The man in the case makes sense. Composition "The symbolic meaning of the image of Belyakov in the story of A. Chekhov" Man in a case. See what "Man in a Case" is in other dictionaries

who can as much as possible (help a lot) this is an internal examination in literary 1. What is the tragedy of love of Zheltkov, the hero of Kuprin's story "The Garnet Bracelet"?
2. Prove that for the hero of Kuprin's story "Garnet Bracelet" love is the highest value in the world.
3. Show the wealth of the spiritual world of the heroine of Kuprin's story "Olesya".
4. Prove by giving examples from Kuprin's works that his beloved hero is a young man, gentle, intelligent, conscientious, ardently sympathetic to his "little brother" and at the same time weak-willed, tragically submitting to the force of the environment and circumstances.
5. Why is the era of poets at the beginning of the 20th century characterized as the “silver age” of Russian poetry? What are its fundamental differences from the "golden age"?
6. What are the three pieces of advice given to the young poet by the lyrical hero of the poem V.Ya. Bryusov "To the Young Poet"? Do you agree with his position? What, in your opinion, should a true poet be? Read the poem by heart.
7. Tell us what you know about Bryusov - translator. What are his main translations? From what languages ​​are they implemented?
8. How is interest in ancient Slavic folklore manifested in Balmont's lyrics? What images arise? Analyze the poems Evil Charm and The Firebird.
9. What picture does Balmont paint in the poem "First Love"? Tell us about your perception of this poem.
10. Describe the work of early Mayakovsky. What are its main specific features? Read one poem from this period by heart.
11. "Freedom is the most beautiful thing in life, for the sake of it a person should be ready to sacrifice everything, even life." Confirm Gorky's words with examples from his stories "Makar Chudra" and "Old Woman Izergil".
12. Prove that even an insane, but extraordinary step, according to Gorky, will remain in the memory of people. Give examples from Song of the Falcon, Song of the Petrel, The Legend of Marco.
13. What is the meaning of the title of the play "At the Bottom"? Explain its symbolic sound.
14. To whom is the cycle of the Bloc's poems "Poems about the Beautiful Lady" dedicated? In connection with what is it written? Analyze 3 poems from this collection. Read one by heart.
15. How is the theme of the House revealed in Bulgakov's novel "The White Guard"? What symbolic meaning does the word "house" have for Bulgakov?
16. What philosophical problems are raised in Bulgakov's novel The Master and Margarita?
17. Show the inseparability of the connection between Tsvetaeva's fate and work with Moscow. Analyze the cycle "Poems about Moscow". Read one poem by heart.
18. Describe the image of the lyric heroine of the poem "Requiem".
19. Describe the Cossack way of life, depicted by Sholokhov. Show the features of the speech of the Cossacks. How they help the writer convey the vitality of the environment. How does the writer describe the life of the village?
20. Describe the family lifestyle of the Melekhovs, Korshunovs, Astakhovs. Make a comparative characteristic.
21. How is the First World War depicted in the novel "Quiet Flows the Don"?
22. Compare Aksinya and Natalya, explain Gregory's feelings for each of them. What is the meaning of the names of the heroines? Why do both die?
23. What is the meaning of the title of Sholokhov's story "The Fate of a Man"?
24. Give a detailed description of military prose and poetry. Analyze 2 pieces.
25. Give a detailed description of urban prose. Analyze 2 pieces.

Dec 17 2014

The theme of the "case man" can rightfully be considered a cross-cutting theme in Chekhov. The first step in the disclosure of this topic is made in his early work "Teacher of Literature", but in 1898 three stories appeared, the so-called "Little Trilogy", which can be combined into a cycle based on their common problems. The most grotesque picture of "case" life is given in the first story of the trilogy, where the theme is already stated in the title. Chekhov paints an obviously exaggerated one, which is an artistic generalization of the social phenomenon of that time. So, before us appears Belikov - with a very interesting and even “wonderful” character and habits: “in very good weather” he “went out in galoshes and with an umbrella, and certainly in a warm coat with cotton wool. He had an umbrella in a case, and a watch in a case made of gray suede, and when he took out a penknife to sharpen a pencil, he also had a knife in a case; and the face, it seemed, was also in the case, since he hid it all the time in the raised collar ”.

It is no coincidence that the author pays special attention to the portrait. With the help of the characteristics of everyday life, Belikov's costume, he seeks to reveal his soul, inner world, to show his true face. So, already from the portrait description we see that the Greek language has completely fenced itself off from living life, locked itself tightly in its "case" world, which seems to him better than the real one. The case "envelops" the brain, controls the thoughts of the hero, suppressing positive principles.

Thus, he loses everything human, living, turns into a mechanical machine of rules and circulars. But the worst thing is that he imposes these rules and prejudices on the entire surrounding world, in which all goals are set and achieved only by necessity. Oppressing everyone with his caution, Belikov puts pressure on people, makes them afraid: “Our teachers are all thinking people, deeply decent, brought up on Turgenev and Shchedrin, but this little man, who always walked in galoshes and with an umbrella, held the entire gymnasium in his hands for fifteen years! What about the gymnasium? The whole city!" Developing Chekhov's thought, we understand that the "case" is a generalized image of the whole of Russia with its state regime.

The image of Mavra introduces a new turn in understanding the problem. The darkness and ignorance of people from the people is also a "case" covering all the great aspects of life. But the spirit of the new time is penetrating into the city. Independent, free personalities appear (Kovalenko, his sister), revealing with merciless force the “suffocating atmosphere” of such a life. They find the key to solving the problem, which is contained in the main phrase of the work: “No, it is impossible to live like this anymore!

"The Man in the Case" is a story by A.P. Chekhov, which is part of the "Little Trilogy" cycle. This work, which tells about the life of an ordinary rural teacher, despite the simple style of the narrative and the everyday plot, reveals the deep problems of the human personality.

In this article we will try to conduct a brief analysis of Chekhov's story "The Man in the Case". The main character - the teacher of the Greek language Belikov - all his life tried to surround himself with a "cocoon". This was expressed both in clothes (even in summer he wore galoshes and a warm coat, always took an umbrella with him), and in his lifestyle - he lived in solitude, did not understand any instructions, except for prohibitions. Above all for him was public opinion, even in the fact that he connected his life with teaching. However, the most surprising thing, despite his low he kept the whole city in check, under him no one dared to allow themselves "liberties" - simple

human joys. suspicious, Belikov, "a man in a case" (the analysis of the character gives all the grounds for such a comparison), imposed his life position on everyone around him, which is his famous phrase: "Oh, no matter what happens." The atmosphere throughout the story is permeated with fear, not even of the obvious threat of punishment, but fear of what is unknown.

Real life is what's in the case. shows that a manic fear of reality killed the protagonist. But Chekhov is not at all sorry for him. He seemed to be burdened by the presence of the figure of Belikov in his work, along with other residents of the town. Most of all, the author is concerned with the thought: how did people allow such an insignificant person to show others how to live. How do they obey his opinion and then they themselves are burdened by this? Why is the majority of good, intelligent, educated people "who grew up on Shchedrin and Turgenev" afraid of a minority of cowardly, cowardly, entangled copies of their own complexes? After all, this is the case not only in that county town, examples can be found everywhere.

"Man in a Case", which was analyzed, in all its glory shows the vices of society at that time. As if under a microscope, Chekhov examines the relationship of people and empathizes with the heroes. He offers a way to get rid of imposed fears when he gloatingly describes the scene of the ill-fated Belikov descending from the stairs by Kovalev. Free people should not tolerate the existing order of things, tells us

Anton Pavlovich, otherwise everything will end as sadly as in the story "The Man in the Case". An analysis of the epilogue shows the reader that nothing changed with the death of Belikov, because others took the place of one tyrant, and the residents of the town did not receive the expected exposure, everything continued to go on as usual.

Analysis of the story "Man in a Case" makes it clear that the author has chosen a very successful form of narration - a story in a story. Thanks to this, Chekhov, on behalf of the listener - Ivan Ivanovich - expresses his main idea: to live in a stuffy city, doing an unloved thing, see a lie, smile and cover it up, change oneself every day for a piece of bread and a warm bed - is this not a case? How long can you live like this?

Man in a case

Man in a case
The title of the story (1898) by Anton Pavlovich Chekhov (1860-1904).
The main character is a provincial teacher Belikov, who is afraid of any innovations, actions that are not allowed by the "authorities", as well as of reality in general. Hence his favorite expression: "No matter how it comes out ..." influences ".
The author himself began to use this expression as a common noun. In a letter to his sister MP Chekhova, he wrote (November 19, 1899): “The November winds blow violently, whistle, tear roofs. I sleep in a hat, in shoes, under two blankets, with closed shutters - a man in a case. "
Jokingly ironically: a timid person, afraid of bad weather, drafts, unpleasant external influences.

Encyclopedic Dictionary of winged words and expressions. - M .: "Lokid-Press"... Vadim Serov. 2003.

Man in a case

This is the name of a person who is afraid of any innovations, drastic measures, very timid, like the teacher Belikov, depicted in the story of A.P. Chekhov's "Man in a Case" (1898). Belikov "was remarkable in that he always, even in very good weather, went out in galoshes and with an umbrella, and certainly in a warm coat with cotton wool ... When a drama circle, or a reading room, or a tea room was allowed in the city, he shook his head and spoke softly : - It is, of course, so and so, all this is wonderful, but no matter what happens ".It is interesting to note that Chekhov himself used the expression "a man in a case" in jest; in a letter to M.P. Chekhova on November 19, 1899, he wrote: "The November winds blow violently, whistle, tear roofs. I sleep in a hat, in shoes, under two blankets, with closed shutters - a man in a case.".

Dictionary of winged words... Plutex. 2004.

See what "Man in a Case" is in other dictionaries:

    CASE. MAN IN CASE. In Chekhov's story "The Man in the Case": "This man had a constant and irresistible desire to surround himself with a shell, to create for himself, so to speak, a case that would seclude him, protect him from external ... ... History of words

    - "A MAN IN A CASE", USSR, SOVIET BELARUS, 1939, b / w, 84 min. Drama. Based on the story of the same name by A.P. Chekhov. Cast: Nikolai Khmelev (see KHMELEV Nikolai Pavlovich), Mikhail Zharov (see ZHAROV Mikhail Ivanovich), Olga Androvskaya (see ANDROVSKAYA Olga ... ... Encyclopedia of Cinema

    This term has other meanings, see Man in a case (disambiguation). Man in a case (true incident) ... Wikipedia

    Man in a case- Iron. (Man) living by his own narrow interests; fenced off from people, from life; inert and withdrawn. You are a man in a case, a cardboard shower, a file folder! (B. Lavrenev. A story about a simple thing). He reminds her in some way of a Chekhovian man in ... ... Phraseological dictionary of the Russian literary language

    Man in a case- wings. sl. This is the name of a person who is afraid of any innovations, abrupt measures, very timid, like the teacher Belikov, depicted in the story of AP Chekhov "The Man in a Case" (1898). Belikov “was remarkable in that he was always, even in a very good ... Universal Additional Practical Explanatory Dictionary of I. Mostitsky

    Spread. Disapproved. About a man who has closed himself in a circle of narrow philistine, philistine interests, fenced off from real life, is afraid of innovations and changes. / i> According to the title of the story by A.P. Chekhov (1898). BMS 1998, 619; BTS, 1470; FM 2002, 609; ... A large dictionary of Russian sayings

    man in a case- about someone who is locked in a circle of narrow, bourgeois interests, fenced off from real life, is afraid of innovations and changes. The expression goes back to the story of the same name by A.P. Chekhov. The protagonist of this work is the teacher of ancient languages ​​Belikov, ... ... Phraseology reference

    man in a case- About someone who is locked in a circle of narrow, philistine interests, is afraid of any innovations. From the title of the story by A.P. Chekhov ... Dictionary of many expressions

    "Man in a Case"- A MAN IN A CASE story by A.P. Chekhov (1898), ch. the hero is afraid of life and tries to hide from it in a case, a shell of prescriptions and stereotypes ... Russian humanitarian encyclopedic dictionary

    This term has other meanings, see Man in a Case. The man in the case ... Wikipedia


  • Man in a Case, A.P. Chekhov. The hero of the story "The Man in the Case" is the school teacher of the Greek language Belikov. His main concern is "whatever happens." With the advent of the Gorodenov teacher Mikhail ...

Anton Pavlovich Chekhov is the author of many innovative works, where the reader sees not only subtle satire, but also a detailed description of the human soul. When you get acquainted with his work, it begins to seem that he is not only a prose writer, but also a very gifted psychologist.

"The Man in the Case" is one of three short stories from the "Little Trilogy" series, on which the author worked for about two months in 1898. It also includes the stories "Gooseberry" and "About Love", which Anton Pavlovich wrote in Melikhovka, where he lived with his family. He barely had time to finish working on them, because he already suffered from tuberculosis and wrote less and less.

One cannot be sure that Chekhov wrote about a particular person, most likely, the central image of “The Man in a Case” is collective. The writer's contemporaries put forward several candidates that could serve as prototypes for Belikov, but they all had only a slight resemblance to the hero.

Genre, conflict and composition

It is quite easy for the reader to get acquainted with the work, because it is written in simple language, which, nevertheless, is capable of causing a huge number of impressions. Style is expressed in compositions: the text is divided into small semantic fragments, focusing on the most important thing.

In the story we observe conflict between two heroes. The author opposes Kovalenko (life-affirming, active position, positive thinking) and Belikov (passive and lifeless vegetation, internal slavery), which helps him to reveal the problem posed even better. The case becomes an artistic detail that describes the whole essence and meaning of the work, shows the inner world of the hero.

Literary genre- a story that is part of a "little trilogy" of three separate stories, but combined by one idea. "The Man in the Case" is written with an obvious satirical coloring, in such a manner the writer ridicules the very essence of the "little man" who is simply afraid to live.

The meaning of the name

In his story, Chekhov warns us that absolutely any person, without wanting to, can imprison himself in a "case", it is from here that this name appeared. A case is understood as an obsession with an unwritten set of rules and restrictions with which people fetter themselves. Dependence on conventions turns into a disease for them and prevents them from drawing closer to society.

The secluded world of prohibitions and barriers seems to the inhabitants of the cases much better, they surround themselves with a kind of shell so that the influence of the outside world does not touch them in any way. However, to live locked up with your own orders and attitudes is cramped, another person will not fit in there. It turns out that a resident of a stuffy, corked corner is doomed to loneliness, so the title of the story is basically given in the singular.

main characters

  1. The main character of the story is Belikov- teacher of the Greek language at the gymnasium. He sets certain rules in his life, and most of all he fears that something will not go as planned. Belikov, even in the clearest and warmest weather, is dressed in galoshes and a warm coat with a raised collar, he hides his face behind dark glasses and a hat in order to protect himself as best as possible from the influence of the environment: not only natural, but also social. He is frightened by modern reality and irritated by everything that happens around him, which is why the teacher puts on a kind of case both externally and internally.
  2. Mikhail Kovalenko- a new teacher of history and geography who comes to work at the gymnasium with his sister. Mikhail is a young, sociable and cheerful man of tall stature, a great lover of laughing and even laughing heartily.
  3. His sister Varenka- a woman of 30 years old, very cheerful and happy, loves to have fun, sing and dance. The heroine shows interest in Belikov, who, in turn, devotes time to her and agrees to take walks in order to speculate that marriage is too serious a thing. The woman still does not lose hope to stir up the gentleman, which betrays such qualities in her as perseverance and purposefulness.
  4. Themes

    1. The main theme of Chekhov's story is closed and isolated human life who is shy of the world around him and shuns any manifestation of feeling. He hides his eyes from the people around him, constantly carries all his things in a case, be it a small knife designed for sharpening a pencil, or an ordinary umbrella, which is so convenient to hide his face. Many spiritual values ​​were wild to the protagonist, and emotions were incomprehensible. This expresses his limitation, which poisons existence.
    2. Love theme in the story is revealed in relation to Varenka to Belikov. The girl tries to interest the hero and return him to a full life. She believes to the last that he can still change for the better. But he also closes himself off from her, because the prospect of marriage and the obsessive conversations of his colleagues about their marriage begin to frighten him.
    3. Chekhov explains to the reader that the worst thing that can happen to a person is indifference to life. Belikov became so withdrawn in himself that he ceased to distinguish the colors of the world, to enjoy communication, to strive for something. He no longer cares what happens outside his case, as long as numerous decencies are observed.
    4. A man in a case is a collective image of timid people who are afraid of their own feelings and emotions. They abstract themselves from the world around them and withdraw into themselves. That's why loneliness theme is also important in the story of Anton Pavlovich Chekhov.
    5. Main problems

      1. Conservativeness. The author realizes with horror and pity that some of his contemporaries create a shell for themselves, in which they perish morally and spiritually. They exist in the world, but they do not live. People go with the flow, moreover, they cannot even allow fate to interfere and change something for the better. This fear of new events and changes makes people passive, inconspicuous and unhappy. Due to the abundance of such conservatives, stagnation forms in society, through which it is difficult for young shoots to break through, capable of developing and developing the country.
      2. The problem of the meaninglessness of life... Why did Belikov live on earth? He never made anyone happy, not even himself. The hero shakes over his every action and constantly repeats: "No matter how something happens." Bypassing fictional sorrows and suffering, he misses happiness itself, thus, his price of psychological comfort is too high, since it destroys the very essence of human existence.
      3. The reader looms happiness problem, more precisely, the problem of its achievement, essence and price. The hero replaces him with peace, but, on the other hand, he himself has the right to determine what is the highest value for him.
      4. The problem of fear of love. The people who surround him are just as unhappy, they find themselves on the other side of the fictional case, Belikov simply cannot open up and let someone come closer. The hero was never able to develop his feelings for the girl he liked, he just got scared of them and was left with nothing.
      5. The problem of sociopathy... The teacher is afraid of society, despises it, fences off, not allowing any of the people around him to help himself. They would be happy, but he himself does not allow it to be done.
      6. the main idea

        Chekhov was not only a doctor by training, but also a healer of souls by vocation. He realized that spiritual illness sometimes turns out to be more dangerous than physical illness. The idea of ​​the story "The Man in the Case" is a protest against the lonely, closed vegetation under the shell. The author puts into the work the idea that the case must be ruthlessly burned in order to feel freedom and relate to life with ease.
        Otherwise, the fate of a closed personality can turn out to be deplorable. So, in the finale, the main character dies alone, leaving no grateful descendants, no followers, no achievements. The writer shows us how uselessly the earthly path of a "case" person can end in vain. Colleagues and acquaintances who are present at his funeral are mentally happy that they finally said goodbye to Belikov and his importunity.

        Anton Pavlovich puts a socio-political subtext into his work, emphasizing the importance of social activity and civic initiative. He stands for a rich and fulfilling life, endows the main character with repulsive character traits in order to prove to people how wretched and pitiful the inhabitant of the "case" looks like, wasting himself.

        Thus, Chekhov describes the lot of many clerks who lived gray in a stuffy city, sorting out unnecessary pieces of paper. He ironically plays with the "little man" type, violating the literary tradition of portraying him in idyllic tones. His author's position is not contemplative or sentimental, but active, not tolerating compromise. The inhabitants of the case should not savor their insignificance and wait for pity, they need to change and squeeze a slave out of themselves.

        What does the author teach?

        Anton Pavlovich Chekhov makes us think about our own life and ask an interesting question: "Are we not building for ourselves the same case that the main character Belikov had?" The author literally teaches us how to live, showing by example how a personality that creeps before conventions and stereotypes can fade and disappear. Chekhov was really able to inspire people with aversion to a gray, useless life, to show that inaction and indifference are the worst that can happen to us.

        Fear of discoveries and accomplishments destroys a person's personality, he becomes pitiful and helpless, unable to show even the simplest feelings. The writer believes that human nature is much richer and more capable than what fear and laziness turn it into. Happiness, according to Chekhov, lies in a fulfilling life, where there is a place for strong emotions, interesting communication and individuality.

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