Languages ​​of Eurasia. The people of Eurasia: their diversity and languages. How the languages ​​of the peoples of Eurasia developed

This invention relates to a new Eurasian world and alphabet and language. can be used everywhere all over the world for free international, interethnic and interstate communication between all people around the world. The most important characteristic of any language is the alphabet and grammar. But there is nothing more conservative in the world than the alphabet. On the one hand, this allows you to preserve the originality of the language and the nation, and on the other hand, it is a brake on its development and even the death of both the language and the nation. Therefore, in modern conditions Russian should be divided into two languages: into Russian proper for the Russian nation and into the Eurasian language for the Eurasian nation and for interethnic communication.

The Eurasians have no right to touch the sovereign Russian language and even more so the sovereign Russian nation. This is the sovereign right of the Russians. And with the Eurasian language, Eurasians can begin to do whatever is necessary so that this language becomes not only their national language, but also an international language. This is their Eurasian law. And it is necessary to improve the Eurasian language from the alphabet. But what is the alphabet? The alphabet is a graphic, written representation of speech sounds. Different alphabets appeared in different ways. For example, the English alphabet appeared as a result of careless selection, substitution, and manipulation in the British Isles - this then back street of the Roman Empire - to the sounds of the Anglo-Saxon speech of the Latin letters of the Latin speech of the Roman Empire. Where there were not enough letters, combinations of two, three or more famous Latin letters were used.

As a result English language from an alphabetical, graphic, writing point of view, it has become one of the most carelessly complex languages, when one is written (depicted), and sometimes quite another is read (pronounced). So for studying and mastering English, American and any other language with the Latin alphabet, Need to know not only the actual alphabet of this language, but also another alphabet-translator ( its transcription- pronunciation is also a combination of various letters). And since in each language there is a great variety of different sounds (adverbs), then there are also a great variety of different combinations of various Latin letters to reflect these varieties. A letters in Latin few. And those that are often duplicate each other, which confuses the Latin alphabet and all its languages ​​to the Chinese literacy in antediluvian hieroglyphs. And now because of this "negligence" of the compilers of the English alphabet and the conservatism of the British, almost half of the people are forced to "suffer with the letters", reading English, American and any Latin text.

Cyril and Methodius, when compiling the Russian alphabet, took into account the "negligence" of the compilers of the English alphabet and went differently, as always in Russia, their own way. Where there was a lack of Greek-Latin letters to designate Russian sounds, they invented and added new ones, even "superfluous" ones. As a result, now in the Russian alphabet there were even more letters than necessary, and in the English - less than necessary... If you throw out the extra letters from the Russian-Eurasian alphabet, and add the missing ones to the Anglo-American alphabet, then you may well get a very good universal American-Eurasian alphabet and language. But today this issue is not yet acute on the agenda. This is a question for the future, perhaps for the near future.

But today it is quite possible to put on the agenda of literary scholars the issue of creating a Eurasian alphabet, which can be obtained simply by “throwing out” from the Russian alphabet letters that are superfluous for the Eurasian language. And this should be done not in a revolutionary way, but in an evolutionary way, i.e. gradually, as in the Eurasian bookpack "Truth", where the letter "ё" has already been "thrown out" quite painlessly, which has long become optional, that is, optional, and the letter "ъ", the function of which is performed by a soft sign. You can "throw out" and the letter "Щ", replacing this sound with a natural combination of two letters "ШЧ".

And in order to more clearly distinguish "I" from "Y", the Russian letter "Y" can be replaced with the Belarusian 4 times shorter letter "I", the Letters "I", "E", "Y", "E" can also be discard and replace them with natural combinations of two letters: I = IA, E = IE, Yu = IU, E = IO. Then 7 vowels will remain in the Eurasian alphabet: A, O, U, E, I, I, S- a sacred seven-sounding number !, as well as 7 basic notes in music. The letter "I" (as a personal pronoun) can be left in the Eurasian alphabet. Then the Eurasian alphabet will consist of 28 letters: A, B, C, D, D, F, Z, I, I, K, L, M, H, O, P, R, S, T, L, U, F , Х, Ц, Ч, Ш, Y, E, Y. And the Eurasian language will sound “like music” and will shine with all the basic colors of the rainbow, which are also 7: red, brown, yellow, green, blue, blue, violet.

Further "modernization" of the Eurasian alphabet can be carried out by replacing identical-sounding Eurasian letters with Latin ones and by adding Eurasian letters to the American alphabet instead of multi-letter combinations. But this one the process must take place simultaneously and consistently with the same modernization and the American alphabet in the United States, approximately, as arms reduction rather than a one-sided concession. For example, the Russian "C" can be replaced with the Latin "S", the Russian "C" - with the Latin "C", but provided that their NATO countries are multistage, like a rocket, letter combinations "sch", "tio", "Schtch" (Schtchel - Shchel and their other heaps of letters) will be replaced by simple and even graceful Russian letters "ш", "Щ", etc.

At the same time, the English language in England and the Russian language in Russia must be conservatively left intact, as a relic, as the linguistic gene pool of mankind, and the rapprochement is carried out by the international American and Eurasian languages. Changing the graphic image of the same sound in the alphabet does not "spoil" or even infringe on the originality, sovereignty and uniqueness of the national and even more so the new Eurasian or American language. The main thing in such modernization of the alphabet is that it does not deform or distort the national spirit, flavor and sound of the national language. Also can be easily and efficiently upgraded and any other, incl. and the Tatar alphabet and language, once and for all, putting in its basis the universal interethnic Ivily-Eurasianism proposed here instead of the constant shuffling between the Arabian, Cyrillic, Karelian, and now also the "careless" Anglo-Latin alphabet, the Tourette or some other foreign and unnecessary overseas "Papuan" ".

“... And the Lord came down to see (in Valilon). And he said, Behold, there is one people, and they all have one language; and this is what they began to do, and do not leave behind ...; let us go down and confuse their language there so that one does not understand the other ... ”(Genesis of Moses, verse 11). What came out of this "Babylonian pandemonium" is known to everyone. What came out of the sovereignty "pandemonium" in the USSR is now also known to everyone. ... Until then literary scholars, literary scholars and politicians will break their brains and spears over the Eurasian alphabet, the role of the Eurasian language, as a language of both interethnic and world communication, is quite can also be performed in Russian in all its purity and beauty.

The Eurasian language is the international expressiveness, universality and strength of the Russian, efficiency of English, liveliness of French, strength of German, tenderness of Italian, richness of Greek, spirituality of Latin, brevity of Turkic languages, power of Indo-Arabic numerals and Sanskrit ... Therefore, one cannot fail to see that such a language was not given to the great Eurasian people !. And to all other Eurasian nations and peoples for their interethnic communication, treatment, attention and complete understanding among themselves.

For more details see IVAalfvt01 "Truth" 1993 Nab.Chelny
Leon Iva - author of the Eurasian alphabet and language

The peoples of Eurasia make up almost three quarters of the total population of the earth. The mainland is home to a large number of different ethnic groups that differ in appearance, mentality, culture and language.

Each people of Eurasia belongs to a certain language family, which, in turn, is divided into groups. The speech of every nation in the family is similar and comes from one common proto-language. Languages ​​in the same group sometimes differ only in pronunciation or spelling.

Most languages ​​were formed geographically. This explains the fact that different peoples of Eurasia have practically the same or similar speech. There is a hypothesis that ancient people developed their speech by listening to the sounds of the living nature of the area, and therefore some languages ​​are very similar to the sounds that animals make.

Classification of languages ​​of the peoples of Eurasia

To date, 7 language families have been recorded, which unite all languages ​​and dialects of peoples living on the mainland. Each of these families is divided into language groups of the peoples of Eurasia. There are 17 of them.

All languages ​​are divided into:

1. Indo-European family:

  • Slavic group (Russian, Ukrainian, Belarusian, Polish, Czech and Bulgarian);
  • German group (English, German, Norwegian and Swedish);
  • Baltic group (Lithuanian and Latvian);
  • Romance group (Spanish, Portuguese, French and Italian);
  • Celtic group (Irish);
  • Greek group (Greek);
  • Iranian group (Tajik, Afghan and Ossetian);
  • Indo-Aryan group (Hindustan and Nepali);
  • Armenian group (Armenian);

2.Kartvelian family (Georgian).

3.Aphrasian family:

  • Semitic group (Arabic);

4. Ural-Yukogir family:

  • Finno-Ugric group (Hungarian, Estonian and Finnish);

5. Altai family:

  • Turkic group (Turkish, Kazakh and Kyrgyz);
  • Mongolian group (Mongolian and Buryat);
  • Japanese group (Japanese);
  • Korean group (Korean);

6. Sino-Tibetan family (Chinese);

7.North Caucasian family:

  • Abkhaz-Adyghe group (Abkhaz and Adyghe);
  • Nakh-Dagestan group (Chechen).

How did the languages ​​of the peoples of Eurasia develop?

The most ancient civilizations were created and developed on the mainland of Eurasia: India, China and Mesopotamia. They gave development to all other peoples, their states, culture, traditions and speech.

It did not stop, but people settled, mastering new lands, coming up with new words and expressions. This is how language groups appeared, and then families. Each people of Eurasia developed the already existing speech in its own way. People living in different places started calling the same things by different names. So dialects appeared, which then turned into full-fledged ones. Linguists divided all languages ​​into families and groups for easier study.

Indo-European language family

The largest language family in the world is the Indo-European family. Many peoples of Eurasia speak these languages.

This language family owes such popularity to the conquerors and discoverers. Indo-European languages ​​were born in Eurasia, and it is considered the homeland of all mankind on a par with Africa. People conquered new territories and captured the indigenous peoples of other continents, then imposed their culture and language on them. Each people of Eurasia of that time tried to subjugate more territories and people. Many scholars associate such a wide spread of the Spanish, English and Russian languages ​​precisely with historical events.

What is the difference between Chinese and Japanese?

A common mistake many people make is to count Chinese and Japanese languages similar or nearly the same. These two languages ​​are not just in different language families. People living in Japan and China are completely different, although they belong to the same race. Each of these countries is a separate people of Eurasia with its own culture and language.

If the hieroglyphs themselves, which are written in these countries, are difficult enough to distinguish, this does not mean that the languages ​​are the same. Their first difference is that the Japanese write vertically, while the Chinese write horizontally.

By ear, Japanese speech is much rougher than Chinese. The Chinese language is filled with soft sounds. Japanese speech is sharper. A deeper study will show that the words in these languages ​​are different, as well as grammar and other rules.

Slavic languages

Slavic languages ​​are a linguistic group of the Indo-European family. These languages ​​are very similar. Native speakers of Slavic languages ​​can often understand each other almost without difficulty, while speaking in different languages. This is especially true for Russian, Ukrainian and Belarusian speech.

They began to develop with the emergence of the first Slavic tribes. Each tribe used its own dialect. The greater the distance between them, the more differences appeared in speech.

All Slavic languages ​​are divided into eastern, western and southern. This division takes place territorially, as well as the division of tribes.

Of the other representatives of the Indo-European language family, the Baltic group is the closest to the Slavic one. Many scholars explain this by long-term communication between representatives of these tribes.

Peoples living on the continent

In fact, there are a lot of peoples living on the mainland, but if you generalize, then conditionally they can be divided by race into 2 groups: Caucasoid and Mongoloid. And these groups, in turn, are divided into subgroups.

Caucasian race, consisting of the following groups:

  • Slavic;
  • Baltic;
  • Germanic;
  • Greek;
  • Armenian;
  • Finno-Ugric.

Mongoloid race:

  • Turkic;
  • Mongolian;
  • Korean;
  • Japanese;
  • Chukotka-Kamchatka;
  • Sino-Tibetan.

Of course, many more ethnic groups and tribes live on the territory of Eurasia.

Peoples of Eurasia: countries

Perhaps, within the framework of a single article, it is impossible to list all the countries of the continent, because there are about 99 of them! But it is worth mentioning the largest of them. Probably everyone knows that the largest state on the mainland is Russia. It is impossible not to mention India and China, the countries with the highest population density.

As for the smallest states, they are mainly located in the western territories of the mainland. For example, unique public education considered the Vatican. The list of dwarf countries includes Liechtenstein, Andorra, Luxembourg and Monaco. The smallest states in Asia are Brunei, Maldives and Bahrain.

Eurasia is considered the most colorful continent of the planet, of course! Its territory is occupied by 3/4 of the world's population with different skin colors, their own culture and traditions.

  • Burushaski language (isolate) (1)
  • The following 5 families are conventionally called "Paleoasian languages" (non-genetic association):

    • Chukchi-Kamchatka family (5), including: Chukchi language, Koryak language, Itelmen language, etc.
    • Nivkh language (isolate) (1)
    • Sino-Tibetan family (363), including Chinese, or a group of languages
    • Austroasian superfamily
      • Austro-Asian family proper (163), including Vietnamese
    • Austronesian Superfamily (1268)
    Ancient languages ​​(doesn't exist now)
    • Tyrrhenian family (2) † (incl.Etruscan language)
    • Sumerian language isolate † (1)
    • Elamite (isolate) † (1)
    • Unclassified languages ​​(12), including Iberian †, Cypriot-Minoan †, Eteocritian †, Hutt †, Kassite †, and other relict languages ​​of Western Eurasia.

    Number of language families

    As of mid-1980s.

    family CIS, thousand people hack Europe hack Asia Eurasia % to all
    Total 272492 488829 2710648 3471969 100 %
    Indo-European 216410 463712 793130 1473252 42,43 %
    Sino-Tibetan 60 123 1064110 1064293 30,65 %
    Austronesian 64 216550 216614 6,24 %
    Dravidian 180355 180355 5,19 %
    Japanese (Japanese-Ryukyus) 16 118460 118476 3,41 %
    Altai 44040 2340 70010 116390 3,35 %
    Austroasian 10 71635 71645 2,06 %
    Paratai (Thai-Kadai) 67750 67750 1,95 %
    Korean 400 16 61670 62086 1,79 %
    Afrasian 25 2400 55055 57480 1,66 %
    Ural 4475 18430 22905 0,66 %
    Miao-yao 8180 8180 0,24 %
    Kartvelskaya 3700 145 3845 0,11 %
    North Caucasian 3220 235 3455 0,10 %
    Papuan 1750 1750 0,05 %
    Basque 1030 1030 0,03 %
    Niger-Kordofan 110 150 260 0,01 %
    Burushaski (burishi) 50 50 0 %
    Chukotka-Kamchatka 23 23 0 %
    Ainsky 20 20 0 %
    Nivkh 4 4 0 %
    Eskimo-Aleutian 2 2 0 %
    Andaman 1 1 0 %
    1 1 0 %
    Ket (Yenisei) 1 1 0 %
    other 131 578 1392 2101 0,06 %

    Languages ​​of Europe

    More than 94% of the entire population of Europe speaks the languages ​​of the Indo-European family.

    family group European part of the CIS overseas Europe all of Europe % to all
    Total Total 165595 488809 654404 100 %
    Indo-European 150763 462366 613129 93,69 %
    Slavic 142460 82225 224685 34,33 %
    Romanesque 3148 179821 182969 27,96 %
    Germanic 281 175423 175704 26,85 %
    Greek 125 9988 10113 1,55 %
    Celtic 0 7520 7520 1,15 %
    Albanian 3,8 4810 4814 0,74 %
    Baltic 4324 12 4336 0,66 %
    Indo-Aryan 158 2207 2365 0,36 %
    Armenian 208 320 528 0,08 %
    Iranian 55 40 95 0,01 %
    Ural 3967 18430 22397 3,42 %
    Finno-Ugric 3959 18430 22389 3,42 %
    Samoyed 8 0 8 0 %
    Altai 9130 2340 11470 1,75 %
    Turkic 8978 2340 11318 1,73 %
    Mongolian 150 0 150 0,02 %
    Tungus-Manchu 2 0 2 0 %
    Afrasian 1463 3735 5198 0,79 %
    Jews 1453 1340 2793 0,43 %
    Semitic 9,6 2365 2375 0,36 %
    Kushite 0 30 30 0 %
    Basque 0 1030 1030 0,16 %
    Sino-Tibetan 5 123 128 0,02 %
    Chinese 5 110 115 0,02 %
    Tibeto-Burmese 0 13 13 0 %
    North Caucasian 115 0 115 0,02 %
    Nakhsko-Dagestan 98 0 98 0,01 %
    Abkhaz-Adyghe 17 0 17 0 %
    Niger-Kordofan 0 110 110 0,02 %
    Kartvelskaya 68 0 68 0,01 %
    Austronesian 0 44 44 0,01 %
    Korean 33 16 49 0,01 %
    Japanese (Japanese-Ryukyus) 0,1 16 16 0 %
    Austroasian 1,4 10 11 0 %
    Chukotka-Kamchatka 0,4 0 0,4 0 %
    Eskimo-Aleutian 0,1 0 0,1 0 %
    Nivkh 0,1 0 0,1 0 %
    other 49 589 638 0,10 %

    Languages ​​of Asia

    About 40% of the total population of Asia speaks the Sino-Tibetan languages ​​and 30% - the languages ​​of the Indo-European macrofamily.

    As of the mid-1980s (thousand people).

    family group Asian part of the CIS overseas Asia all of Asia % to all
    Total Total 106408 2710648 2817056 100 %
    Sino-Tibetan 55 1064109 1064164 37,78 %
    Chinese 55 1003630 1003685 35,63 %
    Tibeto-Burmese 0 60479 1003685 2,15 %
    Indo-European 63394 793126 856520 30,40 %
    Indo-Aryan 72 719566 719638 25,55 %
    Iranian 4122 71460 75582 2,68 %
    Slavic 53273 95 53368 1,89 %
    Armenian 4292 660 4952 0,18 %
    Germanic 1699 475 2174 0,08 %
    Greek 222 660 882 0,03 %
    Nuristan 0 145 145 0,01 %
    Romanesque 87 50 137 0 %
    Baltic 76 0 76 0 %
    Albanian 0,2 15 15 0 %
    Austronesian 0 216550 216550 7,69 %
    Malay-Polynesian 0 216180 216180 7,68 %
    Taiwanese 0 370 370 0,01 %
    Dravidian 0 180355 180355 6,40 %
    South 0 112415 112415 3,99 %
    Southeast 0 60000 60000 2,13 %
    Gondwana 0 3770 3770 0,13 %
    Northeastern 0 1710 1710 0,06 %
    Southwest 0 1502 1502 0,05 %
    Northwestern 0 765 765 0,03 %
    Central 0 191 191 0 %
    Japanese (Japanese-Ryukyus) 0,7 118460 118461 4,21 %
    Altai 34911 70006 104917 3,72 %
    Turkic 34476 59756 94232 3,35 %
    Mongolian 380 5729 6109 0,22 %
    Tungus-Manchu 56 4521 4577 0,16 %
    Austroasian 1,4 71632 71633 2,54 %
    Mon Khmer 1,4 63072 63073 2,24 %
    Munda 0 8535 8535 0,30 %
    Nicobar 0 25 25 0 %
    Paratai (Thai-Kadai) 0 67745 67745 2,40 %
    Thai 0 65094 65094 2,31 %
    Dong Shui 0 1755 1755 0,06 %
    Kadayskaya 0 896 896 0,03 %
    Korean 367 61670 62037 2,20 %
    Afrasian 362 55185 55547 1,97 %
    Semitic 15,4 51600 51615 1,83 %
    Hebrew languages 347 3540 3887 0,14 %
    Kushite 0 45 45 0 %
    Miao-yao 0 8182 8182 0,29 %
    Kartvelskaya 3632 145 3777 0,13 %
    North Caucasian 3099 235 3334 0,12 %
    Nakhsko-Dagestan 2479 5 2484 0,09 %
    Abkhaz-Adyghe 619 230 849 0,03 %
    Papuan 0 1750 1750 0,06 %
    Trans New Guinea 0 1250 1250 0,04 %
    West Papuan 0 455 455 0,02 %
    other families 0 45 45 0 %
    Ural 504 0 504 0,02 %
    Finno-Ugric 477 0 477 0,02 %
    Samoyed 27 0 27 0 %
    Niger-Kordofan 0 165 165 0,01 %
    Burushaski (burishi) 0 50 50 0 %
    Chukotka-Kamchatka 22,6 0 23 0 %
    Ainsky 0 20 20 0 %
    Nivkh 4,3 0 4 0 %
    Eskimo-Aleutian 1,9 0 2 0 %
    Andaman 0 1 1 0 %
    Ket (Yenisei) 1,1 0 1 0 %
    Yukagir (Yukagir-Chuvan) 0,8 0 1 0 %
    other 91 1264 1355 0,05 %

    see also

    Languages ​​of the world languages ​​of peoples inhabiting (and inhabiting earlier) the globe. The total number is from 2500 to 5000 (the exact figure cannot be established, because the difference between different languages ​​and dialects of the same language is conditional). To the most common ... ... Linguistic Encyclopedic Dictionary

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    Eurasia is the most studied continent in linguo-genetic terms, it contains 21 families, 4 isolates and about 12 unclassified languages. List of Eurasian languages: Basque family (3) Indo-European family (449) The next 2 families are usually ... ... Wikipedia

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    All languages ​​of America can be divided into two groups: languages ​​of the pre-colonial period (Native American: North and South America and Eskimo Aleutian languages), languages ​​of the post-colonial period (European and others). Contents 1 Number of language families 2 ... Wikipedia

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    Minsky Taxon: group Status: generally recognized Habitat: China, Southeast Asia Number of speakers:> 70 million Classification ... Wikipedia

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    • Languages ​​of the world. Caucasian languages,. This book is the next volume of the multivolume encyclopedic edition "The Languages ​​of the World" (the "Languages ​​of Eurasia" series), prepared at the Institute of Linguistics of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The book "Caucasian languages" ...
    • Questions of linguistic relationship. International scientific journal No. 13/1 (2015), Collection of articles. Starting with this issue, the journal "Questions of Language Relationship", which since 2009 has been included as a separate series in the Bulletin of the Russian State University for the Humanities and published twice a year, changes its format. According to… electronic book