Jedi Master. See what "Jedi Master" is in other dictionaries Shaak Ti: cunning planner

Master (lat. Magister, related to Greek μέγας, lat. magnus, magis), in general, head, chief, overseer. In ancient Rome, the designation of some magistracies and positions: Master of the court (lat. Magister admissionum) master of ceremonies ... Wikipedia

Master academic degree Master of the Order Master of the Jedi Master (Ancient Rome) military position in the Roman Empire See also Master (in English, Master means both Master and Master) ... Wikipedia

Star Wars character Yoda Activity Jedi Master Home planet Race unknown Paul Mu ... Wikipedia

Jedi Obi Wan Kenobi and Qui Gon Jinn Jedi (eng. Jedi) are characters in the Star Wars universe, adherents of the Order of the Knights of the Peacekeepers, who own the Force. They have a certain way of life, military traditions and a code of honor. The main attribute ... ... Wikipedia

Star Wars character Seth Pestage Activity High Vizier Home planet Coruscant Race Human ... Wikipedia

Check information. It is necessary to check the accuracy of the facts and the reliability of the information presented in this article. There should be explanations on the talk page ... Wikipedia

The style of this article is not encyclopedic or violates the norms of the Russian language. The article should be corrected according to the stylistic rules of Wikipedia ... Wikipedia

Star Wars. Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back ... Wikipedia

First mentioned in the first issue of Lucasfilm's Star Wars Insider magazine: Tradition, or "canon" as we call it, includes screenplays, movies, radio shows, and novelizations. Some works appeared thanks to ... ... Wikipedia


  • The Book of the Sith and the Path of the Jedi. The Complete Guide to Manipulating the Force (boxed set), Daniel Wallace. We all know the story of the confrontation between the Sith and the Jedi, during which the young Jedi Anakin Skywalker became the powerful Sith Lord Darth Vader. But how did this war start? Who…
  • Yoda's Secret Mission, Landers Ace. The battle between good and evil is endless. The army of the dark side seeks to destroy the Jedi. But the wise master Yoda and his students stand guard over peace and justice in the galaxy. All the most interesting about…

In December 2017, the next milestone of the cult Star Wars: The Last Jedi franchise will be released, which all fans of the saga are waiting for with delight and awe. This is the eighth chapter of a movie adventure set in a "galaxy far, far away" with high hopes as Episode 7, Star Wars: The Force Awakens, surprised and delighted. In the Episode 8 trailer, Luke Skywalker says that the Jedi must end. What he means, we will soon find out. In the meantime, let's take a look at 10 great Jedi in Star Wars history.

Mace Windu: best duelist

The greatest "duelist" of all time (among the owners of lightsabers) is considered Mace Windu, who was played in the prequel trilogy Samuel L. Jackson. Very few people could defeat Windu - it was almost unthinkable, as Mace was able to sense weaknesses in any of his opponents and use it in battle, thanks to a technique that brought him close to the dark side of the force. Ultimately, the Jedi managed to get close to the villain Senator Palpatine, but before Mace could deal with the villain, Anakin Skywalker, who had recently turned to the dark side of the Force, killed him.

Shaak Ti: cunning planner

A member of the Jedi High Council, Shaak Ti was a Togruta who rose to prominence during the Clone Wars as a general in the Grand Army of the Republic. She is a cunning planner and an excellent performer, however, as a mentor, she was defeated: two of her Padawans died. Shaak Ti became a member of the "strike" team organized by Mace Windu and, along with others, rescued three of the most important figures in Star Wars history (Anakin, Obi-Wan Kenobi, and Queen Amidala). However, when the clones went on the offensive, and Anakin turned into a monster, Shaak Ti's days were numbered.

Quinlan Vos: A powerful telepath

Trained as a Jedi, Quinlan Vos eventually became one of the best young Jedi in the Order. He was tasked with killing Count Dooku, but Quinlan was captured and, under the influence of the dark side of the Force, became Dooku's apprentice. However, Vos managed to escape from oppression - thanks to the feat of Ventress, who sacrificed himself. Quinlan defeated Dooku but refused to kill him, he became a Jedi again and took refuge on the Wookiee planet. General of the Grand Army, Quinlan was a powerful telepath, and if he touched an object, he could penetrate the mind and memories of the person who touched the thing before him.

Revan: the scariest man in the galaxy

When people think of Revan (the hero of the Star Wars video game franchise and comics), they think of him as the scariest person in the galaxy. With rare and powerful abilities, Revan (aka the Prodigal Knight) found himself able to tap into both the light and dark side of the Force (and go as far as he wanted). He never felt that killing was wrong. Although Revan managed to become the master of the Third Sith Empire, he was also a Jedi who participated in the civil and Mandalorian wars. He created his own group of Jedi Knights who don't need the Order to lead them.

Qui-Gon Jinn: masterful manipulator

Known primarily for discovering the infant Anakin Skywalker, Qui-Gon Jinn was one of the finest Jedi in history. He was not only Anakin's teacher, but also Obi-Wan Kenobi. His influence over the Jedi was enormous, and Qui-Gon also possessed the deadly Ataru fighting style, which allowed him to get ahead of his opponents when it came to battle. He was also a skilled manipulator and could make people do whatever he wanted. Even the Hutt, who was immune to Jedi tricks, fell victim to Jin's sanity. However, all these skills and talents did not help Qui-Gon in an unequal battle on Naboo. In "Star Wars" this hero played Liam Neeson.

Jaina Solo: killed twin who turned to the dark side

Another great female Jedi is Jaina Solo, who married Jagedd Fel. Jaina (daughter of Han Solo and Leia Organa Solo) had a younger brother, Anakin Solo, and a twin brother, Jacen Solo. Jaina was tech savvy like her father, and she felt the Force like her mother. After her training and "baptism of fire", Leia's daughter became a member of the New Order's Jedi High Council. Jaina had an interesting gift: she could create flashes of light by manipulating molecules, affecting the air. And the Jedi had mastered the ability to destroy anything that could be destroyed. When Jaina's twin became part of the dark Force and called himself Darth Cadus, she killed him in battle.

Anakin Skywalker: The Chosen and the Fallen

The story of Anakin Skywalker is similar to the story of Lucifer: he was a shining smashing sword of the light side of the Force, and then fell and turned to darkness. Found by Qui-Gon Jinn and Obi-Wan Kenobi, Anakin became a Padawan in the Jedi Order, who believed he was the key to balance and the "chosen one". After Qui-Gon was killed, Obi-Wan became Anakin's sole mentor. Able to understand both the light and dark sides of the Force, Anakin ( Hayden Christensen) could sense people with the Force and those in trouble, as well as foresee the future. Senator Palpatine managed to tempt Skywalker, using his visions of the death of his wife and child. Anakin almost died at the hands of Obi-Wan, but he was revived and made Darth Vader. After many grim deeds in the name of the dark side, Dart sacrificed himself to save his son, Luke, and in doing so, according to some fans, restored the balance of the Force.

Obi-Wan Kenobi: Anakin and Luke's mentor

During the battle on Naboo, Obi-Wan Kenobi witnessed the death of his teacher Qui-Gon Jinn, who managed to tell the student that from now on he is a Jedi Knight. Enraged, Obi-Wan killed Jinn's adversary, Darth Maul, becoming the first warrior to succeed (in over a thousand years) in slaying the Dark Lord of the Sith. Kenobi mentored Anakin, and together they succeeded during the Clone Wars. When Anakin went under Palpatine, Obi-Wan fought him, was one of those who hid Luke and Leia (the twin children of Padmé and Anakin) in different parts of the galaxy to save them. As an elderly Jedi, Kenobi trained Luke Skywalker, but died at the hands of Vader, after which he merged with the force, and in the form of a spirit continued to help the young Skywalker. The role of young Obi-Wan was played by Ewan McGregor, and Kenobi, whitened with gray hair (in the original trilogy), is Alec Guinness.

Luke Skywalker: Restored Balance

Like his father, the power in Luke Skywalker was immense. He was taught by the old and wise Obi-Wan Kenobi, Anakin's former teacher, as well as Master Yoda. Kenobi revealed Luke's ability to understand the Force and develop it in himself. He destroyed the first Death Star and ended the battle with his father (which he lost the first time). This time he defeated Darth Vader, regaining his balance, but refused to kill him (which caused Darth Sidious to intervene). Vader helped his son and died with Sidious. An aged and disillusioned Luke, played by Mark Hamill, is an important character in Star Wars: The Last Jedi.

Yoda: wise teacher

The Great Yoda, voiced by Frank Oz, has long been a household name. He is a wise Jedi Master, a Master whose life has been long and eventful. Yoda was able to overcome Darth Sidious, but did not kill him, because he realized that his vision of the Jedi order was too outdated, and while they stood still under his leadership, the Sith evolved. A visionary and mentor, Yoda was a longtime member of the Jedi Council and served as Jedi Master longer than anyone else. He lived for almost 1000 years. When you think of Star Wars, you think of Yoda, his unusual appearance and strange phrasing. He is a sensible veteran and a symbol of calm and strength that we all need (at least in our heads),


  • 1 Notable Jedi Masters
    • 1.1 Pre-Ruusan Jedi
    • 1.2 Post-Ruusan Jedi
    • 1.3 Post-Endor Jedi
  • 2 Translation issues
  • 3 Appearances


Jedi Master, or Jedi Master Jedi Master) is the highest rank that a Jedi could achieve, and was necessary (with two exceptions) for entry into the Jedi Council, the main body in charge of relations between the Jedi and the government of the Republic. It was intended for those who showed exceptional devotion to the Force and mastery of the skills of the Force. The title of Sith Lord was a direct counterpart to the Jedi Master.

The rank was usually given to Jedi Knights who had successfully led their Padawans to knighthood. When a master felt that his or her Padawan was ready to become a Jedi Knight, the Council would usually award the Padawan the rank of Knight and his master the rank of Master, provided that he passed a series of trials known as the "Jedi Trials". After that, the master could take on a new student. A knight who did not take Padawans could also retake trials to earn the rank of master; often repeated tests were much more difficult and included several tasks. The rank of Master could also be conferred by the Council if a Jedi Knight had done something remarkable.

It should be noted that Anakin Skywalker, who surpassed many of the Jedi in power, never reached the level of a master, despite the fact that Supreme Chancellor Palpatine introduced him to the Jedi Council. In Episode III, Obi-Wan Kenobi tells Anakin, "It won't be long before the Council makes you a Master." However, Anakin, long under the skillful influence of Palpatine, chose the other side and instead of a Jedi Master, he became a Sith Lord, receiving the name Darth Vader.

When Luke Skywalker founded the Jedi Academy, most of the Jedi became Masters of his choice and their level of mastery. As the New Jedi Order began to grow, most became Masters for excellence. One of the well-known Jedi, Kyle Katarn, became a Master after defeating the Dark Jedi Desann.

Some Masters, perhaps those who served on the Council or those who were too old for missions, taught junior Jedi or performed other duties in the Jedi Temple. Such masters in the old Order included Jocasta Nu, Yoda, Shaak Ti, and, for a time, Depa Billaba. The New Order was thus served by Tionne or Stryn.

1 Famous Jedi Masters

In alphabetical order, Council members highlighted bold.

1.1. Pre-Ruusan Jedi

  • Atris
  • Water-Siosk Baas
  • Lucien Draai
  • Dorak
  • Zez-Kai Ell
  • Jedi exile who was promoted to rank under Kreia's guidance
  • Arc Jet
  • Arren Ke
  • Kavar
  • Kreia, exiled as many of her Padawans have turned to the dark side of the Force
  • Vrook Lamar
  • The heat of the lestin
  • Odan-Urr
  • Quatra
  • Vandar Tokare
  • Lonna Vash

1.2. Post-Ruusan Jedi

  • Depa Billaba
  • Anoon Bondara
  • Sora Bulk, turned to the dark side of the Force and joined Dooku
  • Jorus K "baoth, assigned the rank of master without training the Padawan
  • Caudle
  • Roron Corobb
  • Thrace Cho-Lim
  • Dooku left the order to become a Sith Lord
  • Cin Drallig
  • Keith Fisto
  • Adi Gallia
  • Mikah Giett
  • Neia Halcyon
  • Kai Hudorra
  • Ikrit
  • Qui-Gon Jinn
  • Wolfe Karkko
  • Obi-Wan Kenobi
  • Key Adi Mundi
  • Coleman Cage
  • Agen Kolar
  • Plo Koon
  • It Cat
  • Max Lim
  • Saras Lurne
  • Jay Maruk
  • Nat-Sem
  • Jocasta Well
  • Even Piell
  • Yarael Poof
  • Oppo Rancisis
  • Echuu Shen-Jon
  • Sifo-Dyas
  • Shaak Ti
  • Ceci Tiin, reached the rank of master without training a padawan
  • Coleman Trebor
  • Tyvokka
  • Luminara Unduli
  • Quinlan Vos
  • Mace Windu
  • Yaddle
  • Yoda, grand master
  • Anakin Skywalker, became a Grand Master when he killed the Sith Emperor

1.3. Post-Endor Jedi

  • Silgal
  • Kip Durron
  • Ilisa
  • Kent Hamner
  • Corran Horn
  • Kyle Katarn
  • Tresina Lobi
  • Octa Ramis
  • Saba Sebatin
  • Luke Skywalker, became Grand Master when he rebuilt the Jedi Order
  • Mara Jade Skywalker
  • Kam Solusar
  • Tionne Solusar
  • strin

Note- This is an incomplete list, which includes only the most famous Jedi Masters. See the full list in the appropriate category.

2. Translation issues

  • In English, the word master has many meanings - master, master, owner, master, teacher, master, etc. It is with the ambiguity of this word that the main difficulties of translating it into Russian are connected.
  • The most common translations of Jedi Master are Jedi Master (in films and official books) and Jedi Master. There are also options for "teacher" and even "Lord of the Jedi." Disputes, which is more correct - a master or a master - are ongoing to this day.
  • For the first time, the phrase Jedi Master sounds in the movie The Empire Strikes Back. There it is used in the sense of "teacher of the Jedi."

3. Appearances

  • Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace
  • "Dark Empire"
  • Star Wars Legacy 1: Broken, Part 1
  • Star Wars Legacy 2: Broken, Part 2
  • Star Wars Legacy 5: Broken, Part 4
  • Star Wars Legacy 6: Broken, Part 5

Jedi Master "What the hell?! Introduce me to the Council and not make me a master? This has never happened in the history of the Jedi. It is an insult!" - Anakin Skywalker (source) Jedi Master (another option is Jedi Master, English Jedi Master) - the highest rank that a Jedi could achieve. Receiving the rank was necessary (with two exceptions) to enter the Jedi Council, the main body in charge of relations between the Jedi and the government of the Republic. It was intended for those who showed exceptional devotion to the Force and mastery of the skills of the Force. The title of Sith Lord was a direct counterpart to Jedi Master. The rank was usually given to Jedi Knights who had successfully led their Padawans to knighthood. When a teacher felt that his or her Padawan was ready to become a Jedi Knight, the Council would usually award the Padawan the rank of Knight and his teacher the rank of Master, provided that the student passed a series of trials known as the "Jedi Trials". After that, the master could take on a new student. A knight who did not take Padawans could also retake trials to earn rank; often repeated tests were much more difficult and included several tasks. The rank of Master could also be awarded by the Council if the Jedi Knight had accomplished something of note, although such assignments were usually reserved for Padawans who were ready to become knights. Even more rarely, and often with disapproval, knights have been "assigned" to the rank of master without the approval of the Jedi Council. It is well known that the Jedi Jorus S"Baoth did this, although his right to be a master was not questioned by anyone, even the Council; his clone, Joruus S"Baoth, did the same. It is possible that the Jedi Exile assumed the rank of Master when she began training the Force-sensitive members of her team and asked her master, Kreia, to help her walk the path when she could no longer hide her presence from the Sith. Luke Skywalker, when attempting to revive the Order, also assumed the rank of Master after improving his powers under the guidance of a revived Palpatine. It should be noted that Anakin Skywalker, who surpassed many Jedi in power, never reached the level of Jedi Master, even after Palpatine introduced him to the Council before being drawn to the dark side of the Force. This happened because of his painful pride, lack of experience and emotional instability. When Luke founded the Jedi Academy, most of the Jedi became masters of his choice and their level of mastery. As the New Jedi Order began to grow, most became masters for excellence. One of the well-known Jedi, Kyle Katarn, became a Master after defeating the Dark Jedi Desann. Some masters, perhaps those who made up the Council or those who were too old to carry out missions, taught junior Jedi or performed other duties in the Jedi Temple. Such masters in the old Order included Jocasta Nu, Yoda, Shaak Ti, and for a time Depa Billaba. The New Order was thus served by Tionne and/or Stryn