largest shock formation known to us in the solar system. Its diameter exceeds 2/3 the diameter of the Moon! The collision of our natural satellite with the body that gave rise to the South Pole - Aitken basin, occurred at the earliest stage in the history of the Moon, about 4 billion years ago. Most likely, the body that struck in this place penetrated to a depth of 120 kilometers, reaching the upper mantle. If this body was a little larger, the Moon could split into many fragments, forming an asteroid belt around the Earth.
But, as it turned out, there are also unnatural formations on the Moon. Let's take a closer look at this.
A photo of the Picard crater AS 10-4421, taken during the Apollo 10 flight, caused a lot of talk. Close examination of the image in the middle of the back wall, to the right of the shiny fragment, two parallel shadows are visible, reminiscent of arches thrown over the rampart into the crater. Is it real buildings or a play of shadows? Only a picture taken from a different angle could give the answer. And they did it! In photograph AS 10-4417, Picard crater was captured at a slightly steeper angle and rotated approximately 9 degrees counterclockwise from the view in photograph AS 10-4421. And what? The picture shows the same arches, but at a different angle.
The American satellite Lunar Orbiter-3 and the crew of Apollo 14 (December 1970) sent several images of the huge letter S on the lunar surface to Earth. Is it soil erosion or artificial formation? Perhaps on this occasion there is something to say to astronauts Allan Shepard and Edgar Mitchell from Apollo 14, who then went to Fra Mauro crater for research. They ... got lost in it and returned to the ship after, according to the calculations of the Mission Control Center, they ran out of oxygen. The astronauts never explained to anyone (at least to the public) how they managed to get back, in fact, from the other world.
Prior to that, on April 13, 1970, an oxygen tank exploded aboard Apollo 13, and the astronauts had to turn around and fly home. It is not out of place to say that the landing in the area of ​​the same Fra Mauro crater and the subsequent tests of a nuclear bomb there failed.
Strange lunar craters
Among the many lunar mysteries are, first of all, relatively shallow craters of huge diameter. According to modern concepts, they arose on the moon due to natural phenomena- falling meteorites, asteroids, comets or volcanic activity. However, Mora believes that there is convincing evidence that these craters could have arisen as a result of nuclear explosions, millions of times more powerful than the explosions of modern hydrogen bombs. The fact is that we still do not know for sure what caused the devastation of the moon's surface and the appearance on it of such giant craters in such huge amount... Many American scientists admit that such formations should have caused some kind of mysterious cataclysm of incredible destructive power.
The famous English astronomer Gilbert Fielder, together with a group of colleagues, conducted a statistical analysis of the number and location of craters on the lunar surface. The results of the analysis show that the craters do not cover it chaotically, as it should have been with a natural origin, but are grouped into a kind of complexes. In some cases, craters are arranged in pairs, in others they form distinct chains, in others they seem to lie at the tops of a rectangle.
paired craters are formations of the same size. Moreover, if their average diameter grows, then the distance between them also increases. This phenomenon is difficult to explain based on the natural origin of the craters. If we assume that an atomic war was waged on the Moon, then the bombs falling on its surface could create just such funnels. Obviously, in order to achieve the most effective destructive effect, more powerful bombs were dropped at a greater distance from one another.
Many craters of equal size form chains that stretch in a straight line in a specific direction. This is very reminiscent of the chains of craters from American bombs, which were dropped on Vietnam by B-52 bombers.
The craters located at the corners of the rectangles are also the same size. And in this case, the larger their diameter, the further they are from each other. Sometimes the area of ​​such a rectangle occupies more than one thousand square kilometers. In the event of an atomic war within such geometrical figures, all life would be completely destroyed. This also begs an analogy with our reality. There are modern intercontinental ballistic missiles that carry multiple nuclear warheads, the flight paths of which, after separation, are programmed so that they fall exactly at the corners of an imaginary rectangle.
It is known that about 90% of all craters on the visible side of the Moon are concentrated on the heights and on the so-called continents, and there are very few of them within the seas. This fact, which is difficult to explain from the standpoint of "common sense", is in good agreement with the hypothesis of a nuclear war that took place in antiquity. If there really was water in the lunar "seas" in those days, then intelligent life was concentrated on land, both along the shores of the seas and in the depths of the continents. Bombs were dropped there.
Another mystery of such lunar craters as Tycho, Copernicus, Aristarchus is the "rays" radiating from them, which stretch for several hundred kilometers and cross neighboring craters. Some scientists believe that these craters could have been formed millennia ago as a result of airborne nuclear explosions, since the bowls of these craters still have an increased level of radioactivity. And when NASA specialists during eclipses examined the lunar surface with instruments that respond to infrared radiation. It turned out that these craters give off more heat than the neighboring areas of the lunar surface. Astronomers such as Fielder, Shoemaker and Baros have argued for a number of years that the "rays" extending from the lunar craters are very similar to those that radiate from the craters. Formed after experimental air nuclear explosions in Yucca Flats. Needless to say, these scholars believed that the similarities were accidental, and that there were furrows. Diverging from lunar craters. Arose as a result of some unknown natural phenomenon.
In the early 60s of the twentieth century, an interesting study was carried out by a group of Soviet astronomers headed by Dr. E.L. Krinov. Based on the calculation of the number of asteroids and meteorites available within the solar system and comets flying into it. And also the calculation of the average number of such heavenly messengers reaching the Earth. These scientists concluded that over the past millions of years, the largest number of all celestial bodies that could fall on the moon. Does not exceed 16,000. However, the number of only the largest lunar craters far exceeds this value.
Thus, it turns out that modern classical science is not able to explain why almost perfectly round lunar craters (they are also called circuses) with diameters reaching hundreds of kilometers are relatively shallow; why the location of many craters is clearly ordered; why the number of craters on the moon is much greater than that number. Which would correspond to their natural origin; why, finally, most of the craters are concentrated on the heights, and on the flat areas (in the seas) there are very few of them.
In the late 70s, another hypothesis appeared, which caused a real shock in scientific circles. Her in her book "The moon is our mysterious spaceship”Stated two Soviet scientists, Mikhail Vasin and Alexander Shcherbakov. According to this hypothesis, it is not at all a natural celestial body, but is a structure hollow inside, created by a certain highly developed civilization, which put it into orbit around the Earth as an artificial satellite in the immeasurably distant past.
The assumption, at first glance, is absolutely incredible, however, proceeding from it, it is possible to answer many unanswered questions about the Moon. So, if the Moon was deliberately put into an orbit around the Earth by someone, then it becomes clear why this orbit is an almost perfect circle, as well as the fact that, unlike the orbits of all other moons that exist within the solar system, the orbit of our Moon lies outside the equatorial plane of the Earth.
Striking data were also obtained during the analysis of samples of lunar rocks. First, it turned out that titanium, zirconium, beryllium and yttrium in them contain much more in percentage terms than in the terrestrial lithosphere and than, on average, in the entire Universe. It is noteworthy that these elements are irreplaceable components in the creation of heat-resistant and corrosion-resistant materials used, in particular, in the construction of spaceships and rockets.
Secondly, the age of the lunar mountains, determined on the basis of radioactive decay, was from 5 to 7 million years, and for some samples - 20 million years. And this despite the fact that the age of the solar system, and, consequently, the earth is estimated at 4.6 million years!
Third, the samples revealed a relatively high content of radioactive isotopes of uranium and thorium, which, in principle, can only be explained by the consequences of nuclear explosions.
And finally, all astronauts who landed on the moon found on its surface in large quantities glassy mass, and the crew of Apollo 17 in December 1972 delivered to Earth samples of orange glass from the Short crater. During a press conference a month later, William Pinney, head of research at NASA's Manned Flight Center in Houston, said: “I have no idea how these pieces of orange glass could have formed as a result of volcanic activity. And at the same time, similar fragments of colored glass can often be found at terrestrial test sites where experimental nuclear explosions are carried out.
Is the moon a hollow satellite?
Found that over lunar seas there are regions (up to 200 kilometers in diameter and more) in which significant changes in the gravitational field of the moon are observed. These are the so-called maxons. The presence of maksons was confirmed, in particular, by measurements made by the crew of the American Apollo 8 spacecraft during the flyby of the moon in December 1968. Moreover, such local enhancements of lunar attraction are so tangible that they disrupt the flight trajectories of automatic probes launched into circumlunar orbits. This fact, as well as the calculation of the average specific gravity of the Moon and the analysis of its motion, performed by NASA employee Gordon MacDonald, confirm the assumption that the Moon is a spherical body, hollow inside.In addition, on the surface of its invisible back side there is a bulge so large that it certainly should have caused the emergence of unbalanced forces that affect the nature of the movement of the moon ball. However, the effect of this bulge is compensated for by some changes in the distribution of mass within the Moon.
Surprising experimental data were obtained during the flight to the moon of the next expedition aboard the Apollo 13 spacecraft in April 1970. When the third stage of the Apollo 13 launch vehicle was separated and fell on the Moon, its entire surface to a depth of 40 km oscillated for almost three and a half hours! According to one NASA scientist, the moon behaved like a huge hollow gong.
Strange objects on the moon
Legends about the existence of lunar cities appeared, probably, simultaneously with the emergence of the first large cities on Earth. But legends are legends, and some European astronomers in the 19th century claimed in their writings that they saw the ruins of such cities on the moon. American astronomical journals published photographs and drawings of pyramids, domes and bridges that scientists observed on the surface of our night star. And the Polish researcher and writer Jerzy uławski, in his three-volume description of the moon "On a Silver Ball", even indicated the exact coordinates of the ruins of one of the lunar cities located in the Sea of ​​Rains. It is possible that he himself saw these ruins through a telescope while visiting the astronomical observatory of the Jagiellonian University in Krakow, where he often visited when collecting materials for his monumental work.
The magazine "Sky and Telescope", published by Garvod University (USA), in the May 1954 issue published an article describing ... a bridge photographed on the surface of the Moon and connecting two mountain ranges near the Sea of ​​Crises. According to the scientific editor of the New York Herald Tribune, John O Neil, as well as the English astronomers H.P. Wilkins and Patrick Moore, this photograph really shows a bridge, and not an accidental pile of rocks that resembles it. According to Wilkins' calculations, this bridge was about 20 km long, and the Polish journalist and researcher Robert Lesnyakiewicz adds that the bridge rose 1600 meters above the moon's surface, and its width was about 3200 meters. Truly a Cyclopean structure!
It is not possible to explain by natural causes the presence on the Moon of white domed elevations with a diameter of up to 200 meters. More than two hundred of them have already been discovered, and the most amazing thing is that at times they disappear in one place and appear in another, as if moving along the lunar surface. A large number of "domes" are concentrated near another mysterious element of the lunar landscape - a perfectly straight "wall" about 450 meters high and over 100 kilometers long.
On the flat surfaces of the Sea of ​​Tranquility and the Ocean of Storms, there are separate groups of rocks. Among them stand out monoliths in the form of giant spiers and pyramids, surpassing any earthly structures in height. Their presence and shape are confirmed, in particular, by photographs taken from the Soviet station "Luna-9".

Lunar anomalies

Roads, river beds ???

2) There are river beds, there is also a road (very long, here is a part)

3) Continuation of the road from picture 2

4) Some structure of roads / rivers in the north

5) funny in the north

6) The road to the south (?)

7) Some kind of retouch (2 black squares)

8) Structure of roads / rivers in the northwest

9) More, Yu-Z

And let them say that this is all nature has done ...

Who watched the moon the day before yesterday (from 31 to 1)? In Moscow, she was neither blue, nor pink, nor super, contrary to forecasts. A completely ordinary disc, barely peeping through the gray clouds. Last night, the clouds thickened, the moon was not visible from the word at all, and this is after a perfectly sunny day with a clear sky. To begin with, I will cite Andrey Kadykchansky's reflections on various inconsistencies in physics. My additions on metaphysics at the end.

Original taken from kadykchanskiy c So blue or pink moon?

On the last day of January 2018, an event took place, which, as journalists say, has not happened in one hundred and fifty years. True, there was a discrepancy with the definition of the name of the phenomenon, because millions of citizens are now puzzled, so what was the next "supermoon", red or blue? The BBC journalists turned out to be the most cunning of all, who wriggled out of the awkward situation with the headline "Blue Moon in Crimson: Full Moon on January 31 will be spectacular."

Although, maybe I am exaggerating about the "millions of citizens". Until now, I have not come across a single question from eyewitnesses of the astronomical phenomenon about why the next "supermoon" against the background of a total eclipse of the natural (which is not a fact) satellite of the Earth is called both blue and bloody. Well, okay, suppose that this level of my intelligence does not allow me to determine the color of the "super moon", maybe everyone else understands what it is.

Perhaps they also know the answer to another riddle that baffles many, this is the meaning of the term "space-time". Personally, I do not have enough imagination to present an image of a concept that has a definition consisting of two incompatible meanings. Sorry, but I don’t understand what “geese-swans” are. Who is a goose, I know who a swan is, I also know, but "geese are swans", "space-time" and "blue bloody moon" ... No. I'm not ready for this yet.

Okay. Suppose that such an eclipse has not actually happened since 1868, but what does the "supermoon" have to do with it? It happens every year, and more than once. And they say that the reason for this is the maximum approach of the satellite to the Earth, but the funny thing is, seven or eight years ago, no one heard such a word - “supermoon”. Well, it wasn't like that! And they didn’t write all about the full moon as a world sensation.

It seems to most that the "super moon" has always existed, but this is not so, there was no such thing as "cellulite" did not exist in nature until someone cunning came up with ointments and procedures with which it is easy to lure money out of others "Procedures" that, thanks to advertising, discovered this "fatal disease". And now "folk grandmother's recipes" for the treatment of "cellulite" are already being discovered.

And no one cares that such recipes could not exist, because "cellulite" was "discovered" only in the nineties of the twentieth century. And before, no one saw these wrinkles on the legs of women in the eyes, and if they did, it did not occur to him to do anything to eliminate them.

Apparently, the same story is happening with the "super moon", which was previously just a big moon, and no one cared about this, except for romantics, who did not forget that the world around us is beautiful, who know how to enjoy contemplating the beauties of nature. Well, who needed to make a stir out of the blue? Is it profitable? But after all, this is completely meaningless, at first glance! But this is only for the first time ...

I have a persistent feeling that we are being shamelessly mocked, in much the same way as journalists are mocked at bystanders, whom they ask simple questions from the course. high school, and they fall into a stupor and crumple, remembering in what century Napoleon lived, and what revolves around what: - The sun around the Earth, or vice versa.

In fact, not funny. There is nothing joyful in the fact that the Progressors are literally poking a finger, pointing out the phenomena that should make a sane person think, and look for answers to paradoxes visible to the naked eye. But this is not happening. All agree in unison: - “Oh, yes! So cool! Supermoon, blue bloody moon, eclipse!

And no one has the courage to ask:

  1. Blue, or bloody;

  2. What is the reason for the warning about a possible deterioration in the well-being of meteorological people on this day, is the effect of the "close" moon on biological organisms, and what is the reason for this;

  3. If the increased size of the moon's disk indicates that it is very close to the Earth, then does the increase in the size of the solar disk mean that the Earth is approaching as close as possible to the daytime star?

The third question is epic. He puts both the questioner and the respondent in an equally stupid position. The comic nature of this stalemate is offset by a very "smart" answer that the Sun seems large for completely different reasons, which are associated with the optical properties of the atmosphere. And many are quite satisfied with this explanation, but not me. Why all of a sudden: - "Some laws are in force here, and here already others"? Those. do you need to choose in each case those laws that confirm academic cosmology? Is that fair? Now, to me, not a specialist in astronomy, it seems that astronomers are trying to cheat me, just like a thimble on the market.

The thing is, I have a couple more questions for astronomers. This time I was lucky, and a dense veil of clouds, which for months does not allow residents of the Pskov region to remember how the blue sky, stars, the Sun and the Moon look, showed for a couple of minutes what a "super moon" looks like:

Pskov Region, Pechory 31.01.2018 18:39 Moscow time

As you can see, in the North-West we have our "own" Moon, completely different from the "blue bloody" that Novosibirsk was admiring at that time. Our Moon was the most ordinary, pale gold, and the usual size. Consequently, on the "approach" to the Gulf of Finland, it has already "gained altitude." Is it funny? Well, okay, even if I am a dunno, and do not understand the intricacies of astronomy, but why not give a clear explanation of the observed phenomenon? After all, then everyone will be competent and will not ask stupid questions. Why is it impossible to explain to the people everything simply and easily! But that's not all. I also have a fifth question.

At about 08:20 Moscow time. 02/01/2018 a friend from Moscow calls me and tells me the amazing news that he is currently observing a huge bloody moon, which stands high above the horizon, strictly in the north. Of course, I was very surprised that the Moon is in the north, because when I shot it (or not it?) Yesterday on my smartphone at 18:39, it had already gone far to the east. Well, she shouldn't be in the north at nine o'clock in the morning! But then another discovery awaited me.

When I got home, the first thing I did was inquire about the details of the "super moon" that I had passed unnoticed from news sources. And the biggest bewilderment was not so much the strange location of the night star in the sky, but the "broken" time frame of the event. It turns out that at the time I was shooting the Moon, I simply had to observe it, huge and red, since the eclipse ended only at 19:09! Those. I shot the Moon exactly 30 minutes before the eclipse ended. And it is easy to check by the date of creation of the photo, which is saved in the file properties.

And then the second murderous fact: my friend, watching the moon, called me at the moment when, according to astronomers, it had already disappeared behind the horizon, and from Moscow it could not be seen in any way.

Thus, I came to the conclusion that the excitement around the "phenomenal" astronomical event was inflated with only one purpose: - To check the population for lice, whether or not the plebs will swallow a lot of inconsistencies between the real incident and the official information. If no one asks questions, then you can go on and lie completely; convincing the masses of any stupidity is now easier than a steamed turnip. If this is the case, then I will not envy you, earthlings ...

D_A's comments:

About the merging and separation of branches of reality here repeatedly. Let me briefly recall the main provisions:

1.B quantum reality of our planet, there are different spatio-temporal branches or frequencies of our tangible reality, which are constantly connecting and separating. For example .

One of the ancient symbols of this interpenetration is the caduceus and ->
There are many details, those who wish can familiarize themselves with

2. The very progressors mentioned above by Andrey have indeed long been testing the population for lice by various methods, including outright delirium in politics, cryptocurrency hysteria, memory glitches and a lot of other inconsistencies in the observed world. There is a check for adequacy and vigilance, one can say the preparation of grains and chaff (each turns out to be like their own in reality).

3. Small mergers and divisions occur constantly, enough, although they are noticed by a few. We also have a more global phenomenon - the so-called. , in which the population was literally divided into 2 parts based on the memory of the past. For large mergers and divisions, events that are visible and known to everyone are usually used, incl. astrological.

About 300 years ago, by our standards, two huge branches of reality were forcibly glued into one. The whole story we know about those times is precisely for the reason that it was necessary to confuse the traces. This is on the one hand. On the other hand, we were left with enough hints and evidence to understand the essence of what happened on our own. This was done by a certain technogenic elite of the earth, who first took control of both branches separately, and then decided to glue them into one, so as not to spray the forces of control and collect more souls into energy reservoirs. At that time, both branches had accumulated a fairly diverse experience and serious potential (a large number of population and, accordingly, souls), so they could get out of control at any time.

Before the branches were merged, both territories were cleared. First, they took up the northern (white) reality and used a variety of weapons against it, from huge physical bombs to subtle radiation and violent wave swine genesis (therefore, some peoples of the middle latitudes are forbidden to eat pork)... People are very much degraded and have forgotten their divine essence, but the fact of their survival in such conditions in itself can be considered a miracle.

Then, cataclysms were organized in both branches, resulting in a sharp drop in vibrations and a loss of communication with the higher center, discord between clans, and civil strife within each branch. After that, a large solar eclipse was organized with pre-pumped panic and predictions of the end of the world. At the moment of the event itself, there was a massive lulling and gluing of realities.

In other words, the blue and pink moon are phenomena of different branches combined into one.
And general inconsistencies in sky observations (and not only) - too. And it is constantly covered with a carpet of clouds for a reason.
And a strange state of health with drowsiness in the same steppe, although they are largely "fitted" to the standard symptoms of the corridor of eclipses.

At this time, any magical rituals and informational stuffing is amplified by cyclical matrix processes. This is especially true of throwing pebbles into the future or the past ("history" to explain disagreements and rubbing branches, and "predictions" to pump up convenient or most expected probabilities), as well as obvious oddities in the behavior of "elites".

Here are some recent examples from the first ones that come across.

There are many descriptions of observations of mysterious phenomena on the moon. There are versions about what the moon is. The most curious, common and quite plausible are two of them:

1) The moon is a raw material base for aliens, in which they extract minerals. Supporters of this version argue that the peak of activity of mysterious phenomena on the Moon comes at the moment of the arrival of the next batch of UFOs on the Moon for the export of raw materials.

2) The moon is a giant space research base of artificial aliens. The adherents of this version are sure that a huge space station for some unknown reason, it went out of order and found refuge near the Earth, becoming its satellite.

It is believed that our planet did not have its own satellite 10 thousand years ago. This is justified by the fact that the Moon is not indicated on any of the ancient maps of the starry sky.

More than 500 thousand lunar craters can be seen through a powerful telescope. The largest of them is called Baie, its diameter is about 300 km, and the area is slightly larger than the area of ​​Scotland.

The dark spots visible with the naked eye on the surface of the moon are called seas. They have no water, but millions of years ago they were filled with volcanic lava. Some of them are quite large, for example, the Ocean of Storms is larger than the Mediterranean.

There is no air or water on the satellite. The soil there is so dry that nothing can grow on it. But the researchers found that in the samples of the lunar soil delivered to Earth, plants can grow.

Unlike the earth's surface, which is constantly changing the waters by the action of water and wind, the surface of the moon remains unchanged. The footprints left on the Moon by the Apollo astronauts will be visible for at least 10 million years.

On the surface of the mysterious Moon, many structures have been discovered, which do not raise doubts about their artificial origin.

"Some partially destroyed objects on the lunar surface cannot be attributed to natural geological formations" - experts say - "They have a complex organization and geometric structure."

An astronomer from Japan in the 1990s, using an 800x telescope, several times managed to shoot huge moving objects with a video camera with a diameter of about 20-50 km.

The sensation was the message of Richard Hoagland - a former employee of NASA. He claimed to have obtained photographs taken during the Apollo 10 and Apollo 16 missions to the moon. In the photographs, you can see various structures in the form of bridges, towers, stairs and spiers, going down to the bottom of the crater.

American engineers Vito Saccheri and Lester Hughes in 1979 saw images of the lunar surface in the library of NASA's Houston department. They had an image of a city with various mechanisms and structures. Even pyramids similar to the ancient Egyptian ones were visible there. The pictures also show aircraft that flew over the city or stood at launch sites.

In the area of ​​Tycho crater, strange terrace-like rock formations were found. Concentric hexagonal workings and the presence of a tunnel entrance on the slope of the terrace cannot be explained by natural processes. It is more like opencast mining.

A sensational article was published in The New York Times: "A human skeleton was found on the moon." The newspaper refers to the astrophysicist from China Mao Kan. It was he who, back in 1998, shocked the entire scientific world by presenting at a conference in Beijing a photograph where the imprint of a human foot could be clearly seen on the lunar surface. Now the astrophysicist has presented to the scientific world pictures showing the human skeleton.

It is technically possible to see such small details on the lunar surface. Modern optics makes it possible to read the headlines of newspapers spread on the ground from the Earth's orbit. But that's why the "reliable source in America", referred to by Mao Kann, is in no hurry to officially release these images.

Back in the early 70s, XX century, the sensation went around the world. The American satellite "Viking-1" flew around Mars and photographs were obtained from it, where one can clearly see the cone-shaped structures. Not far from them was a gigantic human face carved out of a rock. In appearance, they were clearly of artificial origin.

1715, May 3 - the famous astronomer E. Louville observed a lunar eclipse in Paris. At about nine-thirty GMT, he noticed at the western edge of the moon "some flashes or momentary tremors of light beams, as if someone were setting fire to the powder tracks, with the help of which time mines were detonated.

These light flashes were very short-lived and appeared in one place or another, but always from the side of the shadow (Earth). This message is set forth in the Memoirs of the Royal Academy of Sciences of Paris, 1715.

The paths of the observed luminous objects were curved. The eyewitness himself believed that he was observing a thunderstorm on the moon - for that time it was still plausible. This fact itself does not say anything in favor of the presence on the moon of representatives of the EC. But there are a number of observations of luminous moving and stationary objects on the Moon, which we are not yet able to explain. So, the described phenomenon cannot be explained by the projection of meteors burning in the earth's atmosphere onto the lunar disk. At the same time with E. Louville in Britain outbreaks were observed by the famous E. Galley (Philosophical Works of the Royal Society in London, 1715).

The same meteor cannot be projected onto the lunar disk simultaneously in Paris and London. In addition, meteors would be observed all over the disk and not cluster around its western edge.

1738, August 4 - at 16:30 GMT, something similar to lightning appeared on the disk of the moon. (Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, 1739).

1842, July 8 - During a solar eclipse, the lunar disk was occasionally crossed by bright stripes. This is noted in the Bureau of Longitude Calendar for 1846.

1870 Birt observed "lightning" on the Moon (Astronomical Register, 1870).

“I was working in the courtyard of our house and accidentally looked at the moon. She was very beautiful - a clearly outlined young Moon, and I was looking at her when suddenly some flashes of light cut through the darkness, but definitely within the shadowed part of the Moon ... Without mentioning my observations, I called my wife to also pay attention to the young moon ... She said, "Oh yes, I see lightning on the moon," adding that it appeared within the lunar disk. We watched for another 20 or 30 minutes, during which the phenomenon was repeated at least six or seven times. This recording was made at 7:40 am. the afternoon of June 17, 1931 ". Observation author - J. Giddings.

Astronomers at Mount Wilson Observatory, to whom Giddingsom sent the letter, did not take the observation seriously - it contradicted their ideas about the moon. After 15 years, the report on this observation was sent by the author to the authoritative scientific journal Science, where the message was published.

A century and a half earlier, on October 12, 1785, the famous planetary explorer I.I.Shreter observed the following phenomenon:

“After 5 hours on the border of the dark lunar disk and actually in the center of the Sea of ​​Rains ... quite unexpectedly and quickly there was a bright flash of light, consisting of many single, separate small sparks, having exactly the same white light as the illuminated side of the Moon, and all the time moving along a straight line facing north through the northern part of the Sea of ​​Rains and other parts of the surface of the moon bordering it from the north, and then through the empty part of the telescope's field of view. When this rain of light was halfway through, this kind of flash of light appeared in the south over exactly the same place ...

The second flash was exactly the same as the first, it consisted of similar small sparks that flashed away in the same direction, exactly parallel to the direction to the north ... The change in the position of the light before crossing the edge of the telescope's field of view took about 2 seconds, total duration this phenomenon - 4 seconds. "

Unfortunately, Schroeter did not mark the place where the luminous phenomenon disappeared. But he indicated the direction and the starting point, from which, roughly determining the current of cessation of observation of the object as the Sea of ​​Cold (the path traveled by the objects will be approximately equal to 530–540 km), we can approximately calculate the speed, which will be equal to 265–270 km / sec.

This is incredible speed! For comparison, let's say that an earth rocket flying to the moon has a speed of about 12 km / s, to other planets of the solar system - about 17 km / s. We do not, of course, pretend to be accurate in calculating the speed, but in any case, the order of this value will be exactly that!

The speed can be much lower only in one case - if we are dealing with a projection onto the moon of a phenomenon occurring in the earth's atmosphere. But the appearance of two meteorite swarms of the same brightness over the same point on the Moon for a short time is an absolutely incredible phenomenon. It cannot be explained in the same way that both objects appeared above the same zone of the lunar surface.

In Issue 26 (1942) of the Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada, the following report by Walter Haas was published:

“On July 10, 1941, I observed the nearly full moon through a 6-inch reflector at a magnification of 96 times ... I saw a tiny speck of light moving across the surface of the moon. It appeared west of the Gassendi crater ... and traveled almost exactly eastward before disappearing at the short wall of Gassendi. The speck was significantly smaller than the central Gassendi peak, and its angular diameter did not exceed 0.1 arc seconds. The brightness was constant along the entire path, the magnitude of the spot was estimated at +8.

The flight duration was about one second. At about 5:41 am, I saw a weaker spot somewhere south of Grimaldi. The end point of the movement was clearly visible, there the spot was strikingly definite, and we could accordingly exclude the explanation of the phenomenon by the superposition on the lunar disk of some terrestrial object located low in the atmosphere, since it would move across the entire field of view of the telescope ... The speed relative to the Moon was at least 63 miles per second (116.676 km / sec) ".

It is also impossible to explain this phenomenon by a meteorite, since meteors never retain constant brightness in flight, in addition, the projection of the beginning and end of the trajectories of two meteorites onto the lunar disk is also not possible. The most important objection is that a meteorite of magnitude 8, at a distance of 100 km (typical distance), has angular dimensions more than two orders of magnitude greater than the angular dimensions of the observed object.

In particular, frequently moving objects were observed over the Sea of ​​Tranquility. In 1964, different observers saw them in the same area - south or southeast of Ross D crater - at least four times. A summary of such reports is published by NASA in the Chronological Catalog of Lunar Events Reporting (1968). The objects looked like light or dark spots that moved tens or hundreds of kilometers in a few hours. These cases cannot be explained by the clouds of dust raised by the meteorite impact, because the fall of the meteorite leads to a symmetrical ejection of the soil. There are other reasons for not considering objects as clouds of dust or erupted gases.

1964, May 18 - Harris, Cross and others for 1 hour 5 minutes observed a white spot over the Sea of ​​Tranquility, which was moving at a speed of 32 km / h. Over time, the stain diminished in size. If it consisted of dust or gas, it could only increase. In addition, the lifetime of the spot was 10 times longer than the lifetime of an artificial gas cloud ejected by a rocket, and 5 times that of a cloud raised when an earth ship landed on the lunar surface.

1967, September 11 - a group of Montreal observers and P. Jean noticed in the Sea of ​​Tranquility a body that looked like a dark rectangular spot, purple at the edges, moving from west to east for 8-9 seconds. The body was no longer visible near the terminator, and after 13 minutes. near the Sabin crater, located in the area of ​​movement of the spot, a yellow color flashed for a split second.

After 20 days, again in the Sea of ​​Tranquility, Harris noticed a bright spot that was moving at a speed of 80 km / h. It should be noted that a year and a half later, Apollo 11 landed in the same area, just a hundred kilometers east of Sabin crater.

Is it a coincidence that it was in this area that the first spacecraft landed? Had NASA sent him there specifically to find out the nature of the anomalous phenomena?

And here's another curious fact. Lunar soil in the area of ​​the Apollo 11 landing, it was partially melted. This reflow could not be produced by the landing block engines. According to Professor T. Gold, who considered various explanations for this phenomenon, no earlier than 100,000 years ago, the soil was exposed to light 100 times brighter than the sun. Such ground melting was not found in the places of other landings of lunar expeditions. As can be seen, a rather small part of the surface was irradiated.

Apparently, the height of the source above the lunar soil was small. But what source? Of all the samples brought from the moon, only one - picked up by the crew of Apollo 12, which landed 1400 km from the landing site of Armstrong and Aldrin - was melted (sample 12017).

And here are two more cases of observing similar objects on the Moon. Here is what V. Yaremenko observed from Odessa:

“It happened in 1955, somewhere in the middle of August. I studied in the sixth grade, was fond of astronomy. Having built a telescope from a drainpipe, he examined the craters on the lunar surface with interest. The telescope turned out to be not so hot, a thin colored halo glowed around the moon, but the magnification was sufficient to examine in detail the countless lunar craters, mountains and seas. Curious boys crowded around me, they vied with each other asking to look through a telescope.

It was about eight in the evening when I allowed another youngster to the "pipe". "Wow, what mountains ... Something is flying there!" the boy suddenly shouted. I immediately pushed it aside and myself greedily clung to the eyepiece. Above the disk, parallel to its edge, at a distance of about 0.2 lunar radius, a luminous body, similar to a star, flew 3rd magnitude under normal supervision. Having flown a third of the circle (it took 4–5 seconds), the body along a steep trajectory descended to the surface of the Moon. Of course, this was not a projection of a meteorite falling to Earth. The body was quite large and ... manageable! And no artificial satellites in those years did not exist yet "

Original taken from ss69100 in Lunar Anomalies or Fake Physics?

And even in seemingly long-established theories, there are glaring contradictions and obvious errors that are simply hushed up. Let me give you a simple example.

Official physics, which is taught in educational institutions, is very proud of the fact that she knows the relationship between different physical quantities in the form of formulas that are supposedly reliably supported experimentally. As they say, and we stand ...

In particular, all reference books and textbooks state that between two bodies with masses ( m) and ( M), there is an attractive force ( F), which is directly proportional to the product of these masses and inversely proportional to the square of the distance ( R) between them. This ratio is usually presented in the form of the formula "The law of universal gravitation":

where is the gravitational constant equal to approximately 6.6725 × 10 −11 m³ / (kg · s²).

Let's use this formula to calculate what is the force of attraction between the Earth and the Moon, as well as between the Moon and the Sun. To do this, we need to substitute the corresponding values ​​from the dictionaries into this formula:

Moon mass - 7.3477 × 10 22 kg

Mass of the Sun - 1.9891 × 10 30 kg

Earth mass - 5.9737 × 10 24 kg

Distance between the Earth and the Moon = 380,000,000 m

Distance between the Moon and the Sun = 149,000,000,000 m

The force of gravity between the Earth and the Moon = 6.6725 × 10 -11 x 7.3477 × 10 22 x 5.9737 × 10 24 / 380,000,000 2 = 2,028 × 10 20 H

The force of attraction between the Moon and the Sun = 6.6725 × 10 -11 x 7.3477 · 10 22 x 1.9891 · 10 30/149000000000 2 = 4.39 × 10 20 H

It turns out that the force of attraction of the moon to the sun is more than twice (!) more than the force of attraction of the moon to the earth! Why, then, does the moon fly around the earth and not around the sun? Where is the agreement between theory and experimental data?

If you can't believe your eyes, please grab a calculator, open the reference books and see for yourself.

According to the formula of "universal gravitation" for this system of three bodies, as soon as the Moon is between the Earth and the Sun, it should leave a circular orbit around the Earth, turning into an independent planet with orbital parameters close to the Earth. However, the Moon stubbornly "does not notice" the Sun, as if it does not exist at all.

First of all, let's ask ourselves what could be wrong with this formula? There are few options here.

From the point of view of mathematics, this formula may be correct, but then the values ​​of its parameters are incorrect.

For example, modern science can be severely mistaken in determining distances in space based on false ideas about the nature and speed of propagation of light; or it is wrong to estimate the masses of celestial bodies, using all the same purely speculative conclusions Kepler or Laplace, expressed as ratios of the sizes of orbits, velocities and masses of celestial bodies; or not at all to understand the nature of the mass of a macroscopic body, as all physics textbooks are very frank about, postulating this property of material objects, regardless of its location and without delving into the reasons for its occurrence.

Also, official science may be mistaken in the reason for the existence and principles of action of the force of gravity, which is most likely. For example, if masses do not have an attractive effect (which, by the way, there are thousands of visual evidences, only they are hushed up), then this "formula of universal gravitation" simply reflects some idea expressed by Isaac Newton, which turned out to be false.

You can make a mistake in a thousand different ways, but the truth is one. And its official physics deliberately hides, otherwise how to explain the defense of such an absurd formula?

The first and an obvious consequence of the fact that the "formula of universal gravitation" does not work is the fact that the Earth has no dynamic response to the Moon... Simply put, two such large and close celestial bodies, one of which is only four times smaller in diameter than the other, should (according to the views of modern physics) revolve around a common center of mass - the so-called. barycenter... However, the Earth rotates strictly on its axis, and even the ebb and flow in the seas and oceans have absolutely nothing to do with the position of the Moon in the sky.

The Moon is associated with a number of completely outrageous facts of inconsistencies with the established views of classical physics, which in the literature and the Internet bashfully are called "Lunar anomalies".

The most obvious anomaly is the exact coincidence of the period of the Moon's revolution around the Earth and around its axis, which is why it always faces the Earth with one side. There are many reasons for these periods to become more and more out of sync on each orbit of the Moon around the Earth.

For example, no one would argue that the Earth and the Moon are two ideal balls with a uniform distribution of mass inside. From the point of view of official physics, it is quite obvious that the motion of the moon should be significantly influenced not only by mutual arrangement The Earth, the Moon and the Sun, but even the flights of Mars and Venus during the periods of their closest approach to the Earth's orbits. The experience of space flights in near-earth orbit shows that stabilization similar to the lunar can be achieved only if steer constantly orientation micromotors. But how and how does the Moon steer? And most importantly - for what?

This "anomaly" looks even more discouraging against the background of the little known fact that mainstream science has not yet come up with an acceptable explanation trajectories, along which the moon moves around the earth. Orbit of the moon by no means circular or even elliptical. Strange curve that the Moon describes above our heads is consistent with only the long list of statistical parameters set out in the corresponding tables.

These data are collected on the basis of long-term observations, but by no means on the basis of any calculations. It is thanks to this data that one or another event can be predicted with great accuracy, for example, solar or lunar eclipses, the maximum approach or distance of the Moon relative to the Earth, etc.

So, exactly on this strange trajectory The moon manages to be turned to the Earth by only one side all the time!

Of course, this is not all.

It turns out Land orbits the sun by no means not at a uniform speed, as the official physics would like, but makes small slowdowns and jerks forward in the direction of its movement, which are synchronized with the corresponding position of the moon. However, the Earth does not make any movements to the sides perpendicular to the direction of its orbit, despite the fact that the Moon can be located on either side of the Earth in the plane of its orbit.

Official physics not only does not undertake to describe or explain these processes - it is about them just keeps silent! Such a half-month cycle of the earth's tugs correlates perfectly with the statistical peaks of earthquakes, but where and when did you hear about it?

Did you know that in the system of cosmic bodies the Earth-Moon there are no libration points predicted by Lagrange on the basis of the law of "universal gravitation"?

The fact is that the region of gravity of the moon does not exceed the distance 10 000 km from its surface. There are many obvious confirmations of this fact. Suffice it to recall the geostationary satellites, which are not affected by the position of the moon in any way, or the scientific and satirical story with the Smart-1 probe from ESA, with the help of which they were going to take pictures of the Apollo landing sites in 2003-2005.

Probe "Smart-1" was created as an experimental spacecraft with low ion thrust engines, but with a huge operating time. Mission ESA Provided for a gradual acceleration of the vehicle, launched into a circular orbit around the Earth, so that, moving along a spiral trajectory with a climb, to reach the internal libration point of the Earth-Moon system. According to the predictions of official physics, starting from this moment, the probe should have changed its trajectory, going into a high circumlunar orbit, and begin a long braking maneuver, gradually narrowing the spiral around the Moon.

But everything would be fine if the official physics and the calculations made with its help corresponded to reality. In reality After reaching the libration point, "Smart-1" continued its flight in an unwinding spiral, and on the next orbits did not even think to react to the approaching moon.

From that moment on, around the flight of "Smart-1" began an amazing conspiracy of silence and outright misinformation, until the trajectory of its flight finally made it possible to simply smash it against the surface of the Moon, about which semi-official scientific popularizing Internet resources hastened to report under the appropriate informational sauce as a great achievement of modern science, which suddenly decided to "change" the mission of the apparatus and from all over the place to shake tens of millions of foreign exchange money spent on the project on moon dust.

Naturally, on the last orbit of its flight, the Smart-1 probe finally entered the lunar gravitational region, but it could not have slowed down to enter a low lunar orbit with the help of its low-power engine. Calculations of European ballisticians entered a striking contradiction with reality.

And such cases in deep space exploration are by no means isolated, but repeat themselves with enviable consistency, starting from the first attempts to hit the Moon or sending probes to the satellites of Mars, ending with the last attempts to enter orbits around asteroids or comets, whose gravitational force is completely absent even on their surfaces.

But then the reader should have absolutely logical question: how did the rocket and space industry of the USSR in the 60s and 70s of the twentieth century managed to explore the Moon with the help of automatic devices, being in captivity of false scientific views? How did Soviet ballistics specialists calculate the correct flight path to the Moon and back, if one of the most basic formulas of modern physics turns out to be fiction? Finally, how are the orbits of lunar automatic satellites that take close photographs and scan of the Moon calculated in the 21st century?

Very simple! As in all other cases, when practice shows a discrepancy with physical theories, His Majesty steps in. Experience, which suggests the correct solution to a particular problem. After a series of completely natural failures, empirically ballistics found some correction factors for certain stages of flights to the Moon and other space bodies, which are introduced into on-board computers of modern automatic probes and space navigation systems.

And everything works! But most importantly, there is an opportunity to trumpet the whole world about the next victory of world science, and further teach gullible children and students the formula of "universal gravitation", which has no more to do with reality than the cocked hat of Baron Munchausen to his epic exploits.

And if suddenly a certain inventor comes up with another idea of ​​a new method of travel in space, there is nothing easier than to declare him a charlatan on the simple grounds that his calculations contradict the same notorious formula of "universal gravitation" ... The Commission to Combat Pseudoscience at the Academies of Sciences of different countries work tirelessly.

This is a prison, comrades. A large planetary prison with a slight touch of science to neutralize especially zealous individuals who dare to be smart. It is enough to marry the rest so that, following the apt remark of Karel Chapek, their autobiography ends ...

By the way, all the parameters of the trajectories and orbits of "manned flights" from NASA to the Moon in 1969-1972 were calculated and published precisely on the basis of the assumptions about the existence of libration points and about the fulfillment of the law of universal gravitation for the Earth-Moon system. Doesn't this alone explain why all manned lunar exploration programs after the 70s of the twentieth century were rolled up? Which is easier: quietly leave the topic or admit to the falsification of all physics?

Finally, the moon has a number of amazing phenomena called "Optical anomalies"... These anomalies no longer fit into any gates of official physics that they prefer to be completely silent about them, replacing interest in them with the allegedly constantly recorded UFO activity on the lunar surface.

With the help of the yellow press fictions, fake photo and video materials about flying saucers allegedly constantly moving over the Moon and huge structures of aliens on its surface, the behind-the-scenes owners are trying to cover up with information noise really fantastic reality of the moon, which should definitely be mentioned in this work.

The most obvious and obvious optical anomaly of the Moon is visible to all earthlings with the naked eye, so it remains only to be surprised that almost no one pays attention to it. See what the moon looks like in a clear night sky at full moon moments? She looks like flat round body (like a coin) but not like a ball!

A spherical body with rather significant irregularities on its surface, in the case of its illumination by a light source located behind the observer, should shine to the greatest extent closer to its center, and as it approaches the edge of the sphere, the luminosity should smoothly decrease.

Probably the most famous law of optics cries about this, which sounds like this: "The angle of incidence of a ray is equal to the angle of its reflection." But this rule does not apply to the Moon at all. Due to reasons incomprehensible to official physics, the rays of light falling into the edge of the lunar ball are reflected ... back to the Sun, which is why we see the Moon at the full moon as a kind of coin, but not as a ball.

More confusion in the minds introduces an equally obvious observable thing - the constant value of the luminosity level of the illuminated parts of the Moon for an observer from the Earth. Simply put, if we assume that the Moon has some property of directed scattering of light, then we have to admit that the reflection of light changes its angle depending on the position of the Sun-Earth-Moon system. No one can dispute the fact that even a narrow crescent of a young Moon gives a luminosity exactly the same as the central part of a half Moon corresponding to it in area. And this means that the Moon somehow controls the angle of reflection of the sun's rays so that they are always reflected from its surface to the Earth!

But when the moon is full the luminosity of the moon increases abruptly... This means that the surface of the Moon surprisingly splits the reflected light into two main directions - towards the Sun and the Earth. This leads to another startling conclusion that The moon is virtually invisible to an observer from space, which is not on the straight lines Earth-Moon or Solne-Moon. Who and why needed to hide the Moon in space in the optical range? ...

To understand what the joke is, in Soviet laboratories they spent a lot of time on optical experiments with lunar soil delivered to Earth by the automatic vehicles Luna-16, Luna-20 and Luna-24. However, the parameters of the reflection of light, including solar, from the lunar soil fit well into all the known canons of optics. The lunar soil on Earth did not at all want to show the wonders that we see on the Moon. It turns out that materials on the moon and on earth behave differently?

Quite possible. After all, an unoxidizable film several iron atoms thick on the surface of any objects, as far as I know, in terrestrial laboratories has not yet been obtained ...

The fire was poured by photographs from the Moon, transmitted by Soviet and American machine guns, which were able to land on its surface. Imagine the surprise of the then scientists when all the photographs on the moon were obtained strictly black and white- without a single hint of such a rainbow spectrum familiar to us.

If only the lunar landscape was photographed, evenly covered with dust from meteorite explosions, this would somehow be understandable. But black and white turned out even calibration color plate on the lander body! Any color on the lunar surface turns into a corresponding shade of gray, which is impartially captured by all photographs of the lunar surface, transmitted by automatic devices of different generations and missions to this day.

Now imagine in what deep ... puddle the Americans are sitting with their white-blue-red Stars and stripes, supposedly photographed on the lunar surface by valiant astronauts, "pioneers".

(By the way, their color pictures and videotapes indicate that Americans generally go there nothing never sent! - Ed.).

Tell me, in their place, would you try hard to resume exploration of the Moon and get to its surface at least with the help of some kind of "pendo rover", knowing that images or videos will only turn out in black and white? Is it possible to quickly paint them, like old films ... But, damn it, in what colors to paint pieces of rocks, local stones or steep mountain slopes!?.

Incidentally, very similar problems awaited NASA on Mars. All researchers have probably already gotten sore by a muddy story with a color mismatch, more precisely, with an obvious shift of the entire Martian visible spectrum on its surface to the red side. When NASA workers are suspected of deliberately distorting images from Mars (supposedly hiding blue skies, green carpets of lawns, blue lakes, crawling locals ...), I urge you to remember the Moon ...

Think, maybe they just act on different planets different physical laws? Then a lot immediately falls into place!

But let's get back to the moon for now. Let's finish with the list of optical anomalies, and then get down to the next sections of Lunar Wonders.

A ray of light passing near the surface of the Moon receives significant scatter in direction, which is why modern astronomy cannot even calculate the time it takes to cover the stars with the body of the Moon.

The official science does not express any ideas why this happens, except for the crazy-delusional electrostatic-style reasons for the movement of lunar dust at high altitudes above its surface or the activity of certain lunar volcanoes, which deliberately throw out dust refracting light exactly in the place where the observation is carried out. this star. And so, in fact, no one has yet observed lunar volcanoes.

As you know, terrestrial science is able to collect information on the chemical composition of distant celestial bodies by studying molecular spectra radiation-absorption. So, for the celestial body closest to the Earth - the Moon - this is a way to determine the chemical composition of the surface does not pass! The lunar spectrum is practically devoid of bands that can provide information about the composition of the moon.

The only reliable information on the chemical composition of the lunar regolith was obtained, as is known, from the study of samples taken by the Soviet "Lunas". But even now, when it is possible to scan the lunar surface from a low circumlunar orbit using automatic devices, reports of the presence of a particular chemical substance on its surface are extremely controversial. Even on Mars - and even then there is much more information.

And one more amazing optical feature of the lunar surface. This property is a consequence of the unique backscattering of light, with which I began my story about the optical anomalies of the Moon. So practically all the light falling on the moon reflected towards the sun and earth.

Let's remember that at night, under appropriate conditions, we can perfectly see the part of the Moon that is not illuminated by the Sun, which, in principle, should be completely black, if not for ... the secondary illumination of the Earth! The earth, when illuminated by the sun, reflects some of the sunlight towards the moon. And all this light that illuminates the shadowy part of the moon returns back to earth!

Hence, it is completely logical to assume that on the surface of the Moon, even on the side illuminated by the Sun, twilight reigns all the time... This guess is superbly confirmed by photographs of the lunar surface taken by Soviet lunar rovers. Look at them carefully on occasion; for everything that can be obtained. They were made in direct sunlight without the influence of distortion of the atmosphere, but they look as if the contrast of the black-and-white picture was tightened in the earthly twilight.

In such conditions, the shadows from objects on the surface of the Moon should be absolutely black, illuminated only by the nearest stars and planets, the illumination level from which is many orders of magnitude lower than that of the sun. This means that it is not possible to see an object in the shadow of the moon using any known optical means.

To summarize the optical phenomena of the Moon, let us give the floor to an independent researcher A.A. Grishaev, to the author of a book about the "digital" physical world, who, developing his ideas, in another article points out:

“Taking into account the existence of these phenomena provides new, deadly arguments in support of those who believe counterfeits film and photographic materials that allegedly testify to the stay of American astronauts on the lunar surface. After all, we give the keys for the simplest and ruthless independent examination.

If we are shown against the background of sunlit (!) Lunar landscapes of astronauts, on whose spacesuits there are no black shadows from the anti-sun side, or a well-lit figure of an astronaut in the shadow of the "lunar module", or color (!) Frames with a vivid reproduction of the colors of the American flag, then that's all irrefutable evidence screaming falsification.

In fact, we do not know of a single film or photographic document depicting astronauts on the moon under real moonlight and with a real lunar color “palette”.

And then he continues:

“The physical conditions on the Moon are too abnormal, and it cannot be ruled out that the circumlunar space is destructive for terrestrial organisms. Today we know the only model that explains the short-range action of lunar gravitation, and at the same time the origin of the accompanying anomalous optical phenomena - this is our model of "shaky space".

And if this model is correct, then the vibrations of "unsteady space" below a certain height above the surface of the Moon are quite capable of breaking weak bonds in protein molecules - with the destruction of their tertiary and, possibly, secondary structures.

As far as we know, turtles returned from the lunar space alive on board the Soviet probe "Zond-5", which circled the Moon with a minimum distance of about 2000 km from its surface. It is possible that with the passage of the apparatus closer to the Moon, animals would die as a result of denaturation of proteins in their organisms. If it is very difficult to protect oneself from cosmic radiation, but nevertheless it is possible, then there is no physical protection from the vibrations of the "shaky space" ... "

The above excerpt is only a small part of the work, the original of which I strongly recommend to read on the author's website

I also like that the lunar expedition was re-filmed in good quality... And it’s true, it was disgusting to watch. It's the 21st century after all. So welcome, in HD quality "Sleigh rides on Shrovetide".