10 to the 5th power prefix. Names and designations of decimal multiples and submultiples of physical quantities with the help of degrees, multipliers and prefixes, rules for their application. Evolution of different systems of measures

Nano, Fatos Fatos Thanas Nano Date of birth: September 16, 1952 Place of birth: Tirana Citizenship: Albania ... Wikipedia

Can mean: Fatos Nano Albanian politician, former prime minister of Albania. “nano” (from other Greek νᾶνος, nanos dwarf, dwarf) one of the SI prefixes (10 9 one billionth). Designations: Russian n, international n. Example: ... ... Wikipedia

Nano abacus is a nano abacus developed by IBM scientists in Zurich (Switzerland) in 1996. The stable rows, made up of ten molecules, act as counting needles. "Knuckles" are made up of fullerene and are controlled by a scanning needle ... ... Wikipedia

NANO... [gr. nanos dwarf] The first part of compound words. Specialist. Contributes sign: equal to one billionth of the unit indicated in the second part of the word (for naming units of physical quantities). Nanosecond, nanometer. * * * nano... (from Greek nános … … encyclopedic Dictionary

Nano ... (gr. nannos dwarf) the first component of the names of physical units. quantities, which serves to form the names of submultiple units equal to a billionth (109) share of the original units, for example. 1 nanometer = 109 m; abbr. designations: n, n. New… …

NANO... (from the Greek. nanos dwarf) a prefix for the formation of the name of submultiple units, equal to one billionth of the original units. Designations: n, n. Example: 1 nm = 10 9 m ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

- (from the Greek nanos dwarf), a prefix to the name of a unit of physical quantity to form the name of a submultiple unit equal to 10 9 from the original unit. Designations: n, n. Example: 1 nm (nanometer) = 10 9 m. Physical Encyclopedic Dictionary. M.:… … Physical Encyclopedia

- [gr. nanos - dwarf]. A prefix for the formation of the name of submultiple units equal to one billionth of the original units. For example, 1 nm 10 9 m. Big Dictionary foreign words. Publishing house "IDDK", 2007 ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

nano- nano: the first part of complex words, written together ... Russian spelling dictionary

nano- 10 Sep [A.S. Goldberg. English Russian Energy Dictionary. 2006] Topics energy in general EN nanoN … Technical Translator's Handbook


  • Nano-CMOS Circuits and Physical Layer Design, Wong B.P. This systematic guide for designers of modern very large integrated circuits, presented in one book, contains up-to-date information on the features of modern technologies ...
  • Nano felting. Fundamentals of craftsmanship, Aniko Arvai, Michal veto. We present to your attention a collection of ideas for creating amazing and original accessories using the "nano-felting" technique! This technique is different in that you do not just make felted ...

Prefix | Multiplier | Designation international / Russian | Examples of using

yotta 10 24 Y/I

Zetta 10 21 Z/Z

Exa 10 18 E/E

Peta 10 15 P/P

Tera 10 12 T/T ( teraflops - a numerical assessment of the performance of graphics processors of modern computer video cards and game consoles, with a 4K quality video stream, and in a specific computing system - the number of floating point operations per second).

Giga 10 9 G/G (gigawatts, GW)

Mega 10 6 M/M (megaohm, MΩ)

Kilo 10 3 k/k (kg - kilogram, "decimal kilo", equal to 1000<грамм>). But, the "binary kilo" in the binary system is equal to 1024 (two to the tenth power).

Hecto 10 2 h/g (hectopascals, normal atmospheric pressure at 1013.25 hPa (hPa) == 760 millimeters of mercury (mmHg/mm Hg) = 1 atmosphere = 1013.25 millibars)

Deci 10 -1 d / d (decimeter, dm)

Santi 10 -2 s / s (hundredth part, 10-2 \u003d 1E-2 \u003d 0.01 - centimeter, cm)

Milli 10 -3 m/m (thousandth, 0.001 - millimeter, mm / mm). 1 mb (millibar) = 0.001 bar = 1 hectopascal (hPa) = 1000 dynes per cm2

Micro 10 -6 µ / u / µ (ppm, 0.000"001 - micrometer, micron, micron)

nano 10 -9 n / n - dimension in nanotechnology (nanometers, nm) and smaller.

Angstrom = 0.1 nanometer = 10 -10 meters (in angstroms - physicists measure the length of light waves)

Pico 10 -12 p/n (picofarad)

Femto 10 -15 f/f

Atto 10 -18 a/a

Zepto 10 -21 z/z

Yokto 10 -24 y/u


5 km2 = 5 (103 m)2 = 5 * 106 m2

250 cm3 / s = 250 (10-2 m)3 / (1 s) = 250 * 10-6 m3 / s

Figure 1. Ratios of area units (hectare, hundredth, square meter)

Dimensions in physics

Gravity field

The magnitude of the gravitational field strength (acceleration of free fall, on the surface of the Earth), approximately, is: 981 Gal = 981 cm / s2 ~ 10 m / s2

1 Gal = 1 cm/s2 = 0.01 m/s2
1 mGal (milligal) = 0.001 cm/s2 = 0.00001 m/s2 = 1 * 10^-5 m/s2

The amplitude of lunisolar disturbances (causing sea tides and affecting the intensity of earthquakes) reaches ~ 0.3 mGal = 0.000 003 m/s2

Mass = density * volume
1 g / cm3 (one gram in a cubic centimeter) \u003d 1000 grams per liter \u003d 1000 kg / m3 (tonne, i.e. thousand kilograms per cubic meter)
ball mass = (4 * pi * R^3 * density) / 3

M Earth = 6 * 10^24kg
M moon = 7.36 * 10^22kg
M Mars = 6.4 * 10^23kg
M Sun = 1.99 * 10^30kg

A magnetic field

1 mT (millitesl) = 1000 µT (microtesl) = 1 x 10^6 nanotesl (gamma)
1 nanotesla (gamma) = 0.001 microtesla (1 x 10^-3 microtesla) = 1 x 10^-9 T (Tesla)

1mT (millitesla) = 0.8 kA/m (kiloampere per meter)
1Tl (Tesla) = 800 kA/m
1000 kA/m = 1.25 T (Tesla)

The ratio of values: 50 μT = 0.050 mT (magnetic induction in SI units) = 0.5 Oersted (field strength in old CGS units - off-system) = 50000 gamma (hundred-thousandths of an oersted) = 0.5 Gauss (magnetic induction in CGS units)

During magnetic storms, the amplitudes of geo magnetic field on the earth's surface, can increase up to several hundred nanotesla, in rare cases - up to the first thousand (up to 1000-3000 x 10-9 T). A five-point magnetic storm is considered the minimum, a nine-point magnetic storm is considered the maximum possible.

The magnetic field on the Earth's surface is minimal at the equator (about 30-40 microtesla) and maximum (60-70 microtesla) at the geomagnetic poles (they do not coincide with the geographic ones and differ greatly in the location of the axes). In the middle latitudes of the European part of Russia, the values ​​of the modulus of the total vector of magnetic induction are in the range of 45-55 µT.

Overload effect from rapid movement - dimension and practical examples

As is known from the school physics course, the free fall acceleration on the Earth's surface is approximately equal to ~10 m/s2. The maximum, in absolute value, that a conventional telephone accelerometer can measure is up to 20 m/s2 (2,000 Gal - twice the acceleration of gravity on the surface of the Earth - "a slight overload of 2g"). What it really is, you can find out with the help of a simple experiment, if you sharply move your smartphone and look at the numbers received from the accelerometer (this can be seen more easily and clearly from the graphs in the Android sensor testing program, for example - Device Test).

A pilot, without an anti-g suit, can lose consciousness when unidirectional, towards the legs, i.e. "positive" overloads - about 8-10g, if they last a few seconds or longer. When the g-force vector is directed "towards the head" ("negative"), loss of consciousness occurs at lower values, due to the rush of blood to the head.

Short-term overloads during the ejection of a pilot from a combat aircraft can reach 20 units or more. With such accelerations, if the pilot does not have time to properly group and prepare, there is a high risk of various injuries: compression fractures and displacement of the vertebrae in the spine, dislocations of the limbs. For example, on variants of modifications of the F-16 aircraft that do not have seats in the design, effectively working leg and arm scatter limiters, when ejecting at transonic speeds, the pilots have very little chance.

The development of life depends on the values ​​of physical parameters on the surface of the planet

Gravity is proportional to mass and inversely proportional. the square of the distance from the center of mass. on the equator, on the surface of some planets and their satellites in solar system: on Earth ~ 9.8 m/s2, on the Moon ~ 1.6 m/s2, on Mars ~ 3.7 m/s2. The Martian atmosphere, due to insufficiently strong gravity (which is almost three times less than the Earth's), is weaker held by the planet - light gas molecules quickly escape into the surrounding outer space, and mainly relatively heavy carbon dioxide remains.

On Mars, the surface air pressure is very rarefied, about two hundred times less than on Earth. It is very cold there and dust storms are frequent. The surface of the planet, on its sunny side, in calm weather, is intensively irradiated (because the atmosphere is too thin) with the ultraviolet of the star. The lack of a magnetosphere (due to "geological death", due to the cooling of the planet's body, the internal dynamo almost stopped) - makes Mars defenseless against solar wind particle flows. In such harsh conditions, the natural development of biological life on the surface of Mars, during the last time, was probably only possible at the level of microorganisms.

Densities of various substances and media (at room temperature), for their comparison

The lightest gas is hydrogen (H):
= 0.0001 g/cm3 (one ten-thousandth of a gram in a cubic centimeter) = 0.1 kg/m3

The heaviest gas is radon (Rn):
= 0.0101 g/cm3 (one hundred and ten thousandths) = 10.1 kg/m3

Helium: 0.00018g/cm3 ~ 0.2kg/m3

Standard density of dry air of the Earth's atmosphere, at +15 °C, at sea level:
= 0.0012 grams per cubic centimeter (twelve ten-thousandths) = 1.2 kg/m3

Carbon monoxide (CO, carbon monoxide): 0.0012 g/cm3 = 1.2kg/m3

Carbon dioxide (CO2): 0.0019 g/cm3 = 1.9 kg/m3

Oxygen (O2): 0.0014 g/cm3 = 1.4kg/m3

Ozone: ~0.002g/cm3 = 2 kg/m3

Density of methane (natural combustible gas used as a domestic gas for home heating and cooking):
= 0.0007 g/cm3 = 0.7 kg/m3

The density of the propane-butane mixture, after evaporation (stored in gas cylinders, used in everyday life and as fuel in internal combustion engines):
~ 0.002 g/cm3 ~ 2 kg/m3

The density of desalinated water (chemically pure, purified from impurities, by
for example, distillation), at +4 ° C, that is, the largest that water has in its liquid form:
~ 1 g/cm3 ~ 1000 kg/m3 = 1 ton per cubic meter.

The density of ice (water in a solid state of aggregation, frozen at temperatures less than 273 degrees Kelvin, that is, below zero Celsius):
~ 0.9 g/cm3 ~ 917 kilograms per cubic meter

The density of copper (metal, in the solid phase, is in normal conditions):
= 8.92 g/cm3 = 8920 kg/m3 ~ 9 tons per cubic meter.

Other dimensions and quantities with a large number of significant digits after the decimal point can be found in tabular applications of specialized textbooks and in specialized reference books (in their paper and electronic versions).

Rules, translation tables:

Letter designations of units should be printed in roman type.

Exception - the sign raised above the line is written together

Right wrong:

It is not allowed to combine letters and names

Right wrong:

80 km/h 80 km/h

80 kilometers per hour 80 kilometers per hour

In the names of Arabic numbers, each digit belongs to its category, and every three digits form a class. Thus, the last digit in a number indicates the number of units in it and is called, accordingly, the place of units. The next, second from the end, digit indicates tens (the tens digit), and the third digit from the end indicates the number of hundreds in the number - the hundreds digit. Further, the digits are repeated in the same way in turn in each class, denoting units, tens and hundreds in the classes of thousands, millions, and so on. If the number is small and does not contain a tens or hundreds digit, it is customary to take them as zero. Classes group numbers in numbers of three, often in computing devices or records a period or space is placed between classes to visually separate them. This is done to make it easier to read. big numbers. Each class has its own name: the first three digits are the class of units, followed by the class of thousands, then millions, billions (or billions), and so on.

Since we use the decimal system, the basic unit of quantity is the ten, or 10 1 . Accordingly, with an increase in the number of digits in a number, the number of tens of 10 2, 10 3, 10 4, etc. also increases. Knowing the number of tens, you can easily determine the class and category of the number, for example, 10 16 is tens of quadrillions, and 3 × 10 16 is three tens of quadrillions. The decomposition of numbers into decimal components occurs as follows - each digit is displayed in a separate term, multiplied by the required coefficient 10 n, where n is the position of the digit in the count from left to right.
For instance: 253 981=2×10 6 +5×10 5 +3×10 4 +9×10 3 +8×10 2 +1×10 1

Also, the power of 10 is also used in writing decimals: 10 (-1) is 0.1 or one tenth. Similarly with the previous paragraph, a decimal number can also be decomposed, in which case n will indicate the position of the digit from the comma from right to left, for example: 0.347629= 3x10 (-1) +4x10 (-2) +7x10 (-3) +6x10 (-4) +2x10 (-5) +9x10 (-6) )

Names of decimal numbers. Decimal numbers are read by the last digit after the decimal point, for example 0.325 - three hundred and twenty-five thousandths, where thousandths are the digit of the last digit 5.

Table of names of large numbers, digits and classes

1st class unit 1st unit digit
2nd place ten
3rd rank hundreds
1 = 10 0
10 = 10 1
100 = 10 2
2nd class thousand 1st digit units of thousands
2nd digit tens of thousands
3rd rank hundreds of thousands
1 000 = 10 3
10 000 = 10 4
100 000 = 10 5
3rd grade millions 1st digit units million
2nd digit tens of millions
3rd digit hundreds of millions
1 000 000 = 10 6
10 000 000 = 10 7
100 000 000 = 10 8
4th grade billions 1st digit units billion
2nd digit tens of billions
3rd digit hundreds of billions
1 000 000 000 = 10 9
10 000 000 000 = 10 10
100 000 000 000 = 10 11
5th grade trillions 1st digit trillion units
2nd digit tens of trillions
3rd digit hundred trillion
1 000 000 000 000 = 10 12
10 000 000 000 000 = 10 13
100 000 000 000 000 = 10 14
6th grade quadrillions 1st digit quadrillion units
2nd digit tens of quadrillions
3rd digit tens of quadrillions
1 000 000 000 000 000 = 10 15
10 000 000 000 000 000 = 10 16
100 000 000 000 000 000 = 10 17
7th grade quintillions 1st digit units of quintillions
2nd digit tens of quintillions
3rd rank hundred quintillion
1 000 000 000 000 000 000 = 10 18
10 000 000 000 000 000 000 = 10 19
100 000 000 000 000 000 000 = 10 20
8th grade sextillions 1st digit sextillion units
2nd digit tens of sextillions
3rd rank hundred sextillions
1 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 = 10 21
10 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 = 10 22
1 00 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 = 10 23
9th grade septillion 1st digit units of septillion
2nd digit tens of septillions
3rd rank hundred septillion
1 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 = 10 24
10 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 = 10 25
100 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 = 10 26
10th class octillion 1st digit octillion units
2nd digit ten octillion
3rd rank hundred octillion
1 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 = 10 27
10 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 = 10 28
100 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 = 10 29

Length and Distance Converter Mass Converter Bulk Food and Food Volume Converter Area Converter Volume and Recipe Units Converter Temperature Converter Pressure, Stress, Young's Modulus Converter Energy and Work Converter Power Converter Force Converter Time Converter Linear Velocity Converter Flat Angle Converter Thermal Efficiency and Fuel Efficiency Number Converter to various systems ah calculus Converter of units of measurement of the amount of information Exchange rates Dimensions of women's clothing and shoes Dimensions of men's clothing and shoes Angular velocity and rotational speed converter Acceleration converter Angular acceleration converter Density converter Specific volume converter Moment of inertia converter Torque moment converter Torque converter Specific calorific value converter (by Mass) Energy Density and Specific Calorific value Converter (by Volume) Temperature Difference Converter Thermal Expansion Coefficient Converter Thermal Resistance Converter Thermal Conductivity Converter Specific Heat Capacity Converter Energy Exposure and Thermal Radiation Power Converter Heat Flux Density Converter Heat Transfer Coefficient Converter Volume Flow Converter Mass Flow Converter Molar Rate Converter Mass Flux Density Converter Molar Concentration Converter Solution Mass Concentration Converter Kinematic Viscosity Converter Surface Tension Converter Vapor Permeability Converter Water Vapor Flux Density Converter Sound Level Converter Microphone Sensitivity Converter Sound Pressure Level (SPL) Converter Sound Pressure Level Converter with Selectable Reference Pressure Brightness Converter Luminous Intensity Converter Computer Graphics Frequency and Wavelength Converter Diopter Power and Focal Length Diopter Power and Lens Magnification (×) Electric Charge Converter Linear Charge Density Converter Surface Charge Density Converter Volume Charge Density Converter Electric Current Converter Linear Current Density Converter Surface Current Density Converter Electric Field Strength Converter Electrostatic Potential and Voltage Converter Electrical Resistance Converter Specific Electrode Converter Electric Resistance Converter Electrical Conductivity Converter Electrical Conductivity Converter Capacitance Inductance Converter US Wire Gauge Converter Levels in dBm (dBm or dBm), dBV (dBV), watts, etc. units Magnetomotive Force Converter Magnetic Field Strength Converter Magnetic Flux Converter Magnetic Induction Converter Radiation . Ionizing Radiation Absorbed Dose Rate Converter Radioactivity. Radioactive Decay Converter Radiation. Exposure Dose Converter Radiation. Absorbed Dose Converter Decimal Prefix Converter Data Transfer Typography and Image Processing Unit Converter Timber Volume Unit Converter Periodic system chemical elements D. I. Mendeleev

1 kilo [k] = 1E-06 giga [G]

Initial value

Converted value

no prefix yotta zetta exa peta tera giga mega kilo hecto deca deci centi milli micro nano pico femto atto zepto yocto

Metric system and International System of Units (SI)


In this article, we will talk about the metric system and its history. We will see how and why it began and how it gradually developed into what we have today. We will also look at the SI system, which was developed from the metric system of measures.

For our ancestors, who lived in a world full of dangers, the ability to measure various quantities in their natural habitat made it possible to get closer to understanding the essence of natural phenomena, understanding their environment and gaining the opportunity to somehow influence what surrounded them. That is why people tried to invent and improve various measurement systems. At the dawn of human development, having a measurement system was no less important than it is now. It was necessary to perform various measurements during the construction of housing, sewing clothes of different sizes, cooking, and, of course, trade and exchange could not do without measurement! Many believe that the creation and adoption of the International System of Units SI is the most serious achievement not only of science and technology, but also of the development of mankind in general.

Early measurement systems

In early measurement and number systems, people used traditional objects to measure and compare. For example, it is believed that the decimal system appeared due to the fact that we have ten fingers and toes. Our hands are always with us - that's why since ancient times people used (and still use) fingers for counting. Yet we have not always used base 10 for counting, and the metric system is a relatively new invention. Each region has its own systems of units, and although these systems have much in common, most systems are still so different that the conversion of units from one system to another has always been a problem. This problem became more and more serious as trade between different peoples developed.

The accuracy of the first systems of measures and weights directly depended on the size of the objects that surrounded the people who developed these systems. It is clear that the measurements were inaccurate, since the "measuring devices" did not have exact dimensions. For example, body parts were commonly used as a measure of length; mass and volume were measured using the volume and mass of seeds and other small objects, the dimensions of which were more or less the same. We will discuss these units in more detail below.

Measures of length

V Ancient Egypt length was measured at first elbows, and later royal elbows. The length of the elbow was defined as the segment from the bend of the elbow to the end of the extended middle finger. Thus, the royal cubit was defined as the cubit of the reigning pharaoh. A model cubit was created and made available to the general public so that everyone could make their own measures of length. This, of course, was an arbitrary unit that changed when a new royal took the throne. Ancient Babylon used a similar system, but with slight differences.

The cubit was divided into smaller units: Palm, hand, zerets(foot), and you(finger), which were represented respectively by the width of the palm, hand (with thumb), foot and finger. At the same time, they decided to agree on how many fingers in the palm (4), in the hand (5) and elbow (28 in Egypt and 30 in Babylon). It was more convenient and more accurate than measuring ratios every time.

Measures of mass and weight

Measures of weight were also based on the parameters of various objects. Seeds, grains, beans and similar items acted as measures of weight. The classic example of a unit of mass still in use today is carat. Now carats measure the mass of precious stones and pearls, and once the weight of carob seeds, otherwise called carob, was determined as a carat. The tree is cultivated in the Mediterranean, and its seeds are distinguished by the constancy of mass, so it was convenient to use them as a measure of weight and mass. In different places, different seeds were used as small units of weight, and larger units were usually multiples of smaller units. Archaeologists often find similar large weights, usually made of stone. They consisted of 60, 100 and a different number of small units. Since there was no single standard for the number of small items, as well as for their weight, this led to conflicts when sellers and buyers who lived in different places met.

Measures of volume

Initially, volume was also measured using small objects. For example, the volume of a pot or jug ​​was determined by filling it to the top with small objects of a relatively standard volume - like seeds. However, the lack of standardization led to the same problems in measuring volume as in measuring mass.

Evolution of different systems of measures

The ancient Greek system of measures was based on the ancient Egyptian and Babylonian, and the Romans created their own system based on the ancient Greek. Then by fire and sword and, of course, as a result of trade, these systems spread throughout Europe. It should be noted that here we are talking only about the most common systems. But there were many other systems of measures and weights, because exchange and trade were necessary for absolutely everyone. If there was no written language in the given area or it was not customary to record the results of the exchange, then we can only guess how these people measured volume and weight.

There are many regional variants of systems of measures and weights. This is due to their independent development and the influence of other systems on them as a result of trade and conquest. Different systems were not only in different countries, but often within the same country, where each trading city had its own, because local rulers did not want unification in order to maintain their power. With the development of travel, trade, industry and science, many countries sought to unify systems of measures and weights, at least in the territories of their countries.

Already in the 13th century, and possibly earlier, scientists and philosophers discussed the creation of a unified system of measurements. However, only after the French Revolution and the subsequent colonization of various regions of the world by France and other European countries, which already had their own systems of measures and weights, a new system was developed, adopted in most countries of the world. This new system was decimal metric system. It was based on the base 10, that is, for any physical quantity there was one basic unit in it, and all other units could be formed in a standard way using decimal prefixes. Each such fractional or multiple unit could be divided into ten smaller units, and these smaller units, in turn, could be divided into 10 even smaller units, and so on.

As we know, most of the early systems of measurement were not based on base 10. The convenience of the system with base 10 is that the number system we are used to has the same base, which allows you to quickly and conveniently use simple and familiar rules to convert from smaller units to large and vice versa. Many scientists believe that the choice of ten as the base of the number system is arbitrary and is related only to the fact that we have ten fingers, and if we had a different number of fingers, then we would certainly use a different number system.

Metric system

In the early days of the metric system, human-made prototypes were used as measures of length and weight, as in previous systems. The metric system has evolved from a system based on real standards and dependence on their accuracy to a system based on natural phenomena and fundamental physical constants. For example, the unit of time, the second, was originally defined as part of the tropical year 1900. The disadvantage of such a definition was the impossibility of experimental verification of this constant in subsequent years. Therefore, the second was redefined as a certain number of periods of radiation corresponding to the transition between two hyperfine levels of the ground state of a radioactive caesium-133 atom at rest at 0 K. The unit of distance, the meter, was associated with the wavelength of the emission spectrum of the isotope krypton-86, but later The meter was redefined as the distance traveled by light in a vacuum in a time interval of 1/299,792,458 of a second.

Based on the metric system, the International System of Units (SI) was created. It should be noted that traditionally the metric system includes units of mass, length and time, but in the SI system the number of base units has been expanded to seven. We will discuss them below.

International System of Units (SI)

The International System of Units (SI) has seven basic units for measuring basic quantities (mass, time, length, luminous intensity, amount of matter, electric current, thermodynamic temperature). This kilogram(kg) for mass measurement, second(c) to measure time, meter(m) for distance measurement, candela(cd) to measure the intensity of light, mole(abbreviation mol) to measure the amount of a substance, ampere(A) to measure the strength of the electric current, and kelvin(K) for temperature measurement.

At present, only the kilogram still has a man-made standard, while the rest of the units are based on universal physical constants or on natural phenomena. This is convenient because the physical constants or natural phenomena on which units of measurement are based can be easily checked at any time; moreover, there is no danger of loss or damage to standards. There is also no need to create copies of standards to ensure their availability in different parts of the world. This eliminates errors associated with the accuracy of making copies of physical objects, and thus provides greater accuracy.

Decimal Prefixes

To form multiple and submultiple units that differ from the base units of the SI system by a certain integer number of times, which is a power of ten, it uses prefixes attached to the name of the base unit. The following is a list of all prefixes currently in use and the decimal factors they stand for:

PrefixSymbolNumerical value; commas here separate groups of digits, and the decimal separator is a period.Exponential notation
yottaY1 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 10 24
zettaW1 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 10 21
exaE1 000 000 000 000 000 000 10 18
petaP1 000 000 000 000 000 10 15
teraT1 000 000 000 000 10 12
gigaG1 000 000 000 10 9
megaM1 000 000 10 6
kiloTo1 000 10 3
hectoG100 10 2
soundboardYes10 10 1
without prefix 1 10 0
decid0,1 10 -1
centiWith0,01 10 -2
Millim0,001 10 -3
micromk0,000001 10 -6
nanon0,000000001 10 -9
picoP0,000000000001 10 -12
femtof0,000000000000001 10 -15
attoa0,000000000000000001 10 -18
zeptoh0,000000000000000000001 10 -21
yoktoand0,000000000000000000000001 10 -24

For example, 5 gigameters equals 5,000,000,000 meters, while 3 microcandela equals 0.000003 candela. It is interesting to note that, despite the presence of a prefix in the unit kilogram, it is the base SI unit. Therefore, the above prefixes are used with the gram as if it were the base unit.

At the time of this writing, only three countries remain that have not adopted the SI system: the United States, Liberia, and Myanmar. In Canada and the United Kingdom, traditional units are still widely used, despite the fact that the SI system in these countries is the official system of units. It is enough to go to the store and see the price tags for a pound of goods (it’s cheaper, after all!), Or try to buy building materials measured in meters and kilograms. Will not work! Not to mention the packaging of goods, where everything is signed in grams, kilograms and liters, but not in whole, but translated from pounds, ounces, pints and quarts. Milk space in refrigerators is also calculated per half gallon or gallon, not per liter milk carton.

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Calculations for converting units in the converter " Decimal prefix converter' are performed using the functions of unitconversion.org .