The roots of mountains gar are written. Presentation for a lesson in Russian (grade 5) on the topic. Repetition. Roots in which the choice of vowels depends on the final consonant

(Materials for spelling repetition)

Alternating vowels in word roots

In accordance with the traditional classification of orthograms, in this section we will consider the spelling of the following roots:

There are roots in Russian in which the spelling of a vowel cannot be checked by a stressed position. This is due to various reasons. Let's name some of them.

Let's try to determine which vowel phoneme is in the root of the word dawn. Let's pick a test word: someone will call dawns and someone will remember dawn. Under stress in single-root words are O, then a. Therefore, it is impossible to check the vowel in this root. We observe the same phenomenon in the roots -clone-//-clan- (bow, bow) -creature-//-creature- (creature , creation), -jump-//-jump- //-jump- //-jump- (jump, jump, jump).

In a number of roots, the spelling of the vowel depends on the suffix -a-. It is connected with tradition, with the history of the language. Look at this set of words: collect - collect, wipe - wipe, die - die off, touch - touch, arrange - arrange. It is impossible not to notice that in modern Russian the suffix -a- is an indicator of the imperfective form of the verb, and the alternation accompanies the transition of the verb to another form. By the way, we can recall other similar alternations, which were already mentioned in the previous section: to be late - to be late, flutter - flutter. Linguists have established that in the Old Russian language it was the alternation in the root that was an indicator of the verb form. But the verb system has undergone major changes, and, in particular, vowel alternations in the root of verbs have lost their formative function. In modern Russian, these alternations are historical.

Fundamentally -gor-//-gar- only under stress a, and an unstressed sound is denoted by the letter O. Why? According to etymological dictionaries, in Old Russian and Old Church Slavonic, before the fall of the reduced, it was pronounced g[o]th, but g[a]r. Since in that era vowels in unstressed position were not reduced, there were no problems with the spelling of vowels. And, although in modern Russian the spelling O turns out to be fundamentally unmotivated, by tradition we continue to write it.

Task 9. Consider if the roots in the words collect, pin, burn and similar ones are written according to the phonemic principle.

Roots with vowel alternations can be divided into four groups depending on the conditions for choosing a vowel. All of them are shown in the table.

The spelling of a vowel depends on
final consonants of the root suffix -a- accents semantics
(values) root

-grow-//-grow- // -grow-

-skak- // -skoch-

! If the infinitive of the verb is the root -with how-, then in the form of 1 l. units h. and bud. temp. and in pov. incl. spelled a: jump - jump, jump











Written without stress:







Mok- – ‘saturate with moisture’

-poppy-- "dip into liquid"

-exactly- – ‘smooth, straight, smooth’

-equals- – ‘equal, identical’







(Variable stress statement. Check word - teenager)


And also all single-root words:

branch, sprout, growth, sprout, sprout, etc.






And also all single-root words :








(These words are derived from the word cinder)








Task 10. Word couple is included in the exceptions in many reference books and spelling books, although this is incorrect. Think why.

Task 11. Using linguistic dictionaries, explain the meaning of exception words scorch, burn, scorch and describe them in terms of their scope.

Task 12. Read a fragment of a poem by M.Yu. Lermontov "Field of Borodin":

The drums struck the dawn,
East foggy turned white,
And an unexpected blow from enemies
Arrived at the battery.

Establish with the help of linguistic dictionaries whether the first line contains a spelling and rhythmic error. (See N.A. Yeskova’s dictionary A Brief Dictionary of the Difficulties of the Russian Language: Grammatical Forms; Stress; About 12 thousand words in modern Russian. 6th edition, corrected. M .: Astrel, Asg, 2008)

Task 14. -lag-//-loose-, -rast-//-rasch-//-ros-, -skak-//-skoch-, as well as exceptions. Rewrite the phrases with the missing letters. Mark roots with alternation. Explain the spelling of the underlined letters.

1. Ra With to have free time, adjective, theory e tic positions, lay hopes, offer tea, parse the offer, lit. e raturnoe pr and lie, the components of success, lie G cue floor_g.

2. P O useful plants, rich vegetation, tree grown, grown in a greenhouse, grow up in captivity, slow down nn oh_schenie, dor_sti to the peephole in the door, pr and r_sli to the tree, grow in the middle lane, in the city of R_stov e, juvenile age, young age, green r_stok, important branch, r_shchik, grassy, ​​ot_left Oh Research Institute.

3. Jump on a horse, jump out from around a corner, decisively jump, jump up from a place, arrogant upstart, jump up from unexpected nn awn, Don sk_kun, sk_kovaya horse, deftly jump off the saddle, slip unnoticed nn ym, obsk_kat everyone, sk_chkoobrazny flight, sk_kunok, quick_kat, jump out of the a gona, instantly prisk_chu, ck_chite g a with a shovel, skip on one leg along the path, don’t skip the turn, jump to you in the evening, jump even higher, and jump on a chair, jump along the river bank, stop the horse at the skip.

Task 15. Learn the rule of writing roots -mountains-//-gar-, -creation-//-creature, -clone-//-clan-, -zor-//-zar-, -pilaf-//-float-, as well as exceptions.

1. W O sunburnt, sunbathing in the sun, sunburned young man, sunburned h danish O ster, pr and r_r, r_hvostka, r_rel, burnouts of my passions, r_rely sleep chk and, locomotive izg_r.

2. Evening dawn, look around with the rays of the sun, bright skylights, ripen in the forest, in the morning and vilization, enlightenment of a lonely mind, play for nothing.

3. Bent over to the ground, give a bow to hertz O guinea, swear by the elder, bow by adj a gate, pr e to swear before g e roism, pr and cl_thread head;

4. Great TV _ rhenium, perform miracles, pr e live in life, open the gate, good work With tv_ritel, different utv_r;

5. Experienced swimmer, floating island, swim out to the middle of the river, light float, start O red swimmers, pl_vunets beetle, pl_vnik, pl_vuchest, excellent pl_vchiha;

6. Insoluble compounds and evasion, evade obligation nn ost, kuho nn oh utv_r, internal combustion engine, turned around with a smile, the smell of fumes, lean over the river, ra With twist in the fog, stay on the surface, wake up, sunbathing by the river, deviate from the course, illuminated by happiness, etc. and tweet to a cast, uv and give pl_vtsov.

Task 16. Learn 10 roots whose spelling depends on the suffix -a- according to the model -ber-//-bir/a-, and exception words. Rewrite the phrases with the missing letters. Highlight the roots with alternation. Explain the spelling of the underlined letters.

Get ready for an exam, shine in the sun, freeze in surprise, freeze in delight, ra ss smoldering around, erasing writing, inflaming passions, melting with a towel, locking up the heart, burning out a drawing, incendiary projectile, shining journalist, shining in the light, lock up the barn, spread the tablecloth, rare composition, strike without looking back, deduct from salary, tax deduction, tidy up the room , otp_ret lock, sob_ru ur O zhai, choose a dissertation topic, selective Komi ss ia, bl_snut mind, elect_rkom.

Task 17. Remember the meaning of the roots -poppy- and -mok-. Rewrite the phrases with the missing letters. Highlight the roots with alternation. Explain the spelling of the underlined letters.

Washed from head to toe, dip the pen into the ink b, pod_chil reputation and yu, m_chit hair, prom_porridge, s a pogi prom_kayut, waterproof p a lto, softened from tears, and kk hurriedly m_kat, blotting paper, dip the brush into the water, wm_knesh to the thread, smear_kal in a hot bath, m_knul and s b ate, blot with a napkin.

Task 18. Use a word-building dictionary to determine what word motivates the word prom_porridge, what is its derivational meaning?

In a number of words with roots -exactly- and -equals- the meaning of the root is easy enough to establish, and the spelling of such words does not cause much difficulty. For instance: to equalize in weight, equivalent, equalize rights, level asphalt, level sand. A spelling problem arises where the meanings of words cannot be reduced to semes (meaning elements) ‘equal’ or ‘equal’ or where those that contradict the spelling rule are fixed. The school offers to memorize words such as plain, level, equally. And how to explain the spelling of the vowel in the command “ Equal!” or in the phrase catch up with the forest? After all, a native Russian speaker will most likely explain the meanings of these words through the semes ‘stand up straight’, ‘along a straight line’.

Orthographic complexity of the choice of roots -exactly- and -equals- explained by the facts of the history of the Russian language. These roots are related: they have a common “ancestor” - the Slavic root, from which words with -exactly-, and in the Old Church Slavonic language - words with a root -equals-. Initially, both of these roots had the same meaning, which combined the meanings of ‘equal, identical’ and ‘smooth, straight’. In the textbook A.I. Kaidalova and I.K. Kalinina “Modern Russian Orthography”, the authors note that back in the 19th century. word smooth could be used in both senses, and the following examples are given:

She lived at the expense of Marfa Timofeevna, but on an equal footing with her.(I. Turgenev “Nest of Nobles”)

The estate was divided into three equal parts.(A. Herzen)

In the course of language development, semantic differentiation occurs: one meaning is assigned to each of the roots. However, in some words, spellings have stuck with tradition despite changes in semantics, and some words have developed new meanings.

Complicates the situation and the already familiar alternation o//a in verb roots. For example, the forms of imperfective verbs in verbs flatten and equalize orthographically and phonetically coincide in the form compare.

Task 19. Read excerpts from the MAC. Write down the meanings of words with roots in a notebook -even- and -equal-, which, in your opinion, are not reducible to the semes ‘even’ or ‘equal’.

EQUAL "TH, -I" yu, -I "eat; Nesov., Trans.

1. (Sov. equalize). To make equal, the same in some way. respect; call. Not touched by anything, not embarrassed, Humble or grumbling brother - With her scythe she equalizes all [death]. (Tyutchev). There are two forces - two fatal forces. The climate is equal for everyone. So all the Vietnamese, one might say, are dressed in the same way: trousers made of plain fabric and a light white shirt. (Soloukhin. Postcards from Vietnam).

2. with someone. To consider equal, equate to someone, smth. [Donna Anna:] I don't want to make excuses for Juan; He was criminal, but he was not vicious. His deeds cannot be compared with others, And they cannot be measured by a common measure. (A. Tolstoy, Don Juan). Innovation, when we think about Pushkin's emancipation of poetic speech, cannot be equated with "technological" experiments in the laboratory of verse. (Reshetov. in his sublunar world).

EQUAL TO "BE, - I" am, - I "eat; carry.

To be equal, the same in some way. respect. The cedar rose higher than the hardwoods, and only the poplar could still equal it.(Emelyanov. in the Ussuri taiga) We have seven classes, and the last<…>equals the seventh grade of the gymnasium. (Kaverin. In front of the mirror) || with whom.

Our young lady is so white, so smart! Where can I compare with her! (Pushkin. Young lady-peasant) [Larisa:] Who do you equal! Is such blindness possible? Sergei Sergeyevich ... this is the ideal of a man. (A. Ostrovsky. Dowry) || what. To be equivalent to something. The daughters had been sending Arina Vasilievna for a long time, but she did not dare to come, because Stepan Mikhailych's words "do not wake anyone" were tantamount to forbidding them to come. (S. Aksakov. Family chronicle) [Paratov:] Your request is like an order to me. (A. Ostrovsky. Dowry)

2. (owls to catch up). Approaching, being on a par with, next to smb. - Who are they shooting at? Who is shooting? - Rostov asked, equaling the Russian and Austrian soldiers, who fled in mixed crowds across his path.(L. Tolstoy. War and Peace) [Samghin] walked fast <…> . Who are you running from? asked Dronov, equaling him. (M. Gorky. Life of Klim Samgin)

3. Become (in the ranks) on the same line with the flank. The orchestra rang out, and from the yard, through the wide-open gates, people moved in rows.<…>They walked one after another, trying to equalize on the flank on the move. (Bakhmetiev. Martyn's Crime) || led. equal "sya! (equal" sya!). It is used as a military, sports, etc. the command is to align the row(s). - Level up! Plum ordered. (Kuprin Duel)

4. trans.; by whom and for whom. follow someone. example. - You are a community worker, you are a force. You must show an example of a fortress: after all, everyone is equal to you.(Gladkov. Masha from Zapolye). Replenishment of young people who had not yet participated in the war was widely poured into the troops of the front. These young people looked up to their older comrades. (Bragin. Vatutin)

5. what. To be equal to size, to represent a size. Two times two equals four. The length of the island is 900 versts; its greatest width is 125, and the smallest 25 versts. (Chekhov. Sakhalin island). The power of its [ship] mechanisms was equal to the power of a large power plant. (V. Kozhevnikov. last flight)

6. Strad. to equalize.

ROVNYA""TH, -I"yu, -I"eat; nesov., trans. (incorrect align).

1. (uncommon also smooth out). Make it even and smooth. Workers in aprons on the scaffolds laid bricks, poured masonry from the gangs and leveled the lamas. (L. Tolstoy. Anna Karenina). in the distance<…>Silin's and Remnev's tractors chirped incessantly; they leveled with rollers a large area, two kilometers long, where it was supposed to weld pipes. (Azhaev. Far from Moscow).

2. Arrange in a row (rows) in a straight line. Straighten the line.

6. Rules of Russian spelling and punctuation. Complete Academic Handbook / Pod. ed. V.V. Lopatin. M., 2006.

7. Rosenthal D.E. Handbook of Spelling and Literary Editing. M., 1999.

8. Dictionary of the Russian language: in 4 volumes. M., 1981–1984. (MAS)

9. Dictionary of the Russian language: in 4 volumes. M .: Russk. lang.; Polygraphic resources, 1999. [Electronic resource] - Access mode:

10. Tikhonov A.N. Morphemic spelling dictionary. M., 2002.

11. Tikhonov A.N. Word-building dictionary of the Russian language: in 2 vols. M., 1985.

12. Uspensky B.A. History of the Russian literary language (XI-XVII centuries). M., 2002.

13. Fasmer M. Etymological dictionary of the Russian language: in 4 volumes. St. Petersburg, 1996.

14. Chernykh P.Ya. Historical and etymological dictionary of the modern Russian language: in 2 vols. M., 2006.

15. Shansky N.M., Bobrova T.A. School etymological dictionary of the Russian language: the origin of words. M., 2001.

Moscow city

Alternation depending on the letters in the suffix or root

Rule I. Roots with alternating AND / / E

If the root is followed by a suffix A, then at the root we write the letter AND, but if the suffix A E.

  • -bir-a // -ber- (with bir at - for ber eat)
  • -peer-a // -per- (for feast aet - under trans et)
  • -dir-a //-der- (with dir at - der yet)
  • -tir-a // -ter- (with shooting gallery at - you ter et)
  • -burn-a //-burn- (with burning at - from bile b)
  • -blist-a // -glitter-( bliss at - glitter et)
  • -steel-a // -steel- (trans style at - for stele eat)
  • -chit-a //-honest- (by cheat at - by hour ti)
  • -world-a //-mer- (for peace al - for measures et)

Rule II. Roots with alternating A / / O

If the root is followed by a suffix a, then at the root we write the letter A, but if the suffix a no, then the letter is written in the root O.

  • -cas-a //-kos- (cas sing - kos rush)
  • -lag-a // -false- (according to log at - by lies it)

Rule III. Roots with alternating A / / O

If there are letters in the root T or SCH, then write the letter A, but if these letters are not present, then the letter is written in the root O.

  • -rAst-//-rAshch- // -rOc- (you growth and you rasch enny - you dew whether).

Exceptions: growth ok from races eh, Growth islav , growth sheepman, Growth ov.

Rule IV. Roots with alternating A / / O

If the root ends in TO, then write the letter A, but if the root ends in H, then the letter is written in the root O.

  • -skak // -skoch- (sk Akat – Sun Ochit ).

Accent dependent alternation

Rule V. Roots with alternating A / / O

If on the roots - gAr - and – clan - the accent falls, then we write a letter in them A, but if these roots are unstressed, then we write in them O.

  • -gAr -//- mountains- (for gAr - per mountains at)
  • -clan-//-clone- ( clan yatsya - by clone ish)

Rule VI. Roots with alternating A / / O

If at the root - zar - The accent does NOT fall, then we write a letter in it A, but if this root is shock, then we write in it O.

Exceptions: zor yanka, zor evate.

  • -zor-//-zar- ( zar I am - dawn ka)

Alternation depending on the meaning (meaning) of the word

Rule VII. Roots with alternating A / / O

If the meaning of the word "immerse in liquid" then we write A, but if the word means "leak liquid" then we write O.

  • -poppy -//-mock- ( m ak put bread into honeyabout mok walk in the rain)

Rule VIII. Roots with alternating A / / O

If the meaning of the word "the same, similar" then we write A, but if the word means "smooth, smooth, straight" then we write O.

  • -equal -//-equal- ( With equals itcharactersunder exactly plant a garden).

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Russian language - spelling:


Roots with alternating o - a

Roots with unchecked vowels

The spelling of vowels in many words cannot be checked by stress: With O tank, in O bullshit, in a trushka and etc.; such words should be consulted in the dictionary and memorized their spelling.

kos - cas, lodge - lag

in the roots braid- - cas-, false- - lag- a letter is written a if the root is followed by a suffix -a-, For example: To a s-a-s (but to O s-nuts), to a with-a-telny (but prik O s-novenie); izl a g-a-th (but izl O f-it), sl a g-a-th (but sl O live).

clone - clan, creation - creature, mountains - gar

in the roots clone- - clan-, creation- - creature-, mountain- - gar- without accent a letter is written O, For example: on the class O n yat, with class O n enie, by class O n go; tv O R ec, tv O R enie, co tv O R go; per G O R white, for G O R at, G O R eat, G O R enie.

Fundamentally zar- - zor- (h a R I am - h O R and - h O R ka) without accent spelled a, For example: h a R I am, h a R nice, h a R eva, oh h a R yat, oh h a R enie.

plov - plov

Root plov- - plov- spelled with a letter O only in a nutshell: pl O v ets, pl O v sneeze, in other cases spelled a: With pl a v lyat, pl a v nickname, by pl a v OK, pl a v ounce(bug) , pl a v teaching.(Remember the word pl s wun- layers of subsoil saturated with water.)

Fundamentally rast- - ros- (R a st and - R O With lo) without accent front st and SCH spelled a (you R a st ite, woz R a st, on the R a st anie, vzr a puppy, cf. a whelping);
front With without further T spelled O (you R O With, you R O With neck, water R O With oh no R O With eh).

equal - equal

Root equal- predominantly written in words that are related in meaning to " equals th» ( "same" ): R a ext omer, R a ext significant, with R a ext it, everything R a ext O and also in the words: R a opinion, r a get in, r a getting up, then a got in, r a vnina;
root even- predominantly written in words related in meaning to " exactly th» (« smooth», « straight "), For example: R O ext yat(tracks), under R O ext yat(flower beds), etc., ur O vein, r O vnya.

poppy - mok - moch

Root poppy- written in words with the meaning "to lower or lower something into a liquid in order to nourish this liquid" m a To at(bread to milk) about m a To choke(pen to inkwell);
root mok- written in words with the meaning "to pass liquid, become wet": boots about m O To cabins, you m O To choke(in the rain), paper about m O To aet, about m O To atelier paper, about m O To ashka.

Front h (urine-) - a letter is always written O, For example: m O h it, on m O h and about m O h u, you m O h enny(cf. under stress: m O h it, with m O h enny; about verbs in -ivat type With m a h ive, you m a h ive see Roots with checked vowels).

jump - jump

Fundamentally skak- - skoch- without accent front h usually spelled O, front To- letter a, For example: v sk O h go (but sk a To at), on sk O h go (but on sk a To y), for sk O h go, you sk O h ka.

Roots with alternating clone clan rule

§ 35. There are roots in which the spelling of letters in place of unstressed vowels does not correspond to the general rule, but is subject to tradition. These include the following roots with alternating vowels.

1. Roots with letters a and o.

gar - mountains. In place of an unstressed vowel, the letter o is written, although under stress - a, for example: burn, burn, burn, burn out, tanned, burnt, combustible; but: fumes, tan, soot, fumes. Exceptions (gar without stress): scorch, scorch, burn, cinder (along with the cinder variant).

zar - zor. In place of an unstressed vowel, a is written: dawn, lightning, glow, illuminate, illuminate, enlightenment, robin (bird), robin; under stress - a and o, cf .: glow, radiant, radiant and dawn (plural of the word dawn), dawn, dawn, dawn, dawn (military signal, usually in the expression to beat or play dawn).

kas - kos. In this root, a is written if a follows the root; in other cases, it is written about: cf. touch, touch, touch, touch, concerning, but touch, touch, contact, inviolable (the vowel of the root does not occur under stress).

clan - clone. In the place of an unstressed vowel, it is written about, for example: bow, bow, bow, bow, deviate, bow, bow, bow; under stress - o and a: cf. bow, bow, bow, inclined, adamant and bow, bow, bow.

krop - krop. The letter o is written without stress in words with the meaning ‘to cover with drops, splashes’: sprinkle, sprinkling (from sprinkle), sprinkle, sprinkled, sprinkle; letter a - in words with the meaning ‘to cover with small specks, dots’: speckled, speckled (from speckled in the meaning of 'speckled, applied speckled'), blotched. Under stress - only a: speck, speck, speck, interspersed, interspersed, speck.

lag - log - lies. In the place of an unstressed vowel before g, one writes a, before w - o, for example: set forth, tax, suppose, apply, decompose, urgent, postponement, vagina, adjective, term, versifier, but: lay down, set out, put off, lay down, offer , attach, exposition, position, sentence, versification, oblique, postponed. The emphasis is always on: tax, pledge, forgery, false, put, put. In the word pólog, where the root -log- in the modern language is no longer distinguished, without stress before r it is written o.

poppy - mok - urine. In place of an unstressed vowel, the letter a is written before to in words with the meaning ‘dip, immerse in liquid’: dip, dip, dip; letter o - in words with the meaning of 'get wet': get wet, get wet, get wet, get wet (in the rain), in words derived from wet (for example, wet, sputum, sputum, wood lice) (under stress - in words wet, get wet, get wet, get wet, etc.), and in words with the meaning 'to drain something. absorbent': get wet, get wet, blotter, blotter. Before h - always the letter o, for example: wet, wet, wet, soaked (cf. under stress: wets, moistened; for verbs na -ivat like moisten, soak, see § 34, note 2).

pay - sing (in the verb to solder and cognate words). Without stress, a is written: solder, solder, unsolder, soldering iron, etc. Under stress - a and o: cf. soldered, soldered, soldered, soldered and solder, drink.

float - pilaf. Without stress, a is written: floating, fin, float, floater (grass; beetle; water opossum), swimmer (beetle), phalaropter (bird), float, floatable, afloat, floating; but: swimmer and swimmer with the letter o. Under stress - only a: swim, rafting.

Note. In the word quicksand (ground), the letter s is written, as in other words derived from the verb to swim - I swim: swim, swim, blur, etc.

equal - equal. The letter a is written in words related in meaning to the adjective equal 'same', for example: to equal (someone with someone, something), equal (something or something. ), equate, equalize, compare (s), comparison, equalize (in something), equalize (account), trim, align (for example, lines - 'make equal in length'), equalize, equation, equalization, equal, equinoxious, equivalent, balanced, equinox, equal, equal.

The letter o is written in words related in meaning to the adjective equal ‘smooth, straight, without irregularities’, for example: level (bed, road surface), level, level, level, level (make even, smooth, straight).

However, in the words equally, coeval, related in meaning to equal, the letter o is written; in the word plain, related in meaning to even, the letter a is. In words with unclear correlation, the following is written: the letter a - in the verb to equalize (in a line, during construction) and the words derived from it equalize, equalize, align (in formation); the letter o - in combination, the hour is not even, in the word level.

different - different. In numerous compound words with the first part heterogeneous (heterogeneous, versatile, discordant, etc.) without stress, the letter a is written, in the word separately - the letter o Under stress - a (different, difference, differ) and o (discord, differ , scattered).

dew (t) - race (t) - grow. In place of an unstressed vowel, it is written: a) before c (without a subsequent t) - the letter o: grew, grew, grew, grown, thicket, growth, algae, undergrowth; the exception is the industry and its derivatives (sectoral, intersectoral, diversified); b) before st - the letter a, for example: grow, grow, grow, grow, grow, grow, grow, grow, germinate, grow, grow, grow, grow, age, plant, vegetation, wild; exceptions: sprout, growth, usurer, outgrowth, outgrowth, outgrowth, outgrowth, sprouting, teenage (along with the teenage option); c) before sh always a, for example: I grow, I will grow, grown, increment, growth, fusion.

Under stress before c (with subsequent t and without it) - only o, for example: growth, outgrowth, process, teenager, overgrowth; grew up, overgrown, grown up, tall, wild plants.

jump - jump - jump - jump. If the root ends in k, then the letter a is written in place of the unstressed vowel, e.g. jump, dismount (for verbs to jump like jump, see § 34, note 2).

If the root ends in h, then they write: the letter a in the forms of the verb to jump and its derivatives of verbs (for example: jump, jump, jump, jump, jump, jump), as well as in the elephant jump (the forms of the same verbs serve as a check - e.g., jump, let's jump, and derivatives of the jump, jump); the letter o - in prefixed verbs to -jump (for example: jump, jump, jump, jump out, jump out, jump out, jump off, jump) and in the word upstart (check - in the forms of the same verbs, except jump out: jump up, jump off, etc.). P.).

Wed: I’ll skip (one hundred miles), skip (forms of the verb skip, skip) and slip, slip (forms of the verb skip, slip); I’ll jump, jump (forms of the verb jump, jump close to jump’) and jump, jump (forms of the verb jump, jump up ‘with a quick movement to approach someone or something or rise sharply’).

creation - creature. In the words create, creation, creator, created, get up, etc., the letter o is written without stress; under stress - not only about (creative, creativity), but also a (creature, creaturely). In the word utvar, where the root -creature- is no longer distinguished in the modern language, a is written without stress.

2. Roots with letters and and e.

shine (k, t) - shine - shine. In place of an unstressed vowel, letters and and e are written: and - before st with the subsequent stressed a, for example: shine, shine, shining, shining, brilliant, shining; e - in other cases, e.g. Under stress - e and ё: shine, shine, shining; glisten, sparkle, sparkle, sparkle.

vis - weight. In place of an unstressed vowel, a letter is written and in the verb hang (hanging, hanging) and its derivatives (hanging, hanging, etc.), as well as in prefixed verbs with a common part -hanging: hanging, hanging, hanging, etc. (cf. under stress: hang, hang, hang); the letter e - in the words to hang out, signboard, hanging, hinged, on weight (cf. under stress: hang, hang, hang).

lip - lep. In the words stick, stick, etc., the letter and is written in an unstressed position (cf. under the stress: sticky, stick), and in the words sculpt, stick, stick, etc. - the letter e (cf. under the stress: sculpts , stick, modeling).

sid - se (d). In place of an unstressed vowel, the following is written: the letter and - before the soft consonant d - in the verb sit (sit, sit) and its derivatives (sit, stay, sit, sit, sit, sit, etc.); the letter e - in front of a hard d: saddle, saddle (in the latter in the forms of the plural - e: saddles), saddle, seat, sciatic, sit, sit, sit, squat, assessor, chairman, and also - before soft d - in derivatives from the word saddle (saddle, saddle, saddle, saddle). Under stress - and and e, for example: sitting, serving time, assiduous; sit down, sit down, sat down, homebody, fidget, mother hen, squat; in the forms of the verb sit down and prefixes - also a (in the letter I): sit down, sit down, sit down.

Note 1. For the spelling of vowels and and e in verbal roots with a fluent vowel, see § 36.

Note 2. In verbs with a common part - to take (for example, to take, to pester, to hug, to take away, to lift, to remove, to understand, to appease), which correspond to perfective verbs to - to take (to take, to accept, to raise, to understand, to appease and etc.), is written after n in place of an unstressed vowel and; the same in the verb to take out (cf. Sov. view to take out). In some verbs of this group, the unstressed vowel of the root can be checked by a stressed one and in forms like take away, lift, remove (these are forms of verbs to take), rarely - in derivative words: snapshot, hug.

Note 3. The letter and in the place of an unstressed vowel is also written in the root of the verbs to conjure and curse. In the corresponding perfective verbs and other cognate words, the letter l is written (both in an unstressed position and under stress): curse, curse, curse, curse, curse, curse, etc.

11. The letters o and a in the roots -kos- / -kas-; -gor- / - gar-; -clan- / -clone-; -zar- / -zor-. Rules

There are roots in which the spelling of letters in place of unstressed vowels does not comply with the general rule, but is subject to tradition. These include roots with alternating vowels.

At the root -kos- / -cas- in an unstressed position, the letter a is written,
if there is a suffix -a- after the root; if there is no suffix -a-,
then the letter o is written:

At the root -gor- / -gar-, in an unstressed position, the letter o is written,
stressed a:

At the root -clan- / -clone- in an unstressed position, the letter o is written,

bow down, bow down; bow - to bow.

At the root -zar- / -zor- in an unstressed position, the letter a is written,
under stress is the vowel that is heard - o or a:

dawn; dawn - glow.

WITHOUT ACCENT: -gor-, -clone-, -zar-.

Tasks on the topic “Letters o and a in the roots -kos- / -cas-; -gor- / - gar-; -clan- / -clone-; -zar-/-zor-«

Insert the missing letters.

Inadvertently to sleep, touching the circle, touching along the way, touching the secret, inviolable reserve, light touch, lightly touching, do not touch the wall.

Insert the missing letters.

Heating, swearing, seeing, getting very warm, warming up from the sun, candle lit, smells of warm, gas burner, heated milk, the dawn warms up, morning dawn, bowing to friends, bowing your head .

Insert the missing letters.

Without ceasing to swear, bow over a book, bow before talent, evade an answer, on the slope of a mountain, low inclinations, bow a branch, bowed by the wind, bow at a meeting.

Insert the missing letters.

1. Swipe to the satel line to the circle. 2. He had a happy talent without compulsion in conversation to fall asleep until just lightly. 3. In his life he had to come into contact with various people. 4. Touching bare electrical wiring is life threatening. 5. Willow branches bowed over the river and almost touched the water.

Spelling of alternating vowels O and A in the roots -GOR- / -GAR-

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In this lesson, we will remember the roots of words in which the choice of vowels O and A depends on the final consonant of the root. We will also get acquainted with the roots in which the choice of vowels O and A depends on the stress, and learn the rules for alternating these vowels.

Repetition. Roots in which the choice of vowels depends on the final consonant

We already know that in Russian there are roots in which vowels O and A may alternate. For instance:

1) at the root -RAST- / -RASH- / -ROS- is written A before combination ST and SCH, in other cases it is written O(Fig. 1).

2) at the root -LAG- / -FALSE- before G spelled A, front F spelled O(Fig. 2).

That is, the choice of vowels in these roots depends on the final consonant of the root.

Vowel alternation O and A in the roots -GOR- / -GAR-

At the root -GOR- / -GAR- choice of vowels O or A depends on the accent.

Under the stress at the root -GOR- / -GAR- we write A (tan, fumes, soot) write O without stress (burnt, charred, tanned) (Fig. 3) .

Exceptions to the rule : scorch, scorch, burn.

The algorithm of actions for determining the vowel in the root -GOR- / -GAR-:

1) highlight the root;

3) if the stress falls on the root, we write A;

4) if the stress does not fall on the root, we write O.

It should be distinguished from the root with alternation -GOR- / -GAR- homonymous roots, such as: mountains in a word mountain

For this, it is necessary to remember the lexical meaning of the root. Roots with alternating O and A -HOR- / -GAR- have a meaning associated with fire eg: burn, sunbathe, tan. In a word mountain the root means "elevation", and in the word grief the root means "unhappiness".

Other roots in which vowel choice O or A depends on the accent

1) Roots -ZAR- / -ZOR-.

At the root -ZAR- / -ZOR- without stress, we always write A ( dawn, lightning, illuminate ). An exception: dawn .

The algorithm of actions for determining the vowel in the root -ZAR- / -ZOR-:

1) highlight the root;

2) determine where the stress falls;

3) under stress we write what we hear;

4) write without stress A.

2) Roots -CLAN- / -CLONE- and -TVAR- / -TVOR-.

At the root -CLAN- / -CLONE- and at the root -TVAR- / -TVOR- we write under stress the letter that we hear (bow, bow, creativity), write O without stress (to bow, to bow, to bow, to create, to put into practice).

An exception: utensil.

3) Roots -PLAV- / -PLOV-.

At the root -PLAV- / -PLOV- vowels O and A can also alternate with the vowel Y. In an unstressed position, the vowel O is written only in words swimmer and swimmer, in other cases, in an unstressed position, it is written A (fin, float, floating). The vowel Y is written only in the word quicksand.


  1. Insert the missing letters: spell out, settle down, presuppose, floor_g, locate, decompose, lie down, lie down.
  2. Insert the missing letters: r_stit, extension, vyr_shy, vyr_stit, por_sl, r_stok.
  3. Insert the missing letters: g_renie, curse, look up, get very hot, burn out from the sun, gas burner, bow your head, pl_vun, put it into practice.
  1. Russian language. Grade 6: Baranov M.T. etc. M.: Education, 2008.
  2. Russian language. Theory. 5–9 cells: V.V. Babaitseva, L.D. Chesnokov. M.: Bustard, 2008.
  3. Russian language. 6th grade: ed. MM. Razumovskaya, P.A. Lekanta. M.: Bustard, 2010.

Class: 5

A differentiated approach is a form of manifestation of student-centered learning. Its essence lies in the recognition of the originality and uniqueness of each student. Differentiated learning allows you to meet the educational needs of students.

When teaching, one should remember the communicative orientation of the native language course, strive to use such forms of classes that ensure the active participation of the student in the lesson, increase the individual responsibility of the student for learning outcomes, help create an atmosphere of cooperation, develop not only self-control and self-esteem, but also mutual control and mutual evaluation. .

In the learning process, depending on the content of the educational material and the methods of studying it, the individual psychological characteristics of schoolchildren (attention, memory, temperament, and others) should be taken into account. It is also necessary to take into account the level of knowledge of the student, mindset, gaps in knowledge, individual errors.

Thus, it is possible to develop the personality as a whole, to work on the development of thinking, memory, speech, independence, and the ability to listen when implementing a student-centered approach to learning. Only taking into account the real possibilities of all students, it is possible to organize the productive activities of the entire class, to carry out differentiated learning in the classroom.

Differentiated education can be considered as a starting model in the organization of elective courses in high school for the transition to specialized education.

Topic: Root spelling gore-gar .

Lesson type: lesson learning new material in grade 5.


  • get acquainted with the lexical meaning of the roots gore-gar ;
  • learn the spelling rules for vowels oh-ah in these roots;
  • to form, on the basis of the rule, the ability to correctly write words with the studied spelling;
  • cultivate love for the Russian language, interest in learning;
  • use a differentiated approach to teaching.

Equipment: An explanatory dictionary, a table of root alternations, cards with an individual task, cards for independent work.


I. Organizational moment

II. Frontal survey

What have we learned in previous lessons?
- What alternating roots do you already know?
- What determines the spelling of the vowel in these roots?
- Let's turn to the table on the board (3rd column is closed)

III. Practical task for the development of logical thinking

1) Words with a missing vowel are written on the board in advance.

Cultivate, adjective, to ... sleep, r ... sten, position ... zhenie, to ... sue, vyp ... merge.

Exercise: orally indicate the signs on the basis of which these words can be divided into groups. (By parts of speech: nouns and verbs; by morphemic composition: with and without prefixes; by types of orthograms: by studied roots with alternation; by missing vowel oh-ah in the roots).

In rows, write down in groups based on the first 3 signs:

  • 3rd row (weak students) - by parts of speech
  • 2 row (average uch-sya) - by morphemic composition
  • 1 row (strong students) - by type of spelling.

Verbal check, in rows (quickly name only the words).
At this time, one of those who have already answered 1-2 times orally, inserts the missing letters on the board and marks spellings.
The class checks, asks questions about the spelling of the studied roots.
Three people have been working in the field all this time on cards.

Card 1.

Insert missing letters, Highlight spellings.

R ... stov, z ... rnitsa, narration ... zhenie, grown ... schenny, to ... sing, exposition ... gat, vyp ... s, plead ... sleep, r ... stitches.

IV. new material

1) Guys, we have repeated the rules for writing vowels in roots with alternation and the fact that the spelling of vowels may depend on:

a) from the presence of the suffix A after the root;
b) from the final consonant of the root.

– Today we will get acquainted with other roots in which there is also an alternation of vowels a-o .
Our goal:

a) establish what determines the spelling of a vowel in the root gore-gar ;
b) formulate a rule;
c) learn to recognize this spelling and write words correctly.

2) So, let's turn to the roots gore-gar .

- Before you on the board words mountain, burn, mountainous, tan, carbon monoxide, mountainous.
- Select the root. Are these single words? (Not)
- Why? (They have different lexical meanings, although their roots sound and are spelled the same)
- Divide these words according to their family nests (independently in a notebook).

mountain, mountainous, mountainous- meaning "to rise".
Burn, tan, carbon monoxide- the meaning of "blaze".

– Today we will work with words, the root of which has the meaning “to glow”.
Look carefully at the words written in two columns on the board.
- Write in a notebook:

burn intoxication
burnt cinder
sunbathing tan

Read the words in the first column. What is the root vowel?
- In what position, shock or unstressed, is it?
Read the words in the second column. What is the root vowel?
What position is she in?
- Let's conclude: what does writing depend on a-o fundamentally gore-gar ? (from the accent).
- Formulate a rule.
- Note! In these roots, the spelling depends on the stress, but is not checked by it!

The teacher opens the 3rd column of the table.

- How to correctly highlight the spelling? (The teacher is on the blackboard, the children are in the notebook: burn - fumes.)

- In order to better remember the rule, we will compose an algorithm. (The teacher is on the blackboard, the children are in notebooks.)

This rule can be represented in the form of the following figure (it will be easier for someone to remember this way).

Outcome of this step: the spelling is only an unstressed vowel.

We write under stress
No doubt what we hear.
If the sound is without stress,
It raises doubts.

V. Consolidation

1) Guys, now you will do the following task yourself (each has a text on the desk).
Here are some suggestions for you. You carefully, expressively read them and prove that this is a text. Title. (Answers one student).

(At) a huge height ... those lit up ... with a pink light one ... no region ... h (?) Ko. The suffocating ... with ... not the dog ... died (in) the west. (B) in the air, st ... yal zap ... x g ... ri and dry guards ... zdiki. Day ug ... sal.

- Quite right, K. Paustovsky. We know this writer well from literature lessons.

3) What is the main theme of his works?

- Yes, he really is a singer of Russian nature.

  • First row: insert the missing letters and words that fit the meaning, with roots mountains - gar .

(At) a huge height ... those with pink light one ... no obl ... h (?) Ko. Wandering ... with ... nce (in) the west. (B) in the air st ... yal zap ... x and dry guards ... zdiki. Day ug ... sal.

  • Second row: fill in the missing letters.
  • Third row: find words for the spelling studied today and highlight it graphically.

5) Then one student explains all the spellings, and the students of the 3rd row check with each other.
After the explanation, the class asks a question to the answering student on the topic “Vowel alternation in the root”.

6) While the class is working in notebooks, the student at the blackboard writes out a sentence with homogeneous members from this text, parses it, draws a diagram, makes a morphological analysis of the word, finds a word in which the number of sounds and letters does not match.

7) Working with text exercise 504 (Teaching materials edited by V.V. Babaitseva. Russian language. Practice. Grade 5.)

- Read the text aloud. Indicate the means by which the sentences in the text are connected. Complete the tasks from the exercise.
In your notebook, write the words in 2 columns:

alternating vowels unstressed vowels

hot big (more)
burned helper (help)
caught fire strip (stripes, stripes)
iron (word)
red-hot (heat)

- We check from the spot, select test words.
- How do we check unstressed (non-alternating) vowels?
– Is it possible to test an unstressed alternating vowel by stress?
- How are they written?
“Absolutely, just the rule.

8) The game "Third extra".

Write the words in a line, find and underline the "extra" word.

  • Garage, tanned, waste.
  • Burns, mountainous, burns.
  • Grown up, the plant flares up.
  • Touch, touch, burnt out.

Examination: when reading, call the vowel in the root, explain and indicate the “extra” word.

VI. Summing up the lesson

one). What is the topic of today's lesson?
2). What does writing depend on? oh-ah in the roots gore-gar ? Tell the rule.
3). Is it possible to test an alternating vowel with an accent?

VII. Homework

1) 1st row: prepare a story about what you learned new in the lesson today and give your own examples.
2nd row: make questions to paragraph No. 51 to test the rule.
3rd row: learn paragraph number 51.

2) Come up with 4 - 5 sentences on the topic "Dreams of Summer" using words for the studied spelling.

3) Repeat paragraph No. 27 (punctuation marks in direct speech).

Date ______________ No. __________

Topic: Spelling of the roots -gar- (-gor-), -zar-, (zor-), -creative-(-creature-), -clone-(-clone-) whose spelling depends on the stress.


educational : To teach students how to choose vowels, o-a when spelling roots -gar- (-gor-), -zar-, (zor-), -creature-(-creative-); develop spelling vigilance; consolidate the skill of writing roots with alternating vowels and consonants, unstressed vowels;Educational : develop observation and analysis skills, speech skills, communication skills of students.

Educational: educate accuracy, respect for each other.

Lesson type: explanation of new material Equipment: poster - table, signal cards, sun - rules, clouds - words of exception, handout.


1. Organizing momentGreetings. I'm glad to see each of you! And let the coolness of autumn breathe through the windows, We will be comfortable here, because our class Each other loves, feels and hears .

2. Actualization of basic knowledge

What alternating roots do you already know?
- What determines the spelling of the vowel in these roots?
- Let's turn to the table on the board (3rd column is closed)

Writing a in roots with alternationoh-ah subject to availability

radical suffix-a-

CAS-COS: O/A (a)

consonant combinationsst / w
at the root of the word
O / A (... st (u)


GOR-GA "R: O / A (a")
ZAR-ZOR: A/O (o")

Guys, we have repeated the rules for writing vowels in alternating roots and the fact that the spelling of vowels may depend on: a) the presence of the suffix A after the root;
b) from the final consonant of the root.

Excluded: sprout, usurer, Rostislav, Rostov, for growth, industry

3) Work with signal cards. believe, plant, teenager, touch, lie down, touch, branch, sprout,Rostov, statement, grown, touch, set out, grew up, touch,.

4. C announcement of a new topic, statement of the problem. – Today we will get acquainted with other roots in which there is also an alternation of vowelsa-o .
Our goal: a) to establish what determines the spelling of a vowel in the root
gore-gar ; zor-zar
b) formulate a rule;

c) learn to recognize this spelling and write words correctly.Therefore, we open our notebooks and write down the topic of our lesson.

From the title of the topic, we see that we will have to help other roots as well, but let's start with the flaming roots of GOR-GAR.

An individual task for 2 students was to compose a story from pictures .. Let's listen to these stories and determine the topic of our lesson

The children read the descriptions of the drawings.

What words of the same root did you hear in the children's stories? (suggested answer: sunbathe, burn, soot, tan). The teacher writes the words on the blackboard.
Look carefully at these words and tell me why in one case we write in the root -A, in the other - O?
Student responses.

Indeed, we have a problem the rules we know do not work in these words. Therefore, let's open our notebooks and write down the topic of our lesson.
From the title of the topic, we see that we will have to help other roots as well, but let's start with the flaming roots of GOR-GAR. Perhaps this image will lead you to the correct solution to this problem.

Of course, you guessed that the spelling in these roots depends on the stress

Sun, sun, gentle ray
Look out, sun, to us from behind the clouds!
Warm us with a gentle ray -
Remember the new rule!


The exception to this rule isscorch, scorch, burn . (words are written down on tuchka) Fortunately, these words are rarely used in Russian.It should be distinguished from the root with alternation -mountains- - -harmonious to it roots -gor-, as in the word mountain, and -mountains-, as in the word -mountain. To do this, be sure to look at the lexical meaning of the root. The root with the alternation o - a, -gor- - -gar- has a meaning associated with fire - to burn, sunbathe, tan. In the word mountain, the root means "hill". And in the word grief, the root means "sadness, misfortune." Please don't get confused.Let's see how we got it

4. Consolidation of the material: Explanatory dictation. The fire flares up, a beautiful tan, the milk is burnt, soot on the candle, burnt branches, carbon monoxide;tanned children; the candle burned out. Sunbathe on the beach; tanned children; the candle burned out; burn out in the sun; burnt stump; the cake is burnt; the light bulb has burnt out.(in the word it flares up, at the root of the mountains it is written about, as it stands under stress)

5. Explanation of the material (continued)

Have you already guessed what determines the choice of a letter in the roots we are studying today? Answer: (Yes! From stress).

But does this rule work for the roots of the dawns; zar that we studied today: look at the following phrases:flares up a rya, morning s O rka, s O bright look, scarlet a revo, s a rnitsa.

No. The stress on these roots affects differently, we look at the rule of the sun:

And write without stress, O under stress .

6. Independent work (mutual check) 1. sunbathe in the sun

2. hot matches

3. to.sleep by hand

4. sledding the ball 5. the dispute broke out 6. the burning rock of the candle 7. the fire broke out 8. the locomotive fire 9. the bottom is crushed 10 the fallen foliage

In the student's notebook, it should look like this:

Well done! You perfectly mastered the spelling of these roots

7. The result of the lesson.

one). What is the topic of today's lesson?
2). What does writing depend on?oh-ah in the rootsgore-gar ? Tell the rule.

8. Work on signal cards

1. At the root -gar- we write a letter under stressA . (Yes)

2. The roots -gar-, -gor- have a meaning associated with fire. (Yes)

3. The root of the word "mountain" is the same-root roots - mountains-, - gar-. (No)

4. In the word "woe" the root means "sorrow". (Yes)

5. Burnt, tan - these are words of exception. (No)

6. At the root -zor- we write under stressO. (Yes)

7. Zoreva is the word exclusion. (Yes)

9. House. Ass individually on the cards.

rule - Fundamentally-clan- – -clone - as in root-creature- - -creation -, under stress we write the letter that we hear. For instance,bow , buttribute, creativity . But in an unstressed position, the letter is written in these rootsO , For example,bow down, bow down, bow down, create, put into practice. Exception is a wordutensil, in which in an unstressed position at the root -creature - write a vowela.

Exercise : Bent over to the ground, give a bow to hertzO guinea, swear by the elder, bow by adja gate, pr e to swear before ge roism, pr and whack your head. great tv_ rhenium, perform miracles, pre live in life, open the gate, good workWith tv_ritel, different utv_r, evade obligationnn ost, kuho nn oh tell me.

Annex 1

1. zag. army in the sun

2. red matches

3. to. sleep with your hand

4. to. sleighing the ball 5. open. There was a dispute on 6. og. rock candles 7. coll. fire lit 8. locomotive izg. r 9. k. bottom is sown 10 fallen leaves

1. zag. army in the sun

2. red matches

3. to. sleep with your hand

4. sleighing the ball 5. Dispute erupted 6. og. the rock of the candle 7. the fire broke out 8. the locomotive fire 9. the bottom is sown 10 the burnt foliage

1. sunbathe in the sun

2. red matches

3. to. sleep with your hand

4. hitting the ball 5. an argument broke out 6. og. rock candles 7. coll. a fire broke out 8. a locomotive fire 9. the bottom is sown 10 sg. roaring foliage


1) o, 2) o, 3) o, 4) a, 5) o, 6) a, 7) o, 8) a, 9) a, 10) o.

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Russian language - spelling:


Roots with alternating o - a

Roots with unchecked vowels

The spelling of vowels in many words cannot be checked by stress: With O tank, in O bullshit, in a trushka and etc.; such words should be consulted in the dictionary and memorized their spelling.

kos - cas, lodge - lag

in the roots braid- - cas-, false- - lag- a letter is written a if the root is followed by a suffix -a-, For example: To a s-a-s (but to O s-nuts), to a with-a-telny (but prik O s-novenie); izl a g-a-th (but izl O f-it), sl a g-a-th (but sl O live).

clone - clan, creation - creature, mountains - gar

in the roots clone- - clan-, creation- - creature-, mountain- - gar- without accent a letter is written O, For example: on the class O n yat, with class O n enie, by class O n go; tv O R ec, tv O R enie, co tv O R go; per G O R white, for G O R at, G O R eat, G O R enie.

Fundamentally zar- - zor- (h a R I am - h O R and - h O R ka) without accent spelled a, For example: h a R I am, h a R nice, h a R eva, oh h a R yat, oh h a R enie.

plov - plov

Root plov- - plov- spelled with a letter O only in a nutshell: pl O v ets, pl O v sneeze, in other cases spelled a: With pl a v lyat, pl a v nickname, by pl a v OK, pl a v ounce(bug) , pl a v teaching.(Remember the word pl s wun- layers of subsoil saturated with water.)

Gar gor zar zor rules

§ 35. There are roots in which the spelling of letters in place of unstressed vowels does not correspond to the general rule, but is subject to tradition. These include the following roots with alternating vowels.

1. Roots with letters a and o.

gar - mountains. In place of an unstressed vowel, the letter o is written, although under stress - a, for example: burn, burn, burn, burn out, tanned, burnt, combustible; but: fumes, tan, soot, fumes. Exceptions (gar without stress): scorch, scorch, burn, cinder (along with the cinder variant).

zar - zor. In place of an unstressed vowel, a is written: dawn, lightning, glow, illuminate, illuminate, enlightenment, robin (bird), robin; under stress - a and o, cf .: glow, radiant, radiant and dawn (plural of the word dawn), dawn, dawn, dawn, dawn (military signal, usually in the expression to beat or play dawn).

kas - kos. In this root, a is written if a follows the root; in other cases, it is written about: cf. touch, touch, touch, touch, concerning, but touch, touch, contact, inviolable (the vowel of the root does not occur under stress).

clan - clone. In the place of an unstressed vowel, it is written about, for example: bow, bow, bow, bow, deviate, bow, bow, bow; under stress - o and a: cf. bow, bow, bow, inclined, adamant and bow, bow, bow.

krop - krop. The letter o is written without stress in words with the meaning ‘to cover with drops, splashes’: sprinkle, sprinkling (from sprinkle), sprinkle, sprinkled, sprinkle; letter a - in words with the meaning ‘to cover with small specks, dots’: speckled, speckled (from speckled in the meaning of 'speckled, applied speckled'), blotched. Under stress - only a: speck, speck, speck, interspersed, interspersed, speck.

lag - log - lies. In the place of an unstressed vowel before g, one writes a, before w - o, for example: set forth, tax, suppose, apply, decompose, urgent, postponement, vagina, adjective, term, versifier, but: lay down, set out, put off, lay down, offer , attach, exposition, position, sentence, versification, oblique, postponed. The emphasis is always on: tax, pledge, forgery, false, put, put. In the word pólog, where the root -log- in the modern language is no longer distinguished, without stress before r it is written o.

poppy - mok - urine. In place of an unstressed vowel, the letter a is written before to in words with the meaning ‘dip, immerse in liquid’: dip, dip, dip; letter o - in words with the meaning of 'get wet': get wet, get wet, get wet, get wet (in the rain), in words derived from wet (for example, wet, sputum, sputum, wood lice) (under stress - in words wet, get wet, get wet, get wet, etc.), and in words with the meaning 'to drain something. absorbent': get wet, get wet, blotter, blotter. Before h - always the letter o, for example: wet, wet, wet, soaked (cf. under stress: wets, moistened; for verbs na -ivat like moisten, soak, see § 34, note 2).

pay - sing (in the verb to solder and cognate words). Without stress, a is written: solder, solder, unsolder, soldering iron, etc. Under stress - a and o: cf. soldered, soldered, soldered, soldered and solder, drink.

float - pilaf. Without stress, a is written: floating, fin, float, floater (grass; beetle; water opossum), swimmer (beetle), phalaropter (bird), float, floatable, afloat, floating; but: swimmer and swimmer with the letter o. Under stress - only a: swim, rafting.

Note. In the word quicksand (ground), the letter s is written, as in other words derived from the verb to swim - I swim: swim, swim, blur, etc.

equal - equal. The letter a is written in words related in meaning to the adjective equal 'same', for example: to equal (someone with someone, something), equal (something or something. ), equate, equalize, compare (s), comparison, equalize (in something), equalize (account), trim, align (for example, lines - 'make equal in length'), equalize, equation, equalization, equal, equinoxious, equivalent, balanced, equinox, equal, equal.

The letter o is written in words related in meaning to the adjective equal ‘smooth, straight, without irregularities’, for example: level (bed, road surface), level, level, level, level (make even, smooth, straight).

However, in the words equally, coeval, related in meaning to equal, the letter o is written; in the word plain, related in meaning to even, the letter a is. In words with unclear correlation, the following is written: the letter a - in the verb to equalize (in a line, during construction) and the words derived from it equalize, equalize, align (in formation); the letter o - in combination, the hour is not even, in the word level.

different - different. In numerous compound words with the first part heterogeneous (heterogeneous, versatile, discordant, etc.) without stress, the letter a is written, in the word separately - the letter o Under stress - a (different, difference, differ) and o (discord, differ , scattered).

dew (t) - race (t) - grow. In place of an unstressed vowel, it is written: a) before c (without a subsequent t) - the letter o: grew, grew, grew, grown, thicket, growth, algae, undergrowth; the exception is the industry and its derivatives (sectoral, intersectoral, diversified); b) before st - the letter a, for example: grow, grow, grow, grow, grow, grow, grow, grow, germinate, grow, grow, grow, grow, age, plant, vegetation, wild; exceptions: sprout, growth, usurer, outgrowth, outgrowth, outgrowth, outgrowth, sprouting, teenage (along with the teenage option); c) before sh always a, for example: I grow, I will grow, grown, increment, growth, fusion.

Under stress before c (with subsequent t and without it) - only o, for example: growth, outgrowth, process, teenager, overgrowth; grew up, overgrown, grown up, tall, wild plants.

jump - jump - jump - jump. If the root ends in k, then the letter a is written in place of the unstressed vowel, e.g. jump, dismount (for verbs to jump like jump, see § 34, note 2).

If the root ends in h, then they write: the letter a in the forms of the verb to jump and its derivatives of verbs (for example: jump, jump, jump, jump, jump, jump), as well as in the elephant jump (the forms of the same verbs serve as a check - e.g., jump, let's jump, and derivatives of the jump, jump); the letter o - in prefixed verbs to -jump (for example: jump, jump, jump, jump out, jump out, jump out, jump off, jump) and in the word upstart (check - in the forms of the same verbs, except jump out: jump up, jump off, etc.). P.).

Wed: I’ll skip (one hundred miles), skip (forms of the verb skip, skip) and slip, slip (forms of the verb skip, slip); I’ll jump, jump (forms of the verb jump, jump close to jump’) and jump, jump (forms of the verb jump, jump up ‘with a quick movement to approach someone or something or rise sharply’).

creation - creature. In the words create, creation, creator, created, get up, etc., the letter o is written without stress; under stress - not only about (creative, creativity), but also a (creature, creaturely). In the word utvar, where the root -creature- is no longer distinguished in the modern language, a is written without stress.

2. Roots with letters and and e.

shine (k, t) - shine - shine. In place of an unstressed vowel, letters and and e are written: and - before st with the subsequent stressed a, for example: shine, shine, shining, shining, brilliant, shining; e - in other cases, e.g. Under stress - e and ё: shine, shine, shining; glisten, sparkle, sparkle, sparkle.

vis - weight. In place of an unstressed vowel, a letter is written and in the verb hang (hanging, hanging) and its derivatives (hanging, hanging, etc.), as well as in prefixed verbs with a common part -hanging: hanging, hanging, hanging, etc. (cf. under stress: hang, hang, hang); the letter e - in the words to hang out, signboard, hanging, hinged, on weight (cf. under stress: hang, hang, hang).

lip - lep. In the words stick, stick, etc., the letter and is written in an unstressed position (cf. under the stress: sticky, stick), and in the words sculpt, stick, stick, etc. - the letter e (cf. under the stress: sculpts , stick, modeling).

sid - se (d). In place of an unstressed vowel, the following is written: the letter and - before the soft consonant d - in the verb sit (sit, sit) and its derivatives (sit, stay, sit, sit, sit, sit, etc.); the letter e - in front of a hard d: saddle, saddle (in the latter in the forms of the plural - e: saddles), saddle, seat, sciatic, sit, sit, sit, squat, assessor, chairman, and also - before soft d - in derivatives from the word saddle (saddle, saddle, saddle, saddle). Under stress - and and e, for example: sitting, serving time, assiduous; sit down, sit down, sat down, homebody, fidget, mother hen, squat; in the forms of the verb sit down and prefixes - also a (in the letter I): sit down, sit down, sit down.

Note 1. For the spelling of vowels and and e in verbal roots with a fluent vowel, see § 36.

Note 2. In verbs with a common part - to take (for example, to take, to pester, to hug, to take away, to lift, to remove, to understand, to appease), which correspond to perfective verbs to - to take (to take, to accept, to raise, to understand, to appease and etc.), is written after n in place of an unstressed vowel and; the same in the verb to take out (cf. Sov. view to take out). In some verbs of this group, the unstressed vowel of the root can be checked by a stressed one and in forms like take away, lift, remove (these are forms of verbs to take), rarely - in derivative words: snapshot, hug.

Note 3. The letter and in the place of an unstressed vowel is also written in the root of the verbs to conjure and curse. In the corresponding perfective verbs and other cognate words, the letter l is written (both in an unstressed position and under stress): curse, curse, curse, curse, curse, curse, etc.

11. The letters o and a in the roots -kos- / -kas-; -gor- / - gar-; -clan- / -clone-; -zar- / -zor-. Rules

There are roots in which the spelling of letters in place of unstressed vowels does not comply with the general rule, but is subject to tradition. These include roots with alternating vowels.

At the root -kos- / -cas- in an unstressed position, the letter a is written,
if there is a suffix -a- after the root; if there is no suffix -a-,
then the letter o is written:

At the root -gor- / -gar-, in an unstressed position, the letter o is written,
stressed a:

At the root -clan- / -clone- in an unstressed position, the letter o is written,

bow down, bow down; bow - to bow.

At the root -zar- / -zor- in an unstressed position, the letter a is written,
under stress is the vowel that is heard - o or a:

dawn; dawn - glow.

WITHOUT ACCENT: -gor-, -clone-, -zar-.

Tasks on the topic “Letters o and a in the roots -kos- / -cas-; -gor- / - gar-; -clan- / -clone-; -zar-/-zor-«

Inadvertently to sleep, touching the circle, touching along the way, touching the secret, inviolable reserve, light touch, lightly touching, do not touch the wall.

Heating, swearing, seeing, getting very warm, warming up from the sun, candle lit, smells of warm, gas burner, heated milk, the dawn warms up, morning dawn, bowing to friends, bowing your head .

Insert the missing letters.

Without ceasing to swear, bow over a book, bow before talent, evade an answer, on the slope of a mountain, low inclinations, bow a branch, bowed by the wind, bow at a meeting.

1. Swipe to the satel line to the circle. 2. He had a happy talent without compulsion in conversation to fall asleep until just lightly. 3. In his life he had to come into contact with various people. 4. Touching bare electrical wiring is life threatening. 5. Willow branches bowed over the river and almost touched the water.

Spelling of alternating vowels O and A in the roots -GOR- / -GAR-

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In this lesson, we will remember the roots of words in which the choice of vowels O and A depends on the final consonant of the root. We will also get acquainted with the roots in which the choice of vowels O and A depends on the stress, and learn the rules for alternating these vowels.

Repetition. Roots in which the choice of vowels depends on the final consonant

We already know that in Russian there are roots in which vowels O and A may alternate. For instance:

1) at the root -RAST- / -RASH- / -ROS- is written A before combination ST and SCH, in other cases it is written O(Fig. 1).

2) at the root -LAG- / -FALSE- before G spelled A, front F spelled O(Fig. 2).

That is, the choice of vowels in these roots depends on the final consonant of the root.

Vowel alternation O and A in the roots -GOR- / -GAR-

At the root -GOR- / -GAR- choice of vowels O or A depends on the accent.

Under the stress at the root -GOR- / -GAR- we write A (tan, fumes, soot) write O without stress (burnt, charred, tanned) (Fig. 3) .

Exceptions to the rule : scorch, scorch, burn.

The algorithm of actions for determining the vowel in the root -GOR- / -GAR-:

3) if the stress falls on the root, we write A;

4) if the stress does not fall on the root, we write O.

It should be distinguished from the root with alternation -GOR- / -GAR- homonymous roots, such as: mountains in a word mountain

For this, it is necessary to remember the lexical meaning of the root. Roots with alternating O and A -HOR- / -GAR- have a meaning associated with fire eg: burn, sunbathe, tan. In a word mountain the root means "elevation", and in the word grief the root means "unhappiness".

Other roots in which vowel choice O or A depends on the accent

1) Roots -ZAR- / -ZOR-.

At the root -ZAR- / -ZOR- without stress, we always write A ( dawn, lightning, illuminate ). An exception: dawn .

The algorithm of actions for determining the vowel in the root -ZAR- / -ZOR-:

1) highlight the root;

2) determine where the stress falls;

3) under stress we write what we hear;

4) write without stress A.

2) Roots -CLAN- / -CLONE- and -TVAR- / -TVOR-.

At the root -CLAN- / -CLONE- and at the root -TVAR- / -TVOR- we write under stress the letter that we hear (bow, bow, creativity), write O without stress (to bow, to bow, to bow, to create, to put into practice).

An exception: utensil.

3) Roots -PLAV- / -PLOV-.

At the root -PLAV- / -PLOV- vowels O and A can also alternate with the vowel Y. In an unstressed position, the vowel O is written only in words swimmer and swimmer, in other cases, in an unstressed position, it is written A (fin, float, floating). The vowel Y is written only in the word quicksand.


  1. Insert the missing letters: spell out, settle down, presuppose, floor_g, locate, decompose, lie down, lie down.
  2. Insert the missing letters: r_stit, extension, vyr_shy, vyr_stit, por_sl, r_stok.
  3. Insert the missing letters: g_renie, curse, look up, get very hot, burn out from the sun, gas burner, bow your head, pl_vun, put it into practice.
  4. Russian language. Grade 6: Baranov M.T. etc. M.: Education, 2008.
  5. Russian language. Theory. 5–9 cells: V.V. Babaitseva, L.D. Chesnokov. M.: Bustard, 2008.
  6. Russian language. 6th grade: ed. MM. Razumovskaya, P.A. Lekanta. M.: Bustard, 2010.

Words with the root -gor-, -gar-: examples

At the tanned chef Proshka

Burnt potatoes today

Because from the stove oozing waste

And they removed the soot from the candle at the wrong time.

There is a hidden meaning in this seemingly stupid poem, which has to do with the spelling of vowels in alternating roots. The poem contains words with the root -gor- and -gar-. What is the rule for writing this root?

The root is mountains-/-gar-. spelling rule

If we take words with this root from a comic rhyme, then we can divide them into two groups:

  • with the letter "o": tanned, burnt;
  • with the letter "a": waste, soot.
  • Now it remains to compare the words from the two groups, when comparing, the following pattern can be revealed: “o” is in a position without stress, the letter “a” is under stress. From here the rule is formulated:

  • Vowels in the root with the alternation -gar- / -gor- depend on the stress: the stressed vowel is the letter "a", the unstressed one is the letter "o".
  • Words with the root -gor-/-gar-. Examples illustrating the rule

    Based on the rule formulated in the previous chapter, you can create a table and fill it with examples.

    In unstressed position: -gor-

    Under stress - harm-

  • get a tan;
  • get black;
  • burn out;
  • flammability;
  • combustible;
  • burn out;
  • sunburnt;
  • burn;
  • burn out;
  • burn;
  • mad.
    • Tan;
    • carbon monoxide;
    • cinder;
    • height;
    • waste;
    • cinder.
    • Not so simple

      It would seem that everything is very simple, but it is not. Words with the root -gor- can put you in a difficult position. This is exactly what is said in the tale of the two brothers.

      Two twin brothers lived in the country of Linguine. In everything they were the same: both in meaning and in pronunciation. Their names differed only by one letter: one brother was called Horus, and the name of the other was Gar.

      The brothers were very friendly with each other. They never quarreled and did their hard work honestly. And they served as roots in words. The brothers divided their duties among themselves fairly. Horus became an unstressed root in words, his service was not so difficult, but there were many things to do. Gar went to work under stress. It was hard work, but not so often required to go to work. Each of the brothers was satisfied with his work, and they lived well, together.

      But then one day Horus met another root, very similar to himself. It was an amazing resemblance. And soon the two Mountains were inseparable. They could be found in sentences in which there are words with the root -gor-:

      The house burned down - the family is grieving.

      Burnt pancakes - that's grief for his wife.

      It's bitter for Yegorka - the supports burned out.

      Only from this neighborhood of two Gorov relations between the brothers began to deteriorate. The friend kept whispering in Horus' ear: “Your brother is a slacker. You and I are working hard, and he comes running from time to time. Just think, under stress, but it's not so difficult, I can handle it alone. Let's kick him out and be brothers."

      Horus was completely exhausted from such speeches: he liked his new friend, because he was so similar to himself, you couldn’t tell directly, and he didn’t want to get rid of his brother. How can poor Horus sort things out?

      Let us hasten to the aid of Horus and help him understand: can the root -gor- in the words “mourn”, “woe”, “bitterly” replace his own brother.

      Can the words "woe" and "burn" be relatives?

      What is the root in the word "woe", for example? Let us turn to the explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov.

      And we learn that the synonyms for the word "woe" will be the words "trouble", "unhappiness", "longing", "sadness", "sorrow". That is, the meaning of this word is related to the internal experience of a person of negative emotions. The same meaning is in the words "mourn" and "bitterly."

      To grieve - to suffer, to experience sadness, grief.

      Bitter - unpleasant, sad, painful.

      Words with the root –gor-/-gar- have a completely different lexical meaning, examples of which are: “burned out”, “burned out”. In Dahl's dictionary, they are interpreted as follows:

      To burn is to be on fire, to be exposed to a flame or heat.

      There are also portable values:

    • shine (snowflakes burn in the sun);
    • strongly desire (burned with a thirst for change);
    • work quickly, quickly (everything burns in his hands).
    • So, it turns out that such strikingly similar roots -gor- (mountain) and -gor- (burn) actually have nothing in common in the most important thing - in their lexical meaning. This means that they cannot be related in any way.

      But the root -gar- will always be an integral part of the root -gor-, since it also means "to be subjected to high temperature effects":