Options for the biology of Statgrad. Short analysis of the conditions of some tasks

If the graduation exams are not far off, then for regular workout, you should decide as greater tests. Statgrad 2018-2019: Diagnostic work is an educational site that publishes benefits and training work to prepare students of grades 9-11 to the EGE and OGE. Also published useful materials for teachers and tutors, which can be applied to prepare for the lesson, or the provision of information received on the site to their students to prepare for exams.

What is Statgrad?

The creator of Statgrad is the Moscow Institute open learning. The center of permanent learning mathematics is constantly improving this resource.

Statgrad is a telecommunications system to disseminate educational and information materials through the Internet, as well as to collect reporting materials and statistics. Hence the name of this pilot project. Statgrad is a city of statistics.

The resource technology is approved by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation. But the use of site materials is a choice of a particular school.

How to work in the Statgrad system?

During the year, the school receives diagnostic and workouts in all subjects.

Part of the information on the Statgrad website is available to unregistered users, however, for full work with the system, you need to get a set of passwords and log in. The solution of some problems when working with a resource is presented in the table.

Problem Decision
Who can register? You can register yourself, but more often this is done by the class or the whole school.
User actions during registration Read the instructions for filling out the application, download the application form, print it, fill out, scan and send to the email address
Time to receive a response from the site? Within 1-3 days, you will receive a response letter with a login and a brief instruction for receiving passwords.
If there are problems during registration? In the event of any problems with the receipt of passwords, authorization or work of the site, you should familiarize yourself with the convenient help system
If there is no answer to your question? If the answer to your question could not be found, you can ask it through a special form in the help system or write a letter to the official address "Statgrad"
How to download materials? To download materials for testing work (Kim and the report form), you need to log in to the system by entering the login and password from the received set, and then open the publication of the desired work by selecting it in the schedule
How to pass the report? To pass the completed report on testing work, just download the generated file on the sending page page

Statgrad works in the information key. The resource issues information only to real students and teachers.

Objectives and objectives of Statgrad

Statgrad is an advanced methodology for assessing schoolchildren's knowledge on certain subjects.

The main task is to check the readiness of the child to school exams and help him overcome the errors.

Objectives of the system:

  1. Develop new learning techniques.
  2. Control the quality of knowledge available from schoolchildren.
  3. Improve a sense of responsibility in children.
  4. Help prepare for exams.
  5. Assist to assess the level of teaching a certain discipline.
  6. Find gaps in drawing up school program.
  7. Strengthen interprecote control.

Statgrad not only assesses knowledge, but also gives recommendations, finds weak points as teaching discipline.

Resource items

Many subjects are key in a certain specialty or profession. With the help of the Statgrad system, you can get texts of training and diagnostic work According to the following subjects:

  • mathematics;
  • physics;
  • biology;
  • russian language;
  • literature;
  • stories;
  • according to social studies;
  • chemistry;
  • computer science;
  • foreign language;
  • geography.

Site tests are used to identify problem areas in the preparation of students, for other forms of final and intermediate control.

The most demanded disciplines - ,.

Who will interest the system?

Children oriented on serious training, blood is interested in participating and verifying their knowledge.

Any thinking and conscious student of the 6th and 7th grades will want to test their knowledge, get an independent assessment.

Schoolchildren who visit 10 or grade are most interested in checking.

Tasks will help those who decided to become a doctor, social science tests will be useful to future lawyers, and math challenges will be needed by future programmers and engineers.

How is testing?

Testing passes centrally throughout the country.

  • Standard local time - 14:00 (after the end of all lessons).
  • 45 minutes is issued to test solutions.
  • Most tasks require only the correct response to the icon on the form of the installed sample. Less often there are creative answers. In this case, the child must write a few sentences.

No one obliges to participate in the system, the test results are not reflected in the final estimates and prospects to settle in life.

In this video instruction, ways to interact with the publications of Statgrad are clearly shown:

After the thematic tasks on biology, proceed to practice. As for a demonstration high level Knowledge needs to work confidently with schemes, tables and charts. Explain biological processes using graphic information.

First of all download demonstration version of phi which is a sample and gives an idea of \u200b\u200bthe structure and form of the complexity of future tasks for the exam.

Based on a new demo version developed 10 training options, Register and track the level of knowledge in the Personal Account.

Refill, analyze errors and train again. Your success is a constant solution of options during preparation!

The test exam in biology 2020 includes 28 tasks.

  • Part 1 Contains 21 tasks with a brief response (sequence of numbers, number, word or phrase)
  • Part 2 Contains 7 tasks with an expanded response (give a complete answer: explanation, description or justification; express and argue your own opinion).

The option is thematically grouped.

  1. The first part contains 21 tasks that are grouped by the meaningful blocks presented in:
    • On multiple choice;
    • To establish matches;
    • To establish a sequence of processes or phenomena;
    • Tasks for cytology and genetics;
    • In addition to the drawings;
    • Analysis of the scheme or table.
  2. The second part contains 7 tasks. To successfully solve which the student is required to thoroughly own the conceptual apparatus and competently operate with biological terms.

Short analysis of the conditions of some tasks

Tasks from the first ticket unit:

  • - presented a biological fragment requiring relations between concepts;
  • - Calculate the amount of chromosomes and establish the number of cells formed under various processes;
  • - Find examples in the text corresponding to the concepts;
  • - to check knowledge of species properties - from the test to choose criteria corresponding to the form.

Evaluation of tests on the biology of the exam

Per first part Ticket maximum - 38 points.
For solving tasks second Part - 20 points.

The obtained points for correctly performed tasks are summed up.

Translation of points in the assessment

  • 0-35 points - 2,
  • 36-54 points - 3,
  • 55-71 points - 4,
  • 72 and above points - 5;

For admission to a budget place in a prestigious university, you must recruit more than 84 points.

Decide! Dare! Sharp for the better!

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