Difference between Man, Human, Human Being, Person, People. Difference between Man, Human, Human Being, Person, People

Words man, human, human being, person may mean “person,” but their usage is different.

  • Human(pl. “humans”) is a human being as a living being. Homo Sapiens, a representative of the human race.

I made a mistake, I am only human after all. “I was wrong, I’m only human, after all.

Robots decided to kill all humans... - The robots decided to kill all people.

  • Human being(plural “human beings”) is literally a “human being”. The same as human, but more scientific.

Don’t talk to me like that, I am a human being! - Do not talk to me like that, I am a man!

It is in the nature of human beings... - It is inherent in human nature.

  • Person- a person, a person as a member of society, is endowed with qualities that are considered to be “human”. Also the word person widely used when you need to politely point to a person (man or woman). Person in this sense is used along with words such as lady(talking about a stranger) gentleman(about a man).

You are the type of person I would like to be friends with. - You are the kind of person with whom I would like to be friends.

That lady is with me and there is one more person coming. - This lady is with me, and one more person will come now.

When talking about some people (without specifying gender) in the plural, they often use people, but not persons(see below).

  • Man(pl. “men”) is most often “man”.

A man walks his dog. - The man is walking his dog.

Word man(but not men) can also mean “person, people” as a generalized concept. Word men always refers to males.

It is man who has polluted the planet. - It is a man who polluted the planet (people, humanity).

Those men work together. - These people (about men) work together.

In history, fantasy books and films, the word man often used as "warrior" or "subordinate (vassal, servant)".

My men will not lose the battle. - My people (warriors) will not lose the battle.

No. man can serve two masters. “No man can serve two masters.

No. man can kill me! - No man can kill me!

There is a curious play on words associated with the last phrase I took from The Lord of the Rings.

The leader of the Nazgуловl says “No man can kill me”, meaning that no man can kill him. Princess Eowyn replies, “I am no man,” meaning “I am not a man,” as if the Nazgul had said that no man could kill him. In the Russian translation (of the film) there was "No husband can kill me" - "I am not a husband!"

  • People- the main meanings of this word: 1) people (several people), 2) people.

There are too many people in the room. - There are too many people in the room.

We will protect our planet for our people! - We will protect our planet for our people!

Plural: people, men, humans, human beings, persons

Let us consider separately these words in the plural form: peoples, men, humans, human beings, persons.

  • Peoples- peoples. The peoples of the world - peoples of the world.
  • Humans \ human beings- human beings, homo sapiens, "humans",
  • Persons(more often “people”) are just some people, for example, strangers. No gender indication.
  • Men- men.

People can also be plural

Word man translation - man, person, husband, humanity, guy, dude, man, soldier, fighter, sailor, male, manning.

Association # 1 man translation - man

Seemingly easy word in English MAN. And films such as BATMAN, SUPERMAN, SPIDERMAN are translated as bat-man, ..., spider-man. But everything is not so simple here. The word MAN in English is translated by the word PERSON or HUMAN.

MAN is exactly a MAN, and a woman is. And as can be seen from the translation in the first line of this post, MAN translates in general everything that is associated with the masculine gender). Even staffing, that is, recruiting men to work.

Association # 2 man translation - man

In MAN trucks (I think many have seen this on the roads of our vast homeland), the drivers are real men! This is even indicated by the MAN logo - a proud lion

Usage examples of man translation - man

  1. He's a very kind man. - He is a very kind person.
  2. Man cannot live by bread - Man does not live by bread alone.
  3. Students were manning the booths. - The students were seated in the booths.
  4. Man, that was a y! - Damn, you're lucky to get out unscathed! (for example in case of an accident)
  5. The average man is er and stronger than the average woman. - The average man is taller and stronger than the average woman.
  6. Come on, be a man now. No more crying. - Come on, be a man. Stop crying.

I sat next to a man on the airplane who snored the whole time.
I was sitting next to a man on the plane who snored all the time.

The old man caught a big fish.
The old man caught a big fish.

That old man is, so to speak, a walking dictionary.
This old man, so to speak, is a walking dictionary.

That man is not a professor, he is a doctor.
That person is not a professor, he is a doctor.

Police have advised that the man who stole the bike spoke with a strong accent.
Police said the person who stole the motorcycle spoke with a heavy accent.

The priest pronounced them man and wife.
The priest proclaimed them husband and wife.

A selfish man thinks of nothing but his own feelings.
A self-loving person thinks only of his own feelings.

Two men met face to face.
The two met face to face.

Two men had their arms severed in Taiwan after a tug-of-war accident.
In an accident during a tug-of-war competition in Taiwan, two men tore off their arms.

Those men are seasoned soldiers.
These guys are seasoned fighters.

What do you men want?
What do you men want?

In God "s eyes all men are equal.
In the eyes of God, all people are equal.

The captain ordered his men to fire.
The captain ordered his men to shoot.

"Women know fuck all about football." "Yeah? Well, men know fuck all about knitting. "
"Women don't fucking know football." - "Yes? But men don't know nichrome knitting. "

Men acme; men a di one; men ar che; men as pis; men da cious; men da cious ly; men da cious ness; men dac i ty; men · de; men · de · lé · eff s; men de le vi um; men de lian ism; men de lian ist; men del ism; men del ize; men del s; men · de · lye · ev · ite;… ... English syllables

Men- Cette page d'homonymie répertorie les différents sujets et articles partageant un même nom. (((image))) Sigles d une seule lettre Sigles de deux lettres>

Mén- MEN Cette page d'homonymie répertorie les différents sujets et articles partageant un même nom. (((image))) Sigles d une seule lettre Sigles de deux lettres> Sigles de trois lettres… Wikipédia en Français

Men- hat folgende Bedeutungen: eine phrygische Gottheit, siehe Men (Gott) japanisches Wort für den Kopfschutz der Kendō Rüstung: Men (Kendō) Name des Sterns Alpha Lupi Originaltitel des US amerikanischen Filmdramas Männer sindia… zumipedus da demdramas Männer sind… zumipedus

men- / men /, n. pl. of man. * * * (as used in expressions) Young Men s Christian Association Angry Young Men Chamberlain s Men Lord Chamberlain s Men International Working Men s Association Lung men caves * * * ▪ Anatolian god moon god worshiped ... ... Universalium

Men- puede referirse a: Men, nombre de la estrella Alfa Lupi (α Lup). Men palabra inglesa que significa varón. Men, nombre de una diosa frigia. Men, en japonés, designa a la parte de la armadura que cubre la cabeza en el Kendō, así como a uno de los ... ... Wikipedia Español

Men- Men, pron. A man; one; used with a verb in the singular, and corresponding to the present indefinite one or they. Piers Plowman. Men ... ... The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

men-3- men 3 English meaning: to think, mind; spiritual activity Deutsche Übersetzung: “denken, geistig erregt sein” Note: extended menǝ: mnü and mnē, menēi: menī Material: O.Ind. mányatē “denkt”, Av. mainyeite ds., ap. ... ... Proto-Indo-European etymological dictionary

MEN- iniciales de Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia (Neoplasias endocrinas múltiples). Es un síndrome neoplásico de carácter hereditario que predispone al desarrollo de tumores benignos o malignos de tipo endocrino. Se conocen dos tipos: MEN tipo 1 en el…… Diccionario médico

menþja-- * menþja, * menþjam, * mendja, * mendjam germ., stark. Neutrum (a): nhd. Andenken, Gedenken, Erinnerung; ne. memory, rememberance; Rekontruktionsbasis: got., An., Ahd .; Hinweis: s. * mendi; Etymologie: s. ing… Germanisches Wörterbuch

men- plural of MAN (Cf. man) (n.). To separate the men from the boys in a figurative sense is from 1943; earliest uses tend to credit it to U.S. aviators in World War II. One of the most expressive G.I. terms to come out of the late strife was that s ... ... Etymology dictionary


  • Men Without Woman, Hemingway Ernest. Men Without Women was a milestone in Hemingway "s career. Fiesta had already established him as a novelist of exceptional power, but with these short stories, his second collection, he showed ... Buy for 777 rubles
  • Men Without Women, Ernest Hemingway. "Men Without Women" was a milestone in Hemingway "s career." Fiesta "had already established him as a novelist of exceptional power, but with these short stories, his second collection, he ...
  1. noun
    1. Human

      Examples of using

        Towards the end of the month of October 1829 a young man entered the Palais-Royal just as the gaming-houses opened, agreeably to the law which protects a passion by its very nature easily excisable.

        At the end of October 1829, a young man entered the Palais Royal, just in time for the opening of the gambling houses, according to the law protecting the rights of passion, subject to taxation by its very nature.

        Shagreen leather. Honoré de Balzac, p. 1
      1. And Calvin Coolidge said, "No man ever listened his way out of a job. "

        And Calvin Coolidge said, "Nobody's been fired yet for listening a lot."

        Captioning of the video "10 Ways to Be a Good Chat. Celeste Headlee", p. 5
      2. I remember him as if it were yesterday, as he came plodding to the inn door, his sea-chest following behind him in a hand-barrow-a tall, strong, heavy, nut-brown man, his tarry pigtail falling over the shoulder of his soiled blue coat, his hands ragged and scarred, with black, broken nails, and the saber cut across one cheek, a dirty, livid white.

        I remember, as if it was yesterday, how, stepping heavily, he dragged himself to our door, and his sea chest was taken after him in a wheelbarrow. He was a tall, strong, overweight man with a dark face. A tarred plait protruded over the collar of his greasy blue coat. His hands were rough, with some kind of scars, his nails were black, broken, and the saber scar on his cheek was of a dirty white color, with a tint of lead.

        Treasure Island. Robert Louis Stevenson, p. 1
    2. in stable combinations: a> as a representative of the profession: man of law lawyer, lawyer: man of letters writer, literary man, scientist;
      man of office official;
      man of the pen writer; b> as the owner of certain qualities: man of character - a person with character;
      man of courage is a brave, courageous person;
      man of decision is a decisive person;
      man of distinction (or mark, note) outstanding, famous person;
      man of family noble person; family man;
      man of genius is a genius person;
      man of ideas an inventive, resourceful person;
      man of pleasure voluptuous;
      man of principle
      man of no principles unprincipled person;
      man of no scruples unscrupulous, shameless person;
      man of sense sane, reasonable person;
      man of straw a> straw stuffed animal; b> unreliable person; in> dummy, fictitious person; r> imaginary enemy;
      man of taste
      a man of worth a worthy, respectable man; family man, self-made man, medical man, leading man, etc. see family, self-made, medical, leading, etc.
    3. Man
    4. courageous man
    5. human race, humanity
    6. servant, person;
      I "m your man colloquial I'm at your service, I agree
    7. (com. plural) worker
    8. husband;
      man and wife
    9. soldiers, privates; sailors
    10. history - vassal
    11. pawn, checker (in play);
      to be one "s own man a> be independent, self-reliant; freely dispose of oneself; b> come to your senses, be normal; keep yourself in control;
      man in the street, American, used in the USA also man in the car an ordinary person, a philistine;
      man about town socialite; playboy;
      man of the world a> a person wise by life experience; b> secular person;
      good man! great !, hello!;
      man and boy from a young age; (all) to a man all to one, as one (person), all without exception;
      every man to his own taste there are no comrades for a taste of color

      Examples of using

      1. Elliott "s hostess brought the conversation around to Catholicism and the abbe spoke of it with unction, but without pedantry, as a man of the world, though a priest, speaking to another man of the world.

        The hostess of the house brought the conversation to Catholicism, and the abbot took up this topic reverently, but without pedantry, like a secular person (albeit a priest) in a conversation with another secular person.