Archive of the blog "VO! circle of books". Virtual Ecological Journey in a Potaninka

January 11 - on the Day of Reserves and National Parks, the libraries of Chelyabinsk opened the Year of Ecology in Russian Federation And invited residents and guests of the city to a free eco-tour "The World of Reserves".

Virtual walks in the reserves and national parks of Russia and the South Urals took place in the libraries throughout January. 2017 is also the Year of Specially Protected Natural Territories, environmental lessons, days and hours of information, eco-promotions, book exhibitions and art exhibitions.

IN library number 31 arranged exhibition-photo-drying "The world of protected nature of the Urals", photo vernissage "7 wonders of the world in the Urals", exhibitions of paintings "Colorfulness of the native land", Eco-culture hour "Let's throw a lifebuoy to nature", "Nature's fragile breath". Every day in the library from 12:00 to 13:00 hour of musical relaxation "Music of Nature".

“Saving the world is, of course, the lot of super heroes, but Library No. 31, together with its readers, tried to take a small step towards saving our planet in the year of ecology. To attract the public to the problem of battery recycling and improve the ecological culture of citizens, the library organized information campaign "Give the battery - save the planet!"”, - said the head of library No. 31 Natalya Apalikova.

In the library, an information stand has been prepared for the action, which tells about the destructive effect of batteries if they are not properly disposed of. Librarians conduct daily eco-talks with visitors on the topic of proper battery disposal, telling that one AA battery thrown into the trash bin pollutes about 20 square meters of land with heavy metals, and in the forest zone this is the habitat of two trees, two moles, one hedgehog and several thousand earthworms!

Not all city residents know that batteries contain many different metals - mercury, nickel, cadmium, lead, lithium, manganese and zinc, which tend to accumulate in living organisms, including the human body, and cause significant harm to our health. .

A battery carelessly thrown into a trash can ends up in a landfill, where every summer it ignites and smolders with other garbage, releasing clouds of dioxins with clouds of smoke (these are global ecotoxicants with powerful mutagenic, immunosuppressive, carcinogenic effects). They can penetrate into our body not only with smoke, but with rainwater they also enter the soil, water and plants. Further, along the chain, straight to our table with food and drink.

Librarians explain to readers that every ecologically cultured inhabitant of the planet who is concerned about environmental problems can improve it, and introduce them to "environmental tips for every day."

The library encourages citizens to donate used batteries to official collection points.

Remember that we ourselves are able to influence our future and make our lives safer!

Even the next meeting of the club on housing and communal services "Soyuz" in the library ended with a discussion of environmental issues. The librarians held for those present hour of eco-culture "Let's throw a lifeline to nature". Residents of the district agreed with the librarian Elena Nikolaevna that the history of mankind is inextricably linked with the history of nature. At the present stage, the issues of its traditional interaction with a person have grown into a global environmental problem. If people in the near future do not learn to take care of nature, they will destroy themselves. And for this it is necessary to cultivate an ecological culture and responsibility. The librarians told about the informational campaign of the library "Hand over the battery - save the planet!", introduced interesting facts from the life of animals based on the materials of the eco quilt "Read - discover the world!".

At the end of the meeting, all those who wished made an absentee walk through specially protected natural areas and national parks of the Chelyabinsk region, thanks to an unusual exhibition - photo-drying "The world of protected nature of the Urals".

Magnificent photographs dedicated to the wild, pristine nature of the Urals can be seen by everyone until the end of January at the library subscription.

The library invites you to visit the exhibition - photo-drying "The World of Nature Reserves of the Urals" in library No. 31 at st. Agalakova 30. tel. 220-03-66

Week of ecology "On this earth to live me and you" in library №20 "Novosineglazovskaya" began with the wishes of the readers at the stand "Sprig of Ecological Desires": Pavel Evseev (72 years old): "Remove all industrial enterprises outside the city", Nadezhda Ivanova (26 years old): "Clean up the dumps in Chelyabinsk, sort garbage", Alexander Zolin (age 15): "Increased tree planting will save Chelyabinsk from air pollution." If the readers' wishes came true, how much cleaner our Chelyabinsk would become!

Exhibition-installation "Green Ark of the Planet", dedicated to the reserved places of Russia. For all comers, the library staff conducted reviews at the exhibitions. The librarians introduced the children to the location of the reserves, their history, nature, and animals. And on the "wonder tree" that "grew" at the exhibition, librarians placed cards with images of animals and birds located in protected areas.

Ecology Hour "Be a friend to all living things" passed in 411 kindergarten. In an accessible form, the kids were explained what ecology is, what the Red Book is for, they showed slides called Interesting Facts about Animals. The children learned that the most amazing animal is the yak. It has the head of a cow, the tail of a horse, the skeleton of a buffalo, the hair of a goat, the horns of a bull, and, on top of that, grunts like a pig. The strongest sleep is in the gopher. The yellow gopher sleeps for nine months of the year. The smallest heart of all predators has ... a lion. At the end of an hour of ecology, they read Koval Yuriy's story "A Tiger Cub on a Sunflower".

Literary expedition "Bazhov's Ural Tales" and ecology?

Together with the guys from kindergarten No. 467, the Mistress of the Copper Mountain went to literary expedition based on the tales of Bazhov. The guys made a halt at the station "Biographical", where they received information about the life of the writer, looked into the art gallery and got acquainted with the characters of the tales. At the stop "Teatralnaya" at the puppet show, we watched an excerpt from the tale "Silver Hoof", looked into the workshop of Danila the master, where they helped him decorate the figurine of a lizard. All the way along the literary expedition, the guys guessed riddles, played games.

“In his tales, the writer does not use the word “ecology”, but individual environmental problems and the problems of interaction between man and nature are the background against which the events of the tales unfold. It is the form of commonwealth with nature that runs like a red thread through all the tales of the Malachite Box. The heroes of fairy tales: the Mistress of the Copper Mountain, the Great Poloz, the grandmother Sinyushka, the Blue Snake, the Fire Jumper, etc., do not bow to the secrets of nature, do not declare them unknowable. They do not oppose the forces of nature, but work with them in close collaboration, use them to show how rich and diverse nature is, how many benefits it can give a person with the right, careful attitude towards it, ”explained the head of library No. 20 Novosineglazovskaya August Plotnikov.

Every year there are less and less untouched corners of nature on Earth, where you can see the original appearance of deserts, steppes, forests and mountains.In order to preserve typical or rare areas of nature with all its inhabitants, the state declares them reserves. 2017 will be held as part of the 100th anniversary of the reserve system in Russia. Currently, there are 110 reserves in Russia. The week ended with a virtual trip "This is a reserve" through the reserves of Russia.

The fourth-graders of school No. 145 were told about the Barguzinsky, Astrakhan, Sikhote-Alinsky, Voronezh, Kandalaksha, Ilmensky reserves and their inhabitants.The oldest is considered the Barguzinsky reserve-1917. The largest of the Russian reserves is the Great Arctic (more than 41 thousand km²). The smallest nature reserve in Russia is Belogorye. The most beautiful is the Kronotsky Reserve. It is here that the famous active volcano Kronotskaya Sopka, many waterfalls, the Valley of Geysers and thermal lakes are located. The most unique nature in the reserve "Wrangel Island".

The children participated in the eco-tournament of nature connoisseurs, solved riddles, sang eco-chastushkas. The rules of conduct in the forest were presented in a playful manner. Teenagers Tanya and Leshka told about their adventures in the forest. The guys were outraged by the behavior of teenagers and explained to them that it was impossible to treat nature like that. At the end of the trip, many children wished to take books about nature and its inhabitants.

Protected paths from the Central Library named after A.S. Pushkin

"Reserved paths" - this was the name of the ecological hour for students of the technical school of textile and light industry, which took place on January 20 in Central Library. A. S. Pushkin.

The guys made an educational trip to some reserves and parks in Russia:

To the Barguzinsky State Natural Biosphere Reserve, which turned 100 this year. The first nature reserve in Russia is located in the Republic of Buryatia, including part of the water area of ​​Lake Baikal. Its total area is 374,322 hectares. It is unique, first of all, for its pristine nature and is known for the famous Barguzin sable, which almost disappeared by the beginning of the 20th century and was subsequently restored.

In the Ilmensky Reserve, one of the ten most picturesque reserves in Russia, which was formed in 1920 to preserve unique mineral deposits. On its territory, one can count about 830 species of various plants, 50 species of animals, 200 species of birds, and 14 species of fish.

In the famous "Arkaim" - a branch of the Ilmensky Reserve. The ancient city of Arkaim, located in the Chelyabinsk region, is a real secret of the distant history of mankind. On Mount Shamanka, tourists like to watch sunsets and sunrises. At the top is a stone spiral of 13 circles. They say that if you walk barefoot in a spiral and make a wish, then it will certainly come true. In "Arkaim" you can get acquainted with other mountains: Love, Reason, Happiness, Visions, Repentance. Each mountain has its own legends.

The children took part in a quiz game on ecology. The questions were not easy: waste disposal, water purification, harmful substances, pollution environment etc. For example, "Most of the garbage that pollutes the Earth is ... (plastic)"; A bottle or jar made of plastic, thrown into the forest, will lie unchanged ... (100 years or more); "Garbology is ... (the science of garbage)."

“In the game “With love for nature”, two teams received their own envelope with tasks on cards. Then the players had to quickly compose wordings of ecological concepts from the letters. The first acquaintance with the reserved places took place, we are looking forward to the next meetings,” invites the head of the reference and information department Irina Tingaeva.

AND library №11 named after J. Hasek invited students of the Mechanical and Technological College and vacationers of the day hospital of the "Integrated Center for Social Services for the Population" to make Journey to the world of reserves.

In the first part of the Ecological Hour, we “visited” the first state reserve in Russia – “Barguzinsky”: we studied the life of the sable in the Barguzinsky reserve, learned interesting facts about the long-eared owl and the white-tailed eagle, looked at how the bear gets its food. We heard the sound of the Shumilikha River, admired the mountain lakes, cascades of waterfalls, hot springs, fabulous taiga, bizarre bends of rivers and flowering valleys in the highlands, learned what secrets Lake Baikal holds. Reserves and national parks - specially protected natural areas - this is perhaps the only way to save at least a small part of wildlife and wildlife from death.

The second part of the environmental hour for students of the Mechanics and Technology College was devoted to the national parks and reserves of Russia. They were asked to find and show all reserved places on the map of Russia. It was necessary to talk about one of them, using the reference literature and the Internet.

Comic quiz questions about Russian animals brought a festive mood to the event.

Head of Library No. 11 named after Y. Hasek Elena Turchenik: “The ecological clock “Living Planet”, a story about reserved places and rare animals, will be held regularly in the library named after Y. Hasek. We invite everyone on a journey through the world of nature to the library named after J. Hasek at st. 1st Pyatiletki, 43-a, tel. 775-49-53".

In demand among the teachers of the schools of the Traktorozavodsky district was virtual journey through the reserves and national parks of the Southern Urals "Reserved pearls of the Southern Urals" library number 32 named. M. Gorky. Applications are already in for February.

The first meeting was held on January 24 for students of grades 6 and 8 of school No. 52. The conversation-excursion "Reserved pearls of the Southern Urals", dedicated to the reserves and national parks of the Southern Urals, began with the song of the group "Ariel" "Reserved Places". Then the students got acquainted with the meaning of the words "Reserve" and "National Park".

They learned about the history of the Day of Reserves and National Parks, which was first celebrated on January 11, 1997 at the initiative of the Wildlife Conservation Center and the World Wildlife Fund. January 11 was chosen for this event not by chance - on this day in 1916 the first state reserve, Barguzinsky, was established in Russia. Today, more than 100 nature reserves and 35 national parks function in the vastness of Russia. Five of them are located in our region.

The guys made a trip to the amazing natural corners of the Chelyabinsk region: they visited the Ilmensky State Reserve, the Arkaim specialized natural landscape and historical and archaeological center, the East Ural Reserve and 2 national parks: Taganay and Zyuratkul.They learned about the history of the South Ural protected pearls, what is their contribution to the conservation of rare, endangered species of plants and animals.

The fascinating story was accompanied by videos and presentation slides depicting the beauty and diversity of the South Ural nature.

“In conclusion, the guys took part in an eco-quiz. The schoolchildren were asked a variety of questions - and every time a forest of hands rose in the class. The students actively answered even the most difficult questions. The children perfectly mastered all the material, saturated with numerous figures and facts,” said Mikhail Skryabin, chief librarian of the library No. 32 named after M. Gorky.

IN library №19 "Locomotive" passed environmental meetings "Reserved spring of nature". Library readers got acquainted with the educational literary and environmental exhibitions "On the protected expanses of Russia" and "Natural beauties of Barguzin".

Young readers and their parents were able to join the amazing natural world of protected Russia at unique ecological exhibitions and reviews.

Everyone, without exception, was interested in books about the sights and protected areas of our Ural region, such as the Ilmensky Reserve, Zyuratkul, Taganay, etc. Readers looked at the photo albums of M. Fonotov "Blue Mirrors of the Stone Belt", V. Sadyrin Ural”, “Legends of the Southern Urals”, “Mountain heart of the region. Reserved corners of the South Urals, and, of course, the Red Book of the Chelyabinsk Region.

Alina Shonazarova, a library reader, prepared for the Feast of the Reserves in advance and thoroughly, she brought a geological model of the Ural stones from the Ilmensky Reserve “Ilmensky Souvenir”. The model shows samples of Ural stones, minerals and gems - jasper, magnesite, serpentine, amazonite, etc.

The photo exhibition "Natural Beauty of Barguzin" with young guests took place conversation-journey "In the land of crystal waters, taiga and sables", from which the guys learned that the Day of Reserves in Russia on January 11 was not chosen by chance, because it was on this day in 1917 that the first state reserve, Barguzinsky, was established in Russia. During the conversation, unique environmental facts about the first Russian reserve were announced. The Barguzinsky State Reserve is the oldest reserve in Russia, located in Buryatia, on the territory of the North-Baikal region. The reserve was created to preserve the sable population and was called the Barguzinsky Sable Reserve, then there were no more than 30 sables in the reserve. For this period of time, the Barguzinsky Reserve is complex and is called the "Barguzinsky State Natural Biosphere Reserve". The number of sables has increased significantly, and now by 1 square meter The reserve accounts for about 2 individuals of this animal. This unique reserve is located on Lake Baikal, which is the deepest on the planet and the largest among freshwater lakes. This lake is on the UNESCO World Heritage List and has a unique flora and fauna. The flora of the Barguzinsky State Reserve, as well as Lake Baikal, is characterized by unique and beautiful species of plants and animals.

At high-profile environmental readings, young readers independently read the chapter “Taiga” from Mark Sergeev’s book “The Blue Sea - Baikal”, and from the fiction dedicated to the Day of Reserves and National Parks they chose Gennady Snegirev’s story “In the Reserve” from the book “In Different Territories” for reading .

In conclusion, the guests of the library made a unique virtual tour-journey into the world of the Barguzinsky Reserve, were able to see its pristine natural beauties, get acquainted with its history, the species of animals that inhabit it, because the Barguzinsky State Reserve is one of the most beautiful places in Russia and on the planet. It retained everything unique that can be found on the surface of the globe.

Literary and educational environmental culture lesson "Nature is our common home" library "Locomotive" was held for children of kindergarten No. 8. For young readers who came to the library for the first time, the official opening of the Year of Ecology in Russia took place.

In the first "environmental" part of the lesson, the guests of the library took part in entertaining "Ecological Runs", in which they set off to travel along the ecological path of books to the country "Ecology". At the eco-review “Welcome to Ecology Country”, young readers got acquainted with books on ecology. They paid special attention to the book "Ecology in Pictures" by V. Tanasiychuk, where the complex term "Ecology" is revealed through pictures of plants and animals. The guys learned that the word ecology means "House" - for all living beings living and inhabiting the Earth. Therefore, they must live together and help each other in everything. This house is called nature, which is a common home for plants, animals and people. The science of ecology helps not only to understand nature, but also teaches how to protect it.

During the hour of eco-culture at the Literary eco-review “Through the pages of books to the country of nature”, young readers looked at the books of naturalist writers who display the world of nature on the pages of their works. They learned about such writers as - M. Prishvin, V. Bianki, K. Paustovsky, E. Permyak, G. Snegirev, G. Skrebitsky, S. Sakharnov, B. Zhitkov, I. Sokolov-Mikitov and others.

In the artistic and aesthetic part of the lesson, the guys looked at the picture “Reserve. Pine Forest” by the great Russian artist I.I. Shishkin, on January 25 he would have turned 185 years old. Young connoisseurs of beauty heard the story of this painting, learned that Ivan Shishkin painted the landscape “Reserve. Sosnovy Bor" with great love for his native land, for the nature of the Russian forest, for which he is called the "Singer of the Russian Forest". The children looked at A. Pistunova's book "Spring in the Forest" - a story about the work of the great Russian painter.

At the end of the lesson, everyone took part in the Eco-tour "World of Reserves" - the city's January "monthly march" of reserves, having made a unique virtual tour-journey into the world of reserves and national parks of our Ural region - the Ilmensky Reserve, as well as Zyuratkul and Taganay parks, and finally, they were able to “with their own eyes” contemplate the pristine natural beauties of the Barguzinsky Reserve.

“Literary eco-parting words for the little guests of the library in the Year of Ecology were the words of the wonderful writer “Singer of Russian Nature” Mikhail Prishvin: “My young friends! We are the masters of our nature, and for us it is the pantry of the sun with the great treasures of life. Not only do these treasures need to be protected - they must be opened and shown. Fish need clean water - we will protect our reservoirs. There are various valuable animals in the forests, steppes, mountains - we will protect our forests, steppes, mountains. Fish - water, bird - air, beast - forest, steppe, mountains. And a man needs a home. And to protect nature means to protect the homeland,” said Ekaterina Yastrebova, head of the Lokomotivnaya library.

Hour of local lore "Arkaim - the magic of ancestors" prepared for schoolchildren library №16 "Lighthouse". The children learned about the secrets of the Arkaim natural and historical reserve, and the children found additional information about this natural monument at the book exhibition "Reserves of Russia", one of the sections of which presents books about Arkaim and the Ilmensky Reserve. The Year of Ecology in the library "Mayak" is represented by the series of exhibitions "Love your land and sing" - a local history exhibition-tour and an exhibition-reasoning "Ecology Today". The local history exhibition-excursion "Love your land and sing" includes tourist routes along the edge of the "Beauty of the Urals", through the pages of the "Red Book" "They must live." And the exhibition-reasoning "Ecology Today" suggests thinking about the problems of modern society associated with the irrational use of natural resources. During the year, the following topics are discussed: "Ecology of the environment", "Ecology of life", "Ecology of consciousness", "Ecology of man".

On January 24, 25 and 26, 2017, Mayak Library hosted meetings of the round table "Let's Preserve the Beauty of the Forest". Students of the 2nd, 3rd and 4th grades of school No. 43 were present at the meetings. The speakers were the inhabitants of the forest and its defenders - environmental scientists, and part-time librarians - Baba Yaga and Kikimora.

In their speech, they told the children about how the tradition of meeting New Year with a live Christmas tree in the house, what is the importance of this tree in the life of people and animals, what is the use of a coniferous forest and how to save it from cutting down. The children learned interesting ways to extend the life of Christmas trees, as well as how to replace a live spruce on a holiday.

« Ecological quiz game "Spruce - the beauty of the forest" helped students realize the importance of preserving Christmas trees on New Year's Eve and suggested how to replace live Christmas trees today. And the exhibition-game "Decorating the New Year Tree" invited children to play the exciting loto "Christmas Tree", which was invented and drawn in 1911 on the eve of the New Year holidays. In this way, you can decorate a painted Christmas tree and save nature, ”calls the head of library No. 16 Mayak, Lyudmila Volodkina.

ecological hour, dedicated to the reserves of Russia, was held in library №25.

The children got acquainted with the first reserve in Russia - Barguzinsky, which since 1996 has been part of the UNESCO World Heritage Site "Lake Baikal", other reserves of our country, learned about the animal and flora reserved places. Having got acquainted with books about reserved places from the library fund presented at the exhibition, the children learned a lot about the wonderful world of plants and animals. From the presentation about Lake Baikal, the children learned a lot about the beautiful corners of Russia, large and small nature reserves in Russia, about measures to preserve rare and endangered species of plants and animals. In conclusion, the guys took part with pleasure in the competition - the quiz "Who talks like that."

On the ecological video lesson "Beautiful World Reserves" in library №22 named after L. N. Mamin-Sibiryaka students of school No. 130 visited the virtual world of the reserves of our country: Barguzinsky, Altai, Baikal-Lensky, learned what "Kedrovaya Pad", "Kursk Spit" is. And, of course, our Ilmensky reserve did not go unnoticed. Where does the Far Eastern leopard live, and where is the spotted deer? What unique lakes are there in protected areas? Which reserve is attached to the unique monument "Arkaim"? The guys were able to get answers to many questions. They also took part in a quiz about the animal world and saw books on nature conservation.

The Year of Ecology and the Year of Specially Protected Natural Territories have just begun. There are many interesting educational meetings, exhibitions, eco-hours in the plans of the libraries.

See you in the libraries of Chelyabinsk!

The purpose of environmental education in libraries is to teach to appreciate nature, to interest in a range of environmental problems through a book, to show how extensive the relationship between man and nature is. In this regard, on March 20 in the Central City Library. A. V. Potanina went on a virtual ecological journey "Mysteries of the Baikal Reserve" with an exhibition and viewing of books and periodicals on environmental topics.

Students of the 7th "b" of MBOU secondary school No. 26 made this amazing journey with Elena Viktorovna Khomkalova, an employee of the department of environmental education of the Baikal reserves. And she is also an artist, illustrator of books by Semyon Klimovich Ustinov, Honored Ecologist of Russia.

Elena Viktorovna spoke about the creation of the first nature reserves in Russia, about their main task - to preserve the integrity of nature in its natural form. She talked about what scientific work is being done in nature reserves and national parks, about relics and endemics of our region. Elena Viktorovna tried to convey the romance of the nature reserve, to tell about the most important and interesting things that are happening on the reserved land. The story was accompanied by a video showing magnificent views of the Baikal Reserve and its inhabitants.

Answering Elena Viktorovna's questions, many children proved to be good experts on animals and birds, insects and plants living in the Baikal Reserve. They told how to behave in relation to the native nature. The children were very interested in the meeting and asked questions.

On April 15, as part of the Year of Ecology, the libraries of the Ustyansky district took part in the All-Russian library action "Day of Ecological Knowledge". On this day, various events were held simultaneously in the libraries: talks, creative workshops, environmental lessons, quizzes and much more.

The Day of Ecological Knowledge was held in the Central Regional Library. An information stand was prepared for readers, which contains documents on environmental protection, the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation, laws, decrees, rights and obligations of citizens. The sections "Economic news" and "Ecodata" present interesting facts on this topic. On this Day in the library, for all readers, a review of the books presented at the book exhibitions "Ecological Calendar" and "Through the book - love for nature" was carried out. Books make you think about what each of us needs to do to preserve this beauty for future generations. On the day of environmental knowledge, librarians held educational lessons for students of the Ustyansk Industrial College and students of the Ustyansk Children's Art School and showed an electronic presentation "Journey Through the Pages of the Red Book". They learned about what animals, birds and flowers of the Arkhangelsk region, including the Ustyansky district, are protected by the Red Book, what the Red Book is, why it became necessary to create it, what rare animals and plants exist, which are saved from complete extermination, and which we will never see again. The students tested their ecological knowledge by passing the online test "Ecology and Man", where they showed excellent results. They also took part in the quiz "Face to face with nature" and earned prizes. Memos were prepared and distributed to all participants of the action. Also, all those present that day looked at photos of amazing crafts made from garbage and household waste, which attract a lot of attention to this problem.

The librarians of the Stroevsky Library invited children readers to "My game" on ecology "I will be a friend to nature." The children were asked 30 questions in six categories: "Folk omens", "Plants of the forest", "Animals of the forest", "Birds of the forest", "Mushroom basket" and "Ecological culture". At the end of the event, a review of the magazines "Svirelka", "Toshka and Kº" and "Svirel" was carried out. All participants coped with the tasks and received well-deserved sweet prizes.

The ecological game "Make friends with nature" was held in the Soviet Library. The librarian invited the children to go on a virtual journey through the stations to the forest kingdom. At the first stop, "Forest Encyclopedia", it was necessary to determine from the description which trees we are talking about. The second stop was called "Inhabitants of the Forest". The guys guessed riddles and answered the questions of a quiz-presentation about animals living in our forests. At the next stop, "Let's Get Acquainted", we watched a presentation about migratory birds and determined the names of birds from the description, painted pictures of birds. And at the "Forest Glade" they guessed riddles about flowers and medicinal plants. The journey through the spring forest at the Young Ecologists station ended. The librarian introduced the Red Book of the Arkhangelsk region, and the guys listed the representatives of the flora and fauna known to them, listed in the book.
Pupils of the Correctional School in the Kizemskaya Library No. 2 made a literary and ecological cruise "Journey with a drop of water." The guys tried to find out why we need water. With the help of the presentation, we went down the river and ended up at the bottom of the ocean, were able to get acquainted with amazing and unusual marine life. In the game "Who is it?" determined who was in front of them: a fish or a plant. And in the game "I believe - I do not believe" they revealed amazing facts about marine life, tried to guess what is actually true and what is fiction. After listening to the poems of B. Zakhoder "What happened to the river", and Fomushkin V.P. "What is more important for nature?" learned that by unwisely spending precious water, we can turn our blooming planet into a lifeless desert.
A review of books from the book exhibition "Environmental Calendar" was held in the Flat Library: "The Red Book of the Arkhangelsk Region", the books "Ecology of Russia", "On Environmental Protection", "Forest Animals", "Animals of Reservoirs", "Forest Plants", " Forest Pharmacy" and others. "Journey Through the Red Book" was conducted by the librarian of the Bereznitsa Library for 4th grade students of the Bereznitsa School. Children took an active part in entertaining games and competitions on the topic of ecology. An exhibition of books "Loyalty and devotion" about cats and dogs was arranged in the Orel Library. The librarian conducted a review of books from the exhibition and a quiz about pets.
Ecological hour “This amazing planet Earth!" took place in the Ilesian Preschool Library. The children watched the presentation “100 interesting facts about planet Earth”, carefully examined the posters on the topic “Take care of your planet – there is no other like it!” At the end of the event, the librarian read aloud the poem by L. Panasyuk “Our beautiful planet Earth!” At the Regional Children's Library for Children preschool age An ecological quiz “The World of Animals. World of Plants. Children guessed riddles about nature and played the game "Find an extra word."
150 readers took part in the All-Russian library campaign "Ecological Knowledge Day". During each evening, conversation or quiz, librarians drew attention to environmental problems and, together with readers, tried to find ways to solve them.

The history of mankind is inextricably linked with the history of nature. At the present stage, the issues of its traditional interaction with a person have grown into a global environmental problem. If people in the near future do not learn to take care of nature, they will destroy themselves. And for this it is necessary to cultivate an ecological culture and responsibility.
By the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation, 2017 was declared the Year of Ecology in the Russian Federation.
Libraries of the Toguchinsky district make their contribution to the preservation of the environment, fostering love for the native nature.
On March 16, in the libraries of the city of Toguchin and the Toguchin district, IVF was held - a day in the library “The book will open the door to the world of plants and animals for us” (under the target program “School of Ecological Knowledge “Window to Nature”), which was attended by 397 people.
The librarians of the central library service department Galaktionova N. N. and Purkina S. V. spoke about how, from ancient times, people knew about the healing properties of plants, comprehended the healing properties of herbs and passed on the accumulated knowledge from generation to generation. The guests learned a lot about medicinal plants that grow not only in the forest, fields and meadows of our vast Russia, but even near your own yard you can find a lot of useful plants. During the event, the presentation provided an opportunity to get to know some of them personally. At the end of the event, the guests got acquainted with the exhibition "Plants that heal us." The exhibition featured literature on medicinal plants, phytotherapy (herbal medicine). About when it is best to collect Ivan-tea and yarrow, nettle and plantain, dry currant and raspberry leaves, as well as how to improve your health, prolong beauty and youth with the help of these and other herbs, library readers will be able to find out using the presented at the exhibition reference books, encyclopedias, books, brochures and magazines.
For students of the 7th grade of secondary school No. 4 in the children's department of the Central Bank, an ecological lesson-dialogue "The earth is our home!" Was held. In the lesson, the children made a virtual trip to wonderful world nature. Learned the role played by man in the protection of nature. They actively talked, answered questions, determined the relationship of man with the environment. We watched videos about endangered animals, about the role of the forest in human life, got acquainted with the environmental problems that have arisen through the fault of man. They independently formulated and substantiated the rules of behavior in the forest. In the final part of the event, the children made a promise to PROTECT NATURE.
City branch No. 3 held IVF - a day with students of 2 "A" class T.S.O.Sh. No. 3. The event was held in the form of a virtual trip "Let's save the green world!". Children learned a lot of interesting things about the wealth of forests, its inhabitants, the importance of the forest, its protection, and remembered the rules of behavior in the forest. Answered environmental questions. Took part in the interactive game "In the world of animals". The meeting was lively, opened for those present a lot unknown to them in the surrounding world of nature.
For students of the 6th grade of TSS No. 5, a day of environmental knowledge was held in the library of the city branch No. 35. The students visited the "forest glade" and the "field of flowers", made a stop "In the world of animals", where leafing through the Red Book of the NSO, they remembered the rules of behavior in the forest and thought about how to save endangered species. Proverbs and sayings were recalled at the Mysterious Glade, and the authors of books about nature were guessed. During the ecological game, the children learned a lot of new things from the life of the living world of our region, showed interest in books about nature, got acquainted with the book exhibition "Bioinformation: Queen - Voditsa". At the end of the meeting, the guys went with pleasure to the amazing natural corners of the Toguchinsky district and the Novosibirsk region (after watching the electronic presentation "A dozen wonders of the native land").
In the city branch No. 1 of the Toguchinsk MCB, they got acquainted with an amazing variety of books about nature, presented at the exhibitions “We open the world of native nature with a book” and “We are passengers of one planet, one ship”, they also had a chance to admire the paintings by V. Bushnev, presented on art - exhibition "Light and warmth of the Siberian landscape". And for students of 4 "B" class high school No. 2, librarians S. V. Zueva and L. V. Melekhina prepared an hour of interesting reports “The World of Wildlife” and held a quiz “Zoological Assortment”. The children got acquainted with the works of children's writers - naturalists, looked at colorful encyclopedias and illustrations in books. Schoolchildren learned a lot about the life of animals and plants: for example, how long are the ears of an elephant and how many pairs of eyes a spider has, and many more interesting facts from the world of Nature. The children showed themselves to be true connoisseurs of nature: they guessed riddles, answered questions, played and at the end of the event, each received a bookmark with books about nature. We hope that young readers will want to learn more about the life of birds and animals, plants and insects. And books about nature will help them in this.
The Repyevskaya rural library held an educational and game program on ecology "Both adults and children are responsible for nature." The event was held at the school, attended by children from elementary grades. Before the start of the game program, they showed a video about nature, prepared a slide program. The children took part with pleasure, with passion, there was a spirit of competition, it turned out that the children know a lot and love nature, they approached very responsibly homework, it was necessary for each class to prepare a poster "Take care of nature."
As part of the Year of Ecology in Russia, the Ecology Day was held in the library of Gorny village. The script, developed by the librarian Tamara Sergeenko, included an educational game program on the Red Book, a theatrical mini-performance in which the Dinosaur, the grandmother of the Dinosaur, as well as the loser and truant Fedka Sorokonozhkin (performed by library workers Tatyana Smirnova, Lyubov Matsneva and a worker Houses of Culture Yevgeny Sukhoviy), as well as videos corresponding to the topic were used.
Program host, library worker, Elena Borodaeva, as Guardian World History held an interactive conversation with the children about modern environmental problems, about the Red Book, about how important it is for all of us to preserve and protect nature. At the end, an action-appeal to all the inhabitants of the earth “Let's put things in order on the planet!” Was held. The event was attended by students of the 1st and 2nd grades of Gornovskaya secondary and primary schools.
The library of the City CDC hosted an ecological quiz "Nature is full of mysteries." The goal was to form a high culture of human behavior in the environment, to instill love and a responsible attitude towards nature. The event was attended by students from TSOSH No. 4, 4 and 8 grades. Schoolchildren were told about the beauty of their native land, about careful attitude to the surrounding world. The 8th grade students were divided into two teams. "Ray" and "Stars". They showed good knowledge in the field of ecology, observation. Guessed disappearing animals according to the description, answered complex quiz questions, unusual riddles.
At the end of the event, an impromptu microphone was launched around the circle, they expressed their wishes about what he would do in practice so that our planet becomes cleaner and more beautiful. The children were given a memo "Take care of nature." An exhibition-reflection "Ecological Mosaic" was arranged in the library.
In the library with Zavyalovo event was called "Save nature - save life." Students gathered here elementary school to the competition in the knowledge necessary for the correct handling of nature. To the sounds of nature, the librarian Bogachkina E.I. she told about the science of ecology, introduced the Red Book of the Novosibirsk region, then everyone moved to the lobby, where the Ladybug and the Grasshopper met the children. They invited the children to play an intellectual and cognitive game " Young friends nature." Then Ladybug conducted a Blitz survey of the game “Who is superfluous here”, “Live letter”. The children remembered the names of insects, birds, amphibians, trees and flowers. With enthusiasm, the children recalled folk signs associated with natural phenomena. They answered in unison and in chorus! The game “Water is not water” was lively and a lot of laughter was caused by the game “Confusion”, which was held by the Green Grasshopper! At the end of the holiday, the guys unanimously agreed with the opinion that in order to preserve wildlife, it is necessary to study and love it.
In Yurtovskaya rural library An eco-day was held with children in grades 3-4. They were invited to the oral magazine "Alexander Parkhaev's Poetic Hymn to the Forest". Alexander Parkhaev, our countryman, was born in the village of Konevo. He wrote wonderful poems about nature. The oral journal consisted of six pages: 1. “Native land”, 2. “Rest will heal the soul”, 3. “They bloom, scattering like drops”, 4. “Suddenly someone tore the silence of the forest”, 5. “You are visiting - not at home”, 6. "Remember, man!" The children read Parkhaev's poems on each of the pages of the magazine. Poems were recited: “Tarsma”, “Holy Place”, “In the Autumn Forest”, “Birch”, “Wounded One” and others. In the foyer of the club, they got acquainted with a poster dedicated to the year of ecology in Russia. At the end of the event, the film "The Smile of Nature" was watched and discussed. Taken from the book exhibition "Our Living Planet" 13 books.
The Zarechensk rural library hosted an event dedicated to the main theme of the year - ecology. Third-grade students of the Zarechensk secondary school (class teacher Avetisyan T.V.), as well as other small readers, gathered to talk and learn more about the problems that humanity faces, how to save nature, and therefore their life on Earth. Then the event continued with the environmental KVN "Connoisseurs of Nature".
Three teams of three people were selected for the KVN. The first team was called - "Brown Bears", the second - "Tulips", and the third - "Fast Lynxes". The competition program consisted of several competitions: "Greeting", "Warm-up", "Mailbox", "Ecological drawing", "Recognize the animal by description", "Pantomime", "Environmental tasks" and "Blitz-tournament". Each competition is a test of knowledge, finding out the position of the guys on important environmental issues. After all, the protection of life on earth begins with small things: an unextinguished fire in the forest, garbage thrown out on the street. This is destroying nature.
During the warm-up, the teams set a high pace of work, which was maintained throughout the game. The rivalry between the teams was "sharp", the struggle was for every ball. The most memorable and expressive was the Pantomime contest, in which the teams portrayed an animal, and the rivals guessed them.
The Brown Bears team won the ecological game. And the most knowledgeable of the guys turned out to be Ivanenko Stepan, Koryakin Evgeny, Aldieva Amina and a reader from the first grade Maslov Mikhail. The children were interested in demonstrating their knowledge, skills, abilities, testing themselves to discover new things. At the end of the event, the children were asked to write a wish to nature on a “birch” leaf and hang it on the “Wish Tree” that had “grown” in the library.
Nature is our home, common to all people, without which we cannot live. Inside this house, everything is very closely connected: animals with other animals and plants, and all together - with the gentle sun, earth, water, and man. We break these ties and everything will begin to collapse, and in order for this not to happen, you need to know and comply with the laws of ecology.
Libraries of the Toguchinsky district perform the most important function of environmental education of the population, the younger generation and conduct various forms of events. The need for moral and environmental education of young readers, libraries are trying to instill in children love and respect for nature, to interest the younger generation in environmental issues.

The results of the essay contest "I am a defender of nature" have been summed up

Children's ecological library "Rainbow" summed up the results of the essay contest "I am a conservationist". The competition was held within the framework of the project "Calendar of the Defender of Nature". Essays were accepted as work for the competition, in which participants needed to highlight questions about why ecology and nature conservation are a necessary component of modern life, what kind of profession related to nature protection they would choose in the future, what book they can advise on these topics to their peers.

It is pleasant to note that children from many schools of the city took part in the competition.
The jury selected 12 winners from the contestants, who will become the faces of the Internet project during 2019 "Conservationist Calendar".

All winners of the competition will receive an electronic and / or printed version of the Defender's Calendar 2020 and diplomas of the winners.

1. Alexandrova Daria, MBOU "Secondary school No. 9 named after. A.S. Pushkin, 9 years old
2. Belavin Ivan, MBOU "Secondary School No. 11", 11 years old
3. Alexandra Gavala, MBOU "Lyceum No. 4" Multidisciplinary ", Pskov, 13 years old
4. Zverev Konstantin, MBOU "Secondary school No. 23 with in-depth study in English", 13 years old
5. Sofia Kovalykh, MBOU "Secondary School No. 9 named after. A.S. Pushkin, 9 years old.
6. Kozhevnikova Evgenia MBOU "Secondary school No. 9 named after. A.S. Pushkin, 13 years old
7. Anna Kuropatkina, MBOU "Secondary School No. A.S. Pushkin, 13 years old
8. Lebedev Nikolai, MBOU "Secondary school No. 9 named after. A.S. Pushkin, 10 years old
9. Maksimova Elena, MBOU "Secondary School No. 9 named after. A.S. Pushkin, 14 years old
10. Lidia Prokofyeva, MBOU "Secondary School No. 1 named after L.M. Pozemsky, 14 years old
11. Sonya Semenova, Border-Customs-Legal Lyceum, 11 years old
12. Usanev Ivan, MBOU "Secondary School No. 11", 11 years old

We thank all the participants of the competition and their leaders and wish you a Happy New Year!

Game theatrical program "Fun at the New Year tree"

New Year… A magical, bright, noisy holiday with a sea of ​​gifts, surprises, desires. He is met at home and at work, at school, in kindergarten and in the library.

On December 25, the children's ecological library "Rainbow" hosted a game theatrical program "Fun at the New Year Tree".

Library readers and their parents were waited not just by librarians, but by the Snow Maiden and Father Frost. The children willingly answered the riddles and questions of the Snow Maiden, remembered the winter tales that were presented at the New Year's book exhibition.

And then they took part in a dramatization of Russian folk tales"Morozko" and "Snow Maiden". Together with Santa Claus, they tried to “light up” an elegant Christmas tree with lights.

At the end of the event, little actors read poems and New Year's greetings for Santa Claus and the library staff. All guests and participants of the holiday received New Year's gifts and sweet treats.
Fun at the New Year tree was fun and gave everyone a great mood!

The library staff would like to thank the volunteers - library readers who played the roles of Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden - Ivan Trakhov and Svetlana Titova, as well as the little helpers of fairy tale characters - Nadezhda Titova and Vasilisa Trakhova.

Annual action "Flickering New Year's glass"

From 10 to 14 December, the Children's Ecological Library "Rainbow" hosted the annual action "Flickering New Year's Glass". As part of the campaign, Anna Semenova and Valeria Sevkina, students of the Pskov Polytechnic College, held a master class on window painting for readers. During the master class, the children learned how to choose the most successful picture and transfer the image from book pages to window glass, how to prepare paint to make the picture bright and colorful, how to mix paint to get beautiful unusual shades and how to apply shadows.

Over the past week, thanks to the efforts of young designers and our readers, bright New Year decorations appeared on the windows of the library: a chic Santa Claus on his parade sleigh and, of course, a symbol of the coming year under the New Year tree - a pig.

And for all our readers, in the departments of the library, there are exhibitions of books dedicated to the most magical holiday - the New Year!

"Take care of your health from a young age"

On December 6, in the Children's Ecological Library "Rainbow", as part of the interdepartmental operation "Healthy Generation", the event "Take care of your health from a young age" was held.

The children listened to a review of books from the thematic exhibition "A healthy mind in a healthy body."

Maria Vladimirovna, specialist of the Regional Center for Medical Prevention of the Pskov Region, spoke about the basics of a healthy diet. The children learned that proper nutrition is one of the most important factors affecting overall health, and a proper diet is necessary for the treatment of various diseases.

The guys had a lot of questions to the specialist: why does everyone say that chips and cola are harmful; how many times a day you need to eat to be slim and healthy; is it possible to have dinner after 18 hours; what is dangerous fasting; where does excess weight come from and how to deal with it.

The event ended with a small quest, during which the children had to assemble their “healthy food basket” from the proposed food options.

All participants of the event received the Nutrition Pyramid leaflet, which provides a schematic representation of the principles of daily healthy eating developed by nutritionists and practical advice on how to create your ideal diet.

"To health with a book"

From November 19 to 21, in the Children's Ecological Library "Rainbow", within the framework of the municipal program "Development of Education and Improving the Efficiency of Youth Policy", a series of events "To Health with a Book" was held, which was dedicated to a healthy lifestyle, the ability to overcome difficulties, seek inspiration and educate worthy character.

On November 19, a bibliographic review of "Books that inspire us" took place.
The guys got acquainted with the books presented at the exhibition "JUST DU IT!". The review of Daniel Defoe's book "Robinson Crusoe" aroused the greatest interest. Few people know that Daniel Defoe based the book on a real story that happened to Alexander Selkirk, who spent 4 years on a desert island in the Juan Fernandez archipelago.

A loud reading of an excerpt from the book by Francis Eliza Burnett "The Little Princess" caused a great response and sympathy for the main character from all those present. The guys realized that you can be kind and sympathetic to someone else's grief, even if you yourself have a very hard time. The main thing is to look for the positive aspects in everything and not to despair.

The participants of the event liked the video excerpt dedicated to James Bowen's book "Bob the Unusual Cat". The story of street musician James and his friendship with a cat named Bob left no one indifferent.
The guys also tried their hand at a creative task - they composed a syncwine with the word "LIFE".

On November 20, as part of the "Life in the style of dance" event, a meeting was held with a teacher of the "breaking" dance direction from the Pskov hip-hop school "Though Take More". The guest of the event, Ivan, told how the hip-hop movement was born and what moral values ​​it quotes. According to Ivan, hip-hop teaches to resolve all conflicts peacefully, through dance battles (competitions) or through finding out who is the best graffiti artist or MC (master of ceremonies). Hip-hop teaches you to value friendship, set specific goals for yourself, achieve them, but at the same time respect other people's hobbies, no matter how strange they may be. And in hip-hop it is important to love your hobby and strive to develop in the right direction. Ivan completed his story with a small master class for library readers.
And, of course, there was a review of books from the JUST DU IT! exhibition for the guests.

The cycle of events ended on November 21 with the “Watch and be inspired” video lounge.
It was a small mix from the review best books from the exhibition and watching inspiring clips and videos that make you want to lead a healthy lifestyle, play sports or at least do exercises. The guys saw the performance of Sofia Boutella - one of the most professional dancers in the world. After discussing this video, the guys came to the conclusion that sport teaches not to give up and always go towards your goal. This was confirmed by the trailer for the film "Dancer" directed by Luc Besson, about a mute girl whose dream - to dance on Broadway - came true after many years of hard work.
An excerpt from the film "Only the Strongest" introduced the guys to the Brazilian martial art of capoeira, which not only does not carry any aggression, but also looks like a beautiful dance. I completed the video living room with the usual morning exercises done by a yoga instructor. The guys were amazed at what the human body can be capable of. The discussion also concluded that playing sports requires great discipline, and helps to build a strong character, because it is not easy to force yourself to do at least a few exercises every day.

We hope that this series of events has left its mark on the hearts and minds of the younger generation and inspired them to set big goals for themselves and achieve them without losing hope and always hoping for success, as the heroes of books and videos did.

good week

From November 16 to November 21, the Children's Ecological Library "Rainbow" hosted the "Week of Kindness", each day of which traditionally had its own theme.

IN open heart day"Lessons of Kindness and Politeness" were held - loud readings with a discussion of Sofya Prokofieva's book "Masha and Oyka".
Little readers listened attentively to the story from the book "The Tale of the Rude Word Go Away". The word "GO" turned out to be magical, but it was not good magic, not good. Because of him, even the sun hid from everyone, and evil wolves appeared. In order to return the sun and drive the wolves away, Oika had to pronounce another magic word - what do you think? That's right, the word "SORRY"! And then there was a conversation about what other magic words the guys know. Children played various games where they had to complete tasks only if the request contained a MAGIC word, guessed riddles about polite and kind words, got acquainted with other books about politeness and kindness presented at the exhibition. And the guys did a wonderful collective work called "The Tree of Friendship".

IN Happy Reading Day readers were able to get acquainted with the virtual exhibition "JUST DOIT: Books that inspire us", which presents positive inspiring stories that improve mood, help find motivation and teach you to look at familiar things from an unusual angle.

On the Day of Good Deeds, library readers were in for a pleasant surprise - it became the day of the forgiven book.

IN Responsibility Day the opening of the photo exhibition "Under the Umbrella" took place, which presented works that draw attention to the environmental problems of our city.

IN Day of miracles and discoveries and World Hello Day, there was a video lounge “Watch and be inspired”, dedicated to a healthy lifestyle.

We invite you to the photo exhibition "Under the umbrella"

On November 21, the Children's Ecological Library "Rainbow" hosted the opening of the photo exhibition "Under the Umbrella".

The exhibition is part of the All-Russian Week of Kindness - an interlibrary campaign involving thousands of libraries in Russia. The action is aimed at the spiritual and moral development of the individual and includes 5 thematic days.

On the day of responsibility, library staff, photographers and models who worked on the exhibition, as well as employees of the regional council of trade unions, invited all guests of the event to pay attention to the environmental problems of our city.

The event was opened by the performance of saxophonist Alexei Negin, who performed the piece "I Know Why" from the film "Sun Valley Serenade" by Glenn Miller.

Then Elina Kalinina, head of the Generations View project, spoke about how the work on the exhibition went. It took three summer months to prepare it, during which plots, costumes were thought over, shooting was underway (both outside the city and in recognizable places in our city).

The main goal of the photo exhibition "Under the Umbrella" is to draw the attention of the authorities and the public to the problem of the spread of hogweed in the Pskov region.

“For the implementation of the new project, we were largely inspired by the feedback from the visitors of the “Photohunting for Pits” exhibition, which urged us to develop a critical view of the problems of the region. And we realized that the situation with the spread of cow parsnip is actually in second place after the state of the roads,” said Elina Kalinina.

The works take viewers to the near fantastic future, when the plant has spread so much that there are no places left without hogweed. In addition, the plant began to emit toxic fumes, due to which people are forced to use products that protect not only the skin, but also the respiratory system.

Amateur photographers from 17 to 35 years old and from 55 years old and older, members of the Contrast club, operating on the basis of the SOP Pskov obolprof, worked on the exhibition. Photo club curator Alexander Kalinin.

The smallest fashion model, a reader of our library, also told about the work on the exhibition. According to Polina Pastukhova, she did not expect to see herself in the photographs in the library, but it's great that they appeared here, and she will be happy to take part in such projects in the future. Other models and photographers also spoke about their work on the exhibition. At the end of the official part of the event, Dmitry Andreev, head of the hydrochemical laboratory of the Pskov Regional Trade Union Council, spoke about the problem of the spread of hogweed in our region, about the harm to health that contact with this plant can cause, and what safety measures should be taken to protect against Sosnovsky's hogweed. He also handed over to all the participants the booklets “Our goal is cow parsnip”, prepared by the employees of the regional council of trade unions.

This exhibition was exhibited in the library during the entire "Week of Kindness", and during all this time there was not a single visitor whom it would leave indifferent. Little readers do not always immediately understand the idea that its authors wanted to convey, they have to explain, tell, the guys listen and nod understandingly, begin to think. Do not leave indifferent photos and older guys. Even the grandmothers of our little readers stop, think, say - "God forbid!".

The creators of the exhibition managed to do much more than just draw attention to the problem of the distribution of hogweed, it makes us think about environmental problems and environmental pollution in general.

You can get acquainted with the exhibition until December 21 at the Children's Ecological Library "Rainbow" at the address: Pskov, st. Novoselov 11, phone for information: 53-68-63.

Cognitive hour "Historical Journey"

On November 4, our country celebrates National Unity Day. This day occupies a special place among the public holidays of modern Russia.

In the Children's Ecological Library "Rainbow" for young readers, an informative hour "Historical Journey" was held.
The slide conversation helped the children understand the historical events of the early 17th century. Exciting reading aloud of excerpts from S. Istomin's encyclopedia "Minin and Pozharsky" from the "History of Russia" series allowed the audience to more vividly imagine the heroes of those events and find the answer to the question: why this event is so important in Russian history.

Making a historical journey in those distant times, readers performed various game tasks, found answers with the help of the presented book exhibition of scientific and educational literature.

Specialist's Day "Step to a meeting"

On October 30, the Raduga Children's Ecological Library, together with the methodological association of school librarians from the city of Pskov, held the Specialist's Day "Step to a meeting" on the basis of the MBOU "Border-Customs-Legal Lyceum".

There was an exchange of experience, a discussion of the pressing problems of school and city libraries, various forms of work with readers. For specialists, a library employee held a literary hour “The Singer of Russia”, dedicated to I. S. Turgenev, who on November 9 turns 200 years old.

Colleagues took part in the creative workshop “Literary Sketching”, where librarians, working in groups, got acquainted with excerpts from stories from the collection “Notes of a Hunter”, reflecting landscape sketches (“Bezhin Meadow”, “Yermolai and the Miller”, “Lgov”, etc. ). Then they tried to convey their mood from Turgenev's landscape paintings with the help of paints.

During the meeting, various directions were outlined for the joint work of school libraries and the Raduga Children's Ecological Library.

Literary hour "Singer of Russia"

On October 22, the literary hour "Singer of Russia" was held at the Children's Ecological Library "Rainbow".
Teenagers plunged into the magical world of the great Russian writer and poet, singer of love and Russian nature, Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev, whose 200th birthday is celebrated on November 9th.

During a conversation with elements of a slide show, the guys got acquainted with the biography of the Russian classic. book exhibition revealed various aspects of Turgenev's literary work. Reading excerpts from poems by I.S. Turgenev's "Village", "Wandering over the lake ...", as well as watching videos on the poems "Misting Morning ..." and "Dog" allowed young readers to more vividly imagine the image of a writer in love with beauty, with unique erudition, a tireless collector of the spiritual and cultural forces of Russia and Europe.

During the creative workshop "Literary Sketch" readers were divided into groups, got acquainted with fragments of stories reflecting landscape sketches: "Bezhin Meadow", "Yermolai and Melnikha", "Lgov" and others. Then they tried to convey their mood from Turgenev's landscape paintings with the help of paints.

At the end of the event, the students argued why I.S. Turgenev is called the "singer of Russia", they were convinced that Ivan Sergeevich is a truly Russian person who has always passionately loved his homeland and often repeated: "Russia can do without each of us, but none of us can do without it."

Cycle of events "Take care of yourself for Life"

From October 9 to 11, the Children's Ecological Library "Rainbow" hosted a series of events "Take Care of Yourself for Life".
Every day, readers were waiting for events dedicated to a healthy lifestyle and sports.

On October 9, at the MDOU "Child Development Center - Kindergarten No. 41", library staff held a thematic game "Moidodyr's Lessons".
During the game, the children fought against harmful microbes, listened to excerpts from children's books on the topic of health, guessed riddles, and did exercises to cheerful music. And in the end, we watched the cartoon "Moydodyr" and, of course, got acquainted with new children's books on the topic.

On October 10, the library hosted an information and educational hour for teenagers “Health is not given for free, you have to fight for it.”
During the event, the readers discussed the importance of a healthy lifestyle for the success and well-being of a person, performed various tasks - collected proverbs about health, made memos "Daily routine", "Proper nutrition". The exhibition of the same name introduced the children to the heroes of works of art, who had to fight for their health and overcome both illnesses and their own bad habits.

On October 11, the final event of the cycle “Life is beautiful! Do not waste it in vain!”, which took the form of a conversation about a healthy lifestyle.
During the event, the readers themselves made up the definition of health, deduced its main components (heredity, ecology, medicine and healthy lifestyle proper). Together with the presenter, the guys participated in a comic quiz “How are you, how are you?” and carried out health checks for the whole class.
A review of books and magazines from the exhibition revealed to children a variety of literature on various sports and useful physical and mental activities.
At the end, the children watched a video about a healthy lifestyle.

"Let's keep the city clean with our own hands"

On October 3, at the Raduga Children's Ecological Library, children from the Center for Curative Pedagogy and Differentiated Education of the Pskov Region took part in the event "Let's Save a Clean City with Our Own Hands."

During the event, the children met with Pavel Petrovich Shevchuk, an employee of the ASPO enterprise, who spoke about the work of the enterprise, how the work on the collection and removal of municipal waste was organized. The children learned about how the separate collection of waste is organized and about the work of the waste processing complex in the village of Kotovo. In addition, the participants of the entertaining lesson talked about ecological culture and separate waste collection.

The event ended with reading an excerpt from Elena Zhurek's book "We are not piglets" and introducing children to crafts made from recycled materials.

Eco-quest "Clean Games"

Employees and active readers of the Raduga Children's Ecological Library took part in an eco-quest organized by our long-term partner, ASPO LLC.

On September 29, the eco-quest "Clean Games" was held in the Korytovsky forest park.
For the first time, our city has joined a large-scale Russian environmental education project, which allows participants to contribute to environmental protection and learn the basics of separate waste collection.

Teams were formed from 3-4 people, mostly adults, but there were also family teams and organized groups of schoolchildren.

During the game, the teams had to find garbage in the forest park, sort it into bags and take it to the collection point. For the collected garbage and the selfie taken with it, the teams were assigned points.

After the eco-quest, all participants were treated to hot tea and pastries from the Pokrovsky Hotel. All participants received certificates and commemorative badges.

More than 15 teams took part in the eco-quest. The team of our library, which consisted of active employees and readers, also took part in the games.
In an interview with the Rossiya-1 channel, library staff noted that they take part in such actions not only for the purpose of protecting nature, but also in order to set a positive example for their readers. Our motto: "Who cares about nature, lives in harmony with himself."

GTRK Pskov "Territory of Good"

Information Day "Pskov Forest - Land of Wonders"

On September 12, the Children's Ecological Library "Raduga" hosted the Information Day "Pskov Forest - the Land of Wonders".

As part of the information day, library readers met with Ivanov Alexander Anatolyevich - Deputy Director for monitoring fire danger and extinguishing forest fires of the State Autonomous Institution "Fire Forest Center".

Alexander Anatolyevich told the children about the professions associated with the forest: a forester, a forester, an ordinary forester, an observer pilot. During the conversation, the readers learned that in order to become a forester, one must love nature and have a sense of responsibility for it. The forester must be easy-going, hardy person, ready for physical exertion and manual labor. He often has to walk long distances, work with a saw, shovel and other tools.

The forester needs knowledge in the field of botany, zoology, ecology, nature management. He must be able to navigate the terrain well, be able to read and draw maps, and master the methods of forestry. Also, the participants of the event asked where they teach for professions related to the forest.

At the end of the event, the library staff held a presentation of the information resource "Trees - natural monuments of the Pskov region" and introduced the exhibition of books "Through the pages of a forest fairy tale".

Game-journey "Parade of Sciences"

So the first of September is over. And in the Children's Ecological Library "Rainbow" events dedicated to the Decade of Knowledge continue. So, on September 3, the educational game-journey "Parade of Sciences" was visited by two classes of schools in the microdistrict.

During the event, readers went on an exciting journey to the land of Knowledge. The tourist map helped the children find the right path to knowledge and see all the sights of the "Mathematical Forest", "Literary Islands". Along the route, the guys solved fairy-tale problems, guessed riddles with encrypted numbers, guessed the heroes of books from illustrations, guessed the book and its author from musical passages, continued the poem after the first line.

The review of books from the exhibition "Books that everyone knows" aroused great interest among the children. Perhaps, like their grandparents and dads, the guys will be happy to reread these fascinating stories, which they will surely advise their children to read later.

After completing the trip, the participants watched the cartoon “Again the deuce”.

Soon the library will be visited by new classes, which are also waiting for the cheerful Parade of Sciences.

Actions of solidarity and memory "We are for peace!"

Every year on September 3, Russia celebrates the Day of Solidarity in the Fight against Terrorism. On this day, mourning rallies, actions in memory of the victims of terror, exhibitions and lectures dedicated to protection from the threat of terrorism are held throughout the country.

Readers of the Children's Ecological Library "Rainbow" did not remain indifferent and took part in the Action of solidarity and memory "We are for peace!" During the day, the participants of the action left their wishes on the figurines of peace doves. At the end of the day, the guys attached figurines of doves with wishes to balloons, which were then released into the sky as a symbol of general protest against terror and a call for peace and unity of all people on Earth.

Also, the thematic exhibition "Future without terrorism, terrorism without future" was arranged in the library.

Action of mercy for the Day of Protection of Homeless Animals

From August 6 to 20, another charity action was held in the Raduga Children's Ecological Library, timed to coincide with the Day for the Protection of Homeless Animals. For the wards of the Pskov organization "Zoozashchita" - homeless cats and dogs - library readers and simply caring citizens brought animal feed, toilets, bedding, medicines, leashes and collars, in a word, everything that our little brothers need.

During the action, two thematic exhibitions were organized within the walls of the library. The exhibition "Their Life is in Our Hands" introduced readers to the literature on the care, upbringing and training of pets. The exhibition "The Power of Thought" featured works of art in which animals "have a voice", i.e. share with readers their thoughts, feelings, experiences, give advice, rejoice or be sad as well as people.

On August 16, the library hosted the final event of the action, which was held in a mixed format - there was a loud reading of a touching story about a dog named Happiness, and a master class on creating a stand - a collage "We are responsible for those we tamed": the guys cut out pictures of cats and dogs they liked and came up with funny phrases for them - what the animal in the picture is thinking about.

The discussion of the story smoothly turned into an exchange of personal stories about pets - one of the participants told how an abandoned newborn kitten came out, and now it is a full and beloved member of her family.

After the completion of the master class, an open cinema hall began its work - for the participants of the event and everyone who wished, they showed the film "The Road Home", based on the story by Sheila Beiserdorf "The Incredible Journey" about the touching friendship of children and their pets - two dogs and a cat.

All donations collected during the action were transferred to the curator of the Zoodefence organization.

"Book Workshop" for young readers

Every year, the Children's Ecological Library "Rainbow" for young readers opens the "Book Workshop". The next lesson of the workshop took place on August 8. This time, the children learned what an “art book” is (a collection of images and illustrations collected in the form of an album under one cover; in another meaning, “art book” is a book made by oneself and illustrated with one’s own hand) and got acquainted with the technology of making an artist’s book (so otherwise known as an artbook).

Readers looked with delight at the amazing books-albums, admiring their wonderful design. And then the magic tangle led readers to the fairy-tale world and introduced them to S. Aksakov's fairy tale "The Scarlet Flower", which turns 160 this year. Of course, the children easily remembered the plot and the characters of the fairy tale. And directly at the master class, each participant himself made an illustration with his favorite characters of the Scarlet Flower, thus laying the foundation for his own art book based on the fairy tale.

All the guests of our master class took an active part in the event and expressed their desire to attend such events for further acquaintance with the wonderful world of books.

City Day at the Library

Children's ecological library "Rainbow" was again glad to see its readers at the event "My Pskov, old governor" dedicated to City Day. The staged performance introduced the guests to the historical past of our ancient Pskov, which turned 1115 this year. The children learned why Pskov is called the governor, how the fortress walls were built, what enemy sieges the Pskovites had to endure.

The book exhibition "My Pskov, old governor" introduced readers to local history literature dedicated to the military-historical past of Pskov. Our young readers read poems by poets - winners of the city creative competition "Poetic Debut" (2017), published in the collection "Hello, new Pskov!"

Then the guests and readers of the library took part in Interregional action "Unlimited reading", which was held in preparation for the International Hanseatic Days in Pskov.

Acquaintance with the book of the Pskov author Nadezhda Valner "Mr. Pskov", staging of individual historical events based on the book with the reading made it possible to more clearly present to readers what a large trading city the medieval Pskov was. The children learned what Hansa is, what Russian cities were part of the Hanseatic League, and how important it is to hold the International Hansa in Pskov in 2019.

Interactive games "Pskov alphabet", "Memory" and "From a bird's eye view" supplemented the event with exciting tasks and enriched the readers' knowledge of their native city.

Virtual journey "Keepers on guard of ecological order"

On June 19, the Children's Ecological Library "Rainbow" hosted a virtual trip "The Guardians of the Ecological Order".

The children got acquainted with the heroes of the books - the keepers Leda, Khrul, Dubynya, Veliyar and Malasha.
These amazing magical creatures live in the books of the children's writer Elena Zhurek. Each book is dedicated to a environmental problem: for example, forest fires, pollution of forests and rivers, illiterate human behavior in nature.

The children got acquainted with the books at the exhibition, then, together with the keepers, they learned to protect the forest from fire, playing the game "Combustible-non-combustible". In the game "Friend of the Forest" they learned to be friends with forest dwellers, and in the "Sorting" contest - to sort garbage. Children saw what useful things can be made from used things - from a pencil holder made from a plastic bottle to paving slabs from plastic bags and sand.

The reward for active participation in games and competitions for the participants was the presentation of a certificate of honor and watching the ecological cartoon “Leo and Tig. Red deer.

Holiday program
"This summer is not for boredom, if you picked up a book"

On June 1, the Children's Ecological Library "Raduga" hosted a festive program "This summer is not for boredom, if you picked up a book."
The participants of the event were the little readers of the library. In the first part of the event, a presentation of the summer program "VISA in Summer" was held for them, the children got acquainted with the announcement of events that they can visit during the summer months, and also listened to an overview of the book novelties presented at the exhibition "Enthusiastic Readers Convey Impressions".

Then the little readers took a magic basket with them and went to the book forest.
To fill the basket, the guys had to work hard: remember the names book characters, continue poems, guess fairy tales from pictures, assemble a fairy-tale puzzle and even sing in a special book karaoke. But they coped with the tasks perfectly well and scored a whole basket of good, interesting, exciting and informative books.

The program ended with a mini-concert organized by Svetlana Nikolaevna Titova, a constant friend and library assistant, and an impromptu costume performance.

May this summer bring our readers a sea of ​​new experiences, sunny days and interesting books!

"Pages Written in Steel and Fire"

On May 7, the Children's Ecological Library "Rainbow" met its young readers in the literary and musical drawing room "Pages written with steel and fire", dedicated to poets and writers-front-line soldiers of the Great Patriotic War.

73 years separate us from May 9, 1945. But time does not reduce interest in this topic, drawing the attention of today's generation to the distant front-line years, to the origins of the feat and courage of the Soviet soldier.
The writer's word on the war and about the war is hard to overestimate. A well-aimed and striking word, a poem, a song, a ditty, a bright heroic image of a fighter or commander - they inspired the soldiers to exploits, led to victory. These words are still full of patriotic sound today, they poetize the service to the Motherland, affirm the beauty and grandeur of our moral values. That is why we again and again return to the works that made up the golden fund of literature about the Great Patriotic War.

Young readers got acquainted with unique collections of the best works of art, which contain outstanding artistic journalism, high examples of military poetry, the best stories, excerpts from novels and short stories that have received national recognition. Getting acquainted with a whole generation of front-line writers, such as Boris Vasilyev, Viktor Astafyev, Yulia Drunina, Bulat Okudzhava, Vasil Bykov and others, the guys learned about their difficult fate during the war years.

The children got acquainted with the work of Pskov writers-front-line soldiers who went through stormy military everyday life, Brave Vasily Ivanovich, Popov Nikolai Andreevich and Aleksandrov Mikhail Pavlovich.

The heartfelt reading of poetry by children, listening to songs and the soundtrack to the verses of V. Vysotsky "The Ballad of the Struggle" made the audience think about the significance of Victory Day for our country.

"Love and Other Medicines"

On April 26, the Children's Ecological Library "Rainbow" hosted the event "Love and Other Medicines" as part of the interregional charity event "Ship of Kindness".
The organizer of the action is the municipal state-financed organization culture of the city of Samara "Centralized system of children's libraries".

Pupils of the Center for Curative Pedagogics of Differentiated Education of the Pskov Region took part in the event.
Presentation for our readers virtual exhibition"Love and Other Medicines". Each book of this exhibition tells about kindness, humanity, about how important it is to be attentive to the people around you, to keep faith in goodness and not to succumb to despondency. This and much more is discussed in the books presented at the exhibition. In order to give our guests a more complete idea of ​​how the theme of kindness is revealed in the books, the host of the event read out to them an excerpt from the book by Francis Eliza Burnett "The Little Princess", after which an excerpt from the film adaptation of this book was offered to the attention of the children. Each child expressed their feelings and impressions about the book.
The guys, together with the presenter, formed main idea- in all the books and in the heard passage - “You don’t need to talk much about good, you just need to do good. But for this you need to be able to distinguish good from evil, and in this book are very important helpers.

As part of the charity event "Ship of Kindness", the children were presented with books donated by our readers.

In conclusion, the children had a small training "Spider Web of Kindness", which has already become a good tradition at meetings in the library with special children.

See you soon at Rainbow Library! We wish good to all readers!