How to launch balloons into the sky. Launching balloons. How long rubber helium balloons can float in the sky

Balloons are launched at various holidays and special events. The launch of balloons is an alternative to such events accompanying the holiday as a high-rise fireworks or a pyrotechnic show. First of all, it is a beautiful means of attracting attention.

Therefore, it is most logical to produce them in the open air. Just imagine what effect hundreds of balloons flying away into the sky will have. The organizers are counting on this effect. The more balls are involved in the launch, the brighter this effect will be. If you want to launch balloons for a wedding, then there is no better option for a festive culmination: balloons like stars will decorate the sky with sparkle.

Of course, the number of balls used in the launch depends on the scale of the event. On major holidays, their number can reach from 1000 to 5000 balls. On private parties, balloon launches are more modest. For example, 150 - 2000 balls will be enough for and. Also, the number of balls depends on the area, if the action takes place in an open field, then more than 500 balls are needed for showiness, but if the holiday takes place in a narrow courtyard, then 150 balls may be enough.

The launch of the white balls is a spectacular sight that boggles the mind. The balls that soar into the sky can cause a storm of emotions and pleasant memories of this day. We recommend using cheap balls for the launch. In this event, it is not the quality, shape or originality of the inscription of the balls that is important, but their quantity. Do not forget that tree branches can interfere with your launch of the balls, some of the balls will get stuck in the trees, and some of the balls will burst on the branches, so the spectacular show can be easily ruined. It is very simple to launch balloons into the sky. It is enough to inflate the desired number of balloons, place them under the net, and at the very climax, simply pull off the line and enjoy the flight of hundreds of balloons.

Launching balloons for the Wedding today has become a great way to convey your love: by analogy with launching doves. Many in this area also manage to set a record for the number of balls participating in the launch. So, Microsoft Corporation, at the presentation of its new products, organized the launch of 45,000 balloons. Initially, the launch balloons participated in the image of the name of the new products, then the aerodesign specialists organized their launch.

The cost of launching depends entirely on the number of balloons, the minimum order for launching balloons in our company is 150 balloons, the largest fireworks of balloons out of 30,000 pieces in 2010 for the Day of the City of Moscow.

All kids and even some adults love balloons. These products are able to give a cheerful mood, a feeling of celebration and happiness. decorate the halls for various events. And some buy them on purpose to release them into the sky and enjoy the way they soar in the sky. And where Surely everyone at least once in his life thought about this question.

How far do the balloons fly

The flight altitude of a balloon launched into the sky may vary. It depends on the following facts:

  • The density of the material the balloon is made of.
  • Weather.
  • The amount of helium inside the product.
  • Wind speed.

Under ideal conditions, the balloon can rise almost into space, which is more than 50 kilometers from the earth.

Where do the balloons fly?

The answers to this question can be varied. For example, to answer the kids, you can come up with a magical story about where the balloons fly. This will interest the child and help not to get upset if suddenly the desired “piece of joy” is lost from his hands and soars into the sky.

For example, you might say the following to young boys and girls:

  • On a journey through space.
  • To my parents.
  • To the rainbow.
  • To the distant land of Shararam, where many such balls live.
  • To warm lands to migratory birds.

Such versions of the answer to the question of where the balloons fly will certainly please the child. In fact, when the ball rises high into the sky, it bursts from the pressure and descends back to the ground, but in the form of a rubber rag.

How long rubber helium balloons can float in the sky

Knowing where the balloons go, many are interested in which of the products will last longer between heaven and earth. Rubber balls are generally inelastic and not very strong.

Therefore, having reached a height where helium is replaced by air due to atmospheric pressure, the rubber ball cannot withstand stress, bursts and descends to the ground in the form of a piece of rubber, continuing its "life" somewhere in the forest, ocean or in the middle of the street. It is difficult to determine exactly where the balloon will fly after it bursts. But in any case, he gets to the ground.

How long can latex helium balloons soar in the sky?

Latex is a material that is obtained from Brazilian Hevea. That is, it is a natural material. Therefore, even if a product burst under pressure and fell into a pond, in a forest or in the middle of a city, it will not harm the environment. If people check where the balloons are flying using rubber products, then they can harm the environment. But even rubber balls are not as harmful to the ecological system as plastic bottles, which are destructive to the environment.

Why the balloons fly away is clear to everyone. The helium with which they are filled is lighter than air, so the rainbow balloon is carried in the wind. When the ball rises upward, it is affected by the atmosphere. The air temperature in the upper regions of the globe is much lower than on earth. Because of this, the interior of the balloon releases helium and fills with air. The latex stretches under the pressure of cold air. The balloon gets heavier. After that, the product begins to float and descend smoothly.

There have been cases when the ball as a whole flew to the ground. Schoolchildren from Canada conducted an interesting experiment. They launched a balloon filled with helium into the sky and fixed the camera on it. The last pictures were taken at an altitude of over 35,000 meters.

Also, experiments were carried out in the world to launch balloons into the sky together with "passengers". The most popular hero who rose to the clouds on a balloon filled with helium is the bear, which was the symbol of the Moscow Olympics. There are many versions of where this "pilot" landed. A version believed to be accurate was never found.

There are people in the world who have tried on their own experience what it is like to fly on balloons filled with helium. One of the experimenters was a resident of America, and he hovered above the ground for over 13 hours. True, his flight was unsuccessful, he got entangled in the wires, which deprived locality electricity. There was also a man from Russia who was ready to do anything for the sake of science. This man stayed at a bird's eye view for 25 minutes.

Balloons flying into the sky different fates... But in any case, this process is interesting for science and deserves attention.

Sky lanterns are known under a variety of names, popularly called both "Chinese" and "balls of desires." It is believed that before releasing a domed structure into the sky, you must write your wish on it, and then it will certainly come true. But still, first things first, and we'll start with detailed instructions on how to launch a sky lantern.

Why let go of your desires into the sky, and where did this tradition come from?

Sky lanterns are often called "Chinese". This is not entirely true as they originally appeared in Thailand. In Russia and Europe, paper lanterns of desires have become popular relatively recently. Today they can be purchased at any holiday store or gift shop. These products are relatively inexpensive. The answer to the question of whether it is possible to launch sky lanterns is positive. In addition, you can always choose the option that suits you in shape, size and color. The launch of one flashlight looks interesting, and the massive flow of several units into the sky looks especially spectacular.

on one's own?

Remember that the ball of desires is not a pyrotechnics, and you can release it into the sky without having any special skills and abilities. But still, you shouldn't trust the launch to small children or disabled citizens. Read the instruction manual on the package of the flashlight. Recommendations are general for products of all shapes and sizes. The flashlight must be removed from the packaging and straightened out. The burner can be installed immediately, or you need to fix it yourself. It is more convenient to launch one flashlight together, when someone is holding the product by the hoop, and his partner is lighting it. After you light the burner, you need to keep the dome unfolded and allow it to fill with hot air. Even if you still do not know how to launch a sky lantern, you should not be afraid - you have at least a minute of time, and until you release the product, it will not fly away. During this period, you can take pictures beautifully. Then you release the flashlight into the sky, and it quickly soars skyward. However, you may be able to admire its flight for a while.

Where to launch sky lanterns: secrets and recommendations

The most convenient way is to send balloons of desires flying outside the city limits. But if you do not have the opportunity to go to nature, release the flashlights anywhere near which there are no houses and other buildings, as well as tall trees. At what time of the year it is also unimportant to send your desires to heaven. But in the summer, the flashlight will start up much faster than in the winter. The weather should be calm, otherwise the balloon will fly crooked and ugly or will be blown off at all at launch. Even if you do not yet know how to fire a sky lantern, and are going to try it for the first time, be sure to inspect the product for damage. If there are holes, they must be sealed with tape. Do not forget that heavenly balls look much more spectacular at night, but during the day their launch is unlikely to impress anyone.

Most people, who at least once in their life launched a gas balloon into the sky, or saw how others do it, are interested in the question of how far the balloon flies, what will happen to it, and where it will fall. Some even try to launch a balloon with a letter, which a person must find and send it to the addressee, so that one can find out how far the balloon launched into the sky has flown. But think about the probability that this ball will fall in the city, and that it will be found, and what is the probability that a person wants to send something to someone. Yes, the probability is very small, but we have heard real stories when balloons with a letter actually found and sent letters to the person who launched the balloon. We recommend that you familiarize yourself with


In this case, we are talking only about small balloons that are inflated with gas and launched into the sky, and we are not considering large passenger balloons that can be flown. And so, in order to launch the balloon into the sky and find out how far it will fly, it needs to be inflated with gas. The lightest gas will be hydrogen, but since it is highly explosive, it is not used to inflate balloons. After hydrogen comes Helium gas, it does not explode, is not toxic and has a high lifting force, which allows it to be successfully used in inflating balloons. Of course, you can inflate a balloon with gas from a home stove, but the lifting force of such a balloon will be extremely small.


In this question, we will consider two types of balls. The first balloon will be latex, inflated with helium and coated with HiFloat, which creates a film inside the balloon and prevents helium from penetrating through the latex. Without HiFloat, a latex balloon can fly for about 12-24 hours depending on the quality of the latex and the size of the balloon. The second balloon will be foil-clad and inflated with helium. According to preliminary estimates, such a balloon flies for about 14 days, since the foil does not allow helium to pass through and does not exert pressure on the gas, unlike a latex balloon, which inflates and creates pressure. To find out how long a balloon inflated with helium flies, we carried out tests, see the results below.

What is remarkable is that a balloon inflated with helium flies very far away, one might say, into the stratosphere. Due to the difference in pressure at sea level (on the ground) and in the stratosphere, the gas inside the latex balloon begins to press and inflate the balloon with greater force, which leads to its rupture. The approximate time for a latex balloon to reach such a height at which it bursts is on average 2-3 hours from the moment of launch.


18 inch

Height 35, Width 35, Depth 16 cm
1 day - 0 hours - 2.76 grams
1 day - 9 hours - 2.75 grams
1 day - 16 hours - 2.71 grams
1 day - 24 hours - 2.71 grams
2 day - 32 hours - 2.70 grams
2 day - 40 hours - 2.47 grams
3 day - 57 hours - 2.40 grams
3 day - 81 hours - 2.10 grams
4 day - 104 hours - 1.90 grams
5 day - 128 hours - 1.80 grams
6 day - 152 hours - 1.56 grams
7 day - 186 hours - 1.18 grams
8 day - 200 hours - 1.05 gram
9 days - 224 hours - 0.90 grams
10 days - 248 hours - 0.69 grams
11 day - 272 hours - 0.48 grams
12 day - 296 hours - 0.26 grams
13 day - 320 hours - 0.10 grams
14 day - 344 hours - 0.00 gram


14 inch

Height 34, Width 27, Depth 27 cm
(girth 86)
1 day - 0 hours - 5.57 grams
1 day - 9 hours - 4.59 grams
1 day - 16 hours - 4.29 grams
1 day - 24 hours - 4.05 grams
2 day - 32 hours - 3.70 grams
2 day - 40 hours - 2.76 grams
3 day - 57 hours - 2.20 grams
3 day - 81 hours - 1.44 grams
4 day - 104 hours - 0.60 grams
5 day - 128 hours - 0.15 gram
6 day - 152 hours - 0.00 gram


18 inch

Height 41, Width 40.7, Depth 40.7 cm (circumference 128 cm), 1 ball - 24.51 grams
dalle as a percentage exactly same as 14 inch latex balloon


To find out what is the carrying capacity of one ball, you can use the following data, where 1m3 of helium lifts one kilogram of load minus the weight of the ball itself. On average, the carrying capacity of one standard balloon inflated with helium will be 3-4 grams. To find out in practice, what is the carrying capacity of a balloon inflated with helium, we carried out tests, see the results above.


To answer the question: “How far will a balloon inflated with gas (helium) fly away?”, You need to know a lot of data. The balloon's flight range will depend on the length of time it will fly and on the strength of the wind that will move the balloon. A lot depends on the weather conditions, in a calm place a balloon can fly for a whole month and fall at the place of its launch, and in a strong wind it can fly very far. And so, in order to understand how far a balloon inflated with gas will fly away, you need to know the time of flight of the balloon and the strength of the wind. Suppose that the wind force throughout the entire flight of the ball will be 3 meters per second, although, in fact, depending on the altitude and weather conditions during the flight of the ball, the wind strength will change both upward and downward. Now let's calculate: 3m / s * 60 seconds = 180 meters the ball will fly in 1 minute. 180 meters * 60 minutes = 10800 meters (10.8 km) the balloon will fly in one hour. 10.8 km * 24 hours = 269 km the balloon will fly in a day. 269 ​​km * 14 days = 3766 km the balloon will fly by in two weeks. The calculation was made on the assumption that the wind will blow with a force of 3 m / s during the entire flight of the balloon, but since the weather conditions are always different, it is impossible to assume that the balloon will fly just that far. In practice, the ball can land a kilometer from the launch site, or it can go around the entire globe, because the wind force can be different. Below you will find our practical tests on how far a gas balloon travels.

Which way will the gas-inflated balloon fly? Of course, the ball will fly where the wind is blowing, but since the wind blows in different directions in different areas and at different heights, it is impossible to predict in which direction the ball will fly away, one can only assume. See below for practical tests.


As you can see from the plate, the atmospheric pressure above sea level is 760 mm. rt. Art., and at an altitude of 5 kilometers already 405 mm. rt. It turns out that if the ball flies to a height of five kilometers, it begins to experience pressure inside itself twice as strong as on the ground, and such a difference is likely to lead to rupture of the ball. Therefore, if you want the balloon to fly high and not burst, then it must be pumped with gas in such a way that it has a margin of safety for a certain flight altitude. If you want the balloon to fly far away, try to inflate it with a margin of safety twice and in such a way that it flew no more than two or three kilometers, otherwise the balloon will burst and fall.


How do we conduct tests? To find out in practice how far a balloon inflated with helium will fly away, you need to launch it and control the flight of the balloon. The most difficult and expensive thing is to control where the ball is flying.


You can control the flight of an inflated gas balloon using a mobile phone with the option to track the location of a mobile phone enabled. It turns out that in order to conduct tests that give an answer to the question of where and how far the balloon inflated with gas (helium) will fly away, it is necessary:
- Mobile phone;
- Sim card with a positive balance;
- Connected service that determines the location of the mobile phone;
- Mobile coverage area;
- Packaging for a mobile phone, so that it does not get wet in the rain
- The number of balls is sufficient to lift a mobile phone.


It is somewhat similar to option number 1, but instead of a mobile phone, a GPS tracker will be used with the ability to send SMS messages about its location in the presence of a GSM signal. This option is more expensive than the first option, but more accurate in indicating its location.

---=== TEST RESULTS ===---

TEST # 1
of March 20, 2015

Technical data: Mobile phone weighing 61 grams, 1 latex balloon 27 ", two latex balloons 18" and 5 latex balloons 12 ". All balloons are inflated with "He" Helium gas and treated with HiFloat. Location requests were made every 10-20 minutes using the MTS "POISK" system. As you can see from the time and place data below, the balls were not always in touch, sometimes they did not get in touch and had to wait a tedious 2-3 hours until the next session. We assume that at this time they flew over the wilderness where there is no mobile coverage. The approximate flight height of the balls at the time of launch is 1-2 km above sea level. It was very important that the balloons did not fly away to a height of 10 km and higher, since the temperature there is 50 degrees and at this altitude the pressure is much less than at sea level, from which the latex balloons simply burst and the beacon freezes.

Launch site: Chuvash Republic, Cheboksary city, Kalinina street, 109. Launch time 10:20 minutes. The weather is sunny, without clouds, wind 5-7 m / s SW (which means it blows to the NE).

10:20 - Subscriber "Sharik" is located at the Chuvash region. Cheboksary, intersection of st. Kalinin and st. Gagarina Y. within a radius of 1000 meters.
10:41 - Subscriber "Sharik" is located at the Chuvash region. Novocheboksarsk intersection of Shkolny ave. and st. Soviet within a radius of 1000 meters.
11:26 - Subscriber "Sharik" is located at the Republic of Mari El, Zvenigovsky district, from Kuzhmar, 48 km east of the center of Cheboksary within a radius of 1000 meters.
13:25 - Subscriber "Sharik" is located at the Republic of Mari El, Mari-Turek district, d Verkhniy Turek, 109 km east of the center of Yoshkar-Ola within a radius of 1000 meters.
16:24 - Subscriber "Sharik" is located at the Udmurt Republic, Igrinsky district, d Komsomolets, 76 km north of the center of Izhevsk within a radius of 1000 meters

16:38 - Subscriber "Sharik" is located at the Udmurst Republic, Igrinsky district, p. Menil, 87 km north of the center of Izhevsk within a radius of 1000 meters.
16:53 - The Sharik subscriber is located at the Udmurt Republic, Igrinsky district, Chemoshur village, 62 km north of the center of Izhevsk within a radius of 1000 meters.

17:22 - Subscriber "Sharik" is located at the Udmurt Republic, rp Kez, 118 km north of the center of Izhevsk within a radius of 1000 meters.

18:05 - Subscriber "Sharik" is located at Perm Territory, Ocherskiy district, Nizovskaya, 91 km west of the center of Perm within a radius of 1000 meters.

19:49 - Subscriber "Sharik" is located at Perm Territory, Ocherskiy district, x Zimy, 93 km west of the center of Perm within a radius of 1000 meters.
20:27 - Subscriber "Sharik" is located at the Perm Territory, Bolshesosinsky district, Yuzhny, 97 km south-west of the center of Perm within a radius of 300 meters.
23:00 - The Sharik subscriber is in the same place as at 20:27, that is, the balls have flown about 480 kilometers in 10 hours after launch.

TEST # 2
of April 07, 2015

Technical data: Mobile phone weighing 61 grams, 4 latex 18 inch balloons treated with HiFloat and inflated with "He" gas Helium. Location requests were made every 10-30 minutes using the MTS "POISK" system. If during the first test we inflated the number of balls from such a calculation so that the balls did not rise above 1-2 kilometers and did not burst due to the difference in pressure, then in this test we inflated 4 balls that lifted about 100 grams of weight, while lifting the mobile the phone had enough to inflate 3 balloons. That is, in this test, the balls flew over 10 kilometers in height. The test results are what we roughly expected. The balloons flew about 100 kilometers, from Ivanteevka, MO, to Yegoryevsk, MO.

Presumably the flight took shape as follows: see below. From the data received from the mobile phone, it can be assumed that initially the ball went up and forward rapidly in the wind, reaching a great height, communication with it was lost (from 06:26 to 08:00), reaching an even greater height, one or two balls burst ( strongly inflated) from the difference in pressure and the mobile phone began to go down. The phone got in touch at 08:00 in the area with. Gzhel, and in the end, he fell in the area of ​​the village of Barsuki, Yegoryevsky district of the Moscow region and issued all further requests for location from this area.

Place of launch: Moscow region, city of Ivanteevka. Start time 06:00 minutes. The weather is cloudy, wind 3-4 m / s NW (which means it blows in the SE).

06:00 - Subscriber "Sharik" is located at Moscow region, Ivanteevka, intersection of st. Pervomaiskaya and st. Greenhouse within a radius of 900 meters.
06:11 - Subscriber "Sharik" is located at Moscow region, Shchelkovsky district, Obraztsovo settlement within a radius of 700 meters.
06:27 - Subscriber "Sharik" is located at Moscow region, Shchelkovo, intersection of st. Field and st. Kosmodemyanskaya within a radius of 450 meters.
- There was no connection with the ball for 1 hour and 30 minutes.
08:00 - Subscriber "Sharik" is located at the address Moscow region, Ramenskiy district, p. Gzhel within a radius of 1800 meters.

09:00 - Subscriber "Sharik" is located at the address Moscow region, Voskresenskiy district, d Katunino, within a radius of 4300 meters.
10:05 - Subscriber "Sharik" is located at the address Moscow region, Yegoryevsky district, d Barsuki within a radius of 7600 meters.
17:00 - Subscriber "Sharik" is in the same place where he was at 10:05.


Having carried out two tests on launching a mobile phone on latex balloons, the following conclusions can be drawn: if you inflate latex balloons so that they do not rise more than 2 kilometers in height and treat them with a special compound, they will fly about 10-15 hours, and the flight range will depend on the strength and direction of the wind. The approximate range will vary from 300 to 600 kilometers. So you probably thought that everyone says that a latex balloon treated with a special compound can fly for up to two weeks, but here it is only 10-15 hours. Indeed, the balls fly for up to two weeks, the tests carried out above are proof of this, but they fly without load and only hold their own weight. If you attach a weight, then the ball will fly as long as it holds the weight of the load, calculate how much time will be spent on it based on the percentage of the ball's flight time and the loss of lift (see above). So if you inflate the balloons in such a way that they will lift a little more weight than the weight of a mobile phone, then they will not fly over 2 kilometers in height and will not burst, but fly by no more than 10-15 hours. And if the balloons are inflated so that they lift the weight of the load, at least 25 percent more than the weight of the load itself, so that the balloons fly longer, then they fly high and burst, which happened with our second test (the weight of the mobile phone is 61 grams, the lifting force of the ball is 100 grams). At the same time, not all the balloons burst, but only those that were inflated more strongly. After that, the remaining balls began to descend, so the mobile phone simply fell, but not much, since some of the balls supported it, and the descent rate was small. It also follows from this that all latex balls that you release into the air without a load fly over 10 kilometers in height, burst and fall.

Technical data: GSM tracker mini A8 weighing 19 grams (with protection against moisture and 23 grams of garters), five foil balls with a carrying capacity of 8 grams in each ball (40 grams total carrying capacity), gas "He" Helium. Location requests were made every 10-30 minutes using the MTS "POISK" system. With such data, the balls rise over five kilometers, which means that the safety margin of each ball should have been more than three times than on the ground. This is because the difference in atmospheric pressure on the ground and in the sky is different, which means that the force of gas pressure on the ball from the inside at a height will be greater. For details, see the pressure plate at different heights (see above). From the results obtained, it follows that the balls, having reached a certain height, began to experience gas pressure from the inside and the weakest ball burst, which led to the fact that the lifting force was no longer enough, and the tracker began to smoothly decrease and fell.

Place of launch: Moscow region, city of Ivanteevka. Start time 22:00. The weather is cloudy, wind 3-4 m / s SE (which means it blows in the NW).

22:00 - Subscriber "Sharik" is located at Moscow region, Ivanteevka, intersection of st. Pervomaiskaya and st. Greenhouse within a radius of 900 meters.
22:17 - Subscriber "Sharik" is located at the address Moscow region, Pushkin district, p Pravdinsky, 43 km north-east of the center of Moscow.
22:40 - Subscriber "Sharik" is located at the address Moscow region, Pushkinsky district, d Nagornoye, 49 km north-east of the center of Moscow
22:50 - Subscriber "Sharik" is located at the address Moscow region, Sergiev Posad district, p Repikhovo, 62 km north-east of the center of Moscow
23:17 - Subscriber "Sharik" is located at the address Moscow region, Sergiev Posad, intersection of st. Shlyakova and st. Stakhanovskaya
23:35 - Subscriber "Sharik" is located at the address Moscow region, Krasnozavodsk, intersection of st. 40 years of October, etc. Parkovy
00:15 - Subscriber "Sharik" is located at the address Vladimirskaya obl., Aleksandrov, intersection of st. Bolshaya Petrovskaya and st. Baksheevskaya

00:39 - Subscriber "Sharik" is located at the address Yaroslavl region, Pereslavsky district, d Kriushkino, 110 km south-west of the center of Yaroslavl, 05/14/2015, 00:39
00:50 - Subscriber "Sharik" is located at the address Yaroslavl region, Rostov district, with Debolovskoe, 67 km south-west of the center of Yaroslavl
06:00 - Subscriber "Sharik" is located at Yaroslavl region, Borisoglebsky district, d Nikifortsevo, 48 km south-west of the center of Yaroslavl


Based on the launches of foil balloons made, we can conclude that a foil balloon flies much longer compared to a latex balloon, but at the same time has a very small margin of safety. That is, the latex balloon has the ability to expand, that is, to stretch, while the foil balloon does not. Therefore, when starting a foil balloon, the main task is to calculate the flight of the balloon's height and inflate it in such a way that the balloon, having risen to a height, does not burst from the gas pressure from the inside. The risks in launching are such that if you inflate the foil balloons so that they fly at a height of up to a kilometer, then their lift will be small enough and will most likely be driven to the ground by the wind. If the foil balloon is inflated so that it flies at a high altitude, then it is necessary to inflate the gas so much that the lifting force is there, and the margin of safety remains, so that the balloons do not burst due to the pressure difference at altitude.

Departed: (latex balloon)
- Moscow region, Ivanteevka
- Ivanovo region, Savinsky district, village Fedorovo

TEST # 6

Departed: (latex balloon)

- Saratov region, Romanovsky district, p Alekseevsky

Departed: (latex)
- Moscow region, Ivanteevka
- Vologda region, Ustyuzhensky district, the village of Zimnik




TEST No. 9

Departed: (latex)
- Cheboksary, Chuvash Republic
- Samara Region

I think each of us has done this at least once in his life - he launched a balloon into the sky!

Of course, this is an integral part of either a holiday or an event in honor of the memory of someone or something!

As a rule, small children just love to launch balloons into the sky. Sometimes we just get angry with them if they did it by accident, but it's better to really scold them, because we need to start fighting this phenomenon.

Probably, you have not even thought about what happens to the ball when it disappears from the field of view?

It turns out that "cute" balloons are harmful not only for environment, but also for the representatives of nature!

On March 29, 2017, a Facebook page called "Balloons Blow" organized a campaign in Callman County, Alabama, to combat deliberate balloon launches.

“Balloons can travel thousands of miles, polluting the most remote and cleanest places on our planet. By their unconscious actions, people cause irreparable damage to nature. "

Many animals are not aware of the difference between food and the material from which the balls are made.

"When an animal swallows the material from which the balloon is made, their esophagus is blocked and soon they starve to death."

“Sea turtles and other sea creatures are known to mistake balls for their food. Sometimes they can become so entangled in this material that they lose the ability to move. "

Moreover, the airy wigs that fall on the surface of the seas and oceans are very reminiscent of jellyfish - the main source of food for sea turtles.

The turtles swallow deflated balloons, causing them to die slowly.

By launching balloons into the sky, we must understand that by doing so we are causing irreparable damage to the environment.

Any creature on our planet can be at risk of death.

Even balloons made from bio-grade material also emit harmful chemical compounds.

Latex balloons are primarily harmful to animals.

Maybe it's time to think about solving this problem?

Firstly, there is simply no need to release more balloons into the sky.

Secondly, you can organize special teams to clean the surrounding area.

Don't forget that there are many alternatives to balloons: bubbles, flags and banners.

We hope that this article will be the impetus for a gradual struggle against this seemingly innocent action!