The development of the cognitive abilities of children. Tikhomirova L.F. Development of the cognitive abilities of children Tikhomirova exercises

To narrow your search results, you can refine your query by specifying the fields to search for. The list of fields is presented above. For instance:

You can search by several fields at the same time:

Logical operators

The default operator is AND.
Operator AND means that the document must match all elements in the group:

research development

Operator OR means that the document must match one of the values ​​in the group:

study OR development

Operator NOT excludes documents containing this element:

study NOT development

Search type

When writing a request, you can specify the way in which the phrase will be searched. Four methods are supported: search with morphology, without morphology, search for a prefix, search for a phrase.
By default, the search is performed taking into account the morphology.
To search without morphology, just put a dollar sign in front of the words in the phrase:

$ study $ development

To search for a prefix, you need to put an asterisk after the request:

study *

To search for a phrase, you need to enclose the query in double quotes:

" research and development "

Search by synonyms

To include the word synonyms in the search results, put a hash " # "before a word or before an expression in parentheses.
When applied to one word, up to three synonyms will be found for it.
When applied to a parenthesized expression, a synonym will be appended to each word if found.
Cannot be combined with non-morphology search, prefix search, or phrase search.

# study


In order to group search phrases, you need to use brackets. This allows you to control the boolean logic of the request.
For example, you need to make a request: find documents whose author is Ivanov or Petrov, and the title contains the words research or development:

Approximate word search

For an approximate search, you need to put a tilde " ~ "at the end of a word from a phrase. For example:

bromine ~

The search will find words such as "bromine", "rum", "prom", etc.
You can additionally specify the maximum number of possible edits: 0, 1 or 2. For example:

bromine ~1

By default, 2 edits are allowed.

Proximity criterion

To search by proximity, you need to put a tilde " ~ "at the end of a phrase. For example, to find documents with the words research and development within 2 words, use the following query:

" research development "~2

Expression Relevance

Use the " ^ "at the end of the expression, and then indicate the level of relevance of this expression in relation to the rest.
The higher the level, the more relevant the expression is.
For example, in this expression, the word "research" is four times more relevant than the word "development":

study ^4 development

By default, the level is 1. Allowed values ​​are a positive real number.

Interval search

To indicate the interval in which the value of a field should be, specify the boundary values ​​in brackets, separated by the operator TO.
Lexicographic sorting will be performed.

Such a query will return results with an author ranging from Ivanov to Petrov, but Ivanov and Petrov will not be included in the result.
To include a value in an interval, use square brackets. Use curly braces to exclude a value.

BBK 88.835.1

Tikhomirova L. F. Development of children's cognitive abilities.

A popular guide for parents and educators. - Yaroslavl: Academy of Development, 1996. - 192 p., Ill.

Cognitive development, or intellectual, the child's abilities should be the constant concern of the parents, educators, teachers.

The book contains games, tasks, exercises that allow you to successfully develop such cognitive processes in children as perception, memory, attention, which is necessary for their preparation for school and further successful learning and intellectual development.

I8ВN 5-7797-0004-4 © design, "Academy of Development", 1996 © Tikhomirova L. F. "1996 © Artists Dushiv M., Kurov V., 1996

I. Development of cognitive processes in preschool children ...................... 5

1. Perception ............................................... .................................................. ........................... 7

Perception features of preschool children …………………………………. ... eight

Games and exercises for the development of perception in preschool children .................. 10

Diagnostics of the level of perception in preschool children ........................................ 26

2. Memory ............................................... .................................................. ............................... 34

Memory features of preschool children ……………………………………… .. 36

Games, exercises, tasks that contribute to the development of memory in preschool children. age ........ 38

Diagnostics of memory in preschool children. …………………………………… ... 57

3. Attention ............................................... .................................................. ............................. 64

Features of attention in preschool children ……………………………………. 65

Games and exercises aimed at developing attention in preschool children. age ........... 67

Diagnostics of the level of attention of preschool children ……………………………… .81

Conclusion to Part I .............................................. .................................................. ................ 86

Appendix................................................. .................................................. ............................ 93

II. The development of cognitive processes in primary school children. age ........... 119

1. Perception ............................................... .................................................. ........................... 121

Peculiarities of perception of children of primary school age ........................................... 121

Exercises for the development of perception in children of primary school age .................. 124

Game training for the development of perception and observation of the teacher. junior Cl. ..... 138

Diagnostics of perception in children of primary school age ......................................... 147

2. Memory ............................................... .................................................. ................................. 154

Features of the memory of children of primary school age ...................... ............... 158

Game training for the development of memory in primary school students .................................. 163

Diagnostics of the memory of primary schoolchildren .............................................. ................................ 172

3. Attention ............................................... .................................................. ............................... 182

Features of attention of children of primary school age ……………………………… .182 Games and exercises for the development of attention of children of primary school age ............. 185

Game training for the development of attention of younger students ........................................... 185

Methods for diagnosing the peculiarities of attention of primary schoolchildren ................................... 200

Conclusion to part P .............................................. .................................................. .............. 209

Appendix................................................. .................................................. ............................... 211

The previous book "Development of logical thinking in children" was devoted to the formation of such an important process of human consciousness, or psyche, as thinking in children of preschool and primary school age. In this book, we talk about the development of such mental processes as perception, attention, memory, without which it is also impossible to successfully teach a child at school. The chapters of the book contain detailed information about what perception, attention, memory are, what are the features of these mental processes in children of preschool and primary school age, how to assess the level of formation of cognitive abilities in children and with the help of what games, activities, exercises they can be developed.

All tasks, exercises, games are arranged in such a way that the degree of their complexity increases. Therefore, we recommend that parents, teachers working with children, adhere to a certain sequence when conducting classes.

We remind you that the duration of classes with preschool children should not exceed 20 minutes, the duration of classes with students of the first grade - 30 minutes, the second-fourth grade - 40 minutes.




The basis of perception is the work of our senses. Perception is the main cognitive process of sensory reflection of reality, its objects and phenomena during their direct action on the senses. It is the basis of thinking and practical activity of both an adult and a child, the basis of a person's orientation in the world around them, in society. Relations between people are built on the basis of the perception of a person by a person.

In the structure of perception, two main substructures are distinguished: types of perception and properties of perception.

Perception types: simple, complex as well as special. Special types include the perception of space, time, movement. The simpler types include the perception of the size, shape of objects, their colors.

Perception properties: volume, integrity, structure, meaningfulness.

Cognitive development of preschoolers


Perception should be seen as an intellectual process. It is based on an active search for signs necessary to form the image of an object.

The sequence of this process can be represented as follows:

a) the selection of a certain group of signals from the information flow and the conclusion that these signals relate to one object;

b) search in the memory of a complex of features similar in composition of sensations, then comparing the perceived object with it;

v) the subsequent search for additional signs of the subject, which will confirm the correctness of the result of perception or refute the decision.

Features of the perception of preschool children

The perception of a preschool child is involuntary. Children do not know how to control their perception, they cannot independently analyze this or that object. In subjects, preschoolers notice not the main signs, not the most important and essential, but what clearly highlights their against the background of other objects: color, size, shape.

The process of development of children's perception in preschool age was studied in detail by L.A. Venger. In the age period from 3 to 7 years, the child develops the ability to mentally

dismember visible objects into parts, and then combine them into a single whole. A preschool child learns, in addition to the outline, to highlight the structure of objects, their spatial characteristics and the ratio of parts.

The best results in the development of perception in a preschool child are obtained only when the child is offered for comparison the standards that affect the sense organs (sensory standards). It is with such material standards that the child must learn to compare the perceived object in the process of working with it. Such sensory standards for the perception of form are geometric shapes, for the perception of color - the spectral gamut of colors, etc. Working with standards - the first stage of perception.

V preschool age children get acquainted with the spatial properties of objects with the help of the eye and orientation-exploratory hand movements. Practical actions with perceived objects lead to a restructuring of the perception process and represent second phase development of this cognitive ability.

In the third stage external perception of the object turns into mental. The development of perception makes it possible for preschool children to recognize the properties of objects, to distinguish some objects from others, to clarify the connections and relationships existing between them.

The tasks, exercises, games we offer will help develop the child's perception, make him more accurate, objective, structural, and holistic. And this is simply necessary for the development of the intellectual and artistic and creative abilities of each child.

10 Development of cognitive abilities of preschoolers

Games and exercises for the development of perception in preschool children


The proposed game teaches you to compare objects with each other, is designed to develop perception in children 4-6 years of age.

To play the game, you need to put various small objects in a linen bag: buttons of different sizes, a thimble, a coil, a cube, a ball, a candy, a pen, an eraser, etc.


feel what these things are. If several children participate in the game, then you need to ask one child to describe each object, feeling it, and the second (if there are several children, then all the rest) to guess, name and sketch the thing according to the proposed description.

The game"Assemble the pyramid" For the development of perception of a 3-5-year-old child. The game requires two identical pyramids. One pyramid is designed to work for a child, and the second will act as a reference.

exercise 1: Ask your child to assemble a pyramid tapering upwards consistently according to a ready-made standard.


task 2: Organize complex construction according to a standard, that is, collecting an incorrect pyramid, a tower of an unusual configuration.

Do it like this game

For the development of perception of children 4-6 years old, you can offer the following tasks:

a) build the same structure from cubes according to the model:

b) draw patterns according to the sample:

You can repeat the exercises with more complicated shapes from cubes, with more complex Patterns.

White sheet game

Aimed at the development of the perception of the shape of objects in children of 3-5 years of age, as well as the development fine motor skills hands.

On a sheet of paper (appendix, pp. 95-97) figures are drawn, some are painted over in green, others are only outlined along the contour. We have given a diagram of the task, the child will work with the pictures included in the application.

exercise: Cut out outlined figures from the sheet, and then close by them green shapes on another sheet of paper. When positioned correctly

The game "SEW A CARPET".

Designed to develop perception in preschool children.

The child will work with the material posted in the application, according to the proposed assignment scheme.

There were holes on the beautiful rug. There are several patches near the rug, of which you need to select only those that will help close the holes.

Working with the materials of the application, the child can not only select, but also cut the desired patch to close the hole in the carpet.

1st variant of the task:


2nd variant of the task:

The game"FIND THE SAME OBJECT" Designed for children 4-6 years old.

The child is offered pictures: a separately drawn standard lamp and several more drawings of lamps, among which the child must find the same as the standard. The task is limited in time, only 30 seconds are given to study the pictures. After that, the child must give an answer.

For children 4 years old, you can leave the standard in front of your eyes, for older children, the standard should simply be covered with a sheet of white paper. This option of the task will allow developing not only the child's perception, but also memory, and attention


5) Which of the paintings

^ D 3) In which picture is the birch above the spruce, but below the hill.

7) On which of the pictures is the road already rivers?

Then you can offer tasks of even greater complexity:

1) Show a picture where the girl is bigger than the boy, but smaller than the tree.


3) Show the picture in which the ship is closer to the lighthouse and further from the boat.

O-1 point is very low.


Buy onions, green onions, Parsley and carrots, Buy our girl! Minx and cheat!

We do not need green onions, Parsley and carrots, We only need a girl, Minx and a cheat!

(Scottish song)

Little Mary has a big loss:

Her right shoe was missing. In one she jumps And mournfully cries, It is impossible without the other in any way! But, dear Mary, Don't cry for loss. A boot for the right foot We'll sew you a new one Or we'll buy a ready-made one, But just look, take care! (English song)

Duck, duck, wild goose! I will not be able to visit you. Be sure to come, and bring a bowl. ^ about there is - eat. Sit where you have to. (Hungarian song)


My grandfather planted a turnip - a big, big turnip has grown. My grandfather began to drag a turnip out of the ground: he pulls, pulls, he cannot pull.

The grandfather called for the help of the grandmother. Grandma for a grandfather, grandfather for a turnip: pull, pull, cannot pull.

Grandma called her granddaughter. The granddaughter for the grandmother, the grandmother for the grandfather, the grandfather for the turnip: they pull, pull, they cannot pull.

The granddaughter of the Beetle called. A bug for a granddaughter, a granddaughter for a grandmother, a grandmother for a grandfather, a grandfather for a turnip:

pull-pull, cannot pull.

The Bug called the cat. A cat for a bug, a bug for a granddaughter, a granddaughter for a grandmother, a grandmother for a grandfather, a grandfather for a turnip: pull, pull, cannot pull.

The cat clicked the mouse. A mouse for a cat, a cat for a bug, a bug for a granddaughter, a granddaughter for a grandmother, a grandmother for a grandfather, a grandfather for a turnip: pull-pull - pulled a turnip!

You need to read the tale repeatedly. On first listening, the child's impressions are inaccurate. Usually children only follow the plot, so they miss a lot. With repeated listening to fairy tales, the impressions deepen, the child remembers better.


The tale we have given is simple in its plot. For better memorization, you can ask your child a number of questions:

1) What did grandfather planted?

2) Was the grandfather able to pull out the turnip alone?

3) Why couldn't he?

4) Who came to the rescue?

5) What time of the year does the fairy tale take place? When did grandfather plant the turnip? When did he decide to get her out?

6) What does this tale teach? Do I need to help each other?

Reading and learning with the child the poems of Russian writers about nature, it is necessary to acquaint the child with the seasons. The child should learn well that winter is always replaced by spring, spring - summer, summer - autumn, and autumn - winter. It is imperative to talk with your child about what happens in nature in winter (poems by Drozhzhin, Pushkin), in spring (poems by Fet, Pleshcheev), in summer and autumn (poem by Maikov).

Grandfather Frost walks in the street, Frost scatters On the branches of birches, Walks, shakes his White beard, Stamps his foot, Only a crack goes. WITH. Drozhzhin

Winter road

Through the wavy mists The moon makes its way, On the sad glades She pours sadly light.

On the winter road, boring Three greyhound runs, One-sounding bell Tiringly rattles.

Something dear is heard In the long songs of the driver:

That revelry daring, That hearty melancholy.

A S. Pushkin

The grass turns green, The sun shines, Swallow with spring In the canopy flies to us. A Pleshcheev

Already all the fluffy willow Spreads around, Again fragrant spring Breezed around.

A Fet


My bells, Steppe flowers! What are you looking at me, Dark blue?

And what are you ringing about On the day of cheerful May, Amid the unmown grass Shaking your head?

A Tolstoy

The golden leaf is already covering The damp earth in the forest ... I boldly trample the beauty of the Spring forest.

Cheeks burn from the cold:

Anything in the woods for me to run, Hear how the branches crackle, Rake the leaves with your foot!

For a long time lies the frost on the leaves of the Night, and through the forest the Clarity of the transparent skies somehow looks cold ...

Poems by A. Barto, S. Marshak, E. Moshkovskaya, O. Vysotskaya, E. Blaginina can also be read and memorized with children. For the little ones:


Dropped the bear on the floor, Torn off the bear's paw. I won’t leave him anyway. Because he’s good.


The mistress threw the bunny, The bunny remained in the rain. I could not get off the bench, I was soaked to the thread.


We will build the plane ourselves, We will fly over the forests. We will fly over the woods, and then we will return to mom.


Our Tanya is crying loudly, Dropped a ball into the river. Hush, Tanya, don't cry, The ball won't sink in the river!

A Barto

That's what mom

Mom sang a song, Dressing her daughter. She put on - put on a White shirt. White shirt - Thin stitching.

Mom was pulling a song, She shod her daughter. I fastened an elastic band to each stocking. Blonde stockings

On my daughter's feet. Mom finished the song, Mom dressed the girl:

Red dress with polka dots, New shoes with legs ... That's how mom pleased - She dressed up her daughter for May!

That's what kind of mom - Golden straight!

E. Blaginina

For children of this age, you can also advise. Reading and memorizing excerpts of K. Chukovsky's poems "Telephone", "Stolen Sun", "My-Dodyr", etc.

For retelling, you can use the story of E. Charushin.


A goat is walking down the street, hurrying home. At home, her mistress will feed and drink. And if the hostess hesitates, the goat will steal something for itself. In the hallway he will eat a broom, in the kitchen he will grab a loaf of bread, in the garden he will eat seedlings, in the garden he will pull off the bark from the apple tree. What a thieving, mischievous! And goat's milk is tasty, perhaps even tastier than cow's milk.

The boat is sailing, the boat is sailing, The boat is golden, She is lucky, she is carrying gifts, Gifts for you and me.

On deck sailors Whistle, scurry, hurry, On deck sailors - Fourteen mice.

The boat is sailing, sailing to the west, to the east, Ropes A sail

cobwebs, petal.


For the development of auditory memory in children aged 4-5-6 years, we can recommend classes with a group of children.

One child names something. The second repeats the named word and adds some of his own. The third child repeats the first two words and adds the third. The fourth child will have to repeat three words already, and then name his own, etc.

It is advisable to carry out this exercise repeatedly. From time to time, the number of words that children remember will increase, that is, the amount of memory will increase.

3. For the development of visual memory in preschoolers, you can use special exercises.

To organize work with a child, you will need cards with geometric shapes (a set of cards is given in the appendix, you only need to cut them off and stick them on cardboard).

Demonstration time for one card is 10 seconds. After showing one of the cards, ask the child to reproduce the figures in the order in which they were depicted on the card.


Play the story.

The technique of reproducing a story can help in the diagnosis of semantic memory, as well as for the development of semantic memory in a preschool child.

For preschool children, you can offer the following story options for memorization:

a) Once upon a time there were children. Mom gave them a woody horse. The children began to ride the eshechka and the dog on a horse. We rolled well. Suddenly the horse began to roll. The kids are watching, and she has a yuman leg. They called Uncle Vanya, and he fixed the echadka.

b) Once upon a time there was a boy. His name was Vanya. Anya and her mother went out for a walk. Vanya ran very quickly, stumbled and fell. Vanya's leg bruised.

his leg hurt badly. Mom took Vanya

Auditory memory.

Methodology "10 words". Reading to a child 10

words: table, viburnum, chalk, elephant, park, legs, hand,

gate, window, tank.

Play 5-6 words after first reading

indicates a good level of auditory memory mechanics.

Visual memory.

Using the technique of D. Veksler (1945) helps to study visual memory in children of pre-elite age. The child is offered 4 drawings (see pp. 58-59).

The child is allowed to look at each of the pictures for 10 seconds. Then he their must write on a blank sheet of paper.


a) Two crossed lines and two checkbox -1 score,

correctly positioned flags - 1 point, etching angle of intersection of lines - 1 point. The maximum score for this task is 3 points.

58 Development of cognitive abilities of preschool children 1 memory














A set of cards is given in the appendix. Here we will only name what will be shown on the cards: bread, apple, wardrobe, clock, pencil, plane, table, bed, sleigh, lamp, cow, cat, rake, nest, knife, tree, strawberry, shirt, car, cart , moon, sofa, school building, cup, bike, house, notebook, lantern.

For preschoolers, words and pictures should be more specific, for younger students, more abstract.

instruction for the child:"Now I will read the words, and you, in order to better remember, will choose the appropriate card with a picture that will help you remember the word I have named."

A word is spoken first, such as milk. In order to memorize this word, the child must choose a card with a picture of a cow, etc.

Each word has 30 seconds to choose a card. Many children make this choice.

Figurative memory ".

This technique is designed to study figurative memory. The essence of the technique lies in the fact that the subject is asked to memorize 12 images for 30 seconds, which are offered in the form of a table.

The task of the subject after the table has been removed is to draw or verbally express those images, the second he remembered.

Evaluation of test results is carried out according to "the number of correctly reproduced images. Nor-1 - 6 correct answers and more. The technique can be used both for individual work and in a group.


Observing the behavior of the child during classes in kindergarten, the behavior at school, you can find out what types of attention predominate in the educational activity of the child. In addition, you can define and the level of development of the properties of attention: volume, stability, distribution, switching.

By how many objects a child can consciously hold in his consciousness in a short period of time, they judge the scope of attention.

Stability of attention is the ability to maintain concentration in activity for a long time, the ability to get distracted from everything else. The opposite property of attention stability is the distraction of attention.

Distribution of attention is the ability to perform several types of activities at the same time.

Switching attention is a conscious transition from one object to another. The speed of switching depends on the individual characteristics of each child.

Features of attention of preschool children

A characteristic feature of the attention of a preschool child is that it is caused by externally attractive objects. Attention remains focused as long as there is interest in perceived objects: objects, events, people. Attention in preschool age Rarely arises under the influence of any goal. Therefore, it is involuntary. 3 -^236


Assumes the child's possession of such categories as "in front", "behind", "on the right", "on the left".

An adult places 3-4 toys around the child and makes one of them, telling the child only its location (in front of you, behind, to the right or to the left).

The toy is known to lie in front of the boy. What's this?

The toy lies behind the boy. What is this toy?

The toy lies to the right of the boy. What's this?

The toy is known to lie to the left of the boy. What's this?

The game "what has appeared?"

a) Take a close look at both dolls and answer, what happened to the second doll?

To complete the assignment, ask the child to describe the first doll, then the second. Then have the child compare both dolls for the named properties.

Differences - 5.



a) Take a good look at the kittens. What have they lost?

Ask your child what each kitten has drawn. Then he must answer whether the first kitten has everything, then the second.

b) Take a close look at the rabbits. What have they lost?

To complete the task, you can use a bunny toy. The child should look at the "rushka that the bunny has. And then answer the> ask what the bunnies have lost."

These games are aimed at forming not only memory, but also attention and perception.

The game"Find differences ".

Look closely at these two cars. What is the difference?

"" I Look closely at these two birds. What is the difference?


Designed for children 4-6 years of age, aimed at the formation of attention and memory. The game can be played with a group of children. You can play with one child.

The first child names a toy. The second repeats this word and adds some of his own. The third child repeats the first two in order and calls his own, etc.

If this game is carried out repeatedly, then from time to time the number of memorized words, that is, the amount of memory, increases. And the attitude that an adult gives to memorize as many words as possible develops children's voluntary attention.


having turned the page, we ask him to look at a number of the same items and answer<а вопрос: «Что еще появилось?» Или «Что изме­лилось? »


Find and cross out technique


4. Do you have a brother, sister? Who is older?

5. How old are you? How much will it be in a year? in two years?

6. Is it morning or evening? (Day or morning?)

7. When do you have breakfast - in the evening or in the morning? Do you have lunch - in the morning or in the afternoon? Which comes first - lunch or dinner?

8. Where do you live? State your home address.

9. What is your father's, mother's job?

10. Do you like to draw? What color is this pencil (ribbon, dress)?

11. What time of year is it winter, spring, summer or autumn? Why do you think so?

12. When can you go sledding - winter or summer?

13. Why does snow happen in winter and not in summer?

14. What does a postman, doctor, or teacher do?

15. Why do you need a bell or a desk at school?

16. Do you want to go to school yourself?

17. Show your right eye, left ear. What are eyes, ears for?

18. What animals do you know?

19. What kind of birds do you know?

20. Who is bigger: a cow or a goat? Bird or bee? Who has more paws: a dog or a rooster?

21. What is more than 8 or 5, 7 or 3? Count from 3 to 6. From 9 to 2.

22. What should you do if you accidentally break someone else's thing?

Development of jaw-loving abilities;

Answers score:

1. For the correct answer to all questions of one item, the child receives one point (with the exception of the Control).

2. The child can receive 0.5 points for correct, but incomplete answers to the sub-questions of the item.

3. The correct answers are those that correspond to the question posed: “Dad works as an engineer. A dog has more paws than a rooster. " Answers are considered incorrect: "Mom Tanya, dad works at work."

4. Control tasks include questions: 5, 8, 15, 22. They are scored as follows:

№ 5 - if the child can calculate how much

he is years old - 1 point, if he names the years since

taking into account the months - 3 points;

No. 8 - for full home address with city name - 2 points, incomplete - 1 point;

№ 15 - for each correctly indicated use of school paraphernalia - 1 point;

№ 22 - for the correct answer - 2 points.

5. Point 16 is assessed together with points 15 and 17. If in paragraph 15 the child scored 3 points and gave a positive answer to paragraph 16, then the protocol notes a positive motivation to study at school (the total score must be at least 4).

Evaluation of the results of the conversation: if a child receives 24-29 points, he is considered to be school-mature, children who scored 20-24 points as a result of a conversation are middle-mature, children who scored 15-20 points have a low level of psychosocial maturity.



Each task is rated from 1 (best mark) to 5 (worst mark). Evaluation criteria for each of the assignments:

Exercise № 1. Drawing a male figure.

1 point- the drawn figure should have a head, torso, limbs. The neck should connect the head with the body (it should not be larger than the body). On the head - hair (possibly) a hat or hat), ears, on the face - eyes, nose, | mouth. The upper limbs should end with a five-toed hand. Signs of men's clothing must be present.

2 points - fulfillment of all the requirements, as in grade 1, except for the synthetic method of representation (that is, the head and body are drawn separately, arms and legs are attached to it). Three missing body parts are possible: neck, hair, 1 finger, but no part of the face should be missing.

3 points - the figure in the figure should have a neck, torso, limbs (arms and legs, which should be drawn with two lines). Ears, hair, clothes, fingers, feet are missing.

4 points- a primitive drawing of a head with a torso. The limbs (only one pair is enough) are depicted by one line.

5 points - there is no clear image of the trunk and limbs. Scribble.


1 point - high level of intellectual development;

2 points- average level;

3 points- below the average;

4 points- low level;

5 points- very low.


Cognitive development of preschoolers APPENDIX

For the game "make up a picture" (p. 13).



106 Development of cognitive abilities of preschoolers

For the game “remember the pictures” (p. 51).


To the technique of mediated memorization (p. 61).

Development of cognitive




It is very important what question, when considering a picture, adults turn to a child. If the question is asked "What's in the picture?", Then the child begins to list objects. And if the question is asked "What events are shown in the picture?", Then a higher perception, explanation, interpretation is required.

In the process of teaching a student in elementary school, "perception becomes thinking" (El'ko-nin D. B.). Perception becomes:

a) more analyzing;

b) more differentiating;

c) takes on the character of organized observation;

d) the role of the word in the perception of objects and phenomena changes.

The development of perception cannot happen by itself. The role of the teacher, parents, who can organize the activities of children in the perception of certain objects or phenomena, is very important, teach to identify the essential signs, properties of objects and phenomena.

Psychological studies have shown that one of the effective methods of organizing perception and education of observation is comparison. At the same time, perception becomes deeper, the number of errors decreases.

Purpose: diagnostics of voluntary attention, fine motor skills, spatial representations, expansion of vocabulary.

1.The most attentive game

Description. Children examine everything around for a minute. Then they close their eyes and answer the questions of the psychologist.

What color are the walls in the group?

How many fixtures are there on the ceiling?

How many tables are there in the group?

2. Exercise "What changed?"(development of memory and attention)

Equipment: 10 pictures.

Description. The psychologist hangs different pictures on the board and asks the children to remember how they are located. Then the children close their eyes, the psychologist swaps a few pictures, and the children have to name what has changed.

3.Fairy tale "About attentive Ivanushka"

Description. The psychologist reads to the children a fairy tale about the attentive Ivanushka, and then the children answer questions (Appendix 17)


    What were the names of the brothers Ivanushki?

    How did Ivanushka guess that the hare was bewitched?

    What helped Ivanushka find his sister?

    Why did Baba Yaga fall?

    What helped Ivanushka find his sister in Baba Yaga's hut?

    With the help of what mental function did Ivanushka find his sister Alyonushka?

    How many times has attention helped Ivanushka in difficult situations? (Answer: 7 times.)

Well done! Where do we need attention? (Answers: in the lesson, in the game, when crossing the road, etc.)

4.Correct test ( diagnostics of attention distribution ) (Appendix 2)

Equipment: proofreading forms (for each child) (Appendix 3), simple pencils.

Description: children on pre-prepared forms look for and cross out with one line, the letter A. Time for completing the task is 5 minutes.

5. Phys. a minute"Four Elements" development of attention, coordination of auditory and motor analyzers. (see lesson 23)

6.An actionable game at the request of children.

7... Reflection.

Description: children stand in a circle. The psychologist throws a ball to each child and asks what they liked the most about the lesson.


1. Vachkov, I. V. Psychology for kids, or the Tale of the most "mental" science [Text] / I.V. Vachkov. - M .: Pedagogika-press, 1996.

2. Ganicheva, I.V. Body-oriented approaches to psychocorrective and developmental work with children (5-7 years old) [Text] / I.V. Ganicheva. - M .: Knigolyub, 2004.-144s.

3. Kataeva, L.I. Correctional and developmental classes in the preparatory group: Lecture notes [Text] / LI Kataeva. - M .: 2004.

4. Osipova, A.A. Diagnostics and correction of attention [Text]: Program for children 5-9 years old / А.А. Osipova. - M .: TC Sphere, 2002.- 104s.

5. Ostankova, Yu.V. The system of correctional and developmental classes for preparing children for school [Text] / Yu.V. Ostankova. - M .: Publishing house "Teacher", 2006.

6. Svetlova, E.I. Big book of tasks and exercises for the development of intelligence and creative thinking of the baby [Text] / EI Svetlova. - M .: Eksmo, 2007.-160s.

7. Svetlova, E.I. We develop fine motor skills and coordination of hand movements [Text] / E.I. Svetlova. - M .: Eksmo, 2007 .-- 72s.

8. Sokolova, Yu.A. Games and tasks for the intellectual development of a child 5-6 years old [Text] / Yu.A. Sokolov. - M .: Eksmo, 2007 .-- 64p.

9. Tikhomirova, L.F. Exercises for every day: Logic for preschoolers [Text] / L.F. Tikhomirov. - Yaroslavl: Academy of Development, 2000.-256s.

10. Tikhomirova, L.F. Exercises for every day: The development of cognitive abilities in younger students [Text]: A popular guide for teachers and parents / L.F. Tikhomirov. - Yaroslavl: Academy of Development, 2004. - 120p.

Annex 1

Appendix 2

Appendix 3

Surname, name of the child _____________________________ Date _____




Appendix 4

Appendix 5

Appendix 6

Appendix 6

Appendix 6

Appendix 6

Appendix 7

Appendix 8

Appendix 9

Appendix 10

Appendix 11

Appendix 12

Continue the series started by the artist.

Find a pattern and continue the series. Try to come up with similar problems yourself.

In this drawing, the artist also missed a few figures. Define these shapes and draw them.

What should be instead of dots? Draw.

Draw a shape instead of dots.

Define a logical link in the location of the images.

Think and draw what should be instead of dots.

Find a pattern in the arrangement of the shapes.

Determine which shape to draw at the end of each row.

Appendix 12

Appendix 13

Appendix 13

Appendix 13

Appendix 13

Appendix 13

Appendix 13

Appendix 13

Appendix 13

Appendix 13

Appendix 13

Appendix 13

Appendix 13

Appendix 13

Appendix 13

Appendix 13

Appendix 13

Appendix 14

Appendix 14

Appendix 15

Appendix 15

Appendix 16

Appendix 16

Appendix 17

This book will help you in a week, at home, without the help of a trainer, without dumbbells and simulators, using only your own body weight, to make your waist thinner and more elastic. To do this, you need to approach the achievement of the goal in a comprehensive manner - go on a diet, carry out simple toning procedures every day and perform five-minute exercises for the abdominal and back muscles. It will be easier to accomplish the task if you follow the author's program "Stomach Attack Plan", designed for 7 days.

I am sure that 90% of women, when asked which part of the body they would like to strengthen additionally, will answer that the belly. And this is no coincidence. Because the stomach is an "immediate reaction zone": if we overeat a little, the result will immediately be reflected in the volume of the waist. And now folds have formed on the sides and an unsightly bulge in the front.

But the most important thing is that even those women who regularly visit the sports club often cannot achieve flattening of the abdomen to the desired shape. This is because the press requires special attention. The abdominal muscles are large and strong, they quickly adapt to the load and after a short time cease to perceive it. Even systematic training will not bring the desired result - a flexible and elastic torso, if you do not add variety to your activities from time to time.

If traditional twisting and lifting of the body does not bring the expected result, try non-standard types of gymnastics: yoga, fitball, Pilates, plus go on a diet, do targeted massage of the abdomen and back every day, actively care for the skin of the middle part of the body. This book will help you correctly and effectively draw up a comprehensive plan for the fight for a slender waist, revitalize your routine workouts, lose weight, and ultimately, within a week, make your stomach flatter and more prominent.

Part I. Say "Stop!" routine

In this part:

♦ Elastic belly

♦ Surmountable difficulties on the way to the wasp waist

♦ How ready are you for change?

Your dream is a graceful figure, an elegant silhouette or a steel abs without a single fat fold. And for the sake of its implementation, for the umpteenth time, you give yourself the word to gather your will into a fist and lose a few extra pounds and, finally, after measuring your waist, be satisfied with yourself. You again reproach yourself with the days, weeks, months when you put off workouts for later, scold yourself for not following the diet and laziness that prevents you from starting to exercise regularly.

And so you enthusiastically make a decision: "From tomorrow I will start a new life, go in for sports, stop snacking at night, and take a course of intensive massage." Tomorrow comes, but, alas, there are other things, more important, and you again postpone the "exercise" until better times. As a result, in a week or two, not a trace remains of your determination. And you continue to suffer from poor posture, sagging belly and back pain. How to make sure that good intentions do not remain so forever, but turn into concrete sequential actions, how to maintain the mood and desire to exercise and, as a result, achieve visible changes in the proportions of the figure, thin waist or molded torso? First of all, say, "Stop!" routine - and take action.

Elastic belly

A firm belly does more than shape your figure!

Have you decided to get rid of a bulging belly? Keep in mind, then, that after the initial period of enthusiasm associated with making such a decision, the implementation phase will inevitably come. And then additional endurance, patience and willpower will be required from you. Because you need to train every day and at the same time perform fairly monotonous exercises.

You need to be prepared for the fact that at a certain moment you will want to give up everything and do some other thing that undoubtedly gives you more pleasure personally, for example, lying on the couch, chatting with a friend on the phone or watching TV. In this case, what will help you not to stop halfway to your intended goal? First of all, this is knowledge. Knowing the structure of your body is your strength.

Want to have a flat stomach? Then get ready mentally for a change.

Study the problem from the inside - start by understanding the essence of the following question: why is it so often advised primarily to strengthen the abdominal muscles, and, for example, not the muscles of the legs and buttocks?

Of course, for well-being and harmonious development, it is necessary to strengthen all muscle groups. But, as you know, the highest sign of really good physical shape is the pronounced tone of the abdominal muscles. It is on the strength of the abdominal muscles that the external silhouette of the figure, and posture, and the general state of health, and the functioning of such important internal organs as the stomach, intestines, and bladder depend.

Are you surprised? If you have strong abdominal and back muscles, this means that you have a good metabolism, excellent blood and lymph circulation, no digestive problems, that is, you are healthy.

Moreover, a firm belly provides the following benefits.

1. Looks very aesthetically pleasing.

A thin, flexible waist has always adorned and adorns a woman, making her graceful and graceful. A tucked up belly can hide some flaws in the figure, such as full hips or slightly plump shoulders and arms. It will make your figure more feminine, light, give your silhouette charm and originality.

For men, a pumped-up press is a clear sign of strength, determination and masculinity. With a steel press, you are a real man, clearly not suffering from "mirror disease", and therefore an attractive individual for the female half of humanity! The rectus abdominis muscle, running from the sternum to the pelvis, is the largest in the human body; along the muscle bundles, it is transversely divided by tendon bridges into segments that fix it. These segments give a sectional appearance to the rectus muscle, create a relief of the abdomen.

In order for the squares on the abdomen to be noticeable, you must be in very good physical shape. But even if your belly is not pumped to a state of pronounced relief, still a flat and elastic belly looks better than a flabby belly.

2. Shapes a figure.

Inhale, draw in your stomach, and now your figure takes on a charming hourglass silhouette with a golden mean. Do not breathe, and stay with your belly sucked in. Difficult? Then exhale and work on strengthening your abdominal muscles. You don't have to hold your breath to feel slim in any setting. There is another way to find the desired shape - to regularly do strength exercises for the press, or even better - to combine them with breathing exercises. The wasp waist will "untie your hands", you will feel confident and fully "formed" when you get rid of excess fat on such an attractive area of ​​the body.

3. Eliminates all diseases.

It's not a secret for anyone that physical education is an active means of prevention, that is, prevention of diseases - colds (flu, tonsillitis, pneumonia), nervous system, heart, has a positive effect on the emotional state of the student.

In addition, regular exercise to tone the abdominal muscles is especially recommended for those who suffer from diseases of the digestive system, liver and biliary tract, such as colitis, gastritis, stomach ulcers. And this is not a joke at all. Exercises for the abdominal press and proper breathing activate blood circulation and have a positive effect on motor, secretory and absorption functions in the abdominal cavity, contribute to the healing of the whole organism, and normalize metabolism. Therefore, do not be a fool - do physical education, and you will be forever young, healthy, beautiful and slim.

Tikhomirova Larisa Fedorovna - Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor.

In 1979 she graduated with honors from the medical faculty of the Yaroslavl State Medical University, specializing in treatment and prevention. In 1989 she defended her thesis for the degree of candidate of medical sciences. From 1990 to 1998 she worked as an assistant professor at the Department of Psychology and Medical Problems in Education of the Yaroslavl Regional Institute for Advanced Training of Educators.

In 1993 she was awarded the academic title of associate professor in this department. From 1998 to 2000 she worked as vice-rector for scientific and methodological work of the Yaroslavl Regional Institute for Advanced Training of Educators. From 1999 to 2000, she underwent professional retraining at the State Educational Institution of the Yaroslavl Region, the Institute for Advanced Training of Educators in Social Pedagogy - Family Psychology. In 2001, she entered doctoral studies at the Department of Social Management of the Yaroslavl State Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushinsky, at the same time taught classes with students, working at the Department of Social Pedagogy as an associate professor.

In 2004 L.F. Tikhomirova defended her thesis for the degree of Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences. Elected on a competitive basis for the post of professor of the Department of Social Pedagogy at the YaGPU im. K. D. Ushinsky. Tikhomirova L.F. has over 100 published scientific papers.

Books (5)

Logics. Children 5-7 years old

The tasks, exercises and games presented in this manual will help develop the thinking of older preschool children, teach them to highlight the essential features of objects, compare according to essential and insignificant signs, generalize and classify objects.

The manual is intended for educators of preschool educational institutions, teachers, parents. Will provide significant assistance in preparing children for school.

Elementary school mathematics. Educational games, tasks, exercises

The primary school teacher is faced with an important task: not only to familiarize children with the basics of science, but also to instill an interest in academic subjects, to develop the cognitive abilities of young students. This fully applies to mathematics.

This manual contains exercises and didactic games that contribute to a more conscious and deep assimilation of programmatic mathematical materials for the development of thinking, memory, and attention in younger schoolchildren.

The development of the intellectual abilities of the student

The manual contains materials for the diagnosis of the intellectual abilities of schoolchildren, as well as tasks and exercises for their development. The use of trainings and games will make this process more emotionally enjoyable and, therefore, more effective.