nlp method what. NLP (NLP) - practical psychology. Scope of NLP

“Damn, David Blaine! How did he do it?!" I thought about a simple street swindler who showed me real street magic. Although it was not magic at all, but just a manipulation of my consciousness, as a result of which I was left without the 1,000 rubles earned an hour ago. Everything happened so quickly that I spent the whole day remembering and analyzing all his actions, which were based on the simplest NLP techniques. Of course, I knew about neurolinguistic programming of the brain, but in order to fall for the bait myself. It's even funny to think about it! Therefore, I would like to tell you more about NLP and give some cool techniques that will allow, so to speak, to influence people in the situation we need.

What is NLP?

NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) is a popular area of ​​applied psychology that was founded in the 60s of the 20th century. The founders of NLP are professor of linguistics John Grinder and student Richard Bandler from the University of California. For a long time they studied many works of famous psychotherapists, held various seminars and communicated with their patients. As a result, they succeeded in separating neuro-linguistic programming from psychology and Gelstat therapy.

NLP it is a complex of psychotechnics, as well as verbal and non-verbal techniques that are capable of « bring in » certain information into the human brain in order to change his thinking and behavior. Neurolinguistic programming is based on working with the human mind.

And now I will tell you what NLP is capable of. Believe me, a lot, a lot!

NLP allows a person to completely control himself: his body, physical condition and health, his thoughts, emotions, feelings, fears and prejudices. A person is able to regulate his weight, pressure, body temperature, heartbeat, general well-being. With the help of NLP techniques, you can create a feeling of joy in yourself and easily get rid of any negative experiences.

NLP allows you to manipulate other people. Fall in love with yourself, fall in love. To win over anyone, to negotiate even with the most intractable person. Get the answer you need. Successfully negotiate, win the sympathy of the boss, and so on.

NLP gives a new perspective on problems, allowing not only to solve them in the easiest and fastest way, but also to get the maximum benefit from it.

NLP helps you achieve your goals in life faster, which is very important if you are developing yourself as a person. And it doesn't matter if you want to get rich, buy real estate abroad, get married or lose your excess weight. Any goal becomes closer and more accessible if NLP techniques are applied.

I think you already have an interest in Neuro Linguistic Programming! And even if you do not study psychology, you can still find a solution to its application to your personal issue that has been tormenting you for so long or a problem that you would like to solve once and for all.

Where Can NLP Techniques Be Used?

Initially, NLP was used to treat various phobias and mental disorders. The results of treatment of patients were positive in a large percentage of cases. When it became clear that NLP techniques are very effective, they began to apply them in a variety of areas.

Sales- almost all sales trainings have NLP techniques in their arsenal, when planning, when setting goals, when preparing psychologically for a visit and during a visit, NLP knowledge can be extremely useful.

Negotiation- knowledge of NLP is essential for negotiating, for understanding the client and better adjusting to him, for manipulation and counter-manipulation, for working with his condition, for identifying a strategy for making a decision by the client.

Communication, psychotherapy, goal setting, modeling- these are the constituent parts of NLP, part of this knowledge is concerned with communications and their effectiveness (rapport, adjustment, maintenance, calibration)

Psychotherapeutic part- this is a large arsenal of therapeutic techniques ("Swing", "Anchor Collapse", "Creation of a resource state", "Quick treatment of phobias", "Allergy treatment technique", "Six-step reframing", "Parts contract", "Re-imprinting" and more many other)

In goal setting and working with them, we are helped by such sections of NLP as Well-formed Result (HSR), TOTE, SCORE (in psychological counseling, understanding the client's goal and how to achieve it), neurological levels, time line, mission.

Modeling is the foundation of NLP. NLP grew out of modeling and all its knowledge came from modeling the behavioral strategies of brilliant people.

Public speaking- work with your condition. group calibration, controlled spontaneity, Chamomile technique, spatial anchoring, voice work, use of various predicates.

Acting- one of the basic presuppositions of NLP says: "mind and body are parts of one cybernetic system." And this means that when our thoughts change, our emotions change, and our body clearly reacts to these changes, and vice versa, changes in body position and posture change our emotions. Many acting schools are based on this.

Education Modeling is one way of learning. The use of successful strategies, beliefs, behavioral patterns, different approaches to achieving the goal, systems thinking, different perception filters, resource state increases the effectiveness of learning.

Sport- ideomotor skills widely used in sports, adopted from NLP, working with the state, coaching style training and much more.

coaching- almost all NLP tools are used in coaching (tuning, leading, calibrating, coaching position, goal setting, neurological levels, three positional perception, anchoring, timelines, all therapeutic techniques.)

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Recruitment- knowledge of the candidate’s meta-program filters allows you to understand what type of activity he is more inclined to, what motivates him better, how he will endure stress, is he a team player or a loner, how he makes decisions and what are his values ​​and much more.

Interpersonal relationships– understanding the basic presuppositions, they are the beliefs of brilliant people, gives us the opportunity to better understand other people, to understand that we are all different and each needs a special approach, that a person is a system and that two people, all the more so, a system, knowing the system laws it is easier to understand the system interaction.

seduction– all seduction trainers have completed NLP courses, all seduction techniques are based on NLP techniques. So why study the interpretation of the interpreted, when you can turn to the original source.

Army- collection of information, interrogations, work with one's condition, the "Drug of Choice" technique, used by the special forces of many countries of the world.

Customs- Information Gathering, Calibration Yes/No, True/False, Eye Access Signals

Intelligence service— collection of information, recruitment patterns, calibration, work with your state

Cinema- in many films, the characters use the techniques and skills of NLP or Ericksonian hypnosis, there are films that are directly devoted to NLP, even if NLP is not called there (“Lie to me”, “Manipulator”, “Wild Orchid” and many others).

Self-development- the formation of the necessary attitudes to achieve success in any where you consider it necessary to "pump" yourself.

WATCH A VIDEO! NLP in 10 minutes.

I will say this, NLP is not an easy "science" and requires a very serious approach. Even mastering the most basic techniques. But this still does not prevent Neuro Linguistic Programming from being one of the most exciting and interesting areas in psychology. Thanks to the Internet, today there are a large number of options for where you can get knowledge about NLP.

Firstly, these are various sites where a sufficiently large number of informative articles have already been written to begin to understand this topic. Secondly, various seminars, webinars, trainings and courses conducted by highly qualified specialists in this field. And thirdly, these are, of course, books that are the most convenient and popular way to start learning NLP.

There are a lot of books themselves. The eyes may diverge at first. There are both for beginners, where basic skills are considered, and for "advanced" ones, with consideration of the application of NLP in some already defined area. Of course, I have selected for you some of the best, most interesting and popular books on NLP that I have read myself. Even two are in my personal library.

I recommend the books that will be discussed now not only to those who are interested in NLP itself and its methods, but also to those who have decided to start their own path of self-development and are determined to improve their personal characteristics, improve understanding of themselves and those around them in life in general. So let's go.

Bob Bodenhamer, Michael Hall "NLP Practitioner"

This book must be read first. It is a collection of the most interesting materials on NLP. From this NLP book you will learn general information about Neuro Linguistic Programming with a description of the ways and methods used by this "science". I want to note a large number of examples and exercises that contribute to the effective assimilation of the material. Recommended if you don't know what NLP is.

Joseph O'Connor NLP. A Practical Guide to Achieving the Desired Results”

The author offers effective practical techniques for obtaining self-improvement and suggestion skills. You will gain knowledge that allows you to better understand people and delve into the laws of communication. The information contained in D. O'Connor's practical guide can be applied in education, law, management, business, sports, etc.

R. Bandler, D. Grinder "From frogs to princes"

Recording of an introductory lecture on NLP, finalized and adapted for reading. The materials of this three-day lecture, read by the authors in 1978, will help to form a general impression of the science of NLP, understand the basic mechanisms of influence, and teach you to gently and tactfully lead any person to the goal. NLP methods work even in cases where psychologists are powerless. The book is recommended to everyone who is interested in the issues of communication between people: psychologists, sociologists, psychotherapists, etc.

Manly Hall "The 77 Best NLP Techniques"

In the book of specialist Michael Hall, the most effective NLP techniques are collected. The application of the proposed methods will help in personal development, the ability to communicate, and the disclosure of one's own potential. Knowledge of NLP techniques is applicable to activities in the field of business, education, psychology, sociology, and management. The book is intended for a wide range of readers and will be useful to every person striving for self-development. I highly recommend this book! She is just the bomb!

Anvar Bakirov "How to manage yourself and others with the help of NLP"

This is my desk book! Written in an innovative spirit with lots of anecdotes. Therefore, this book is not to be taken seriously. From this book you will learn how to inspire trust at a glance, manage your own and other people's emotions, benefit even from defeats, easily unravel the most neglected conflict situations, and lay all these “daily victories” into the foundation of one big building called LIFE SUCCESS. This book is well structured and easy to follow.

Sergey Gorin NLP. Bulk Techniques»

Collection of fragments of NLP seminars conducted by the author from 1993 to 1995. Examples of successful interaction between a psychotherapist and patients allow non-specialists to understand the subject of study. The only condition is the possession of the basic terms of NLP, without which the understanding of the text will be complicated. Many techniques from the arsenal of Valery Khmelevsky, one of the authorities of the Russian school of neurolinguistic programming, are described.

Harry Alder NLP: The Art of Getting What You Want

A topic worthy of attention is how the dream “works”. Someone calls it castles in the air, someone calls to dream as much as possible. One thing is clear - we love to do it. And the author of the book clearly shows the mechanism of the dream. We are all products of dreams. The quality of your dream determines the quality of your life.

Look also:

7 NLP Techniques for Manipulation and More

Most of us do not even realize that on a daily basis their consciousness is controlled by other stronger personalities, who are subject to many NLP techniques for manipulating people. Interestingly, each method of such hypnotic control is effective in itself, and it is difficult to imagine the power that arises when several techniques are combined at the same time. By the way, you need to know them not necessarily in order to control others, but in order to possibly counteract many criminal hypnotists, government officials, scammers, etc.

NLP Technique 1. JOIN
This is the first technique that any NLP practitioner starts with. When a stranger approaches, the human brain signals danger and tries to intuitively defend itself. It is unrealistic to suggest something to a wary person. To establish contact, you need to start copying your interlocutor in some way. Adjustment methods: postures, gestures, gait and breathing, voice, etc. The scammer who scammed my friend and I started by adjusting our walk on the street and followed us to the beat for several minutes.

NLP technique 2.RAPPORT

Behind the adjustment comes the building of trusting relationships. This is the rapport. If the adjustment went well, then the NLP-er with another person creates a certain system, a common trusting space. Do you remember the trouble-free phrase from Kipling's "Mowgli": "We are of the same blood: you and me!". It is this formula that operates in rapport. In this state, the threshold of criticality towards a person decreases, sympathy, unconscious trust arises. “It seems that we will find headphones there,” I said to Kostya, pointing to the store sign. “Guys, I am a salesman in this store, I can sell you headphones. What do you want? the swindler said.

NLP technique 3.3 YES

After the rapport is established, you can already begin to manipulate and first you need to send the person into a light trance. This is done with 3 questions, to which the person must answer a positive YES. This technique is based on the law of inertia, i.e. the movement of thought accelerates in a certain direction. After a series of questions from the scammer on the 4th time he said: “Guys, do you have a thousand rubles. Do I urgently need to exchange money and give it to a person? "Oh sure!" - I said and took out a bill.


A pattern break is an unexpected phrase or non-standard action performed in a normal situation. Breaking the pattern is easy. You choose the behavior you are going to change and act in the opposite or in some other unexpected way. As an example, I can cite a very real life situation. On one date, I told a girl that we would eat cake together at my place, but only without sex. For her, it was still that pattern break. I knew that she already wanted me. There was sex, of course. The fraudster also made a template break about his work. I don't remember literally.


The essence of this technique is simple. You transfer the person's attention to another topic with the help of a question or to another object of attention. Our brain or our vision can focus on one thing. With the rest of the area, you can do whatever you want. This technique is often used by illusionists, and con artists too! “Guys, be careful with your money, there are drug addicts on the corner, stay away from them,” he told us, pointing at the men 50 meters away from us, meanwhile changing bills.


When the basic NLP techniques have been worked out, then you can do whatever you want with a person. This is called "leading". Leading is impossible without trust. Guys, go get warm while in the store and look at the headphones. And while I'm going to give the money. And we went! Entering the store, we quickly came out of the trance. They looked at each other, realizing what had happened, and immediately rushed to the street. He disappeared, as did our newly earned money. I will remember this story all my life. And I know for sure that NLP techniques work quickly and effectively. How many such approaches do you need to do everything so masterfully. Probably a lot. That's why they are scammers.

NLP Technique 7. Reframing

One of my favorite techniques. It is very simple and gives a very cool result. This is not about manipulation, but about attitude to life. I use it when I realize that a negative situation is starting to "suck the energy out of me." Reframing is a technique that allows you to change the point of view, and therefore the perception of an event or object. When a bad situation happens, I say: "My world takes care of me." And I understand that this is the best option that can happen at the moment in my life. I took this technique from W. Zeeland's Reality Transurfing.

WATCH A VIDEO! NLP: the psychology of wealth. Money raising techniques.

So you got acquainted with 7 effective NLP techniques that can be applied every day. It will be better if you apply the techniques for yourself, to develop your effectiveness in life. Good luck to you!

It is possible to become successful, get rich, achieve an unattainable goal, find a common language with the most intractable people. Having mastered the methods of neurolinguistic programming, a person can change his life in the most radical way.

Determining the meaning of NLP

Neuro-linguistic programming in psychology - methods of influencing consciousness that help to succeed in any field. Knowing the basic techniques that are easy to put into practice has allowed many people to succeed.

Each person, without exception, is a unique person with his own life experience, dogmas and principles instilled in childhood. However, not everyone knows how to properly use internal resources. Neuro-Linguistic Programming works on the subconscious mind. The main NLP techniques help to change the life attitudes of a person, thanks to which she radically changes her behavior and achieves what she wants:

  • improves health;
  • moving up the career ladder;
  • builds successful personal relationships;
  • getting richer;
  • becomes famous.

The most popular manual for those who want to figure out their problems on their own and change their lives using simple psychological methods is Danny Reid's book "NLP Secret Techniques".

However, if you really want to succeed, don't count on instant results. Be patient and be prepared for the fact that it will take a considerable time to work with the subconscious.

Possible results of the technique

Neuro-Linguistic Programming allows an individual not only to take a fresh look at their life, but also:

  • expands and improves communication skills;
  • helps to understand internal needs and goals;
  • reveals deep abilities and talents;
  • makes it possible to deal with hidden emotions, experiences and feelings;
  • relieves fears and phobias.

The application of NLP gives results that are visible to the naked eye. A person solves old, tormenting him for years, problems, becomes more purposeful, resolute, courageous and self-confident, which has a beneficial effect on his mental activity and ability to work, in communication with other people. Neurolinguistic programming methods are used by modern marketers to draw attention to a particular product.

Short story

Neuro-linguistic programming as a method of influencing the human psyche was discovered by a group of American doctors more than 30 years ago. This teaching was based on the practical developments of MD Milton Erickson, who believed that information received in the course of life through visual and auditory contact is stored kinesthetically (through smell, taste, hugs) in the subconscious of the individual. Using it correctly at the right time, you can find a solution to the most difficult life situations and problems.

The principle of NLP is to find in your subconscious images, memories, feelings that will cause the desired reaction in the body.

According to some psychologists, this is how a person can get rid of various diseases, addictions and fears. NLP techniques of another psychotherapist - Richard Bandler - helped to successfully treat patients with poor vision. The doctor suggested that the patients plunge into the state that they experienced in early childhood, when their vision was still one hundred percent. After such psychotherapeutic sessions, the vision of the patients returned to normal.

Neuro-linguistic programming has become widely used in military affairs for the training of special forces, since it helps to rid the individual's subconscious of thoughts, images and attitudes that cause him constant pain, cause fears, depressions, and unhealthy addictions.

In the development of neurolinguistic programming, the basics of family and gelstat therapy, hypnosis were used. This section of psychology helps not only to understand yourself, but also to influence other people. The basics of NLP are used in the following areas:

  • psychology;
  • acting art;
  • oratory;
  • journalism;
  • business and management;
  • political technologies.

Methods of influence on a person

The life of most people is subject to various beliefs. The subconscious dominates the personality so much that she simply goes with the flow, not using the opportunities that come her way. Mired in problems and fears, such people blame everyone for the failure of their lives. Parents, friends, former lovers are responsible for the fact that they did not become successful, did not get married and did not build a career.

The main enemy for himself is the person himself, because in life he is guided by negative thoughts and patterns that his subconscious has accumulated and carefully preserved. When they receive a lucrative job offer, the first thing that most people think about is: “This is not for me! I can not! I can't do it!" This decision is offered by our subconscious, based on previous bad experience.

NLP technique affects a person, allowing him to cope with his fear and achieve his goals. The main place in it is occupied by positive attitudes that change consciousness, as a result of which people reveal their best qualities.

Most attitudes are instilled in childhood, and then remind of themselves in adulthood, so it is important to be able to analyze your feelings, fears and experiences. If you want to change yourself and achieve success, you must identify negative attitudes. This is easy to do: when a particular thought comes to mind that directly affects your decision, you need to write it down. This will accurately identify negative subconscious attitudes, after which, using NLP techniques, you can get rid of them forever.

NLP methods can carry not only a positive charge, but also a negative one, thereby destroying the consciousness of the individual, therefore, when deciding to resort to these psychological technologies, one should be careful. It is better to visit a special training or take the help of a psychotherapist.

Neuro Linguistic Programming Techniques

NLP technique is very often used to influence other people. Such psychological techniques are often used by leaders and directors of large teams, managers, famous people - politicians and artists, who seek the attention and support of the population. Neuro Linguistic Programming is also used to build personal relationships and get the attention of the opposite sex.

The secrets of using NLP are quite simple.

  • It is necessary to join the conversation with the individual you are interested in, maintain eye contact with him.
  • It is necessary that the interlocutor in a conversation agrees with you several times in a row.
  • Skillful conversation will help in this, listen to your opponent and nod. This will encourage him to respond to you in kind.
  • Copy the posture of your interlocutor, his movements and gestures.

Anchors in Neuro Linguistic Programming

How effective NLP will be in action depends on the characteristics of the psychological development of the person. Applying Neuro-Linguistic Programming is an important skill.

Adjustment to the interlocutor

This is one of the easiest methods by which you can influence a person, winning his sympathy and attention. It consists in literally mirroring your interlocutor. Share with him his interests, hobbies and hobbies. This also includes gestures, manner of speaking and dressing. This will serve as a signal for him - you have a single perception of the world.

Remember that Neuro Linguistic Programming gives you the power and ability to influence the minds and feelings of other people, use these techniques for good or evil, you decide.

manipulation techniques

These techniques will help to influence the mind of another person and convince him to do what you need.

  • Contribution trap. If a person invests energy and spends time on some business, it will be difficult for her to give it up later.
  • Three yes. Getting consent from your opponent is easy. Just ask him three questions in a row, to which he will answer in the affirmative, and then voice the problem that worries you, in the solution of which you would like to receive support. In most cases, you will not be denied.
  • Mixed truth. To do this, in a conversation with a person, you should use both reliable facts (their veracity is easy to prove), and those in which you would like the interlocutor to believe.

NLP tricks

A person who knows the methods of neurolinguistic programming is like a magician who, with his bright image, skillfully distracts the audience from the essence of what is happening. Simple tricks will help to inspire confidence, arrange and attract the attention of others.

  1. Start the conversation with some well-known fact. This is done to immediately arouse approval and consent in the individual.
  2. Use the distraction maneuver from what you really want to achieve by offering the interlocutor several options for solving the existing problem.
  3. Use the so-called trap words during the conversation: "You know" and "You understand." It is not uncommon for experienced speakers to include in their surveys commands for the action they want to achieve.
  4. You can ask a question in the affirmative form. This will create the illusion that the interlocutor has already answered it positively.

Reinforcement technique

Strong motivation helps you achieve your goals. The principle of action is simple: a person will do what you want from him if you promise him a reward. For the sake of what he wants, he will begin to work more efficiently, do the cleaning, fix the broken iron, take out the trash, etc.

A lot depends on how you motivate him. It can be a career advancement, a monetary reward, or the embodiment of a cherished dream. The subject that will serve as a reinforcement is determined individually, depending on the characteristics of the individual's character and his desires.

When using certain methods, one should be guided by the rules of NLP technique. The main thing is to carefully study the features of the psychological development of people. This will help you understand their desires, aspirations and motives for actions.

You can not treat another person as property and force him to do as you want, forgetting about moral principles.

Benefit and harm

Before applying the NLP method, you need to carefully familiarize yourself with the basics of this section of psychology. Some believe that this is a way of zombifying a person and depriving him of his will. Neuro-linguistic programming techniques are officially recognized in many countries: France, Germany, Austria and Sweden. Psychotherapists, trainers and coaches include NLP in their classes and trainings to teach people to achieve their goals, solve problems and not be afraid to change their lives.

Any inept psychological intervention can harm human health. The NLP technique is contraindicated for people with serious mental disorders and developmental disabilities. It can also harm children whose psyche is still being formed.

Cool idea - we can learn other people's skills. I already wrote that NLP is essentially a system for modeling success. That's just in order to find out how someone else's skill works and teach it to others. And this can apply to almost anything: touch typing, walking on coals, playing the stock market, sales, the ability to make friends or manage your own fortune.

By the way, one day one of John Grinder's students modeled angulation to pass the test for the master's NLP course. After that, he began to conduct seminars on teaching this very coal walking, which suddenly turned out to be very popular.
Richard Bandler, when he came across a person with a phobia, went - as the great Milton Erickson bequeathed - to look for people who themselves coped with their phobias. Found a couple of them, figured out how they did it, and created the "Fast Phobia Cure" technique. Which allows you to deal with a phobia in 15 minutes (true, true - we go through this technique at the Successful Thinking 2 training and quite quickly remove various phobias).
Personally, when I certified as an NLP master, I simulated touch typing on a computer. He taught himself and taught others. This is the model I'm using right now.

Each person is unique or "the map is not the territory"

Men are mistaken in thinking that all women are different, and women are mistaken in thinking that all men are the same.

Indeed, each of us has his own personal life experience, his own view of the world. And this view of the world is unique. A person's personal view of the world in NLP is called card(in contrast to the surrounding world, which, respectively, is called the territory). Maps are different - more or less convenient, suitable and detailed. The only thing they are not - right or wrong, because this is only a description, a model. Any, even a very good map, will not be very convenient somewhere: the best map of the city of Moscow is completely useless in the glorious city of Saratov, and the wine list of a French restaurant is not very convenient for orientation in the Berlin metro.
And, of course, the map is not a territory, just like a very detailed description of borscht (even with pictures) will not become borscht itself. So, most problems arise when a person tries to fit the world (territory) to his map, instead of redrawing his map so that it is more successful for this territory. And, to some extent, all that NLP does is to help a person find such personal maps of the world that will help him become more successful, lucky, happy and healthy. Naturally, if he wants it.

A lot of NLP change techniques involve "expanding" the map - seeking a broader view of the situation. Well, really, if we have a problem, then the solution is somewhere outside our world map. And in order to solve the problem, you need to expand the map so that this very solution gets into it.

Behind every behavior is a positive intention.


People say one thing, but often feel and act very differently. There is such an important concept in NLP as calibration- the ability to notice external signs of a state. Because any of our assessment is manifested in the whole body: in intonations, movements, gestures, posture, sentence structure or breathing. And calibration allows you to understand what a person really feels, how he relates to whom, what he wants. And pay much less attention to what he says. Since he can speak in order to please, what is expected of him or what he considers more appropriate to say at the moment. Or simply because he did not realize his assessments and feelings. Calibration makes communication much more accurate and efficient, and human behavior much more understandable.

We already have all the necessary resources to achieve our goals

In order to get from Moscow to Saratov, a car needs gasoline (and a train needs electricity). Both a car and gasoline are necessary resources to achieve the goal of coming to Saratov. Now, NLP assumes that we either already have the right resources to achieve our goal of becoming more successful, quitting smoking, communicating better, or finally writing this report, or we can find them. The world is big, you just have to look.

At least thinking this way, you will achieve results sooner than meditating on the topic “why am I so unhappy” and “I still won’t succeed, I’m not created for happiness (success, marriage, prosperity and owning a BMW X5 car)”.

Environmental verification

There is a very important thing in NLP - environmental check changes. This is a test of the consequences of actions - will it get worse after achieving the goals? And then he became the general director, but earned an ulcer, stopped being afraid of heights, fell from the balcony and broke his finger, demonstrated confidence and calmness during the dressing of the authorities and was fired. So that new abilities, skills and beliefs do not ruin your life, you need to check in advance and tweak the result so that everything works out well.

Models and techniques

Model in NLP, this is such a useful description (map). For example, how to clarify what a person is talking about (“language meta-model”), how to change an assessment (“reframing”) or belief (“language tricks”) during communication, in what sequence to collect information (“SCORE”), typing people ("meta-programs").
You can read about models in the NLP Encyclopedia.

Techniques NLP is step by step instructions. Most often, techniques describe how to solve a problem (“Swipe”, “Six-step reframing”, “Quick treatment of phobias”, “Changing personal history”). But there is also about how to set goals correctly (“Well-Formed Outcome”) or how to communicate better (“Effective Communication Strategy”).

In fact, techniques are also models, because they describe something, and are usually very useful.

Many NLP techniques are the result of modeling how people have successfully solved similar problems themselves. For example, “Effective Communication Strategy” is the result of modeling successful communicators, “Changing Personal History” is modeled on the great Milton Erickson, the same one who created Ericksonian hypnosis, and “Quick Phobia Cure” is modeled on people who themselves have removed their phobias.
Description of various techniques in the Encyclopedia of NLP.

Values, criteria and beliefs

What we strive for, what we want, or vice versa, we avoid, is precisely determined values, criteria and beliefs .
Values- important concepts for a person, usually expressed in abstract words, such as: happiness, freedom, justice, prosperity. Since values ​​are rather abstract, values ​​are attached to criteria– ways to measure the realization of value. For example, the value is "prosperity", and the criteria for prosperity are "earnings more than 150,000 per month, your own apartment, car and cottage."
Beliefs- the rules of life, describing how to interact with the value. For example, for the value "love", beliefs might be:
- The most important thing in life is love.
- Love comes and goes.
- I'm not worthy of love.
- True love happens only once in a lifetime.
Beliefs can allow and prohibit the achievement of value, describe what is needed to achieve it and what are its criteria. For example, even if "love" is a very important thing for a person, the belief "I did not deserve love" will "forbid" him to receive this same love.

Beliefs govern our lives: either a person does something for the sake of their beliefs, or they do nothing.

At one time, no one managed to run a hundred meters faster than ten seconds. Until Jim Hines ran 9.9 seconds in 1968. After that, everyone quickly started running faster, record after record. Now the record is 9.69. Well, the runners before Hines did not believe that it was possible faster than 10 seconds, in their reality such a possibility did not exist. So far, this bastard original Hines vilely has not destroyed this belief.

Beliefs are also one of the most important filters of perception. If a woman does not believe that there are decent (according to her criteria) men, they will not come across to her in life. And even if they come across, their behavior is interpreted in such a way that, God forbid, it does not fall under the criteria.
In NLP, there are quite a few techniques for changing limiting beliefs (for example, "The Museum of Old Beliefs"), as well as a set of speech structures for changing beliefs right during a conversation - tongue tricks(they are promotions).

Our Attitude Is Encoded With Submodalities

In communication, the score and attitude is 85%. But inside about the attitude - important, like, right, legal, mine, someone else's, bad, wonderful, right - we learn with the help of the so-called submodalities .

Modalities (sensory) in NLP and psychology are called hearing (auditory modality), vision (visual modality) and feelings (kinesthetic modality).

For example, we can move the image away or bring it closer (which usually enhances the experience), make it brighter or darker (weakens the experience), color it differently (it depends on the choice of colors) or blur the background (makes the object more important). Similarly, you can change the characteristics of sounds and sensations.
So. Simply by changing, you can change the attitude: make the unpleasant neutral, increase motivation, remove obsession, turn doubt into conviction or confusion into understanding. With the help of visual and auditory submodalities, you can control your own attention. And with the help of kinesthetic submodalities, one can quite successfully learn to control various interesting states, such as creativity, increased attention, intoxication, or super motivation.

We can manage state with anchors

Would you like to manage your own wealth? So that you press the button - and be sure of yourself. Or calm, cheerful, cheerful, relaxed, focused. And in the same way to manage other people - once, and the person feels good? Or calm, fun and so on? Surely I would like such a thing - well, at least try it. And there is such a thing - it is anchors, such labels in the mind that trigger the desired state.

Hello! In this article, we will talk about Neuro Linguistic Programming.

Neuro-Linguistic Programming (hereinafter referred to as NLP) is one of the newest trends in practical psychology, which originated at the end of the 20th century. It is aimed at introducing the positive experience of successful people in the field of psychology into real life. This methodology, criticized by the scientific community, allows ordinary people to use the practices of more successful people. In this article, we will take a closer look at what NLP is, how to use it in real life, and what effect can be achieved.

What is NLP

Let's start with the definition of NLP. It has two meanings.

In a narrow sense NLP is copying the behavior of successful people in the field of psychology and psychotherapy. That is, you must understand the basic techniques for achieving people's success, and thanks to their experience and example, to succeed.

In a broad sense NLP - the use of all verbal and non-verbal techniques of successful people in any field. In simple terms, this is an almost complete copying of the manner of behavior, speech, goals, and to some extent, even the thoughts of more successful people.

The basis of NLP is theoretical knowledge in psychology, linguistics, neurology, physiology and communication. The whole system is based on a detailed analysis of the techniques of successful people and identifying what really works.

These sciences are used to observe and analyze the behavior that more successful people exhibit. Interaction with people, body language, their aspirations, thoughts, principles - all this must be analyzed and successfully applied in real life.

NLP is more interested in what works effectively rather than what is rational and scientifically correct. That is, the most important thing in this observation and analysis is to understand what leads a person to a certain result, for example, what makes him a successful specialist in a particular field.

NLP is not a science in the usual sense. There are no generally proven facts and truths. There are only assumptions. At the same time, the results of using this technique vary, depending on the person who uses it. One may be able to copy the behavior, mannerisms, and goals of a successful person, while another may not.

Applications of NLP

NLP can be applied in any area of ​​life:

  • Work;
  • business;
  • sport;
  • relations;
  • relaxation;
  • maintaining a personal brand;
  • interaction with people.

The main thing is to find real examples of successful people in this field. For some, this is a good career, someone has lost 30 kilograms, someone has created passive capital for 40,000 rubles of net income per month, etc.

The most important thing when applying NLP techniques is to understand what really works. What does not bring the desired result can be safely crossed out.

How to apply NLP techniques in life

The practice of NLP in its entirety is difficult to apply in real life. We need a real practical base in psychology, physiology, linguistics, etc. It will be very difficult for an ordinary person to reproduce those observations and the analysis that is carried out by specialists.

That is why we will talk about a simplified version of the “copying behavior” technique. Let's talk first about the personal application of such a technique to achieve their goals.

Let's take a simple example:

Ivan wants to be successful with the girls. He sees how Oleg constantly wins the attention of the opposite sex.

  1. Athletic physique.
  2. White teeth.
  3. Fashion clothes.
  4. Free communication.

From this we draw certain conclusions:

  1. Buy a gym membership - 12,000 rubles for six months.
  2. Dentistry + whitening - 8,000 rubles.
  3. Fashionable clothes - 10,000 rubles (minimum option).
  4. A couple of lessons from a good actor - 5,000 rubles.

35,000 rubles is worth achieving the intended goal. It can be divided into several stages.

Most importantly, you should not thoroughly copy all the manners and features of another person. First of all, you are an individual.

Now let's talk about more interesting things - about the application of the minimalist technique of NLP in work and business.

In work

In work, the use of such techniques occurs as follows:

  1. You select a specialist who, in your opinion, is successful.
  2. Analyze his image, actions and goals.
  3. Apply them to yourself.
  4. Implement.

Again an example:

Ivan wants to earn a lot on texts. There is Oleg, who has become a successful editor, and no longer writes texts himself - he has a whole team of authors.

We analyze Oleg again:

  1. Oleg has 2 years of practical experience working with texts.
  2. A stream of regular customers from his blog.
  3. A high-quality portfolio that includes banks and large companies.
  4. He knows how to communicate with clients and sell his services.

This is the most important thing that will come in handy in our work on ourselves. What should be done:

  • Gain basic knowledge and practical experience.
  • Create your own portfolio.
  • Make your blog and fill it.
  • Learn to sell your services.

All this will take about 4-6 months. And if Ivan's income does not rise to the level of Oleg, then at least it will grow several times.

Many mistakenly use this method for one simple reason: they don't want to see the work that this person has done before. Everyone who now manages to earn huge money used to spend a lot of time to learn and become successful. In our example, this is the very first point - practical experience.

That is why the analysis of a successful person in your specialty needs to be studied from the past. How much work he did, what he did, how much he worked, what knowledge he tried to acquire, etc. This approach to the use of NLP techniques will give a result much better than the usual “He can earn a thousand rubles in a couple of clicks. I want that too."

In entrepreneurship

Entrepreneurship can also apply NLP techniques in a lightweight form. Your task is to find a successful competitor and simply dissect his image into all its components. Input data:

Company N is engaged in . She has her own multi-page site with an average design and a couple of developers who do not understand anything in sales, but they know how to make quality sites. The price tag is average. The portfolio is huge.

And there is company A. It has a very high-quality design of its own website (ordered from an expensive company), salespeople are sitting on the phone. She makes average sites at a high price. It also has more clients.

So, in order for firm N to get more customers, it is necessary:

  1. Make a new design for the site.
  2. Find competent salespeople and put them on% by issuing.
  3. Qualitatively draw up a portfolio to collect only the best work.
  4. Raise the price.

And there are some things about NLP in entrepreneurship. You need to understand what will bring customers to you. For example, cooperation with good affiliates pays off. But advertising in a city public with a price tag of 10,000 rubles is not.

Carefully analyze the actions of competitors and the reasons for such actions. Copy the most successful solutions and implement them with higher results.

As in the case of work, you need to understand the difference. You must provide products and services at or above your competitors. Only then will you be able to use this technique effectively. Otherwise, everything will come down to "Do it well, and customers will come."

More details about the practical application of the minimalist theory can be found in Alexander Chipizhko's article "The Duck Technique".

Building a Personal Brand with NLP Techniques

Now a few words about building a personal brand using NLP techniques. This is already a slightly different level. You do not need to analyze and copy the image of a person or company, but show everyone the image of a person that yours will associate with success (, position, professionalism).

Novice information businessmen who have frankly bad products are very fond of using such methods. They cannot provide any practical value and only "the image of a successful person."

But it should be understood that the use of such a technique deprives you of maneuver and individuality. You fit your target audience's idea of ​​a successful person, but you're not original. There are dozens, if not hundreds, of people like you. And this is the main disadvantage of this approach.

Losing individuality, you lose the flow of loyal customers who could bring you much more.

That is why you should not use such NLP techniques if you have interesting and high-quality products. You do not need to "be like someone" and "meet the expectations" of the target audience. At first, this will get you started, but the further you go, the more difficult it will be to get out of this image, and the less loyal customers will come to you because you are not an individual, but just “another successful person from the Internet.”

Scientific opinion on NLP

The scientific community is very skeptical about NLP. This is due to the fact that the technologies that practitioners use are not scientifically proven.

Therefore, one drawback can be identified - such technologies can work, but only in some cases. That is, the complete copying of the habits of a certain person most often does not lead to the expected result, and the opposite effect can often be observed.

Thus, despite the fact that outwardly NLP is very similar to a scientific movement, and it can be mistaken for a field of practical psychology, this is far from being the case.


NLP is quite an interesting theory. It enables analytical people to find ways to achieve their goals through more successful people. Find, study, analyze, apply - an algorithm that can lead you to success.

But do not blindly rely on such a method. NLP does not guarantee a successful result, even with full observance of the techniques.

Main difference cross systems from the popular NLP, it is understandability and validity, why do so-and-so. The cross-system appeals to the mind and logic of a person, "to get rid of something - you need to do something because (the logical proof follows). NLP is simpler and brings its principles and methods to a person through emotional (sometimes pseudological): "to get rid of something - you need to do this and that because (then follows a call to believe, because, for example, studies have been carried out and most people do this and they did it well, as you know - millions of flies cannot make mistakes (an example of classical substitution of concepts in formal logic)
But still, NLP is indeed a very popular theory. Cross-masters will be very interested to see many things from the perspective of how they are explained in NLP theory.

Neuro Linguistic Programming, better known by its acronym NLP, is a practical psychology whose tools and methods can be applied to improve our lives. NLP is a means of measuring, using and modifying mental programs. Developed in the seventies by Richard Bandler and John Grinder, NLP is now a common practice among psychologists, psychotherapists, coaches, and most people interested in self-development. In this article, I will try to explain to you what NLP is as simply as possible. So let's get started.

First, let's define the meaning of the words included in the NLP abbreviation.

Neuro: We interact with reality through our five senses and nervous system. Everything that we see, hear, smell, touch and taste is experience, a person has no other ways of interacting with the outside world.

Linguistic: Our experience is coded, organized and meaningful by language and non-verbal means of communication. We can only communicate information through words, gestures, and unconscious body language. We can operate with information, comprehend and understand it only through words.

Programming: We explore, use, and modify as necessary our behavioral patterns, language, and non-verbal means of communication. Our behavior and actions determine the results we get in our life, so if we want to change something in our life, we must first change our behavior and the way we act.

With the help of NLP, we make observations, identify and study patterns in human behavior and the results that he receives with the help of this behavior, then copy useful behaviors and get the desired results. In addition, NLP allows us to change our attitude towards things, circumstances and situations, as well as our internal state. By changing the internal, we change the external - our life experience determines our attitudes and beliefs, and our attitudes and beliefs determine our life experience, and vice versa.

NLP is based on two fundamental presuppositions - our assumptions about this or that aspect of our life, on the basis of which we build our experience:

1. The map is not the territory. As human beings, we cannot know the actual reality, because we build it on the basis of our observations, through our senses. Everyone has their own map of the world, and each of us sees the world around us differently.

2. Life and "mind" are interconnected. The outer is a reflection of the inner. Any internal change leads to external changes, any external change leads to internal changes.

We will return to presuppositions more than once, since this is a really important topic that requires a separate discussion. Any of our beliefs, in essence, is a presupposition that affects our external and internal world. And this is something that should be taken very seriously.

NLP provides us with the tools and skills to develop our own mastery, establish a belief system, and empower us to make changes in our lives and ourselves. NLP provides a person with the means of self-knowledge, the study of personality and mission, provides a basis for understanding and relating to the spiritual part of human experience. Perhaps you will not find more powerful, scientifically based tools for improving your personality.

In general, the possibilities of NLP, one might say, are endless, there are a lot of NLP techniques for a variety of life situations. It is used in education, management, marketing, personal life and the treatment of phobias. Based on NLP, invaluable techniques for self-development have been developed. Let's look at a few benefits of Neuro Linguistic Programming:

  • Easy to achieve goals.

  • Acquisition of skills and strategies.

  • Creating positive change.

  • Confident behavior in all situations.

  • Getting rid of fears.

  • Increase motivation.

  • Generation of ideas.

  • Creative inspiration.

  • Building rapport with other people.

Fundamental Principles and Rules of NLP

Everything that we see in our world, everything that we meet and experience and pay special attention to, forms our beliefs, which, in turn, influence our life, our behavior, our attitude to life, our perception. The fundamental principles, or core assumptions, set out in NLP provide the behavioral background against which the application of NLP is most effective and ethical. They are not indestructible truth, but by taking them on faith, you will increase the effectiveness of your NLP techniques.

Fundamental principles and rules of NLP:

  • NLP is a model and study of subjective experience, not a theory.

  • NLP seeks a solution rather than analyzing causes, adding choice rather than removing it.

  • Mind and body are part of a single system.

  • All life experience is encoded in our nervous system.

  • Any human behavior has a structure, therefore, behavior can be modeled.

  • A person's outward behavior is determined by the way his representational system is used.

  • If one person can do something, potentially everyone can do it.

  • The bandwidth of consciousness is limited to 5-6 pieces of information.

  • Any interaction of a person with the greatest behavioral flexibility with the outside world has the greatest impact on the result.

  • Any even the most complex problem or task must have a solution.

  • Any person acts out of the best of intentions, at least he thinks so.

  • Any behavior is a choice of the best available options.

  • Mistakes provide feedback, if what you're doing isn't working, you need to change the way you act.

  • You are responsible for how other people react to you.

  • Any person already has the necessary mental and emotional resources, even if they do not recognize it.

  • Influencing a person begins with the study of his unique model of the world.

  • Each person has their own “truth”, and if it is false for you, it is “truth” for him.

  • Each person interacts with their inner version of reality, not with what is happening in the outside world.

In fact, there can be an infinite number of different presuppositions, each of you, by the way, has your own beliefs, which, in fact, are presuppositions. The only question is, how effective are your beliefs? The basic presuppositions of neurolinguistic programming are not taken from the ceiling, but are built on the basis of the experience of thousands and thousands of people, and therefore their effectiveness has been proven in practice.

NLP techniques

Here is a brief description of the techniques that are used in Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP). If you are not familiar with the concept of Neuro Linguistic Programming, it will be difficult for you to understand what they are and what effect they lead to. Here is a list of NLP techniques for informational purposes only.

Working with Beliefs: Identifying limiting and conflicting beliefs in order to change or weaken them.

NLP technique: Meta model.
Application: Uncovering limiting beliefs.
Description: The study of language patterns in order to detect unconscious restrictions, distortions and generalizations. There are twelve such patterns, and for each of them there are many questions that allow you to identify limiting beliefs.

NLP Technique: Aligning Logic Levels.
Application: Weakening of internal conflicts.
Description: Meditation exercises that allow a person to become aware of each of the six levels of motivation.

NLP technique: Reframing.
Application: Eliminate negative statements about someone or something.
Description: A look at the topic in context.

NLP Technique: Changing Belief Cycles.
Application: Changing beliefs.
Description: A process of spatial anchoring in which an object goes through many mental steps.

NLP Technique: Core Transformation.
Application: Working at a very deep level with the aim of exploring and, if desired, changing values, perceptions of oneself and one's mission.
Description: A powerful exercise of intensive work with the "parts" of the personality.

NLP Technique: Integrating Conflicted Beliefs.
Application: Reducing internal tension.

Influence on the object: Direct influence on the behavior of another person, the establishment of mutual understanding.

NLP technique: Micro-muscular modeling.
Application: Setting rapport.
Description: Mirroring human gestures without visible movement.

NLP technique: Rapport.
Application: Rapport setting.
Description: Copying aspects of an object's external state, and further adjusting it by changing its internal state.

NLP technique: Calibration.
Application: Increasing awareness of one's own condition and the condition of others.
Description: Carefully observing the client and adjusting himself to his physical and emotional state, in order to learn his body language.

NLP technique: Eye contact.
Application: Calibration of the internal state of the client.
Description: Mind reading based on the object's eye movements.

NLP technique: Ericksonian hypnosis.
Application: The introduction of an object into "generative" trance states, where the unconscious is released and the correct solution to problems is found.
Description: A manner of speaking that leads to the creation of a trance state.

NLP technique: Using stories and metaphors.
Application: Influencing the object in order to find a sound solution.
Description: A form of indirect communication.

NLP technique: Built-in commands.
Application: Influencing behavior.

Behavior work: Behavior change - copying the behavior of successful people for the purpose of self-development.

NLP technique: Implicit modeling.
Application: Gaining an intuitive understanding of the master's behavior.
Description: Physical copying of actions and verification of accompanying thoughts.

NLP Technique: Explicit Modeling.
Application: Examination of the mind of the master before, during and after the action.
Description: A set of questions.

NLP Technique: Creating New Behavior.
Application: Learning new behavior.
Description: A simple visualization exercise.

NLP technique: Strategic analysis.
Application: Introspection and copying the behavior of other people.
Description: Examine in precise detail the steps you and others take to achieve a goal.

NLP Technique: Somatic Syntax.
Application: Understanding your body language and using it to improve communication.
Description: Mark gestures and their meanings, and further enhance them.
Self-improvement: General techniques for developing one's personality or that of a client.

NLP technique: Properly constructed result.
Application: A classic technique for identifying targets.
Description: Through a set of questions, "SMART" goals are established, and an understanding of internal barriers to achieving those goals.

NLP technique: The process of creativity.
Application: Increase creativity.
Description: Using spatial anchoring to access various creative processes.

NLP technique: Ideas.
Application: Decision making.
Description: The process of anchoring the different mindsets needed to make decisions.

NLP Technique: Setting Intention.
Application: Helping you approach a task with the best state of mind.
Description: A simple self-hypnosis process.

NLP Technique: Release from Bondage.
Application: Dealing with "addictions" or other types of addictions to another person, product, or drug.
Description: A process involving the use of metaphors and physical gestures.

NLP technique: Value hierarchy.
Application: Creating clear motivation.
Description: Identification and ranking of values, and subsequent regular re-evaluation.

NLP Technique: Forgiveness Pattern.
Application: Dealing with "negative unfinished business".
Description: An exercise using submodalities and spatial anchors.

NLP technique: Forcing the future process.
Application: Increase motivation.
Description: An exercise with timing.

NLP Technique: Inciting Transderivative Search.
Application: Release of the creative unconscious.
Description: NLP hypnotic technique.

NLP Technique: Nested Loops.
Application: Providing information.
Description: A way of structuring information to ensure its memorization.
Inner Peace: Achieving peace of mind, mainly meditative techniques.

NLP Technique: Conscious Breathing.

NLP Technique: Golden Color Meditation.
Application: Creating inner peace.
Description: Meditation exercise.

NLP technique: Metta Bhavana.
Application: Forgiveness and comfort.

NLP Technique: Three Minds Meditation.
Application: Inner balance.
Description: Meditation technique.
Problem solving: Dealing with anxious thoughts, stressful situations, help in solving problems.

NLP technique: Meta mirroring.
Application: Understanding and reducing external conflicts.
Description: Spatial anchors (tablets in different parts of the room) are used to study a stressful situation from different points of view.

NLP technique: The process of visual translation.
Application: Help in solving problems.
Description: The object creates a picture of the problem and the desired solution.

NLP technique: Map matching.
Application: Access to useful states in difficult situations.
Description: An exercise in using spatial reference to yourself and practicing new ways of responding to stressful situations.

NLP technique: Whistle.
Application: Elimination of disturbing mental images.
Description: Changing "submodalities" or the way we present things in a negative light.

NLP technique: New light through an old window.
Application: Reducing the strength of disturbing memories.
Description: A visualization exercise to move away from bad memories while retaining useful lessons.

NLP Technique: The Circle of Perfection.
Application: Preparation for difficult situations.
Description: Combining positive memories and applying them in stressful situations.

NLP Technique: Grief and Loss Pattern.
Application: Work with grief, or loss, which has an obsessive character.
Description: An exercise using submodalities and timing.
Work with the past: Mental return to the past in order to change attitudes towards it.

NLP Technique: Changing Personal History.
Usage: Change existing unwanted patterns.
Description: Returning to the past and playing out a new scenario as if we had the necessary resources, resources that we lacked, in order to reduce the negative impact of past events on our destiny.

NLP technique: Recoding decisions.
Application: Dealing with "unfinished business".
Description: Revisiting the past with new resources.

NLP technique: Chronology.
Application: A key component of the NLP technique.
Description: Spatial representation of time.

NLP Technique: Rapid Phobia Healing.
Application: Treatment of phobia.
Description: Revisiting the traumatic events that caused the phobia and withdrawing the event from oneself.

NLP technique: Chronological visualization.
Application: Releasing emotional blocks from the distant past.
Description: An exercise using a scale.
Anchoring Techniques: One of the most important Neuro-Linguistic Programming techniques, it can be applied in almost all areas of life.

NLP technique: Anchoring.
Application: A key component of many NLP processes.
Description: Create easy-to-use triggers for desired states.

NLP Technique: Folding Anchors.
Application: Replacing a negative state with a positive state.
Description: Fixing two states, negative and positive, and draining the flow of energy from the first to the last.

NLP technique: Chain of anchors.
Application: Elegant transition from a negative state to a positive state.
Description: Create a line of anchors that take you on a journey from one extreme mood to the next.

NLP technique: Laying anchors.
Application: Increasing the power of positive memories.
Description: Anchoring other states into one pleasant state.

NLP technique: Spatial anchoring.
Usage: Using physical space to create a state trigger.
Description: Create a connection between space and state.
There are really a lot of techniques, you do not need to know each of them, unless, of course, you are going to become a coach or a psychotherapist to help other people solve their problems. Some of the techniques can be applied on your own, but more often than not, working with a professional brings more lasting results - plus, it's a bit different from doing it yourself, where you can give yourself some indulgence.