What does the image include? Classification and typology of images. Image functions. Professional image of a manager

Image as a complex multi-level category can be subdivided into four directions: personal, professional, social and symbolic.

1. Personal image. Includes individual personality traits (honesty, decency, education, kindness, humanity, commitment, intelligence, disinterestedness, energy, determination, youth, assertiveness, the presence of charisma, the ability to lead people, integrity, openness). It is important what the political leader looks like (posture, smile, ability to speak, shoulder position, gait).

Charisma is a quality that makes a person irresistible in the eyes of the masses and allows them to exert a mysterious influence on people, especially in cases of direct contact. It can become a determining factor in the election of a leader. The charismatic component of the image is the most advantageous from the point of view of communication: between the mass consciousness and the leader, a close emotional, sufficiently strong connection is established by itself, so that no additional effort is required from the communicator.

  • 2. Professional image. Assumes competence, efficiency, efficiency. The dynamic characteristics (energy, activity, activity) are especially important, as well as the significance of the tasks solved by the leader. If we are talking about the president, his image should be actively associated with activities, but not with everyday, routine, namely with affairs that only the head of state can do.
  • 3. Social image. Includes caring for people, closeness to the problems of the people, readiness to fight against theft and crime. This element is the most mobile part of the overall image, closely related to political reality.
  • 4. Symbolic image. The most stable component of the integral political image in the field of communication. It represents a leader or an organization as a bearer of a certain ideology, contains guarantees for a particular future associated with the declared program of action.

“The image, in order to be successful, must follow the model of the world ... Looking at the image through the model of the world is the introduction of a new object into an already existing and strictly structured world. And in this world there are not only objects, but also typical "plots" of the behavior of these objects ... When a leader begins to "run" between characteristics, it is difficult for the mass consciousness to reinterpret him in a new way every time. Thus, in the 1996 presidential campaign, the image of G. Yavlinsky “disintegrated”.

Image is also subdivided into kinetic and verbal.

A kinetic image is an image of a person formed on the basis of his kinetics (the nature of typical movements or the position in space of parts of his body, facial expressions and gestures).

In psychology, kinetics is understood as a special kind of language - kinetic or non-verbal - which manifests itself: a) through gestures (hand movements during speech) and b) through the position of the body and its parts in space. This also includes facial expressions (movement of the muscles of the face).

Mimicry is an essential element of the kinetic image. It is known that in terms of creating a positive image, a smile is preferable to a grimace. A politician loses his image if he speaks with a “stony”, tired expression on his face.

The source of the kinetic image is the image-forming messages. This is direct information that is sent and received most often unconsciously. The channel of communication is “subconsciousness - subconsciousness”.

When a person "shows" himself through speech, they talk about the formation of a verbal image. The general intelligence of a person (giftedness, ability, talent) includes verbal and constructive components. An individual can demonstrate his mind through speech (verbal intelligence) and any actions, manipulations (constructive intelligence).

There are several types of images, here we will look at five types: mirrored, current, desired, corporate and composite.

  • 1. Mirror. This is the type of image (mirror image) of an organization that its employees, especially its leaders, are believed to be perceived by people outside the organization. It can be an illusion, rooted in the desire to have a certain image, an illusion formed as a result of a lack of knowledge about external points of view or a misunderstanding of their essence. This is a fairly typical situation, based on the fantasies that "everyone loves us." An opinion or image study can show that an organization has a wide variety of, perhaps unexpected, images, i.e. those images in which it is perceived from the outside.
  • 2. Current. The current image is of people outside the organization, which may be based on experience or bad information and misunderstandings. The same can be said for understanding what the organization does. PR often deals with a world of hostility, prejudice, apathy and ignorance that can lead to the wrong image of today.
  • 3. Desirable. This is the image that management is trying to achieve. First of all, it is not about a supportive or preferred image, but about the right one. For example, when Gordon Selfridge opened his department store on Oxford Street in London many years ago, Gordon Selfridge wanted his customers shopping to be enjoyable, not boring and mundane, but colorful and fun action. The desired image mainly refers to something new, when outsiders do not yet have complete information, and often do not know anything about this organization at all.
  • 4. Corporate. In this case, we have the image of the organization itself, and not of its goods or services. A corporate image can be formed from many components, such as the history of the company, its financial success and stability, product quality, export success, industry relations and reputation as an employer, social responsibility and scientific achievements. For example, Marks & Spencer plc has an excellent corporate image recognized throughout the world. Corporate image is very important in financial PR, as the success of a new share issue often depends on the corporate image of the issuer.
  • 5. Composite. Individuals, branches or other members of the organization may create their own special image, which may not coincide with the image of the entire organization. A variety of images can be created by sales personnel. But thanks to uniforms, uniform design of vehicles, the use of symbols, badges, appropriate training of personnel, and if we talk about stores - appropriate design, internal layout, demonstration of goods as in chain stores, a single corporate identity can be created. A good example of a recognizable corporate identity is given airlines. For example, the distinctive coloration of aircraft tails and the clothing of the crews are part of an exemplary, recognizable style.

The ideal PR image should be a true experience based on knowledge and understanding of the facts. Consequently, the image cannot be “polished” (as it will distort it as a result). A better image can be developed by uncovering the reasons for bad, which may be the result of inappropriate behavior or false information. An attempt to falsify the image is an abuse of PR. There are many misconceptions that are common in management and marketing circles - among people who buy PR and abuse it. This contributes to the bad reputation of PR, as it is argued that false images are a perfectly legitimate business. However, it is not. If a PR is trusted, it should avoid creating false images. Thus, the importance of this approach lies in the fact that the media have a certain bias towards PR, expecting it to be used to “polish” a bad image. It doesn't help that advertising agents, who are often ignorant of PR, claim that their goal is to "polish" the image of a particular client. PR specialists never make such statements.

Despite the high urgency of the problem, there is no uniform interpretation of the concept of "image". Summarizing the various views, the following definition can be given: an image is an estimated emotionally colored image formed in the psyche of other people and influencing the formation of an opinion about an organization, profession, specialist, product, personality, etc., a certain attitude towards the above objects.

The purpose of the image is to demonstrate the most attractive qualities of a person, organization, product.

The image (of a professional, organization, product) is characterized by the presence of a prototype and a carrier of the image.

An image prototype is a person, object or phenomenon whose image will be created or whose image is being discussed.

The bearer of the image is a person in whose psyche, on the basis of the image-forming information perceived by him about the prototype of the image, an image and an opinion about this image are formed. The group of image carriers is called the image audience.

2. Types of image.

According to the subject of image formation, there are three main types of image:

Personal (the image of a particular social worker);

Commodity (image of the services provided);

Group (organizational, corporate image).

By the object of image formation:

Personal, that is, the image of a specific person;

Corporate is the image of the organization as a whole, and not of any separate divisions or the results of its work.

By the nature of the interaction:

Immediate (formed in the process of direct interaction of a social worker with a client);

Mediated (formed in absentia, without personal contact of the prototype with the image audience).

By focus and purpose: public, professional and business, etc.

By the nature of the emotional impact on the audience, they speak of positive (attractive) and negative (repulsive) images.

According to the degree of achievement of the goal of the subject, effective and ineffective images are distinguished.

In terms of the coverage of the image audience, it is aimed at targeted and mass audiences.

According to the ratio of individual characteristics and social requirements, the following are distinguished:

An opportunistic image (complying with the requirements the environment and the expectations of the image audience);

Organic image (focused on self-awareness and self-expression);

Balanced image (combining both orientations).

According to the degree of self-control, the image can be spontaneous or controlled.

In relation to other objects: single and multiple.

By originality of characteristics: original - typical.

By purpose, images can be divided into three main groups:

self-exalting - an image focused on improving self-awareness;

self-affirming - an image focused on improving social status and approval in the social environment;

target - an image focused on achieving specific commercial and professional goals.

An image, regardless of type, has a number of properties:

Relative constancy (stability of perception);

Dynamism (ability to change, development);

Associativity (connectivity between an event, process, phenomenon, object);

Schematics (image or description in general terms);

Openness, incompleteness (susceptibility to changes in the external environment, adaptability to them).

Lecture 2

General characteristics of image technologies


1 ... Image creation technologies.

2. Stages of image formation.

1. Technologies for creating an image

Knowing some of the patterns of image formation, we can talk about what mini-technologies each employee must master in order to create his own successful and worthy image. There are several technologies for creating an image; there are, for example, technologies for creating an image for beginners and for those enriched with their own experience. A variety of related technologies have been described in the literature.

V.M. Shepel, for example, believes that creating an image is the sequential execution of six mini-technologies. These include:

1.confirmation of the starting conditions for the development of technology;

2. "building" appearance;

3. "communicative mechanics";

4. "fluid radiation";

5. working out rhetorical techniques;

6. reduction of all mini-technologies into one whole.

Image maker L. Brown builds his image creation technology, taking into account the greatly increased role of the media in recent decades. In this regard, she proposes, when forming an image, to base it on the following factors:

public performance;

communication with representatives of the press;

behavior in front of the TV screen;

maintaining a constant form.

The image formation program can be roughly divided into five stages:

1. Studying yourself (before creating an image, you need to objectively evaluate your external data).

2. Determination of the color scale of the image.

3. Reflection of a psychological portrait in external appearance (one should take into account the character, temperament, inner world of the person; it is known that the images of two twin sisters with the same appearance, but different characters will be completely different).

4. Bringing the image in accordance with the social role that they choose (any chosen role requires the appropriate surroundings and "stage costume" - almost all of us have to become our own costume designers, playing in a "play from our own life").

5. Choosing and creating hairstyles and makeup (you can successfully change your look).

2. Stages of image formation.

Based on the study of the relevant literature, the following image formation technology can be proposed, which includes six stages:

1. Determination of starting conditions - tasks, preparedness of a person (he is offered a questionnaire with which he can determine what he needs to work on in order to form his attractive image).

2. Creation of appearance (selection of clothes, makeup, hairstyles, gestures, gait, facial expressions).

3. Working out communicative mechanics (at this stage it is necessary to improve in the art of public speaking, negotiating and talking, etc.).

4. Mastering effective behavioral techniques (improving the culture of behavior, the art of leaving a good impression of yourself, studying the tactics of action in conflict situations).

5. Study of the laws of orthobiosis (ie, a healthy lifestyle, which is impossible without a balanced diet, systematic exercise, mastering the methods of stress relief and relaxation).

6. Improvement of professionalism (self-education, participation in seminars, etc.).

It is believed that people judge us by the impression we make on them in the first five to seven seconds of acquaintance, which is reflected in the old adage "they meet by their clothes." Now "clothes" means costume, makeup, gait, facial expressions, and gestures.

"Restrained" clothing allows colleagues and clients to see exactly you, and not what is on you. In this way, you can unobtrusively express your individuality. If you are confident that your clothes work for you and match your image, then you can completely forget about them, focusing only on your work.

"Neat, tastefully dressed, fit!" - this is how they should talk about the employee. The appearance of such a person testifies to his respect for others. Clothes are supposed to be impeccably neat: slovenliness, negligence always causes an unpleasant feeling in people and is perceived as disrespect for others.

The way a person stands, how he walks, how he holds his hands and feet, is also judged on his respect or disdain for others. When choosing a pose, you must remember that it must be correct, natural and in harmony with the situation. Pose is also part of the language in which we speak so expressively without words. So, prof. R. Birdwhistel found that the verbal component of the conversation takes 35%, and the non-verbal component - 65%.

A study of the dependence of gestures on people's social or job status has shown that a person at the top of the career ladder uses words more in conversation, while less educated people rely more on gestures. Consequently, the higher the official or social position of a person, the less he makes gestures and body movements.

The image is shaped not only by manners and postures, but also by the face. Modern studies of the brain clearly indicate that a person's character traits are closely related to his physical structure and they are best expressed in the face. The physical features that characterize the ways of verbal expression are mainly concentrated in the area of ​​the mouth; traits associated with logical and evaluative abilities - in the eye area.

One of the most important components of the image is facial expressions, i.e. expressive movements of the muscles of the face. In facial expressions, the eyes play the first role. Therefore, your gaze should meet the gaze of the interlocutor as often as possible (during 60-70% of the communication time). While conducting a conversation, imagine, for example, that there is a triangle on your interlocutor's forehead. Your gaze directed at this triangle will be perceived as very serious, and the interlocutor will feel that you are in a businesslike mood.

Pupils are honest about your reaction to what you hear. When a person is joyfully excited, his pupils dilate (four times). On the contrary, when he is angry or in a gloomy mood, his pupils constrict.

In facial expressions, the position of the lips is very important. Lips stretched in a smile are an indicator of joy and friendliness; tightly compressed - isolation; curved - doubts or sarcasm. The drooping corners of the mouth is an indication that the person is upset.

A smile is half the charm. We are judged by the expression on our face: if his muscles are not tense, and his lips are always ready to fold into a smile, we are immediately included in the number of nice people.

Clothes, facial expressions, gestures, gait transmit a lot directly to the interlocutor's subconscious, regardless of his desire, i.e. the visual impact of the image occurs as a "double challenge" - at the levels of consciousness and subconsciousness.

Napoleon Bonaparte said: he who does not know how to speak will not make a career. Therefore, the third stage requires intensive communication training.

The strength of its impact depends on the choice of the right word. The following guidelines can help here:

use mostly words that emphasize your reliability and conscientiousness;

include active verbs in your phrases and avoid passive nouns.

The most powerful factor influencing others is oratory.

It is clear that not every employee can be an orator, according to him it is necessary to observe several rules of speaking in front of the audience, namely:

change the tone: its sudden decrease or increase makes a word or phrase stand out well;

change the tempo of speech: this will give it expressiveness;

pause before and after expressing important thoughts.

It is also very important to learn how to create special effects:

the effect of the first phrase (the first phrase should immediately rivet your attention);

the effect of arguments (speech should be reasonable, convincing, logical, conducive to reflection);

the effect of intonation and pause (intonation and pauses evoke associations in the listeners and encourage them to make their proposals);

the effect of artistic expressiveness (competent construction of sentences, correct stress in words, the use of metaphors, hyperbole, etc.);

the effect of relaxation (success will be the one who knows how to joke in time, insert a witty remark, because humor creates a natural pause, brings together and sets the audience in a benevolent way);

distribution effect (one of the most effective rhetorical techniques: premeditated distribution of new thoughts and arguments in speech, periodic emphasis on important points already expressed).

It is also necessary to know the typical mistakes made by the speakers. These include:

building too long phrases;

the use of too long words (you should not use, however, only short words);

introduction of impersonal sentences into speech (it is better to use more definite personal pronouns);

frequent use of impersonal verbs (instead of "I invite you to take seats" it is better to say "I invite you to take seats");

indecision of the speaker (the impression of indecision of the speaker is created in the audience when he often resorts to the subjunctive mood);

excessive politeness (it is better to avoid phrases like "Let me get your attention");

abuse of buzzwords;

abuse of statements (if you often resort to statements, then many vulnerabilities are formed in the speech - you should try to clothe your thoughts in the form of questions more often);

using only "closed" questions (if you need to activate the listeners' attention, you do not need to ask them only monosyllabic questions);

too fast, without pauses, speech (the more listeners, the slower you should speak);

lack of eye contact (if you are asked about something, do not look away to better focus).

Mastering the ways of business communication provides the greatest success. These primarily include the ability to create a favorable psychological climate, make a good impression of yourself and choose a line of behavior.

It is important to address the interlocutor by name and as naturally as possible, making it clear that his name means a lot to you: it is known that the listener is often more interested in himself than in his environment.

A trusting understanding is ensured by the implementation of certain rules that call for:

reduce physical and social distance; greet the interlocutor with a smile, a benevolent look and a firm handshake;

constantly express a desire to understand the interlocutor;

immediately show that you appreciated the business qualities of the interlocutor, express interest in continuing your relationship;

express your own feelings, taking into account the emotional state of the interlocutor;

behave confidently, calmly and kindly, but without undue concessions;

support the interlocutor emotionally (show that you are listening carefully, with light nods, a benevolent facial expression, etc.).

Each person is a unique creature with his own strengths and weaknesses, which must be skillfully used, i.e. demonstrate your strengths and hide weaknesses. If you conduct a conversation with a visible consideration of the interests of the interlocutor, then this, as a rule, will cause him positive emotions.

Training in personal orthobiosis is important, i.e. the ability, first of all, to maintain health: physical, mental and moral.



on the course: "Fundamentals of Imageology"

« What is image "


The problem of image and technologies for its implementation is dealt with by the scientific and applied branch of human studies called imageology. The main purpose of imageology is to scientifically substantiate how to create an attractive image, how to build models of decent behavior that are adequate to those life situations in which we find ourselves.

Imageology Is a call to everyone to be charming and be able to bring light to people. It contributes to the external manifestation of a person's deep need to be a worthy person.

Priority destination imageology as a technology science of personal charm–To equip people of different ages with image-knowledge and assist in mastering and skillfully using them in building interpersonal and business relationships. The more we succeed in creating a positive image, the richer the repertoire of our behavior and the more effective the management of human impressions, the more successfully we can engage in the construction of various spheres of social communication, arouse sympathy for ourselves, and enjoy respect.

The concept of "image" has been around for a long time. Surprising as it may seem, business economists were the first to actively work with him. It is known that the American economist Balding in the 60s of the XX century introduced the concept of "image" into business circulation and substantiated its usefulness for business success.

Nowadays, the image has become a hot commodity for everyone who is engaged in entrepreneurship and especially in political activities. Huge sums of money, amounting to tens of thousands of dollars, are spent on its purchase during electoral events in the country. The image is in high demand in the stage and theater. Thanks to the image, political and trade advertising has become one of the developed service industries. The growing demand for image has given birth to a new profession - image maker. This is a specialist in the construction of the image of a person, business and political structures (for example, a political party or a public organization).

Image - an external reflection of a human image, a visual and expressive "cut" of his personal characteristics. In this regard, his attributes such as behavior patterns, clothes, hairstyle are of great importance in his statement.

Undoubtedly image is not only a change of clothes. Pursuing the goal in a certain way to look in the eyes of others and to influence them, we correct our gestures, postures, manner of speaking, select the accessories that we use (from a lighter to a car), think over the interior in which we are seen. Of course, we take into account the peculiarities of those for whom it is designed: age, gender, social status, interests and needs of people. You also need to know the "laws of the genre", that is, the specifics of the sphere in which our image will "work": business life, artistic bohemia, student audiences, etc. But within each of these spheres it has its own characteristics. The method of influence is also determined - shocking or confidential, mysteriously - detached or accessible.

Image - a collective concept. It is an image, a form of human manifestation, thanks to which powerful personal and business qualities are exposed "to people". The image also acts as a human recognition, an evaluative attitude. The image is formed both consciously and involuntarily.

Image creation

The man himself is his environment

consciously involuntarily consciously involuntarily

Image creation technology:

1. Optimizing behavior patterns

2. Choosing your role correctly

3. Making communication playful

There are the following types of image:

1) personal;

2) professional;

3) kinetic;

4) verbal;

5) overall;

6) materialized;

7) environmental;

8) mental.

Image Is a holistic image composed of many factors. Psychologists, PR specialists, advertisers, protocolmen, sociologists, choreographers, stylists, makeup artists, and producers are working on its creation. When they talk about a person's image, they mean image of the environment (what does his office, study, car look like), materialized image (the items he created), verbal image (from Lat. verbalis - "verbal"; this is his manner of speaking and writing), kinetic image (his gestures, facial expressions and body movements), overall image (from Lat. habitus - "external"; includes costume, hairstyle, jewelry, etc.) mental (your ideological and moral-ethical positions).

Possible types of image (according to role orientation):

1. Image - native "I"

2. Image - ideal, desired "I"

3. Image - necessary, but someone else's "I"


Situational Persistent

Without changing its essence, about- For friends, family,

chatting with different people, jobs, etc.

man adjusts

under the partner's expectations and

for their purposes (puts on

Image creation stages:

1. Imitation image- the work of the imagination, mental analysis, the embodiment of the ideal image on paper, audio and video tape, selection of manners, analysis of their compatibility with their personality.

2. Role image-practical mastering, the acquisition of the primary experience of "being" in the image. Building manners, training to master them, generalization, evaluation.

3. Life image- a stereotype of behavior in the created image, complete acceptance. Running in manners, fixing, adjusting.

For the success of the image, it is necessary to consider:

Its brightness, attractiveness;


Its compliance with the expectations of the social environment (tastes, hopes, traditions, etc.)

In our time - the time of the cult of intelligence and spiritual strength, - priority characteristics, components of the image stereotype are:




Their skillful presentation in an exclusively own manner in any social environment reliably works to assert a personal image. The skill of self-presentation can be developed if desired. A person is also able to change his image, win his favor and recognition of people. In addition to realizing one's own significance, this requires vivid imagery and the release of emotional energy. The one who succeeds in communication is the one who gives people pleasure in the form of emotional ecstasy, satisfies (and sometimes first stimulates) the need of people for psychological interaction and empathy. For the successful creation of an image, a healthy psyche is of no small importance. Luck accompanies those who know how to control their psyche, using self-regulation, self-relaxation and self-hypnosis. The result of this skill is a steady vitality, manifested in the form of benevolence and a restrained response to troubles.

Translated from english image Is an image, an image. In fact, it is directly or deliberately created visual impression about personality or social structure. It is an impression, not an assessment, as a rational fact of the activity of consciousness. The image most often ends with such a preliminary operation of our knowledge, which is recognized performance. The image, as a rule, is "located" in the lower levels of our psyche - in its subconscious sphere or in the layers of everyday consciousness, which is its extraordinary accessibility for perception by people and the tenacity of its presence in their consciousness. If we talk about the image as a specific psychological products, then it acts as a social attitude, as a value stereotype, as a fashionable symbol. The possibility of its simultaneous manifestation in all the aforementioned spheres of the human psyche is not excluded.

In political advertising and show business, the image often acts as an image endowed with characteristics that lie outside the spiritual essence of a person. It is no coincidence that the image is understood as a "legend" or as an idol of the time. In show business, such concepts as playboy, superman, star are known. All this, however, is unacceptable for managerial activity, because this type of activity is not a stage or a political arena. It has different rules for communicating with people and providing targeted impact on them. Meanwhile, this does not free the manager, especially the higher administrative levels (commanders), from underestimating the role of personal image in business practice and the need for painstaking work on it.

The scheme of the image components.

Human visual perception Physical attractiveness; the degree of expressiveness of manners and their attractiveness; clothing and accessories (as a reflection of personal originality, elegance)
Intellectual human perception Impressive personality traits in conversations and actions
Human status perception Assessment of his stratification status (position in society); Profession; Position;
Social background affecting the perception of a particular person Personal characteristics of the environment: family, friends, acquaintances, colleagues; Stratification characteristics of the environment (to which social group does the degree of prestige of the position of this group belong)
Influence of the interior on human perception Quality, style; Color scheme; Sound design; Spatial characteristics

So, the choice of the color of clothing and its relationship with the background on which the subject appears, largely determines his image and success.

The concept and meaning of the image

Definition 1

Image - general appeal, presentation, presentation of a product, for others.

V modern world a large number of enterprises underestimate the possibility of forming their image. The image has a huge impact on the consumer due to information, psychological factors, emotional impact on the consumer, improvement of consumer relations to the brand, the company and the product they produce, a positive image significantly increases the purchasing power and improves the economic condition of the company.

Enterprises constantly need to carry out work and analyze their image in the market, this will constantly keep abreast of all changes in a positive or negative direction.

The need to analyze the image lies in the fact that the modern market does not provide an opportunity to develop companies that incorrectly position themselves in the market. As a well-known fact, the consumer buys not a product, but a “brand”. To correctly define your image, the best way is "direct" communication with your clients, this will allow you to actually determine the level of your image, and know in which direction the work team needs to work.

The main types of image

  • development of PR-campaigns that will work to improve the potential of the enterprise;
  • new methods in the study of communications at all levels;
  • an integrated approach to the analysis of the internal and external image;
  • experience exchange;
  • use of innovations.

The main tools used in a PR campaign are:

  • focusing;
  • conducting a survey;
  • interviewing representatives of a market segment.

1. Specificity of image building technologies in business. These days, professional and political skill alone does not ensure the successful implementation of commercial and political projects and does not create a decent reputation in the business community. To do this, you need to be able to win over your audience, partners, customers and clients, that is, create your own unique business image.

Business image- this is the idea that a person creates about himself as an external reflection of his personality and as an indicator of his business and purely human qualities. The more successful it is, the higher its professional and political authority, the easier it is to find a common language with others and win recognition and due respect from them. The experience of the world civilized community clearly shows that without creating a positive business image, it is naive to count on serious commercial and political success and due authority in business circles.

A successful business image affects not only the perception of a person by those around him, but also his perception of himself. In other words, our appearance affects us to the same extent as it affects the people around us.

The essence of creating such an image is to make other people see the person the way you want, and present yourself in such a way that they perceive your image positively. The main goal of these efforts is to make the most of all the good things that are inherent in a person, and learn to avoid those negative manifestations that belittle your professional, political and purely human reputation.

2. Principles of building a business image... Before you start creating your personal business image, you need to realistically realize who you are to others and what your current image is in their eyes. Few people can reliably describe themselves. Most often, one's own self-esteem is either absolutely negative or completely positive. This is usually self-deception. It is necessary to learn to evaluate oneself with an open mind.

1. It is important to find out what others think about the person at the moment. You should not decide what image you want to show to the world or how you need to change your current image, until it is possible to understand how others see you. These "others" in your business life will be represented by various groups of people from your colleagues, partners, clients, visitors. While we need a consistent image, we still need to present ourselves to these different groups in an appropriate way, which ultimately helps you to clearly define the different aspects of your image for different categories of people. Therefore, you should not show the same image to different people. It follows from this that we should not behave in all situations and with everyone in the same way. For example, the style of behavior you choose in day-to-day communication with colleagues may not bring success when talking to, for example, your boss.

2. It is necessary to take into account which group of people it is necessary to make a good impression on in a given situation. It is also necessary to clearly understand what exactly impresses us in others and determine how much it is possible to adapt such qualities to our own image.

When creating a business image, you need to consider people's expectations. But it is necessary to do not only what is required to adapt our personal image to different groups of people, but also what aspect of our work we wish to improve and who should such improvement be addressed, as well as establish whether it will lead to positive changes in our professional or political image.

To create capital on our own merits, we must, first of all, reveal them in ourselves in order to “make them work”: if we want our activity to be appreciated, then we need to be sure that we represent exactly that side of it to various groups of people around us , which most of all interests not only us, but also them.

If we want to adjust our image so as to make a good impression on your boss, then, first of all, we need to know what he wants at the moment. However, in all cases, including the latter, you must show that your image is based only on business qualities, that you can allow yourself to be proud of yourself as much as the results of your work allow, and nothing more. At the same time, it is advisable to “show the product with your face” - to present yourself and your ideas in the most attractive way and try to let them know about the excellent quality of your work and your high professionalism. For career advancement or political growth, you need to understand the existing trends in your company, firm, party in order to timely perceive most of them and adapt your image to them. Pay attention to how people are promoted to the first roles.

Changing your image towards greater professionalism, it should be borne in mind that it is not modeled according to a single plan, there are no identical ways to create it. It should be created in many ways. For your leadership, you must project it upward, for colleagues - to the sides, for the staff - down, for the general public and clients - outward, for yourself - inward. In other words, you must adapt your image to both the situation and the people involved. Don't expect positive results if you show your boss the same lighthearted attitude towards work that you can afford, for example, when hanging out with friends.

A business image (like any other) should be built on your sincere self. The basis of his appeal to the people you meet is that they should see the real you, not some artificial modification of your personality. You, of course, can radically change your image, tear it away from your natural "I", but this will not last long. You will be given unforeseen little things.

If you create a renewed image on your true self, then the new that people see in you will be perceived by them as an extension of the essence of your personality. They will not consider this inappropriate, although they will notice the change. So don't be afraid to make the changes that are needed in the first place. Remember only that whatever image you try to show to others, it, first of all, should be a reflection of your inner essence and be firmly based on it.

From this it is easy to conclude that when creating a positive business image, you must firmly adhere to the established framework of the image you choose and, in the end, make it become an integral part of your inner essence. Therefore, the stability of such an image must be constantly supported by all available means, and above all by the creation and preservation of its good name, professional honor and political credo. It is important not only to decide what kind of image you would like to have for yourself and your work, but also to be consistent in its day-to-day presentation.

Building a business image presupposes clear objectives for such work. Creating it at random can work for a short time, but you will not get a long-term effect, the result may even be unfavorable. You need to create an image that matches not only your inner self, but also your long-term political goals.

3. The main forms of expression of the business image.

1. Clothing is, as it were, an external form of expression of a business image, it is associated with the character and lifestyle of a person. Therefore, it is very important to make sure that the clothes are appropriate for the situation, otherwise your image will fade and no one will take you seriously.

2. Manners of behavior as a form of expression of a business image have a very significant impact on its creation. However, they need to be used skillfully, because if your behavior towards different people is the same, it will not always benefit you. For example, if you consistently maintain a fun and assertive style of behavior, this can get along with your colleagues, but it will annoy your boss or clients.

3. The practice of business communication has proven that no other ability that a business person can possess gives him such authority and the opportunity to quickly make a career as the ability to speak well and write competently. A person who possesses these qualities is always more authoritative than one who does not possess them. However, learning to speak well and write competently is a great art. It requires the mobilization of thinking, memory, a large vocabulary, the entire spiritual sphere and psychological stability. Of all the forms of expressing a business image, this is perhaps the one that is most difficult to achieve.