Exhibition in the library by June 22. Action of memory “Scorched by the fire of war. Mirnovskaya village library

The centralized library system of the Southern District has prepared a series of events from June 20 to 22 - the Day of Memory and Sorrow.

According to Polina Sytik, Head of the Innovation Department of the Central Library Service of the South Administrative District, memorable events will be held in more than 20 libraries.

IN Central Library No. 136 named after Leo Tolstoy On June 22, a review of the book and illustrative exhibition " Best Books about war". In the library of the same name on Andropov Avenue, an exhibition with documentary information about the first day of the war will be organized, and in the evening members of the book association will gather here and read poetry.

Library №150 will hold on June 21 a review of the book and illustration exhibition "Eternal Memory of the Soul".

In the children's department libraries №150 the hour of the hero - "The Chronicle of those years" will take place on June 21. At the event, children will be introduced to books about the Great Patriotic War. Readers will remember the young heroes and answer the questions of an impromptu quiz.

As part of the retroclub "Idols of the Past" on June 22 at library №141 the literary and musical evening "41st: Bequeathed to Remember" will be held. Here they will tell about the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, at the meeting, poems and songs of the war years will be heard to the accompaniment of the button accordion. Accordion player Nikolai Mindrin and participant of the Great Patriotic War Mikhail Levashov will join the event.

Children's library №156 will hold a memory watch on June 22. Then the children will read excerpts from the soldiers' letters.

Staff libraries №141 On June 22, an hour of history about the beginning of the war will be held, and at the end of the lecture, a master class was prepared for the guests on creating a front-line letter-triangle. Those who wish will write letters to veterans.

June 22 at library №154 there will be a viewing of the military chronicle and a lecture on the attack of the German invaders. War songs and stories about the war will be heard at the meeting.

From 20 to 30 June in library №140 organize a book and illustrative exhibition “Year 41st. I was eighteen."

Library №162 named after Simonov on Yakornaya Street on June 22 will present a multimedia presentation dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the Battle of Stalingrad.

Together with activists of the Nagatinsky Zaton district and employees libraries №162 on Rechnikov Street, flowers will be laid at one of the memorial complexes dedicated to the Great Patriotic War.

On the memorable date of June 21 in library №165 tell about the first radiogram about the beginning of the war. Then the guests will watch fragments of documentary newsreels of the first hours and days of hostilities.

Staff libraries №142 accompanied by a presentation on June 22, they will talk about the first days of the Great Patriotic War, about its main historical events.

June 22 at library №146 history will be reviewed. Visitors will learn the chronicle of the outbreak of hostilities, listen to the message about the German attack, as well as speeches by Molotov, Stalin and the writer Arkady Gaidar.

To the day of memory and sorrow, June 22, in library №137 there will be a book and illustration exhibition "The heart remembers, it will never forget" and a film lecture with excerpts from the film "There Was a War Tomorrow".

IN library №138 for young readers and their parents on June 22 there will be an hour of remembrance. The children will get acquainted with the games that children played in 1941.

Information about other events can be found on the official

On June 22, on the Day of Memory and Sorrow, we remember those who fought on the fronts of the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945, who forged the Victory in the rear with their incredible work. On this day, events were held in all libraries.

In the Central Library, on the eve of the memorable date for the children of the summer camp, an information hour “Tomorrow there was a war ...” was held. The conversation about the beginning of the war, about the contribution of the inhabitants of the Kambarsky region to the Victory, about the monuments of the region and famous monuments of Russia was accompanied by a presentation and a video with military documentary footage. On June 22, the action "We have no right to forget" was held. It included the libmob "We are faithful to this memory" and the youth hour of memory "We live to remember." Visitors to the library and residents of the Suvorov microdistrict were given leaflets “That longest day of the year…”. Questions were also asked: “Are documents (copies) about relatives participating in the war stored in your family archive?” and “Name a war book that stands out to you.” Only a third of the respondents answered that family archives documents are stored (some even have medals and orders). Some could not find information about missing relatives. From the books they called Fadeev A. “Young Guard”, Baklanov Yu. “Hot Snow”, Bogomolov V. “In August 44th”, “Ivan”, “June 41st” and other books. At the hour of memory in the reading room, young readers of the library read poems about the war, talked about their relatives who fought. A video film "Fascism" was shown, after which everyone expressed their thoughts about fascism. In the second part of the event, they drew pictures about the war.

A series of events was held in the Kama rural library. On the eve of the Day of Remembrance and Sorrow, on June 21, as part of the All-Russian action "Red Carnation", a conversation "Red Carnation - a Symbol of Memory" was held and a master class on making carnations was held, in which children from the combined detachment took part. On June 22, the guys laid homemade carnations at the foot of the Monument to our countrymen who died during the Great Patriotic War. As part of the action "Candle of Memory" for children from the school camp, the following were held: a conversation-dialogue using the video "My dear fellow countrymen"; "Find a name" is an interactive search for the names of our countrymen and relatives present at the event and a loud reading of the Book of Memory. Conversation about the history of the monument " Unknown Soldier that distant war” was held at the monument to fellow countrymen who died during the Great Patriotic War.

An hour of remembrance was held in the Neftebazinsky Library for children from the school camp “I do not come from childhood - from the war. The sincere excited story, accompanied by a film about the children of the heroes of the Second World War - Arkady Kamanin, Yuta Bondarovskaya and others, did not leave anyone indifferent. Then the children took part in the “Candle of Memory” action, carried lighted candles to the monument, fellow countrymen who died during the Second World War, and also laid flowers. A historical media excursion “Steps of the Great Victory. The Bulge of Kursk”, dedicated to the 75th anniversary of the Battle of Kursk. Children are told about the beginning of the Great Patriotic War and the Battle of Kursk, which completed a radical change in the course of the war. The children listened with attention to the story of the tank battle near the village of Prokhorovka, in which more than a thousand tanks and self-propelled guns took part. In conclusion, small excerpts from the stories of S. Alekseev, dedicated to the heroes of the battle, were read.

A rally dedicated to the Day of Remembrance and Sorrow was held in the Lower Armenian Library near the Monument of Glory. It was accompanied by literary and musical accompaniment. The children of the school summer camp read poems about the war and laid flowers.

In the Ershov library for the children of the summer camp, a viewing of the presentation "Day of Memory and Sorrow" was organized. The children learned about the first cities that took the blow, about the heroic children who helped the front with their work and courage, about the cities of military glory. The event ended with a review of the literature "War and Children".

Sholya library took part in the village rally. Then the participants of the rally in the club watched the film-presentation “We remember, we are proud” in the film it was noted that victory in this war is a feat of all our people, all those who fought the enemy face to face, and those who stood at the machine and worked in the field.

In the Balakin Library near the book exhibition there was a conversation with children "The War on Book Pages". Children read poems, talked about their relatives, participants in the war.

The Borkovo library at the village monument held a talk with the library's children-readers "The day that turned the history of Russia."

The longest day of the year
With its cloudless weather
He gave us a common misfortune
For all, for all four years.

K. Simonov

22nd of June. We celebrate this mournful date as the Day of Remembrance, the Day of Sorrow for those through whose lives brutal war, about those who, not sparing their lives, did not return from the bloody battlefields for the freedom and independence of the Motherland. To this Day in the Central Library. S. I. Shurtakova passed a cycle of commemorative events “That terrible day of the year…”.

An art exposition of paintings by students of the children's art school was opened in the reading room, literature reviews were held at the exhibitions. On June 19, on the site near the library, as part of the summer reading room, an hour of remembrance “We must not forget the alarm for the forty-first year” passed. On June 22, in the reading room near the literature exhibition "June 22 ... And there was a whole war ahead," library visitors were able to demonstrate expressive reading of poems about the war and watch excerpts from feature films: “Tomorrow there was a war”, “Brest Fortress”, etc. A regular reader of our library and an active member of the local history club “Istoki” V.N. Dikarev told the audience about his parents, who went through the whole war from the first to the last days.

On June 22, children were invited to the Klyuchevskoy branch library for a lesson in courage “We have something to be proud of, we have something to keep”. The librarian told them about the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, about the heroism of Soviet soldiers. The children were offered books on military topics. The event ended with the laying of flowers at the monument to fallen soldiers.

On June 25, a literary and musical hour "We must not forget this date" was held. The librarian of the Central Children's Library told about the beginning of the war to children resting in the camp of the Nadezhda SRC. To find out what this day was - June 22, 1941 - in Sergach, V.A. Gromov "Sergach attraction", which the guys met at the event. The children learned about the Serga residents who took part in the Great Patriotic War. They listened with interest to the fairy tale about the boy Dimka, his fate during the war years, about the military songs he heard at that distant time.

77 years separate us from that mournful day when this scary word- "war"! Since then, the scars of the trenches have grown, the ashes of the burned cities have disappeared, new generations have grown up. But June 22, 1941 remains in human memory not only as a fatal date, but also as a milestone, the beginning of the long 1418 days and nights of the Great Patriotic War. To forget the past means to betray the memory of the people who died for the happiness of the Motherland. Forget all the sorrows and hardships, all those who endured these terrible hardships for us. No, neither we nor our children should forget about it. We will remember this feat. We will forever honor the memory of all those who survived in those years, who gave their lives for the Victory.

June 22 Library named after A.P. Chekhov, together with other branches of the Centralized Library System of the city of Yaroslavl (director - Svetlana Yuryevna Akhmetdinova) participated in the action "Immortal memory of the war", timed to coincide with the Day of Memory and Sorrow.

At 11.00 in the cherry orchard of the library began its work summer reading room "A soldier walked in the name of life."

At the traveling exhibition "Lines written by war" poems and prose dedicated to the events of the Great Patriotic War were presented: the novel by V. Bogomolov "The Moment of Truth", the novels by E. Starshinov "The Left Flank" and D. Medvedev "It was near Rovno" about intelligence officer Nikolai Kuznetsov, who this year, by the way , turns 105, Olga Bergholz's "Forbidden Diary", which includes not only her notes, but also poems, documents, photographs.

But most of all at this exhibition there were poems - both the war years and those written later: it is in poetic lines that the spirit and atmosphere of that time, the state of mind of people who have passed such a terrible test as war are best conveyed ...

R. Gamzatov, A. Fatyanov, K. Simonov, M. Dudin, M. Jalil, A. Tvardovsky and M. Isakovsky, as well as our countrymen L. Oshanin and A. Surkov were represented.

Visitors to the summer reading room willingly picked up volumes of poetry and - some aloud, some to themselves - read poems about the war. Someone remembered what they had learned by heart, someone began to talk about their relatives who participated in the war ...

Speaking of Yaroslavl poets, we could not help but recall Pavel Golosov, who would have turned 95 this year. And the poet was born on June 22, the day the war began, in connection with which he wrote:

The whole country knows my birthday.
Not red, not a holiday date,
And imprinted on granite.
And in the conscientious memory of a soldier.
... On my birthday, the war began.

Simonov's famous lines about June 22 sounded at the exhibition - they, by the way, became the title of our conversation about the Day of Memory and Sorrow "The Longest Day of the Year ...", during which readers were told about the campaigns "Immortal Memory of the War" and "Candle memory." And they reminded that this year marks 75 years not only from the beginning of the Great Patriotic War. Three-quarters of a century is also marked by the battle near Moscow, the battle for Leningrad, for the Crimea, for the Baltic states ...

We even prepared a list of significant events of the first year of the war to remind them. And surely each of us has a relative involved in these battles. So, if you didn’t have time to light a candle on the night of June 22 as a sign of the Day of Remembrance and Sorrow, you can do it on another day that is memorable for your family.

And, of course, on that day, the traditional bookcrossing was running in the summer reading room, where you could choose something interesting for yourself - detective stories, historical novels, women's literature, adventures, science fiction - and military works too.

At 12.00 at the subscription for young library visitors took place conversation at the book-illustrative exhibition "War - there is no sadder word ...". We started it with a Minute of Silence, and then the children were shown a short video about the beginning of the war, told about its first days, about the dead soldiers and civilians, and the destroyed cities. Separately, the children were informed that on June 22, the action "Immortal memory of the war" is being held throughout the country.

And since the logo of the “Candle of Memory” campaign was presented at the exhibition, schoolchildren also learned about the tradition that appeared several years ago on the night of June 22 to light candles in memory of those who fell in the Great Patriotic War.

The listeners were given an overview of the exhibited books, among which were not only documentary publications telling about the beginning and course of the war (A. Osokin " Great Mystery Great Patriotic. A New Hypothesis of the Beginning of the War”, “The Great Secret of the Great Patriotic War. Keys to Unraveling”, collection “Our War”), but also works of art in which the authors offer their point of view on the events of those years (M. Sholokhov “They Fought for the Motherland”, “The Science of Hatred”, “The Fate of a Man”, V .Grossman "For a Just Cause", S. Aleksievich "War does not have a woman's face", "Last Witnesses", B. Vasilyev "Tomorrow there was a war", "The dawns here are quiet", V. Astafiev "Cursed and killed").

The presenter of the survey, Olga Leonidovna Trosheva, asked if schoolchildren knew about their ancestors - participants in the Great Patriotic War, and advised those who were not interested in this topic to be sure to ask their parents and grandparents.

- You are the last generation that has the opportunity to communicate with the participants in the war. Be sure to find out about your relatives, talk to veterans - they will tell you what they saw with their own eyes, this is priceless! Go to the sites "Memorial", "Feat of the people", "Memory of the people" - there you can find a lot of interesting things about your great-grandfathers.

And at 15.00 in the reading room for readers were held review of literature and conversation at the exhibition "Inextinguishable Fire of Memory", also preceded by a minute of silence in memory of the fallen.

Books tell about how the war began, for example, such publications as “People's War”, “The Great Patriotic War. 1941". The atmosphere of the first days of the war is conveyed by propaganda posters - “The Motherland is calling”, “How did you help the front?”, “Our forces are innumerable”, the famous speech of V. Molotov dated June 22, 1941. The same one that sounded from loudspeakers around Soviet Union, the very one, from the first words of which the heart sank and the soul froze: “Today, at 4 o’clock in the morning, without presenting any claims against the Soviet Union, without declaring war, German troops attacked our country, attacked our borders in many places and subjected bombing our cities - Zhytomyr, Kiev, Sevastopol, Kaunas from their planes ... ".

Several publications at the exhibition show the Yaroslavl region during the war. This is the "Library of the Yaroslavl Family", in which a separate issue is dedicated to the Great Patriotic War, several books from the series "4 years out of 1000: Yaroslavl in the Great Patriotic War", the multi-volume "Heroes of the Yaroslavl Land", and also released not so long ago on the initiative of the "Inhabitants of Besieged Leningrad” book “The Neva and the Volga became related: the Yaroslavl echo of the blockade”.

The participants of the conversation also drew attention to the "All-Russian Book of Memory": in it you can find information about those who died in the war - including Yaroslavl residents, their burial place.

Of course, not all books about the war available in the library's funds are presented at the exposition. Come! Employees of Chekhovka will select for you the necessary literature on other issues and topics!

“He remained in human memory a deep scar on the face of the Earth. No wonder this terrible day was forever called the Day of Memory and Sorrow ... ".

June 22 is one of the saddest dates in the history of Russia - the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, which is an integral part of the Second World War. The heavy bloody war, which lasted 1418 days and nights, claimed the lives of 26.6 million Soviet people, ended on May 9, 1945 with the complete defeat of the countries of the fascist bloc.

Traditionally in Russia on June 22, in memory of the fallen, tortured in captivity, the Candle of Memory action is held annually.

The events held by the libraries of the centralized library system of Pervomaisky District on the Day of Memory and Sorrow are a reminder to us of the glorious defenders of the Motherland, of heroism, courage, and steadfastness of the Soviet people.

The Pervomaisky Central District Library, within the framework of the regional creative project "Summer in the Park", held the event "Forever in the memory of the people", the program of which included: an hour of memory "Forever in the memory of the people", a review of the exhibition "Holy War", the action "Candle of Memory".

On June 22, a theme hour dedicated to the Day of Memory and Sorrow and the 77th anniversary of the start of the Great Patriotic War was held in the Pervomaiskaya Central District Children's Library as part of the Summer in the Park project. 43 schoolchildren from the summer camp "Brigantine" of the Pervomaisky basic school took part in the conversation "June 22 at exactly 4 o'clock ...". The guys, together with the librarian, found out why the calendar anniversaries the date of June 22 appeared, they remembered family members - participants in the Great Patriotic War, talked about the fact that war is a difficult test. The participants of the event listened to Levitan's message about the beginning of the war, S. Shchipachev's poem "June 22, 1941", the song "Holy War", watched a video clip dedicated to the events of the Great Patriotic War.

At the end of the event, the guys took part in a dramatization of the song "Smuglyanka" and lit a memory candle, honoring the memory of those who died in the Great Patriotic War.

"June. The sunset was fading towards evening, and the sea was overflowing on the white night, and the sonorous laughter of the guys who did not know, did not know grief was heard. June. Then we still did not know, walking from school evenings, that tomorrow would be the first day of the war, and it would end only in the forty-fifth, in May ... "- On June 22, a thematic hour “Day of Memory and Sorrow. "First day of the war".

The purpose of the event: the consolidation and deepening of historical knowledge, the development and education of patriotic feelings on vivid examples of the heroism of our army, the courage and courage of the people. To instill in children a sense of personal empathy for those who defended their homeland, a sense of pride in their country.

During the event, a video sketch was prepared for the participants of the event about the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, about the heroic everyday life of the defenders of our Motherland. At the end of the event P The memory of the dead was honored with a minute of silence, laying flowers at the obelisk.

"Memory of flaming years" - this was the name of the hour of memory, held by the Krasnovskaya rural library together with the school.

Also, events for the Day of Remembrance and Sorrow were prepared and held by: Volodarsk rural library (quiz "What do you know about the war"), Ural library (action "We mourn and remember"), (Malozaykinskaya library (literary and musical composition "At the sacred fire") , Miroshkinskaya Library (thematic hour “Echelon at Four Years”), Nazarovskaya, Usovskaya Libraries (memory hours “Remember and Mourn”, “Remember this Day”), Soviet Library (information day “And let generations know”), etc.

The memory of generations about those whom we honor so sacredly is inextinguishable. They spared no effort and life in the name of Victory .. They are always with us in our homes, in flowering gardens and forests of new buildings, in the bright smiles of children, in the happiness that our Victory brought to our native land ... Eternal memory to the heroes who fell in the struggle for the freedom and independence of our Motherland.