What if I am at 6 am. Getting up early: what is the use and how to accustom yourself. It's time to warm up before work.

People often associate the habit of waking up early with success in life. If you are skeptical about this statement, try to reconsider your views on the daily routine. Within two years, your life can change dramatically. Here are just six incredible reasons why the morning should start with the first roosters.

You will have time to discover hidden resources

Many people are far from success in life only because of the lack of attention to their own person. In the event of a loss of concentration during the day, it is so easy to be distracted from the tasks at hand. As you know, the brain works more efficiently in the morning. By getting out of bed two hours earlier, you can use the time that has appeared to search for internal resources. This will help keep all routine processes under control.

You can effectively plan your day

Early Birds have the unique ability to plan ahead for the day well in advance of going to work. The sooner you think of things, the more efficiently and productively they will be executed. Psychologists advise abandoning the idea of ​​making a list of tasks the night before. Before going to bed, the human brain is tired and aims for a speedy rest.

You will have time for self-improvement

Who came up with the idea that immediately after waking up people should rush to the office? Many work late into the evening and complain that they don't have enough time to go to the gym, go for a run, read, or have fun with their family. Now you can easily find an extra two hours for any of these cases. If the morning is given to physical exercises, the body is saturated with endorphins. Therefore, a charge of vivacity and good mood will be provided for a long time.

Finally, you will start eating breakfast

Throughout your life, you have heard so often about the benefits of a full breakfast, but you have enough time in the morning for a maximum cup of coffee. Now you will never miss the most important meal of the day. Scientific research clearly demonstrates the importance of breakfast for human health. If your car needs fuel before driving, then your body needs energy before work.

Successful people are early birds

Take a look at the habits of successful people and you will definitely find the pattern you are looking for. All of them are early birds. So, Jack Dorsey, the founder of Twitter, says that he gets up every morning at 5:30. Then the businessman meditates and runs 10 kilometers. Apple CEO Tim Cook gets up even earlier - at half past four in the morning. The tycoon devotes extra time to correspondence with business partners. British businessman Richard Branson gets up at 5:45 and immediately gets to work on the computer in his office, then he allows himself to have breakfast.

You will be two steps ahead of your competitors

This healthy habit will help you discover your hidden creativity. This will develop powerful self-confidence: it's nice to think that you have already done a lot of work while competitors are having their tenth dream. If you learn how to solve the most unpleasant and difficult issues before eight in the morning, you will be able to maintain a high energy charge throughout the day. Awareness of the work done will give a feeling of lightness and freedom, and this will reduce the level of stress and anxiety.

Saturday, February 27, 2016 9:48 pm + to quote pad

1. You will have time to understand yourself
Many people fail to achieve their goals just because they lack focus. If you don’t start your day by figuring out what you should focus on first, then it’s unlikely that you will remember your big goals for the day.
As you know, it is in the morning that your brain works most efficiently. Use this time to take control of your life with your mind, not your emotions.
2. You will have time to plan your day.
Early risers have the ability to plan their day ahead of time before going to work. The earlier you plan your day, the more efficiently and productively you will spend your time.
Planning tomorrow in the evening is counterproductive. It's stupid to make plans when your brain is stale and wants only one thing - rest.
3. Morning is a great time to work on yourself
Who said you have to rush to the office as soon as you wake up? At the same time, many of us complain that we constantly lack time for family, entertainment, or the gym.
If you start waking up at 6 am, you will have a few more hours before the start of the working day to hit the gym. When you exercise in the morning, your body is saturated with endorphins. These are hormones that are released during active physical exertion and give us a feeling of joy and euphoria. The charge of endorphins received in the morning may well be enough for you to be energetic and cheerful all day long.
4. You will start eating breakfast
You've heard all your life that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. If you wake up a couple of hours before the start of the working day, you definitely won’t be able to miss it.
A study by the Hopkins-Bloomberg School of Public Health found that eating a full breakfast has an extremely important positive effect on your health. Just like your car needs gas to run, your body needs food to function properly. Especially in the morning.
5. This is what many successful people do!
New York Magazine, in an article about Jack Dorsey, the founder of Twitter, told readers that he starts his day at 5:30 in the morning. Dorsey uses the time before the start of the work day for meditation and a 10-kilometer jog.
Tim Cook, CEO of Apple, starts answering partner emails every morning at 4:30.
Richard Branson, founder of the Virgin Group, is also a big proponent of waking up early. In one of his interviews with Business Insider, he admitted that he wakes up at 5:45 and immediately gets to work. First, he sits at the computer for a while, and only then he only has breakfast.
6. You will be two steps ahead of everyone.
The habit of waking up early, studies show, can help you unleash your creativity. Plus, it develops your self-confidence: you start working even when all your competitors are sleeping.
I learned to solve all the most unpleasant work cases before 8 in the morning. This habit allows me to get through the rest of the day with a high level of energy and a sense of accomplishment. The habit of doing the most unpleasant things early in the morning reduces my stress and anxiety levels.
And further. If you can train yourself to wake up two and a half hours earlier than usual, you can benefit from 150 minutes of work a day. That's 17 and a half hours a week, and more than 70 hours a month. 840 hours per year. The choice is yours.

The cycle of the Sun affects every inhabitant of our planet Earth. Despite the fact that we have become hostages of technogenic civilization, we are still influenced by the rhythms of the daylight. In this article, I will talk about the pros and cons of getting up early.

What is an early rise? It's waking up before 6 o'clock in the morning. Our ancestors woke up at sunrise. This habit has been preserved in many countries located on the equator, where the rhythm of the day is strictly defined. Night always lasts about 12 hours, as well as daylight hours.

For residents of northern latitudes, the topic of early rise is not so close and understandable, because in winter the Sun rises around 9 am or even later. However, it is not without reason that most successful people from all over the world practice waking up at 5-6 in the morning. So, there are certain advantages to this.

The benefits of getting up early

Find out the benefits of getting up early.

  1. Your productivity increases significantly. If you have tried working early in the morning, you already know this secret. A task that usually takes two or three hours can be done in an hour in the morning. It seems like fantasy. But it is enough just to start practicing waking up early in the morning to see for yourself.
  2. You will have extra time for yourself. Imagine how great it would be if in the morning you could devote time only to things you love. Perhaps you will finally fulfill your dream of being creative, read the books shelved "for later" or open your own project. In any case, morning inspiration will help you.
  3. To get up early, you need to set the correct daily routine. If you start going to bed no later than 22:00, you will get better sleep. And morning well-being will delight you: a feeling of cheerfulness and clarity of thought for the whole day.


Not to mention the cons. For some unknown reason, this topic is often hushed up. However, in order to make an informed decision, you must be aware of them.

  1. If you do not follow the daily routine and go to bed late, then instead of cheerfulness and inspiration, you will feel tired, weak and have a strong desire to lie down for an hour or two.
  2. The first time will not be easy. Few people manage to introduce the practice of early rises into everyday life without the resistance of the body. Especially if you were an "owl" before.
  3. In some cases, this can lead to disharmony in the family. The classic example is the wife who gets up at 5 am and goes to bed at 10 pm. At the same time, the husband comes home from work, has dinner at 8-9 pm, then rests for an hour in front of the TV. And only after 22 hours is he ready for tenderness. But the wife at this time falls down. She has to wake up again at five!

How to learn?

The most important thing is to wake up not just like that, but for the sake of something. Important, interesting, inspiring.

Let's think together what it could be.

  • Favorite hobby, for which there is not enough time in the daily bustle. For example, learning a foreign language.
  • Reading an interesting book or spiritual literature.
  • - it is in the early morning that they pass especially blissfully.
  • Yoga or sports. Perhaps you have long set yourself the goal of losing a few kilograms of weight. In this case, the morning time is ideal for jogging or doing a set of exercises.
  • your project. Perhaps you have created your own blog or YouTube channel. Or maybe they decided to provide private hairdressing or makeup services. In the morning, you can think of a plan to bring the idea to life and start implementing it.
  • Quiet time to relax and take care of yourself. I have a friend who wakes up every day at 6 in the morning, although she could sleep until seven. She uses her free time to take a hot bath with fragrant foam in the morning, immerse herself in pleasant thoughts and recharge her energy for the whole day. By the way, this friend is a very positive and open person.

Another secret is not to give up and not quit the practice. Having received a feeling of euphoria in the first days, after a while you will notice treacherous thoughts in your head: “Maybe I should sleep an hour more?” or "I'll take a week off and continue to practice early rises."

Don't give in. This is a natural resistance of the body. It is necessary to connect willpower and discipline. Without them, nowhere.

Another important point, which I have already mentioned, is the observance of the daily routine. You must sleep at least 7 hours. If the dream is 6 hours, then be sure to lie down and take a nap during the day.

Before starting to write this article, I studied what my colleagues are saying. There are a lot of tips on the internet on how to start getting up early. But not all of them are useful. And some are even harmful. Now I'll tell you more.

  • If you go to bed early, then you need less time to sleep.

There is a grain of truth in this. However, you can not reduce the time of sleep in the initial stages of practice. Sleep should be at least 7 hours or more depending on the needs of the body. Otherwise, instead of optimism, goodness and inspiration, you will feel like a squeezed lemon.

  • Set several alarms to wake up on the second or third.

It doesn't make any sense. You either wake up or you don't. Why torture yourself? If the body is not able to move away from sleep, then you need to think about the duration of sleep and the general condition of the body. If it is weakened, if you have a cold or reduced immunity, then you need to sleep longer than usual. In this case, it is better to wake up at 7 am (or later).

  • Bring your body and health to the world standard.

In my opinion, absurd advice. For one simple reason - for most people this is unattainable. After all, early rises are often one of the first steps on the path of internal growth. And you can get closer to the ideal only when you have already advanced on the path.

What do we have to do? Yes, just to get joy from the morning, from the dawn, from the feeling of mystery when you are the only one in the family to get up so early.

This time is so quiet, calm and harmonious, but at the same time charged with positive energy of awakening the world from sleep, that its mere contemplation will help your health.

  • Don't eat before bed or don't eat after 7pm.

Of course, having dinner at 6 pm and not eating anything at night is best. But if you are hungry, then you should not deny yourself food. It is better to eat something than tossing and turning for half the night, dreaming of refreshment. So you definitely won't sleep.

Just in the evening, give preference to lighter food, reducing the amount of sweets. Together with a cake or a cupcake, it is better to eat a few dates.

What is said in the Vedas

The Vedas - a collection of ancient scriptures - speaks of the importance of observing the daily routine. So, in the period from 23:00 to 03:00 a person must sleep. Otherwise, fatigue, a feeling of apathy and a decrease in mental abilities occur.

Awakening is scheduled in the Vedas by the hour:

  1. From 3 to 4 am - at this time, enlightened and highly spiritual people get up. These hours are suitable only for spiritual practices and prayers, as well as reading sacred texts. Worldly matters should not be dealt with.
  2. From 4 to 5 o'clock in the morning - those who wake up at such a time are full of lightness and positive. They are inspired by the morning and energized. Strong leadership qualities and creative abilities.
  3. From 5 to 6 in the morning - those awakened at this time can also achieve a lot in life, but the results will not be outstanding. Such a person has few problems in life, but he cannot carry out a significant transformation either.
  4. From 6 to 7 in the morning - time has already been lost, you should wake up earlier. People have reduced vitality, less vigor. They are often late.
  5. From 7 to 8 in the morning - even lower vitality. A person fails to fully realize himself in life.
  6. From 8 to 9 in the morning - among other things, those who wake up at this time often suffer from some kind of addiction: coffee, alcohol, tobacco.
  7. Later than 9 am - even worse than in the previous paragraph, I will not paint all the horrors.

You have probably seen this information before. But did you know that the Vedas give hours according to solar time? However, in most of the CIS, local time does not correspond to it.

In most regions, local time is 1 hour ahead of actual solar time. Therefore, if the Vedas speak of the interval "from 3 to 4 o'clock in the morning", then in our countries it usually means "from 4 to 5 o'clock in the morning."

You can check for yourself how different the time in your city is from the true solar one. To do this, find the sunrise and sunset data for the current day. Calculate the middle of the gap between sunrise and sunset.

Ideally it should be 12:00 noon. If you get, say, 12:55, then the time in your region is 55 minutes ahead of the sun.

Alternative ideas about the daily routine

The studies of the historian Roger Ekirch, which lasted more than 15 years, testify to a surprising fact. In Europe, at a time when electric lighting had not yet been invented, our ancestors slept in a completely different way than we do now.

Night sleep was divided into two parts: the first dream and the second. People fell asleep at about 9 pm, then slept for 3-4 hours. Then there was a period of nocturnal wakefulness. A few hours later they went to bed again and got up at sunrise.

The historian studied various historical documents and testimonies, thanks to which he came to such an amazing conclusion. Ekirch published his thoughts and evidence in the book “At the end of the day. History of the night", released in 2006.

Night hours could be devoted to reflection, prayer, creative work or love pleasures.

An experiment has been carried out today. 15 volunteers were invited to spend 4 weeks without artificial lighting. The first three weeks they slept off - they were active for about 10 hours during the daylight hours, and during the dark hours they slept or dozed in a dark room. The previous lack of sleep of the participants affected.

When sleep became sufficient, the volunteers miraculously began to switch to biphasic sleep. First, sleep lasting 4-5 hours, then a period of wakefulness, and after that - again sleep until morning. A total of no more than 8 hours.

Free night hours they described as very calm. They talked about crystal clear consciousness, something like meditation. This condition could not be called insomnia. On the contrary, the participants experienced a burst of energy.

So, if getting up very early tempts you to feel the magic of that very time when night turns to morning, but you are not ready to become an extreme early riser, then take note of the described variant of biphasic sleep.

Some of our contemporaries also sleep intermittently, considering it harmful and unable to get rid of the habit. However, do not rush to conclusions. Perhaps this is more natural than an uninterrupted 7 or 8 hour sleep.


I suggest you watch a video that talks about the benefits of getting up early.

Summing up, we can conclude about the amazing opportunities that open up to a person in the early morning hours. Even a convinced "owl" will be able to appreciate them if he tries.

There are certain patterns associated with our well-being and even with fate, which directly depend on the time of the rise of a person.

In contact with


With the rise time, the vitality of the mind, the mind and our entire body is directly related. Therefore, you should be well aware of this in order to properly organize your life.

Pythagoras spoke about the need for early awakening. All the pupils of his school in Croton got up before sunrise. And at sunrise they sang a hymn to Apollo, the god of the Sun, and expressed their affirmations of life.

2-3 nights

If a person without problems for the psyche and health gets up from 2 to 3 in the morning, then in this case he is able to make great progress along the path of self-consciousness.
At this time, the activity of the Sun is still very weak, and the Moon continues to act on our mind quite strongly.

As a result, the mind is naturally in a state of peace and tranquility. At such early hours it is very auspicious to pray and think of God. However, those people who prefer to get up at this time will have a rather sensitive psyche and they are not recommended to stay in crowded places for a long time.

The fact that the schedule of life of wise people is somewhat shifted is confirmed in the Holy Scriptures: “What is night for all living beings, for one who controls himself is the time of awakening; when all living beings awaken from sleep, for the sage, engaged in self-contemplation, night falls.

3-4 am

These people also have enough strength to comprehend their spiritual nature. At the same time, their mental sensitivity is not so high as to lead a detached lifestyle. However, when rising at this time, it is recommended to engage only in spiritual practice.

This is due to the fact that such an early time is intended only for these purposes. For people who adhere to this schedule and perform their morning prayer every day, time is preparing a big surprise - the deep secrets of the soul will be revealed to them.

The only condition is that they should try to associate more with holy people and less with those whose consciousness is polluted by sinful activities.

4-5 am

Such a person is capable of becoming a deep optimist from a pessimist. It is at this time that the Earth is in a state of optimism. All songbirds, being in the mode of goodness, feel this and begin to sing in different voices.

Those people who are actively awake at this time are able to be good poets, composers, musicians, singers, as well as simply optimistic people. This time is also not yet intended for vigorous activity.

Getting up during this period of time, you can read spiritual books, pray or wish all people happiness. Religious people at this time, experiencing great happiness, sing the glory of the Lord, conduct their services.

5-6 am

These people will be able to have cheerfulness all their lives. In addition, their ability to defeat any disease is quite strong. You can also continue to engage in spiritual practice and the best thing is to memorize prayers or some necessary information. At this time, the Sun is not yet active, but the Moon is no longer active, so the mind becomes very sensitive to any information and it is quickly deposited in the memory.

6-7 am

Those who get up between 6 and 7 am get up after the sun. This means that they do not recognize the laws of time, but still try not to sleep too much. Their tone will be somewhat lower than we would like, and their business will not go very badly, but with obvious misses.

Their health will be more or less, but this does not apply to critical life situations. That is, one who is inclined to get out of bed at this time will not have a sufficient supply of both physical and mental strength.

Many, perhaps, will ask the question: “we are not in India, and in our latitudes in winter the sun rises at 8-9 in the morning, and in India the sun rises at the same time all year round, but that’s not the case with us at all .. .” The fact is that it does not mean the time of dawn as such.

A person must wake up earlier than the Earth (before 6 hours of solar time) in order to mentally have time to adopt her current mood. Only in this case, the weather will not cause us all sorts of disturbances associated with magnetic storms, etc.

By doing so, one is adapting to the current mood of the Earth. But if he is still sleeping at 6 in the morning, then there will be no such adaptation. Therefore, the one who gets up after 6 o'clock in the morning will no longer be able to be a real optimist, his joy will be

Not natural, not natural, not sunny, but artificially induced and strained.

7-8 am

If a person rises from 7 to 8 in the morning, then he is guaranteed a lower mental and physical tone than it should be by fate. Thus, he is wasting his time. Therefore, all day long he will have either fuss, or a feeling that there is not enough energy, strength, concentration for successful activity.

Those who get up at this time have a tendency to hypotension, migraines, decreased appetite, decreased immunity, passive living position, low acidity in the stomach and enzyme deficiency in the liver.

And if life forces them to overcome a state of lack of energy every morning, then nervousness, fussiness, overstrain appear, and vice versa, a tendency to excessive appetite, increased blood pressure, increased acidity, and inflammatory processes in the body.

8-9 am

Those who are in the habit of getting up between 8 and 9 in the morning, no doubt, can no longer overcome their character flaws and usually have some kind of bad habits. Also, the rise at this time promises to face great life difficulties, chronic and intractable diseases, disappointments and failures.

It is much more difficult for such people to correctly assess the situation, make the right decision, make the right choice in life, and there is a tendency to follow the lead of events, not having the strength to change something in their lives.

9-10 am

Those people who manage to sleep until 9 in the morning and get up from 9 to 10, as a rule, meet in their lives with depression, apathy, unwillingness to live, disappointment in their fate, fears, suspiciousness, anger.

And also with rampant habits, accidents, rapidly progressing severe diseases and premature disability or premature aging.

It makes no sense to talk about getting up even later - the main pattern is clear. Most people are working people whose working day starts at 8 or 9, and returns from work / study at 18-19 hours.

Many of us have stereotypical thinking that the creative process begins in the evening, we think better, we have more strength, etc., but this is not at all the case. In the morning, you can do some of the things that are planned for the evening.

It is advisable to go to bed no later than 22 hours. Given that in terms of rest for the human body, one hour before midnight is equal to two hours after midnight, the body will fully restore strength by four in the morning.

Provided that the stomach is not filled with food at night, according to folk wisdom. If you follow the rise schedule at the same time during the week, you will be surprised at your improved well-being.

At first it will be hard, but the body gets used to everything, with time and regular observance of such a regimen, and on weekends too (!) - the body adapts, then you can feel a huge difference in your condition.

When is the best time to wake up? It turns out that the rise time directly affects the state of health and even fate!

The vitality of our body is closely related to the time of awakening.

Waking up at one hour or another, a person determines his fate, health and the events taking place in his life.

Rise time and its effect on a person

2-3 am

If a person without problems for the psyche and health gets up from 2 to 3 in the morning, then in this case he is able to make great progress along the path of self-consciousness. At this time, the activity of the Sun is still very weak, and the Moon continues to act on our mind quite strongly.

As a result, the mind is in a natural state of peace and tranquility. In such early morning hours it is very auspicious to pray and think about God.

However, those people who prefer to get up at this time will have a rather sensitive psyche, they are not recommended to stay in crowded places for a long time. Therefore, such a rise time is recommended for clergy and people detached from ordinary worldly life.

The fact that the schedule of life of wise people is somewhat shifted is confirmed in the Bhagavad Gita ¹: “What is night for all living beings, for the self-controlled is the time of awakening; when all living beings wake up from sleep, for the sage, engaged in self-contemplation, night falls.

3-4 am

Those who are able to get up from 3 to 4 in the morning also have enough strength to realize their spiritual nature. At the same time, their mental sensitivity is not so high as to lead a detached lifestyle. However, when rising at this time, it is recommended to engage only in spiritual practice. This is due to the fact that such an early time is intended precisely for these purposes.

For people who adhere to such a schedule and perform their morning prayer every day, time is preparing a big surprise - the deep secrets of the soul will be revealed to them. The only condition is that they should try to associate more with holy people and less with those whose consciousness is polluted by sinful activities.

4-5 am

If a person starts his day from 4 to 5 in the morning, then he is able to turn from a pessimist into a deep optimist. It is at this time that the Earth is in a state of optimism. All songbirds, being in goodness, feel this and begin to sing, and just at this time.

Those people who are actively awake during these hours are able to be good poets, composers, musicians, singers, and also simply optimistic people.

Getting up early is always associated with joy. This time is also not yet intended for vigorous activity. During this period of time, you can read spiritual books, pray or wish all people happiness.

Religious people at this time experience great happiness, sing the glory of the Lord, conduct their services.

5-6 am

People who are able to get up every day from 5 to 6 in the morning will be able to feel cheerful all their lives. In addition, their ability to defeat any disease will be quite strong.

At this time, you can also continue to engage in spiritual practice. The best thing during these hours is to memorize prayers or some necessary information. At 5-6 o'clock in the morning the Sun is not yet active, but the Moon is no longer active, so the mind becomes very sensitive to any information, and it is quickly deposited in the memory.

6-7 am

Those who get up between 6 and 7 am get up after the sun. This means that they do not recognize the laws of time, but still try not to sleep too much. Their tone will be somewhat lower than we would like, and their business will not go very badly, but with obvious misses.

Their health will be "more or less", but this does not apply to critical life situations - one who is inclined to get out of bed at this time will not have an adequate supply of both physical and mental strength in the face of serious diseases.

A person should wake up earlier than the Earth - that is, before 6 hours of solar time. This is necessary to maintain health in order to mentally have time to adopt her mood for this day. Only in this case, the weather will not cause all sorts of disturbances associated with magnetic storms, etc.

Waking up before 6 am, a person adapts to the mood of the Earth for the coming day, but if he is still sleeping at 6 am, then there will be no such adaptation.

Therefore, one who gets up after 6 o'clock in the morning will no longer be able to be a real optimist, his joy will be unnatural, unnatural, not sunny, but artificially caused and strained.

7-8 am

If a person rises from 7 to 8 in the morning, then he is guaranteed a mental and physical tone, lower than fate. Waking up at these hours, a person misses his time. Therefore, all day long he will have either fuss, or a feeling that there is not enough energy, strength, concentration for successful activity.

Those who get up at this time have a tendency to hypotension, migraines, decreased appetite, decreased immunity, passive living position, low acidity in the stomach and enzyme deficiency in the liver.

If life forces those who wake up at this time to overcome a state of lack of energy every morning, then such people develop nervousness, fussiness, overstrain, and, conversely, a tendency to excessive appetite, increased blood pressure, increased acidity, and inflammatory processes in the body.

8-9 am

Those who are in the habit of getting up between 8 and 9 in the morning, no doubt, can no longer overcome their character flaws and usually have some kind of bad habits. Also, the rise at this time promises people a collision with great life difficulties, chronic and intractable diseases, disappointments and failures.

It will always be difficult for such people to correctly assess the situation and make the right decision. They will not be able to make the right choice in life and will be led by events, not having the strength to change anything in their lives.

9-10 am

Those people for whom the rise time is 9-10 hours will meet in their lives with depression, apathy, unwillingness to live, disappointment in their fate, fears, suspiciousness, anger, rampant habits, accidents, rapidly progressing serious illnesses and premature disability. or premature aging.

The explanation of an even later rise time does not make sense, the pattern is clear to everyone.

From Torsunov's lectures

Notes and feature articles for a deeper understanding of the material

¹ Bhagavad Gita (Bhagavad Gita) - a monument of ancient Indian religious and philosophical thought in Sanskrit, part of the sixth book of the Mahabharata, consists of 18 chapters and 700 verses. It is the basis of Hindu philosophy (