How is enrollment in the university going by waves. We enter the university. Tactics and strategy of actions of applicants and their parents. Seat allocation scheme

The admission period is one of the most important moments in a person's life. This, of course, can be regarded as a kind of transition to a responsible and adult life. Yesterday you were schoolchildren, and today there are applicants. It is important to decide on the place of admission, because the whole future life depends on it. As you already know, all applicants, this year, admission takes place according to a new scheme - in two stages. Thanks to this, some will have a second chance to fulfill their cherished dream of the desired profession. The first, main wave is already over. That is why it is important to have information about the second wave of admission to universities in 2018, the timing.

Recall that it was in the current year that some adjustments were made to the main set of rules for those wishing to enter Russian universities. Detailed information can be found on the website of the Ministry of Education and Science.

Due to the fact that the time of school final exams and the USE passed too quickly, and the period for submitting documents to the institute was too rushed to determine the choice of a future profession, some were not able to clearly define with it. First of all, in order to become a student, one had to pass the USE well, it was on the basis of this important criterion that one should give preference to one or another university.

Note that documents for those wishing to get into the first wave of admission were accepted until June 20. The entire selection committee was disbanded and officially ended only by 26 July. One rule has remained unchanged, applications can be submitted to no more than three specialties at the same time and to a maximum of 5 different universities. It is quite possible this season to submit an application using the global Internet, by entering an e-mail online.

Rosobrnadzor concretized the number of points, they established how many points it was necessary to score in order to just enter the competition for the right to be called a student. At the time of filing the applications, the following situation was developing. For testing in the Russian language, it was necessary to score at least 36 points, and in mathematics, about 27 points. The parameters described are for secondary schools. In more prestigious and leading universities, the selection criteria are more stringent and the admission rules are selected individually, at the discretion of the institution's management. It is logical that each university is interested in the most promising and diligent students studying within its walls.

Second wave for admission

If, for some reason, you did not enter the first wave or simply failed the exam the first time. The second wave is your last chance for admission this year. The work on accepting applications for the second wave will begin immediately after the publication of the lists of those who have already become students and are officially enrolled in the university. Please note that each institution has its own rules on this subject, but later than August 3. Those applicants who intend to submit documents for admission in the second wave will be able to carry out their plans within the prescribed period until August 6. Remember that the chance to enter the second wave is several times lower. Almost 80% of the seats have already been taken, entering the first wave. It is in the first wave that there is a real chance to get a budget place, in the second wave it is practically impossible to get it. The order that the applicants for the second wave are enrolled is approved on August 8.

We enter the university. Tactics and strategy of actions of applicants and their parents

You have probably already chosen universities and faculties where your grown-up child wants to study. Perhaps the documents have already been sent to the selection committee. And the most important, most exciting question remained: will they enroll - won't they? What else can you do to get into the coveted educational institution? Something you can!

Check the documents again

You, of course, have already studied the websites of the institutes and you know what documents are required for admission. Check again if you have collected everything accurately?

To participate in the competition you will need:

  • statement;
  • copy of the passport;
  • copy of the certificate with the attachment;
  • originals of documents confirming benefits (for preferential categories, target groups, Olympiads)
  • (sometimes) medical certificate 086 / U (this document is optional, it should be specified on the university website).

What can you be missing?

Firstly, if the child graduated from school not this year, but recently retakes the USE, it should be indicated in the application, the result of which of the exams should be taken into account(after all, they are all in the all-Russian database).

Secondly, do not forget about such an important thing as additional points for individual achievements! The admissions committee can add up to 10 points for sports and scientific achievements, as well as for participation in volunteer activities - carefully study this section on the university website, the requirements of educational institutions differ. Another ten additional points can be earned for an essay - the same one that was written in winter for admission to the exam. Especially often they are interested in the commissions of humanitarian faculties, some are even ready to extract them from the base and independently reevaluate them according to a 10-point system. So be sure to mention that you wrote the essay!

Applicant's calendar: don't miss the moment!

Key dates of admission to the university are very important. We would like to note that if the child has passed the USE and will not pass entrance tests and creative contests, then you have not missed anything yet.

  1. Beginning of receiving documents - June 20(for training in full-time and part-time forms for undergraduate and specialty programs).
  2. Completion of the acceptance of documents required for admission from persons entering training based on the results of additional entrance examinations of a creative and (or) professional orientation - 7 july.
  3. Completion of the acceptance of documents required for admission from persons entering training based on the results of other entrance examinations conducted by the higher education organization independently - 10 july.
  4. Completion of the acceptance of documents required for admission from persons entering training without passing the specified entrance examinations (based on the results of the exam) - 26 July.
  5. Placement of lists of applicants on the official website and on the information stand - no later than July 27.
  6. Completion of acceptance of enrollment consent applications from persons entering without entrance examinations entering places within quotas - July 28th.
  7. The order on the enrollment of persons who submitted an application for consent to enrollment from among applicants without entrance examinations entering places within quotas - July 29.
  8. Completion of acceptance of enrollment consent applications from persons included in the lists of applicants for the main competitive places and wishing to be enrolled at the first stage - August 1.
  9. The order on the enrollment of persons who submitted an application for consent to enrollment, before filling 80% of the main competition places - August 3rd.
  10. Completion of acceptance of enrollment consent applications from persons included in the lists of applicants for the main competition places until 100% of the main competition places are filled - 6 august.
  11. The order on the enrollment of persons who submitted an application for consent to enrollment, before filling 100% of the main competition places - 8 August.

Please note that these dates specified in the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia of 10/14/2015 N 1147 (as amended on 11/30/2015) are marked “not later”. Be sure to check the exact dates on the university website!

Differences in the admissions campaign 2016 - cancellation of priorities, statement of consent to enrollment (relevant in 2017)

The fundamental difference between the admissions campaign in 2016 is the cancellation of the priority consideration for admission. Previously, when submitting an application to a university for two or three specialties (study programs), you could indicate your preferences with numbers 1, 2 and 3. If you did not go to your preferred specialty, you were automatically excluded from this list and included in the next one. Now the applicant participates on an equal footing in the competition in all specialties (recall, an application for admission can still be sent to five universities for three specialties (training programs) in each).

But where you ultimately decide to go will determine your enrollment consent application. This is just a novelty of this year - without this document, an applicant cannot become a student, even if he tops the rating list and brought the originals of educational documents to the university.

The procedure for admission to the university in two waves

So what does the admission process look like this year? You bring to the admissions office the documents according to the above list >>>>. After that, you watch with excitement the advancement of your name in the ranking of applicants. Almost all large universities today indicate in the ranking which of the applicants immediately gave their consent to enrollment and originals of documents (i.e., they are serious enough), and who did not (i.e., they consider this university as a fallback). On the 27th you will see the final list on the university website.

And only now, after July 27, the real entrance race begins - you can no longer tear yourself away from the university website for a minute!

What happens on the 27th? In fact, now the real selection competition begins - only between those who brought the originals of the documents and consent to enrollment. The university is obliged to close 80% of the enrollment, while applicants without originals are ignored (even if they are recommended for admission), and those who were at the bottom of the list can move up quickly enough.

So, on August 3, all universities will recruit 80% of students. Of course, 80% is a rather arbitrary figure, someone will want to return the documents after the enrollment order, but in general, the main recruitment will be completed.

I did not enter the first wave. Will the chances be higher in the second wave?

It depends on what university we are talking about. If we are talking about a prestigious metropolitan university and you have stopped literally on the border of the list of those recommended for admission, then you undoubtedly have every chance to study at the university of your dreams.

In a provincial university, the chances of admission may not be higher, but lower, because applicants who have not given consent to enroll in the first wave can give it to the second! This means that many who were looking for happiness in the capitals will spit on the crane in the sky and return to Siberian universities for titmouse.

An illustrative example: the admission campaign at the Mukhomran Fence-Building Institute.

Let us consider the situation using the example of the Mukhomran Fence-Building Institute, which is widely known in our country (for simplicity of the situation, we immediately consider only the competitive selection on a general basis, not taking into account orphans, disabled people and citizens of Crimea)

Situation number 1

So, 10 people are recruited to the popular faculty of mesh-netting. Documents were submitted by 100 applicants, their ranked list is on the website of the institute. Until August 1, 12 applicants brought originals of documents and consent to enrollment: No. 1, 2, 5, 7, 9, 55, 79, 95, 96, 97, 99 and 100 (numbers from the ranked list).

Since the university is obliged to fill 80% of the competition places in the first wave, applicants No. 1, 2, 5, 7, 9, 55, 79, 95 will be enrolled. Yes, yes, and No. 95 was also taken.

Situation number 2

Applicants №7, 12 and 95 changed their minds to enter the faculty of mesh-netting.

Applicant # 12 brought an application for the withdrawal of documents on July 30 at five o'clock in the evening. Since the admissions committee only worked until six, his documents were returned to him on July 31 at 10 o'clock in the morning, after which he managed to get on the train and take his documents to MGIMO, where he also went through a competition.

Applicant No. 95, as we remember, was included in the enrollment lists, but on the morning of August 2 changed his mind and came to pick up the documents. They were given to him after lunch, and he also rushed to MGIMO. But it turned out that he would no longer be enrolled on August 3, since consent for enrollment had to be given before August 1. Meanwhile, instead of applicant No. 95, applicant No. 96 was admitted to the faculty of mesh-chain-link on the third of August.

Applicant # 7 decided that he also wants to go to MGIMO and he probably has a chance to get there in the second wave. He came to the university on August 4 and also applied for the withdrawal of documents, hoping that they would be returned to him within two hours. But since the enrollment order has already been signed, he is now waiting ... waiting ... waiting ...

Situation number 3

Applicant No. 95, who at first decided to wait for the second wave of enrollment in MGIMO, suddenly thought “and why am I changing my native Mukhomransk!”. He took the documents from MGIMO and again took them to the fence-building institute, handed over the originals and consent to enrollment to the admissions office. But it turned out that applicants No. 22, 58, 59, 60, seeing that they had enrolled those whose USE results were much worse, decided to take a chance and also brought the originals of documents and consent to enrollment! Since there are three vacant places at the faculty (2 places - 20% of the admission plan, and the place vacated after the applicant number 7), applicants number 22, 58, 59 were accepted there.

So, as a result, applicants № 1, 2, 5, 9, 22, 55, 58, 59, 79, 96 will study at the faculty of mesh-netting. Applicants №60 and №95 can try their luck next year, although much less capable applicants # 79 and # 96 have already become students. So that's it!

The most popular questions from parents of applicants

- Can the child write a statement of consent along with the application for admission?

Maybe, especially if you have submitted the originals of education documents, but only one statement of consent to enrollment can be attributed to the university.

And if he changes his mind about entering the specialty where he is enrolled, but chooses another in the same university where he also applied for admission?

You will have to write a review on the enrollment consent statement and a new enrollment consent.

- Maybe it's better to submit the original documents to the chosen university right away?

- We handed over the originals of the documents, and then decided to take it ...

And they are obliged to give them to you within two hours if you came to the admissions office more than two hours before the end of the working day, or in the morning the next day if you applied in the evening. In not the most popular universities, they sometimes try to withhold the documents of applicants after the publication of lists for admission, citing the fact that it takes time to prepare an order for expulsion. You know, it is not so! You are still obliged to return the documents within two hours!


    You may well be enrolled in the chosen university in the first wave, even if you are not included in the list of recommended for admission. The lists are flexible, you can move up the rating rather quickly. It is important to bring the originals of education documents and a statement of consent to enrollment on time. We need BOTH of these documents.

    The competition in the second wave may not be lower, but higher than in the first one. Consider this when planning your admission.

Every year throughout Russia, thousands of former schoolchildren meet with admission to the university. Because for them it is all new and unknown. Everyone has an incredible number of questions.

Since at school about admission do not inform enough after all, usually only representatives of universities come to schools, who agitate to enter this or that institution of higher education, and no one tells how to act upon admission.

Usually, the parents of applicants also understand a little about this issue, because they have been applying for a long time and a lot has changed during this time. Therefore, a former schoolboy, accustomed for 11 years to what was in school, is left alone with such a difficult matter as entering the university.

Admission rules the universities are quite difficult, and former schoolchildren have many questions. Especially there are a lot of them about the first and second waves.

Many are interested in how the enrollment takes place, whether the presence of originals affects the order of admission. You can't figure out what the second wave of enrollment is without talking about the first. The first wave lasts almost until the end of July, most of the applicants are trying to submit documents at this time, and rightly so.

It is worth noting that in the first wave three categories of future students must submit documents, while it is necessary bring exactly the originals... These are beneficiaries who enter on the basis of the results of the Olympiads (they are enrolled without the results of entrance exams), social beneficiaries, as well as students entering targeted training.

If an applicant belonging to one of these categories, did not have time to submit documents before the specified period, then they are deprived of all the benefits provided.

It is very important that students are enrolled in the first wave for 80% of the available places, and in the second - for the remaining 20%. If, in the first wave, less than 80% entered this specialty, then the remaining percentages go to the second wave, that is, there will be more than 20 percent.

The university compiles one list, ranked by the number of points, for all applicants participating in the competition. In this case, only those who brought the originals of documents are credited. Consequently, only those students who brought their original documents are taken into account for enrollment, and the rest are not enrolled, regardless of how many points they have.

If a person aims to enroll in this particular specialty, then he must have time to bring the original documents before the end of the first wave, because the chances of admission during the second wave are much lower.

The second wave ends at the end of August, just before the start of training. Those students who did not pass in the first wave can enter it, but they have enough points. People who entered the first wave can pick up their documents, thereby freeing up space for applicants with fewer points.

In general, everything happens here in the same way as in the first wave, that is, only those who brought the originals of documents are credited.

Enrollment goes through the lists, in which the person with the most points is in the first place. For a more precise understanding, let's give an example. Let's say there are 100 budget places for the specialty "Economics" at the university. For this specialty, the original documents were submitted by 20 people applying for benefits, that is, there are 80 places left.

64 people will be enrolled in the first wave, this is 80% of the remaining budget places, it turns out that only 16 places remain for the second wave. However, in our situation, 6 people who entered the first wave took their originals. It turns out that 26 people will be enrolled in the second wave.

Many applicants are interested in the question: what to do if there is an opportunity to enter the desired specialty only in the second wave, however, there is a second option, and in another specialty I passed in the first wave.

The experience of applicants in past years suggests that in such a situation it is imperative to bring documents to the place where you entered in the first wave. And then, if you still find yourself on the lists for admission in the second wave in the specialty in which you want to study, you can simply pick up the documents and bring them to your priority specialty.

In such a situation, you should not be afraid that you will not have time to carry the documents, because the university is obliged to give you the originals within one working day after your request for this.

So, the second wave of university entrance is like dispersal field. It comes after the first wave, in which 80% of applicants are enrolled. It is important to understand that those who are higher in the ranking are credited, that is, who have a higher total score for the exams. And also only those who brought their original documents are credited, that is, if you are the very first on the list, but do not bring your documents before the end of the first wave, then you will not enter it.

Most universities now exhibit lists of recommended for enrollment so that applicants understand whether they can count on admission to this university. When entering, the main thing is not to make rash decisions, so as not to run from university to university with documents, but at the same time not to be left without a budget place due to the fact that the originals of documents were not brought in time.

In accordance with the rules for admission to universities, the flows of applicants are divided by time into two groups- waves.

In order to get into the first wave, the applicant must submit the original documents for admission by July 29.

Anyone who has not submitted documents before this time can submit them before August 6, in order to have time to get at least into the second wave.

The concepts of the first and second apply only to applicants to budget places.

Features of entering the first wave

When accepting applicants, the university first of all selects those candidates who have certain benefits for budget places. it winners of all kinds of school olympiads, inmates of orphanages, applicants who have a referral from the enterprise where they work. The rest, depending on the number of points, fall after the admission of beneficiaries either in the first wave or in the second.

In the first wave, applicants can take 80% of all months tons, in the second wave the remaining 20%. However, this ratio may be different if in the first wave a certain percentage of students refused to enroll and took their documents.

Then these places are added and distributed among the applicants in the second war. Seats are allocated depending on from the number of points. First of all, after the beneficiaries, excellent students who have gained the highest number of points are taken to training places.

Features of the second wave

The second wave is intended not only for those who were weeded out in the first wave, but for those who for some reason could not submit documents on time. In the second wave, they also use those places that did not want to enter those who passed in the first wave, but decided to transfer documents to another educational institution or not to enter at all.

Also, for admission to the second wave, documents can be submitted by those who, for some reason, could not do this earlier. Acceptance of documents is carried out in most universities on August 3-4 and lasts 1-2 days, after which those who were able to collect enough points for admission are announced.

Although there are no clear legislative instructions from the Ministry of Education when and how to accept documents, this right remains for university but some general rules apply to almost all higher education institutions.

This is how the acceptance of documents for admission to the first wave begins at the end of June and lasts the whole of July... The second wave comes and ends in the first half of August.

Lists of students accepted for training are posted in front of the building of the institute or university, as well as on the official website. Usually lists hang for 2-3 weeks. Those who could not enter the first or second wave may not take their documents if they are ready to continue their studies at this university and they have the means to enter and study in a paid direction.

To do this, they just need to apply to the admissions office for admission to a paid department. If they have the minimum allowable number of passing points, then they will be able to enroll without any problems.

The distribution of incoming waves is valid for intramural, evening and extramural directions. For admission to any higher educational institution, the applicant must provide the following documents:

  • A certificate or diploma (original) is handed over to the admissions office and is there until the end of the studies;
  • A passport is needed to fill out an application form for admission;
  • Documents confirming the right to benefits upon admission;
  • Medical certificate from a therapist. It is needed only for those who enter the full-time and evening departments.

This set of documents is enough for admission to any Russian institute or university. However, the university may require the provision of any additional documents, if required by the specifics of the profession chosen by the applicant.

By the way, some universities are allowed to conduct additional tests for applicants. Therefore, before entering a particular educational institution, it is necessary to find out in advance whether or not the institution conducts entrance tests. If it does, then it is necessary to submit documents earlier in order to have time to pass the test before admission.

In the case when the applicant did not bother to check it, he may not have time to submit the documents either in the first or in the second wave. He will have to apply for a paid one or enter a year later, re-passing the exam, which may not happen, since the military registration and enlistment office is not asleep.

Before entering a certain university, the applicant must in advance, in open house days, visit and study the rules and deadlines for accepting documents, what the passing score, when and how the selection committee works in different higher educational institutions. This will allow not only not to be late with the application, but also to better know your chances of admission to the most suitable university or institute.

Applicants at a low start - just about the names of the lucky ones who have broken through to budget places will become known for certain. Acceptance of documents to universities started on June 20.

The first wave of receipts lasted for almost a month and a half, while the second one only takes a few days. Enrollments for 80% of the places indicated by the university have almost come to an end, on August 3 there will be orders to fill out most of the enrollment plan for this year. The remaining 20% ​​must be completed by August 6, just then the acceptance of applications for consent to enroll applicants for competitive places will end. The names of all future students of Novosibirsk universities will be known already on August 8.

Timing and how does it work?

“On August 3 or 4, there will be enrollments for the first wave. Applicants will bring all the applications, then the number will become clear, but this is 80% of the enrollment in the budget. The second wave ends on August 6 or 7, - shared the peculiarities of admission this year, Chairman of the Council of Rectors of Universities of the Novosibirsk Region, Vice President of the Russian Union of Rectors, President of NSTU Nikolai Pustovoy. - What is the difference between the first wave and the second? Only 80% of students are enrolled in the first wave upon submission of an application and original documents for each area of ​​study. Roughly speaking, the computer contains a list of 100 people who are ready to participate in a competition for one specific area. 80 on top of those that applied, I just crossed out. Why is 20 left? For example, guys who want to try their luck at Moscow State University are trying to slip through there and enroll. And suddenly, in the first wave, it doesn't work. Then the student writes an application to another university, for example, to NSTU. They make up a new list, in which another 20 people have been deleted. This is how it works. "

Applications for programs are allowed only to five universities for three specialties. Part of the budget places will be taken by beneficiaries, Olympiads and target groups. The order for their enrollment has already been issued, which means that on the website of the university of interest you can see the exact number of places left for the general competition based on the USE results. It must be remembered that if there are fewer of the allocated quotas, those who wish to study, the benefit recipients and target groups, these vacancies will also be transferred to the general competition and there will be more budget places.

Seat allocation scheme

Enrollments are carried out based on the results of the USE scores and the so-called portfolio, which can bring the applicant 10 additional points upon admission. The commission will estimate the winners of the Olympiads, titled athletes and other active children a little higher. If a student is not included in the lists of either the first or the second wave, he will be offered to study on a commercial basis. Some, for reinsurance, immediately write an application for paid education in mid-July, it lies with the selection committee until the final results of the budget lists. And if the applicant manages to break through to the budget, the “paid” application is simply destroyed. For those who initially set out to study for money, the first and second waves do not play a role.

If the applicant's USE score is less than the minimum passing score of the selected university, they may even refuse to study for a fee. “With a low score, we do not even charge for a fee, this greatly affects the image of the university. If we type in, they will tell us: “You take poor students and sell a diploma,” Nikolai Pustovoy, chairman of the Council of Rectors of the Novosibirsk Region, makes a helpless gesture. - For example, in NSTU the minimum passing grade in mathematics is 34. We do not take less than this threshold. And the student has a three - 28 points. It is useless to submit an application, we will not accept it. And NSU has an even higher passing score ”.

We add that this year marks the 10th anniversary of the introduction of the Unified State Exam. Now 70% of nonresident students enter the universities of Moscow and St. Petersburg, although before the appearance of the Unified State Exam, there were only 25% of them. But the changes in the education system continue. At the Izvestia round table, experts spoke about the reduction by a quarter of the list of Olympiads that give the right to enter universities, and the development of a multi-point assessment system instead of a five-point one. And in the fall, all senior vocational school students will have tests in the Russian language and mathematics. If the results turn out to be low, then graduates of technical schools may be deprived of the opportunity to enter universities without passing the exam.