What can be done if you are bored at home. What to do when boring. What to do with girlfriend: interesting ideas

In any free minute. People are most often set up positive. They are accustomed to engage in loved ones, no matter how much time they have left. In order to find an occupation for yourself and not asking the question "When I'm bored - what to do," enough to do something interesting, look around, look at the world with other eyes.


Many people envy those who can afford to ask others the question: "I'm bored, what to do?" They themselves do not have the opportunity to allocate time on themselves, family and loved ones. Elementary viewing of the TV, favorite films in the family circle will allow you to brighten up leisure, bring together people, learn a lot of useful and interesting things about each other. The main thing is the opportunity and desire to pay free time to those who are pleasant to you.

It is more difficult for those people who speak their loved ones: "I'm bored, what to do?" This confirms the fact that human life has no paints. It ate him, and leisure must be organized outside the home environment. Friends, comrades, neighbors, classmates - Among them there are always several people with similar interests. The more often people meet and communicate, the more life interests manifest. As a result, the person who looked from idleness will definitely find himself.

A computer

It is the computer - the chief friend, comrade and a companion of many. But it happens that it becomes boring for the computer. What to do in such a situation? Many will say that the computer can not be boring, and if it is connected to the Internet, and it is suppressed. Yes, on the Internet you can find a lot of interesting things: entertainment, communication, games and much more. But it is impossible to challenge the fact that the virtual world is hard to replace the real. These are completely different lives, they can be combined, but it is difficult to compare.

If the computer became boring, but there is no desire to leave the house, you can start practicing yourself. Self-education is the best that a person can acquire thanks to the use of studying foreign languages, stories, which is important, it is important to take himself by what really likes. Thus, it is possible not only to pass the time, but also to get a lot of useful knowledge that will be useful in life. It is also important to remember that the study of the topics you like is a long time. Yes, breaks can be frequent, but the goal from this should not change.

Work at home

How to have links to interesting and useful pages will come to help everyone. Work at home is salvation for those who are bored. How to make money and not get out of the apartment? This is possible, and many people live on the funds earned in this way. Get work via the Internet is possible enough. It all depends on what direction is more closely than a person is ready to do and how much time to spend to obtain the first capital. No money will fall from the sky, no one will give them, they will have to work. Paying only a few hours a day, you can earn a living, repayment of loans, to postpone funds for purchasing a car or any other thing.

The most profitable occupation is trade in stock exchanges, but this direction is very complex, and not everyone can figure it out. Before taking care, it is important to understand how interesting it is both real. Take a high bar immediately, not having experience is a desperate step that may not give the desired results. A common occupation for many has been writing articles. The principle of operation is very simple: by registering on the employer's website, you can immediately begin the tasks. Depending on the quality of the written works, the Contractor's rating will be reduced or increased, which will attract the attention of customers. Funds earned on such sites can be displayed through electronic directly to your bank card.

Cottage, rest

More difficult for those people who ask: "What should I do if you are bored in the summer?" Summer is such a time when it can not be boring. Cottage, sea, rest, entertainment, friends and much more should distract from sad thoughts. Only lazy people can be bored in the summer. In the warm season, you can always take yourself to sports, evening walks, trips to reservoirs. Desire - this is what you need from a person who is bored. If it is, I will definitely find something to do and who will pay attention to a free minute.

Probably, each of us has had such periods when we are terribly boring and nothing to do. Usually, we rejoice when holidays or vacations are coming, but there is a maximum of three days, and you no longer know where to go. You start to drag the apartment, throw out old things - this is not the worst lesson, but it also annoy it. Then the stage comes, sorry for the expression, firing. The refrigerator is simply not closed when you are bored at home. You are still tested from there to scratch the soap operas.

And what about all this? On the Internet there are plenty of absurd and strange ways and take themselves if you are bored. Therefore, we will begin, perhaps with strange entertainment, and then we will continue them with normal.

1. Catch fly. Defenders of living beings, please remove from the monitors of their computers. What do we have to do? First you need to catch a few flies and put them in the sun so that they dried well. Further you need to take a piece of paper, pencils, markers, handles, in general, everything and what you can draw. Then glue the flies on paper and invent different scenes in which Muhi main characters. Separate masterpieces take a picture and put on social networks. It will be very fun. By the way, such things can be done not only with flies, you can take buttons, traffic jams and other things.

2. Make a list of gifts. My beloved, of course. Take a couple of A4 sheets and write down all the birthday gifts that would like to get. And most importantly - do not limit yourself in desires: Red Ferrari last model, High-Tech style on the Seychelles or Golden iPhone. On the next leaflet, make a list of potential donors - friends, relatives and colleagues. And select the drawing method, who and what a gift will be to give you. And after notifying happy donors about their desires - along with the invitation to the holiday. It does not matter that before your name is a couple of months - let them be started to save money on your present now. By the way, this exercise is an excellent way to find out who actually values \u200b\u200byour friendship, and who is just his own wallet.

3. Quarrel with neighbors. And what, a good option - and spend fun, and the relationship is finally find out. But you must first come up with a good reason for indignation. For example, you got the sounds at night from the next apartment. Or you are tired of the unpleasant odor, which is felt from ventilation. Or you have a headache from orphans. Many options.

4. Learn to tie various sea nodes. The way to have fun when you are bored of course senseless and no benefit from it. But the fact of the matter is that sometimes you want to do what you will never come in handy. Although you can brag in front of friends that you know how to tie the most complex sea nodes. And even better, remove all this on the video and expose on the Internet.

5. Write a poem about boredom. If you do not know how to rhyme at all, it is quite possible to do with the writing of a verliba or white verse.

6. Carnating the neighbors with their nightmarish singing. Turn on some classic composition and sneak into full voice. You can even remove the clip. Again, lucky those who live in private houses.

7. Come up with funny names of each pair of your shoes. Favorite sneakers, sneakers, shoes and boots - revive them, inventing funny nicknames of each pair. Old sneakers can be called in honor of the evil grandmother, which is sitting near your entrance and discusses what you are dressed today.

8. Learn to stand on the head. A good option to warm up, just be careful and do not turn your neck.

9. Steamed helium from balloons. You can record your dialogue pronounced by a ridiculous voice on video and expose on the Internet. You can exchange some serious work from school programSo it will be more fun.

10. Arrange dressing up in idiotic outfits. Get the mustache, put on the wig and the clothes of your grandmother - cool pictures will come out.

11. Powered with ice cubes. Take something acute and a piece of ice from the refrigerator. Try to cut some more or less normal feature. If it does not come out - it does not matter, the main thing will not be lit.

12. Light the basins of chess games. If you even teach you, then the Internet is full of video lessons.

13. Cook on the chair. Try to grow carefully and count how much you have made circles until you stop the chair. Further can beat your own records.

14. Referent with pet pet. Dogs and cats can be made of varnish claws or make a funny hairstyle. After, you can dress an animal in a fun robe.

15. Read an interesting book. Surely you have a list of books that you do not have time to read, but I would love to do it. Now you have a chance to catch up. Moreover, it is not necessary to read the classic works from the school program. You can read one of the books like "How to earn a million" or "how to become rich in one month." And even more interesting and more useful for your sex life, read the "kamasutra". There is not just read, but also see too.

16. To have sex. This is a completely normal way to entertain yourself if you are bored. It is not only nice, but also useful. But this option is suitable only to those who have to do with anyone. Well, if not with anyone, then you need to urgently meet someone. Perhaps it relates to the strange ways to have fun, but still you can call the random phone number and pinch, offering sex by phone.

17. Arrange a party at home. This is a one hundred percent way to have fun. You do not even need to buy anything. Just call your friends and tell me that you invite them to a party, everyone can take products and drink at their discretion. With you, an excellent atmosphere, which can be created by setting up a thematic party: Retro, rock, primitive, firing, pajama, naked and others.

19. Sort things in the closet. If you feel about most working people, then your wardrobe is similar to the place where the tornado just swept. Therefore, you have the opportunity to decompose everything on the shelves and even in colors, if you are brought.

20. Cook a mealThat you liked one day in the restaurant. Try to remember what it was for the dish, find a recipe on the Internet, go beyond the products, attach a little effort and voila - a chic dinner is ready.

21. Make yourself make makeup. Find cool photos on the Internet or in fashion magazines and try to make seen makeup on your face. You will learn to make some pretty make-ups that you will need when you get ready to work or a date.

22. Register a fake page on social networks. From it you can add to friends to people you had shied before. Also, you can post various delusional things and lead an indecent correspondence.

23. Make a plan or list. You can make a list of scheduled cases for a week or more long-term plan for the year.

24. Disassemble garage. If you have it, then for many years, there is such a plows, that it is sometimes difficult for you to leave from it. Therefore, remove the garage is a great way to get rid of boredom.

25. Teach a dog to a new trick. You will need patience, but the result is worth if you teach the dog to bring to you slippers. And you can also teach a parrot to speak.

26. Clear computer. If you work or learn, then your computer is sometimes so clogged with all sorts of unnecessary archives, documents and folders that he cannot even save anything. You have the opportunity to save it.

Do not know what to do at home when boring? Take advantage of our list of Top 10, which presents the most popular options that you can do one or with a girlfriend (friend).

It happens that we have a whole day (or even one) to spend at home alone. The reasons can be different: weekends or leave, the lack of funds for entertainment outside their own walls, as of health or even due to unemployment. At such moments, the main thing is to find a lesson in the soul and do something useful and interesting, and of course not to get bored. Free time must be used with benefit and with the mind. Especially this should learn to people who do not know how to spend their weekends and are about idleness. The following advice will forever help you forget about boredom at home.

Do not know what to take yourself at home? - Spice all day for time intervals for 40 minutes. It is such a quantity necessary to bring any business to the end and moreover that the lesson does not bother you. In this case, you will be able to fulfill all the cases accumulated over a long time.

Take advantage of our list, most popular and useful classes.

Take an intellectual self-development. On the Internet there are enough courses and trainings of a wide variety of regions. Choose an orientation for yourself and absorb knowledge as a sponge. It will not be boring for sure, the truth is not desirable for a long time; it is also not desirable;

The TV sometimes may we have a good service, if you do not watch "garbage", and selectively approach the selection of TV shows. Cultural, historical, educational programs Help your brain increases gyms;

Books Nobody canceled in our life. It will be great if you learn how to speed. Such a skill is useful not only in ordinary life, but also in work. Reading soothes, disciplines, excuses imagination. Therefore, you can easily choose a huge range of interesting books and "swallow" even pair per day;

If you are not a conservative, but a modernizer, then audiobooks to help you. They caress the rumor and seize eyesight. It is also believed that through sound information is much more efficiently absorbed and remembered. Not convenient to listen to the computer? - Check the books in your MP3 player or to the phone;

In addition to serious classes, it would be nice and have fun: board games - great idea! Even for one player, there is a lot of exciting games and puzzles. What can you play? There are a large set of such games, the same "tower" ("Jenga") or "Carcasson" is a great option for both person and for playing with a friend or friend;

Do not stand and forget about physical exertion. If at home is bored, do sports at home: To do charging, do yoga, pilates and many other species. If you can use the exercise bike or treadmill. For women, it's good to have a fit-bolt house. You can even start mastering dance movements;

In addition to sports entertainment, do care of your own body By taking baths with braverains of herbs or sea salt, wraps, hair masks and face. Manicure and pedicure also greatly raise the mood and reduce the level of stress. Yes, and look good at home including;

Explore foreign languages . Not forever you send in four walls! And in the first trip abroad, these skills will be extremely useful to you. You can listen to discs, watch online broadcasts, learn from textbooks, even talk on online with native speakers;

Needlework, for example, weaving beads, macrame, embroidery and knitting will especially fit female representatives. Some skirts are managed to even make icons at home. Such classes have a beneficial effect on the motorcycle fingers and develop a creative start in you;

Still can't understand for yourself what to do at home? In order for boredom to visit your home, make it cozy, clean and beautiful. Cleaning and decorating, Cutting wallpaper, sewing new curtains, the permutation of furniture on the hair dryer will deliver a lot of pleasure. You can also do various decorative elements with your own hands. These classes are almost always available. Do not postpone them in a long box, all the more you have nothing to do.

When a person is self-sufficient, he is sometimes more interesting with him than in a large company. What should I do if it became bored at home? At the moments of home solitude it is easy to hear your soul, you can understand your real desires and decide on priorities. They do not have to miss if you turn on a little fantasy and make a drip of effort.

What to do when boring: 5 options to put in order body, brains and your home + 3 ideas for the most original.

Are you clinging all day at home in Sthegan's bathrobe, as the unlawful landowner times Chekhov? Then puzzled your stroke, then the cat? Already do not know what to do? Or did the Bermudian triangle "refrigerator-computer-sofa completely sucked?

No gag, my friend, so to spend time to spend time! We will tell what to do when boringTo brighten leisure even in your own apartment.

The body is: 5 options, what to do when boring with health benefits

I will open the big-oh-oh such a secret: not at 35 years old, nor in 40, nor even at 75 years old does not come old age!

It will come when you nave on yourself and your health, and therefore we advise you to do at home with the benefit for yourself your beloved when bored:


    No, no one demands from you to twist the ring as your cat is a bagel, but crunch all the joints, leaning to tie the laces on shoes - not at all Comilfo.

    Select exercise complexes for morning charging.

    Yes, yes, about Mondays and "you need to do this from the next new year," we have already heard! Just take and do it if you are bored at home!

    "I picked up on the Internet 7 (by the number of days in the week) complexes of morning charging for any mood and well-being: from super-light for 5 minutes - until a full workout (40 minutes).

    A week later, at 7 in the morning, I look at the window of the neighboring house - my neighbors, looking at me, decided to play sports: waist with my hands, feet, make attacks and slopes.

    Still, not only a bad example is infectious, "to share the impressions of Odessa Katya.

    Doing yoga when boring.

    Try to master at least a few Asan.

    Jennifer Aniston and Madonna, Sting and David spiritual, as well as dozens of other Hollywood stars regularly spread the rugs and sit down in the lotus position to preserve the beauty of the body and the vigor of the spirit, and do not worry what they do in their free time.

    Is this a reason for at least "change" with yoga aggressive training in the gym or extinguishing step aerobics? Especially if they already come and became simply boring.

    Do meditating if you are bored.

    It seems that the song Oleg Gazmanov "My thoughts are my scannes ..." written about you?

    Try finally doubt your fussy mind and fully relax.

    You can imagine at least in the azure coast of France, at least in the midst of a wheat field - if only your internal "TV" showed a serene picture.

    Sign up, finally, in the gym or pool, if you do not know what to do.

    Yeah, like this right to take the phone and sign up! And even better - go and immediately pay for the annual subscription.

    Having spent money on him, you are hardly "scolding" to workout, like 25 times before and you will not "crack" that sport is boring.

    Make a mask for the face or hair, if there is nothing to do and boring.

    The beauty of unearthly, of course, we do not guarantee you at a time, but it can become a good habit.

    So forward - and soon you can safely ask the mirror about whether "who is in the light of all the nurses, all the rosy and whiter."

    Studying Samomassa's Azov, if you are bored.

    Your second half is easier to persuade the eat cockroach, how to massate your back?

    There is an exit!

    Read on the network or a good book on how to become a massage yourself.

Spirit of Enlightenment: 5 ideas to do when bored and want to load brains

To make up the preparation of the generation tree and ask the older generation about the past.

And do not be surprised if it turns out that your great-grandmother has studied in a guesthouse for noble maidens (here's where it is a harsh look and the perfect posture!), And the grandfather was a ferry in the gum.

To view family photo albums, if bored.

Yes, yes, this screaming lump is you when you were three days old, but a brave tanker with a luxurious ome - your heroic grandfather.

You can draw painting in the coloring-antistress for adults.

While you will withdraw the patterns, you will definitely "will be" and no longer want to plug the poison of the "beloved" mother-in-law, scratch the face with maternal nails with her husband and go to the shutter until the end of his days.

Doing the preparation of a home quest for someone close when boring.

I bought a silver bracelet for your beloved wife, about which she was already with all the shoulders for you? And if the decoration is hidden, calling up the notes with prompts around the house?

You will see themselves, with what azart spouse will wear around the apartment or dance striptease for you (what to do, if the task is?). It should be done when boring!

Well, if you have children, as they say, God himself ordered you at home to "starve" a surprise for the defensive, and they give them a map of your personal "Treasure Island" or a list of tasks.

So options than you can do when boring - Thousand and one! It is only necessary to not encourage "Oblomovshchina" with a dream to noon and sweet things, but to work on to spend your free time with the benefit for the soul and body.

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We are so accustomed to the mad rhythm of life that we often find yourself confused at the weekend. All tasks are made on the street there is bad weather, and on TV is nothing interesting. And the question arises about when nothing to do? Boredom is dangerous for its unpredictability, and it is better to have a pre-planned list of entertainment options for all occasions: both for children, and for spouses, and for yourself personally.

What to do, if bored and nothing to do at home

Getting used to all planning in advance, we do not leave space for force majeure. So the question of what to do at home when nothing to do is not idle. It also happens that the situation comes out from under control, the trip is canceled, friends can not come, and an interesting film was replaced with a stupid comedy.

How to entertain the child and husband, what to do at home, when do nothing at all and all the plans failed? First of all, stop panicing to look for replacement entertainment, and try to impose your homemade will. Maybe they are already calmly read or watch the series. Here is a small list that can be used when the question arises about how to do at home when there is nothing to do:

  • make a list of films that would like to see, he will help you on such days;
  • mouse over to the home office, disassemble seasonal things, beat the wardrobe;
  • play board games;
  • if the weather allows - go for a walk;
  • take care of creativity, needlework or self-education;
  • read;
  • cook food.

This list is far from complete and everyone can make items of interesting affairs and classes.

If you are bored together

Young people often do not imagine why people wonder about when nothing to do. After all, it is completely bored. However, it takes time, and the together is not so fun. And even it seems that the relationship has been exhausted. It is not necessary to do possible, joint leisure will return to the relationship of the former excitement.

Joint business guy and girls:

  • read the same product for speed, and then share opinions;
  • look at the series and discuss the heroes;
  • play board games - cards, chess, backgammon;
  • invite friends and arrange a spontaneous party.

Active rest without leaving home

If you are used to moving a lot, then the forced seat of the house will be a difficult test. Causes can be different, from bad weather, to a cold. Let's deal with how to do at home when there is nothing to do and no opportunity to go out, but I really want activity.

List of active home entertainment:

  • turn on your favorite music and dance from the soul - no one sees you, so you can jump, as your heart;
  • take a yoga - it requires privacy and calm - the situation is suitable;
  • take the run - this idea seems absurd, but you can even run around the coffee table, there would be a desire;
  • wood power exercises and stretching.

Households - Salvation from boredom

Work on the house never stops, but at the same time make it unbearably boring. Let's figure out how to simultaneously entertain yourself and engage in household matters:

  • work under vigorous music;
  • make a plan and break it on very small items, and after the execution of everyone - praise yourself and make a small break;
  • focus on one site of work, for example, the desktop - wash it on all sides, wipe the lamp, disassemble the dawns of the papers, clean the keyboard, now you can relax;
  • work quickly and gambling.

And to facilitate the task, those who are still inexperienced in their homework, we give a list of what can be done:

  • fluster, spending or fitting the floor;
  • remove seasonal clothes and shoes;
  • wipe mirrors;
  • stop neatly clothes in the closet;
  • fluster windows;
  • clean plumbing;
  • wipe the dust;
  • wash the washing and dishwashers;
  • wash the refrigerator and so on.

How to entertain yourself without a TV and computer

A modern person is difficult to imagine without a smartphone or tablet in his hands, and at home there is a computer and a TV. But, unfortunately, such a dominance of gadgets affects health badly - the vision will deteriorate, the posture deteriorates, and from the news you can go to this depression. In addition, all this technique is dependent on electricity, so it will be useful to have a plan - what to do at home when there is nothing to do without gadgets.

What to do without a phone and computer at home:

  • read the book if you do not have it - take in the library or with friends;
  • pourish, this is an excellent lesson and it is not at all for him to have special knowledge, enough pencil, paper and desire;
  • do the needlework - knitting, embroidery, weaving from beads, all these classes not only calm and entertain, but also bring tangible benefits in the form of a new thing;
  • disconnect, make charging or a full range of exercises;
  • move your order or prepare lunch;
  • communicate with households;
  • get acquainted with the neighbors - even if you do not support friendships, such communication will be useful;
  • going to bed - a modern man is catastrophically hurt, eliminate this annoying misunderstanding.

What to do at home when there is nothing to do for children

Baby, and threshing children, it is difficult to find entertainment yourself. The older the man becomes, the wider its horizons, and the more interests. The task of an adult is to direct the child, give it not only good education, but also to protect against bad influence. A bored kid can do something at all inappropriate, and a teenager, and at all - unlawful.

How to entertain kids up to three years:

  • give the child a saucepan and several plastic containers, silicone baking molds, wooden blades and disposable dishes are still safe - these items are safe and interesting;
  • put the child for the children's table, give him a bowl with water, a rag and a mug - it will take a two-year apartment for half an hour;
  • play with a child in cubes, show how to build houses;
  • read the baby good and good fairy tales;
  • dance, jump on the bed, build the castle from the pillows;
  • show the child a cartoon, but remember the quality of the visual product.

How to entertain a preschooler and younger schoolboy:

  • look at a full-length movie or cartoon, and then discuss it;
  • build a puppet theater and play the performance;
  • attract the child to satisfying homework;
  • play the whole family to board games;
  • build "Castle" from chairs and pillows;
  • invite to visit the same child.

What should not be done when bored and nothing to do

No matter how boring you are, there are things to do in any way. Never break the law, remember that ignorance from responsibility will not free. In addition, you should not violate the social order and norms of morality. Do not spoil the property, do not disturb the silence after eleven in the evening and do not use dubious ways to have fun.