Lesson using the experimental activity “Invisible air. Ecological fairy tale for children of senior preschool age "Air, water, fire" Ecological fairy tale about air for kids

The tale of how the three elements quarreled. Author's fairy tale with drawings.

Kolos Sofya Viktorovna, 3rd grade student of MBOU Gymnasium No. 3 in Sharya, Kostroma Region
Description: This fairy tale is composed for the lesson of the surrounding world.
Application: The material will be useful for primary school teachers in the lessons of the world around them when studying natural elements.
Target: write a fairy tale on the theme of natural elements.
- to get acquainted with the concept of "natural elements"
- develop fantasy and imagination
Element- (philosophy) in ancient and medieval natural philosophy - one of the four fundamental principles of the world: earth, water, air and fire.
So, the three main elements, according to the ancient beliefs of people



(we are not talking about the fourth element - the fertile earth)

A tale of how three elements quarreled.

Many years ago, three natural elements: fire, water and air lived in peace and harmony. But one day, the water said:
- I'm in charge here!
- And why is that? asked the air.
- I am often called the most important substance. The human body is 2/3 water. Without me, all living things will perish!
- And without me, all living things will suffocate! - objected the air.
- Do not quarrel! - fire intervened.
- And you generally keep quiet, if we want, we will wipe you off the face of the Earth! - air and water said in one voice.
The fire was offended by these words and left.
- And let's go to the sage and ask: "Which of us is the most important?" offered air.
- I'll go alone! - Said the water.
“Then I’ll go alone!” replied the air.
And they went in different directions. As the water flowed through the desert, it met people who were dying of thirst. The water took pity on them and gave them a drink, thereby saving their lives.
“So, I really am so important, since people cannot live without me,” the water was proud of itself.
And in the meantime, the air also did not waste time in vain. On his way he met a boy drowning in the river. His rubber boat had a hole in it. Then the air climbed into the boat and did not get out until the boy swam to the shore. Of course, no one could have guessed about his feat, but the air, probably for the first time, felt its significance.
For a long time, water and air traveled around the world. Finally, both of them reached the sage. They see - and the fire is also there.
- What are you doing here? asked the air.
“I came to ask who is the most important of us. fire answered.
- Dear sage, tell me who is the most important of us? asked the water.
- You all need a person. We cannot survive without you. Therefore, you need to live as before - in peace and harmony. - answered the sage.
Since then, fire, water and air have never quarreled again!

Presentation for the lesson

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Purpose of the lesson: to form children's ideas about the air and its properties.

Lesson objectives:

  • to contribute to the enrichment and consolidation of children's knowledge about the properties of air, to expand children's understanding of the importance of air in the life of humans, animals, plants;
  • to develop in children the ability to establish causal relationships on the basis of an elementary experiment and draw conclusions;
  • to consolidate elementary ideas about the sources of air pollution, about the importance of clean air for our health, about some rules of environmental safety, to develop the environmental awareness of children;
  • to develop in children the skills of cooperation through involvement in various activities with children and adults;
  • foster a culture of communication speech activity children.

Lesson progress

- Guys, listen carefully and guess the riddle:

We need it to breathe
To inflate the balloon.
With us every hour
But he is invisible to us!

- What is it?

Yes, that's right, it's air. And today we will talk about the air like real scientists-researchers. To do this, I invite you to the laboratory.

The teacher shows the picture (slide 2) with the image of the planet Earth.

Our planet Earth is surrounded on all sides by a thick layer of air.

This amazing shell is called the atmosphere. If it were not there, all living things would die in the scorching rays of the Sun during the day, and at night they would die from cosmic cold. Without air, our planet Earth would be a dead desert.

Wherever we go, wherever we go by sea or by land, there is air everywhere.

“Which of you guys has seen the air?” I don't see him in our lab either, but I know he's here. And now, together with you, we will be convinced of this.

OBSERVATION 1. How to detect air.

- Air is easy to detect if you create its movement. Wave your fan in front of your face. What did you feel?

(Air is not visible, but it can be felt by the skin as a light breeze).

OBSERVATION 2 (with sachets)

- And yet, the air can be "caught" in a bag. What's in our bags? (air)

- And what is he? Do we see him? Why don't we see it? (Air is colorless, transparent)

What is the bag filled with air like? (elastic)

– Various soft objects can be inflated (filled) with air. Filling objects, the air becomes elastic, and shapeless objects take shape. (Inflate a soft shapeless ball, let the children touch it). What objects have air inside? (ball, car tires)

OBSERVATION 3. Experience with a straw.

How else can you see the air? Take a straw each and blow through it into a glass of water. What comes out of the water with bubbles?

What other bubbles can you blow? (soapy)

What is inside soap bubbles? (air)

CONCLUSION A: Air is everywhere.

OBSERVATION 4. There is air in all objects.

On the teacher’s table there is a jar of water and small objects (a stone, a button, a sponge, etc.)

Is there air in these objects? (children's answers)

- I will lower these objects into the water, and you carefully observe what happens? (objects sink (fall to the bottom), while bubbles come out of them, which rise up)

- Bubbles are air, it was in the object and left it when the object fell into the water. Air bubbles rose up; air is lighter than water.

OBSERVATION 5. Air takes up space.

I have a glass with a piece of paper at the bottom. What do you think, if you put a glass in water, what will happen to the leaf, will it get wet or stay dry?

Turning the glass upside down, slowly lower it into the water (the glass must be held straight) until it touches the bottom. Then take the glass out of the water. Why is the paper at the bottom of the glass dry?

(children's answers)

- There is air in the glass, it was he who did not let the water wet the leaf, he did not let the water into the glass.

And now I will lower the glass with the leaf into the water, but I will hold the glass a little obliquely. What appears in the water? Air bubbles are visible. Where did they come from? Air leaves the glass and water takes its place. What happened to our piece of paper? He got wet. Water forced the air out of the glass and took its place, occupied all the space and wetted the piece of paper.

So what have we learned about air? (slide 3)

  • Air is everywhere.
  • It is transparent, colorless, tasteless, odorless.
  • Lighter than water.

He is a transparent invisible
Light and colorless gas.
Weightless scarf
He envelops us.


The air itself is odorless, but can carry odors. By the smell transferred from the kitchen, we guess what dish they cooked there.

Close your eyes, hold your nose. I will carry an object past you, and you try to recognize it by smell. Succeeded?

(no, the nose is closed)

Open your nose. And now? Smell travels through the air, which is why we smell it when we breathe in the air.


How does a person breathe? Place your palm on your chest and feel how your breathing is happening?

Inhale - inhales good air (oxygen)

Exhale - exhale bad air (carbon dioxide)

A person breathes all his life, he needs air for life every second.

- Cover your mouth and nose with your hand to stop breathing. What did you feel, what did you experience?

A person can live

Without food - 30 days;

Without water - 14 days;

Without air - a few minutes. (slide 4)

– When we simply inhale and exhale air, do we see it?

When can we see the air we exhale? (in winter, steam comes out of the mouth).

We took a deep breath
We breathe easily.
(slow inhale-exhale for 4 seconds)
Breathe in one nostril
And peace will come to you.
(long inhalation-exhalation of one nostril, close the other nostril with the index finger)

Deep breath - hands up
Long exhalation - arms through the sides down.

Why is it important for a person to breathe properly? (To not get sick)

With proper breathing through the nose, the air in the nose is warmed, cleared of impurities and enters the lungs.

Only clean air is good for health. The cleanliness of the air on Earth is monitored by scientists - ECOLOGISTS. They study how a person affects nature, what he can do to reduce air pollution.

- What in our life pollutes the air? (slide 5)

(smoke from factories, factories, fires, exhaust fumes, dust, cigarette smoke…)

What should be done to keep the air clean?

(plants and factories put special filters to clean the air, water the paths, sidewalks; plant trees, bushes, flowers; ventilate the premises, wipe the dust)


Do you know what happens to air when it is heated?

A balloon placed on an empty bottle inflates when the bottle is immersed in warm water, and deflates when immersed in cold water.

The air warms up, expands and exits the bottle. That's why the balloon is inflated. Warm air rises.

- And where does a person use this property of air? (aeronautics) (slide 6)

OBSERVATION 7. Wind is the movement of air.

Turn on the fan, let the children feel the breeze.

Where did the wind come from?

What is a fan for? (in hot weather to freshen the air)

– What is the wind? (air movement)

We cannot see the wind, because the air is transparent, but we can watch the clouds float, the leaves sway on the trees, the tree branches sway)

- Man has long learned to use the properties of air. Where does the air work? (slide 7)


What did you learn about air today? (slide 8)

  • Air is part of nature. It is everywhere around us, we breathe it.
  • Air is invisible, transparent.
  • Air can move.
  • Air is odorless, but it can carry odors as it moves.
  • Air expands when heated and contracts when cooled.
  • We all need air. Without it, there is no life.

Which of the experiments did you like the most, what property of air did he tell us about?

Did you know that air has another amazing property - you can play with air. There are even special toys for playing with air. (Turntables, soap bubbles, kite...)

Today we learned about the properties of air by conducting experiments and experiments with air. I think that you will tell your friends and parents about everything interesting that you learned today in our laboratory. And your moms and dads will be able to tell you about other properties of the air and read about the "great invisible" in encyclopedias.

Thank you guys for the lesson, it was very pleasant and interesting to communicate with you.


  1. "Air" comp. Yu.I. Smirnov. - St. Petersburg: Owl, 1998.
  2. Voronkevich O.A. "Welcome to ecology!" - St. Petersburg: Childhood-Press, 2007.
  3. Kulikovskaya I.E, Sovgir N.N. "Children's experimentation" - M .: Pedagogical Society of Russia, 2005.
  4. Nikolaeva S.N. “Introduction of preschoolers to inanimate nature. Nature management in kindergarten "- M.: Pedagogical Society of Russia, 2003.
  5. Pavlenko I.N., Rodyushkina N.G. “The development of speech and familiarization with the outside world in the preschool educational institution: Integrated classes. – M.: T.Ts. Sphere, 2006.
  6. Parker S., Oliver K. "Man and Nature" (100 questions and answers) / trans. from English. MM. Zhukova, S.A. Pylaeva. - M .: CJSC "Rosmen-Press", 2006.
  7. "Scientific Answers to Children's Whys". Experiments and experiments for children from 5 to 9 years old / Author-compiler Zubkova N.M. - St. Petersburg: Speech, 2009.
  8. Tugusheva G.P., Chistyakova A.E. “Experimental activity of children of middle and senior preschool age: Methodological guide - St. Petersburg: Childhood-Press, 2009.





Droplet travel.

A droplet lived in a large beautiful lake. She happily swam and dived. Once a droplet saw a bright sun and rose closer to the surface of the lake in order to better see it. She did not notice how she became a light parinka and began to rise up. It was cold upstairs, and she again turned into a droplet.

Other droplets also gathered in the sky, they turned into a white fluffy cloud. It floated across the sky. When many droplets gathered, the cloud darkened and became a cloud. The droplets did not stay in it and fell to the ground. There they joined in a stream. The brook murmured, had fun, ran further and further until it merged into the lake. The droplet recognized her lake and was delighted - she returned home!

We will call the journey of a droplet the water cycle in nature.

How the parinka turned into a snowflake.

An air droplet flew out of a small puddle - a steam. She was tired of sitting in a puddle, and she decided to take a walk in the sky. The higher the parinka rose into the sky, the colder it became. She froze and high, high in the sky turned into a crystal stick.

A cloud, walking in the sky, saw a lonely crystal and invited him to visit her. The little crystal was delighted, sank into a cloud and at the same moment turned into a light, delicate beauty-snowflake.

“How lonely it is here,” thought the snow beauty. Suddenly she heard a cheerful laugh. It turns out that she was not the only guest of the cloud. Snowflake quickly found a friend.

The snowflake lived by the cloud for two weeks. During this time, many more small crystals appeared in the cloud. As soon as they descended into a cloud, they immediately united, turned into light beautiful snowflakes.

The days went on as usual, and each new one was similar to the previous one. Once a beautiful snowflake decided to leave a cozy hospitable cloud. Her snowflake friends also decided to travel with the beautiful snowflake. In a quiet frosty evening, they fell from heaven to earth. Falling, they stuck together with each other, forming beautiful, patterned, fluffy flakes of snow. Our familiar snowflake, falling from a height, also found girlfriends and united with them.

Layer after layer of snow fell on the ground, forming snowdrifts. But they were loose, because the snowflakes were loosely pressed against each other and there was air between them.

The winter has passed. Spring has come, which our snowflake has been waiting for. She wanted to return without fail to that puddle from which she once flew out and rose up. The spring rays of the sun warmed everything warmer and warmer. Soon the snowdrifts began to melt. Instead, puddles appeared on the ground. There were more and more of them every day. And finally, all the snowdrifts turned into puddles, streams and whole lakes. And the beautiful snowflake, together with her friends, turned into small droplets. Here is a story that happened with a little bit of steam.

Tale of water.

Once upon a time there was Water, and one day she decided to make Nature beautiful. Water decided to go around the world and observe Nature. She turned into a small stream and flowed over the Earth. Over time, the Creek became wider and wider, bigger and stronger. Soon the Brook turned into a River and flowed not quickly, like a stream, but slowly and importantly, like a real river flows. Suddenly the Sun shone brightly, the River dried up and became Steam. The steam rose high and high and asked the Sun:
- The sun, why did you dry me?
The sun answers:
- Do not be afraid, I will help you to do good to everyone!
Par asks:
- Sun, tell me, how can I make Nature beautiful?
The sun smiled and answered:
- You can guess, and I'll just tell you. Plants and trees need rain!
Par exclaimed:
- Exactly! Thank you Sun!
And turned into Steam Rain. He watered everything around and admires: all the trees and bushes bloomed again, the birds sang their cheerful songs, even oases appeared in the deserts. All people and animals shouted joyfully:
- Thank you, Rain!
And the Rain gathered again in a ringing Brook and flowed, ran merrily along the ground. He was very happy and pleased that he did something good for Mother Nature. Brook was very pleased. Then he ran to clean the Seas and Oceans from salt.
The brook reached the Sea and called out to him:
- Hello, Sea!
The sea replied:
- Hello, sonorous Brook! What do you want?
Brook said:
- Can I take some salt from you for people to eat?
The sea thought
- Okay, Brook, here's my salt. Use it however you like.
The brook happily replied:
- Yes OK! Thank you Sea!
They said goodbye, and Brook gave salt to people's food so that they were healthy, and then returned to his original form.
The water spoke to Nature and said:
- Nature, I made you beautiful, I made people healthy, I helped the Sea get rid of excess salt. I have fulfilled my purpose.
Nature answers:
- Thank you, Water, I am very grateful to you!

On that they parted. Water, having fulfilled its purpose, returned to its home and began to live in peace and do good to the whole world.

There lived a river.

There lived a river. At first, she was a small, cheerful stream that hid among tall, slender firs and white-trunked birches. And everyone said: what a clean, what a tasty water in this stream! Then the stream turned into a real river. The water in it did not flow so fast, but it was still clear and clean.

The river loved to travel. One day she found herself in the city. Spruces and birches did not grow here, but there were huge houses in which people lived. Many people. They rejoiced at Reka and asked her to stay in the city. The river agreed, and she was chained in stone banks. Steamships and boats began to walk along it, people sunbathed on the banks. The river watered the whole city.

Years passed, people got used to the River, but they no longer asked her for anything, but did whatever they wanted. Once a huge factory was built on its banks, from the pipes of which dirty streams flowed into the River. The River darkened from sadness, became dirty and muddy. Nobody said: “What a clean, beautiful river!” No one walked on its banks. Various unnecessary things were thrown into the River: cans, logs, cars were washed in it, clothes were washed. And none of the townspeople thought that the River was also alive. And she was very worried. “Why do people treat me so badly? After all, I gave them water, turned the turbines of power plants, gave light, protected them from the heat on hot days, ”she thought.

People polluted the River more and more, and she endured everything, waiting for them to finally come to their senses.

Once a large tanker sailed down the River, from which a lot of oil spilled into the water. The River was covered with a black film, its inhabitants - plants, animals - began to suffocate without air. River got sick. “No,” he thinks, “I can no longer stay with people. We must get away from them, otherwise I will become a dead river.

She called for the help of her inhabitants: “I have always been your home, and now trouble has come, people have destroyed your house, and I got sick. Help me recover, and we will leave here for other lands, away from ungrateful people.” The river inhabitants gathered: plants, fish, snails, and animals - they cleaned their house of dirt, cured the River. And she ran to the edge of her childhood. There, where spruce and birch trees grew, where a person is a rare guest.

And the inhabitants of the city the next day were surprised to find that they were left alone, without the River. There was no light in the houses, the factories stopped, the water from the taps disappeared. There is nothing to wash, nothing to drink, nothing to cook soup from. Stopped life in the city. Its inhabitants became so dirty that they stopped recognizing each other. However, it did not matter: there was still no light in the evenings.

And then one day the day came when the townspeople ate all their food supplies. Then the oldest and wisest Citizen said: “Dear fellow citizens! I know why the River left us. When I was very young, I bathed in its clear water. She has always been our friend and helper, but we did not appreciate this and treated her like an enemy. We unfairly offended Rechka and must ask her forgiveness. I propose to go to distant countries to bow to our nurse. We must apologize to her and pledge our friendship. Maybe then she'll come back."

The strongest and most enduring townspeople set out to look for the River. They searched for a long time, and when they found it, they did not immediately recognize it: after all, it became clean and transparent. The people asked River to return to the city as soon as possible, told how bad they felt without her, promised their care. The river was kind and did not remember evil. In addition, she began to miss the people she had become accustomed to over the long years of living in the city.

The River returned to the city to help its inhabitants. And people removed all the garbage, cleaned the plant's effluents and even assigned special scientists to monitor the health and well-being of the River. Since then, in this city, people and the River live together. And recently, the River was made an honorary citizen of the city, and the Day of its return is celebrated as the most important holiday.

Stupid bunny and brook.

One day, the bunny thought about running away from home. He ran away, but he still knew the way back. Here he sees a stream running. And the brook says to the hare: “Let's go race to run. Whoever runs to the forest faster, he won. The bunny agreed. So they ran to the forest.

They run, run, run, and then the bunny did not see the brook and shouts: “Where are you, brook?” And the brook replies: “I evaporated and turned into a fog. Well, let's keep running. Where there is fog, there I am. And they ran. They run, run, run, and then the bunny did not see the fog and shouted: “Where are you, streamlet, which fog?”

“I am here,” says the brook, “I have turned into a cloud. Well, let's run!"

The bewildered bunny and the brook continued on their way. They run, they run, and then the bunny did not see the stream. The bunny shouts: “Where are you, a stream, which is fog, which is a cloud?” The brook replies: “I have turned into rain. Well, let's run." And they ran, but suddenly the rain stopped, and again the bunny shouted: “Where are you, stream, which fog, which cloud, which rain?” The brook replies: “I am here, under your paws. The rain stopped, and I became a stream again.

The stupid hare and the brook ran together to the forest. But the hare did not understand anything.

"Good Air"

In a pure kingdom, in an airy state, there was an unusual school. Forest school. At a lesson at the Forest School, the Wise Owl told the animals about the air.

All living things on earth know that air is necessary, - said the Wise Owl. It nourishes all the cells of our body, supports the fire. People, animals, plants breathe air. Air is everywhere, it is large and all-pervading. Air can absorb moisture, carry it, and then, in another place, give it away. Air protects the earth from cosmic rays harmful to all living things, and resists falling meteorites.

The animals listened attentively to the Wise Owl. And after the lessons, the little Fox cub suddenly said: “But I don’t need air. I still don't see him."

At that moment, an unknown force swooped in, spun and spun around the Little Fox, and took him away with it. Before the Fox cub had time to come to his senses, he ended up on another planet. It was the planet Mars. There is practically no air on Mars, and the air shell does not protect this planet. The entire surface of Mars was bombed by meteorites.

Just a few minutes the Fox cub was on another planet. He was out of breath. But the good forces took pity on him, and returned him to a pure kingdom, to an airy state.

It was then that Fox Cub appreciated the value of air. Nothing that he did not see the air. The main thing is that air exists. Good, pervasive air.

"How the bear cub caught the air"

One autumn day Paddington was sitting on the porch of his house reading a book. The book was so interesting that Paddington could not tear himself away and forgot about everything in the world. When I finished reading, I found that I was very hungry. Well, nothing, because there are always favorite sandwiches with jam in the bag! Paddington opened the bag, but there was not a single sandwich! There weren't even crumbs!

What happened? Who could steal the sandwiches?

Sir Henry was passing by, and Paddington rushed to him.

Sir Henry, my sandwiches have been stolen! - he shouted - There is nothing in the bag!

Nothing at all?

Just look for yourself,” said Paddington and opened the bag, “there’s nothing!

Well, not really anything. There is air there,” Sir Henry smiled.

He flew away! Sir Henry laughed and went on about his business.

And Paddington sat down on the step and thought. So it was Air who stole his sandwiches and then flew away. We must find him and catch him, let him give back what he took.

And Paddington went to catch air.

He walked along the path, and when he came to the river, he saw a fish. She floundered helplessly on the shore. Seeing the bear cub, she began to beg him to throw her back into the water, which Paddington readily did.

Thank you, little bear! - the fish thanked him, - And then I didn’t have enough air on the shore. A little more and I would have completely suffocated.

Does Air live in water? Paddington was surprised.

And it's in the water too. It is dissolved in water, and I breathe it through the gills, - the fish confirmed.

Yes, I can’t catch him in the water, but I don’t know how to swim, - the bear cub thought, - probably, this is some other Air. My bag is dry and there is no water.

What are you doing? asked the little bear.

I fill the balloons with air, - the boy answered.

So he hid inside the ball! - exclaimed Paddington and asked - give me one ball, please.

Hold, - and the boy handed him a red ball.

Paddington stepped aside a little.

There you are, Air! he yelled. Why did you steal my jam sandwiches? Confess!

And how do you speak then if there is no mouth? – with doubt asked teddy bear.

Well, I don't know how it works. Sound is what? This is an air concussion. Here I myself am shaking, my voice is obtained!

What do you have then? – already with interest began to question Air Paddington.

What is something, - Air thought, - is my lightness. I am very light, lighter than stone and even lighter than water. I would fly up, but this heavy ball, in which I sit, keeps me.

What if I let you out? Paddington untied the balloon and it immediately deflated. Where are you now, Air?

I'm everywhere! I am around you! You breathe me in and breathe me out! - so ticklish, - Air laughed.

Who are you talking to? Paddington heard the voice of Sir Henry returning.

With Air. We made friends with him! - happily said the bear, - and he did not take my sandwiches, as I first thought.

Of course I didn’t, Sir Henry laughed, but look at your mouth.

Paddington walked to the glass door of the verandah and looked at his reflection. His whole mouth was covered in jam!

So I ate it myself! - the bear cub exclaimed in confusion, - he read so much that he did not notice ...

So you thought in vain about the Air. Food is not for him. Although he does not take strength. The air is very strong and can lift a lot! Or maybe shoot.

With these words, Sir Henry hurried back up the path away from Paddington, leaving the bear in thought. And how can such light Air be strong? He can also shoot. But how?

"The Tale of the Dragon and the Wind"

Lived at that time on a deserted island, lost somewhere in the ocean, the Great Dragon. He lived there alone, and did not have a single friend. The sun, of course, shone on the island, and the moon and stars gave their light, but there was no one to chat and talk with. The dragon did not know how to swim and fly, so he could not go in search of friends. But one day a small boat sailed to the island. There was a boy in it, just like you. The air bubble smiled mischievously. - The boy's oar broke, and he swam where the water current carried him, there was no wind at that time. He was very tired and hungry, and besides, he wanted to go home to his mother.

When the boat was washed ashore, the boy was very frightened of the Great Dragon, but after a while they became real friends, they talked a lot, played, the boy even taught the dragon to sing. But, of course, the boy really wanted to return home to his mother. He tried to make a new oar, but nothing worked. Once, when the dragon was fanning the fire for dinner, and the boy was sitting and looking sadly at the sparks of fire, an amazing idea came to his mind.

Listen, - he turned to the dragon, - there is complete silence and peace around us, and when you blow on the fire, the air is no longer calm, it flies quickly, quickly, fanning the fire. What is it?

I don't know, - the dragon answered, - I can blow on a tree so hard that it will break. I can blow away a whole mountain of sand. When I blow, it turns out ... it turns out ... Let's call it wind?

Come on, - the boy agreed, - what is the wind and why does it happen?

Well, probably because before blowing, I inhale a lot of air, fill my mouth, full chest and even a full stomach. The air becomes crowded there, the pressure with which it presses on me from the inside is greater than from the outside, so it flies back quickly. This is where the wind comes in. Air from the high pressure zone enters the low pressure zone!

That's lovely! - the boy clapped his hands, - you invented the wind. And can you blow on my boat so hard that it floats on the sea and swims to my house?

Probably, yes, - the dragon sighed, - but then we will never see each other again! I will be here alone again. But you're right, you should try. After all, your mother is waiting for you at home.

To make it easier for the dragon to blow on the boat and push it. the boy made a sail for the boat. Then he said goodbye to his friend and got into the boat.

I will remember you! - shouted the boy, - maybe we'll see each other someday!

The dragon took a deep breath and blew, then another and another. The farther the boat sailed, the harder the dragon had to blow so that it continued to swim. Soon the boat disappeared from sight, and the dragon blew and blew. Night gave way to day, but he still did not stop blowing. The dragon was very worried about his friend, he stopped only ten days later, when he was completely exhausted.

But when it stopped blowing, the wind didn't stop! He blew himself! What a miracle. It turns out that the Great Dragon mixed the air so much in 10 days that now the air pressure was no longer the same everywhere. Somewhere the pressure became high, and somewhere low. And the wind was blowing from high pressure places. - Great! - the dragon admired, - now my friend will definitely swim to the house, and I won't worry about him. And now I'm not alone here on the island. The wind is with me, so different, fickle and cheerful! And he drives the clouds, all the time different. That's so beautiful!

That was a long time ago! In one kingdom lived the Astrologer.

The king built for him a high tower, to the very top of which a thousand steps of a steep spiral staircase led.

Every evening the Astrologer climbed these steps and watched the stars and constellations through a telescope.

He perfectly studied the starry sky, skillfully compiled maps that helped sailors and travelers not to go astray.

The astrologer watched the Sun and the Moon for many years, was able to predict solar and lunar eclipses, and determined when a lean year would come.

Once a week he went to the royal palace, where the young king received him with unfailing respect and honor. The stargazer was treated to the best wines from the royal cellar, treated to delicacies brought from overseas countries. And I must tell you that the Astrologer loved to eat delicious food!

After a hearty meal, the king asked the Astrologer about his observations of the stars, because they helped to skillfully rule the country. Then the Astrologer went home.

His small white house with a red roof stood at the foot of the tower and was surrounded by a wonderful garden where rose bushes were in bloom, vines adorned the fence, and dark green ivy curled along the walls of the house.

“Very nice and cozy!” You say, and of course you are right.

The stargazer would have been completely alone if not for his young friend Henri, whom he sheltered when the boy's parents died. The astrologer loved him like his own son, raised him, taught him to read and write.

Henri became attached to the wise good Astrologer with all his heart.

During the day, he helped the Astrologer with the housework, looked after the garden. And at night, when he grew up a little, he began to climb the tower to help the old man observe the stars, comets and asteroids, and at the same time showed extraordinary abilities!

Things were going well in the kingdom, and only one circumstance overshadowed the life of the young king and queen: they had no children!

The king dreamed of a son - the heir to the throne, and the queen often dreamed of a sweet, lovely daughter.

Once the old Stargazer fell ill: his legs ached, and he could not, no matter how hard he tried, overcome the thousand steep steps of the tower. Henri tried to comfort the poor Astrologer, made him tea with healing herbs, seated him in an easy chair, wrapped his sore legs in a warm blanket.

“I will climb the tower alone today and make observations and do all the necessary calculations!” the young man said decisively. - Rest and get better. Don't worry. Everything will be fine.

Oh, dear Henri! said the old Stargazer sadly. - Today, for the first time in many years, I will not climb the tower, I will not see the starry sky: neither the constellations Ursa Major and Ursa Minor, nor the blue North Star, nor the distant Sirius, nor the brightest Vega from the constellation Lyra. You know, my dear boy,” he continued, “sometimes it seems to me that the stars have become dear to me, they twinkle and tremble, I see their distant light and feel that they, as if alive, are whispering something to me. I'm so used to them! But I believe, son, that you can handle everything no worse than me ...

The poor fellow bowed his head on his chest and dozed off in an easy chair by the fireplace. Maybe he dreamed of the starry sky. And Henri quickly overcame the steep steps of the stairs and found himself at the very top of the tower.

As soon as the young man clung to the telescope, he heard a soft crackle. He turned and saw a huge, transparent, emerald-blue ball approaching the open glass terrace of the tower, glowing from within.

The ball hung in the air near the tower, its radiance faded, and Henri noticed vague shadows inside the ball. The young man froze in astonishment.

Suddenly the door of the ball opened and a beautiful golden-haired girl came out. She smiled. Following her, a young man came out of the magic ball. Slender, tall, they were wrapped in light, iridescent silky clothes; their heads were adorned with golden crowns glittering with large precious stones.

"Good evening," replied the stunned apprentice of the Stargazer.

- We are twins, we flew to you from the distant constellation of Gemini to tell you the good news! Know that soon the royal couple will have children: a boy and a girl are twins.

Anri's heart beat with joy. He listened to the aliens, trying not to miss a word.

“We have been watching your country for a long time, we like both your fair king and the hardworking, resilient people whom he wisely manages,” the young man continued. - As a gift to the newborn twins and all your people, we will leave our starship - this sparkling ball. When the children turn 10 years old, together with them you will be able to make a trip around the solar system on it - get to know the Moon, the Sun, Venus, Mars and other planets better. Let people recognize the structure solar system!

The journey will only take you one night! After all, our spaceship is rushing through space at great speed,” added the alien beauty.

- But how to control this ball? Henri asked.

- Very simple! she replied. - Let's get into it.

The alien youth opened the door, and the three of them stepped inside the starship. It smelled of some amazing incense, everything sparkled and shimmered like crystal, illuminated by a bluish light.

Henri noticed three comfortable chairs. Touching them, the young man felt that they were soft, as if made of sheep's down.

"Here's the control panel," said the alien, showing Henri a small remote control on which metal buttons gleamed.

He explained to Henri how to fly the starship. It turned out to be so easy that anyone could handle the controls!

“But I want to warn you,” the girl entered into the conversation, “never press the red button!” Otherwise, the interplanetary ship may leave the solar system and fly into endless outer space. If something unexpected happens to you, call us immediately for help! In less than a few minutes, we will be there and help you out of any trouble, - the girl finished. "Here's an emergency call," she pointed to the blue button.

- Thanks! Thank you so much, dear twins. I am very excited about your appearance, and your extraordinary story, and the opportunity to be outside the Earth. It all looks like a wonderful dream! Maybe I'm actually dreaming?

Henri closed his eyes, rubbed his eyes, and shook his head. But neither the glowing ball nor the aliens disappeared. The twins looked at the young man and smiled, calming him with gestures. He felt that a wave of some kind of warm, soft and kind light was coming from them.

At that moment, Anri felt ashamed of his bad manners! The aliens brought joyful news to the king and queen, presented the earthlings with their starship, and he did not even offer the aliens to sit down, did not treat him to aromatic coffee, which he always took with him to the tower to drive away sleep.

Henri decided to immediately correct his mistake and invited the young man and the girl to drink a cup of coffee with delicious cheesecakes with him, but they refused.

“Understand, dear Henri,” said the young man, “we have come from another world. We never drink or eat anything like people do. And the energy of life gives us only light.

- Light?! Henri was surprised.

- Well, yes! The light of the Sun, the light of even the most distant stars nourishes us and gives us the strength to live. Now we have taken the form of earthly people in order to become clearer and closer to you. But we can take on any image: a flower, a butterfly, rays of light... Here, look!

The girl spun so fast that Henri's eyes lit up; iridescent clothes for a second enveloped her from head to toe.

And suddenly Henri saw a beautiful green chrysanthemum instead of a girl. He wanted to touch her fragile petals, extended his hand, but felt nothing.

And the flower swirled and disappeared. Instead, a beam of light slid across the floor.

Henri froze, struck by the miracle he saw.

The young alien hastened to reassure him:

“My sister has turned into a ray of light, now I will also become a ray, and we will leave you. It's time for us to return to the constellation Gemini. We always travel through space as rays, so we don't need a starship. He will stay with you.

Farewell, we wish you good luck and happiness!

The aliens were gone—two thin beams of light seemed to melt into the blue darkness of the night.

Henri stood silently for a few seconds, then looked around and saw that a huge transparent ball, flickering faintly, was hanging in the air near the tower.

“We need to tell the Astrologer about everything as soon as possible,” the young man thought, and quickly, jumping over the steps, ran downstairs.

The stargazer was deeply asleep. Although Henri was sorry to wake the old man, he still had to disturb his sleep. He lit several bright candles, and the Stargazer reluctantly opened his eyes, then looked at the apprentice with surprise.

"Has something happened, Henri?" - he asked. - What time is it now?

— Three o'clock in the morning, dear teacher. I woke you up because we have aliens from the constellation of Gemini visiting our tower. They left us their starship!

“I don’t understand,” the old man muttered. - What aliens? What starship? Maybe you're sick and delirious? Or am I delirious?

- No no! Dear Stargazer, none of us is delirious! Everything happened in reality, not in a dream. If you could overcome the steps and climb the tower, you would see with your own eyes a huge luminous ball of a starship.

“Well, well,” said the Stargazer, finally waking up, “tell me about everything in order. Just don't rush, don't miss anything! And, please, make some stronger coffee!

Henri told the Astrologer everything without missing anything. He took a sip of hot strong coffee and thought for a long time, and then said:

Once I saw a huge luminous ball. He flew up to the tower. Some vague shadows flickered inside him. The ball hovered near the tower for a while, and then disappeared into the darkness. I thought that all this was just a dream to me, as I was very tired from sleepless nights and work. But now I understand what's the matter! The aliens wanted to pass the information to you, Henri! After all, you are young, full of strength, health, and in ten years you will be able to make an interplanetary journey. And I, unfortunately, already old and sick! And yet I want to see the starship with my own eyes - no matter what it costs me, I will climb the tower!

Henri did not dissuade the Astrologer, and together, step by step, they began to climb to the top of the tower.

The old Astrologer walked slowly, he was tormented by shortness of breath, his legs did not obey the old man, but he did not give up. Henri supported him as much as he could. It took a long time before they were on the top platform of the tower.

The transparent ball of the starship still hung near the terrace.

— Yes, this is the same ball that I saw one night.

The stargazer sat down in a chair. He studied the alien aircraft for a long time and carefully, then said to the young man:

— Henri! It's already dawning! I think you should go to the royal palace and tell the king everything. I'll write a note for the guards to let you through.

Early in the morning, Henri came to the palace and asked the guards to let him through to the king. He handed the Astrologer's note to the head of the guard. The young man was immediately taken to the royal chambers, and he told the king about the visit, the aliens, and that soon the royal couple would have children: a boy and a girl - twins.

The king's joy knew no bounds.

Henri told the king about the wonderful starship, told about the journey that would take place when the twins were 10 years old. After all, it is in 10 years that a “parade of planets” is expected, when the planets, as if on command, line up in one row. Henri did not forget to tell the king about the illness of the old Astrologer.

The alarmed king immediately ordered his best healers to go to the Astrologer and treat him.

Time passed, and in due time the Queen gave birth to twins - a lovely boy and girl. The girl was named Marie, and the boy Alexander.

In honor of the birth of children, the king arranged a magnificent ball in the palace, which was attended by kings from neighboring states. The king did not forget to invite both the old Astrologer, who faithfully served him all his life, and Henri, who brought joyful news to the king. He generously rewarded both. The astrologer was awarded an order in the form of a star studded with large diamonds. And so that the old Astrologer would not get bored in his cozy house at the foot of the tower, the king gave him a funny funny monkey named Mickey.

The monkey soon got used to the old man, fell in love with riding on his shoulder and feasting on roasted chestnuts in sugar. In the garden, Mickey had swings, carousels, colorful balls and toys so that the little one would not be bored when the Astrologer wrote his book about the starry sky.

Henri also received a precious ring as a gift from the king.

All the ladies of the court dreamed of dancing at a ball with a young man and hearing firsthand an amazing story about aliens and their starship.

Cheerful music sounded in the streets and squares of the cities. The musicians did their best, sparing no effort: incendiary melodies replaced one another. People danced and had fun with all their hearts. And the tables placed everywhere were bursting with food.

The holiday was a success!

Several years flew by unnoticed. Marie and Alexander grew up. They often came to visit the old Astrologer and listened to his fascinating stories about the starry sky, looked at maps that depicted constellations.

The royal children also made friends with Henri. They climbed the tower with him, examined with curiosity the magic transparent ball and looked forward to the day when they would fly on it.

Finally, the twins turned 10 years old.

In the evening, Henri, Marie and Alexander, accompanied by the king, queen and retinue of courtiers, climbed the tower. Even the Astrologer, who by this time had become a decrepit old man, was carried by servants on a stretcher to the very top of the tower. Ahead of them, Mickey the monkey was hopping up the stairs. During this time, she managed to make friends with the royal children, especially with Marie, who always brought her treats in a golden bag.

When it got dark and the stars sparkled in the sky, and the full moon looked out through the window between the clouds, the starship lit up from the inside with an emerald blue light. This meant that he was ready to fly.

The king and queen kissed the children.

Henri approached the starship and opened the door, inviting them to come inside. Marie and Alexander sat down on the soft seats next to each other.

Henri took his place in front of the control panel. The old Stargazer was about to slam the door, but at that moment Mickey jumped off his shoulder and jumped on Marie's knees, hugged her with her paws and clung to the girl.

Mickey wants to fly with us too! Marie exclaimed.

“Henri, dear, please don’t send her away.” Let her fly with us. I will hold her on my lap,” the girl begged.

Henri looked inquiringly at the Astrologer, but he only waved his hand and slammed the door of the starship.

- Have a good trip! - only the mourners had time to shout when a slight crackle was heard and the luminous ball swayed and flew at first slowly, and then faster and faster and soon disappeared into the darkness.

As soon as the spaceship set off, pleasant music began to sound, and then a gentle female voice, already familiar to Henri, was heard. It was the voice of a golden-haired alien.

Dear friends! Henri, Alexander and Marie! Here comes the most unforgettable night of your life! Today you will see the entire solar system. In the center of it is a luminous star - the Sun, the closest to the planet Earth. The sun gives the Earth light and heat, so life is possible on Earth! The Earth revolves around the Sun, but in addition to the Earth, eight more planets revolve around this star, each with its own orbit. Where would you like to fly first?

“Perhaps to the moon. After all, it is a satellite of the Earth and is closest to the Earth,” suggested Alexander.

- Well, to the moon, so to the moon! Henri agreed and pressed the appropriate button.

Soon the spaceship flew up to the moon and the children saw dark spots on its surface.

- These are depressions, their bottom is dark, even. They are called "seas", although there is not a drop of water in them, - the woman's voice continued the story.

- Wow! How many high mountains are here, - exclaimed Alexander.

- Yes! Most of the surface of the moon is occupied by mountain ranges, they are very high. Most are ring ramparts surrounding large circular plains. These are craters.

“And let's fly around the Moon, because from the Earth we always see only one side of it,” suggested Marie.

“Let's go,” agreed Henri and sent the spaceship to the opposite side of the Earth's satellite.

“Maybe little sleepwalkers live on the moon?” Marie asked. - It would be nice to see them!

A few moments later, the luminous ball flew up to Venus. The planet was surrounded by clouds reflecting sunlight and seemed unusually beautiful.

- Oh, what a beauty! Marie was delighted.

- Yes! Venus is the closest planet to the Earth and is clearly visible in the sky after sunset or sunrise. But the clouds surrounding her are made of acid and are very poisonous,” a female voice explained, “so it’s better not to fly close to her.

Does Venus have an atmosphere? Henri asked.

- There is an atmosphere on Venus, but it consists of carbon dioxide, which is not suitable for human breathing. And the pressure of the atmosphere on this planet is so great that if we were on its surface, it would crush us. In addition, Venus receives so much sunlight that it is unimaginably hot, even hotter than Mercury, the closest planet to the Sun.

“I would love to see the rings of Saturn. The astrologer said that this planet is surrounded by rings.

Henri pressed the button, and soon the travelers saw a huge bright yellow planet surrounded by rings.

- Yes, beautiful planet! Alexander exclaimed.

Saturn is the sixth planet from the Sun. It refers to very large planets - giant planets, just like Jupiter and Uranus. Its surface consists of liquid gas. Saturn is surrounded by countless rings. They are made up of pieces of ice and rocks. The flat rings of Saturn are several kilometers thick!

- How interesting! the children exclaimed in chorus. They listened attentively to the story of the alien and at the same time looked around.

At this time, the monkey Mickey got bored of sitting on Marie's lap, and she jumped over to Alexander. The boy treated the mischievous girl with a delicacy - sweet dried fruits, she played with him a little, and then began to jump, somersault and ended up next to Henri's chair. For a while, the monkey examined the shiny buttons on the control panel. She liked the round red button the most. The sweet-toothed monkey thought it was a delicious candy and grabbed it with its small, furry brown paw. But the "candy" did not give in, then the monkey pressed the button with all her might!

Just what the aliens warned Henri happened: spaceship rushed with great speed in interplanetary space. A greenish Uranus flashed, and the dark blue handsome Neptune remained behind.

At that moment, Anri realized what Mickey had done. She pressed the exact button the aliens had warned him about.

But Henri did not lose his head, he deftly grabbed the monkey and handed it to Marie.

Hold her tight and don't let go!

And he pressed the blue emergency button.

The aliens who followed the flight immediately received a signal, and without wasting a second, two powerful beams of rays rushed towards the starship. It had to be intercepted at all costs before the ship left the solar system.

A few seconds later, the rays of light reached the ship, already caught up with Pluto. The rays touched the starship, it glowed with a pink-red light and turned back.

It's time for you to return to Earth! A calm female voice was heard.

The spaceship flew to Earth.

How beautiful our Earth is from space! Marie exclaimed. From here you can see that she is a ball.

Do you see that bright stripe over there, painted with all the colors of the rainbow? It separates the Earth from the black sky. It’s the horizon,” a female voice explained.

Pleasant music again sounded in the starship and the fragrance of flowers spilled over.

We are approaching Earth! Henri exclaimed.

“Look, the ocean waves are already splashing and mountain peaks are visible. It seems as if the Earth is girded with a pale blue halo, which imperceptibly turns into turquoise, and then into blue and purple .., - Henri did not have time to finish the phrase, as the interplanetary ship smoothly flew up to the Astrologer's tower.

The door opened, and Marie, Alexander, Henri, with Mickey in their arms, went out onto the terrace, where the excited king, queen, old Astrologer and the whole retinue were waiting for them.

— It was so interesting! the children exclaimed in chorus. “Now we know how the solar system is built, we have seen many planets up close.

- And yet the best, most native planet is our blue beauty Earth! Marie exclaimed.

The king and queen hugged and kissed the children.

And Mickey immediately climbed onto the shoulder of the old Stargazer, put her paw in his jacket pocket in search of sweets.

Are you sure you can't wait to find out what happened next?

The luminous ball disappeared, as if dissolved in endless space space.

Henri continued his observations of the starry sky.

Marie and Alexander grew up, began to help the king govern the country.

And the old Astrologer wrote a fascinating book about the stars, constellations and planets of the solar system. The stories of young travelers helped him a lot in this.

For parents:
Look at the poster carefully with your child.
It encodes the basic properties of air.

  • air has no shape
  • air has no color
  • the air has no taste
  • air is invisible
  • the air is odorless.

To prove this, you have to go with your child

conduct a series of experiments.

Experience No. 1 "Air has no shape"

You will need:

  • three balls of different shapes.


prove that air has no shape.

Experiment progress:

The child inflates three balloons of various shapes.

What's happening:

The air takes on the shape of the balloon you just inflated.

Conclusion: air has no form.

Experience number 2 "Air has no color"

You will need: paper .

Target: show that air is transparent.

Experiment progress: Compare air with opaque objects.

Let's take a sheet of paper. It is opaque - through it we do not see the surrounding objects. And you can see everything through the air.

Conclusion:the air is transparent, because the surrounding objects are visible through it.

Experience No. 3 "The air has no taste"
Experiment progress:

Ask your child the following questions: Does the air have a taste? (NO) Can we try it? (YES) Open your mouth and inhale. Do you feel anything? (no) What conclusion can we draw? Does the air have a taste?

Conclusion: so the air has no taste.

Experience No. 4 "Invisible Air"

You will need:

  • two bowls of water and a glass.
Experiment progress:
Pick up an empty glass and ask your baby:
Do you think this glass is empty? Look closely, is there anything in it? And now we will check it.
Hold the glass straight and lower slowly. What happens? Why doesn't water get into the glass? What's stopping you from lowering the glass?
Conclusion: There is air in the glass, it does not let water into it.

And now you again offer to lower the glass into the water, but now hold the glass not straight, but slightly tilted.

What appears in the water? (bubbles). Where did they come from? (Air comes out of the glass and water takes its place) And why did we first think that the glass was empty? (Because air is not visible, it is transparent)

Conclusion: Air is invisible, but surrounds us everywhere.

Experience number 5 "The air has no smell"

You will need: