Secret world. Miracle world. All the most amazing and interesting Ufo world online magazine message to humanity

It is no longer in doubt that UFOs have suffered catastrophes on Earth many times, but the governments of countries where this has happened prefer to keep it in the strictest confidence and quickly classify all the facts of what happened.

This point of view was voiced in almost all the reports of the participants of the Second International Conference on the Study of UFO Catastrophes on Earth, which was held in the city of Henderson (Nevada).
The purpose of the conference is to demonstrate great amount collected materials, show the global nature of UFO disasters on Earth. According to one of the organizers, Ryan Wood, according to his estimates, there were approximately 86 UFO crashes, from the first recorded in 1897 to the last in Somalia in 1997.

The most striking and most famous example of a UFO disaster is the incident near the city of Roswell in New Mexico in July 1947. According to the official version, it was reported that fragments of the equipment and the American high-altitude balloon that carried it were found. Nine months after the incident near Roswell, in the same state of New Mexico, not far from the city of Aztec, an unidentified flying object crashed to the ground, the wreckage of which and the bodies of the pilots were quickly taken out by the military.

A number of such cases can be replenished as a result of the "work" of the air defense systems of individual countries. Thus, a representative of the Iranian army leadership, Colonel Salman Mahini, in an interview with the Rezalat newspaper, said that the country's Air Force and Air Defense had received an order to immediately destroy any "unidentified flying objects" appearing in Iranian airspace. The colonel listed the "UFOs" that would be fired upon to kill: "These could be satellites, comets, or spy and reconnaissance vehicles trying to control Iran's nuclear facilities." He also noted that "UFOs" are increasingly appearing in the skies over Iran, they have been seen over Bushehr and Isfahan province. The editors of the newspaper "Rezalat" in their comments recall that some "luminous objects" were also seen above the factories of Natanz. So, for example, a luminous object circled the provinces of Central, Bushehr and Isfahan. Moving from east to west, the UFO flew over the settlement of Natanz, where one of Iran's nuclear centers is located, after which the object exploded in the sky.

locals locality Mohajeran was spotted in the night sky as a UFO in the form of a large aircraft. This circumstance, according to the Iranian agency FARS, frightened the population. According to data coming from various sources, UFOs have good maneuverability, speed and the ability to change the color of the glow. Similar phenomena were noted in Iran in late April - early May 2004.
The radar services of civil and military airports and air defense do not record any violations of the airspace of the Islamic Republic in the sky. However, one of the British researchers, Johnny Rendells, who has been dealing with anomalous phenomena for a long time, claims that "ultra-modern spy aircraft may be flying in the Iranian sky." "In fact, the increase in UFO flights is occurring at a time when political crises are escalating," Rendels said.

According to an expert from the University of Tehran, "most likely these are some atmospheric phenomena caused by sharply changing weather conditions." However, the source did not categorically deny the British colleague's allegations of "stealth flying spies."

UFOs, of course, crashed on Earth not only in the twentieth century, but even earlier. For example, in April 1897, a bright object swept through the sky over the Texas town of Aurora, as evidenced by numerous eyewitness accounts recorded in the local newspaper of that time. The object fell north of the city, destroying the local mill. According to well-known journalist and writer, Pulitzer Prize winner Jim Marrs, author of several books on UFOs, this story deserves the closest attention.

The list of "flying saucer" disasters includes not only incidents that allegedly took place on the territory of the United States, but also on the territory of other countries, in particular Canada, Mexico, Great Britain, Germany, France, Cambodia, Bolivia, Puerto Rico, Australia. The Soviet Union was repeatedly mentioned at the conference. In particular, an event that happened on January 29, 1986 near the city of Dalnegorsk got into the documents of the conference.

Why are all these facts not officially recognized and no open research is being conducted in this area? One of the organizers of the conference, Robert Wood, tried to answer this question in his speech. In his opinion, during the Second World War, governments kept this information secret due to technical competition between Soviet Union and fascist Germany. Then the silence continued due to fears of causing a general panic among the population. Not the last place was occupied by problems related to religious issues.

However, as far as physical evidence from crash sites is concerned, according to Jim Marrs, in all cases of UFO crashes, the government has always managed to send its people first, collect and hide all traces, and then claim that nothing happened.

This category will collect the latest materials about aliens and extraterrestrial civilizations. Contacts with UFOs, evidence and facts. Everything we know about alien life. Contacts with representatives of other worlds.

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The video, which was posted on the Internet a long time ago, only now got out of Spain and caused a stir among the people who watched it. It is known that the video was made in the suburbs of Capilla del Monte (Argentina). As far as we know, this city is quite often found in the stories of local UFO witnesses. As suggested...

A strange flying object that was seen over the city of Newbury (Great Britain, Berkshire) scared the dog very much. According to an eyewitness, his pet fell into a panic and began to bark desperately. The man, in whose eyes everything happened, spoke about the incident to representatives of the UFO portal Mufon. It is known that…

The story of the alien abduction was told by a young man named Christian, who is currently 25 years old. And it happened a very long time ago: when he was only six. One night the boy woke up with an overwhelming desire to go to the toilet. On the way to the bathroom, which was located in…

Last month, residents of the city of Mount Vernon (USA, Washington) witnessed a rather unusual incident. Most of the eyewitnesses were able to observe only the consequences of the strange phenomenon themselves, but there was also a person who claims to have seen how and what exactly huge holes in the clouds were created. IN English language

According to many, there are several places on Earth that literally attract aliens. Want to know where they are located? Sochi (Russia) People living here constantly claim that they notice strange flying objects in the sky. According to ufologists, it is this area that has a very strong energy field. And some eyewitnesses...

A 21-year-old girl living in Jacksonville (USA, Wisconsin) turned to representatives of the paranormal site Singular Fortean Society to talk about an encounter with an alien. According to the girl, it happened last spring. That day she was very tired and therefore did not move into the bedroom and fell asleep ...

Some time ago, on the well-known paranormal YouTube channel ApexTV, a recording was published that was sent by a security guard from one of the Liverpool accounting firms. According to the author of the video, at the beginning of January of this year, the Man in Black got on the surveillance camera installed in this office. Both externally and in manner...

Astronomers have managed to register strange repeating radio signals, which, as experts suggest, came to us from a galaxy located at a distance of one and a half billion light years. This may be another indirect evidence of the presence of alien beings. Similar radio bursts occur quite regularly, but signals of just this type came to ...

The air defense officers confirmed: “We observe UFOs all the time, and the instruments fix aliens much more often than they can be seen. Perhaps aliens are attracted by the activity of our radar stations. Sky aliens really like to appear near our military installations.

In 1986, the entire UFO community was talking about a mysterious flying black square that allegedly flew in from a galaxy far, far away. This story received unexpected confirmation. An amateur photographer from Gatchina (Leningrad region) Vadim Rakov accidentally managed to capture a UFO in the form of a dark square on film. Vadim decided to shoot the movement of stars across the night sky; for this, late in the evening in a city park, he put the camera with the lens up and left it for one hour with the shutter open. At home, printing pictures, he found on one of them strange object, similar to a square with luminous windows along the edges.

The detained aliens were placed in solitary confinement.

An American "controlled source" arrived at Building 45 on January 13, 1985. He was allowed to enter all the cells and talk to the aliens. And although he spoke in English, French and German, it was all in vain: the aliens listened to him, but stubbornly remained silent.

An article by Brandon Burton, published in the American Chronicle on August 22, 2007, is titled "Shooting UFOs and Aliens in Russia?!" It tells about how in 1985 the Russians shot at the aliens and even shot one of them. And then they drove an armored car and hit the alien spaceship. A two-page "Contact Report" by an undercover CIA agent is cited as proof.

And here is what Vladimir Kozlov, a witness to the mysterious events, said about his observation in 2002:
- I was standing in the evening at the Nizhnyaya Tura railway station with a fellow traveler. The train was late. We look, in front of the station, something strange appeared in the sky. As if from afar, from the depths of the evening darkness, a bright star is approaching us, increasing in size. When it hovered over the railway, it became the size of soccer ball. And the rays from it also went unusual, as if chopped off, they stretch to the wires.

I am surprised and saddened by the unequal treatment of the media, on the one hand, with those who are convinced of the existence of UFOs, and on the other, with those who believe in an invisible deity that lives in heaven: yes, I mean a fairy tale ( and maybe not a fairy tale) about Jesus the messiah, the son of God. What can I say, ufologists are even more biased than those who are convinced that scary stories about Slenderman are the terrible realities of our world!

On August 15, a message was received on the hot telephone line of the Kiev ufological line that a huge triangular UFO was seen over Dzhankoy, Crimean Autonomous Republic. The caller introduced himself as an employee of a local newspaper, which gave some reason to doubt the authenticity of what happened, but his details were somewhat shocking...

Not so long ago, sensational information appeared on the tapes of leading news agencies that an alien ship was seen near the moon. And not just any ship there, but a whole hulk with half the diameter natural satellite. Later it turned out that this loud statement was made by ufologists, some of whom even claimed that in this way the inhabitants of the very mysterious planet Nibiru were approaching the Earth and the invasion was about to begin. But it so happened that the forecasts of ufologists almost never come true, although it may be

10:36 11.09.2019

UFOs visited the inhabitants of Syzran

In Syzran, one of the local residents posted a video in which unidentified flying objects (UFOs) are clearly visible in the sky. On YouTube, comments on it vary: some are shocked by the strange incident, others show extreme skepticism. In any case, the Russians do not leave the aliens unattended. In the 17-second video, a resident of Syzran shows the night sky from the window of his house, in which UFO lights flash, reminiscent of helicopters or satellites. Despite the fact that most of the Syzran people did not see in this video

20:22 10.09.2019

Scott Waring is sure that it was a UFO that was discovered in Kuzbass

A well-known scientific researcher of unidentified flying objects, Scott Waring, became interested in an unusual object found in Kuzbass. Waring has no doubt that the locals found the alien drone. The researcher expressed his point of view about the stone disc, which was discovered four years ago by the coal mine workers in the village of Novy Karakan. The scientist is sure that this find resembles an alien ship and is a drone from an extraterrestrial civilization. I believe an alien drone has been found, Waring stated, who

20:49 30.08.2019

The passenger of the plane filmed a UFO in the sky over Mexico on the phone

A video showing an unidentified flying object in the sky over Mexico was filmed by a passenger on the plane. The well-known Taiwanese ufologist Scott Waring, among others, gave his comments on this matter. According to him, only two explanations can be given for this: a falling meteorite and the actual UFO. As for the meteorite, this version seems extremely unlikely, since the speed of the unknown object is too low for such a case. Therefore, only the version remains that a real UFO was actually recorded on the video.

20:44 29.08.2019

Airplane passenger filmed a UFO in the skies over Mexico

An air passenger captured an incomprehensible object on a smartphone camera that was rapidly moving across the sky over Mexico. An exciting video has been published on the Internet, where you can see a UFO hidden behind the clouds. A ship of impressive size is heading towards the Earth. The video was filmed by one of the passengers of the plane when he was over Mexico. The man said that the object has a dark color, despite this, the object tried to hide in a smoke screen. The direction of the air masses made it possible to see only in front of an unidentified flying

13:04 15.07.2019

Hundreds of thousands of Americans are preparing to storm "Area 51"

Many are already aware that there is a classified facility in the state of Nevada called Area 51. Most ufologists believe that some kind of UFO research is being carried out at this facility, and therefore discontent and interest are growing in social networks, the thirst for which the Americans want to satisfy in the coming fall by visiting the coveted base. In social networks, thematic communities of like-minded people have been created who are going to storm the base. It is not yet known for certain whether this is a hoax or serious intentions. Entered into

10:40 11.07.2019

The homeowner noticed a creepy-looking figure peeping at him from the forest

Jay Cooper, who lives in Waterford (Connecticut, USA), once noticed that someone was peeping behind him from the forest located next to his house. He decided to record his observations on cameras, so that later he could see everything in detail. Jay uploaded the video footage to the network so that users could help him figure out what was happening. Indeed, if you look closely at the resulting video, you can see a figure with human outlines in the forest. After some time, this creature disappears into the thick

22:02 28.05.2019

Ufologists have discovered an alien portal in Antarctica

Specialists in Antarctica within Lake Vostok under the ice layer have identified anomalous zones that emit electromagnetic waves. In turn, ufologists suggested that this site is a kind of portal to a parallel world. The equipment of researchers on near-Earth orbiting satellites captured in the region of Antarctica a certain source of powerful electromagnetic radiation that pulsates in the depths of Lake Vostok under the cover of the ice layer. Recently, unidentified flying objects have begun to appear frequently within the lake.

20:40 01.05.2019

Several Englishmen witnessed a green UFO at once

At the end of April this year, the British were lucky enough to observe a UFO in the sky, which is a bright green spot. Carefully examining the pictures, we can assume that the spot is nothing more than an ordinary glare from pointing the camera lens at a bright sunbeam. However, eyewitnesses vehemently defend their position, arguing that the so-called glare is nothing more than a UFO, because the green glow was clearly visible even without a camera. This phenomenon was observed by eyewitnesses throughout the UK, so it is worth excluding the facts that

08:43 23.04.2019

Seven unusual planes in the world with which UFOs were confused

Since the time when man first invented an aircraft and took to the sky on it, he has been trying more and more persistently to find new ideas and bring them to life. Experts have already been able to create a lot of different models of aircraft. But sometimes another unusual novelty raises doubts that it will be able to fly. Stipa-Caproni This model was developed in 1932 by the Italian engineer Luigi Stipa. It was an experimental aircraft with a barrel-shaped body. The main material in its construction was wood. He had

09:50 15.04.2019

High-speed UFO photographed over the capital of Colombia

A resident of the city of Bogota, resting on April 10, 2019 in the high-rise restaurant Mirador La Paloma, from which a beautiful view of the huge metropolis comes off, photographed a UFO. According to the author of the photo, which he took with his mobile phone, a dark object moved at high speed at the height of the Bacata Tower, the tallest skyscraper in Colombia, towards the city of La Calera, which is located in the northeast of the capital. My name is Andre Romero. The subject was captured by the camera of my mobile phone, the shooting speed of which is

14:01 28.02.2019

Airplane passenger captures UFO flying over Canada on video

The passenger of the plane managed to make a video of the UFO and publish it on the networks. According to the eyewitness himself, the strange object was cigar-shaped. Usually such pictures are published by scientific researchers of UFOs, since an ordinary person at a great distance would hardly be able to see anything, let alone capture anything without special equipment. But one of the passengers of the plane that flew over Canadian soil was really lucky. A man in the clouds noticed an incomprehensible object, completely unlike an ordinary plane. Its outline

14:00 28.02.2019

Ships of the Nibiru fleet circled over the Golden Bridge in Vladivostok - photo

After New Year's Eve, when the seaside town went to bed, some residents who continued the celebration managed to notice three unidentified luminous objects. Scientific researchers associate unidentified flying objects with the Russian Aerospace Forces. The pictures taken by one of the eyewitnesses immediately fell into the hands of an expert conspiracy theorist, who was able to notice a number of details that were not noticeable at first glance. The ships from Nibiru formed three sections and moved at a slow speed. Alien ships are known to use evolving means of camouflage. But in

11:38 21.02.2019

UFO base or portal to another world?: Anomalous zone in Perm - Nibiru laboratory

Finally, we managed to find out the causes of anomalous phenomena in the village of Molebka, Kishertsky district, Perm Territory, where, most likely, there is a shelter for alien guests for various kinds research, although it was previously assumed that this was some kind of entrance to another civilization. It is difficult to surprise the inhabitants of the village of Molebka, since unusual phenomena very often occur in their area, which is why this zone is considered anomalous. Unidentified flying objects regularly visit their edges, and their ships have a variety of shapes: a disk, a ball or a cigar. But how

20:28 11.02.2019

A huge UFO appeared near the US airbase

What's this? Asks the author of the video, who filmed a huge cigar-shaped UFO slowly floating above the horizon (see video below). At this distance, it is really difficult to say what kind of object appeared on February 8, 2019 over the city of Lompoc, California, near which the Vandenberg Air Force Base, equipped with its own spaceport, is located. This unidentified flying object is very close to the Vandenberg Air Force Base, so it can be assumed that this is a warship or even an airship, a well-known Taiwanese ufologist comments on the video.

04:13 11.06.2018

Huge UFO shocked residents of Moscow

Muscovites have witnessed a huge UFO. On June 9, an unusually large luminous UFO appeared in the sky over Moscow. Of course, the inhabitants of the metropolis instantly captured the frightening phenomenon on smartphone cameras. A video of a giant flying saucer hovering over the capital is already circulating on the Web. It is reported that a particularly large alien ship was noticed in the sky immediately after a thunderstorm, writes According to eyewitnesses, the UFO disappeared as suddenly as it appeared. Ufologists who studied the video assure, 12/23/2017

Pentagon spokesman reveals what US knows about aliens

In a very large and very unexpected CNN interview aired this Monday, Luis Elizondo, a former senior Pentagon official, said he believes there is all evidence of a direct presence of aliens on Earth. Luis Elizondo, until last October, headed a secret government program to investigate potential UFO threats. The program was commissioned by Senator Harry Reid and funded by an aerospace corporation that did not wish to be named. Secret

19:36 21.12.2017

A white UFO flew over the Yellowstone supervolcano

Surveillance cameras recorded an interesting flying object resembling a white sphere. Ufologists immediately decided that these were aliens and their appearance over the Yellowstone volcano did not bode well. It is likely that in the near future there may be the very eruption that everyone who lives nearby in Yellowstone has long been afraid of. The white ball glowed brightly at a height of 40 meters from the ground. Then the UFO hovered a little over the object, after which it decided to hide from the field of view of people. Ufologists believe that aliens in this way

11:06 14.12.2017

Russian billionaire and Stephen Hawking are looking for aliens

Asteroid Oumuamua (translated as Messenger) that came to our solar system made a lot of noise outside. Its elongated shape is ideal for space travel. Its dark red color further attracts the attention of researchers. This mission was led by English popularizer of science Stephen Hawking and Russian billionaire Yuri Milner and Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg. On December 13, 2017, members of the Breakthrough Listen program pointed the Green Bank Radio Telescope at the Messenger and studied it for 10

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Were the citizens of the USSR rich?

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Advice from the brilliant doctor Nikolai Amosov

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World of 100 people

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