Test for efficiency of thinking. Training exercises to prepare for the test. Development of regional education

Training exercises to prepare for the test

on efficiency of thinking


The suggested exercises will help you understand how to answer the questions on the solution test. With these exercises you:

1. Get acquainted with the main features of this test.

3. Practice answering questions similar to those you might encounter on the test itself.

Features of the test for efficiency of thinking

The test includes three types of questions that require critical thinking and analytical skills:

Number of questions

You have 65 minutes to answer 50 questions. You are allowed to use a calculator, although this is not required. You should write in pencil so that you can easily erase the wrong answer.

Each question has 5 possible answers, from which you have to choose the correct one. You do not need detailed answers. Simply mark ONE of the five answers, which are labeled A, B, C, D, E.

During the test itself, you will mark your answers on a special answer sheet, which is distributed separately from the list of questions.

If you check more than one answer to a question, your answer WILL NOT be considered correct.

If you decide to change the answer, then you need to delete its first option or select it additionally so that it does not happen that you mark two or more answer options at the same time.


Each correct answer adds one point to your total. If you mark an incorrect answer, points will NOT be deducted from the total.

How to get the best results

Recent research has shown that following the rules below will increase your score on the solution test. Once you understand these rules, you will understand what you need to do and what you should avoid when answering test questions.

^ The rules that must be respected to achieve the best result when solving a test for the ability to find a solution:

  • Be clear about the nature of the question before reading the suggested answers.

  • Work as quickly as possible, while acting confidently and clearly: do not waste time on a question that you do not understand the essence of.

  • Immediately discard the answers that you think are obviously wrong and choose an answer from the remaining options.

  • Check one answer for each question, even if you have to guess the correct answer.

  • At the end of the test, use the remaining time to check your answers.

What it does not follow do, answering the questions of the test for the ability to find a solution:

  • Read the entire test slowly and carefully before starting work.

  • Spend time reviewing already marked answers until you answer all the questions.

  • Waste time thinking about an answer that is not one of the suggested answers.

Training Questions

The following is a sample question with the correct answer marked as such on the answer sheet:

sample question

1. The truck is moving at a speed
80 km/h. How far will he travel in 30 minutes?

E. None of the above answers are correct

Answer sheet

1. EMBED MSDraw \*mergeformat

Approximate explanation

30 minutes is half an hour, so a truck traveling at 80 km/h will travel 40 km in half an hour.

The correct answer (letter C) is shaded.

As an exercise, you will be asked 25 questions to answer in 30 minutes. Try to score as many points as possible and save time by using the skip question or guessing the correct answer method.

At the bottom of this page, in the spaces provided, write down the time you started work. When you're done, write down the time you completed the job and determine how much time it took you in total. This will give you an idea of ​​whether you are working as fast as required to pass the test.

Start time:

End time:

Total elapsed time:

Check to see if you've got 30 minutes.

Training Questions

Mark your answers on the attached ANSWER SHEET.

Table 1



1st year

2nd year

3rd year

4th year

5th year



















Finance and real estate

















1. Which industry has experienced the largest growth in monetary revenue since
1st to 2nd year?

A. Agriculture

B. Construction

C. Finance and real estate

E. Transport

2. Which industry saw the least growth in value-for-money revenue from years 1 to 5?

A. Agriculture

B. Construction

C. Finance and real estate

D. Manufacturing industry

E. Transport

3. Which industry experienced the largest percentage increase in revenue between years 3 and 4?

A. Agriculture

C. Construction

D. Finance and real estate

E. Manufacturing industry

4. Which industry experienced the smallest percentage change between years 1 and 4?

A. Agriculture

C. Construction

D. Manufacturing industry

E. Transport

5. Which industry experienced the least consistent revenue growth over the period shown in the table?

A. Agriculture

B. Construction

C. Finance and real estate

D. Manufacturing industry

E. Transport


Table 1 (repeated)

^ Revenue in Selected Industries (US$ billions)


1st year

2nd year

3rd year

4th year

5th year



















Finance and real estate






Manufacturing industry












6. If the trend in the transport industry continues, then its revenue for the 6th year is likely to be:

A. $42 billion

B. $44 billion

C. $46 billion

D. $48 billion

E. $50 billion

7. In which of the following cases did the first of the two industries listed in succession have an income approximately equal to half the income of the second?

A. Agriculture; finance and real estate

B. Communication; Agriculture

C. Construction; finance and real estate

D. Finance and real estate; manufacturing industry

E. Transport; connection

8. In how many cases did any industry make a profit of 10 percent or more compared to the previous year mentioned in the table?

9. The industry with the strongest income growth during this period was:

A. Communication

B. Construction

C. Finance and real estate

D. Manufacturing industry

E. Transport

10. In which of the following groups did all three industries increase their income by nearly one-third between years 1 and 3?

A. Agriculture; connection; transport

B. Agriculture; connection; construction

C. Communication; construction; transport

D. Construction; finance and real estate; transport

E. Communication; construction; finance and real estate

11. Which of the industries experienced the smallest percentage change between years 1 and 4?

A. Agriculture

C. Construction

D. Manufacturing industry

E. Transport

12. Of the following industries, the largest increase in income in percentage terms was observed in

A. Agriculture in the period
3rd to 4th year

C. Ties in years 2 to 3

C. Construction in the period from the 1st to the 2nd year

D. Finance and real estate in the period from the 4th to the 5th year

E. Manufacturing industry from 3rd to 4th year

^ Go to the next page

Read the text on this page and answer the questions on the next page. When answering the questions, you can read any fragment of the present text again.

1 Human Resources should

2 consider yourself first

3 as a study group. I have

4 in mind research, which is to develop new

5 Human Resources Practices, Under Review

6 common rules.

7 This is a collection of facts and

8 forecasting the possible development of events.

9 This means analyzing your work and

10 find new ways to do it

11 fulfillment

12 Second, Human Resources

13 must arm yourself with knowledge

14 and experience that

16 on personnel policy and, in the event

17 necessary, pay attention to management

18 what are the implications for the relationship between

19 team members may have alleged

21 Third, HR staff should

22 work closely with middle management

24 Techniques to Help Mid-Level Leaders

25 do your duty

26 on the regulation of relations between members

28 will allow middle management to take advantage of

29 experience and qualifications of employees

30 HR department without losing

31 essential everyday contacts that

32 they must support with their subordinates.

33 Finally, Human Resources

34 must carry out an audit

35 or inspection function. Is it right

36 personnel policy is carried out and

37 programs? Are there

38 problems that cause a need

39 changes? Do they reach

40 programs for the purpose for which

41 were they developed?

42 Is it necessary to make changes,

43 to make them more efficient? Here are just a few of the important

44 questions that can be answered

45 in the exercise of the audit function.

13. Which two functions of the personnel department described in the text have the most in common with each other?

B. Research and revision

D. Regulatory and revision

E. Research and regulatory

14. "They" in line 32 obviously refers to

A. "Human Resources" on line 12

B. "Senior management" on line 15

D. "Human Resources" on lines 29-30

E. "Middle management" on line 28

15. The questions posed in the last paragraph should be answered mainly by

A. Forecasting the possible development of events

B. Maintain effective communication with team members

C. Conducting a critical appraisal

D. Good faith policy

E. Developing a flexible approach

A. It is necessary to collect facts and predict the development of events

C. It is necessary for the development and presentation of recommendations to senior management

D. It is important to understand that policies and programs are being implemented properly.

17. In line 27, the function of the sentence beginning "Such recommendations..." is to

A. Give a rationale

B. Emphasize the essence

C. Point out the analogy

D. Add details

E. Provide evidence

A. Forecasting future needs

B. Finding new and more effective methods for solving personnel issues

D. Maintain day-to-day contact with team members working in mid-level divisions

E. Finding new ways to improve productivity

19. The main idea of ​​the first paragraph is that HR employees should

A. Analyze your work and achieve its maximum efficiency

C. Define and follow guidelines in your work

C. Work on facts, not on intuition

D. Review generally accepted human resources practices and policies

E. Focus on predicting future developments

^ Go to the next page

20. The selling price of a box of soap is $10. During the sale, the price was reduced by 10%. The sale price of soap was 20% higher than the cost of a box of soap. What is the cost of a box of soap?

A. $9

B. $8

C. US$7.5

D. US$7

E. US $6.5

21. The drawing on the page was reduced to 60% on the copier, in turn, this copy was reduced by 20%. What percentage of the size of the original was the final copy?

22. In one department, 15% of women and 25% of men work on a project. 60% of the department's staff are women. What percentage of the department's employees are working on the project?

E. There is not enough information available to answer this question.

23. The total cost of repairing a car for 5 items was 375 US dollars. Carburetor overhauls cost twice as much as adjustments, brake pad repairs cost a third of carburetor repairs, and wheel alignment and balancing, each individually, cost a third as much as adjustments. How much does an adjustment cost?

A. $30

B. $45

C. $65

D. $90

E. There is not enough information available to answer this question.

24. The composition of a certain drug includes liquids x, y and z in a ratio of 5:2:1. How many gallons of drug can be made from 25 gallons x, 20 gallons y and 8 gallons z?

25. `Sales of products costing 60 cents per unit averaged 1.2 million units per month. After the product quality improved, its sales increased to an average of 2 million units per month. At the same time, the unit cost of new products increased by 5%. If the manufacturer's selling price in each case was 75 cents per unit, what is the manufacturer's added monthly profit for the improved product?

A. $20,000

B. $60,000

C. $200k

D. 240 thousand USD

E. There is not enough information available to answer this question.

“Purpose The following exercises will help you understand how to answer the questions on the skill test ...”



The suggested exercises will help you understand how to answer the questions.

solution test. With these exercises you:

1. Get acquainted with the main features of this test.

3. Practice answering questions similar to those you might encounter on the test itself.

Features of the test for quick thinking The test includes three types of questions that require critical thinking and analytical skills:

Number of questions Comprehension questions for data presented in tables or 23 diagrams Written text comprehension questions 16 Solving math problems 11 Total 50 You have 65 minutes to answer 50 questions. You are allowed to use a calculator, although this is not required. You should write in pencil so that you can easily erase the wrong answer.

Each question has 5 possible answers, from which you have to choose the correct one.

You do not need detailed answers. Simply mark ONE of the five answers, which are labeled A, B, C, D, E.

During the test itself, you will mark your answers on a special answer sheet, which is distributed separately from the list of questions.

If you check more than one answer to a question, your answer WILL NOT be considered correct.

If you decide to change the answer, then you need to delete its first option or select it additionally so that it does not happen that you mark two or more answer options at the same time.

Scoring Each correct answer adds one point to your total. If you mark an incorrect answer, points will NOT be deducted from the total.

How to Achieve Your Best Results Recent research has shown that following the rules below will increase your score on the Solution Test.

Once you understand these rules, you will understand what you need to do and what you should avoid when answering test questions.

Rules to follow in order to achieve the best result when solving a test for the ability to find a solution:

Be clear about the nature of the question before reading the suggested answers.

Work as quickly as possible, while acting confidently and clearly: do not waste time on a question that you do not understand the essence of.

Immediately discard the answers that you think are obviously wrong and choose an answer from the remaining options.

Check one answer for each question, even if you have to guess the correct answer.

At the end of the test, use the remaining time to check your answers.

What not to do when answering the questions of the test for the ability to find a solution:

Read the entire test slowly and carefully before starting work.

Spend time reviewing already marked answers until you answer all the questions.

Waste time thinking about an answer that is not one of the suggested answers.

–  –  –

As an exercise, you will be asked 25 questions to answer in 30 minutes. Try to score as many points as possible and save time by using the skip question or guessing the correct answer method.

At the bottom of this page, in the spaces provided, write down the time you started work.

When you're done, write down the time you completed the job and determine how much time it took you in total. This will give you an idea of ​​whether you are working as fast as required to pass the test.

–  –  –

Closing time: ______________________________________

Total elapsed time: ______________________________________

–  –  –

Read the text on this page and answer the questions on the next page.

When answering the questions, you can read any fragment of the present text again.

1 Human Resources should 2 consider itself 3 primarily as a research group. I mean 4 research, which consists in the development of new 5 methods of working with personnel, in the revision of 6 generally accepted rules.

7 This is a collection of facts and 8 forecasting the possible development of events.

9 It means analyzing your work and 10 finding new ways to do it 11 12 Secondly, the human resources department 13 must be armed with knowledge 14 and experience that 15 allows it to make recommendations to senior management 16 on personnel policy and, if necessary, 17 to draw the attention of management 18 to what consequences for the relationship between 19 team members the proposed 20 activities may have.

21 Third, human resources personnel should 22 work closely with middle management 23 to develop recommendations and 24 methods that will help middle managers 25 carry out their duties 26 in managing relationships among team members 27 . Such recommendations 28 will allow middle management to take advantage of 29 the experience and qualifications of 30 personnel department employees, without losing 31 the necessary day-to-day contact that 32 they must maintain with their subordinates.

33 Finally, the personnel department 34 must perform an audit 35 or inspection function. Are the 36 personnel policy being carried out correctly and 37 programs being implemented? Are there 38 problems that necessitate 39 changes? Do 40 programs achieve the purpose for which 41 they were designed?

42 Do changes need to be made 43 to make them more effective? These are just some of the important 44 questions that can be answered 45 in the audit function.

–  –  –

After you have answered all the questions on the test, you can check your answers against the correct answers on the next page.

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PST is a standard tool used in the selection process for over 60 years, and its effectiveness has been confirmed by numerous studies. The test assesses analytical skills and the ability to quickly and correctly solve professional problems. In 65 minutes, the candidate is asked to complete 50 tasks in Russian, choosing the correct answer from 5 offered. The test consists of mathematical problems, tasks for the interpretation of data from tables and graphs, and for understanding the text.

Training exercises to prepare for the test

on efficiency of thinking 38


The suggested exercises will help you understand how to answer the questions on the solution test. With these exercises you:

1. Get acquainted with the main features of this test.

3. Practice answering questions similar to those you might encounter on the test itself.

Features of the test for efficiency of thinking

The test includes three types of questions that require critical thinking and analytical skills:

Number of questions

Questions to understand the data presented in tables or charts

Written text comprehension questions

Solving mathematical problems

Total 50

You have 65 minutes to answer 50 questions. You are allowed to use a calculator, although this is not required. You should write in pencil so that you can easily erase the wrong answer.

Each question has 5 possible answers, from which you have to choose the correct one. You do not need detailed answers. Simply mark ONE of the five answers, which are labeled A, B, C, D, E.

During the test itself, you will mark your answers on a special answer sheet, which is distributed separately from the list of questions.

If you check more than one answer to a question, your answer WILL NOT be considered correct.

If you decide to change the answer, then you need to delete its first option or select it additionally so that it does not happen that you mark two or more answer options at the same time.


Each correct answer adds one point to your total. If you mark an incorrect answer, points will NOT be deducted from the total.

How to get the best results

Recent research has shown that following the rules below will increase your score on the solution test. Once you understand these rules, you will understand what you need to do and what you should avoid when answering test questions.

The rules thatmust be respected to achieve the best result when solving a test for the ability to find a solution:

    Be clear about the nature of the question before reading the suggested answers.

    Work as quickly as possible, while acting confidently and clearly: do not waste time on a question that you do not understand the essence of.

    Immediately discard the answers that you think are obviously wrong and choose an answer from the remaining options.

    Check one answer for each question, even if you have to guess the correct answer.

    At the end of the test, use the remaining time to check your answers.

What it does not follow do, answering the questions of the test for the ability to find a solution:

    Read the entire test slowly and carefully before starting work.

    Spend time reviewing already marked answers until you answer all the questions.

    Waste time thinking about an answer that is not one of the suggested answers.

Training Questions

The following is a sample question with the correct answer marked as such on the answer sheet:

sample question

1. The truck is moving at a speed
80 km/h. How far will he travel in 30 minutes?

E. None of the above answers are correct

Answer sheet

1. EMBED MSDraw \*mergeformat

Approximate explanation

30 minutes is half an hour, so a truck traveling at 80 km/h will travel 40 km in half an hour.

The correct answer (letter C) is shaded.

As an exercise, you will be asked 25 questions to answer in 30 minutes. Try to score as many points as possible and save time by using the skip question or guessing the correct answer method.

At the bottom of this page, in the spaces provided, write down the time you started work. When you're done, write down the time you completed the job and determine how much time it took you in total. This will give you an idea of ​​whether you are working as fast as required to pass the test.

Start time:

End time:

Total elapsed time:

Check to see if you've got 30 minutes.

Training Questions

Mark your answers on the attached ANSWER SHEET.

Table 1


1st year

2nd year

3rd year

4th year

5th year



Finance and real estate

Manufacturing industry


1. Which industry has experienced the largest growth in monetary revenue since
1st to 2nd year?

A. Agriculture

B. Construction

C. Finance and real estate

E. Transport

2. Which industry saw the least growth in value-for-money revenue from years 1 to 5?

A. Agriculture

B. Construction

C. Finance and real estate

D. Manufacturing industry

E. Transport

3. Which industry experienced the largest percentage increase in revenue between years 3 and 4?

A. Agriculture

C. Construction

D. Finance and real estate

E. Manufacturing industry

4. Which industry experienced the smallest percentage change between years 1 and 4?

A. Agriculture

C. Construction

D. Manufacturing industry

E. Transport

5. Which industry experienced the least consistent revenue growth over the period shown in the table?

A. Agriculture

B. Construction

C. Finance and real estate

D. Manufacturing industry

E. Transport

Table 1 (repeated)

Revenue in Selected Industries (US$ billions)


1st year

2nd year

3rd year

4th year

5th year



Finance and real estate

Manufacturing industry


6. If the trend in the transport industry continues, then its revenue for the 6th year is likely to be:

A. $42 billion

B. $44 billion

C. $46 billion

D. $48 billion

E. $50 billion

7. In which of the following cases did the first of the two industries listed in succession have an income equal to half the income of the second?

A. Agriculture; finance and real estate

B. Communication; Agriculture

C. Construction; finance and real estate

D. Finance and real estate; manufacturing industry

E. Transport; connection

8. In how many cases did any industry make a profit of 10 percent or more compared to the previous year mentioned in the table?

9. The industry with the strongest income growth during this period was:

B. Construction

C. Finance and real estate

D. Manufacturing industry

E. Transport

10. In which of the following groups did all three industries increase their income by nearly one-third between years 1 and 3?

A. Agriculture; connection; transport

B. Agriculture; connection; construction

C. Communication; construction; transport

D. Construction; finance and real estate; transport

E. Communication; construction; finance and real estate

11. Which of the industries experienced the smallest percentage change between years 1 and 4?

A. Agriculture

C. Construction

D. Manufacturing industry

E. Transport

12. Of the following industries, the largest increase in income in percentage terms was observed in

A. Agriculture in the period
3rd to 4th year

C. Ties in years 2 to 3

C. Construction in the period from the 1st to the 2nd year

D. Finance and real estate in the period from the 4th to the 5th year

E. Manufacturing industry from 3rd to 4th year

Go to the next page

Read the text on this page and answer the questions on the next page. When answering the questions, you can read any fragment of the present text again.

1 Human Resources should

2 consider yourself first

3 as a study group. I have

4 in mind research, which is to develop new

5 Human Resources Practices, Under Review

6 common rules.

7 This is a collection of facts and

8 forecasting the possible development of events.

9 This means analyzing your work and

10 find new ways to do it

11 fulfillment

12 Second, Human Resources

13 must arm yourself with knowledge

14 and experience that

16 on personnel policy and, in the event

17 necessary, pay attention to management

18 what are the implications for the relationship between

19 team members may have alleged

21 Third, HR staff should

22 work closely with middle management

24 Techniques to Help Mid-Level Leaders

25 do your duty

26 on the regulation of relations between members

28 will allow middle management to take advantage of

29 experience and qualifications of employees

30 HR department without losing

31 essential everyday contacts that

32 they must support with their subordinates.

33 Finally, Human Resources

34 must carry out an audit

35 or inspection function. Is it right

36 personnel policy is carried out and

37 programs? Are there

38 problems that cause a need

39 changes? Do they reach

40 programs for the purpose for which

41 were they developed?

42 Is it necessary to make changes,

43 to make them more efficient? Here are just a few of the important

44 questions that can be answered

45 in the exercise of the audit function.

13. Which two functions of the personnel department described in the text have the most in common with each other?

B. Research and revision

D. Regulatory and revision

E. Research and regulatory

14. "They" in line 32 obviously refers to

A. "Human Resources" on line 12

B. "Senior management" on line 15

D. "Human Resources" on lines 29-30

E. "Middle management" on line 28

15. The questions posed in the last paragraph should be answered mainly by

A. Forecasting the possible development of events

B. Maintain effective communication with team members

C. Conducting a critical appraisal

D. Good faith policy

E. Developing a flexible approach

A. It is necessary to collect facts and predict the development of events

C. It is necessary for the development and presentation of recommendations to senior management

D. It is important to understand that policies and programs are being implemented properly.

17. In line 27, the function of the sentence beginning "Such recommendations..." is to

A. Give a rationale

B. Emphasize the essence

C. Point out the analogy

D. Add details

E. Provide evidence

A. Forecasting future needs

B. Finding new and more effective methods for solving personnel issues

D. Maintain day-to-day contact with team members working in mid-level divisions

E. Finding new ways to improve productivity

19. The main idea of ​​the first paragraph is that HR employees should

A. Analyze your work and achieve its maximum efficiency

C. Define and follow guidelines in your work

C. Work on facts, not on intuition

D. Review generally accepted human resources practices and policies

E. Focus on predicting future developments

Go to the next page

20. The selling price of a box of soap is $10. During the sale, the price was reduced by 10%. The sale price of soap was 20% higher than the cost of a box of soap. What is the cost of a box of soap?

A. $9

B. $8

C. US$7.5

D. US$7

E. US $6.5

21. The drawing on the page was reduced by 60% on the copier, in turn, this copy was reduced by 20%. What percentage of the size of the original was the final copy?

22. In one department, 15% of women and 25% of men work on a project. 60% of the department's staff are women. What percentage of the department's employees are working on the project?

E. There is not enough information available to answer this question.

23. The total cost of repairing a car for 5 items was 375 US dollars. Carburetor overhauls cost twice as much as adjustments, brake pad repairs cost a third as much as carburetor repairs, and wheel alignment and wheel balancing, each individually, cost a third more than adjustments. How much does an adjustment cost?

A. $30

B. $45

C. $65

D. $90

E. There is not enough information available to answer this question.

24. The composition of a certain drug includes liquids x, y and z in a ratio of 5:2:1. How many gallons of drug can be made from 25 gallons x, 20 gallons y and 8 gallons z?

25. `Sales of products costing 60 cents per unit averaged 1.2 million units per month. After the product quality improved, its sales increased to an average of 2 million units per month. At the same time, the unit cost of new products increased by 5%. If the manufacturer's selling price in each case was 75 cents per unit, what is the manufacturer's added monthly profit for the improved product?

A. $20,000

B. $60,000

C. $200k

D. 240 thousand USD

E. There is not enough information available to answer this question.

1 Strategy for modernizing the content of general education. M., 2001. S. 12-14

2 E. Dneprov: An attempt to revise the content of education was not completely successful. / UG No. 45 2002

3 The participants of the working group agreed to use the term “competence” for convenience, although this decision is conditional. Linguistics often uses the word "competence" rather than "competence" to refer to the same phenomenon.

4 Raven, 2002

5 Schlüsselqualificationen. Handlungs- und Methodenkompetenz, Personale und soziale Kompetenz. Verlag C.H. Beck München 2000 von Rudolf W. Lang. P.7.

6 Meerovich M. I., Shragina L. I. Technology of creative thinking: a practical guide. - Mn.: Harvest, M.: AST, 2000. p. 12.

7 Schlüsselqualificationen. Handlungs- und Methodenkompetenz, Personale und soziale Kompetenz. Verlag C.H. Beck München 2000 von Rudolf W. Lang. P. 7

8 Draft federal component of the state educational standard for general education. Part II. Senior school (first working version). / Ed. E.D. Dneprov and V.D. Shadrikov. Temporary research team "Educational Standard" of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation. - M., 2002. - 296 p.

9 The methodology for this analysis of the text of requirements for subjects is set out and substantiated in our work "Comparison of the contents of the list of REQUIREMENTS TO THE LEVEL OF TRAINING OF HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATES in the main subjects."

10 So, for example, the following assignment in biology clearly does not take into account the Russian student's own experience in the field of regional fauna and the need to balance the introduction of terms with the possibilities of their further application: “A 14. The great diversity of Galapagos finches is the result of: 1) aromorphosis; 2) degeneration; 3) idioadaptation; 4) biological regression”.

11 National Training Foundation. Innovative project for the development of education Component "Educational book publishing". Technical task.

12 Stated according to: D. Raven. "Competence in modern society, identification, development and implementation". M., 2002.

13 Raven, p. 154

14 Raven, 210

15 Group projects

A project (from the Latin projectus = pushed forward) is a realistic idea of ​​a desired future. From capricious desire, empty dreams, unrealizable dreams and groundless fantasies (today they are ironically called "projects" or "projecting"), the design concept differs in that it contains a rational justification and a specific method (technology) of its practical feasibility. In other words, the design concept tells us what and how to do to implement it, or bring it to life. That is, to obtain, manufacture, create, build, or design what we need and what we do not yet have, but we can have if we apply the proper mental, physical and / or political efforts to it.

Designing is the process of developing such an idea and fixing it in some outwardly expressed symbolic form - alphanumeric text, graphic image, three-dimensional layout, operating model, etc.

There are three main stages, or phases, in the design process. On the first one, an initially fruitful hypothetical idea is put forward, a meaningful core, an embryo of meaning capable of further growth and development. On the middle one, from an initially vague and undifferentiated idea, a gradually more complex project image emerges, a certain morphology arises - a detailed picture, a multifaceted panorama, clearly conceivable scenes desired future. The subject of such an anticipatory figurative representation can be anything - some hitherto unknown product, complex of products or order of things; new network of connections, organizational structure and system of relations; a new state of affairs or a naturally controlled course of events. The final phase of the design is the preparation of design and technological documentation. It describes in detail all those operations and procedures that need to be performed with certain tools on certain materials in order to realize the design concept, translate it into reality and thereby translate the image of what we want from the possible future into the actual present.

As long as the project is not implemented, it is permissible to review and recheck it many times in order to detect, correct and minimize the oversights, miscalculations and errors that inevitably creep into any human undertakings. After the project is implemented, correcting such errors, sometimes extremely dangerous ones, may turn out to be too difficult and time-consuming, long, expensive, or even completely unfeasible.

16 Klarin M. Pedagogical technologies and innovative trends in modern education (foreign experience) / Innovative movement in Russian school education. - M., 1997

17 Portfolio: A file or folder for collecting and organizing evidence of your accomplishments for evaluation. The portfolio should include a table of contents indicating the pages on which you can find confirmations for each part of the section. It may be in the form of an electronic document or a paper copy.

Here is the description given in the Oxford Core Competence Development Program

“The candidate demonstrates the possession of competence (competence) by presenting evidence of possession of competencies in the form of a portfolio. Verifications can come from a variety of sources and take a variety of forms. Acknowledgments will be provided by the candidate, but an important role is for the inspector to monitor the candidate's performance and evaluate the conformity of the confirmations provided with the specifications.

Confirmations can be, for example:

    written evidence of how the candidate determined the cost of producing a good or service (for the Operations with Numbers section);

    a record of observing how the candidate contributes to the discussion (section Communication);

    printout of a document made using a text editor (section Information technology);

    records of the inspector regarding the participation of the candidate in the discussion of the work plan, when agreeing on goals, distributing responsibilities and drawing up working agreements (section Working with people);

    the official report of the candidate, reflecting, for example, the results of the completed Geography project at level A (section Communication, Operations with Numbers and Information Technology);

    an action plan and records of work done in the workplace as part of the NVQ section (for the Improving Learning Ability and Performance section).

The candidate may provide evidence for a portfolio of Core Competencies that were obtained through other qualifying assignments, such as GNVQs, GCE levels A/AS or NVQs. Core Competency endorsements need not be completed separately from endorsements for other qualifications. If the Core Competency Endorsement is obtained as part of other qualifications, then it must clearly comply with the requirements for Core Competency Endorsements and should be easily accessible for public examination (for a bachelor's degree).

In addition to a portfolio of endorsements for each section of the Core Competencies Communication, Numbers, Information Technology, candidates will be required to complete an External Evaluation Process (EPP).

18 See ANNEX 1 p.44 of this document for reasons for schematization.

19 This topic may be of some importance at further stages of work in connection with the study of the mechanisms of formation of motivation.

20 Based on the book Key Qualifications by R. Lang, which is a classic study on key competencies Rudolf W. Lang Schlüsselqualifikationen, Beck 2000

21 This is why problems cannot be translated as tasks. A problem is a task of a special kind, which, in relation to a normal task, also has additional features, for example, the presence of gaps.

22 Rudolf W.Lang Schlüsselqualificationen

23 By Hans Aebli Zwölf Grundformen des Lernens, Klett Cotta 2001

24 Gage/Berliner Pädagogische Psychologie, Belz 1986

25 The main group of teachers that keeps the school going.

26 Some emphasis on “everyday life” as a significant environment in which changes occur is based on the corresponding arguments and developments of the German pedagogical science (the so-called “turn to everyday life”, a departure from abstract, modeling thinking; the problem of “everyday life” is thematized in a phenomenological philosophy and pedagogy).

27 All these forms have already existed before in the practice of various alternative schools. They have been tested and described in the relevant, rather rich literature (in German). It is now a question of transferring these forms of work to the mass school in a somewhat modified form, adapted to the mass, state school. A special role in the reform is given to project-based learning.

28 In German, there is a distinction between lehren - to teach, teach and lernen - to learn. These two words are very close in sound and therefore often act as a spectacular pun. We translate lehren, that is, what the teacher does, as "teaching", and as lernen, i.e. what the student himself does who is learning as "teaching", although teaching (unterrichten) covers both. New forms of teaching just consist in the fact that students learn to a greater extent by themselves.

29 In German-language sources, QCs are also referred to as key qualifications. A key qualification, for example in the social field, consists of individual core competencies

30 A.A. Pinsky Materials of the report. INTRODUCTION TO MODERN SOCIAL PROBLEMS Department of Science and Education of the Administration of the Samara Region.

31 Chomsky, N. Aspekte der Syntax-Theorie, Frankfurt 1969

32 Jürgen Habermas Vorbereitende Bemerkungen zu einer Theorie der kommunikativen kompetenz. In Jürgen Habermas/Niklas Lühmann Theorie der Gesellschaft oder Sozialtechnologie – was leistet Systemforschung? (S. 102).

33 Ozhegov S.I. Sl. Russian lang. / Ed. 12 stereotype. – M.: Russian. yaz, 1978. - S. 265

36 The methodology for this analysis of the text of requirements for subjects is set out and substantiated in our work "Comparison of the contents of the list of REQUIREMENTS FOR THE LEVEL OF PREPARATION OF HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATES in the main subjects."

Dissertation abstract

A. A. Krylov, B. F. Lomov and others; systemic an approachhowway knowledge of phenomena and processes - R. Bellman, G. Dixon ... themselves the following: 1) competency-basedan approach is wayachievementsnewqualityeducation and determines the direction of change ...

  • Development of regional education


    ... « Achievementnewqualityeducation through the development of the information environment based on the use of the "MS SCHOOL" model competencean approachhowwayachievementsnewqualityeducation ...


    Research topic: thinking.
    Every person is familiar with this process firsthand, every day you have to plan something, make a decision and act on the basis of the plan and decision. And this process is so familiar that in itself does not cause a desire to explore it.

    But too much depends on our thinking, on controlling it, so it makes sense to consider it in more detail.

    At first glance, thinking is, as it were, a conversation with oneself ...

    The main idea of ​​Carol Dweck's highly popular book, The New Psychology of Success. Think and win” boils down to the fact that there are two types of thinking: the first makes a person degrade and blame everyone around him for his failures, while the second leads to an increase in personality and responsibility for one’s life.

    Today we will talk in detail about the first of them, because you need to know the enemy in person.

    Fixed-minded people believe that their abilities are "set in stone", that is, they cannot...

    Dough: rub a pack of margarine on a coarse grater and mix with three glasses of flour, then pour a glass of beer into it and knead the dough.

    The stuffing can be:
    1. Turn the boiled meat with fried onions in a meat grinder.

    2. Braised sauerkraut.
    3. Loose buckwheat porridge - it contains a lot of fresh chopped dill and pepper.

    Only not all together - but either one, or the other, or the third. In general, the filling is not sweet and it is better to be a little crumbly.

    Pies are molded - small and ...

    Men, as a rule, significantly outperform women in spatial thinking skills, in particular, in the ability to mentally rotate three-dimensional objects - this inequality is associated with the characteristics of one of the brain structures, scientists from the University of Iowa have established.

    Previously, it was known that the parietal lobes of the brain associated with spatial thinking in women are distinguished by a thicker layer of the cortex or "gray matter". But before, these features have never been associated with spatial skills ...

    Paradoxes of Lenin
    It is my deep conviction that the research article by Vyacheslav Kostikov “The Secret of the Kremlin Brains” is a unified tool for understanding many of the most intricate mysteries, the most terrible and black period of national history, the period of communist dictate.

    The master of Arguments and Facts, the most popular media holding in Russia and abroad, Vyacheslav Kostikov knows what to write about, knows what he writes. In this case, we have a complete intellectual...

    The Institute for Neurological Research at the Pitié-Salpêtrière Hospital in Paris is waiting not only for an experiment on the study of the subconscious, but also for the opportunity to earn extra money. “Most importantly, do not try to understand anything,” warns neurologist Matias Pessillone, “this is not necessary here.”

    There is nothing special to understand: it is only necessary, having looked at the flashing of an incomprehensible abracadabra on the screen, to make a decision - to press the button or not. Do not press - a safe option, obviously without any consequences. Press...

    Women and men do think differently, according to a study that found certain genetic differences in the structure of the brain of representatives of different sexes.

    Scientists have found hundreds of genes that turn on and off differently in the brains of men and women. This suggests that many of the behaviors that are considered characteristic of a particular sex are determined equally by nature and upbringing.

    According to experts, men and women are different ...

    The human brain, despite numerous studies, still keeps secrets about the principles of its activity and is a mystery that scientists around the world are struggling with.

    Mice help them with this. When studying the brain of mice.

    According to LiveScience, scientists from the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center have found that, contrary to previous beliefs that human brain memory functions due to the connection of a large number of brain cells ...

    Municipal budgetary educational institution of additional education for children "Children's and youth sports school No. 1" Methodological development: NON-TRADITIONAL METHODOLOGICAL APPROACHES IN TRAINING YOUNG HOCKEY PLAYERS. Artist: Lenchenkov V.A. ice hockey coach MBOU DOD "Youth Sports School No. 1" Believed by: Senior instructor-methodologist: Alekhina E.V. Read at the coaching council: "__" __________ 2013 With the assessment of ___________ Prokopyevsk, 2013 Content Introduction Chapter 1. Analysis of literature chapter 2. Tasks, methods and organization of research chapter 3. Research results and their discussion 1 Development of non -traditional approaches in training young hockey players aimed at developing game thinking 2 Experienced check of non -traditional APPROACHES TO THE TRAINING OF YOUNG HOCKEY PLAYERS 3 RESULTS OF THE PEDAGOGICAL EXPERIMENT CONCLUSIONS PRACTICAL RECOMMENDATIONS BIBLIOGRAPHY INTRODUCTION The main feature of modern hockey, due to an increase in speed, is an increase in the density of the game. Athletes are constantly in difficult game conditions, with a shortage of time to make and implement technical and tactical decisions and actions. The ability of a hockey player to timely and effectively solve game problems comes to the fore. Other things being equal, the greatest success in hockey is achieved by players who have a high level of development of operational thinking and technical skills, which allow them to quickly assess, analyze the game situation, make the only right decision and implement it. A higher level of development of these qualities makes it possible to anticipate the actions of partners, opponents and events on the site. It is these abilities that favorably distinguish the “players” on the hockey rink, and it is these abilities, according to the unanimous opinion of experts, that are the main prerequisites for educating great players. The relevance of this work is due to the importance of the modern moment. An analysis of the scientific and methodological literature showed that in the theory and practice of modern hockey there is no methodology for educating and developing operational thinking among hockey players. From this point of view, the relevance of the chosen direction of this work does not cause any doubt. The advantage in the Soviet school of hockey has always been the presence of bright and extraordinary hockey players in the national teams and club teams of different levels. Recently, these traditions have been largely lost, there are many reasons for this situation, but the main thing is that no special attention is paid to the development of operational thinking, one of the most important components of the game, while preparing a reserve for teams in our hockey, and the nature of the training process has become have the character of cyclical sports, without taking into account the complex and more rapid recent specifics of the game of hockey. CHAPTER 1. MODERN VIEWS ON THE PROBLEM OF OPERATIONAL THINKING IN PLAYING SPORTS hockey game thinking team The specificity of hockey is characterized by the fact that the struggle takes place in conditions of active resistance and constant change of situations. In this regard, for a successful game, the requirements for the operational thinking of athletes come to the fore. The conditions of a specific game situation, which are an external determinant of operational thinking, determines a set of operations or movements. Each situation contains information of one or another content and different volume. It has been established that the speed of human mental activity is inversely proportional to the amount of information (Hick's law). In addition to the perceived objects of the game situation, the determinant of operational thinking is the factor of conflict and the risk of the game situation. The less pronounced the conflict, for example, a game with a weak opponent or at a great distance from him, the less the risk of making a mistake, the more time is given to the player to make decisions and vice versa, the more acute the conflict, the less time for making decisions, the more deficit. (A.V. Rodionov). One of the main characteristics of operational thinking in team sports is a visual, figurative nature. In the process of solving problems, the athlete operates mainly directly perceived, rather than imaginary objects. The process of accepting game tasks is closely related to physical and functional actions, and not to abstract concepts. Another feature is that thinking is effective in nature and this is expressed by the fact that the athlete, using technical and tactical skills and abilities, implements his ideas in actions, and in fact immediately sees their results. (GM Gagayeva) A player's sports activity is characterized by interconnected mechanisms of operational thinking and sensorimotor response. Game activity takes place in conditions of an extreme time limit, when it is almost impossible to distinguish between the moments of reaction and decision-making. Such sensorimotor reactions as the reaction of choice, the reaction of probabilistic forecasting and the reaction of foresight are closely related to the characteristics of operational thinking. The next feature of operational thinking in sports is the connection with the athlete's emotional-volitional processes. Emotionality and tension are a prerequisite for the athlete's thinking process, he has to make decisions in situations of direct acute struggle with the enemy, strong emotional excitement, which can lead to an incorrect assessment of the game situation. The speed of thinking processes is its no less important feature, which is mainly characteristic of team sports. A.V. Rodionov believes that representatives of sports games have a significant advantage in this indicator compared to other sports (with the exception of martial arts). Especially the speed of decision-making is manifested in the following cases: A) when it is necessary to evaluate all the characteristics of the game situation; B) if it is necessary to take into account the likelihood of a change in the situation; C) in the case of a long decision-making process in emotionally intense situations. The representative of sports games is distinguished by the so-called "speed endurance" in operational thinking, which consists in continuous and frequent decision-making for a long time. They also have an advantage in terms of the speed of operational thinking in terms of choosing one option out of several possible ones, which is quite explicable in the presence of more decision options in sports games than in other types. The following most significant features of mental operations in sports games are distinguished: activity under the conditions of an extreme time limit; the continuous nature of the decision-making process; perception of a large number of elements of the situation; "panoramic" orientation over the entire field of view, where the athlete logically connects situations that are little similar in appearance; the need to choose a solution from several options that are fairly close to each other; the ability to make a “jump” through intermediate and insignificant options when solving problems, the ability to immediately see the final solutions; retention in memory of a large number of elements of tactical and technical tasks; changing the plan for solving problems directly in the course of their implementation; implementation of operational activities with a large number of confounding factors. (A.I. Klimenko). In studies devoted to the study of individual properties of operational thinking, in particular, the speed and accuracy of solving game problems, the following patterns were revealed: the accuracy of solving tactical and technical problems depends on the skill level of athletes; highly qualified athletes are characterized by the least variable indicators of operational thinking, they have a tendency to reduce the time for solving the most complex problems; young athletes are characterized by an increase in the time for solving game problems with an increase in their complexity; Malinovsky S.V. describes the structure of mental activity in sports games as follows: A) solution through a certain "blank" (standard solution path) B) solving complex game problems on the principle of heuristic activity. Athletes with little gaming experience, the same author believes, lack any consistency with the intended situation, they can repeatedly return to an already “lost” interaction without switching to a more optimal one. The scheme of the situation is assessed at random and solutions are hurriedly chosen without looking at all the options. An experienced athlete tries to “see” the whole situation and, although they usually have the optimal solution right away, they finally accept it, only rejecting the rest. (S.V. Malinovsky). A number of authors (D.N. Zavalishina, V.N. Pushkin, 1964) conducted research on the study of the mechanisms of operational thinking. The results of three series of experiments out of 500 experiments were the following conclusions: . The solution of operational problems is the process of establishing links between elements due to the identification of their properties in the course of movement, which changes their characteristics. . The result of this process is the creation of a dynamic structure of conditions that determines further actions to transform the situation. . An essential role in solving problems is played by the method of presenting the conditions of problems. Perception of information and timeliness of response dominate in simple game situations, and in complex situations, the speed of intellectual operations comes to the fore. Moreover, in the tactical actions of athletes, operations are merged as a result of operational thinking and operations, as a result of sensorimotor response. As the highest manifestation of the processes of operational thinking, one should consider the ability of athletes to game foresight, anticipation of game situations. In the training of game players, it is assumed that there are three groups of athletes with different levels of operational thinking and foresight (A.V. Rodionov). . Athletes who do not have any foresight program. (In working with them, it is recommended to use a large number of exercises with game episodes, with a different numerical ratio of attackers and defenders. The coach deliberately limits the possibility of making standard decisions.). Athletes who take the situation seriously. Usually these are unbalanced athletes. (In training for them, one should deliberately not make decisions in advance, but act strictly according to the situation, deliberately changing ready-made decisions.). Athletes with a more flexible prediction program. These are people with a balanced and mobile nervous system, a favorable type for the game, however, they are often inferior to athletes from the 2nd group, because they often hesitate in making decisions. (Athletes of this group need to take risks in training, make decisive decisions. All this will help develop a game line of behavior for each player.) (A.V. Rodionov, M.V. Bril) The ability to predict events is an essential factor, in many ways which determines the behavior of an athlete in a game where the conditions are not stationary, and information about them largely depends on the decision made by the individual based on the analysis of the statistical structure of the situation. Success depends on an accurate probabilistic forecast, understood in modern psychology as the attraction of past experience for anticipatory preparation for the most probable reactions under conditions of uncertainty. In this regard, intuitive foresight should be considered as a mechanism for reaction and response to a foreseen situation. (A.V. Rodionov, K.L. Babayan) An analysis of the scientific literature on this issue showed that in hockey, only once, researchers turned to the problem of game thinking. B.A. Mayorov 1981 in his work indicates a direct connection between the level of development of thought processes and tactical skill. The author examines the issues of tactical thinking in the context of game relationships among highly qualified hockey players. Summarizing the literature review, it can be noted that: . Methods and means for the development of operational thinking have not been sufficiently developed. . There is no methodology for testing the level of development of operational thinking in beginner hockey players. . There are uncertain ways to improve the efficiency of hockey players' gaming activities, taking into account an individual approach to the level of development of operational thinking. CHAPTER 2. TASKS, METHODS, ORGANIZATION OF THE RESEARCH The following tasks were set in the study: . To develop a methodology for the development of operational thinking among young hockey players. . Develop a methodology for testing and pedagogical observations for diagnosing the level of development of game thinking. . Check the methodology for developing game thinking among young hockey players in a pedagogical experiment. . To develop proposals for using the method of developing game thinking in work with young hockey players. . Method of pedagogical observation: observation of training activity; observation of competitive activity. . Test method: laboratory testing by cards; laboratory testing on a special layout. . Method of summarizing the experience of training young hockey players; bibliographic search, collection and systematization of material; documentation analysis; file on the topic; conversations with coaches, athletes, experts. . Pedagogical experiment method The study was conducted from July 2011 to April 2013. The study involved a team of 10-12 year old boys "Shakhtar-2001" Prokopievsk in the amount of 23 people. The survey of competitive activity was carried out in games for the championship of Russia. 42 matches were examined. CHAPTER 3. RESULTS OF THE RESEARCH AND THEIR DISCUSSION 3.1 Development of non-traditional approaches in training young hockey players aimed at developing game thinking In the course of the study, one of the main tasks was the development and experimental examination of the methodology for educating and developing game thinking in young hockey players. The methodology was the result of summarizing the experience of leading specialists in the preparation of the reserve in hockey and putting into practice new ideas and ideas about the system of training in hockey. All this is reflected in special methodological techniques and means that are different from the traditional ones in their focus on the constant formation of game thinking. It should be noted that the training sessions, in which funds were used to develop operational thinking, as a rule, proceeded with a high emotional background, aroused great interest among young hockey players, forced them to do all the exercises in the maximum mode and with full dedication, to make non-standard decisions. A special place in our methodology is occupied by the preparatory period, where our task was to find new approaches to general physical training. The main essence of the methodology lies in the use of original methodological techniques associated with conducting special training tasks aimed at developing operational thinking, creativity and initiative of young hockey players, making quick, non-standard decisions in complex, rapidly changing game situations. As an example, we can cite variants of methodological approaches and their implementation in specific exercises by type of training: speed training speed-strength training endurance strength agility tactical training SPEED TRAINING Methodological technique Implementation Introduction of unusual starting positions. competitive method. Introduction of various variants of the "START" command. Changing spatial boundaries. Variation of conditions during the exercise. Change in speed and pace of movement. Starts; standing with your back to the direction of movement, sitting, lying, after imitation of skating, jumping, push-ups, turning, turning by jumping. in pairs; catch up with a partner at the start, a distance of 3 steps. Various starting positions. Who is ahead from different starts; somersault with the back facing - martial arts turns - start, holding hands Sound: - with a voice (for a certain word) with a whistle (for a certain signal, a certain beginning) - with a clap - "to start, attention" "third" Visual: - start by a certain movement of the coach's hand - start on the ball released from the hands of the coach - start with a clap after turning on the palms of a partner Running in pairs along a certain route. "trail" with changing conditions at the command of the coach, whistle (stops, turns, turns, running in the opposite direction, etc.) of the relay. On command: - acceleration - increase in the frequency of steps - change of rhythm. SPEED - STRENGTH TRAINING Methodological technique Implementation Directed variation of external conditions and weights. Changing the speed and pace of movements. "Mirror" performance of exercises - jumping over benches of different heights, jumping over benches at different distances from each other - jumping over benches uphill and downhill - jumping forward (with turns, the same on one leg, back forward, the same on one leg, the same with moving from side to side) - weighted washers, stuffed balls, belts, expanders. - performance of tasks with interference of a partner. On command in exercises with: - stuffed balls jumping - jumping out In exercises with a change in the direction of movement, jumping, jumping ENDURANCE Methodological technique Implementation Changing the speed and pace of movement. Introduction of additional difficulties and irritants. In cross-country: - acceleration - slow running change of pace on command. Cross with ball passes (in pairs, in triples with two balls) Cross with uphill and downhill movements, cross-country running. Running with changes in the way of movement: - backwards - jumps - turns - right, left side. POWER Methodical technique Implementation Changing the speed and pace of movements. Variation of combinations of exercises. Directed variation of external weights. Introduction of additional stimuli. On command in work with stuffed balls and crowbars. With stuffed balls, crowbars: - in motion - in motion in a squat and semi-squat - with turns - with inclinations - with jumps on one leg - the same with moving forward Performing exercises with different weight shells and partners. Changing the movement structure at the coach's signal, answering the coach's non-essential questions, solving riddles. dexterity Methodological technique Implementation Introduction of unusual starting positions. Introduction of additional stimuli. Variation of the conditions for completing tasks. "Mirror" exercise. - somersault on a certain command during the execution of the movement, after jumps, after jumping out, during the execution of outdoor switchgear, during the performance of martial arts, after emission. - jumps with turns in motion by 180 and 360 degrees, jumps to the side with subsequent acceleration. starts from various positions with complication by somersaults, rolls, jumps with turns. Use in relay races: - acrobatic elements - two or more balls - jump ropes - benches of gymnastic mats For a specific team in relay races: - change of direction of movement - change of ways of dribbling - performance of a certain acrobatic technique. In twos and threes with movement around the court. complication: the same with balls TACTICAL PREPARATION Methodological technique Implementation Introduction of additional stimuli. Change in the course of the game conditions or rules. Variations in tactical formations. Change the speed and pace of the game. Change Two-ball game; game with two balls in three goals; simultaneous game with two balls in soccer handball and basketball. A game with more complicated rules: - with offside rules - with the condition to count a goal when the team has moved to the middle of the opponent's field - with the condition to count a goal if the team has two balls at once. Playing handball or basketball on the court with gymnastic benches placed on it. Playing football, holding hands in pairs. A game of dressing up in t-shirts of different colors during the break. Ball holding game. By whistle or other command - spatial boundaries. changing goals - playing with hands and feet - introducing offside rules By whistle or another command, active tackle - positional attack - counterattack, etc. On command: - increasing the speed of transfers - organizing a quick attack - slow drawing fast movements and openings Entering the zone along a limited corridor. Condition: score goals only from the goalkeeper area or vice versa (handball court). Various versions of the "square" Training sessions, conducted using non-standard methods and means, as a rule, were distinguished by high efficiency and a good level of general and motor density. As an example, we can cite the training of the general preparatory stage, in which the tasks of technical-tactical and speed-strength training were comprehensively solved. The team is divided into four groups of five people, goalkeepers work with tennis balls, speed-strength tasks are performed in turn with one of the fives. The work is organized as follows: three fives play football in three goals with two balls, goals conceded into their own net are counted for the period, 2 points for the least conceded, 1 point for the second result, 0 for the loser. After 10 minutes, change gates. One of the fives goes to speed-strength work: jumping over uneven benches 15 pcs. (20 - 45 cm), lined up at different distances from each other (40 - 90 cm), work 8 - 10 seconds, rest 2 minutes, 6 series. The team conducts 2 circles of jumps and 6 periods of the game or 3 + 9, respectively, depending on the stage of preparation, per training session. In total, at the general preparatory stage, the content of special tools aimed at developing operational thinking in general physical education is 50.7% of the total volume. The same ratio applies to the structure of the microcycle, and the use of non-traditional methods and tasks by type of training in general physical training is as follows: (of the total volume by type): in speed training - 38% in speed-strength training - 49% for agility and flexibility - 61 % for endurance - 8% in strength training - 29% in FCMC - 75% The use of this methodology, in our opinion, allowed us to increase the level of development of operational thinking among young hockey players, which was reflected in the results of testing our methodology. 3.2 Experimental verification of non-traditional, methodical approaches in the training of young hockey players As a result of our research, an experimental training program for young hockey players was developed. Our task was not to oppose this program to the traditional methods and means of educating the reserve in hockey, we tried to use our methodology by including in the training, along with the generally accepted tasks, exercises that develop the game thinking of the players. The main methods in this case were: the game method and the method of conjugated influence. When developing the experimental program, we analyzed the dynamics of the main types of training in the annual cycle (Table No. 1), and then, based on the generalization of personal experience, determined the following volume and percentage of tasks related to the development of operational thinking (Table No. 2) in the annual cycle through stages. Considering the dynamics of volumes and the percentage of tasks for operational thinking (total - 212 hours), (table No. 2 and Fig. No. 1), it can be seen that the largest volume falls on 1 competitive and 2 competitive stages, respectively, 64.5 hours. (30.4%) and 47.5 hours (22.4%) of the total volume of tasks for operational thinking, the same indicators at the general preparatory stage, amounted to 29. 5 o'clock (13.9%), at special training - 33 hours. (15.5%), in the intermediate - 9.5 hours. (4.5%) and on transition - 28 hours. (13.2%). This ratio, in our opinion, is associated with the specifics of each stage separately, but in general corresponds to the tasks of the entire training in the annual cycle. An analysis of the dynamics of the volume of tasks for operational thinking by types of training makes it possible to identify that the largest volume of experimental tasks for physical training falls on the general preparatory stage - 17 hours. (50.7%), special preparatory - 6 hours. (19.4%). Total - 33.5 hours. Or 15.8% of the total. Fig No. 1 Fig No. 2 Fig No. 3 In terms of technical training, the highest volume of special tasks at the special preparatory stage is 18.5 hours, (27%), at the first and second competitive stages, respectively - 18 hours, (26.3%) and 13 hours, (19%), at the transitional stage - 13.5 hours, (19.7%), at the intermediate stage - 4.5 hours, (6.6%), at the general preparatory stage - 1 hour, (1.5%). In total, tasks for technical training for operational thinking amounted to 68.5 hours, or 32.3% of the total. From fig. No. 2 shows that the largest volume of tasks for operational thinking falls on tactical training - 110 hours, or 51.9% of the total. This is apparently explained by the fact that in tactical exercises, the player's ability to quickly assess the situation and make effective decisions is of particular importance. The share of special tasks in tactics was: at the first and second competitive stages 45 hours, (40.9%) and 33 hours, (30%), respectively, at the general preparatory stage - 11.5 hours, (10.5%), at the special preparatory stage - 8.5 hours, (7.7 %), intermediate - 4 hours (3.6%) and transitional - 8 hours (7.3%). It should be noted that such a ratio of the volume of tasks for the development of operational thinking in our study was in harmony with the dynamics of the total volume of loads and corresponded to the principles of sports training. To assess the operational abilities of young hockey players, a parallel comparison of the results of a laboratory experiment and registration of the competitive activity of athletes was used. In the first case, two tests were used. One of the test methods was developed by V.P. Pushkin. According to the number of elements of the task, the game is called "Three" and is a modified version of the game "Fifteen", where the area is limited to five fields and three chips (Fig. No. 4. The number of moves spent on placing the chips in order and the time for solving problems of varying degrees of complexity are fixed - from “three-move” to problems of 8-10 moves. Athletes usually spend about 7 seconds to solve the first problem. (the optimal number of moves is 7), to solve the second problem - 11 seconds. (number of moves - 10), to solve the third problem - 4 sec. (number of moves - 6). In the course of the study, a comparative analysis of the results of this laboratory test was carried out at various stages of training in the annual cycle of young hockey players. The test results give grounds to believe that the use of special tools and methodological techniques in the training of young athletes had a positive effect on the level of development of operational thinking. It is also necessary to note the increase in the results of solving problems, which apparently was the result of a targeted impact on the ability of young hockey players to make decisions quickly. The number of moves decreased on average for the group from 11.85 to 10.69; time from 12.16 to 10.74. The second laboratory test was used to assess the operational thinking of young hockey players in conditions close to the game (Fig. No. 5). On the layout, which was an octahedron, an image of one of eight game situations appeared. For example, one of the tasks, the player is located in front of the gate with the puck, one of three decisions must be made; throw on goal, pass to a partner, beat the goalkeeper. The decision-making time and its correctness are estimated. The stopwatch automatically turns on when a situation appears and turns off, fixing the time for solving the problem, as soon as the player presses one of the buttons with the number of the solution option. The athlete is offered eight game situations where tasks can be solved: taking the gate of the entrance to the zone of the beginning of the attack, opening the guardianship selection two one one two, etc. Test tasks for operational thinking variant 3 1 2 1 3 variant 2 3 variant 3 2 1 2 3 Solution 1 Model of a laboratory test for assessing operational thinking in hockey 1st variant - throw on goal variant - passing to a partner assess the ability of hockey players to think quickly, but also allows you to develop the skills of players to make quick and effective decisions in various game situations. The dynamics of the results of this test at various stages of training of young hockey players indicates an increase in the indicator of decision-making time and decision efficiency in the preparatory period from 1.78 points and 2.19 seconds in the competitive period to 2.57 points and 1.64 seconds on average for the group. Table No. 1. Results of solving the test problem at the OPE and in the competitive periods. No. surname Test indicators Number of moves Solution time (sec) 18. 07.10. 12/22/10. 07/18/10. 12/22/10. 1 Skripnik 13 10 12.7 9.2 2 Trufakin 10 9 11.9 10.7 3 Tobolov 11 10 8.6 8.3 4 Petrov 12 12 13.1 11.8 5 Dudchenko 10 10 10 10.6 6 Charcot 9 9 7.9 7.8 7 Kuznetsov 13 11 9.9 8.8 8 Burachuk 12 11 10.4 9.3 9 Kutkin 11 10 11.5 10.6 10 Shengel 11 9 12.6 11.6 11 Kachkin 10 10 11.3 10.3 12 Stepli 12 11 13.1 12.7 13 Nedoshinvin 13 11 13.4 10.9 14 Khabarov 12 12.8 11.8 15 Bozhenenov 14 12 13.7 12.0 16 Zhiganov 12 11 13.9 11.4 17 Abzilov 11 10 10 10 10 8.9 7.6 18 Sosnin 13 11 12.9 11.2 19 Fedotov 14 12 14.1 13.3 20 Gavrilov 14 13 14.8 13.7 21 Khisamov 12 11 12.9 11.4 22 Dolmatov 13 10 13.1 12.2 1 Petrov 1.13 23 arithmetic by group Wed. squared deviation X 11.95 10.69 1.14 0.91 12.16 10.74 1.52 1.28 12/23/10. 07/17/10. 12/23/10. 1 Skripnik 2 3 1.78 1.56 2 trafakin 3 3 1.47 0.98 3 Tobalov 2 3 1.94 1.17 4 Petrov 3 3 2 1.65 5 Dudchenkov 3 3 1.63 1.39 6 Charcot 2 2 1.12 1.08 7 Kuznetsov 2 3 1.5 1.14 8 Burachuk 1 2 1.54 1.47 9 Kutkin 1 2. 2.01 1.26 18 Sosnin 2 2 2.14 2.02 19 Fedotov 1 3 3.06 2.13 20 Gavrilov 1 2 3.27 2.54 21 Khisamov 3 3 2.18 1.47 22 Dolmatov 1 2 2.21 2 23 Petrov 2 3 3.09 2.37 arithmetic by group X 1.78 2.57 2.19 1.64 0.68 0.49 0.46 0.38 Avg. squared deviation Table No. 3. Comparative table of the average results of laboratory tests for the team at various stages of the annual cycle. Tests Stages Test task Test on a mock-up Number of moves Number of points Time sec Time sec period 10.69 ± 0.91 10.74 ± 1.28 2.57 ± 0.49 1.64 ± 0.38 Difference d 1.26 1.42 0.79 0.55 t 3.76 3.41 2.19 1.81 methodological techniques in training young hockey players. So the time for solving the test problem decreased, on average, by 1.42 seconds, the laboratory task, on average, by 0.55 seconds. The number of moves to solve the test problem in the second testing decreased by 1.26 on average, while the number of points in solving the laboratory task increased by 0.79 on average. To assess the effectiveness of competitive activity in the course of the study, registration of technical and tactical game actions of young hockey players in matches of various levels was carried out. Based on the results of the surveys, the following were evaluated: the volume of technical and tactical actions density (the number of technical and tactical actions per minute) quality (the difference between positive and negative indicators) marriage (all negative indicators) efficiency coefficient (%) The table of complex integral indicators was used in the study designed for adult hockey players. Savin V.P., Lvov V.S. Table No. 4 Indicator Evaluation Volume Density Quantity Scrap Coeff. Effective (%) Excellent 80 or more 4 or more 55 or more 18 or more 80 or more Good 70 - 79 3.7 - 3.99 45 - 54.9 18.1 23 75 - 79.9 Satisfactory. 60 - 69 3.3 - 3.69 40 - 44.9 23.1 28 70 - 74.9 Examination by this method was carried out during the entire competitive period and, together with pedagogical observations, make it possible to determine the dynamics of the effectiveness of competitive activity. Good positive shifts were noted during the comparison of the average indicators of competitive activity at different stages of the competitive period. The increase was noted for all indicators, which, in addition to the growth of sports results, in our opinion, was the result of the use of non-traditional methodological approaches and means. In the course of pedagogical observations, the main attention was paid to the following characteristics: the ability to quickly and effectively make decisions; the ability to restructure one's actions in a changing game environment; the ability to act unexpectedly and non-standardly in various game situations; predict the actions of rivals on the site The results of previous surveys and pedagogical observations were consistent with the opinion of authoritative expert observers. The data are presented in (Table No. 5). Table No. 5. Comparative table of the survey of competitive activity by average indicators. Indicator Survey volume density quality marriage coefficient. Effect. % 1 examination 03.11.10. 63.4 ±5.8 2.41 ±0.19 33.2 ±2.7 34.9 ±3.1 57.21 ±4.5 72.5 ±4.9 3.72 ±1.2 49.8 ±3.3 26.7 ±2.7 71.18 ±5.6 Shifts d + 9.1 + 1.31 + 16.6 + 8.2 + 13.97 t 6.12 2.19 4.21 3.11 3.26 correlation coefficient - 0.474 - indicates the average correlation of the level of effectiveness of competitive activity and mental processes. The study showed that the higher the level of development of game thinking, the higher the ability of a young athlete to show a quality game, regardless of his physical qualities, which of course is very important for achieving great results in sports. 3.3 Results of the pedagogical experiment. The planned volume of the training load was fulfilled in full. . An experimental verification of the methodology for the development of game thinking showed the effectiveness of the training process based on the use of non-traditional approaches and means. . A methodology for testing and pedagogical observations has been developed to diagnose the level of development of game thinking among young hockey players. CONCLUSIONS. The developed and experimentally substantiated methodology for the development of operational thinking in young hockey players allows educating athletes in the ability to make quick decisions and anticipation. The technique allows to bring the training process closer to competitive activity through the use of special methodological techniques and means. . The experiment conducted on the team of boys born in 2001 MBOU DOD DYuSSh No. 1, the hockey department of Prokopyevsk, showed the effectiveness of the developed methodology and the right to put into practice the training of young hockey players for the further education of a quality reserve for hockey. . Control testing before and after the experiment and the results of pedagogical observations of the competitive activity of young hockey players indicate positive statistically significant shifts in the indicators of the level of operational thinking, as well as an improvement in the quality and technical indicators of the game, an increase in the density and effectiveness of technical and tactical actions in matches. . In the course of the experiment, the relationship between the indicators of the development of operational thinking and the indicators of competitive activity was revealed. . The testing methodology can be used in the system of selection of young hockey players, in determining the playing role of an athlete, as well as in selection work. . The results of the conducted studies made it possible to formulate practical recommendations for the application of the methodology. PRACTICAL RECOMMENDATIONS To increase the level of operational thinking and the effectiveness of training and competitive activities of young hockey players, it is recommended to apply the following set of measures: . Determine the level of development of operational thinking of each player and control this indicator at various stages of preparation, using the methodology of testing and pedagogical observations of competitive activity. . Use in the training process methodological techniques and tools aimed at developing operational thinking at all stages of training young hockey players. BIBLIOGRAPHY 1. Aleksandrov P.N. From the field of psychology. Tennis." Sat. 1972 . Harutyunyan G.V. "Problems of thinking in sports" T and PFC 1962. Bril M.S. "Selection in sports games" 1980 Bukatin A.Yu. “Analysis of the performance of the USSR national ice hockey team in the European Championship 1981. among juniors "M. Sports Committee of the USSR 1981. Gagaeva G.M. "Psychology of football" M. 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