Tallest building in the world. The largest skyscraper in the world The largest skyscraper in the world how many floors

The first place in our Top 10 skyscrapers in the world, for more than 7 years has been holding the Burj Khalifa, the amazing and tallest skyscraper in the world for 2017, which is located in the United Arab Emirates. Burj Khalifa, originally known as Burj Dubai, dominates the Dubai skyline. Skyscraperhas 163 floors and a height of 828 meters, and is the tallest building in the world since 2010, when it was built by a design bureau from Chicago, and was engaged in constructionSouth Korean company Samsung C & T. The building was built by order of the government of the United Arab Emirates.

2. Shanghai Tower, China, 632 meters

The Shanghai Tower is a 632-meter, 128-story mega-roll skyscraper in Shanghai. This skyscraper has the world's tallest observation deck inside a building or structure and the world's fastest elevators with a maximum speed of 20.5 m / s (74 km / h). It is the second tallest building in the world and the third tallest structure in the world, after the Tokyo Tower, which is 634 meters high, exactly 2 meters taller than the Shanghai Tower.

The megatoll was designed by the international design firm Gensler and is owned by the Shanghai government. Its multi-level structure is designed for the functioning of nine separate zones, divided into office, retail and residential sectors.

Construction work on the tower began in November 2008 and ended in September 2015.

3. Abraj al-Beit, Saudi Arabia, 601 meters

Abraj al-Beit is the third tallest building in the world, its peak is located at an altitude of 601 meters. It is located in Saudi Arabia in Mecca and is state property. The hotel has 120 floors and was built by Bin Laden Group, which is the largest construction company in Saudi Arabia and yes, the terrorist Bin Laden comes from this family. The design of the skyscraper belongs to the German architectural firm SL Rasch GmbH. Abraj al-Beit is famous primarily not for its height, but for its largest clock in the world.

In addition to hotel rooms, the tower houses a conference center, an Islamic museum, a prayer room, in which more than 10,000 people can pray at a time, and a five-story shopping center.

4. Pingan International Financial Center, China, 600 meters

The International Financial Center in Shenzhen is one of the newest skyscrapers in the world, its construction was completed at the end of 2016 with a height of exactly 600 meters, which allowed it to take 4th place in our ranking - Top 10 skyscrapers in the world. The building houses a conference center, hotel and retail space within the high-end shopping center.

5. Lotte World Tower, South Korea, 555 meters

The Lotte World Tower, built in South Korea, is one of the newest skyscrapers in the world, it was added to the list of megatalls in 2016. Its construction was recently completed in March 2016, giving it the status of the fifth tallest building in the world.13 years of planning and preparation ended with the start of construction in March 2011, the building has 123 floors, six of which are underground. This amazing megatoll is able to withstandearthquakes with a magnitude of up to 9 on the Richter scale.

6. World Trade Center 1, USA, 541 meters

One World Trade Center is not only the tallest building in the city of New - York and inUnited States of America, but also the entire Western Hemisphere.It was completed in 2014 and built to replace and commemorate the towersthe original World Trade Center.

7.CTF financial center, China, 530 meters

Located in Guangzhou city in the southOf China, The International Financial Center is a multifunctional skyscraper,which is a new addition to this list, it was built at the end of 20016. With a height of 530 meters, it accommodates111 floors in total.

8. Taipei 101, Taiwan, 509 meters

101-storey Taipei 101 is located in Taipei city and occupies an honorable 8th place in our rating. And when this megatall was built in 2004, it was the tallest skyscraper in the world, but slipped to 8th place in 13 years. This skyscraper is a real example.postmodern architecture.

9. Shanghai World Financial Center, China, 492 meters

The Shanghai World Financial Center was commissioned by the state in 2008, and has a height of 492 meters with 101 floors.It is located in the center of Shanghai's financial district on Pudong waterfront and acts as an international financial and trade center.It is home to hotel rooms, offices, conference rooms, observation decks and shopping centers. BThe ashnya has a trapezoidal opening at the top for better aerodynamics.

10. International Commerce Center, Hong Kong, 484 meters

This amazing skyscraper grew in Hong Kong in 2010 and at that time it was ranked 4th in the ranking of the tallest buildings in the world, and in 2017, with its 484 meters and 118 floors, it dropped to 10th place in the Top 10 skyscrapers of the world. The International Commerce Center in Hong Kong boasts the tallest swimming pool in the world and a bar on the 108th floor, this tallest skyscraper in Hong Kong has a beautiful observation deck andand five star restaurants.

The list has been compiled more than once by the most diverse editions of the Old World. Today we also decided to follow their example, presenting to your attention a small selection of the most impressive and unusual buildings with a height of over 100 meters.

DC Tower (Vienna, Austria)

Our list opens with the tallest building in Austria, the environmentally friendly DC Tower 1 skyscraper, also known as Donau City Tower. This structure was built on the banks of the Danube in 2013 and immediately got into all kinds of lists of the most impressive structures of our time. The fact is that this 250-meter building with a wave-like facade is one of the few skyscrapers on the planet built in accordance with all the standards of "green" architecture. The building, in particular, has water-saving showers, energy-efficient elevators, as well as many other interesting features inextricably linked with environmental issues. The "life support" of the tower comes from environmentally friendly energy. The author of such an impressive project is the French architect Dominique Perrault.

Currently, opposite DC Tower 1, the construction of a second similar tower, DC Tower 2, is underway. the most beautiful skyscrapers planets.

Petronas Towers (Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia)

Petronas Towers is one of the oldest complexes on our list. The construction of these two amazing towers took place from 1992 to 1998. At the same time, the two towers were built in parallel by two different construction companies, and the then leader of the country, Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad, took an active part in the design of the facility. It was at his behest that eight-pointed stars were embedded in the silhouette of the buildings, which should have made the Petronas Towers the most "Islamic" skyscrapers in the world.

However, this is not what brought the world-wide fame to the complex. After its construction, Petronas Towers were recognized as one of the most structurally complex structures on the planet, as well as one of the largest structures in Southeast Asia. The useful area of ​​the buildings is equal to the area of ​​48 football fields, and the total area of ​​the complex exceeds 40 hectares. In addition, the foundation on which the 450-meter-high buildings are supported is 100 meters deep, which is an absolute record for the planet.

Currently, the Petronas Towers are one of the most recognizable symbols of Malaysia, as well as one the most beautiful skyscrapers Asia.

  • Federation Tower (Moscow, Russia)

photo city.rf

The complex of two buildings in the center of Moscow rises above the ground by 242 (West) and 374 (East) meters, respectively. According to this indicator, the building ranks first in Europe, remaining not only one of the the most beautiful skyscrapers in Russia, but also one of the tallest buildings in the Old World.

In total, 67 elevators are involved in the life support of the tower (10 more than in the Burj Khalifa), each of which moves at a speed of 8 meters per second. And a special concrete frame made of unique high-strength concrete of the B90 grade gives the complex increased stability, which, according to the authors of the project, should be sufficient for the building to withstand a direct hit from an aircraft.

photo gorproject.ru

Initially, the project also provided for a 506-meter spire, in which it was planned to place an observation deck. However, this idea was later abandoned. The Federation Tower is currently in the final stages of construction. One of the most beautiful skyscrapers Europe will be finally commissioned in 2016.

CAYAN Tower (Dubai, UAE)

One of the most unusual buildings in Dubai, and also the tallest "swirling" building on the planet, rightfully takes its place in the list the most beautiful skyscrapers our vast Earth. The design of this 300-meter tower was carried out by the famous American bureau Skidmore, Owings & Merrill and, according to the idea of ​​the architects, was to minimize the effect of wind on the stability of the tower.

However, the twisted body of the skyscraper also has a pronounced aesthetic value: from the base to the roof, the silhouette of the building twists exactly 90 degrees. This fact allowed the CAYAN tower, also known as the Infinity Tower, to become one of the permanent participants in all kinds of lists of the most impressive buildings on our planet.

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Flame Towers (Baku, Azerbaijan)

The "Fire Towers" of Azerbaijan are located exactly in the center of our list. Three gigantic buildings with a height of 190 meters amaze with their unusual concept and impressive lighting. In 2013, the authoritative portal skyscrapercity.com ranked Flame Towers as the number one most impressively illuminated building on earth. Subsequently, the Discovery and Science Channel presented their separate reports about this complex. However, such attention is understandable. In fact, the entire facade of buildings is high-precision LED screens, thanks to which Flame Towers look like giant tongues of flame in the evenings.

Due to the favorable location, the building can be seen from almost anywhere in the city. At the moment, "Fire Towers" are one of the main symbols of Baku and all of Azerbaijan, the name of which, by the way, is also translated from Persian as "Gathering Fire".

CCTV Headquarters (Beijing, China)

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One of the most unusual buildings on our list. The building of the central television of China was built in 2009 by the project of Dutch and German architects Rem Koolhaas and Ole Scheren. The aestheticism of the 234-meter skyscraper has been questioned several times. But the originality of the structure has always been noted by the leading architectural publications of the planet.

In 2010, the famous "Pants" were included in the TOP of the most unusual buildings of the Celestial Empire. Several times CCTV Headquarters was also included in the number of the most beautiful skyscrapers in the world.

Al Bahar (Abu Dhabi, UAE)

The headquarters of the Abu Dhabi Investment Council are two 145-meter towers located right in the middle of the Arabian deserts. The architecture of the towers is an amazing mixture of modern technology and the traditional mashrabiya style, characterized by an abundance of intricately patterned lattices. However, this fact is not the only interesting feature of these towers. The thing is that the golden "scales" of buildings are not only a decorative element, but also a special ventilation system, consisting of two thousand modules that open depending on the location of the sun. Thanks to them, even in 50-degree heat, the building maintains a comfortable atmosphere, and also reduces the energy consumption of the tower by 50 percent.

Burj al Arab (Dubai, UAE)

The next item is the UAE again. The Arab Tower - Burj al Arab - opens the top three on our list the most beautiful skyscrapers on the planet... Built on an artificial island, the 321-meter building is rightfully considered one of the most elegant, aesthetic and recognizable buildings on our planet. In addition, the famous hotel is also a true embodiment of Arab luxury. Helipads, an underwater restaurant imitating a submarine, a foyer covered with gold leaf, panoramic elevators and golf courses set at dizzying heights - all this splendor has made Burj al Arab a living symbol of Dubai life. Today, the image of the "seven-star" hotel flaunts on thousands of postcards, magnets and other souvenir goods brought from Dubai.

Several years ago, the authorities of the emirate even presented a separate logo for the city, where the letter "D" in the word "Dubai" was made in the form of "Arab Tower".

Sheraton Huzhou Hotel (Huzhou, China)

Honorable silver on our list the most beautiful skyscrapers in the world goes to another representative of the Celestial Empire - the Sheraton Huzhou Hot Spring Resort. This building, reaching a height of 102 meters, is more than half the height of the CCTV building, however, despite this, its construction cost investors almost twice as much - $ 1.5 billion! This fact is connected with the unusual bionic form of the hotel, which, in fact, made this skyscraper famous all over the world. However, such a "horseshoe" structure also has a purely practical function. This engineering solution adds more resistance to earthquakes in the structure.

In addition to the unusual silhouette, the façade of the skyscraper, which is adorned with 19,000 LED lanterns, is also a striking feature of the skyscraper.

Absolute Towers (Mississauga, Canada)

Despite the fact that most of the most beautiful and impressive skyscrapers of our time are located in the PRC and the United Arab Emirates, the first place on our list today went to the homeland of high-rise buildings - North America. Canadian skyscrapers Absolute Towers today proudly top our list, as well as dozens of other "hit parades" of multi-storey buildings.

It is very noteworthy that the author of this structure was the Chinese architects from the MAD studio, who developed the project of these amazing undulating buildings. The "twisted" shape of the building makes the building visually rotate, and also helps to eliminate the vertical barriers common to multi-storey buildings. Both skyscrapers do not have a single repeating balcony or floor, which creates a unique environment for the residents of this residential complex.

Currently, two towers, 180 and 161 meters high, are the main symbol of the small town of Mississauga, located in the suburbs of Toronto. In 2012, the architectural complex was awarded the title of America's best high-rise building. Today we decided to put it in the first place in our rating of the most beautiful skyscrapers on the planet.

Good luck and goodbye!

Opened in 2010, the 828-meter Burj Khalifa in Dubai has become the tallest building on the planet, a symbol of the triumph of engineering genius. But she is not destined to be a record holder for long. In different parts of the Earth, preparations for the construction of even more tall and complex skyscrapers, each of which has a height at least a kilometer.

Sky City. China

The Sky City tower, although it will have a height of a little less than a kilometer, but this project is likely to be the first to break the record of the Burj Khalifa with its 828 meters from the base to the top of the spire. The project provides for the construction of a stepped 838-meter tower in the Chinese city of Changsha, on the 202 floors of which residential apartments, hotels, educational institutions, hospitals, offices, and shops will be located.

But it is not so much the record height of Sky City that is interesting, but the incredibly fast pace of construction of this building. The Broad Sustainable Building company, which will build it, is world renowned for taking just a few days. She plans to build this skyscraper in just 90 days plus 120 days of site preparation for construction.

The construction of this skyscraper was supposed to begin in the summer of 2013, but has so far been postponed. True, preparatory work on the site at the site where Sky City will grow is gradually proceeding.

Azerbaijan Tower. Azerbaijan

Azerbaijan also wants to build the world's tallest skyscraper. Growing revenues from the sale of oil and gas make it possible to implement very large social and infrastructure projects in this country, for example, the construction of the Khazar Islands artificial archipelago, the high-rise dominant of which will be a 1050-meter tower.

The construction of the archipelago began several years ago. Now the first public, residential and office buildings have been built on it, and the construction of the Azerbaijan Tower itself will begin, as expected, in 2015.

Investors of the project promise to commission the Azerbaijan Tower building in 2019, and complete the entire artificial archipelago by 2020.

Kingdom Tower. Saudi Arabia

Still, most of the projects for ultra-tall buildings are planned to be implemented in wealthy Arab countries. For example, Saudi Arabia lives on the idea of ​​building the tallest building in the world - the Burj Khalifa haunts them in the neighboring United Arab Emirates.

Construction of the Kingdom Tower skyscraper began in 2013 in the city of Jeddah. The height of this 167-storey building will be just over 1000 meters. The exact data are still unknown - they will appear only after the facility is put into operation. Investors are afraid to publish them, fearing that someone will build a structure just a few meters higher and break the record.

Kingdom Tower will become the centerpiece of the multi-functional Kingdom Center, an entire city of residential, office, hotel, retail and entertainment facilities with a total value of $ 20 billion.

Madinat al-Hareer. Kuwait

They want to build a kilometer-long skyscraper in Kuwait. In June 2014, the project for a building called Madinat al-Hareer was finally approved, the height of which will be 1001 meters.

The name "Madinat al-Hareer" translates to "Silk City", which hints at the glorious history of Kuwait during the days when it was one of the world's centers of the silk trade. It was originally planned that this skyscraper will be built by 2016, but, apparently, this period will be postponed by at least two years.

Dubai City Tower. United Arab Emirates

Dubai looks at the projects listed above with apprehension - in the very near future they may break the high-altitude record of the Burj Dubai skyscraper. But, on the other hand, in this city they don't sit with folded hands. There, work is in full swing on the design of the world's first two-kilometer building.

The Eiffel Tower was taken as the basis for the construction of Dubai City Tower. But the size of this Arab skyscraper will be seven and a half times larger than that of the French prototype. The height of the future tower will be 2,400 meters.

The 400 floors of the Dubai City Tower will be interconnected not only by elevators, but also by a vertical train that can travel at a speed of 200 kilometers per hour and deliver people from the lower floor to the upper one in a matter of seconds.

Investors and creators of the Dubai City Tower project expect it to be operational in 2025. The construction estimate was not disclosed.

Human nature cannot be changed, people have always tried to surpass their own achievements and set new records in absolutely any field of their activity.
So in architecture, in an attempt to conquer the limits of heights, people erect the tallest buildings in the world. With the development of technologies, the invention of modern composite materials and the creation of fundamentally new structures of buildings, only in the last 25 years has it become possible to construct the tallest buildings on the planet, at the sight of which it is simply breathtaking!
In this ranking, we will tell you about the 15 tallest buildings in the world, which are definitely worth seeing.

15. International Financial Center - Hong Kong. Height 415 meters

The Hong Kong International Financial Center was completed in 2003. The building is completely commercial, there are no hotels or residential apartments, but there are only offices of various companies.
The 88-storey skyscraper is the sixth tallest building in China and is one of the few buildings with double-deck elevators.

14. Jin Mao Tower - China, Shanghai. Height 421 meters

The official opening ceremony of the Jin Mao Tower in Shanghai took place in 1999, with a construction cost of more than $ 550 million. Most of the premises of the building are office buildings, there are also shopping malls, restaurants, nightclubs and an observation deck offering a gorgeous view of Shanghai.

More than 30 floors of the building are rented by the largest hotel "Grand Hyatt", and the prices here are quite affordable for a tourist with an average income, a room can be rented for $ 200 per night.

13. Trump International Hotel and Tower - Chicago, USA. Height 423 meters

Trump Tower was built in 2009 and cost the owner $ 847 million. The building has 92 floors, of which from the 3rd to the 12th floor are boutiques and various shops, a chic spa is located on the 14th floor, and an elite restaurant Sixteen is located on the 16th floor. From the 17th to the 21st floors the hotel occupies, higher there are penthouses and private residential apartments.

12. Guangzhou International Financial Center - China, Guangzhou. Height - 437 meters

This tallest skyscraper was built in 2010 and has 103 floors, is the western part of the Guangzhou Twin Towers complex. The construction of the eastern skyscraper should be completed in 2016.
The construction cost of the building was $ 280 million, most of the building is occupied by office space, up to the 70th floor. The five-star Four Seasons Hotel occupies the 70th to 98th floors, and the last floors are occupied by cafes, restaurants and an observation deck. There is a helipad on the 103rd floor.

11. QC 100 - Shenzhen, China. Height 442 meters.

KK 100 skyscraper, also known as Kingki 100, was erected in 2011 and is located in Shenzhen city. This multifunctional building was built in the style of modernism and most of the premises in it are for office use.
On 23 floors of this one of the tallest buildings in the world, the six-star premium business hotel St. Regis Hotel, there are also several chic restaurants, a beautiful garden and Asia's first IMAX cinema.

10. Willis - Tower - Chicago, USA. Height 443 meters

The Willis Tower skyscraper, formerly known as the Sears Tower, rises to a height of 443 meters and is the only building in this ranking, built before 1998. The construction of the skyscraper began in 1970 and was fully completed in 1973. The project cost was more than $ 150 million at the prices of that time.

After completion of construction, the Willis Tower firmly took the status of the tallest building in the world for as long as 25 years. At the moment, in the list of the tallest buildings, the skyscraper is on the 10th line of the list.

9. Zifeng Tower - Nanjing, China. Height 450 meters

Construction of the 89-storey skyscraper began in 2005 and was completed in 2009. This building is multifunctional, there are offices, restaurants, cafes and a hotel. An observation deck is located on the top floor. Also in the Zifeng tower, 54 cargo lifts and passenger lifts have been built.

8. Petronas Towers - Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Height 451.9 meters

From 1998 to 2004, the Petronas Twin Towers were considered the tallest buildings in the world. The construction of the towers was financed by the Petronas oil company, and the project was worth more than $ 800 million. Now the premises of the buildings are rented by many large corporations - Reuters agency, Microsoft corporation, Aveva company and others. There are also high-end shopping establishments, an art gallery, an aquarium and a science center.

The structure of the building itself is unique, there are no more skyscrapers built using the Petronas Towers technology in the world. Most high-rise buildings are constructed of steel and glass, but for Malaysia, the cost of high-quality steel was very high and engineers had to find another way to solve the problem.

As a result, high-tech and flexible concrete was developed, from which the towers were built. Experts carefully monitored the quality of the material and once, during routine measurements, they discovered the slightest error in the quality of concrete. The builders had to completely dismantle one floor of the building and rebuild it.

7. International Trade Center, Hong Kong. Height 484 meters

This 118-storey skyscraper rises 484 meters. After 8 years of construction, the building was completed in 2010 and is currently the tallest building in Hong Kong and the fourth tallest building in China.
The upper floors of the skyscraper are occupied by the five-star Ritz-Carlton Hotel, located at an altitude of 425 meters, which makes it the tallest hotel on the planet. The building also features the world's tallest swimming pool, located on the 118th floor.

6. Shanghai World Financial Center. Height 492 meters

Built for $ 1.2 billion, the Shanghai World Financial Center is a multifunctional skyscraper that houses office space, a museum, a hotel, and multi-storey parking. The construction of the center was completed in 2008, and at that time the building was considered the second tallest structure in the world.

The skyscraper has been tested for seismic resistance and is able to withstand tremors up to 7 on the Richter scale. The building also houses the highest observation deck in the world, located 472 meters above the ground.

5. Taipei 101 - Taipei, Taiwan. Height 509.2 meters

Official operation of Taipei 101 skyscraper began on December 31, 2003 and this building is the most stable and unaffected by natural disasters structure ever created by man. The tower is able to withstand gusts of wind up to 60 m / s (216 km / h) and the strongest earthquakes that occur in this region every 2,500 years.

The skyscraper has 101 floors above ground, and five floors underground. On the first four floors there are various retail outlets, on the 5th and 6th floors there is a prestigious fitness center, from 7 to 84 they occupy various office premises, 85-86 rent restaurants and cafes.
The building holds several records: the fastest elevator in the world, capable of transporting visitors from the fifth floor to 89, to the observation deck in just 39 seconds (elevator speed 16.83 m / s), the world's largest countdown board, which turns on for the New Year and the world's tallest sundial.

4. World Trade Center - New York, USA. Height 541 meters

The construction of the World Trade Center, or as it is also called the Freedom Tower, was fully completed in 2013. The building stands on the site of the World Trade Center.
This 104-story skyscraper is the tallest structure in the United States and the fourth tallest building in the world. The construction cost was a whopping $ 3.9 billion.

3. Royal Clock Tower Hotel - Mecca, Saudi Arabia. Height 601 meters

The imposing Royal Clock Tower is part of the Abraj Al-Beit complex of buildings built in Mecca, Saudi Arabia. The construction of the complex lasted for 8 years and was fully completed in 2012. During construction, there were two large fires, in which, by a lucky chance, no one was injured.
The "Royal Clock Tower" can be seen at a distance of 20 km, and its clock is considered the tallest in the world.

2. Shanghai Tower - Shanghai, China. Height 632 meters

This skyscraper is the tallest in Asia and ranks second in the list of tallest buildings in the world. Construction of the Shanghai Tower began in 2008 and was fully completed in 2015. The cost of the skyscraper was more than $ 4.2 billion.

1. Burj Khalifa - Dubai, United Arab Emirates. Height 828 meters

The tallest building in the world is the monumental Burj Khalifa, which rises to a height of 828 meters. Construction of the building began in 2004 and was fully completed in 2010. Burj Khalifa has 163 floors, most of which are occupied by office space, hotels and restaurants, several floors are reserved for residential apartments, the cost of which is simply incredible - from $ 40,000 per sq. meter!

The cost of the project cost the developer, Emaar, $ 1.5 billion, which paid off literally in the first year after the building was officially commissioned. The observation deck is especially popular in the Burj Khalifa, and in order to get to it, tickets are bought in advance, a few days before the visit.

Kingdom tower

In the hot sands of the Arabian desert, the construction of the largest and most ambitious structure in the history of mankind began. We have not included this building in our rating, as it will still be a long time before the completion of its construction. This is the future Kingdom Tower, which will rise to a height of 1007 meters and will be 200 meters higher than the Burj Khalifa.

From the highest floor of the building it will be possible to view the terrain at a distance of 140 km. The construction of the tower will be very difficult, due to the enormous height of the skyscraper, building materials will be delivered to the highest floors of the building by helicopters. The initial cost of the facility will be $ 20 billion

The popular claim - size doesn't matter - certainly doesn't refer to the height of buildings. Man has not abandoned his attempts to reach heaven since biblical times - since the erection of the Tower of Babel. The tallest buildings in the world amaze with their grandeur and technical novelty, we invite you to learn more about each of them. We will tell you exactly about skyscrapers, this list will not include towers, about which there will be a separate story.

But until the 19th century, building heights meant that the walls thickened to support the structure's weight. The creation of elevators and metal wall frames freed the hands of architects and engineers, allowing them to design and build taller and taller buildings, increasing the number of floors. So, the 10 tallest buildings in the world:

№10 Empire State Building, New York, USA

Empire State Building - America's most famous skyscraper, Chrysler Building - one of the last skyscrapers built in the Art Deco style; Rockefeller Center is the world's largest privately owned business and entertainment complex with 19 buildings. The center's observation deck offers stunning panoramic views of Central Park and the Empire State Building.

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