What sounds does the earth make? Earth Groan: Around the world, the Earth is making strange noises. The hum portends major earthquakes

20.09.11 This strange sound from different parts of the Earth is reported more and more often, sometimes the sound precedes an earthquake. These sounds are heard not only by individuals, but also by entire stadiums, and sometimes even entire cities.

A day before a major earthquake in the Northeastern United States, a strange sound was heard during a baseball game, which was recorded on video (see below). The sound was also reported from Russia, Canada and elsewhere, and also preceded the earthquake.

"Woodpecker Phenomenon"

We know that in the 70s the Russians' electromagnetic pulse technology caused a woodpecker effect that was transmitted to the US.

And people were already concerned about the effects on the brain.

One can only imagine what the ionospheric heater and other technologies are capable of now.

All this is very strange, and thanks to youtube all these phenomena are well documented.

(Below) In the US, this phenomenon has only recently occurred... Of course, the explanation given was that it was a PA system. It's the same sound as in the video above... where there were no stadiums or PA systems... And just before the earthquake in the Northeast!

(Below) Here's another example. This strange sound is similar to the sound during a baseball game, and in some other clips.

Next example. This time is a little different. The high-pitched sound was preceded by a day with strange clouds and a rainbow - and 11 hours later, a magnitude 5 earthquake also hit the region.

Note. mixednews: We've added a few more videos with strange sounds. All of them took place in different countries and cities: in Russia, Ukraine, Poland, USA, Canada, Brazil…

Judging by the tone, they all presumably have the same nature. In addition, there is another common point: almost all of these sounds took place in August 2011 (see video dates).

Tula, Russia:

Krasnoyarsk, Russia:

Moscow, Russia:

Kyiv, Ukraine:

Odessa, Ukraine:

Zhitomir, Ukraine:

Lodz, Poland:

Curitiba, Brazil:

South East England

In this case, the sound is different from others. The author of the video writes: The sound was recorded on August 24, 2011 in South East England. The place where I live is very isolated and there are only 12 other private houses near me. The nearest town is more than 20 kilometers away. Most of all, it looks like the sound of a huge steam locomotive ... However, it was difficult to determine where the sound was coming from. It seemed to come from everywhere. And the nearest railway station is over 60 kilometers away. Other neighbors were awakened by this strange sound, but also could not explain what it was. Then the sound suddenly stopped. In total, it lasted about 15 minutes.

Since the summer of 2011, abnormally low sounds emanating from the sky have been repeatedly recorded all over the planet, which are popularly called the “Sound of the Apocalypse”. Throughout this time, the media have voiced cases of the appearance of these strange sounds from the USA, Russia, Great Britain, the Czech Republic, Costa Rica, and Australia.

The International Committee for Global Environmental and Geological Change (Munich) and the Global Earthquake Prediction Network (London) conducted their research, which made it possible to find out the origin of these low awesome sounds.

Many people, especially believers, have classified the strange rumble of the earth as evidence of the approach of the Day of Judgment.

Professor Elchin Khalilov, head of the international GEOCHANGE committee, is well acquainted with these sounds. In his opinion, they are related to acoustic-gravity waves, which sometimes occur at the boundary between the ionosphere and the atmosphere. And the causes of these waves, according to the geophysicist, can be located both on the Sun and in the Earth's core.

The professor is convinced that the source of powerful manifestations of acoustic-gravity waves should be equally large-scale energy processes. These can be especially powerful solar flares that generate energy flows of enormous power, which, upon reaching our planet, destabilize its ionosphere, magnetosphere and upper atmosphere. Among the consequences of solar flares, the scientist calls the streams of corpuscles, the impact of solar wind shock waves and bursts of electromagnetic radiation. However, another reason for the strange hum may be hiding deep in the bowels of the Earth. The fact is, says Professor Khalilov, that the tendency to accelerate the displacement of the planet's north magnetic pole, which significantly intensified in 1998-2003 by more than 500 percent, and continues today, indicates energy processes occurring in the Earth's core that form a geomagnetic field in both cores. .

On November 15, all geophysical stations included in the ATROPATENA network recorded a powerful impulse of gravitational influence, almost simultaneously. Network stations are located in Kyiv, Baku, Istanbul, Islamabad and Jokjakarta. The maximum distance between - about 10 thousand kilometers.

A similar phenomenon can occur only if the radiation source is located in the core of the Earth. Therefore, according to many scientists, this powerful release of energy from the core of the planet is a kind of sign signaling the beginning of an active phase in the internal energy processes of the Earth.

This phenomenon can also be the reason for the modulation of the geomagnetic field, which, through certain physical processes occurring at the boundary of the ionosphere and atmosphere, is the cause of the acoustic-gravity waves recorded in many parts of the world in the form of a low-frequency sound that causes anxiety in people.

One way or another, both of these possible causes of a geophysical nature indicate a possible significant increase in solar and geodynamic activity. Processes in the core of the Earth, most likely, control the energy of the planet. Therefore, experts from the World Organization for Cooperation in Science believe that at the end of 2012, a jump-like increase in the number of powerful earthquakes, prices, volcanic eruptions and other atmospheric natural disasters is possible.

At the same time, the maximum level of such catastrophes is expected in 2013-2014.

If you move away from the multifaceted cacophony of big cities with their noisy soundtrack, you can hear more harmonious and soothing melodies. This is the sound of the wind and the rustle of grasses, the waves of the seas and oceans beating against the shore and the creaking of trees, the sound of drops and the sound of rain loved by many.

The hum of the earth

However, in addition to the sounds of nature familiar to us, there is another sound, it is constantly present on our planet. And only recently it became known that this is the rumble of the Earth itself.

The reasons why our planet "hums" lie in its depths. This rumble is created by the vibrations of the subtlest seismic movements that occur in the Earth itself. They are so insignificant that they cannot be detected without special equipment.

Research in this area

You may not hear how our planet "hums", but this process happens all the time. Now scientists have been able to measure this noise at the bottom of the ocean.

Most Earth wobbles are so small that people don't notice them. We feel only real earthquakes, although in fact there are many more, up to 500,000 every year, if you count the smallest ones that go unnoticed by people. Of this number, only a fifth can be felt in any way, and only a hundred pieces can deal damage due to their power.

Back in the 90s, scientists became aware of "free oscillations" that can be detected on land using seismometers.

For many years the source of this hum was incomprehensible. Researchers believed that these sounds come from the bottom of the oceans, others attributed the noise to the collision of ocean waves. Only three years ago it was determined that these causes also play a role in maintaining the vibration of the Earth.

Exploring the oceans

After going to the bottom of the Indian Ocean, the scientists used ocean seismometers to capture the buzzing sounds. Over an area of ​​more than 2000 km2, 57 research apparatuses were installed. Here, near Madagascar, they spent more than a year.

With the help of special filters, seismometers filtered out the noises common to the ocean, created by wave movements and habitual life in the water. Thus, it was possible to catch a special rumble in the same amplitude ranges as the sound previously received on land in Algeria. There is no way a person can hear something like this, because the hum is within 20 hertz, which is 10,000 times lower than the human hearing threshold.

The study of the oceans has yielded much more data to explain the previously incomprehensible noise. Up to this point, studies conducted on land did not give such a result.

The Taos rumble is a low-pitched low-frequency sound of unknown origin, which was recorded at different times in remote corners of the planet. It was heard at the same time by quite large groups of people in the north of Europe, in Great Britain, in Russia and some other points on the Earth.

Especially often this rumble is recorded in the USA, in the area of ​​​​the town of Taos, located in the state of New Mexico. Hence, in fact, the name of the natural phenomenon. The sounds were reported by so many Americans - and there were complaints to the authorities - that in 1997 the US Congress decided to create a group of scientists and send them to designated places to study the mysterious Taos rumble.

Geophysical version: Earth rumble

Some witnesses of this strange phenomenon describe it as a very unpleasant, disturbing and even panic low rumble, similar to the work of many diesel engines somewhere in the distance. Others compare it to the noise of an airplane flying low over the earth's surface. Still others - like the movement of a huge column of heavy equipment along a remote highway.
There have been more or less successful attempts to record this hum on tape. The main question, where is the source of the hum, still does not have an exact answer. There are many versions regarding its origin. One of them is geophysical. The foundation was laid back in 1995, when drilling was carried out in the Kola Superdeep well.

With a strong penetration into the rock - up to 12 km - a low-frequency lingering rumble was heard underground. The same as in Taos. A similar phenomenon is observed in many deep wells. Scientists even deliberately lowered microphones into different wells to record this sound. The conclusion suggested itself: the rumble is formed when the lithospheric plates move deep under the surface of the planet.

It intensifies when the time of the earthquake approaches. The colossal energy concentrated in the depths of the planet, as it were, breaks out, producing a frightening roar. And the louder it is, the greater the likelihood of an imminent cataclysm. According to this sign, some scientists even tried to predict earthquakes.

Technogenic version: the work of human hands

The very first evidence of the phenomenon was recorded back in the 70s. It happened in the UK, in the city of Bristol. Residents then began to complain about the low-frequency sound, which lasted a very long time, was periodically repeated and did not give them rest. The local newspaper appealed to the population with a request to confirm this fact. In response, about 800 people stated in the affirmative that they really heard such a rumble.

First, the authorities approached an industrial enterprise located near Bristol, trying to blame it for polluting the "acoustic ecology" of the area. The owners of the facility denied this, arguing that the sound of the facility simply could not be heard that far.

At the same time, quite often a mysterious hum is associated precisely with the work of a person. Geologists say that during mining and other activities, the “disturbed” planet emits a sort of long-drawn-out groan. In 1982, a group of American scientists came to Akademgorodok in Novosibirsk. Geologist Aleksey Dmitriev, who collaborated with them, warned them that a series of cataclysms awaited America in the near future.

The scientist explained this by the fact that many high-voltage power lines were laid along the East Coast of the United States. The current frequency in them is 60 Hz. The natural lithospheric currents of the planet have exactly the same. As a result, a kind of "short circuit" occurs, which can lead to earthquakes. His words were confirmed after 2 years.

Weather version: melting ice

According to another, smaller group of researchers, the noise can be produced by melting ice. When the bonds between hydrogen atoms are broken, a slight crack occurs. It cannot be caught by any technique, but when there are trillions (or even more) of such gaps, that very mysterious rumble appears, which worries so many inhabitants of the planet.

Starting in August 2011 and ending in January 2013, the noise of the Earth swept the world.

The main feature of the anomaly is causing panic fear in people. Until now, scientists cannot understand exactly what this phenomenon is. There are many versions of the origin of the riddle. Both nature itself and the secret services, aliens and even the Creator are accused of the acoustic phenomenon. The intensity of passions is also caused by the fact that this natural oddity began to occur on the eve of the End of the World according to the Mayan calendar. Is what is happening real or have the newspapermen invented another duck for people?

The largest series of such sounds occurred between January 9-12, 2012. During these days, as the media said, the Earth literally howled. It is noteworthy that in all cases it was impossible to establish an acoustic source. Experts from various industries have only given some versions and we invite you to familiarize yourself with them. Some of them are more believable, and some are less. In theories, there was a place for both scientific assumptions and religious ones.

Sounds of the apocalypse

Not only scientists, but also believers paid attention to the groan of the Earth. According to the pious, this may be an omen of the end of the world. In different religions it is said that people will be notified about Armageddon by a certain sound that will be heard in every corner of the planet. In Judaism, it is written that the famous Jericho fell from the acoustics of the shofar trumpet. On the Internet, users quickly processed this idea and came to the conclusion that the peculiar play of nature is a consequence of the sound of the Jericho trumpets. In addition to Jewish beliefs, the noise of the Earth is spoken of in Scandinavian and Germanic mythology. In this case, Ragnarok will announce the End of the World in the golden horn of the Gjallarhorn. In the Koran and the Bible, there was also a place for the creak of the Earth.

The hum of the Earth: a man-made theory

Perhaps the most common version. According to geologists, the rumble of the planet is due to rock explosions. For example, such detonation can occur during the development of coal deposits. Allegedly released energy breaks out, causing either an earthquake or a mysterious phenomenon. A similar anomaly can occur in a place where many high-voltage transmission lines are stretched. If the frequency reaches 60 Hz in the power supply system, then this indicator will be enough to form a "short circuit". But this assumption has a downside. If the "manufacturing" factor was the cause of the mysterious phenomenon, then why was the sound heard all over the planet?

Howl of the Earth: a geophysical theory

Have you read "When the Earth Shouted" by Arthur Conan Doyle? So, the story speaks of a mystical groan. In the story, Professor Challenger is trying to find out if the planet he lives on is alive. He begins to drill its surface until the moment when the noise of the Earth occurs. Geophysicists agree with the writer in many things, in particular, that our House is alive and can make sounds. In the bowels of the planet, lithospheric plates are shifting and magma is moving, which leads either to the creak of the earth, or to an earthquake. In the latter case, the planet begins to moan a few minutes before the start of the cataclysm, thereby warning people of the impending threat. However, not in all places where the phenomenon occurred, seismic activity is observed, which casts doubt on this assumption.

The Earth's Creak: The Heliocentric Theory

This hypothesis is supported by Professor Elchin Khalilov. After studying audio materials, he came to the conclusion that the anomalous howl is the result of catastrophes that occur on the Sun. When solar energy collides with the Earth's magnetosphere, acoustic waves are created that reach us on the surface. To hear the waves, you need to use special devices, but some people are able to hear them even without devices, for example, in the case of superimposing sound on low-frequency city noises. By changing the spectrum of urban sounds, the low-frequency wave becomes audible to humans. This sound may be similar to that of a crane, aircraft, construction machinery, etc. But why do people start to panic at such sounds? It's all about their frequencies, which negatively affect the human psyche.

Earth Moan: Mass Hoax

However, it should be borne in mind that the noise of the Earth can turn out to be a large-scale deception, for example, to increase the circulation of newspapers or promote films on similar topics. Do not forget that people like to wishful thinking. A large number of versions, each of which has flaws, confuses a person. Even if we want to know the truth about the sounds of the apocalypse, we will face a lack of information. It remains only to wait, maybe in the future someone will shed light on this topic.