"Strange people" in the works of V. M. Shukshin. Shukshin vasily makarovich - strange people - read a free e-book online or download this book for free what is the story of strange people

As it is clear from the comments, V. Shukshin has 125 published stories, most of which are striking in their life originality, the originality of life material. Critics tried to define the individual quality of these stories through the concepts of "Shukshin's hero" and "Shukshin's life."

According to critics, the Shukshin hero “in tarpaulin boots” (S. Zalygin) “is dusting on country roads” (L. Anninsky). The writer knew Altai drivers, mechanics, tractor drivers well and often met on the Chuisky tract, leading from the city of Biysk to the Mongolian border, passing by the village of Srostki, located in the foothill Altai steppe, on the banks of the Katun River. Now the native village of the writer Srostki is spoken of as an open-air museum of Shukshin.

Shukshin's heroes are from the “Shukshin's life” that the writer himself lived. After finishing seven classes of a rural school in his native village in 1943, Shukshin entered the Biysk Automobile Technical School and studied there for about a year. Before that, he unsuccessfully wanted to become an accountant under the guidance of a godfather. He never made it out as a car mechanic. In 1946-1948. he was a laborer, a painter's apprentice, a loader (foundry in Kaluga), worked on the railway, was a mechanic at a tractor plant in Vladimir. In 1948-1952. served as a radio operator in the navy, but this period of his life was almost not reflected in the literature, in 1953-1954, at first without a secondary education, he worked in Srostki as the director of an evening school for rural and working youth and prepared for exams for ten years as an external student, in the fall of 1953 He passed the exams, was admitted to the party, and was elected secretary of the district committee of the Komsomol. In 1954, at the age of twenty-five, when many had already received higher education, becomes a 1st-year student at VGIK, where he studies together with A. Tarkovsky in the workshop of M. Romm. I spent my summer vacations at home, in Srostki, worked on a collective farm, traveled around Altai, fished, and met people. Both M. Sholokhov on the Don and V. Shukshin found his heroes in Altai.

However, not only the hero is important, but also the angle of his image. In a simple, ordinary hero "in tarpaulin boots", about which many wrote, Shukshin is interested in what everyone passed by - the soul. “I am more interested in the“ history of the soul, ”and for the sake of its revelation I consciously omit a lot from the outer life of the person whose soul worries me,” said Shukshin. But not every “soul” is close to a writer. “... The so-called simple, average, normal, positive person doesn’t suit me. Sick. Boring ... - wrote Shukshin. - It is most interesting for me to investigate the character of a non-dogmatic person, a person who is not planted on the science of behavior. Such a person is impulsive, gives in to impulses, and therefore is extremely natural. But he always has a rational soul ”.

A non-dogmatic person in everyday life often looks like a strange person, out of this world. Shukshin wrote quite a lot of stories about these people (“Master”, “I choose a village to live”, “Microscope”, “Strokes for a portrait”, “Alyosha Beskonvoyny”, etc.); moreover, it is precisely about these people that his film "Strange People" (1969), which included his short stories: "Chudik" (in the script - "Brother"), "Milpardon, Madame" (in the movie - "Fatal Shot"), "Dumas". The critics took the definition of this hero from the prose of Shukshin himself - a freak.

V. Shukshin's story "Chudik" (1967) is about the thirty-nine-year-old rural mechanic Vasily Yegorovich Knyazev. Based on the title, the author immediately begins a story about the hero himself: “His wife called him - Chudik. Sometimes it is kind. The eccentric had one peculiarity: something constantly happened to him. "

Shukshin, as a rule, avoids long introductions and introductions. In this case, Shukshin follows Chekhov's advice. Further, like Chekhov, he seeks not to describe the state of mind of the hero, but to make it clear from his actions. Shukshin is a supporter of the objective manner of writing.

The thesis stated in the first lines of the story that something constantly happened to Chudik is realized in the text in two everyday situations: in a city store and in the Urals with his brother, where he nevertheless arrived. Seeing in the store someone dropped a fifty-ruble piece of paper, Knyazev did not rush to check his pockets, which most people would do, but feverishly, so that no one is ahead of him, thinks about how to tell people in line about this piece of paper more intelligently: “- You are living well, citizens ! he said loudly and cheerfully. - We, for example, do not throw such pieces of paper! ” Later he was convinced that it was his money, but he was ashamed to go to the store for it. I had to return home (and he was driving to his brother, whom he had not seen for 12 years) - to withdraw money from the book and hit the road again.

Biographers say that a similar incident happened to Shukshin himself in the spring of 1967 in Biysk, when he went to Srostki on a Pravda business trip to write an article about youth. The question arises: will V. Shukshin himself “accept” such a hero?

Another episode where Chudik realizes himself is scenes of being in the family of his brother Dmitry. The dislike of his daughter-in-law is unexpected for him, who, according to his brother, grovels before responsible people and despises the villagers. The eccentric wanted peace with his daughter-in-law and, in order to please her, paints a baby carriage, for which he is expelled from the house. “It hurt again. When he was hated, he was in great pain. And scary. It seemed: well, now that's all, why live? "

The eccentric is going home, and only after getting off the bus and running on the warm, wet ground (“it was raining steamy rain” - a small landscape, like Chekhov’s, as if by the way!), Did he find peace of mind.

The two situations described in this story are typically Shukshin's: a person is unbalanced by something or someone, or amazed or offended by something, and he wants to somehow resolve this pain by returning to the normal logic of life.

Impressive, vulnerable, feeling the beauty of the world and at the same time, an absurd Chudik is compared in the story with the bourgeois world of a daughter-in-law, a barmaid of the administration, in the past a village woman who seeks to erase everything that is rural in her memory, to reincarnate into a real city woman. But this is not the opposition of city and village, which critics found in the stories of the writer of the 60s. (“Ignakha has arrived”, “Snake venom”, “Two letters”, “Nylon herringbone”, etc.). Objectively speaking, this opposition as such did not exist in his stories at all. Shukshin investigated the serious problem of a marginal (intermediate) person who left the village and did not fully acclimatize in the city (“I choose a village to live”) or who took root at the cost of losing something important in himself, as in the case of Chudik's daughter-in-law and other heroes.

This problem was deeply personal for the writer himself: “By the time I was forty, it turned out that I was neither urban to the end, nor rural already. Terribly awkward position. It's not even between two chairs, but rather like this: one leg on the shore, the other in the boat. And it’s impossible not to swim, and it’s kind of scary to swim ... But this position of mine has its own “advantages” ... From comparisons, from all sorts of “from there - here” and “from there - there” thoughts involuntarily come not only about the “village ”And“ city ”- about Russia”.

In an absurd, strange person, according to Shukshin, the truth of his time is most fully expressed.

The disharmony of the hero of the story "Mil pardon, madam" (1967) is already declared in the paradoxical combination of his name and surname - Bronislav Pupkov.

For such a name, you need a suitable surname. And I am Bronislav Pupkov. As in the army roll call, so - laughter. And over there - Vanka Pupkov - at least INTO ”.

This story contains a short portrait of the hero and a short author's description of his fate, but 9/10 of the text is devoted to dialogue.

A hunter, smart and successful, a rare shooter, Bronka Pupkov lost two fingers on the hunt out of stupidity. He would have been a sniper in the war, but he had to serve as an orderly throughout the war. He could not realize his gift in the war, so absurdly lost in peacetime. And his soul yearned for it. Working as a gamekeeper after the war, as a rule, on the last day, when the dump was celebrated, he tells the city hunters, whom he accompanied and to whom he showed the best places in the area, his dramatic story of the alleged attempt on Hitler's life and at the same time cries. "... I was arrows silt ... I missed ..."

This is how the unfulfilled dream of a hunter to use his talent in war is bizarrely deformed. He hated the Nazis, but this hatred could not manifest itself in a military feat - and his soul yearns. Here is how the writer himself comments on the film novel "Fatal Shot" from the movie "Strange People", based on the story "Mil pardon, madam," she cried out in delight, pushing her to the feat, if she never lived a full life, did not love, did not burn. "

The researcher of V. Shukshin's art, critic V. Korobov, concretizes the words of the writer, explaining the meaning of the story about the duel with Hitler invented by Bronka Pupkov: “This strange fictional story is the hero's public repentance, heartfelt anguish, bursting out, confession, execution of oneself. Only in this way does he get some short-term spiritual relief ... War, the truth of war, a nationwide tragedy - cries out in Bron'ka Pupkov. "

As S.M. Kozlov, in V. Shukshin's stories about strange people “essentially one plot situation: the hero with maniacal methodology and passion is looking for a“ confessor ”for confession, repentance,“ for conversation ”(“ Raskas ”,“ Chudik ”,“ Mil pardon, madam "," Cut off "," Mitka Ermakov "," Zaletny "," I Believe! "

Gleb Kapustin from the story "Cut" is also a strange person who is almost impossible to put on a par with Chudik and Bronka Pupkov, because his strangeness is at the other pole of life. That is why, when many researchers try to prove that Shukshin develops different variants of one character, that in his artistic world there is not a variety of types, but a variety of variants of one character, the root of which is eccentricity, “vykobenivanie” (according to Anninsky), “offended soul” , - this is not entirely true.

Everyone is offended, and more than once in his life, and it is risky to build a solid typology on this basis. These "freaks" are too different - a tough man, Brigadier Shurygin ("Tough Man"), an old woman Malysheva ("Shameless"), Semka Lynx ("Master"), Gleb Kapustin from the story "Cut".

“Here, I think, the development of the topic of such ... social demagoguery ... When dividing social wealth, a person decided that he was bypassed, and now he began to take revenge on, let’s say, scientists. This is revenge in its purest form, not embellished at all ... But in general, an evil revenge for the fact that he was, so to speak, bypassed by a complete spell at the feast ... Maybe we are a little to blame for turning to him too much as to the lord, the master of the situation, the master of the country, the worker, we have nurtured him a little to the extent of, so to speak, greed. He has already become like that - he needs everything. And in order to give himself - for some reason he forgot about it. I think that here is a villager, also current, and like that. "

But in the text of the story, the writer Gleb Kapustin did not condemn completely, trying to understand him, in this direction the creative thought of the researchers went in the 80-90s.

Undoubtedly, Gleb Kapustin is the new character of the new village life, discovered by the writer. The character is rather complex, not limited to the concept of "social demagoguery". Not only verbal gibberish, not distinguishing between the meaning of the words "philology" and "philosophy", is carried by Gleb Kapustin. He also has serious, even author's, thoughts (Shukshin sometimes resorts to this technique - he trusts his thoughts to various heroes):

“... We are here, too, a little bit ... 'mikitim'. We also read newspapers, and sometimes we read books. And we even watch TV. And, you can imagine, we are not overjoyed ... you can write the word "people" hundreds of times in all articles, but this will not add to your knowledge. So when you go to this very people, then be a little more collected. More prepared, I suppose. Otherwise, you can easily find yourself in fools. "

In these words, there is a hidden resentment that the townspeople allow themselves arrogant behavior towards the villagers, although the heroes of the story, Konstantin Ivanovich Zhuravlev and his wife, candidates of sciences whom Gleb Kapustin "cut off", are modest people and did not show any arrogance. But Gleb no longer sees this, for him all the townspeople look the same as enemies. Perhaps, earlier in the village of Novaya, V. Korobov suggests, such visitors have been.

The motive of the villager's resentment, who felt disrespect from the city dweller, is also heard in the earlier story "Critics" (1964), but even there the city and the countryside are not opposed, but the conversation is about the human right to self-expression; moreover, this right is being defended, as they say, with a fight.

Shukshin himself experienced the feeling of resentment of his fellow countrymen more than once. The writer's fellow villagers, dissatisfied with the fact that he distorted their lives and “disgraced” the whole country in the movie “There is such a guy” that Alyosha Beskonvoyny from the story of the same name is not Alyosha at all, but Shurka Gilev, at meetings strove to ask him: “Well, tell , Vasily, and how did you turn from bast shoes into boots? "

E.V. Chernosvitov believes that the small homeland takes revenge on those who abandoned it: “Almost a blood feud. The clan avenges itself ... In this context, Gleb Kapustin is a clan prosecutor ... he is a judge, an executioner, and a victim ... Well, when the mise-en-scène of his action is a modern village, he takes on the appearance of the same freak, idiot, but not really ... "

By its structure, "Cut" is a typical Shukshin story. It begins without any introductions, with the main event: "Konstantin Ivanovich's son came to the old woman Agafya Zhuravleva ..." dead end of visiting noble guests: one page of description, author's text plus five pages of dialogue. The heroes reveal themselves in a conversation - an "intellectual" duel, a scene of an argument. There are practically two actors, Gleb and Konstantin Ivanovich, the rest are extras or almost extras. The ending of the story is traditionally open: the final verdict on the hero is not passed, and an ambiguous assessment is put into the mouths of the men and in the meager author's commentary: surprise and admiration of the men (“- What is it. cruelty no one, never, anywhere else has loved ”), with pity and sympathy for the candidate.

There is no answer to the question of who is right and who is wrong, the reader must give it himself - this is the logic of the open ending.

Shukshin's stories are dramatic, most of them are dominated by dialogue, stage episodes over descriptive, non-stage ones, this is an indisputable result of the impact of the stage thinking of Shukshin the director on prose, which even affects the plot. The plot in Shukshin's stories is stage episodes chronologically replacing each other. The writer himself was afraid of finished plots, which, in his opinion, always carry some kind of conclusion, morality, and he did not tolerate moralizing: “The plot is not good and is dangerous in that it limits the breadth of comprehension of life ... Non-plot narration is more flexible, more boldly, there is no predestination in it, no ready-made predetermination ”.

“For me, the most important thing is to show human character,” Shukshin said more than once. The image of a freak, a strange person, is given a significant place in Shukshin's stories, moreover, he stands in the center of his prose, but the world of the writer's heroes is not limited to this character. Shukshin's typology of characters is diverse: it is enough to look at his “collection” of negative characters to be convinced of this (“Strong Man”, “Eternally Displeased Yakovlev”, “Bespaly”). The hero of the writer is most often revealed in speech, in dialogue, and the meaning of V. Shukshin's linguistic skill lies in the ability to find the most accurate, single word for the hero's self-expression. “The ear is amazingly sensitive” - this is how A.T. Tvardovsky.

But Shukshin's heroes have a feature that makes them part of the individual artistic world of the writer - the absence of spiritual inertia, indifference. These simple people they are concerned not with material goods, but with their inner world, they think, seek, try to understand the meaning of their existence, their feelings, to defend themselves. According to V. Rasputin, before Shukshin “no one else in our literature had so impatiently claimed the right to themselves; internal affairs... On the matter of the struggling soul ... The soul is, presumably, the essence of the personality, the continuing life in it of a permanent, historical person, not broken by temporary adversity ”.

We know one place where they don't mow, and the berries are red and red. Drive out the cow.

Do not forget!

You yourself are a cow, - Matthew said kindly, even good-naturedly.

And who are you? Is the bull with me? ..

Me? .. I was a good gelding. All life. And now I’m stupid. By old age, everyone is foolish. Where do you have kvass?

In senets. Cover the jug again, and press the lid down with a pebble.

Matvey went out into the vestibule, got drunk noisily ... opened the door, went out onto the porch.

The dead white light of the moon poured from the sky onto the warm chest of the earth. It was quiet and solemn around.

Ah, night! .. - Matvey said quietly. - On such and such a night it is a sin not to love. Come on, Kolka, make up for everyone ... Gorlan in all it can, devil zapoloshny. The time will come - shut up ... You will become polite.

From work Kolka always walked quickly ... Waving his arms - long, awkward, with long, knee-length arms. He never got tired in the smithy. Chagall, and in step, in the manner of a march, sang along:

Eh, let them say that I'm fixing buckets,

Eh, let them say that I take dear!

Two kopecks - the bottom,

Three kopecks - side ...

Hello Kolya! - greeted him.

At home he hastily dined, went into the upper room and cut Stenka for a while. Then he took an accordion and went to the club. Then, seeing Ninka out of the club, he returned to Stenka ... And sometimes he worked until morning.

Vadim Zakharych, a retired teacher who lived next door, told him a lot about Stenka. Zakharych, as Kolka called him, was the kindest soul human. He was the first to say that Kolka is very talented. He came to Kolka every evening and told a Russian story. Zakharych was lonely, yearned without work ... Recently he began to drink. Kolka deeply respected the old man. Until late at night, he sat on the bench, tucking his legs under him, did not move, listening to Stenka.

He was a strong man, broad in shoulders, light on his leg ... a little pockmarked. He dressed like all Cossacks. He didn’t like, you know, brocade of different kinds ... and so on. It was a man! How it unfolds, how the Nikli grass looks from under the brows. And he was fair! .. Since they were hit in such a way that there was nothing to eat in the army. They boiled horse meat. But horse meat was not enough for everyone. And once I saw Stenka: one Cossack was completely exhausted, he was sitting by the fire, poor man, his head hung down - he had finally reached it. Stenka pushed him - he serves his piece of meat. "On, - he says, eat." He sees that the chieftain himself has turned black from hunger. "Eat yourself, dad. You need it more." - "Take it." - "No". Then Stenka pulled out his saber - it whistled in the air. "In three gentlemen, a mother's soul! I told someone: take it!" The Cossack ate the meat. Huh? .. You dear, dear man ... you had a soul.

Kolka, pale, with hotly moist eyes, listens ...

And how is he to the princess! - quietly, in a whisper, he exclaims. - I took it into the Volga and threw it ...

Princess! .. - Zakharych, a frail old man with a small dry head on a thin neck, jumped up and, waving his arms, shouted:

Yes, he left these fat-bellied boyars like that! He did them as he wanted! Understood? Saryn to the kitsch! And that's all.

Work on Stenka Razin progressed slowly. Kolka has sunk from his face. Didn't sleep at night. When it was "done", he did not unbend over the workbench for hours - he planed and planed ... threw his nose and said quietly:

Saryn to the kitsch!

My back ached. His eyes began to look double ... Kolka threw a knife and jumped around the room on one leg and laughed softly.

And when "not done", Kolka sat motionless by the open window, his clasped hands behind his head ... sat for an hour, two - looked at the stars ... then he began to howl softly:

Mm ... oo-oo-oo ... eh, oo-oo-oo ... - And he was thinking about Stenka.

When Zakharych came, he asked in the first hut:

Is Nikolai Yegorych at home?

Go, Zakharych! - Kolka shouted, covered the work with a rag and met the old man.

Healthy bules! - so Zakharych greeted - "like a Cossack."

Great, Zakharych.

Zakharych looked sideways at the workbench.

Not finished yet?

No. Soon too.

Can you show me?

No? Right. You, Nikolai, - Zakharych sat down on a chair. - You are master. Great master. Just never drink, Kolya. This is a coffin. Understood? A Russian person can not regret his talent. Where is the pitch? Give...

Kolka served tar and glared at his work with jealous eyes.

Zakharych, grimacing bitterly, looked at the little wooden man.

He sings about freedom, - he said. - He sings about his share. You don't even know songs like that. - And he sang in an unexpectedly strong, beautiful voice:

Oh-oh-ohty, will, my will!

My free will.

The will-falcon in the skies,

Will is a lovely land ...

In Kolka, my throat was choking with love and grief. He understood Zakharych ... He loved his native land, his mountains, Zakharych, mother ... of all people. And this love burned and tormented - it begged from the chest. And Kolka did not understand what needs to be done for people. To calm down.

Zakharych ... dear, - whispered Kolka with white lips, and twisted his head, and frowned painfully. - Don't, Zakharych, I can't take it anymore ...

Most often Zakharych fell asleep right there, in the upper room. And Kolka was bent over the workbench.

From the same damn thing: I can not now fall asleep without Kolkina's accordion, Matvey complained to his wife, who made the bed. - And he, as if on purpose, burns himself with her until midnight. Semintalskaya chick, will she let the guy go so early! ..

You are really making a fool, Matvey.

Durey, - agreed Matvey, walking barefoot around the hut.

That's how he stops seeing her off, takes her to his house - what are you going to do?

I don’t know! I already hinted to him this afternoon: wait, they say, until the wedding, the house must first be sorted out ... Where do you bring her - he will soon fall on its side completely. Take a walk, they say, bye ...

After all, people play the fool in different ways: one with wine, others with great grief ... Why are you? Not too old, either. There we have - what old people there are, but they are talking - they love to listen.

Give me a glass, by the way I had to - I'm tired of something ... Yes, maybe I'll fall asleep better. Here's the trouble, something else has piled on - at least sing the turnip mother.

We went to bed late. There was no accordion.

Matvey, it is true, fell asleep ... But he slept restlessly, tossed and turned, moaned and sighed - he had a hearty supper, drank a glass of vodka and smoked himself hoarse.

Kolkina's accordion was not there.

On a bright day, sad funeral music hit the village street ... Matvey Ryazantsev was buried.

People walked sad ...

Matvey Ryazantsev himself ... walked behind his coffin, also sad ... A peasant walking with him asked him:

Well, Matvey Ivanovich, it’s a hell of a lot of pity to leave? Would you live? ..

How can I tell you, ”Matvey began to explain,“ it’s obvious that it’s not harmful to live. ” But wait, I'm concerned about something else: fear, you know, no, some kind of pain in my heart - too, but somehow surprising. Everything will be the same as it was, but in a minute they will carry me to the graves and bury me. It’s hard to understand INTO: how will it be all the same - without me? Well, let's say it's clear: the sun will rise and set - it always rises and sets. And there will be some other people in the village, whom you will never recognize ... You cannot understand this in any way. Well, for five or six years they still remember that Matvey Ryazantsev was like that, then - that's it. And the hunt is to find out what kind of life they will have here. And so - like nothing is a pity. And I saw enough of the sun, and took a walk on holidays - nothing, it was fun, and ... No, nothing. Seen a lot. But as you think, you are not there, you are all there, and you - bye-bye, will never be again ... Somehow they will be empty without me. Or nothing, what do you think?

The little man shrugged his shoulders.

Fuck knows ...

Here, out of nowhere, a herd of horses flew out to meet the funeral procession ... There was a robbery whistle; people from the funeral rushed in different directions. The coffin was dropped ... Matvey rose from it ...

Ugh, accursed ones! .. Who am I to you - the chairman or the gag! Thrown, devils ...

Matvey jumped up with a groan, breathed for a long time, with difficulty. I shook my head ...

Well, that's all: that's it - you have to take to the hospital, you fool. Hear! .. Wake up, woke Matvey's wife. - Are you afraid of death?

The man has collapsed! - Alena grumbled. - Who is not afraid of her, oblique?

I'm not afraid.

Well duck and sleep. Why think about it?

Sleep, well, cha! ..

But I remembered again that black deafening night when he flew on a horse, so his heart sank - alarming and sweet. No, there is something in life, something terribly sorry. It's a pity to tears.

That night he did not wait for Kolka's accordion. He sat, smoked ... But she's still gone and gone. I didn’t wait. I was worn out.

By the light, Matvey woke up his wife.

Why can't you hear our bell ringer at all?

Yes, he got married! The wedding is scheduled for Sunday.

Matthew became melancholy. He lay down, wanted to sleep and could not. So until dawn he lay, blinking his eyes. I wanted to remember something else from my life, but somehow nothing at all crossed my mind. Collective farm worries piled up again ... Mowing soon, and half of the mowers at the smithy stand with their shafts raised. And this devil is a scythe, Filya, walks. Now she will be flooded with the wedding - consider, the week has flown away.

"Tomorrow I need to talk to Filia."

This day has come. Rather, morning.

Kolka knocked on Zakharych's window.

Zakharych, and Zakharych! .. I finished it.

Well?! - the delighted Zakharych responded from the darkness of the room. - Now ... I instantly, Kolya! ..

They walked along the dark street to Kolka's house and, for some reason, spoke quietly, excitedly.

Soon you will ... not in a hurry?

No, like ... this week I was sitting at night, right up to work ...

Well, well .. There is no need to rush here. If it doesn’t work, it’s better to put it off. This is some or too poor, or excessively arrogant person said: "Not a day without a line." And after him - and that's it: it is necessary to create every day without fail. And why - is it obligatory? This way you "shut up" - and there will be no time to think. Do you understand me?

I understand: haste is needed when catching fleas.

Something like that.

It's only hard when it doesn't come out.

And good! And - glorious! And all life in art is torture. About some kind of joy here - they also talk in vain. There is no joy here. If you die, lie in the grave and rejoice. Joy is laziness and calmness.

Came to a house.

Zakharych, - Kolka whispered, - let's climb through the window ... Otherwise ... this ... young one will grumble ...

Well?! Grumbles already?

Grumbles, well, her! "Why don't you sleep at night, you shake the light in vain!"

Ay-yay! .. This is bad, Kolya. Oh, bad. Well, we climbed.

On the bench, covered with a rag, was Kolka's work.

Kolka took off the rag ...

Stenka was taken by surprise. They burst in at night with shameless eyes and rushed at the chieftain. Stenka rushed to the wall where the weapon was hanging. He loved people, but he knew them ... He also knew those that burst in: he had to, he shared with them the joy and sorrow of those early campaigns and raids, when he was a young Cossack, he walked with them ... But not with them , no, the ataman wanted to drink a bitter cup - they were homely Cossacks. It became bad on the Don, Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich frowned in Moscow - and they themselves decided to betray the formidable ataman. They really wanted to live as before - freely and sweetly.

Stepan Timofeich rushed to arms, but stumbled over the Persian carpet and fell. I wanted to jump up, but from behind they were already piling up, wringing their hands ... Wheezing. They swore softly and terribly. Stepan found the strength to rise, managed to prod one or the other with his mighty right hand ... But they hit him from behind with something heavy on the head. The formidable chieftain fell to his knees, and a mournful shadow fell on his eyes.

Knock out my eyes so that I don't see your shame, ”he said.

Mocked. They trampled on a mighty body. They crucified their conscience. They beat me in the eyes ...

So told Kolka Zakharych. (The story goes to the image). And this tragic scene, its end, was stopped by the hand of the artist - Kolka ...

Zakharych stood for a long time over Kolka's work ... He did not say a word. Then he turned and walked to the window. And immediately he returned.

I wanted to go get a drink, but ... don't.

Well, Zakharych?

This ... No way ... - Zakharych sat down on the bench and began to cry - bitterly and quietly. - How are they ... ah! Why are they doing it ?! For what? .. They are bastards, bastards. Zakharych's weak body shook with sobs. He covered his face with small hands.

Kolka frowned painfully and blinked.

Don't, Zakharych ...

What is "not necessary"? - Zakharych exclaimed angrily, and twisted his head and moaned. - They kick the spirit out of him! ..

Kolka sat down on a stool and began to cry too - evil and profusely.

We sat and cried.

Theirs ... them alone with their brother, - muttered Zakharych. - I forgot to tell you ... But nothing ... nothing, hover. Ah, you bastards! ..

And brother?

And my brother ... was called Frol. Together they were taken. But the brother is the one ... Okay. I won't tell you about your brother. I won't.

It was a little light morning. A faint breeze stirred the curtains on the windows ...

Early cocks struck the village.

Then Kolka's wife, Ninka, came out from behind the partition. Sleepy and displeased.

People go to work in the morning, and they hustle all night, like ... these ...

What are you? - tried to influence Kolka's wife.

Never mind! And there is nothing to hang around here at night. You can drink alone ... And you can persuade others ... the teachers don't seem to do it.

Ninka! ..

Don't swear, Nikolai ... Don't ...

Zakharych, to Ninka's surprise, climbed out the window and left.

Once Matvey turned to Kolka's house late at night ... He knocked on the window.

Kolka went out onto the porch.

What are you, Uncle Matvey?

We sat down to start.

How is it? - Matvey asked.

Yes, so ... Nothing.

They were silent.

Take out the accordion, play something.

Kolka looked at the chairman in surprise.

Well, INTO, laziness, INTO? Then the whole village went Bulgatil ...

I'll take it out in a minute.

Kolka brought the accordion.

Well ... some that I played at night.

Kolka played "Ivushka".

And then Ninka grew up in the doorway ... In a sleeping shirt, barefoot.

What is it - night-after midnight played out here! ..

Kolka stopped playing.

People need to sleep, but here ... They fill their eyes and walk ... Kolka, go to sleep!

What are you, Ninka? - Matvey was surprised. “And you don’t live with your husband for two weeks, and you’ve already taken the fashion to grumble like an old hag. You are so shameless! .. What will happen next?

And there is nothing here ...

What is "nothing"? Devils are evil. Young isho, you ought to be happy, but you’re kind of poisonous to squeeze the word out of yourself. Who poured this into his eyes? Well?

And there is nothing here ...

She did it, the crow ... Well, Ninka, you need to love, but where is it! The soul will not turn - this is how you will. Do not take an example from our village fools, who only know that they bark all their lives ... Be smarter than such. There is only one life, and that, you will not have time to look back - by evening already. And then the person pulls to look back ... So they look back - each at his own. Don't, Nina, your soul has dried up ahead of time ... Don't.

Shukshin Vasily

Strange people

Vasily Shukshin

Strange people

Early in the morning Chudik walked through the village with a suitcase.

To bratelnik, closer to Moscow! - he answered the question where he was going.

Far away, Chudik?

To the bratelnik, to rest. We must throw ourselves.

At the same time, his round, fleshy face, round eyes expressed an extremely trifling attitude towards distant roads - they did not frighten him.

But my brother was still far away.

So far, he safely reached the district town, where he was to get a ticket and get on the train.

There was a lot of time. The eccentric decided to buy gifts for the tribesmen, sweets, gingerbread ...

I went to the grocery store, joined the queue. In front of him stood a man wearing a hat, and in front of the hat was a plump woman with painted lips. The woman quietly, quickly, ardently spoke to her hat:

Imagine how rude and tactless a person must be! He has sclerosis, well, he has had sclerosis for seven years, but no one suggested that he retire.

And this week without a year leads the team - and already: "Maybe you, Alexander Semyonich, better retire?" Nah-khal!

The hat echoed:

Yes, yes ... They are now. Just think - sclerosis! And Sumbatych? .. Also recently did not hold the text. And this one, how is her? ..

The eccentric respected city people. Not all, really: I did not respect hooligans and sellers. I was afraid.

It was his turn. He bought candy, gingerbread, three bars of chocolate, and stepped aside to pack everything in his suitcase. He opened the suitcase on the floor, began to pack it ... Something looked at the floor, and at the counter, where the line was, a fifty-ruble piece of paper lay at the feet of people. A sort of green fool, lying to herself, no one sees her ... The eccentric even trembled with joy, his eyes flared up. In a hurry, so as not to be outstripped by someone, he began to think quickly, as if more cheerful, more intelligent to say in the queue about a piece of paper.

You live well, citizens! - said loudly and cheerfully.

They looked back at him.

We, for example, do not throw such pieces of paper.

Everyone here got a little worried. It's not a three, not a five - fifty rubles, you have to work for half a month. But the owner of the piece is not.

"Probably the one with the hat," said Chudik to himself.

We decided to put the piece of paper in a prominent place on the counter.

Someone will come running now, - said the saleswoman.

The eccentric left the store in a pleasant mood. I kept thinking how easy it was for him, it turned out cheerfully:

"We, for example, do not throw such pieces of paper!"

Suddenly everything seemed to be overwhelmed with heat: he remembered that exactly such a piece of paper and another twenty-five rubles had been given to him in the savings bank at home. He just exchanged the twenty-five-ruble one, the fifty-ruble one should be in his pocket ... He stuck it into his pocket - no. Here and there - no.

Mine was a piece of paper! - said the Chudik loudly. - Your mother is so! .. My piece of paper! You are an infection, an infection ...

Somehow my heart even rang with grief. The first impulse was to go and say:

Citizens, my piece of paper. I got two of them in the savings bank: one twenty-five rubles, the other fifty. One, twenty-five rubles, I have now exchanged, and the other - no.

But as soon as he imagined how he would stun everyone with this statement, many would think: "Of course, since the owner was not found, he decided to pocket it." No, do not overpower yourself - do not reach out for this damned piece of paper. They may still not give it away ...

Why am I this way? - Chudik reasoned bitterly. - So what's now?..

I had to go home.

I went to the store, wanted to look at the piece of paper at least from a distance, stood at the entrance ... and did not enter. It will be very painful. The heart can not stand it.

I rode on the bus and swore softly - I was gathering my spirit: an explanation with my wife was ahead.

This ... I lost money. - At the same time, his snub nose turned white. Fifty rubles.

The wife's jaw dropped. She blinked; a pleading expression appeared on his face: maybe he was joking? No, this bald well (Chudik was not bald in a country way) would not dare to joke like that. She asked stupidly:

Then he involuntarily grunted.

When they lose, then, as a rule ...

Well, no-no !! - the wife roared. - You will not grin now until-olgo! And she ran for the grip. - Nine months, well!

The eccentric grabbed a pillow from the bed - to reflect the blows.

They spun around the room ...

Nna! Freak! ..

You stain your pillow! Wash yourself ...

I wash it! I wash, bald! And I will have two ribs! My! My! My!..

Hand in hand, you fool! ..

Ott-shades-short! .. Ot-shades-bald-heads! ..

Hand in hand, stuffed animal! I won't get to see my brother and will sit on the ballot! You're worse off! ..

You're worse off!

Well, it will!

No, let me have fun. Let me take my darling, you bald well ...

Well, it will be for you! ..

The wife threw down the grip, sat down on a stool and began to cry.

She took care, took care of ... put it aside for a pretty penny ... Well you, well!

Thank you for your kind words, - "Poisonously" whispered Chudik.

Where was something - maybe you remember? Maybe he went where?

Didn't go anywhere ...

Maybe he drank beer in a tea room with alcoholics? .. Remember. Maybe he dropped it on the floor?

Yes, I did not go into the tea room!

But where could you have lost them?

The eccentric looked gloomily at the floor.

Well, now you will have a little chitushechku after the bath, you will have a drink ... Get out - raw water from the well!

I need her, your chitushechka. I can do without it ...

You will be thin with me!

Am I going to see my brother?

They removed another fifty rubles from the book.

A freak, killed by his insignificance, which his wife explained to him, rode on the train. But gradually the bitterness passed.

Forests, copses, villages flashed outside the window ... Various people entered and went out, told different stories...

Chudik also told one of his intelligent comrades, when they stood in the vestibule, smoking.

We have one fool in the neighboring village too ... He grabbed the firebrand - and after the mother. Drunk. She runs away from him and shouts: "Hands, shouts, don't burn your hands, son!" He also cares about him. And he's rushing, a drunken mug. Mother. Can you imagine how rude and tactless you have to be ...

Have you come up with it yourself? - Sternly asked the intelligent comrade, looking at Chudik over his glasses.

What for? - he did not understand. - We have, across the river, the village of Ramenskoye ...

The intelligent comrade turned to the window and did not speak again.

After the train, Chudik still had to fly by a local plane. He once flew once. For a long time. He got on the plane not without timidity.

Nothing will spoil in it? - asked the stewardess.

What's going to go bad in it?

You never know ... There are probably five different bolts here. A thread will break off at one - and with greetings. How much is usually collected from a person? A kilogram two or three? ..

Don't chat. They took off.

A fat citizen with a newspaper was sitting next to Chudik. The eccentric tried to talk to him.

And breakfast has healed, ”he said.

In planes, they feed.

Tolstoy said nothing to this.

The eccentric began to look down.

Mountains of clouds below.

That's interesting, - said Chudik again, - five kilometers below us, right? And I - if only henna. I'm not surprised. And wait in my mind I measured out five kilometers from my house, put it on the priest - it will be up to the apiary!

Shukshin Vasily

Strange people

Vasily Shukshin

Strange people

Early in the morning Chudik walked through the village with a suitcase.

To bratelnik, closer to Moscow! - he answered the question where he was going.

Far away, Chudik?

To the bratelnik, to rest. We must throw ourselves.

At the same time, his round, fleshy face, round eyes expressed an extremely trifling attitude towards distant roads - they did not frighten him.

But my brother was still far away.

So far, he safely reached the district town, where he was to get a ticket and get on the train.

There was a lot of time. The eccentric decided to buy gifts for the tribesmen, sweets, gingerbread ...

I went to the grocery store, joined the queue. In front of him stood a man wearing a hat, and in front of the hat was a plump woman with painted lips. The woman quietly, quickly, ardently spoke to her hat:

Imagine how rude and tactless a person must be! He has sclerosis, well, he has had sclerosis for seven years, but no one suggested that he retire.

And this week without a year leads the team - and already: "Maybe you, Alexander Semyonich, better retire?" Nah-khal!

The hat echoed:

Yes, yes ... They are now. Just think - sclerosis! And Sumbatych? .. Also recently did not hold the text. And this one, how is her? ..

The eccentric respected city people. Not all, really: I did not respect hooligans and sellers. I was afraid.

It was his turn. He bought candy, gingerbread, three bars of chocolate, and stepped aside to pack everything in his suitcase. He opened the suitcase on the floor, began to pack it ... Something looked at the floor, and at the counter, where the line was, a fifty-ruble piece of paper lay at the feet of people. A sort of green fool, lying to herself, no one sees her ... The eccentric even trembled with joy, his eyes flared up. In a hurry, so as not to be outstripped by someone, he began to think quickly, as if more cheerful, more intelligent to say in the queue about a piece of paper.

You live well, citizens! - said loudly and cheerfully.

They looked back at him.

We, for example, do not throw such pieces of paper.

Everyone here got a little worried. It's not a three, not a five - fifty rubles, you have to work for half a month. But the owner of the piece is not.

"Probably the one with the hat," said Chudik to himself.

We decided to put the piece of paper in a prominent place on the counter.

Someone will come running now, - said the saleswoman.

The eccentric left the store in a pleasant mood. I kept thinking how easy it was for him, it turned out cheerfully:

"We, for example, do not throw such pieces of paper!"

Suddenly everything seemed to be overwhelmed with heat: he remembered that exactly such a piece of paper and another twenty-five rubles had been given to him in the savings bank at home. He just exchanged the twenty-five-ruble one, the fifty-ruble one should be in his pocket ... He stuck it into his pocket - no. Here and there - no.

Mine was a piece of paper! - said the Chudik loudly. - Your mother is so! .. My piece of paper! You are an infection, an infection ...

Somehow my heart even rang with grief. The first impulse was to go and say:

Citizens, my piece of paper. I got two of them in the savings bank: one twenty-five rubles, the other fifty. One, twenty-five rubles, I have now exchanged, and the other - no.

But as soon as he imagined how he would stun everyone with this statement, many would think: "Of course, since the owner was not found, he decided to pocket it." No, do not overpower yourself - do not reach out for this damned piece of paper. They may still not give it away ...

Why am I this way? - Chudik reasoned bitterly. - So what's now?..

I had to go home.

I went to the store, wanted to look at the piece of paper at least from a distance, stood at the entrance ... and did not enter. It will be very painful. The heart can not stand it.

I rode on the bus and swore softly - I was gathering my spirit: an explanation with my wife was ahead.

This ... I lost money. - At the same time, his snub nose turned white. Fifty rubles.

The wife's jaw dropped. She blinked; a pleading expression appeared on his face: maybe he was joking? No, this bald well (Chudik was not bald in a country way) would not dare to joke like that. She asked stupidly:

Then he involuntarily grunted.

When they lose, then, as a rule ...

Well, no-no !! - the wife roared. - You will not grin now until-olgo! And she ran for the grip. - Nine months, well!

The eccentric grabbed a pillow from the bed - to reflect the blows.

They spun around the room ...

Nna! Freak! ..

You stain your pillow! Wash yourself ...

I wash it! I wash, bald! And I will have two ribs! My! My! My!..

Hand in hand, you fool! ..

Ott-shades-short! .. Ot-shades-bald-heads! ..

Hand in hand, stuffed animal! I won't get to see my brother and will sit on the ballot! You're worse off! ..

You're worse off!

Well, it will!

No, let me have fun. Let me take my darling, you bald well ...

Well, it will be for you! ..

The wife threw down the grip, sat down on a stool and began to cry.

She took care, took care of ... put it aside for a pretty penny ... Well you, well!

Thank you for your kind words, - "Poisonously" whispered Chudik.

Where was something - maybe you remember? Maybe he went where?

Didn't go anywhere ...

Maybe he drank beer in a tea room with alcoholics? .. Remember. Maybe he dropped it on the floor?

Yes, I did not go into the tea room!

But where could you have lost them?

The eccentric looked gloomily at the floor.

Well, now you will have a little chitushechku after the bath, you will have a drink ... Get out - raw water from the well!

I need her, your chitushechka. I can do without it ...

You will be thin with me!

Am I going to see my brother?

They removed another fifty rubles from the book.

A freak, killed by his insignificance, which his wife explained to him, rode on the train. But gradually the bitterness passed.

Forests, copses, villages flashed outside the window ... Different people entered and went out, different stories were told ...

Chudik also told one of his intelligent comrades, when they stood in the vestibule, smoking.

We have one fool in the neighboring village too ... He grabbed the firebrand - and after the mother. Drunk. She runs away from him and shouts: "Hands, shouts, don't burn your hands, son!" He also cares about him. And he's rushing, a drunken mug. Mother. Can you imagine how rude and tactless you have to be ...

Have you come up with it yourself? - Sternly asked the intelligent comrade, looking at Chudik over his glasses.

What for? - he did not understand. - We have, across the river, the village of Ramenskoye ...

The intelligent comrade turned to the window and did not speak again.

After the train, Chudik still had to fly by a local plane. He once flew once. For a long time. He got on the plane not without timidity.

Nothing will spoil in it? - asked the stewardess.

What's going to go bad in it?

You never know ... There are probably five different bolts here. A thread will break off at one - and with greetings. How much is usually collected from a person? A kilogram two or three? ..

Don't chat. They took off.

A fat citizen with a newspaper was sitting next to Chudik. The eccentric tried to talk to him.

And breakfast has healed, ”he said.

In planes, they feed.

Tolstoy said nothing to this.

The eccentric began to look down.

Mountains of clouds below.

That's interesting, - said Chudik again, - five kilometers below us, right? And I - if only henna. I'm not surprised. And wait in my mind I measured out five kilometers from my house, put it on the priest - it will be up to the apiary!

The plane shook.

Here is a man! .. Invented the same, - he also said to his neighbor. The latter looked at him, said nothing again, rustled the newspaper.

Fasten your seat belts! said the pretty young woman. - We are going to land.

The eccentric obediently fastened his belt. And the neighbor - zero attention. The eccentric touched him carefully:

They are told to fasten the belt.

Nothing, said the neighbor. He put the newspaper aside, leaned back in his seat and said, as if remembering something: - Children are the flowers of life, they must be planted with their heads down.

Like this? - Chudik did not understand.

The reader laughed out loud and did not speak again.

They began to decline rapidly.

Now the earth is just a stone's throw away, is rapidly flying back. But there is still no push. As the knowledgeable people later explained, the pilot "missed".

Finally - a jolt, and everyone begins to be thrown so hard that there was a knock of teeth and a grinding sound. This reader with the newspaper leaped from his seat, butted Chudik with his big head, then kissed the window, then found himself on the floor. During all this time, he did not make a single sound. And everyone around was also silent - it amazed the Chudik. He was also silent.

The first who came to their senses looked through the windows and found that the plane was in a potato field. A gloomy pilot came out of the cockpit and went to the exit. Someone asked him carefully:

We seem to have sat down in potatoes?

What do you yourself do not see, - answered the pilot.

The fear subsided, and the most cheerful were already trying to shyly joke.

The bald reader was looking for his artificial jaw. The eccentric unbuckled his belt and also began to search.

This?! he exclaimed happily. And he filed it.

The reader's nose even turned purple.

Why do you have to grab with your hands? he shouted in a lisp.

On this page of the site there is literary work Strange people the author whose name is Vasily Shukshin... On the site you can either download the free book Strange People in RTF, TXT, FB2 and EPUB formats, or read the online e-book Vasily Makarovich Shukshin - Strange People without registration and without SMS.

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Shukshin Vasily
Strange people
Vasily Shukshin
Strange people
Early in the morning Chudik walked through the village with a suitcase.
- To the bratelnik, closer to Moscow! - he answered the question where he was going.
- Far away, Chudik?
- To the bratelnik, to rest. We must throw ourselves.
At the same time, his round, fleshy face, round eyes expressed an extremely trifling attitude towards distant roads - they did not frighten him.
But my brother was still far away.
So far, he safely reached the district town, where he was to get a ticket and get on the train.
There was a lot of time. The eccentric decided to buy gifts for the tribesmen, sweets, gingerbread ...
I went to the grocery store, joined the queue. In front of him stood a man wearing a hat, and in front of the hat was a plump woman with painted lips. The woman quietly, quickly, ardently spoke to her hat:
- Can you imagine how rude and tactless a person must be! He has sclerosis, well, he has had sclerosis for seven years, but no one suggested that he retire.
And this week without a year leads the team - and already: "Maybe you, Alexander Semyonich, better retire?" Nah-khal!
The hat echoed:
- Yes, yes ... They are now. Just think - sclerosis! And Sumbatych? .. Also recently did not hold the text. And this one, how is her? ..
The eccentric respected city people. Not all, really: I did not respect hooligans and sellers. I was afraid.
It was his turn. He bought candy, gingerbread, three bars of chocolate, and stepped aside to pack everything in his suitcase. He opened the suitcase on the floor, began to pack it ... Something looked at the floor, and at the counter, where the line was, a fifty-ruble piece of paper lay at the feet of people. A sort of green fool, lying to herself, no one sees her ... The eccentric even trembled with joy, his eyes flared up. In a hurry, so as not to be outstripped by someone, he began to think quickly, as if more cheerful, more intelligent to say in the queue about a piece of paper.
- You live well, citizens! - said loudly and cheerfully.
They looked back at him.
- We, for example, do not throw such pieces of paper.
Everyone here got a little worried. It's not a three, not a five - fifty rubles, you have to work for half a month. But the owner of the piece is not.
"Probably the one with the hat," said Chudik to himself.
We decided to put the piece of paper in a prominent place on the counter.
“Someone will come running now,” the saleswoman said.
The eccentric left the store in a pleasant mood. I kept thinking how easy it was for him, it turned out cheerfully:
"We, for example, do not throw such pieces of paper!"
Suddenly, everything seemed to be overwhelmed with heat: he remembered that exactly such a piece of paper and another twenty-five rubles had been given to him in the savings bank at home. He just exchanged the twenty-five-ruble one, the fifty-ruble one should be in his pocket ... He stuck it into his pocket - no. Here and there - no.
- Mine was a piece of paper! - said the Chudik loudly. - Your mother is so! .. My piece of paper! You are an infection, an infection ...
Somehow my heart even rang with grief. The first impulse was to go and say:
- Citizens, my piece of paper. I got two of them in the savings bank: one twenty-five rubles, the other fifty. One, twenty-five rubles, I have now exchanged, and the other - no.
But as soon as he imagined how he would stun everyone with this statement, many would think: "Of course, since the owner was not found, he decided to pocket it." No, do not overpower yourself - do not reach out for this damned piece of paper. They may still not give it away ...
- But why am I like this? - Chudik reasoned bitterly. - So what's now?..
I had to go home.
I went to the store, wanted to look at the piece of paper at least from a distance, stood at the entrance ... and did not enter. It will be very painful. The heart can not stand it.
... I rode on the bus and cursed softly - I was gathering my spirits: an explanation with my wife was ahead.
- This ... I lost money. - At the same time, his snub nose turned white. Fifty rubles.
The wife's jaw dropped. She blinked; a pleading expression appeared on his face: maybe he was joking? No, this bald well (Chudik was not bald in a country way) would not dare to joke like that. She asked stupidly:
- Where?
Then he involuntarily grunted.
- When they lose, as a rule ...
- Well, no !! - the wife roared. - You will not grin now until-olgo! And she ran for the grip. - Nine months, well!
The eccentric grabbed a pillow from the bed - to reflect the blows.
They spun around the room ...
- Nna! Freak! ..
- You stain your pillow! Wash yourself ...
- I wash it! I wash, bald! And I will have two ribs! My! My! My!..
- Hand in hand, you fool! ..
- Ott-shades, short ones! .. Ot-shades, bald ones! ..
- Hand in hand, scarecrow! I won't get to see my brother and will sit on the ballot! You're worse off! ..
- Sit down!
- You're worse off!
- Let it go!
- Ouch!..
- Well, it will!
- No, let me have fun. Let me take my darling, you bald well ...
- Well, it will be for you! ..
The wife threw down the grip, sat down on a stool and began to cry.
- I took care, I took care ... I put it off for a pretty penny ... Well, you well!
- Thank you for your kind words, - "Poisonously" whispered Chudik.
- Where was something - maybe you remember? Maybe he went where?
- Didn't go anywhere ...
- Maybe he drank beer in a tea room with alcoholics? .. Remember. Maybe he dropped it on the floor?
- Yes, I did not go into the tea room!
- But where could you lose them?
The eccentric looked gloomily at the floor.
- Well, now you will drink a little chitushechku after the bath, you will have a drink ... Get out - raw water from the well!
- I need it, your chitushechka. I can do without it ...
- You will be thin with me!
- I'll go to my brother?
They removed another fifty rubles from the book.
A freak, killed by his insignificance, which his wife explained to him, rode on the train. But gradually the bitterness passed.
Forests, copses, villages flashed outside the window ... Different people entered and went out, different stories were told ...
Chudik also told one of his intelligent comrades, when they stood in the vestibule, smoking.
- We have one fool in the neighboring village too ... He grabbed a firebrand - and after his mother. Drunk. She runs away from him and shouts: "Hands, shouts, don't burn your hands, son!" He also cares about him. And he's rushing, a drunken mug. Mother. Can you imagine how rude and tactless you have to be ...
- Have you come up with it yourself? - Sternly asked the intelligent comrade, looking at Chudik over his glasses.
- Why? - he did not understand. - We have, across the river, the village of Ramenskoye ...
The intelligent comrade turned to the window and did not speak again.
After the train, Chudik still had to fly by a local plane. He once flew once. For a long time. He got on the plane not without timidity.
- Nothing will spoil in it? - asked the stewardess.
- What will go bad in it?
- You never know ... There must be five different bolts here. A thread will break off at one - and with greetings. How much is usually collected from a person? A kilogram two or three? ..
- Don't talk. They took off.
A fat citizen with a newspaper was sitting next to Chudik. The eccentric tried to talk to him.
“And breakfast has healed,” he said.
- Mm?
- In the planes they feed.
Tolstoy said nothing to this.
The eccentric began to look down.
Mountains of clouds below.
- That's interesting, - said Chudik again, - five kilometers below us, right? And I - if only henna. I'm not surprised. And wait in my mind I measured out five kilometers from my house, put it on the priest - it will be up to the apiary!
The plane shook.
“Here is a man! .. He came up with it,” he said to his neighbor. The latter looked at him, said nothing again, rustled the newspaper.
- Fasten your seat belts! said the pretty young woman. - We are going to land.
The eccentric obediently fastened his belt. And the neighbor - zero attention. The eccentric touched him carefully:
- They are told to fasten the belt.
“Nothing,” said the neighbor. He put the newspaper aside, leaned back in his seat and said, as if remembering something: - Children are the flowers of life, they must be planted with their heads down.
- Like this? - Chudik did not understand.
The reader laughed out loud and did not speak again.
They began to decline rapidly.
Now the earth is just a stone's throw away, is rapidly flying back. But there is still no push. As the knowledgeable people later explained, the pilot "missed".
Finally - a jolt, and everyone begins to be thrown so hard that there was a knock of teeth and a grinding sound. This reader with the newspaper leaped from his seat, butted Chudik with his big head, then kissed the window, then found himself on the floor. During all this time, he did not make a single sound. And everyone around was also silent - it amazed the Chudik. He was also silent.
The first who came to their senses looked through the windows and found that the plane was in a potato field. A gloomy pilot came out of the cockpit and went to the exit. Someone asked him carefully:
- We seem to have sat down in potatoes?
“What do you don’t see yourself,” the pilot replied.
The fear subsided, and the most cheerful were already trying to shyly joke.
The bald reader was looking for his artificial jaw. The eccentric unbuckled his belt and also began to search.
- This?! he exclaimed happily. And he filed it.
The reader's nose even turned purple.
- Why do you have to grab with your hands? he shouted in a lisp.
The freak was at a loss.
- And what? ..
- Where am I going to boil it ?! Where?!
The eccentric did not know this either.
- Will you come with me? he suggested. - My brother lives here. Are you afraid that I have introduced microbes there? I do not have them.
The reader looked at Chudik in surprise and stopped shouting.
... At the airport Chudik wrote a telegram to his wife:
"We landed. A branch of lilac fell on the chest, dear Pear, don't forget me. Vasyatka."
The telegraph operator, a stern, dry woman, having read the telegram, suggested:
- Make up differently. You are an adult, not in a kindergarten.
- Why? - asked the Chudik. - I always write to her in letters. This is my wife! .. You must have thought ...
“You can write whatever you want in letters, but a telegram is a type of communication. This is plain text.
Chudik rewrote:
"We landed. Everything is fine. Vasyatka."
The telegraph operator herself corrected two words: "We landed" and "Vasyatka". It became: "We have arrived, Vasily."
- "We landed" ... What are you, an astronaut, or what?
- Well, okay, - said Chudik. - Let it be so.
... Chudik knew, he has a brother Dmitry, three nephews ... I somehow did not think that there should be a daughter-in-law; He had never seen her. And it was she, the daughter-in-law, who ruined everything, the whole vacation. For some reason, she immediately took a dislike to Chudik.
We drank in the evening with my brother, and Chudik began to sing in a trembling voice:
Poplar-ah, poplar-ah ...
Sofya Ivanovna, daughter-in-law, looked out of the other room, asked angrily:
- Can you not yell? You're not at the train station, are you? - And slammed the door.
Brother Dmitry felt embarrassed.
- It's ... the kids are sleeping there. She's actually good.
We drank some more. They began to remember their youth, mother, father ...
- Do you remember? - Brother Dmitry asked joyfully. - Although who do you remember there! It was pectoral. They will leave me with you, and I kissed you. Once you even turned blue. Hit me for it. Then they didn’t leave. And all the same: they just turn away - I am beside you: I kiss again. God knows what the habit was. He himself has snot up to his knees, and already ... this is ... with kisses ...
- Do you remember?! - Chudik also recalled. - How do you ...
- Will you stop yelling? Sofya Ivanovna asked again, completely angry, nervously. - Who needs to listen to these different snot and kisses of yours? Talk there.
- Let's go outside, - said Chudik.
We went outside and sat on the porch.
- Do you remember? .. - continued the Chudik.
But then something happened to brother Dmitry: he began to cry and began pounding his knee with his fist.
- Here it is, my life! Saw? How much anger is in a person! How much anger!
The eccentric began to calm his brother:
- Come on, don't be upset. Do not. They are not evil, they are crazy. I have the same.
- Well, what have you disliked? !! What for? After all, she disliked you ... But what for?
It was only then that Chudik realized that, yes, his daughter-in-law disliked him. And for what, really?
- But for the fact that you are not responsible, not a leader. I know her, you fool. She became obsessed with her responsible. And who herself! The barmaid is in the office, the bump is out of the blue. Looks there and starts ... She hates me too - that I am not responsible, from the village.
- In what department?
- In this ... mining ... Do not pronounce now. Why go out? What she, did not know, what?
Then Chudik was struck to the quick.
- And what's the matter in general? he asked loudly, not his brother, someone else. - Yes, if you want to know, almost all famous people left the village. As in a black frame, so, you look - a native of the village. We need to read the newspapers! .. He’s not a figure, you know, he’s a native, went to work early.
- And how much I tried to prove to her: in the village people are better, not arrogant.
- Do you remember Stepan Vorobyov? You knew him ...
- I knew how.
- Already there is a village! A - please: Hero Soviet Union... He destroyed nine tanks. I went to the ram. His mother will now pay his pension for life sixty rubles. And they found out only recently, they thought it was missing ...
- And Maksimov Ilya! .. We left together. Please - holder of three degrees of Glory. But don't tell her about Stepan ... Don't.
- Okay. And this one! ..
The excited brothers were still making noise for a long time. The eccentric even walked around the porch and waved his arms.
- The village, you see! .. Yes, there is nothing but air! In the morning you open the window - tell me how it will wash you all over. Even if you drink it, it’s so fresh and fragrant, it smells of different herbs, different flowers ...
Then they got tired.
- Did you block the roof? the older brother asked quietly.
- Blocked. - The freak also sighed softly. - I set up the veranda - it is a pleasure to look. You go out on the veranda in the evening ... you begin to fantasize: if only mother and father would be alive, you would come with the children - everyone would sit on the veranda, drinking tea with raspberries. Raspberries are now an abyss. You, Dmitry, do not quarrel with her, otherwise she will dislike worse ... But somehow I will be more affectionate, she, you see, will leave.
- But she herself is from the village! - somehow quietly and sadly Dmitry was amazed. - But ... I tortured the children, you fool: I tortured one on the pianos, and recorded the other in figure skating. My heart bleeds, but - don't tell me, just swear.
- Myh! .. - Chudik got excited again. “I don’t understand these newspapers in any way: here, they say, she works like that in a store - rude. Eh, you! .. And she comes home - the same. That's where the grief is! And I do not understand! - The eccentric also hit his knee with his fist. - I don’t understand: why did they become evil?
When Chudik woke up in the morning, no one was in the apartment: brother Dmitry had gone to work, his daughter-in-law, too, the older children were playing in the yard, the little one was taken to the nursery.
The eccentric tidied up the bed, washed and began to think what would be so pleasant for his daughter-in-law.
Then he caught sight of a baby carriage. "Hey! - exclaimed the Chudik. I'll paint it!" At home he painted the stove so much that everyone was surprised. I found a childish paint, a paintbrush and got down to business. An hour later it was all over the stroller was unrecognizable. Along the top of the stroller Chudik let cranes go - a flock to the bottom - different flowers, grass-ant, a couple of cockerels, chickens ... He examined the stroller from all sides - a feast for the eyes. Not a stroller, but a toy. Imagined how pleasantly amazed the daughter-in-law would be, grinned.
- And you say - a village. Weird. - He wanted peace with his daughter-in-law. The child will be like a basket.
All day Chudik walked around the city, gazed at the temples, stuck out for a long time at the windows. I bought a boat for my nephew; such a pretty boat, white, with a light bulb. "I'll paint it too," I thought.
He walked around again, looked, drank water from the vending machines ... And sat down to rest on a park bench. Just sat down, hears:
- Young man ... excuse me, please. - A beautiful young woman came up with a briefcase. - Let me take a minute of your time?
- Why? - asked the Chudik.
The woman sat down on the bench:
- We are in this city on a film expedition ...
- Do you photograph movies?
- Yes. And we need a man for the episode. This is ... your type.
- What's my type?
- Well ... simple ... You see, we need a simple country guy who comes to town for the first time.
- So, I understand.
- Where do you work?
- I am a stranger ... I came to my brother ...
- When are you leaving?
- I do not know yet. I came to rest.
- Mm ... And at home ... in the village, right? .. Do you live in the village?
- Yes.
- Where do you work in your village?
- Tractor driver.
“We need you to stay here for at least two weeks. There is a possibility?
- There is.
- I want to show you to the director ... for ... how simple it is for you: to make sure we are looking for the direction we are looking for. Do not you mind? It is nearby, in the hotel.
- Went.
On the way, Chudik found out which famous artists would play, how much they were paid ...
- And this guy - why does he come to the city?
- Well, you know, to seek your destiny. You know, this is one of those who are chasing a long ruble.
“Interesting,” said Chudik. - By the way, a long ruble would not hurt me now: I want to sort out the house by the fall. Do you all get paid well?
The woman laughed.
- You're a little early on this.
The director, a thin man in his fifties, with lively, intelligent eyes, greeted Chudik very warmly. He looked at him intently, quickly, and sat him in a chair.
The woman went out.
- What is your name?
- Vasya, - the Chudik got up.
- Sit, sit. I'll sit down too. - The director sat down opposite. Cheerfully looked at the Chudik. - Tractor driver?
- No, just on the farm ...
- Do you like movies?
- Nothing. Rarely, however, one has to be ...
- What is it?
- Why ... in the summer we honor all the time in the brigade, and in the winter we leave for the cubes.
- What is this?
- For logging.
- So, so ... Here's the deal, Vasily: we have an episode in the film: a guy comes to town from a village. Comes in search of a better destiny. Finds acquaintances. And the acquaintance is so ... nodding: a city family went to the village to rest in the summer, lived in his house. It's clear?
- Clear.
- Fine. Further: the city family is unhappy with the guy's arrival - unnecessary red tape, inconvenience ... and so on. The guy is not stupid, realizes this, generally begins to understand that the city's fate is not an easy matter. These are his first steps, so to speak. It's clear?

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