We are preparing to the Arms around the world. VDP surrounding the world Methodical development on the world (grade 4) on the topic. Verification system for verification

Arrival around the world consists of two parts. The first part includes 6 tasks, and in the second - 4, that is, in the work of 10 tasks. The first two tasks are to highlight the desired parts of the image, the following three - in writing a brief response, and the last five - deployed. Tasks 3, 6, 7 refer to an increased level of complexity, and the rest - to the basic.

Evaluation System

In the amount of Arrival of Arriving Mire, you can get 31 points. Points are transferred in estimates according to the following scheme:

Examples of tasks with ramblings and explanations

Exercise 1

In this task, a picture is presented - for example, such:

It marked a piece of wood. The disciple need to think about the same way to note two more objects, one of which is made, for example, from metal, and the other from paper.

If the two items are correctly indicated, each of which is made from different materials - put 2 points. If the item is true only from one material - 1. If there is no right answer, the student does not receive points for this task.

Task 2.

In the second task, the student can be presented to the table, for example, with a weather forecast for three days. It includes 4 allegations from which you need to choose faithful - something like "On Friday, the air temperature will not exceed 28 degrees" and "for all three days will be sunny." If all the correct statements are chosen, the fourth-grader receives 2 points. If one error is allowed (or one correct statement is not written) - 1. In other cases there are 0 points.

Task 3.

In this task several parts. In total, you can get 6 points for this task.

In the first part A world map is presented on which on two any natural zones (for example, a taiga and desert) or continents (for example, Eurasia and Africa) costs two marks - A and B. It is necessary to write the names of the mainland. If there are no errors - there are 2 points, if one error is allowed - 1, and if more than one is 0.

In the second partthe pictures of three animals under the numbers are presented, without signatures - for example:

The condition is written that the photo of the leopard, the bear, Lama and Wolf are presented. In the form of a response you need to write, under what a number which animal is depicted. If everything is written without errors, 1 point is awarded. If not - 0 points.

In the third part It is necessary to answer the question: what animals inhabit the natural environment on the mainland A, and which - on the mainland B (or in natural zones a and b). If there are no errors, you can get 3 points. If there is one error - 2 points, two - 1 point, and three or more - 0.

Task 4.

In the fourth task, you need to hold compliance: pick up the proper end to the beginning of the phrase. Phrases are associated with a healthy lifestyle and maintaining health at all: sports sports, the care of the oral cavity, the need to dress on the weather, etc. He started the phrases given two, and the continuations are three, so it is important not to get confused, but simply put the numbers at random will not work.

The answer is entered in the table of the form:

If there are no errors in the answer, the student gets 1 point, if any - 0.

Task 5.

This task is quite complicated. The condition provides an example of the instructions of the organs on the human body - for example, as in the figure below:

The student needs to independently note the part of the body and the body specified in the task, for example, stomach, brush and shin. If this is done correctly, there are 2 points. If only two parts of the body are correctly indicated or only one part of the body and the organ - 1 point. In other cases, the quarter-grader receives 0 points.

Task 6.

The sixth task of the Arms around the world consists of three parts. You can get 4 points for it. It gives a description of the experiment or observation conducted - for example,

Artyom conducted observations of germination of pea seeds. To find out if the illumination is influenced by the speed of germination, he took two glasses, put in each of them some of the same pea seeds and poured water so that the seeds were completely in the water. Both glasses Artyom put on the table under the lamp of the day lighting, but one of them deposited from the lamp with a cardboard box with cut-cut holes. Then Artem watched the sprouts appearing in both glasses.

In the first part The disciple needs to answer the question of the same or different temperature and illumination in two glasses. Also asked about the materials of glasses. If the answer does not contain errors, it is estimated at 1 point if it contains at least one - 0 points.

In the second part One question is given related to the task - for example, what measurements should be carried out to determine how the illumination affects the growth of seeds, or, if the task is not about seeds, but, let's say, the water heating - from which the speed of this process depends on. The right answer to this part of the task also brings a student 1 point.

In the third part The fourth-grader must describe another experiment - for example, if Artem would like to find out how the presence of soil affects the growth of seeds. Need to tell what to do in this case. For this, you can get 2 points - if all aspects of the experiment are reflected in the response. If some kind of aspect is missed, put 1 score. In other cases, the student does not receive points for this task.

Task 7.

This task checks the child's ability to understand the information reflected in various conditional signs, as well as knowledge of where they can be met. There are three characters, for example:

First part The tasks include the question where you can meet these signs, or, if it is indicated on the condition - which combines these signs (but in this case, all three characters will be from one series, for example, road signs). For the right answer give 1 point.

The second part of Tasks requires writing three rules - for each sign you need to write, what rule it reflects. If the three rules are written correctly - they put 2 points, if only two are correctly formulated, and if only one thing is 0 points.

Task 8.

In the condition of the eighth job, the student offers three photos of materials used for work, or photo of people during operation - for example:

  • determine the profession with which the photo is connected
  • write what people do this profession
  • say what kind of work of people of such a profession brings society

If all this is done correctly and correctly, you can get 3 points (one for each correct answer).

Task 9.

This task of the Arms around the world in the 4th grade checks how the student is aware of his connection with the surrounding people and with its country. It provides a statement to which one or two questions is set, or two questions are set: the answer should be about 5 sentences. The assignment with the statement may be:

On May 9, in all cities of Russia, a solemn procession "Immortal Regiment" is held. Who is dedicated to this procession? Why is it important for residents of Russia? An example of a task with questions: What do you think, what do real friends differ from just good acquaintances? Why is it important to have real friends?

If appropriate, good answers to questions, you can get 2 points. If there are mistakes in response, or the student simply wrote general reasoning on this topic, but did not answer directly to the question - 1 point. In other cases there are 0 points.

Task 10.

In the tenth task, the knowledge of the quarter-graders is checked about the region where they live. It consists of three parts; In total, you can maximize 6 points.

First part It assumes the writing of the name of the subject of the Russian Federation (city, regions, edges or republic), where the student lives.

In the second part It is necessary to write the main city of the region, or, if the student lives in the city of federal significance - the area where he lives.

If the name of the subject and the main city is written correctly, 2 points are awarded, and if only one thing is 1 point.

In the third parta few questions associated with the place of residence are set - for example:

What are your products in the production of your region? What monuments of nature or monuments of history and culture are in your region? Tell about one of these monuments. Or: What is the most famous than your region? What animals can occur in the nature of your region (call no less than three animals)? Describe one of these animals. What does this beast eat?

They can also ask what and why is shown on the coat of arms of the region, which even some adults do not know, so it is important to pay attention to this aspect.

For the right answers to the first two questions put two points (that is, in one question maximum one point). The correct answer to the third question can bring 2 points: for example, if one of the animals are described and it is written than it is powered by, set 2 points, and if only one thing is 1 point. That is, in just the third part of 10 tasks you can get as many as 6 points.

Sample PRD 2018 on the world around the world grade 4 with answers. All-Russian inspection work 2018 on the world around the world grade 4, contains 10 tasks. 45 minutes is given to work on the world around the world.

Exercise 1. Consider the picture on which the doctor's office is depicted. The table can be made of wood. It is marked in the figure with an arrow with an appropriate inscription.

Show in the figure by an arrow any item (any part) from metal and any item (any detail) of glass. Sign the name of the corresponding material next to each arrow.

Task 2. On the Weather Internet sites you can find similar tables. Learn the weather forecast for the three days.

Choose the right statements about the expected weather on these three days and write down in the line of response their number.

1) On Wednesday, the air temperature will not exceed 21 ° C.
2) On Tuesday will blow the northern wind.
3) Air humidity will not change from the evening of Tuesday to the morning of the medium.
4) Throughout the three days it will be cloudy.

Task 3 (1 option). Watch the world map. On it letters a and b were marked by two mainland.

3.1. Write down the name of each continent in the field allotted for this.

Mainland name A: __________
Name of continent b: __________

3.2. The following page presents photos of a polar bear, beaver, zebra and rhino. Write the name of each of these animals next to the number of the photo on which it is depicted.

3.3. Which of these animals live in a natural medium (not in the zoo) on the mainland A, and which - on the mainland b? Write the number of photos with the image of these animals.

Continents BUT B.

Task 3 (2 option). Consider card. On it, two natural zones are marked with letters a and b.

3.1. Write down the name of each natural zone in the field allotted for this.

Name of Natural Zone A: __________
Natural zone name b: __________

3.2. The following page presents images of a friend's photographs, polar owls, sand and brown bear. Write the name of each of these animals next to the number of the photo on which it is depicted.

1) ______________________________ 2) _________________________________
3) ______________________________ 4) _________________________________

3.3. Which of these animals live in a natural medium (not in the zoo) in the territory of the natural zone A, and what are the natural zone b? Write down the number of photos with the image of these animals into the table under the appropriate letters.

Natural zone BUT B.

Task 4. Make two rules for preserving human health from the lifelines of phrases: for this, each position of the first column of selecting the corresponding position from the second column.

Start phrase
A) to avoid infection in the oral cavity,
B) not to catch a cold, going out into the street in cold weather,

Continuation of phrase
1) It is necessary to dress warmly.
2) It is necessary to regularly engage in physical education.
3) you need to clean your teeth regularly.

Task 5. Consider the image of a person. Show the arrows and sign the shin, shoulder and the stomach of the person as shown by the example.

Task 6. Artyom conducted observations of germination of pea seeds and appeared by sprouts. To find out if the illumination is influenced by the speed of germination, he took two glasses, put a few of them a few identical peas seeds and poured with water from one bottle so that the seeds were completely in the water. Both glasses Artyom put on the table under the lamp of the day lighting, but one of them deposited from the lamp with a cardboard box with cut-cut holes. Then Artem watched
Appears in both glasses sprouts.

6.1. Compare the conditions for germination of pea seeds in two different glasses in the experiment described. We emphasize in each line one of the highlighted words.

Seed temperature in two glasses: the same / varying
Seed illumination in two glasses: the same / varying

6.2. What measurements and comparisons should be done to determine whether the illumination affects the speed of germination of seeds?

6.3. With the help of what experience, Artem can find out if the presence of soil in the glass affects the seed germination rate? We describe this experience.

Task 7 (option 1). Watch the signs depicted in the drawings. What do you think, where can I meet each of these signs?

1 – _________________________________________________________________
2 – _________________________________________________________________
3 – _________________________________________________________________

Write these rules.

Task 7 (option 2). Watch the signs depicted in the drawings. What do you think unites
All these signs?

What rule does each of these signs reflect?
Write these rules.

Rule 1: _______________________________________________________
Rule 2: ___________________________________________________________
Rule 3: _______________________________________________________

Task 8 (1 option). Photos depicts objects with which representatives of different professions work. Choose one of the photos and write down the letter it is indicated.

Representatives of which profession work with the items depicted on the selected photo? If you know a lot of professions, whose representatives work with the chosen (s) by you subject (s), call any of them. What work do people do this profession? How is the work of people of this profession useful society?

Selected photo: __

Answer: __________________________________________________________

Task 8 (2 option). Photos depicts objects that representatives of one of the professions work.

What is this profession? What work do people do this profession? How is the work of people of this profession useful society?

Answer: __________________________________________________________

Task 8 (3 option). Photos depict people of different professions at work. Choose one of the photos and write down the letter it is indicated.

What profession is the representative on the selected photo? What work do people do this profession? What materials / What equipment use representatives of this profession in work?

Selected photo: __

Answer: __________________________________________________________

Task 9. Mother's Day is an international holiday in honor of mothers. In Russia, it is officially celebrated on the last Sunday of November. Conduct this date in the calendar.

Write, for what number is this day in 2018.


What do you think, why is this day important for every person? (Write an answer
Volume of up to five sentences.)

Answer: __________________________________________________________

Task 10.

10.1. Write down the name of the region: republic, or region, or edges, or city, or the autonomous district in which you live.

Answer: __________________________________________________________

10.2. What is the name of the main city of your region / the area in which you live?

Answer: __________________________________________________________

10.3. What are your products in the production of your region? What monuments of nature or monuments of history and culture are in your region? Tell about one of these monuments.

Answer: __________________________________________________________

Answers to the sample PRD 2018 on the world around the world grade 4
Exercise 1

Task 2.. 24
Task 3.
3.1. A - Africa; B - Eurasia / a - Tundra; B - Taiga
3.2. 1) rhino; 2) polar bear; 3) zebra; 4) Beaver / 1) Sable; 2) Polar Owl; 3) sands; 4) brown bear
3.3. Africa - 13 or 31; Eurasia - 24 or 42 / Tundra - 23 or 32; Taiga - 14 or 41
Task 4.. 31
Task 5.

Task 6.
6.1. The same temperature, various illumination
6.2. It is necessary to measure and compare the lengths of the sprouts in two glasses
6.3. One glass should be pouring a few seeds and pour them with water, in another glass - seeds and land and pour them with water. Glasses to put next to the same illumination and the same temperature.
Task 7 (1 option).
1. The place where you can meet each of the signs:
1) Street; 2) Museum / Shopping Center, etc.; 3) clothing label;
2. Rules:

2 - In this room it is forbidden to take pictures.
3 - This thing can not be stroke.
Task 7 (2 options).
1) Answer to the question: All these signs can be found on the street or are road signs;
2) Rules:
1 - Here you should cross the road along the pedestrian crossing.
2 - Caution! Here the way can run the children.
3 - here is a cyclehead.
Task 9.
Need to circle November 25

Demonstration option

final work for elementary school graduates

according to the surrounding world

(to assess the state of the education system)

The demonstration option is designed to assess the mastering graduates of primary school by the planned results of learning on the subject " The world" Approaches to the development of the content and structure of this option are presented in the specifications of the work.

When familiarizing with the demonstration option, it should be borne in mind that the tasks included in it do not reflect all the planned results, the achievement of which will be checked using the entire Kim series. A complete list of elements that can be monitored is given in the codifier defining in accordance with the requirements of the initial general education, the planned results of the development of the main educational program of primary general education under the subject area "Socialology. Natural science (world around). " Purpose demonstration option is to give the opportunity to make an idea of \u200b\u200bthe structure of Kim, quantitytasks, their form and complexity level.

Instructions for students

45 minutes allocated to work.

In your work, you will meet different tasks. In some tasks, you will need to select one answer from the four proposed. Watching a figure that stands next to the answer that you think is true.

Some tasks will need to select multiple right answers. Carefully read the task text.

The work will be tasks, the answer to which you want to write in the specified location.

Some tasks will seem light, others - difficult. If you do not know how to task, skip it and go to the next. If the time remains, you can try again to perform missed tasks.

If you made a mistake and want to fix your answer, then you will smack it and circle or write down the answer you think faithful.

We wish you success!

1. Indicate, in what order on the flag Russian Federation Colon stripes are located. Connect the arrow the name of the color with the corresponding strip on the flag.

2. When Dmitry, Donskoy Moscow Kremlin built stone walls. From all over the county collected in Moscow the masters of the Stonework. And in 1367 they began to work. The walls were built from limestone, which was mined in a quarry not far from Moscow. The Kremlin struck the contemporaries by the beauty of his white walls, which since then the Moscow began to call white.

In which age of the Moscow Kremlin have stone walls? Specify this age on the "tape of time".

3. Determine what of the drawings is a poisonous plant depicted?

4. Natural reservoir with standing water gradually overgrown. Inspected vegetation is postponed at the bottom, where peat can subsequently form. This reservoir is called

1) lake 2) pool 3) river 4) swamp

5. Below is the food chain characteristic of the forest area:

oak → Kaban → Wolf

Choose the correct statement of this food chain.

1) Wolves feed on acorns and roots of oaks

2) Oaks are extremely dangerous for boars

3) wolves hunt for boars

4) Kabany harm landings on the fields

6. Before you, the names of the bodies or substances:

marble column

water drop

iron nail

sunflower oil


Write these names into the appropriate table cells.

7. In school, the guys studied, whether water, air, heat and light are needed to germinate the seeds of plants. Alyosha decided to spend a study with bean seeds.

In the first glass of Alesh seeds put a wet marla, so that water and air go to the seeds and air, and in the second - completely flooded the seeds with water so that the air did not flow. Both glasses of the boy put in the same and the same warm place on the sunlight.

What did Alyosha check in his experience?

1) How many beans seeds have kept the germination?

2) Is it necessary to germinate the bean seeds sunlight?

4) Does the speed of germination of beans seeds depend on the air temperature?

Using the satin-determinant "from the ground to the sky", find a description of Coyki. This bird is a close relative of the crows.

Read information about Coyce in Atlas-Deterrete and the text below.

(1) From his relatives - Raven, Sqkalo and Graco - Soyuka is distinguished by reddish-brown color. (2) Blue hints on the wings make a shit even more elegant.(3) Feeding extremely vegetable food, for example, acorns and nuts.(4) The jack's nest is building in March, and at the end of May she has already appeared chicks.

8. What error in the description of the signs of the junction is allowed in this text? Write down the suggestion number containing incorrect information about Coyake.


9. What information about the sitting on the text you were not able to check with the help of an atlas-determinant?


"I got out of the crumb-barrels,
Roots allowed and increased,
I became high and mighty,
I'm not afraid of neither thunderstorms or clouds.
I feed pigs and protein -
Nothing that the fruit is my chalk. "

In this riddle it is easy to learn oak, because it says about how this tree looks like, as it is multiplied and what helps animals.

10. Write your riddle aboutryabina , indicating three signs of this plant. (No need to write a riddle in verses).


11. Based on his knowledge, we decided in which fragments of texts we are talking about real historical events. Will the letters of all the right answers.

BUT. There were evil people-envious swarms of Vladimir to the old hero of Ilya Muromets, as if Ilya had gone to survive the prince from Kiev and to sit in his place. Vladimir became angry and ordered to sharpen Ilya to the underground prison, in the cellar deep. I would have a bad thing there. Yes, fortunately, his princess was sorry, Vladimir's daughter: She sent secretly from his father to the dungeon of a dye pillow, silk blankets, a warm dress and satisfying food.

B. For the first time, the profession of weaving in Russia is mentioned in the chronicles of 1216, that is, in the XIII century. By this time, the appearance of the first, even small workshops, where several weales worked.

IN. On April 12, 1961, the whole world had one word: "Let's go!" Our compatriot first had shielded on space ship Earth. Just 108 minutes stayed Gagarin in space, but this flight opened the cosmic era of mankind.

12. Set correspondence between dates and events. For each date you select a historical event.



A) 1380

  1. The Great Patriotic War

B) 1812

  1. Patriotic War with Napoleon's Army

C) 1941

  1. Kulikovskaya battle

Write in response Selected numbers next to the corresponding letters.

Answer: A - _____, b - _____, in - _____.

13. Of the following statements, choose a rule that will help you keep good eyesight.

3) The text of the book needs to keep as far as possible from the eye.

14. The figure shows schematically the human digestive system. Which of the digestive organs is indicated in the figure of the arrow?

1) esophagus

2) intestine

3) stomach

4) Liver

15. Earth - one of the planets solar system. The diagram shows the sun and some bodies of the Solar System: Earth, its satellite and planet, which is the nearest neighbor land. We defined what figures these celestial bodies are indicated.

The sun

Write the name of these celestial bodies next to the corresponding digit.

Answer: 1 - ______________, 2 - ______________, 3 - ______________

16. Compare milk and oil. To do this, fill the passes (AA) in the table. A sample filling of the table is given in the first string.

17. Based on the completed table, make a conclusion about which properties of oil and milk are the same, and which are different. Write down.


Grandmother Ira says green onions are very useful for health. Ira decided to please grandmother and grow green onions for her.

How to do it, Ira read in the book. That's what it was said:

  1. Pour the inciphesiated water into a small jar. In such water, more air that needs root roots.
  2. The jar is better to take transparent to be more convenient to monitor the water level.
  3. Place the head of the onion on top of the jar so that the bottom of the bulbs touches the water.
  4. So that the leaves sprout together, the onions should stand in a warm place.
  5. After 2 - 3 days you will see how the flashes will appear.
  6. When the roots are growing, green leaves will "fill" from the bulbs.
  7. Make sure that the roots of the bow always touched the water.
  8. Wait for the leaves a lot, then cut them down and eat on health!

18. Ira did everything as he read in the book, and then left for five days on an excursion to another city. When she returned, he saw that the roots did not sprout. The five-year-old Brother Sasha said that Murka's cat dropped a jar with a bulb. Sasha raised an empty jar from the floor, put a bulb in her and removed into the closet, away from the cat. Why not sprout onions?

1) To germinate the roots, light is required.

2) The cat scratched the bulb, and the bulb "died."

3) There was too little time, you need to wait a little more.

4) The bulb can germinate only when in contact with water.

19. In late autumn, Ira discovered several bulbs with sprouted roots and decided to put them in a box on the balcony. Ira put on a coat, went to the balcony, planted onions in a box with the ground and watered her "vegetable garden." However, the harvest she failed to collect. Explain why the leaves of Luke did not grow up?


20. Walking on the edge of the forest Kostya and Dasha saw close to the path dropped out of the nest of the chick. The chick was sitting behind, the guys seemed to be frightened ones around. Kostya and Dasha began to discuss what to do. The statements of the guys are shown below. Meet them.

He is so small and does not know how to fly. Left without help, he will die, because it will certainly take care of him. Let's take it home and emissions. And when he grows and learn to fly, let go on the will.

I heard that birds living in captivity could then adapt to life in the forest. It is better to leave him in the forest. Probably, his nest was raised predators. Let's take it away from here so that the predators do not find, and leave somewhere in the thick grass.

Do you share the point of view of the guys? Mark your answer sign✓ .

Explain why you adhere to this point of view.

Task number

Correct answer (decision)

Maximum score for completing the task


Arrows with color title (bottom up) - red, blue, white

1 point - All arrows are spent true

0 points - one or more errors are allowed


The XIV century was marked

1 point - The correct answer is marked

0 points - wrong answer

Answer: 3)

1 point - chose the correct answer

0 points - wrong answer

Answer: 4) swamp

1 point - chose the correct answer

0 points - incorrect unswer


Sunflower oil


2 points - Correctly filled all cells table

1 point - one or two elements are placed in erroneous cells

0 points - in other cases

Answer: 3) Does air bean seeds need to germinate?

1 point - chose the correct answer

0 points - incorrect unswer

Answer: Proposition 3

1 point - It is true that the guest number and other numbers are not given.

0 points - Invalid answer or with the correct answer, other numbers are given.


1) When the junction builds a nest.

2) When chicks appear.

2 points - Properly indicated both elements of response

1 point - only one of the elements of the answer is correctly specified.

0 points - in other cases


Signs: A tree with a thin flexible trunk, the leaves consist of several pairs of oblong "leaves", the fruits of red and are collected in the borders.

2 points - The answer correctly shows three signs of the plant.

1 point - one error is allowed or only two features are given.

0 points - in other cases

Answer: BV

1 point - Both elements of the answer are correctly indicated.

0 points - True specified one answer or the answer is incorrect

Answer: A3, B2, B1

1 point

0 points - wrong answer

1 point - chose the correct answer

0 points - incorrect unswer

Answer: 4) Liver

1 point - chose the correct answer

0 points - incorrect unswer

Answer: 1 - Moon, 2 - Mars, 3 - Earth

1 point - All three elements of the right answer are given.

0 points - in other cases


Filling the table: (a), (b) - no; (c) - white, (g) - black

1 point - correctly indicate all elements

0 points - in other cases


Similarity: both are opaque and do not preserve the form

Differences: different colors

2 points - All elements of the right answer are given.

1 point - one error is allowed

0 points - in other cases

The output is considered to be done true in accordance with the filling of the table from the task number 16 (regardless of the correctness of the Table Fill)


4 - the bulb can germinate only when in contact with water.

1 point - chose the correct answer

0 points - incorrect unswer


1) To germinate onions, it is necessary to heat (according to the instructions).

2) According to the description of Ira, Sitshal Lukovitsa in the fall, and it was cold enough (the girl was in the coat)

2 points - correctly shows the reason (lack of heat) and referenced to the instruction in which it is indicated that the proportion of germination is necessary

1 point - only one response element is given.

0 points - in other cases

2 points - It is indicated "I have my point of view" and an explanation is given (the chick should be left in the forest, close to the place where it was found. In this case, parents will be able to find it and help).

1 point - The agreement with one of the guys is indicated and the rationale for the chosen point of view is given. The rationale should not completely repeat the text given in the task.

When writing this work " Arms around the world 2018 Volkova Option 8 "The benefit was used."

Exercise 1

Carefully consider drawings of objects. These are images of stationery. An arrow with the inscription "Rubber" is marked by an eraser, which makes from this material. According to the sample, to note any item that can be made of wood, and any item that can be made of metal.

Show the answer

Task 2.

Carefully learned on the table the weather forecast for the Three Day.

Read the statements about the weather, which is expected to the specified day. Choose incorrect statements, write their number on the response row.

  1. For three days, air humidity indicators will not exceed 60%
  2. For three days, hot weather will continue.
  3. The rates of clouds and atmospheric precipitation on the specified days of the week will be the same.
  4. On Saturday, the wind will change the direction during the day.

Show the answer

  1. Throughout the three days, air humidity indicators will not exceed 60%. - wrong - The humidity indicator will rise to 80%
  2. For three days, hot weather will continue. - right - Temperature will exceed 29 0 s
  3. The rates of clouds and atmospheric precipitation on the specified days of the week will be the same. - right - All days will be clear weather
  4. On Saturday, the wind will change the direction during the day. - wrong - The wind will change the direction only once from the south-east to the southern one.

Invalid answers: 1, 4

Look at the map of the Hemispheres of the Earth, the images and the task 3.

Task 3.

On the map of the hemisphere of the Earth, two mainland are indicated by letters A and B.

3.1. Write the names of the mainland corresponding to the letters.

Show the answer

A: Africa

B: North America

3.2. Consider images of the puma, leopard, red ryx, one-burnt camel. On each line write down the corresponding name of the animal.

  1. _____________________
  2. _____________________
  3. _____________________
  4. _____________________

Show the answer

  1. leopard
  2. red Lynx
  3. single-burned camel

3.3. What animals (see paragraph 3.2.) Are found in nature on the mainland A, and which - on the mainland - B? Write the numbers of the corresponding images.

BUT: ________________

B: ________________

Show the answer

A: 1, 4 - leopard, one-torque camel

B: 2, 3 - Red Lynx, Puma

Task 4.

Make two rules. Pick up each phrase corresponding offer.

Fill in the table: write down the corresponding numbers.

Show the answer

Task 5.

Carefully consider the image of a person. The head marked the head on the left figure. On the right figure, show the eye, stop and lung.

Show the answer

Task 6.

Students of the 4th grade conducted experiments on the germination of lentil seeds. They wanted to find out if the illumination affects the speed of germination of seeds. Two saucers guys put the same amount of seeds and poured water so that she covered seeds. They put one saucer on the windowsill, the second - in the dark locker and began to observe the appearing sprouts.

6.1. Compare the terms of experience. Stress the word that correctly reflects these conditions.

The amount of water in which seeds were in two sauces: the same / different

Seed illumination in two saucers: the same / different

Show the answer

The amount of water in which the seeds were, in two saucers are the same. Seed illumination in two saucers are different.

6.2. What measurements and comparisons need to be carried out to determine how illumination affects the speed of germination of seeds?

Show the answer

It is necessary to measure and compare the lengths of the sprouts in both sauces.

6.3. If the disciples wanted to find out if the temperature affects ambient On the speed of seed germination, with what experiment, they could do it? Describe this experiment.

Show the answer

Students of the 4th grade conducted an experiment to determine how the temperature affects the speed of seed germination. The guys put in two glasses of pea seeds and poured water so that she only covers seeds. One glass they put in a cold dark place, the second - in a warm dark place and began to observe the appearing sprouts.

Part 2

Task 7.

The figures depict signs that can be found according to the railway, near the reservoir, on the road. Consider them carefully and write what they can mean these signs.

  1. _____________________
  2. _____________________
  3. _____________________

Show the answer

  1. Railway tracks are prohibited!
  2. Jump into the water from the bridge is prohibited!
  3. Only a bike is allowed on the road site.

Task 8.

People of different professions use various tools, mechanisms and accessories in their work. Recall images, we define the professions of people who require these items. Choose one of the drawings, write down its number in a specially selected cell.

In the response line:
- write down the name of the appropriate profession (if you know several professions where these items are required, write down any of them)
- Describe what work people do this profession
- Write what this job is useful to society.

Show the answer

  1. Firefighter
  2. Policeman

Task 9.

Every year since 1962, every second Sunday of September celebrates the International Day of Memory of Fascism's victims. Think and write why this day we read in Russia and many other countries of the world. (Answer the answer to five sentences.)

Task 10.

10.1. Write down the name of the region (republic, regions, edges, autonomous districts, city) in which you live.

10.2. Write the title of the capital of the main administrative city of your region.

10.3. What is the name of the settlement in which you live? Write a name in response social Point (city, country side, settlement, village). What monuments of architecture are in your city? Write about one of them.

All-Russian inspection work PRD 2017 The world around 4th grade sample. All-Russian verification work

Instructions for performing work

On the performance of work on the subject of the "surrounding world" is given

45 minutes. The work consists of two parts and includes 10 tasks.

Answers to write jobs in the response field in the text of work.

When performing the work, it is not allowed to use the textbook, workbooks and other reference materials.

We advise you to perform tasks in the order in which they are given. To save time, skip the task that cannot be performed immediately and go to the next one. Try to perform as many tasks as possible.

We wish you success!

The sample presents several examples of tasks 3, 7 and 8.

In real versions verification Only one task will be proposed for each of these positions.

Part 1

2. On the Weather Internet sites, such tables can be found. Learn the weather forecast for the three days.

Choose the right statements about the expected weather on these three days and write down in the line of response their number.

  1. On Wednesday, the air temperature will not exceed 21 ° C.
  2. On Tuesday will blow the northern wind.
  3. Air humidity will not change from the evening of Tuesday to the morning of the medium.
  4. Throughout the three days it will be cloudy. Answer:

3. Watch the world map. On it letters a and b were marked by two mainland.

3.1. Write down the name of each continent in the field allotted for this.

Mainland name A:

The name of the mainland b:

3.2. The following page features photos. white bear, beaver, zebrasand rhino. Write the name of each of these animals next to the number of the photo on which it is depicted.

3.3. Which of these animals live in a natural medium (not in the zoo) on the mainland A, and which - on the mainland b? Write roomsphotos depicting these animals.

Continents BUT B.

Consider the map, photos and take the task 3.

Consider card. On it, two natural zones are marked with letters a and b.

3.1. Write down the name of each natural zone in the field allotted for this. Natural Zone Name: Natural Zone B:

3.2. The next page shows images of animals and plants sable, polar owl, poxand brown bear. Write the name of each of these animals and plants next to the number of the photo on which it is depicted.

3.3. Which of these animals / plants live / grow in a natural environment (not in the zoo and not in the botanical garden) in the territory of the natural zone A, and what is the natural zone b? Write roomsphotos depicting these animals and plants in a table under the appropriate letters.

Natural zone BUT B.
Animals and plants

Write the selected numbers in the table under the appropriate letters.

shin, shoulderand stomach

6.1. Compare the conditions for germinating pea seeds in two different glasses in the experiment described. We emphasize in each line one of the highlighted words.

Seed temperature in two glasses: the same / varying

Seed illumination in two glasses: the same / varying

6.2. What measurements and comparisons should be done to determine whether the illumination affects the speed of germination of seeds?

Part 2

When performing tasks 7-10 consistently respond to each of the issues submitted. Answers to write out clearly and picking up, observing the norms of speech.

Rule 1:

Rule 2:

Rule 3:




Selected photo:

10.1. Write down the name of the region: republic, or region, or edges, or city, or the autonomous district in which you live.

10.2. What is the name of the main city of your region / the area in which you live?

10.3. What are your products in the production of your region? What monuments of nature or monuments of history and culture are in your region? Tell about one of these monuments.

Verification system for verification

Evaluation of short response to tasks 2-4, 6.1, 6.2

The correct answer to each of the tasks 3.2, 4, 6.1 and 6.2 is estimated by 1 point.

The full correct answer to each of the tasks 2, 3.1 is estimated by 2 points. If one error is allowed in the response (including an excess number is written or the necessary number is written), 1 point is set; If two or more errors are allowed - 0 points.

The full correct answer to the task 3.3 is estimated by 3 points. If one error is allowed in the answer (including an excess number is written or the necessary digit is written), 2 points are set; If two errors are allowed - 1 point, more than two errors - 0 points.

Instructions for evaluation of answers to tasks 1, 5, 6.3-10

1. Clean the drawing on which the office is depicted. The inner part of the window can be made of glass. It is marked in the figure with an arrow with an appropriate inscription.

Show in the figure by the arrow any item (part) from metal and any item (part) from paper. Sign the name of the corresponding material next to each arrow.

One of the possible answers

As a correct answer, an indication should be counted in the figure of any other items (parts) if they can be made from the corresponding materials.

When evaluated, only an indication of the subject (part) is counted with the signature of the corresponding material from which the subject (part) is made (-A)

Correctly indicated by one subject (parts) from each material with appropriate signatures 2
Correctly specified (s) (s) (part (s)) only from one material with an appropriate signature, items (parts) from another material are incorrect or not specified. 1
Not a single subject (details) is not specified. 0
Maximum score 2

5. Consider the image of a person. Show arrows and sign shin, shoulderand stomach

man as shown in the example.

Contents of the right answer and evaluation guidelines Point

When evaluated, only the indication of the body part (organ) with the appropriate signature is counted. For paired parts (organs), it is enough to specify only one of these parts (organs)

The correctly indicates all three parts of the body (organ) with appropriate signatures 2
Correctly indicate only any two parts of the body (organ) with appropriate signatures. 1
Correctly indicated only one of any part of the body (body) with the appropriate signature.

Or all parts of the body (organs) are incorrect.

Or all parts of the body (organs) are marked with arrows, but not signed. Or not a single part of the body (organ) is not specified

Maximum score 2

6. Artem conducted observations of germination of pea seeds and appeared by sprouts. To find out if the illumination is influenced by the speed of germination, he took two glasses, put a few of them a few identical peas seeds and poured with water from one bottle so that the seeds were completely in the water. Both glasses Artyom put on the table under the lamp of the day lighting, but one of them deposited from the lamp with a cardboard box with cut-cut holes. Then Artem watched the sprouts appearing in both glasses.

6.3. With what experiment, Artem can find out if the presence of soil affects the seed germination rate? Describe this experiment.

Contents of the right answer and evaluation guidelines Point
The response may be given such a description of the experiment.

One glass should be pouring a few seeds and pour them with water, in another glass - seeds and land and pour them with water. Glasses to put next to the same illumination and the same temperature.

An experimental description of the experiment can be given

The description of the experiment is correctly reflected
  • differences in the conditions of germination of seeds (in one of the glasses there should be land, there is no other);
  • similarities in the conditions of germination of seeds by humidity, temperature and illumination
In the description of the experiment, only differences in the conditions of germination of seeds are correct (in one of the glasses there should be earth, there is no other) 1
The description of the experiment does not reflect / incorrectly reflect the differences in the conditions of germination of seeds (in one of the glasses there should be ground, in the other there is no).

Or the description of the experiment is not given

Maximum score 2

7. Review the signs depicted in the drawings. Where can I meet each of these signs?

What do you think, what rule does each of these signs reflect? Write these rules.

Contents of the right answer and evaluation guidelines Point

1) Place where you can meet each of the signs: 1) Street, 2) Museum /

shopping center, etc., 3) clothing label; 2) Rules:

1 - Here you should cross the road along the pedestrian crossing. 2 - In this room it is forbidden to take pictures.

3 - This thing can not be stroke.

Note place
The places where you can meet two or three characters 1
It is true for a place where you can find only one any sign. Or not specified is not a single place 0
Maximum score 3

Watch the signs depicted in the drawings. What do you think unites all these signs?

What do you think, what rule does each of these signs reflect? Write these rules.

Contents of the right answer and evaluation guidelines Point
The correct answer must contain the following items:
  1. the answer to the question: what unites signs: all these signs can be found on the street or are road signs;

(The answer to the question can be given in another, close by the meaning of the wording.)

  1. regulations:

1 - Here you should cross the road along the pedestrian crossing. 2 - Caution, here the road can run the children.

3 - here is a cyclehead.

Rules can be given in other formulations close to the meaning. As a faithful response, not only the strict wording rule can be taken, but also any explanation indicating that the student understands the appropriate rule

Answer to the question: what unites signs
Rights the answer to the question 1
Wrong answer 0
Three rules are correctly formulated 2
Alternally formulated only two any rules 1
Only one of the rule is correctly formulated. Or not formulated is not true 0
Maximum score 3

8. Photos are depicted with objects that representatives of different professions work.

Choose one of the photos and write down the letter it is indicated. Representatives of which profession work with the items depicted on the selected photo? If you know a lot of professions, whose representatives work with the chosen (s) by you subject (s), call any of them.What work do people do this profession? How is the work of people of this profession useful society?

K1. Definition of profession 1

K2. Explanation of work character


Or the answer is wrong



Or the answer is wrong

Maximum score 3

Photos depicts objects that representatives of one of the professions work.

What is this profession? What work do people do this profession? How is the work of people of this profession useful society?

Criteria and assessment guidelines Point
K1. Definition of profession 1
The profession is correctly defined.

When evaluated as the correct answer, the permissible names of any level of concretization are counted (for example, a worker, builder, painter)

Profession is not explicitly defined / determined incorrectly 0
If the profession is explicitly defined / defined incorrectly and by the criterion of K1, 0 points are exhibited, then 0 points are exhibited by all other estimates
K2. Explanation of work character

(When evaluated, the explanation volume is not taken into account; a brief explanation is correct in essentially, it can be estimated by the maximum score of this criterion.)

Correctly explained what work representatives of the chosen profession are performed 1
Explanation of what work representatives of the chosen profession are performed is missing.

Or the answer is wrong

K3. Explanation of benefit for society

(When estimated, an explanation in any volume can be made as correctly. The main thing is to specify the explanation in relation to the chosen profession.)

An appropriate explanation of what the work of people of the chosen profession is useful to society. 1
A general reasoning is given that are not related to the social significance of a particular profession.

Or the answer is wrong

Maximum score 3

Photos depict people of different professions at work. Choose one of the photos and write down the letter under which it is given.

What profession is the representative on the selected photo? What work do people do this profession? What materials / equipment use representatives of this profession in work?




Criteria and assessment guidelines Point
K1. Definition of profession 1
The profession is correctly defined (the chosen student image is associated with the profession called them).

When evaluated as the correct answer, the permissible names of any level of concretization are counted (for example, a worker, builder, painter)

Profession is not explicitly defined / determined incorrectly 0
If the profession is explicitly defined / defined incorrectly and by the criterion of K1, 0 points are exhibited, then 0 points are exhibited by all other estimates
K2. Explanation of work character

(When evaluated, the explanation volume is not taken into account; a brief explanation is correct in essentially, it can be estimated by the maximum score of this criterion.)

Correctly explained what work representatives of the chosen profession are performed 1
Explanation of what work representatives of the chosen profession are performed is missing.

Or the answer is wrong

K3. Indication of materials / equipment

(When evaluated, indications of materials and / or equipment in any volume can be taken as correct.)

Correctly indicate materials and / or equipment used in the work of the representatives of the chosen profession 1
Wrong answer 0
Maximum score 3

9. On February 8, in our country, the day of Russian science is celebrated. Why is the development of science for Russia? (Write a response to the volume of up to five sentences.)

10.1. The position of the region's name: republics, or areas, or edges, or city, or the autonomous district in which you live.

10.2. How is the main city of your region / the area in which you live?

10.3. What are your products produced by your region? What monuments of nature or monuments of history and culture are in your region? Tell about one of these monuments.

Criteria and assessment guidelines Point
K1. Indication of goods whose production is known region 1
Correctly specified (s) goods (s), whose production is known region 1
Goods (s), whose production is known as the region, is not specified (s) or specified (s) incorrectly 0
K2. Name of the Monument of Nature or Monument of the History and Culture of the Region 1
Monument (s) of nature or history and culture are called (s) correctly 1
Monument (s) of nature or history and culture are not named (s) or named (s) wrong 0
K3. Story about the monument of nature or cultural monument 2
Story along with impressions from visiting a monument, watching movies about him, etc. Contains basic information about it. There are no actual errors 2
Story along with impressions from visiting a monument, watching movies about him, etc. contains basic information about it; The story admitted actual errors.

Or the story contains only impressions of the monument visit

A general reasoning is given that do not correspond to the requirement of the task.

Or the answer is wrong

Maximum score 4

System for evaluating all work

Maximum score for performance - 31 .

Table of translating points in the mark on a five-point scale