Riddles of history. The riddles of the story of the Great Different

Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin did not die natural death. Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin was killed. Killed conspirators from his own environment. Killed for trying great reforms. For the intention to remove the Communist Party from the Office and transfer the entire fullness of the authorities to the people of the USSR. So tragically resolved the conflict, which has long been spent in the Soviet leadership, is a conflict between people who have become the goal of building a happy and fair society, and manlike animals, who have been fulfilled to satisfy their satisfaction ...

History scum. The most sinister mystery of the XX century Yuri Mukhin

The cult book of the leading historian and publicist of patriotic forces! Discover the most sublimate anti-Russian myths invented by the enemies of the people to make us "without guilt to blame"! Sensational investigation of the most sinister secrets of the XX century. Exposing a criminal conspiracy against Russia. Silence to the referee revisionists, these liberal souping of the Nazis, who are ready for any low cost, just to defame the Great Stalin Epoch and submit the USSR by the main instigator of the Second World War, and Poland - "An innocent victim of bloody ...

Secrets of the past century. Power. Spent. Povery Nikolay Zenkovich

Nikolay Zenkovich tells about the little-known events of the past century, which caused serious changes both on the political map of the world and in our country. Who led to power M. Gorbachev? Why did the chairman of the KGB Andropov defeated the Minister of Internal Affairs of Nodokhov? Leaded by revenge for the shot Son Khrushchev, milking Stalin? And did it really be in living Anastasia, the daughter of the last Russian king? Everyone new ruler rewrites the story in his own interests, but the secret always becomes clear

Century Golden Roses Anna Klimenko

He is the chosen mother of all Sykhov and his fate - destroy the apostate. He will have half amen, from the sea of \u200b\u200bcolds to the dark temple, where gold roses were blooming before and the prayers were treated with pretable Majesty ... Can the lonely sin come through this path, bring the last sacrifice and return the throne of his goddess? What is the price of the return of the dark mother, without which, oddly enough, the world is doomed? And finally, will the destiny of the fate of the very elected depends from the city of the dead warrior? Replies do not even know the gods. But the first step is made ...

Secrets of the past century. Borders. Disputes. Resently Nikolay Zenkovich

Many pages of this book will seem unusually rigid to someone, and someone even offensive. Well, such is the feature of the genre in which I work. This feature is the authenticity of the fact. What is the difference between felt trials from history? Belletristry tells what could be. History is just what was. In turning points, the epochs people are more willing spending time reading books in which "what was happening." Before you just such a book.

Secrets of the past century. Perjury. Falsification. ... Nikolay Zenkovich

After the murder I.V. Stalin in the near dacha (in the government report of March 5, 1953, fallen about death in the Kremlin apartment) followed a series of unexplained events: arrest and imprisonment under the other name His Son, General Vasily Stalin, Killing L. Beria, With Marshal G. Zhukov, removal from posts and expulsion from Moscow members of the Stalinist team - V. Molotov, M. Malenkov, L. Kaganovich. Long before these events, in the middle of the Great Patriotic War, the young pilots did not return from the combat task ...

Who killed the Russian Empire? Home Secret ... Nikolay Starikov

Mighty I. great Russia was destroyed in 1917 for the past months. The history of this greatest catastrophe is still in many ways mysterious, and questions here are much more than answers. Why does the utmost bread riot convert into a revolution? Why Nicholas II and his brother so easily replenished the throne? How happened that in just eight months after the "victory of democracy", no one wanted to protect her "conquests", in fact without resistance allowing the Bolsheviks to seize power? Who stood behind the scenes of all these tragic events? Who killed Russian Empire?…

Order "Skull and bone." Secret power. Like ... Anthony Sutton

Another ten years ago, the conspiramic themes caused a condescending smile from most people, they say, "We already heard about the ZhIID-Masonic conspiracy." Today, after a series of new aggressions of the United States and NATO in the name of building a "new world order": the arrogant bombing of the dismembered Yugoslavia, an unequal war in Iraq, an unprecedented intervention in the regional problems of Eurasia and the internal affairs of Slavic states, such as Belarus and Ukraine, - Bush clan ( Senior and younger), who are heading the most influential Masonic world ...

Mystery of the Black Sea Igor Chubacha

No one, apart from the authors of this bestseller and dedicated to the state secrets of the heads of special services, does not know that in Russia there is a detachment of the last line, the debt of which is to save the world. One of them, the ensign Anatoly Khuteshu (the power is ten megaton), ordered the feat: to find and neutralize the terrible installation of X, located on one of the ships of the Black Sea Fleet. This is a novel - about the most terrible mystery of the twentieth century, which is called the mystery of the Black Sea.

Nikola Tesla and Mystery of the Philadelphian experiment Vadim Telitsyn

Sensational investigation of the main secret of the XX century! New data on the mysterious Philadelphian experiment, as a result of which was teleported by hundreds of Miles Esminets Navy "Eldridge", and his crew died or crazy. All the materials of this tragedy are still classified, but Molva connects it with the name of Nikola Tesla, who was an inspirer and organizer of the Philadelphia Miracle, but he himself did not live - there was a rumor that the death of a great scientist was not accidental that he warned about Danger, argued with Einstein, calling ...

Ripstand 37th year. "Current Crime" or ... Alexander Eliseev

For more than half a century, we felt that 1937 was the most black, bloody and shameful in soviet history. That in the "terrible 37th" victims of the "criminal regime" "Millions of innocent" fell. As the progress of political repression, the best of the best were "," the intelligentsia "is knocked out and" decapitated by the army. " That the main culprit and the initiator of the Big Terror is I. V. Stalin. This book Denies all these myths, without leaving the stone on the stone from the Khrushchev lies, revealing the authentic meaning of the "Stalinist repression", solving the main secret of the XX century. ...

"Stand! Stalin goes! " Mystery Magic Chief Rudolf Balandin

"Stalin made an indelible impression on us. His influence on people was irresistible. When he entered the hall at the Yalta conference, we were all as if on the team, I got up and, a strange thing, for some reason held hands on the seams ... "- Under these words, Winston Churchill could subscribe President Roosevelt and Herbert Wells, Romain Rolland and Lyon Feichtvanger and many more great contemporaries Stalin - they all once succumbed to the "cult of personality" of the leader, everyone recognized him fascinating, magical impact on others. What is the secret of this phenomenon? ...

Medinskoy Gold Svyatoslav Loginov

Rosskazni about terrible forest sorcerers do not sleep well and simple mortal, and powerful lords. Few of those who entered in the Debryanic agents returns back. And when the forest sorcerers themselves leave their debris, whole tribes and states come to horror. The war becomes inevitable. Is it possible to stop the enemy by the usual archer to stop the enemy and master the mystery of the legendary Mednogo Gold? ..

Apocalypse 2012 Different

Dear readers! We present you a new book "The Golden Series" librars of the newspaper "Secrets of the twentieth century". This issue is devoted to the question, recently, the most increasing part of humanity: Apocalypse! What awaits us ahead? Or, let's say in other words: what is ultimately threatened (or will revive) and when? Giant meteorite? Global warming? Or will we ourselves sooner or later with our own irresponsible behavior we will bring ourselves to the grave? Or maybe everything is not so bad? Maybe meteorites will fly by, climatic anomalies will go back to normal, people are drawing ...

The fate of the Great Different

Dear readers! We present you a new book "The Golden Series" of the librarians of the newspaper "Secrets of the XX Century" - "The Fate of the Great." "The famous people are divided into two categories: one mankind does not want to forget, others cannot" (Vladislav Gezhechye, Polish writer). There are people who change the world make their contribution to the development of the economy, science, art ... or, on the contrary - under the root are destroyed already created by throwing humanity to dozens, if not one hundred years ago. Be that as it may, both and others make our history, decide the fate of the peoples and remain forever ...

Mystic: mysterious and inexplicable different

Dear readers! We present you a new book "Golden Series" Librar newspaper "Secrets of the XX Century". Bohemian life - is it simple and careless, how do people believe, far from the world of art? And what is the terrible price of the artists pay for their talent? After all, often after the death of the painter, his works continue to live their lives and drive owners crazy. Hollywood - Dream factory. But on some creations, which came into a wide range of towns of Mishura, clearly lies the curse. About mysterious paintings and literally damned films ...

Mystery of different history

Dear readers! We present you a new book "Golden Series" Librar newspaper "Secrets of the XX Century". This issue is devoted to archaeological finds, white stains of history and people who significantly affect the development of mankind. The "Archaeological Sensation" section will introduce you to the underground cities of the giants and the temples of the Atlanta; Together with us, you walk along the road Suute - the most ancient man-made path in the world, you will visit the "damned", forgotten and abandoned cities and on the eve of whom and when built by Kolyma "space". Final ...

Conspiracy theory. Book the second different

Dear readers! We present you a new book "The Golden Series" librars of the newspaper "Secrets of the XX Century" - "The theory of conspiracy. Second book. Social networks on the Internet. Today, they are not going anywhere. Conceived before the convenient way to find old and new friends and as a means of communication, social networks turned into a very profitable business and a way to spy for people. Visible and invisible wars. What is common in cold War and "color revolutions"? And again the end of the world - the topic discussed throughout the many centuries, now, waiting for December ...

Dossier Dracula James Reese

In the hands of London publishers, the diary of the writer Brahma Stocker, telling about his life before the release of the famous novel "Dracula". In this diary, complemented by letters and other materials, the story of strange and even supernatural relations of the Straper with the mysterious American Dr. Tubli is reflected. Summer 1888. London was shocked by a series of brutal murders performed by Manyak on nicknamed Jack Ripper. By the will of the case, the main suspect becomes Bram Stoker, who was discovered near the place where they found the first ...

Bulflower, or Nicholas II Syndrome Igor Bunich

The author of bestsellers "Gold Party", "Satan Polygon", "Lawlessness", "Tallinn Transition" offers readers to readers of one of the secrets of the 20th century - the secret of the fatal fate of the last Russian emperor Nicholas II. The search for the remains of the emperor, undertaken by the KGB by order Mikhail Gorbachev, leads the main character to such terrible discoveries, which the leadership of the security authorities do not even decide to report to the president. Book I. Bunich opens the veil over the secrets of the prophecies of Seraphim Sarovsky, Grigory Rasputin, Lucia Ebobers ...

Dear readers! We present you a new book "Golden Series" Librar newspaper "Secrets of the XX Century".

This issue is devoted to archaeological finds, white stains of history and people who significantly affect the development of mankind.

The "Archaeological Sensation" section will introduce you to the underground cities of the giants and the temples of the Atlanta; Together with us, you walk along the road Suute - the most ancient man-made path in the world, you will visit the "damned", forgotten and abandoned cities and on the eve of whom and when built by Kolyma "space".

The final part of the section is dedicated to the most fresh and unique archaeological discoveries made literally a few months before the release of the book.

"White stains of history." From this section, you will learn about amazing finds that refute the generally accepted version of the history of mankind, and therefore not recognized by official science. You will get acquainted with a three-dimensional card ground surface, created 50 million years ago, and airplanes built long before the Mammoth era. You will try to read the letters left by unknown guests of our planet at the bottom of the Aral Sea and "Encryption from the Past" - the strange manuscript of Warzic.

The section "Power" is devoted to people whose sole solutions changed our world sometimes in the best, and sometimes - for the worse. Legendary kings and merciless inquisitors; Dolls buried instead of great people, and bloody orgies of the power of the property. The last days of the royal family; Attempt on Lenin: protest against the existing power or cruel staging? Stalin's death was beneficial to everyone, but who decided to kill? Obama - the last president of America? What will happen next?

On our site you can download the book "Riddles of History" of the newspaper "Secrets of the XX Century" for free and without registration in Epub, FB2 format, read the book online or buy a book in the online store.

Dollander No. 7 claimed the lives of 144 people. Most of the 116 dead schoolchildren were not fulfilled and ten years old. Of course, a government commission was formed for the investigation, which lasted five months, but did not lead to anything. Soon the government paid families who lost the child, 500 pounds of compensation sterling. Another 5,000 pounds received each family additionally from a special foundation located under the patronage of Queen, Prince Philip and Prince Charles. This was closed on this.

None of the locals can forget the tragedy in Aberfan. Especially since the bitter reminder of this a terrible catastrophe He serves the cemetery of children located on the nearest hill, whose life carried the monstrous landslide.

Part of the sixth


Black Death in Good Friday

On March 23, 1989, Captain Joseph Heizelwood went to the bar in the port of Valdez. It was 16 hours, and he was released for several hours of free time until 200 million liters of crude oil were twisted on the oil terminal. Heizelwood played darts with his assistants and drank vodka. Warm company was resting all evening at the bar.

Impedance of the tragedy

Carefree breakthrough in the port bar served as the starting point for subsequent tragic events. Half a million sea birds died from the flooded oil, thousands of seals and maritime irradiation died in the sticky black forces in terrible torment, and local fishermen remained without livelihood. The vessel, which became synonymous with the ecological catastrophe in Alaska, was called Exxon Waldes.

Judging by the entry in the ship's magazine, the captain and his subordinates returned to the ship at 20:30. Loading by this time finished, and the tanker was ready to go out into the sea.

At 21:12, a 300 meters superstanker slowly separated from the terminal of the Transisaleskin oil pipeline. On board the tanker was Lotsman, who had to spend the ship through the Waldes Strait. Lotsman has subsequently showed that heselwood was carried alcohol, but he did not consider it necessary to make the captain's comment.

Alcoholic - SuperTanker Captain

Lotsman left the ship at 23:25, and the command accepted Joseph Heizelwood. He was an experienced seamant - from his forty-two years old more than twenty worked on the shipping company "Exxon". Heizelwood for nine years spent a tanker on this path many times and knew him as his five fingers. Haiselwood had alcohol problems, and the leadership was aware of this problem. Despite the treatment, he continued to drink. He even selected driver's license. Shortly after the pilot went off the tanker, "Exxon Waldes" met with Iceberg, breakdown from the glacier. In those places Icebergs are not uncommon. The captain requested the permission from the coast guard to deviate from the usual course to bypass the iceberg - this is exactly what follows the established procedure.

Having received permission, Heizelwood slowed down the vessel speed to 12 knots and sent it through small ice fields. After that, the captain left instead of his bridge of the third assistant Gregory Kazens. He gave an assistant detailed instructions, in which place it is necessary to return to the previous course, and asked twice, whether he will cope. Having received an affirmative answer, the captain went to his cabin, fell into bed and fell asleep by Dead Sno.

One error entails another

Did Joseph Heizelwood know that Gregory Kazens did not have a license for the superdanker control on this sea route? Did the captain noticed that his assistant was overwritten? This is still no one knows. At 23:50, Kazens stood on the bridge "Exxon Waldez" and tried to hold a tanker through the Strait of Prince William. It was necessary to go east, then turn to the southwest to return to the safe way. But the assistant missed the place where he should have turned, and sent a tanker with a sediment 20 meters directly to reefs!

From the strike of the underwater cliffs in the cargo tanks, three samples were formed on the right side, the outer sheath of the tanker was partially broken. Kazensa tried to stop the ship, but there was no time for it. Two miles south of the first cliff, at Reef Blya, the tanker sat down. In the oil tanks gaped holes. Casens told the captain by phone: "It seems we have a big problem." Heizelwood hurried to the bridge. "We will lose some oil," he said. "I think we are stuck here for a while."

Calm, only calm!

There was a passionate Friday, on March 24, 1989. At 00:04 Oil from Superstanker "Exxon Waldes" flowed into the strait of Prince William. For five hours after the accident, 40 million liters of oil resulted in the sea! With such emergencies, quick and decisive actions were required, but calm reigned around.

The vessel for the elimination of emergency oil spills was repaired, nowhere near the equipment, which is used in large oil spills.

In the first hours after the accident, the oil film spread over the water surface by seven kilometers. Only after 18 hours near the tanker appeared the first group of liquidators of the consequences of the accident!

All chances to limit disaster scales were missed. On March 27, a strong storm began, which removed Nephny even further, and a solid black layer covered more than 7,500 square kilometers of the sea. Oil polluted the coast on the length of two thousand kilometers.

Fighting "Black Death"

When the working concern and volunteers arrived at the place of the catastrophe, they saw a terrible picture. Thousands of birds are desperately covered with a viscous black mass of the coast. Their feathers wade out of oil, some of them shouted, others beat in agony, the third was already lying on the black bank of dishonorable lifeless carcasses. The tankers were crowded around "Exxon Waldes", who hastily rejected the oil remaining in his tanks. Concern "EXCON" for several weeks delivered 11 thousand temporary workers to the disaster area, which, with the help of chemicals and pumps, was purified by coast from oil. March 29, they began to collect on the shore and destroy dead birds.

The work on the cleaning of the coast lasted for three years and the concern "Exxon" is two billion dollars. It suffered not only the animal world - hundreds of fishermen after the oil spill remained without work. People who worked on the elimination of oil pollution now suffer from diseases of the lungs, liver, neurological diseases, frequent nose bleeding ...

Who is guilty?

The court on Alaska did not take into account that the captain was drunk. After a long time after the disaster in the blood of Heiselwood, 0.6 resorts of alcohol remained, but since the analysis was done too late, his result could not be taken into account by the court. Therefore, the sentence was pretty soft: "Captain's 50 thousand percentaged over the negligence was sentenced to 50 thousand dollars fine and a thousand hours of social and useful work on Alaska. Only by 2001 the unfinished Captain of Superstanker paid a fine and worked out the last clock. He will never be a captain.

Heiselwood 20 years did not give an interview and only in the spring of this year said that he had blamed himself for the harm caused to them to humanity.

Concern "Exxon" still transports black gold in oil courts. The accident cost its owners is very expensive, because I had to pay compensation to fishermen and finance work on cleaning the shore. Representatives of the concern emphasize that the accident occurred due to the fateful coincidence of circumstances and that the enterprise is not responsible for it.