How and what the best mathematicians of Siberia are taught. How and what the best mathematicians of siberia are taught Dear young friend

Physics and Mathematics School them. M. A. Lavrent'eva at Novosibirsk State University (SUNTs NSU) - educational institution Russian Federation, providing the receipt of the last stage of secondary education (10th and 11th grades, and from the 2013-2014 academic year also 9th grades).

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    The list of directors of the FMS (by the year of taking office): P. G. Semeriako (since 1963), A. S. Karabasova (since 1963), N. N. Bondarev (since 1964), N. F . Lukanev (since 1965), E. I. Bichenkov (since 1965), N. M. Nogin (since 1967), L. N. Parshenkov (since 1967) and M. A. Mogilevsky (since 1970), A.F.Bogachev (since 1972), A.A.Nikitin (since 1987) and N.I. Yavorsky (since 2006).

    PMS students annually take part in the All-Siberian Olympiad for Schoolchildren. According to its results, they can enter the most prestigious universities in the country without passing the exam. In 2013, for the first time compiled by the Moscow Center for Continuous Mathematical Education, the list of 25 strongest schools in Russia in terms of the Unified State Exam, All-Russian and International Olympiads, the SSC NSU was placed in fifth place (second among educational institutions outside Moscow and St. Petersburg).

    Since 1986, annual student exchanges have taken place between the Novosibirsk Physics and Mathematics School and the Phillips Academy.

    As of 2013, the fiftieth anniversary, 14,000 people graduated from school, two thirds of whom then studied at NSU. About 4 thousand graduates became candidates, and more than 500 - doctors of science. Two graduates were elected as full members and seven - as corresponding members of the RAS.

    Summer school

    Schoolchildren pronounce FMS as "FyMysha", and their teachers call them "fimyshats". According to the recollections of the first teachers, one of the girls, Natasha Usova, painted flower pots and drew a mouse among the flowers on one of them. The guys called him fymyshonk, from that moment FMShata began to call themselves that. Pupils of the summer school - "ElShata". Also often "fimyshat" are called physical and mathematical students, "elShat" - summer schoolchildren.

    Inside the school, there is a system of night attendants (who watch the lights out at 23:00 local time), morning attendants (for getting up at 7:00), orderlies, physical trainers and cultural workers. Access to the dormitories, the academic building and the canteen of the FMS is carried out with special passes (tokens). There is an underground passage between the two dormitories of the FMS and the academic building.

    In the Summer School, a group of graduates (usually of the current year), the so-called "KomsOtryad" or shortly "Komsa", is responsible for leisure activities. For each class, two educators are responsible (mostly senior students or educators / teachers of the FMS) "PedOtryad". "PedOtryad" and "KomsOtryad", including holding concerts "Business Cards", in which they show numbers from skits of NSU, their own numbers or old, verified numbers from the repertoire of the FMS. In such concerts, such famous personalities as


    Nikolay Ivanovich Yavorsky

    A type

    boarding school

    Pupils Address Telephone

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    physico-mathematical and chemical-biological

    Physics and Mathematics School them. MA Lavrent'eva at NSU (SSC NSU) is an educational and educational institution of the Russian Federation, providing the final stage of secondary education (10th and 11th grades).


    PMS students annually take part in the All-Siberian Olympiad for Schoolchildren. According to its results, they can enter the most prestigious universities in the country without passing the exam.

    Since 1986, annual student exchanges have taken place between the Novosibirsk Physics and Mathematics School and the Phillips Academy.

    Summer school


    FMS icon.

    In addition to schoolchildren who have received an invitation to participate in the Summer School, there is an opportunity to apply without an invitation. At the very beginning of the Summer School, Olympiads are held (physics, mathematics, chemistry), and everyone can take part in the Olympiads. In case of admission, they are equal in rights to the rest of the students.

    At the end of the Summer School, tests (physics, mathematics, chemistry, previously also biology) and interviews (in the same disciplines) are held. The best students are selected based on the results of the tests.


    Students of a two-year stream of the 10th grade and one-year stream of the 11th grade are initiated on "Mikhailov Day": the birthday of MA Lavrentyev and MV Lomonosov. Dedication takes place in the House of Scientists of the SB RAS. "Fymyshat" sing the hymn of the school, take an oath, and then the 10th grades of the biennial stream and the 11th grades of the one-year stream alternately rise on the stage, where the initiation ceremony takes place: they take a pinch of salt, kneel in front of the master, touch the standard and receive the PMS badge ...


    The FMS itself and the Summer School have strict rules regarding behavior. It is forbidden to drink alcoholic beverages, fight, steal, leave the hostel at night without the permission of the class teacher. Exemption follows for such violations.

    After 22:00, all students must be in the hostel. On weekdays, the hang-up is at 23:00, on pre-holiday and on holidays, the hang-up occurs half an hour later: at 23:30. Half an hour before lights out, the first bell rings, notifying that it's time to go to their rooms and get ready for bed. The blocks are not closed at night and the night teacher can control how the students follow the schedule of the day.


    I, solemnly receiving
    Name FMShonka

    I swear

    Constantly study
    polish your mind,
    work hard
    their forces.

    I swear

    Be merciless
    to your weaknesses
    and disadvantages,
    learn to live and work
    a team,
    always be loyal to our FMShat brotherhood.

    I swear

    Always and everywhere remember
    about the honor of your school,
    increase her authority
    and glory,
    live so that the school can
    be proud of me.

    I swear

    If I break this vow
    May they cease to respect me
    My comrades, teachers and scientists

    I swear


    We came from everywhere
    To Akademgorodok.
    Children were led to this school
    There are many difficult roads.

    But we went through all the obstacles
    Through contests, olympiads,
    We had to work hard
    In these austere lecture halls

    May our everyday life be difficult
    Sometimes it is not easy for us.
    Integrals are harder
    Life gives you and me.

    But disputes will be remembered for a long time,
    Classes, lectures and corridors,
    We will remember everything: how we lived here,
    How we studied and how we were friends.

    The years will go by quickly
    Will fly by in succession
    Where do we meet
    Will it get through, my friend?

    But we firmly believe in these meetings
    On Earth and on another planet
    Somewhere under a blue star
    We will cross our arms tightly with you.

    Schoolchildren pronounce FMS as "FyMysha", and their teachers call them "fimyshats". According to the recollections of the first teachers, one of the girls, Natasha Usova, painted flower pots and drew a mouse among the flowers on one of them. The guys called him fymyshonk, from that moment FMShata began to call themselves that. Pupils of the summer school - "ElShata". Also often "fimyshat" are called physical and mathematical students, "elShat" - summer schoolchildren.

    Inside the school there is a system of night attendants (who watch the lights out at 23:00 local time), morning attendants (for getting up at 7:15), orderlies, physical trainers and cultural workers. Access to the dormitories, the academic building and the canteen of the FMS is carried out with special passes (tokens). There is an underground passage between the two dormitories of the FMS and the academic building.

    In the Summer School, a group of graduates (usually of the current year), the so-called "KomsOtryad" or shortly "Komsa", is responsible for leisure activities. For each class, two educators are responsible (mostly senior students or educators / teachers of the FMS) "PedOtryad". "PedOtryad" and "KomsOtryad", including holding concerts "Business Cards", in which they show numbers from skits of NSU, their own numbers or old, verified numbers from the repertoire of the FMS. Such well-known personalities as Alexander Pushnoy and Ruslan Velikokhatny took part in such concerts.

    Lawsuit against school

    SUNC NSU appealed against this decision in the regional court. In addition, he was contested by the prosecutor of the Sovetskiy district. On September 18, the regional court of the Novosibirsk region overturned the decision of the district court, referring to the fact that the activities of the SUNC NSU are regulated by the decree

    Having visited the SSC NSU, we learned the secrets of preparing for the Unified State Exam, looked at one of the best chemical laboratories and answered the question: why do students need ... a crocodile.


    FMS, "fymyshata" ... Immediately there is an image of a good-natured, but cunning in the eyes of Academician Lavrentyev, who opened a window for talented children in Siberia into big science. He was a courageous and responsible person who created a physics and mathematics school without having any permission or allocated resources. The first enrollment took place in the summer of 1962, and on January 21, 1963, more than a hundred students from different parts of the USSR began to study at the “non-existent” school of the future, in which not teachers teach, but real scientists.

    If you first look into the museum of the legendary FMS (and now - SUNTS NSU), you will see ... a real crocodile (of course, not alive, but his stuffed animal). This is the main mascot of the renowned educational institution.

    More than half a century ago Mikhail Lavrentyev brought it from South America and presented it to the school with the words: “This animal can only move forward! So should you! ". This is the main motto for all students to this day, - Nikolai Ivanovich Yavorsky, director of the famous educational institution, begins his story.

    Laurentian traditions in FMS - forgive our Father. An important and unshakable principle of the existence of a school begins ... with the selection of children.

    The first stage is the All-Siberian Olympiad. It is conducted in six subjects, and is considered a status one: its winners have the right to enter a university without competition, - explains Nikolai Ivanovich. “Based on its results, we select children who have shown good results and invite them to our Summer School. The first Summer School took place back in 1962, and after that 600-700 talented children study there every year.

    Arriving at the Summer School, children find themselves in a completely different educational space: here lectures are given to them by scientists from the SB RAS, there are also circles that are completely unusual for other educational institutions, including robotics.

    Children study during the day, and in the evening they have rest, sports competitions, concerts and original contests, get acquainted with Akademgorodok and Novosibirsk. For schoolchildren who come from all over the country - for example, Yakutia, the Far East, Buryatia - this is an invaluable experience. And even if they later do not study at the FMS, the received energy impulse aimed at creating and discovering something new will definitely come in handy for them, - Nikolai Ivanovich is sure.


    Another phrase by Mikhail Alekseevich Lavrentyev, which has become truly legendary in the FMS, was uttered more than 50 years ago at a meeting with physics and mathematics students. Then the legendary founder told the children who came to study from all over the country:

    Now you will be busy!

    At the FMS, the emphasis was immediately placed on the natural science profile: mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, but the guys also study humanitarian subjects at a very high level:

    We have the most high score according to the USE at school, it is in the Russian language: yes, few hours are allocated for it, but the results are beyond expectations, - says Nikolai Ivanovich.

    By the way, about the Unified State Exam: the indicators of the FMS are the best in the region. However, neither children nor teachers consider grades an end in itself:

    On the contrary, both teachers and children, because of the Unified State Exam, have less time for Scientific research, and nobody really likes it, - Nikolay Yavorsky explains.

    But the students cope with the task with a bang. And all thanks to the competent approach of the teachers.

    First of all, we have a separate special course for preparing for the exam: there students are explained how to fill out the forms correctly, what rules exist during the exam, ”Nikolai Ivanovich lists. - This is important for those guys who did not manage to remember all the nuances.

    One more point: graduates are required to write a trial exam.

    The assignments are formed by the teachers themselves: they are taken from the versions of previous years, - Nikolay Yavorsky describes the technology.

    And this approach yields its results: the average USE score in school is 82, no educational institution in the region can boast of such grades!


    And now about what "fimyshatas" (as the students themselves call themselves) love to do. First of all, it is to conduct experiments in the laboratory. It is equipped with modern scientific instruments that are rarely seen even in universities. And it's not just words:

    In our laboratory, for example, there is a spectrometer (this is an optical device that allows you to study the intensity and energy of radiation - author's note), which allows you to quickly determine a substance from the radiation spectrum after computer processing - Nikolay Yavorsky tells about the work of the laboratory.

    Another important point: most of the classes and special courses (and there are more than 160 of them, by the way !!!) are taught by teachers who are candidates of science and professors, work at the institutes of the Russian Academy of Sciences, and teach at NSU.

    One of them is a graduate of the FMS academician Pavel Vladimirovich Logachev, who is now the director of the Institute nuclear physics SB RAS.

    Now imagine the level of teaching: he tells children about his research, and some of this information at the university only in the fourth year students learn, - says Nikolai Ivanovich. For several "fimyshats" Pavel Vladimirovich arranged a trip to the closed city of Sarov, to the Russian Federal Nuclear Center, where they were shown a museum with real atomic bombs, so there was no limit to the delight of the children!

    Another aspect: all the problem books for children are written by the teachers themselves, and there are no analogues of this in any other Siberian school!

    You can study at the FMS on three streams: three-year, two-year and one-year. These streams, of course, have a different educational program. So that children and parents can choose any educational program that suits them.

    In addition, we have a project Open FMS - distance learning for all educational programs of the SSC NSU. At FMS, this resource is used for blended learning: it is intended primarily for children who have missed something or have not learned something, for those who are away at an Olympiad or tournament. Pupils can complete assignments without any problems and keep up with their studies, - Nikolay Yavorsky explained.

    Agree, a convenient innovation that not even every university can now boast of.

    Another important point is that the FMS pays special attention to the health of students, so there is a department of physical culture, where masters and candidates for masters of sports teach. And there is also a gym where anyone can work out after classes.


    Moreover, the FMS is a unique educational institution where children live in a boarding school. All conditions have been created for children to be as comfortable as possible: two or three people live in rooms, washing machines are installed in the hostel so that children can wash their clothes without any problems. In addition, each block has a bathroom and a sink.

    They feed the children six times a day, so parents shouldn't worry about it, '' Nikolai Ivanovich assured. “We have tried to create all the conditions so that children can focus on the main thing - study and research.

    And this is the most important principle of PMS: children should strive not for high marks, but to gain knowledge and then apply it successfully. And where - in science or high-tech business, the students themselves have to decide!


    "Fymyshata" is also in space!

    Among the graduates of the SSC NSU there are about 4 thousand candidates of sciences, more than 500 doctors of sciences, 7 corresponding members of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 4 academicians of the Russian Academy of Sciences and an academician of the Russian Academy of Education, members of other academies. They work both in Russia and abroad. By the way, it was FMS graduates who founded the first private Russian company for space flights.


    The Specialized Physics and Mathematics School in Novosibirsk was established by a decree of the Council of Ministers of the USSR on August 23, 1963 at the suggestion of Academician Mikhail Alekseevich Lavrent'ev. The first lecture for the students of the FMS was delivered on January 21, 1963 by A.A. Lyapunov.

    For 53 years, 14,579 students graduated from school: they received 103 gold medals and 398 silver medals.


    Grand piano as a gift

    Another relic is carefully kept in the FMS boarding school - the grand piano of the French pianist Vera Avgustovna Lotar-Shevchenko. It is over a hundred years old, with a two-headed imperial eagle on the lid.

    Mikhail Alekseevich Lavrentyev assisted her in coming to Akademgorodok, and the students of the FMS often came to visit her and helped with the housework. And she arranged concerts in gratitude, - says Nikolai Ivanovich.

    After the death of Vera Avgustinovna, her piano, as she bequeathed, was transferred to the FMS, where it is now.

    For more than six years, researchers at Novosibirsk State University have been implementing the educational project "" - free courses for children in chemistry and physics. Every autumn, scientists gather children, show them interesting experiments and experiments, teach them how to perform laboratory work and explain natural phenomena in an accessible way so that a very young generation can join the "miracles" of adult science.

    How to present serious science in a fun and accessible way? The candidate of chemical sciences, associate professor tells about this:

    - In 2009, while working at the Faculty of Physics and Chemistry, it was noticeable that NSU had a big problem with the number and quality of applicants. We began to think, why did this happen? And they came to the conclusion: it is not only the so-called demographic hole that is to blame. Our education system is designed in such a way that a child has to choose very early on who he will be in life and then purposefully prepare for the Unified State Exam. In this regard, we drew conclusions: in order for talented guys to get carried away not by economics, management, law or some other popular disciplines, but by chemistry or physics, they need to be interested in these sciences early enough - even in the lower and middle grades, before how chemistry and physics will appear as school subjects in the curriculum.

    This is how the idea of ​​the Entertaining Science for Schoolchildren project was born. Teachers, accustomed to working with adult students, were not disappointed in the new classroom, they say - kids are even more productive audience:

    - Children are open to everything, they want to learn something new and they really like everything. It is more difficult to work with them, but more interesting, and the return is quite large.

    The main tenets of the ZNSH are that all interested children of any age are invited to entertaining classes. The lessons are absolutely free. On them, teachers demonstrate vivid experiences and explain the essence of the happening "magic". In addition, there are practical exercises - the guys, under the guidance of the teacher, participate in real laboratory experiments! According to the researcher, this is very important, because not all modern schools have the technical ability to conduct full-fledged laboratory experiments.

    Over the years of the project, thanks to grants, support from the university and institutes of the Novosibirsk Scientific Center, we were able to accumulate a good material base: we have sets of laboratory equipment that we can vary depending on the topic and subject. And every year we come up with something new in the program. Since we have guys who have been going to ZNSH right from 2009! Some of them have already graduated from school, entered NSU and are helping the team of organizers, - says Anna Nartova.

    The creators of the ZNS not only hold annual lecture cycles, but also participate with their interactive experiences at all kinds of venues: science days and other city events. An indirect, but no less important, effect of this popularization of science is “rehabilitation” or the creation of a positive image of the researcher.

    - The media instills in us that scientists lead a miserable existence and as if they are not of this world. The image of a person engaged in science is not very good and positive in our country. But we are trying to fight against such ideas: young guys come to schoolchildren, completely open, sociable, successful, earning a living by their favorite work. And of course it makes an impression on the kids. We even had situations when guys who wanted to become bankers changed their minds and then came to study at the Faculty of Physics and FEN.

    Now there are several analogue projects in the city: animators showing various scientific "tricks" and explainers that destroy myths. Nevertheless, the creators of the ZNSh managed to preserve their uniqueness:

    Making an impression, showing focus is easy, but explaining why this is happening is much more important. After all, we are scientists, teachers, and therefore our peculiarity is that we can not only amaze the imagination of the children, but also explain to them what the essence is and why such an effect is obtained. We are principled in this matter. And for children this is a real revelation. We strive to introduce children to the subject in a systematic manner. In addition, we also give interesting homework assignments. Let's say they listen to a lecture about inertia, and then we tell them to boil eggs at home and think about why a boiled egg and a non-boiled one spin differently. Children perform such cognitive tasks, then come to lessons and share their ideas. Some, of course, google the correct answer. But that's not bad either, because at least that's how they try to find a solution., - says Anna Nartova. - Experiments really look like magic for many children. But, again, understanding why this is happening is much more important than the "wow effect" of the experiment itself.

    ZNSh classes are held on the basis of 162 schools in Akademgorodok on weekdays and weekends. You can find out more details and contact the organizers on the project.





    SUMMER SCHOOL - 2013

    Novosibirsk, 2012

    Summer School 2012 (Methodological guide for students of the Summer School).

    This manual contains the basic information needed for a student in Summer School. It contains the tasks that were proposed last year at the preliminary stage of the All-Siberian Olympiad and during the tests of the Summer School; tasks that will be considered at the seminars, together with a brief theoretical material for them; topics of offered lectures; rules of student conduct; the program of cultural events of the Summer School and other necessary information.

    Novosibirsk State University, 2013

    Dear young friend!

    You have arrived at the Novosibirsk Academgorodok, a place where prominent Russian scientists work, where one of the best universities in Russia, Novosibirsk State University, is located. The University has a Physics and Mathematics School named after Academician M.A. Lavrentiev (FMS), which is a part of the Specialized Educational and Scientific Center for Physics, Mathematics and Chemistry and Biology of Novosibirsk State University (SSC NSU).

    The summer school is the first step that leads to the Temple of Science. Having successfully graduated from the Summer School, you will be able to enter the Physics and Mathematics School. FMS (SSC NSU) is the world's first school of specialized education in physics and mathematics. It was created in 1963 by an outstanding scientist, founder of the Siberian Branch of the Academy of Sciences - Mikhail Alekseevich Lavrentiev.

    Summer School 2012 is significant and will be held in the Novosibirsk Academgorodok exactly 50 years after the very first LSH.

    FMS prepares students for admission to Novosibirsk State University and other leading universities in Russia and the world. Its graduates have become prominent scientists, engineers, entrepreneurs. Former "fimyshats" work in all corners of our Motherland and the world. In a physics and mathematics school, you can get education of the highest standard.

    We hope that your stay at LSh-2012 will be interesting and exciting. We wish you to successfully complete the Summer School, pass the competition and enter the Specialized Educational and Scientific Center at Novosibirsk State University.


    held annually in a picturesque forest-park area, near the Ob Sea. The Summer School (LS) acquaints students of secondary schools, gymnasiums, lyceums with the modern achievements of the natural sciences, gives them the opportunity to develop their cognitive interests. In the classroom, children who are keen on physics, mathematics, chemistry, biology, learn a lot of new and interesting things, try their hand at solving original problems. One of the important tasks of the LSU is the selection of promising young men and women to the NSU Specialized Educational and Scientific Center to continue their studies.

    The Olympic Committee of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences invites to the Summer School everyone who has successfully performed at regional and republican Olympiads held in Siberia, the Far East and the CIS countries adjacent to this region, as well as those who study very well in Correspondence Physics. mathematical school. Immediately after the opening of the Summer School, a preliminary round of the All-Siberian Olympiad in mathematics, physics, chemistry and biology is held. Based on the results of these Olympiads and interviews, an additional recruitment of children is made, from among those who do not have an invitation from the Olympic Committee.

    The teachers and educators of the school are selected from among the employees of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, graduate students, interns, senior students of NSU. Classes are organized according to the system of higher education: lectures are given by leading scientists of Akademgorodok, and seminars at which schoolchildren master practical skills in solving problems and elements of theory. In addition, demonstration physical and chemical experiments are conducted, allowing students to join the practice of a modern experiment.

    All the children who arrived at the school are assigned to classes. Two teachers work with each class. The Summer School hosts a wide variety of cultural and sports events. Providing great opportunities for education and recreation for schoolchildren, the Summer School makes some natural demands on students. Among them are the compulsory attendance of classes and the implementation of the usual norms.