Human self-destruction program. Phoenix (self-destruction program and the Taoist way of self-healing). How to understand that you are preventing yourself from living

author's method of color-psycho-modeling drawing

The scenario of life is compiled in childhood by parents, the immediate environment, confirmed by life events and reaches its peak when choosing a path. The life scenario lies outside the limits of awareness, at the level of the whole organism. The environment turns out to be on the other side of the border - it becomes alien, external, becomes - "not I".

At the level of a depressive mask, both the environment and the human body and some aspects of his psyche turn out to be external, the person is forced to give up control over the situation in favor of the formed subpersonality - the structure of the "Censor".

In the technique used, evaluative behavioral standards are recoded into color or (more precisely, tone), as visual stimuli, the dominant wavelength of which is within the visible spectrum. The Censor's subpersonality, which controls any verbal information, is insensitive to color. Transcoding the emotional tones of behavioral standards into a color palette allows you to adequately and painlessly rebuild the perception of the real world.

What is a self-destruct program?

Self-destruct program- This is a complex set of hereditary predispositions leading to the termination of your kind and therefore filling your life with unfavorable life experiences. A person feels himself “unworthy of happiness”, and the world and society are assessed as “hostile”.

Self-destruct program turns all your intellectual and physical resources against you. Just like you, she is smart and cunning and will definitely feel that you want to get rid of her. The program, like a virus, will create all sorts of obstacles and put you in a variety of situations so that you do not.

The self-destruction program is one of the main key programs that inhibit development, lead to unhappiness in the form of body diseases, lack of wealth and family well-being.

Removing the self-destruct program is a task that has been tried to solve at all times. The complete removal of this program is a direct path to health, happiness and success.

Who needs this course?

Check yourself! Read the signs of a self-destruct program.

  • Unconscious choice of unhealthy foods, overeating.
  • Debts, financial constraints.
  • Emotional destruction (fears, guilt).
  • Diseases.
  • Ignoring intuitive cues.
  • Alcohol, cigarettes, drugs.
  • Depression, lack of interest in life.
  • Avoiding an active lifestyle.
  • Lack of proper attention and care of the body, inside and out.
  • Instead of the main thing, focus on the secondary.
  • Hyper control of the brain over the processes or its complete shutdown and the inability to control the brain.
  • An imbalance in the distribution of energy (there is no energy or more than necessary, or unnecessary processes are fed).
  • Creativity without financial support.
  • Finance without creativity.
  • Problems with raising children.
  • Car accidents, accidents, orphanages, early deaths, rape, abortion, suicide.
  • Spending time and attention on experiencing tragic events.
  • Aggression, destruction of their own kind.
  • Devaluation of your psychic abilities.
  • Humiliation of oneself and one's capabilities, disbelief in one's strength.
  • Acceptance of values ​​and assessments of the majority (society, society) for their own.

A positive answer to at least one point indicates the existence of a self-destruct program. What's next?

With our specialists you can take a unique course created by based on vast practical experience... The course is individual and adaptable for each specific person, which allows you to achieve maximum results.


DAY ONE (negative fate)

  • At the first stage, the memory areas affected by the program are identified in the consciousness and subconsciousness of a person.
  • A register of negative life events that caused vivid negative emotions (resentment, fear, anger, despair, hopelessness) is compiled.
  • Conversion of emotional experiences into color analogs is performed.
  • An individual transformation color chart is drawn up.
  • Revealing the key of negative fate by the method of synthesizing the color segments of the diagram (at the same time comes the realization of the regular repetition in any life situations of a set of the same erroneous actions).
  • Testing to determine the leading modality.

Possible options:

  1. Option one - you are powerful visuals. When you merge the polar segments of the chart, the colors will not completely disappear from your visual representation. As a result of the work, you will feel complete confidence that emotions, body sensations and thoughts are successfully worked out, and emotions are released. (This is a variant of the norm).
  2. Option two - problems with visual information. This is the case when a person, in principle, cannot visualize pictures. In any memory - there are simply no pictures. Such people are one hundred percent kinesthetic. In their memories, they do not see images, but they feel the color space and volume. In this case, the colors in the segments cause tactile, painful, temperature sensations in the body. (This is a variant of the norm).
  • Determination of the level of suggestibility and the degree of hypnotizability in order to establish ways of fixing negative emotions.
  • Creation of a transformational color key through the conscious activation of intention (taking into account all the wishes and requirements of a person to understand his personal happiness). Work in the "active" Morphogenetic field of consciousness (author's method), accompanied by a preliminary change of negative attitude to neutral or close to it.

  • At an intermediate stage, the negative information in the memory areas affected by the program in the consciousness and subconsciousness of a person is replaced by neutral or close to it.

  • Conversion of emotional experiences into color analogs is performed. A transitional transformation color chart is drawn up.
  • End of the first day (relaxation).

DAY TWO (creating the key of positive fate)

  • Deep hypnorelaxation of the body in order to activate the subconscious.
  • Creation of a private key of positive fatefulness by the method of intuitive modeling. (At the same time, there comes an awareness of the principles of comfortable communication with people in any life situations, an understanding of the principle of the unity of all that exists).
    Work in the "active" Morphogenetic field of consciousness (author's method), accompanied by the final removal of the self-destruction program.
  • Create color segments of the positive fate diagram. (A color replacement chart is drawn up and is plotted segment by segment in the cerebral cortex). It replaces distant negative behavioral patterns with positive experiences.
    The work is carried out in the "active" Morphogenetic field of consciousness (author's method).
  • End of the second day (relaxation).

DAY THREE (consolidation of practical skills)

  • Deep hypnorelaxation of the body in order to activate the subconscious and visualize the goal - a positive future.
  • Regressive technique "Second Birth".
    The program is based on the technology of hypnosuggestational suggestion and works on the same principle as conventional hypnosis. But unlike him, it acts on the subconscious mind more gently and does not immerse a person into sleep. Through remembering the process of Birth, there is a discharge of matrices with blocks and negative energy.
  • Creation of the image of a new, auspicious birth.
    The work is carried out in the "active" Morphogenetic field of consciousness (author's method).
  • Fundamentals of phantom gymnastics.
  • Conscious work with the register of negative life events (analysis of situations, identification and classification of negative personal qualities, adequate selection of positive skills and prototypes) and the formation of the skill of independent work.
  • Understanding the essence of egregors (correct, safe and effective interaction).
  • End of the third day (relaxation).

Important information!

Completing the course is an independent work for you! You yourself should want to do it and put your strength into it, and not wait for all the work to be done for you.

  • The desire for death is a real mental complex that can be localized in the mind of a person, and then destroyed. This complex is formed by thoughts and beliefs directed against life. It is supported by the idea that death is inevitable and beyond your control. This complex is aimed at killing you faster, and this will certainly happen if you do not kill him earlier.
  • "Life to pass is not a field to cross." Well-known, true proverb. In the life of anyone, even the most worthy and successful person, who is an unconditional role model, there are negative moments. You will take a course of uninstalling a self-destruct program, and not complete the "courses of immortality" with a bonus "I got into a fairy tale." Anything can happen in life ... but you will have life, not existence!

Taking this course means that whenever a life-negating thought comes into your focus, you can safely incorporate it into your complex of awareness, security, and trust. This, in turn, will allow you to relax and, using the technique, make sure that it finally leaves you. In this way, you can part with your death drive, thought by thought. The acquired skill will be able to significantly prolong your active life and preserve youth, health and mind.

The method has a number of contraindications:

  • severe chronic diseases, primarily cardiovascular in the phase of decompensation; psychotic conditions;
  • epilepsy;
  • glaucoma;
  • pregnancy;
  • osteoporosis;
  • recent surgeries and fractures;
  • acute infectious diseases.

The presence of contraindications does not mean that you cannot be helped!
It is for you that there are other methods of work, adapted to your condition.

Alexey Pankin

Psychologist. Head of CFRL "Mirror"

In her work, she practices self-restoration of the psychoemotional state of a person by depolarizing negative evaluative patterns in the subconscious.

At the same time, there is a way out of distress (neurosis, depression) and the resistance of the psyche to the effects of negative factors increases.

Relaxation of stress load and change of assessment standards transfer consciousness to the mode of "positive" emotions and mental coloration.

Physical health improves. Chronic patients begin to feel the healing effect of the medicines prescribed by specialists.

A person feels in demand and builds new, positive relationships in society, achieving personal goals and objectives.

The author of the test for identifying cognitive dissonance - "Mirror"

"The state of mental discomfort of a person is caused by a clash in his consciousness of conflicting ideas: ideas, beliefs, values ​​or emotional reactions."

The author of the methodology for replacing behavioral patterns - "Phantom gymnastics"

“The problems that keep us from being where we want to are are patterns that we ourselves have created, pushing us towards immediate gratification of momentary desires and moving us away from long-term success. Once discovered, the pattern needs to be replaced by transforming it into productive design. "

The author of the methodology for correcting a personal life scenario - "Color-psycho-modeling drawing"

"The life plan is drawn up in childhood by parents, the immediate environment, confirmed by life events and reaches a peak when choosing a path. The life scenario lies outside the limits of awareness, at the level of the whole organism. The environment turns out to be on the other side of the border - it becomes alien, external, becomes - "not I".

At the level of a depressive mask, both the environment and the human body and some aspects of his psyche turn out to be external, the person is forced to give up control over the situation in favor of the formed subpersonality - the structure of the "Censor".

In the technique used, evaluative behavioral standards are recoded into color or (more precisely, tone), as visual stimuli, the dominant wavelength of which is within the visible spectrum. The Censor's subpersonality, which controls any verbal information, is insensitive to color.

Recoding the emotional tones of behavioral standards into a color palette allows you to adequately and painlessly rebuild the perception of the real world. "

The author of the methodology - "Forced disclosure of personal creative potential"

"The technique of positive, true resource resourcing of the organism, entailing self-motivation, choice and achievement of the set goal."

The author of the method of emotional self-control - "Protection from influences"

"This program relies on the resources that the psyche of a healthy person can oppose to attempts by someone else's will to manipulate your mind."

Questions to contact

  • Family relationships
  • Relationship between children and parents
  • Personal growth
  • Work and career
  • Power and influence
  • Physical and spiritual health
  • Psychosomatics
  • Depression, loss, stress
  • Post-traumatic psychological rehabilitation of personality
  • Phobias
  • Dementia
  • Deviant behavior
  • Victim syndrome
  • Ancestor syndrome
  • Regressions
  • Constellations

Warning: this article should not be read by those who do not believe that a person has this program (like any other), i.e. those who allow the use of violence "for good purposes." You will simply waste an hour of time and be annoyed by this nonsense. I also do not recommend reading this to active participants in the program. These are those who have loans, enjoy discounts, attend sales, like to throw garbage "where they have to", easily cut down tree branches and eat everything, using their body as a trash heap. If you are more attentive to yourself and sympathetic to the world, truly believe in kindness and love - read this article to the end. Perhaps this will give you a new look at the events taking place in the world.

The program of self-destruction consists of several parts: global (worldwide), national (destruction of national identification), state (self-destruction of the country) and the main - individual, which is basic for the rest. This topic cannot be disclosed, since the person is not ready to accept this information. It is fundamentally at odds with morality, laws and customary norms of human society. For example, violence is considered the core of this program. But these are the consequences, not the cause. A 2-year-old child, showing persistent aggression, does not have a subconscious craving for violence. Do not label aggressive children as a "negative parenting system" if they all show violence to one degree or another (to others or to themselves). This program is inherent in us long before birth: it goes through dozens of rebirths and lasts for millions of years. 10 - 20 millennia ago, a person relied on reality and therefore tried to comply with the "laws of God" or the standard norms of the "universal community". Having lost almost all the faculties of the mind, we have adapted to survive, creating a monstrous civilization of potential suicides. But animals do not destroy the place where they live. We, like a virus, devour what gives us life. And not to eat, but "just like that." In recent decades, humanity has crossed the Rubicon and is beginning to destroy itself at an accelerated pace. Some countries do it faster (Ukraine, Turkey, North Korea), others, on the contrary, are trying to recover (Russia). Remember how we "competed" in the 90s, who would destroy themselves faster. Russians in the 90s are a vivid example of the self-destruction of a nation. Unfortunately, it is impossible to name the true reasons for these processes, tk. it is one of the greatest mysteries of earthly civilization. Revealing it today gives nothing: you will never believe it, and even if you believe it, you will not be able to do anything! Although indirect reasons can be named. Science is a network of talented scientists “competing” in the most rapid and “beautiful” way to destroy earthly civilization and man as a kind of intelligent life. Of course, scientists do not want this, but - "it turns out that way." Parents also do not want to punish the child for the broken vase, but "it turns out that way." Everything that happens in nature, in the economy and in living conditions is the consequences of the individual self-destruction of each of us. The program was laid down for a long time, but it is supported every second. Constantly: at school, at home, at work, on the street - we are exposed to the elements of this "monster". We are only told about individual details of the coding, and there are millions of these "little things". Moreover, no one will tell about the roots of this process. I will not tell you either, but I will give "clues" for those who can understand for themselves what is happening. The rest do not need it (not long left!), Tk. "Accident" or "sudden death" is an opportunity to end your suffering.

We find many elements of a self-destructive program to be constructive and useful. This is not entirely true. Self-destruction is not only murder, lies, meanness and betrayal. This is not only smoking, alcohol and drugs. This is internal subordination to the laws and rules of the state machine. Self-destruction is the "continuity of generations", reverence for parents and their advice. Spiritual death is life with an unloved person, in this case their child is doomed to misfortune. What we call love has nothing to do with it. Love does not depend on time (there is a person or died), love does not depend on distances, it does not depend on the physical body. In our country, in most cases, "love" is attachment, passion or sexual attraction (at the level of animal instincts). As 90% of humanity is under the program of self-destruction, so 90% of society is not able to love, because potentially aggressive. You know this, but you don’t want to admit it even to yourself. it will destroy self-esteem.

Lack of sincerity is not a sin, but life without conscience, honor and openness is just an animal existence, so science is in no hurry to replace Darwinism with the real history of mankind. Conscience is not about following the moral rules of society, it is the “voice of God” inside the heart. It is considered the norm for us that God is only in the church and the Bible. That is, in the program that encodes our consciousness. Sects as corporations of harsh “zombie” are just a reflection of the existing official system of “rights to faith”. If we were ruled by "gods", "super-beings" (representatives of a highly developed civilization) - then, perhaps, it would make sense. But both humanity and other creatures obey on equal terms the one Creator, the creator of this Universe. Therefore, it is impossible to stupidly follow the advice of a more highly developed system, or "family moral standards" just because they help to survive. We are all equal before the Creator and are in absolutely equal conditions in relation to Truth. The source of our life is Light (Love), and the peak is happiness and Eternity as freedom from the illusions of space and time. To encode a person, it was necessary to put the source code of self-destruction, which allows us to always return us to the spiritual abyss.

Computer networks, the Internet in miniature reflect the real mechanism of the information field of the Universe. Only there are no boundaries and conventions. Only the level of purification of our consciousness is able to put barriers on the way to cognition of this "global network". Self-destruction is in every little thing that we touch, starting with everyday life and money, and ending with choosing our own path and the meaning of existence for each person. Sleep and food "take away" our spirit and physical strength (energy), work for survival - dulls our mind, respect for the advice of parents and friends - crosses out the ability to control our own destiny. Some of the dullness "go" into the "world of drugs and alcohol", trying to die as soon as possible (not having the will to commit suicide). Others do it “beautifully”, doing extreme sports and traveling, “hammering” the subconscious with various types of reality (although this is the same reality as at home). It's just that a person is used to knowing the outside world, being afraid to look inside himself. We are afraid, because of constant insincerity and lies, that this inner reality will turn out to be "empty" or "negative". We are afraid of disappointment, moreover, the final (in ourselves). It doesn't matter who started this process of self-destruction, and for what reasons. The main thing is how to erase this system from memory, from karma, from reason. Our desires and beliefs are also based on elements of this program: we want to destroy the world. The basis of these desires is violence as the basis for the implementation of their claims. And violence has a "master" - "I" (ego). But all these are just ways to achieve the goal, i.e. destruction of man.

The source code of the program is an element of being, which we consider only a means of achieving our goals. Haste lies in the foundation of the self-destruction program laid in us millions of years ago. If a person controls space easily, then time is torn from his power. Although we have the ability to manage time, which is manifested in everyone during his life (time for each of us slows down or speeds up). An imbalance in control over this property of matter is the key to stable management of man and mankind as a civilization. In fact, time, as we are accustomed to, does not exist. This is not the main value of the Universe, and it is ridiculous to worship this idol: time is relative, because we simultaneously exist in different temporal states, divided by our ideas into millennia. In the Universe, a million years is an instant, and the only value of matter is Eternity. Immortality is only a reflection of Eternity. Having lost control of time, we have lost a much more valuable thing - Divine Love. I find it funny at this moment to see how people "distort" inside at these words. This can only evoke sympathy and compassion for their fate.

If we only destroyed ourselves in a dream. We sleep during the day, stupidly executing a program that “stably” destroys our body and mind. This question is not very pleasant to disclose, since it is completely connected with negativity. No ethical norms or "softening of the truth" will give even a hint of what is hidden under the global coding of our consciousness. Day and night, our astral body is exposed to aggressive information. In school, children are programmed to be “members of a society” that maintains a survival system called the state. True, all these coding elements also have positive aspects - they develop thinking (especially institute education). The knowledge itself has no value even for survival, but the work of the logical mind helps to subsequently open the mind (mental mind), i.e. learn to think consciously, abstracting from your own "I". This then allows you to learn the real picture of the world, the essence of the processes within our civilization. A person needs to think globally in order to make it easier for him to survive (so that he controls fate, the “thread of life”) and not pay attention to “everyday little things”. Mental thinking (ie figuratively concrete) helps to abstract from the survival program and try to break the “circle of mistakes and misfortunes”. The “vicious circle of the Wheel of Fate” is not eternal if you know the key “to this door”. Haste is perceived by us as a negative, but necessary part of an active lifestyle. If you want to achieve something, you will have to sacrifice something, hurry somewhere, “trade in” for something. This is the inviolability of this cornerstone of the program. In fact, those who are not in a hurry know perfectly well that you can really be in time everywhere only without hurrying. If you want to easily manage affairs, not make mistakes, and enjoy every moment of life at the same time, there is only one way out - not to rush (this is an internal state of consciousness, not an external one). Of course, at the beginning (several months) you will have to sacrifice time and learn to "take your time", at least externally. But the fate of an endless series of lives, including your entire further existence in this time, is worth several years or months of transformation. Although this is already a blatant embellishment of reality. A person who is able to remove haste from his own life and destiny is omnipotent. There are only a few such people (one in a thousand), I just managed to feel the root of this system of self-destruction only after twenty years of hard work to purify the mind and body. Without real methods of cleansing, without several hours a day (spent on classes), without austerity, you may not even dream of moving even a centimeter on this road. This program is completely controlled by the "powers that be". And control takes place not only outside (state and communications), but also from within (through the subconscious and spirit). Your subconscious is rigidly blocked by state laws, ancestral traditions, norms of "public morality" and your own habits, most of which every second "undermine" your life from the inside. Of course, there are systems that allow you to stop this program and start self-healing. These techniques are millennia (Christian, Buddhist, Taoist, etc.). If you have found something “new”, then this is another system for activating the destruction program, which in recent years have appeared “like mushrooms after rain”. They are needed to add newness to "old systems". After all, many people are trying to really resist the "zombie": they learn to live slowly, enjoying the moment. Someone switches to "solar nutrition" and stops sleeping, "erasing" the violence from their subconscious. And someone is already born without this program, being the rebirth of the great teachers of antiquity. Of course, this does not change the "big picture". But you can only "jump off" this "hook" one at a time. it requires tremendous physical and mental strength. At the same time, it is necessary to destroy the root of violence - the self. Otherwise, you will be "noticed" and liquidated in the literal sense of the word.

Before embarking on a deep purification of the subconscious, it is necessary to purify the physical body and mind. This will make the body healthier, stop the aging process (self-destruction) and rationalize thinking. In general, the result does not depend on your desire, but on genetics, i.e. the presence of reason (objective analytical thinking). The mind allows you to rely not on emotions and your own desires, but on the "outside view" (awareness). The elements of mindfulness are usually laid down in childhood and are expressed in the management of emotions. If a child is constantly positive (i.e. kind to everyone around) and can control aggression even during rivalry, then this indicates a deeper disclosure of the possibilities of consciousness, i.e. about the presence of reason. This fact does not depend on the genus: by genetics I mean "pure karma". Most often, such a child does not belong to this family - this happens quite often. But in order to reach his potential, such a person must engage in spiritual transformation. Mindfulness is a “gift from God,” but it only develops through long-term pursuits. Think of the special services, where awareness is the basic element of training a "specialist". How many years are spent to ensure that a specialist can “work” on the “machine”!

But to clear the mind of the self-destruction program, awareness alone is not enough. It is necessary to change the mode of life (lifestyle), attitude towards reality (way of thinking) and learn how to work. Unlike regular sports activities - work and rest at the same time. For this, a person must receive pleasure from spiritual purification. The fact is that the cleansing of the body, mind and spirit is a single process, this system is integral and its elements are closely interconnected with each other. Parts of any real transformation system develop one another in proportion. Cleansing the internal organs and body systems clarifies the process of thinking. Clarity of mind regulates emotions and internal energy, which allows after a while to change karma (destiny) and influence the spirit. Purification of the soul helps to orient oneself in this activity on the conscience all the time as a "divine compass". If you think you can easily remove the rush and rush from your life, chances are your unconscious mind is unable to do so. Knowledge of the information is necessary: ​​the level of depth of this problem, a feeling for the smallest details, ways of your personal struggle with the outside of this program. To begin with, you need to learn in everyday life not to rush even in trifles: not to cross the street if you have not seen how the red light came on. Do not catch up with the departing bus, even if it is the last one. Plan the case in advance, not "at the last moment." There are many such "little things", these small details "discipline" the mind, gradually regulating the subtle energy - emotions. Of course, for this you have to learn to work on yourself, and not work for "future comfortable existence." This illusion that the main thing is the external conditions of comfort (home, everyday life, family), absolutely does not affect the internal cleansing. Just like trying to speed up the creation of a "beautiful future" will only worsen your health. The funny thing is that a person constantly visiting the fitness room "to maintain tone and health" is still surprised by the problems with sleep, headache, pressure or arrhythmia of the heart. How can you naively believe that money will buy you health? "Building the body and figure", you do not influence the improvement of the internal organs in any way - the accumulation of toxins goes on as usual. Activity as a form of life only delays the process of destruction of the organism for several years. And perhaps in a deeper form than that of someone who does nothing. Sports activities are useful for several months only in order to force yourself to work on yourself. It's like in childhood: first you learn to just walk and make the necessary external movements, then you begin to understand their meaning and do the same on your own and “dosed”.

Once you start cleansing, understand that this process includes not only breathing and physical actions, but also nutrition and habits, and communication with people and nature. This activity is independent of time: purification cannot be accelerated. Therefore, rushing blocks any of these sections if you don't know how to enjoy life. You can only enjoy the exercise of a healthy lifestyle by studying it under the guidance of a real teacher. this requires awareness (ie, "a professional view from the outside"). If you have spent decades working in the special services, then you can start on your own. But even in this case, you will have to constantly face the elements of destruction that the state program has laid in you. We, considering many moments of life as positive and constructive of our personality, preserve and rely on them. They, relying on the source code of self-destruction, keep you within the framework of this program, making it possible to change "within these limits", creating in you the illusion of changes. Consoling yourself, you create an active program for preserving the original information, and "put up protection" against any, the most positive influences on your consciousness from outside. This is called "zombie". This is the main tendency of updating the program of self-destruction at the beginning of our century, changing its initial parameters for complete subordination to various institutions (both state and global). "Zombie" has affected not only groups of people, but entire countries, in which almost all people truly believe in what they are told. They believe without any proof, without hesitation and without experiencing "pangs of conscience." Poison can be not only material, but also energetic, based on low vibrations, "dark" energy. Through our subconscious mind, information about the "great truth", "truth for all time" is laid, which blocks the freedom of choice given to us by God. Aggression from outside (propaganda) and from within (another reality through sleep and vibration) makes a person incapable of resisting violence, especially if the spiritual sphere is weakened as much as possible. How? Money, i.e. the image of the "golden calf", and the ego (the ability to become famous and omnipotent). The disclosure of superpowers, the accumulation of power and wealth create in us the belief that the material can replace spiritual weakness and lack of love. Man tries to replace real happiness with faith in an illusory world. The availability of choice, irresponsibility and "freebie" decide our choice in favor of those who offer the world of external comfort without any regard for spiritual values.

Of course, this explanation can be continued indefinitely. But who thinks also, additional beliefs are not important to him, since his heart "works". And "zombies" cannot be convinced with anything until you destroy the original program. The main goal of this whole thousand-year program of self-destruction is the destruction of one nation, one country. For this, all humanity as a species is indirectly destroyed! Our entire history (moreover, even the official one) says that we were destroyed not for some reason, but “just like that”. In fact, there is a reason, but it cannot be voiced, because it will reveal the "master" of aggression. Everything is much deeper and time does not play any role here. Generation after generation is drawn into this struggle, but no matter how virtuoso they did not destroy us, Russians, we still revived and preserved our originality and traditions. The main question that worries all of us who see this aggression and ugly lies - why is this happening? All the answers do not satisfy our bewilderment. At the very beginning, I said: the main thing is not why we are "pressed", but how to get rid of it. Because answering the first question will absolutely not solve the problem. Believe me, the reasons cannot be influenced, even if they remain the same throughout these millennia. But you can change karma. You can cleanse yourself and return to the path that we had many eras ago. To do this, you will have to fight not only with the external signs of self-destruction, tk. a new one will appear in place of the old program. As long as the source code is kept, i.e. haste, the person is at the mercy of the "system". For many people (at least half) there is a "double press" of this "monster". In addition to the upbringing and education system that can be dealt with, there is a "web" that everyone considers positive and conducive to development. This is family. In most cases, the family and everyday life play a stabilizing role in the formation of the future person. But the concept of "mother is sacred" is actually one of the most destructive. Our belief in "true love" is at the same level.

In my practice of working with students, I had to deal with both pure and truly spiritual relationships between parents and their children, and with "low vibration", destroying the soul and body of the child. I will tell one typical story of such a relationship for the edification of those who believe that it is possible to “endure the brain” or “jab in the eyes” of people close to them, who are also dependent on them (children, the sick), with impunity all their lives. People call it "drinking juices", that is. the ability to draw internal energy from people close to you. Of course, there are many families where the relationship is creative and deeply spiritual. For example, being married, I never even allowed myself to show the child that he owed something to us. For my wife and me, this was an inner shame, a desecration of the most sacred - respect for a person, his perception as a person. It happens that sometimes “in our hearts” many of us allow ourselves to reproach the child that he “does not appreciate our care”. This is, in principle, normal. But there are other things ... This is not the most difficult case in my practice, but the only one when a person “managed to jump off the hook of fate”, change fate and erase the source code of self-destruction, which was supported by negative relations in the family. Such a structural impact on human consciousness is rare, when even great people manage to "remove", as one talented healer told me. But this case is very bright, so that one can pass by it. And if you look at your acquaintances, this is a typical case.

A mother and a son lived. The father abandoned them when the child was 2 years old. If this had not happened, the baby died purely physically. The father was a thief, he was constantly "sitting", moreover, "drunk" could easily kill his son. A normal woman in such cases, when her husband is able to throw the baby like an object against the wall (so that he stops screaming), usually immediately divorce. And so it happened. Perhaps this psychological trauma of the woman greatly influenced her morale. After the divorce, the child became constantly ill, he began to develop chronic diseases. Moreover, the genetics of both genera was different: all relatives did not even suffer from colds. As, in principle, a baby - up to 2 years old. Diseases "clung" like a snowball: up to 10 years old, he only had pneumonia about 30 times! At the same time, the child was constantly in the pine forest. Meningitis (absolutely "accidental" salvation), hepatitis (a diseased liver and, as a result, a rapid weakening of vision), diseased kidneys and bladder, hypertension and weakened immunity, diseases of the circulatory system and intestines, etc. All this was borne by the child even before the age of 10. The diseases continued later, but passed into a chronic stage and affected the psyche: closedness and disturbances of the vestibular apparatus, neuroses (from constant haste) and every second fear. The only thing that saved the baby was love. A deep feeling for his mother and his first (secret) love for a classmate (for 10 years) helped him to have a positive attitude towards the world. Unfortunately, vanity and resentment destroyed not only his emotional sphere, but also the physical one. The boy grew up and the only "light in his life" was the expectation of his mother, because He spent 9 months a year in a boarding school, and 3 months in the summer - in the village (with his grandmother). This continued until the 7th grade, when the mother had her own apartment, and the teenager began to go to a regular school. He had to cope with his sores on his own, since he never received sympathy from his mother (neither in childhood, nor in his youth). She was very strict about showing any kind of feelings for her son. He believed that it was just hard for her to "drag" him. The fact that his mother was constantly "conscientious", he considered the norm - "it's his own fault." Trying to help with the housework, he still suffered from laziness, i.e. from constant fatigue, physical "weakness" and lack of will. When the "sores" began to get real, I decided to go in for sports: first boxing, then athletics (at school) and karate. In the winter I swam in the ice hole, constantly exercised and doused myself with cold water in the morning, sincerely wondering why this does not relieve a chronic rhinitis. Mother did not support self-affirmation, but peers began to pay attention to the result: the guy fanatically practiced for 2–3 hours a day. His authority began to grow, gradually turning into a leader. Relations with the mother were built only on the principle: constant reproaches, claims and grievances from morning to evening. The son believed that he deserved this "gagging in the eyes" and just tried to help his mother as much as he could. True, after school, she demanded something different from him - that he lived only as she wanted and that he made only her choice. It was impossible for the guy simply because he hated the lies and hypocrisy that permeated all communication between his mother and him. The paths that she indicated did not give him the opportunity to think and create. He chose his own path associated with creativity, pedagogy and sports.

When he became a karate instructor, it simply infuriated his mother, all the more energetically he was still weak, and until the age of 40 she did not suffer from any colds (especially chronic). Until his 50s, his mother completely controlled her son's emotional life, despite the fact that he became a leader and independently (decently) earned money. When he got married, she continued to "press" on him every day (from morning to evening), no matter how hard he tried to please her. For everyone around, by the way, she was a very sincere and positive person. The first person to recognize her essence from the outside was the wife of her son. The sweet and generous girl experienced a real horror, because she had never seen a real "vampire" in her life. Although her upbringing took place in an ordinary family, love and respect reigned there. This was the first time that a son and his wife left for their apartment. This was the first time his mother had really fallen ill. True, then he did not attach any importance to this fact: there were other problems. Family life was going well, but the guy's health was already completely destroyed. All his "sores" did not go away and, in the end, led him to the likelihood of a stroke and death. Thus, he had to take up his health cardinally: fate gave him such an opportunity in the person of a trainer and qigong. Being engaged in this system, he not only got rid of all diseases, but also became to some extent a "superman": a full-fledged man (getting rid of kidney disease and magnificently strengthening the sexual constitution), confidently guiding dozens of people and influencing his own fate and the fate of others people. All this happened in 3-4 years. He “left” death and became a completely different person. Having left for another country, he tried to find his own way in life. This departure was preceded by a meeting with a new love. Divorce after many years of family life returned him to his mother, who did not accept a new "passion", even calmer and softer. It turned out that the mother did not accept any daughter-in-law at all. Aggression on her part regarding her son's choice forced him to hit his mother. This blow shocked not only her, but also himself. In addition, a choice appeared on the "horizon" that greatly changed the guy's outlook, pushed him into real reality and allowed him to actually become independent. He became a mercenary. The collision of light and darkness in his soul did not bother him much, tk. he did not believe in God, and besides, blood “acts” on a person stronger than even the strongest feelings. After many years, he began to feel that life was reaching a dead end, and he was flying into a “spiritual abyss”. The way out was provided by fate - true love.

He returned to his mother completely different. The first years she was already afraid of him and tried not to face him in communication. Moreover, all their life their communication was based on grievances, complaints and claims on her part. With the girl, the mother could not exert any pressure, since firstly, she was afraid of her subconscious son, and secondly, she was afraid of her. The girl turned out to be strong-willed and decisive, “to match” the guy. Trying to find his way in life, he constantly made mistakes. A lucky chance brought him together with old friends who advised him to return to the "old" profession - teaching martial arts. Although it was not very profitable compared to his business, he decided to take up self-improvement again. This choice coincided with a great misfortune in his life: as a result of a quarrel, he broke up with his beloved. Since she was very touchy, and he was proud, they could not make up. He then carried this love through his whole life with its unexpected turns and discoveries, but he was never able to connect fate with it. The destruction that he "sowed" in the past, "got" him in the innermost.

While practicing martial arts, he faced two major turns in the life of any person. Fate pushed him against a divine manifestation (he truly believed in the Creator) and with a sweet girl who was as “positive” as he was. Having married her, he again tried to live with his mother. He perfectly understood that she could destroy not only his new life, but also the life of a person close to him, but he believed that after all he and his mother were close people, and in the end she would change and understand him. Everything returned: the mother began to put pressure not only on her son, but also on her daughter-in-law. This was especially true when the girl became pregnant. She could have had a miscarriage if not for her qigong practice. Despite the fact that there were no problems with the kidneys in her family, the guy's wife suffered very much from lower back pain. They passed only after certain qigong exercises to strengthen the kidneys. They had to move to the wife's mother, and after a while rent their own apartment. The birth of a daughter completely turned the guy's worldview: he saw the Light! Since he hated hypocrisy and lies, his path to truth had nothing to do with the church. God became the reality of his soul, and, like all true believers - without "show off" and external manifestations, incl. related to the canons. Meditation was always higher for him than prayer, because he was used to running his own life. Moreover, miracles appeared in his life, i.e. manifestations of divine power. He began to change the reality associated not only with himself, but also with people close to him. A severe spinal injury "knocked" him out of the "rut" for a while. But instead of being disabled, he recovered and transformed. Remembering his true love, he realized that he could not deceive fate and his wife. He changed events so much that she found her "old" love and they "happily" divorced, remaining friends.

Having moved to his mother, he continued to dream of her change. True, one talented healer, who helped him with strengthening the spine, hinted that he was influenced all his life from one source. This impact has always been the only destructive factor in his fate. The guy understood this as a "devilish manifestation." But everything turned out to be much simpler. Somehow he could not study for a month according to the method that supported him all his life and made him a "superman", which helped him and his ex-wife in the most difficult moments of fate. At the same time, he quarreled with his mother and stopped communicating with her, as well as eating food prepared for her. Also at this time he could not go to the healer, who restored his spine and helped him with energy protection. In two weeks, all the pains in the spine disappeared, and most importantly, in the intestines (which had accompanied him for many years). He began to eat most of the foods that he could not afford due to constant vomiting and pain inside. Having tasted the "mother's treat" several times, he suddenly discovered that it was her nutrition that caused a negative effect on the body. After several months of lack of communication with his mother, his life changed dramatically: he saw the root of the self-destruction program in his soul and "erased" it from his memory. Gone are all the "sores" that have accompanied him in recent years (intestines, spine). The most interesting thing: literally in front of his eyes, his mother began to "pass". Lack of communication with her son made her an invalid. Judging by the pains from which the son suffered in childhood and youth, these were the kidneys. Meditation helped him not only to see the world in a new way, but also to fully remember his life as a child. He even remembered the thoughts and feelings of his mother. This discovery turned his soul upside down negatively. all the events that took place in his life had only one reason - the mother's hatred for her son. He saw what she felt for him when he still could not think and how this affected his body and subsequently - on fate. Moreover, she sometimes “opened” all these thoughts to him in the past, hoping that he would forget this “surge of emotions”. It turned out that in her life, the mother did not really love anyone, and hatred for her son came after the divorce. This feeling had a purely physical effect on his health and destiny. The destruction of the genetic base - the kidneys, weakened the baby energetically and made him disabled, who should have died as a teenager (but “took care of” his health), and then in his youth (when he was saved by qigong). So the life that she gave him, she took back long ago. Moreover, “putting him on his feet,” she simultaneously took away his health, “sucking blood” (ie energy). What he “read” in the people around him was normal: “light” and “dark” always alternate. But it turns out that the mother did not know any other "nutrition", except for the negative emotions of her son. This is the only thing that gave her strength and health. Now it “faded away” day after day. What was especially terrifying was what happened to her the same as with her child in childhood. When her son tried to explain this to her, she simply lied and returned to the old methods, trying to evoke negative emotions in him and expecting a surge of strength and health. Using all the methods of energy protection, the guy came to the only one that really created a barrier between them - hatred. He had to learn to use the energy of hatred, because the rest of the time, his work was associated with the energy of love, dedication and openness. There was a chasm between socializing at work and being at home. True, he fought all his life (and in much worse conditions), and learned to change quickly. Qigong classes became the crossing bridge. he almost stopped practicing martial arts. He understood the meaning of life and the root of evil - the ego. By removing the ego from his own destiny, he purged his life of violence. It began to "bypass him and his friends." Life blossomed and only one thing, for real, weighed him down: the use of the energy of hatred in relation to his mother, from whom she "was extinguished before our eyes." Only one thing could stop this process: complete oblivion. Forget your mother, living with her and forget everything that happened in his life. In principle, it was not so difficult: he managed to erase the source code of the self-destruction of the individual, and this is the legacy of millennia. Here is just a superficial memory of one life. Now it's worth stopping and finishing this story, because its meaning is in a lesson that gives life to those who are devoid of conscience and God in their souls. Of course, I want to know the ending, but why? This is not a TV series or a fantasy, in real life there is no place for a cinematic ending. In addition, this whole story is too full of negativity, i.e. self-destruction. The most important result of this fate was the "erasure" of the source code from memory - haste. And although the elements of the self-destruction program remained, time was at the mercy of this person. Therefore, the further course of events does not matter. It's like in our fairy tales: "and they lived happily ever after." The main result is the elimination of the self, the human "I". Believe me, this is the happiest moment in the life of any individual - space and time are in your power, but you are "above it", because you have no desire to use these opportunities. There is only a moment stretched out in Eternity ...

Recently, we often see that the kindest and most sincere people are trying to destroy themselves. This is expressed in bad habits, unhealthy lifestyle, lack of faith and love. One cannot blame this on the 20-year destruction of the country and society, or the constant "intervention" of GMOs and Western culture. There, the way of thinking was always rational, and the goals were purely material. The West has always said one thing, thought another, and acted in such a way as to destroy any competitors on the way to material wealth, to survive in this reality at the expense of others, to distort any (even the most positive) information. Almost all of our history of the last centuries is the activity of the “knights of the cloak and dagger” inside our country. This is especially noticeable in the last 30 years: the gap into separate states of a single power (no matter what the ideology was there, because it can always be changed - see China), the elimination of our stabilizing systems - the economy, army, agriculture, culture and education ... We were changed from within, creating a monstrous ideology of "absolute benefit". All this succeeded only for one reason - there was no true faith in the Soviet people. Only Faith can now save us from complete destruction. Only it allows then to "raise" spiritual values, state independence and change any reality. Russia has always "stood" on faith in truth, conscience and true love. Even the Soviet state was unable to eradicate these truths. Now our country, like a phoenix, is being reborn from the ashes of the 90s. Literally before our eyes, the power of the army and agriculture is rising. And this despite the fierce propaganda, isolation and intervention of the most powerful destructive techniques. A huge number of agents of Western special services and "development funds" operate inside the country: in public administration, economics, and education. People who are accustomed to just surviving in the 90s, naturally cannot withstand the “grocery lawlessness”, because the penetration of GMOs (changing the genetic code of the human race) comes from the foundation, i.e. with seed production and fertilizers. Therefore, we are talking only about the greater or lesser harm of products, whatever they are (including "own" and "village" production). The only thing that can save a Russian person from genetic changes is faith in the Creator and Love, and self-improvement classes, since the process of destruction has gone too far. Try to change your attitude towards yourself - to love life, not ways of survival. Take a look at yourself in the mirror - if you start to "spread" in breadth, and there is almost no fat, stop! This is a sign of a strong effect of GMOs (bone structure, human genotype changes). If there is a lot of negativity in your mind, watch less TV, the Internet, Western cinema, but simply - watch the news less. Why run away from yourself into the Global Network, start really changing your thinking. The best way is to change your lifestyle, only health will give you the necessary strength for inner transformation. It's time to change your worldview - it's impossible to live without faith. You can't live without meaning. Someone can help you find the path in your heart, but you have to go alone, alone. Start simple - keep the beauty of the body, purity of the body, clarity of thinking. If you can't on your own - find a teacher. Naturally possessing a real personal self-healing program. The first experience of dealing with haste will be the choice of someone who will give you the opportunity to look into yourself, into your heart. The self-destructive program is very powerful and masterly controls your mind. But if you have the power of truth, the belief that “everything will be fine” and the desire to do something for this, fate itself will give you a chance to find your way. This will be the first, real manifestation of divine truth. Faith is not enlightenment, it is strengthened gradually and only by actions! Wake up from a long spiritual sleep, throw away this "crutch" that you use to survive, "crawl through life", namely "moral norms", the rules of the crowd ("live like everyone else"), the laws of state and science. All these are elements of the destruction program. There is nothing "accidental" or useful - each law has been tested on generations of "losers" so that a person is just a "cog" in a huge system of global self-destruction. Many of these "rules of life" you are not able to immediately discard, because are captivated by the illusion that their fulfillment leads to perfection. I wonder which one? If it is material, individual, then the result will always be hypocrisy and a lie to oneself, because it is impossible to live with the truth that everything is meaningless. If it is spiritual, then why does this always lead to insincerity and closeness from other people, the world? You cannot change yourself without removing this reliance on universal hypocrisy and lies. If everyone lives like this, this does not mean that everyone is happy. And if you look more closely at those who have achieved something, you can easily see a mirage. Therefore, the only way to heal yourself is to cleanse everything that connects you to this system of violence.

In addition to the self-destruction program, there are personality self-healing programs. There are several of them, but they are all associated with the divine principle. I used, in my opinion, the most optimal one. Its basis is the accumulation of initial energy (a real change in health and destiny) and the neutralization of the ego (as a basis for violence). The Taoist self-improvement system has one feature: unlike other programs, it has nothing to do with the Taoist church and its canons. In all other programs, philosophical teaching and the church are one, in Taoism they are completely different teachings. The mistake of many researchers of Taoism is ignoring the basic postulate of the Taoists, namely, the absence of "I". There are many sects called "Taoist Alchemy", which seriously set themselves the goal of immortality. Yes, the Taoist technique is the only one where there are exercises, even theoretically giving immortality. But this is a practical system, the Taoist can never tell anyone about this because his consciousness is changing in reality. Taoist practices take place only in nature (preferably in secluded and mountainous places), in any weather, without contact with people. Asceticism is the basis of these methods. The constancy and accuracy of the exercises allows the Taoist to quickly (in 3–4 years) achieve complete cleansing of the body, then “grasping” consciousness and karma. It's not about modesty and rationalism (when the Taoist hides the existence of his practices) - it's just that the whole world is one and real changes really change your type of communication with the outside world. Little is said about this, tk. the base of our civilization is the development of the self, the personification of the "I". To the divine source, incl. this has nothing to do with the model of the Universe that God created. Man was "created in the image and likeness", but his further fate is fundamentally at odds with his destiny. Trying to go back to the beginning, we do it with the help of the "ego", i.e. constantly moving away from the source, because "I" destroys the unity with nature and God. The "I" itself is an attempt to become a god. So the path to truth lies not in an attempt to "win" it from nature, but in cleansing from any signs of "ego", which, by the way, is the source of any violence. Love, happiness, goodness, justice are hidden not in our desires, but in their absence.

The basis of Taoist philosophy is scientific - the all-pervading dialectic. Only unlike science, all things are interconnected at all levels: matter and emotions, actions and sharp turns of fate. If you hit the web at one end, then it will tremble at the other. It's the same in the Universe - by picking a flower you destroy an entire galaxy at the other end of the universe. I mean, of course, the globality and subtlety of the interconnections of all things, feelings and actions. This dialectic is the foundation of relations with the world for the Taoist. There are no accidents, everything is connected with everything and the influence of the small on the big is infinite. Read "Tao-te-ching", there this wisdom is encrypted in verses. The isolation from reality of those collectives who are engaged in the so-called "Taoist alchemy" is all the more ridiculous because in real practice, perfection is achieved one by one. Taoists are "pure" practices, they do not have a lot of words and knowledge. They prefer actions to words, and practical experience to knowledge. When you ask forgiveness for a mistake you have made, you imagine that you have partially corrected it. In fact, only constructive actions are able to somehow compensate for the destruction that a person around him likes to do. The more words, the less real actions. It's the same with knowledge: just one "real" book is enough for you to find out the information you need. If you reach for other books, then you are not satisfied with the data you received, i.e. do not know how to analyze. All information is in the Bible or "Tao-te-ching", you just need to read "between the lines." For their tendency to self-destruction, Taoists call all people worms. Also, like a worm, we destroy the place where we live. Then we move to another place and do the same, without thinking about the consequences. Some sit "canned", doing nothing, but when their life is actively changing, their passion for destruction comes out. "Still waters run deep". Man does not use reason, otherwise he would only create. For most, creativity is a “beautiful” way to destroy reality. Associated with this is the logical mind, which is considered the basis of survival. Therefore, a person does not know how to live (enjoying every moment). He exists like a worm, sowing destruction in the world around him and in souls like him. This is especially evident in the mistakes that each of us makes for our own comfort. Smoking and alcohol are "classics" of self-destruction, but we are in a hurry to destroy ourselves, hurrying to catch up with "ghostly goals", fussing around the insignificant: so much energy, feelings and actions in order to "step on the same rake"!

There is no development or cognition, because man, deep inside, is perfect as a god. He only needs to properly cleanse himself and learn to listen - to nature, himself, time. The first step towards this is unity with nature, forest. From this comes the first rule - naturalness, i.e. constant relaxation (mind and body). Comfort is possible only in natural conditions - a forest, preferably pine, because it gives pure energy. Naturalness is associated with pure perception, acceptance of the information that constantly "lies" around us. Feeling some kind of freshness in the forest, in the mountains, at the sea, we begin to think that we have already reached the truth. And this is just the beginning of purification. The path to truth is long and laborious, and it takes a lot of time and effort to really change. We need a system that has been tested for millennia, i.e. created by our more enlightened ancestors and tested by thousands of ascetics. The cleansing of the soul occurs continuously, from life to life, and death is only a short rest. To travel effectively in one direction, you need to be clean both outside and inside. Taoist teachings provide very simple recipes for cleansing techniques. Purity is the clarity of consciousness, clarity of thought, simplicity of perception. If you are capable of learning, of accepting new material that does not provide material benefits, then your soul is young and ready to accept the truth. You cannot blame teachers for not giving knowledge, even if a person is “burning” with the desire to improve. The knowledge that you get from a real teacher is invaluable, but it cannot be put on a shelf in your memory. They are important now, and have nothing to do with benefits, for the future. They should be applied today as a guide to action, not as a useful template for "future achievements." Naturalness, or all-round relaxation, is the uniqueness of what you receive from nature as a gift. This is not a scheme or plan for self-improvement. Naturalness is possible only if you choose the “golden mean” in everything, i.e. moderation. The choice of methods of comprehending the truth is very important for a person who is always in a hurry to destroy himself and the world around him. How to achieve such awareness with a hectic pace of life? Every moment contemplate the course of life and the events in it. Escape with the mind into vanity and, remembering yourself, return to the moment now. In the end, a person is drawn to the positive, and enjoying every moment is associated with achieving the best mental comfort. The happiness that a person experiences while contemplating reality (and not a painful journey into the past or uncertain expectations of the future) will constantly confront him with positive thoughts, events, people. This, in the end, changes fate, clearing the subconscious of the burden of predestination (fate). There is a way that is the hidden secret foundation of Taoist teaching, which allows you to follow naturalness and awareness in everything. This is non-violence ("wu-wei"), lack of activity in life. This is about desires and goal setting. Goals that do not give success today allow a person to exalt his “I”. Achievement of "global goals", realization of desires for success, perfectly develops the mind, but what does spiritual development have to do with it, especially purification? The desire to become more perfect and “spiritually stronger” has nothing to do with the divine principle. Active interference in fate, especially in the life of other people (whatever it may be), does not achieve agreement and harmony in relations with the outside world, tk. this method is violence. The root of our troubles and constant failures in inner improvement is not a lack of perseverance or effort, but an attempt to achieve "by any means." This is the meaning of all Taoist techniques: "erase" the "I" from the consciousness, remove violence from one's own destiny. Only this clears karma and stops the "Wheel of Destiny". All these exercises have a purely practical meaning, even the techniques for achieving immortality. There is no need to judge them without knowing the meaning. It's funny if the ant judges the human city and civilization. Eternity is inaccessible to people who cannot even plan their own time. Nonviolence is peace, absence of fuss. If a person is in a hurry, then he is a splinter carried by the turbulent stream of the river. How can he know about the shores of fate. From people like him? Usually, in order to continue deeper purification, the Taoists go to the mountains and other secluded places (this is what all the saints do). Scrambled with a program of self-destruction, a person is not able to truly cognize divine truth in the conditions of civilization (both in the city and in the countryside). Stopping consciousness is possible only in a break with society, at least for a while. So to comprehend your nature, you need practical knowledge (training), constancy and solitude (austerity). The source code of self-destruction is just needed so that a person cannot "jump" from the general program, regardless of the methods of purification and the "level of genius". Haste is not a way of life, but a karmic code of inhibition of our development, which allows us to control our life in any of its forms. Blocking time control does not allow a person to complete the purification, returning him from any point of development to the initial level of self-knowledge. Each time “stepping on the same rake”, making the same mistakes, we return to our reality, where there is life, attachment to “earthly pleasures” (physical comfort) and “eternal values ​​of human existence”: family, home, well-being (material comfort). “To live like everyone else”, to follow the knowledge read somewhere, keep a person in this temporary matrix, not allowing him to really look beyond the border of the surrounding reality, programmed by our civilization. The destruction that underlies this program is blocking the path to salvation for most people. This is where the weakness of the program matrix lies. The salvation of people has never been a collective affair, it is the lot of individuals. Group cultivation comes from the spiritual weakness of each individual member of this group. The wisdom of a real teacher is to teach a student how to do it on his own, and the sooner he begins to purify "separate" from the teacher, the more effective the result will be. Taoist techniques are inherently individual, because are aimed at the accumulation of an unchanged (given from birth in an unchanged form) substance - the seed. This energy is very practical. Its accumulation at the initial stage is expressed in a real increase in sexual power. Then it opens the physical centers and allows you to get rid of all the "sores", cleansing the body. The most striking sign of the accumulation of primordial energy is the rise of spiritual strength, expressed in an extraordinary confidence that allows you to change events and people. Purification of consciousness allows us to understand the mechanism of using this power. A developing mind teaches a person not to use these abilities for material enrichment (or simple physical pleasure). Unfortunately, this "study" takes place practically and is associated with the usual mistakes in life. True, the presence of pure reason allows you to avoid repeating them and to a greater extent learn from the mistakes of other people. This is due to the fact that the first ability that opens in a person is the ability to see. The perception of thoughts, emotions, desires of people, as well as the absence of judgments about their actions, gives a person unique lessons on the negative impact of the program of self-destruction. The ability to see the time allows you to quickly find a solution to these problems. For people, this solution to their misfortunes will not give anything, tk. they will still repeat the same mistakes because of the lack of awareness. A person can change not with the help of a logical solution to his problem (especially from the outside), but only by understanding the original root of destruction. If he has true faith in divine truth (and not fanaticism), this will awaken a sincere desire to change. In general, sincerity and honesty towards oneself and people is a guarantee of purity of thoughts and clarity in the practical realization of the desire to break this vicious circle of negative passions and benefits. Nonviolence or non-action is the foundation of the Taoist method of purifying destiny. When you are quiet and calm (in desires), the result comes by itself. This is the essence of Taoist cultivation. By the way, getting rid of the “I” is the basis for erasing haste from the program of self-destruction. Elements of fuss can remain even after destruction of the source code. Firstly, because this occurs within civilization, which separates any person from the true reality. Secondly, there remain elements of the system for managing the state of mind of a person - public morality. If you are sincere, then this hypocrisy is unlikely to greatly affect your cleansing. If you understand the difference between the love of two smart people and the love of two hearts, then explanations about "family happiness and the concessions that have to be paid for it are alien to you." Openness and honesty in communicating with Life and its most striking manifestation - time, allows a person to forget his past and not dream of the future. All these loads in the subconscious (habits, fears, superstitions) and dreams of the nonexistent restrain the mind of any spiritual practitioner, no matter how "advanced" adept he is. Memory, which helps the mind to develop, is the root of failure for the spirit to comprehend the truth. This is very important because many hope for the accumulation of "mysterious" knowledge that can help them become enlightened in the future. This has never happened in history with any adept! Even getting closer to the truth is impossible, relying on the most intimate knowledge. All these tons of "spiritual waste" will only help to find the beginning of the true path. It is possible to follow it only by throwing knowledge into the trash and relying on the practical experience of real classes. People look ridiculous who keep in their memory the "dead" experience of those who have not attained the truth, or simply watched the enlightened from the sidelines, indulging themselves with the illusion that they are touching reality. Some of the greatest obstacles to spiritual awakening are ordinary sleep and eating. But sleep at night is nothing compared to constant spiritual sleep in reality, when a person arrogantly argues about what is not in reality. In childhood, we believe that achievements in the world of civilization are the most important in future life. In youth, when there is strength for real change, we chase the illusion of perfection, confusing it with material success. By old age, we begin to understand something about the correct choice of the path of life, but the strength and desires are no longer there. A comical situation, but it repeats itself in the fate of everyone and leads billions of people to a tragic ending. How to avoid repeating mistakes? First of all, it is necessary to understand that everyone exists under the program of civilization and if they are not its slaves, then it is worth at least trying to "jump" from it. In addition to the knowledge directly related to cleansing, there are basic points of any changes on this path. Conscience as a divine guideline and love as life energy. Without them, you have nowhere to go. If you have even a particle of "Russian blood" in you, you do not need to explain these truths. If the question of belonging to Russian nature does not matter to you and causes irritation, it is no longer possible to explain any truths to you. You can understand them intellectually, but spiritual practice is not a museum. Here "pure knowledge" is useless. The "Russian question" is important for understanding the source of self-destruction and all those problems of human consciousness that were mentioned earlier. But this information is a completely different topic and can be discovered by each individually only as a result of the process of self-improvement.

It's just that an ordinary person needs to understand that all information about our country, its history and people is greatly distorted. In fact, Russian people have very deep and pure roots and their nature is different from the nature of other peoples. Once upon a time this was not an obstacle to communication with them. Now everything has changed, tk. for the first time in modern history, we are able to become who we really are and throw the program of self-destruction into the dustbin of history. Who disagrees, remember: until recently, we did not believe that someday swearing, porn and smoking will disappear from our TV screens. Until recently, we made fun of the everyday life and imperfections of the dismantled Russian army. The fact that they are trying to remove us from the world arena can be explained by one thing: the genetic difference between us is too great. The Russians are the descendants of the Hyperboreans, and there was only one race - the Aryans. This is a well-known fact. We simply consider those who extol the Aryan race to be fascists because of the policy of Hitlerite Germany. If you use a kitchen knife to stab a neighbor, all housewives shouldn't be considered murderers for their use of this item! The Aryans are a divine race, but, unlike the "gods who came from heaven" in India, China, America, these people have always been here (since the creation of the world). They are the only ones among highly developed beings who have never exalted themselves or humiliated other peoples. The high level of consciousness, as well as the presence of conscience and love, did not allow them to at least somehow boast of their origin. Those who used the knowledge of the Aryans as an attempt to exalt themselves above others, simply due to spiritual limitations, suffered from an inferiority complex. Moreover, these peoples have nothing to do with the divine nature of man. Any information about the Aryans is reliable only where they shared their knowledge: India and China. There the Aryans are remembered as great teachers who (unlike other "gods") did not try to conquer them. The Aryan people possessed the knowledge and skills of the "gods", i.e. possessed superpowers, and only the aggression of the same highly developed race violated their peaceful existence. The aliens, of course, also suffered and "sunk into history", but they were able to make our territory uninhabitable for millennia. The emergence of the Russian people is a different story, although genetically we remained similar to the Aryans up to 2 thousand AD. Moreover, even our northern neighbors, the Varangians, who were able to successfully assimilate in the north of Europe, looked like us. In all fairy tales and epics, Russians appear as those whom the German fascists were looking for in the 20th century. Unlike the northern peoples, we were not lucky - the Mongol-Tatar invasion on the one hand, and then the "European" one on the other, greatly changed the color of the hair, eyes and other features of the ancient Russian nation. But all this external similarity does not mean anything, in comparison with the internal “similarity” of the Russians and the Aryans. The breadth of the soul and the absence of vanity, faith in goodness and justice, reliance in all matters on conscience, a constant search for love and happiness, nobility and "Russian prowess." These qualities unite us. Only the tendency to self-destruction was not peculiar to the Aryans. Of course, they also made mistakes, too much trusting the Atlanteans and trying to build a supercivilization without relying on their Creator. Independence here bordered on pride. But this is not for us to judge. Despite the fact that we are inferior spiritually not only to the Aryans, but also to the ancient Russian people, a divine spirit lives in us. The Russian’s craving for the light is visible even when he has turned into a real zombie, i.e. addict. A person can destroy his personality, bringing the level of consciousness (brain activity) to an animal (alcoholics and drug addicts) and vegetable (old people). But even while constantly improving our intellect, we do not guarantee ourselves against mental degradation. There are things that are fundamental for a Russian if he wants to preserve himself as a rational and conscientious person. This is sincerity and openness that enable us not to close ourselves off from God. “Russian broad soul” is impossible without faith in Light and justice. And this implies for us nobility and compassion. We are the only people who are guided in everything by conscience and believe in true love, not a fake smile. We believe in inner freedom (sincerity), not outer (ignoring spiritual values). A true Russian will never leave his homeland, because understands the difference between bureaucratic officials and true Russia. If you are haunted by failures, this does not mean that the Creator is to blame for everything. Take a closer look at yourself and try to subdue your pride a little. So in relations with the Motherland: if the state destroys the people and the land, this does not mean at all that this is the will of Russia. Trying to go to the West, you are not leaving a bad life and disorder, you are depriving yourself of inner support and breaking your genetic connection with God. We are the keepers of this land, those who carry deep within the heritage of “God's people”. Leaving this land, we deprive ourselves of conscience and other spiritual advantages, because our mind and body are limited in their abilities, and only the soul maintains our relationship with the Creator through the "earthly roots". At all times, only this saved us from complete destruction, only the attraction of Russia gave us strength in the fight against the invaders. This love of ours for our homeland hides deeper secrets that haunt those who constantly attack us. If they are trying to conquer us like no one else for millennia (from century to century), then we mean something in this world, and our land is a tasty morsel of course not for reasons of huge reserves of minerals! "Separation" of us from the "memory of ancestors", the destruction of education and Russian culture, the poisoning of our gene pool of GMOs, i.e. by any products, it is not capable of influencing the Russian spirit, it is not even capable of making it aggressive and destructive. Whatever is done to us, we become purer and spiritually stronger from this. No matter how lull you are with the comfort of modern Western civilization, no matter how your mind is enveloped by the fog of their pseudo-perfection, try to awaken your heart.

Every person lives for something. Some are trying to build a house, raise children and "plant a tree." This is just a continuation of the genus, not much different from the goals of each animal (different levels of comfort). Others spend their vital energy building a state, which then awards a cheap wreath to the enthusiast without changing at all. There are those who see the meaning of life in order to give their abilities to people, doing their job for the benefit of others. Someone disconnects from this world in a narcotic sleep, believing that it is independent of physical reality. But to live only by the desires of the subtle body does not mean not to depend on the gross. Physical reality does not let go of these people, not during life or after death. Most people see the purpose of life in the realization of the desires of the mental body, i.e. souls. Forgetting that the physical and mental in our world are one, they suffer from disease and physical imperfection. In fact, everything is very simple: you just need to follow the “inner voice” of conscience and make the right choice. It's funny to see people tossing at the transitions, in the markets, doing what they don't care about. The main thing is to make a living. Or maybe it’s better to find your own business, to do what has always been your hobby, what “your heart is in” and that would give you a stable income. The Creator arranged it in such a way that a person who is sincerely concerned with the choice in life, doing what he “likes”, in the end, gets everything he wants for it. It is impossible for dreams to diverge from life practice. Otherwise, the whole life will be in limbo. And no material well-being will save you from spiritual degradation. Most often, a person goes to hell during his lifetime, starting to understand after 40 years that he did something wrong, that he lived in vain (despite his family and home). Of course, no one tells him this and everything around seems to be "decent", but the realization of the meaning of life is felt not only in the external world. The harmony of what you have achieved from the outside and self-satisfaction depend not only on the level of the mind (which "suffers" from constant dissatisfaction with itself). But also from the failure to fulfill the "program" that God lays in us when we come into this world. And it depends on many little things. The correct choice of the path is not everything: the ability to find oneself in this life (to become useful to others), to “find a common language” between the rough and thin shells of your being, to find true love (“your soul mate”) and “your common happiness”! There are no clear answers to our questions in life, it can only be found in the soul. And in order to learn to listen to it, it is necessary to establish contact between the physical and the mental. Thoughtlessly training only muscles and joints, we do not understand that comfort for the physical body is possible only in one state: complete relaxation (when you can perform the same actions without straining the muscles and spine). This is achieved not so much by doing the right thing as by constancy and time. Time is another barrier to perfection. The fear of time is one of the strongest in every person. He is born with a lack of understanding of this phenomenon. Old age as a process of self-destruction and the inability to enjoy life made it possible to make time the main factor in our insecurity in front of the world. From this unbelief, man destroys nature and himself. We run from lack of faith, trying to overcome time. Haste gradually destroys our self-awareness, makes us insensitive to the environment. Constant mistakes as a result of vanity lead a person to spiritual degradation, when, apart from survival (the animal way of existence) and a primitive analysis of reality, we are not able to come up with anything. Trying to somehow close ourselves off from our “inner voice” and from the reality of the surrounding world, we strive to achieve technical perfection, hoping that we can set the rules in this fantasy world ourselves. For some time this illusion "passes", but then everything falls into place: the true reality returns a person to comprehending the purpose of this project. The more a person destroys nature for his comfortable existence, the more the present reality will tear apart our wretched little world. Civilization has long been unable to live differently, but each individually can change this state of affairs. Learn to feel the time, i.e. not to rush to control it - this is the only way to connect your mind with reality, "stay in the game" when the words "game over!" As long as a person destroys, he has no chance of a successful outcome. Stop now, forget the rush - and the world will turn from head to foot, everyone will see their real themselves.

People allow violence, and when their soul is not capable of perceiving cruelty, they “beautifully go over” to the side of the opponents of violence. If this process was initiated by enlightenment - but more often than not we simply become spiritually weak, therefore we are not ready to allow violence towards ourselves (analyzing its application). But this is the result of haste: trying to catch up with lost time, we use a shorter path, reducing actions to an animal primitive. Trying to subsequently “make amends for nature or other people,” we come up with ways that should “cleanse” us before God - a healthy lifestyle, prayer, mercy, vegetarianism, etc. But the fact is that the roots of this violence remain, and if a person becomes strong (through healing), he again returns to his old way of thinking. Most often, embellishing his fiasco with noble fantasies, trying to show himself "in a pool of blood" "clean and fluffy"! As long as there is a rush, you obey the circumstances - time controls your life completely. As long as there is your "I", violence will be an invariable (sometimes hidden for the time being) companion of your activity. Only the practice of real changes, the harmony of the physical and spiritual in this transformation, can truly change your destiny. Stopping is possible here and now, in case of a "hard case" (accumulation of negativity in the soul), you will need several years of study. But all this is real practice, not fantasies "on the couch." You can even go your own way, constantly making mistakes and becoming cleaner. But for this you need to move, actions determine reality, not words! If you cannot find the desire to improve yourself, start small - awaken this desire, spirit. Try to really tackle lifestyle changes - showers and classes in the morning, proper nutrition, mindfulness in actions (as much as you can). A step into reality always starts small. Practice qigong in my group, trying to learn how to practice on your own and following the advice in this article (as it will speed up your individual practice). Do not rush to the result - this is a barrier to achieving spiritual goals. The main thing is to do something, leave conclusions for the weak. Each of us has the strength to change, because we are the heirs of the divine race. A few centuries ago, the concept of "Russian" meant the great power of truth. A force that also changed physical reality, making us a compass for other nations. In every Russian, deep inside, this "crystal of purity and truth" is hidden. It is important to stop and find a way to yourself and the Creator.

Hate is an extreme manifestation of rejection. Let's break the word "hate" into its components - not-see-it. It turns out that, by hating, we mentally get rid of the person: "I don't see you anymore." That is, you are no longer there. How often do we say: “My eyes would not have seen you” or “I don’t want to see you”. That is, not wanting to see a person is also hatred. There is another manifestation of hatred - indifference and indifference. This is the same hatred, only suppressed. If you have a feeling of indifference to someone, it means that once you hated this person, but did not forgive, thank him and did not realize how you attracted him into your life. And now this hatred in the form of indifference sits deep in the subconscious and poisons your life.

Hatred at the energetic level is not just a wish for death, but it is already murder. The first epistle from John the Theologian says: "Everyone who hates his brother is a murderer ..." And such a program of destruction is sure to unfold against the author himself and turns into a program of self-destruction.

Hate leads to very serious illnesses. First of all, she "hits" on the head and eyes. Epilepsy) Parkinson's disease, paralysis, head injuries and trauma in general, migraines, eye diseases, tumors, severe skin diseases can be the result of hatred. In fact, people destroy each other on a subconscious level, and then they wonder why there is so much violence in the world.

The nature of the problem or illness depends on the strength and direction of the hatred.

For example, if a man hates a woman, then his "manhood" suffers. Everything is very simple. Indeed, in every person there is a masculine and feminine principle of the Universe. And by directing his hatred to the woman, the man destroys himself.

The man has been suffering from prostatitis for several years.

Sexual weakness already appears. No medications and procedures help. And the cause of the illness is in his hatred and contempt for his wife, in his desire to avenge her for her betrayal.

If a woman despises and hates a man, then she receives a "blow" to her genitals.

The wife takes offense for a long time and hates her husband for his immoral behavior, for insults. After a while, she is found to have a tumor of the uterus.

Children who hate their parents suffer themselves from an unsettled personal life and receive the same attitude of their children towards themselves.

The daughter condemns and hates the alcoholic father. And the father is for the girl the embodiment of the masculine principle of the Universe. A program for the destruction of men has been in effect in her subconscious since childhood.

She is growing up and getting married. First marriage - unsuccessful - divorce. A girl is born from the first marriage (boys will simply not be viable). The second marriage is also unsuccessful. And from the second husband, a girl is also born. A woman tries to build a family with another man, and even lives with him for a while. But then the relationship ends.

And her daughters are growing up and marrying men who drink, insult and beat them. The program of hatred for men, laid down by the mother, acting in the subconsciousness of the descendants, returns back with reciprocal aggression.

If a person hates a group of people, society! country, then not only himself, but also his children will suffer: Hatred is a powerful program of destruction of the one against whom it is directed. In children, this program is amplified many times over.

A man who hates scoundrels, villains, got a drug addict's son.

A woman who hates people got a murderer son.

Hate, as a mode of behavior, also has a positive intention. If you hate the government for its actions, then with your hatred you want to destroy this government so that another will come in its place that would meet your requirements. After all, you want to live in a fair, highly moral state in which you would be respected.

If you hate your neighbor for his meanness, then you want to destroy him so that justice reigns.

If someone wants to take your money, then you start to hate that person. You want to save your money.

If someone "takes away" your beloved / beloved, then you hate this person, are ready to destroy him.

If you hate a loved one, it means that he humiliated, insulted or offended you so much that you are ready to kill him. And you kill him. Only mentally.

Hatred is a derivative of pride. This desire | put your feelings, your morality, justice and decency above all else. But the higher you ascend, the more painful it will fall. And in general, on what basis do you think that your model of the world, your worldview is true? Your worldview is just one point of view on Reality out of several billion. And each point of view deserves respect. And even more so, how can you make the world a better and cleaner world with the help of murder caused by hatred. This is absurd! There is nothing bad and dirty in this world. God created a clean and beautiful world.

It is necessary to accept the idea that this world is very harmonious and fair. And indeed it is. After all, everyone is rewarded according to his thoughts and actions, according to his faith. Everyone creates his own world. From my own experience, I know that this idea is difficult for some people to accept. It is very difficult for them to abandon their old beliefs and principles.

Doctor, are you suggesting that I speak in "black" that it is "white"? - outraged my patient, an elderly man suffering from a serious illness. - How can I approve of the actions of a thief who stole the last money from a pensioner, or the actions of our government, which robbed millions of people?

I am not forcing you to approve of the actions of thieves, crooks and murderers, - I answer. - I propose to accept the idea that the Universe is very harmonious and fair, and start seeing this in your life. "Everyone is rewarded according to his faith." If a thief stole money from
retired, it means that she herself, attracted him into her life, with her thoughts. Maybe she felt sorry for her neighbor, a poor pensioner. Or maybe she despised or hated the rich. It was with these thoughts and feelings that she attracted the thief. So who is to blame? There is nobody. It's just that everyone got their own thoughts. Higher power, the universe taught a pensioner
through a thief to the correct attitude to money. I disapprove of the thief's actions, but I do not condemn him either, and I will not pity this pensioner. I wish each of them good luck on their path in life: a pensioner - to handle money correctly, and a thief - to take care of his material well-being in other, positive ways.

But what about the murder, and even innocent children?

It is not by murder that it is the same. A person attracts a murderer into his life with a wrong attitude towards life and death. Such a person may repeatedly express thoughts of unwillingness to live or wish death to another. And like attracts like. Well, children contain the aggression of their parents, and even intensified many times over. Children are responsible
for the thoughts of their parents and vice versa.

Doctor! With all due respect to you, everything you say does not fit in my head. And to be more honest, this is all nonsense. You give me the medicine that will cure me - that's all. And I don’t want to change anything. Even in the face of death, I will not betray my principles.

Well, then I can hardly help you. But anyway, I wish you the best of luck.

We are breaking up. A man, never becoming my patient, leaves, and I think about how strongly and deeply defined dogmas and principles have been introduced into us, which bring pain and suffering into our lives. And we unconditionally accepted them on faith, without even trying to doubt their justice.

If you want to be healthy and have healthy offspring, free yourself from hatred.

To do this, take responsibility for your world! Start with yourself. Change your thoughts and your behavior - and the world around you will change. New thoughts will create new situations.

Learn to accept! Accept yourself, other people, your life and destiny.

Respect yourself and others! When you show respect for others, you respect yourself first and foremost.

Learn to approve and praise! Strive to notice in people only the good, the positive, the useful. Remember that every person has any qualities. And if your thoughts are pure, then people will show you their best sides.

If you want to change the world around you and people, you can use violence. There is such a way. This is a very good way. Good for making your life and the lives of your children miserable. And if you take responsibility for using this particular method, then remember the consequences that will be. According to one of the laws of the Universe - like attracts like - your hatred will attract retaliatory violence into your life.

I suggest another option. Since the outside world is my world, and I create it myself, by changing my worldview, I change my world, and therefore the world around me. This can be expressed more simply: if you want to change those around you, change yourself. Then there will be no complaints against anyone - after all, everything depends on you.

Valery Sinelnikov “Love your disease!

A resident of St. Petersburg once heard a "beckoning voice" while standing on the balcony of his apartment. His wife and children miraculously pulled him away from the railing as he was about to step down from the eighth floor.

The pensioner from Kazan was "hypnotized" by the shine of the razor blade: her fingers "as if by themselves" took it and tried to open the veins ...

Statistics show that cases of voluntary departure from life have indeed become more frequent in Russia. Explaining this social phenomenon, experts traditionally blame stress, the unstable political and economic situation in the country. But the real reasons are most likely much more complicated. Scientists have come to the conclusion that there is a "self-destruction program" in every living being. Indeed, in the animal kingdom in recent years, suicides have been increasingly observed. Meanwhile, it is obvious that whales or, say, dolphins, taking their own lives with whole herds, are not harassed by either political or economic problems ...

On December 4, 2013, rescuers had to euthanize four grinds that stranded ashore. In total, 51 whales were found in shallow waters, 11 of which died in the very first days.

The phenomenon of mass suicide among lemmings is known for a certain regularity. When the number of these mice living in the North reaches a certain critical value, they begin mass migrations. At the same time, most of them die: whole hordes of lemmings rush from the banks into rivers and lakes. What for? Why is this happening?

The main idea of ​​the theory of programmed death is approximately the following: in order to balance life on the planet, each living creature has two opposing programs: a desire for life and a program of self-destruction. The latter is turned on during, say, population explosions, when a sharp increase in the population of one species threatens the general equilibrium of the biosphere.

There are other possible causes of animal suicide. The persistent "call of death" overtakes the sick, born with defects or simply weak. If predators do not kill them, they "leave" on their own so that their species remains more resilient. All this fully applies to you and me.

The key to starting a self-destruction program can be climate change, ecology, food shortages, social and other stresses, which various experts talk about a lot. But the essence of the problem is not in the stresses themselves, but in the threshold of sensitivity to them. After all, the "death program", of course, must have and has protective "fuses" against accidental activation.

Our problem is that lately, the system of self-destruction can be triggered by weaker and weaker "blows". And "fuses" do not hold up where 10 years ago they could be relied on. The threshold of modern man's sensitivity has dropped significantly. Through it, into the zone of uncomfortableness, and behind it into the zone of depression, in which the "call of death" sounds for many, people who previously simply could not have thoughts of suicide can easily cross.

The "call of death" does not necessarily lead to demonstrative suicide. People most often die quietly: the aging process is accelerating, the immune defense is rapidly deteriorating, so that even a runny nose becomes fatal.

It is known that during natural disasters in half of the cases (!), People die not from injuries, but from cardiac arrest. They are also victims of the "call of death" - their body simply did not want to fight for itself and voluntarily passed away. Meanwhile, the human body has truly fantastic reserves of strength. Here are just a few examples.

What scares us: cold and cold? It is believed that seven minutes spent in icy water will inevitably lead to death. Five-year-old baby Vegard Sletem-nen (Lilestrom, Norway), probably, did not know about this, having fallen under the ice of the river. He stayed there for 40 minutes. When the lifeless body of the child was carried ashore and began to do artificial respiration and heart massage, the boy began to show signs of life. In the hospital, two days later, he completely came to his senses and asked: "Where are my glasses?"

In 1992, the international association "Marathon Winter Swimming" held a swim on Lake Issyk-Kul. For almost three days the athletes were in ice water, having covered 185 kilometers. When one of the swimmers measured their body temperature after the swim, it did not exceed 32 degrees, which in the language of doctors means a lethal outcome. But the athlete smiled, joked, and soon completely warmed up to a normal state.

What else is considered fatal to humans? A bullet in the heart? Grigory Olkhovsky received a through bullet wound to the heart during the Great Patriotic War, but he remained to live contrary to the forecasts of doctors ...

Private Vasily Bryukhanov was also seemingly mortally wounded, but contrary to all the law, he not only survived, but also carried a stuck bullet into his heart for 50 years ...

Are there limits to the capabilities of our body?

Are we suffocating in a minute in the absence of air? The Filipino fisherman L. Pakino from the island of Luzon, in spite of this opinion, can be under water for almost an hour without special devices.

And Slavko Vukolovich from Titovgrad did not breathe at all for a week, covered with earth. He decided to clean the well at his summer cottage. Descending 75 meters along a rope ladder, Slavko began to remove debris from the bottom. There was a sudden collapse. Only six days later, when a neighbor noticed a bucket and clothes near the well log, he became worried and raised the alarm. When the rubble was dug up, Vukolovich was in a deep swoon, but alive. And literally a day later I got back on my feet ...

And believe me, such resilience is not exceptional. After all, the physical capabilities of the body are approximately the same for everyone. The main thing at a critical moment is not to succumb to the "call of death".

An excellent example of the will that conquered death was shown by the hero of "The Tale of a Real Man" B. Field fighter pilot Hero of the Soviet Union Alexei Maresyev. In the Soviet epic, the power that coped with the "call of death" was love for the Motherland. Indeed, a high feeling, such as love, is able to overcome not only the "call", but also death itself. But, alas, not every person carries the feeling of such an all-encompassing power.

How can ordinary people get rid of the "call of death"?

One of the possible ways is suggested by a tate called “the phenomenon of Swedish lumberjacks”.
The Swedes (and also the Hungarians) are an ethnic group that, according to long-term observations of experts, is most prone to suicide. So, against the generally unfavorable background of the country, there were practically no cases of suicide among Swedish lumberjacks. Having become interested in this phenomenon, scientists came to the conclusion: hard work was salvation in this case, as well as the constant risk of being under a fallen tree. All this contributes to the release of morphine-like substances that smooth out the effects of stressful situations.

From this we can conclude that opioids, endorphins and other internal drugs, released directly by our body during physical exertion, reduce the sensitivity of the "self-destruction mechanism" ticking in each of us. And it becomes clear that many people “burn out” very quickly after retirement. The level of physical and mental stress decreases, which means that the chain of "drug feeding" of the body is interrupted, which leads to the inclusion of an "internal bomb". The conclusion from this is obvious (and this secret was well known to our ancestors) - do not be lazy to load yourself with work, this is our natural defense against the "call of death".

And nevertheless, people die prematurely, having lost the baton with the force that is measuring out our century.
Why is this happening? It is possible that this process is far from accidental. Humanity has long been a threat to the surrounding nature. Perhaps the biosphere is trying to limit the expansion of Homo sapiens in this way?

Self-destruct programs are the saddest source of health problems! Without wanting it, we set ourselves destructive settings, and the body obediently follows them.


“What an idiot I am,” “well, my face is crooked today,” “I’m a fat cow,” “impenetrable stupidity,” “it cannot be cured,” “hands-hooks,” “I will never recover” ... Track yourself throughout the day, week, write down all the phrases that you say aloud and silently to yourself. Take a close look at the list. You say the words, they are written into the subconscious, and the next day you get exactly what you wrote down today.


You made a mistake or acted very badly. Or vice versa - they did not do something important. And now you cannot calm down in any way, blame yourself, gnaw. It is easier for you to forgive others, to take everything upon yourself, to “bear responsibility” ... So, if you are sure of your guilt, you can be sure that subconsciously attract punishment... And including it can be disease.

Forgiveness removes blocks from energy channels, and many have already learned to forgive, but not themselves. If this can be said about you, then try to rebuild. Firstly, half of the situations are generally far-fetched, and all the guilt only seems or is greatly exaggerated. Secondly, you can always. Sincerely, from the heart, from myself. Ask and give, don't you forgive others? If you do not forgive anyone, then the next point is for you.

Rejection, anger and hatred

A negative attitude towards the outside world (other people, the state, problems, whatever) is a sign that The Creator folded his hands and gave his destiny, his reality to chance or external forces... You stop creating, creating what you want, and become just a reacting being. The reacting creature is not aware of its strength, but simply emotionally and thinks along the beaten path, as it is used to, as it was taught. Perhaps it makes sense to repeat. Unconsciously, the creator of hatred programs the destruction of his world.

"I hate you, you piss me off, I want you to disappear, to fail"- says the creator, and at that moment the program starts. The body of a person who speaks or thinks in this way can help, for example, by turning off his vision, locking it in a toilet or in a hospital, and in many other ways, up to death.


I don't want anything, everything is faded and gray, sadness, mortal melancholy ... I think it is possible not to explain what the program is running. Depression is a serious illness that causes degradation and destruction of individual organs or the entire body. But this disease is curable, with the help of loved ones, psychologists, or sometimes - without, you can cope with it. One of the most powerful ways is to set (or return) a global goal and start moving towards it, but this separate story.


Compassion is seen today as a positive phenomenon, and compassion as a virtue. However, a reasonable person should understand that the prefix "so" does not change the meaning of the word, this is "suffering", and suffering is destruction. In order to take care of the world around you, to help those who need help, you need love and a conscious willingness to give... Compassion by itself does not provide anything positive to the sufferer or the compassionate. Imagine a doctor who suffers all day along with his patients ... In less than six months he will fall ill himself. The doctor must diagnose and heal with his mind, and the creator of reality soberly assesses the situation, and, if he can, helps, at least with prayer. Suffering is not constructive; it destroys, and in the first place, destroys the body.