Mysterious disappearances of people in the history of forensic science. Disappearances of people, mysterious and inexplicable. Mysterious disappearance at Stonehenge

There are many cases of mysterious disappearances in history. And although the circumstances of these strange phenomena may be quite natural, the fact remains.

In this article, we will look at the most interesting and mysterious disappearances of people that have become known to the whole world. Lovers will be interested.

Disappearance of D. B. Cooper

World famous plane hijacker JB Cooper became popular after he committed an interesting robbery. Having received the required amount of $ 200,000, the man jumped out of a Boeing 727 with a parachute.

It is worth noting that the jump was made at an altitude of 4 km in the state of Oregon. This incident took place in 1974. And although thousands of people were looking for him, the robber was never found.

Disappearance of Diderici

In 1815, a man named Diderici came to a bank to withdraw money from his late boss.

He dressed up in his clothes and put on a proper make-up. However, his simple plan failed. The court sentenced the swindler to 10 years in prison.

According to prison protocols, when Diderici went for a walk with other prisoners, something inexplicable began to happen. He slowly became invisible. As a result, the prisoner simply disappeared into thin air. Nothing was left of him but the shackles.

An interesting fact is that this event took place in front of the guards and prisoners. At the trial, all witnesses claimed that Diderici gradually became transparent until he completely disappeared.

No matter how hard the investigators tried to understand this case, they were unable to disclose it. The prison authorities closed the investigation and considered the events to be "God's will."

Disappeared settlement of the Eskimos

In November 1930, the hunter Joe Labelle found himself near an Eskimo settlement who lived on the shore of a lake. Tired of the long journey, he decided to find himself an overnight stay.

The once prosperous settlement, which a hunter often passed by, turned out to be completely empty. The impression was created that all residents in a hurry abandoned their homes and left in an unknown direction.

In one house, food was being prepared on the stove, and in another, unfinished things lay on the floor with a needle sticking out of them. People just disappeared somewhere in the most mysterious way.

James Thetforth

This American disappeared without a trace in December 1949 while on a bus ride. He, along with 14 other people, was heading to Bennington, where his home was located. James was last seen sleeping in his seat.

When the bus arrived at the designated place, it seemed to vanish into thin air. His luggage was left on the bus. It is still unknown how Tetfort disappeared.

Lieutenant Felix Monkla

On November 23, 1953, an unknown flying object was detected by radars over Lake Michigan. In this regard, an F-89C fighter was raised to intercept the suspicious object. The controllers assured that when the fighter approached the UFO, they both disappeared somewhere.

In this regard, a search operation began, which did not yield any results. The wreckage of the plane was never found anywhere, as a result of which many people around the world learned about the incident with the disappearance of the fighter.

The mysterious disappearance of flight MH370

The disappearance of Flight MH370 remains the biggest mystery of the 21st century. The plane took off from the capital and was supposed to land on March 8, 2014.

Today there are many versions explaining the disappearance of the plane, but all of them are not supported by facts and do not lend themselves to.

The disappearance of Valentich

In 1978, the famous "disappearance of Valentich" took place. This incident is unmatched in Australian aviation history. When Friedrich Valentich took off on an airplane into the sky, he noticed some strange object.

The pilot immediately reported this to the operators, after which his plane instantly disappeared from the radar screens. On the same day, a search and rescue operation was launched, which yielded no results.

Tara Grinstead

Tara was a simple American teacher who taught at the school. On October 22, 2005, she mysteriously disappeared somewhere. 4 years later, a video appeared on the Internet in which a serial killer appeared. It was accompanied by the words "Catch me, killer."

In the video, the man talked about how he killed 16 girls, including Grinstead. However, it later turned out that the video was fabricated from start to finish.

As a result, the investigators were unable to provide a reasonable answer about the mysterious disappearance of the teacher.

Michael Rockefeller

The American scientist and anthropologist, who was the son of the famous businessman Nelson Rockefeller, disappeared without a trace during an expedition to New Guinea.

He wanted to meet with the Asmat tribe, who were cannibals, to look at their life and get some unusual things. Local residents in every possible way dissuaded Michael from this idea, fearing for his life, but he was adamant. The scientist got into the boat and swam forward.

One of the last photos of Michael, taken in the tribe

After some time, the boat crashed, as a result of which he had to swim to the shore. After that, no one saw him. The boy's father did his best to find the disappeared son, but the attempts were unsuccessful. According to the official version, Michael Rockefeller was eaten by the Asmat.

Richie Edwards

Rock fans have obviously heard of a member of the Welsh band, the Manic Street Preachers. He often staged various performances on stage, during which he injured himself.

In addition, the man suffered from depression and alcoholism. In 1995, his car was discovered at what is known as the "final resting place of suicides." No one saw him again.

Harold Holt

Holt was once the prime minister. Politics began to be talked about after his mysterious disappearance on December 17, 1967. The man disappeared while swimming in Cheviot Beach, Victoria.

After a long search, his body was never found. There is an opinion that he could have been killed because he was a supporter of the war between and, however, this version is not supported by any facts.

Disappearance of 25 people

In 1955, the merchant ship Joyta, carrying 25 people, mysteriously disappeared in the Pacific Ocean. The ship was soon discovered, but its appearance left much to be desired.

The pipes of the ship were completely covered with rust, and the sounds of the playing radio were heard on board. Until now, the mysterious disappearance of 25 people has no official explanation.

The girls who disappeared at Dunes Park

On July 2, 1966, 3 girls went for a walk along the shores of Lake Michigan, leaving their belongings on the beach. After that, no one saw them.

The incident took place in the Dunes National Park. The police have not been able to find any evidence that would help to find out the reason for their disappearance.

The mysterious disappearance of Martha Wright

In 1975, Jackson Wright was driving his car with his wife in. After some time, having driven out of the Lincoln tunnel, the driver stopped the car to wipe the windows.

He began to wipe down the windshield, while his wife Martha took up cleaning the rear window. When Jackson turned around, his wife disappeared somewhere. The man assured the police that they were absolutely alone.

No matter how the investigators tried to find any evidence, they could not find any confirmation of the violent death of the girl. She just disappeared somewhere.

Connie Converse

In the 50s of the last century, Connie was a fairly successful singer. In 1974, when the woman was already in adulthood, she had a creative crisis. For this reason, she fell into a deep depression.

Once Converse decided to write farewell letters to her friends and relatives, after which she left in an unknown direction. The singer was never seen anywhere else.

Springfield Trinity

Three girls from Springfield, Missouri, Cheryl, Susie and Stacy, suddenly disappeared from the city. The first was 47 years old, the second was 19, and the third was 18.

The day before, Susie and Stacey were celebrating their high school diploma, and then decided to go to the house of Cheryl, who was Susie's mother. After that, the girls were never seen again.

The mystery of their disappearance remains unsolved today. An interesting fact is that the investigation of this case is still ongoing.

Amelia Earhart

In 1937, Amelia decided to fly around the world in a light twin-engined aircraft. She disappeared without a trace flying over the Pacific Ocean, not far from Howland Island. The disappearance of Earhart is fraught with many mysteries and still haunts historians.

The disappearance of the hippies near Stonehenge

In 1971, a hippie company pitched tents nearby, where they planned to spend the night and organize a joint vacation. A farmer and a policeman were the last to see these people.

Both assured that a heavy downpour with thunder and lightning began at night. Soon, one of the lightning struck the boulders, after which everything in the area lit up with blue light.

Immediately after the outbreak, the terrible shouts of "hippies" were heard. When the farmer and the policeman approached Stonehenge, they did not see a single person. All people disappeared somewhere.

The inexplicable disappearance and whereabouts of more than thirty men, women and children who disappeared from the Eskimo village in the first half of the twentieth century near Lake Anjikuni.
Lake Anjikuni is rich in pike and trout. It is located along the banks of the Kazan River in one of the remote regions of Canada. This land is rich in legends about evil spirits. The more fascinating and mysterious is the story of the disappearance of local residents.
The whole story began in November 1930, when the Canadian fur hunter Labelle arrived in an Eskimo village and, to his surprise, found that the huts were empty. But just a few weeks ago it was a hospitable, noisy settlement in which life was in full swing. Now deathly silence greeted him. The hunter could not find a single inhabitant of the village. Understandably, he wanted to know what had happened. However, his searches have yielded no results. He walked around the whole village, looking into every corner.

The kayak boats of the local population were in their usual place, on the pier, and all the necessary household items and weapons remained in the houses. In the houses, the hunter also found pots with a traditional dish - stew. All fish stocks were also in place. Everything was exactly the same as before, except for people. The tribe, which numbered more than two and a half thousand people, disappeared without a trace on the most ordinary day. The hunter did not find any signs of a struggle.
Another detail that added to the mystery of the situation was that there was no trace of the village.
Labelle recalled that he felt an inexplicable fear and tension in his abdomen, and immediately rushed to the telegraph and sent an alert to the Royal Canadian Mountain Police. Since no one had ever heard anything like it, the police immediately sent an entire expedition to the village. The search for residents stretched along the entire coast of the lake. When the police arrived at the scene, several more facts were discovered that indicated that the disappearance was of a mystical nature. First, the Eskimos did not take sled dogs, as the hunter had originally assumed. Their icy skeletons were found deep under the snow. They starved to death. Moreover, it turned out that the graves of the ancestors were opened, and the bodies of the deceased disappeared without a trace.
These facts baffled the local authorities. It was clear that people did not use either of the two modes of transport. In addition, if they voluntarily left the village, then, as a last resort, they would not leave the dogs tied, they would let them go, giving them the opportunity to find food for themselves. But the second secret seems to be more strange - scientists are confidently burning that the Eskimos could not disturb the graves of their ancestors, since this is prohibited by customs.

And besides, the earth at that time was so frozen that it was simply impossible to dig it up without the help of special equipment. According to one of the police officers who took part in the search, what happened in the village is physically absolutely impossible. Seven decades later, no one could dispute this statement of his. Until now, the Canadian authorities have not been able to solve the mystery of Lake Anjikuni. Moreover, they could not find the descendants of members of this tribe. And everything looks as if this village never existed in the world.

Such, at least, the strange disappearance of an entire village defies any more or less reasonable explanation. Even if someone attacked the tribe, the police would find the remains of people or traces of confrontation, but nothing of the kind was found ...
However, this is far from the only case; history still preserves many similar legends. In Kenya, in one of the tribes, researchers heard a legend about the island of Envaitenet, where a large tribe had lived for a long time. It was engaged in trade with other tribes. But one day the trading just stopped. Scouts were sent to the island, who brought information that the village was empty, while all things remained in their places. But, again, a completely natural question arises: How and, most importantly, why did the inhabitants of a whole tribe manage to cross the lake unnoticed and where did they disappear altogether? After this incident, the island, whose name means "irrevocable", is considered cursed.
Similar disappearances have occurred in Russia as well. A lot of reports of such cases appeared in the media regarding Lake Pleshcheyevo. If you believe the history, once upon a time the beautiful city of Kleshchin was built on this lake, but once all the inhabitants left it in the same way as the Eskimos left their village. Legends say that this city was cursed by the Spirit of the Lake. Therefore, the city of Pereyaslavl-Zalessky, which was built later in this area, was erected away from the lake. And although these are just beautiful legends, however, Lake Pleshcheyevo to this day inspires fear in the local population. Residents believe that the fog, which often appears on the lake, is very dangerous. And if you get into it, you can find yourself in a parallel world and return in a few days, or even disappear altogether.
Something similar is happening in the Irkutsk region. In 1997, in Nizhneilimsky district, not far from the Dead Lake, three local police officers disappeared. And five years earlier, in the same area, a whole train train disappeared, along with all the people accompanying it.
The Pskov region also has its own anomalous place. This is the area near the village of Lyady, which is crossed by a ravine. It was there that a team sent to logging disappeared.
All these stories are united by the fact that they all have explanations, even if not entirely plausible. But how to explain the disappearance of people in front of a large number of witnesses? For example, there is a widely known story that happened to the farmer Lange, who disappeared in front of five eyewitnesses. And such stories also happen very often. Even in the chronicles of the seventeenth century, there are records that during the meal Monk Ambrose literally disappeared into the air.

But in those days, such incidents were explained very simply - the intrigues of evil spirits and witchcraft. In the early 1800s, British Ambassador B. Bathurst disappeared in exactly the same way. At first, his disappearance was not given due importance, writing it off to Napoleonic intrigues. However, numerous eyewitness accounts confirmed that Napoleon had nothing to do with this case.
A more modern case has already occurred in our time, when the wife disappeared almost in front of her husband's eyes, just getting out of the car to wipe the glass.
But people do not always disappear without a trace. Sometimes it happens that people who have disappeared in one place, after a certain period of time, appear in another, completely unfamiliar place. So, for example, it happened in the second half of the twentieth century with one of the military pilots, who had to eject because his plane crashed. When he came to his senses, it turned out that there was about one kilometer to the accident site. And one of his colleagues claims that the plane simply disappeared.
The Chinese town of Guilin, known for its winding, branchy caves, also boasts cases of disappearances. Guides who conduct excursions to the caves are forced to count tourists after each trip to the cave. And the reason is not only that someone can get left behind or get lost. In 2001, a very strange but rather funny story happened. One of the excursions was joined by a new tourist whom no one had seen before. It turned out that this man himself believes that he is in 1998, and he caught up with his group, from which he fell behind, deciding to relax a little in one of the caves.
In 1621, the tsarist guard Mikhail Fedorovich captured the detachment of Khan Devlet-Girey, who went on a campaign in 1571. What amazement was read on their faces when they found out what year they were in. According to the soldiers of the detachment, they, together with the Tatar army, took part in the assault on Moscow, on their way there was a deep ravine covered with fog. They managed to leave it only after half a century.
According to scientists, such disappearances can be explained by the existence of temporary "black holes" through which a person can get into a parallel reality, but getting back is almost impossible. Such time gaps arise due to geophysical anomalies, such as faults in the earth's crust. No less often used is the version that people are abducted by aliens to conduct their research.
Teleportation is an unpredictable phenomenon, so it is impossible to know in advance exactly where this anomaly can bring a person. Scientists also claim that such miracles can be demonstrated by residents of religious tribes, whose main part of life is meditation, as well as Tibetan yogis. Teleportation can also be explained by the fact that in certain circumstances paranormal supernatural abilities can "wake up" in a person, in particular, the emergence of danger to life and a great desire to leave a certain place. This assumption was proved experimentally - a dog was set on a cat. The cat was so scared that it hissed and ... disappeared. Only a collar was found on the spot, and the animal itself was found a few days later on the roof of the church bell tower.
Similar cases are recorded almost every day. And even despite the fact that most of them have a prosaic, conventional explanation, some of them really defy any logic and amaze with their mystery and mystical background. You can be sure that most cases will never make it to the pages of the media, since there will simply be no one to tell about them ...

edited news Nine tailed fox - 18-12-2012, 16:13

MOSCOW, May 20- RIA Novosti, Victor Zvantsev. Thousands of volunteers, rescuers and police officers can search for one missing person. Some large-scale search operations take years, but people are never found. Moreover, it is not possible to find any traces, not a single clue. In such cases, even experienced investigators shrug their shoulders and say: as if the aliens had kidnapped. RIA Novosti talks about the most high-profile and mysterious disappearances that have happened in Russia in recent years.

Chain of disappearances

In November 2013, two siblings disappeared in the village of the River Kirov region: eight-year-old Seryozha and eleven-year-old Volodya Kulakov. The boys went for a walk and did not return. Local residents, volunteers, rescuers and policemen combed the entire area - to no avail. Investigators considered several versions, including accident and crime. Thousands of people were interviewed, hundreds of examinations were carried out, but nothing was clarified. It is believed that the children could have fallen prey to an unknown maniac.

A few days earlier, a local doctor, Anatoly Galkin, had disappeared in the village. He went to the forest, where his friends were waiting for him, but he never got to them. And two days after the start of the search for the Kulakovs, the hunter Gennady Gromov, who took an active part in them, disappeared. His body was found eight months later - there were no wounds or traces of beatings. The search for children and a doctor continues to this day.

Didn't reach the apartment

In September 2009, Irina Safonova, a 28-year-old child psychologist, disappeared in Novosibirsk. On the evening of the eighth, she, along with her young man Alexander Skurikhin, went to the cinema. After the session, Skurikhin drove her home by car and dropped her off at the entrance. However, Irina did not appear at home, where her ten-year-old son was waiting. That same night, a neighbor found a bunch of keys to her apartment in the elevator.

© Photo: Investigative Directorate of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation in the Novosibirsk Region

© Photo: Investigative Directorate of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation in the Novosibirsk Region

The next day, relatives, volunteers and police organized a search. Soon almost the whole city was looking for her, but in vain. Investigators opened a criminal case under the article "Murder". One of the main suspects was Skurikhin, but many hours of interrogations and polygraph tests did not yield anything. Also, there was not a single witness who saw how Safonova entered or exited the elevator. The search continues.

Didn't leave vacation

In September 2009, Yana Fedorova, a 29-year-old dentist from Novosibirsk, disappeared without a trace in Altai. She decided to spend a vacation in nature and came to the small resort town of Belokurikha. I spent the night at the hotel, and the next day I took my backpack and went for a walk, from which I did not return. The mobile phone was left on the bed in the hotel room.

Rescuers, dog handlers with dogs were looking for her, and an Emergencies Ministry helicopter was lifted into the air. Sweeping the terrain has yielded no results. Investigators considered several versions, including murder. They even brought in a team of local psychics. Now the investigation of the criminal case has been suspended, but the operational-search activities continue.

Murder or kidnapping

In early March 2014, ten-year-old Ksenia Bokova was returning from school in Novoaltaisk and stopped answering calls at about noon. The cell phone was found that evening not far from the bridge. Operatives suggested that the girl could have drowned. The divers carefully examined the waters of the Malaya Cheremshanka River - nothing. Investigators considered murder and abduction as one of the main versions, but found no traces or witnesses.

Desperate, the relatives of the missing girl turned to psychics, whose opinions were divided: some said that Ksyusha was alive, others that she had been kidnapped and, most likely, she was dead. They are still looking for the schoolgirl: volunteers in different cities of Russia are posting leaflets, and the police are conducting search activities.

Lost with a truck

In the spring of 2016, 55-year-old trucker Yuri Ozherelyev, who was transporting 20 tons of alcoholic beverages from Kabardino-Balkaria to Yekaterinburg, disappeared on the Ural highway. Together with him, a Volvo truck disappeared without a trace. The operatives found out that the driver left Ufa early in the morning and was supposed to arrive at the final destination of the route in the evening. However, in the Chelyabinsk region, communication with him was cut off. A few months later, his broken phone was found 20 kilometers from Yekaterinburg.

In some cases, people are killed or they accidentally die, and there are no witnesses at the place of their death. But still, in most of these cases, it is almost impossible to find a logical explanation.

Here are 20 of the most famous and mysterious disappearances in human history.

1. Flight MH370

One of the most greatest mysteries 21st century - Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 disappears while flying from Kuala Lumpur International Airport to Beijing International Airport in China on March 8, 2014. Despite the most diverse versions and theories of what happened, this mystery still remains unsolved and what happened defies any logical explanation.

2. The Lost Eskimo Village

One cold November night in 1930, a tired Canadian hunter Joe Labelle, looking for shelter from the cold, stumbled upon one of the most mysterious places in human history. The once prosperous Eskimo village on the shores of Lake Angikuni, past which Labelle repeatedly passed during his travels, disappeared without a trace. All residents, as if in a hurry, suddenly left the village, leaving unfinished business - food was still being prepared somewhere on the hearth, and in some houses the hunter found unfinished clothes with protruding needles. The Eskimos simply disappeared from this place in the most inexplicable way.

3. Springfield Trinity

The Missing Three from Springfield - Three girls are still missing. Sharyl Levitt (47), her daughter Susie Streeter (19) and Susie's friend Stacy McCall (18) have disappeared from Levitt's home in Springfield, Missouri. Suzie and Stacey celebrated their high school graduation the night before and arrived at Sherry Levitt's house at about 2 a.m. after the party. The police were unable to solve the mystery of the disappearance of the girls and the investigation is still ongoing.

4. Girls who disappeared at Dunes Park

Forty-nine years ago, on a sunny Saturday afternoon, three girls, leaving their belongings on a crowded beach, in swimsuits alone, went for a walk along Lake Michigan, which is an hour's drive southeast of Chicago. This happened at noon on July 2, 1966 in Dunes National Park, Indiana. From that day on, they are considered missing - no traces of the girls have been found.

5. Spartacus

Despite numerous scientific hypotheses that this warrior was killed in battle during the Spartacus Rebellion, the body of one of the most famous slaves of antiquity, who led the rebellion, was never found, and his fate remains unknown.

6. Tara Grinstead

Tara worked as a history teacher in high school Oquilla, Georgia in the United States. She went missing under mysterious circumstances on October 22, 2005. In February 2009, a video of a serial killer appeared on the Internet. In the video, accompanied by the caption "Catch me killer," the man tells the details of the murder of sixteen women, including, according to local authorities, was Tara Grinstead. However, the video was later found to be falsified and neither the police nor the FBI of the state of Jordia found any suspects in the case of Grinstead's disappearance.

7. Richie Edwards

Rock fans have probably heard of Richie Edwards, a Welsh musician and rhythm guitarist for the 1990s alternative rock band Manic Street Preachers. It is known that Edwards loved to deliberately mutilate himself, suffered from depression, alcoholism and anorexia. In 1995, his car was found abandoned in what is known as the "final resting place of suicides."

8. Harold Holt

Australian Prime Minister Harold Holt disappeared without a trace on December 17, 1967. Despite being considered one of Australia's top labor ministers, Holt is widely known for his mysterious disappearance. Harold Holt went missing while swimming in Cheviot Beach, Victoria on December 17, 1967, but his body was never found. Many believe that he was probably killed because of his support for US involvement in the Vietnam War, but this version remains unconfirmed.

9. James Thetforth

Former soldier James Thetforth disappeared from a crowded bus on December 1, 1949. Thetford, along with fourteen other passengers, drove to his home in Bennington, Vermont. He was last seen dozing in his place. When the bus arrived at its destination, Thetford evaporated, although all his belongings remained in the trunk, and the bus schedule lay on the empty seat. Since then, Thetford has never been seen again.

10. Martha Wright

In 1975, American Jackson Wright was driving with his wife from New Jersey to New York. After passing the Lincoln Tunnel, Wright stopped the car to wipe the fogged up windows. His wife Martha got out of the car to wipe the rear window. When Wright turned around, he did not see his wife. According to the man, he did not hear or see anything unusual, and the subsequent investigation did not reveal any evidence of a violent death. Martha Wright simply disappeared.

11. Connie Converse

Connie Converse was a talented composer and performer of her generation, performing on the New York music scene in the late 1950s. However, the singer never received wide public recognition. In 1974, when she was about fifty years old, there was a crisis in her personal and professional life, and Connie fell into depression. One day, Connie wrote farewell letters and, having sent them along with the lyrics and other recordings to all her friends and family, left in an unknown direction. She was never seen again.

12. Caesarion

Caesarion was Cleopatra's eldest son and probably the only son of Julius Caesar. He was also the last king of the Ptolemaic dynasty in Egypt, who ruled the country for eleven days before being killed by order of Octavian, who later became the Roman emperor Augustus. However, the exact circumstances and place of his death remain unknown today. According to the Greek historian Plutarch, he was not killed, but was sent to India by his mother.

13. Constance Manziarli

Adolf Hitler's personal chef and nutritionist, who went missing while fleeing Berlin after the Soviet invasion and the fall of Nazi Germany. Despite speculation that she was shot by Soviet soldiers in the Berlin Underground, or that she was suicidal with cyanide, some conspiracy theorists believe she is still alive since Constance's body has never been found.

14. Amelia Earhart

The famous American pilot was the first woman in the world to fly the Atlantic Ocean alone, but her airplane disappeared during a round-the-world flight near Howland Island in the Pacific Ocean in 1937. Its disappearance is still fraught with many mysteries that none of the historians have been able to solve.

15. Adolf Hitler

The death of one of the most famous madmen of the twentieth century, Adolf Hitler, is still shrouded in mystery. According to the generally accepted version, on April 30, 1945, after active street fighting, when Soviet troops were on the way to the Reich Chancellery, Hitler shot himself, and his wife Eva Braun swallowed a cyanide capsule. Their corpses were burned, and the remains were never found, and this fact gave rise to many theories about the subsequent fate of Hitler and his wife.

16.D.B. Cooper

Legendary plane hijacker JB Cooper became known as the mastermind behind the most extraordinary robbery in human history. After receiving a ransom of $ 200,000, he parachuted out of a Boeing 727, which was flying at an altitude of 4 kilometers in the Oregon area on November 24, 1974. After careful searches, the police found neither Cooper himself nor any trace of him.

17. Lieutenant Felix Monkla

On the evening of November 23, 1953, the most mysterious event in UFO sighting occurred - Air Force radars in the area of ​​Lake Michigan, Wisconsin in the United States detected an unidentified flying object. The F-89C Scorpion fighter was immediately brought up to intercept it from Kingross AFB. The aircraft was flown by Senior Lieutenant Felix Monkla, while Lieutenant Robert Wilson was the fighter's radar operator at the time. As ground operators later claimed, the fighter approached unidentified object and then both of them, merged together, disappeared from the radar screens. A search and rescue operation was organized, but the wreckage of the aircraft could not be found.

18. The ghost ship "Joyt"

The merchant ship Joyta, carrying twenty-five passengers and crew, mysteriously disappeared in the southern part The Pacific in 1955. Soon, the drifting ship was found in very poor condition, with rusted pipes and a working radio, which, due to damaged wiring, could only send distress signals within a radius of three kilometers. Until now, nothing is known about the whereabouts of the passengers of this vessel.

19. Hispanic Ninth Legion

The Ninth Legion mysteriously disappeared into foggy Britain during a military campaign. No traces of weapons, indicating that the legionaries could have been destroyed in the battle, were not found - the five thousandth army seemed to be swallowed up by the earth.

20. The disappearance of Valentich

The "Disappearance of Valentich" in 1978 is one of the most unusual events in the history of ufology. The mysterious case of Friedrich Valentich is considered one of the most famous secrets in Australian aviation - before the plane disappeared in the sky, the pilot managed to report on the radio that he had seen a UFO. Many representatives of the ufological subculture, as well as Valentich's father, believe that the man was abducted by aliens and may even be still alive.

They never returned home!

These are 10 stories about people who mysteriously disappeared. Going to work should be a daily routine. You come to your workplace, do your job for a few hours and then go home. However, there are frightening stories about people who leave their home for work on the most ordinary day and never return.

10. Deborah Poe.

A convenience store seller is a job fraught with potential dangers. But 26-year-old Deborah Poe needed money, so she took a job as a night salesman in a store in Orlando.

On February 4, 1990, Poe had her regular night shift at the store and was last seen at approximately 3:00 AM. An hour later, the customer found the store empty and contacted the police.

Poe's car was still in the parking lot, her wallet was inside, and there was no sign of being robbed or fighting. The Bloodhound took Poe's trail behind the store, but it quickly ended, indicating that she had left in another vehicle.

The case took a bizarre turn when another customer stated that she entered the Store between 3:00 and 4:00, but Po was not there. A young man in a Megadeth T-shirt stood behind the counter. The guy sold her cigarettes even though everything around him seemed unfamiliar to him. This mysterious person was never found, and the police are not sure if he is connected with Po's disappearance.

To this day, Deborah Poe is still missing. And she's not the only young woman who disappeared while working alone in the convenience store ...

9. Lynn Burdick.

In 1982, 18-year-old Lynn Burdick got a job as a shop assistant in a small mountain town in Florida. She worked alone on the evening of April 17th. At 8:30 pm, there was half an hour before the store closed, and Burdick's parents called to see if they needed to take her home. But nobody answered the phone.

Brother Burdick went to the store to check on her. Lynn was nowhere to be found, and $ 187 was missing at the box office. No clue was found during the search operation, but police suspected Burdick's disappearance was related to an incident earlier that evening.

In less than an hour, an unidentified man attempted to kidnap a young woman off the nearby Williams College campus. The student ran away from him, and the perpetrator disappeared. Later, a dark sedan matching the suspect's description of the car was seen heading in the direction of the ill-fated store. Since he was located only 15 kilometers from the college, it is possible that this same person also kidnapped Burdick.

One potential suspect was a man named Leonard Paradiso. Paradiso was convicted of the murder of a young woman in 1984 and is believed to have been responsible for a large number of other unsolved murders. He may have been in the area at the time of Burdick's disappearance, but died in prison from cancer in 2008 before he could be linked to other crimes.

8. Curtis Pichon.

For 10 years Curtis Pichon worked as a police officer in Concord, New Hampshire, but his tenure as a law enforcement officer ended when he contracted multiple sclerosis. By the age of 40, Pichon was forced to take a job as a security guard at the Venture Corporation plant in Seabrook.

On July 5, 2000, he went on the night shift. At 1:42 am, he called the fire department after his car inexplicably caught fire. No one ever found out the cause of the fire, but firefighters noticed that Pichon seemed unusually calm given the fact that happened to his car. After extinguishing the fire, he continued to work, but at about 3:45 am, a colleague noticed his absence. Pichon mysteriously disappeared, and during the search not a single trace of him was found.

Due to his struggle with multiple sclerosis, Pichon was also depressed, so it was assumed that he was prone to suicide and had mental insanity when his car caught fire. However, due to illness, Pichon could not go far to commit suicide, so his body had to be found near his place of work. The door and two vending machines at the plant were damaged, so they did not rule out the possibility that Pishon faced a criminal.

A few years later, one of Pichon's former colleagues, Robert April, was arrested for a completely different crime. It was said that April claimed that it was he who killed Pichon. However, the charges against April were dropped because no evidence linking him to Pishon's mysterious disappearance has ever been found.

7. Susie Lamplew.

One of the strangest disappearances in London history is the disappearance of 25-year-old real estate agent Susie Lamplew. She was last seen at the Sturgis Estate Agents office on July 28, 1986, but mysteriously disappeared while driving to show the house to a potential client in Fulham. According to Lamplew's notes, the client's name was "Mr. Kipper," and their meeting was scheduled for 12:45 pm.

Lamplew never returned from this meeting, and her car was found about 2.5 kilometers from her home in Fulham. Witnesses saw her arguing with an unknown person on the street that day before getting into another car. An investigation found no trace of Lamplew, and she was pronounced dead in 1994.

Authorities thought Mr. Kipper was a serial rapist named John Cannan, who was released from prison three days before Lamplew disappeared. He was nicknamed Kipper, and he looked like the unknown person with whom Lamplew was arguing. In 1989, Cannan was convicted of the murder of another woman and received three life sentences. One of Cannan's ex-girlfriends told police that he talked about the rape and murder of Lamplew and was questioned about his involvement in her disappearance.

Even though the police had a strong case against Cannan, there was not enough evidence to charge him with Lamplew's murder. Nevertheless, they publicly announced that Cannan, in their opinion, was the very culprit. Cannan remains in prison and denies killing Lamplew.

6. Lisa Gays.

On the morning of February 27, 1989, employees of a company in Georgia went to their workplaces and found the building flooded. As it turned out, the flood was caused by a triggered fire extinguishing system, which worked at a workplace belonging to 26-year-old programmer Lisa Gays, who worked the night before, and could not be found anywhere. The gift and flood became a matter of secondary importance when a pool of blood was discovered at Geis's workplace.

Gays' car and wallet were found in a nearby forest, and the police feared the worst when they found a bloody brick nearby. Due to flooding in the building and heavy rain outside, all evidence of the bloody scene was severely damaged.

The prime suspect was a recently fired employee. This employee may have broken into the building to make a mess, and unexpectedly bumped into Geis. At that time, the suspect lived in a large territory of his own with big amount wells, and a few years later his ex-wife claimed that he once called them "a good place to hide a corpse." Even though the police searched many of these wells, they found no trace of Gays, and there is still no evidence linking the suspect to her alleged killer.

5. Brian Carrick.

On the evening of December 20, 2002, 17-year-old Brian Carrick went to work as a storekeeper at a food market in Jonesburg, Illinois. The next day, Carrick's parents panicked because he never returned home and declared him missing. The police did not find a single witness in the market to confirm that Carrick was leaving work.

In the morning after Carrick's disappearance, one of the employees found a pool of blood in the product refrigerator. The manager, thinking that the blood had dripped from raw meat, ordered to wash the stain. However, drops of blood were found throughout the store, and DNA analysis confirmed that it belonged to Carrick.

A few years later, a version appeared that Carrick's manager, Mario Cassiaro, was responsible for his disappearance. After their colleague Shane Lamb was arrested in a drug case, he turned in both Cassiaro and Carrick. According to Lamb, Carrick obtained marijuana for Cassiaro and owed him money. When Cassiaro asked Lamb for help to get the debt out of Carrick, things got out of hand. They accidentally killed him in the cold room and then disposed of the body.
In 2010, Cassiaro was charged with first-degree murder after Lamb agreed to testify against him in exchange for a reduced sentence. During the first trial, the jury was unable to reach a consensus, but in 2013 Cassiaro was found guilty and received 26 years in prison. He continues to insist on his innocence, and Brian Carrick's body has never been found.

4. Kim Leggett.

Kim Leggett, a 21-year-old woman who worked as a secretary in Mercedes, Texas. On October 9, 1984 at 4:30 pm, a client saw Leggett talking to two unidentified men in the parking lot. About 15 minutes later, Leggett's stepfather received an anonymous phone call stating that Leggett had been kidnapped for ransom.

At first, he assumed the demand was a hoax, but soon learned that the stepdaughter was absent from the workplace. Even though her car was parked, her belongings and wallet were inside, Kim Leggett disappeared without a trace. The Leggett family received a $ 250,000 ransom demand. The letter was written in her handwriting.

Leggett's stepfather was a pilot and she was rumored to have been kidnapped because he refused to smuggle into Mexico. Leggett left behind a husband and a one-year-old son, and some suspicions arose about his husband too - he allegedly mentioned his wife's disappearance in conversation with friends, when no one else knew about it.

However, the two men who spoke to Leggett were never found. After the first ransom demand, no one else contacted her family.

3. Treveline Evans.

In 1990, 52-year-old Trevaline Evans was the owner of an antique shop in the small town of Llangollen in North Wales. On the afternoon of June 16, Evans mysteriously disappeared from the store. Her car was still parked nearby, and a sign on the front door said she would be back in two minutes.

Evans bought an apple and a banana from a nearby store at about 12:40 pm and was seen walking back to the store. The banana peel in the wastepaper basket indicated that she had returned to her workplace, but what happened next remains a mystery.

During the day, Evans was seen in various locations throughout the city, including in the vicinity of her home. But if Evans returned to the store after a two-minute absence and then left again, why was the sign still hanging on the door? In addition, both of her purses and her jacket remained in the store along with other items she planned to take home that day.

Over the years, Evans was allegedly seen in London, France and Australia, but none of these reports have been documented. At the same time, on the day of the disappearance, an unknown man was seen in the store, but he was never identified. 25 years later, Trevaline Evans' disappearance remains one of the most confusing cases in the history of the United Kingdom.

2. Kelly Wilson.

In 1992, 17-year-old Kelly Wilson took a job at Northeast Texas Video in the small town of Gilmer. On the evening of January 5, she was working at a video store and went out to withdraw money from a bank around the corner. Since then, no one has seen her. Wilson's car was later found in the video store's parking lot with a punctured tire, the girl's wallet still inside.

No further news of the disappearance emerged for two years until some rather horrifying conclusions were drawn. The city began to believe that Wilson had been kidnapped by a satanic cult, raped, killed and ritually dismembered.

In January 1994, eight suspects were charged with murder. Seven were from the local Kerr family, and the eighth suspect was Police Sergeant James Brown, who was investigating Wilson's disappearance. The suspects were also accused of sexually abusing their own children, some of whom told Child Protective Services that they witnessed Wilson's murder.

However, it soon became apparent that the children had fabricated their testimony, and there was no evidence to support the violence or murder. The charges against Sergeant Brown and the Kerr family were dropped, and rumors of a satanic cult were denied. All suspects claimed their innocence in the disappearance of Kelly Wilson, which remains unsolved until now.

1. Paul Armstrong and Stephen Lombard.

In 1993, the California Towing Company took center stage when two unrelated employees disappeared without a trace. Tow truck driver Stephen Lombard and bulldozer driver Paul Armstrong had no obvious connection to each other, but somehow they disappeared simultaneously on the same day.

Armstrong was last seen at his house by a girlfriend that morning and reported missing when he did not meet with her at lunchtime. Pawnshop was seen in the afternoon, when he went into the office for a salary. After that, no one saw him again, and his pickup truck was soon found abandoned in the K-Mart parking lot with the keys inside.

The strangest thing about this story was that the owner of the company, Randal Wright, was in the midst of strange events. In 2009, Wright's wife, who lived separately from him, mysteriously disappeared from a country house in Mexico. She was never found, and Wright didn't even bother to report her disappearance to the Mexican authorities.

In addition, Wright's six-year-old stepson drowned in the pool in 1982 while Wright watched him. Even though the child's death was initially attributed to an accident, the disappearance of Wright's wife prompted authorities to exhume her stepson's body for further investigation. They found no evidence of premeditated murder.

No one knows if Wright was responsible for the death of his stepson or the disappearance of his wife, but the disappearance of two of his employees on the same day seems like a rather odd coincidence.