Description of the event for the day of cosmonautics in the library. The library has launched a book exhibition dedicated to Cosmonautics Day. "In stellar and terrestrial orbits"

Libraries of the city for the Day of Cosmonautics and the 50th anniversary of the first manned flight into space

The inhabitants of the Earth will always remember with gratitude the names of the people who were the first to open the way to the unknown world of space. On April 12, the whole world celebrated the 50th anniversary of Yuri Gagarin's flight into space. This is not just the date of a landmark event, it is not just a breakthrough in science and technology made by a country that suffered heavy losses in the Great Patriotic War. This is a real holiday. A holiday that unites people from all over the Earth in a single desire to know what is beyond its borders.

to the 50th anniversary of the flight into space of the first cosmonaut of the Earth Yu.A. Gagarin city libraries April 12 - 14 held a series of events dedicated to this significant date.

By this day, thematic book fairs"Human. Universe. Cosmos (library-branch No. 6), Star Trek (library-branch No. 1 named after M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin), amazing world space” (library-branch No. 7), “Man. Earth. Cosmos" (library-branch No. 9), "In the boundless time of the Universe" (children's library-branch No. 3), "Space distances", "Mysteries of space" (children's library-branch No. 1 named after A.S. Pushkin), "The Road to the Expanses of the Universe" (library-branch No. 2), "Russian cosmonautics: yesterday, today, tomorrow" (library-branch No. 4), exhibition-travels "Through thorns - to the stars" (library-branch No. 5) and "Space routes" (children's library-branch No. 2), which presented scientific and educational literature, newspaper and magazine materials on this topic. Talks were held near them (“The first cosmonaut of the Earth” - in the library-branch No. 9, “To the 50th anniversary of the flight of Yu. Gagarin” - in the library-branch No. 5), reviews of the publications presented (“Between stars and galaxies” - in the nursery library No. 3, "The Road to Space" - in the branch library No. 8).

Readers of different age groups took an active part in various library "space" events, where librarians told or reminded them HOW IT WAS: they provided information about the designers space technology and its stories, told about the chronology of space events, about the life path of a great man - Yuri Gagarin - the first cosmonaut of the planet, talked about the beginning of the space age and the first detachment of cosmonauts, about space research, etc. To make this information more vivid, interesting and informative, slide presentations created in libraries helped.

The peak of events dedicated to the Day of Cosmonautics and the 50th anniversary of the first manned flight into space fell on April 12 in the city libraries. Participants of the space travel "Road to the Universe" in the branch library No. M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin were the ninth-graders of school No. 15, who made a space journey " Road to the Universe". The whole history of space exploration passed before the schoolchildren in the story of the librarians. The children learned about how in Russia they tried to fulfill their dream of flying, about the Decree of Ivan the Terrible, which forbade attempts to fly under pain of execution, about the invention of gliders, airships and airplanes, about Konstantin Eduardovich Tsiolkovsky’s plan to conquer the world spaces, about the Queen and the first flights. During the conversation, the participants of the event answered questions, fantasized, playing a scene-dialogue of the brothers Joseph and Etienne Montgolfier (the inventors hot air balloon), who dream of gluing a huge ball of paper together, filling it with smoke and launching it into the sky, “invented” their own plane from improvised means and made a “flight” on it, got acquainted with the contents of the Star Trek book exhibition. During a conversation about the first cosmonaut of the planet, the song of Alexandra Pakhmutova and Nikolai Dobronravov sounded “Do you know what kind of guy he was?”

Oral magazine " First in the Universe» in the Central City Library. M. Gorky was dedicated to Yu. Gagarin, whose whole life was a search, a striving forward. The seventh-graders of the school in the village of Solidarity got acquainted with the materials of the Star Trek exhibition with interest, learned a lot about the life and work of the first cosmonaut. About his childhood, family and school years, they were told by the first page of the magazine "So far - everything earthly." The page “Everything starts with a dream” is a story about Y. Gagarin's adolescence. Schoolchildren learned here about his book addictions, favorite authors and literary heroes. The page "Course to space" was devoted to the youth of the future cosmonaut, his life before the flight. There were poems about space and astronauts. The leitmotif of the event, as well as the library-branch No. 1, was set by the song by A. Pakhmutova to the verses of N. Dobronravov "You know what a guy he was ...". The event ended with the quiz "Son of the Earth".

More than 50 young readers of the library-branch No. 2 became participants in the day of information " Human. Universe. Space". During the day, the children were given a review of the "Starry Sky" at the exhibition-view "The Road to the Expanses of the Universe." The dream of going up into space, the first steps in space was devoted to the hour of information "They were the first" for primary school students. Thanks to the electronic presentation created by the librarian of the children's subscription N.V. Deryugina, young readers not only learned what astronautics is, but also got acquainted with the founder of the space age, K.E. Tsiolkovsky, designer S.P. Korolev, learned a lot about artificial satellites Earth, the flight of Yu. Gagarin, the first detachment of astronauts. Each participant of the event was given a memo "Space conquers the brave" as a keepsake.

For children of middle school age (7-8 cells MOUSOSH No. 17), an educational quiz game was prepared for this day " Forever first”, performed against the backdrop of the song “Fourteen minutes before the start” by A. Pakhmutova and N. Dobronravov. After information about the beginning of space exploration, the first flight and the first cosmonaut, acquaintance with the observations of Yu. Gagarin during the flight, the guys got to know better what kind of person he was, understood how important event in the history of our country was his flight. And then two teams ("Vostok" and "Soyuz") competed in decisiveness, resourcefulness in the tours "Space ABC", "Guess!", the game "Are you fit to be an astronaut?". They supplemented their knowledge of space, the first flight from the booklet "A Star named Gagarin" published in the library.

Students of the 2nd grade of gymnasium No. 11 learned a lot of new things, for whom the librarians of the library-branch No. 9 held a conversation-presentation " The first cosmonaut of the Earth". The slide show was accompanied by a story about interesting and little known facts from the life of the first cosmonaut: about his childhood, family, how he became an astronaut.

The slide presentation was accompanied by an educational hour “ This day is April 12» in the branch library №6. The children (5th grade of Lyceum No. 24) saw with their own eyes how people's ideas about the Universe changed from ancient times to the present day, how the first satellite of the Earth, the famous Belka and Strelka, etc. ”: answered quiz questions, solved riddles about space, listened to interesting facts “Do you know that ...”, participated in express polls “If you meet an alien”, “What kind of planet do you imagine?”. In conclusion, they shared their understanding of Gagarin's words "We are the children of the Earth."

Regardless of the age of our readers, many events contained game elements or were built around the game. And, of course, all of them had a semantic and informational load. Educational game " Man discovers the universe”was held with the sixth graders of school No. 12 in the branch library No. 10.

April 13 informational space KVN, which was accompanied by a slide presentation, was held with young readers in the branch library No. 7. After listening to the message about Yu.A. Gagarin, prepared by one of the participants, two teams of fifth-graders drew a rocket at speed, played space loto, solved crossword puzzles, answered quiz questions, guessed who the poem was written about. The students were given homework(test survey), the correctness of which was checked during the event.

Events dedicated to the Day of Cosmonautics and the 50th anniversary of the first flight into space were also held within the framework of clubs operating in libraries. Space game " Secrets of the starry sky”was held with members of the Erudite club in the branch library No. 9. game program " The most beautiful of all planets” prepared for members of the historical and literary club “Heritage” in the children's library No. 3. EPET first-year students remembered how the space age began, talked about K.E. Tsiolkovsky, S.P. Korolev, Yu.A. Gagarin, answered the questions of the quiz.

Eight-graders of the Auxiliary Correctional Boarding School also took part in the celebrations. For them, in the branch library No. 10, information hour at the current exhibition "Through hardships to the stars"

In the children's library No. 1 named after. A.S. Pushkin, together with the MU SZN "Comprehensive Center for Social Services for the Population" in Yelets, a regular meeting of the "Teenager" club was held, dedicated to the significant date of Russian cosmonautics. To this day, the library has organized book exhibition"Space distance". In the program of the club meeting: conversation-dispute "Cosmonautics day is joy and pride", the quiz "Sons of the Blue Planet" and summing up the results of the competition of drawings "Cosmos".

For young readers of primary and secondary school age, a quiz was held at the exhibitions in the library " In the boundless time of the universe and a history lesson Cosmonaut #1 - Yuri Gagarin».

Hour of Information They were the first” for the tenth graders of the Razvitie school was organized in the branch library No. 4. High school students got acquainted with the first detachment of astronauts. Colleagues also told about the family history of the methodologist for working with children G.N. Shelamova, whose father took part in the search for astronauts in March 1965. In addition, part of the exposition (“I saved the cosmonauts ...”) at the book exhibition “Russian Cosmonautics: Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow” is dedicated to this event ..

The beginning of the space age opened people's eyes to the Universe. The first manned flight into space, which Yuri Gagarin made on April 12, 1961, was a historic event that opened up outer space for exploration for the benefit of all mankind. According to the decision of the UN General Assembly, April 12 will now be celebrated annually at the international level April 7 The 65th session of the General Assembly declared April 12 the International Day of Human Space Flight.

On April 12, the whole world celebrates Aviation and Cosmonautics Day - memorable date dedicated to the first manned flight into space. This is a special day - the day of the triumph of science and all those who work in the space industry today. The first space flight lasted 108 minutes. Nowadays, when many months of expeditions are made on orbital space stations, it seems to be very short. But each of those minutes was a discovery of the unknown. Yuri Gagarin's flight proved that man can live and work in space. So a new profession appeared on Earth - an astronaut.
As a holiday - Cosmonautics Day - was established by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR on April 9, 1962, and received international status in 1968 at a conference of the International Aviation Federation. By the way, since 2011 it has had another name - International Day of Human Space Flight. On April 7, 2011, at a special plenary session of the UN General Assembly, at the initiative of Russia, an official resolution was adopted.
On April 12, in honor of the holiday, various events are held in different countries - exhibitions, conferences, scientific and educational lectures and seminars, film screenings and other events dedicated to this Day. After all, this is a common holiday that connects the past, present and future of the people of our Earth.
Thus, the following events dedicated to such a significant event took place on the territory of the Kemerovo municipal district.
On April 12, in the Palace of Culture "Geologist" (Arsentievskoe settlement) a film lecture "Across the expanses of the universe" was held. The participants plunged into the history of astronautics, and then the video "Universe" was presented for viewing.

In the recreation center of Sosnovka - 2, also on April 12, a film lecture "Across the expanses of the universe" was held. Children took part in the quiz "Space", guessed riddles about space, watched the feature film "Space Journey".

On April 12, the Starship Story game program was held in the recreation center of Uspenka village. Where, after getting acquainted with the history of space, the children took part in educational and fun competitions: "space alphabet", "space launches", "rocket flight".

On April 11, in the recreation center of the village of Beregovaya (Beregovoye settlement), a KVN movie “Through thorns to the stars” was held. Two teams "Zvezda" and "Altair" competed. Team members submitted their homework business card commands). They competed in the theoretical part (a quiz about space), for each correct answer the team received a star. Practical tasks included such stages as "navigation", "deciphering space messages", "communication with aliens", etc. At the end, the teams were awarded sweet prizes and invited to watch the cartoon "Squirrel and Strelka - Star Dogs".

The collective work of children on the theme of space "Space collage" was held on April 11 in the recreation center of the village of Smolino. "Space stations and ships", "stars", "comets", "cosmonauts and aliens" were presented.
In the Palace of Culture in Kuzbassky, a game program "Journey to the Galaxy" was held, which consisted of a quiz and riddles about space, as well as outdoor games.

On April 12, in the recreation center of the village of Novostroyka (Berezovskoye settlement), a film lecture “We and space” was held together with the library. The event was opened with poems about space, about Gagarin, they talked about how grandiose this holiday is - Cosmonautics Day, and why space exploration is important for humanity. An electronic slide presentation “He called us all into space” was prepared for the event - about Yu.A. Gagarin. In the presentation, the children learned about the first steps of mankind into space (Gagarin's flight, the founders of cosmonautics), as well as about cosmonaut A. Leonov, our countryman, his life path, space flights, scientific and creative work. The children watched the presentation with great interest, they were especially interested in the information about our famous countryman - an astronaut, who for the first time in the history of mankind went to outer space. At the end, the competition "Space KVN" was held for the guys. The guys performed different tasks: "Building a rocket", "Cosmonaut - tester", "Space expanses".

On April 6, on the territory of the recreation center of the village of Uporovka (Elykaevskoye settlement), a drawing competition “Flew” was held. The guys depicted spaceships, planets in space, showing all their imagination. All participants of the competition were the winners, for which they received sweet prizes.

April 11 in DC with. Andreevka, a master class "Among the Stars" was held for the children of the village. They drew planets and all sorts of funny aliens. The drawings are fun and original.

On April 12, Starochervovo Palace of Culture hosted an educational program "At the Dawn of the Space Age", in which children aged 5 to 15 took part. Those present watched a film - a presentation about the founders of the theory of space exploration and its implementation. On the stages of exploration of near-Earth space and planetary exploration solar system. Then there was an exciting game "Preparing for flight", in which the participants measured their height, showed physical strength and endurance, named objects related to space, solved riddles and even designed their own paper planes. After several attempts to launch the planes, the guys tried to get on board the spacecraft, naming the password. In the final, each participant acted as a designer, decorating objects of well-known space technology. The best "Astronauts" received prizes, and the rest of the participants received sweet gifts.

April 12 in DK with. Yelykaevo hosted a game program for children "They are taken as astronauts." The children were provided with information about the history of Russian cosmonautics, and then a mini-football match was held with the children. Conducted the program of Yu.A. Shapovalov.

On April 12, an hour of conversation “Gagarin the First” took place in the social and play room of the village of Tebenkovka. The children listened with interest to information about the first space flight, which aroused great interest all over the world, and Yuri Gagarin himself became a world celebrity.

On April 12, an educational entertainment program for children "Journey through the Cosmodrome" was held in the recreation center of the village of Zvezdny (Star Settlement). The children traveled through the expanses of our solar system. An exciting adventure awaited them on each planet, and the funny "Martian" told the guests a lot of interesting things about the stars, planets and other celestial bodies. Young cosmonauts enthusiastically took part in games and competitions, assembled a rocket, stocked up on oxygen, maintained weightlessness, fought against space pirates, and also showed great knowledge in the history of astronautics.

On April 12, an event dedicated to the Day of Cosmonautics “Traveling around the Cosmodrome” was held in the recreation center of Blagodatny settlement. The children were told about how man conquered space. About the pioneers of the air space. The event was accompanied by a presentation and excerpts from documentary film about Gagarin. The children actively participated in the quiz "Ships go into space". There was also an exhibition of children's works "Space State". The event gave children new knowledge and good mood.

On April 12, in the recreation center of the village of Mozzhukha, an educational and entertainment program "The First in Space" was held, with a demonstration feature film"Gagarin. The first in space”, directed by Pavel Parkhomenko.

On April 11, in the Palace of Culture of the village of Metallploshchadka (Sukhovskoye settlement), a quiz "Flight into Space" dedicated to the Day of Cosmonautics was held for school students. The guys with great interest answered questions about the history of Soviet and Russian cosmonautics.

In DC with Baranovka (Shcheglovskoye settlement) On April 12, together with the teachers of the Baranovka secondary school, an information exhibition "Space Space" was prepared, which reflects the history of astronautics. Children were able to get information about the first cosmonaut and other interesting facts in space exploration, also students elementary school drew drawings dedicated to Cosmonautics Day.
And later, a video about the first cosmonaut Yu.A. was shown to elementary school students. Gagarin "First cosmonaut". The specialists of the House of Culture told the children about his childhood, about preparing for a flight into space, and also about how to "prepare yourself" for future cosmonauts - you need to play sports, study well. The children got unforgettable impressions from listening to the information and watching the video, especially the boys, who asked a lot of questions regarding space exploration and rockets.

In DC with Verkhotomskoye On April 12, they watched the documentary film "Myths about Cosmonauts". The story in the film takes place from the time of the flight of Nikolaev and Popovich. It was in 1962 when American and Soviet scientists were developing a new type of ship that could maneuver in outer space. Also, the film was about the real material benefits that were provided to the astronauts by the government for each flight into space. Among other themes of the film are the history of the spacewalk of our fellow cosmonaut Leonov and the construction of multi-seat spaceships.

April 11 in DC with. Yagunovo (Yagunovskoye settlement) hosted a film lesson "Space travel", which was attended by schoolchildren of grades 3-5. Before the beginning of the film of the same name, there was a conversation about space, about astronauts, during which the guys answered with pleasure the questions of the quiz: “What event is the celebration of Cosmonautics Day timed to?”, “What is a galaxy?”, “What is the universe?”, “What do you know the planets of the solar system?”, “Name the female astronaut of our country”, etc. At the end of the conversation, the specialists of the House of Culture thanked the children for their good knowledge of space and wished them a pleasant viewing of the film.

On April 4, an exhibition of children's drawings "Conquerors of Space" was held in the recreation center of Yasnogorsky settlement (Yasnogorsky settlement), where children drew drawings on space topics. On April 10, the educational and entertainment program "Be ready, always ready, like Gagarin and Titov" was held. During the program, the children were told the history of the holiday, after which the children went on a “space journey”, in which they guessed riddles and completed tasks.

An exhibition was held in the recreation center of Prigorodny on April 10 children's drawing Space and Us. Children drew drawings on a given topic, the best works were exhibited in the House of Culture.

April 12 in DK with. Mazurovo hosted the Star Road cinema cafe, the audience was shown a documentary about space.

Specialists of the MBU "Centralized Library System of the Kemerovo Municipal District" also held mass events for the Day of Cosmonautics.
On April 2, in the library of the village of Beregovaya, an educational hour “He was the first” was held. Children learned the facts of the biography of cosmonaut Gagarin, read poems about him, drew drawings on the theme "Space". In conclusion, a quiz about space was held.

On April 4, in the library of Novostroyka village, “loud readings” were held based on the book by Yu. Nagibin “Stories about Gagarin”.
On April 5, in the library of the village of Zvezdny, a thematic shelf "Star Son of the Earth" was issued. Library specialists told about space exploration, about the first cosmonaut. In conclusion, the guys willingly drew space, rockets, etc. At the end of the event, an exhibition of the best drawings was arranged.

On April 6, in the library of the village of Zvezdny, an evening of memory "Space Exploration" was held, dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the birth of Yuri Gagarin. Schoolchildren once again remembered those who stood at the beginning of space exploration, appreciated the colossal achievements of those who followed in the footsteps of the first cosmonaut.

On April 9, in the lobby of the 2nd floor of the Central Library of the Yasnogorsky village, the stand "The Era of Space" was decorated. Each reader stopped near the stand to recall the bright pages of space exploration.

On April 10, the thematic shelf “The Road to the Expanses of the Universe” was decorated in the Yasnogorsky settlement. On the shelf are books about outer space, about the life of Yuri Gagarin, about the construction of spaceships and the flights of cosmonauts into space. The children were happy to get acquainted with the books and took them to read. There were 14 books on the thematic shelf.

Having penetrated into space, man invaded a completely new field of knowledge, took the first step into the unknown endless world of the Universe, opened up the broadest prospects in the study of the Cosmos. On April 10, specialists from the Central Library of the village of Yasnogorsky told the convicts of IK-22 of the village of Mozzhukha in the oral magazine Star Dreams how this happened.
The story was interesting and bright, as throughout the story it was accompanied by an electronic presentation and video materials. Pictures of the history of the study of outer space flashed on the screen, portraits of great scientists: Archimedes, N. Copernicus, J. Bruno, G. Galileo, A. Einstein, K. Tsiolkovsky and others. A feeling of pride arises in the soul when you watch a film about the first conqueror of space. Particular admiration was caused by video clips about the difficulties that Soviet scientists had to overcome, selflessly striving to be the first to send a man to the stars. Genuine interest was aroused by a film about the life and work of modern astronauts in orbit.

April 11 in the library with. Berezovo held a conversation "Stories about Gagarin" based on the book by Yuri Nagibin. The librarian introduced the children to individual chapters of the book about Yuri Gagarin's childhood during the war. The children learned how he came to his profession as a pilot, who helped him, about male friendship at the Orenburg Flight School.
On April 11, in the library of Blagodatny village, an informative astronautics hour “Do you know what kind of guy he was” was held. The children were told about how man conquered space, about the pioneers of airspace. The event was accompanied by a presentation and excerpts from a documentary about Gagarin. Also, the guys actively participated in the quiz "Ships go into space." At the end, an exhibition of children's works "Space State" was held. The event gave children new knowledge and good mood.

From April 11 in the Yagunovskaya model rural library there is an exhibition-collapse "The Mysterious World of Space", where children can get acquainted with books about space and about those who have devoted their whole lives to studying it.

On April 11, an information hour "In the world of space" was held in the Yagunovskaya Model Rural Library. Children learned a lot of interesting things about the first cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin, listened to the story about the first woman - cosmonaut, about animals that played a big role in space exploration. The story was accompanied by a slide show.

On April 11, elementary school students took part in the competition program "Space KVN" in the library of the village of Novostroyka. Library specialists opened the event with poems about space, about Y. Gagarin, told about how grandiose this holiday is - Cosmonautics Day, and why space exploration is important for mankind. An electronic slide presentation “He called us all into space” about Y. Gagarin was prepared for the event. Then the guys performed competitive tasks "Building a rocket", "Cosmonaut - tester", "Space expanses", "The universe of mysteries".

On April 12, in the library of the village of Kuzbassky, primary school students answered the questions of the cognitive quiz "Step into the Universe" and designed an exhibition of children's drawings "Spaceships".

On April 12, in the library of the village of Uspenka, the book shelf "The Way to the Stars" was offered to the attention of readers, which presents popular science literature on space exploration.
During the game program "Space Journey" held on April 12 in the library with. Silino's guys visited the planets "Flower meadow", "Star", "Agudar", "Dance". On the “Flower Glade” the children had to collect magical flowers, on the “Star” they had to make up the names of the planets from the letters, on the “Agudar” they had to say the opposite words, on the “Dance” they had to come up with a cosmic dance.

On April 12, the thematic shelf “One Hundred Minutes to the Music of the Stars” was issued on the subscription of the service department of the Central Library of Yasnogorsky settlement. The exposition includes books about the first cosmonaut and his exploits; illustrations telling about his childhood and youth, about Gagarin's family, about his starry path. Of great interest were reproductions from the paintings of our countryman, cosmonaut A. Leonov about space and its discoverer Yu. Gagarin.

On April 12, at the conversation “They were the first” (library of the village of Mozzhukha) at the thematic shelf “Journey to the Future”, schoolchildren listened to information about the first cosmonauts.

Cosmonautics Day event

Prepared by: Petrova Tatyana Viktorovna, Tokkuzhina Dinagul Urazbaevna, Zhalekesheva Kulpan Zhumagazievna. KSU "Kostanay correctional boarding school No. 2 for orphans and children left without parental care" of the Department of Education of the Akimat of Kostanay region (April 2013)


  • Expand the idea of ​​space as an infinite space, a world whose inhabitants are stars and planets, other space objects;
  • emphasize the uniqueness of planet Earth, the responsibility of people for its future;
  • to create an atmosphere of cooperation and research conducive to the development cognitive abilities and the formation of a personal relationship to the environment;
  • to form the ability to think logically, to make conclusions, based on acquired knowledge and experience;
  • continue to form the ability of children to meaningfully, competently, coherently and consistently express their thoughts, activate the vocabulary of children;
  • to educate children in moral feelings and attitudes: friendliness, readiness to help.

Preliminary work.

Acquaintance with famous cosmonauts: Yuri Gagarin, Toktar Aubakirov, Talgat Mussabayev. Reading books about space, watching cartoons on a space theme: "The Secret of the Third Planet" and others. Acquaintance with the solar system, the planets of the solar system. Examination of a map of the starry sky, constellations; viewing pictures of spaceships, space equipment, space clothes, food for astronauts. Learning poems with parents on space topics; exhibition of drawings; craft competition "My starship"; construction games: "Space Station", "Lunokhod", "Cosmodrome"; production of attributes for plot-role-playing games; role-playing games: "Rocket flies to the moon", "Future astronauts".

Course progress.

- Good afternoon, Dear friends, guests of our space journey! You are greeted by the commanders of the ship: - Dina, Tatyana!

Guys, you already know a lot about space. We talked a lot with you on this topic, read books, looked at illustrations, drew, made.

Now let's take a look together Slideshow spaceflight.

Since time immemorial, people have been striving for space. This dream was reflected in fairy tales, legends, fantastic works. In fairy tales, people took to the air on a magic carpet, in a mortar, flew on a broomstick. (Show pictures)

And finally, the dream came true. Scientists and designers have created the first spaceship"East". (Slide) Before a man flew into space, animals visited there.

The dog Laika was the first to go into space. At that time, people still knew very little about space, and spacecraft were not yet able to return from orbit. Therefore, Laika remained forever in outer space. (Slide) Three years after the unsuccessful flight of the dog Laika, two dogs Belka and Strelka are already sent into space.

In space, they visited only one day and successfully landed on Earth. (Slide) A monkey was the first in America to fly into space on a rocket. After a successful flight into space of animals, the road to the stars became open to man. Eight months later, on the same spaceship that the dogs Belka and Strelka flew, a man went into space.

April 12, 1961 at 06:07, the Vostok launch vehicle was launched from the Baikonur Cosmodrome. For the first time in the world, a spaceship with a man on board broke into the expanses of the universe.

Guys, which of you will say what was the name of the first person who opened the road to space?

His name was Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin. (Slide)

People travel a lot around the world. They travel by train, steamboat, airplane, but not a single person before Y. Gagarin raced on a rocket ship to the stars.

Aubakirov and Musabaev are called Kazakh cosmonauts. Yes, indeed, in the autumn of 1991, Toktar Aubakirov flew under the so-called Kazakhstani program. And his understudy was Talgat Mussabayev.

Poem Yura Kazanovsky and Andrey Shmelev will tell us about their dream of going to space.

I'll tell you a secret:

We built a rocket

From boxes, chairs, curtains,

They climbed in a crowd under the table,

We took juice and sandwiches,

Suddenly you have to fly ... years?

They started the engine and ... r-r-time ...

We flew to Mars.

We flew for a very long time

Days ... I don’t even know how many!

Rushing in a rocket over the Earth:

My friend, me and my dog.

They went out into space together -

Astronauts also need

Maintain hygiene there

And twist the antenna.

We landed for an hour...

Ate sandwiches at a time,

And then back home

Fled to rest...

After our flight...

Reluctant to leave.

The house is a complete mess

Mom comes in: “That's it, t-a-ak!

Maybe aliens

Arrived with you?

They messed up the dishes

Did they litter me everywhere?

Come on, astronauts quickly

Remove everything so that it is clean! ”

I'll tell you a secret:

In space... there is no order.

Tomorrow we will build a ship

To sail through the world by the sea ...

And today we will go with you on a space journey! What can go into space? (children's answers)

Competition 1. "We are building a rocket" (funny music).

The host invites two couples. One child stands up straight and raises his hands up with his palms together - this is a rocket. The other must wrap as quickly as possible with the paper towel given to them by the leader. The result is a real rocket, and you can’t wrap your face, since they are “cosmonauts”. The pair that completes the task faster wins.

So, the rockets are ready, you need to stock up on food and drinks.


To work in space orbit will require a lot of power. And for this you need to eat right. But eating in zero gravity is a rather difficult task. To ensure maximum comfort for the astronauts, all the food for them is packed in tubes - you unscrew the cap and here you are, for lunch, borscht or mashed potatoes, and for dessert, apple jam awaits the astronaut in a small beautiful tube. Since we are still preparing for a future flight into space, then we will have fake, “training” tubes of space food. Of course, you know that it is very difficult to eat in space due to weightlessness. Therefore, astronauts have to eat special food from tubes and special jars. But they really want fresh fruit! Let's try to eat them in zero gravity.

Competition 2. "Cosmonaut's Breakfast" (music)

Two people are holding a rope on which four apples are suspended on threads. The host invites four participants who must eat as quickly as possible without touching him with their hands hidden behind their backs.

When preparing to perform various tasks in space orbit, in order to feel comfortable in a state of weightlessness, you need to practice properly. To do this, each player in conditions "as close as possible" to flight conditions will try to collect as many scattered parts as possible from one of the solar batteries of the spacecraft.

A group of boys will perform a song: "Star Song"

Spaceports rumble like distant thunderstorms.

Astronauts look at the blue ball.

And somewhere high stars shine (2 times)

What will be opened by me and you

They float somewhere in their own ways

Now they don't even know

What are named, they will be names.

And very possibly yours and mine.

Nothing disturbs the expanses of the homeland,

The earth dozed off and the city fell silent.

And the chief designer finished, perhaps

A drawing of your and mine starships.

Competition 3. Upside down

Before starting this exercise, three chairs are put together for each team. Team members alternately lie down on them so that the head hangs from the last chair. Closing their eyes with a bandage, the participants for a certain period of time assemble a designer into a box, scattered on the floor within reach. The victory is credited to the team whose players do not leave behind any "space debris". For safety reasons, two adults supervise the progress of this exercise.

Educator: Before launching a rocket into space, scientists calculate the trajectory of its flight. Is it possible to make a balloon move along a predetermined trajectory? What do you guys think? Let's check it out in practice.

Before the relay, the players of each team receive a balloon. It must be carried from start to finish, giving it acceleration with one hand and trying not to touch the floor. The winner is the team whose players finished the relay race first and at the same time made fewer mistakes.

Leading: Our ship is on its way to the planet "Dance", they live on this planet, you will now see for yourself who! /Aliens appear/

Alien: — We welcome you earthlings on our planet "Dance".

We, "Densy", are very pleased with our meeting, now we will show you what kind of humanoids live on our planet.

As they escorted you back to Earth, they gave the space crews this present. Do you want to know what's there? Then let's go back soon!

Emotional discharge "Rocket launch"

Get ready for the rocket launch!

- There is! Get ready!!!(salute)

Fasten belts!

-Have fasten seat belts(clap in front of you)

Enable contacts!

- There are enable contacts(put thumbs together in front of them)

Start the motors!!!

— Yes, start the engines! !(thumbs twirl and rising rumble)!!!

When, the hum has become loud, the presenter on the fingers counts:

5,4,3,2,1 start!!

Everyone is screaming: Hooray! Hooray! Hooray!

Leading: And now, after a safe return home, you and I can find out what they gave us. The inhabitants of the planet presented a space suit as a memento of our meeting. And now a photo for memory.

Leading: Time flies, you can't lag behind

Let's go to the start together!

Everyone can become a navigator

Or even an inventor!

For life to pass without a hitch

To remember your name

Let discoveries and deeds

Be kind, not evil!

For memory, everyone was photographed in the "cosmonaut suit".

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Beaded Easter egg base
Koltakova Natalya Alexandrovna, teacher of additional education, MBUDO DPiSh, Voronezh, prepared ...

Every year on April 12, the whole world celebrates Cosmonautics Day. This is a real holiday that unites people all over the Earth in a single desire to know what is beyond its borders. Events dedicated to this holiday were held in the libraries of the district.

Central Regional Children's Library. Koshevoy invited her young readers to virtual journey on the space station"Man in Space". The children were interested to learn the history of the creation of the first space stations, how the preparation for flights goes, what astronauts eat in weightlessness and what qualities are needed in order to go to the stars. A colorful multimedia presentation and a film about life on the space station completed the librarian's story.

From April 6 to April 12 at the Family Reading Center library Space week dedicated to World Cosmonautics Day has passed.

On April 6, the children went on a space adventure "Million Adventures" with Alisa Selezneva. Together with Alice, they learned about how man explored outer space, about the first animal astronauts. During the trip, the children unanimously solved a crossword puzzle, guessed space riddles.

On April 7 and 10, the guys went on a trip around the solar system called the Wonderful Family of Planets. Children learned which planets are in our solar system and studied the features of each. The information about our cosmic address, the planet Earth, especially enlivened the meeting. The children learned that in the family of the Sun, the Earth is unique - it is a fragile world, shrouded in water and oxygen, with an amazing variety of life. At the end of the trip, the theater group "Teremok" showed the scene "Cosmonautics Day", which the children really liked.

On April 10, the conference hall of the library hosted an hour of knowledge “They were the first: Alexei Leonov”, dedicated to the 50th anniversary of the first manned spacewalk. The guys (24 people) got acquainted with the book of the famous pilot - cosmonaut "I go out into space", the facts of the biography of Alexei Arkhipovich. Various surprises awaited them, for example, the guys were surprised to learn about Leonov's passion for painting. He is the author of about 200 paintings and 5 art albums, including space landscapes.

Readers libraries to them. V. Bianchi visited the interactive lesson "Space expanses". The lesson was divided into several stages. At the beginning of the lesson, there was a story about the planets of the solar system and how to consolidate the material - an interactive crossword puzzle. Then the young researchers of the starry sky learned about the prehistory of the development of space thought, about K. Tsiolkovsky, S. Korolev, the first victories of Soviet science in space exploration (1st Sputnik, the flight of Belka and Strelka), problems in preparing the flight of the first man into space. The flight of Yu. A. Gagarin into space on April 12, 1961 was analyzed in detail. Further achievements of the USSR in space exploration (1st female cosmonaut, spacewalk), cosmonaut training programs, significance for the development of space exploration science. At the end of the lesson, the children took part in a large space quiz, with the help of which they consolidated their knowledge in a playful way.

IN Library and leisure center there was a history lesson “A Man Steps into Space” and a conversation-portrait “Son of the Earth and Stars”. The children went on an exciting journey through time and space. Together with the librarian, they visited the origins of the development of astronautics, were present at the launch of the first satellite, got acquainted with the four-legged "cosmonauts". During the trip, photos of the first cosmonaut of the planet, the orbital station, etc. were shown. Children together solved space examples, answered the questions of the quiz "Young Astronauts".

55 years ago, on April 12, 1961, the main dream of mankind came true - flight into space. The first cosmonaut, whose feat and smile conquered the whole world, was Yuri Gagarin, the glorious son of our great Motherland. Librarians of the Kursk region held interesting educational events to familiarize young readers with the history of the study and exploration of space, with the achievements of domestic cosmonautics.

The librarians of the Galyugayevsky branch held a holiday "Great Space Journey" with the participation of first-graders. After watching the Starry Sky presentation, the children went on a fabulous space journey together with Dunno and Mishka, who never parted with a jar of honey. The children guessed the planets with passion and participated in the contests: "Collect a rocket", "Collect stars", "Collect a moonstone", had a fun space exercises. The journey came to an end, but the children did not want to part with the heroes of the fairy tale journey.

Head of the Rostovanovskaya Library Bizikova T.N. prepared for the second graders the finest hour “First in Space!” Together with the class teacher Natalya Anatolyevna Melyukhaeva, she spoke about Yuri Gagarin, about the first cosmonaut detachment, showed a video about the first manned flight into space. A review of the thematic exhibition "Cosmonautics Today" was held. The children liked and remembered the event. Many brought their drawings to the library, prepared specifically for Cosmonautics Day. In conclusion, Tairova Farida and Bilalova Nurkhanum expressively read poems dedicated to the first cosmonaut of the Earth.

Librarians of the Edissian branch A. N. Kazarova and K. L. Tsaturyan in the Edissian high school with students of the 2nd and 3rd grades, they had a conversation “The Finest Hour of the Earth”, in the 7th grade they held a quiz “Man and the Universe” with an overview of the Star Trek book exhibition.

The head of the Vinsovkhoz library for 4th grade students held an informative hour "Space Journey". Children learned about the amazing, rare and dangerous profession of a cosmonaut, that the very first test cosmonauts were animals, and then Yuri Gagarin flew into space. Many facts about Russian cosmonauts, about their records surprised and delighted the guys. Young readers participated with pleasure in the competitions "Portrait of an Alien", "Encryption", "Fluent Vowels".

In the Stoderevskaya Library, an educational hour "The First Cosmonaut of the Earth" was held. The children learned about the long way of preparing for the flight of cosmonauts, about the people preparing the flight, about the first cosmonauts. The library has an exhibition "Life among the stars".

On April 14, in the Novoderevenskaya Library - Branch No. 10, an educational hour "The Amazing World of Space" was held. The theme of space is always interesting for children. Many centuries passed before mankind found a way to overcome the earth's gravity and rise into outer space. The guys remembered fairy tales and legends where they flew fairy-tale heroes: on bats and eagles, on flying carpets and beards of wizards, on the Little Humpbacked Horse and magic arrows ... But a hundred years ago it could never have occurred to anyone that the most convenient “transport” for moving was a rocket. Children enthusiastically read poems about space, about Gagarin. We watched the electronic presentation "Earth in the palms" and answered the questions of the quiz "The mysterious world of our galaxy". We studied with interest the materials of the exhibition "Road to Space"